#Mayday does cut and style
I’m wondering…who does your hair? I mean, it’s all wild, sure, but somehow it doesn’t seem to be just random unprofessional things and more like someone knew what they were doing…perhaps we could share notes?
Given her occupation, I suppose Arezu asking this was inevitable.
Oh its 100% unprofessional bathroom haircuts and box dye lol we do each other's hair, we've just gotten pretty good at it over the years
You shoulda seen us in the early days, shit was hella patchy and uneven. We were out here lookin like we lost a fistfight with a scyther lmaooo
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mando-abs · 1 year
Alright after almost having an irrational breakdown over whether or not I’ll see Spiderverse spoilers, I went to go see it
And since @psychedelic-ink wants to talk about it with someone, here are my notes :)
Spoilers below the cut, proceed with caution
My sibling said they knew of a cameo and I thought it was gonna just be J.K. Simmons as J Jonah Jameson (in two universes)
I was surprised that Gwen took up the intro. But I’m not mad about it, just unexpected. Which is exactly what she said “let’s do this differently”
THE RENAISSANCE VULTURE AHHHH so cool. Loved how the style clashed with the rest of the universe
Miles’ mom’s Spanglish is no joke. She would change mid sentence (mid- word???) my (limited) Spanish class knowledge can’t keep up 😭😭😭😭New respect for the Spanglish kids having to decode their parents all the time
Also was Miles’ roommate playing the Spiderman PS2 game? Like the controller was new but I swear it looked like the PS2 game. I understand the new Spiderman PS4 and PA5 game is popular rn so I’d get if it was that instead. I’m just not as familiar with that
I thought from the trailer that the spot was going to be a minor villain and they weren’t gonna show the main villain. But I like how they made him a genuine threat. He’s still a nerd tho
Pavitr is so 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I love him
His hair is that luscious bc of shampoo and genetics lol. I get that a lot with my complexion. Never had any publicly visible acne, and yes I love flaunting that fact at least once a year so. This is the one
I thought “wouldn’t it be messed up if they reversed this a killed the captain anyways?” And I’m so glad they didn’t. Please let Pavitr continue to be the golden child. He deserves it
AND HOBIE!!!! He hates the AM and the PM (prime minister) lol. The comedic relief we didn’t know we needed. Also he is super hot. Is he a teenager tho? Hold on. Still don’t know. I’m not about to swoon over a teen but he looks over 18 and I have a soft spot for punk guys 😌😌😌😌
Hobie and Mayday is the best pair and they only had a few seconds together. Sad
ALSO, only critique, I was severely lacking in Mayday content. I would like to see the baby. Give me more Mayday
Does this make Miles Mayday’s godfather? Cause I hope so.
Donald as the big cameo was the best. I audibly gasped. Our hero. Thank you for sparking Miles Morales
Of course I loved the other Sony Peters.
Also I didn’t realize that was PS4 Peter saying “are you talking to me?” during the video game characters in prison. I thought it was Miles
Oh! How could I forget the Lego Peter Parker ❤️❤️❤️ I cackled that Miguel said Lego Peter did some of the best work. Like hell yeah he did. Legos don’t mess around 😂
I know Miguel is trying to to save a whole universe and doing it for the greater good but holy cow man. He’s a child. It’s his dad you’re talking about. He’s not gonna be rational, and don’t ever expect him to. I wouldn’t. Like I don’t care, I just want my dad to be alright.
Also what is his beef with Peter B. Parker? I feel like there’s more there
Miguel’s backstory hurt tho. No wonder he’s traumatized. I’d become the antagonist too (not villain - just the person that gets in the way of the protagonist)
Also who’s the daddy of Jessica’s baby? We only got glimpses of her backstory. Like did she remove herself from the baby daddy? Did he die? Is Miguel the dad? I doubt it but I’m just nosey. I need her specific trauma gimmie gimmie. Jessica having a soft spot for Gwen. Women protecting women. Gotta love it
Is this the first movie to incorporate footnotes? I feel like it is. It’s certainly the first one I’ve seen. Also “I haven’t got a Scooby Doo” is a phenomenal phrase. And I’m so disappointed that the Brits use it and not us. Like, come on. We’re Scooby Doo capital of the world. Every American loves Scooby Doo.
Okay, Miles being an anomaly was a great twist. But wouldn’t his world collapse then? Wouldn’t Earth 42 collapse? Wouldn’t Miles glitch more? If Mike’s was never meant to be Spiderman than why is the multiverse not already erasing itself?
I think Miles and his universe is the key to restoring other universes, especially the ones where the holes were contained.
I kinda knew he’d get stuck in a dimension tho with the “don’t get lost” line from mom. But I didn’t expect a world without Spiderman! So cool.
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willkimurashat · 2 years
S5 doesn't feel like a finished product. Most of the time MC's sprite just sits there doing nothing as we watch the other characters having fun together. The scenes will go for 8-12 minutes with MC just watching from the sidelines. We can't even know what she think about all that's going on. I felt more like an outside viewer than like a contestant. It's like FB forgot to code MC's lines. At one point I wanted her to move so I could focus on the text behind her. She is such a cardboard cutout
Lmaooo yep! Exactly! To quote myself from that long-ass rating s5 post i did, “16 volumes, 42 episodes and we know absolutely nothing about them. What do they like? Who’s their type? What’s their passion in life? What makes them, well, them? Who is mc? A hologram. A cardboard cut out that only has three preprogrammed comments: yes/no/i don’t know.”
No, but honestly, s5 does feel very much unlike any other season of the game before… Maybe it’s unfinished, maybe it’s cuz they rushed so much to get it out so quickly after s4… Or maybe they just wrote this one plotline about Suresh, a la visual novel style, and then someone on their team was like, “waaait a second… isn’t it supposed to be an interactive game?👀” And then they went, “oh SHIT MAYDAY MAYDAY” and just put together this robot of an mc as an afterthought really… So mc doesn’t even feel like the main character - it’s just a side character, spectating all the drama from the sidelines like this:
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And the funniest thing that gets me every time is how li’s would be like, “MC, you are smart and kind and sweet and tell it like it is and blah blah blah”, and I’m just like, where did you get THAT from lmaooo😂😂😭😭
But anyways, thanks for your ask, my lovely!❤️
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canadiancryptid · 1 year
Just watched Across the Spiderverse! That was amazing! Now I can stop avoiding spoilers like the plague!
Definitely gonna want to watch that again soon. There was a lot to take in, and a combination of a late show and a poor sleep schedule left me less than 100% awake, sadly. Not that I mind an excuse to see it nore than once! Gonna love that when I wake up.
Loved the combination of all the animation styles for the different universes.
Since I've had to dodge spoilers left and right, let me put more of my tired thoughts below the cut, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. They're probably not gonna be in chronological order, but whatever.
- Renaissance Vulture had such a cool animation style. Loved him. Want to see more of the DaVinci notes style animation. That's awesome.
- The Spot is just... *chef's kiss.* He's the perfect blend of goofy joke villain and genuinely terrifying. And he looks like he's a living scetch covered in ink blots, which was such a cool design.
- "Being Spider-Man is easy!" The confidence of this man is unreal. Pavitr is in for a rough time and he has no idea. He does not seem to realize how badly the universe wants to kick him in the nuts because of his new job. Once it stops collapsing like a whiney 3 year old because it didn't get to murder a cop. That's still a thing that never got fully resolved. Hope that works out at some point.
- Peter B. is such a proud dad. Mayday is adorable. Him showing baby pics to everyone with a pair of eyes and trying to get Miles to hold his little bundle of joy was the most wholesome thing. Probably shouldn't be taking your baby to somewhere like that, but she seemed happy. And adorable.
- If all these Spider-Men are just... hanging out in the Spider Society, are they just leaving their universe without its Spider-Man? How is that not causing problems? How often do they have to go home? Gwen says she's been gone for months... and clearly didn't want to go back.
- Spider-Punk was... a lot. Loved him, but honestly had a hard time keeping track of everything during his introduction. There was just a lot going on on there, so my overtired brain had trouble taking it all in. One of the reasons I want to see it again. His whole visual effect was super cool, but... again, want to take it all in when I'm more awake. Think I read somewhere that he overthrew the government? Anyways, loved his vibe, but his colage-like effects did a number on my brain. Hobie seems cool.
- Miguel seems a little... not okay. He looked like he was gonna just straight-up EAT the Vulture instead of sending him home. And he keeps blaming Miles for starting everything, as if he CHOSE to get biten by that spider. Love him, even if he's seemingly starting to lose it.
I just found out there was a post credits scene with him in the first movie when I was trying to double check everyone's names. How did I not know this? He seemed a lot more well-ajusted there. Or at least less crazy. Taking that much weight onto his shoulders must have done quite the number on him.
- Canon Events leave me with so many questions. Since her dad is still alive, Gwen clearly hasn't had the whole "police capitan dies saving a child" event yet, and if he's gonna quit... does that mean that event won't happen? Is that enough to keep him safe? Is she gonna get close to the new captain and have them die? Is her dad still gonna die? Did she just accidentally skip that Canon Event, dooming her entire universe? Or is it not that big a deal?
- How much of the damage we saw was done by Miles saving the captain and not by the Spot? It looked more like the Spot's portals than it did glitchy multiverse rules. Or did Miles just amplify what was already there? If the Spot WASN'T messing everything up, would the damage have been nearly as bad?
- Wait, if the Spot was an anomaly, then how was that a Canon Event? Was something else supposed to happen? Or does the universe just take whatever excuse it can get to force these things to happen and throw a hissy fit if something stops it from happening?
