#May Allah grant them all Jannatul Firdous
imonlyadumpling · 7 months
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zalimaaa · 8 months
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arcaneprism · 6 months
To the governments who stand against what their people believe in
To the governments that turn a blind eye to the cruelty brought upon by a ‘nation’ they support
To the politicians who have been spreading nothing but lies and hate
To the news that have been biased and untrue
To the journalists who wrote misleading or straight up false information
To the celebrities who stood against a resistance based on lies told by the occupation
To the zionists cheering for a genocide
To the racists taking this chance to perpetuate their racism and islamophobia and antisemitism
To the Israelis who mock those who are in pain
To the influencers who stayed silent and claim neutrality
To the people who turned away from the cruelty
We bear witness to the destruction you have brought upon this realm. The people of the world who believe in a free Palestine bear witness to your oppressive actions. The animals in the world, your own pets bear witness on the way you turn your back to the cries of the oppressed. The trees bear witness to your silence. Your phones bear witness to your heartlessness. The Earth itself bears witness evils you have supported. May their words return to you the same pain that you have wrought.
Palestine, we see you. We bear witness. May Allah protect you.
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fivesecondsofsarang · 26 days
May Allah grant the Palestinians the highest of honour on the day of judgement and inshallah bi'ithnillah may they all join their families in Jannatul Firdous. Everyday their bravery, hope and resilience reminds me of how weak we are because if any one of us in the West had to endure what they endure everyday for even a DAY, we would tap out. We wouldn't be able to handle it at all.
In a almost beautifully cruel way, Allah truly does only burden us with what we can bear and Palestinians have shown me what courage is and in a way I owe them so much for bringing me closer to Allah and I genuinely from the bottom of my heart, vow to never ever abandon them and to always advocate for them, even if I'm afraid, even if I'm the only person in the room saying anything, Inshallah I hope that Allah grants me the bravery to never back down and never be silenced in fear, for speaking the truth.
Palestine WILL be free, there's no doubt about that because Allah promises us that his help is surely coming and we should never doubt his promises.
hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakeel ''sufficient for us is Allah and surely, (He is) the the best Disposer of affairs''
Remember folks: All Eyes on Rafah, All Eyes on The West Bank, All Eyes on Gaza and All Eyes on Palestine. They want you to get tired and to turn away because once you're attention is off Falastine, they can continue all the evil that are committing in full force because the push back and resistance to their war crimes has gone.
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aminakerai · 2 years
Ya Allah Al Wali - The Protecting Friend, protect us from hearts that are not humble, tongues that are not wise, and eyes that have forgotten how to cry.
Ya Allah make me and my family from amongst the sabiqoon you mention in Surah Al Waqi'ah. Let the light of our eeman emanate from our chest and from our right hand side.
Ya Allah, Grant me and my loved ones a blessed death. Let me proclaim shahada before I die. Grant me the intercession of Prophet SAW. Ya Raheem make my last moments the best moments of my life. Let me die with my head in sujood, my eyes tearful of the love I have for you.
Ya Allah grant me the companionship of Prophet SAW, his family and the Sahabas in Jannathul Firdous al 'aala.
Ya Allah save my non Muslim friends from the Fire. Guide them to Islam and righteousness in the most beautiful of ways.
Ya Allah, reunite me in Jannathul Firdous with those whom I love for Your sake alone. Please make me a means of protecting and transferring my friends from hellfire into jannah.
Ya Rabb, perfect my Deen and my Worship. Save me from Faahisha and let me complete half of my Deen with someone whose heart is attached to you.
Ya Allah, I pray and beg of you for the guidance of the Muslim Youth and Ummah. Save us all from Kufr, Despair, Misdeeds, bidah and Shirk. Keep us away from confusion of different sects and keep us on siratul mustaqeem.
Ya Allah grant me the strength to battle laziness and sleep, so I may wake up for Tahajjud and Fajr daily.
Ya Allah grant me Ultimate Success -safety from the Fire and entry into Jannatul Firdous al alaa.
Ya Ghafoor make me from amongst the True slaves of Ar Rahman you mention in Surat Al Furan who are protected from Hell fire.
Ya Allah help single parents and sisters who have lost their husbands and guardians. Be their Wali and ease their hardships. Provide them with finance and help them take care of those under them.
