#Meet Amily
the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Deciding to do the fluff alphabet for TADC! Copying my list I did for the creepypasta alphabet with some tweaking/swapping out some of the letters for other prompts! More info under the cut regarding rules and the alphabet itself!
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Same deal with wanting to do the entire circus + caine
You can request multiple characters, at the trade off that you can only choose less letters
1 character: any number of letters, yes including the whole alphabet
2 characters: 10 letters max
3 characters: 6 letters max
4 characters (max): 5 letters max
Obviously you can request multiple times! This is just per ask + I trust you guys wont go bananas
Same deal as normal requests, dont pressure me to do yours faster since its demotivating, I tend to usually do my requests in order of when they were sent
Now onto the list!
(A)bstract- how would they feel if you abstracted?
(B)onding- how they spend their time with you + general activities ?
(C)uddling- who's the big/little spoon? Do they like cuddling? How often do you guys cuddle?
(D)ates- ideal dates? What do you guys do in the circus, since its limited?
(E)motion- who's the more emotional one? How emotional are they in terms of the relationship?
(F)amily- if they ever escape the circus, and you two meet again, would they want a family with you?
(G)ift- how often do they give gifts? Do they themselves like receiving gifts?
(H)arsh- how often do you guys get into arguments? Who makes up first?
(I)n house adventure- do they pair up with you during Caines activities? How successful would you guys be at achieving the final goal?
(J)ealousy- are they a jealous partner? By how much, how do they get when they're jealous? How do they handle it?
(K)iss- where do they like to kiss/be kissed? Do they enjoy it?
(L)ove Laungage: how do they express their love to you/what makes them feel loved?
(M)ended- if you abstracted but somehow came back, how would they feel?
(N)O- dealbreakers? What could prevent or ruin a relationship with them?
(O)ddity- what is a quirk of theirs? Habit? The like?
(Q)uiet time- how do you two spend moments of silence? Is it uncomfortable?
(R)oses- do they give you flowers? If so what kind? Do they like receiving flowers?
(S)HH- secrets! Do they keep secrets from you?
(T)unes- what is "your song" that you two share?
(U)pset- how do they get when they're/you're upset, what do they do about it?
(V)alentine- while it's hard to keep track of time in the circus, what would they do for you for the holiday?
(W)ant- what do they want in a relationship?
(X)oxo- small acts of love, what do they do?
(Y)earn- how do they cope with separation?
(Z)zz- sleep, if they can sleep in the circus, what would it be like to share a bed with them?
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yukachaan · 2 years
Found family anime recommendation list
I've been thinking about making this rec list for a while because found family is my absolute favorite trope, so this is really self indulging haha 🤭
these are just some of my personal favorites, but if you guys have more recommendations please add them!
(This list contains spoilers!)
1. Dororo- absolutely heartbreaking and beautiful. the two main characters, Dororo and Hyakkimaru, develop such a special and precious bond throughout the story, and what makes it even more interesting is that at the beginning, Hyakkimaru is not able to see, hear, or really communicate with Dororo, and he gets those abilities slowly throughout the story (through killing demons haha yes it's that kind of story), so it makes the development of their relationship really unique. Both of them don't have their actual families for different reasons, but I absolutely LOVE the familial relationship they develop!
2. spy x amily - everyone's new favorite family lol. I don't think I need to elaborate, I love the little family they've built. it's so cute how all three of them have their own selfish reasons to want to keep this family unit, but at the same time care so deeply (and obliviously) for each other, I love it! there's not a single character I dislike, there wasn't a single episode i was bored watching (so far). it's like the perfect found family - they found each other, and just created a family instantly haha. If for any reason you're still not watching this, you really really should
3. banana fish - ugh honestly it's hard to find words for this one, it's so so SO good, but also, watch at your own risk, it's been years and my heart still hasn't recovered. The relationship between the two main characters, Ash and Eiji, is so beautiful and touching and tender, and it's so satisfying to watch. Ash deserves all the love omg 😭 I love how they take care of each other, how it's obvious to everyone how much they love each other. and i hate how it ended but that's a talk for another time...
4. Run with the wind - ok so i think most sports anime have an aspect of found family - your teammates become kinda your family, and friendships and bonds are usually the main focus. but i think it's especially highlighted in run with the wind - it's a show about running a marathon, and it's in a university setting (which already makes it more interesting lol). i LOVE connections between the characters. here as well, there's not a single character i dislike. even king who i didn't really care about in the beginning, I grew to love so much by the end. and Haiji might be my favorite character of all times. like throughout all platforms, he's my favorite. he created this team and he made them a family and i just wish i had a haiji in my life, you know? 😭
5. march comes in like a lion - ok, so, this one is especially precious to me, and i think it's my favorite anime of all times. officially, the show is about a boy who plays shogi professionally, and it is a part of it, but there's so much more to this anime. I've never watched anything that handled depression, and the journey of getting better, in a more accurate way than this show. the main character, Rei, is an orphan, and has a really complicated life story. he meets these three sisters, and is kinda invited to be a part of their little family. the relationships in this show are so touching and tender, even when nothing sad was happening i found myself crying. the sisters basically adopt rei, and little by little help him heal some of his wounds. the visuals of this show are perfect, you can feel everything rei is feeling. the sisters' house feels warm and inviting, while other spaces feel cold and disconnected. it's brilliant. also, the show handles the different characters with so much care, you end up caring about them all. i can go on forever lol, it's a masterpiece.
6. kids on the slope - another brilliant show. this is a slice of life, and the focus is on the friendship of three teens in the 60's. i love this one because even though they all have families that play a part in the story, they still become like a family to one another. their relationships are so touching, and so realistic. it deals with jealousy and friendship and love and loneliness in such a realistic, relatable way. for example one of the boys gets really jealous when his friend gets a new friend, it makes him lash out in such an unreasonable way, but at the same time you can totally relate to what he's feeling, because like, which one of us hasn't been there, right? i really recommend! (Also, the music is absolutely fantastic!)
7. Umibe no Etranger- maybe some people would think this doesn't belong here, but i totally think that along with love, this movie is totally about found family 😊 the two main boys are both on their own, Mio because he was orphaned, and Shun because he lost connection with his family after coming out. throughout the story, they become each other's family and support system (especially if you keep reading the manga like i have hehe🤭). i love their relationship so much!
8. fruits basket - again, maybe it's not the main trope, but it's definitely very much there! tohru, who is left without a family, finds a new family in the form of the very dysfunctional sohma family, that cares about her immensely, while she also cares about them and helps them heal and break their curse. i never read the manga or watched the old anime, and i didn't expect this to be as deep and painful as it was, but honestly one of my favorite shows right now.
9. Poko's udon world - so! freaking! cute! is it a ploy to make people have families and kids? perhaps. do i care? nope. Poko is the cutest child character ever, and the parent-child relationship between sota and poco is so precious, this is the most literal definition of a found family lol- sota found poco and basically instantly adopted him. the story is really touching and cute!
10. Clannad + Clannad after story - ugh i don't know if I'm able to talk about this one again, as it makes my heart hurt. this is one of my all time favorites. i think even though it's a love story, above all else it's a story about family. i wasn't sure if it fits the "found family" category but decided it does. even before nagisa and tomoya get married, tomoya is basically adopted by nagisa's family. they take him in to allow him some distance from his father, and show him how happy and loving a family can be. Also, all the friendship in the story are meaningful and have a familial feel to them. throughout the show there's a lot of focus on the subject of family, which leads to the main characters creating their own new little family unit. if you've been living under a rock i must warn you, I've never cried this much while watching a show in my life. while the ending is a happy one (well... in a bizarre kind of way, i guess), there's so much pain throughout the whole show, it's overwhelming at times. still, it's so so good and i really recommend to give it a try! (please, get through the first season and get to Clannad after story, it's really worth it!)
11. Usagi drop- i also wasn't sure if this fits the found family category, as it deals with an actual family, but wth, it's my list i can do what i want lol. very sweet story about a guy who adopts his grandfather's 6 year old daughter when he dies (yes, his aunt, basically), when no one else in the family wants to take her in. it's very sweet, very touching. they slowly become a family, and he learns what it means to be a single parent, and what sacrifices he has to make (like getting demoted at his job so he'll have more time to take care of his kid). the show is very wholesome, but don't read the manga, as i heard it went in different, less wholesome directions.
12. kotaro lives alone- this show was a ride! i was expecting a silly show about a 4 year old boy who lives alone, and got a heartbreaking show about neglect and trauma. his neighbors become his family throughout the show, and come to love him a lot and take care of him, and their relationships are very entertaining and sweet. ngl, i cried a lot during this show. i do think it deals with some very triggering things, so you should check that before watching 😊
and.. that's it for now! these are the ones i thought about so far, please feel free to add your own recommendations! i would love to get more!
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hothammies · 6 months
I've been nervous to ask this, but I'm so invested in this au it's killing me on the inside.
What exactly happened to the amilies of the party? (Joyce & Jonathan, Hopper, Nancy, etc.)
Did they get killed, or separated? Im so curious!
-🪼 (jellyfish anon)
hi jellyfish anon!
no need to be nervous :D it's a really good question! i've been itching to answer something about the party backstories anyways - i want to make a long post about their families for each of them later on but i'll give a small bit of exposition for all 6 of them regarding their family!
short answer - the og party (the boys!) all got separated from their families because of a raid on the community they lived in. they don't know if their families are alive or not. el's and max's family situations are part of their story arcs and how they find the boys.
individual family situations under the cut :)
short summaries for the party's family situations
will: jonathan and joyce taught him about medicine + healing while his dad taught him the basics of shooting -> lonnie was exiled from the community when will was 7
mike: his dad died when he was 9, a few months after holly was born - after that, nancy started taking more responsibility over mike and teaching him more general survival skills while karen was more detached from nancy and mike afterwards, focusing more of her efforts on holly.
lucas: parents are chilling and happy -> dad is a combat vet! he taught lucas and erica everything they know! lucas' relationship with his sister is similar to canon's (snarky but loving). he's not very protective over her because she's very capable on her own :P but still defends her when necessary
dustin: mom got infected and turned right when he entered the community (rip dustin's mom claudia i'm sorry) -> lived in a dorm w/ a bunch of other kids (not the party) and was taken under steve's unofficial wing
el: mom was killed by brenner, who she lived with in a separate camp dedicated to infection research -> similar backstory to canon's and was found by the boys when she was 12 (don't want to reveal too much ;D)
max: has lived with billy since she was 8 -> when she meets the boys, she's in a community of raiders (again, don't wanna spoil!) her relationship with her stepbrother is similar to canon and very abusive
other notes: el's relationship with hopper is definitely an endgame type thing unfortunately! i absolutely love their parent-child relationship but a lot of the emphasis in my au is about the found family dynamics between the party and how they live by themselves :')
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frodothefair · 4 months
OMG, T minus 2 days to Bridgerton season 3!
