#Manufacturing hashtag
sysaler · 24 days
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Why Is 1.2311 Plastic Mould Steel Important?
1.2311 is a type of Plastic Mold Steel that holds significance in various Industrial Applications, especially in the manufacturing of Plastic Injection Molds. Here's why it's important:
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1. Good Machinability: 1.2311 Plastic Mold Steel possesses good machinability properties, which means it can be easily machined into desired shapes and forms using conventional machining techniques. This attribute is crucial in mold making where precision is key.
2. Excellent Wear Resistance: It offers excellent wear resistance properties, which is essential for Plastic Molds that undergo repeated cycles of molding and demolding. This ensures that the mold maintains its shape and functionality over a long period of time.
3. High Hardness: 1.2311 Steel can be hardened to a high level, providing the necessary hardness required for withstanding the pressures and stresses encountered during the injection molding process.
4. Good Polishability: The Steel is capable of being polished to a smooth finish, which is important for achieving high-quality surface finishes on Molded Plastic Parts.
5. Good Dimensional Stability: It exhibits good dimensional stability under high temperatures and pressures, ensuring that the molds retain their shape and dimensions throughout the molding process.
6. Cost-Effective: Compared to some other mold steels, 1.2311 Steel is relatively cost-effective while still offering good mechanical properties, making it an attractive choice for many mold-making applications.
In summary, 1.2311 Plastic Mold Steel is important due to its combination of machinability, wear resistance, hardness, polishability, dimensional stability, and cost-effectiveness, all of which are critical factors in the production of high-quality plastic components through injection molding processes.
Sandeep Enterprises reputation as a respected entity within the Steel Industry is well-earned and reflects its unwavering dedication to excellence, quality, and customer satisfaction. By consistently prioritizing these core values, Sandeep Enterprises has solidified its position as a trusted partner for clients across diverse sectors.
The company's commitment to delivering superior Products and Services is evident in its adherence to stringent quality control measures. By maintaining high standards throughout the production process, Sandeep Enterprises ensures that its steel products consistently meet or exceed industry requirements and customer expectations.
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chronodia · 1 year
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secret window
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bumblequinn · 1 year
i feel like the internet would be a marginally healthier place if when ppl get mad about something online they type up a reply or post or tweet or make a video about it and save it as a draft and sleep on it instead of just hitting post. like writing an angry letter that you don't intend to send. you don't owe strangers inside your computer all of that stress!! release that aimless wrath and go live colorfully friend
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Apparently I have watched The Birdcage, with my family no less! I'd seen it referred to here but never connected the dots that it was the same movie I'd watched many years ago on tv, probably when I was a teenager.
I don't remember my parents' reaction to it but since I'd seen some of it and no one changed the channel, they were at least engrossed enough to watch? They can be cool about stuff sometimes, they are just very unpredictable about it.
#Rant#Personal#My parents are weird#My dad is sexist as in he believes in gender roles and frowns upon any type of effeminate behaviour in men#but he also believes that all women should be hashtag girlbosses#My mom reads/watches things with queer people all the time (she doesn't actively seek it but she doesn't get scandalised or whatever by it)#And she and my sister once had a conversation in which she said people should accept their queer kids and when my sister raised the#'hypothetical' whether she would do the same....she said yes?#Which.....um. That lady gets antsy when women don't wax their leg hair. Even complete strangers.#She and dad get weird about bra straps showing. You're telling me they are a-okay with their kids being bi??#Also what about the gender stuff#They are cool about muslims and yesterday my dad even tried to rationalise with his colleague about how they face so many disadvantages#and mom keeps bragging about her multi-religious college friend group#But then they also say things like 'I once went to a muslim colleague's house and it was /clean/. You couldn't even /tell/'#They obviously also are against casteism but then they turn around and spew some brahmin-manufactured religious bullshit#While being kind of meh about religion in general#Like I don't understand this on-the-fence behaviour. They clearly understand oppression. Why still cling to the status quo then?#They understand that women deserve financial freedom. queer people (sexuality based at least) deserve basic rights.#muslims deserve not to be harassed.#Why not take the next step and examine your own biases about these communities then?#I know the answer ofc. It's because they think they are 'progressive' and so they don't have any biases ever#It's frustrating. I want to come out. I'm tired.#But I can't. I can't speak about politics.#I can't even say 'hey. you know my male friend from college who wore a saree to our graduation? I thought he looked rad#and every day I wish I had his bravery'#Ughhhh sorry for this
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sonickitty · 2 years
Enjoying summer? What exactly am I supposed to enjoy? Because the leaves AREN'T green. They are dead and on the ground because it's far too hot and there's no rain. Any kind of activity taking place outside is hell at 40°C. Let people look forward to what they enjoy, you dumb fuck.
this may shock you, but it seems we live in different parts of the world.