- If Earth 42 doesn't have a Spider-Man, it can't have Canon Events. How is it still in one piece? Is having a Spider-Man created by a spider from that universe enough to keep it together? Or did Miles' dad dying happen as a Canon Event dispite the lack of a Spider-Man to screw with?
- If there wasn't supposed to be two Spider-Men in his universe, and the original Peter died, why does Miles still get forced into Canon Events? I feel like most of the questions I'm asking are either answered with a simple "because that's how the plot works", or it's gonna be super relivent in the next movie. I like overthinking stuff, it helps me sleep!
- Speaking of overthinking stuff to help me sleep, I'm gonna go do that. I'll probably update this with more thoughts in the morning, but its already a miracle I'm still awake.
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spectrearia · 1 year
double-tag time lol
got tagged in two different question things by @galactictides52 and @gonturan0 xD gonna fill both of 'em out at the same time I guess haha! thanks for the tags!!
going under a cut because there's quite a lot here haha
tagged by @galactictides52:
Last song I listened to: Follow by Survive Said the Prophet
Favorite content to watch: uhhh.. hm. depends on my mood. I usually gravitate towards let's plays or documentaries on a whole variety of topics? speedrunning, electronics, abandoned places, and critiques on a wide variety of media are some of my go-tos for documentary/commentary-style content. there's a lot more tho that I can't think of off the top of my head. I just like listening to people discuss random stuff haha.
Favorite games: Oooh, quite a few. Minecraft, Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, Hitman (World of Assassination), and recently Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega Mix are some that immediately come to mind. There are so many more games I could add but I gotta keep this kinda simple xD
Favorite colors: I love all colors for various reasons but any shade of purple is my absolute fave <3
Favorite animal: CATS!!! though I'm sure that's pretty obvious, haha xD I can't help but relate to them so much lol
Favorite food: mmmm. maybe my mom's beef and potato hash? it's the ultimate comfort food to me and she doesn't make it often, but it always Hits Just Right whenever I do get to have it.
Sweet, spicy, or savory: savory all the way, baby. don't mind a bit of spice alongside the savory sometimes but it depends on what it is.
Current obsession: my own OCs (and some friends' OCs as well). I literally talk about them all the time and I could say I'm sorry but I'm really not. xD if we're talking media in general tho? I guess the Hatsune Miku game I mentioned earlier counts, lol
Last book I read: oof. I can't even remember. for published books, I want to say it was Mayday at Two Thousand Five Hundred by Frank E. Peretti? but if not, then it was probably my friend's original story draft. I hardly ever read anymore, honestly. I just write what I want to read instead.
Last thing I googled: don't use google, per se. but I think the last thing I searched online was the lyrics to King by Kanaria because I want to learn how to sing along lol
Fun facts: I always suck at these haha. can't really think of anything so I might just have to leave this as-is, rip ><;;
tagged by @gonturan0:
3 ships: lol I don't do ships so I don't have much to put here xD I guess I kinda "shipped" some characters when I was younger (like Mario and Peach or whatever), but not? to an extreme degree or anything? was never my focus. still isn't. Honorable mention does go out to Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable, though. I felt their relationship was handled really well, even though I typically really don't like romance in kids' media at all.
first ever ship: idk probably Mickey and Minnie when I was like 5??? haha
last song: (see #1 in previous list)
Last movie: oof, memory is bad. it's been a while. the Mario movie???? in theaters??? i think. I can't remember. I don't watch movies as often as I used to tbh
currently reading: nothing right now, unless you count this list ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
currently watching: not "currently" but I'll probably watch the newest update of a Voices of the Void let's play that I'm keeping up with sometime later tonight :0
currently consuming: waterrr. stay hydrated, my dudes~
currently craving: sushi;;; specifically my Fave Big Roll with shrimp tempura, crab, cucumber, and a bunch of other good stuff (also SPICY MAYO, my beloved) <33
ayyyy, that's all, folks! I don't really know who to tag with this so i guess if anyone sees it and wants to fill it out, u can just say I tagged you xD I don't mind, haha!
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howl-core · 3 years
I love your account so much! Quick question (that could definitely have a long answer): which era of fashion do you see HMC inhabiting? There are certain context clues, like velvet and petticoats, but it seems DWJ kept it intentionally vague. She mentions the world being a fairy tale brought to life, but what kind of storybook, is my question.
Hi!! Oh my god I’m so sorry it took me this long to answer this😭….. but still! Thank you:D I LOVE this question, especially because we don’t really have a definitive ‘canon’ answer. I’m so curious what Diana herself would say... but even though we sadly can no longer ask her, I think in some ways not knowing can be even better, because it gives us so much freedom! Since you seem amenable to it, I would love to indulge in a long, needlessly thorough answer, to make up for how long it took me to reply:
I think there are two factors to consider. Number one is, “If Ingary is set in an era based on one from our world, what are the clues in the text we can use to help narrow down which era(s) it could be?”
The second factor is, “Ingary is a fantasy land, so does it mirror an era from our world at all? And in what part of our world?”
However, regardless of which “factor” you ascribe to regarding Ingary, it’s helpful to have as much textual evidence on hand about clothing in Ingary as possible when forming an idea of it overall. I skimmed through my copy of HMC and tried to find as many notable descriptions of clothes as possible (which was not as labor-intensive as it sounds, I promise!! By now I know the story very well so I already knew roughly where to find everything.) Here is what I found:
- The hat shop!! Right off the bat, we learn that there are hats made of straw, felt, velvet, and silk; they can be decorated with veiling and ‘hidden twinkles’, feathers, flowers and fruit made from wax and silk, and that they can be wide-brimmed, or bonnets, or ‘smart’.
- Clothing items mentioned in the Mayday scene: “Trailing silk sleeves”, “trailing cloaks and long sleeves and stamping buckled boots they would never have dreamed of wearing on a working day”
- The iconic blue-and-silver suit, of course, is on separate occasions described as “fantastical” and “flamboyant”; on Mayday Sophie observes that “His [Howl’s] sleeves trailed longer than any in the Square, all scalloped edges and silver insets.” When Sophie is mending it after the Green Slime Incident, she cuts it into triangles. It is unclear to me whether the suit actually consists of triangles of fabric, or if Sophie is just cutting triangles out of it: “She hobbled up and fetched the blue-and-silver suit, which she spent the rest of the day cutting little blue triangles out of in order to make a patchwork sort of skirt.” (p. 107) “Poor Lettie! Sophie thought, putting brisk, tiny stitches round her fifty-seventh blue triangle. Only another forty or so to go.” (p. 168) When Sophie and Michael accidentally gigantify it, we learn that it has “a frill of collar” as well as silver buttons. (p. 183-184)
- The grey-and-scarlet suit — Presumably similar in style to the blue-and-silver one?
- The Witch of the Waste is described as wearing: “A sable wrap drooping from her elbows and diamonds winking all over her dense black dress... the lady’s wide hat [had] real ostrich plume dyed to reflect the pinks and greens and blues winking in the diamonds and yet still look black.” Interestingly, while I guess I could picture this ensemble in a 19th or 18th-century style, the first thing this description made me think of was actually more like a 1940’s prima donna/movie star look lol. (perhaps even a bit like Lady Dimitrescu😳)
- p.101 “[Lettie] was wearing a dress of the same kind of pinks and white as the crowded apple blossom overhead. Her dark hair trailed in glossy curls over one shoulder,”
- p.6 “There was one deep rose outfit [Sophie] made for Lettie… which Fanny said looked as if it had come from the most expensive shop in Kingsbury.”
- In another appearance (p.157) she is described thus: “Her hair, instead of being orderly chestnut curls, was a rippling mass of red, hanging almost to her waist, and she was dressed in floating flutters of auburn and pale yellow.”
- p. 151: The soldiers at the palace are “splendidly dressed” in red and wear white gloves (the ones upstairs wear blue instead of red)
- p.51: “Outside stood a personage wearing a stiff white wig and a wide hat on top of that. He was clothed in scarlet and purple and gold, and he held up a little staff decorated with ribbons like an infant maypole... Scents of clove and orange blossom blew into the room.” (Michael also mentions that he thinks this person is the Chancellor’s clerk)
- Michael wears “his best plum velvet suit” to see the king (p. 68)
- The clothes Howl buys Sophie and Michael: “Several pairs of silk stockings; two parcels of the finest cambric petticoats, with flounces, lace, and satin insets; a pair of elastic-sided boots in dove-grey suede; a lace shawl; and a dress of grey watered silk trimmed with lace that matched the shawl... the lace alone was worth a fortune.” “Michael unwrapped a handsome new velvet suit.” (p. 122)
- Mrs. Pentstemmon’s estate: The trio are greeted by “an elderly footman in black velvet”; Mrs. P herself wears “a gold-mesh mitten, on a gold-topped cane. She wore old-gold silk, in a very stiff and old-fashioned style, finished off with an old-gold headdress not unlike a crown, which tied in a large old-gold bow beneath her gaunt eagle face.” (p. 143)
- Howl’s black ensemble includes “a long jet pendant” as his earring (his single earring?? king) on p.184
…Ah fuck I bet there’s more but that’s enough for now. I think I would want to make a separate post talking about the hints we get about the world *itself*… But one that pops out to me is actually that Howl having an indoor toilet is described as a kingly luxury, lol. That definitely helps us narrow down the time frame. We know that indoor toilets of some kind do exist, but having one is very rare. (I kind of don’t like to treat this as canon lmao… somehow I can’t picture the streets of Market Chipping flooded with chamber pot contents, as realistic as it may be) That puts it probably a little before the 1700’s or earlier, if we are comparing it to our world’s timeline. Interestingly:
“In the 18th century, the first public water supply networks (examples of old water supply piping pictured above) were installed in London by private companies. They served limited areas of the city, allowing the wealthy to access fresh water on tap.” According to the same article, “The S-bend was introduced to the design of flush toilets by Scottish inventor Alexander Cumming in 1775. This modification allows for fresh water to sit in the toilet bowl, at the same time as preventing sewage water and fumes from rising into it, generally improving hygiene. The basic technology has been in use ever since.” (Wild I never knew this lol… trivia night here I come!!)
