#Maybe give the song attached to the post a listen and see what comes to you then!
triona-tribblescore · 10 months
Hi!!! Firstly, congrats on 2k! Secondly, I noticed you're doing a dtiys and I know you already explained the stuff, but I just wanna make sure since I've never done one before- is it to make a drawing surrounding the theme of your anlfm au?
Thank you!! Have a wonderful day!! :D
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Thank you Cookie!! <3
Well I guess it depends on each DTIYS, but for mine you can go as crazy or simple as you like. It can look like the original, or be a different type of scene all together! Just keep it anlfm related for the most part :D
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
I think L gave us a lot of hints/messages about what might be going on post-premiere in that Jimmy F appearance. Let’s note that this was after Papgate, after his and N’s social media posts in the fallout period, and after Milan if I am remember correctly? The more I think about it the more I think his team crafted the content we saw to reset his public image, explain some things, and encourage the audience to give him some grace. It was damage control/positive PR/but also some explanations for what we are seeing.
First off, he came off relaxed and confident, a big contrast from how stressed he looked when he had been papped. I think they were also trying to portray him as a friendly and relatable regular guy who had suddenly been thrust into fame as a heartthrob and romantic lead.
Him running from the carriage scene music/talking about how he is not used to the level of fame and exposure and recognition that has come with the success of the show (barber story, needing security in Brazil).
The reference to JB passing down the guide that was called “How to fall in love in front of 82 million people” - more messaging that it is difficult to have that level of scrutiny and specifically when playing a romantic lead when you have insane chemistry with your costar.
The romantic lines, read B-ton style (these are so L/N coded and reference things L or N have brought up in interviews, with the exception of “East Peasy Lemon Squeezy.) We’ve got:
Espresso lyrics - song with significance to the ship, also what L was listening to getting ready for the London premiere, Honeybee, come get that pollen lyrics
“Penelope, we were on a break!” -this is the biggest hint right here of why L was papped/appears in a relationship with another woman after we have seen his and N’s chemistry jump off the screen for 6 months and also in the show itself. THEY (N/L) WERE ON A BREAK. I don’t think he wanted to be on a break, but they were, and I think they’re now on another one while he tries to get his affairs in order. And note that he says “Penelope,” not Rachel, which would be the accurate pop culture quote. Which doesn’t really make sense because he and P are never on a break during the show unless you count the time she stops writing to him and he goes off the rails. Penelope is code for N. Also he is referencing the R/R relationship/timing issues again.
Then the Barbie quote. I think this somewhat addresses him being attached to a strong beautiful powerful woman (LWD or N, take your pick) and that dynamic of potentially being overshadowed and having to find your own self worth in order to handle it . I don’t think that last part about being her Ken was scripted (JF even gives him a wtf look and then it gets cut when it airs), but he made it clear he is happy being her Ken. He basically claims his ass as hers on National TV without meaning to.
I think the interview didn’t have purposeful mention of N for a reason, he was trying to emphasize his role as a B-bro and an actor and romantic lead in his own right, and connect him to the other male leads, and the clip they chose showed that.
He then follows up with a social media post confirming a late night/non-work/non PR beach walk with N and said security guards. I mean… that was a date, and for him to post that in the face of everyone saying he had hard-launched A and he and N were “all PR” is crazy. They also have to be aware of all of the Brazil reports and speculation.
I think the messaging was: This is level of fame and exposure is new, he’s figuring it out, give him a break. Also, everything is okay between N&L so don’t worry, there may be reasons for why what we are seeing doesn’t make sense but they are figuring it out between them.
Would the general audience pick up on all of that? No, but the hardcore fans would so they layered it all in there. Maybe his PR team isn’t that dumb afterall?
I know there’s speculation N was there- I don’t know if she was but her immediate like definitely showed support and that they are still a team. Wouldn’t surprise me if she had a hand in some of that strategy.
I think this is the first in depth analysis I have ever seen on the JF appearance that I mostly agree with.
Thanks for sharing 💜🥃
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moon-goddess-posts · 2 years
ANGST!! but dw it’s fluff at the end, arguments, alcohol use
sorry guys i was gonna post smut but during class i was listening to sad songs soooooooo BUT i swear smut will be posted either tomorrow or saturday!!
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You and Rhea have gotten into more arguments than usual. It was hard to pin point why but every time, it always seemed to be your fault. Seeing rheas irritated face made you heart sink and crumble little by little.
“Why can’t you understand i have a career to live, i can’t abandon that. it’s important to me” Rhea scolded you
“i do understand im sorry” voice barely over a whisper
“how many times have i told you to give me my space ? this is exactly what i was afraid of with relationships.” Rhea got more upset by the minute and you felt tears start to flow like a faucet now broken. You couldn’t contain it but she wasn’t having it
“Why are you so fucking clingy? now look at you crying” you were getting tired of this, you mustered up the courage and dispose of the lump in your throat to fight back
“what did you expect!” you rose your voice, breaking from the tears that you failed to hold down.
“If you were so scared of someone becoming attached to you, we didn’t have to do this. We didn’t have to be in a relationship” Rhea became quiet. you wiped your eyes and started to put your shoes on.
“where are you going?” Rhea spoke.
“to give you your space, and so you don’t have to see my tears that you hate so much” You were almost out the door, but rhea grabbed your wrist trying to stop you.
“what do you want? you’ve made it very clear you don’t want me here right now. And i can’t deal with this either.” you couldn’t face Rhea
“I..” She didn’t know what to say, so you shook off her grip on you and left. Rhea was now alone, forced to think on what she had just said and did.
As you drove off, you fell into a deep sadness wondering why you couldn’t be perfect for Rhea. Why you always seemed to make her more aggravated than anything else. Maybe it was a personality clash, that it just wasn’t meant to be. It hurt so much when Rhea was gone for weeks on end for her job. You’d see her on the TV, smiling and yet that was the only time you’d ever seen her content. Rhea wouldn’t text you days on end and wouldn’t respond when you texted her checking to see if she was ok.
“Why are we even still together?” you thought, it felt like it was only a matter of time before either of you asked to break up. You turned up the radio, crying again.
Meanwhile Rhea was contemplating everything she has said to you. She didn’t understand why she always got so angry at you. You didn’t deserve that and she thought for sure you would break up with her after this. But she wanted to be better for you because she really did love you, more than she let on. Part of her wanted the freedom of being single, but being alone like this reminded Rhea of the cost of losing someone for her own wants.
The truth is, Rhea didn’t know how she could live without you. Her career was important but not more important than you. Yet she treated you like she was second best because her own life is so demanding. You were understanding as much as you could be, all you asked was just more time with your girlfriend. Guilt seeped into Rheas skin, overcoming her. Rhea thought about trying to find you but she had already done enough damage and decided to give you your space.
You weren’t sure where you were driving to, all you knew is that you couldn’t be there for now. Not when you had made Rhea so angry yet again. You thought about all the times she would hold you in her arms, kiss you everywhere, and being together didn’t have to get so complicated. You saw a bar come up and you thought it would be a bad idea to drink while you were responsible for driving back home. However, if alcohol could stop making you feel like this then maybe a little bit wouldn’t hurt.
Parking your car, you approached the bar. The atmosphere seemed calm enough so you sat down and asked for just anything that was strong. One drink became a few and a few became a lot.
“I’m sorry…im sorry” you said drunkingly through tears.
“I just want my rhea” you pulled out your phone struggling to type. You managed to say how sorry you were and how much you missed your girlfriend. All you wanted was for everything to be ok. Rhea responded asking where you were and saw that she was calling.
“hiiiiii rhea…” you were slurring your words and hiccuping which gave a clear indicator you were drinking
“Are you drunk right now?”
“Nope!” you said giggling. Rhea sighed knowing this was her fault.
“Send me your location”
“i. don’t. want to!” you thought you were fine and ok enough to drive.
“Please? we can talk this out, i’m sorry for everything. I don’t want you to drive while your drunk” You started to cry again.
“I just want us to be ok, we’ve been arguing so much. I’m sorry i’ve been so difficult for you” you weeped and weeped. On the other side of the phone, Rhea was getting her jacket on to look for you.
“You aren’t difficult, i’m sorry. Please let me come get you”
“…Okkk” sniffling you sent rhea your location.