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Glass cleaner manufacturer Noida
The glass cleaner manufacturing industry in Noida holds a significant presence within the broader cleaning products sector. With a growing demand for effective and environmentally friendly cleaning solutions, glass cleaner manufacturers in Noida have been focusing on innovation and quality to meet the needs of consumers and businesses alike. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the glass cleaner market in Noida, including market analysis, key players, manufacturing processes, regulatory compliance, distribution channels, sustainability practices, and future growth opportunities. By delving into these aspects, we aim to offer valuable insights into the dynamic landscape of glass cleaner production in Noida.
Introduction to Glass Cleaner Manufacturing Industry in Noida
Noida, a bustling industrial hub in India, is home to a thriving glass cleaner manufacturing industry. From residential households to commercial establishments, the demand for effective glass cleaning solutions has fueled the growth of this sector in Noida.
Overview of the Glass Cleaner Market in Noida
The glass cleaner manufacturer in Noida caters to a diverse range of customers, including homeowners, businesses, and institutions. With an emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene, the demand for high-quality glass cleaning products continues to rise in Noida.
History and Growth of Glass Cleaner Manufacturing in Noida
The history of glass cleaner manufacturing in Noida traces back to the region's industrial development and the increasing need for specialized cleaning solutions. Over the years, the sector has witnessed steady growth, with manufacturers in Noida expanding their product offerings and market reach.
Market Analysis and Trends in Noida's Glass Cleaner Sector
As the glass cleaner sector in Noida continues to evolve, understanding the current market landscape and emerging trends is essential for manufacturers to stay competitive and meet consumer demands.
Current Market Landscape for Glass Cleaners in Noida
The current market landscape for glass cleaners in Noida is marked by a wide array of products catering to different needs and preferences. From eco-friendly formulas to specialized solutions for tough stains, manufacturers in Noida are innovating to meet evolving consumer expectations.
Emerging Trends and Innovations in Glass Cleaner Products
Innovation is key in the glass cleaner sector in Noida, with manufacturers exploring new formulations, packaging designs, and marketing strategies. Emerging trends include the use of natural ingredients, sustainable packaging, and smart technology integration in glass cleaner products.
Key Players and Competitors in the Noida Glass Cleaner Market
The glass cleaner market in Noida is characterized by a competitive landscape, with key players vying for market share and consumer attention through product differentiation and strategic marketing initiatives.
Leading Glass Cleaner Manufacturers in Noida
Some of the leading glass cleaner manufacturers in Noida include established brands known for their quality and reliability in meeting customer needs. These manufacturers play a significant role in shaping the industry dynamics and setting market trends.
Competitive Analysis and Market Share of Key Players
Competition among glass cleaner manufacturers in Noida is fierce, with companies constantly innovating to gain a competitive edge. Market share fluctuates based on factors such as product performance, pricing strategies, and brand visibility, highlighting the dynamic nature of the industry.
Manufacturing Process and Technology Used in Glass Cleaner Production
Understanding the manufacturing process and technological advancements in glass cleaner production is crucial for manufacturers in Noida to optimize efficiency, quality, and innovation in their operations.
Overview of Glass Cleaner Manufacturing Process
The manufacturing process of glass cleaners involves blending various ingredients, testing formulations for effectiveness, and packaging the final products for distribution. Quality control measures are essential to ensure consistent product performance and safety.
Technological Advances in Glass Cleaner Production
Technological advances in glass cleaner production in Noida encompass automation, equipment upgrades, and research into novel ingredients for enhanced cleaning efficacy. By leveraging technology, manufacturers can streamline production processes and improve product quality to meet market demands.
Quality Control and Regulatory Compliance in Noida's Glass Cleaner Industry
Importance of Quality Control in Glass Cleaner Manufacturing
When it comes to glass cleaner manufacturing in Noida, ensuring top-notch quality is crystal clear. Quality control measures not only guarantee effective cleaning but also maintain customer satisfaction and trust in the product. After all, streak-free shine is a non-negotiable in the world of glass cleaning!
Regulatory Standards and Compliance Requirements for Glass Cleaners
Navigating the regulatory landscape in the glass cleaner industry is like wiping off smudges – it requires precision and attention to detail. Manufacturers in Noida must adhere to strict standards and compliance requirements to ensure product safety and environmental responsibility. Meeting these regulations isn't just a reflection of professionalism but a commitment to keeping Noida's glass surfaces sparkling without harming the planet.
