my-autistic-self · 4 months
Random Prompt #116
Are there any activities or hobbies you’ve outgrown or lost interest in over time? There is one that I can think of right now. Sewing: I have lost interest in Sewing over the years. Over time, when I’m in school and mainly focus on art, I’m trying, though. I thought about doing it again when I went to Mega-Con a few weeks ago. After seeing all the cosplays they made, they made me feel like I…
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daftpatience · 4 months
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retrogamingblog2 · 11 months
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Nintendo Switch Arcade Cabinets made by AVEcustoms
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yogurtlid10000 · 8 months
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Alexa play Megatron by Nicki Minaj
Ok I’ve never drawn idw megatron before and these turned out so epic 😎😎😎GUYS MEGATRON IS SO COOL ‼️I LOVE THIS DUDE
Peep dtk (I adore soul eater)
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mizgnomer · 2 years
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David Tennant and Emojis - at MegaCon Orlando (May 2019)
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greeneyed-thestral · 3 months
Good Omens x Tuta Gold
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starfleetwitch · 5 months
Jemma Redgrave's Interview Mega Con 2024
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alectoperdita · 9 months
18 for the put that guy in a situation asks??
From Put That Guy in a Situation(TM) Ask Game
18. Possession/Mind control
content warning: implied non-con at the end
Read on AO3
Jounouchi was quiet. Eerily so.
The only time Kaiba had seen the deadbeat shut his trap for this long, it was when his breathing stopped after Ra struck him. But Jounouchi remained upright, rigid as stone, his eyes wide open but distant and glazed.
The expression reminded Kaiba of another incident, the one at the docks involving chains, bombs, a hostage with a cyanide pill clenched between her teeth, and supposed mind control.
Kaiba shifted, once again becoming aware of the heavy weight within his white-knuckled grip. The Millennium Rod—that was what Yugi called it. It was the very same trinket Malik had waved around throughout the Battle City finals.
All Kaiba knew was it was an eyesore, just like the gaudy piece his rival perpetually wore around his neck. Kaiba wanted nothing to do with it. He would've been content to continue to ignore its existence if it didn't keep turning up among his belongings like a bad penny.
He was anything but amused to open his office drawer and find it sitting inside. He returned it the same evening, threatening Yugi over the unfunny prank. The second time it turned up inside his briefcase, he walked out five minutes before his next meeting, went down to the Turtle Game Store, and basically chucked the Rod at Yugi's head. And the third time, after appearing on his bedside table after an uneasy night of tossing and turning, Kaiba was ready to commit murder.
Yugi claimed no responsibility for one second, before switching gears and babbling some nonsense about destiny and past lives. And whatever Kaiba might think of Yugi's delusions, he never took his rival for a liar. So Kaiba held onto it, reluctantly, and shoved it deep into a desk drawer to bury it.
At least it stopped actively haunting him afterward.
But his troubles didn't end there. No. More turned up in his office one early morning, as the sun barely peeked over the horizon to herald a new day. Kaiba had been driven from his bed by vague and amorphous dreams he couldn't put a name to, only to discover an intruder rummaging through his things.
"What are you doing here?" growled Kaiba, slamming the door behind him.
Swearing, Jounouchi jumped, swearing as he spun to face him. Of course, he was a shitty thief on top of being a third-rate duelist. Nor should it surprise Kaiba when he bared his teeth without a hint of shame and snarled, "Helping Yugi get back what's his!"
After issuing the bold declaration, he yanked his hand out of Kaiba's drawer and hefted the Millennium Rod into the air.
"You think I want that miserable trinket?" hissed Kaiba. His head pulsed. From a migraine. From sleep deprivation. From a gradually building rage. "I was this close to stapling it to his forehead so it can't leave him like his stupid Puzzle."
Jounouchi's eyes narrowed. "You're lying. Yugi might believe you, but I know better. You stole it!"
Stole—as if Kaiba ever needed to stoop so low. Kaiba wanted nothing more than to be rid of the nuisance—both the Rod and Jounouchi. But he'd be damned if he overlooked Jounouchi's trespassing.
"That's rich. Considering you're the one caught stealing red-handed. I'm calling the police. We'll see who they believe."
He crossed the room in a few long strides. He reached directly for the phone on his desk.
"Stop!" exclaimed Jounouchi.
Perhaps the fear of law enforcement sent him into a blind panic, because he took a swing at Kaiba with the Rod.
Kaiba caught it with his hand. The sharp blades protruding from the specter's head dug into his palm, threatening to break skin. Did Jounouchi know about the blade hidden within the shaft? Was that what he'd try next?
Pain bloomed in his head and radiated down the arm holding the rounded end of the Rod.
"Let go!" he roared.
The deadbeat dropped it like it was hot coal. "What the hell?"
Kaiba felt it too. Underneath the pain, an electric sensation zipped through him, scorching his nerve endings. It was neither pain nor pleasure.
"Shit, did you do that?" asked Jounouchi. "Can you use—"
"Shut up," ordered Kaiba.