Ya Allah Al Shafi cure everyone who is suffering from chronic diseases, illnesses and those suffering from Cancer.
Ya Allah keep us away from people who want to cause us harm. Ya Allah make my enemies my friends and make my friends my best friends. Surround me with people who remind me of you and about the akhirah.
Ya Allah help me become a hafidh/a and let me marry a hafidh/a of Qur'an and give tawfeeq for my entire progeny to be huffadh of Qur'an. Those who have Qur'an in their hearts and on their tongues. Those from my progeny who will be walking Qur'ans like our beloved Prophet SAW.
Ya Allah make me from amongst the best. Those who learn Qur'an and teach Qur'an.
Ya Allah bless my sisters in Islam with healthy pregnancies. Do not test my sisters with infertility. Grant them pious, beautiful and healthy children.
Ya Allah uplift the men of our Ummah. Make them men of true honour and deen. Make them our protectors and those who help us and guide us. Keep us away from men and hypocrites who might destroy us, our peace of mind and our eeman.
Ya Allah allow us intercession of Qur'an. Ya Allah let Surah Baraqah and Al Imran come as clouds over us on the day of judgment.
Ya Allah always keep us financially secure and content with what we have. Keep us away from arrogance and worldly competition.
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julaibib · 3 years
I ask you and your followers to pray for me, it seems that is the last days in my life, I have committed many sins, but I repented to allah alhamdulillah, I keep my prayers salah, all worships.
now I am feel lonely & scared, because no one knows about my illness, I don't want to cause pain to my family.
pray for me please...
From Maha.
You have to tell them and do whatever you have to do to be better, waiting for your message when you are better
May Allah forgive all of your sins and grant you jannatul firdous al alaa. May Allah open every door of Jannah
May allah give you shifa. May allah bless you and keep continue blessing you always with peace and happiness and all the success in your life of this dunya and hereafter. Remove the illness
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ayibrahim · 3 years
Have you made your list of Duas to ask of #Allah (swt)? Here are some you can include in your list, In sha Allah:
1. Ya Allah grant me Ultimate Success - safety from the Fire and entry into Jannatul Firdous
2. Ya Allah make me and my family of those companions of the Right. Who receive the book of deeds in our right hands.
3. Ya Allah, Grant me a blessed death. Let me utter the shahada before I die. Grant me the intercession of Prophet Mohammed(pbuh).
4. Ya Allah grant me the companionship of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), his family and the Sahaba's in Jannatul Firdous.
5. Ya Allah save my non Muslim friends from the Fire. Guide them to Islam.
6. Ya Allah, reunite me in Jannathul Firdous with those whom I love for Your sake alone.
7. Ya Rabb, perfect my Deen and my Worship.
8. Ya Allah accept my good deeds and increase me in reward and Your Mercy. Wipe away my sins and pardon me completely. Shower your Mercy upon me and save me from disgrace on the Day of Reckoning.
9. Ya Allah, when I die, let my soul and my record of Deeds be with the Illiyeen.
10. Ya Allah grant me, my parents, family and children guidance, steadfastness and increased Imaan.
11. Ya Allah, make me of the few You love, You Pardon and You shade on a Day when there is no shade but from Your Majestic Arsh (Throne).
12. Oh my Lord, increase me in Yakeen and Tawakkul in you. Let there be no doubt in my belief in Your Oneness, Your Majesty and Power.
13. Ya Allah increase me in my love for You and Your Prophet Mohammed (pbuh).
14. Ya Allah forgive me and increase me in Your Blessings and Provisions.
15. Ya Allah lead me to more opportunities to do good and seeking Your Pleasure.
16. Ya Rabb, Purify my intentions for Your Sake alone and let me not show off or take false pride. Save me from arrogance, pride, showing off and reminding of favors.
17. Oh my Creator and Sustainer, do not leave me alone. Bless me with a righteous spouse and children who will be the coolness of my eyes.
18. Oh my Lord, make me of those who are patient and obedient to You and my parents.
19. Save me from the Fitnah of #Dajjal.
20. Save me from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the Hell Fire.
21. Ya Allah, increase me in Sadakatul Jariya work.
22. Ya Allah, bless me with good health, so I can make sajdah with ease till my dying day.
23. Ya Allah, protect me and the Muslim Ummah against wicked oppressors. Save us from Fitnah and give us ease in our times of trial.