Distribution Channels and Supply Chain Management for Glass Cleaners in Noida
Overview of Distribution Channels for Glass Cleaner Products
In the world of glass cleaner distribution in Noida, it's all about getting the product from point A to point B without any slip-ups. From retail shelves to online platforms, the distribution channels play a crucial role in ensuring that Noida's residents can easily access streak-free solutions to their glass cleaning needs.
Supply Chain Strategies for Efficient Glass Cleaner Distribution
Efficiency is the key when it comes to managing the supply chain of glass cleaners in Noida. From sourcing raw materials to delivering the final product, strategic supply chain management is like a well-choreographed dance routine – smooth, coordinated, and always in sync. Because when it comes to keeping Noida's glass surfaces spotless, every step matters.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices in Glass Cleaner Manufacturing
Importance of Sustainability in Glass Cleaner Production
Sustainability isn't just a buzzword in Noida's glass cleaner industry; it's a commitment to preserving the shine of both glass surfaces and the planet. Manufacturers understand that eco-friendly practices not only reduce environmental impact but also cater to a growing consumer demand for greener cleaning solutions. Because in Noida, keeping things clean shouldn't come at the cost of the environment.
Adoption of Eco-Friendly Practices by Glass Cleaner Manufacturers
From biodegradable ingredients to recyclable packaging, glass cleaner manufacturers in Noida are embracing eco-friendly practices like never before. By incorporating sustainable methods into their production processes, these manufacturers are not just cleaning glass but also paving the way for a cleaner and greener future in Noida. After all, a crystal-clear conscience is just as important as a streak-free shine.
Future Outlook and Growth Opportunities for Glass Cleaner Manufacturers in Noida
Trends Shaping the Future of the Glass Cleaner Industry in Noida
The future of Noida's glass cleaner industry is looking clearer than ever, with evolving trends such as smart packaging, green formulations, and advanced cleaning technologies on the horizon. Manufacturers that stay ahead of the curve and adapt to these trends are sure to shine bright in the competitive market, providing Noida residents with innovative solutions for their glass cleaning needs.
Growth Opportunities and Potential Challenges for Manufacturers
As the glass cleaner industry in Noida continues to evolve, manufacturers face both exciting growth opportunities and potential challenges. From expanding market reach to overcoming competition, staying resilient and innovative is key to thriving in this dynamic landscape. Noida's glass cleaner manufacturers are poised to polish their way to success, embracing challenges as stepping stones towards a sparkling future.In conclusion, the glass cleaner manufacturing industry in Noida continues to evolve, driven by a commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability. As market trends shift and consumer preferences change, manufacturers in Noida are well-positioned to adapt and thrive in this competitive landscape. By staying attuned to market dynamics, embracing eco-friendly practices, and leveraging technological advancements, glass cleaner manufacturers in Noida can seize the growth opportunities that lie ahead. Overall, the future looks promising for the glass cleaner industry in Noida, as it continues to play a vital role in providing effective cleaning solutions for homes, offices, and various other establishments.
1. What are the key factors driving the growth of the glass cleaner manufacturing industry in Noida?
2. How do glass cleaner manufacturers in Noida ensure quality control in their production processes?
3. What are some of the emerging trends and innovations observed in the glass cleaner market in Noida?
4. How are glass cleaner manufacturers in Noida addressing sustainability concerns in their production practices?
CALL : 9205600975
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melssblog · 20 days
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MELSS provides robotic solutions after careful study of your requirements and brings you a diverse range of solutions from the leading brands - Doosan and OnRobot . The range is also augmented by a set of tools and accessories. The Lift100 from OnRobot is one such tool. It increases the reach of a robot, enabling more cycles even in remote locations. Not only does the Lift100 offer the seventh axis to traditional six-axis robots, but it is also future-proof for palletising and other manufacturing applications. Its capability to handle high payloads with minimum deflection ensures precise positioning even at high speeds. Robustly built, it is reliable over a long period. Pallet stations for pallet positioning, along with #palletising software make it a complete package. For more: https://zurl.co/qYEK
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green5quirrel · 1 month
For the record, no I don't know why I'm reblogging Neil Gaiman so much tonight. It's just that my brain has some words to say and so I say them. I have little control apart from that.
