#Med School Phys
arugulalover · 2 months
if ur anything like me and get told my doctors "your shoulder pain/jaw pain/headache/etc is from your anxiety" and ur like wtf how does that help me, the thing important to know is that anxiety increases your stress levels, and a fun and necessary thing our body does as a protective measure is suppress your pain sensitivity so you can live to outrun the bear or whatever. so anxiety can mean we ignore the first little twinge telling us "hey you might want to relax your jaw a little, you're flexing just a biiit too much" and it leads to a headache, tmj, and teeth grinding.
so actively practicing mindfulness exercises and checking in on what our body is doing is NOT a "just stop being anxious" type of advice, it is a really important way to combat the physical effects of anxiety 😁👍
(link to interesting paper btw)
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studentbyday · 6 days
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week 2: she lives! she breathes! she’s beautifully unconventional (aka getting my mojo back)
Real courage is in trying to stay calm despite the chaos happening around and within you.
I have to keep swimming even if I don't know if my efforts will bear the fruits I expect (so far, since leaving high school, nothing about my life path has gone the way I expected. and that's just what real life is sometimes). There is meaning and purpose in the process (the fact that I keep taking baby steps towards my goals is already an achievement worth taking pride in! 👣).
Read course announcements
Signed up for global health group
Wrote down meeting dates
Finished M1 global health (so...remember how i said some of it felt kind of "woo-woo" to me? well. we're past that now. things just got real. it might be a bs course aimed at ticking that "is empathetic and cares about humanity" checkbox for premed students applying to med school, but! global health is genuinely important and dammit if i don't treat it like the serious and important issue it is, then who am i? [context: the discussion post assignments i had to do for this week reminded me of why i'm taking this course...beyond the fact that it's required for health sci and supposedly birdy 😅])
Finished M1 immunology by Tuesday
Finished M2 immunology by Thursday
Started M2 microbiology
Reviewed some immunology flashcards
Completed microbiology quiz
Finished first pathology assignment but still have to check the last question and send tmr 🙈
Completed first two global health assignments
Completed immunology quiz
Dropped cell phys course
the amount of content i have to remember in each course is insane so i've resorted to using screenshots of the slides in my flashcards which in theory should allow me to focus more on actually reviewing the flashcards. sometimes i forget tho. and that's annoying because (a) it slows me down and (b) because my keyboard keys keep getting stuck and it hasn't been given a proper clean in ages and every time i use it it's a reminder of yet another thing i haven't done yet 😅
Pilates x3
Yoga x1
Journal x3
Meditate x4
Other life things:
Changed bedding
Reading (designing your life / the secret adversary)
Morning nature walk and sniff 🌲 (i have been taking for granted the little pleasures i'm lucky to have in my life in the busy-ness of school. i'm glad i made a good morning bingo i can look back on to remind me of some of them. 🥺😌)
Cleaned house
Met up with some family friends
Music in My Head:
Changes (i always forget the name of this song even tho it never changes lol 😅 but i love it and the frogs sm)
Watashi wa saikyou
Things I'm looking forward to:
Waking up without feeling sleepy ✨
Learning stuff I need for the lab-hopeful 🤓
More pilates 💓 (the slow kind because i get to notice to how alive i feel instead of how i feel like i'm dying because it's too fast and difficult for my level 😂 and yet when i go slow, i'm still getting stronger! 💪🏻😃)
Learning the pathology of leukemia 🔬
Applying my newfound immunology knowledge to the first assignment on covid 👩🏻‍🔬
Being done with all my work for the week 😌
My not-bingo bingo so far this September:
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bywons · 3 months
hii can i know your daily routine from morning to night. i also want to know how you manage writing and how you manage your tumblr. i want to know what major you study. i want to know because i am new to tumblr and managing time is hard for me. if you feel this ask uncomfy, you can ignore me.