I am so excited for Pen's glow-up, and also to meet Francesca. Fun fact: Romancing Mr. Bridgerton, the book this season is based on, is the only Bridgerton novel I actually read. Maybe I should read more...
Speaking of Francesca, from what I've been able to glean about her so far, she is the Marigold of the family -- she is attractive, and she is the shy and introverted one in a big, boistrous amily. She is also a wallflower, but by choice. And Hannah Dodd... Well, let me let my readers in on another secret.
When I write Nisilë the elf maiden in a full-fledged way, I think Hannah Dodd will be the fancast choice. Why? Because Nisilë began as a self-insert OC and Hannah looks a liiiiiittle bit like me, except more elfin. :) In case you care to imagine what I look like.
Ok, I'm done making this all about me and my writing now. I hope everyone is as excited for Bridgerton coming back as I am!
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k7l4d4 · 4 months
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 24
Hello all! Here we are, just two episodes before this fiasco of a season finishes, and if I'm being honest? This review is one I've been looking forward to the most.
Now, there is... not much going on this episode. On one hand is a lazy Akuma fight, on the other is a bad and overly dramatic play.
This episode is the one where the writers' go all in on trying to make the audience like and sympathize with Felix. And... it kinda falls flat on its face because it glosses over, retcons, and straight-up ignores all the times Felix has been nothing but a selfish, manipulative weasel whose actions have done nothing but hurt Adrien. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
One of the most prominent things about this episode is that it has Felix and Kagami detail the history of the Agreste family, and one thought was screaming through my mind after seeing all of it... Emilie was a spoiled BRAT.
To explain what I mean, the play basically starts off by implying Emilie and Amilie's parents were tight-fisted and controlling, so Emilie rebelled and forged her own path in life... but that's not what was shown. Beyond a vague comment on 'making' Emilie fall in line, by all accounts the Graham de Vanily's let Emilie run wild as a child and did nothing to curb her tendency to run away from her lessons to do her own thing, and even as an adult, they funded and enabled her desire to study abroad and see the world without a word of complaint. And she was the twin expected to be the family heir; by all rights, Emilie should've been under incredible scrutiny... yet her family let her get away with just about whatever she wanted.
The one time they put their foot down with Emilie? When she met and started dating Gabriel. The narrative likes to paint Gabe as having once been an idealistic young man... but given how he and Emilie apparently always kept Adrien isolated from other people, the way this situation is framed feels more like Emilie's parents finally had enough when she expected them to approve of her rushing to get married to a guy she had apparently barely known... and Emilie's response was to disown them. Not her parents disowning their disobedient daughter, but said DAUGHTER cutting out her parents for the crime of not approving of her boyfriend. Oh, and lets not forget how Emilie essentially stole a family heirloom to use as her and Gabe's wedding rings! Not a word of complaint from her parents then either.
And yet, when Emilie had fertility troubles, and swallowed her pride to come to her family for support, they welcomed her with open arms. We aren't given any word on what rejoining the family entailed or what responsibilities Emilie was expected to maintain, yet, despite not being made to cut off or divorce the husband her parents never approved of and being given all the support she required, the narrative treats Emilie as having made a great sacrifice.
Then... we get to the Amilie side of things. Unlike her sister, who ran wild, Amilie was a more quiet kid, and acted as the dutiful daughter her parents allegedly wanted, doing all she could to meet their expectations. We aren't given any word on how they treated her, but given how she apparently married a weapons manufacturer from the United States at their behest, the implication is that they were controlling... but given how they, I cannot reiterate this enough, did nothing to rein in Emilie doing her own thing all this time and let her get away with stealing a family heirloom, I'm willing to give them the slight benefit of the doubt that if Amilie had stated she didn't want to marry Colt or later asked for a divorce, they wouldn't have been against her doing so.
That brings me to Colt. Colt is presented by the narrative as a cold-blooded, black-hearted businessman who only cares about himself. Yet, prior to Felix being created, his big "crimes" amount to "makes weapons for a living" and "married a woman who didn't love him." Here's where I get to theorizing again; when Amilie and Emilie BOTH started having fertility issues, it was presented as a big problem for both of them, even though while the narrative insists upon how much Emilie wanted a child, and believed her and Gabe's "love" couldn't be complete without one, Amilie never seems to care about having a kid beyond meeting her family's expectations. Yet, when Gabe and Emilie manage to get the Peacock and Emilie uses it to conceive, a furious Colt later comes in and demands to know how they did it.
Gabe's answer? Coyly avoid answering the question by claiming "it's a miracle." Which, at it's core, speaks volumes of Gabe's personality. For a person the narrative treats as a former idealist and artistic soul, the only person who he seemed to ever show that side to was Emilie. To everyone else, even his own brother in law, he comes off as apathetic, sarcastic, and smug. It took Emilie basically demanding Gabe help them for him to do so (I'll give her props for wanting to help out her sister, at least), and even THEN, he refused to do so for free, extorting a promise of a bodyguard from Colt. How in the world is a man who would hold hostage the gift of life over his own family's heads for his own gain supposed to be a good person?
Even when he DOES finally give the Peacock to Colt, temporarily, so as to ensure Amilie can have a child, the closest thing to a warning he gives to Colt is that the Peacock "has a price for its use." This... this is where things get messy for me. See, what this implies is that, before Adrien had even been born, or just shortly after being born, Gabe and Emilie knew full well that the Peacock would have consequences for its use, possibly DEADLY ones. Gabe had YEARS to come to terms with the fact that his wife was most likely going to die, YEARS to prepare himself emotionally... and yet, when it actually happened, he shut down, and immediately started preparing on how to best go about ignoring all of her wishes to selfishly bring her back, for his own happiness. Because in the end, that's the cold hard fact of the matter; for all he tries to frame it as being all for Adrien, given how he had no problems keeping Adrien isolated and alone throughout his whole childhood and repeatedly tried to keep him from attending school with other people his age, it becomes apparent that he's just using Adrien as an excuse to justify his own inability to move on with his life.
And what makes his granting the Peacock to Colt so egregious to me, honestly, is just how vague he's shown to be. He didn't even tell Colt the thing was damaged and that there were risks involved in its use. He said nothing beyond "it has a price." Does Colt seem like the man who is knowledgeable on magical artifacts or lore? To me, he doesn't. So, what this comes off to me as is Gabe essentially deliberately giving Colt unhelpful advice because he knows it won't stop him. To me, it feels like Gabe set Colt up to DIE. It wouldn't be the first time; we know he masterminded the death of Fei's adoptive father in the Shanghai special, after all.
But yeah, that misinformation Gabe spread to Colt feels like it comes into play rather quickly; namely, whereas Gabe eagerly embraced the new child he and Emilie created, having full knowledge of what using the Peacock entailed and what it meant, Colt, who had no real clue as to how it worked beyond Gabe's unhelpful words, was wary and frightened. One could interpret his hesitance to embrace Felix's existence after it was confirmed Amilie was pregnant as his being worried he had somehow hurt his wife... or just plain having jitters about being a father, which is a very normal reaction. Not everyone in life leaps at the knowledge that they are going to be a parent, even those that want to be one.
Then we get into the details of the Fathom family's home life after Felix was born. I'll be blunt; child abuse is NEVER okay, under any circumstances, and how Colt treated Felix is entirely on him. No matter what mind games Gabe might've been playing with him, it was Colt's own choice to take his fears and paranoia and failing health out on his son, someone he was supposed to love and protect unconditionally. Shame that the writers seem to think child abuse only "counts" if it happens to someone the audience is meant to sympathize with...
I'm not gonna go into too much detail regarding Felix's life, since beyond being treated like crap by his dad and nearly dying when Colt accidentally cracks the ring he anchored Felix's existence to in a fit of rage, Felix's life has little to nothing to do with his actions; the show tries to present his arriving at the Agreste Manor as him looking for the Peacock in order to save his own life... yet he never once bothers looking for it, and instead spends his entire time going out of his way to ruin Adrien's social life and later stealing the heirloom rings Emilie had stolen to use as her and Gabe's wedding rings to give to his mother.
There's a LOT I could cover here. I've already covered a ton. So I'm gonna simplify my thoughts; I think that this entire story that Felix told is based on Amilie's perspective of things, and what it tells me is that I think Amilie was jealous of Emilie, or rather, jealous of her life. Whereas Amilie felt forced to do what her parents wanted, despite them letting Emilie run wild, and married a man she didn't love, whereas Emilie chose her own partner, it comes off as Amilie romanticizing and idealizing Emilie's life while ignoring how Emilie's attitude comes off largely as entitled to getting her way and honestly a bit selfish. Amilie wanted what Emilie had, and while she may not have resented her sister for it, that want covers every aspect of the story, in how it glorifies Gabe as this dashing romantic who came from nothing yet degrades her own husband as someone she was forced to be with.
Honestly, Colt comes off as someone who fits the mold of "good husband, bad father." Given how Amilie's parents were willing to let Emilie do just about whatever (side note: the play also glorifies Emilie cutting them out of her life, treating it as a big romantic gesture instead of an act of petty spite at them not being perfectly supportive in all things she chose to do), I wouldn't be surprised if Colt genuinely was interested in Amilie and approached her parents for her hand in marriage because it was what an "old-fashioned gentleman" and someone of high society and old nobility like the Graham de Vanily's are implied to be would be expected to do. It comes off as an infatuated rich man expecting to have a happy life with a woman who is only marrying him out of obligation, and when he learns that his, in his mind, spoiled and ungrateful sister-in-law and her husband managed to overcome her fertility troubles yet didn't share the method with her own sister, got pissed off about it.
I do not think Colt is a good man. But I think that, if the writing were more realistic, the situation would be far more complicated and gray then the show insists it is. In the end, however, we are only going off of what Felix says things were like... and given his track record for lying, I can't say I trust him at all.
Anyway, that's my monologue over, onto the review! As always, warning for my profanity.
Episode 24: Representation
Yadda yadda, normal pretentious intro that blatantly lies that Marinette is a "normal girl with a normal life."
