#Megan has SO MANY good reactions photos
You know what time it is [photo creds to @hobiesdump]
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Gonna be real with you bestie. Gonna be real with you.
These photos got me in a CHOKEHOLLDD. These pictures coming at me with the steel chair.
That first one especially!! I don't know why!! He's just SO HANDSOME
That's why I made my OC Diane the way she is because on the real, being around him even if he's just standing there breathing and shit - you would be like
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He's just tryna walk with her and he's like 'And what's wrong with you?? 🤨'
Diane's like 'WHAT I can't stare? That's illegal? I can't stare at cute boy? God forbid a black woman do any-damn-thang-'
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You tryna have a conversation and she's like 'Yeah Go ahead I'm listening' like OH REALLY cause girl I'm speaking and you look like this
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How can you not STARE
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fluffytuffles · 2 years
So I Saw Cats
I’m going to try to keep anything that could be “spoilers” (production particulars and specific observations) to the “The Jellicle Ball” (Show) and “General Critiques (Spoilers)” section.
Word count: ~3900
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(photo by @dilfstrapisanormalword​ )
I am not going to be remotely objective in any of this. I’ve been waiting for this show since April of last year, been closely following the cast on social media since September, and I came into this show with Opinions of them on and off the stage. And I’m going to try to not sacrifice my opinions for the sake of pseudo-intellectualism.
I’m going to be referencing the (digital) program from the theater.
I’ll make a separate post about headcanons gained from or reinforced by the show.
I’m going to be incorporating elements/takes from my 2-hour post-show conversation with dilfstrapisanormalword, who saw the show with me.
If I say someone is mugging I mean that with 100% affection and it should always come with the qualifier that I am completely here for it.
I’m not going to spell it “Rumpelteazer.”
I’m going to try to avoid criticisms aimed at any particular performer.
I haven’t watched the revival boot recently so some obvious elements may be remarked on.
I hadn’t seen the show live before and don’t care much for bootlegs (i haven’t seen a replica bootleg that impressed me) and if you think that gives me an overly positive view of this production I literally don’t care.
Without further ado...
There were a couple covers on: Travis Anderson as Tugger, Megan Arseneau as Demeter, Elana Valastro as Rumpleteazer, and Gracie Anderson as Tantomile. I’m trying to balance my opinions on covered tracks relative to main cast, because while the swings obviously have the skill necessary to cover so many roles in a show, I don’t think it’s appropriate to expect them to have the same skill sets of 5-6 different people.
I’ll go alphabetically by character to make this overwritten scourge a little easier to navigate. A © indicates a cover. If they have a little ⭐ next to their name it means they were already one of my favorites and I’m going to be even less unbiased than usual. I do not feel bad about that. Also only 3 of my top 5 favorite cast members were in the show and that definitely determined where I was watching. I do not feel bad about that either.
I don’t think I left anyone off, if I did I am very sorry.
Alonzo (Vinny Andaloro ⭐) - Vinnylonzo is an absolute delight and I wish he didn’t spend so much of the show toward the back of the stage. He was such a presence in the show, especially as Munk’s second-in-command, but he still gets plenty of chances for mugging and goofiness, which Vinny just plays so well. He has redeemed Alonzo for me -good for him!
Bustopher Jones (John Anker Bow) - Bustopher was good but pretty standard. The highlight was probably that he was actually very warm, with the kittens especially. He doesn’t get a lot of opportunity for characterization other than, like, he’s a fancy lad who loves food and knows how to get it. I can admire that, but it doesn’t call for much comment. I’ll leave it there.
Bombalurina (Chelsea Nicole Mitchell) - I want to apologize for sleeping on Chelsea for so long. An incredible performer. She’s got so much charm and such a rich, dynamic voice.
Coricopat & Tantomile (Taylor James Rosenberger & ©Gracie Anderson) - Gracie is so small compared to Taylor. I’m glad that even though they spend most of the show together, they also get to go off and do things with other cats. Also Taylor gave me some himbo!Cori rights, I appreciate that.
Cassandra (Lexy Bittner) - Lexy makes a very sweet Cassandra with maybe a bit of a mischievous vibe to her.
Demeter (©Megan Arseneau) - Megan’s Demeter brought the “sympathetic to Grizabella” energy I was hoping for, and her reactions to the Macavity scares worked well.
Grizabella (Tayler Harris ⭐) - We are not worthy. It takes a special talent to make me feel bad for Grizabella and Tayler blew it out of the water.
Gus (John Anker Bow, again) - Bow’s Gus was way better than I expected (even knowing Jemi’s thoughts). He also had great comedic timing.
Jellylorum (Kayli Jamison) - Kayli’s Jelly was so sweet and had great rapport with the younger cats. You really got the sense she was one of the tribe moms. She’s also quite funny and has an appropriately mature vocal tone.
Jennyanydots (Michelle E. Carter) - Michelle makes such a fun Jenny. I like that she was allowed to be a little silly. Another tribe mom, but like, the cool mom.
Macavity (Aiden Pressel) - Karyn noted that because we haven’t seen much of Aiden as Macavity, it was easier to make the disconnect between the performer and the character, which while that for me is a pretty neutral qualification on its own, I think it really worked for seeing Macavity as more of a threat. 
Mistoffelees (Paul Giarratano) - Paul brings an incredible amount of energy for the sheer number of shows he’s done. Very Type-A Personality Misto. We stan.
Mungojerrie & Rumpleteazer (Max Craven & ©Elana Valastro) - Elana is such a bubbly Teazer! Max’s Jerrie is very basterd and kept picking fights with the tomkits. The one thing I could nitpick about them is that they seem to be a little too close in height for it to not be noticeable in the choreography. This isn’t a criticism of either of them, it was just something that was visible in their song. They have great chemistry.
Munkustrap (Nick Davis) - My main thought that I came away with for Nickustrap was “Nick is my favorite of the revival-era Munkustraps” (probably rivaled by José, but I don’t think I’ve seen enough of theirs to have an opinion yet). I think he’s a better vocal fit than Devon, and he gave a serious but still youthful energy to the role.
Old Deuteronomy (Indalecio de Jesús Valentín) - Adorable Old D. Acting was phenomenal and a wonderful voice.
Plato (Aiden Pressel, again) - Aiden is an absolutely adorable Plato, and yes, we knew that already, but seeing it live was truly wonderful. He is so in love with Victoria I can’t stand it. So glad I got to see him opposite Hyla especially.
Pouncival (Dominic Fortunato) - (he’s Baby, your honor).
Rum Tum Tugger (©Travis Anderson) - I do not envy the position Travis is in right now. It was only his 3rd show, playing an iconic character that can too easily come off as annoying given the wrong direction, and taking over for the singular fandom favorite of the cast. As such, I am giving him as much grace as is humanly possible. And what I can say is that he’s already starting to make the character his own, and I can see him quickly getting more comfortable with it as he takes over the role, and his chemistry with the rest of the cast developing as well. I have mixed feelings about the nature of his characterization, but I can appreciate him not coming in and just copying Zach. You can also tell he’s having a lot of fun with the role, and although I had some issue with his tone, he has a very good voice. I’m definitely happy to have gotten to see him.
Sillabub (Brianna Kim) - The smallest, sweetest Silly that could ever be. I was not prepared for how adorable she was.
Skimbleshanks (Christopher Salvaggio) - I didn’t have bad expectations for Chris’s Skimble but I was still very impressed. Everyone’s favorite uncle, loved watching him protect the kittens from Grizabella.
Tumblebrutus (Sean McManus ⭐) - Steal the scene but make it in-character. Tumble in this version actually reminded me a lot of 98 Misto. Always On. Mugging. Tumble is also a biter.
Victoria (Hyla Mayrose Perillo) - Most gorgeous, most graceful Victoria I’ve ever seen (sorry Phyllida, it was a close call).
I don’t know how seeing it late in the tour compares to seeing it early on. On the one hand if anyone’s going to be getting burnt out, it’s going to be about now. On the other, everyone’s gotten so comfortable in their roles and with each other so many months later. If anyone saw the show in 2021 and would like to discuss, please reach out!
The Kitten Trio (Pounce, Silly, Tumble) gave me life the entire show. For lack of a better word they were just so Baby. Thought about giving them their own entry in the characters section, decided not to but just know they deserved it.
Having now seen Cats on film and live I cannot stress enough how, even though 98 is a proshot of the stage musical, these are still two entirely different mediums with entirely different purposes. This show was not designed to be watched more than once.
That said, I do think this cast found a great middle ground between the background character moments of 98 and the heavily (and impressively, make no mistake) choreographed but less narratively satisfying Broadway revival. At any given moment you could look around and see those background interactions we’d been missing. They understood the assignment and are only more beloved for it.
I didn’t actually find myself missing the original choreography where changes were made. I felt that they kept the most iconic bits in place, or moved them around slightly.
SO MANY LIFTS. When I get my hands on a [redacted] I’ll count the lifts.
Everyone sounded wonderful together -shoutout to the booth for enhancing the group vocals!
Chris had suddenly gone on as Bustopher/Gus at the matinee so I was surprised and initially disappointed that he didn’t do the same for the evening show, but I think it worked out well as I enjoyed his Skimble and Bow’s Gustopher!
You can really tell they all love doing the show. This was the 2nd of a 2-show day and you wouldn’t know it.
Overall I prefer this choreography to the 98 film.
It’s surreal now that the same people I’d been following online for months were maybe 20-30 feet in front of me.
I didn’t go to stage door but I did see Dom Sean and Vinny from the parking lot :)
Songs listed as credited in the program. Performers & key figures in brackets. Also this part is a mix of “thoughts on the show” and “literally just something that happened that I wanna remember.” If I don’t mention a song assume I liked it but had nothing specific to say about it.
“Overture” [Orchestra]
The little cat eye lights in the junkyard set are super cool and those work with the music and the rest of the lighting to really set a mood for the show.
“Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats” [Company]
Seeing the cats pop out for the first time was surreal because it was like “yes, this is happening, you’re seeing it live.”
Sillabub gets the “lean like a lynx” line opposite Jerrie, instead of Teazer, which I don’t really understand as not only does she have her own line, but if I’m correct this means Teazer doesn’t get one.
I miss everyone having a line, and don’t understand why they wouldn’t.
“The Old Gumbie Cat” [Michelle Carter, Nick Davis, Megan Arseneau, Kayli Jamison, Chelsea Mitchell]
Kitten trio is absolutely adorable
Misto is doing So Much
Such sweet interactions between the Gumbie Trio and the kittens. Made me melt.
I enjoyed the tap sequence more than I expected.
Pounce did the scrubbies.
“The Rum Tum Tugger” [Travis Anderson, Company]
Travis’s Tugger is very 50s Elvis/kinda greaser type. It’s a take I hadn’t seen before and had some mixed feelings about, but I’m glad he didn’t just try to do a Zach!Tugger impression.
Alonzo sulking, commiserating with Munk, and trying to ruin Tumble’s fun.
Skimble dragging Jenny away from Tugger. Girls just wanna have fun!
“Bustopher Jones: The Cat About Town” [John Bow, Michelle Carter, Chelsea Mitchell, Kayli Jamison]
Dignified Bustopher.
I liked Bustopher’s interactions with the kittens. They were so excited to see him and he’s happy to tell them of his exploits.
“Toodle pip!” makes a lot more sense in the context of “Macavity?? Fuck this shit I’m out!”
“Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer” [Max Craven, Elana Valastro]
I’ll be honest: I’m not usually a fan of this number. I do like it, but most of the songs lacking the ensemble just aren’t my favorites. But seeing it live is a different experience. Both did a fantastic job.
Double cartwheel!
“Old Deuteronomy” [Nick Davis, Travis Anderson, Indalecio de Jesús Valentín]
Even though I knew Old D didn’t come from the audience in this production, the whole cast looking off down the aisle made me second guess this. He did indeed come in from side-stage.
“Song of the Jellicles and the Jellicle Ball” [Company]
The Jellicle Ball was fucking phenomenal.
I don’t dislike the concept of the Macavity Interlude; I see what they were going for, but I don’t much like how it plays in execution. Nothing in particular about it doesn’t work for me, but as someone who doesn’t like “Macavity” as a song to begin with, it’s not a highlight for me.
I didn’t mind Old Deut being involved as much as I thought I would.
Grizabella is on stage during a large portion of the ball. More time in the second half is also spent trying to shoo her off than I remember.
Tomkits colluding to rub their butts on Griz before getting shooed off by Munk
“Memory” (Part 1; both are listed as “Memory” on the program” [Tayler Harris]
Tayler is amazing and this is a great preview for the reprise later.
I found it so interesting that Deut is clearly watching Griz the whole time but when she turns in his general direction, he turns his head and seems to try to hide.
I tried so hard to get a paw touch from Old Deut but he didn’t notice. That’s okay, he’s on the clock. Just wanted to mention it.
“Introduction to Act II/The Moments of Happiness” [Indalecio de Jesús Valentín, Brianna Kim]
Jerrie and Teazer and Pounce come back from intermission goofing around but stop when they get a Stern Look from Old Deut.
This isn’t a song I generally like so I can’t hold it against this production that it was no different here.
I did not expect the channeling of energy from Old Deut through the Psychic Twins to Sillabub to be so explicit. I appreciated it.
Brianna really makes such a sweet little Sillabub. Truly the baby of the tribe.
Choral refrain was absolutely beautiful.
“Gus the Theatre Cat” [John Bow, Kayli Jamison]
I like the more energetic Gus, and think it works better for when he’s not the Jellicle Choice.
Like with many of the songs this production stages it much like it’s stories being told to the kittens (and in this case also the younger cats), and it really works for the songs. Both Jelly and Gus have some really sweet interactions both with each other and the kittens.
But even though he’s more spry than some Gus’s have been, you still get the sense he longs for the glory days,
Gus’s “blood-curdling noise” was one of the funniest moments of the show.
“The Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles” [John Bow, Nick Davis, Indalecio de Jesús Valentín, Company]
It really is so important to me that this song was put here in place of Growltiger. I personally believe that Growltiger can’t be separated from its racist context and it’s being scrapped was long overdue. “Pekes and Pollicles” (while not exactly not-racist) is a more palatable option, and still brings a lot of fun to this section of the show that helps ease a potentially jarring tone shift (though no whiplash is as intense as in 98) between “Gus” and “Skimbleshanks.”
The new arrangement of the opening actually sounds a lot cooler than the original. I also like Old Deut cutting in to remind Gus of the next time.
Alonzo plays the police dog and brings out the same giant wine bottle as he had in “Bustopher Jones,” which was neat
Pounce does play a Pollicle toward the beginning (opposite Teazer) but otherwise the kitten trio are too young to participate in the play much. They mostly watch from the back!
I wish they used the longer version but I understand why they didn’t.
“Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat” [Chris Salvaggio, Company]
Chris is a great Skimble.
Skimble gives Tumble a spook (the “flash” line). Old Deut and Jelly start laughing but Tumble doesn’t find it funny at all! Fortunately he gets to give the all-clear signal to make up for it.
But then Tumble gets in trouble again by pushing Cassandra and Skimble picks him up by the scruff to put him back in place.
Kittens and young cats gathered around for story time with Uncle Skimble!
Elana’s Teazer sneeze was absolutely adorable, I died.
I still wish Skimble wouldn’t mime being pantsless but I’ve accepted it.
Pounce gets stuck in the chimney of the train when everything collapses and he just has to stand there for a minute as the song resumes. Adorable. :)
“Macavity, the Mystery Cat” [Chelsea Mitchell, Megan Arseneau]
We stan Chelsea Nicole Mitchell
I hadn’t realized that the revival actually didn’t change like, any of the original choreography. As such there’s not a lot to comment on.
While I don’t like Macavity being a “girls only” song (I just don’t like the vibe it gives), and especially including kittens (leave baby Sillabub out of this) I kind of softened to Jelly and Jenny coming out for the final line
Macavity Fight [Aiden Pressel, Nick Davis]
I have mixed feelings about the fight itself. On the one hand the fight a la 1998 is choreographed in such a corny way it can sometimes be hard to see Macavity as a legitimate threat (and the costume doesn’t help). On the other hand, the less you try to make dance look like dance, the less it’s… anything.
Love the reorchestration, sounds more intense than the original.
I think the buildup to the confrontation between Mac and Munk is more tense than their fight itself
I did know that Tumble joins in the Macavity fight (and gets quickly taken out, as expected of a baby), but I didn’t know that it happened while Munk was still fighting Mac (I’d thought it was something like Jerrie in 98). He’s also the only other one that tries to fight Macavity before Munk goes down.
“Munkustrap gets crucified” -Karyn
After Munkustrap gets knocked out Alonzo goes like Super Saiyan and it’s amazing. Then he gets Macavity from behind and even though he gets knocked out too that’s kind of the point where the Jellicles get the upper hand and Macavity retreats.
Munkustrap and Demeter didn’t have the same chemistry I was hoping for, but I didn’t notice until their nuzzle after the fight. Karyn pointed out that with Nick still being relatively new and Megan being a swing, they might just not have the experience together for it to come through, and we decided to save our opinions on the Demestrap chemistry until Saturday’s show.