afraid you asked the wrong person for this cuz my daily ( mostly evening & night ) routine is VERY different from each other throughout the whole week because of my tuition classes/study schedule TT but no probs, i'll try to give u my routine in the best way possible ^^
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6:00 — 6:30 am : wake up time boooo. although this time varies during exam season or when i pull an all nighter/ sleep late cuz i was watching a series, this is the usual time i wake up, or at least try to every single day ><
6:30 — 7:30 am : brushing teeth/skincare etc + morning workout & pilates. i usually try to do the first part is lesser time so that i have more time to workout & stretch ^^
7:30 — 8:05 am : break/creativity period. here i give myself a 35 minute break for relaxation or checking social media / practicing my italian lessons ( im vv beginner >< ) or draw or write short essays/poems or plan out my day which is the MAIN task i usually do
8:05 — 9:05 am ( 30 min gap 4 chai + breakfast break ) , 9:35 — 10:35 am, 10:35 — 11:45 am, 12:05 — 1:05 pm : with breaks, these timing are for my studying, and i follow my study routine for the day >< [ WHEN I DON'T ATTEND SCHOOL ]
1:05 — 3:15 pm : shower + lunch >< [ WHEN I DON'T ATTEND SCHOOL, i return at 3pm from skl ]
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3:15 — 5:00 pm : relaxing & writing for blr/watching shows ( or i sleep TT ) >< ONLY IF i don't have tuitions, when i do, i head out for them around 4:30 — 5:00 pm according to the timing of my classes.
(after break 4 evening snacks/chai) 5:30 — 6:30 pm, 6:30 — 8:30 pm, 9:00 — 10:00 pm, with breaks again, i follow my study schedule ><
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10:00 — 10:30 pm : have dinner
10:30 — 11:00 pm : ghost around my home / free time TT
within 11:30ishpm : finish skincare,brushing, and take my meds
after that o clock : 😴 but if i pull an all nighter or watch a series with my mum that's another story lol
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well i'm still in school so i don't have any major, but we indian students are given to choose between 3 streams — science, commerce & humanities. as for me i am a science student ^^ i have bio, chem, phy, maths, psych, eng !!!
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again, a hard question to the wrong person cuz my schedule is not constant TT but as u can see there are breaks between my study sessions! i tend to manage my time and do stuff between those breaks, and when life gets too hectic, i take hour long breaks and write for blr! keep in mind, that you NEED TO BALANCE life & social media. find the right time for each of your important sectors like studies, work, hobbies & schedule them out equally! that also doesn't mean you have to follow them blindly, make sure to take breaks, do things that you enjoy & love life & most importantly, your precious self ^^ MWAH. hope i helped ya <333
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woodfrogs · 8 months
aurghgh theres this research group doing stuff on bioacoustics of frogs and when i first heard about them i was like ehhh idk if i wanna do that for grad school but now i think i do 😭 i could probably get accredited for clinical med phys work while doing research on my little guys. the dream. except
1) its in minnesota
2) their website has no discussion of biophysics since a 2020 paper so they might have moved on
3) theyre not accepting new grad students
let me innnn mark let me in
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girlhorse · 1 year
i get sad when i remember how much i love natsci bc of how awful it is for my Brain to be in a job that has high stakes. i would probably do really well in med school or vet med school and enjoy it but the life or death thing would probably make me go crazy. not to mention the absolute abhorrent state of the field in the US. beyond that i found the available jobs to be a bit intolerable... if you focus mostly on biology and ecology you end up underpaid. in phys and chemistry you're stuck working with bombs or big pharma and definitely men
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✨Finals for People w ADHD and Chronic pain
Hello, hello fellow phys and mental disabled people. This should be able to apply to a lot of people outside of those w chronic pain and ADHD but as those are two of things I struggle the most with, I wanted to be specific. It’s finals season! Yikes! Some of the things that I use to make sure that I’m getting my work done:
The pomodoro technique
the thing that I love about this one is that you can totally adjust it to your needs. Can only focus for 5 minutes before you need a break? Great- do 5 minutes of work and take a break for 2.5 minutes. You need longer stretches to focus? Great do 50 minutes of work and then take a 10-15 minutes break. Make it work for you!