“Stay on the phone, and no more drinking ok?” you hummed letting your head down on the table
Rhea felt horrible, but it doesn’t matter now. all that matters is knowing you’re safe and getting you home. The location you had sent was about 15 minutes away from the apartment. From there Rhea saw you sitting at the bar, tears dried and head on the table. You looked half asleep.
“Hey love, let’s go home ok?” She assisted you and you let her pick you up.
“Rhea…please don’t be mad”
“Of course i’m not mad, i’m sorry i need to be more understanding. But we’ll talk later ok?” you wobbled to the car into the passengers seat with Rheas help.
“Here, drink some water first” She held your face and assisted you with holding the water bottle. You fell asleep right after. Once you guys got home rhea picked you up and placed you on the bed. She gave a kiss on your forehead and walked away as she was unsure if you wanted her with you. You woke up and held on to your girlfriend.
“Please stay with me. don’t leave me please” you pleaded softly, rhea turned around and smiled
“of course i’ll stay with you angel. I’ll always be here, i’m not going anywhere ok?” you nodded and let Rhea get into bed while she held you tightly. You looked up at Rhea to see a tear roll down her face.
“i’m so sorry” she whispered, you kissed the tear away and embraced her.
“i forgive you, i love you” you were only a bit sober so it was hard to comprehend what you were saying but rhea understood. You both held onto each other, slowly falling asleep.
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not-5-rats · 1 month
It's been a while since I posted Bug questions...here 🤲
1) what's a nickname you have for your Bug?
2) uh oh your Bug is dead, again, is any of their family at their funeral?
3) does your Bug have any disabilities?
a. a song ur Bug likes?
b. a song that makes u think of ur Bug?
(lil note, I know i always say this but...I ramble, alot. The scenarios ain't even that interesting but I'm ranting anyways...so ehmmmmm extreme rambles warning)
5) scenario #1! (new Markins lore characters!?!?! :0000)
Bug had been out to town that day, they needed to collect some more resources and was finally making their way back to the house. They were walking through the forest when they heard two voices arguing, they hid behind a tree to try and listen into what was being said
"I told you we should turn back! I mean think about it, it's been years! He's probably gonna turn us away-"
"Harper! We've been over this, he told us we could always come to him if we needed support"
Bug leaned around the tree, cautiously peering around it. As they did they spotted two people, a taller, more feminine individual with brown and blue hair was stood beside a shorter individual with darker hair and glowing yellow eyes
"Yeah back when Milo was around! Back when we were linked in some way! Now we're just a couple of old strangers, begging for a place to stay!"
"I've told you already, he won't mind. We may not have been as close to him as we were Milo but we were still good friends...Chester wouldn't turn us awa-"
Bug stepped back slightly, trapping a twig under their foot. It snapped, the sound startling the two strangers, they jumped slightly and the taller ones hand seemed to reach into their pocket as though they were preparing for an attack...but when they saw Bug they both calmed slightly
"Holy shi-! Oh- apologies, you startled us-"
The shorter spoke first
"Apologies if we disturbed you, we were on our way to a fr-"
"A walk!" The other interrupted, who still appeared a bit shaken by Bugs arrival "we were out on a walk and we're heading home now, sorry for distrupting your da-"
"Harper! We were looking for a friends house, Chester Markins, you wouldn't happen to know where he's staying would you?"
Do you know him?
6) scenario #2
The garden. When where they not in the garden. For some reason Chester bad been quite...ehm...clingy? recently, he was constantly dragging Bug outside so they could spend time together, chilling with them in the house, tagging along to their training, he just seemed to be around all the fucking time
Bug had mixed feelings on this, sure some company was nice but this? This was too much
They were once again in the garden, Chester rambling abt whatever flower was sat infront of them. Bug couldn't deal with this anymore, sure flowers are cool, sure seeing him so happy was cool but they were tired.
"Why are you doing all this?"
Bug spoke, their vocie was louder than usual and a bit more assertive, Chester seemed slightly suprised, confused even. He glanced back at them, then back at flowers
"All what?"
They sighed, clearly irritated, they explained that they were tired of him acting like an overly attached dog, following them around for no clear reason. They were annoyed that they never got a break. Chester didn't seem upset, he just stared at them as they spoke...and smiled slightly when they finished
"Ah, sorry *Bug* I, didn't mean to be so...ehm, intrusive. I- I'm...gonna go, give you some space"
He stood up, walked away and left Bug in a tense silence. They sat there for a moment...they were happy to finally gave some peace but maybe they could have been a bit less...loud with him. Their mind went black, they zoned out slightly...then a paper airplane landed infront of them. They looked at it, then up to see who threw it. There stood Fran, she pointed to the plane then made a gesture indicating they should open the plane
Inside there was a note, it said
'I no hes anoyeeng annoying but I promise there a reason hes following you, it's the anuversy anniversy aniversary anniversary of Milos deth today. He gets woreed worried when its coming up, he worries somebody he cares about is going to get hurt. It can be difficult but don't be to upset with Chez, please'
(She's tried her best, spelling is hard)
They look back up only to see Fran's dissapeared, they were left alone in the garden with the note
What do they do?
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@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia @recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats @lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @astralbulldragon13 @ccstiles @puffin-smoke @fruity0salad @takashishihoin @reefhastoomanyaccs
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 06/05/2024
Last Freight-train Night
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More) Overworld Adventure (In-Game Version) - The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Ripped by mint chip
Huge apologies in advance for not posting this on a Friday or even a Saturday. The joke has been completely missed. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me 😔.
Ah man, melody swap rips. They're always fun, right? Even in the channel's earliest days, we had stuff like SNES Mini Circulation, Earth, Wind & Bombs and Akumajō Lololo expertly showing off their inherent, obvious appeal - leveraging the instrumentation of one track to bring out a whole new vibe to another piece of music through rearrangement. But especially early on, and even nowadays, you'll notice that some games get favored above others for melody swaps. Super Mario 64, the Pokémon series, NES and Game Boy games, Plok! - granted, the reasons for a lot of these are very easily explained, but with games like Plok! in particular the recent emphasis has come from a select few rippers' absolute enthusiasm for the game and the unique soundscape it provides. Tons of Plok! rips are absolutely mindblowing as a result of this passion, and I intend to cover some of these in the future no doubt - but Last Freight-train Night gave me many of those same thoughts upon first listen whilst being from a game I never would've thought would be one befitting for melody swapping.
Again, to clarify: It's perfectly understandable why those aforementioned select games get so many melody swap rips made of them. Pokémon in particular has at once such a nostalgic, distinct yet versatile set of sounds that has allowed for a ton of creativity in how rips are done, with everything from the piano-driven peacefulness of Blue Mareep to the synth-heavy insanity of Light! (Potentialseeker Colress). The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, meanwhile, is a game I only truly associate with two instruments - the pan flute and the violin - and that paired with its relative obscurity compared to other often-ripped games made me understand why all the chips wouldn't be placed on it in particular. Clearly, I was underestimating both the game and first-time ripper mint chip here, as Last Freight-train Night positively blew me away in its arrangement whilst staying absolutely faithful to the sound of the game its taking from. It's pan flutes and strings, yes - but they're leveraged to a far greater degree than I could've ever imagined.
If you presented me with a choice of song to use in a melody swap for Spirit Tracks' Overworld Adventure theme, I wouldn't have been able to give you an answer - yet had I given you one, it would've probably been incredibly far off the mark from what Last Freight-train Night lands at. It's a full arrangement of Katy Perry's Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F), the absolute pop sensation released just two years after Spirit Tracks itself - yes, in other words, this is a PAN FLUTE arrangement of hit song Don't Mine At Night. Like, maybe I'm just easily impressed, maybe I'm just far too attached to Spirit Tracks' sound from playing on its stage in Smash Bros. all too much, but I have to commend Last Freight-train Night just off of its concept alone. But, come on now, you've heard Thwâmpröck Desert - you KNOW that Season 8 has been delivering in far more than just concept alone.