After the lights go out Skimble shines the lantern all around the theater to see if Macavity’s really gone. This was always one of my favorite bits on the audio boot, with the music suggesting that Macavity might be hidden in the darkness.
Also yes, Alonzo is the Macavity Decoy, with Pounce and Tumble as the henchcats. They all come back during the fight.
“Magical Mister Mistoffelees” [Paul Giarratano, Travis Anderson, Company]
Paul is an amazing Misto. Absolutely electric.
The “please listen to me and don’t scoff” line makes a lot more sense with everyone trying to leave without paying Tugger’s suggestion any mind.
“Patent monopolies” always takes me out just because I’m so used to the British pronunciation being used.
“And you’ll all say” I cry.
Misto’s entrance is incredible. The lighting cue especially. I literally gasped, as though I’d forgotten that Mister Mistoffelees would be showing up for “Mister Mistoffelees.”
I don’t prefer Misto singing some of his own song but I do love Paul’s voice.
Seven kittens out of a hat! There’s not enough kittens so they have to borrow some of the young adults but you get the idea.
Conjuring turn! Not as many but nonetheless!
I don’t know why this happens but Cassandra’s wig has horns at the front when she comes back out for the light-up sequence. I don’t think the average audience member would’ve noticed but it was distracting me enough to dampen the sequence as a whole. (I also just personally don’t care for this bit anyway)
Getting everyone involved in the return was really nice.
I will not comment on the exaggerated panting except that it made me uncomfy lol.
“Memory” [Tayler Harris]
Tayler blows this out of the water. I can never actually bring myself to care about Grizabella but I did love hers and of the revival-era Grizabellas especially she came across as sympathetic despite my general apathy.
Pretty early on it’s clear that the rest of the tribe is sympathetic to Grizabella and want to welcome her back.
That climax is everything.
Victoria gives Griz such a sweet paw touch, I love her so much.
Also @uppastthejelliclemoon yeah Tumble is looking at Griz even before the psychic twins but he looks away again.
“Journey to the Heaviside Layer” [Company]
Everyone in the tribe looks so genuinely happy to have Grizabella as the Jellicle Choice and it’s so important. (I just can’t let go of 98!Munk’s disdain at her selection though to be fair, that Griz wasn’t as likeable).
“The Ad-dressing of Cats” [Indalecio de Jesús Valentín, Company]
Listen I like this song and anyone who thinks it should be cut is WRONG but that’s a rant for another day
Jerrie has his arms crossed which is very poggers of him @0zzysaurus​
The kitties all have favorite foods! Deut’s is cream.
I love the finale choreography, a nice way to wrap up the show before curtain call.
GENERAL CRITIQUES (Includes Spoilers)
I wish the show gave an opportunity for applause earlier in the show. As it is there’s no room until after “Gumbie Cat” -20 minutes in!
While this didn’t diminish my experience of the show in any way, there’s no getting around that this cast is still very young overall. Professional and incredibly talented, but I think the absence of vocal maturity is still felt in some of the roles, particularly the older cats. The younger the character, obviously, the less of a problem this is, but I don’t think it helps in this instance that most of the heavier vocal parts are given to perceptibly older characters.
I loved it. I loved it even more than I thought I would, and this performance only made me all the more excited to see it a second time. Everyone did an incredible job and having followed them along their journey to get this far I can’t help but feel proud of them.
Also, I picked my faves early on and was correct.
(Up next: Saturday’s show!)
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Ooh one of the latest asks reminded me of one story I imagined...
In my AU where my Saeran CMC, Saeran, Saeyoung and CMC's very close friend live in semi-detached house like family, I imagined how somehow Megane (CMC's friend) bc of boredome took part of plenty of lotterys, those contests in magazines (?) like finish the crossword and send the reasult etc etc but actually send few times as her, as Nancy, as Saeyoung... and forgot about it and turned out that she kinda won one interesting contest, but send as Saeyoung, and prise was something line trip to NASA to go throught all Astronaut training, met astronauts and such.
And finally she have to tell him, isn't she? So she quickly mention using his personal info and prise "he" won (very apologetically).
How do you think Saeyoung would react?
Saeyoung has hidden every part of himself for a long time. In fact, it's almost second nature for him to hide everything about himself. He does this because it still feels like he needs to live in hiding. He still feels like he has to keep parts of himself away from the rest of the world. It's not just comfort for his privacy, it's the fact that from the moment he was born, he was told that if his father were to find out where he was exactly and if he didn't have protection with him, then he would likely be dead. 
A lot of the things that people take for granted are things that he's not allowed to have if he wants to be alive. He could never take photos of himself and share them with anyone without fearing the worst. His face is Saeran’s face, and if the chance came up, someone would use information against him to kill him or his twin. 
He could never be online like Yoosung and post freely about those things he likes and dislikes. He simply couldn’t have that. He was already denied a lot of things. He couldn’t go to school. He couldn’t have friends. He couldn’t pick a single thing to eat that he wanted for himself. He couldn’t go out without any kind of fear. 
This is so deeply ingrained in who he is as a person that it is hard to separate him from the paranoia that he deals with every day of his life. He is inherently anxious about this fear. It can be a small fear but it rises into something so much more than that quickly. It starts small with him wanting to make sure that you're okay by checking your location, but there are times when he looks over cameras and footage until you get home from the second you leave, for example. 
His paranoia can bleed into being controlling. It's coming from a good place but it doesn't excuse the fact that it can come out in a way it's kind of ugly. He is afraid of what can happen. He prepared himself for the worst from day one, and he has so many contingency plans that it's hard to keep track of them all. 
He just wants to keep everyone safe.
That means hiding as much as he can to save his loved ones. Saeran, his MC, and Saeran’s MC. Those are the most important people to him and that’s going to come before the RFA. That’s nothing against them. This is just instinctual for him. He will protect Saeran and himself first. It’s always them first and that’s the plan. That’s his goal. However, his reaction to this is going to wary greatly on the timeline. 
If this is the SE? Then he’s going to be upset beyond reason because he still has you all living in hiding for a good reason. It’s enough that he might have a breakdown and need to be alone. He’ll say some things that he’ll regret later on out of fear. He shuts down. From the very second Mint Eye collapsed, he’s been fighting. It doesn't matter that the agency is gone and the cult is gone. His father is not gone. His father is still a threat. He has to worry about that all of the time. 
So, if anyone compromised this, obviously he's going to be upset because there's a strong chance that you'll have to get out of there as soon as possible. It doesn't matter how small it may seem, anything can be traced. He knows that. So, he's going to be upset the second it happens. He knows that Saejoong is looking for them. He’s going to be working on trying to get you out of there asap if he can. He’s going to breakdown in the middle of that, and he will try not to lash out at his MC or the others, but it’s obvious being the pillar of protection is a heavy burden. He won’t be mad because you used his name. 
He’ll be angry because his father has denied him the ability to live without fear. 
If this is Saeran’s AE? He’s going to be able to handle it a lot better since he is allowed to exist as himself without fearing repercussions. People can know his name and know who he is. In fact, a lot of people know who he is now and he can’t change that fact. Still, he doesn’t go out of his way to be known anymore if he can help it. It’s weird to have people watching his back or knowing who he is without him knowing who they are. He’s not angry about it! He’s just surprised by the turn of events that he’s dealing with. Going from being a nobody to being a somebody is weird. Jokingly, he’d be asking Zen for advice on how to handle all this newfound fame. 
He’s able to laugh about this with his MC and he thinks its neat. In another world he might have been upset and had a heart attack. But, in this one? He’s excited and hopeful that he gets to share the experience with his loved ones. This is the calm outcome where there’s nothing to worry about but being himself and having that moment to be the man that he wants to be. He’ll likely cry because this is the first time that his name has been used for something that is innocent and so simple... it’s not like the past where one whisper of his name felt like the world was going to end. 
He’s so happy that he gets to have moments like this and his MC would’ve given him a chance to feel like he’s just a normal man. 
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izukult · 4 years
This is such a cute idea! I’m addicted to making weirdly specific Spotify playlists so this is perfect. I have an ✨eclectic✨ music taste but my favorites are usually bedroom pop (mxmtoon, chloe moriondo, khai dreams, etc), romantic classical (think Debussy and Revel), and indie (although I like some Megan Thee Stallion, AC/DC, Nirvana, etc when I’m hyping myself up). As far as my personality goes, I’m pretty insightful and like to support people whenever I can, even if I don’t know them well. I can be a little chaotic sometimes, but I like to think it’s a chaotic good. I love tea, blankets, philosophy, deep conversations, the outdoors, and writing. I’m also an INFP and a Taurus :)
Sorry if that was too much, thank you so much! Take care of yourself and stay well
- Elle ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
( @snoozless ) you don’t understand how bad i want to be your friend. 😐😐 ok so you kind of get bonus 😀 but it rly might not be bonus because akfjakdkw. so, i gave you matsukawa!! but he’s not always like revered about so if u want a character lmk!! i am. in love w him tho. you’re so sweet you would balance him out and yall would be equally chaotic together.
he would have philosophical questions w u!! he might just be a little blunt & might accidentally cut the convo short, but he would listen to everything you said.
he’s used to a wide variety of music bc i’m convinced the seijoh playlists are absolutely fucking cracked like so loud. so he really could sit there and listen to anything. and i mean ANYTHING. like if you wanted to put on christian rock he’d awkwardly try to tap his foot on beat for you.
but, that doesn’t mean he’s gonna geek over you i feel like he’d be pretty private about the relationship. he’s not like secretive but he’s not gonna post you every two seconds yknow? he wouldnt put prom photos, but if yall went to look at the stars or go on a little hike he’d take a pic and youre wearing baggy sweats and one of his shirts and your hair isnt brushed for shit and it’s way too dark to properly make your face out and he’d put that shit on his main absolutely 😒
this man would be the kind of mf to look up his “crush’s” zodiac just for shits & giggles, so if he randomly knows a taurus fact, don’t question it<3 (he looked up your compatibility and he will take that to the grave)
issei is an infp idc. so yall got that in common.
he’s genuinely so pretty.
bc i took so long, i’m going to put descriptions for all the songs i love you thanks for requesting sorry for taking forever i’ll link the playlist and list the songs<3
1. silly girl- chloe moriondo
okay while this song is actually kinda sad, i think tHIS is pretty cute. issei comes off as this intimidating guy, and the more you get to know him the more you forget ab this idea of him you had or whatever? like the lyrics “i made him perfect, cause i wanted him to be” are really prominent in the point i’m tryna make because like even tho the lyric is obviously sad bitch shit, music is up for interpretation and this is like “hello ok he actually a real mf and shiiit maybe he cool😁✊”
2. nice boys- TEMPOREX
kinda sad. i don’t care how unemotional he might act, everyone has shit that brings them down. PLUS HES A PISCES THERES NO WAY HES NOT SAD SOMETIMES. this song just really taps into insecurities for him, and the song just gets under his skin in like a very therapeutic way. also “because he’s a pisces” some of his emotions are super intense so the “because he cares too much” line hits him fuckin hard
3. IV. sweatpants- childish gambino
this is some shit he listens to more with his team, absolutely. no doubt they blare this shit during weekly practice. but, he really really likes the song. so, when you’re hanging out and he has the aux? it’s one of the first ones he puts on. you two jam to it together. he’ll come up w dumb little dances to fit with certain lyrics (stole some of them from oikawa and hanamaki, but he won’t tell you)
4. you get me so high- the neighbourhood
okay unfortunately i must say him and hanamaki get fuckin faded in empty fields at two am all trashy like. but they make it look good idc. and if you smoke, cool, if you don’t he does not care. he always associated getting high with,,, getting high and everytime he listened to this song it just was one of his getting blazed jams, but now he’s got like a different kinda “euphoric” feel with loving you? like i said this bitch is a pisces even if he doesn’t overwhelm you with affection, he thinks ab you 24/7
5. 80’s makeout session- dacelynn
thIS SONG IS SO CUTE. but it’s p self explanatory. in love and also spare a kiss pls
6. can i call you tonight- dayglow
i feel like actually coming to terms with genuine feelings for someone would be kind of weird for issei. like no offense, but he sees it as kind of a pain in the ass. i genuinely think he would be someone to put his all into work or a task in front of him. he’s super intuitive, and constantly uses it to be better. whether it’s in volleyball or like cremating ppl i guess (HE WORKS INA FUNERAL HOME POST TIME SKIP IF U DIDNT KNOW). and it’s the same in relationships, but it’s also harder because he can’t have this complete clear head because you make his brain go kinda fuzzy. so, this song is like his little way of expressing that even tho he was like ‘internally conflicted’ this mf chose to go for it and that’s how much u mean to him
7. clair de lune, L. 32- claude debussy
i’m gonna be fucking honest with you. even though he’ll listen to anything, i really don’t think this man is looking up ‘classical romance study tunes’ playlists in his free time. he definitely enjoys the music, but that’s only if someone points it out to him. and he’s listened to you talk about it before, and watched you as you heard the piano and gauged your reactions and thought u were pretty cute he’s not gonna lie😼. so he definitely just looked up classical romance and picked the first recommended song and added it on there. he’ll dance w you a lil bit, but it wouldn’t be that quiet, intimate slow dancing in the dark you think would come w this song. itd just be a little sway as he hugs you from behind while you get water, or he twirls you once randomly with a laugh UGH I LOVE HIM
8. like real people do- hozier
ok. this one was fun for me. idc. double meaning lol. so this song is literally about two dead bodies in a bog and ,,, and he works in a funeral home PLS LMAOFJAJDJA I THINK THATS SO FUCKING FUNNY AND SO DOES HE. but also this song literally is my idea of love. this is my idea of love. and yall listen to it, with your stupid little death joke, but he looks at you and he’s just like ‘oh’. yknow? YKNOW?
9. BS- still woozy
like i said, i think he puts a lot into work. and he literally plays for a powerhouse school there’s no way he doesn’t practice a lot. so that means there’s a lot of time where he’s physically not there and definitely can’t text, because he’s trying to improve. and while he wouldn’t stop volleyball for someone else, he understands that you are like super amazing for being so Cool with him not being the most available. the song just reminds him of how compassionate you are and also he does miss u when he’s at practice YKNOW?
10. i <3 u- boy pablo
this one made me so fucking soft ew. ok. this song reminds him of you so so much. he’s totally okay being vulnerable with you? and even though he has pretty heightened emotions, he’s never felt like so strongly for smth other than like ??? volleyball and caring ab his siblings (BUT HE FEELS DIFFERENT FOR U THAN HE DOES FOR A VOLLEYBALL AND HIS SIBLINGS PLEASE😁). HE LUVVVVV YOU
11. heart-shaped box- nirvana
so many reasons. for one, simply fucking JAM. yall would scream this on a drive. if you ever got drunk together, this would be the first song you play. also, little lyrics remind you of each other. (the pisces lyric in the first and third verse, and even tho the flowers aren’t being used in a sweet sense in the song he does remember talking ab flowers w u, and now any flower is mentioned and he’s like “ah yes. my girlfriend.”)