Okay, opening with the news, and it's in Britain we are starting with. Props for them actually showing off the new location, even if I don't really care. Honestly baffled that the opening news story is about Paris' elections. I have to ask, is that any kind of normal?? From my experience, unless it's something genuinely major like the new leader of an entire country, most news organizations are not gonna give a shit about the election of a Mayor, even if that Mayor is for a country's capital.
Aanndd... the news is immediately shit by auto-hyping Ms. Bustier as "going the distance." Which is just... why? She's someone with no experience, no training, no background in ANY KIND OF POLITICS. What makes her seem a choice to "go the distance"? Also, apparently Tomoe and Gabriel have been boosting their PR Game to ensure that their preferred narrative is in control; now if only Gabe could apply that kind of competency towards being a villain, and he wouldn't be such a fucking joke.
"Perfect Love" NOPE NOPE NOPE!!! For fuck's sake, the way this show keeps throwing around "perfect" so much, it's rapidly becoming a berserk button for me. For FUCK'S SAKE, WHY ARE PEOPLE IN-UNIVERSE OBSESSING OVER A TEENAGE COUPLE SO MUCH!? GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!! THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE THEN ROMANCE PEOPLE!!!
Also, why are they describing Britain as "going over seas" for Kagami and Adrien? Granted, I'm shit at geography, but I'm pretty sure they are STILL IN EUROPE. If they'd gone to New York or something, I might've bought it. This, this is just fucking LAZY. Oh, and my obligatory ADRIEN CAN JUST HAVE A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP WITH MARINETTE WHY IS THAT SO FUCKING HARD TO UNDERSTAND FOR PEOPLE!?!?
...Okay, someone who looks like Adrien saying "Kagami is the greatest love of my life," yup that's Felix, WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU FUCKING MORON!? FOR FUCK'S SAKE, YOU ARE ACTIVELY DAMAGING ADRIEN'S REPUTATION ALL OVER AGAIN YOU FUCKING JACKASS!!! Or maybe it is Adrien, and he's letting Gabe push him around because "reasons" again. Seriously, this whole Sentimonster shit is just BULLSHIT!!! Oh, and Plagg once again pointing out how Adrien lets himself get pushed around by his dad is spot on. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BOY WHO BROKE OUT OF HIS OWN HOUSE TO GO TO PUBLIC SCHOOL, HUH!?!?
Yup, Kagami gets pissed off about the lies... then the Feathered Fucker shows up. Howdy Argos!! What hypocritical bullshit are you gonna spill today!? Also, for real, I cannot tell if this "interview" is something that Tomoe and Gabe whipped up on a computer and sold to news groups, or if they are literally spineless enough to just meekly go along with their parents' toxic demands, despite actively working to DEFY THEIR PARENTS IS LITERALLY THE ENTIRE CORE OF THEIR CHARACTERS!!! FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!
"I can never seem to go against my father," OH, I WONDER WHY THE FUCK NOT!? Also, that is blatantly untrue, since if he couldn't ever go against his father, HE NEVER WOULD'VE MET MARINETTE TO START WITH!!! "I can go see her as often as I want as Astro-Cat!" Or, you could JUST FUCKING VIDEO CHAT WITH HER!!! For fuck's sake, YOU CAN JUST HAVE A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP!!! IT IS NOT THAT COMPLICATED!!!
Now, we're back in Paris, and apparently it's still night, I guess? This... what the fuck is this? How the fuck is this even happening!? I'm just totally confused on how the timing is supposed to be working. Marinette's still a weepy mess from the last episode, no sympathy from me because of the rampant character assassination from last episode, fucking deal with it people. I have no care for Marinette's feelings at this point because this series has just butchered her for the sake of dragging out this nonsensical drama FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME!!!
Marinette... shut up. Stop with the "fought so hard for this happy ending" you have done JACK AND SHIT up until relatively recently doing the bare fucking minimum, and have routinely blown every chance to do something meaningful because you are that much of a fucking disaster. Grow the fuck up, and get the fuck over your hurt feelings. If you ever thought convincing Gabe was in the cards, you are fucking delusional. This is the man who explicitly stated that he would ruin you if you kept trying to pursue his son and has kept his son essentially trapped for the vast majority of his life. You are an absolute moron if you thought there would be any other outcome by going for this option.
NO Tikki, she ISN'T brave. She's a fucking coward who has wussed the fuck out on every fucking chance to grow the fuck up and act her fucking age, and acts as if she deserves a fucking medal for "putting on a brave face for her friends" instead of admitting she uses other people to ignore her own problems while also forcing them to DEAL with her problems because she can't get the fuck over herself. What, you think she'll never love again!? BULLSHIT!! THAT IS NOT HOW LOVE WORKS!!! THAT IS NOT HOW PEOPLE WORK!! THIS IS A GUY YOU HAVE DONE THE BARE MINIMUM TO LEARN ANYTHING ABOUT AND HAVE KNOWN FOR LESS THEN A FUCKING YEAR, GROW THE HELL UP!!!
And of course her "friends" made a big spectacle out of her arriving, on the stupid fucking assumption that Adrien would be with her. For fuck's sake, I forget, did Adrien ever tell ANYONE that he was leaving!? Some friend. Some friends. This... this is shit.
Oh, and Argos and Kagami are spying on the dance, and Kagami is spilling Marinette's secret... oh, and the obligatory flashback detailing how she found out just makes her falling for Lila's lies about Marinette not being her "real friend" EVEN FUCKING STUPIDER because she is literally overhearing a damn good reason why Marinette doesn't tell her some things and isn't always able to spend time with her, and yet she falls for Lila's bullshit hook, line, and sinker. Someone get me a fucking drink.
"It's the only possible explanation." Yeah, because overhearing Marinette confessing to have a Miraculous still despite all the Temp Heroes being gone clearly has SO MANY POSSIBILITIES!!! Seriously, the way they try to frame this stupidity as some brilliant deduction instead of something being blatantly obvious is obnoxious.
"We don't have a choice." No Kagami, you very much do have a choice, AND IT IS A FUCKING EASY ONE. Since when are you this much of an obnoxious idiot?! Oh yeah, since this season.
"My mother and Gabriel Agreste will never allow us to love each other." For fuck's sake, Kagami, YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW THIS FUCKING PSYCHO, AND YOUR LOVE LIFE IS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THIS FUCKING SCENARIO, GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF!!! They really are just trying to make her a re-skin of Marinette.
"Without you, I never would've had the courage to run for mayor!" Yeah, no. Fuck that. She had nothing to do with you running for an office you are entirely unqualified to hold.
Oh, and has anyone else noticed that Argos is still using the same transformation and de-transformation phrases as Mayura? The supervillain who has been enabling Hawkmoth? Huh, almost makes you think HE IS STILL A BAD GUY!!!
It's really fucking stupid how this show is already presenting Caline winning the election as a guarantee, or that she'd even have that much influence. Seriously, this show doesn't even pretend to present the complexities of being an elected official appropriately. The Ghost and Molly McGee presented how being an elected official works better, and it's aimed at the same target audience, so this sloppy presentation has no excuse.
Oh, and Marinette is now rushing at Felix, once more impersonating his cousin, and isn't stopping to question how the FUCK 'Adrien' could even be IN THE CITY when she LITERALLY SAW HIM FLYING OFF ON A PLANE!! Speaking of which, HOW AND WHEN WAS FELIX ABLE TO GET BACK TO PARIS WITH KAGAMI!? ADRIEN APPARENTLY LITERALLY LEFT TODAY, AND FELIX DOESN'T HAVE ANY FAST TRAVEL POWER-UPS LIKE ASTRO-CAT!!! God fucking dammit, they aren't even trying.
NOW her classmates notice that Marinette clearly isn't feeling well, bravo, much surprise. Much skill.
Oh, and Marinette walks in on Nathaniel and Marc holding hands, and they notice she's crying.
I'm just gonna say it, Felix deciding that THIS, essentially gaslighting Marinette with Adrien's image rather then just, you know, WAITING UNTIL SHE'S ALONE AND PULLING HER ASIDE, in order to draw her away from the crowd and talk to her is just plain fucking cruel. Because that's what this is; gaslighting. Also, just hit me that the writers' establishing that Kagami knew Marinette's identity (or at least heavily suspected) but didn't hit her with the "Alix Card" like they did Luka is a fucking blatant double-standard and retcon.
This gaslighting routine Felix has going is just disgusting. This is abusive. I have little to no sympathy regarding Marinette, and even I think that this is a needlessly toxic and cruel way to get her attention. Heck, he literally could've just placed himself somewhere in her line of sight in Argos mode and gestured that he needed to speak with her; this? This is just tormenting her for no goddamn reason. Fuck this asshole.
And now Alya and Nino are there, and they think she's just imagining things. GREAT JOB, FELIX!!!
"What if he's come home?" MARINETTE THAT IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. HE LEFT LITERALLY THIS NIGHT THERE IS NO WAY (as far as you know) HE COULD'VE MADE THE DISTANCE BACK TO PARIS!!! Goddammit these dumbass writers are almost making me feel bad for her. And all it took was them making the guy they went out of their way to go "no really, he's just misunderstood!" over emotionally torture her with the image of her boyfriend. Also, seriously, HOW DO PEOPLE NOT GET YOU CAN JUST HAVE A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP!? IS THAT REALLY SUCH A STRANGE IDEA!?!?
Also, another thing that makes the time zones weird. I literally just looked up how long it takes to get to London from Paris. By car, it would take just a little bit over five hours. It really isn't that far, so why the fuck is Adrien in bright sunshine while the Parisian cast is currently in night time??
Also, I fucking hate how they keep using "ending" to describe things. Like, right after Nino suggests they find a way to go visit him (FUCKING FINALLY THEY HAVE NINO BE A BRO AND IT IS TOO FUCKING LITTLE TOO FUCKING LATE!!!), Alya describes this as "not the ending they expected." Because for FUCKS SAKE this is not the end of the world or even their god awful relationship!! They can call, they can video chat, they can text, heck they could literally just beg their parents to take a roadtrip and surprise him if they wanted it bad enough, WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE ACTING LIKE THIS IS THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD!?!? I can get and even accept that Marinette has a right to be sad, but everyone, and I do mean fucking EVERYONE, is treating this like it's the death of her precious relationship. It's barely a fucking SET BACK if they honestly want to pursue it still.
Oh, now we get Tomoe and Gabe throwing a hissy fit over their dolls children are missing, with Gabe going to look for Nathalie, who is sick in bed. Oh, and also watching those dumb as shit video diaries from Emilie. It'd be easier to by that she "just wants Adrien to be free" when she was complicit in Adrien living in isolation his entire life up until now. And her watching those videos on LOOP doesn't make Nathalie a good person, writers, she has known about them this entire time and STILL was fully complicit in Gabe's efforts to keep Adrien under his thumb. Stop babying her and have her face the consequences of her aiding and abetting a terrorist like a fucking adult.