Miraculously, Jounouchi did. His mouth immediately snapped shut with an audible click. He opened his mouth to try again.
Kaiba denied him. "Not another word out of you."
Jounouchi choked while his throat convulsed, trying to spit words without success. His eyes darted wildly, terror growing in their amber depths as they frantically searched Kaiba's face.
Jounouchi didn't fear him. He despised Kaiba. He insulted him. On nauseating occasions, Jounouchi even pitied him. But he had never been afraid of Kaiba.
Until now.
A heady rush shot straight to Kaiba's hind-brain. Suddenly, he understood why people took drugs. He rearranged his grip on the Rod and tapped Jounouchi's clavicles with a sharp wing.
"Here, I thought nothing'd ever stop your yapping," he laughed. "This just proves what you need is a shock collar."
Rage blanketed Jounouchi's face. Since he could no longer express it verbally, he resorted to other means. Somehow, Kaiba already knew his intentions before he moved a single muscle. And he put an end to it as swiftly with a single command.
Stop moving. Stop fighting. Stop defying Kaiba.
Jounouchi froze. His defiance drained like blood from a slaughtered cow. His expression slackened, his eyebrows and mouth unfurling. As if a light snuffed out, his eyes went as blank as his face.
Captivated, Kaiba had stared at him ever since. At first, he wondered if this was part of an extended prank. To trick him into believing the Rod's power and how he could wield it. But as the minutes ticked on, Jounouchi stayed rooted to his spot without an errant twitch of his muscles, breathing slowly but steadily as if in a trance.
Kaiba was so clear-headed. His headache had receded. What remained behind was a deep-rooted instinct, the knowledge to bend Jounouchi's will to his whim.
Speaking out loud wasn't necessary. But it gave him a rush to issue the command verbally. "Down."
Gracelessly, Jounouchi dropped to his knees. A pulse of something other than power rushed through Kaiba's veins.
"Look at me," he said as his breath grew ragged.
Jounouchi obediently tilted his face up. He held it at the perfect angle so the sun's rays, streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows, highlighted his bleached locks, brown eyes, and full lips.
He was quiet, and the storm raging inside Kaiba's head for the recent weeks dissipated too.
Without releasing the Rod, Kaiba cupped Jounouchi's jaw, feeling the faint scruff of a hasty shave job. Jounouchi didn't fight him or try to throw off his touch. But he didn't lean into it either. Right now, he was no different from a doll, and dolls didn't react. They didn't want. They were merely expected to sit there and be pretty.
Kaiba pressed his thumb to the corner of Jounouchi's mouth, squeezing until it parted. Jounouchi's wet tongue grazed against his finger pad, warm but still.
He wanted him to suck. This time, Kaiba didn't have to speak aloud before he felt the answering wet suction. Jounouchi's lips closed tightly around his thumb, his cheeks hollowing as he obeyed.
Docile was an unexpectedly good look on Jounouchi. If nothing else, it was a rarity few people saw.
Before he knew it, his hand settled over his fly. His groin throbbed each time Jounouchi sucked. The rhythm was as regular and robotic as a toy, no stuttering and no mistakes.
Kaiba could have this and more—a secret desire not even he wanted to admit to himself. The forbidden fruit had fallen right at his feet. His sins were innumerable. His ledger ran red. So what was one more?
Read other prompt fill ficlets here
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petty-d4bblr · 4 months
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Abby's pics from Mega Con Live 2024 were so good that they inspired this little drawing of Matt Ryan
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lyxchen · 5 months
Tired? Overstimulated? Or just dead inside?
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clannfearrunt · 9 days
Yamidog is in timeout in the break room so I get to experience Eating Lunch With Yami, a very smart and athletic and food motivated dog (I have ham)
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my-autistic-self · 7 months
Random Prompt #62
Who is the most famous or infamous person you have ever met? Stan Lee. I met him at Mega-con a year before he died. It was his last appearance there, and I thought, “What the Hell?” since we only live once. I waited for 2 or 3 hours in line for his Photo Op. When I finally got there and got my picture with him, he only said two words to me: “Atta Girl.” A simple line from him can give chills…
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wonderlandmind4 · 1 year
Went to a con. Went to a panel.
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“Just gonna eat my feelings”
Amazing hearing them talk about Daredevil, their other roles and filming certain scenes with certain characters on a certain show
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retrogamingblog2 · 2 years
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Nintendo Switch Arcade Cabinets made by AVEcustoms
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megaderping · 2 months
It is my birthday and I have had a good weekend at Sakura Con. Standout panels were definitely Himbology 101, which opened up with the audience passionately singing "I'm Just Ken," the Zapp panels, the spooky toilet panel, and the anime Madlibs panel. This trip is always expensive, but a fun way to spend easter weekend.
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whiterosebrian · 10 months
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Here is the first batch of photographs of the plush Arturo Reyes Pinguino joining this year's GenCon! If you want to see more throughout the weekend, stay tuned!
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