#Maybe I'll keep the tag maybe I'll change it.
Spoilers for "Cold Hearted" by Serena Valentino
Finally reading the book and I will admit I did smile a bit when Lady Tremaine reminisced about her first husband. And I was kinda sad too. 😢
Also I am SO totally seeing parallels between her and Cinderella purely because of the periwinkle dress (even though Cinderella's dress is kinda technically silver) and the GARDENS. HELLO THEY BOTH WENT TO A GARDEN WITH THEIR PRINCES.
Also I wasn't aware (or didn't remember) Drizella was older by a year. And seeing her dress in blue was an interesting surprise considering she usually has yellow, but maybe that might change.
And I did appreciate that little crumb alluding to Hook's book, which I haven't gotten yet but I will eventually!
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toxicwrench · 1 year
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hbd clown boy sorry for being almost a week late or whatever
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muzzleroars · 3 months
One of those Vids where some baby cries seeing their dad shaved w.o. a beard but it's just the small arch angels' reactions to when lucifer's face gets a second eye or the rough outline of a "human" face (2 eyes, 1 mouth)
the entire host of heaven: put it back
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(plain text under the cut!)
text: many of god's creations have a certain sense of symmetry, so though i am endlessly grateful for the form he has given me (hallelujah), i have attempted to give myself a face that may be more familiar to the newer angels.
i don't believe i did a good job.
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Also... Post-canon lovesong... If you even care... "Is Sparrow still with Rebecca?" that part is a choose your own adventure babeeey~
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bonetrousledbones · 7 months
an interesting way to do things is to never ever come up with names for fics until the very second you are actively posting them. the name of the wip i'm working on currently is "something's wrong with this guy" and the one before it was named "HEHEHEHE"
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
#LISTEN ALL IM SAYING IS kaiba is such a deeply complex and off the wall character#there's mental illness there's drama there's insanity there's nonesense there's DEPTH#he's a huge fucking edgelord drama queen bitch and he's CELEBRATED for it and TEE BEE AYCH#u RARELY get that in a female character and it is a FUCKING CRIME#😔😔😔#like u wouldn't even have to change anything about his character just keep him exactly the same IT WOULD STILL WORK#i PROMISE u the whole power fantasy anger issues manic depression tragic backstory gay gay homosexual gay thing will carry through#GOD#sorry im like thinking about that post that was all#'the secret to writing a good female character is just to write a good character'#give me a cringe fail bitch i can properly project on or give me death#just give me more angry fucked up girls vr1ska cannot keep carrying all that weight on her shoulders#like i'll be in the rival tag on pixiv or ao3 and it's like#here is 99 girl yugis and MAYBE TWO girl kaibas if you've finished all ur hw and done all ur chores#like that's cool and fine but#girl the jealusty is CORE to kaiba's character why wouldn't u wanna keep it gay#why wouldn't u wanna explore the deranged insanity of GIRLS trying to kill each other a children's card game#why r u so afraid to love#ignore me#delete later#it's like 4 am racing thoughts go brrr#i guarantee none of this will make any sense to me when i read it back in the morning#very unlikely i'll remember writing all this as well#there's stitches in my mouth that have been pissing me off all WEEK and it's the only reason im awake and angry r n HHHHHHHHHHH
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gnomeantics · 7 months
absolute worst thing is watching a show with loads and loads of seasons and you're having thoughts about it but you can't go into the tag for fear of being hit by 1000x Spoiler Beam
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jizzlords · 3 months
@videoaux has been using me as their notepad, sure. but I've fallen asleep on them about 3 times at this point (I am not a morning person). and every time they say something, even if I'm half awake, I'm still listening to what's up lol.
so what I'm trying to say is vox and ozzie doing all nighters ;} but it's business work and vox can do paperwork like it's nothing (sometimes) and ozzie ends up sleeping with his arms folded and face buried. lmao.
and when vox finds this break through discovery, ozzie's waking up to vox having the whole room scattered with papers, homie has a conspiracy theory board done (ozzie's wondering where he even got that board? in his drowsy stupor lol) and vox is going Off on this discovery. ozzie isn't even getting a word in which works for him.
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majestic-kestrel · 6 months
oh dear.
from what I've seen (on my dash) I feel like I'm the only one who was okay with that ending?
BBC ghosts spoilers in the tags
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prossima-nebulosa · 6 months
When i say it's hard to speak with some people I always think about my mother because she exemplifies everything that I don't wanna be in life.
I mean she is sweet and I love her, don't get me wrong.
However, she is the kind of person who doesn't get anything you say.
I came out to her and she took it weird, then one day she yelled that I made her desperate or something, don't remember what she said exactly, and she mentioned that the fact i like girls was also part of this.
Then she forgets everything and keeps pestering me about finding a "boyfriend" and makes some disgusting jokes about my sex life, then she jokes that 'maybe you like girls then'.
The same happened when we talked about my brother, she kept repeating it was because he didn't have a girlfriend- when truly that's further from the truth it can get (he's fucking sensible)
It's like talking with a wall, she doesn't get anything, she just reacts in the most boomer way possible, she only cares about what other think of her, and when I say others I mean EVERYONE REALLY. I told her countless times that this mindset was strengthened by being raised in a fucking town where everyone knows everyone that can be just as nice as harmful.
She rejects that idea, but then complains we don't get married when everyone does (and as I say everyone I mean my cousins that recently a) got married b) proposed) because she FUCKING CARES that people will think badly of her (that she raised us wrong? we came out wrong? who knows) hiding it under this guise that she is actually trying to look after us because she wants to see us settled-
(I don't mean to say she doesn't care about us, I know she does, but as I said there's a further reason, something much more pressing that is pushing her)
I tried talking to her, but she doesn't get anything. I think she looks at me and in her mind she just sees a child who doesn't know what's good or what's supposed to do once you grow up-
I don't mean to say I have any idea what to do, but never once in my life I did things just because people told me "It's what everyone does".
