shiraglassman · 1 year
fluffy f/f, a small promo post since sales are low
sales are merp, here’s a plot-focused book pitch. Side note all these have Jewish heroines.
The Olive Conspiracy cozy fantasy setting that’s somehow both high-stakes and high-comfort. Queen Shulamit uncovers an international plot to ruin her country’s economy by sabotaging all the farms. Is her straight-girl crush from when they were both teenaged princesses, Queen Carolina, involved or is she just an innocent bystander? $4 here and also Kindle
Cinnamon Blade: Knife in Shining Armor high-heat superhero romance between a snarky ex-jewel-and-art-thief (who is now sidekick to the heroic Captain Werewolf) and the nerdy damsel in distress she keeps rescuing. The plot is basically: ok now that I’ve asked her out, will we ever get to have a normal date or will aliens and vampires keep interrupting? $2 here and also Kindle
Knit One Girl Two Clara finds the perfect solution to her ‘what will my next line of sock yarn look like’ problem when she sees Danielle’s wildlife paintings. The rest of the story is “oh shit my small business succeeded too quickly HALP” and the girls stumbling around a budding romance while Danielle deals with Family Shit. $2 here and also Kindle. Also comes in a $3 bundle with other f/f stuff.
also, Olive is part of a series of four standalones and some short stories, all of which are here for $17 if you like bundles
Please signal boost if you’ve enjoyed these!
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Anyone I know and/or love: Oh no, I've come back to my fantasy comfort reading and realized the author was actually being racist/antisemitic/queerphobic/fatphobic/ableist 😭 This isn't comforting anymore.
Me, sliding into their DMs: Have you heard the good news about @shiraglassman's Mangoverse books? :3
... Srsly tho y'all read the Mangoverse books they're so so good.
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Do you know this Jewish character?
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bisexualbaker · 1 year
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I thought I might have a little fun drawing my Pokémon + Mangoverse headcanons ✌
Here’s then-Princess Shulamit at around age ten, give or take a couple of years, and the Bounsweet she befriended. Due in part to her own experiences with being misunderstood, Shulamit was the first one to figure out that Bounsweet was bouncing around because it was distressed rather than out of joy or excitement. She helped the Bounsweet fix what was distressing it, and they’ve been inseparable ever since. Shulamit might be reading about the care of mangosteen plants, which Bounsweet is closely related to.
It took me a few tries to get this pose right, but I think it turned out well!
Anyway, I highly recommend the Mangoverse series for anyone who hasn’t tried it yet; it’s cozy and delightful!
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'The Second Mango'- Glassman, Shira
Disability Rep: Severe Food Intolerance
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Age: Young Adult
Setting: Fictional: Perach
Additional Rep: Jewish Themes, Lesbian MC, F/F, F/M, Platonic Female Friendship, POC
For more information on summaries, content warnings and additional tropes, see here:
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iambibliophilic · 2 years
My all-time favourite books &recs!
1. The murderbot series by Martha Wells. I truly cannot fault these books. Sci-fi with an undercurrent of the ethical ramifications of a society with human/robot constructs. First few are very short, then book 5 is a full novel. Diverse cast of characters, casual non-binary rep (esp later on), polyamory, asexual rep. 10/10 humour. What more could you want?
2. The Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews. Spicy urban fantasy. First trilogy revolves around human lie detector Nevada, second trilogy from the point of view of her sister. My favourite books are 4 and 5 (especially 4!). Such a cosy cast of characters I love them so much. Prepare for some problematic stuff in book one though omg I did not remember that the love interest did THAT how did they recover from that I’ll never know. Also stop whitewashing these characters they’re mixed race and it’s mentions that explicitly (although one criticism I have of Ilona andrews is that even their POC read like white characters. More depth needed)
3. The innkeeper chronicles by Ilona Andrews. I think it’s described as paranormal romance? But I would describe it as urban SCI-FI. I would say consider the first book a prequel of sorts and judge the series more starting from the second book. Again they’re pretty short. Defo get better as the series progresses since the world-building takes a while. Maud’s book was so unexpectedly phenomenal I highly highly recommend. Technically this series is most enjoyable after reading the author’s On The Edge series but I won’t put you through that. (I love those books but objectively only book 4 is perfect so decide for yourself if you want to give that series a go once you’ve seen Ilona Andrews’ other work. It’s their oldest series so the fact that it’s not their best is actually a really good sign - you can really see their growth and how they’ve improved as authors with every publication.) Don’t get excited they’re not non-binary: Ilona Andrews is the name of a husband and wife who write books together. They also happen to be my favourite authors so get ready for me to recommend all of their books to you