On these breaks, check in with yourself. What hurts? When was the last time you went to the bathroom? Did you drink any water today? Do some stretches- especially those of us with chronic pain in our finger joints and hands. Do you need to stand up? Has sitting been hurting your back? Get a snack. Use this breaks to recharge
2. Body doubling!
if you don’t have a buddy to study with, look up study with me on YouTube. I highly recommend Angela V’s channel. Helped me get a lot of work done in high school. if neither of these work, go to a cafe or a library or other study space with people. If you see other people are working, you’re more likely to work
3. Make a list of things that ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO be done today
no, not a priority list. Those don’t work (at least for me). I make a list of what is due at midnight that day and then only set out to accomplish those tasks. 4. Recognize when you’re done
sometimes the executive dysfunction or pain hits and you simply cannot get anything done for the rest of the day. Stop there (if you can). Trying to push through this will only impact your ability to get things done for tomorrow. When you hit this point, do something that helps you relax. Watch a movie or do something creative or go outside or make yourself a hot drink or take a bath or talk to a friend. Try to accept that you can’t do anything for the rest of the day. Give yourself grace
5. Take pain meds before it starts hurting
if you know that staring at screens gives you a migraine or typing or sitting for too long cause chronic pain flare ups, take the meds ahead of your study session. There is no reason to be in pain on top of the already excruciating ordeal of getting through your studying and homework. If you get dehydration headaches, keep a glass of water readily available.
6. Try to have everything at ‘point of performance’
try to have everything right on your desk or in your study area. This helps both with not moving too much while you’re studying and with limiting distractions when you get up to find things. THIS INCLUDES CHARGERS (mostly a reminder for me, my phone is dead right now)
7. If all of this fails, that’s okay!
you’re disabled. it is not your fault if your brain and body are fighting you. it’s absolutely exhausting and even just today I decided that I’m not doing an assignment because I can get a decent grade without it and I need the energy that I would’ve put into that assignment to put into another more weighted assignment
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Here's some good people I know. It got a little bit long, but they're just great, and I love them, so... it's worth all the words, in my opinion.
I live on a college campus year-round and can't afford a lot of things because I am poor, so I go to the food pantry that's on campus about once a week. The lady who works there is very nice, and I love her very much. She always asks how I'm doing, and we have a chat about the latest things that have happened on and off campus. She's always genuinely happy to see me, and it's good to know she cares about me and other students.
I have a friend who lives in the same building as me, but on the next floor down, and he's just wonderful. Such a fantastic human being in general. I know I can always talk to him or even cry on his shoulder, and he's told me his door is always open for me. I'm allowed to come over and just hang out in his apartment anytime. He's a good cook and likes to make Japanese food and share it with me when I visit.
One of my aunts is a pilot, and she likes to get things for me. Once, she got this really, really good hot chocolate from Mexico and let me try it. This past week she sent me a care package with a rice cooker, my favorite candy, my favorite ramen, a snack she remembered I like, and a new snack that's super tasty.
And of course, there's my Beloved. She's just something else. She just got her pre-med studies done, and she's planning to be a cardiologist once she's through with med school. I think she wants to be a pediatric cardiologist, but I don't remember. She's been such a wonderful source of encouragement for the past couple of years, a steady, calm presence to constant with my turbulent anxiety. She gives the best hugs, and fantastic advice. She carries a first aid kit on her all the time, just in case. She works as a lifeguard at her university. She volunteers as a TA because she likes cardio phys that much. I just love her so much, she's the most important companion in my life, and I would throw hands for her because anyone who's rude to her is being rude to the nicest person alive.
It’s so great to hear about people looking out for each other ❤️ Thank you for sharing ❤️
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cupcraft · 2 years
So you're in a medical grad program right? Do you have any advice for a fellow medical student (ig ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯) that's having trouble passing chemistry? Like barely failing.