Also, why the fuck is Gabe assuming Nathalie would know where Adrien is, or why she would even tell him!? Bullshit attempt at making her sympathetic aside, she's very visibly IN NO SHAPE to have helped him, and wouldn't tell Gabe anything. Oh, and Gabe FINALLY seems to FUCKING GET THAT NATHALIE IS NOT ON HIS FUCKING SIDE!!! Little bit late for that, Gabe, considering she once put you in a fucking armlock and called you insane to your face. Are you delusional or just stupid!? ...probably both.
And it's ONLY NOW that he takes the Ring from her. NOW. God fucking DAMMIT, none of this is adding tension. This is literally Gabe just being too fucking stupid in that he's only taking actions to consolidate his power AFTER DOING SO NO LONGER MATTERS. This man is not competent. This man is a rabid DOG that needs to be put down before he gets people killed.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng! I'm sure he went to find her!" Wow, it's as if it's the obvious thing to do after someone forcibly separates you against your will from your girlfriend! Seriously, this is not a big brain moment for Gabe, this is him realizing the fucking obvious way too fucking late, as per usual.
Okay, now we actually get a moment of Gabe using his brain by using an Akuma as a spying tool- Nevermind, he's just Akumatizing himself, AGAIN, to try and scare Adrien out into the open and obeying him, because OBVIOUSLY that won't backfire and doesn't involve him pointlessly putting himself at risk of getting captured and defeated for good!!
One thing that really baffles me about this current stupidity is how Gabe doesn't seem to question how Adrien would even be able to GET to Marinette, you know, considering that even if he left, Adrien would still have to travel from London all the way to Paris, and it's not like he can get on a plane in anything approaching a timely manner!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled instance of Marinette being gaslit by Felix!! Felix leads Marinette away from the party (still wearing Adrien's get-up), and Adrien himself arrives and overhears his "friends" talking about Marinette and Adrien not being there. Heck, Nino even mentions that they would've helped him if he just told him! Which, yeah, they would've, nice going leaving all your friends, not just your girlfriend, in the lurch like that bud. But I'm laughing at Nino going "his dad can't have that much control over him." Do- do the writers not understand how parental rights and guardianship WORK?? Unless they can hire a good lawyer and make a rock-solid case why Gabe shouldn't have guardianship over Adrien anymore, there is jack-shit they could've done... not that I think Adrien was thinking about that in the slightest when he made his decision to keep it all to himself.
Nighttormenter, and WOW that is a crappy name, having the power to make their worst nightmares come to life would be more effective if it wasn't limited to just them having an image appear briefly in their heads. Like, it's a fucking waste; this is a power literally BUILT for emotional torment, and could give insights into the thoughts of his enemies, and it's a fucking let-down because it does nothing other then make people collapse to the ground clutching their heads. Like, we KNOW he could've made it do more, we've literally seen a better version of this power with Sandboy, why the FUCK is this the best he can do!?
And after Nighttormentor runs for the hills to try and find where Marinette is (despite LITERALLY having a power that causes immediate debilitating suffering and Chat Noir right in front of him), Nino decides to get... sigh... "The Resistance" involved. Which I can't even pretend to take seriously.
Marinette rushing after Felix through the streets of Paris... what is the point of all this? Like, for real, he had PLENTY of chances and ways he could've covertly taken her aside and talked with her. All this? This is just torturing her by forcing her to run through the city (is she wearing HEELS!?) in the vain hope she'll see her boyfriend again after watching him be dragged away onto a plane before.
...It's the school. He went to all the freaking trouble of gaslighting her by imitating Adrien, leading her on a goose chase throughout Paris, crying her eyes out while dressed in clothing absolutely inappropriate for running through the streets at night, just to get to the school. (Inhales deeply) FELIX YOU ABSOLUTE MOTHERFUCKING COCKEATING PISS-SOCKET SON OF CANNIBALISTIC WHORE I AM GOING TO RIP YOUR SPINE OUT AND MAKE A BACKSCRATCHER FROM IT YOU PIECE OF UNSANITARY SELF-SERVING SLIME BALL!!!!!
Okay, glad I got that out. That was... a very ugly feeling.
Oh wow, the room he lead her all over Paris to had a picture of her and Adrien and now she's crying over it, way to go Felix, you must feel so proud of yourself! Hey, Kagami, what a catch, right? You must feel so happy your boytoy tormented your alleged friend, don't you? After all, you wouldn't go along with all this nonsense if you didn't approve, right? You wouldn't torture someone you call a friend just because, right? THERE IS SOME DEEPER, HUMANE REASON BEHIND ALL THIS, RIGHT!?!?
"Then it's wonderful!" Duusu... I'm gonna bitch-slap you.
Alright, a reprieve from my burning anger, Nighttormentor is in Marinette's room and throwing a hissy fit over her creepy love shrine to Adrien. It'd be understandable if it weren't for the fact his hatred is because someone HE didn't pick DARES to pursue his "creation." And after briefly subduing Chat Noir, Nighttormentor once again misses a prime opportunity to subdue him and take his Miraculous, because obviously missing out on the perfect chance to accomplish his ultimate goal right here and now is worth being a parasitic control freak towards the poor boy who has the misfortune of being his son.
One dive through Voyage alongside Nighttormentor, and now back to our regularly scheduled bullshit!
...This is really the best he could come up with. Having an Amok put on... a bad play involving him and Kagami acting out roles on screen. Instead of, you know, just TELLING HER THE TRUTH!?
I would face-palm at Marinette automatically assuming she's looking at "Adrien" and Kagami if it weren't for the fact that FELIX HAS BEEN FUCKING GASLIGHTING THE HELL OUT OF HER ALL FUCKING NIGHT!!!
Okay, play begins, and he's... telling her about the backstory of the Graham de Vanily twins (Amilie and Emilie).
Now back to Nighttormentor! Somehow we missed a bunch of steps since Nighttormentor is staring out at fireworks on a rooftop, and Chat Noir is somehow far enough behind him he needs to make a running attack... Seeing how THIS occurred would be more interesting than whatever fever dream Gaslight Piss-stain and the Wind-up Doll that is his Girlfriend cooked up. And NOW the Akuma FINALLY focuses on what Akumas are MEANT to focus on and gives Chat Noir his full attention rather than wasting his time throwing his little hissy fit, and all it took was Chat calling him out on being a shit dad!!
The one thing I'll say about this episode, even discounting the gaps in fight scenes, the current battle between Chat Noir and Nighttormentor is actually entertaining. Like, him timing a Voyage to perfectly dodge Chat Noir's attack, and Chat Noir landing so hard he shatters the ground behind Nighttormentor, while snarling that he's a coward. Why can't we see Adrien LIKE THIS as a civilian, instead of a mopey brat? WHY!?
Back to the shitty play, apparently "Daughter One" was a wild child who went against her parents' wishes to live her own life whenever she could, whereas "Daughter Two" was an indoors kid who wanted her parents' approval. Still no fucking clue why Marinette needs to KNOW ANY OF THIS BULLCRAP. Oh, and apparently Marinette is actually invested in the play. Not sure why, since if I was in her shoes, I'd have been pissed and screaming at the two by this point for dragging her all over town, tormenting her by making her think Adrien was back, and taking her away from her friends... for a FUCKING PLAY.
And apparently Emilie and Amilie's parents were control freaks. No clue if that's true or not, or if it's the biases of Amilie bleeding into Gaslighting Shit-Weasel, who bleeds it into the play. Either way, it fits the "All Rich People are Evil Bastards (unless I say they aren't)" attitude Astruc has going on in the writing.
Okay, "Daughter One" is Emilie, and they described her immediately finding "true love in a humble tailor." Now, to avoid going on a screaming rant again, I'm just gonna summarize what's wrong with this scene: firstly, it once again pins "true love" onto a relationship and idealizes romance without engaging with the toxic elements that can occur, acting as if Emilie and Gabe's relationship HAD to have been pure and wholesome without any issues, because 'that's how romance works' or some shit. Secondly, it carries the common undercurrent of the show demonizing wealth and success by implying that the "Gabe" Emilie fell in love with is practically a different person from Gabriel Agreste, treating Gabe as having once been a kind, loving man... while once again ignoring how Emilie and Gabe both kept Adrien isolated and controlled throughout his entire childhood, and both were complicit in keeping him alone.
Oh, and the fact it had Kagami (As "Emilie") swooning in Felix's arms is fucking disgusting given how many unhealthy undertones there are to their "relationship." Also, Marinette seems to be catching on to who they seem to be talking about.
Second Scene: Apparently Gabe used to be a more altruistic designer whose designs emphasized how he worked to bring out and enhance the natural beauty of the wearer rather than dictate HOW they can be considered beautiful. Again, this scene carries the vibe of the writers side-stepping how much of a toxic control freak Gabe is to push the narrative that "fame and success corrupted him."
Third Scene: Emilie apparently gave up all of her prior connections to her family to live her own life. (Sighs in contempt) Yeah, I was kinda expecting this. It's exactly the same kind of vibe that Astruc pushes online and pushed in the form of how Chloe, Audrey, Zoe, and Andre are written; being wealthy and successful is inherently a "bad thing" and to be a good person you have to "give up your privileges and live humbly." I'm feeling a bit of spiteful glee at the fact that Gabe is really exactly the kind of person her parents would have approved of, going by the vibes I'm getting; a control freak who gained incredible wealth and success in his chosen fields and grinds anyone who goes against his design under his thumb. Also, them once again pushing the "wealth and success are bad!!" narrative falls flat on its face by the fact that their "successful trial run" to "prove" that giving up your wealth and "privileges" makes you happier (Andre) only gave up his office and still owns a ludicrously successful and important Hotel, and never actually made any kind of amends for the harm he caused, he just acted like he got his happy ending when all he did was get rid of a responsibility and leaving it up for grabs.
Fourth Scene: The Wedding Rings apparently used to be a single ring, for some reason, and Emilie apparently is of the belief that 'babies make everything better' in how she (Kagami acting as Emilie) said that "we only require a child for our happiness to be complete." Like, I get wanting a kid, there's nothing wrong with that. But acting as if you absolutely NEED a kid is not a healthy mindset, especially if you have no way of knowing if you are even really fit to RAISE a kid (newsflash, they aren't), and to me it illustrates that, despite claiming she's free and gave up her attachments to her family and their means, Emilie picked up way more from them then she realizes. They idealized having an heir, just as Emilie idealizes having a child of her own.