4. Red, white and royal blue by Case McQuiston. The perfectest perfect book out there. I’m just putting it on here to show you I have good taste
5. The Second Mango series. I’ve only read the first two but now that I’m getting better (I’ve been sick for the past couple of years) I’m rereading them and looking forward to reading the rest of them. Very short little books only available on Amazon unfortunately and no audiobooks rip. The most heartwarming story ever - lesbians, dragons, Judaism, magic, what more could you want? Fantasy series with quite simple storytelling. Lots of brown people yay. Kind of accidentally forgets trans people exist in the first book
6 There is a light by Ban Gilmartin. Love it. So full of humour it’s impeccable. Brown rep, gay and bisexual rep. Poetry, trans rep. Non binary rep. I’m just listing types of rep but in my head I’m telling you all the ways in which this book rocks. One thing is rep and another is doing it well. This book does it well and then some. Highly recommend. Tw: suicide
7. All for the game series. Do I really need to recommend this to tumblr though this is literally the only place that knows about these books. Gay, crimes, sports but don’t let that dissuade you the sports is actually a highlight of the series. I love my child Neil Josten and I love these books an unholy amount. If you do read them half of the enjoyment is looking through the content on tumblr so definitely do that after. Ooo also check out the art of one ‘polarts_’ on insta
8. The name of the wind books by Patrick rothfuss. The most misogynistic series I know but the world building and storytelling is impeccable. I would say these books are the polar opposite to the second mango: no gays, too many white people and it takes itself so seriously. The writing style is a bit much sometimes but I seriously love the story so, so much. It’s rich and well constructed and funny and yes. Also sad omg you don’t even know
9. The stormlight archives by Brandon Sanderson. Anything by him to be honest and like Ilona Andrews you can really see his growth as an author as time passes - in his case it’s to do with misogyny bc his earlier series (mistborn) reeks of Patrick rothfuss-level sexism but unlike Patrick he does something about it. Stormlight is way less sexist, almost not sexist actually, and his sci-fi series Skyward is even better in terms of that. Stormlight is a CHONK though so buckle in for a good time and a long time. High fantasy, lots of brown people and actually unexpected non binary rep? But don’t get your hopes up cos it’s not a human being. And it’s not till like book 4. Better than nothing though! Not gay enough
10. Kate daniels series by Ilona Andrews. Listen, I love this series wholeheartedly. Favourite author, remember? But the first two books and the first book in particular is not very good. The authors themselves say that. I recommend starting at book two and waiting till book three to decide whether to read the series. It’s urban fantasy with the best chemistry between characters I’ve ever seen. (Can start with book one if you want but be warned there’s gratuitous sexual assault descriptions/ sexual harassment. It was the urban fantasy scene at the time but yeah not the mos pleasant reread. Can be tricky to get your head around the world building but it’s so worth it I promise!) Not enough queer rep but they tried a little. Some brown rep but not really enough. (Again, main character is brown but doesn’t read like it. I understand why given how she’s raised but then there’s a few kinda racist/ fetishising things said about her appearance so -_-). Excellent epic storytelling, excellent humour and phenomenal characters. Can skip book 5.5 if you want but don’t skip Hugh’s book - read it between Kate Daniels books 9 and 10. It’s excellent you won’t regret it. And don’t forget to read Aurelia Ryder when you’re done with Kate Daniels.
11. SAGA graphic novels. Graphic is correct cos there’s explicit everything in these books. Amazing storytelling, diverse set of characters. Sci-fi, feminist. Yes yes very recommend
BONUS: 12. If you’ve already read six of crows and crooked kingdom then king of scars and rule of wolves by Leigh Bardugo. Best enjoyed if you’ve read the grisha trilogy too but once again I won’t put you through that if you haven’t. These books defo smack of YA especially in the plot at certain points but OH MY GOD they are so epic and fast-paced and heists and shenanigans. 10/10 so enjoyed them. Warning I repeat: only read AFTER the six of crows duology, especially Crooked Kingdom for spoiler reasons. Once you have read king of scars and rule of wolves I recommend checking out jaded.draws’s art on instagram and also polarts_ again. Both make such beautiful art but it is slightly spoilerly if you haven’t read all the books. Also can we talk about the Shadow and Bone tv show because they did such a good job with it somehow?? It is it’s own work of art and I highly enjoy it
I recognise that my favourite books are overwhelmingly (exclusively?) written by white people and there’s varying amounts of diversity in them. I’m actively working to remedy that and I plan to post an updated list once I’ve read a little more broadly. These are just the books that are closest to my heart and I’ve wanted to share them on here for a while (read: a decade 💀). I hope you find a new book to love on this list but if not you can make fun of me for the ones I do! Also the format of this post is unforgivable but it’s my first one and I’m chronically ill so I’m not gonna put any more effort in that I already have. Xoxo have a good day!