12. pluto projector- rex orange county
FUCK. FUCK THIS SONG. GOD. NO. LIKE HE REALIZES HE’S IN LOVE WITH YOU WITH THIS SONG. HE T E L L S YOU HE’S IN LOVE WITH YOU WITH THIS SONG. the first time, he just sends you the name of it like ‘pluto projector <3’ and you listen and it’s so sweet and ur like ayo turn this shit up. and he adds it to your playlist, which definitely gets a smile from you. and then one night like two weeks later youre just laying together, and he’s running his fingers through his hair and he pulls away for a second to grab his phone and he turns the song on and you just listen to it in silence and it’s so fucking intimate. and he’s just like “i don’t think i’ve ever related to a song more” and you think he’s making a joke so you tell him to shut up (also jokingly) and he just laughs and it’s dark in his room and he’s playing with your hair again and he just goes “god, if you’re telling me to shut up over that i don’t even want to imagine how you’re gonna react when i tell you i love you” and it’s right around 3:10 in the song i’m literally so gone for him. bye you cry and try to hide it but he can tell HES PERCEPTIVE
13. i wanna be yours- arctic monkeys
okay for one, it’s a good song. it’s a song he absolutely let’s play in the background, just to cover the static lol. but also? ALSO? THE TITLE APPLIES TO YOU THE FUCK? it’s as if,,, he’s whipped,,
14. supermassive black hole- muse
hanamaki prolly showed him this song, and it’s one of his vibe songs. he will do falsetto while singing it if he’s in a really good mood and it just makes everyone laugh, including himself. it actually kind of grosses him out, because this song used to literally just be a song he would aimlessly go hard to but NOW his little bitch ass is like “you set my soul alight”? i guess i relate and “oh baby, i’m a fool for you” well, surely i’m not a fool but yea i get you muse sing it. it’s so gross. at this point he wants one thing that doesn’t make him think of you, just to prove that he’s not that gone, but he struggling
15. desperado- rhianna
i’m sorry to say it but this song makes him feel like a bad bitch LMAOOOOO. like if he’s ever getting pregame jitters or anything, he will just play this song. whether it’s on the speaker or in his headphones, he puts this shit on full volume and gets a lil too cocky LOL. this is also on the main seijoh playlist no doubt. he wants to share his bad bitch song w you, so you can aLSO feel like a bad bitch?? dUH
IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT BABES! IF YOU WANT ANY OF THE SONGS CHANGED (or even the character) LMK!! UR AMAZING ur so sweet it makes me ill
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Star, December 28
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: The Kardashians in ruins 
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Page 1: Fans jumped to conclusions when Taylor Swift who is known to drop hints about her personal life in her music videos posted a teaser shot for her new clip for Willow of herself in a lacy dress and floral headpiece looking very much like a blushing bride -- Taylor and boyfriend Joe Alwyn have been talking weddings and they initially discussed throwing a big bash in Joe’s native England but they’ve reconsidered since holing up in Taylor’s farm outside Nashville so now they’re just going to go ahead and get married in a small romantic ceremony and forgo the church wedding and elaborate reception since they are super private and prefer to do things out of the spotlight 
Page 2: Contents, Heather Rae Young scoped out wedding dresses with Chrishell Stause by her side 
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Page 4: Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio are heating up the Boston set of their movie Don’t Look Up where their chemistry is off the charts even though both are seriously taken: Jennifer is wed to Cooke Maroney and Leo’s been dating Camila Marrone since 2017 but Jennifer and Leo have always had a flirty rapport whenever they bumped into each other at awards shows and other industry events -- Jennifer’s husband Cooke could be annoyed with all the flirting even if the actors are keeping things professional and as for Camila she finds his connection with Jennifer pretty intimidating 
Page 5: There’s plenty of tension on the set of The Morning Show now that Julianna Margulies has joined Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston on the series -- Jen wasn’t in on the decision to add Julianna to the cast and is miffed she wasn’t consulted and doesn’t understand why Reese insisted bringing Julianna on board and she’s just plain hurt that the new arrival has been getting so chummy with her BFF and Julianna and Reese are whispering behind everybody’s backs and barking orders like they own the place and they’re not even inviting Jen to lunch 
* Olivia Jade Giannulli addressed her part in the $500,000 bribe that ensured her entrance into USC and sent her parents Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli to prison and reactions to her appearance were harsh with a typical commenter calling her smug but she thinks she did well and figures this will be good for her career as a social-media influencer 
* Martha Stewart has been flourishing during lockdown and a new photo shows her looking beyond refreshed leaving some to wonder if she’s doing more than nibbling her new CBD gummies to look so good
Page 6: Kelly Clarkson’s divorce from Brandon Blackstock may be getting ugly but her ex-mother-in-law Reba McEntire is standing by her side even though it can get a little awkward at time but nothing is going to get in the way of Kelly and Reba’s relationship 
* A slew of A-listers are about to be dragged into Johnny Depp’s defamation case against his ex-wife Amber Heard as shocking new court papers allege that Johnny had affairs with a bevvy of his costars including Angelina Jolie and Keira Knightley and Marion Cotillard and must submit all responsive communications with them -- the women are mortified and embarrassed they’re being pulled into Johnny and Amber’s tawdry split while for his part Johnny flipped out when he learned he needed to produce his communications with these women and he’s calling the tactics lowdown and disgusting 
* Star Spots the Stars -- David Beckham, Chrissy Teigen, Carrie Underwood, Gal Gadot, Floyd Mayweather, Nick Offerman, Hilaria Baldwin 
Page 8: Star Shots -- Audrina Patridge and her daughter Kirra out in Beverly Hills, Pete Wentz let his bleached hair down during a tennis game in L.A., Joe Jonas and wife Sophie Turner walking with their daughter in a stroller in L.A. 
Page 10: Steve Martin took his meal to go during a break from filming Only Murders in the Building in Central Park, Josh Duhamel and his son Axl enjoyed a playful romp in the grass, Paris Hilton and Carter Reum celebrated their one-year anniversary in Bora Bora 
Page 11: Diane Keaton jokingly flirted with the men watching on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in Burbank, Sir Michael Palin brought the laughs during his appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show in London 
Page 12: ‘Tis the Season -- Kristen Taekman left a nursery in Encino, a decked out Lil Nas X and Ellen DeGeneres opted for a safe season’s greetings by bumping elbows on the talk show 
Page 13: Brooke Burke was all smiles shooting content for her fitness app in Malibu, Niecy Nash and wife Jessica Betts kicked off their first holiday season as a married couple in plaid pajamas 
Page 14: Kylie Minogue performing on The Jonathan Ross show in London, Irina Shayk out and about with daughter Lea in NYC, Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld and a canine costar filmed scenes for Hawkeye in NYC
Page 15: Selling Sunset star Christine Quinn showing some major skin during a photoshoot in L.A., Antonio Banderas and journalist Maria Casado posed for photos at a presentation for their new Spanish television series Escena en Blanco y Negro in Malaga, Spain 
Page 16: Beach Babes -- Chantal Jeffries and boyfriend Drew Taggart in Miami, Mark Zuckerberg showed off his gliding skills on his $12,000 eFoil electric surfboard in Hawaii 
Page 17: Chris Pratt used his hoverboard as a weight after hitting the sand with his son, Julia Roberts enjoyed a solo stroll in Hawaii 
Page 18: Normal or Not? Vanilla Ice headlining the drive-in Winterfest concert in West Palm Beach -- normal, Demi Moore wearing big boxing gloves -- not normal, James Franco couldn’t go without his phone during a getaway in Mexico -- not normal 
Page 20: Fashion -- stars look timeless in black -- Sofia Carson, Nicole Richie 
Page 21: Taylor Hill, Vanessa Kirby 
Page 24: Like so many Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are putting their future on hold amid the global health pandemic and Gwen revealed that the two won’t even set a date for their nuptials in order to avoid a COVID situation that would require restrictions -- they have already nailed down a few details like the location which is Blake’s Ten Point Ranch in Oklahoma where he proposed inside a chapel Blake built for Gwen on the 1300-acre property
Page 25: Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox are embroiled in a bitter custody war over their sons Noah and Bodhi and Journey -- Brian responded to Megan’s divorce filing by requesting joint custody and spousal support and he’s in a non-negotiating mood and if she tries to take his kids it’s going to get ugly really fast 
* James Franco is ready to pop the question to girlfriend Isabel Pakzad and he’s been looking at rings -- dating since 2017 the two overcame a difficult time in 2018 after James was accused by multiple women of misconduct -- surviving that scandal and enjoying their time in lockdown has convinced James he’s found The One 
* Kristin Cavallari and comedian Jeff Dye who were first linked in October jetted off to Mexico for a fun getaway with friends where the couple smooched and danced and enjoyed cocktails and had a wonderful time in Cabo but Kristin isn’t looking for anything serious following her divorce from Jay Cutler 
Page 26: Cover Story -- the Kardashian empire crumbles -- with their show leaving the air early next year the Kardashian-Jenner crew could stand to lose it all -- ratings for Keeping Up With the Kardashians reached a new low before they pulled the plug and it’s obvious fans are losing interest and they spend money like it’s going out of fashion 
Page 30: A Spy at the Palace -- after a staff member steals more than $200,000 worth of her personal keepsakes Queen Elizabeth no longer feels safe in her home 
Page 33: Gone Too Soon -- a look back at the celebrities we lost in 2020 and the legacies they leave behind -- Naya Rivera, Kelly Preston, Regis Philbin 
Page 34: Kobe Bryant, Chadwick Boseman, Alex Trebek 
Page 40: Beauty -- pretty pout -- sparkly, shiny and matte lipsticks to rock this New Year’s Eve -- Rihanna 
Page 42: Entertainment 
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Vanessa Hudgens as host of the first MTV Movie & TV Awards: Greatest of All Time 
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80alleycats · 5 years
Dee Day Thoughts and Analysis
Preface: For those who don’t know, I’m a homoromantic asexual woman of color (mostly black).
Anyways, unlike many folks on Tumblr, I did not have too much of a problem with this episode. It did feel kinda..”eh”...and it could have been much better, but I had some laughs and laughed more with this episode than last week’s episode.
Here are my thoughts on the controversies of the episode. They might help some hate the episode and/or RCGMegan less:
1. Yellow/Brown Face – When I first saw those costumes I was like “Oh, we’re doing that again.” But it didn’t surprise me too much. This has been a part of the show for a long time and the racist caricature characters are “old” characters (i.e. known to the audience and not new caricatures created for shits and giggles), so I’m kind of shocked that people are so shocked by this.
I love RCGMegan, but RCGMegan are just…white as fuck. As a person of color, my standards are low for white people. (I HATE that this sounds racist but y’all know what I’m talking about) Like, I can’t even be mad about it. I’m just glad that there were attempts™ to point out the racism and the shittiness of Dee’s characters, which is something they’ve always done as well.
I think RCGMegan really meant well. It’s PURE SPECULATION but it’s possible that that’s why they hired Pete Chatmon, a black man, to direct the episode. White people sometimes think that if they add a person/people of color to their group and they don’t say “PLEASE DON’T DO THIS THIS IS FUCKING DUMB” what they are doing is okay.
And even though this is PURE SPECULATION on my part, I think RCGMegan’s wellmeaningness is one of the reasons that Pete Chatmon chose to do the job and posted on Instagram that he had a good experience working with RCG and co.
I think RCGMegan were attempting to be “silly classic hijinks” Sunny but also “woke” Sunny but they are…white as fuck and sometimes just do not “get” it. (I get the vibe from interviews that they mentally/emotionally separate the show from themselves and from reality.) I hope they learn to chill out with the yellow/brown/red face one day because, even ignoring the racism issue, it’s SO BORING, but I don’t expect them to because…they are white as fuck. Some white people figure it out and stop doing awkward shit. But some just…don’t. Especially when they have a long history of doing questionable things.
For a person of color to be a fan of this show, we/they have to accept the nature of this show or just stop watching it. Those are the only real choices and both choices are valid.
I’ll admit that I think the “Asian driver” joke was actually somewhat funny because the purpose of the joke was to highlight the phenomenon of white people acting like they aren’t racist when they actually are and are too stupid and delusional to realize it (i.e. benevolent racism). I love attempts™ at highlighting benevolent racism because of the subtle and insidious nature of it.
2. Predatory Gay Mac – I get where people are coming from, but I feel like Mac’s homosexuality wasn’t the joke. I feel like the joke was that Mac was being a goofy idiot who happens to love Dennis, but can’t always express it properly. (example: Mac trying to get Dennis to get on stage with him so he could maybe kiss him…which is the kind of harebrained scheme you’d expect from a goofball 1st grader with a crush and not a full-grown 40 year old man)
Mac’s behavior in this episode was similar to Charlie’s messy over-the-top behavior towards the Waitress in previous episodes.
There was also the dual joke of Mac trying to “one-up” Charlie and so veering into accidental innuendo territory. (example: Mac repeating the comment Charlie said to Dennis about wanting to get in Dennis’ pants)
Also, it’s canon that Mac is often gross when it comes to sexuality in general and I think they were playing with that as well (example: the social network episode where Mac asked the distraught woman about where to find her leaked nude photos).
Everyone in the gang is gross when it comes to sexuality. I feel like a lot of fans forget that Dennis and Dee are canon rapists who usually rape the opposite sex (and Dennis has literally sexually assaulted Mac before even though he considered it a prank). Being an equal member of the Gang, I’m not surprised the writers decided to pass the baton to Mac this episode and even then Mac’s behavior in this episode was fairly tame (in the context of this show LOL).
And FINALLY, even though Dennis protested Mac trying to get them to kiss, I never got the vibe that Dennis was extremely uncomfortable. I think it was just supposed to be a typical “Dennis is annoyed at Mac because Mac is being stupid” reaction. Mac gets on Dennis’ nerves sometimes, but Dennis loves and accepts him and all his weird and stupid behavior. I don’t believe it’s even possible for Mac to make Dennis extremely comfortable. Like, these two are pretty much a hivemind…
3. Charlie and Dennis Kiss Scene - I TOTALLY GET THE DISCOMFORT WITH THIS. And while the second kiss was actually a surprisingly good kiss (Charlie and Glenn can ACT), the scene wasn’t really funny. It was just like “Why? What am I supposed to be getting from this?”
One criticism I’ve seen is that the scene was saying two men kissing is gross (i.e. homophobia). But I don’t think that was the purpose. It honestly reminded me of the awkward attempted kiss scene between Mac and Dee when they were playing characters in one of the lethal weapon episodes.
Another criticism I’ve seen is that Dee (who, as we know, raped Charlie) forced two child abuse victims to kiss. VALID CRITICISM. But when it comes to the characters: they just don’t give a shit. Charlie still hangs out with Dee and considers her a friend (which is COMPLETELY different than how he sees Uncle Jack). Dennis loves her and hangs out with her. Notice that they were more concerned with coming across as homophobic (which is so, so stupid but typical of them) and they hated that they had cheese breath.
And keep in mind that even though it was Dee Day and they were “supposed” to do what she says, they didn’t have to. They treat Dee like garbage 364 days of the year with little remorse and she always come back to them. I feel like the implication is that they CHOSE to do the kiss, considered it gross but didn’t consider it a big deal, and would not compare it to their child abuse experiences.
Dee’s behavior analysis: The previous season’s Mac/Charlie/Frank orgy with the Dennis doll that she watched permanently fucked her up. Like, she knows she’s making the Gang uncomfortable, but she’s lost the ability to comprehend how abnormal her behavior is. Boundaries are gone in her mind. In her mind, she’s simply teasing them and they’ll be fine no matter what happens.
I know people identify with the characters because of their personal experiences and I get that. I get that people have strong feelings about these characters and it’s totally understandable and valid. But I think we have to be careful not to project too much on the characters and instead try to keep in mind how the characters are instead of how we think they are. Like, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has a ton of dark elements, but it’s a relatively upbeat show that often doesn’t take itself too seriously.
This is PURE SPECULATION but I got the vibe from the second kiss that “someone” (possibly Megan?) wanted to do a CharDen scene but needed to do it in the spirit of IASIP (awkward situations + the Gang willing to do anything if they are passionate enough about it) and that scene was the result. It’s also possible that it was the result of some kind of RCG “in-joke” that they didn’t realize might not translate very well on the screen to certain audience members.
At the end of the day, I think it was just supposed to be a goofy “lolwut the Gang is so wacky” scene and it’s not meant to be psychoanalyzed the way certain things on the show are.
4. Dennis Without His Make-Up – I get people’s concerns about this. But the show has occasionally made fun of Dennis’ self-esteem issues concering his looks throughout the show, so this is nothing new. I feel that the scene was designed to make you feel sorry for Dennis, but also it was supposed to just be classic Sunny. Like him hitting on the congresswoman wasn’t just funny because he looked “off,” but because he just kept saying weird and awkward shit to her (similar to the scene in Season 13 where he was trying and failing to hit on the fantasy baseball woman). 
And keep in mind that the rest of the Gang kept reassuring Dennis that he looked fine even after the scheme, which was sweet. The same cannot be said about Dee. She’s received a lot more abuse from the Gang and only scraps of affection and reassurance from them to the point where she always lights up when they show her basic kindness. If Dee (and we) can handle Dee’s abuse, Dennis (and we) can handle Dennis’ abuse. And, as mentioned above, he did not have to remove his make-up. He chose to do it and he chose to deal with the consequences of that. But he’ll be fine.
5. There was not enough focus on Dee – 100% agree. Nothing else to add. LOL.
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bigherosixfeels · 4 years
Okay kinda got a cute idea for a fic request. Considering there's been a lot going on in the world right now, how about Hiro helping Megan through a bad time in her life?
Aw, sounds good!
Fandom: Big Hero 6: The Series
Rating: K
Characters: Hiro Hamada and Megan Cruz
Word Count: 1,625
Summary: Megan misses her previous homes
The first two weeks of summer vacation had already come and gone. Everyone in San Fransokyo was out and about, going anywhere they pleased. The Lucky Cat tended to do better than usual with business when school was out, resulting in Hiro lending his aunt an extra hand during work hours. His spare time went into night patrols alongside his friends, who were currently looking for work since graduating. 
What was a bit concerning to the teen genius though was that he hadn’t heard much from his good friend Megan in awhile. He hadn’t seen her since the day Trina attempted to unleash her robot revolution on the city. They had briefly texted a couple times before school let out. Since then, Megan hadn’t contacted him once. It was unlike her. Megan was an extremely social person. Hiro figured by now, they would have hung out with more free time on their hands. 
Hiro tried not to be too worried at first. Perhaps she was spending more time with her dad? Or she had plans with other friends? 
After awhile, a thought had occurred to him that maybe she needed space after the whole ordeal with Trina. While Megan initially wanted to get more involved in superheroing since discovering Hiro’s identity, what happened that day had to have been overwhelming. Trina did capture her for a short time. 
With that unsettling memory in mind, Hiro decided to reach out to her. A simple text asking how she was doing. A text that not only she didn’t respond to, but also never read. Was she okay? Was she purposely avoiding him?
After a couple of days with still no response and concerns rising, Hiro took a trolley that let him off in Megan’s neighborhood. He walked at a fast pace as he neared closer to the apartment complex. A wave of apprehension overcame his nerves as he entered the building, accelerating the closer he got to her home.