24. My Lord, bless me with the best in this world, the best in the Hereafter and save me from the fire. I am indeed in need of the good You have in store for me.
25. Ya Allah increase me in gratitude towards You alone.
26. Oh my Rabb, save me from hypocrisy.
27. Ya Allah, let me and my spouse be among the pilgrims to perform Hajj in 2022.
28. Ya Allah protect me against Evil Jinns and Spirits. Safeguard me from their evil incitements and plots.
29. Ya Allah forgive and have Mercy upon my parents, as they looked after me when I was young.
30. Ya Allah, I pray and beg of you for the guidance of the Muslim Youth and #Ummah. Save us all from Kufr, Despair, Misdeeds and Shirk.
31. Ya Allah grant me the strength to battle laziness and sleep, so I may wake up for #Tahajjud and #Fajr daily.
Via (Islam Practice) Facebook
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uma1ra · 3 years
Yes, indeed having a girlfriend/boyfriend is haram. The reason being the Quran and hadiths making it clear that it is forbidden and leads to bad effects.
♣You lose kushoo in your Salah and focus all your time on futility and immorality with this girl who is haram for you.
Your ultimate goal moves from Jannah and becomes pleasing this girl.
♠It leads to mixing up lineages through zina, it will happen eventually, shaytan’s job is to tempt and turn people astray from goodness, he has all the time in the world.
♣Of it doesn’t result in zina right at the beginning, it will start with something as simple as being alone together, looking at each other with lust and desire, looking at each other’s awrahs clothed(haram), moving forward to touching, hugging, kissing, holding hands, it will provoke desire and finally lead to zina.
♣If she gets pregnant from the zina, y’all will have illicit children raised in resenting societies.
♣It will damage your this life and the hereafter.
☀️ALLĀH, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, ALLĀH is Acquainted with what they do”
[an-Noor 24:30]
☀️The Prophet (blessings and peace of ALLĀH be upon him) forbade a man to be alone with a non-mahram woman. He (blessings and peace of ALLĀH be upon him) said: “No man should be alone with a non-mahram woman unless a mahram (or hers) is present.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (4832) and Muslim (2391).
☀️And he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “For one of you to be struck in the head with an iron needle is better for him than to touch a woman who is not permissible for him.” Narrated by at-Tabaraani; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami‘ (5045).
☀️ALLĀH says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way”
[al-Isra’ 17:32]
☀️ALLĀH, the sustainer and most merciful says: (interpretation of the meaning):
“And those who do not invoke with ALLĀH another deity or kill the soul which ALLĀH has forbidden [to be killed], except by right, and do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. And whoever should do that will meet a penalty.
Multiplied for him is the punishment on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein humiliated –
☀️Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous work. For them ALLĀH will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful”
[al-Furqaan 25:68-70].
We ask ALLĀH SWT to protect, guide, forgive, conceal sins of, have mercy upon, grant Jannatul firdous to, save from the hellfire all of the Muslim ummah.
اللهم امين يارن ألعالمين 🤲
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Have you made your list of Duas to ask of Allah (swt)? Here are some you can include in your list for today In-sha'-Allah:
1. Ya Allah grant me Ultimate Success - safety from the Fire and entry into Jannatul Firdous
2. Ya Allah make me and my family of those companions of the Right. Who receive the book of deeds in our right hands.
3. Ya Allah, Grant me a blessed death. Let me utter the shahada before I die. Grant me the intercession of Prophet Mohammed(pbuh).
4. Ya Allah grant me the companionship of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), his family and the Sahaba's in Jannatul Firdous.
5. Ya Allah save my family, cousins and friends from the Fire. Guide them to straight path the Quran and Sunnah.
6. Ya Allah, reunite me in Jannathul Firdous with those whom I love for Your sake alone.
7. Ya Rabb, perfect my Deen and my Worship.
8. Ya Allah accept my good deeds and increase me in reward and Your Mercy. Wipe away my sins and pardon me completely. Shower your Mercy upon me and save me from disgrace on the Day of Reckoning.
9. Ya Allah, when I die, let my soul and my record of Deeds be with the saleheen.
10. Ya Allah grant me, my parents, family and children guidance, steadfastness and increased Imaan.
11. Ya Allah, make me of the few You love, You Pardon and You shade on a Day when there is no shade but from Your Majestic Arsh (Throne).