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superb-fairywren · 2 years
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Two miniature dire-cats safe-guarding one of the best books I have read this year - thanks @travisbaldree 😊
Also if you did enjoy Legends & Lattes I would highly recommend the Mangoverse by @shiraglassman!!!
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derpynat447 · 9 months
Ok, I know the Magoverse exists, an it's awesome, and I love it so much
but how has nobody considered a Metaverse.
This isn't even my Meta Knight bias showing. It's the name, people. THE NAME.
(I should also probably add that the real Metaverse is stinky and I don't like it)
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Canon AroAces 209/?: Gershom in Shira Glassman's Mangoverse 3: A Harvest of Ripe Figs (2016)
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bidotorg · 1 year
"Shira Glassman's 'Mangoverse' series is an unlikely combination of cozy crime, epic fantasy, and of course, bi romance."
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themangoverse · 29 days
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Just a guyy and his spear made of sunlight
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shiraglassman · 2 years
$17 bundle, all five Mangoverse books in PDF
5-book bundle on PayHip: Follow young Queen Shulamit from the beginning of her reign as a chronically ill, newly orphaned "poor little rich girl" with no experience leading, through her transformation to a driven, intellectual, passionately moral symbolic mother of her people (and with all the assistance she needs to manage her food allergies.) Shulamit is a femme lesbian who ends up happily partnered by the end of the first book, and the series features other f/f relationships plus m/m and m/f, including with trans characters, as well as asexual rep. Jewish holidays are featured in all of the books, and you'll also get your fill of dragons, witches, potions, worker justice, and gender equality. BTW, all the books are also on Amazon.
Click through for all the plot summaries. Books are all standalone comfort-reads about the same characters, not one long continuous story with cliffhangers.
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Above pic is taken from @theloserfish​’s cover art of A Harvest of Ripe Figs, which is the one about the stolen violin.
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nocticola · 2 years
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Pakige! Packige arrived! (6.10.2022)
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Do you know this Jewish character?
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bisexualbaker · 2 years
Mangoverse + Pokémon Headcanons
Shulamit has a Tsareena. She found a Bounsweet in the palace gardens when she was growing up, and hardcore related to how everyone misunderstood it, thinking that it was bouncing joyfully when it was actually terrified. It evolved into Steenee when Aviva helped Shulamit figure out what foods she could eat, and into Tsareena while defending Shulamit when the young queen was tracking down the evil sorcerer in the events of The Second Mango.
Aviva had a Farfetch’d and an Ambipom when she first met Shulamit, but traded the Farfetch’d away when they discovered Shulamit’s poultry allergy. In return, Aviva got a Swirlix that evolved into Slurpuff upon being traded. Slurpuff and Ambipom are a great help in Aviva’s kitchen. Ambipom does sometimes visit Aviva’s parents to help out around their shop, where they also have help from a Leavanny.
Rivka has a Mudsdale that she used to escape Apple Valley when shit broke down. She and the Mudsdale traveled together while Rivka was still making a name for herself as a warrior, before meeting Shulamit. Rivka also traveled with a Zorua for a while, who she found in the Mudsdale’s saddlebags. Much to Rivka’s astonishment, the Zorua was able to transform into Hydreigon, despite Rivka only having Mudsdale on her team. In rescuing Aviva and the holy women from the evil sorcerer’s curse, Rivka discovered that the Zorua who had been accompanying her was actually Isaac transformed into a Pokemon! Rivka kept the Mudsdale since then, and was eventually gifted with a Zorua of her own—a real one this time. (Rivka’s mom has a Klefki who helps keep track of her jewelry and so forth.)
Isaac has a whole team: Zoroark, Krokorok, Salandit (male), Seviper, and Hydreigon. (Possibly one more?) The team of wizards he was working with were the Mangoverse equivalent of, say, Sylph Co, and Isaac specialized in Pokémon storage and transportation (like the PC system, but with more magic). This is how he got stuck as a Zorua for a while. Luckily, in the process of saving Aviva, the team also rescued an Audino, who was able to reverse both the magic/curse/status ailment the sorcerer had worked on the holy women and Aviva, as well as the deliberate sabotage Isaac was subjected to. Zoroark is able to help Isaac disguise himself as Pokémon sometimes.
More possibly as I think of them.
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prismatic-bell · 1 year
Can pets, like cats or dogs, be Jewish? Can a dragon(any) be Jewish? Can a dragon(a typical European dragon with 2 wings and 4 legs) be kosher?
1) no, because they lack sentience
2) maybe, it depends on whether it’s sentient. If you enjoy the idea of a Jewish dragon I would like to please direct you to @shiraglassman and her Mangoverse series
3) no, for many reasons but the first one coming to my mind is that lizards aren’t kosher
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