#Matteo beloved
lovely-vermin · 1 year
Welcome home cast with a single parent reader
A/N:My mother was a single mother and so I wanted to do this in dedication to her! Also this can be seen as platonic or romantic! Reader is GN but their baby is a boy named Harvey whose 3 years old. Also if I forget any tags tell me so! Also my oc Matteo is in this! Maybe Out of character but also Teenage mutant ninja turtle is told.
A/N 2:It’s mostly with Harvey because Harvey is based off of me a bit and I was an adventurous and chaotic yet well behave kid so I’d make friends fast. Also VERY LONG and cussing but never from you,Harvey or the characters also I didn’t do Poppy as I just can’t really figure out how to write her
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Wally darling
•Wally finds your son adorable! Harvey and Home are best friends who are best friends! (Other then he and Julie of course) Wally is willing to help around as he sees your the only parent
•Everyone who was raised here (I’m guessing Wally was as it’s not stated or if it was I haven’t read it) they all know the way around. Wally who was raised here gives you tips and tricks around this place and also areas where Harvey might get.
•If your busy then he’ll offer to watch over him. Harvey is a well behave kid but has ADHD so often he’ll start rambling with Wally. Wally just smiled and nods even if he doesn’t understand what Harvey says.
• “O-oh and Mikey is my favorite! He always says ‘CAWBONGA!’ Then attacks with his brothers” “oh wow! How about you tell me more?” He doesn’t know what the fuck Teenage mutan ninja turtles but loves to listen to it!
•Wally loves to draw with Harvey and you. Harvey draws eyes mostly but there never realistic as he kinda hates drawing them.
•In all Harvey loves your son and also is willing to baby sit!
Eddie Dear
•He finds Harvey very adorable. Also you get more mail then anyone as because your a single parent from people.
•Eddie makes Harvey the Honorary mailman. He probably tells you before hand so that you don’t get uncomfortable or worried. Harvey is very helpful and mimics a military walk to only tumble a bit the giggle
•He isn’t a babysitter as he only has the weekend off (then you take over bc you two have turns) and he uses that time for self care. He doesn’t mind playing with the kid if he has free time or if he chooses to on the weekends.
•Harvey made his own hat that sorta looks likes Eddies but instead it has a lot of patches but Eddie finds it adorable.
• “Look It’s Frank! You wanna give him the mail buddy?” “Mhm! I got this!” “Alrighty! Here’s the mail and remember to make yourself known” “Okie dokie!” Harvey then skipped to Frank’s house. “FRANKIE! YOU GOTS MAIL!” “AHH! Oh my goodness! You scared me Harvey but thank you buddy” “Yous is welcome!” Harvey left giggling as he was happy. Eddie was smiling the whole time
•He’s sorta a dad figure to Harvey and Harvey has called him dad on many occasions but Eddie doesn’t mind as he finds it cute.
•Frank is actually the main babysitter because Harvey has nicknamed him ‘Uncie Frank!’ Or ‘Frankie!’ But also he’s the one whose most likely to make Harvey actually have nap time and get his energy out.
•Frank is willing to help take over if he sees your overwhelmed because on some weeks you work with Howdy and on some weekends you work with the mail office! You are on and off between weeks and weekends
•Frank tells him all about butterflies making Harvey come over often just to hear more. Harvey usually sits down,looks up with him with a curious puppy face as he listens.
• “Uncie Frankie,what dat?” “That is…not a butterfly but it’s a moth but what type?” Soon you came behind them to pick up Harvey. “Oh an oleander hawk moth! Beauty ain’t it?” “DADDY/MOMMY!” Frank jumped a bit the sighed in relief. “Ah Y/N,also it is beautiful” picking up Harvey as you placed him on your hip you took a picture of the hawk moth with the camera around your neck. “I did a whole essay on that when I was in school!”
Julie Joyful
•Julie loves both you and Harvey! She’s often at your house to spend time with you or Harvey or both! She’s basically become your second child and Harvey’s sister.
•She actually lets you take naps as she plays with Harvey. She’s worried as you overwork and overwhelm yourself. She makes sure Harvey lets you rest so they’ll play outside for your nap.