…So that seems to put us roughly around the 1700s?
That mostly checks out with the descriptions of the clothes, I think! Both of these slides seem to at least somewhat match the descriptions of big/trailing sleeves, boots, the “suits”, and general elaborateness:
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And these fantastic timelines are certainly compatible with the descriptions of dresses and hats that we get!
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Additionally, although the heyday of European fairytales was a bit earlier (1500’s-late 1600’s), lot of fairytales were still written roughly around this time — Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve published the first official version of La Belle et la Bête (Beauty & the Beast) as we know it today in 1740, Johann Karl August Musäus published the Volksmärchen der Deutschen between 1782 and 1787; and Grimm’s Fairy Tales, or Kinder- und Hausmärchen, was first published in 1813. So this would absolutely work as a time period around which to base a fractured fairytale such as HMC, although the 1500’s and 1600’s would also work… If I weren’t deciding to base this entire argument around ONE mention of a toilet………. but anyways. That’s Option One. (Cannot believe I’m basing all this off a toilet…)
But anyway. Option Two — ignoring *our* world’s timeline entirely— is… me doing whatever the hell I want. And that is, essentially, one big historical mishmash! CHAOS!! A Frankenstein-ed together Victorian, Georgian, Elizabethan, and Edwardian tilt-a-whirl of frocks and finery, along with a dash of style that has no equivalent in our world at all!
I must admit, the Ghibli movie has a bit of influence over my idea of Ingary — I absolutely love the post-Industrial Revolution, quasi-steampunk aesthetics of Ghibli’s Market Chipping, and the mid/late 1800’s fashions that the characters wear! I could easily see the Hatter sisters wearing those lovely side-buttoning Victorian boots, and my god, that film did hats SO much justice. I also adore Markl’s little waistcoat+bow tie+trousers combo in the movie and usually mentally give Michael something similar to that, just in different colors. But overall, I don’t see Book!Ingary being steampunk or post-Industrial, as much as I love it in the film. Perhaps little elements of that here and there, but again, I see it as a big mishmash of multiple eras. I love picturing the King’s guards with frilly Elizabethan collars, pageboy/squire haircuts (even though the King’s chancellor has a white wig, suggesting a more Georgian aesthetic) and puffy little breeches. Lol. I think of Lettie’s pink dress in the orchard as very mid-late 1700’s, perhaps similar in design to the 1763, 1785 or 1790 dresses in the dress timelines above. Mrs. Pentstemmon I imagine in full, damely Victorian splendor. Somehow, as I mentioned before, the Witch of the Waste seems almost outside of this timeline entirely, like a grand 1930’s movie star.
And as for for Howl and Sophie… Well, I actually have a project pending this May Day for my official headcanon of Howl’s blue/silver suit and Sophie’s gray dress;) So perhaps you will see that then! But for now, I will say that Sophie’s grey dress has a fairly consistent design in my mind, but Howl’s suit changes a LOT. Sometimes I imagine him in these very crisp 1700’s clothes, almost like Lestat, but sometimes it’s more of a costumey, wizardly, elegant-but-slapdash getup. Like, the blue and silver patches on his suit are all made from different fabrics, almost like a quilt. And rather than the prim silver-buckle shoes of the Lestatcore version, he wears taller, pirate-y boots — elegant and very well-made, of course, very debonair, but much better for dirty work and running around. That’s how I imagine it anyway.
…Oh god, this got SO long lmao. But I hope I was able to give you the kind of answer you were looking for! I LOVE hearing and seeing other people’s versions of Ingary and its chaotic cast of characters. Do feel free to tell me yours, I’d love to hear them! Sorry again that this was so late, thank you for asking<3
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cryptidmads · 4 years
good evening (morning?) nsr community, it is 3am but i heard that the “let’s check out the zine” stream with wan hazmer and some of the artists had some concept art that we had never seen before. so i, being a good little collector of new information, hopped on the vod and rounded them all up just for you guys. notes and pics under the cut!
notes: i know that the artists definitely had something to say while showing these, but given how it’s 3am and i don’t know how much longer i’ll be able to stay awake i didn’t stick around to listen to the commentary. if they said something cool that you want me to mention, hmu and i’ll stick it in when i’m not on the verge of conking out lmao
also, tumblr has a 10-image-per-post rule, and there are 12 pieces of art total. i will reblog this post with the remaining two pieces of art not shown here. if you want to reblog this post, i advise that you reblog that version. thanks in advance!
now we move on to the art!
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concept art for the prologue’s ending cutscene, before the title drop. the only one styled like a comic.
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concept art of dj subatomic supernova. the one second from the top right looks like the closest to his final design. the text next to the headshot in the bottom right says “headphones connected to hoodie.”
a good half of these make him look way more menacing then he does in canon — i think it’s the shape of the hood.
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concept art of sayu. these are back when she was going to look more like a human, before they got the idea to make her a mermaid. some of these are fully human, some of them have cat or bunny ears.
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concept art of dk west. he looks drastically different from the west we know, even his shadow puppet is completely different. this west looks a lot more mysterious and almost sad, while our west is a lot more friend shaped.
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concept art of yinu and mama. the label in the bottom left says this is for stage design, and yinu and mama look pretty much the same as they do in the game. the only differences i see are different outfits + the heart on mama’s head is yellow. more symbolism regarding how much she loves her (mostly yellow) daughter? perhaps so.
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concept for neon j’s factory. this genuinely terrifies me.
apparently the factory was originally just going to create 1010’s heads, rather than their entire body, which sounds like another jab at the whole “boy bands are all carbon copies of each other” thing. and those things flying overhead? headless 1010 bodies. maybe i won’t sleep tonight.
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speaking of neon j, here’s the man himself. now a canonical member of the “i wore pants at one point” club. the outfit looks cool, but i personally prefer the red sweater.
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concept art of eve. her style here feels very different from her canon one — makes me think of over the top 70’s/80’s music videos and even a bit of the drag scene. the little speech bubble next to one of the designs says “come over for some sugar, honey.”
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these next two are both tatiana. this first one is very sharp looking and says “I’M CEO, BITCH” across the bottom in all caps. i love it.
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here’s the other one, which i believe is actually an old kul fyra design? let me know if i’m wrong. stream chat was saying she looks a lot like mayday’s mom lol
i’ll reblog this with the last two!!
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jadenlapointe · 3 years
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roswell christmas 2021
ᴛᴏ: ᴊᴜɴɪᴘᴇʀ ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ꜰʀᴏᴍ: ᴊᴀᴅᴇɴ ʟᴀᴘᴏɪɴᴛᴇ
msg: juniper. i created this mixtape the first week we started dating, before things were even official. there have been so many times throughout our relationship where i’ve wanted to give it to you but i never had the guts to. these are all the songs that remind me of you, that speak of our ups and downs through the whirlwind of our lives together, when we were friends up until now. i love you. i will always love you. my love for you is eternal, and this is just the beginning of it. 
𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐀: love story (taylor’s version) - taylor swift | synesthesia - andrew mcmahon in the wilderness | the world has its shine (but i would drop it on a dime for you) - cobra starship | yellow (feat. misterwives) - flor | greek tragedy - the wombats | can i kiss you? - dahl | million bucks - smallpools | corner store - left boy | good guys - LANY | anchor tattoo - chase atlantic | hold on - flor | not warriors - waterparks | don’t you love me - chapel | james dean & audrey hepburn - sleeping with sirens | pothole - modern baseball | favorite place (feat. the band camino) - all time low | first train - mayday parade | overboard - the stolen | first dance - never shout never | flowerball - the wombats | feelings - lauv | be kind (with halsey) - marshmello | life in pink - the ready set | somebody’s gonna love you - the wldlfe | she’s killing me - a rocket to the moon | your life over mine - bry | she’s quiet - the home team | toothpick - stand atlantic | i would - lower than atlantis | waterfalls - the wldlfe | wide eyed blind - saint raymond | she’s so high - tal bachman | washed wine - lave | so contagious - acceptance | sleeping in - all time low | 7 - catfish and the bottlemen | cover you - the hunna | turn - the wombats | style - taylor swift | constant headache - joyce manor | i’m not the one - 3OH!3
𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐁: style -  ultraviolet - stiff dylans | would you come home - tyler blackburn | don’t fall - white lies | heather - conan gray | idfc - blackbear | time - NF | lightning in a bottle - the summer set | can’t help it - anarbor | lose it - SWMRS | the permanent rain - the dangerous summer | bros - wolf alice | crazy - makeout | take me as you please - the story so far | reel around the fountain - the smiths | how to save a life - the fray | for the first time - the script | seaside - the kooks | crying over it all - waterparks | friends - midnight endeavor | friday i’m in love - the cure | somewhere in neverland - all time low | never bloom again - waterparks | april 7th - the maine | the curse of curves - cute is what we aim for | carpe diem - you me at six | hell - deaf havana | tightrope - don broco | hold back the river - james bay | feel bad - a story told | coming up short - bloxx | light me up - crooked teeth | bohemian like you - the dandy warhols | estella// - kennyhoopla | mixtape 2003 - the academic | run - snow patrol | masterpiece - cloudy june | toothpaste kisses - the maccabees | i wanna be your girlfriend - girl in red | eighties - landon cube | ya’aburnee - halsey | chinatown - bleachers | buzz cut - lovelytheband | youth - daughter | your guardian angel - the red jumpsuit apparatus | flower - vanna | i love you , i love you . it’s disgusting - broadside | notice me - role model | thenineteenseventyfive - push baby | no one does it better - you me at six | fangs - matt chamption
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dreamnants · 4 years
I don’t know if this has been asked yet but for your au would Zuke have recordings of what happened in the past like For Eve’s backstory in canon game? Or would they be drawings/ photographs?