Pulling back the nostalgia shades that the writers seem to have placed on the scene, this scenario paints Emilie as a spoiled brat to me. It frames her childhood as having a lot of expectations placed on her, only for her to shirk those responsibilities and run wild, doing whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. Even if her parents disapproved, they never sincerely tried to stop her. Heck, when she got older, they literally let her study abroad and get away from them and live her own life. And when they finally put their foot down when she insisted a random tailor she met in Paris was her "one true love" she cut them out of her life in a fit of spite.
Now, I'm not saying she should've been obligated to do whatever her parents wanted, and I think that them insisting on putting the burden of being their heir onto her while apparently neglecting her sister was toxic and unfair... but Emilie, by all accounts, didn't have ANY of the typical burdens the heir to a noble or royal family would have, in the modern era or the past. But the ONE TIME it seems like her parents EVER really were strict with her, she cut them out of her life without a care in the world, and essentially stole a family heirloom to make into her wedding rings in the process. Heck, they might've disapproved of Gabe because they could tell he was secretly really toxic, we don't know! But the vibe this image paints for me is much less optimistic and idealized then the writers intended.
Now, back to Amilie's side of the story, without her sister around, and still eager to please their parents, she agreed to marry a weapons manufacturer (who is portrayed as such an obnoxiously offensive American Stereotype I'd probably be screaming if my rage hadn't reached the point of tranquility) that they introduced her to, Colt Fathom. Apparently her parents and Colt all wanted her to have a kid and were really eager for it. Colt is stated to be "heartless." Amilie is not presented as having wanted a kid herself.
...The reading this comes across to me is that this story is Amilie's perspective of her childhood, with her older sister living an idealized life of freedom and romance with someone she loved, while Amilie resigned herself to misery due to being unable to not please her parents and bow to their wishes. I'd even go so far as to say that the only reason that Emilie's portrayed as good as she is is because Amilie is projecting all her childhood resentment onto her parents and the circumstances they shaped for her, with the irony that Emilie really kind of WAS the heir they wanted in how not only was Emilie the family favorite, she even wanted to have a child, an "heir," just like their parents wanted. Or at least it is at this stage. I feel like I know what's coming up.
Okay, back to Nighttormentor, with him having apparently once again abandoned his focusing on Chat Noir in favor of his temper tantrum in tracking down Adrien. Oh, and Chat Noir basically unloading his problems with his dad through the veil of anonymity by ripping into how shitty Gabe is as a father. Naturally, Gabe doesn't give a damn about someone criticizing his parenting skills, but this scene would honestly be awesome if this was how Adrien acted around Gabe in their civilian lives instead of only having the guts to say it when Gabe is unable to recognize him.
Also, the fact that Gabe is sincerely delusional enough to believe that ADRIEN IS HAPPY with everything he's done is just plain disturbing. Anyone so twisted that they could believe being under another person's thumb like that is a good thing, that someone would be happy being so controlled, is fucked up in the head. This isn't the kind of attitude that comes from nowhere. This is how Gabe has always been, it's just only now that the veil of sanity is coming down. That "Humble Tailor" never existed; he was always a monster, he just used to be better at hiding it.
Okay, back to the play, and we learn that neither Amilie nor Emilie were able to get preggers. Amilie was probably secretly happy, since she apparently wasn't really all that invested in having a kid, whereas Emilie was more sincerely upset. After all their struggles, Emilie apparently swallowed her pride and went back to her parents to ask for help; the fact that they apparently didn't turn her away for defying them, let her keep her life with Gabe without any apparent strings attached, and even helped get her treatments to get pregnant... I'm thinking my "Emilie was actually a spoiled brat whose parents coddled her" theory is spot on. Even after essentially running away from home to be with a guy who would turn out to be awful to their future son, nothing yet indicates that they made her miserable over her choices and just accepted she was home. Heck, they could've demanded she give back the rings she took, but didn't, and unlike when Felix stole them, they would've been in their rights to do so given that the rings legally belonged to them in the first place.
Next we learn that Emilie "was pregnant" with imagery of the Peacock (REAL subtle there, Astruc), and apparently Colt got insanely jealous over it. Which, I can honestly understand to some extent; ignoring the confusion that Emilie and Gabe apparently created a Sentichild INSIDE HER to grow like a regular baby gives me, they apparently never bothered to share with Emilie's sister, who was also struggling to find a way to get pregnant, that they had found a means to overcome their implied infertility. ANYONE who honestly wanted a child and was left out of the loop of a means to do so would probably be pissed off and jealous.
Heck, honestly, his jealousy doesn't even seem to be for himself. He's jealous on behalf of his wife, that SHE deserved to have a child more than the spoiled brat who ran away from home and got hitched to a tailor she met in Paris and married with stolen rings. Even if his attitude his unacceptable, his feelings are somewhat understandable; not only did she run away from home, abandon her family, then come crawling back to get treatment for her infertility, when she FOUND a method to overcome, she couldn't even be bothered to share it with her twin sister? WHO DOES THAT SHIT!?
While his confrontation with Gabe was harsh, the fact that Gabe's response to being confronted was to act coy and essentially snub his stepbrother... yeah. I really do not buy the whole "used to be an idealistic, humble tailor" routine; I'm pretty sure he was totally fine leaving his extended family out to dry so long as his branch of it benefited. One positive point on Emilie's side, she apparently had the good conscience to eventually realize that keeping a means of getting pregnant away from her sister who (she thought) wanted a child herself after she had benefited from it and talked Gabe into talking with Colt about it. I'm honestly baffled on how Gabe knew that the Peacock "would have a price to pay" given that Emilie hadn't shown any signs by this point (since this was apparently shortly after she got pregnant and her "fading" took place over several YEARS), yet never actually bothered to TELL Colt what that price would be.
Also, apparently he was "given" Adrien's bodyguard in exchange for the Miraculous... because just hiring a competent bodyguard normally and giving his stepbrother and stepsister the thing that would allow them to have a child for free as a favor to his wife would be too big of an ask. Yeah, the vibe of "Emilie's parents opposed her marrying Gabe because they could smell the slime on him" is getting stronger with this scene.
And aside from being briefly freaked out over the idea of using magic to create a kid, Colt went along with it. The narration says that it was his jealousy that created the child (Felix) but given this is all second hand via Felix himself, it could've been anything. Similarly, when it shows him hesitating to touch Amilie's pregnant belly, the reasoning could be just about anything. Naturally, the narrative is gonna paint this as him being bigoted against his son, but the root cause is that we simply don't know anything beyond what Felix says, and I don't trust a word he says in the slightest. And the scene ends with the narration having both women give birth "to two boys as similar as their mothers were," which is kinda bizarre as I don't know why that would happen in the slightest, even if "jealousy" were a factor in the equation.
And NOW we get a scene showing off how fucked up Nighttormentor's power is with a fully detailed scene showing Adrien's nightmare. And apparently his nightmare is him getting Akumatized and ending up causing something like Chat Blanc to take place. ...Okay, back the fuck up, WHEN WAS THIS EVER HINTED AT!? Chat doesn't even KNOW about Chat Blanc, how could THIS be his worst fucking nightmare!? You can't say it's because of him being afraid of cataclysming someone, given he was fully willing to fly off the handle and do it to "Dark Humor," yet he's somehow upset he did it to Hawkmoth!? AND AGAIN, HE HAS NO WAY OF EVEN KNOWING WHAT A WORLD IN WHICH HE CATACLYSMED EVERYONE WOULD EVEN LOOK LIKE!! Why would THIS be his worst nightmare!? It's completely unconnected to all of his personal hardships and struggles!!
It'd make more sense (if make me roll my eyes) if his "nightmare" was him acting as Gabe's model son and breaking up with Marinette to be with Kagami... and then Marinette just shrugs, goes "I never loved you anyway, have fun being under your dad's thumb" with all of his friends abandoning him to his fate and laughing at him or something. THAT would fit his character more then having THIS scene crammed in out of nowhere. Oh, and apparently Nighttormmentor can communicate with the people he's put into nightmares? When was THAT implied, ANYWHERE!? If this were a reveal that Nighttormentor can somehow control what nightmares he gives people, it'd be a cool reveal and make for a good explanation as to why Chat's secret wasn't blown wide open. But it's not the case, it's just an excuse to have Chat lose his confidence and act like a weepy baby.
I seriously do not get why Nighttormentor didn't just yank it off of Chat's finger. There's no reason for mind games. His power just works, so obviously he can just take it and Chat's in no shape to stop him. This? All this scene does is neuter the one badass scene Chat has genuinely gotten this season for... dumb shit.
Now, back to the lame play that makes me want to light things on fire!
Alright, we're at the scene where we learn that Colt got sick from using the Peacock Miraculous, and projected his fears onto a young Felix. Fear that later turned to hatred. You know, I feel like this might've been avoided if Gabe had just explained to Colt what he meant by "consequences" especially when Colt was obviously able to puzzle it out himself when the symptoms started. Because Colt was right, he WAS experiencing the consequences, but it's not because he made a kid with Magic (I wouldn't be surprised if Colt thought it was some "equivalent exchange, life for a life" bullshit), but because the thing he used to do it was busted and thus dangerous to use.
(Inhales deeply) Yeah. This pisses me off. We have wasted... basically HALF THIS FUCKING EPISODE devoted to Felix wangsting about his life. Like, yeah, Colt yelling at him and calling him a monster (possibly worse) is incredibly fucked up. But given that prior episodes this season were whitewashing Felix's bad actions, I have a sinking feeling where this is going.
Okay, yup, looks like Colt became a toxic, verbally abusive control freak. Honestly, on the orders thing, given Colt was apparently so ill that the scenery of the play implies he was constantly bed ridden and on monitors for his vitals, I'm not certain how aware he was of all that was going on. Needless to say, Colt was an abusive fuck, but the way the play implies that Gabe was somehow better, when he helped contribute to all this by withholding the truth from Colt, was deliberately vague about the "consequences" his miraculous child would bring about to him, and even using the situation to extort a bodyguard from Colt... yeah, Colt's an abusive fuck. No doubt about it. But the way this play implies Gabe wasn't his own flavor of "monster" is infuriating.