See, the rip isn't just pleasant for its novelty, it feels as if it fully realizes itself in so many small little ways. There's of course the persisting banjo-like backing from the original keeping a playful, plucky adventuring tone, but it's in listening in close that you'll hear something truly special. You guessed it: That chuff-chuff-chuffing sound persisting through the entire track is the sound the player's train makes in Spirit Tracks when moving at the highest speed, whereupon it starts to sync up with the Overworld Adventure theme - in other words, the sound effects are a separate element from the actual music piece, yet Last Freight-train Night goes the extra mile in including it just to make it all feel more...right. The cherry on top of even that is, of course, the sounds of crossing signals fading in and out of the song at various points throughout its runtime. This isn't referencing anything in particular from Last Friday Night, it's a completely original touch by mint chip, but it adds SO much to the listening experience: Pair it with the other two things mentioned in this paragraph, and it starts to feel as if this track is truly taking place within Spirit Tracks itself, a sense of immersion far above what was necessary is conveyed through just these small touches alone. It stimulates the brain in ways I never thought I needed - and in terms of sheer listenability, it all just helps give the arrangement a real sense of tempo, befitting of the dance-able pop song it's an arrangement of.
Season 8 is a lot of things, and I'm still trying to ascertain what to truly make it of four months into its run. But if there's one constant I'm sure of, its that the channel's quality has basically never been higher - rips like Last Freight-train Night are dropping left and right without being part of larger events, as if to just casually remind you of how good of a place the channel is in right now. And having those explosions of quality be attached to games which really haven't seen all too much action on SiIva compared to the big boys, to the channel's "hidden gem" games as it were? Be it back with Plok! in Season 6 or all the countless other examples over the years since, that always just fills me with such joy. Every game is someone's favorite, and every someone has the potential to be a SiIvaGunner contributor - it only takes one person's love for a game to get rips as heartfelt (and seemingly already beloved!) beloved as Last Freight-train Night.
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florallylly · 5 months
side b: steve harrington
side a side a: eddie munson
side b
explanation post
FORGET THE FORMATTING!!! PLS BE QUIET!!! anyways into steve harrington. his playlist is SAUR bubblegum lesbian pop. and tbh i really tried to kind of blend new/old in side a with eddie and make it smth MAYBE he would listen to? but steve, i automatically pegged him as 80s pop and lesbian music like. you probably listen to bruce springsteen but in my heart u know who rina sawayama is. anyways yes steve harrington coping through partying and then falling in lurv.
YES he admits it as soon as it happens bc he's emotionally intelligent and he knows himself thank u for coming to my ted talk
“Perfect Places” Lorde; “Have another drink, get lost in us/this is how we get notorious” “Every night, I live and die/meet somebody, take ‘em home” YEAH…. steve harrington coping post season-2 and stancy break up by  partying and drinking and sleeping around. like i see it…. i was there and it’s so. desperation to find peace and eventually settling for oblivion bc nothing is better than everything 
“Heaven/Hell” CHVRCHES; this song is so steve harrington to me i can’t even describe…. like it’s so disillusionment with his former sense of self and what he used to attach importance to. and he feels like a fraud and also an imposter, surrounded by people who he’s outgrown. and somehow it also feels like no one has truly realized that vital shift. it’s SAUR “is it right if i’m a perfect actress/playing the princess in distress?” “is it alright if i save myself and/if i clean up my own mess” IDK. why is that so steve to me. 
“Stand Back” Stevie Nicks; like LIKE this song is so everyone wants me except for you/you’re the only one i want. idk…. steve harrington this is so you to me. he is so pining he is so what if he is so i built our future in my head and now everything is crumbling down around me. you have changed me so deeply that i can never go back to the same person i was before i met you. and the world around me stays stagnant and stuck in time, with me out like a sore thumb. like i’m sobbing crying frothing at the mouth…. 
“Head Over Heels/Broken” Tears for Fears; a classic… a classic… but also like a little mashup moment to make it narratively appropriate in my head. also the applause at the end is giving the curtains are down the performance is over… king steve lays down his crown… AM I INSANE IN THIS MOMENT… 
“Honey Understand” Noso; to me this is a little bit of a moment like if i’m misinterpreting this song wrong SO embarrassing. but literally?? i think it’s so steve… bc it’s like in any break up it’s always going to be him at fault because he’s the ladies man and the popular jerk. he’s always going to be made out to be a villain in certain people’s eyes. like what am i even saying but you get it right… and it’s like how can i even keep fighting when i’m already crumbling apart. but also you’ll never know bc i’ll never let anyone know how bad it is … i’m unwell 
“Deliverance” CHVRCHES; i think this is actually about religion (maybe?) but i’m thinking of it as more of a general framework or life view that steve held before the upside down. he’s had to rethink what’s important and what matters like fr…. and now that he’s spending more time with eddie and realizing things about… naur it’s like this moment is his watershed moment and he’s being set free of smth like… his king steve persona?? his guilt over barb?? any other head canon ??? or maybe it’s like his fucked up coping viewed as something that’s bringing him back to his “normal” self… like back 2 parties back 2 alcoholism 
“Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight” ABBA; like YEAH of course this song is on here. and it’s so hello steve harrington are you on the prowl are you looking for something so you can actually feel something
“Take Me Home Tonight” Eddie Money; pretty self explanatory like… steve harrington you are turning to sex to distract yourself and chasing the way you felt before. also in comparison to gimme gimme gimme, this is a more self aware reflection like. post nut clarity. but also in my head this is steve harrington meeting with eddie munson s2 and making the impulsive decision to follow him literally anywhere, kick starting everything that follows. 
“Yours” Now, Now; attraction bantering cockiness like it’s all there like it’s everything… it’s everything…. 
“Untouched” The Veronicas, I DON’T CARE IF IT DOESN’T FIT … this song is so important to me and it’s saur…. steve harrington you are getting attached steve harrington you are falling in love. to be clear this is before they get together or do anything like…. this is the pining this is the wanting 
“Don’t You Want Me” The Human League; so basically added for vibes, didn’t pay much attention to the lyrics and meaning. IT’S JUST SO …. 80s pop and 80s pop is so steve. HOWEVER i feel like i can use this as my little soap box bc “you were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar… turned you int someone new/now five years later on, you’ve got the world at your feet” is saur nancy and “the five years we have had have been such good at times, I still love you/ but now, i think it’s time i lived my life on my own” is SAUR steve. like nancy wheeler in s4 reflecting on steve’s changes and the fandom’s reflection of pushing this narrative that nancy was the main reason and the greatest influence on steve’s change. my pet peeve…. let’s not forget the trauma he went through that could have shook his entire worldview. also ??? he’s a big boy with his own thoughts let him have a little ponder. i would add more but i’m not capable of totally explaining this at all JUST !!! ugh but yeah steve harrington you are attracted to eddie munson song
“Forever Tonight” Kelechi; “love me like there’s no tomorrow/kiss me like we’re out of time” DO I EVEN NEED TO SAY ANYTHING??? I AM IN REAL PAIN!!! 
“I Was Made For Lovin’ You” KISS; KEYSTONE SONG. yes they fucked yes they fucked. and OKAY idc if it’s cheesy YOU try to fit in a semi-metal song into your 80s/lesbian pop playlist
“Lay All Your Love On Me” ABBA; OMG …. it is so necessary. that is all. LIKE SO NEEDED. 
“Hungry Eyes” Eric Carmen; it’s literally from dirty dancing like what else can i say… steve harrington is having his little romcom moment. honestly he’s practically one of the brat pack. he’s LIVING it he’s living it
“Keep on Loving You” REO Speedwagon; okay they were killing on anniversaries i just know it. like this is so my parent’s wedding. it’s so puffed sleeve dresses and slow dancing at prom and steve is a ROMANTIC. steve is a ROMANTIC in a small midwest town like. where was his prom king moment 
“Seven Wonders” Fleetwood Mac; lowkey a filler song but yes can anything compare to the beauty of this moment something very romantic. this is on the mixtape for sure 
“(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” Blue Oyster Cult; ONCE AGAIN I KNOW IT DOESNT FIT THAT WELL… but this is a keystone song… a metal song forcefully inserted into the playlist. this is supposed to mark the point where steve falls in love love. but what i got from the song is basically like. we’re going to die anyways let’s just fall in love. i’m sure that’s way simplistic but vibe… 
“Horses” Maggie Rogers; sorry I’m…. gay….? and it’s like it’s like it’s like i wanna be free i wanna be free with you do you wanna be free with me. in a more romantic and AHHHH way but like how do i even begin to try and describe how this song makes me feel like… unreal. but it’s also like a little stop for steve to doubt and think about what he’s feeling and deciding to do ??? idk where i was going with that. but yes my little interlude for pondering
“Black Butterflies and Deja Vu (Acoustic)” The Maine; keystone song keystone song. when steve admits he is in lurv of course. chose the acoustic version bc i feel like it fits better and also i think it’s more of a soft realization for steve rather than the absolute car wreck that is eddie. please understand my thoughts immediately 
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tsukuyomii45 · 3 months
What quotes or lyrics or poems remind you of ObiKonan? Can you share some? 😌
Song lyrics from Cigarettes After Sex reminds me a lot of ObiKonan. I haven't thought of quotes nor did I come across poetry that reminds me of them, it's mostly just songs. I mentioned in an old post here that there are song lyrics from the songs Under the Influence (CB) and Die For You (TW) which remind me of them too.