•Julie is the second babysitter if Frank can’t babysit. Harvey and Julie get each other’s energy out fast with the many games they play! Mostly play pretend or hopscotch or their playing games they made up together
•Knocking on your door Julie smiled as she swayed side to side. You opened the door yawing as Harvey was on the ground pretending to be a worm. “Julie,hey guessing you wanna play with Harvs?” “Mhm! You can take a nap Y/N! I’ll take good care of him!” “Thank you,been on chaotic week” Soon you face planted into the couch immediately falling asleep. “Hey Harvey wanna go play hopscotch?” “Yes peas!” Harvey got up running towards Julie as they went outside to give you peace.
•Julie sometimes has sleepovers because she loves the way you make her feel oh so safe! Plus more time with her favorite buddy! She’s now the sister figure of Harvey
•Howdy meet him because Harvey secretly helped him with his job. He didn’t notice until all the cans he needed to be put up were gone to only see a three your old put them away how he likes it. “Heya kid,where’s your guardian” “Mommy/daddy is with Uncie Wally! Said I can get candy but wanna help you because you look like Mommy/daddy when they work a LOT!” Howdy chuckled at Harvey’s comment. Ended up letting the kid take it for free for being so helpful
•When he met you he saw Harvey again but how he kept begging to push the cart which you allowed with your help as he is so tiny! He loved your personality and now sees why Harvey said that the first time they met.
•The others often come in talking but you and Harvey always come up. He does make conversation with you both becoming friends with you two fast as Harvey gifts him drawings or old action figures he no longer plays with but wants Howdy to have!
•He can’t babysit as he’s very busy but that’s not needed when Harvey will just sit by his counter rambling about things and playing with the toys he brought or his fingers. Finds it adorable to only realize Harvey has a habit of wondering away
•May or may not offer to make him a balloon for you to tie around his wrist…your still considering it
Sally Starlet
•Adores Harvey as he always makes it to her shows with you but she doesn’t get mad when you fall asleep,she knows it’s very difficult as a single parent so she’ll make sure to let you sleep during her plays.
•Harvey sometimes joins her plays but when he does their usually easy plays as he’s only three years old. She is amazed how a three year old can make outfits (He learnt from his GamGam aka Grandma because she knit and sew a lot!)
• “Okay Harvey what’s your lines?” Sally was smiling as she was bending down to Harvey’s height. Harvey thought for a while. “It’s ‘I shall slay da monster!’ Right?” “Yeah good job buddy!” She gave him double high-fives making him giggle
•Will hold your son under her arm while she carefully speed walks as Harvey pretends to be an airplane. She can be a babysitter but it depends if she’s got plans or shows
•He fucking loves the kid! Is like Harvey’s best friend as he’ll just pick up the kid and run around making Harvey laugh.
•When he met you he knew immediately that he’ll start to take the kid just so you can rest because of how energetic and adventurous Harvey is. Will also let you sleep on him as well as Harvey because he’s super sort(his fur helps)
• “Harvey! Wanna play hide and seek?” “YES PEAS!” “Okay! I’ll hide!” “Otay! I count to…20!” Harvey turned around shutting and covering his eyes while Barnaby went to hide. When you went to pick up Harvey you were met with your son hiding on top of a tree while Barnaby looked for him. You took a picture before calling for Harvey. They played again tomorrow.
•He’s Harvey’s big brother figure.
Matteo Beloved
•He and Harvey are twins. Will take Harvey to his radio station just so they can spend time together as Harvey loves him and Matto sees him as his little brother.
•He was raised by a single mother so he knows how tricky it will be for you. Always comes over and cooks for you so you can rest for a while will also become Harvey’s teacher as he was in the past. Honestly the neighbors just assume he lives with you now instead of his radio station but he still lives there
• “Heya chiquito!” “UNCIE MATTIE!” Matteo was smiling as he crouched for the boy to hug him. “Oh super big strong hug!” “Hehe! I super strong!” “Yeah you are! Wanna help me with today’s broadcast?” “Mhm!” You smiled as Matto put him on his shoulder as the two chaotic boys laughed on their way to the station.