12. Oh my Lord, increase me in Yakeen and Tawakkul in you. Let there be no doubt in my belief in Your Oneness, Your Majesty and Power.
13. Ya Allah increase me in my love for You and Your Prophet Mohammed (pbuh).
14. Ya Allah forgive me and increase me in Your Blessings and Provisions.
15. Ya Allah lead me to more opportunities to do good and seeking Your Pleasure.
16. Ya Rabb, Purify my intentions for Your Sake alone and let me not show off or take false pride. Save me from arrogance, pride, showing off and reminding of favors.
17. Oh my Creator and Sustainer, do not leave me alone. Bless me with a righteous spouse and children who will be the coolness of my eyes.
18. Oh my Lord, make me of those who are patient and obedient to You and my parents.
19. Save me from the Fitnah of Dajjal.
20. Save me from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the Hell Fire.
21. Ya Allah, increase me in Sadakatul Jariya work.
22. Ya Allah, bless me with good health, so I can make sajdah with ease till my dying day.
23. Ya Allah, protect me and the Muslim Ummah against wicked oppressors. Save us from Fitnah and give us ease in our times of trial.
24. My Lord, bless me with the best in this world, the best in the Hereafter and save me from the fire. I am indeed in need of the good You have in store for me.
25. Ya Allah increase me in gratitude towards You alone.
26. Oh my Rabb, save me from hypocrisy.
27. Ya Allah, let me and my spouse be among the pilgrims to perform Hajj and Ziyarahs.
28. Ya Allah protect me against Evil Jinns and Spirits. Safeguard me from their evil incitements and plots.
29. Ya Allah forgive and have Mercy upon my parents, as they looked after me when I was young.
30. Ya Allah, I pray and beg of you for the guidance of the Muslim Youth and Ummah. Save us all from Kufr, Despair, Misdeeds and Shirk.
31. Ya Allah grant me the strength to battle laziness and sleep, so I may wake up for #Tahajjud and #Fajr everyday.
Ameen ya Rabb
Please do share to maximize your reward and benefit!
This is my favorite I know I might have sent it but it covers all our duas.
May Allaah Almighty protect you and you families from the pandemic and all calamities. Amen.
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salafistallion · 4 years
Memories is all that we have to help us survive the storms and struggles of our daily lives after we lose someone, the sorrow we feel when a loved one passes away is the price we pay to have had them in our lives, may Allah grant them Jannatul Firdous.
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🤲 🤲 50 DUAS FOR ARAFAH! :)
1. Ya Allah Al Wali - The Protecting Friend, protect us from hearts that are not humble, tongues that are not wise, and eyes that have forgotten how to cry.
2. Ya Allah make me and my family from amongst the sabiqoon you mention in Surah Al Waqi'ah. Let the light of our eeman emanate from our chest and from our right hand side.
3. Ya Allah, Grant me and my loved ones a blessed death. Let me proclaim the shahada before I die. Grant me the intercession of Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him). Ya Raheem make my last moments the best moments of my life. Let me die a shaheed in madina with my head in sujood and with my eyes shedding tears because of the love I have for you.
4. Ya Allah grant me the companionship of Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him), his family and the Sahabas in Jannathul Firdous al 'aala.
5. Ya Allah save my non Muslim friends from the Fire. Guide them to Islam and righteousness in the most beautiful of ways.
6. Ya Allah, reunite me in Jannathul Firdous with those whom I love for Your sake alone. Please make me a means of protecting and transferring my friends from hellfire into jannah because of the love I have for them and because I will miss them in Jannah and would want the same for them.
7. Ya Rabb, perfect my Deen and my Worship. Save me from Faahisha and let me complete half of my Deen with someone whose heart is attached to you.
8. Ya Allah accept my good deeds and increase me in reward and Your Mercy. Wipe away my sins and pardon me completely. Shower your Mercy upon me and save me from disgrace on the Day of Reckoning.
9. Ya Allah, when I die, let my soul and my record of Deeds be with the Illiyeen. Grant me and my loved ones shade under your throne when there will be no shade but yours.
10. Ya Allah grant me, my parents, family and children guidance, steadfastness and increase in Imaan and taqwa. Keep me and my loved ones miles away from major and minor sins and from everything that earns your displeasure.