So what does it mean if I tell you to go fuck yourself Or if I say that you're beautiful to meIt's affection always, You're gonna see it someday My attention for you Even if it's not what you need
-Affection, CAS.
I remember when I first noticed that you liked me back We were sitting down in a restaurant waiting for the check We had made love earlier that day with no strings attached But I could tell that something had changed how you looked at me then
-K. - CAS
Maybe I'd change for you someday But I can't help the way I feel Wish I was good, wish that I could Give you my love now
-Cry. -CAS
You should've seen by the look in my eyes That there was somethin' missin' You should've known by the tone of my voice But you didn't listen You play dead, but you never bled Instead, you lie still in the grass, all coiled up and hissin'
-Keep on Loving you, CAS
You're all I want We fucked so hot it left me faded For all you are There is no other love, it's only yours You're all I want, all I love
-You're All I want, CAS.
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rateatingraccoon · 10 months
Demon brothers as Sir Chloe songs
Sir Chloe has been my favorite music artist for a year now, but I've also been on more of a listening streak. So... the Obey Me! demons brothers as Sir Chloe songs!
(Warning: Spoilers in Belphie's explanation)
Leash - I Am The Dog album
I was a bit torn on this one, but I think Leash suits Lucifer quite well. Centered around feeling in control, with mentions of sinning, it definitely gives Lucifer towards MC vibes.
"Pretty shiny, newcomer In the corner shaking off the water"
"My home, a place above the sinkhole I know, my only love is control"
Sinner in a pool, it's a bitter blue I'm nobody's you"
Center - I Am The Dog album
This one was a bit easier, since there are only so many songs from SC that aren't super angsty, lmao. Center is focused on, well, an obsession with someone, not being able to control your desire to be with them. Lots of themes of impulsiveness and attachment - both things that scream Mammon.
"Thought I was patient, but I bit right through I could never get enough of you"
"I like a challenge when the prize is you Try my hardest if you ask me to"
"Itching for a fix Habit I'll never kick"
Hooves - I Am The Dog album
Not as confident with this one, but with Hooves centering around themes of being different, I think it suits our introverted demon well.
"At the end of your pack, I know Can I offer a drag?"
"I don't want to hold hands, I don't want to hold hands You've been chewing my hair over and over again"
"Eyes like a goat Blinking sideways at the show"
Wrath - Party Favors EP
Daddy's Car - I Am The Dog album
I couldn't just choose one for this guy, partially because these two songs are what inspired me to make this post. Wrath is pretty self explanatory - centered around failing to suppress anger. Daddy's Car, however, is harder to explain but gives very strong Satan vibes. Basically trying to help someone with daddy issues. More MC -> Satan rather than vise versa.
"I, I took a bath Couldn't drown my wrath It's alright to be mad"
"Lock on the door, holes in the wall I wasn't there, but I know it's my fault So watch me come apart"
"It was haunted, I was asked to leave it Politely, a warning"
"See your glower through the rosy lighting I can see the numbers in the air"
"And I'll drive with no headlights this time You're my baby forever even when you're not mine"
Company - single
This one was probably the easiest. Centered around a longing desire for someone - and their company. This desire can easily be interpreted as lust.
"Shadows in my room And they're all in the shape of you Give me a sign to Do what I wanna do"
"You gotta ask me for it 'Cause I don't know what I don't know I wanna hear you want it I wanna hear you ask for more"
"Shadows in my room But I don't take my eyes off you"
Walk You Home - single
This one was by far the hardest, but I think Walk You Home takes after Beel's vibes of helping you no matter what. He's just a sweet guy, and I think this song reflects that.
He could also be good for Center, since that song has a lot of lollipop themes.
"Don't know your name yet But your head's still resting on my arm Subway, fly by On the green line, no one does you harm"
"Just a pretty girl with a shot glass In your Sunday dress and coat I found you in the bathroom like that Help you up and say hello"
"I've been around the block And I see you cry a lot Can I walk you home"
I Am The Dog - I Am The Dog album
This one was also pretty hard, but I decided on I Am The Dog mainly because of Belphie's trauma with Lillith and, obviously, the murder that lead to. While I'm not totally confident on this one, I think they do share some similar themes.
"Head underwater Stones on my back I didn't do well, but I still tried my best"
"I am the dog under your couch Gnashing teeth and open mouth"
"Head underwater Hand in a fist Hard to describe something I'll never miss"
And that's all! Thank you for reading, and maybe check out Sir Chloe's music if you haven't because it's amazing!!
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 months
Meteor Shower (Part 3)
There isn’t enough booze in Cloud Tower to take her through the headache that is listening to Darcy and Stormy bicker over lyrics and beat arrangements. Lyrics and arrangements that aren’t even worth arguing over. Evidently, with this particular genre of music, Icy would wager that just thoughtless slapping any old lyrics together with no regard to how one verse sounds after the prior is exactly how it works. An uncoordinated amalgamation of verses and sounds. 
And that’s if they want to get creative; most of these artists just sample shit anyways. They take bits and pieces of popular hits, slow them, speed them up, throw them in reverse, distort them beyond recognition, and then loop them over 808’s and a hoover synth to create frankenstein abominations of songs that somehow manage to play over every speaker in every goth club. 
Really, she is inclined to believe, it is less about the music and more about the aesthetics; how many occult symbols can they flash over horror movie clips in three to four minutes. How many upside down crosses can they overlay upon grainy images of nuns and graveyards. 
They borrow elements of death rock, post punk, and drone and mash them up with hip hop, shoegaze, and techno until they lose the charm of every genre appropriated. 
The only genre that she resents more is darkwave and what it has done to goth clubs. She misses the old names; Christian Death, 45 Grave, and, of course, Siouxsie and The Cure. Misses when she could go for drinks and a good time and hear some real music with guitars and feeling.
She can’t name a single Darkwave or Witch House artist and she would like to keep it that way.
She folds her arms over her chest and watches Darcy and Stormy fuss with their new DAW. She doesn’t see why they can’t just produce this new music using their old programs. It’s all so pointless and ridiculous. Frankly it would be boundlessly more useful to seek out a new opening act but priorities have never been their strong suit. 
“Come on, we can’t record this song without you, Icy.”
“Yeah, leave the diva thing to the faeries!” Stormy grumbles. “It’s not a good look for us.”
“Not a good look…” Icy mutters. “Not a good look! Do you know what else isn’t a good fucking look!? Changing out sound within minutes of finding out that we lost our opening act. We’ve just checked two of the three boxes of a desperate band that’s about to sell out and fade out. We’re one gimmicky music video away from failing as a band.” And as witches overall.
“Don’t you think that you’re being a little dramatic, Icy?” Stormy asks.
“There’s nothing wrong with 
“Nothing wrong except that it reeks of desperation.”
“If you say desperation on more time, I’m going to rip Darcy’s hair out!”
Darcy scoffs. “Rip your own hair out like everyone else who uses that expression does. My hair is too silky and voluminous to go to waste.” She gives her locks a pointed flick.
“And my vocals are too haunting and ethereal to go to waste on frivolous electronic tracks.” 
“Ethereal?” Stormy crinkles her nose. “Please. They’re not that great.”