Zuke would have videos as his collectables like Eve. His actual collectables would be masks that were based on contents of the video.
I’ll give a rough summary of how each theoretical video would go:
Video 1
(The mask representing this video is styled like West’s wuyang kulit puppet.)
This takes place sometime when Zuke and West were in high school, where Zuke is recording West performing. As West performs, one of West’s friends offscreen asks Zuke why he didn’t choose to perform with West. Zuke responds he’d just be a bother because he’s not charismatic enough to be on stage unlike his brother, something often tells him since he’s always tagging along with him. The friend protests that West might actually like Zuke hanging out with him since he never rejects Zuke coming along with him and if he’s concerned about it, he should ask him, since Zuke was inspired by West to play music. Zuke goes quiet and the video cuts off with West finishing his performance, unaware of the conversation between Zuke and the friend.
Video 2
(The mask is asymmetrical in white and magenta.)
This takes place in Zuke’s college years. It’s a recording which has Zuke modelling some masks for Nadia. The last mask he puts on is the one Zuke made himself (said mask is a prototype version of his mask as the performer Han). While Nadia admits she likes how it is going, she adds her own suggestions. Zuke agrees with her suggestions, although it’s clear he wanted to keep the mask as it was and just didn’t want to upset her for implying her ideas were bad. The video cuts off as Nadia walks away to get some more paint, with Zuke taking off the mask to briefly show his conflicted look and sighing.
Video 3
(The mask is another version of his Han mask, but it has notable burn marks, one which resembles a tear stain.)
This takes place sometime after Zuke graduated. For context, in this AU, because Zuke didn’t meet Mayday, he eventually decided to give up being a musician in the aftermath of Rupeterika being unable to find someone to work with. Instead, he got a job as a stage technician for a concert hall in what became the Ghost Haze district. This video is one of his co-workers recording him using the hall’s drum set to play (since he doesn’t have a drum set to use anymore thanks to West). Zuke does this pretty often if he gets the opportunity to because he still likes to play even though he’s given up trying to make it as a musician.
When Zuke notices, he asks why he’s recording, to which the co-worker replies it’s because he’s good at it and asks why he’s working backstage instead of being on stage. Zuke responds he knows he lacks the charisma and confidence to make it as a solo musician and nothing is ever going to change that fact, and he’s accepted he’ll never achieve his dream of being a musician. But he adds he’s thankful that his co-worker liked his playing.
“It’s okay that you’re my only audience...I’m just thankful you think I’m that good.”
But another voice cuts in:
“Who said that he was your only audience?”
The camera turns, revealing Tatiana had been listening to their conversation after being drawn to Zuke’s playing. In surprise, the co-worker drops his phone and the video cuts off.
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psychopersonified · 5 years
Don’t we 00Q shippers love a good kidnapped!Q story. Here’s my take on an attempted kidnapping story. 
Available on AO3 look for handle Psychopersonified. 
Friday 10:00am
The buildings’ security system pings his phone ::Lobby Alert:: 
Frowning, Q sets down the steaming mug of ginger tea. He was looking forward to the steam helping clear his congested sinuses. He’s developed a cold over the last couple of days, and medical sent him home yesterday for an early weekend.
He goes to the tablet mounted on the wall and pulls up the security feeds. There’s no one in the lobby which is a little strange. Movement in the next window catches his eye. It’s the hallway camera looking down the length of his floor, one of the lifts just opened and three men in paramedic uniform steps out. Curious. Who on his floor is requiring assistance? Wait, shouldn’t the doorman be escorting them? Belatedly he realises the men have stopped at his door...
They don’t even bother with a perfunctory knock. Q sees the police style door ram before he even hears the equipment colliding with his door. The door frame splinters inwards but holds. It is reinforced to buy him time but will not hold indefinitely. The loud crash sends a jolt of adrenaline into his sluggish system. 
He springs into action, punching the panic button on the wall next to the tablet. It should send a signal to police and MI6.  Q then grabs his MI6 laptop and turns it over. On the bottom is a red tab sticking out of a slot and he yanks at it - hard. It is the quick release mechanism for the hard drive - allowing the user to remove the hard drive quickly in an emergency. Pulling it also mechanically rips the chip from the board, damaging it hopefully beyond recovery. It also triggers a self destruct code in the laptop to wipe any remaining RAM. He designed the mechanism himself after the Istanbul fiasco and is now standard for all field issued laptops. 
He pockets the remains of the hard drive just in case along with his phone and runs into the bedroom. One of the windows here open to the fire escape. He looks around the room and grabs the nearest coat he sees.  
He makes it to the bottom of the fire escape just as the front door bursts open. Shit, shit, shit. He runs down the back alley and emerges onto the main street a block away - activating the tracking and distress signal on his watch as he does. 
His phone buzzes not even a minute later, he knows it is MI6. He swipes answer without hesitation. 
“Q? Are you alright? We received two distress beacons registered to you a few minutes ago.” He recognises R’s voice immediately. 
“Mayday, not a drill. Three assailants, they came in though the front door.” Q blurts out. The professional words belying the panic rising within. 
“Police are on their way as we speak. Where are you?”
“I’m no longer in my residence, hostiles in pursuit. Taking southbound route towards rendezvous point. Do you have me on camera?” He’s panting from the run. 
“Yes we see you.” That gives Q a little comfort. He needs to stay within view of the CCTVs. 
“The assailants?” Q inquires still running down the street. 
“Two on foot. Appears to be searching for you. Turning the corner.“
There is short crackle through the speakers and 007 joins the line. His comfortingly familiar voice comes over the phone,“Q? Stop running.”
“What??” Q’s chest is tight, his congested airways making it hard to breathe. The instruction is counterintuitive. 
“Stop running.” 007 repeats, Q recognises Bond’s tone of controlled annoyance. “Slow down. Walk at brisk pace. Put on the coat, it’ll disguise you.” 
Q complies. The coat is too big, it isn’t his. But that’s probably even better.
“Trust me, Q-..,” Bond assures, “..-that’s it. Good.” He must be watching the video feed. “At the next opportunity cross the street. Do not run. Do not look back. Keep your head down,” comes the next set of instructions from Bond.
“How much longer till the extraction team gets here? I don’t know if I can make it to the rendezvous point. I can hardly breathe,” his lungs are burning. The cold air not helping his already constricted airways.  
Q tries his best to follow Bond’s instructions. The temptation to look back and get a relative bearing on his assailants is overwhelming. But if he turns back, it will make it easier for them to spot him. 
“ETA 8 mins,” R supplies over the line.  
“We’re on our way, and police should be there before us,” Q can hear Bond’s voice sounding like he’s on the move; a few moments later, muffled sirens wail in the background. He wills himself to calm. Pulling in one stuttered breath at the time. 
Breathe, walk, repeat. Eight.minutes.more... 
A few minutes later, R pipes up, “Q, they’ve turned into the same street. 100 meters. Try and blend in with the crowd best you can.” Shit. Q turns up the collar on Bond’s coat to hide more of his face. 
“Q, do you have anything on you that can be used as a weapon?” 007 asks. 
Q checks his trouser pockets. There’s just the hard drive he pulled.. and a Waitrose receipt. The watch he’s wearing has no weapons capabilities. Then he pats down Bond’s coat- something slim and hard is in the inside pocket. He removes it. Its an unexpectedly heavy silver pen. 
“Umm… only things I have on me is the hard drive... my phone, my watch and your pen,” Q’s voice catches in desperation. 
“My pen?” Bond prompts for clarification. 
“Y…Yes. Silver pen in your navy wool coat. Off the back of the bedroom door.” Fuck. In the back of his mind, he’s mortified that he’s revealed something so personal over the comms. Their relationship isn’t a secret; its probably the worst kept secret in MI6 - but its not official either.  
R’s voice cuts in, “-50 meters… shit, looks like they are heading straight for you.” 
“Q...listen carefully. That pen is from Q-Branch. Recognise it?” Now that Bond has mentioned it, Q realises it does look familiar. The lack of air is not helping with his cognitive abilities. 
“Which one is it? Ss-sorry that was months ago. I can’t recall at the moment.” He really can’t, his head is starting to hurt. 
“Its alright... It’s the taser version.“ Bond’s voice is infuriatingly calm.
“30 meters,” R updates.
“Q…shift the pen to your dominant hand. Prime the pen, remember how you showed me? In a few moments, when you feel a hand on you, turn around and twist away perpendicular to where he’s coming from, jab the pen anywhere you can reach, the face or neck if you can-.”
“20 meters.” R’s tone is urgent now.
“...Then run as fast as you can in the direction you were going. We’re just coming up to the bottom of the street. Can you do that?“ 
No! - “Yes… turn, jab and run”. Q swaps the phone and pen in his hands. 
