#May be I should just Delete it
hyliasblade · 7 months
Oh That is an um
Slightly un fortunate time To Follow me back haha
I Promise I am not al ways that Depressing I Just have some things On my mind You Can feel free to ignore that Last post I Made
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iamanartichoke · 1 year
I don't know who needs to hear this, but as a creator -
I am fine with "the audience" -
downloading my fics
printing my fics
copy/pasting or screenshotting my fics
sharing your saved copy of my fics with anyone else who might want them in the unlikely but never impossible case that my fics are no longer available on ao3
making a book of my fic(s) and running your fingers across the pages while lovingly whispering my precioussss
doing these things with anything I create for fandom, such as meta, headcanons, au nonsense like 'texts from the brodinsons,' etc
I am not fine with "the audience"
doing any of the above with the purpose/intent of plagiarizing my work or passing it off as their own in any capacity
feeding my work into ai for any reason whatsoever
Save the fandom things. Preserve the fandom things. Respect the fandom things.
Enjoy the fandom things.
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nocek · 1 year
Do you want to hear a funny story?
So you know that I was drawing spiderverse comics lately. Because they are fun to do. And I think people like them. I mean the most popular one has like 4K notes? That's lot for me when I usually dwell in tiny fandoms made out of like 3 people and their dog. So it's nice, everybody is having fun and I'm grateful.
I just found out that somebody took few of that comics. Cut them up and run the text through ai reading voice and posted it as reels on fucking youtube.
And it's not even that I'm stumped why even turn 4 pictures into video. First time I see such a time wasting thing but ok. People do like different things.
And even lke some effort was done to erase text from speech bubbles so it appears as the ai spews it aloud but it's not even about it
I had pictures taken and posted somewhere else. Usually without credit. At least this time it was credited? I guess I should be grateful.
What fucking gets me is that those comics have several hundred thousand views and few hundred comments each.
Like fucking seriously.
I don't know what's the point
I don;t know what should I feel about this
I mean unless you can make money on youtube reels? Then I can at least be pissed about it. Nice clean feeling?
Because what gets me is that most of those comments are nice so I should be happy about it? I guess? But I feel like a pathetic peeping tom looking for appreciation that wasn't given to me actually eve if I did the thing
I'm just tired
this day was already shitty so i guess it's time to give up and take a nap
next comic will be delayed
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ask-pakistan · 3 months
I think 13 y/o me would be happy to see the amount of APH Pakistan content available in the fandom so far , seeing some recent activity makes me want to draw Umer again~ <( ̄︶ ̄)>
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
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My pathetic attempt at furnishing a nursery ~
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 3 months
rewatching dead poets society for the first time in 4 years and i had to pause to make this it came to me in a Vision:
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svtskneecaps · 11 months
a list of timestamps, for no reason :)
thesis statement : No, what blue did tonight and what red did the last two nights are not the same.
disclaimer: this is not a judgement of right / wrong, this is a glorified compare and contrast paper.
a TL;DR is available at the top, immediately following the keep reading link (which i hope, for your sake, is still there).
for each vod i have compiled the time stamps first, and then under the heading "notably" have compiled and compared them.
this is the most toxic i will allow myself to be.
Blue team on Day 4 took 2 seconds from first task claimed to last. Red team on Day 2 took 5 minutes 14 seconds from first task claimed to last, and on Day 3 took 42 seconds.
Blue team on Day 4 was vulnerable in the area for 2 seconds before claiming their last task. Red team on Day 2 was vulnerable in the area for 8 minutes 31 seconds, and on Day 3 was vulnerable for 12 minutes 10 seconds.
The time blue team spent getting situated before logging out in global is not counted in this as being vulnerable because it is not a viable strategy for an entertainer to waste 4 hours of their limited time camping global to ensure no one is logging out.
Red team claimed their first global task on Day 3 with 13 minutes until the server closed. On Day 4, Etoiles and Roier arrived to stop blue team from applying the same strategy with 15 minutes until the server closed.
Blue team's actions on Day 4 did not leave them open to any reasonable retaliation efforts once Tubbo logged out. The moment he logged back in, the tasks were as good as complete. Unless another content creator metagamed, they would not be able to stop him.
Red team's actions on Day 2 and Day 3 did leave them open to retaliation. They were not fast, they often did not have the items they needed crafted in advance and spent time in sight of the global task dome crafting the items. If a team had been waiting for them to try this at the global task dome as Etoiles and Roier did for Blue team, that team could entirely have succeeded in killing them or ruining their plans.
The global tasks on Day 4 were already functionally blue's 4 hours before they were claimed. Even if the disaster hadn't affected global, the way it was supposed to, the only thing left would have been revenge. There was no preventing it once Tubbo logged out.