Also, if they are trying to use this to imply why Felix dislikes Sentis being called Monsters, it rings hollow when he has zero fucking problem labeling the rich kids at the Diamond Dance as "monsters" despite none of them calling either him or Marinette monsters. Did they remind him of his father? Who knows? All I know is that the worst they did was act like snobby brats, and he took that as justification to try and murder them with his Sentimonster of a Red Moon.
See, what kills me about this scene is that, if Colt was such an abusive monster, then why in the world would Felix cop an attitude to Adrien during his debut attitude and try to shame Adrien over his father's death? Why did he go out of his way to impersonate Adrien and try to ruin his personal life? Why? Why!? WHY!? The one, ONE, possible redeeming trait regarding his behavior in that episode was him lashing out over his father's passing, but if his father was such a piece of shit, then that flies out the window and he treated ADRIEN like shit just for giggles!! I sincerely fucking doubt Colt ordered Felix before his death to ruin Adrien's life, so all that bad attitude was ALL him. Heck, the episode says he was trying to look for the Peacock; WHEN!? He never did ANYTHING to try and find it, he just spent the entire time harassing Adrien, ruining Adrien's personal life, and acting like a snobby brat (just like those rich kids he criticized/tried to murder) while Amilie tried to bully and emotionally manipulate Gabe into handing over the family rings that Emilie had taken when she ran away from home and eloped with him.
..."He had to steal other magical objects to make an exchange." THE ABSOLUTE FUCK HE DID!! He KNEW Gabe was Hawkmoth, he KNEW Gabe wouldn't recognize him under the influence of a Miraculous, he had the PERFECT Miraculous to steal the Peacock and get away with it, THERE WAS NO FUCKING REASON TO MAKE AN "EXCHANGE!!" He literally only did it because he could, and mocked Ladybug over it. This!? THIS IS BULLSHIT!!! THIS IS UTTER HORSESHIT!!! THIS IS COMPLETE AND UTTER DOGSHIT!!! SHIT!!!!!
"The day I lost the Miraculous!" No, Marinette, the day Felix STOLE THE MIRACULOUS and gave them to Hawkmoth in a pointless deal he could've avoided but didn't because he didn't give a shit if he made the lives of you or the rest of Paris harder in the process.
Now, we get a scene of Nighttormentor oh so carefully reaching to take the Cat Miraculous, when the Resistance shows up, and the best Nino can say is "Why do you have to be so mean to people!?" Wow, much impress. What a great burn.
Oh, and he just stood there and let them throw stuff at him when he's the one with superpowers and literally has the perfect power to incapacitate them with. And whatever badass factor he gained this episode (Negative 1, but he's normally negative 10) just dropped down nine whole points. What a fucking joke.
"And the miraculous boy met a girl like him. They fell in love." No. No you didn't. That is as rotten as you claiming you came to Gabe's house to find the Peacock to try and save your life, while ignoring how you did nothing the entire visit besides steal the rings for your mother and tormented your cousin and damaged his social life. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up, right now.
"They just wanted to be free." Kagami... Felix already WAS free by that point, there's no way Gabe would ever bother undoing him, and you had made a point of already breaking the limitations your mother set for you, AND unlike Gabe and Colt, she actually let you have your Amok, so she never enforced orders on you. You can't pretend that Felix has done ANYTHING to help you be free. He hasn't. He's just put you in a new cage, and made it look nicer.
...This entire stupid as hell play to explain information Marinette never needed when they could've just told her "we're sentimonsters, Gabe is Hawkmoth, PLEASE stop him. Please." Fuck this shit.
And now Felix and Kagami are doing the echoey voice thing that has them talk to Marinette while not even being in the room. Fuck that. Fuck this. Fuck these shitty writers.
Oh, and the writers trying to draw parallels about having "to lie all the time," which in this context I guess is meant to imply that Felix and Kagami are "forced to lie," despite nothing implying that's the case, when Felix has rather gleefully lied and manipulated others in the past, and Kagami is no longer under any threat of being compelled to lie and is just enabling her mother's abusive attitude (I would normally never go there, but the writing is just that bad).
Now it's morning, Gabe was defeated without Ladybug, and all of Felix's attitude about the rights and plights of the Sentis is a load of shit as the utterly meaningless Sentimonster he created was erased as soon as he no longer needed it.
"Will she have the courage to face the father of the boy she loves?" Given that said "father" is an abusive piece of garbage who has threatened her career, her love life, her actual life (as both Ladybug and Marinette), and her friend's lives for MONTHS NOW, I'd say she is fully willing to face him because NOT FACING HIM IS NOT AN OPTION YOU FUCKING MORON.
And Argos and Kagami share a kiss. Please wait a moment while I hurl.
...Oh, and Adrien has a panic attack/PTSD episode when he tries to go tell Marinette the truth. Ah yes, because clearly an artificial and utterly nonsensical nightmare that Gabe crammed in his head with Akuma powers regarding a knock off of an alternate future that technically never happened would totally traumatize him to the point of being unable to confess the truth to his girlfriend and there's no way this isn't the writers forcing more needless drama in place!
...They are seriously fucking going with "Ladybug didn't undo the Akuma's damage, the nightmare's still there!" Dude, if that were the case, YOU NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO EVEN MOVE YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
And now that the episode is over, we end on a scene of Kagami and Adrien being put through "White Torture." What WONDERFUL parents they have. What fucking bullshit.
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ashleyrowanthewriter · 4 months
Mennin Timsansata - Our Curses - A poem in East Moonwingian
Men man se sakán atém keja
Kim imi sa men kim amili sa li.
Li fa uhpim sa sin men ka
In jeisá lansan jeisi
Min saka kalaman sa meikém sa.
Kiu isén sa lan un lan li.
Em ulin ka kiu mefa sa sulu li fa
Un li fa fa sa sulu ki.
I thank the world every day
For allowing me to meet you.
Your fire shows me the way
Like the brightest lantern.
My storm begins to disappear.
It becomes more and more little.
One day it will extinguish your fire
And your fire will burn it.
Written for the story I'm writing for the new MacGuffinsUwrite event by @moonfeatherblue! Because I couldn't write in English, I had to write in a conlang and then attempt translation. And don't worry if you don't understand. It will make sense in context.
Also, I should probably start explaining how this mess works, huh?
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lhelene · 2 years
apologies for the delay, but here is the second character you'll meet in The Guarded Depths, Amili!
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Amili is a self-taught witch who insists that she is still early in her training. She is helpful, earnest, and friendly, and always tries her best! She has a sailboat named the Bobbing Cork.
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yuttikkele · 1 year
yeah i really enjoyed the final day miraculous episodes, but here are the things I thought should've happened. long post, spoilers under the cut:
I feel like it would’ve been good for Adrien to come in at some point and ACTUALLY face off against his father instead of his girlboss doing it for him. Maybe him not knowing about his father will lead to more interesting scenarios in the future, but I felt like this season was REALLY building up Adrien’s freedom and HIM HIMSELF talking to his dad and conquering his oppressor, so I just think him actually getting to see why his dad’s been ignoring him for so long and fighting against that would’ve been good. BUT if these next seasons completely ignore all the terrible things Gabriel did, and Adrien actually continues to think his father was great instead of tackling those issues and making them interesting plot points, I AM GOING TO RIOT. WORST CASE SCENARIO.
In addition to Adrien conquering his father, and along the lines of overcoming and continuing to improve by looking forward, I think Gabe should’ve faded to dust. No wish being made. Now, I think they just REALLY wanted to show the wish making process, which ok it was pretty cool, so MAYBE Ladybug will like, revert all of this. But the WHOLE thing of the show was that you don’t need to go back and change things, you gotta keep looking forward (meet the robinsons is SCHOOLING you rn, astruc) and improve with your own human qualities. Like, you just showed us ladybug and chat noir LOST. After everything, they LOST. And this was supposed to be the FINAL ending??? “Oh, but the world is so much better!” YEAH. OF COURSE THE WORLD IS BETTER WITHOUT GABRIEL AGRESTE. HE IS A TERRIBLE HUMAN BEING. BUT, HE WON. THE VILLAIN WON AND HE GOT REWARDED FOR IT. bro the heroes didn’t only just LOSE, the whole MORAL OF THE SHOW IS LOST. “Oh, things are so much better now that the villain WON and MADE A WISH. btw guys did you know that doing TERRIBLE HORRIFIC THINGS makes the world a better place teehee!” GABE SHOULD’VE DISINTEGRATED.
And the show wouldn’t have been bad if Adrien didn’t have a family! It would’ve been interesting! He has to move on through life knowing the truth of his father, mother, Nathalie, AND himself while his father, mother, and Nathalie are DEAD, and that’s okay! I mean, he wouldn’t actually not have a family. He has Gorilla, but if that’s not enough, one of the other families could’ve adopted him! You COULD introduce a whole new family that would adopt him. Or, Amilie and Felix could move to France to live with Adrien, so then Felix and Kagami could be closer together! Just avoiding that problem altogether and having Adrien never know about his father is HORRIBLE because we’ve already found out in this series that lying about stuff like that doesn’t work out. And we’ve found out that just MOVING FORWARD and knowing that you can live with mistakes and become better is the WHOLE STORY.
And I’m starting to realize that miraculous does NOT like its own lesson that’s being taught. Chloe wasn’t allowed to move on and become better EVEN though she was given the chance. You can CREATE a character that’s not supposed to be redeemed, but don’t redeem them and then TAKE IT BACK. Miraculous, instead of teaching to “keep moving forward,” is instead teaching that “instead of living with mistakes to make you stronger, you should go back in time and fix them for the best results!” Which we already know is WRONG and not true at all. I know I know, there will probably be more mess-ups as a result of the wish that they just didn’t show, but what Gabe wanted came true, and that’s still terrible. Showing that the heroes won means so much, and I know it’s not the end of the series, but this IS the end of Gabriel Agreste, and showing that the heroes triumphed over him just means so much. And they didn’t. He won, and the heroes didn’t stop him, and he’ll get what’s coming for him, but the fact is that the heroes didn’t stop him. Or, maybe he won’t get what’s coming for him! Gabe doesn’t have to deal with whatever’s going to happen now that he’s made a wish since he’s dead! He even got to hold his wife one more time. Oh, but, he doesn’t have to see how MUCH he hurt his son, his assistant, and everyone around him.
Listen, the consistency of miraculous is not.. the best, but they should at LEAST be consistent in the lesson that is being taught through the story. And I know, they might fix it in the next seasons, and I hope they do! Because even though this didn’t go as I thought it would, it still has a LOT of potential, and I just really hope miraculous doesn’t pull a “miraculous” and throw all that potential away and put it to waste.