“10 meters.” 
“Get ready.” Bond’s voice is steel.
“NOW!” R’s warning shocks him into action.
Q ducks and twists around, the attacker barely has a grip on the collar of the coat. The action catches the attacker off-guard. Q then swings his arm around and jabs the pen under the man’s jaw, the tip lodging into the soft flesh there. A little more pressure and the pen discharges, sending the attacker spasming backwards and dropping him instantly. 
The motion throws Q off balance momentarily and he looses his grip; phone clattering to the ground. But he recovers an instant later. Q turns back and makes a run for it, pelting down the busy street as fast has he can. 
He can hear the screech of tyres and sirens up ahead. He sees a familiar dark green Range Rover and black Jaguar sedan skid to a stop, blocking the end of the street. 
So close. He looks back over his shoulder to see the second attacker just meters behind and gives his legs a last push. 
Ahead, he sees the doors of the vehicles fling open, agents swarming out. He doesn’t have time to slow down so he uses his momentum to launch himself over the bonnet of the Jag - sliding on his hip across it to land in a crouch on the other side, sandwiched between the Jag and Range Rover.
Behind him, he hears the sounds of punches and kicks being thrown. A choked groan of pain and a crunch of bones. Slightly further away, there’s the sound of agents calling out to a third assailant to stand down. 
He thinks to pear over the bonnet, but ducks again when he hears, “Get down!” followed by the rapid pop of gunshots. Then all hell breaks loose. People screaming and scattering causing absolute confusion. 
Over the gunfire, he hears, “Sir! Q! Get in!” An agent is standing over him and herding him towards the rear door of the Jag. 
He crouch-crawls his way to the back of the sedan keeping low. The agent shuts the heavy bulletproof door after him. A few seconds later another agent enters from the opposite door, throwing himself into the passenger seat next to Q and shutting the door. The Jag peels away immediately. 
Q exhales shakily after a minute. Finally taking stock of his surroundings. He can see Tanner’s familiar profile in the front driver seat, eyes on the road, weaving through traffic. 
“Alright?” the agent sitting next to him asks. Q turns his head, it’s Bond. Relief washes over him and it’s all he can do not to launch himself into Bond’s lap. He nods in acknowledgement.
Bond reaches across to squeeze his knee. The briefest of touches. He notices the fresh abrasions on the back of Bond’s knuckles. 
“Third assailant managed to escape. Police are in pursuit. The other two are in custody,” R’s voice comes over the speaker. 
“Received. Principle secured, we’re in transit.” Tanner replies. 
“R, do we know who they are yet? Links to anyone?” Bond asks.
“Nothing so far. Facial recognition is still running. CCTV shows an ambulance arriving outside Q’s building. The assailants posed as paramedics to gain entry. Once inside, they shot the plain-clothes police officer stationed there. They had a collapsible gurney with them too. We’re assuming that was how they intended to move Q once they’ve incapacitated him. It would not arouse suspicion.”  
Bond takes a deep breath, the only break in his cool and collected armour. Hearing the details was difficult. Too close. Too damned close.
The Jag pulls up at MI6, Tanner using the underground entrance. He parks the car in Mallory’s spot, close to the tunnel that houses the lifts, only then does Q realise the Jag is M’s government car. 
Tanner and Bond get out of the car. Bond crossing behind the car to open Q’s door. Q feels odd - his limbs sluggish, uncompliant and cold. Belatedly he thinks he’s in shock. It must have shown, because Bond reaches in to gently clamp his fingers around Q’s bicep and slowly help him out. 
They make it into the lift with Q increasingly leaning on Bond to keep himself standing. Why does his lungs still feel like they cant get enough air? 
The lift doors open and Q all but tumbles out into the lift lobby. His vision tunnels and the colours wash out. That’s the moment he crashes. 
“Q!” Bond lowers him onto the marble floor. Taking care to cushion his head.
Tanner is already on his phone, barking at medical to send a team, “Level 5 lobby stat!”
Update: Part 2 here
Notes: Yes, prompted by that No Time to Die trailer. But this story doesn't take place in that universe so to speak. Was thinking to use this for the imaginary Q Netflix series I’m writing. 
If you’re interested: 
Series 1 Pilot here.
Series 2 Episode 1 & 2 here. And Episode 3.
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the-nsr-family · 4 years
So a run down of my AU:
Zuke and Mayday dont play together in the NSR contest thing, just Zuke does. This is because Mayday was in an accident and was hospitalized, but health care ain't free so Zuke has to make money fast.
So what better way than try the contest?! Of course you can't be a one man band as a drummer, but Zuke is smart. He managed to make an electric drum kit that's like a giant MIDI board, but live.
He enters the contest and wows everyone with the power levels he output and also his style (he cut his hair like Maydays was in honour of reaching their dream)
He becomes a member of NSR and brings about changes that help connect rock and EDM. (And of course we adding in some RinxZuke into the mix for flavour)
And I've just started writing it!
Okay this actually sounds really cool- I love it!
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leydoodle · 4 years
Ben 10 OC: Cassie Williams HCs
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(Messy 10 minute scribble AHAHAHA)
A compilation of all the info I have written so far about Cassie/Mobius. She’s still being improved so some of these might change in the future but the general structure of her storyline is in here....!!
HCs under the cut!
Cassie is the granddaughter of Hugo from her mother's side. During his time-travelling journey with Paradox, he discovered the tragic future of Cassie from the abuse of his niece. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be alive by that time in order to save his granddaughter. Upon this realization, Hugo asked a favor from Paradox that if he sees anything bad happening to Cassie, he would take care of her. Many years later, Paradox would fulfill this promise.
Her telekinesis power comes from her father's side of the family. Her DNA came from a tribe that was said to have interacted with angels back in ancient times. In reality, these angels are actually rogue alien species who have come down to Earth and mated with the said group, giving birth to a special group of half-breeds that later on became strong historical figures such as kings, warlords, and many more. As time passed by, the genes of the alien race became much weaker to the point that only their enhanced mind and the ability to use telekinesis remained. Though there are possibly more people who have the DNA, only 14 have been documented so far, with Cassie being the most recent one.
 She was the cause of the infamous 'Mutant Catastrophe' in Bellwood. An event in Ultimate Alien where an upset Cassie wrecked havocked with her newly-discovered powers after getting fed up with the torment she was subjected to in her school. During the mayhem, Ben who was a newly-acknowledged hero at the time, decided to work with an underground organization who focuses on studying mutants, in hopes of saving his best friend. During the event, Ben was heavily conflicted as to whether he should fight his beloved friend or save the people of Bellwood. In the end, he chose to do his duties as a hero at the cost of his best friend's detainment in the organization's lab. Later on during the series, Gwen mentions that the sight of a chained Cassie being taken away is a sight that Ben is still greatly traumatized from.
Prior to Omniverse, the Plumbers were negotiating with the underground organization for Cassie's freedom. By the time of Omniverse, The process ended in the Plumbers' favor and thus was able to get Cassie back (despite some particular arrangements). Ben was greatly relieved from this news and wanted to reconnect with his friend again. Due to how they previously left things between them, Cassie was rather scared of the hero and avoided interacting with him, much to Ben's despair. After Ben's return from his months of banishment during the Frogs of War, they were able to reconcile in the aftermath, with Cassie saying, "Life's too short to be upset at your best friend." Ever since then, Cassie became the third member of Ben and Rook's team.
After her detainment in the underground organization, Cassie has developed an irrational fear against humans, only with the exception of some Plumbers. Her phobia has caused her to only be comfortable around aliens.
 Harangue has sensationalized Cassie as "Bellwood's Mutant Disaster". Due to her affiliation with Ben Tennyson, Cassie is often the subject for the journalist's smear campaign against the hero. His notable point would be that Ben being friends with such a destructive being meant that he could easily choose her side over saving other people. Due to Cassie's past action of causing destruction in Bellwood, people are actually very scared of her and believes that the journalist has a valid point.
Cassie loves to pair her smoothies with powdered sugar donuts. It's a tradition she does everytime she passes by Mr. Smoothy, even after she became a time traveler. As Mobius, she often buys smoothies and donuts during sunrise, when the people of Bellwood are barely awake.
According to Paradox, Cassie is always fated to be linked to a Tennyson in every existing timelines and universe, though he indicated that they won't always be friends.
Ship ( Ben/Cassie = Benssie)
Ben sees Cassie as a reminder of his much more simple life before he became a world-renowned hero. According to him, every moment spent with her was like being a normal kid all over again. Though he liked the powers and capabilities he got ever since he became an omnitrix-holder, being given the responsibility as the universe's hero at such a young age caused him to lose his 'innocence' in a sense. Because of this, he often goes to his childhood best friend to atleast experience being a goofy and geeky teenager for some time before going back into action. Alongside this, Cassie is someone who is very dear to Ben. Having grown up together, she is basically considered a 'family' to the hero. Because of this, Ben is extremely overprotective of Cassie to the point the latter became somewhat dependent on him.
Ever since they were kids, Cassie always had deep feelings for the young hero. It was only until they became teenagers that she realized that her feelings were romantic. However, since this was a point in time when Ben was in a relationship with Julie, she chose to repress and bury her feelings towards him (an action she continued to do so, even in Omniverse).
 At first, Ben saw Cassie as merely a best friend, someone special but not particularly a romantic interest just yet. It wasn't until Cassie got assigned into Ben and Rook's team that the young hero started to develop deeper feelings towards his childhood friend. Afraid of once again hurting his best friend, he decided to hide his feelings. Despite that, he was still very affectionate to Cassie.