The global tasks on Day 2 were open to reclamation for an hour after red team claimed them. By Day 3 blue team was aware of red's strategy and had a full 12 minutes (at a predictable time! see below) in which they could have attacked red and stopped them.
What blue and red team did was not the same.
Below are the time stamps I used to get this data and draw these conclusions. I've included links to vods for verification purposes. These links are not future proofed.
November 7th, 2023: Day 4 of Purgatory
TubboLIVE's VOD:
1:47:20 : Tubbo logs out of the server, behind the blue "contracts" NPC. He has 15 minutes 32 seconds of server time remaining.
5:50:23 : It is 3:48:52 am in Tubbo's time zone. Tubbo shows the clock on his screen. There are 11 minutes and 8 seconds until the server closes.
5:50:49 : Tubbo loads in, behind the blue "contracts" NPC. It is 3:49:41 am. This is the first moment the game is visible on his screen. He has 15 minutes 03 seconds of server time remaining.
5:50:50 : Tubbo claims the first of the global tasks.
5:50:51 : Tubbo claims the last of the global tasks. It is 3:49:43 am.
Functionally, tubbo was standing behind the blue NPC, invincible, for 4 hours 3 minutes and 3 seconds
There is a 29 second period of server time that I can't account for.
The total time it took for tubbo to claim every global task after loading in is 2 seconds.
The cooldown for every global task before it can be reclaimed is 10 minutes. In this case these ten minutes started at 3:49:42 and 3:49:43 am. The first moment any of these claimed global tasks can be reclaimed is 3:59:42 am, with 18 seconds until the server closes.
Etoiles's VOD:
4:56:08 : With some leniency, this is the first clear view of the blue "contracts" NPC and the spot Tubbo is "standing" shown on Etoiles's stream.
*(the blue NPC comes into view at 4:56:06 but whether Etoiles would have seen Tubbo there is dubious enough that I have opted for a later time stamp)
4:56:12 : Etoiles and Roier enter the global task dome. They are standing directly to the left of the red NPC; on the opposite side as the blue NPC. The spot Tubbo is "standing" is clearly visible on Etoiles's stream. Etoiles has 10 minutes 40 seconds of server time remaining. There are roughly 15 minutes and 30 seconds until the server closes*.
*(Time calculated roughly using Tubbo's log in message; this is not exact)
4:56:17 : Roier is standing in front of the blue "contracts" NPC.
4:58:03 : Without leaving global spawn, Etoiles disconnects to get a buffer on his time limit. Remembering that there is a disaster coming, he immediately re-logs to avoid the combat logging penalty. Roier does not disconnect during this time.
4:58:18 : The first frame of the game is visible after Etoiles relogs. Etoiles has 8 minutes 53 seconds of server time remaining.
4:58:45 : The quicksand disaster starts, affecting global spawn despite admins having informed Etoiles previously that disasters did not affect global spawn.
5:00:08 : The disaster ends.
5:01:17 : Tubbo logs in. There are roughly 10 minutes 11 seconds until the server closes.
Roier is standing three blocks away from Tubbo's log-in point (effectively, three blocks away from Tubbo) at 5 minutes before Tubbo logs in.
Were Tubbo logged in, waiting physically at spawn, Etoiles and Roier would have been able to initiate combat 5 minutes and 5 seconds earlier. Both had plenty of time on their server counters to participate in this combat, albeit Etoiles would have been kicked before server close. Roier would not be (source: Slime's vod, 2:45:05 and on. There is no disconnect message for Roier before the server is closed at roughly 2:45:08).
Were Tubbo logged in, waiting physically at spawn when Etoiles and Roier arrived (at roughly 3:44:37 am in Tubbo's time zone, 15 minutes and 23 seconds before the server closed), and had claimed all global missions at that time rather than risk dying in combat, the missions would have been able to be reclaimed at roughly 3:54:37 am, with about 5 minutes and 23 seconds before the server closed. This is 5 minutes and 5 seconds more than the actual time.
November 5th, 2023 : Day 2 of Purgatory
This is the first day red has used this strategy.
Cellbit's VOD:
6:52:27 : Cellbit arrives at the plaza outside the global task dome (Carre is already here; he wasn't streaming so I don't know when he arrived).
6:52:49 : Cellbit enters the global task dome. He backtracks to the right of the global task dome, and sets up a crafting area to craft items for the tasks somewhat out of sight of the dome. He is 96 meters away from the dome.
6:55:34 : Cellbit re-enters the global task dome.
6:55:44 : Cellbit claims the first global task for red team (electrolytes). The cooldown is 10 minutes 41 seconds.