She is perhaps a sentence or two from slapping her arms against the armrests of her chair and violently heaving herself out of it. And three or four sentences away from stomping away from that chair and to the door that she plans on slamming behind her. 
Those two idiots can make their washed up, passionless music without her name attached to it. 
“You want to do the singing, Stormy? Then do it!” With a gesture to the computer she adds, “you can always add some effects to hide the…rough bits.” 
Stormy grits her teeth. “My singing isn’t that bad!”
“Stormy, I put you on the drums because listening to microphone feedback is easier on the ears than your voice.” 
“Icy…” Darcy frowns. 
“And you!” She slams her hands against the armrests and forces herself upright. “You have all of these ‘great’ ideas. All of these new age, experimental sounds to try. Maybe you’d like to work with Mirta. That loser is all about new age, modern witchery.” 
“Well maybe that loser actually has a point. Maybe we could stand to get with the times a little. Most of the big name bands have.” Darcy counters
“We’re going to embarrass ourselves.” Maybe they are alright with making fools of themselves but she will not go back to how things used to be. How she used to be.
“We or just you?” Stormy sneers. “I think that Darcy and I will do just fine with our new style.” 
And that is it, she is walking briskly across the room and slamming the door as she should have done a few sentences ago. First Darko and now these twits. Maybe it would do her well to take a break from people. She imagines Darcy putting a hand on Stormy’s shoulder when she says, “just let her go, you know how she is about change and trying new things.” 
They are shooting a music video today. Kyanite is filming two of them. It is terribly overwhelming. Sometimes she feels as though she has no time for the things that she loves anymore; rollerblading, ice cream in the park, trips to the amusement park that end with her holding cotton candy in one hand and a huge stuffed animal in the other. Topaz hasn’t asked her if she’d like to go to the roller disco in some time now and she is starting to wonder if the other girls resent her for beginning a solo project right as they are about to release their fourth album. 
They have been glaring at Valtor all afternoon, whispering amongst themselves when he makes an adjustment to her hair or makeup. 
“Valtor can give you some pointers too.” Kyanite offers. 
“We’re fine. Thanks.” Ruby says curtly. “We’re MeTor not KyaNight.” 
Kyanite swallows. “I didn’t mean…I just thought that…nevermind.” They are probably right, it would be better to have two very distinct looks and sounds. MeTor is pretty and cute, innocent. Kyanite is…what is she? Sexy and mysterious? She doesn’t think that, that image suits her. And yet…
“I think that this outfit would be better for you.” Valtor suggests. It is shorter, it reaches only mid-thigh whereas the one that MeTor’s manager had suggested for her rests against her knees. The shorter dress is tighter too, she can tell just from the shape of it that it will constrict her at least somewhat and she isn’t sure if she is ready for that yet.
Kyanite bites the inside of her lower lip. “I don’t think so.” 
“Don’t think so?” Valtor taps his chin.
“I don’t exactly have a tight dress sort of physique.” 
Valtor chuckles, slow and deliberate. Kyanite has grown to hate that particular chuckle and its sinister candece. It is almost always followed up by a saccharine sweet remark or uncomfortable advice. “My dear, we’ve been working on that and it’s paying off.”
Kyanite twiddles her fingers. 
“You had fans before. Imagine how many you’ll have now. The right dresses and makeup can take you very far.”
She casts a glance at her friends. They are all giggles and smiles as their usual team of makeup artists glitz them up with fake eyelashes, the ones with the bejeweled tips, and colorful hair extensions. “I think that I should…” she gestures to them. 
“What? Fall in line with the rest of them? Fade back into the background.” He shakes his head and clicks his tongue. “It would do you well to…” He waves his hand, “liberate yourself from that shy girl image.”
“It’s not an image, it’s me.”
“Was you.” He corrects. “It’s time to evolve. Break out of that cocoon, butterfly.”
Kyanite swallows hard, her fingers curling around the fabric of her dress. The one that she had picked out. The one that matches that of her bandmates. “I’m wearing this one.” She declares. 
Valtor clicks his tongue and shakes his head. But she is already walking back to her girls, a request to correct her makeup once more at the ready. She tries not to listen but she hears him anyways; “I suppose that you’re right, you haven’t lost enough weight for that dress yet anyways.” 
Bloom can’t help it; some songs are just humming songs. And some songs are burst into song for yourself songs. She thinks that Musa would understand perfectly. Stella? Not so much. But she can’t imagine that Stella will stop her. Tecna might ask her to keep it down a little and save it for band practice.
“Aren’t you getting tired of that song, Bloom?” Stella asks. “You know that, that band has more than one song right? They have like three whole albums of them, in fact! Musa has a huge stack of CD’s and those three albums are in it.”
“I don’t know, I just like…”
“So you don’t have to listen to the same song over and over again.”
“I could totally give you some band recommendations. Cute boy bands…”
“Stella.” She tries again.
“Or I could tell you the best songs by the group that you’re already listening to!”
Stella winces. “Oh, sorry, Bloom. You know me, I get a little excited about…things. I just thought that you might like to find something new to listen to.”
“I’m fine, I want to listen to this one again.” She presses the pause button and the music videos freezes, and on an unfortunate frame for the three members on screen who are now stuck making the strangest faces. “I just feel like we could use this band as inspiration.” She looks back at the screen and moves the video’s progress bar just a hair forward to a more flattering shot. “The music video is so pretty, don’t you think?”
“Well yeah, now that you’ve fast forward a bit.” Stella laughs. 
Bloom rolls her eyes. “I mean the video overall! I think that we could base a song on this one or you could make some outfits inspired by these.”
“Hmmm, yeah, maybe.” She tilts her head. “I do like what they did with the necklines. And the jewels look nice too.”
“I really love that necklace, Stel!” She wishes that she can zoom in on it. “Blue isn’t my color but I like how she’s using a raw stone instead of a polished one. What kind of flower is that supposed to be shaped like?”
“Sounds like a question for Flora.” Stella replies. “I might be able to make you a necklace like that one. Do you want me to keep the tinsel and the white feathers?”
Bloom shakes her head. “Just the stone, we don’t want to copy it exactly. We still need our jewelry to be Winx, you know?” 
“Of course Bloom, I’m just trying to figure out which elements we should take inspiration from.”
“Maybe we should try to find an opening act before making fashion choices?” Tecna suggests. “At this rate we won’t have a show to make outfits for. Priorities, we need to get those sorted out.”
“Relax, Tecna, we’ve already got Musa out searching for Magix’s next up and coming band. I’m sure that she’ll find us a perfect opening act! And while she does that, we can start working on making sure that the show is memorable!” She pauses. “I’m thinking glitter and confetti falling while I use some light magic to make it really twinkle! Oh and we can…”
Bloom chuckles to herself, once Stella gets started she is an unstoppable force. Opening act or none, she is certain that their concert will impress the crowd. And even if it doesn’t they can at least say that they had a good time trying to put on a good show. She always loves seeing how brightly Musa smiles when a microphone is in her hands. What more can a fairy ask for?
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floralcrematorium · 10 months
For the OTP questions:
Framano: 1, 16, 45
FrUK: 7, 36, 45
Please and thank you! Hope that isn't too many.
Thanks for the ask!! I am still accepting OTP asks, I've attached a hyperlink to the prompts at the end of the post.
You can ask me about Framano, FrUK, or CanUkr!! Need to start thinking about them all again. Need to work on my,,, several WIP fics that I haven't touched in over a month.
1. Who's the primary protector of the two?
I think they both are but in different ways. Francis I think is better with talking about emotions and is better for emotional regulation while Lovino is more physically protective. For example if Lovino was the one driving and they come to a super quick stop, he'd be the one to put his arm out over the other. He's also not afraid to chew someone out (Fran isn't either, but I think Lovino is quicker).
16. Who's the first to help a stranger in need?
I'm going to say Francis only because I think his natural charisma takes over. HOWEVER, I do think Lovino is wonderfully helpful, but he takes a hot second to come around. He's hesitant but willing to help in the ways that he can. Something both of them share is the need to feel useful.
45. Who gets the most excited about holidays?
Hmmhjhhghhmm I'm gonna roll with Francis on this one mainly because it's an opportunity for him to show off with a fancy dinner.