For a fellow med student? Sure haha (though my school didnt have a chem class we did biochem...)
My goal right now is passing. srsly. like I have so many things going for me in my combined program and also 3rd/4th year is worth so much more grade wise that im just focusing on passing. I dont want to be a competitive residency or anything (ie derm) and im fine just trying my best, which is the best case for my mental health.
Study advice which has helped me is doing anki. I use the anking deck + a school specific deck for certain lectures and i organize it at the beginning of each b lock. I kinda cram study...so dont do that...but uh do a little each day. I also like watching lectures on 2x after because watching live is not good for me (this leaves me morning time to study). I also recommend Ninja Nerd on youtube for studying resources esp for phys. I also recommend doing any tutoring that you may need. If youre a group studyer try to message in a gc to get study groups going, bc for me its a bit too late and ive had to force myself to learn to study alone (plus most ppl ik prefer alone so im the weird one that likes group studying).
And just know failing isnt a reflection of you or ur future once you graduate and get to residency. id seek school resources too if you need
and if you meant premed advice uh i can give you that too but i assumed you meant as someone who was in medschool. If you have other qs you can ask
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Freshman year nursing school I had to take A&P and I wanted to die I hated every second of it. Then I get to like the first real nursing class which was like health assessment and basically assessing each body system head to toe and you go over a lot anatomy and phys in that but more broad. And I will never forget the first day the nursing prof said forget everything you learned in anatomy and points to her arm and said this is an arm idc what muscles are in here and neither will your patients. Like ma’am I cried every day for a year over a&p and you’re telling me it doesn’t mean shit 🤨 i raged for like 2 weeks
EXACTLY everyone I’ve ever talked to that’s in the med field has said the same thing so that’s why I didn’t bother AKDMMSSMKW
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sungbeam · 2 years
today’s your first day right ??? i’m probably a lil bit late but gl with your classes today !! <333 i hope everything runs smoothly and i’m sending you all the virtual hugs rn 🫂🫂🫂 but ah, physics. pls i was never a science person, so i feel you 😭 it’s ok tho, i’m sure you’ll do just fine. and humanities wow !! pls i was never much of a humanities person either 😭 so that’s admirable honestly 😭 i hope you have a lot of fun !! not just in hum but also physics !! and just all your classes in general ^_^
thank youuu !! the program, like i said, allows me to go at my own pace, so rlly it could be as short or as long as i’d like, but average is supposed to be 6 months skdjdkd and i started it back in january bc my dad encouraged me to but that was obviously when i still had about 6 months of school left djsjsjsk so i obviously prioritized my actual school over this program since i could take my time with it anyway, and it’s rlly inexpensive which is nice. but yeah my goal is to complete then certificate within the next few months to hopefully get a ux design job by like ,, february or so ?? but yeah :D
and oooh the medical field ok i see you 👀 that’s actually rlly cool and is also smth i wish i was interested in bc i love that you get to help so many ppl !! but unfortunately there’s a lot of things that gross me out bc i’m rlly sensitive to certain things 😭😭 sksjsj which is why i rarely watch medical shows sksjksk but i’m glad that’s smth you could possibly pursue !! wishing you the best, whether you decide to go into that field or find smth even better for you on the way 🙏🏻 i’m sure whatever you choose tho will be a good decision :) also gl again on your classes today !! have fun !!