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probestwateranalyzer · 3 months
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😎🖤 Do follow @spacecraftsfurniture #spacecrafts #spacecraftsfurniture #spacesavingfurniture #manufacturer #trending #instagram #hashtag (at Spacecrafts Furniture) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9OCUMrqxN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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buffskeleton · 2 years
i Know alis.a/crow has some basis in early drafts of the game but in the actual real game that we got its just bizarre like they would Not like each other if they ever had a conversation beyond polite small talk
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crimethinc · 2 months
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Several organizations are calling for actons in solidarity with people in Gaza on April 15 under the hashtag #Strike4Gaza.
This is a good time to recall how demonstrators shut down a Raytheon arms manufacturing facility last November. They mapped out all the entrances, confidentially arranged for dozens of people to block them all at the start of the workday, and then drew hundreds more to the protest through social media posts.
This is a reproducible model.
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sgiandubh · 29 days
The telling hashtag
So S is willfully disclosing his LHR location, with a story and a post to boot, as expected:
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📌at Bourne Offices, 11 Richmond Buildings, in Soho:
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Literally round the corner from Soho House, on Dean Street. Of course:
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Also, this - very telling:
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#gifted. Before *urv starts her demented Fitness at Dawn - The London Hyrox Edition fanfic, let's unpack:
S chose to wear, in this post, one of the sunglasses models from David Beckham's eyewear collection. Price tag is a bit steep (twice my Ray-Ban Wayfarers), but still democratic:
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But why the #gifted hashtag? Before you think C or Scottish Xena lovingly picked those up the shelf for his birthday, you might like to check a bit around for context. You see, all dbeyewear collections are manufactured by a single Italian producer based in Padua, Safilo Group. Hashtagged accordingly in his post, by the way.
A couple of days ago, Safilo Group and dbeyewear's commercial partnership reached a new, very important milestone:
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[Source: Safilo Group press release, https://assets.ctfassets.net/cmstik7jzbvm/2lwJmoKJR7x3ydijfpi7c6/9870e11fbb2c040a89a6d8acb4ed25ea/20240502_Safilo_firma_un_accordo_di_licenza_perpetua_per_l-eyewear_di_David_Beckham.pdf]
On May 2nd, Safilo Group and Authentic Brands Group (ABG), the corporate side of Eyewear by David Beckham signed a 'perpetual licensing agreement, replacing the current one that would have ended in 2030'. Authentic Brands Group and Safilo Group have been working together since 2019, when Beckham started to design his own eyewear collection. Now, they are taking their collaboration one step further, with ABG (or the licensor) granting Safilo Group (the licensee) perpetual (unlikely to be retired, unless something goes really, awfully wrong along the way: breach of contract, etc.) exclusive right to produce, use, advertise, sell its merchandise.
Something like this needs proper promotion, so Safilo Group and/or ABG graciously sent S those sunglasses, in the hope he will sport them in one of his posts with a potential 3+ million subscriber views.
A word on the UK pretty obscure regulations on promoter advertising and the use of the #gifted hashtag. There is not one, but two competent national regulatory authorities: the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). The ASA is a bit more lenient in its approach and they clearly say that if the promoted product has been sent to the influencer on a no strings attached basis, then it is ok to use that #gifted hashtag. They will not pursue, based on the lack of #ad, however they will name and shame you - not a pretty picture, after all:
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[Source, heh: ASA's Influencer Guide to making clear that ads are ads, https://www.asa.org.uk/static/uploaded/3af39c72-76e1-4a59-b2b47e81a034cd1d.pdf]
But the CMA is way more vigilant. They consider that any freebie can and must be monetized, based on its retail value and as such, must be clearly labeled as an #ad, when promoted on socials by an influencer. And yes, they can and might pursue, at any given moment: that must be proportional with the offence and in S's case, it might simply mean being served with a cease and desist notice or a removal and prohibition order. I'd rather not be in those shoes, mind you:
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[Source: CMA's guide Hidden ads: Being clear with your audience, 2022; https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/social-media-endorsements-guide-for-influencers/social-media-endorsements-being-transparent-with-your-followers]
If he wants no further headaches, he should simply edit that post and add the right hashtag. It will be interesting to see if and when he will do it.
As for Fitness at Dawn, well... not even sorry.
Gracias a ti, ❤️. Siempre.
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roo-bastmoon · 8 months
Last time I'm gonna get into this...
Within the past 24 hours, there have been FIVE attacks on Weibo with paid hashtags against Jeon Jungkook.
JK has been accused of cheating on a blonde girlfriend, leaving a string of broken hearts, getting a girl pregnant, inappropriate behavior at what looks like a club or karaoke bar, and sexually harassing female staff. These accusations are being systematically criticized and debunked when errors are pointed out.