7. Who secretly knows the lyrics to the other's favorite songs but refuses to expose themselves?
Arthur. I genuinely cannot tell you what music Francis listens to, but I know Arthur is a big music person. Was/is punk, definitely was into rock, I can see him having a vinyl collection. Music is something he cares deeply about and knowing Francis' favorite songs is a subtle way to feel connected.
36. Who's better at dealing with emotional trauma?
Francis. I do think Francis can and will bottle things depending on the situation, but he has better coping skills and is better at processing things than Arthur is. I think Arthur doesn't give himself enough patience.
45. Who gets the most excited about holidays?
I'm gonna roll with my same answer as before: Francis. I'm not someone who gets excited about holidays so this one's a bit hard for me to answer! I do think with FrUK, both of them highly value quality time, so holidays are probably something special. Was talking to my FrUK rp partner like last night -- Arthur's love languages are gift giving and quality time while Francis' are acts of service and quality time. Maybe gift giving, too.
OTP Asks
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m34gs · 10 months
Hello friends💜 A few days ago, I asked @kimium what she thought the favourite songs of the NRC Housewardens are (see her post here) and she also prompted me to give my own answers! I will be doing that in this post :)
I have a lot of thoughts about music, always, so this may get a little long... so under the cut she goes!
Riddle - Moonlight by Yiruma. I think Riddle would like listening to instrumental music. This song is really pretty, and very relaxing. I think he'd thoroughly enjoy the softness of it. I also think the song itself sounds very hopeful, and Riddle would like the optimism and comfort that comes from listening to it. I think he'd even attempt to learn it on the piano himself. I could imagine him putting his headphones on and listening to this on repeat if he is struggling to sleep; it's gentle and soothing like a lullaby.
Leona - Leona was a challenge for me, because I was torn between inner conflict and vibes. I also think he is probably not one to get attached to a lot of songs and probably mostly listens to music in passing. However, I eventually decided on Do Your Worst by Outline in Color and Loveless. It starts out melancholic but quickly becomes an expression of anger and desperation, and I think Leona would find listening to it a bit cathartic due to his inner turmoil surrounding his feelings toward his older brother and how everyone compares them. While it may not be an exact reflection of his situation, I think he'd really identify with the chorus "Do your worst, that's what you do best/ (blame it all, blame it all on me)/ Pull that trigger, no bulletproof vest/ (watch me crawl, watch me crawl)/ Don't have mercy on me now/ Leave me bleeding out on the ground/ You can do your worst til there's nothing left/ That's what you do best". It feels to me like him facing the criticisms and disappointments others have toward him (whether real or assumed by Leona) and calling out the people judging him. Even if he can't say anything or thinks it's pointless to say anything to their faces, he can at least imagine himself telling them off in private.
Azul - Chloe Breez's cover of Gossip by Måneskin. I think the song is really fun to listen to; it's got a fun tune and is rather upbeat, but I also feel like it fits Azul with the lyrics: "Welcome to the city of lights/ where everything's got a price" and "This place is a circus, you just see the surface/ They cover shit under the rug". I think those lyrics in particular would be something he'd enjoy in a smug way, because Azul really likes getting one over on his opponents. Also "This is the American dream" - which is "get rich fast"...and that's pretty much Azul's life code lol. Why this specific cover? I think it's really fun; the vocalist has a really fun and enticing voice.
Kalim - For Kalim, I would choose Gold by Britt Nicole. It's such an upbeat song, I just think he'd have a lot of fun with it. The overall message is so positive and it can be a great confidence booster. Also I like imagining Kalim singing "You're worth more than gold" to Jamil. I think it would be cute, haha. Also I could see him wanting to dance to this song; and maybe even grabbing Yuu to twirl them around the room while it plays. I just get a lot of Kalim vibes from the song.
Vil - For Vil, I think he'd like VICES by Mothica. I think it would really speak to the side of him that he's not allowed to show to the public. As much as I think Vil is confident and loves what he does, I know he's not perfect and he has bad days. He's under constant pressure to perform, even when he's not working. He can't let up his image for a second or it could destroy his entire career. Acting and modelling careers can expose people to some horribly toxic ideologies and put their mental and physical health at extreme risk. I think it would be naive to assume Vil doesn't have some vices and ways he lets off steam that he absolutely would be mortified to have the public learn; or that he even may feel would completely ruin his public image. I think it would be a comfort for him to find others who feel the same way, even if it's via song lyrics, and I think he would probably have this song on repeat during his low points, making it one of his favourites. However, I think if asked by anyone, he would probably list off a different song and pretend he likes something happy or at least something that the general public would find more suitable and "tasteful" rather than a song that's about someone struggling to cope.
Idia - Run Away to Mars by TALK. Idia is a character I identify heavily with. He's got a lot of struggles with PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety. Video games may have always been something he enjoyed, but I think over time that they developed into an escape from reality for him. The idea of escaping has a powerful allure to him, so I think the chorus "What if I run away to Mars?" would really resonate with him. I also think he'd identify with "Would you miss me in the end/ If I run out of oxygen?/ When I run away to Mars"; because I think part of him wants to leave everything behind because he feels like he wouldn't be missed, but a part of him also dares to hope that someone would miss him if he did. That's the reason I think he would have this song on repeat; that it's his go-to song when he's feeling numb inside. And, if it's Idia, then I think he feels that way pretty often...
Malleus - For Malleus, I think a Cello cover of Christina Perry's A Thousand Years. Firstly, anything to do with long stretches of time and Malleus paired together makes my brain do the happy dance. Second, the vocal version of this song is so romantic and sweet, I really think he'd like it. I like to think Malleus enjoys soft romance songs. Third, when I think of Malleus and instruments, the one that comes to my mind immediately is the cello. It's such an elegant instrument and the tones from it are so rich and wonderful, I totally feel it fits Malleus's vibe. It just feels right to me. (also maybe he daydreams about having it played at his wedding as he watches Yuu walk down the aisle hehe💜)
There you go! Sorry it took a little while; this week has been nuts for my energy. As in, I have had No Energy outside of work. LOL. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my answers, and let me know what you think of them!
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tenitchyfingers · 7 months
URL meme I stole from someone else idk
Rules: Pick a song for every letter of your url and tag that many people! <- scratch that. Not tagging anyone, if you wanna do it then do it w/e
Because I found this from a post from A WHILE back… I’m also gonna make a playlist from it and explain my picks because why not 🤷🏻‍♀️
T - Taste In Men by Placebo. Because. Like. It’s Placebo in their prime. And it’s queer and I’m queer.
E - Everything’s Alright by Laura Shigihara aka the sound of emotional damage. Play the game To The Moon and you’ll get it.
N - Nuova Ossessione by Subsonica because it’s my fave Italian band ❤️❤️❤️
I - I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas (this song has a really personal and strong meaning to me, as absurd as that sounds)
T - Temporary Secretary by Paul McCartney. Because. I mean, come on. It’s so much fun.
C - Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd. Favorite song ever out of anything I ever heard in my life. Nothing else can compare. Saying I love this song is the biggest understatement ever. ‘Nuff said.
H - Help! by The Beatles because 1. accurate wrt my constant state of being, 2. banger
Y - You Get What You Give by New Radicals. Mostly because nostalgia but also it perfectly holds up and slaps. Particularly love the bass line, too.
F - Fairytale of New York by The Pogues ft. Kirsty MacColl. Because, fuck, what reason do I need? It’s just a fucking great song. Objectively speaking.
I - I Won’t Back Down by Johnny Cash. I am just so in love with American III specifically. But more generally, older Cash’s voice just speaks to me in a way no other voice can, probably. Which is funny because I have never heard his earlier music beyond one song. It says nothing to me. But his voice in his late years just gets me. I don’t know. I love it too much to understand it.
N - Numb by Linkin Park. I just have a strong emotional attachment to this song, to Linkin Park and to Chester Bennington. And it’s my favorite song of theirs, and I very much relate to it.
