Your Wagon Is On Fire!
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kairithemang0 · 3 months
Y'all I am so bored
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lcecrown · 6 months
Had a category 900000 McDoon moment and whipped this up while drunk
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here's your daily dose of joey richter for today 🤠 rumors say this mcdoon guy is that infamous bandit king.. but idk look at that face, i trust him! there's no wayyy he's committed several atrocities!
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nabwastaken · 4 months
Behold! The Joey Richter family tree!
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it's still sorta a WIP currently because I'm trying to watch more Starcanwrecked stuff to see if I can potentially fit more.
And now.. some.. headcanons and backstory about the family!
McDoon, being the bandit king ( ✌️) had a LOT of bastard children on his travels with Cletus. He slept around and never really stuck around. Before the events of TTO he knocked up a Cratchit, who got pregnant and moved out of the country in shame. There, the Cratchit family was made and when Owen moved back to the US the family was moved there.
Robert Cratchit is short for Bob btw
I imagine Bob, out of desperation, in this timeline would resort to.. extreme measures trying to save Tim. And by extreme I mean summoning an eldritch god.
Suffice to say, it did not end well and now Tinky has a new family hyperfixation.
Owen found out about Tinky through spy shit, on a mission to a little town in Michigan. Tinky saw this British bastard and was like 'descendant of the Cratchits? GIMME' and started tormenting Owen. One of the ways he did this, was taking the form of Owen's boyfriend.
The reason Dan's last name is different from the rest of the Spankoffskis is that he changed it. 'Dan Spankoffski' does not have as nice of a ring to it and he's a public figure. Despite that, he's still relatively active in the family.
Dan is not short for anything. Not Jordan, not Daniel, no. Its just Dan. And he is Danough
Dan and Ted both looked extremely similar growing up and were constantly confused for each other. It didn't help when both of them happened to start growing a mustache at the same time.
OT and Pete have a pact not to ever do anything similar in terms of appearance. Pete grows his hair out? OT will always cut it. OT starts growing a mustache? Pete starts shaving. They really don't wanna end up like their brothers.
OT is older then Pete, being around Lex and Ethan's age.
SPEAKING OF ETHAN he unironically calls Pete, Dan, and Ted uncle. The only one he doesn't is OT, who he constantly bullies and targets for no reason.
Dan and Ted were surprisingly close in their childhoods, and had this sort of understandimg that the other was the only one who got how they felt.
As they grew apart however, Ted secretly started growing jealous of Dan. How come HE had this perfect life and great job and great 'girlfriend' but all Ted had was this shitty ass tech job and being the sidehoe to his coworker?
Dan has never noticed this jealousy and still remains nice as hell to Ted.
Dan and Ted both teamed up on bullying their younger siblings.
Dan and OT are surprisingly close. OT comes back from college (He goes to U of M) once a month or so and comes back to hang out with his big bro.
One of the reasons Dan took up the volunteer counseler job was to keep a closer eye on Pete and make sure he doesn't get bullied. So far, it has not worked out at all.
Pretty much no one knows Dan is part of the Spankoffski family, so Pete has to hear Ruth talk about how hot the news anchor is and Ethan has to listen to Lex rant about her mom's stupid obsession.
Dan and Ted are LITERAL bastards somehow being both teenage pregnancies and their parents had Pete and OT when they were more ready. Once again, blame Tinky.
SPEAKING OF TINKY he loves tormenting this family but can't keep track of them whatsoever. Sometimes he'll follow one of them home only to realise that it was the wrong one.
Sometimes he appears at family reunions and people just assume he's someone's kid.
One time Donna was literally walking down the street and did a double take seeing Ted just casually flirting with the Greenpeace Girl. 5 minutes later she saw Dan while doing the show and was so confused.
The family is stereotyped as this slutty family of hopeless romantics by the town, which is secretly another one of the reasons Dan changed his last name.
How true is this stereotype? Well, you got both Dan and Ted being teenage pregnancies. Both of them being born on Valentines Day. Ted notoriously sleeping with half the town. Dan being on the same show with a woman who he constantly makes googly eyes at and is possibly in love with (the entire damn town ships them together) Pete somehow surviving being horny at the damn ABSTINENCE CAMP of all places. Ethan literally doing anything for Lex. Suffice to say the entire town has their eyes on OT and what shenanigans he'll get up to.
Which is why I think it would be very funny if it turned out that OT was aroace and will never experience those feelings.
Whenever they get together they like teasing each other about their love lives.
Dan eventually becomes the central target in their teasing, with them BEGGING to know what's up with him and Donna.
The family used to get together every week to watch their favourite tv show, Doctor Who. Yes, I am aware of the irony of the Spankoffskis liking Doctor Who.
They feel an odd sense of... companionship with the homeless guy from downtown. They don't know why, they just DO.
And last but not least.... Every single one of them eventually gets stuck in the Bastard's box. Doesn't matter how or when, Tinky will get them.
And that's about it! What do you guys think?
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random-jot · 6 months
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teamstarkid-polls · 7 months
alright based on this post:
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pencilcasetime · 12 days
he’s a 10 but he’s smoking a cigarette not for the taste of it
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box-dwelling · 8 months
This is something that I think is handled with varying levels of tact but I find it interesting how often Starkid has their villainous characters framed through being predatory to the female cast, especially when they're teenagers.
Aladdin is a great example and honestly him and Jasmine are a really good example of the strategies groomers use on their victims. There its explicitly a theme and commented on. But it's also a thing they do often.
Then there's mouthface and McDoon which I remember being well done but it's been a hot minute since I watched TTO so I can't say with much certainty
Then in Hatchetfield there's Wilbur in BF and how he treats lex. I'm only just making my way through NT but the Blinky mascot and Alice is another example. These I feel are explored less well and feels a little more exploitive. But BF does explicitly talk about how capitalism uses hypersexualisation to make money at women's expense. I'm just starting WatcherWorld so they may comment on it further. But these ones feel a little more cheap. This guy's the bad guy and were going to show it through them learing at a teenager. Man in a hurry and Ted both also do this in TGWDLM and there its more complicated as neither of them are exactly good people, but they also aren't explicit villains.
Then there's NPMD, which is more complicated on this matter. The show is explicitly about outside forces interfering with teenage sexuality. The way Max acts towards grace at the beginning, as someone who was perceived as a woman during adolescence it was very familiar and made me very uncomfortable. But Grace is into it and has her own complicated relationship with sexuality. It makes Grace a more interesting and complex character and has them actually explore a woman's sexual desire which media often refuses to do, but kind of comes at the expense of making Max's harassment more justified. But at the end of the day, even with Max's more sympathetic elements, he's still the villain. He's explicitly making the lives of his peers a living hell. Nothing he did was ok. Through that lense it's a case of a bad thing being done to Grace that she has a complicated response to.
Now I haven't seen every show and there's a good number that I don't remember as well because I watched them years ago so there may well be more examples. I just think it's interested that they keep doing this and have kind of mixed feelings about it
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orthwormus · 1 year
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ghostlyjealousy · 1 year
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kairithemang0 · 3 months
Whatever gender Joey Richter is is the gender I require
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lcecrown · 6 months
A second tumblr user tedlotte McDoon edit has hit the Trail to Oregon tag
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rewatched trail to oregon (again) with some friends so this is your daily dose of joey richter for today
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nabwastaken · 5 months
is this anything
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