THANK YOUUU (_ _;) just had my first class which was english so it was really chill, and i have a history class in the afternoon (phys tmr sjxnskndjd) so v chill first day lmao but omg EM !! i made another friend today 🥺🥺🥺 i feel like i unknowingly target the chinese-speaking girls 😭😭😭 but she looked really confused and lost and i felt that, and ig it also helps that i speak chinese skxndnfk but she told me after class that she thought i was pretty and i went (´Д⊂ヽ ME????? ME ???!?!?!? like she's so pretty too tf and i feel bad cuz my chinese sucks :') but yeah i hope she doesn't drop out cries
ooh six months !! yes def take ur time w it and that's so great that it's inexpensive like my wallet and my mom's wallet r crying from uni expenses :') sometimes i wonder if i made the right choice picking this school, but i remind myself to make the most of it 😔✨ hope u get the best job and by february as well !! manifesting great things bc i see u doing great things in the future 🙏🏼 what made u want to pursue a career in this industry? do u like coding or compsci things :0 (dunno if im even in the right BALLPARK tbh but pls do educate me TT)
tysmm yeah kind of on the fence abt medicine rn but i really do love helping people :') it's like one of the two major factors that convinced me this was a worth-it path to pursue (?) but yeah, the cards have not fully been revealed just yet and my mom's hoping i can miracle my way into graduating in three years so i can have a gap year btwn med school and undergrad (which would be nice too but we'll see haha)
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mccarthymolly · 1 year
procedure for music,idk,u,sweat,m,u,n,l,
Ok no ww uh no jkjok uh hm ok
Week ww ok, hm uh dk, fd, h ki k ww h k uok dk hki no h no uj no uh dk j ki h dm hk uh dk I'm h no hkh ok jk. Hmww ok nohk no h wood, no I
Ww no
Nt lk tht, hj k hkk yh uh rlf bit ok,
Ok eh dk hki h ki jki bd ath, hkj
Anakys bits lk yh no ww ok no hk hj hk u
Kind of, funny b not comedy, maybe funny premise or funny i broader view, not ironic or hidden jokes b some funny under it,hm
Wise eh,k, j
Ok mybeww h,, in
Nt preidctable b udnerstanding. Applying listening music vn thugh nt abou t copying n impossible yh,j,i,o,k,wwk,k,
Interesting uh. Nt brng,h kz,jj, j, jjdk,
Immature site of bragging wording n not saying wt it means to do those Schls befr after etyhhmu,jk,no
Farted, ltl surprising, b mks sense hm w stom
Uh no b sth,uh,dk,uh ow,ww,hmnau,uh dk,uh smn regulsting med so they dont conflict
Posible gd,eml,kww, j jz
Ok hm ww, hk h,,uh,n,,j,uh,no,sd eh,dk, hm u,
No,fast, ww, hm h,,k,,n,o,,k n, j k h, if ur worried abt pills, hm ig i am b avent expeienced pills for direct psy, more secondary psy from phys or psy motivating me to help phys so primary ig for psy not phys. B pill helps phys n for phys not brain
Thts trivia nt funny,u,k, uh k, nt high or i schooled,m,o,j,,j,
Do then share, uh,j,m,j,k,sh,uh,dk, hk u,,j,j,
Nt possiblr to cmcct,idk, u dont do offc hrs,uh,noone,l,j,ww,uh,n,o,h,k,ok,n,o,j,
Ww no h,l,ih,d, j, dont pretndn,,u,
Hm mybe b goal,no,j,l,jo,ok,uh,
0 notes
shirtspolh · 2 years
Gears tactics injured
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Int J Sports Med 34:654–660Įkstrand J, Gillquist J, Moller M, Oberg B, Liljedahl SO (1983) Incidence of soccer injuries and their relation to training and team success. Br J Sports Med 26:121–124Įdouard P, Degache F, Oullion R, Plessis JY, Gleizes-Cervera S, Calmels P (2013) Shoulder strength imbalances as injury risk in handball. Scand J Med Sci Sports 10:90–97ĭirx M, Bouter LM, de Geus GH (1992) Aetiology of handball injuries: a case–control study. Int J Sports Med 16:134–138ĭe Loes M, Dahlstedt LJ, Thomee R (2000) A 7-year study on risks and costs of knee injuries in male and female youth participants in 12 sports. Injuries, exposure and risks of main diagnoses. Phys Ther 54:474–483ĭe Loes M (1995) Epidemiology of sports injuries in the Swiss organization “Youth and Sports” 1987–1989. Am J Sports Med 18:134–136Ĭhinn CJ, Priest JD, Kent BE (1974) Upper extremity range of motion, grip strength, and girth in highly skilled tennis players. Am J Sports Med 25:341–345Ĭhandler TJ, Kibler WB, Uhl TL, Wooten B, Kiser A, Stone E (1990) Flexibility comparisons of junior elite tennis players to other athletes. Am J Sports Med 25:609–613ījordal JM, Arnly F, Hannestad B, Strand T (1997) Epidemiology of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in soccer.