Not to his surprise, Chief Cruz answered the door. Although, what was surprising was the chief’s attitude towards Hiro. The strict, overprotective man who was always cautious when allowing Hiro to go up to Megan’s room was uncharacteristically welcoming. It may have had something to do with him having more of an appreciation for the young prodigy after rescuing his daughter. However, upon being told that Megan was in her room, he also made a remark about how she could probably use some company right now. There was a hint of sadness in his tone that Hiro chose not to comment on. It only made him worry more, all the more glad that he chose to stop by for a visit.
Hiro walked up the stairs that led to Megan’s room. His eyebrows knit at the closed door, wondering what she was up to. What was going on? Why did her father think she needed company? Had she been up in her room since school ended? 
The teenager paused upon reaching Megan’s bedroom door. Hiro let out a quick, inaudible sigh. He hated the thought of his good friend not doing well. Megan was such a good person. She helped Hiro experience a more casual, teenage lifestyle and had his back in desperate times. If she’s been troubled, the least Hiro could do is help. 
Reaching his arm out, Hiro gave two firm knocks on the door. 
A loud, exasperated groan was made on the other side. “I’m fine, Dad!” 
Hiro flinched. He hadn’t expected that to be the reaction. Clearly, her dad had been checking up on her multiple times. “M-Megan, it’s me!” Hiro responded. “Hiro.” 
There was a short silence. “Hiro?” 
Before Hiro had a chance to say anything else, he could hear Megan’s footsteps approaching closer. Soon enough, the door swung open. The aspiring journalist was in her usual shirt and jeans; her black jacket tucked away due to the summer heat gradually increasing. 
However, the first thing Hiro noticed about her was the dark circles under her eyes. Along with that were widened eyes and a small frown. She raised an eyebrow as Hiro continued to stand in front of her. Hiro noticed this. What was she thinking about? 
“What are you doing here?” 
The soft, yet dejected tone in her voice made a frown form across Hiro’s face. She was usually so excited when he would come over. Something must really be bothering her. 
“I came to see how you were doing.” Hiro sighed heavily. “We haven’t hung out in awhile and you never responded to the last text I sent you.” His frown deepened as he looked over her facial expression again. “Are you alright?” 
Megan glanced down at the floor. She debated what to say and what to do. A lot was going on in her mind, but the last thing she wanted to do was push Hiro away. Especially since he stopped by just to check on her. 
“Come in,” she suggested. She walked out of the doorway, holding her arm out as she invited Hiro into her room. 
Hiro nodded before stepping inside her room. She led the way to her bed, which was neatly made with the exception of the comforter being wrinkled from where she had recently sat. Hiro took a seat at the end of her bed where Megan distanced herself in the middle. 
For a minute, the teens sat in complete silence. They looked away from one another, both trying to find the right words to say. Eventually, Hiro looked Megan’s way first. 
“Megan...i-if this is about what happened with Trina and the whole robot revolution, I am so sorry  you got caught up in that mess. I should have been more--” 
“What?” Megan cut him off. She shook her head at him. “Hiro, I’m not upset because of that.” 
Hiro blinked in shock. He wasn’t sure if he should feel relieved or more uneasy. On the one hand, it was reassuring to know that she hasn’t been too shaken up from that experience. Though now, he was somehow more anxious. What was causing her to be sad? 
“O-okay...then what’s up?” 
Megan’s face fell into a deeper frown. Not wanting her friend to see her so distraught, she faced away from him. She sighed, closing her eyes as she collected all her thoughts together. 
“I’ve just been thinking about the places I used to live before my dad and I moved here,” Megan admitted. She gained the courage to look back over at Hiro again. “You know he’s been transferred before because of his job. So, every time that’s happened, I’ve been to different cities. Different schools. Different people…” Megan clutched onto her arms. “I have friends all around the state. Most of them I haven’t seen in months or years. I’ve been reaching out to them, but everyone has been travelling since summer break started. This sucks…” 
With a frustrated huff, Megan brought her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. She leaned her chin against her right knee, pursing her lips as her mind went back to thinking of all the friends she’s had to say goodbye to over the years. 
Hiro was at a loss of what to do. He couldn’t relate to how Megan felt. He wanted to provide the comfort she clearly needed, but was unsure how. No wonder she was so upset. She was apart from a lot of her friends and it was making her lonesome. Moving from place to place made maintaining her friendships harder. 
The young prodigy gave a sympathetic frown Megan’s way. He reached his hand out, gently placing it on her shoulder. The second Megan felt his touch, she looked over to her friend. 
“I’m really sorry, Megan.” Hiro sighed. “I...I can’t imagine how hard that is.” 
“It’s just a little frustrating,” Megan admitted. “I want to see them, but for a lot of reasons I can’t. You’re so lucky, Hiro. You’ve lived in San Fransokyo your whole life!” 
Hiro nodded. “Yeah, that’s true…” He rubbed a hand at the back of his head. “But you’re lucky too. I mean, sure you’ve had to move a lot, but you’ve gotten to live in a lot of different places. That’s cool too! You love photography. I can only imagine all the photos you’ve taken of everywhere you’ve been so far.” 
Megan cracked a tiny smile. “Yeah...I have actually.” 
“See? I’m not much for travelling, but I still think it’s awesome that you’ve gone so many places. I’m sorry that all the moving has made it hard to stay in touch with your friends though.” 
“It’s alright.” Megan shrugged. “I guess...it’s not all bad. If I hadn’t moved, I never would have met any of them in the first place. The good thing is that I’ve always met at least one really great person everywhere I’ve been.” She smiled widely at Hiro. “That includes you of course.” 
Hiro chuckled. “Thanks. You know, I don’t exactly have friends my age or a more normal teenage lifestyle. So I’m glad we’re able to hang out when we can.” 
“Me too.” 
Hiro scooted over closer to Megan. Once their proximity was merely inches apart, the teenagers wrapped their arms around one another in a happy embrace. More than anything, Hiro was glad he had stopped by. He was able to cheer his friend up again and understand why she had been distant. 
After a few seconds they pulled away. The smile that had managed to make its way on Megan’s face was far from fading. 
Hiro got up from her bed. “How about we go to Joe’s Diner? It’s on me this time.”
Megan giggled, standing up to follow him. “You’re the best. That sounds great.”
Yay, I finally got a request done! This was a cute one to do. Hiro and Megan have such an underrated friendship. I like to headcanon that since Chief Cruz is a police chief/officer, they’ve had to move around a lot with his job. Anyway, thank you so much for the request @blxndeichiban! I hope you enjoyed it! :D
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
BRITISH VOGUE BITS: 80K Bees That Produce Hundreds Of Jars Of Honey A Year – This Is Why Beyoncé Is QUEEN B!
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Beyoncé graces the cover of not one, but three covers of British VOGUE’s December 2020 issue – shot by 21-year-old photographer Kennedi Carter. Inside, the global superstar shares some interesting details about her personal beehive and how she’s handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Get it all inside…
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                  @Beyonce stars on three special covers for the December 2020 issue of #BritishVogue. She speaks to Editor-In-Chief @Edward_Enninful about everything from the recent racial and social justice movements, to her personal legacy and why she has finally decided to “give myself permission to focus on my joy”. Read the full interview and see the 20-page fashion extravaganza photographed by Kennedi Carter in the new issue, on newsstands and available for digital download Friday 6 November. #Beyonce wears all @MuglerOfficial. Photographed by @InternetBby and styled by @Edward_Enninful with hair by @JawaraW and colourists @Rachel_Bodt and @ShirleyGHauteHair, make-up by @FrancescaTolot, nails by @OhMyNailsNYC, set design by @StefanBeckman and lighting direction by @_Wordie. With thanks to Beyoncé’s personal stylist @ZerinaAkers, her tailor #TimWhite and publicist @YvetteNoelSchure; Parkwood Entertainment creative director @KwasiFordjour and creative producer @LaurenLaLaBaker; Satellite414 founder @CarlitoF8; @TravisKiewel and @RobFamous for @ThatOneProduction; and Vogue entertainment director-at-large @JillDemling.
A post shared by British Vogue (@britishvogue) on Oct 30, 2020 at 9:59am PDT
  Beyoncé Knowles-Carter didn’t have to slay this hard, yet we’re here.
Mrs. Carters graces not one, but THREE individual covers for British VOGUE magazine’s December 2020 issue. And she ATE, per usual.
In the cover above, Bey rocked an elastic-nylon mesh bodysuit, which is made up of 64 panels and took more than 100 hours to sew together, by Mugler creative director Casey Cadwallader. It’s a piece the designer had been working on since Thierry Mugler handed him the reins to the house in December 2017.
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                  “Something cracked open inside of me right after giving birth to my first daughter. From that point on, I truly understood my power, and motherhood has been my biggest inspiration.” In the December 2020 issue of #BritishVogue, mother and megastar @Beyonce speaks to British Vogue Editor-in-Chief @Edward_Enninful. See the full story in the new issue, on newsstands and available for digital download Friday 6 November. #Beyonce wears an organza coat, catsuit, and custom-made hat all @Adidas x @WeAreIvyPark, with @JimmyChoo shoes and @LorraineSchwartz jewellery. Photographed by @InternetBby and styled by @Edward_Enninful with hair by @JawaraW and colourists @Rachel_Bodt and @ShirleyGHauteHair, make-up by @FrancescaTolot, nails by @OhMyNailsNYC, set design by @StefanBeckman and lighting direction by @_Wordie. With thanks to Beyoncé’s personal stylist @ZerinaAkers, @MarnixMarni, her tailor #TimWhite and publicist @YvetteNoelSchure; Parkwood Entertainment creative director @KwasiFordjour and creative producer @LaurenLaLaBaker; Satellite414 founder @CarlitoF8; @TravisKiewel and @RobFamous for @ThatOneProduction; and Vogue entertainment director-at-large @JillDemling.
A post shared by British Vogue (@britishvogue) on Oct 30, 2020 at 10:15am PDT
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                  “It would be difficult to experience life in a pandemic and the current social unrest and not be changed. I have learnt that my voice is clearer when I am still.” For the December 2020 issue of #BritishVogue, the powerhouse that is @Beyonce talks family, fashion and philanthropy with @Edward_Enninful and gives a rare and rounded glimpse into her world. See the full story in the new issue, on newsstands and available for digital download Friday 6 November. #Beyonce wears an @AlexanderMcQueen jacket, @AtsukoKudoLatex hotpants and @LouboutinWorld shoes. Photographed by @InternetBby and styled by @Edward_Enninful with hair by @JawaraW and colourists @Rachel_Bodt and @ShirleyGHauteHair, make-up by @FrancescaTolot, nails by @OhMyNailsNYC, set design by @StefanBeckman and lighting direction by @_Wordie. With thanks to Beyoncé’s personal stylist @ZerinaAkers, her tailor #TimWhite and publicist @YvetteNoelSchure; Parkwood Entertainment creative director @KwasiFordjour and creative producer @LaurenLaLaBaker; Satellite414 founder @CarlitoF8; @TravisKiewel and @RobFamous for @ThatOneProduction; and Vogue entertainment director-at-large @JillDemling.
A post shared by British Vogue (@britishvogue) on Oct 30, 2020 at 10:17am PDT
  For the shoot, Bey was adamant she wanted a young, black photographer to catch her angles for the shoot and that’s exactly what she received. 21-year-old photographer Kennedi Carter, a fine art photographer from North Carolina, was tapped for the shoot and she NAILED it.
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                  a butterfly landed on me today, great things are coming
A post shared by Kennedi Carter (@internetbby) on Jun 22, 2019 at 5:56pm PDT
  In the cover story, the mom-of-three revealed she has two actual beehives in her backyard that produces hundreds of jars of honey a year. Not her fan base BEYHIVE – real beehives! She told British VOGUE editor-in-chief Edward Enniful she started the hives to help her daughters Blue Ivy & Rumi, who both suffer from bad allergies.
”I know it’s random, but I have two beehives. Real ones. I’ve had them at my house for a while now,” Bey explained. "I have around 80,000 bees and we make hundreds of jars of honey a year. I started the beehives because my daughters, Blue and Rumi, both have terrible allergies, and honey has countless healing properties.”
Yep, the REAL Queen B!
In the cover story, Bey also talked about how she’s adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic. "I’ve decided to give myself permission to focus on my joy," she sared.
Do you feel changed as a person by the events of 2020, and if so in what ways?
Absolutely changed. It would be difficult to experience life in a pandemic and the current social unrest and not be changed. I have learnt that my voice is clearer when I am still. I truly cherish this time with my family, and my new goal is to slow down and shed stressful things from my life. I came into the music industry at 15 years old and grew up with the world watching, and I have put out projects non-stop. I released Lemonade during the Formation World Tour, gave birth to twins, performed at Coachella, directed Homecoming, went on another world tour with Jay, then Black Is King, all back to back. It’s been heavy and hectic. I’ve spent a lot of time focusing on building my legacy and representing my culture the best way I know how. Now, I’ve decided to give myself permission to focus on my joy.
Have these months perhaps also changed you as a parent? How do you talk to Blue Ivy about current events, and what is your advice to parents in the same position, trying to impart the hard realities of our time to their children?
I have become a better listener. Blue is very smart, and she is aware that there is a shift, but it is my job as a parent to do my best to keep her world as positive and safe as can be for an eight-year-old. My best advice is to love them harder than ever. I let my children know that they are never too young to contribute to changing the world. I never underestimate their thoughts and feelings, and I check in with them to understand how this is affecting them. Blue saw some of the reactions to the “Brown Skin Girl” video, as well as some of the videos from the philanthropic work I’ve done this year. When I tell her I’m proud of her, she tells me that she’s proud of me and that I’m doing a good job. It’s teeeeeew much sweetness. She melts my heart. I believe the best way to teach them is to be the example.
You have been such a vocal advocate for change, offering your support during a tough time for so many families, especially those who have disproportionately suffered during the Covid-19 pandemic. It has been inspirational. How do you see your work as an artist and the way you use your voice in activism spaces working together?
I try to think of the most productive way I can help. I was able to work with my Church in Houston, Texas, my mother and Jack Dorsey [CEO of Twitter] to set up testing for a lot of Houstonians, especially those in economically challenged areas, who more than likely had no access to testing at the time. I worked with a local hospital in Houston, supported them with supplies and whatever they needed to best treat those infected. It was heartwarming to see the photos from the testing sites and to read the letters from the people who were high-risk, due to pre-existing health conditions, who were able to recover and return home safely from the hospital. I was fortunate to help even more people with funds raised from the “Savage” remix with Megan Thee Stallion. We donated the proceeds to support Covid-19 victims. I did the same thing with “Black Parade”. It’s been a year of service for me.
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                  A surprising fact about @Beyonce? “I know it’s random, but I have two beehives. Real ones… I have around 80,000 bees and we make hundreds of jars of honey a year.” In the December 2020 issue of #BritishVogue, #Beyonce talks to @Edward_Enninful about what makes her proud, how she celebrates Christmas with her family and one very surprising – but then again, entirely fitting – hobby that keeps her busy. See the full 20-page fashion story in the new issue, on newsstands and available for digital download Friday 6 November. And click the link in bio to read the full interview now. #Beyonce wears @Adidas x @WeAreIvyPark jacket and shorts, @YSL by @AnthonyVaccarello shoes, @Wolford tights and @LorraineSchwartz necklaces. Photographed by @InternetBby and styled by @Edward_Enninful with hair by @JawaraW and colourists @Rachel_Bodt and @ShirleyGHauteHair, make-up by @FrancescaTolot, nails by @OhMyNailsNYC, set design by @StefanBeckman and lighting direction by @_Wordie. With thanks to Beyoncé’s personal stylist @ZerinaAkers, @MarnixMarni, her tailor #TimWhite and publicist @YvetteNoelSchure; Parkwood Entertainment creative director @KwasiFordjour and creative producer @LaurenLaLaBaker; Satellite414 founder @CarlitoF8; @TravisKiewel and @RobFamous for @ThatOneProduction; and Vogue entertainment director-at-large @JillDemling.
A post shared by British Vogue (@britishvogue) on Nov 1, 2020 at 8:59am PST
  And then we learn, Bey is just like us in many ways:
Beyoncé, we all believe you can do everything. Is there anything you cannot do?
I’m always losing my phone in my house or office, and I never know where my keys are. My phone is always dead. I get days and dates confused all the time, but guaranteed, I’ll remember every detail of a conversation, what you were wearing or how your hair was styled. It’s absolutely ridiculous.
This I must know – what is your favourite Texan delicacy?
Wow. That’s tough to pick one favourite. It’s good eating in Texas! I love Cajun seafood at Pappadeaux. The barbecue in Texas is mmmm. So is the Mexican food and the soul food. We ate soul food every Sunday after church. There was nothing better than when a little bit of candied yams got on your oxtail and macaroni.