6:55:49 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (radiation medicine).
6:55:55 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (campfires).
6:56:04 : Cellbit leaves the global task dome and sets up a second crafting area to the right of the dome after losing the first. This area is in full view of the dome, and is roughly 61 meters away.
6:57:40 : Cellbit dumps every item in his inventory except for iron and minecarts and a shield into a chest (he is functionally defenseless).
6:58:18 : Cellbit re-enters the global task dome.
6:58:23 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (minecarts).
6:59:12 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (diamonds).
6:59:49 : Cellbit gets his sword out of the chest (he is no longer defenseless).
7:00:58 : Jaiden claims the last global task for red team (rails). The bananas task remains unclaimed.
7:01:01 : ElQuackity is visible outside the dome on Cellbit's stream for the first time. Cellbit chases him.
7:04:34 : Cellbit kills ElQuackity, putting red team in the lead.
7:48:07 : The server closes.
Red team is physically present, visible, and murderable / stoppable at the global tasks area for 8 minutes 31 seconds.
Red team takes 5 minutes 14 seconds to claim their global tasks.
The cooldown on these global tasks leaves at minimum 36 minutes 28 seconds to reclaim, maximum 41 minutes 42 seconds to reclaim before server close.
If a team were to have come up to the dome during the 8 minute 31 second period, they would have seen the team and could have attacked or stopped them.
There is a 2 minute 9 second period where Cellbit literally does not have a weapon in his inventory.
If a team were to have come up to the dome while the red team was still crafting the global quest items, they could have attacked and prevented the team from crafting the items and forced them to retreat without claiming those goals.
November 6th, 2023 : Day 3 of Purgatory
This is the second day red has used this strategy.
Cellbit's VOD:
3:39:11 : Cellbit sees Bagi on the bridge to global. There are 24 minutes and 2 seconds until the server closes.
3:39:49 : Cellbit enters the global dome, standing just to the right of where the red NPC is on November 7th.
3:40:24 : Cellbit exits the global dome to craft the water bottles needed for the global task.
3:42:58 : Cellbit crafts the final water bottle needed for the global task.
3:43:28 : Cellbit, Foolish, and Carre re-enter the global dome.
3:44:15 : Cellbit and Carre exit the global dome to inspect Bagi's body. Foolish exits the global dome to use the crafting table.
3:45:36 : Cellbit and Carre re-enter the global dome.
(There's a few more entrances and exits from the dome during the following period, though they stay within the area marked with Bagi's body, the global NPCs, and the crafting table as corners : Never much more than 61 meters away and never out of sight of the dome)
3:49:45 : Cellbit sends the message "hey guys we are about to deliver global tasks you should come!" There are 14 minutes and 18 seconds until the server closes.
3:50:39 : Cellbit claims the first global task for red team (tea leaves). There are 13 minutes and 26 seconds until the server closes.
3:50:59 : Carre claims one global task for red team (gas masks).
3:51:01 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (hot cocoa).
3:51:09 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (water bottles).
3:51:12 : Cellbit claims one global task for red team (backpacks).
3:51:21 : Carre claims the last global task for red team (tea). There are 11 minutes and 52 seconds until the server closes.
4:03:13 : The server closes.
Red team is physically present, visible, and murderable / stoppable at the global tasks area for 11 minutes and 28 seconds before they turn in any global tasks.
Red team takes 42 seconds to turn in all of their global tasks.
The cooldown on the global tasks leaves at maximum 3 minutes 26 seconds of time to reclaim, and at minimum 1 minute and 52 seconds to reclaim.
If a team were to have come up to the dome during the 11 minute and 28 second period, they would have seen and could have attacked red team.
If a team were to have come up to the dome in the 3 minutes 47 seconds between red team arriving at the global dome and red team crafting all the water bottles for the global task, they would have seen and could have attacked red team.
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doodlebloo · 7 months
Hiii guys.
I've already been out of my mind busy for the past few months, and with midterms happening and my thesis defense soon I may not be super active here for a bit.
As it stands now I'm not leaving this blog. This has been my home for the past few years and I love the story too much to let go. I will assess how I'll talk about Tommy/Phil/Tubbo etc going forwards based on their responses, lack thereof, info on what is and isn't allowed to be said legally, etc.
If you're reading this I love you so so so much. I am at all times overflowing with love for the dsmp/mcyt community and what it's done for me. Some of the happiest moments I've had in my life were because of you all.