Br J Sports Med 29:966–972īigliani LU, Codd TP, Connor PM, Levine WN, Littlefield MA, Hershon SJ (1997) Shoulder motion and laxity in the professional baseball player. Am J Sports Med 19:124–130īahr R (2009) No injuries, but plenty of pain? On the methodology for recording overuse symptoms in sports. A longitudinal study of 1818 school children. Adv Environ Biol 6:1801–1808īackx FJ, Beijer HJ, Bol E, Erich WB (1991) Injuries in high-risk persons and high-risk sports. East Afr Med J 75:113–116Īsuli S, Jafari A, Moghaddam JB, Shotorbani FN (2012) The prevalence of sports injuries in female Handball players. Am J Sports Med 23:694–701Īsembo JM, Wekesa M (1998) Injury pattern during team handball competition in east Africa. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 22:602–607Īrendt E, Dick R (1995) Knee injury patterns among men and women in collegiate basketball and soccer. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.Īlmeida GP, Silveira PF, Rosseto NP, Barbosa G, Ejnisman B, Cohen M (2013) Glenohumeral range of motion in handball players with and without throwing-related shoulder pain. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. The purpose of this chapter is to improve the understanding of the etiology and incidence of handball injuries in order to increase awareness, recognize the risk factors for injuries, and incorporate prevention strategies and proper treatment. Unfortunately, as in other ball and contact sports, injuries are a part of the game. The physiologic load that each player is exposed to varies depending on their playing level and the total number of players in the teams, but is considered to be high within the spectrum of all ball sports. Contact-related injuries represent a large fraction of all handball injuries, and therefore, the referee has an important task in taking care of the player’s health by keeping the game fair and severely sanctioning foul play.Īt the professional level, matches are played year round with elite players playing between 70 and 100 matches a year. Handball is characterized by intense body contact, frequent intermittent running, demanding one-on-one confrontations, and quick direction changes in combination with challenging technique and coordination elements like catching, throwing, passing, and dribbling.Īggressive contact is an integral part of the game and often used not only to stop the opponent but also to intimidate opponents from approaching the goal. Over the years, handball has been in continuous development, which is evident in the increases in player speed, strength, and technique, as well as changes in the rules and tactics. Handball (referred by many as “team handball”) is a worldwide popular Olympic team ball sport.
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n3onwraith · 2 years
RTC headcanons because I'm rotating them around in my brain constantly
ooooo GIRL
Literally has headaches and toothaches and stomach aches all the time
has pulled muscles before
refuses to seek help for ANYTHING
Mild Autism. specifically bad at people skills but can usually mask really well (see What The World Needs for bad people skills)
parents are neglectful assholes usually
but her Mama does care a little when she's not high or drunk
she only kinda likes her Mama but hates both of them most of the time
the WORST period cramps, she misses school some days bcs of it
Constance's parents are essentially her parents
she has like all her stuff over there and Constance has a bunk bed 'from when she and her brother shared a room'
(that's a lie, she has it for her and Ocean. Ocean is the lower bunk and she makes forts)
^ enclosed dark spaces make Ocean feel safe
she hates her name and would name herself something else if she could, but she's grown on the name since she met the choir
always has tylenol, her inhaler, compression bandages and candy in her backpack (candy is for Penny's diabetes, bandages are for both her and Ricky, Tylenol is for everyone but mostly her)
Omni with a lean for women, Demigirl
Acts of service are her love language
aa stated in Oceans, she has diabetes
has one of the ports that connect to the apps
^ literally everyone in the choir has the app and/or checks her phone (with permission) from time to time and makes sure she's on top of her blood sugar
everyone carries candy for her, but especially Ocean and Constance
Ocean Constance and Mischa are like siblings to her and they all hang out extremely often outside of school
^ usually in Mischa's basement
weird pet person 100%
has a red eyed tree frog named Pop Rocks that she loves dearly
got a summer job and does yard work for neighbors to give that frog the Best Life Possible.