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                  “Fashion was a place of escape for me. Every Friday, my kids and I would dress up and take each other’s pictures. It became an opportunity to handle this crazy year together.” Throughout the making of #BritishVogue’s December issue cover story, @Beyonce told @Edward_Enninful she had a very important goal: she wanted to have fun. See the full 20-page fashion story in the new issue on newsstands and available for digital download Friday 6 November. And click the link in bio to read the full interview now. #Beyonce wears a @ChristopherJohnRogers dress, @AgentProvocateur crystal thong and @LorraineSchwartz necklaces. Photographed by @InternetBby and styled by @Edward_Enninful with hair by @JawaraW and colourists @Rachel_Bodt and @ShirleyGHauteHair, make-up by @FrancescaTolot, nails by @OhMyNailsNYC, set design by @StefanBeckman and lighting direction by @_Wordie. With thanks to Beyoncé’s personal stylist @ZerinaAkers, her tailor #TimWhite and publicist @YvetteNoelSchure; Parkwood Entertainment creative director @KwasiFordjour and creative producer @LaurenLaLaBaker; Satellite414 founder @CarlitoF8; @TravisKiewel and @RobFamous for @ThatOneProduction; and Vogue entertainment director-at-large @JillDemling.
A post shared by British Vogue (@britishvogue) on Nov 1, 2020 at 9:15am PST
  We also learned what Christmas 2020 will look at the Carter household:
And lastly, what will Christmas look like this year for you and your family, and are you looking forward to it? What’s your favourite family tradition?
My twins are three and now they are old enough to understand Christmas. I love Christmas. We decorate cookies and ornaments. We also collect ornaments with everyone’s favourite things. We decorate while jamming to Christmas music. Blue leaves milk and cookies for Santa, and always leaves the most beautiful letters for him. We get up early and open presents and then we have a big lunch with all of our family. I love the joy and wonderment of children on Christmas. It makes me feel like a kid.
Aww! Tooc cute.
You can read the full interview here.
  Photo: Beyonce's IG
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/11/02/british-vogue-bits-80k-bees-that-produce-hundreds-of-jars-of-honey-a-year-%E2%80%93-this-is-why-b
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gandrewheadcannons · 5 years
Drabble 1 (angst) (open ended)
I wrote a drabble that’s angsty like I’ve been recently. 
Andrew doesn’t wish often for things. He prides himself on being reasonable. Pragmatic. He’s meticulously organized and often not caught up in frivolous thoughts that would have him desiring for something he could just create with a well-thought-out plan to achieve. He lived very much by the notion of ‘if you want it, go for it’ and liked that about himself. It kept him grounded, kept him level headed. Made it so he could breathe easier when he was anxious. If he stayed far away from wishing then he had less to add to his mix of doubt and insecurities. But right now, very out of character, he found himself sitting alone at two o’clock in the morning wishing.
Ryland had stopped filming hours ago and Shane had retreated to the editing room to work. Andrew had declined working in the same room as him feeling squicked by the copious amount of lip gloss Shane had been smearing across his mouth. He was left to his own devices in the spare bedroom when a picture had appeared across his twitter feed that had stopped him in his tracks. It was an old photo of him and Garrett, something someone had screen grabbed from a video where Garrett’s eyes are twinkling and Andrew’s got a soft smile as he stares at the boy. The person had tagged them both and added a message of ‘soft bois’ with a bunch of emoji hearts. It had been shared and liked a good number of times but it wasn’t the picture itself that had him stopping. He’d seen it so many times that at this point it didn’t surprise him to see the way he was watching Garrett in it.
No, what had him stopping was the top tweet underneath it that read, ‘Im sad they don’t seem to hang anymore…used to ship but now I hope Garrett finds people who can appreciate him. The squad definitely doesn’t’ That tweet had almost as many likes as the original, a list of people agreeing. He hesitates to click the profile and then decides against it, exiting Twitter completely and then opening his messages and scrolling to find the conversation with Garrett. It had been a few weeks since they’d texted and Andrew feels a bubble of guilt building in his stomach fluttering amidst something else that Andrew realizes is desire. He misses Garrett. He could easily admit that to anyone who asked. He didn’t to see him as much now that Shane had moved and Andrew spent the majority of his time here. But what he wasn’t sure that he was so readily able to admit would be the fact that, even though it’s just a brief moment, he wishes more than anything that Garrett was there with him.
Looking around the guest room it feels lonely and isolating with the glow of his phone and computer screen the only lights. Biting the corner of his thumb nail he hesitates as he figures out what to send. It was late and though he knew Garrett was awake he found himself, for one of the first times in their friendship, unsure of how to start a conversation with him. Thinking back to the horoscope Shane had read him he blushes despite being alone with his intrusive thoughts. He knew he adored Garrett. Had always done so from the moment they’d met in person and Garrett had shared his cold brew and spoke excitedly about a puppy he’d seen on the way to meet him.
Garrett was his go to guy for any anxieties he might have, his favorite person to get lost with in conversations, but he seemed so far away as of late. He hadn’t wanted to be a part of the series this time. Had explained it softly to them back in February that he’d rather take time for himself and to be with his family. It had felt like a slow bandaid being pulled achingly from Andrew’s side; the comfort of laughter and ease not being present in the long days of filming for the past nine months. He was tired.
Bypassing the messaging all together he bites the bullet and hits the call button, the screen enlarging with buttons and ‘calling G’ scrolling across the top. He’s about ready to hang up and send an apology text with each uwhen all of a sudden Garrett picks up. It’s loud in the background of wherever he is. Andrew hates that he doesn’t know.
“Hey!” Garrett’s voice shouts loudly. “Give me a minute, I’m trying to go outside.” There’s clinking of glasses and someone shouting as music suddenly blares and then it all fades into a quiet hum like something pulled from a movie. “Sorry!” Garrett sounds breathless and laughs a little. “It’s wild in there. What’s up? Are you okay?” His voice going from laughter to concern, the volume lowering into a normal speaking tone with Garrett’s quick pacing sprinkled into the tone.
“I’m good.” Andrew already feels the constricting in his chest lightening some. “Where are you?” A nervous laugh bubbling over and spilling between his lips as he says, “it’s like…way past a Garrett Watts approved party time.” Garrett lets out a manic laugh and Andrew finds himself craving to see the reaction in person.
“Oh I know! It’s so silly. I really did want to leave like three hours ago but now I’m kind of stuck because I got too drunk to drive back home.” Andrew can detect a hint of slurring to confirm the statement. A drunk Garrett was one of his favorite versions; overly tactile and honest with whoever he was with. Andrew could do with a hug.
“Are you okay? You want a ride?” Being forty minutes away was a stretch of an offer but Andrew found that he was up and walking towards his shoes. He’d drive it if it meant spending one night with Garrett.
“Oh Andrew that’s so sweet!” Garrett coos, “I’m really okay, it’s fine. You’re probably at Shane’s anyways?” Andrew hates that he’s so predictable now. Misses when he was only down the street.
“Yeah I am.” He sighs. From his window he can see one of the driveways with his car in it. “I don’t mind, Garrett. I can come.” He presses further. Garrett makes a booing sound and laughs again.
“It’s fine!” Then he drops his voice. “Actually, can I tell you something?” He trails off like he’s to giddy to contain the giggles that erupt. “It’s so crazy, Andrew. But oh!” He lets out another nervous laughter. “I kind of…maybe met someone.” He’s breathless, slurring together the last of his words into one quick session.
“What?” Andrew feels blank. Garrett had met someone. It wasn’t like this was different. Garrett had met so many people and Andrew had picked him up from countless of dates that hadn’t gone well but the last he’d heard; Garrett wasn’t interested in dating anyone. “Like…a someone?” His throat feels painfully scratchy like if he speaks any louder his hammering heart might claw its way up it and out through his mouth. Pitiful. The best way to describe himself in the moment.
“Yeah!” Garrett is whispering. “His name is Ron. We didn’t even meet through Tinder I just like… kept seeing him at the same diner as me at the same time and we ended up eating together a few times. I thought we were just friends but it turns out he thought we were on a few dates!” Garrett laughs. “I pretty much suck at this.” He admits but he doesn’t sound as despondent as he normally would with the statement. In fact, he sounds more amused.
“Wow.” He’s stilted in his commentary. The hopeful feeling that had warmed his body was slowly drained and replaced with something akin to regret. “How…uh.” He clears his throat annoyed that he feels like crying. “How long?” He wants Garrett to say a week. Wants him to say that he doesn’t think it’ll go anywhere.
“A few months,” Garrett says hastily. “I dunno. We aren’t like…it’s not super serious. But I really like him.” He’s enraptured as he says it.
Nine months of almost no time together save the odd weekday coffee now and then had Garrett in a relationship with someone for more than just a week. Andrew is definitely going to be sick.
“That’s great,” It isn’t. Nothing feels great. Andrew wants to hang up the phone. “Hey, actually, I have to go.” He tries to not let his disappointment seep through his gritted teeth. Garrett doesn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of his regret.
“Oh.” Garrett's disappointed. “Are you sure?” Andrew doesn’t want to. Wants to stay on the phone with him for hours. Wants to lay on his brown leather couch and watch an obscure western Garrett had found on Vimeo. Wants to drink English breakfast tea as they watch the sun rise because they’d stayed up too late make stupid videos he’d saved into a special file on his hard drive.
“Yeah man, I didn’t know you were out and stuff.” He doesn’t want to be that guy, unsure if he means the one who keeps a friend on the phone during a party or the one who is desperate for that friend to pity him enough to do it anyways. He’s not sure he cares that he’s both.
“I don’t mind, Andrew.” Garrett sounds surprisingly sober all of a sudden. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Andrew nods then remembers that Garrett can’t see him through the phone.
“Yeah.” He lets out a breath to loosen the constricting around his throat. Please stay with me threatens to pour out but he manages to keep it contained. They’re quiet.
“Megan Batoon get another boyfriend?” He knows Garrett is joking but it’s that comment that has him realizing why Garrett had gone and found someone knew. The slight under bite coupled with the reminder that Andrew wasn’t supposed to be interested in Garrett like that.
“No boyfriend.” He can’t bring the joke to life either. “Not her at least.” It falls flat. The noise from the background is completely gone now and Andrew wishes for the distraction of it back. He can hear Garrett’s breathing through the phone, heavy puffs like he’s starting up to say something then thinking better of it. Before Andrew can continue and apologize for whatever weird, standoffish twist their conversation had taken he hears someone calling Garrett’s name in the background. There’s a shuffle and then hushed tones before Garrett is back on the phone.
“Hey man.” He clicks his tongue disappointed. “I gotta go but maybe we can meet up for coffee sometime soon? Catch up.” He doesn’t sound like he had before. Sounds like he’s making an obligation to save whatever it is they have.
“Yeah.” Andrew wants so badly for that to happen and for them to climb back into each other’s space. “I really want to.” He knows it’s just a formality at this point. He only has a few weeks before the first episode drops. Coffee soon was looking like November if they both really tried.
“Cool! Yeah, that’d be good. Talk to you later,” Garrett doesn’t hang up quite yet, like he’s waiting. “Love you.” He tacks on as if he’s embarrassed to be saying it. It’s rushed.
“Love you.” Andrew’s slides out easily as if it was simple. A phrase both of them accustomed to saying. It shouldn’t be so hard. The phone goes quiet and when Andrew finally grows the will to pull it down from his ear it’s just his home screen. His heart sinks at the lack of Garrett.
Sadness envelops him like a blanket as he curls deep into the crevice of the bed with his hood pulled tightly up. Steering clear of Twitter he opens up Netflix on his phone and tries to fall asleep to an episode of The Office, Michael Scott’s antics soothing his mind. His dreams filled with images he can’t recall being real or not, Garrett’s name on the edge of his tongue; a sloshing wave of regret in his stomach. He makes a promise to himself then- no more wishing allowed, developing a plan to fix them before the year was up. It was what he did.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
💜💜PG MM ANON💜💜 Interpretation Collection- 5
Anon said:
You go PG!!! 😊😊😊🌸🌸🌹🐼🐼🐝🐝👍👍👍💖💖💖🌻🌻🌼🌼🌼😊😊😍😍💜💜🌹🌹🌹🌺🌺🌺💙💙💙🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌹🌹🌹❤❤❤👍👍👍👍 Violets 🌼
Anon said:
💗🌲🌞😺 hi Skippy this is for PG and JG🏡🌲🥰🥰🧚‍♀️👑👑🐱🐰🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🐥🌺🌹🌼🌸💐🐿
💜💜nothing went through but MM ANON’s riddle🥃💜
MM ANON … smokescreen’ it’s a bloody forest fire …… feed the mushrooms ……… interview ‘off the record … financial litigation …… not your average SNAP-shot?…… “ hiding in full sight”……… a complicated appearance ……🎼it’s a little bit funny🎼………Balmoral revisited part two……” dark or white meat”…… 👁🤝☎️🏰🔐…… a sordid publication!!!!…… but’but,look on the bright side.
Smokescreen’,it’s a bloody forest fire…
‘Fake photos’ of PH, mm amw, the child in huge, doesn’t move, dressed in clothing as if it’s January. The two alleged Sussexes, wore hats/caps, heads down, no way to ascertain for sure the identities. Flying via private jet, EJ pipes in that he footed the carbon footprint 🤨🧐mmmmm’kay 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥. All look here look here, don’t pay any kind to PA and the forest fire raging, lies, obfuscations, major monarchy shaking issues happening, but watch the private jet issues. Puh -leeze? This is just a major amount of ordinance thrown into the fire and explosions rumbling worldwide. I have said this three times, but it bears repeating, watch the stock market, JE played in a league beyond what any of us could imagine, the real $$$$£££££€€€ of the world. Have your portfolios in order.
Feed the mushrooms….
Mushrooms grow best in dark, dirty soil, fertilized ie manure conditions l so there is more filth coming, and it will continue …..this is not a one big news break and it’d done, no no no.These investigations have been ongoing for years…think back to LLM, 1955!!! The F.B.I. started in earnest gathering any and all intel on his behaviours!
Interview off the record
Is this PA and the BRF demand? As thus far it’s an American issue, he has not cooperated , this is madness, absolute insanity.
Financial litigation
Lawsuits being threatened or actually filed against PA/BRF for financial compensation to the underage victims he allegedly had sex with.
Not your average SNAP-shot
Who sent sex photos via the web? Or via mobile? Who has underage naked photos???
“Hiding in full sight”
PA? Galavanting around Europe on private jet unheeded and seemingly unbothered l except “appalled “ at JE behaviour. What we have in a man who has been untouchable, pardon that horrible pun. Untouchable when the palace denied any allegations years ago and he still living large , doing his thing , with a smug smile on his face ten days or so ago, when he attended Craithie Chapel with HMTQ. Makes me so angry!
A complicated appearance
HMTQ will have a few outings chapel, facing the public. I still feel haunted by those two photos of her last Sunday in the car in the rain going to Chapel.😢.
🎼 its a little bit funny 🎼
Your song by EJ. LOVE that song but he pipes in regarding the private jet/paying carbon emissions BS. Why is he piping in now?? The whole world is going crazy, even ED from L.A. Is piping in her opinion.
Balmoral revisited, volume two
Oh MM ANON, giving me fond memories of Brideshead Revidited😊. PA taking another trip to see HMTQ? I soooo badly want to say mummy, but l cannot.
“dark or white meat”
OMG! I think l know what this means but l cannot type what l think. Victims of human trafficking and sex rings and those whose utilize them, those individuals have certain things they favour in a victim. I just cannot say more!
👁 🤝 ☎️ 🏰 🔐
Things have been seen, intel, maybe even satellite data as MM ANON had a mentioned a satellite dish in a very recent riddle. Calls have been made and received. When l see a red phone, l think of a secured phone, with technology to prevent any possible ‘listening in ‘. The palace ie The Firm LG and HMTQ have sealed the deal, l see this regarding mm. PA is a whole other kettle of 🐠. Sorry MM ANON, I just HAD to use an emoji, in your emoji clue😊.
A sordid publication!!!!!
Ok folks, get comfortable, get popcorn 🍿 and 🥃 and watch the show. Photos, videos, the whole lot is going to be published. I hope PM flying es back from Nice not in coach but private jet because HE WILL be one of the tellers of this! I CAMNOT WAIT!!!
but, but look on the bright side..
Reassurance that hey we finally getting mm dealt with, distract from the looming tsunami with PA.
Thank you so much PG…looks great!😊💜💜💜💜
69 notes
Aug 20th, 2019
Thank you MM ANON💜🙏🏻😊👋
Sorry it’s so late l have had a houseful of family today. This one took me longer, my hands are so numb today. So, please forgive any spelling or grammar errors GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
MM Anon
MM ANON … buy one,get one free …… baffle them with itinerary …… Lack of FIB-RE…… Bury this one Charles …… “And by opposing end them”……… The devil is in the (denial) detail……Sierra’Charlie’Alpha’Mike……… 👎🦷🤫🏁🗯🔓……… something borrowed,something BLUE…… “throw another million on fire, darling”…… “when the wind BLOWS”………… Sorry’ I don’t see a reservation!!
Buy one get one free
This lovely PR, the faux-manitarian behaving like a teen shopping for her grad dress! This whole Smart Works is such a $$$€€€€££££ grab.
I seriously cannot believe respectable companies are involved, but than again M&S are on their last leg and pinning hopes on this working. As far as presenting herself professionally, one would not ever show up for a job, a DECENT job dressed thus and acting like that and have any hopes of attaining the position. At least not in my world or any professional l know.
But l digressed sorry just had to add that.