11. Ya Allah, make me of the few You love, You Pardon and You shade on a Day when there is no shade but from Your Majestic Arsh (Throne).
12. Oh my Lord, increase me in Yakeen and Tawakkul in you. Let there be no doubt in my belief in Your Oneness, Your Majesty and Power.
13. Ya Allah increase me in my love for You and Your Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him).
14. Ya Allah forgive me and increase me in Your Blessings and Provisions.
15. Ya Allah lead me to more opportunities to do good and seeking Your Pleasure. Help me expand my dawah with sincerity and ikhlas.
16. Ya Rabb, Purify my intentions for Your Sake alone and let me not show off or take false pride. Save me from arrogance, pride, showing off and reminding of favors.
17. Oh my Creator and Sustainer, do not leave me alone. Bless me with a righteous spouse and children who will be the coolness of my eyes. And please help every brother and sister who is aiming towards the same goal. Bless us with spouses who will guide us towards your pleasure and with whom we will spend an eternity and more in Jannatul firdous al'aala.
18. Oh my Lord, make me of those who are patient and obedient to You and to my parents.
19. Save me from the Fitnah of Dajjal. And please save me from becoming a fitna for others. Save me from being the source of trail for others.
20. Save me and my loved ones from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the Hell Fire.
21. Ya Allah, increase me in Sadaqa -e - Jariya. May the legacy of my good deeds be never-ending.
22. Ya Allah, bless me with good health, so I can make sajdah with ease till my final breath.
23. Ya Allah, protect me and the Muslim Ummah against wicked oppressors. Save us from Fitnah and give us ease in our times of trial. Ya Allah unite our Ummah.
24. My Lord, bless me with the best in this world, the best in the Hereafter and save me from the fire. I am indeed in need of the good You have in store for me.
25. Ya Allah increase me in gratitude towards You alone.
26. Oh my Rabb, save me from hypocrisy. Save me from cheating others, save me from giving people false promises and hopes, save me from bad language and save me from destroying someone's trust in me when they entrust something.
27. Ya Allah, let me and my spouse be among the pilgrims to perform Hajj in 2019.
28. Ya Allah protect me against Evil Jinns and Spirits. Safeguard me from their evil incitements and plots. Save me from every evil that you have created
29. Ya Allah forgive and have Mercy upon my parents, as they looked after me when I was young. Ya Allah Al Mannan make my parents proud of me in this world and in the hereafter.
30. Ya Allah, I pray and beg of you for the guidance of the Muslim Youth and Ummah. Save us all from Kufr, Despair, Misdeeds, bidah and Shirk. Keep us away from confusion of different sects and keep us on siratul mustaqeem.
31. Ya Allah grant me the strength to battle laziness and sleep, so I may wake up for Tahajjud and Fajr daily.
32. Ya Allah grant me Ultimate Success -safety from the Fire and entry into Jannatul Firdous al alaa.
33. Ya Ghafoor make me from amongst the True slaves of Ar Rahman you mention in Surat Al Furqan who are protected from Hell fire.
34. Ya Allah help single mothers and sisters who have lost their husbands and guardians. Be their Wali and ease their hardships. Provide them with finance and help them take care of those under them.
35. Ya Allah Al Shafi cure everyone who is suffering from chronic diseases and those suffering from Cancer.
36. Ya Allah keep us away from people who want to cause us harm. Ya Allah make my enemeies my friends and make my friends my best friends. Surround me with people who remind me of you and about the akhirah.
37. Ya Allah help me become a hafidha and let me marry a hafidh of Qur'an and give tawfeeq for my entire progeny to be huffadh of Qur'an. Those who have Qur'an in their hearts and on their tongues. Men and women from my progeny who will be walking Qur'ans like our beloved Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him).
38. Ya Allah make me from amongst the best. Those who learn Qur'an and teach Qur'an.
39. Ya Allah bless my sisters in Islam with healthy pregnancies. Do not test my sisters with infertility. Grant them pious, beautiful and healthy children.
40. Ya Allah uplift the men of our Ummah. Make them men of true honour and deen. Make them our protectors and those who help us and guide us. Keep us away from men and hypocrites who might destroy us, our peace of mind and our eeman.