Clearly, there is a smear campaign coinciding with the release of 3D.
Now look, I cannot promise you that all the "evidence" is manufactured. But it's definitely being weaponized. So I'd ask you to just keep an open mind, use your critical thinking skills, and be patient, because this isn't the first time rumors like this have exploded and it won't be the last. Sometimes it takes a while for the truth to come to light.
You'll never catch me in these streets acting like a cult member. I'm not going to sit here and draw up schematics and comparison photos in some desperate attempt to convince the timeline of anything. Nor am I going to say someone rented a similar apartment, staged it with mood lamps and a doberman, and then had an actor wear a mask to set up JK (more likely, it's a random couple that got filmed without their knowledge). I won't delve into conspiracy theories about companies or competitors or comebacks or cosplayers or any of that.
If later it turns out that Jungkook has a partner other than Jimin, I really hope all the members of this community join me in quietly accepting that and calmly wishing him and Jimin well. The vast majority of people here do not ship them because they are pretty dolls to play with, but celebrate them because they are wonderful human beings with a unique, decade-long relationship that makes us light up inside.
Their bond and their characters speak for themselves. And until they tell us otherwise (or, sadly, until REALLY CONCRETE evidence is leaked--which will be hard to prove in a post-fact world full of AI and deep fakes), we can theorize all day long about their behavior and what it means for their personal lives, but only the Tannies ever truly know what the Tannies are going through.
And as frustrated as we are with not knowing, they have a right to keep it that way.
So please get out of my ask box and instead refocus your energy (she said lovingly). The ajumas are most definitely planning a last minute crazy-cakes push on idolplus and the gap in votes is nowhere near safe for Jimin. It's all hands on deck!! We have less than two days to get the only remaining BTS member his end-of-year award before he serves his country, so please make accounts and VOTE.
Also please stream and buy the new releases to the best of your ability, of course.
And finally, if you have the energy, take a moment to lift someone else up today. Even if it's just a kind word in their inbox. Be a good human and do something gentle and nurturing for yourself while you're at it.
Chins up, my puppykitties. We gotta pull ourselves together.
We are ARMY, and we have battles to win.
Plus, tomorrow begins Jimtober. You guys remember Jimin? Here, let JK help you out with that.
Okay, byyyyyyeeee.
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P.S. I love you guys.
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hella1975 · 2 days
mha is suchhhh an unserious anime yeah welcome to my hero academia u get a fun little magic power that without fail will have SOME silly factor to it and u get to go to the magic power school with a bunch of genuinely lovable teenagers and together through the hashtag power of friendship u help each other succeed and u all just want to be amazing heroes and be good and who wouldn't want that and the headmaster is literally some sort of rodent thing and ur homeroom teacher regularly naps on the clock you get taught english by Presentation Michael it's all so so so unserious and silly and the Good Magic Power School is kinda leaning into authoritarianism and the government body that oversees the magic power heroics is explicitely corrupt in fact one of the coolest most impressive heroes of your generation got child trafficked into his career and subject to incredibly rigorous training as well as a highly policed lifestyle that ultimately led to him stabbing a man on national television just bc the government told him to but he's really cool dont worry about if he got a trial or not he can fly really really fast and anyway he's second to a known child abuser it's all so confusing thank GOD there's such a strict, enforced distinction between 'good' and 'bad' to the point even the magic powers u biologically have no choice over and are given before the age of 4 hold moral value and determine ur success in society and if that didnt clarify things enough u also have villains to personify these bad morals for example the son of aforementioned child abuser who was manipulated and trained since birth to have his sole purpose in life surround his success at heroics and when he was unsuccessful he got thrown away and replaced by his little brother who also got abused by their super heroic father and it all upset the older brother so much that he blew himself up at age 13 like some sort of maniac and now he's severely injured with a vendetta against his dad and he is soooo so evil for wanting revenge bc uhh hello his dad is literally a hero but he's not even the worst of the villains because get this his boss is some 20 year old video gamer with eczema whose entire existence was masterminded by some evil immortal fuck who manufactured every bad thing ever to happen to this kid so he'd be vulnerable and he got picked up off the streets and groomed into the perfect weapon who literally does not know anything else yet still cares about his friends in spite of it all goddddd he's so so evil and scary and bad thank god u have a class full of teenagers that u can send onto the battlefield to mutilate themselves killing these awful villains instead of attempting to rebhabilitate them or even mentioning the justice system!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and the art history teacher is a dominatrix
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