Baffle them with itinerary
This is hilarious because nobody here was baffled. People were clever enough to search out the planes call signs . We are not teenage ‘squad’ members. The fun addition of commentary from EJ, ED and P**K, l refuse to spell her name!
Lack of FIB-RE
FIB in the UK is the Fraud Intelligence bureau. Well our girls loves to merch, and there have been a lot of financial questions. Is this agency investigating?? I find this interesting. I also this, as a healthy body needs fibre to cleanse the body of waste and helps ease its removal, very likely that the work this agency and other are assisting is removing waste from the Royal system. Just a thought.
Bury this one Charles
Buried secrets. Things PC has kept secret, and they need to stay buried. I strongly alluded to one the other riddle regarding LLM, but is PC compelled to keep schtum about PA.
“ and by opposing end them”
MM ANON SHAKESPEARE…Hamlet….to be or not to be, that is the question, whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them. Hamlet soliloquy, on suicide or action, what to do…..one of many soliloquy’s we had to memorize in school. Mans action or inactions. JE chose suicide, others like PH , PA have not. There are two ways to deal, this is a quagmire.
The devil is in the denial(detail)
The saying is the devil is in the details, meaning if you forget the small things, the entire project, plan etc, may collapse I see this as the strong denial put foreword years ago regarding the allegations against PA, it’s the cover-up of the sin.
Sierra ‘Charlie’Alpha’Mike
Acronym obviously SCAM, however deeper Charlie?Charles Alpha?the Alpha son who would be King. Was he aware of the PA behaviour, allegations denied years ago? If he was a party to the cover-up that will be a knell to his being King. This was referenced in recent riddle regarding regency.
Offer not accepted, someone is gritting their teeth over this but must keep this quiet. The race is over, shouting of excitement or anger depending which one is party of and the locks are open, for now. So for now PA remains free, at some point, unless things go completely pear shaped and The Firm hides him, he will be compelled to answer questions.
Something borrowed, something BLUE…
Old wedding saying, you all know it… Smart Works regency to the program of providing clothes for women seeking employment our faux-manitarian is playing at. BLUE please PLEASE FINALLY! Let the video, filthy photos of yachting days and all the garbage be made public. PLEASE!🙏🏻
Throw another million on the fire darling
When the winds BLOWS….
The cradle will fall….little rubber doll will fall but whoa miracle child unhurt! Please let this ongoing lie be made know please! BLOWS, well, we know whose the expert!
Sorry, l don’t see a reservation!
She is done! Backs turned…….over! PLEASE!
Wonderful job! Thank you so much PG! So happy you had a great family filled day!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
55 notes
Aug 21st, 2019
💜💜Hi everybody, l am so sorry l couldn’t do the riddle yesterday 😞. I have been working on today’s. I don’t know how good it is, l have been so poorly glad my sister is here. I have read heard any news except what was said about our little George💜💜
Thank you so much MM ANON
MM ANON … Highs and LOWS……… FAMILY concerns …LOOSE cannon…… Morgan/sorry Megan “ a suitable case for treatment”. …… “this is not a rehearsal!!”…… Carra-BEING…… detected, rejected, Sub-jected…… 🏌️‍♂️👁🤫👯‍♀️🌪…… at last we can relax ‘ for a few weeks …… another holiday ( fetch the jet)…… THICK SKIN-ned …EX-COMMUNE-negated.
Thank you MM ANON
Highs and LOWS
Her behaviour has been repeatedly witnessed high, low, bizarre, etc
FAMILY concerns
The entire BRF is FAMILY , mm is not. There are numerous serious issues at play here, PA, PH, what’s to be done, what truths are to be told and what’s best just left as it is. GOT “nothing buried stays buried “ The entire family now is at Balmoral, l am not 100% certain where PH is.
LOOSE cannon…
Several layers of secrets as the are exposed the public’s reaction will be very unpredictable, many are onto her fake ness and are already now aware of PA friendships with various nefarious individuals. I say several loose cannons.
Morgan/sorry Megan “a suitable case for treatment.
Notice Megan is spelled without the H that mm uses. Morgan a suitable case for treatment is a 1966 film.
DescriptionVolatile artist returns to London after having been institutionalized, hoping to reconcile with his wife. When he learns she is leaving him for art dealer he is determined to win her back. While stalking her, he becomes obsessed with Marxism and gorillas. In his new monkey costume, the artist begins a campaign of harassment against her and her lover.
Hmmm stalking, obsession, years of pre-planning, substance use/abuse. Sounding like institutional treatment for long time, versus prison at this time.
This is not a rehearsal
Reminds me a few days ago there was question regarding London bridge falling down code, rumours rampant someone had passed. So what we are going to see now is the real deal, no more f***ing kabuki. Sorry language, you have no idea how FURIOUS l am at that tv lady, l can’t use the word journalist.
As the Duke of Windsor was exiled to the Bahamas, PA may well be given such a post. Or PH to Africa, or both!
Detected, rejected, subjected
We have had this before. Substance detected, application for citizenship rejected, she will be subjected to face her legal consequences , will be subjected to medical care, treatment, rehab, than legal issues. ? In UK or US?
🏌️ 👁🤫👯 🌪
Golfing relaxing, someone saw something that was to be very confidential. Man involved with women, in any public knowledge of this is coming and it will be a massive tornado of news and public reactions.
At least we can relax for a few weeks
With mm dealt with finally, they can spend time at Balmoral together and relax. There will be one huge firestorm when the fake wedding, fake pregnancy etc etc etc and the millions of £££££££ spent.
Another holiday ( fetch the jets)
PH going likely to Africa, not holiday but public may see it as holiday. Or keener still, LG releases that MM ha jetted off and she is really in custody. THAT would be brilliant!
The royals, Brits is general have tough stuff, despite the firestorm that is going to be unleashed, they will all carry on with their duties. LOVE THEM SO💜GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Someone ex behind gates oh we are all praying it’s mm, and she will be ex, if the wedding was legal even.
I have a lot of blog to read but this was my priority. I will be here when l am able. Love and prayers for you all.💜🐼🙏🏻🐼😊🐼👋🐼💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you so much PG! Prayers for you!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
70 notes
Aug 23rd, 2019
Thank you MM ANON 🙏🏻💜💜
MM ANON … August Bank Jolly-stay……”were gonna need a bigger statement”…… “the boys a f#@ing embarrassment” …… “ it all went tits up when he met that bloody woman”…”calm down Philip” ……… I’d stay put if I were you ……on the Fly-bee……… smelling of (slightly wilted) roses…… “and that day may never come”… blame Fredo …… her “Diana” moment …… 👎🏉🎟.
August Bank Jolly-stay…
Play on words of the August Bank Holiday/long weekend term used in 🇨🇦
ABJ all capitalized, meaning?? PA et al are vacationing in Spain, or last l heard. Seems golfing is fun, doesn’t outwardly seem bothered, blows my mind. Jolly, when l was in Scotland was the coolest restaurant in Dundee, but l don’t think it is that. Some having a jolly stay , certainly the Royal family has circled the wagons at Balmoral. Please, PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE , PULL THE PLUG ON HER ALREADY!!
We’re gonna need a bigger statement”
PA released a letter today decrying JE behaviours but absolute denial of any awareness of illegal sexual conduct. Continues Spanish vacay and not going to U.S. to be interviewed. They NEED cooperative from him, not just a flighty statement signed Andrew!
The boys a f#@ing embarrassment..
This is definitely PP talking about PA, dragging such filth into the monarchy. Fed up with this ongoing issue for years now.
It all went tits up when he met that woman…calm down Philip
Two possibles PA and GM or PH and MM, both are horrific but l think he’s referring to mm and the embedding into the Firm. I hear HMTQ tellingly him to calm himself. So awful at their age, after a lifetime of service, they are having to deal with this!
I’d stay put if l were you
PA stay in Spain, golf away, enjoy your family vacation. Oh how l feel for Beatrice and Eugenie. Fergie is in things £££€€£££
On the Fly-bee
The Cambridge’s et al flew to Aberdeen on Flybe £78 each, now it has come out, the airplane was directed to fly to Norwich empty to pick them up. What started as a good carbon footprint has gone pear shape, to no fault of theirs.
Smelling of (slightly wilted )roses
Is this the nonsense PR about mm , PH and MM going to Princess Diana’s grave? Oh how foul a beast that breathes the breath to use that as PR. A fell wind doth blow!!
“And that day may never come”
The facing of American justice by PA, if anything they hope for financial settlement. At this point SDNY is too far in, he needs to cooperate SOON,
Blame Fredo
Godfather reference. Fredo was the useless brother who sold out the family and paid with his life. This scenario, who is the brother that sold out the family???PA, Although he will not lose his life, he’s betrayed everything his mother holds dear!
Her “Diana” moment
Again this is the vile PR putrid words that she, MM and PH will make a visit to Diana’s grave around the anniversary date of her death, next week. This enrages me almost equally as that “tv lady” making fun of PG. (Prince George, not me ie PG🤣)
👎 🏉 🎟
Only PH at the rugby, no mm! But he is not himself at all!Oh how l,wish l knew more!!!
💜💜🙏🏻God bless you MM ANON🙏🏻💜💜
Thank you PG…..😊💜💜💜💜💜❤️
Aug 24th, 2019
MM ANON … airmiles the Sunday roast!!…expect a Murky PR blitz…public poll’ most hated …… “ just f@# them off to the colonies”…a heavy toll…… (A HEALTH CONCERN)… “rest is recommended”……contemplating a Ruling change …… This much loved family …2025?👑👑……A brave new word…… A Monarchy Renaissance … OUR COMMON-WEALTH. …… A holistic answer
air miles the Sunday roast!!
Sunday roast may be Sunday dinner as a family. This is a different roast , as in mocking something or someone, remember the old roasts on US network tv, the ones on now are so vulgar they are unwatchable! I believe this this is family discussion, conversation regarding all the jet-setting, were they real or LG PR?? The fall-out with the public has been enormous after The woke ‘preaching’ over eco-living/carbon 👣.
expect a Murky PR blitz!!
She who shall not be named is continuing and will worsen her agile, loathsome PR, it’s sheer evil!!
Public poll, most hated!!
Mm will be listed as the absolute most hated ‘royal’ likely ever, but truly she is NOT ‘royal’.
“Just f@# them off to the colonies”
This is PP 100% his solution send mm and her issue, back to America, just be done with it already.
A heavy toll, A HEALTH CONCERN
This is taking a heavy toll on the entire family, the reputation etc of the entire BRF. Decades of dedication and service washed away by this person and behaviour. I have been and vocally before stated my concern for the health effects of this on HMTQ, PP, and PH. I am triply concerned and out Harry now, after the suicide of his friend in early August. PTSD and it’s high rate of suicide, he is high risk, add to that the role he has been compelled to play for two years now. I keep him close in prayers 🙏🏻. Please everyone do🙏🏻.
“Rest is recommended”
I think for HMTQ , PP and escape PH. oh how l am concerned!
Contemplating a Ruling change, this much beloved family, 2025 👑 👑,
Again l wonder, if Regency is on the table, for discussion, and coronation deferred until 2025 for PC and C, he would rule as Regent in HMTQ stead. I highly doubt they would jump over to PW and DC.
A brave new word
Regent! New paradigm of how the BRF is viewed, titles and their role.
A monarchy renaissance.
Renaissance ,a revival of or renewed interest in something. Regency, and dealing with the horrid fall-out of mm, would be the public’s view of our Royals that we love so much!💜🙏🏻💜. Requiring a whole new paradigm for all our Royals and function.
we, are the Commonwealth, the UK and all the Common Wealth, we love so dearly, we are part of BRF, their role in our daily lives, they visit, on our money, at any political decisions, the Governor General is HMTQ official representative. Also the actual $$$££££££€€€€ the family shares, property jewels owned by HMTQ. It’s all at play, how much will be paid in recompense if any regarding PA , if any legal civil penalties are levied.
A holistic answer
Helping PH cope with all he is, PTSD likely, the fallout of one bad decision regarding mm, and all the fallout of that, the suicide of his friend, the public changing their feelings for him. WE STILL LOVE YOU HARRY💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
THANK YOU MM ANON💜💜🙏🏻💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
Thank you so much PG…yes prayers!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜😊💜
Aug 25th, 2019
MM ANON ……🎼 O’ honey honey 🎼…… a Northern anticipation?……A cleaner Subpoena … desperation, exasperation , instigation ……… “Spend, spend, spend”…… “The Wicked Lady”…… “The naming of parts” …… This poignant reflection …… a Flushing visit.…… Harry Pottering………much MORE Wien-ing …… 🙀👤👂🌧⚡️……🎼you ain’t seen Nnnnnothing yet 🎼
🎼 O’ honey honey
Old song by the group The Archies. Typical pop song cheesy love lyrics. Well we sort of know who Archie is, but nothing for certain, age, father, where he is etc. I also wonder the use of candy is reference to substances?
A Northern anticipation?
Is mm going to Balmoral? Will there be an intervention type confrontation? Will there be some sort of law/taking into custody or hospitalization/rehab destination first?
A cleaner Subpoena
I hear the word cleaner and in any criminal event, my thoughts go to what has been referenced before, those silent,,quiet grey men/women in suits who clean up after the messes of the wealthy or politically important people. In this case however, l suspect the Subpeona capitalized may mean PA interview with the F.B.I. with very clear line of questions that may be asked has been sorted and agreed to by his legal representation but then it would not be a subpoena if he willingly answered questions. Subpoena, for interviews when someone is not voluntarily wanting to testify or give an interview, in this case it’s very likely a female we know. The word cleaner mystifies me, other than there are so many issues allegedly involved, the subpoena may be restricted at this point to the issue, my usage of the word issue here means quite literally her issue, meaning the child that may have her DNA, via surrogate. The subpoena then involving the subterfuge of the child and fake pregnancy, violation of the “ of the body” law.
desperation, exasperation, instigation
She is desperate, PR shows that, anything and everything horrid is being put out, worst being Involving Harry’s mother. Everyone is beyond exasperated with her, plain sick and tired a year ago. People would just like her to leave the country and go live quietly elsewhere, yeah like that’s going to happen. Instigation is the action or process of instigating an action or event. Well she has been instigating a long time repeatedly, but what will be the final time? The brutal use of Princess Diana the final straw.
Spend, spend, spend
PR up the wazoo $$$$££££££€€€€€ . PR is getting crazier, inhumane, interesting consistent SPLASH, etc same paps used by the players…..seems unending and the depths gone to, l almost can smell the sulpher from the evilness..
“The Wicked Lady”
1945 film, plot is In 17th-century England, a woman lives a privileged yet humdrum life as the wife of well-heeled land-owner. To stave off boredom, she begins impersonating a famed highway robber stealing precious jewels and valuables from coach passengers. A chance encounter with the actual thief propels her into a dangerous double life with potentially lethal consequences. Hmmmm double life, lies, stealing, treachery, danger reminding you of anyone???
“The Naming of parts”
Naming is capitalized, is this to do with Archie, part of his name is Mountbatten Windsor. These parts of his name are stolen as he is not of royal blood, most certainly does not fit the “ if the body” requirements of the laws regarding royal succession. Lies more lies.
This poignant reflection
As the time approaches, or rather the anniversary date of Princess Diana’s death approaches, the boys, the entire family undoubtedly reflect on the what if’s? Especially now, with a new baby Prince Louis, and all the horror of mm, how things might/would be so different were she still there. So precious how PW spoke about telling his children about their other grandmother!💜
A Flushing visit
Might mm visit the tennis? Might she break her toilet and have trouble flushing?😄😂😂🤣sorry l had to interject some humour, this is taking me forever, my blasted hands😖.
Harry Pottering
The first thing comes to my mind is MISCHIEF MANAGED!! Has she and her ‘mischief’ been finally dealt with/managed and is she out to a place where doors may be locked? Prison or institution? Either way, she is managed!
No More Wiening
No more whining from her in the media/PR etc. Wien and Vienna are different names for the same city. Wien is the German word, Vienna is English word. JE had an Austrian passport. Hence no more new behaviour from him, and likely NO MORE MONEY TO SUPPORT THE PLOT/mm alleged funding.
Silent, hidden observers hear and see something shocking, that will cause a major storm , hypothetical thunder and torrents of hill now secret information, like torrents of rain. I don’t know how the kitty cat is involved unless one wants to use a vulgar word.
🎼youain’t seen nnnnnnothing yet🎼
I know these guys BTO……there is so much filth, information yet to come …beyond our wildest imagination l think.
💜💜🙏🏻Thank you MM ANON🙏🏻💜💜
Thank you so much dear PG! MM Anon can you give some feedback for PG, she struggles and yet it’s more important to her to help us out…..God Bless you PG!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Aug 27th, 2019
MM Anon
MM ANON … THE ENIGMA THAT IS HARRY… that painful public display Of wedded bliss-ters will forever be etched in the National psyche as a comedy of errors the likes of which we will never recover from, the consummate Kabuki. On the left a collective of Hollywood riff-raff, on the right the monarchy in all its 1200 years glory. Dear sweet Jesus ‘ the humiliation. Only one person can end this interminable farce. And sooner than later. Courage is now a necessity.