•He and Harvey both ramble about their hyper fixation,ends up with them falling asleep. You gave him a copy of your key as he basically lives with you. You came home one late night to see Harvey sleeping on the boogie man’s chest with the TV playing Teenage mutan ninja turtles which you of coursed took a picture of!
Over all the whole neighborhood loves you and your son making them all be a big old family with you
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fritzes · 4 months
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roland garros 2024: matteo arnaldi def arthur fils 6-3 4-6 6-4 6-2
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matteos · 6 months
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laugtherhyena · 8 months
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Dagger fam!! I've been wanting to settle on designs for her mom and brother for ages and hey what a better way to do that than in this editing spree I've been having recently
Stella was originally one of Dahlia's bunny girls, proficient in everything firearms related and dedicated to her position in assisting Dahlia in her missions. This all changed when she met one of the men who worked more directly under Lorenzo's influence in the Medici mafia, overtime she eventually became his lover and was given a position as a secretary for higher up members of the mafia, effectively abandoning her post as one of Dahlia's helpers. (Which upset her, but she choose to not do anything about it for the meantime, just generally disappointed in how one of her bunnies turned out)
There's a lot I've put on the image already but here's a more in-depth run of the events for those curious.
It's from this relationship that Stella had her first child, Matteo, who she decided to raise on her own after realizing that her lover didn't take their relationship as serious as she did and most likely wasn't going to divorce his other family to be with her. Besides, Stella was well aware of all the dirth the Medici's are involved with, she wanted to spare her children of going down the same path as her.
He was a sweet boy, with a love for animals and a desire to help those in need, which led to him becoming a medic and later joininythe Feral recuers. Matteo loved his mother and knew she loved and was very proud of him, even if Stella wasn't the best at showing it.
When Stella became pregnant again, from a different, less serious relationship than her last, Matteo was overjoyed about having a little siblings and swore he would do everything to protect her. He was Alessia's role model and favorite person during her early childhood, picking her up from school and spending a lot of time together playing or watching their favorite programs.
When the Grand war started, Matteo and his crew left to help the people from No man's land. Aside from working as a doctor, he also served as a caretaker for the kids they saved there, since he was used to taking care of his sister back home. He helped many people during the 3 years he worked there before sadly passing away after being crushed by debris of a falling building.
His mother was devasted. Alessia was a little too young to fully comprehend what happened, especially with how messy everything became in the following months after Matteo's death.
The ongoing grief made her performance at work worsen more and more each day, especially with how inconsiderate the others around her workspace were of her. She earned less and began to struggle financially, she woule shut herself off in her room a lot, leaving Alessia to be alone most of the time now.
One night, Stella left to talk with Lorenzo, she begged for him to think about her situation and lend her some extra money, growing more desperate as he refused. In a spur of the moment , she threatened to tell the authorities and the Renoir family of everything she knew the Medici was hiding behind closed doors, Lorenzo didn't take that well at all.
She begged for mercy, swore she would do anything and everything the Medici ordered her to if she was spared.
The next day Alessia woke up to an empty house, she waited and waited but her mother never returned. She was startled when two strange men entered the house and went after her, one wore a purple suit and the other had a brown hat and a big beard. She ran away from them and into the busy streets of new Meridian where she quickly got lost and had no idea of what to do from now on.
It was then that she was found by a group of people that comforted her, promising that they would give her a new home and make her strong if she choose to come with them, she agreed and was taken into the Silent stalkers alongside several other children that had become orphans during the war.
She would spend the next 10 years of her life undergoing the organization's heavy training to become one of their assassin's for hire, being renamed Dagger for the weapon of which she had most proficiency using.
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rebewatson · 2 years
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Goncharov stars Al Pacino (Mario Ambrosini) and Robert DeNiro (Goncharov) reunite after Martin Scorsese and Matteo JWHJ0175’s 1973 classic comes back to light thanks to Tumblr.