G - Gli uomini e le donne sono uguali by Cesare Cremonini because IT SLAPS (and it helps if you’re fluent in Italian). I’m particularly attached to it because it’s a song I have in common with my bff ❤️
E - Extraordinary Girl / Letterbomb by Green Day, because Green Day are a massive chunk of my life although my hardcore stanning for them probably lasted a couple years. But they are one of very few bands that made me who I am. And I picked this song because I needed the first letter to be E lol having more chances to pick, I would have chosen
R - Rock DJ by Robbie Williams because 1) I have the most vivid memory of being traumatized and fascinated by the MV for it (listen, I was a CHILD) and it might be the reason I love gore in horror and generally disturbing shit and thus the reason I spent more time than I care to admit on rotten.com 2) I love Robbie. He made me fall in love with music on a deeper level than the simple pleasure of it. He might be the reason why I’m a stab for a wide variety of bands and musicians. He was also my first actual, real bringer of sexual awakening. Like, you know, as a teenager, that was the time of feeling wild and confused and just being out of control. And I love his songs and his whole overall vibe yk? He’s also a component of who I am today. 3) banger
S - Showbiz by Muse. Because I needed to add Muse. And I could have picked Starlight or Supermassive Black Hole or like, a more notorious song by them, but I just am not that person yk? When I talk Muse I need to reference something earlier and more obscure. And I just genuinely love how dark this song sounds. It was also my go-to song for writing angsty Muse RPF back in the day lmaooooo (it’s fine, they said they know about it and it’s fun and they have no problems with it btw)
Now I’m supposed to tag people but like… again, whatever. If you see it and you like it just do it, maybe tag me back so I can see ur picks. You don’t have to make a playlist or explain your picks and they don’t have to be songs that are particularly important to you btw, it’s just something I wanted to do 🤷🏻‍♀️
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roosterbruiser · 2 years
I know you mentioned that Faye doesnt want to experience new music without Maggie, but if there was one artist that broke Faye out of this, who would it be?
this is such an insightful question! thank you for sending it!
in this post here, I talked a little bit about what it would be like if everyone in the Dagger Squad brought an album for Faye to listen to!
but this is also something I've been chewing on for a while. I really think Faye would dig Laura Marling and she would've listened to her older/folksy stuff in college. and then when Laura Marling comes out with her album Song For Our Daughter in 2020, I think Faye would give it a listen.
I think in terms of the song that makes her think of Maggie, it would definitely be Strange Girl. I mean tell me these lyrics aren't Maggie/Faye coded:
Get all your records out and throw them all away No one left to listen to, much left, less to say Working hard and getting on, still not getting paid Stay low, keep brave
Woke up in a country who refused to hold your hand Kept falling for narcissists who insist you call them, "Man" You work late for a job you hate that's never fit the plan Stay low, keep brave
I love you, my strange girl My lonely girl My angry girl My brave
I love you, my strange girl My lonely girl My angry girl My brave
Build yourself a garden and have something to attend Cut off all relations 'cause you could not stand your friends Announced yourself a socialist to have something to defend Oh, young girl, please, don't bullshit me
I love you, my strange girl My lonely girl My angry girl My brave
I love you, my strange girl My lonely girl My angry girl My brave
You changed how you feel, it's good to break the seal And blow us both away It's changing all the time and it starts to blur the line It's supposed to keep you safe
And you row like a tidal wave And you row like a tidal wave
I love you, my strange girl My lonely girl My angry girl My brave
I love you, my strange girl My lonely girl My angry girl My brave
I think the song For You would make her think about Bradley, too. it's such a soulmate song and I just feel like she would think about him when she listens to it.
I drew pictures of you Long before I met you Just a fragment of my mind I had called out for you Almost every night Precious things are hard to find
It was just an evening Much like any else When you came into my life It takes one to know one And I saw you there As I had seen you all my life
I thank a God I've never met Never loved, never wanted (for you) I write it so I don't forget Never let it get away I wear a picture of you Just to keep you safe
Now that I have you I will not forget What a miracle you are No childish expectation Love is not the answer But the line that marks the start
I thank a God I've never met Never loved, never wanted (for you) I write it so I don't forget Never let it get away I keep a picture of you Just to keep you safe
I thank a God I've never met Never loved, never wanted I write it so I won't forget Never let it get away I keep a picture of you Just to keep you safe
I thank a God I've never met Never loved, never wanted I sing it so I won't forget Never let it get away I keep a picture of you Just to keep you safe
and I think especially after having Olive, Faye would be really attached to this album because of the title track, Song For Our Daughter.
Though they may want you to tread in their trail Only to see if the path they set fails Though they may want you to take off your clothes Whatever they think that the accent exposed With your clothes on the floor Taking advice for some old, balding bore You'll ask yourself, "Did I want this at all?"
Do you remember what I said? The book I left by your bed? The words that some survivor read?
Lately I've been thinking about our daughter growing old All of the bullshit that she might be told There's blood on the floor Maybe now you'll believe her for sure
She remembers what I said The book I left by your bed The words that some survivor read
Though they may take you for all you had left You won't be forgotten for what you had not done yet
So you wished for a kiss from God And you mourn in your childish loss Innocence gone but it's not forgot You'll get your way through it somehow
You remember what I said The book you left by your bed The words that we all have lived again
and I think even think that Only The Strong is so Bob/Faye/Maggie coded like I'm sorry, Laura Marling and I must be on the same wavelength or something bc just read these
Only the strong survive Only the strong survive Only the wrong relive their lives We've been here a thousand times
Wish I could go back and find Letters I wrote you in my mind Perhaps I could unknot us from this awful bind Most I have forgot or overrefined
Love is a sickness cured by time Love is a sickness cured by time Bruises all end up benign Love is a sickness cured by time
I hope that you can change my mind Had to leave this crying all behind I hope that you don't think that I'm unkind So somebody told me, only and only Only the strong will survive
Only the strong survive And I won't write a woman with a man on my mind Hope that didn't sound too unkind Just struggling to figure out how only, only, only, only Only the strong can survive
Hope that you can change my mind I had to leave this crying all behind I hope that you don't think that I'm unkind It's just somebody told me, only and only Only the strong can survive
anyway, I highly recommend you give it a listen! it's a fantastic album and I think it would be easy enough of an introduction for Faye. Maggie wouldn't want her to never experience new music again.
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hetatz · 2 years
this is really dumb but i would just like to make a little post
btw i never ever posted on tumblr before despite the fact i’ve had it for like… 5 years..?
anyway this is me talking about my hetalia playlist!!! because im a huge loser and idc if anyone sees this lmao
i’m only gonna talk about a few songs, not all of them ^^
FIRST UP! hush rush by lee chae yeon
- just something about this song… it reminds me so much of the kind of songs i listened to when i first got into hetalia and now its all i listen to whenever im in a very.. hetalia mood ig…
rather be by clean bandit
- because of an amv that i still very much am attached to 🤭
we are one by pitbull, jennifer lopez, and claudia leitte
- same reason for the song above, but also like ??😭 its literally about the world coming together for some soccer like thats so hetalia-core
viva la vida by coldplay
- i feel like a lot of hetalia fans will just be like ‘yeah that makes sense’, no more explanation! it just makes sense!!!
the good part by ajr
- idc what u have to say ajr DOES have some good songs!!!! and this is one of them!! in the beginning of my hetalia phase this song and also the rest of their ‘the click’ album was literally like my #1 and i overplayed it so much
into the new world by girls’ generation
- look at the song title, think, and then come back to me once it hits you (cmon it literally says WORLD and the song is so cutesy and i can definitely see italy performing this tehe)
gingamingayo (the strange world) by billlie
- the meaning of this song is kinda out of place but in hetalia the world is very strange so i’ll take it!!!
ouch by day6
- it reminds me so much of italy 😞 maybe bc of the genre or the fact that its called ouch
anyway thats all it’ll be cool if you listened to the playlist bc its the only thing i listen to and it’s my everything 🫶 but yeah if you read all this wow?? ily let me give u a smooch
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musicjunkie71315 · 2 years
New Album Coming Soon!