MM ANON … “ it was the epoch of incredulity”… “she doth protest… Rumbold on retainer …… the ribbons of retribution …… micro evidence in camera …… in contempt of a pardon ……” softly softly……”…… an agreeable conclusion …… “return to this green and pleasant”…” long and winding mode”……in blogs good time.
“It was the epoch of incredulity”
Quote from famous Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, During the French Revolution Paris and France wanted republic, the guillotiine was the means to employ beheadings of royals. In London, during the Victorian time the long ruling Victoria, much beloved by many. The monarchy remained strong.
Are we to believe the entire British monarchy is at risk of republic? People are very angry, across the Commonwealth. When it’s all publicly released as fake, a lie, fake pregnancy, fake 30£ million wedding and on and on, there will be fury like never before. Again not so much the liE, BUT THE COVER UP OF THE LIE! The entire truth must be told now!
She doth protest
Well she doth protest too much which in itself can be inferred as overcompensation for lying.
Rumbold on retainer
Are you being served? Hugely popular vintage British comedy show about the staff at a store. Cuthbert Rumbold managed the lot of characters in employ of the store. So him being on retainer, do we need an excellent manager to deal with the motley crew which is mm et al, of course. The connection to JE via GM via her father below is just interesting!
Grace & Favour, which was known by the title Are You Being Served? Again! in the United States and Canada, is a Britishsitcom sequel to the long-running series Are You Being Served?
The idea of a spinoff was originally suggested by the cast of Are You Being Served? almost immediately after the original series ended in 1985. But though creators-writers liked the idea, they agreed that the department store format was exhausted and that any spinoff would require a change of location. The plotline that brought the cast from the store to the manor was considered remarkably topical, since it aired just a few months after the death of British publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell, who was revealed to have borrowed heavily against his own employees’s pensions.
The ribbons of retribution
Retribution is punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act. When crimes are international, or war crimes etc the court is the International court at The Hague, Netherlands. It is a blue ribbon panel, meaning a variety of legal experts very highly regarded. Think blue ribbon as the prize flowers at the flower show but on a massive scale.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) sometimes called the World Court, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). The ICJ’s primary functions are to settle international legal disputes submitted by states (contentious cases) and give advisory opinions on legal issues referred to it by the UN (advisory proceedings). Through its opinions and rulings, it serves as a source of international law
I would encourage you all to educate yourself regarding this body.
Ribbons of retribution is also found in X box Gears of War 3, ribbons/medal of honour, service, etc are worn proudly!! PRINCE HARRY SHOULD RECEIVE THE HIGHEST OF HONOUR FOR HIS OVERT COVERT ROLE OVER THE LAST TWO YEARS. YES I MEANT OVERT COVERT!
Micro evidence in camera
In camera, legally or in board meetings etc , in camera comments are those not recorded by the note taker, it’s for the group knowledge or discussion only. Having served in numerous of such capacities l know only too well how difficult those situations can be when people want all the data. Here we have micro, could be DNA. DNA /parentage of baby Archie to remain confidential.
The other obvious could be spy like micro film in a camera but l highly doubt that, just mentioned it as an obvious but MM ANON is never obvious.
In contempt of a pardon
Contempt is disrespect in any form or disrupting court proceedings or non compliance the judge can declare contempt of court. Contempt of a pardon is odd wording. If mm were pardoned , had she been charged, convicted and sentenced, CONTEMPT would be the least of the adjectives. So if PA , neither has been charged of anything to my knowledge, continued to refuse interview by the F.B.I. A subpoena could be issued. The wording of this confuses me. Basically if someone gets pardoned there will be contempt.
“softly, softly “
Softly, softly, catchee monkey”, this old Engllish proverb means that if do not rush or if you avoid being too hasty, then eventually you will achieve your goal - in other words, be patient. How many times has Skippy said, be patient there is a lot we don’t know, and a lot of working going on in the background, globally! Have your ducks in a row is similar!
Softly, Softly was a British television drama series, produced by the BBC and screened on BBC 1 from January 1966. It was created as a spin-off from the series Z-Cars, which ended its fifth series run in December 1965. The series took its name from the proverb “Softly, softly, catchee monkey”, the motto of Lancashire Constabulary Training School.
an agreeable conclusion
They have reached a decision of when and how to end this. We must watch and wait. They have all agreed.The fallout will be horrendous.
Return to this green and pleasant
Once again be settled, able to enjoy a Balmoral as well as the beauty that is family love, PH, PW DOC all publicly able to be themselves once again. England has numerous times been referred to the green and pleasant land in books etc.
Long and winding mode
Song by the Beatles we all know long and winding road. This l believe to be the way or mode in which the information will be shared and the way it will be dealt with. I also think it refers to our Harry and his emotional recovery and the modalities/modes which may have been and might be employed to help him.
In blogs good time
Things will happen In God’s good time. Dare this Skippy be a reference to you and your blog, which has for over 21/2 years been at uncovering the liar….perhaps refers to all the people who via social media blogs have kept the faith GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Thank you so much PG! You are amazing!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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Aug 27th, 2019
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mypetshopworld · 5 years
Ho Ho Ho it's Christmas Time. The cruellest thing you can do on Christmas. A Dog is not a Toy. Why it is a bad idea to give an animal as a Christmas Gift.
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The unwanted Christmas Gift we all been there.
Christmas Time is a hectic time, and everyone rushes to get the presents and things ready to spend time with family and friends. 
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It is a time where thousands of Christmas present will be returned the next day. We all been there. Receiving a Gift we didn't really want. An embarrassing pullover from Aunt Megan, an ugly pair of socks, a tie or a useless electronic gadget. All of those items are easily returned or just put in a drawer and forget about it. Some even end up in the daily trash.
Giving a pet as a Christmas Gift. A bad idea for both the future pet owner and the pet.
Giving a living animal to someone and the person does not really want it or is prepared for it, that is the moment when it becomes disastrous. After all, it is an animal with feelings, it is breathing and deserves to receive love. According to ASPCA In the days, weeks, and months following the festivities, animal shelters all over the world are inundated with animals who were given as a gift. I have to say those are the lucky ones, not every pet will be brought to a shelter. Some will be abandoned in the woods or beside the road and left to fight for themselves. Some will die, starve to death or get hit by a car. Some guardians will advertise and look for a good home, the danger here is that they might get in the wrong hands and are used for dog fights or for animal testing. Pet Shops advertise their pets and some people get supercharged with the idea of giving a puppy or kitten as a Christmas gift.
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It sounds great and cute thinking of the surprise and the face including the tears. I don't want to spoil your Christmas present but giving a pet as a Christmas present is a not a good idea.
Let me tell you why it is not a good idea?
Having a pet and inviting it to become part of the family is a family decision. Not a spontaneous one it is a decision you want to have discussed and thought through. There are much more things to consider as just the video you can upload and share with your social media tribe and friends. A dog is not a toy, nor is a cat, a toy. Those are animals living beings, and yes, they do have feelings.  The internet is full of lovely videos and photos of puppies. Kittens packed in Santa cloth and puppies with Santa hats coming out of boxes. The reactions of those who receive them. You can find thousands of videos where joy comes into a person's life, and it is accompanied by happy tears. 
Why should an animal not to be considered as a gift? 
After all, we are talking about a living being and an animal that requires care and attention. The Shelters getting full after the Christmas months with animals what are given as a gift, but when people realize what kind of work and commitment is involved, they give them up. I do not say all are like this and some people are happy and commit to a lifetime keeping the pet.
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What a lot of friends do not realize when they give you a pet as a Christmas Gift that the cute puppy needs training, and will do a lot of mischievous things. Without proper training and care, the puppy can become a dog that is not listening to the owner or becomes aggressive. Same goes for the aquatic part like turtles they are so cute when you buy them so tiny and small.   Unfortunately, they grow quickly out of the small Aquarium and without a proper filter system, the water becomes quickly dirty and smells. That is why many end up in the local River system.  Is it right to give pets as a gift for Christmas? We should always keep in mind some critical points before considering giving a pet as a Christmas gift. 
A Pet is a lifetime commitment and a loyal family member
Having an animal is a decision that can change a person's life a lot. It's a long-term commitment. You can't change them, you can't give them back. That's why before giving an animal to someone else, we must make sure that the person understands the responsibilities to have an animal in their life.  Even more important are they up for this challenge and are they living in an environment where they can accommodate a cat or a dog. ( check out our free dog breed calculator. Choose the right dog for you ) Therefore, the person should have verbalized the desire to adopt. Also, we must be clear that the animal gets the time and space it requires. 
Adoption is a great solution to help abandoned animals. 
Theoretically, the more animals adopted, the better for them, for shelters and for the families. Is that so? More or less. Statistics show that during Christmas or holidays, the abandonment rates increases. This is why some associations and NGOs temporarily closed adoptions on Christmas Eve.  It is essential to highlight that in the spirit of Christmas, there are non-certified breeders that sell pets before they are ready to be taken from the mom.  Those pets come without their proper vaccinations, and without worrying about their welfare. This will obviously translate into behavioural issues and health problems of the animals.  Most of the Pets bought on the streets will die as they are breed for business and not for the well being of a Pet.  "Pets should not be considered a commodity."
Download my Christmas Gift for you. 3 Free Ebooks. All you need to know about Pets. Cats. Dogs.
For the love of Dogs For the love of Cats For the love of Pets
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Puppies and Kids are great together but consider a dog or a cat is not a toy. 
There are many cases of children who wish to have a dog as a pet animal, and there is really nothing wrong with that. It is one of the best things that can happen to a child having a dog or cat around and grow up with it.  Who hasn't heard that speech saying if you have a dog, you'll have to take care of him? However, it is essential to remember that they are children and that they cannot be 100% responsible for a dog. It is, in the end, the responsibility of the parent.  When adopting an animal, parents should be aware that it is their responsibility, and the fact that the child does not care for the dog is no excuse for abandonment. It is a family decision I can not stretch it often enough. Pets, in my opinion, should only be given as a gift by parents to the kids, at least they have put some thought into it. 
Pets as a Christmas Gift. Consider all changes and challenges. 
*If you are determined to give a pet to make a person happy, old or young consider different factors.  *Is there enough space for the pet?  *Can the person or family accommodate a pet? *How many hours a day is a pet alone. If more than 8 hours do not give a pet as a gift.  *Is the person or family able to accommodate the vet and food expenses?  *Make sure the person is not allergic to pets.  *Does the person have experience with pets?  *If the pet is a dog, is the person or family able to walk with the dog regular?  There are a lot of things to consider and please think before you make the decision to give someone a pet as a Christmas gift. Understand the pet like a dog or cat will be hurting if it is returned after Christmas.  Pets have feelings and emotion the same as you. It will not understand why you leave it alone in a shelter and abandon it. If you want to give a pet as a gift, you assure that the person is ready for the commitments and responsibilities. 
It's time to think about the pet's arrival at the new home.
If it's a puppy or a kitten, you should remember that they will be separated from their mother and siblings.
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They will come to a home full of people and stimuli that will probably make it more than uncomfortable for the pet. The first night it will cry and call out for the siblings and the mom. You might not get much sleep. You must have a bed or a playpen prepared in a quiet place in the house where they can sleep and be away from excessive noise and groping. In short, a comfortable place to hide.  You should also have toys and food. An alternative way to avoid the stress of arriving at a new home is to surprise the person with an adoption certificate. This is a good way for the future pet owner to be ready. The adaptation will be less stressful, and the future owner will have time to choose a pet, accessories and bed himself. The future Pet owner can also prepare himself or the family mentally for the new member. 
Consider adoption before you buy from a Breeder.  
If you buy from a Breeder, please make sure it is a certified Breeder and not an illegal Breeder who breeds pets for the sake of money.  Choosing adoption over buying is a wise decision.  In addition to being a much cheaper option, we'll stop financing illegal breeders and avoid indiscriminate dog breeding.  You will also save an abandoned and homeless pet and give space in the shelter for another pet to arrive.  In 2018 this video footage went viral RSPCA posted it. Everyone was so touched even Snoop Dogg and Andrew Neil offered to take the dog in. But if that person's wish is to have a specific breed, we recommend you to look for a kennel that has all the papers.  It will give a guarantee that it is reproducing healthy pets with specific veterinary tests, and that has a hygienic space that favours the welfare of the puppies. 
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You will be surprised how many dog breeds are abandoned every day, and you can find in a shelter. Go on the internet and look around in animal shelters near your area. I got our Doberman and German Shepard from a shelter. Alone in the US, there are yearly around 1.6 Million Animals euthanized. 670.000 Dogs and 860.000 Cats. Both of my dogs have been Christmas gifts and sent to the shelter with only 5 months old. I guess the owners did not consider how big they get, and that they will chew and destroy in their puppyhood a lot of things they can get their teeth on.  Remember that many pet breeds are also abandoned and need a home. In a pet who comes from an animal shelter, you find a loyal companion.  We hope that all this information will help you evaluate whether or not it is positive to give pets as a Christmas Gift.  And how you can assure the pet has found a family or owner for life.  If you liked my blog Ho Ho Ho it's Christmas Time. The cruellest thing you can do on Christmas. A Dog is not a Toy. Why it is a bad idea to give an animal as a Christmas Gift. Please like and share with family and friends. Visit our Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter page.  I wish you a wonderful a festive Season. 
My Christmas Gift to you. 3 Free ebooks instant download. All you need to know about Pets, Dogs, Cats
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For the love of cats click here For the love of dogs click here For the love of pets click here All yours Melanie  Source Information https://www.aspca.org/animal-homelessness/shelter-intake-and-surrender/pet-statistics Approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats.  We estimate that the number of dogs and cats entering U.S. shelters annually has declined from approximately 7.2 million in 2011.  The biggest decline was in dogs (from 3.9 million to 3.3 million).Each year, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats).  The number of dogs and cats euthanized in U.S. shelters annually has declined from approximately 2.6 million in 2011.  This decline can be partially explained by an increase in the percentage of animals adopted and an increase in the number of stray animals successfully returned to their owners.Approximately 3.2 million shelter animals are adopted each year (1.6 million dogs and 1.6 million cats).About 710,000 animals who enter shelters as strays are returned to their owners. Of those, 620,000 are dogs and only 90,000 are cats. Read the full article
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
Megan Thee Stallion Hair is a symbol of pride for black women anime fans
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/megan-thee-stallion-hair-is-a-symbol-of-pride-for-black-women-anime-fans.html
Megan Thee Stallion Hair is a symbol of pride for black women anime fans
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The highly anticipated release of Megan Thee Stallion's debut album Fever (May 17) has doubled as a national holiday for your sultry and self-confident fanbase. Although hip-hop heavyweight Juicy J and newcomer DaBaby make appearances, the Houston-bred "hot girl" remains the center of the show. And that's how we like it.
Megan's rise was one of the books. In early 2017, she catapulted into fame after attending a hip-hop cipher at Texas A & M University. People all over the country quickly noticed their conscious, deep-drawn river and so their fans, called "hotties", were born. Fast forward to 2019, and you stallion has hosted your own Spotify event, found fans, Rihanna, Kehlani, and SZA, and continues to release hard-hitting freestyles and other repeatable bodies of work.
She is also the first rapping woman signed at 300 Entertainment, home of Young Thug and formerly Migos. But with each ascent comes a humming crew of haters. One of the first sightings of this sad collective, properly known as "hotties," came in March when she shared a photo of her half-white, half-radiant red hair.
TODOROKI TINA pic.twitter.com/NSuvkATAxZ
– HOT GIRL MEG (@theestallion) April 22, 2019
The title was "TODOROKI TINA", a reference to the My Hero Academia character, Shoto Todoroki. Although a considerable number of people celebrated Megan's love for anime, there were those who questioned their affinity, men. For example, Twitter user @CourtneeHendrix user wrote, "No way Meghan the stallion watch anime. Your public relations team is firing. "
@TrippyTrxv also shared, "ngga yea i want to know what anime megan you stallion watches. Why? bc i love the shI and I like you. If she does not really see it, but dresses in anime halfway cosplay, I would be hurt. I would still do your music fw maybe tho. "Ultimately, these reactions ask the question: what would the stallion gain by showing people that he has fun?
The targeted criticism of naysayers is, to say the least, frustrating. After all, she's not the only woman who shares her love for anime (look at Southern rap goddesses Bbymutha and Purp Goddess), nor is she the first rapper, male or female, ever to do it. Emcees like Lupe Fiasco, Robb Bank $ and Migos' launch are also anime fans but have not been criticized to the same extent. If flagrant racist sexism is not the culprit, then what?
After the Global History of Anime, the first anime was probably released during World War I and created by Shimokawa Oten. The short, colorless rolls of film were either "disassembled", "disintegrated" or "destroyed", so little is known about the early days of this art form. Over the next few decades, anime developed into longer animations, with sound and color to boot. A report by Marwah Zagzoug states that during World War II, the Japanese government took control of the arts by threatening the artists who had also criticized the government. Those who disagreed with the new orders were forbidden to write and pushed to the margins of society. But those who stayed were supplied with artists' companies, militarized and charged with anti-propaganda propaganda.