“It’s still the work I’m most proud of” -Al Pacino
“That was the best movie Al and I ever made together, and that includes The Godfather Part II. Hell, it’s the best movie I’ve ever been in, and I starred in Taxi Driver.” -Robert DeNiro
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iridescentis · 5 months
so earlier today in attempts to procrastinate studying, i finished a wip i had abandoned until now due to new fixations but it is here now!
part 3 of the extended ramtteo universe is here, she's short and sweet and part 2 is probably coming tomorrow since it's basically done it just needs some editing
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gorewhore-bitchboi · 6 months
When someone asks who you're crushing on but you're a horror pervert
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multifandomboii · 2 years
My newest obsession:
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Them, aka the best boys (another win for them today! 🔥)
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flyboytracy · 9 months
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witchwhaat · 11 months
reached the tags limit, men fs part 2
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wakeofvultures · 11 months
Felix & choking ? <3
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This one took me a while because I apparently don't know how to draw short hair, and I kept struggling for a Felix design.
Me looking up his book description, then staring at a picture of Daniel Cudmore and then Matteo Martari, then back to the book description. Yeah I leaned more into the book description because I feel like cropped hair goes more with the gladiator backstory i have in mind.
I didn't know what to do with his hands. Thumbs up is a possible reference to that debate about whether it means kill or spare in gladiator fights I guess.
Color Palette Challenge <- I'll probably keep taking requests until noon tomorrow so give or take 13 hours from from when I'm posting this, so if anyone else wants to make a request~ (preferably with a palette I haven't done yet but request whatever you want)
Obligatory Commission Info
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lovely-vermin · 1 year
Lover boy
Summary:Basically what if you were Dating the boogeyman aka Matteo Beloved
Characters:Matteo beloved
Romantic or platonic:Romantic!
Notes:I’m putting this under Welcome home x reader as I’ve seen people with ocs do it in the past when Y/N and or reader is mentioned but if this doesn’t go there please do tell me!
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-Matteo is super soft! Like he is soft and super kind in general but everyone can tell that if they could see his eyes it would be the most sweetest lovesick face they would’ve ever seen
-He doesn’t know how to say “I love you” so he’ll bake or gifts you buttons and rocks he finds interesting to show he loves you
-He does love physical contact but mostly cuddles and him holding you as he rest his head on your head as he is 6’1!
-His voice is drowsy usually but it’s extra drowsy and sorta songful in a way because his tone of voice shows how he feels about you so he is EXTREMELY in love with you
-You don’t meet his dad but you met his mom! She loves you and says “Oh goodie! I’m so glad that Matteo found someone for him!! Please do treat my son right but also don’t fear to come get me to smack some sense into him!” She is a lovely lady who loves you!
-Fights are rare as he doesn’t argue and actually communicates with you well but he understands if you wish to be alone after a conversation
-If you move into his apartment expect to wake up to a sleeping Matteo cuddling you while his Bear(Whose name is Winne Pooh because he can) is gently licking your face like a dog
-Winne loves you a lot! He’ll act more like a domestic cat then a dog but he loves a good belly scratch so you have a bear baby now!
-Matteo isn’t really busy so he’ll spend time with you! He mostly draws or takes pictures of you because to him you look like absolute beauty
-He’ll say things like “No matter if the gods tell me loving you would be a sin I’d gladly be a sinner just to be yours” or “If you were Medusa I’d gladly look at you just so I can see your beautiful face every single day” he is a hopeless romantic sorta
-He’ll bring you flowers or make some gifts for you if he gets any ideas!
-In all,Matteo is a lover boy who is head over heels for you if you two date!
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fritzes · 1 month
when matteo is at his best he’s one of those players that reminds me just how beautiful tennis can be
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matteos · 2 years
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DRUCK 3.09 | "Love"
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marciego · 2 years
where you sitting, violetta+soy luna edition
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reblog and say in the tags which table is your favorite <3
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rebewatson · 2 years
It’s kind of annoying how everyone associates “Winter is coming” with GOT, when it was first said by Goncharov in Goncharov on the boat scene with Mario.
Mario: “you only get one shot to do this”
Goncharov: “how mario? Winter is coming to Naples. The water is freezing. I’ll never make it in time!”
Mario: “if you had one shot, one opportunity, would you capture it? Or just let it slip? Now is your chance Goncharov.”
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