Also, if you're rebranding or moving blogs or w/e and we're mutuals I'd love to follow your new account even if we share 0 interests in common now, feel free to lmk where you're headed to (if you want) ❤️
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crabussy · 9 months
people cannot see a harmless poll curious about vernacular without implying that anyone who speaks differently to them is stupid huh
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phoenixriaartemis · 5 months
So umm little(not that little) post about the situation.I will try my best to not spoil.
Anyways as we all know(I sound stupid for saying that)in 5 days(that's quite short ._.)we have the event of Night Swan backstory to know about her like her name(even though most of us and I will risk to say all of us know her real name already if they didn't change it in the last minute but yeah no they wouldn't actually done that)and her whole story of how she fall down into the darkness with two new songs(this is one of the things that I know and I can't say)
This last part is what kinda frightening the fandom but not in the way that maybe her past will make us terrified more in the way of someone that can change the entire plotline but in a bad way...
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The Traveler,coach from Rock your Body and Save your Tears which is a duet with another coach who is Si'ha Nova and this song it's their love story(I'm not gonna explain their whole love story but I recommend to watch littlesiha lore video about them)
This two coaches also have a son who is the main character in the story mode of Just Dance,Wanderlust
Now the whole issue:Since January I think it was?there was a theory going around that Wanderlust and the son of Night Swan Jack Rose might be related since the Just Dance team despise the ship between this two a lot(like literally there's some post about it)and it might be because of Traveler and Night Swan had a past relationship and Ta-Da!! Jack happens.There's also some kinds of aspects about it like Jack unknown father or Night Swan real name being base on a mythology(that one can be kind of debated)
There's point that made this theory more real,but also there are some points that made this whole theory(probably gonna happen)with not so many senses.Posts like @surr3al1sm and @halfratsalready have talk about it like one of them being the zero ressemblences of Jack and Traveler in their appearance to hint that they are father and son.
My take about this is more of a critic but also having a realistic point.I think that if they actually wanted to go down with this plot twist they should have atleast make some obvious connections(and I won't take it if they change Jack appearance to match Traveler once it's out the twist)or just straight up say it.I know that it will kill the "surprise" but with this kind of plot with already existence characters for one year and almost five months that wouldn't be good.If they did actually wanted to do it they could made a new character not using an already existing one(Side note:This part sound hypocrite from my part since I have in the sims Wanderlust and Sara as "siblings"to say more or less but since the moment I did it I thought to change it since I could see that I can kind of change but that would mean to delete the ones existence and put them again from the gallery something that it's not that bad even though they will lose something already gain but I wouldn't mind to do it)And if they wanted to do something with Traveler and Night Swan they could have taken the dating ,but not too far for Night Swan and Traveler to have Jack,and then something happens that connects to Night Swan failure and Traveler ended up with Si'ha AND Night Swan founding or already know someone that Traveler also know to be her partner and then BOOM Jack and father's gone.Also because the whole thing will be chaotic if they pull that because they are killing a wholesome lovestory,two ships,the lore of Traveler and Si'ha and Traveler(who is pretty like and love by most of the people in the community)whole character in just one map and I don't think that will be taken well
But to be realistic and knowing Ubisoft(and also because I don't have that much hope even though I want to)they're probably going to pull that but we will have to wait to find out...
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creatively-cosmic · 14 days
girlies be so ":D i am so niceys" in the pokemon canon and in missing numbers theyre insane (this is about lyra heartgolf)
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lil-oreo-crumbles · 5 months
Oh god someone take my brain away from me.
Here’s a potentially weird concept. That I just came up with. Minutes ago.
Forget the Citadel of Starco, yeah, forget it. What about a fucking… Citadel of Toffee’s wives/husbands/partners. They’re just. All together. In one place. Mingling.
I know he’s shipped with a ton of OCs maybe I just want to see them interact yk?? I feel like a lot of them are so different yet would get along so well.
Don’t ask about canon characters since I feel like there’s a ton of different versions of those, and I wouldn’t want ALL of them to be there, there’d be WAYYY too many Moons and Rasticores if that happened. They’d kinda overflow the place yk?
But crossover ships. I think. Those would be acceptable. Maybe.
Maybe this would be primarily OCs though. I dunno, and maybe this idea is so cursed, but I had the thought and had the impulsive urge to share it with the world.
Yeah. A place where the numerous amount of OCs that people made to ship with Toffee. Just. In one place. Perfect. It’d be a really sweet place for a collab I think.
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stardust-sunset · 1 month
wow i’m really fucking mature
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amelia-sun · 1 month
long time no post (its been a week i think) !!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways infrequent tmi time! tomorrow is my execution date (/hyperbole)!!!!!!
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cheeseknives · 3 months
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2023 - 2024 doodles part 2
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ATWOW extended cut/deleted scene spoiler!
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