#Master&039;s in Creative Writing
author-mandi-bean · 1 year
How to Research for Your Next Writing Project
I think I’ve finally decided on my next writing project after much back and forth. Without giving the entirety of the plot away, it has to do with investigative journalism, truck drivers, and serial murder. It’ll be a similar tone as my previous works, but I’m hoping to embody more elements of the Southern gothic genre. I have some ideas for scenes, but I know I need some connective tissue to run…
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New Year’s Goals 2021
New Year’s Goals 2021
Hello Everyone! Things have been very hectic lately and I had to stop posting and focus on other things. I do hope everyone had a great holiday season! I’m relieved to say that things are starting to get back to normal now and I’m excited to get back into the habit of writing and posting regularly. I wanted to kick off the new year and end the current year by planning ahead and setting my yearly…
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markwhblr · 3 years
What is the writer’s duty? I started pondering this question as far back as that epochal month of June 2020. But in recent days, I have been drawing some conclusions. I remember the reassurances given by our English literature masters, one Gareth Rossiter in particular, that told us that there are no right or wrong answers. All those years later, as I make new discoveries about my life as a…
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edwardmbury · 6 years
What's On My Calendar in 2019
What’s On My Calendar in 2019
By Edward M. Bury, APR (aka The PRDude)
This handy calendar offers motivation, prompts, wisdom and more. Who knows: Maybe one of my quotes will be on the 2020 edition.
Looking back at the holiday season passed, I was fortunate to receive some outstanding gifts, from the intangible (moments shared with family and friends) to the tangible (a couple of six packs of some really good beer).
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lebenhosen · 6 years
Dissertation Drama: Week 1
Dissertation Drama: Week 1 Dissertations are hard, man. This week, let's talk about what I've learnt in just one week. Also...do you like my thumbnail? I did a Photoshop! :D
Dissertation Drama: Week 1
Last Friday (28th of April) I had an informal first meeting with my dissertation supervisor, launching me into the final leg of my master’s degree and Dissertation Drama: Week 1. For those of you who don’t know, my dissertation will be an analysis of the different kinds of creativity used in fanfiction, as well as the notions of authenticity involved (at least at the…
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forkergirl · 7 years
Mexico City invitation!
Opportunity for my Spanish-speaking self!  Limits! –can do; indeed, I have been addressign “limits” for quite some time, ergo, “Limited Fork” –migration! Duh! cultue, amalgamation of so much; talk about me and you have toa slos talk about  migration, and transit systems –talking about those in the book about my father and in my daily life, think Jodie Fostor in “Contact”:
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robertcday · 8 years
Frank Sinatra is Dead!
Frank Sinatra is Dead!
I just found out that Frank Sinatra died. I had kind of suspected, but I don’t remember knowing for sure until now. Well, when I say ‘knowing for sure’, it’s not that I actually know. That’s just what it says on the internet. He could still be working down the chip shop with Elvis for all I really know.
I was never really very emotionally attached to Old Blue Eyes. Some of his songs are nice and…
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plumdwarf · 8 years
Wilted Resolutions
#Randompost #amwriting #writingprompt from @OurWriteSide #MasterClassMonday
And she’s back! I think, I hope. We’ll see. So I’ve started the year off right, and with any luck I can keep this going. There’s tons on my plate so it’s all about balance. And now I have a puppy, Ada (aka evil incarnate but still the cutest dog ever – picture to come eventually), so things will only be harder to balance until she’s fully house-broken. Anyway, we’re not here to talk about my dog,…
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author-mandi-bean · 1 year
National Poetry Month!
Back in Ireland, at the University of Limerick, I made sure I never missed a poetry session with Dr. Emily Cullen in my Spring semester. Read my blog to find out why.
Back in Ireland, at the University of Limerick, I made sure I never missed a poetry session with Dr. Emily Cullen in my Spring semester. Why? As Professor Joseph O’Connor taught, “words are sounds before they’re anything else.” He emphasized that writing should have musicality, reminded us that the sonic landscape of writing does exist. Carrying meaning is only one thing words do and it might…
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author-mandi-bean · 2 years
2022 Writing Review
As 2022 winds down, I offer some questions and my responses to hopefully inspire your own introspective reflection on your writing life. Share your responses in the comments and let's share our writing victories and dreams!
Earlier this month, a beloved colleague and fellow writer offered me Nicole Gulotta’s 2022 Workbook Writing Annual Review. It was so validating and inspiring to work through the document, to see how far I’ve come and how my dreams have grown and started to solidify. As 2022 winds down, I offer the questions and my responses to hopefully inspire your own introspective reflection on your writing…
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author-mandi-bean · 2 years
What Do You Do After a MA Program?
Fair warning: The title of this blog post is misleading. I do offer a bit of pithy advice for what to do after completing a MA program, but this post is honestly just a love letter to Ireland and the friends I made while abroad.
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author-mandi-bean · 3 years
On preparations.
Do you feel like things are about to change? Or are you worried it's a bummer summer? Read, "On preparations" and comment with your thoughts.
I spent the fourth of July in Florida with Maddie and the family. The display of residential fireworks was breathtaking. It really was a gorgeous and glorious holiday, and even Maddie got to come outside for a little bit. She’s been dealing with a slight cold, so she’s been taking a break from her therapies and programs. When she’s feeling better, we’ll dive right back into it. At the end of this…
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