Feral when with the choir or in private but chills out in public for fear of embarrassing her friends
eventually she unlearns this with time and just behaves how she always does/doesn't mask as much
Also Autistic™
She doesn't care about masking usually unless she has to (around Ocean + Mischa's parents or certain teachers)
neglectful parents, which is where the lion catchphrase comes from
her parents wanted a boy and pressured her to act like one up until her brother was born
when she was then dropped like a forgotten toy and only given the necessities
another kid who basically lives at Constance's house
Bisexual + Girlflux (usually leaning towards Agender or Demigirl)
had braces once and now she can't do anything with her teeth or she gets 'we didn't spend so much money for you to fuck it up' comments
Love language is physical touch
more. neglectful. parents.
Mommy Issues™ GALORE after his Momma died
Doesn't see anyone's parents as his parents, but has deemed himself the Mom Friend
carries juice in water bottles for Penny and constantly checks on Ocean because of her tendency to neglect herself
he makes sure the whole gang is okay, but those two seem to need the most monitoring
a whole basement to himself. 2 bedrooms, bathroom and hang out room
Had a dog growing up
you would expect a German Shepherd but no
it was a Saint Bernard
he was too young to remember her name but the gentlest dog ever
now he has a Goldfish
he's named Bob Ross as a joke but everyone calls him the most random shit (Penny calls him ceiling fan. nobody knows why except her and Ricky it makes them giggle every time)
one of the bedrooms were his parents daughters but she went to college and he leaves it alone
is the other house that hosts the choir after practice/for sleepovers
^ it's either Constance or him :)
BPD, but he has meds that help manage it
tried to teach everyone Ukrainian from what he remembered and so everyone knows a little but not much
Bisexual + Transmasc
only the choir know he's trans and Constance will kill him if he wears Ace bandages
Loves everyone so much but refuses to say so
Love language is also acts of service or physical touch, also bullying affectionately
Has memorized all the lore and Easter Eggs and facts about all her favorite shows or media
Tell me she hasn't hyperfixated on almost every 80's media ever
oh wait
you can't
She knows every transformer comic and will sign the quotes to the choir randomly
loves all 14 of their cats, but especially loves a grey old scruffy cat named Megatron (adopted stray, most ragged cat ever)
Noel and Mischa and her have Boys Nights
where they do stupid shit (as long as it's inclusive for Ricky! so like licking random shit or making the worst drink combo ever) and have stupid conversations
Ricky knows how to french braid BCS of her Mom and WILL braid Mischa and Noel's hair on Boys Nights (changes name later, see later HC) or the Girls' whenever they have a event or just want it done
She can sign so fast that nobody except Noel and Constance can actually manage it
^ Constance because shes so fast with it somehow and Noel because he also talks fast so signing fast is just second nature after he learns it
taught everyone sign immediately after joining the choir
^ Noel and Penny picked it up fastest, then Constance, then Mischa and finally Ocean
her disability causes pain in their arms from using the crutches and sometimes it aggravates a old strained muscle that didn't heal properly so Ocean carries compression bandages for the both of them
Demi (both romantic and sexual) and transfem
she doesn't she's trans until later but then she uses the name Savannah (the one she's been saving up)
Loves everyone and says so often
love language is words of affirmation
She can and WILL flip off people or roll her windows down and yell at ANYONE who swerves into her lane and puts her friends in danger
Somehow she got chosen as the designated driver??