41. Ya Allah allow us intercession of Qur'an. Ya Allah let Surah Baraqah and Al Imran come as clouds over us on the day of judgment.
42. Ya Allah always keep us financially secure and content with what we have. Keep us away from arrogance and worldly competition.
43. Ya Allah make Qur'an the light of my heart and the dispeller of my worries. Help me Increase my khushoo in Salaah.
44. Ya Fattah grant me wisdom and awareness, keep me away from foolishness and pretension, grant me a share in every blessing You send down, by Your generosity, O the most Generous.
45. Ya Allah strengthen me in carrying out Your commands, let me taste the sweetness of Your remembrance, grant me, through Your graciousness, that I give thanks to You. Protect me, with Your protection.Place me among Your righteous and obedient servants, and place me among Your close friends, by Your kindness.
46. Ya Rabbi let me have mercy on the orphans, and feed [the hungry], and spread peace, and keep company with the noble-minded. Make me, among those who rely on you.
47. Ya Allah make me patient over events that are decreed, grant me the ability to be pious, and keep company with the good, open for me the doors of the heavens, and lock the doors of Hell from me, help me to recite the Qur'an fluently and please send down tranquility upon my heart.
48. Ya Hayyum Ya Qayyum do not raise me blind on the day of judgement, let me have the honor of seeing your face and let me meet you with Qalbun Saleem.
48. Ya Allah Al Azeez keep shaytan miles away from me and my loved ones. Help me be sincere, strong, truthful. Do not let me be oppressed and do not make me an oppressor.
49. Ya Wakeel I entrust my affairs in your hands do not leave me incharge of my affairs even for a blink of an eye, please rectify for me all of my affairs. Purify my heart and clear the dark spots of sin on my heart. Bless my heart with your Noor.
50. Ya Allah to you we belong and to you is our return. Have mercy on us and forgive us and guide us towards things that lead to your pleasure and keep us miles away from things that lead to your displeasure. Please accept all our duas and protect us from hardships.
Ameen ya rabbul alameen.
This is my small dua collection. Please feel free to tweak it the way you want. Add duas to this list or delete duas from this list. We cannot make enough dua during Arafah. Please make sure you sit down before breaking fast and make dua atleast for half an hour.
May Allah accept all your duas and give you all more than you deserve.
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bint-e-qasim · 3 years
*🎀Alhamdulillah, The Best day of the week has arrived🎀*
*💠Alhamdulillah, It's Yaum-ul-Jummah💠*
*💜Please make the most of this blessed day. Don't let go of this beautiful opportunity to make duas and get them answered, go in vain💜*
*✨Dear Believer, please try and live this beautiful day in the most fruitful manner.✨*
*🍀Perform Ghusl🍀*
*🍀Cut your nails🍀*
*🍀Read Surah Al-Kahf and ponder upon it's meaning🍀*
*🍀Send lots of Salawat on our beloved Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W)🍀*
*🍀Indulge in doing Good Deeds🍀*
*🍀Give Charity to the poor and help the needy🍀*
*🍀Do lots of Dhikr🍀*
*🍀Help your parents and elders🍀*
*🍀Spend your day glorifying Allah Subhanahu wa taala and reciting the Qur'an🍀*
*🍀Make lots & lots of Dua'a🍀*
*🍀Do your Morning and Evening adhkaar without fail🍀*
*💫“On Friday there is an hour when, if a Muslims happens to pray at that time and ask Allah for something good, He will give it to him.”💫*
*🌼Al-Bukhaari (5295) and Muslim (852)🌼*
*🤲🏻May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى allow us to witness the hour of acceptance and grant all our duas🤲🏻*
*🤲🏻May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى record our names amongst those who will be forgiven.🤲🏻*
*🤲🏻May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى accept all our Du'as and widen our Rizq with lots of Aafiyat and Barakah.🤲🏻*
*🤲🏻May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى grant us the strength to fulfill our obligations to the best of our abilities and confirm our entry into Jannatul Firdous-al-ala by HIS Mercy and Grace.🤲🏻*
*🤲🏻May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى remove all our difficulties and ease all our tasks. May our heart be at ease and our souls find peace🤲🏻*
*🤲🏻May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى answer from HIS infinite mercy, all that we need and ask for, from the dreams of our hearts to the prayers on our lips, to every expectation and aspiration we have that He is pleased with.🤲🏻*
*🤲🏻May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى protect and guide us all on the straight path; and keep us safe from all calamities and save us from the punishment of the grave and the Hellfire.🤲🏻*
*🤲🏻May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى grant us success and elevate our status in this world and the Hereafter for reasons pleasing to Him.🤲🏻*
*🤲🏻May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى cure the sick people, increase our strength and grant us all good health with loads of Aafiyat.🤲🏻*
*🤲🏻May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى bless you, your family and the entire Ummah with loads of Aafiyat, Khair and Barakah today and always.🤲🏻*
*_❣️Surah Al-Baqarah, Aayat No 127❣️_*
رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّآ ۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلْعَلِيمُ
("Rabbana taqabbal minna innaka Antas Samee’ul Aleem")
*_🌟Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing.🌟_*
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thelostsoul-101 · 3 years
All praise is due to Allah (SWA).