Though I believe she expected me and my brother to do just that, which means that we have to a) get married, b) have children c) get a job, and with this I mean a state job obviously.
And this is not just her mentality, it is a widespread one and she is just another piece in the puzzle.
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cake-bread · 11 months
If you could change one thing about how everything with Coda happened, what would it be?
I’m glad that you two have made up, by the way, i think it’s very sweet.
I'm very glad to hear someone shares out joy.
And that's a very good question - I thought about that so many times, wondered how the future would look if we've done something different.
Maybe if I'd have already kept my cool the first day we've met, things would have been better. Of if he talked to me instead of ghosting me out of the blue. There were so many small missteps happening, I think it was doomed from the start.
But if I had to choose - instead of what I've said, I'd change my first comment after playing the House.
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solarshined · 1 year
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// i'm literally so terrible at keeping up with two blogs. even a sideblog. SIGH. anyways!! my muse for zaahm has not at all disappeared or diminished, i love her dearly but two blogs makes things very chaotic for me.
// SO ULTIMATELY. this post is to tell everyone following my sideblog ( @solarshined ) that i will just gently sticking this blog away into the archives and moving zaahm onto my multimuse blog ( @hellhunted ) where i can keep better track of her existence and my own brain!!
// sorry if there's any confusion or upset!
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kindnessoverperfection · 10 months
Some recent wins:
-Sang loudly and off-key with my partner. We were both laughing to tears. I was sober.
-Found myself actually thinking about musical theatre today. For myself, for my own interest in it. I wasn't chasing it for a narc high, nor avoiding it due to a crash. It's been a long time since I've thought about my interests for my own sake.
-Invited my friends to hang out
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vegettos · 2 years
I wonder what will happen after this dbs manga arc ends (aka the superhero manga arc) since this is supposed to happen right before the end of dbz, meaning goku leaves after these events... 🤔
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🌟for Fiora and Citri? Or maybe Egil and Citri?
Why not both?~
(source: this post by cloudymemes)
Send a 🌟 + name and I’ll talk about my self-insert’s bond to that character! - Alright, so:
Citri with Fiora: Citri and Fiora don't actually have an especially close bond, although they are both from Colony 9 so they have known each other for a long time. It's a bit of a rivalry stemming mainly from Fiora's side, since Citri is also close with Shulk and the others but shares more of Shulk's interest in technology and the sciences so she naturally probably ends up a slightly closer friend to him. I haven't quite established how Fiora's place in the story changes with Citri in the picture yet, since she does kind of take over most of Fiora's role later in the game, but one idea I had was for Fiora to still also get taken and turned into a Face pilot - she just pilots a different Faced Mechon that isn't Face Nemesis in my version of events. In that instance, we could bond more over being in the same situation and reflect on how it has affected us, though there would possibly still be some disparity over the whole "Citri had the soul of a goddess put into her body and is somehow inexplicably getting on really well with her" thing.
Citri with Egil: Citri initially shows great disdain for Egil, which is perhaps understandable considering that his attacks on the Bionis using the Mechon are the reason why there are so few Homs colonies remaining, and the reason why she was captured and taken away from her home. However, as things progress, she does come to understand his reasoning more after spending time on the Mechonis and hearing Vanea talk more about him and how he used to be. She definitely respects the fact he is willing to agree to a truce with Shulk at the Mechonis Core, and understands that he was essentially lashing out to protect himself/his people and the Mechonis as a whole, rather than being an aggressor. In an AU situation where he was able to stay alive, I think we would eventually end up fairly amicable (all things considered), especially since - with Citri being Vanea's partner and Egil being Vanea's sister - we would probably interact quite a lot, initially through both being so linked to Vanea but then eventually more of our own accord. I definitely do quite like Egil as a character myself, so I'd like to have at least some form of a bond with him somehow~
I hope that both of those answers were alright! Thank you very much again for sending in the questions, and I hope you are having a great day ^-^
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bellflower-goat · 2 years
#I wanted to see some stuff bout the book n just looked for the name in tags#There is so much fuckin x reader stuff <:]#I think I am not really ready for that shit h.c has made too comfy w how stuff is done there#why would ya put that in the main tagssss <:]#I wanna keep looking but ik I'll end up pissed cause I haven't seen the mi.#the movie n. Like I wanna see if there is a fa.ndom n if there's like drawi.ngs of the kids#But I remembered that 1.- mi.ss p looks different in the movie. So so damn different#And that 2.im pretty sure all of the kids have different designs n just. <:]#welp wish me luck I gotta check but before that im blocking like 10 variations of the x rder shit#And I might be wrong abt how the movie is! I just don't really have the time or energy to see how it's made#maybe when i see it I'll like it n say wow it really is good! But since they even changed the damn#lo.ve inte.rest I'm just :l abt it. Cause why that girl??? She's a dam kid in the book!! She has fun n has#her little tiara n all! What says 'roma.ntic i.nterest abt that??#idk I'm salty abt that#That's like. All ik abt the movie n that left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth#Edit ohohohooooooo there slore of em??? O thought there were only like 3! Hm this might have been worth it.#n just for the record I don't got anything against those x rder stuff it's just a tad bit annoying having to scroll tru all that when#It don't even have a readmore or something like that#This is all just me sayin my thoughts n I don't mean I'll by any of it
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