Cassie's tarnished reputation and destructive powers is what makes her scared to be around Ben. She knows that he's a hero and that the public greatly trusts him. If anything, she's worried that her being around him is going to make the people turn against the hero. Though she tried to keep her distance away from her Ben, he still ended up chasing her, reassuring that no matter what the public thinks, she's still his dearest friend.
Hints of her 'death' were foreshadowed by Ben 10K during his visit in Let's Do the Time War Again. Upon meeting Cassie once again, he almost became sentimental until Paradox stopped him. After the whole ordeal against the Time Beast, the older Ben asked for a hug from the blonde, which the latter gladly offered. Upon arriving to his original timeline, he can be seen shedding some tears for his best friend and lost love.
Cassie's demise caused Ben so much pain to the point that even after many years it was something he had a hard time recovering from. His longing for Cassie was one of the reasons why the earlier years of his marriage with Kai was messy. After conceiving Ken, Ben made a promise to Kai that he will finally let go of his best friend for the sake of their future. Due to this promise, all pictures and memories of Cassie was locked away for the sake of the hero's family. Ever since then, Cassie's name has been a taboo to the Tennyson family.
Ben and Cassie are both absolute geeks for Sumo Slammers. Their love for the franchise is one of the many things they share a deep connection with. According to Rook, once they start talking about it, the two can go on and on for hours without stopping.
Their playlist consists of the following songs: all about you - taeyeon /  cornelia street - taylor swift / say you won't let go - james arthur / kids in love - mayday parade / cardigan - taylor swift / way back home - SHAUN / i will always think about you - bojack horseman / eight - IU (ft. BTS Suga) / futarigoto - RADWIMPS
Life As Mobius
Cassie's relationship with Professor Paradox can be described as familial-like. Due to the latter's lack of knowledge of his prior life, he sees the young lady as he describes, as "a sister, a daughter, and a granddaughter". Though he may have given her the role of a time traveler, Paradox aims to bring Cassie back to her proper timeline before the effects of time travel makes her fully immortal.  Overall, his purpose of 'adopting' Cassie was to fulfill his promise to her grandfather and his former assistant, Hugo.
Paradox aims to make sure that Cassie has let go of her grudge and massive hatred to herself before bringing her back to her proper timeline. On the other hand, though she knows the consequences of time travelling for so long, Cassie doesn't mind being immortal as long as it means she won't go back to Bellwood. Knowing that this is what she thinks, Paradox hasn't told her about his plans.
 Similar to her mentor, Cassie later on picked up the habit of mixing up verb tenses whenever she's explaining an event that's either to happen or has happened.
She mostly wears a large variety of dresses during her life as Mobius. Her reason for sporting this kind of style is because she wanted to 'be in touch with her feminine side more'. Growing up, Cassie was often deprived of decent clothing and was forced to wear hand-me-downs from Gwen. Though she was given proper clothing during her stay with the Plumbers, she never really knew the feeling of wearing 'pretty dresses'. Since then, she's been obsessed with collecting dresses from different time periods.  
At some point in her time travelling journey, in a certain campsite, she meets a lost child who she decides to help find his parents.  It's later on revealed that the child was a young Ken Tennyson who got strayed away from his parents. When Ben asked who helped him find his way back, his son merely replied with saying, "the lady in the big white dress" obviously referring to Mobius. According to Ken, ever since that encounter, he's started to believe in the supernatural, believing that Mobius was some sort of forest deity.
 After approximately a hundred years worth of adventure, Paradox ended up taking Ken Tennyson under his tutelage after the kid got grounded from using his own omnitrix. At first, this was an idea that Cassie was heavily against, though she was stating that the kid is 'incompetent' though deep inside she was very uncomfortable with taking care of the child of they guy she had always loved. Cassie ended up taking the kid under her wings after seeing his desire in being a hero (which heavily reminded Cassie of her similar childhood ambitions).
 When he was a small child, Ken was curious about the 'Cassie' that people always mentioned to his father. According to him, there was an incident back then when he brought up the name to his father that later on caused a fight between his parents. Ever since that moment, he's disliked the name, stating that it's a name filled with bad memories.
 Since Ben hid all things related to his childhood with Cassie, Ken has never actually seen the face of Cassie. It doesn't help that everytime he travelled to the past as Spanner, she would often be in another place. Due to this, he doesn't know that Mobius is actually the Cassie he's been long curious about.
 Ken sees Mobius as his 'cranky aunt'. His childish and impulsive nature often irritated the time traveler to the point that she would always scold him for being reckless. Despite that, he holds his mentor in high regards due to her intense dedication on heroism. Cassie, on the other hand, sees Ken as the spitting image of Ben,though she sees that the kid has the capabilities to uphold his father's legacy.
 After her thousand years worth of journey as a time traveler, Cassie does end up resolving her long grudge and self-hatred. However, she wasn't too sure of returning to a normal life in Bellwood, due to the fact that the flow of events have been proven to have a much better outcome without her. She's later on convinced by Ben 10,000 (who was brought in by Ken) to come back to his time, which she ends up doing. The outcome of her return remains unknown.
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vtjacobgems · 5 years
top 25 electronic albums of the decade: 25-21
[yeah I know the decade technically isn’t over yet depending on who you ask, but everyone else is doing their retrospects right now so shhh]
in the last ten years electronic music in the US has truly flourished and has continued to rapidly evolve - from brostep, to kandi kids jumping around to big room house to warehouse techno vibes. there’s no sign of it slowing down and I’m all for it.
undoubtedly, this music has been an integral part of my life and it will continue to be. with that in mind, I thought I’d share my top 25 albums of the past ten years. all art is subjective, and with that in mind these are the most impactful albums to me - ones that have shaped these years, pushed boundaries and influenced me and others. I limited myself to one album from each artist to give more variety and make things more difficult for myself. 
I’ll be continuing this list over the weeks and be adding the must listens to this spotify playlist: Top 25 Electronic albums of the Decade
25:  Skrillex - Recess [2014]
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hate him or love him, Skrillex’s impact is undeniable over the last 10 years. while purists will say his screechy, laser-filled, head-banging sound isn’t true dubstep, the sound certainly hasn’t gone anywhere in the US. his only solo LP (for now) has many of these cuts, but also is influenced by the jungle/reggae the genre emulates, deep house, and plenty of the choppy goodness that was so prevalent in his early releases. pure rocket fuel with some fun features, and now with some distance from the brostep era, the album stands the test of time.
Must Listens: Stranger, Coast is Clear, Dirty Vibe, Fuck That
24: Great Dane - Beta Cat [2014]
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some artists find a sound that works for them and they stick with it, and Great Dane is one of those artists. while many other trap producers were rushing to change their sound to “festival trap” or *shudder* screechy dubstep trap, he fine-tuned his stripped back, percussion heavy sound with his second album. feeling closer to the hip hop instrumentals the style originally emulated, the bay area bounce is strong with this one. the thundering 808’s & skittering hi-hats will have you wanting to cruise the town throwing trap arms, while the more emotionally-driven cuts are perfect for a late night smoke sesh. if it ain’t broke..
Must Listens: Swinger, Killum, Descent, Down
23. Boys Noize - Mayday [2016]
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the sound of tossing a molotov cocktail through a police station window or driving a sleek black BMW at 120 mph on the autobahn. 90s acid rave for the new kids – hard-hitting kicks, pounding dark techno with moments of light house for balance – the enigmatic German producer does not let up. like being strapped to rocket destined to explode and you’re psyched to be on the ride.
Must Listens: Overthrow, Rock the Bells, Euphoria, Los Ninos
22. G Jones – The Ineffable Truth [2018]
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the opposite of easy listening – G Jones has established himself as a wizard of complex, multi-textured experimental bass soundscapes that are overwhelming. despite being difficult to digest on even multiple listens, it’s hard not to be blown away by the sheer amount of creativity and ingenuity in his productions. nobody really makes music like G Jones. his first LP is brimming with these massive anxiety-inducing walls of bass, but also more melancholy and introspective compositions – and this contrast only makes the heavier tracks heavier.
Must listens: Aribiter’s Theme, In Your Head, Time, Iridescent Leaves Floating Downstream
21.  Gramatik – The Age of Reason [2014]
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most producers draw their inspiration from other electronic artists, but Slovenian-born Gramatik was most influenced by hip hop, American funk and soul. After releasing a very successful string of trip-hop tapes, he went back to these genres that drew him to the United States and melded them with electronic music. the result is a record that is bluesy and soulful with a heavy nod factor from the funk/dubstep vein that runs through it. the album takes many unexpected turns (French house with killer guitar solo? chill jam sesh with vocoder? vaudeville?) but it’s all done with a swagger and improvisational flair that somehow pulls it together.
Must Listens: Brave Men, Bluestep, Obviously, It’s Just a Ride
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froodyie · 5 years
This idea popped in my head during second block yesterday so:
Remember how during the whole run of “The Amazing Spider-Girl” and “The Spectacular Spider-Girl” Mayday had grown her hair long? Then when we get to the Spiderverse event, it’s shown that she cut most of it off. Well, what if she didn’t? What if she still had that long hair all the way through the Spiderverse event? And also in her story in the Secret Wars Spider-Island series. I’m very sure at this point everyone knows that at the end of that series Mayday overcomes her father’s death and does so by donning a new suit, one that’s a blend between her Uncle Ben’s and her father’s, to honor them. Going back to the idea of her still having that long hair, when she decides to don a new suit, she also decides to cut the majority of her hair and dons the short hair style we see in Spider-Girls. Cutting off her hair represents a new change for her, just like how her new suit does. Is this idea a sort of tribute to Tom’s and Ron’s original idea of having May cut off her hair at the end of “The Amazing Spider-Girl”? Yes. Do I consider this idea of mine as poetic cinema? Or better yet, poetic literature? Definitely.