May peace and blessings be upon prophet (SAW) and his family and companions.
Ya Rabb, I have wronged myself, my family, relatives, friends, classmates and coworkers and strangers. Please forgive me and let them forgive me.
Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, please forgive their sins and save them from the punish of the grave and hell and grant them the shade of Your Throne on the day of Judgement and admit them into Jannatul Firdous without Reckoning. O Reliever of stress, relieve them from distress and anxiety. Ya Wadhoodh, Ya Wahhab, Ya Razzaq, grant them good in dunya and Akhirah.
Ya Mujeeb, Ya Shafi, Ya Hadi, protect them, heal them, and guide them to the straight path.
Ya Ilahi, Ya Rabbi, Ya Allah, please grant them Your Love, and the love for deeds that You Love and the Love of people that You Love.
May peace and blessings be upon prophet (SAW).
All praise is due to Allah (SWA).
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mughal1988 · 3 years
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#Hajj pilgrims raising hands, flowing tears, blazing tongues in prayer.. May Allah Almighty accept their #Hajj1442 from pilgrims.🤲 #Hajj2021 #Hajj1442 #hajj2021 🕋 🤲 Ya Allah.. ♥️ These were the ones choosen by you for this year's Hajj 2021.. Ma sha Allah ❤️ Ya Allah ❤️ make us stand there today where they are Standing.. In sha Allah ❤️ Ya Allah ❤️ accept the prayers of all the Hijjahs, Ya Allah ❤️ they have whole heartedly raised their both hands in front of you, ya Rab accept it,please. Ya Allah ❤️ before their tears dry up please accept the duas, Ya Allah ❤️ u are most gracious and merciful, have mercy on us ya Rab. Ya Allah ❤️ many Muslims are killed daily they are innocent my Rab, safe them from the enemies of Islam. Ya Allah ❤️ there are floods, earthquakes, lightning, people are being killed, have mercy on the entire Ummah, ya Rab 🤲 🤲 😭😭😭😭 Ya Allah ❤️ many hv lost their lifes in this pandemic, their families are left open, send yoyr help, ya rab please 😭😭😭😭😭😢 Ya Allah ❤️ you are most Forgiving, please forgive us our sins, which we committed in day light in the darkness, sageera ya kabeera, standing or sitting, knowingly or unknowingly.. Please forgive us... Ya Allah ❤️ grant Jannatul Firdous to our elders, parents, us and the entire Ummah.. In sha Allah ❤️ Ya Allah ❤️ make our kids destiny the best in the world and in akhirah too, make them pious and coolness of our eyes.. In sha Allah ❤️ Ya Allah ❤️ make our next journey peaceful and safe, beautiful and awesome. Ya Allah ❤️ keep our brothers and sisters safe from wrong doings. Ya Allah❤️grant us halal ways of rizq. Ya Allah ❤️ make us God fearing. Ya Allah ❤️ guide us to walk on the seraat path easily. Ya Allah ❤️ what's better for us, grant us that, and make us move away from wrong things. Ya Allah ❤️ there is nafsa nafsi everywhere.. Please gv peace and harmony and brotherhood in all.of us. Ya Allah ❤️ call us again and again to your house.. Ya Allah ❤️ forgive my sins, and wrong doings too. Aameen Ya Rabbul Aalameen Dua by Noor Noor, please remember me in your duas too.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRgsCv8IL-00-aAgIV2aGq0uONuuLUe6XTwhE00/?utm_medium=tumblr
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path2piety · 6 years
A list of Duas
Here is a list of Duas I came across. Insha'Allah it will be beneficial to you all.