I do have a few questions that I hope will be answered tho! Like, I thought a wish made everyone forget that a wish happened. Like “that’s just how it’s always been” but only the kwamis know. But marinette seems to know what happened? And I thought a wish sorta, reset the whole timeline. Like you wouldn’t be able to go back, cause then you could just go back in time and stop a wish from happening. But instead it sorta seems like.. it’s part of the timeline? Cause the time travelers go back in time from what I’m assuming is this “rewritten” future. And everyone thinks Gabe helped ladybug defeat monarch so like, is this a new timeline or did the Thing happen and marinette was like “well I’m not gonna tell them the truth” and instead told everyone that Gabriel helped ladybug? Well, marinette did say she “only saw the miraculous and the rings” so I guess that’s what happened?? The other thing is, I could just be all wrong about ALL of this and marinette DID find a way to stop Gabe, though with the whole universe cataclysm-ing, that seems unlikely..
Yeah it just doesn’t make sense, but I’m sure they’ll explain it.
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delugedecade · 1 year
Kalto a freelance merc had taken a lot of odd jobs though did not help that he meet a beautiful lady last night and got to know her after some drinks. He woke up in bed and rubbed his head feeling the headache from the drinking “ugh…should have not drink so much last night…” he said to himself turn his head to see the lady he meet last night, though seeing her blue skin made him wonder what happen last night.
He got out of bed still naked and mostly check the time to see it was eight o clock in the morning, all he could remember was having a few drinks with her and after that could not remember.
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"Merde..." Amilie Lacroix, or rather, Widowmaker, groans as her brows furrow. The light of morning furrowing her brow, both wincing for darkness to coat her eyelids, and from the splitting headache from all of last night's alcohol. This soon turnings into head clutching as she rolls to face from the sun.
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So how's life with their now immortal lover like for the bros ever since they found her again? Does she live with them now and how was introducing them to friends and family like? I can only imagine it being either exciting or awkward
"Hey guys, remember that lady I told you about and is supposedly dead decades ago? Well I'd like you to meet "
I started writing about it, i was done 3 out of 5 brothers, my computer closed the file. i got mad, turned my computer off, aggressively went to have a snack and went to have a nap.
so let's do it again, i hope you like it
uk brothers II the after meeting again life II longer headcanons
❥ you're living together under the same roof, of course it's different from then but it works.
You met first his nan, the woman who found you. The same woman who heard so much about you for years. It was so nerve wrecking for you to meet again north but also the woman who's basically his nan, representing the second form of amily he has.
Meeting with his brothers was awkward to no end. They used to not really believe the story, saying he was dramatic and he should grow off from you but, guess who's the dramatic ones now.
Connor is extremely proud of you around his brothers, i mean, he's the winner.
« meet my future wife » he said loudly, surprising his brothers when he came back with a lovely lady next to him. The lady looking excatly like how he described her before.
❥ looks like a ghibli movie scene, he is pulling your arm excitedly out of the farm to meet the 4 guys he says are his brothers. Still wearing the same outfits.
You two live on the farm on top of the hill, after the owner died, his kids couldn't handle it anymore.
You and Dylan, being the only workers coming back and forth to the said farm they left it to you.
Dylan only had his brothers but they barely visited him then, so their presence matters to the blonde a lot.
« it's her ! » he says, screaming at them, still pulling on your arm. His siblings really looked as rough as Dylan, dressed in different workers outfits, you guessed that war wasn't only difficult for your rural part of Wales. Dylan is just excited to show you off overall, happy that he never has to feel ever again, the bitterness of losing you.
❥ Alistair was so conflicted in his feelings for so long. You drove him to insanity with your bullshit of elixir then. He expressed all of his anger and worry to you for a good month after you met again. He opened up about this subject of his past that he kept for himself for so long.
No friends or family then, so only his brothers later on. They were confused just as you were ; he never opened up about either sides to you or the other 4.
Took a long time to explain everything and understand the hell of a story you had.
It did sound crazy and quite weird to believe but your relationship is real.
Living together when you went through this story brings you closer, and actually this crafter and shipbuilding worker life was enough for alistair to help around for decades and still do his nation work so he kept it. Enough allowance to live together safely and comfortably.
❥ another traumatic one, it took time for you to meet « his brothers ». He always been closer to his people in general. You learned by moving in with him that during that tense and taboo time, his neighbors actually behind his back made a deal on protecting his existence. They all knew of his immortality and were ready to lie, pray, help him hide if he was persecuted. Nowadays it's eventually considered as normal. So it felt natural for him to tell his neighbors about the great news of your comeback. Your heart did felt a slight sting as you know that those neighbors are the kids, and grandkids of the said people then who made the promise to keep him safe. But they are still as sweet as their mothers, fathers back then. Everyone knows each other in this town and it's quite peaceful for you two.
❥ meeting his two families, the royal family (more his boss i would say..) and his brothers was absolute nerve wrecking on both sides. Your past was from the victorian era, something you erased and denied for a really long time. Also you'r dad's dangerous attempts to his science. Bold of you and Arthur to still step out and reveal it to the royal family. It's one of the country's best kept secret and normal people are not aware of it.
His brothers believed him quite easily as the story made sense. Nothing was suspiscious out of it, however, they do ask a lot of questions since they can't do it with the royal family directly. Also Dylan and Arthur think they can recreate the elixir like-
Furthermore, living together with Arthur is really special. You got used to the rural life of being disconnected of everything and everyone, arthur needs that so you make him discover the joys of living in rural england, the most peaceful thing ever for him.
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years
Unpleasant Side Effects
I decided to write a quick LUCY fic. It's pretty short, but It's good enough. Hope you enjoy
The members of Lucy had been on vacation and were meeting up to begin practicing for their next comeback. All four members were excitedly discussing the concept as well as talking about what they had done for their vacation. However the second youngest was quieter than usual.
"Wonnie, how was your vacation?" Yechan asked.
"It w-was good. I went to Sp-spain with my f-amily. Also c-aught a c-cold." Wonsang tried not to cough while he was talking with limited success. He ultimately fell into a semi intense coughing fit as soon as he finished. It was intense enough that he could feel one of the members pat his back in sympathy.
"That didn't sound good Won. You sure you're good to start practicing today? I'm sure we can wait a couple of days when you're feeling better." Sangyeop said.
"I'm on the tail end o-f it. As long as I don't t-alk or s-sing too much, I sho-ould be fine." Wonsang opened the thermos of tea he was carrying and took a few sips to rid himself of the irritation in his throat. The others didn't look completely convinced, but since Wonsang knows his body best, they went with what he said and got their instruments set up.
The first half of practice went okay. The group managed to learn two of the songs on their next album. However Wonsang kept interrupting with intermittent coughing fits.
"Are you sure you don't want to wait to continue learning the songs?" Yechan asked after Wonsang had another bad sounding coughing fit.
"I'm sure. My cough sounds worse than it is." Wonsang said.
The group decided to take a break from learning the new songs and instead decided to play some of their older songs. It was when they were playing Flowering that things went south. They had just finished the first chorus when Wonsang abruptly stopped playing. He turned to the side and brought his elbow up to his face as he began to cough. Wonsang knew that it was going to be one of his prolonged fits, so he somewhat clumsily removed his bass.
Wonsang spent a good thirty seconds coughing into his elbow. He was using his other hand to hold his elbow firmly against face. All of a sudden, without any warning, the sound of Wonsang’s cough changed. In an instant the other members could hear a slight strangled noise followed by a splash. They all looked at Wonsang, who was now staring at the floor with a shocked expression. There, at his feet, was a small puddle of vomit. His arm and hands were also covered in vomit. There had been a bit of a splashback as well, meaning that the lower half of his face and shirt collar also got hit.
“And that concludes band practice. Let’s get you home hyung. You clearly need rest.” Gwangil put down his drumsticks before standing up to lead his stilled shocked hyung out of the building. Even though Wonsang had driven himself to the company, Gwangil wasn’t about to let his hyung drive when he had just thrown up.
“That was unpleasant.” Wonsang said before once again coughing harshly.
“Hyung you should have told us that you felt nauseous.” Wonsang didn’t entirely know how to respond, so he stayed silent for the trip home. His first priority upon getting home was showering and changing his clothes. He really did not desire to be covered in puke for longer than he had to. When he exited the bathroom he found that Gwangil had set up the couch for him with a bucket sitting on the floor. He temporarily ignored it in favor of going to the kitchen to reheat some kimchi.
“Hyung, I don’t think you should be eating that if your stomach’s upset.” Gwangil said somewhat worriedly.
“I’m fine Gwangil. My stomach isn’t even upset. I just coughed a bit too hard.” This earned a confused look from the maknae.
It’s simple. I was coughing hard enough to contract my stomach muscles, accidentally expelling my stomach’s contents all over with no warning.” Gwangil definitely didn’t look like he believed his hyung.
“Alright hyung, but I’m going to stick around for a while. When you do wind up being sick again, I will be right here to help you.” Gwangil also took out his phone and texted Yechan an update. He then sat down on the couch and turned on the tv to wait.
Turns out Wonsang was right in why he had thrown up. There were zero repercussions to him eating kimchi closely followed by a burger. Although Gwangil was questioning how someone could find a burger appetizing right after throwing up. The maknae made sure to text Yechan updates and the older two were relieved to hear that Wonsang suddenly puking was just an unpleasant side effect of his cough.
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meowing-all-day · 5 months
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every place will have a caretakers that will guide and make sure that you're safe there, so it’s the time to meet the catto. all pawtakers is ready send a hello to the new furr-amily members with their adorable paws, kindly wave them with a warm welcome {catto_is_ready!}. 😼
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meet the pawtakers that will play with you during your stay; meow, myaong, nyaw, and miaw!
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toastling · 4 years
Amily Garen
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Amily Garen is a professional hero from Chelsea, Manhattan, representing the hero agency Street Justice. Though she’s only been in the game for 2 years now, she’s already made a name for herself as one of the industry’s rising stars. She’s an active member of NYC’s supernatural community and one of the faces of the city’s LGBT community. She’s also a vocal advocate for superhuman and drakan rights, and in her brief time as a hero, has taken part in numerous protests, marches, rallies, and demonstrations throughout the city, using her celebrity status to bring attention to causes that are important to her.
Though she’s becoming increasingly well-known individually, Amily is better known in tandem with her partner, Snow Angel. The two of them together form a rather popular duo known to fans as ‘Thundersnow’. They’re not just partners on the job, though - they’re also romantically involved, and are one of the most popular couples in the hero industry. While they make no effort to hide their relationship, the two girls are very serious about keeping their private life private, and are very careful about what they choose to reveal to the public.