she doesn't know how but she doesn't complain
taught everyone to bake and Penny and her do it to bond and help the bakery
^ Ocean HATES the feel of dough or flour on her hands so she doesn't help but she'll read the recipe to them or DJ on Girls Nights
Fastest signer in northern Saskatchewan besides Ricky Potts himself
the 'nicest girl in town' except if you fuck with the choir she'll fucking go OFF
Nobody is allowed to bully Noel or Ocean except the choir themselves, and if they do then Constance and Mischa go after them. Mischa just starts yelling but Constance WILL target insecurities
she's only mean when warranted
Loves everyone and expresses it through baked goods and quality time
holds sleepovers the most often (at least once a week)
B's in all her classes except Math.
has a family dog named Samson! he's a elderly yellow lab
everyone loves Samson
taught everyone how to do box braids and corn rows and just so many fun hairstyles and will sit for hours while everyone does her hair during sleepovers and especially before concerts
everyone gets to add their own little flair
^ Penny adds rainbow beads, Ocean weaves in some red and orange, Noel has this weirdly specific way of braiding that stands out, Mischa adds purple because he knows its her fav color and Ricky adds the letter beads in everyone's names or just funny words/abreviations
once she had 'hyebsbawsnbyghatsaygcsyfed?' which stood for "have you ever been slapped by a wet spaghetti noodle because your girlfriend has a twin sister and you got confused so you fucked 'er dad?'
everyone lost their minds and couldn't keep a straight face
you'd thing her hair'd look like a mess but surprisingly they all work together and it blends seemlessly?? it's so cool to her and she loves the quality time
her little brother joins sometimes during baking or sleepovers and everyone loves him
Lesbian, Ace and Demiromantic!
love languages are gift giving and quality time
Bullies everyone but always makes sure they know it's lighthearted
he and Ocean go back and forth with insults. it's practice for bullies but they make sure not to go too far with eachother
has a white family cat named after Marie from the Aristocats
speaking of Aristocats it's her FAVORITE movie
he can dish out insults but he can't take them as easily
loves both their parents but they both expect her to get straight A's
HATES Taco Bell and if she could he'd work at the Auntie Anne's across the mall or the authentic Mexican restaurants instead of fuckin Taco Bell
Hispanic 110%
Seasons her food really well and then jokes about it with Ocean
"sorry the foods really seasoned Ocean, i know your culture only uses salt and pepper so be careful of the oregano"
he never means it and Ocean makes flavorless jokes about her food too
Talks fast and signs fast
ADHD but she has meds and a diagnosis
he forgets his meds some days, like the performance that got them suspended
loves the choir but pretends she doesnt
their favorite song it Take Me to Church by Hozier BCS it seems like a Christian song but it's NOT
Love languages are bullying and gift giving
he gets them all stuff or she asks the other employees to let him serve his friends but pretends they don't care
Gay (canon!) and gender fluid (headcanon)
Sorry if anything was inaccurate!! please correct me if so!!
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labvet · 4 years
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So much phys in 3 weeks. Halp!
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a-soul-like-you · 5 years
Lol, so I'm finding out that I don't have the attention span to study passively anymore.
Like, watching lectures is a myth. The best way I study is via Anki and/or practice questions. The only exceptions I would make are for boards focused material (thank God for BnB) and for more difficult lecture topics (like phys related stuff...hate all of it). 
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navyhyuck · 4 years
If you have a mac, you can edit with imovie. If you don't, you could use OpenShot. To record, your phone would be good. If you have a digi camera, that'd be good as well. A mic is optional, a lot of youtubers use blue yeti or similar as that. I actually had a YT channel but it was like years ago. It was just toys and I had like 30+ suscribers LMAO
ahh ty anon!! this was vv helpful :) however i do not have a mac so ill be trying other editing software when i get my damn life together and start passing my classes with As
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