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idolizerp · 5 years
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STAGENAME: N/A CURRENT AGE: 20 DEBUT AGE: 20 TRAINEE SINCE AGE: 14 COMPANY: 99 ent. ETC: using her gifts as a guitarist, she’s been uploading covers on youtube to acclaim
goeun has worked towards one goal for her whole life. she has an overwhelming sense of competitiveness and drive, and as a result can come off as serious and intense. it’s also no secret within the industry that she harbours a grudge against midas for kicking her out of mayday, although she’ll deny it if asked. she’s bitter and spiteful with a chip on her shoulder. she’d argue that her chip is what has made her so focused and driven this time, even if she tends to push things to unhealthy excess.
after getting kicked out of mayday, goeun has come to see virtually all other trainees and rookie idols as threats. the exceptions are her fellow r!ot members. she’s incredibly loyal and dedicated to them, knowing that they can only be successful as a group if they work as a team. that being said, she has placed the same high standards she has on herself on them as well. she can be harsh and condescending towards them, particularly as someone who trained for a long time, had been through much of the predebut process before anyone else had, and knows how easy it is to lose everything. most of it comes from a fear of losing one of them if they were to start slipping the way she had, but it doesn’t always come off as caring - often she ends up adding stress to an already stressful situation. she’d hoped this anxiety would go after their debut, but the stakes are higher than ever now with the public’s eyes on them - r!ot’s fall now is much further than before and only continues to grow.
99 has assigned goeun a mother-hen image, fuelled by her long training period, protective personality, and ability to cook. r!ot is a fun, powerful, and energetic group, and goeun is there to be charismatic onstage but seen as comfortable and someone to rely on offstage, to the other girls as well as to the fans. the most significant problem goeun faces with this image is that she’s not really sure the members see her that way. it’s one thing for the company to ask her to behave like this, but it’s another for the members to do it too, and to do it in a way that convinces the public of their tight bond.
jang goeun was raised surrounded by music. her mother debuted in 1989 and released two trot albums after trot had already started to become old-fashioned, earning her some praise but generally escaping the attention of the public. her father wrote both of her mothers’ title songs and quickly fell in love with her. when their agency went bankrupt, they got married and left seoul to open a music school in his hometown of gyeongju. sounds of piano scales and guitar tuning bled through the walls of goeun’s bedroom in the apartment above the school. she took piano, voice, and guitar lessons and decided, unsurprisingly, that she wanted to pursue music herself, setting her sights on joining the glamorous ranks of the idols she saw on the family television.
her parents understood the industry and did everything they could to support her dream. they set their sights on getting her into a major entertainment company, one that wouldn’t be likely to fold like theirs did, and to do that she had to give the perfect audition, be the perfect candidate for trainee. her father drove her an hour twice a week to a dance studio in busan for lessons, specifically chosen as it was the one jubilee’s main dancer had attended. her mother played diamant and stat1c cds in the car to perfect her singing idol-style and taught her to sing trot properly as an extra viable skill. she took english and japanese classes after school and studied music theory and composition. finally, in early 2013, she took the bus to busan for auditions and was accepted to the iconic, monolithic midas media. her parents arranged for her to live with an aunt and within two weeks goeun was in seoul.
early on, her excessive preparations paid off. having already put in so much work honing her skill, goeun had a leg up over those who had been brought into the company for their still-untrained raw talent. she was surprisingly adept for a new trainee, competition for the other vocalists, someone who threatened the amount of lines and ad-libs you got. about two years after she began her training, she was put into a group planned for debut and moved into the dorm with mayday’s members. training was gruelling, and all of the girls were in an intensely competitive setting. as much as goeun thrived on competition, she had grown used to more or less coasting by during her time as a trainee, earning praise without having to put as much time and effort as her colleagues. but it was only a matter of time before a chasm formed. those who had spent their time focusing and building good work habits caught up to her and eventually surpassed her. goeun lagged behind. she got yelled at regularly in practice for not putting enough effort in, for bringing down the other girls who were working so much harder.
as goeun felt herself slipping away from the top, she scrambled to put in more effort and more hours into her work, but it was too little, too late. four months before the set debut date, she was cut from the lineup. her vocals were good, her dancing was good, she fit the concept. but when it came down to it, another girl had worked harder, had sweat more, had proved herself more worthy of that spot. goeun was told “better luck next time” and was given the week off.
next time did come, although she had to pull herself up out of rock bottom and triple her efforts to make it happen. with mayday debuting and midas also having aurora in their roster, she knew she’d have to wait a long time before another girl group was likely to come around. so she quit and set out to audition again, this time going for another powerful company, but one with a wildly different management strategy: 99 entertainment. in a way, this was a better fit, she told herself: she had goals of producing music in the future, and 99′s aura of artistry convinced her it would be more likely here than in midas’s restrictive, tightly managed environment. she focused all her energy into training, building herself a work ethic from the humiliation of getting kicked out of mayday and having to watch the group skyrocket to fame and success from afar. she was placed in r!ot and moved into 99′s company dorms. being kicked out once scared her into putting as much time and effort into it as needed for her to show 99 that she’s good and only going to get better. it finally paid off on january 28th, 2019, when she finally stood onstage as an idol.
idol life has been pretty good so far. reactions to r!ot’s debut song were generally polarizing, but the girls themselves were well received and have started gathering an audience that’s excited for their next release. but 99 is being uncharacteristically strict with their management, and goeun does not have nearly as much creative freedom as she hoped she would, nor does she see herself getting much in the near future. she did manage to get permission from the company to post guitar covers on the group’s youtube channel, which gives her a chance to play around with adapting and producing, albeit on a small scale. her efforts have been noticed and praised, though, particularly for her skill and how different the acoustic sound is compared to r!ot’s music. it’s great and it’s humbling and she loves doing it, loves reaching out to the fans on a more regular basis than their promotional periods allow, loves the acclaim she gets in return. but it won’t be enough forever, and soon goeun’s creative muscles are going to be begging to be stretched further.
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s-o-n-de-r · 6 years
The Final Vans Warped Tour: legacy, history and future
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The Vans Warped Tour ended in West Palm Beach, Florida, not with a bang, but with an anthem and a guitar toss. 
For those unfamiliar with the festival, it was the longest-running touring summer music festival since first launching back in 1995. And punk elders Pennywise, who were a reoccurring staple since their first slot on the tour in 1996, played the last set of the day on the last show of the tour, closing with their classic “Brohymn.” As the entire crowd and everyone on stage sang along with the iconic “whoahs” at the end of the song, guitarist Fletch Dragge tossed his guitar into the crowd.
And just like that, after fostering an entire community and subculture, the Warped Tour was finished.
The vacuum that Warped Tour has left is easier to understand for veterans of the punk rock summer camp. For anyone who has watched the tour grow from year to year, it’s an undeniable fact that there’s nothing else like Warped Tour, from all its faults to all its triumphs.
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For the alternative crowds, Warped Tour was a little haven where you felt at home. It spanned musical generations. It outlasted entire bands’ careers. The festival fertilized brands such as Volcom and Hurley. It broke bands out – one oft-mentioned example is pop superstar Katy Perry who, yes, cut her teeth Warped Tour. And, it participated in large philanthropic initiatives – one such being the canned food drive that would get fans skip-the-line passes and collect thousands of cans of food per day.
Warped Tour itself rarely took credit for any of these things. It always sort of chugged along, always in the background of the summer festival season as other names came and went. Yet, Warped Tour’s impact is immeasurable.
In the mid-2000s, after household names such as Green Day, Blink-182, and Sublime had gone through the festival, there was something magic going on. Music fans who were lucid and paying attention during that time were witnesses to something spectacular: pop-punk and emo broke out into the mainstream. You could find My Chemical Romance – a band whose gothic-dyed, theatrical music was all at once the biggest thing – on MTV’s music video rotation. Pop-punk brats Fall Out Boy were catching everyone’s ears. A band called Paramore had a girl with bright red hair, and they were stealing hearts. The 2005 Warped Tour (the only year to ever make a profit on ticket sales) featured all three of these bands at one point. Merch sales that year were through the roof. School let out for that summer, and everyone was dying to lose their shit at Warped Tour.
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Brooks Betts of Mayday Parade, a tour staple over the years. Mayday Parade earned a name for themselves like many other bands: by talking to fans in line at Warped Tour before the show and asking them to check out their music.
Punk rock stays the same, but culture changes at an alarming pace these days. Yet, Warped Tour had remarkable consistency. It’s also really easy to get caught in the mindset that the mid-aughts were the tour’s wonder years. Thanks to nostalgia and clear indication of what was popular at the time, Warped Tour back then seemed to be the glory days. But to write off the tour’s recent years would be a huge misstep.
Granted, angry internet warriors have roasted the annual Warped Tour lineup announcement since trolling has been a thing (founder Kevin Lyman has taken to shamelessly referencing and baiting these trolls in recent years), but the only serious criticisms it deserves are for certain policy decisions the tour made, rather than the lineup. In the 2010s, Warped Tour may not have had the same overall cultural draw, but it didn’t suddenly turned to C-rate, has-been bands to fill out the roster. All the cultural buzz that came with bands such as My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy may have faded, but Warped Tour kept trucking along and being the gatekeeper to tremendous music.