Amily is on good terms with many rival heroes and agencies, and is known to team up with them on occasion - with or without Snow Angel - if they ever need a little extra muscle, as among heroes in her age group, her combat ability is unmatched. When it comes to fighting villains, Amily’s closest comparisons are all veterans decades more experienced than herself. Her training is extensive, and she’s been known to tutor others on request. She apparently taught Snow Angel everything she knows and spars with her regularly.
In spite of her skill however, Amily is yet to tap into her full power. The things she is theoretically capable of would make her a real superhero, but she still has a ways to go before she gets there. Nevertheless, she makes clever use of her inhuman strength, speed, endurance, and electrical abilities, and is known to be very adaptable and off-the-cuff in battle.
Amily’s high potential stems from the fact that she is what’s known as a halfling. Born to a superhuman mother and a dragon father, though he was never really a part of her life, Amily has always been steeped in both human and drakan culture. She’s part of a growing trend of professional heroes who’ve foregone the idea of separate hero and civilian identities, and just uses her given name instead, with her pride in her drakan heritage as a large part of the reason why. She is as far away from shy as you can possibly get and is as bold and passionate a girl as you’ll ever meet, and she wears her heart, heritage, and identities on her sleeve in hopes of inspiring others like her.
Amily was lucky enough to have piqued the interest of the King of Dragons, Sirus Albion, from a very young age. Having seen something in her, King Sirus assigned his former head of the Royal Guard - Li’alie Ninoke - to help raise and tutor Amily in her draconic ancestry and abilities. This is likely where Amily’s vast combat experience stems from, and why even without her father in her life, she is incredibly well-versed in the history and culture of the dragons.
All things considered though, halflings don’t exactly have the best rap among either race. They’re still largely considered to be outcasts, and are no strangers to bigotry or fear mongering from humans and dragons both. But Amily has never once wavered in her pride for who she is. She has worked hard and earned the respect of the humans as a hero, and of the dragons as a scholar. She’s even earned herself a title among the dragons - the ‘Blitz Dragon’ - which is almost unheard of for halflings. Because of her extensive knowledge of human and dragon cultures, and her celebrity status as a professional hero, Amily is considered by many to be one of the faces of the halfling community.
As for why she does what she does, Amily has always been stubborn and has never liked bullies. She challenged anybody who bullied her to fights she usually won, and went out of her way to get in-between other kids and their bullies any time she saw something going down. All her life, she’s wanted nothing more than to help and protect other people, and to empower those who feel like they’re powerless. She fights to put a smile on other people’s faces. That isn’t to say violence is all she knows - she often tries to resolve matters peacefully via communication before they ever escalate to that point - but she’s more than capable if it comes down to it.
She’s friends with just about every hero in her age range and is known for being very upbeat and personable. She’s described by her friends as an absolute joy to be around, and one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet. She is warm and understanding, boisterous and open-minded, and at her core she just really, really loves other people. But that isn’t to say she’s inexhaustible. Like most heroes, Amily always tries to put her best foot forward publicly, but the Amily her friends and fans know and the Amily her girlfriend and her family knows are likely two very different people.
Like most heroes today, Amily is on the front lines fighting and investigating Providence. Following a warning from a veteran hero that something big was due to go down in New York, Amily has been working overtime, doing everything in her power to avert another tragedy before it happens, including teaming up with law enforcement to raid suspected Providence hideouts. She’s made a few notable busts over the last couple of months, but so far, the organization’s grander plans for the city elude her. But for as long as they are a threat, she will be there, fighting tirelessly to put an end to their schemes.
Amily is what she’s always wanted to be - a hero - and is on track to be one of the best in the entire country. But for her, it isn’t about the fame or fortune that the hero’s life entails. For Amily, it’s just about doing the right thing. If she has the power to help, then she also has the responsibility, and if there’s one thing Amily considers herself to be, it is responsible.
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wandawxdow · 3 years
A Kidnapped Soulmate Part 3
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The carriage had been moving for hours on end before it finally rolled to a standstill. Riding alone had been boring to say the least. You slept, watched the scenery pass and listened-in to conversations of the Grisha riding all around you. It felt isolating, as if you were in a bubble. Needless so say, you were more than ready to stretch your legs…And perhaps have some kind of human interaction.
Hoisting yourself up on stiff joints, you threw open the door. “Stay,” a voice immediately barked, “the area needs to be secured.” A short blonde marched away from you, barking even more orders to the surrounding Grisha. You huffed, but ultimately decided go stay put as told. After all, getting on your soulmate's bad side after just meeting wouldn't bode well.
Biding your time, you bit the inside of your cheek and tapped your foot on the wooden flooring. After a surprisingly short amount of time, the door was yanked open by a brown-haired Grisha wearing red. He gestured for you to get out with a cheery smile, and you happily did so.
“I’m Feydor, ” he announced as he stuck out his pale hand.
Feydor and yourself sat on the trunk of a fallen-down tree as people buzzed around you setting up camp. You could see Kirigan across the clearing, standing and analysing a map alongside a small inner-circle. The rest all seemed well-practiced at the setting-up process; a group of wanderers and adventurers. “Shouldn't we be helping?” you enquired. In a small farming community, you were raised to always share the burden with others.
“They’re fine,” Feydor shrugged. He continued to chat with you about superficial things; likes and dislikes, weather, how he was certain that people called Serevin and Amilie were secretly in love. You quite enjoyed his company, yet his motivations still evaded you. No other Grisha had even tried to talk to you, except the one that ordered you to stay in the carriage. But that hardly counted as an interaction. “Why did you come get me?” you eventually questioned.
“What do you mean?”
One glance later, he cracked. “General Kirigan told me to. He thought I would be an uh- comforting presence.”
You chuffed out a small laugh. Perhaps you were supposed to be upset he sent someone to babysit you, but you weren't. Rather, you felt happy that he had considered you like that. “You are a comforting presence,” you admitted, smiling at the man.
Before you could both talk further, a shadow stood before you. Feydor gave you his hurried goodbyes before wandering off to converse with others.
“There you are, ” he drawled out, and with an awkward smile, you echoed back, “Here I am.”
“Dinner is ready. Come on.”
Standing and jumping down from the tree, you could see Kirigan’s shoulders tense as you hit the ground and his breath of relief as you landed on your feet. You happily pranced over to him, eager to fill your empty stomach and perhaps, speak to him more.
Hurrying to walk side-by-side with your soulmate, you contemplated what to say. “You never asked for my name, you know,” was the first thing you came up with.
“I realise that.”
Kirigan merely deposited you with the other Grisha around a fire for dinner while he ate alone in his large tent. Despite this, you had a relatively good time. Feydor introduced you to a few other Grisha, who were admittedly, not as scary as you'd pictured. Long after the sun had set, everyone seemed to retire to their individual tents and bedrolls. As more and more people filtered away, you had no choice but to stay put.
Eventually, when it was only yourself and those your presumed were on guard duty, Kirigan came to you. “Let’s go,“ he spoke simply before turning and walking away, his dark cloak swishing at his ankles with each step. You stood and followed him as he led you away to the largest tent in the clearing. His tent.
Behind him, you entered the large tent and lingered just within the doorway. Illuminated by various laterns, you noted that the space seemed overly extravagant for a mere night. But far be it for you to complain.
Kirigan extinguished each lantern until only one remained, situated in between two plush bedrolls situated atop a fine blood-red carpet. “Go on,” he urged. Synchronised, the two of you prepared for sleep; taking off shoes and shrugging off coats. You slipped into the bed, sighing in relief at the plush warmth it provided. With a glance over at you, Kirigan dimmed the lantern before settling himself back.
“Sleep well, y/n.”
Your head snapped to the side, squinting at Kirigan’s relaxed figure despite the dim light.
“How di-”
“I have my ways.”
Despite the unfamiliar environment and person lying beside you, sleep came easily that night.
Aleksander, however, didn’t have the same luck. He stayed awake, staring at the canvas ceiling, for hours on end. An instinct buried deep within him wouldn’t allow his mind to drift. Something was screaming at him to stay awake to protect you, be sure that no harm befell you during the chilling night. This frankly puzzled the General; he’d never felt so much care and consideration for a singular person before. Never cared this deeply about someone without truly knowing them. He supposed this was fate’s doing, being soulmates and all. He was designed and programmed from the moment of his birth to protect you. How could he deny that?
With little other choice, Aleksander resigned himself to watching over you that night.
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sexyandhedonistic · 3 years
hii! I'm new to the tumblr loa community but i wanna share one of my success stories. I manifested a person back in 4th grade as a friend,
( I didn't know anything about manifesting back then.) i used to constantly make up scenarios and stuff about meeting her and stuff to the point that i actually believed she existed and i was gonna meet her. i made a list describing her. name: amilie (a fake name jus to keep it private.)
personality: loyal, too kind,etc
looks: short height, brown hair, etc
the list goes on..
i eventually forget that i wrote the list AND THEN, 5th grade comes around and poof a new girl appears matching my exact list. i shrugged it off as a coincidence. and now i realize exactly what i did.. i feel so powerful lol. alkjkdjkd that's my success story. i love ur blog, tysm for all your posts they've helped me so fucking much <33
- rainvenus
OMG congratulations! You really are powerful!
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orlissa · 3 years
Idea for a story I might or might not write someday:
Nadya is 15 when the University of Ketterdam announces that they would start admitting female students. She is enthusiastic--Aleksander is less so. She might have a plethora of younger siblings, but she’s still his baby, and he cannot fathom her going that far away (especially when there are perfectly good schools in Ravka). I mean, how could she even fare all on her own out there? (And he is not exactly wrong: she might have spunk, but Nadya is one sheltered little princess with near zero experience out in the “real world”) Alina tries to be the peacemaker between them, but all she can achieve is to have the issue shelved for a while.
Only Nadya is stubborn and not exactly a level-headed person, so she just decides to run away to Ketterdam to show her dear Papa that yes, she can handle herself perfectly fine, thank you ver much. It’s not that hard to sneak out of the palace while the family is spending the summer in os Kervo and find a ship that will take her to Ketterdam. And it’s not like she’ll be gone forever--she’ll be back before the amily makes its way back to Os Alta, she swears!
Upon arriving at Ketterdam she basically has one plan: find the persom whom she’s never met in person (or at least doesn’t remember meeting), but whom she knows still sometimes reports to her father, and of whom Uncle Fedyor always speaks so fondly: one Nina Zenik.
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