1. Ya Allah grant me Ultimate Success - safety from the Fire and entry into Jannatul Firdous.
2. Ya Allah make me and my family of those companions of the Right. Who receive the book of deeds in our right hands.
3. Ya Allah, Grant me a blessed death. Let me utter the shahada before I die. Grant me the intercession of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh).
4. Ya Allah grant me the companionship of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), his family and the Sahaba’s in Jannatul Firdous.
5. Ya Allah save my non-Muslim friends from the Fire. Guide them to Islam.
6. Ya Allah, reunite me in Jannathul Firdous with those whom I love for Your sake alone.
7. Ya Rabb, perfect my Deen and my Worship.
8. Ya Allah accept my good deeds and increase me in reward and Your Mercy. Wipe away my sins and pardon me completely. Shower your Mercy upon me and save me from disgrace on the Day of Reckoning.
9. Ya Allah, when I die, let my soul and my record of Deeds be with the Illiyeen.
10. Ya Allah grant me, my parents, family and children guidance, steadfastness and increased Imaan.
11. Ya Allah, make me of the few You love, You Pardon and You shade on a Day when there is no shade but from Your Majestic Arsh (Throne).
12. Oh my Lord, increase me in Yakeen and Tawakkul in you. Let there be no doubt in my belief in Your Oneness, Your Majesty and Power.
13. Ya Allah increase me in my love for You and Your Prophet Mohammed (pbuh).
14. Ya Allah forgive me and increase me in Your Blessings and Provisions.
15. Ya Allah lead me to more opportunities to do good and seeking Your Pleasure.
16. Ya Rabb, Purify my intentions for Your Sake alone and let me not show off or take false pride. Save me from arrogance, pride, showing off and reminding of favors.
17. Oh my Creator and Sustainer, do not leave me alone. Bless me with a righteous spouse and children who will be the coolness of my eyes.
18. Oh my Lord, make me of those who are patient and obedient to You and my parents.
19. Save me from the Fitnah of Dajjal.
20. Save me from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the Hell Fire.
21. Ya Allah, increase me in Sadakatul Jariya work.
22. Ya Allah, bless me with good health, so I can make sajdah with ease till my dying day.
23. Ya Allah, protect me and the Muslim Ummah against wicked oppressors. Save us from Fitnah and give us ease in our times of trial.
24. My Lord, bless me with the best in this world, the best in the Hereafter and save me from the fire. I am indeed in need of the good You have in store for me.
25. Ya Allah increase me in gratitude towards You alone.
26. Oh my Rabb, save me from hypocrisy.
27. Ya Allah, let me and my spouse be among the pilgrims to perform Hajj in the near future.
28. Ya Allah protect me against Evil Jinns and Spirits. Safeguard me from their evil incitements and plots.
29. Ya Allah forgive and have Mercy upon my parents, as they looked after me when I was young.
30. Ya Allah, I pray and beg of you for the guidance of the Muslim Youth and Ummah. Save us all from Kufr, Despair, Misdeeds and Shirk.
31. Ya Allah grant me the strength to battle laziness and sleep, so I may wake up for #Tahajjud and #Fajr everyday.
Ameen ya Rabb
Please do share to maximize your reward and benefit!
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convertiblethesheep · 4 years
As we have heard that there have been so many deaths lately, this shows lifes too short. Life is too short! When someone passes away the first thing we say is “He/she was too young.” Nah that isn’t true no one is young to die. Like for example when a still born baby is born or when they die few moments after birth now that’s young… When Allah has written death for you it’s written but its up to us how we live our life.. Every soul shall taste death… And that is a promise from Allah, and Allah NEVER breaks his promise. We have to work for the Aakhirah. Oh my brothers and sisters start working towards that, start praying your five daily prayers. Allah has given us 24 hours can’t we just give him an hours time from those 24 hours what harm will it do. These deaths are just a reminder for us all. A reminder for this Ummah.. So lets just pray for those who have passed away and may Allah grant them Jannatul Firdous Ameen
© Mariya Rahman
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