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Just look at that picture. Do you know who that is? That is the one and only Park Jimin. My all time favorite kpop boy and my BTS bias. And guess what. HE IS COMING OUT WITH HIS FIRST SOLO ALBUM! AS HE SHOULDDDD. You know, I have been waiting for this for like forever. I like Jimin's solo songs but along with the rest of the BTS members I feel that they just don't have enough solo songs!! WHY IS THAT!! Each one of them is so amazingly talented and they need a chance to have their voices heard separately from a group setting I feel and I think a lot of other fans would agree. But anyways, I can not express the amount of excitement I felt when I saw the concept photos come out. And lets talk about those concept phots...MY EYES WERE BLESSED!! I attached one of them to this post as you can see and all I can say is O...M.....G HE LOOKS SO GOOD! Ahhh I love him so much. Ok I'm done with the fangirling now guys lol. But anyways I'm not really sure what to expect from this album at all because Jimin has so much versatility with his songs. However, from the concpet photos I'm thinking that we're going to get a little bit of "Lie" and "Filter" like music. That is just a wild guess though. However, all I know is that whatever he puts out I will listen to it, stream it, and love it. YOU GUYS SHOULD TO! Now there's official release date for this song but seeing how the concept photos are already out I would say we could expect it within the next month or two. The album name is Me, Myself, and Jimin. I think that's a great album name personally but maybe I'm just biased teehee. Stay tuned because I will be giving more information about it as soon as I know more. I'm going to stop rambling now because I said this week's post weren't going to be long yet I'm sitting here at 300 something words for this post and still typing so that said, bye guys!!
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sonderastrology · 4 years
🌙🌈✨Astrology Notes✨☄️🌟
*Based on things I’ve noticed about different placements as a Leo sun/Virgo moon/Capricorn rising... these notes may not resonate for everyone but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles baby* MADE BY SONDERASTROLOGY
🧿I see the people I’m close with more as their moon sign with a dash of their sun, almost as if the placements were reversed. This is because the moon sign is sort of hidden at first whereas the sun sign is the core energy. When you befriend or love someone, the moon sign (emotions, mental processes) is slowly uncovered and in my opinion, takes over the general energy of the sun. Of course, all signs, houses, and aspects are important... this is just the way I look at it idk.
🧿Everyone needs a best friend with the same rising sign as your moon sign... they just *get* you.
🧿Also having friends with the same mars sign as you is so important! They can hype you up like no other and vice versa.. your vibes just click.
🧿I’ve noticed that people with opposite sun signs but rising signs in the same element take AMAZING pictures together. For example; A Pisces sun w a Leo rising and a Virgo sun w a Sagittarius rising would make eachother look bomb in photos.
🧿Pisces, cancer, Virgo, and libra placements are proned to being stalked and hit on by weird men... I’ve seen it too many times, protect yourselves!!!
🧿People always tell me that they were intimidated by me at first or even “scared”, and that I give off a bitchy vibe. My placements that indicate this?Capricorn rising (Uranus, Neptune, Lilith in 1st house), Leo venus and Virgo moon in my 8th house, Scorpio MC, Scorpio and Pluto in my 11th house. Other placements that can have this effect: Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Earth signs in personal planets/MC/Rising signs. Personal planets aspecting mars, Pluto, saturn, sometimes Neptune, and Lilith. Mars/Aries, Saturn/Capricorn Pluto/Scorpio in the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th house. 8th house placements and Chart Ruler in the 8th, 10th, and maybe 12th house. There’s definitely a whole lot more placements not just these.
🧿Aquarius/Air dominant people (esp mixed with fire) along with an array of other placements I’m sure, have a VERY hard time with forced structure and routine... it brings out their rebellious nature.My best friend from high school is an Aquarius Sun Gemini Moon (with an Aries mars), and she DESPISED going to school for 7 hours a day, she just couldn’t do it. She would skip school all the time and eventually enrolled in night school. Same went for my other friend who was a Sag sun Gemini moon, both of them would act TF out in class. They’d fight with teachers, the principle, other students... and I really believe it was due to the forced schedules and the power dynamic between teachers and students in high school. The Aquarius sun person is my best friend today, and she’s one of the smartest people I know. Just because you weren’t “good” at school does NOT mean you aren’t smart. Fuck the system is an air sign BRAND.
🧿I’ve noticed A LOT of Gemini sun, moon, and rising people have light shades of hair... mostly blonde or dirty blonde.
🧿I’ve met 4 people born on the 28th of the month and all of them are incredibly beautiful... no matter what sign. Same goes for July Leo’s although I’ve noticed that they’re more arrogant and self centered than August Leo’s who are more generous and outgoing
🧿Your Jupiter sign can help you work with law of attraction and manifestation more effectively. If you have Jupiter in an air sign, try manifesting things by; writing it down, saying it out loud, visualization, and meditation. If you have Jupiter in a fire sign; manifest under the sun, write out a plan even if it’s unrealistic. If you want money, hold even a penny or a dollar and act as if it’s the amount you want. Act as if everything you want is already yours. If you have Jupiter in an earth sign; manifest while doing yoga or on a walk. Manifest outside or read/listen to positive affirmations. Jupiter in a water sign; manifest using crystals and rocks with guidance from tarot. Manifest through the arts and hobbies; draw what you want or make a song. Something where you can use your creativity. *All of these methods for manifestation are effective for all of the signs I just think that certain ways can help certain signs more*
🧿Based off of people I’ve met, air risings aren’t as friendly and bubbly as you’d think they’d be when you first meet them. Even their vibe seems nervous and closed off at first; standing with arms crossed, shoulders inward, I dont know just sort of shy. Once they open up a bit more then their weird side comes out and they become more goofy and carefree. I think air signs of all placements struggle deeply with anxiety even though they are often portrayed as outgoing and quirky, which they are but a thin viel covers it. No matter what, air placements keep an open mind and I’ve always felt like I could be myself around them.
🧿Libra placements are known for disliking confrontational disputes but I’ve noticed that these are the same people to whisper nasty things under their breathe when you start to walk away from an argument... they have you whip back around like “do you have something to say?!”
🧿I’ve seen this before and imo it’s true! Signs in the 8th house rule addictions... I saw someone post that having a water sign in the 8th house could indicate addictions to liquid, more specifically; caffeine and alcohol. Being addicted to something is in other words creating a bond with it- water signs are naturally bonded with liquid so it makes sense that their prone to being addicted to them. Water signs occupying the 8th house might always drink water or have water with them. Since the 8th house also rules finances to an extent, most of their money might go to coffee, drinks, beach vacations etc. For fire signs over the 8th house, they could be addicted and/or spend a lot of money on smoking, spicy foods, or anything that gives them a rush; rollercoasters, haunted houses, skydiving or even drugs like esctacy/cocaine... anything that gives them that thrill or lights a match in their stomach. Earth signs in the 8th house may be addicted to physical things; money, work, food, looks,... things that give them value or that call on their senses and ego. They could hoard/collect items such as coins, cars, beauty products, etc., or generational items passed down... due to bonding with things that they can bulid/see/show off overtime. They are very attached to the physical because as an earth sign it feeds their ego and value, like a tree growing in soil. Money could mostly go to eating, gambling, plastic surgery, materialistic stuff. They could be addicted to buying things and selling them for a higher price. Air signs occupying the 8th house could point to spending a lot of money on or being addicted to technology or all things ‘relevant’. These individuals might be addicted to their phones/social media and the attention they get from it. These people are always posting stories throughout the day or online shopping or even just browsing different apps. They’re addicted to getting information via books, the internet, and through talking to other people... oftentimes these individuals are very good at making money through the internet (depending on other placements ofc). They may spend a lot of money on books, new gadgets, music, tattoos and puzzles. These people are addicted to all things new! They have a thirst for knowledge and experiences and will seek it out effectively. 🧿When I look at a person’s birth chart, whatever gender, I especially pay close attention to their Mars sign and house. To me, Mars represents the overall energy and vibe a person gives off and the house placement is where it’s most naturally acted out. For example ; Aries Mars in the 6th house. Aries Mars person would give off a hyper, motivated, impulsive energy. Physically this could manifest as shaking their leg while sitting, quick movements,standing/walking instead of sitting down, gives off a more to the point and carefree attitude (keep in mind all of this is affected by many other aspects and placements in a chart). Being in the 6th house, ruling day to day routine, health, how we act at work, etc., this means that the Aries Mars characteristics are more prominent during work and day to day rituals (quicker to learn, effectively performing daily tasks, gets shit done, or they could get into arguments at work easily, constantly rush around, might be stubborn about seeing a doctor/health professional, might be more prone to getting headaches at work or in general) again, depending on the rest of the chart
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