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The Maine. Vocalist John O’Callaghan is singing with a fan who he brought up on stage for “Girls Do What They Want” - something the band does almost every show.
The generation gap is important to why Warped Tour mattered, even in its last show. As the physicality of the music industry faded away, pop-punk left the mainstream, and social media introduced sweeping cultural attention deficit, it’s easy to think that Warped Tour’s impact also faded over the years. There was less of a fanfare to it, sure, but Warped Tour still had a finger on the pulse of alternative talent. What made it all different was that these bands were not blasted on TV or moving tons of CDs – they counted album streams and posted daily to social media. Relevant to our age, but arguably less visible. Bands could still make a name for themselves on Warped Tour, but it didn’t come with the same explosion of popularity as in the 2000s. Echosmith is one example of a recent Warped Tour alumnus. After playing a one-off in 2013, they were asked to join the whole tour, and they found success after the fact (they currently just finished a tour with acapella superstars Pentatonix).
In fact, in many ways, as the mainstream popularity of this style of music has faded, Warped Tour has felt like the last stronghold for the scene. When you have all these splintered shards of musical sub-communities created as a result of social media diaspora, it’s hard to see the whole picture except when Warped Tour brought it together. That’s why Warped Tour mattered, even in its later years, and why the void created in its absence is the definitive end of an era. No one knows what’s coming next or if anything will be created to fill in that magical space from June to August. Warped Tour wasn’t just the festival – it was the “everything else” around it: the artist-to-fan interaction, the constant sound of a band you don’t know playing, the endless amounts of merch, the dozens and dozens of tents, people hawking at you with megaphones, fans promoting band set times, the Buddhist guys, the running into friends, the bands trying to make a name for themselves hustling CDs in line before doors. Labels and bands would plan album releases solely around this summer run. It was make or break for a huge number of aspiring musicians.
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Walking into my first Warped Tour in 2007 was the culmination of a few years of anticipation (I had wanted to go to the 2005 tour, but I was too young and it would have been way too much for my parents). I’d like to think everyone’s first time with the tour was like this, but who knows? It was exhilarating, though. This subculture and community of music that I had only just started discovering a few years prior somehow took over a couple city blocks and was just there. People were handing out Monster energy drinks like candy. Some guy showed up to do the same for Trojan condoms. There were dudes with mohawks. I went to see a lot of bands, but I barely got halfway through the day when I realized that Warped Tour was so much more than a festival. It was keeping a subculture alive. Hell, it was keeping many multiple subcultures alive. I doubt the guys seeing The Casualties in 2010 were the same guys interested in watching Breathe Carolina. But both groups of people were there. This effect became increasingly noticeable in later years, when bands who were once on top were on a downswing, touring smaller club venues in the fall and winter and playing to 300 people, but playing to thousands at Warped Tour. Warped Tour got everyone out.
Eleven years later, on the eve before the beginning of the end in Orlando (I went to Orlando, Tampa, and West Palm Beach, the last three shows in Florida), I had the exact same sense of anticipation as I had when I was a 15-year-old kid.
The vast majority of “regular” things in life don’t last even half as long. I can think of a total of one friend I’ve been close to during that entire length of time. But almost everything else has come and gone.
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Also over those years, I went from an excited kid who was into alternative music to an independent journalist and photographer, gaining a sense of attention toward the trends and motifs of the tour. This peaked last year, when I attended Full Sail University’s live stream of the 2017 lineup on behalf of sonder. I sat in a room with a group of my peers, mostly other independent media outlet reporters, and participated in a Q&A with Lyman. In that room, there was no indication that next year’s tour would be the last, but I found myself believing for the past couple years that the tour was living on borrowed time anyway. All good things must come to an end, and despite maintaining good lineups, Warped Tour’s critical mass had been reached already. That’s why, when the announcement did come, it was a sad moment, but not unsurprising.
Warped Tour’s final moments occurring in Florida seemed a bit strange. Florida is a deeply unpleasant place in the summer. Our heat is high, our humidity thick. The sun is unrelenting and harsh. Aggressive electrical rain storms can and will sidetrack the day (which has happened plenty of times). Bands hate Warped Tour in Florida. Why not end the tour in California? Despite all of this, moods remained stable. Wandering around load-in and side stage, there was definitely a detectable presence of “the end.” There was some relief, some sadness, and some nostalgia. Crew members shook hands and hugged. But there was also a sense that this was all arguably a formality, and that this had been something coming for a while.
In Tampa, I walked into one of the main stage equipment trailers and taped on the walls were photos taken by Sean Stitt, one of the truck drivers who’s been with the tour for years. The sadness of the last Warped Tour hit me in that moment, as I realized it was the last time this trailer would be making its way around the country for the festival. Would the photos stay up? They’re just monuments to a past era now.
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JR of Less Than Jake. The ska band played an enormous number of shows during Warped Tour’s run, and those shows were usually filled with shirt cannons, toilet paper launchers, and more.
Warped Tour chose to express its longevity in the lineup of its final run. Many of the bands had a history with the tour: Bands such as Every Time I Die, Mayday Parade, Chelsea Grin, and Reel Big Fish have been repeats for years. The Maine and 3oh!3 were scene wunderkinds during the tail end of that MTV era. One-off and short-run bands such as Sum 41, Taking Back Sunday, Underoath, The Used, and Four Year Strong all helped define the scene in the new millennium. Less Than Jake had the accomplishment of being the band to play the most amount of shows in the tour’s history – nearly 440 at the final count in West Palm Beach.
It wasn’t just nostalgia, but there was certainly a strong element of it. Mayday Parade played plenty of songs from their 11-year-old breakout record A Lesson In Romantics. The Maine played a few songs from their 2008 neon piece Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop (but with decidedly less emo hair swoops). 3oh!3 moved the entire festival with scene crunk songs “DONTTRUSTME” and “STARSTRUKK.” Warped Tour was never a place for deep cuts, but there seemed to be a deliberate emphasis on some “old” stuff.
A focus on nostalgia is understandable given that it was the last. After all, there’s so much history in the tour. Trying to parse it all is a monumental task. But you can enjoy looking back on the whole of it. Most of the bands and crew have been on it before, so there’s memories lurking in the venues of different times.
Of course, most people didn’t dedicate their lives to this tour. The folks who can say they’ve been to every Warped Tour as a fan are few and far between, and they’re not young anymore. And there are certainly those who feel the tour’s end is far past due. And even more who were just plain apathetic. In West Palm Beach, I overheard a guy talking about how he’s “so glad this shit is over. The lineup hasn’t been good in 10 years” and how he “met Katy Perry when she was jack shit.” Warped Tour is certainly due certain criticisms, and has been yelled at for years for “selling out,” but it endured, even when the culture changed to accommodate weekend blowout festivals as opposed to traveling ones.
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Travis Clark from We The Kings joined 3OH!3 on stage. Both bands had played Warped Tour a number of times before.
This is why there’s a sense people aren’t hung up over its end. People are tired. People are aging. Things have changed. Engagement is down. Warped Tour was due an explosive end, anyway – much more fitting than a slow fizzling out.
That fatigue and burnout is may have contributed to the tour’s end, but it reflects the industry at large, and you have to wonder if Warped Tour’s end will refresh the system we currently have. There’s certainly an argument to be made that bands have gone for a “Warped Tour-ready” sound and that the tour having a monopoly on most of the United States during the summer often meant the only way you’d be seeing your favorite band was by seeing their 30-minute Warped Tour set. No Warped Tour means that the summer touring slot has suddenly opened up to a reality more like fall, spring, and winter tours, where bands often stack bills and get to play more than eight songs.
That being said, these are small prices to pay for the function Warped Tour fulfilled. Warped Tour was the stitching that’s been holding our little alternative community together. There was almost always a sense of camaraderie at Warped Tour, whether back stage or in the fields. That was camaraderie on a person-by-person level, but also in a much deeper, communal sense. I think this is what kept Warped Tour around so long – over time, you could develop a sense of bond to both the festival, the people around it, and the music within it. In the end, there’s only so much you can say to try to convince people into the experience. It’s sort of a “you had to be there” thing. A lot of people don’t “get it;” it’s the “it’s not a phase, mom!” of tours.
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All of this considered, it’s mostly the unknowns that stir curiosity in this post-Warped Tour era. The tour did a lot of things, kept a lot of machines moving, stood tall as the last big traveling festival in the United States (even on a basic logistics level, what Warped did every summer is astounding), but now it’s gone, and there’s a vacuum. Things will survive without it. Punk rock isn’t going anywhere. But all of the questions that it leaves in its absence are really the interesting part of the story. We’ll start seeing answers come next summer. But you also have to wonder, in a fast-paced world that already feels nostalgic toward the likes of My Chemical Romance, 2000s neon pop-punk, and the shtick of that all, if that same yearning will bring Warped Tour back from the dead in a decade or so. Or maybe we’ll get something entirely new. Either way, it’s a completely new era now. In the absolute final moments of the tour, when Pennywise finished playing, Lyman closed it out, handing the legacy to the fans:
“I still have lots of plans, but it’s time for you guys to take over the world. Take over the world.”
Words and photos by sonder editor Andrew Friedgen. Like this? Sonder is an independent music, travel and photography publication at sonderlife.com. Give us a follow here or at our Twitter, Instagram or Facebook for more content like this!
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The Maine photo gallery - Vans Warped Tour in Orlando
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All of our Warped Tour stuff ever
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