After the war, anime finally returned to its original purpose: an outlet for joy and honest expression. One of the first visuals that had great success was the full-length feature Hakujaden (The Tale of the White Serpent), which also produced an American adaptation in 1961. Although Global History states that this was not the first crossover, it proved that anime could be a lucrative industry. Finally, television expanded its reach and consumption ballooned in the 1980s with the release of Dragon Ball, the third best selling manga ever. The introduction of Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon in the 1990s soon followed and until then, anime had become the monolithic Global Phenomenon that continues to generate revenue and inspire people of all ages. The Black community is a proud and important part of your loyal fanbase, and women have always been just as invested as men.
The "I liked it before it was mainstream" statement is still a pretty youthful, 2011 Tumblr-era vibe.
Although easy-to-find literature and the Internet have undoubtedly enhanced the profile of this art form, the statement "I liked it before it was mainstream" is still a rather youthful, 2011 Tumbler era sentiment. Unfortunately, there are people who continue to operate out of this logic and in the case of anime, the culprit party is mostly men. When it comes to Megan Thee stallion and her hairstyles specifically, you either wanted to prove to you that she is really interested in or just did not believe that she was even interested. How dare to invest in an attractive, popular, talented black woman in it?
It's another reminder that people continue to pursue the hobbies of black women, no matter what they are. So much so that the stallion himself addressed the controversy in an interview with XXL: "You must stop thinking that way. Poor B * tches may also like anime. "Luckily, a number of supporters, Black Women, have not been afraid to defend Megan and also speak their peace.
"It felt really good to me [weil die Leute] have this misunderstanding .. that black girls did not see anime like black guys when most of us had the same channels and caught the same Miguzi or Toonami block lol after school, "says Taylor, who pokers on @ sheisresting on Twitter , "We were definitely separated from the American anime wave back then. It was fulfilling to see a black female rapper with one such..mainstream potential not only acknowledge anime, but also call himself a fan, while loosely cosplaying your favorite characters. I had the feeling that there are also many black cosplayers who are constantly being told that you can not disguise themselves as Japanese characters because you have the wrong color. "
Taylor was not alone. In fact, over 100 responded when I asked a tweet for black women who were fans of anime and Megan thee stallion. User @dualityofman wrote: ".. I thought your hair would be cool! I'm from Texas and I live in Houston, so I have a lot to do with her. Their liking anime was just another thing we had in common … .I feel like many men hate to see women happy and enjoy things. It's as if you could not call you ugly because it's obviously NOT YOU. Can not say that she is untalented because she is just near everyone [Männer]comes out. She can not insult your intelligence because she is at school. So, let's SH * t like you for anime. I'm just looking for a reason to be mad at a black woman. "
Todoroki Tina
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– HOT GIRL MEG (@theestallion) April 1, 2019
Misogynoir is a term used by the black feminist Moya Bailey and is intended to emphasize the way black men interact negatively with black women. It is also part of the root problem Black men have with Megan Thee stallion music, looks, interests and behavior. What confuses you most is your conviction about it. You can not believe that you are interested in anime, and you hate it for it.
Also worthy of note is the close relationship of Japan to the Black community outlined by Cecilia D 'Anastasio for Vice. It has included the mistreatment of mixed-speed (Japanese and Black) people and in the context of anime, a tiny number of non-stereotypical depictions of Black people. Japan is also notorious for its ubiquitous use of Blackface, which made headlines last year. D 'Anastasio notes that regardless of all these racial crimes, blacks continue to cherish anime and honor him through cosplay and songs.
Rare moments that acknowledge the enduring power of Japanese animation and an underrated part of your fanbase should happen more often.
In 2016, writer Amber Dixon also talked about the hurtful separations she saw and experienced as a black anime fan. These include observing brown skin as a metaphor for dark energy in Sailor Moon, the minstrel – like face of Mr. Popo in Dragon Ball Z and Blackface, to cosplay black characters. Like D 'Anastasio, Dixon continues in the worship of Anime Fort and notices the early and emotional connection she felt specifically with Sailor Moon.
Twitter user @imninm adds, "I know more black girls who see anime more than any race or gender. Personally, I have anime look as I could remember, from Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sailor Moon, Hamtaro, Dragonball Z. I never felt like it was showing a "boy" or anything like that. I just liked what I saw and I still do. "In other words, anime will always have a special place in the hearts of female viewers, including high-profile rappers like Megan Thee Stallion.
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Bulma Snow
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Make up @akilaface
A post shared by Hot Girl Meg (@theestallion) on Apr 22, 2019 at 5:57 pm PDT
In November 2018, and again this past April, she emphasized her devotion with a different hairstyle inspired by Bulma, a predominant character in Dragon Ball (the first is Goku). This time, instead of an overwhelming amount of criticism, Megan's cascading, Seafoam green locks initiated a tender co-sign from FUNimation, a dubbing and distribution company. "Love the style!" Wrote the company, with a cutesy gif attached by Bulma. Rare moments that acknowledge the enduring power of Japanese animation and an underrated part of your fanbase should happen more often.
Men should be proud that such a celebrity woman like the stallion shares a common ground with you, increases solidarity, and makes room for even more people to become fans. It could also force certain men to accept that women did not want to interact with you or go out because they were nerds, but because they were unbearable. Conscientiousness, happy black, female fans and good music? Thanks, Megan. Stream fever now.
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thevisionmarvel · 5 years
We need to talk about WandaVision.
or the alternative title: I will be inactive for a while, but before I go, I need to write about what I think will happen, not what I want to happen, but what they, according to the facts and history of the MCU, might do. also a rant about why Tom King’s Vision is the worst.
Ps: older version used a fan-made logo to do a visual study, I'm Sorry for the mistake, this is the problem with second-handed information, I saw being used It Multiple times, and assume It things, I'm really sorry for the mistake.
Showrunner and Writers
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So right now, the only thing we know about the writers room of the show, is the showrunner, Jac Schaeffer, and  Megan McDonnell, the write that confirmed writting for the series in a podcast. First kudos for the show having  a woman as showrunner.
I don’t know much about McDonnell work, but was in this podcast that the twilight zone  inspiration talk comes from, the host talks that she comes from this background of weird, twist, fantasy stories and how Wandavision seems a good fit , and she confirms that it is. see here in the wonderful post of the @officialstellaacosta​, and all the praise to @those-celestial-bodies​ that found about it the podcast.
I know a lot more about Schaeffer’s work, even before Marvel, also it rubs me the wrong way, that marvel is using the same writer to all the females centric movies and shows ( She is one of the screenwriters of Captain Marvel, she is the one that pinned the story of the  Black Widow movie), even after  what happened with Nicole Perlman . It’s hard to  talk about the Schaeffer’s work with Marvel because the only thing which premiered is Captain Marvel, and she was credited as a screenwriter really late, the movie has four screenwriters, the story of the movie is by other  three people, so this is a lot of hands, to know what was written by her .
So if you want to know more about her, this older interview with the Blaclist is great,  also it has a really insightful look  of her own writting that is backed up with the movies that she likes and mentions as inspirations to her writting:
“ I love movies that tell regular stories about regular people but I have a hard time writing straight. It’s often flat. (…)  I need a weird situation and then I try to put authentic characters having truthful reactions inside the weird. Also, the weird needs to be a commentary on something (..). The ideas I see through always begin with what if… “
She is also one of the writers of the new remake with Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson , The Hustle, but I know her work from her debut work that she directed and wrote  that it is TiMER (2009) is a indie rom-com with a really great idea, you know the post about clocks that rundowns  until you met you soulmate, so the movie is about that, and find the mudane in this weird set-up, it’s a average niche small movie, has almost every beat of a rom-com that you are expecting, just really stumbles in the end, like drop the ball  in themes about love, relationships that  wanted to talk about it, also the  end is really, boy it just undermine the theme of the movie and also  really hurt the most important platonic relationship in the story, also the comedy is so cringy sometimes and has some talk about latinos, that it’s really low-key xenophobic. Hope that since then she had learn with this. The writting has some really good bits. I think that the movie is in Amazon Prime video.
So what this tell about WandaVision : is that with the type of  writers attached to the project, the idea of putting Wanda and Vision  in a mudane environment seems likely to be true, them  and their powers being the  point of abnormality in the story.
this leads to…
 Comics (or me ranting about Tom King, a lot)
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I never made a post just about Tom King’s Vision  after launched because I always feels like chewing glass  when I think about it , but this is me apologizing to you that is reading this post because of that, this will be more like a rant, so sorry, but I’ll try to be really on point  “stretch fingers again” 
So first we have to talk about the Story of the Scarlet Witch and  the Vision, their stories always were more ground, with the two limited-series really with them dealing with  relationships and family problems, this is one of the really good things of  their stories, it’s this insane of idea of a witch and a android falling in love, and with the all B-movie, pulp ideas just as backgrounds to really human  stories, and they did one of the things that comics most hate, they evolved,  we saw them build a family life, they moved to the suburban, they married, they had kids. One moment that always stayed with me, it’s really fun but also encapsulate all this, it’s the moment that they open their home to peter parker to take photos of their house, because is tax season, it just a really mudane thing, but it’s something that it clicks, yeah she is a witch, he is a android but their are grown-ups starting a family, tax season is going to be a part of their life now and then their fight the bad of the week with the help of spider-man. Simple, Fun but with a underline theme and story as comics  aimed at children should be.
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And we know what happened,  which is one of more poignants things that happened  with them and  one of the best metaphors  of the worse  human thing that can happen wiith a couple, losing their child, one becoming emotionally distant and other shutting down even the memory of them, and Marvel butchered it. (but this is another post)
But before we talk about the comic, I need to talk about Vision, every  superhero has one panel that define who they are, think super-man flying, batman in the  gotham landscape, captain america punching hitler,  hawkeye falling of a building, spider-man hanging upside-down, iron-man with his hand blast, This to Vision, is him alone, crying after being accepted by the avengers, it is a moment of vulnerability, of pure emotion, he was created to destroy and now that he was accepted to protect, he cries. the tragedy of Vision is not that he is a android, and could he feel? it is that he feels, but is still learning what this is because he was created fully formed. and when he did, when the emotional reach super levels off having a healthy family dinamics, he was stripped of it, and had to regain bit by bit, just to lose again, the most horrible thing that marvel made to him is strip him of this. His creation by Ultron made him “emotional handicapped” for lack of a better term. It is like the most shakesperian super hero comics character, because he embodies the paradox of the media, no matter how much he grows emotionally,  a new writer always is going to come click on the switch and send him back to the start of the journey.  
Anyone that reads you know the wikipedia article of Vision can see that,  at least in broad strokes, and the last of the writers is Tom King, and boy, did it show that  he just didn’t care about the story of character, don’t get me wrong Tom King has talent, he is really a one note  type of writer, but he play the note really well, ( his book, and all his comics just use the same theme, same set-up, and boy, he has a portraying woman problem), you know he is really good in the most broad  branch in western fiction canon, “white man broading   being/learn to be d*cks but having feeling about it S/A” and he bring good ideas,  the execution is the problem”, the mental heatlh facilities for superheroes, genius idea, heroes in crisis not so much. the growth of the relationship between Batman and Selina, genius idea, the execution of  the wedding terrible. 
This wasn’t exactly what happened with Vision (2016)  that he wrote, the pitch for the comic is  spectacular, in his own words “Breaking Bad meets The Incredibles”, if I was the executive receving this pitch I would say yes and the execution is a well-made, well-paced psychologigal thriller, so why I am saying that just to think about it that I  want to chew glass, because this pitch was broken in the first sentence of the treatment of the comic, This is not breaking bad ( to people that don’t know , breaking bad is a series that starts as a man  doin it everything for his family, he starts trafficking drugs but we learn in seasons ahead that no, he is d*ck, alwasy been, just wanted an excuse to be bad), because he has Vision create his own wife and kids, and god , with everyone praising this series , I felt that i was alone, Vision created  his WIFE, with the only purpose of being his wife. this is not breaking bad, this is straight villain territory since the start , HBO has a series about how fucked up this is.
Vision became this monster even before the comic even starts, as a fan of the character I hated it , but I read it because I said well it’s a new experience, it’s dark, seeing one or my  favorites characters as a villain, but no things could get so much worse. Nobody pointed out the obvious, the despicable  thing he did, I waited the whole book  to when Virginia would stab Vision or disconnect every part of him,but it never came, he made even worse when he made Wanda gave her brainwaves and the idea of him making this. And in the last issue, Virginia fridged herself  with the words saying that everyone she killed was to prevent of Vision doing it the same, to preventing him of become a monster to  defend their family, and this is portrait as sad, because Vision save the world so many times, and Virginia saved one, killing herself  to make Vision not a monster.  And now I am screaming “HE IS THE MONSTER, YOU ARE THE VICTIM, STOP BLAMING YOURSELF”.
And you know what? this won the fucking Eisner of Limited Series, I saw people  saying that Vision became one of their favorite characters after the series,  the one time that Vsion is a fucking terrible villain, he is held as like poor vision  always trying to be normal, see he created a family, it didn’t work out because her wife didn’t want  to him become a monster, so she become one herself”. Like I said, he has a problem with portraing women This is the Carol and Markus situation again, bit by bit,  this is not a story that fit the character of Vision, he would never do this. and worse, everyone embrace it as a new take of the charater see this  “Tom King has reinvented Vision from a non-feeling hopeful-human into a deeply tragic character” I had to read this, multiple times.the only new take that he brought is turning Vision in a rapist monster, and not even adressing it,  I say this because this is something that no character can walk away from it, he molded the charaters to be in a story that didn’t fit them. 
But Marvel  and everyone tried , even me, pretend that this  didn’t happen but Viv still exists. Vision entered a new part of his story, being a father, healing.
What does this have to do with Wandavision? 
Well, one of the most thing that people say about it , it is that his run will be a influence in the series. So let’s start with the facts, this is the most recogniize work with the character in years, in decades really, (without counting the Chelsea Cain story that was canned before even start, but this made more news about how the industry of comics work that about the story itself)  it won a Eisner, and Feige like famous storylines, so yeah, it  a possibility, and Elizabeth said that  are  many comics that they are pulling from.
The story of  living in a suburb, like i said before, this is not something that Tom King invented, The Vision and the Scarlet Witch made this decades before him.
Being a psychological thriller, see this  I see being pulled right off his run. but it also made me think, most nothing in this shit-show of  comics would work  in the MCU, so it mosst of a genre type of thing that Feige would take from it.
Also, I saw people saying  with some tweets that King made, that he could be in someway be involved in the series. I’ll try to explain how this work, even if Marvel wanted to do an exact re-creation of his run, how things are made, they could do, because  Vision and every story made with him is property of Marvel,  They are not required to tell anything to him. Jim Starlin has this famous story about  how he had to pay to watch the first avengers, even if  he is the creator of Thanos, well Marvel became more “generous” with some creators , Starlin even has a cameo in Endgame, but they are just required to credited you, if they used some character that you created, so in King case, they would be required to put his name, just if they would used viv,vic or virginia. It’s not fair, but this is how it works. 
Do this mean that I’m saying that King is not involved? No, just saying that even if he is in the credits, as a “good action” by Marvel, this doesn’t mean that he nas any insight in the series, he could maybe  be invited as a consultant to the writers’s room , to present himself his comic , but nothing besides that.
But the tweets about a secret TV thing? well  by the dates of the tweets, yes he could being talk about some stuff about the series, but is more likely he is talking about this other project that he is making to TV, because in this dates, the show would even have a showrunner yet. (off note: Dude, but what  a problematic plot to a series)
Can I be wrong? Yes, but Marvel would never get some writer  without any experience in writting movie/TV scripts, not now, and with this commitment with other TV project, not happening it.
 for lack of a better term, Marvel : Phase Four. (when we talk about Feige, businness, contracts, etc.)
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This would be so much easier if we woud still on the phase three, but this is new territory, we don’t know what the future that Feige and the Disney wants to the MCU, but  it has to go smaller, because they have to give space to “breath” after  something so big as Endgame, if this was a roller coaster, phase four  will start with a descent,  the next movie (100% MCU) will just come in 2020. and now with the series, the scope will branch more, and Marvel is a big corporation, that  is own by a even bigger corporation, so we can’t never forget  the business side of things when trying to discuss where they headed. So the series, mostly were a business decision, Disney+  is comming late in the game of streamings and they used the biggest brands to throw a knockout, but the movies will always be the flagship of the MCU, so we work with two possibilities: first, that  this talk about the series afffecting  the movies is salesman talk  and  if this happen is slighty  details or cameos or it is true and MCU will work  with a more branched continuity.
the first one, my cynical side still think that they will going to do this, but my rational side think is more unlikely because they will be minisseries  and Kevin Feige is producing them, everything we know about the Loki series  fits with this version, just taking one character  from the movies and isolating him in a series. How it was done before with AOS and Agent Carter.
The second one is a little more complicated, because then the series will mostly work as characters pieces, but nothing too big can happen in them, because if these characters will jump from TV back to the movies, if something has happened in TV, will have to be something that can explained in a quick  dialogue in the movie, or this characters will just appears in the movies in  the big fights (example: the people that were dusted just showing up to fight in the end) because no matter how bigger audience this series will have, the movies will be made to  a audience even bigger.
But just because something is a businness  decision, doesn’t mean that there is no motive in the narrative decision, (because if we stop to think, as a corporation every decision made by Feige and Marvel is a businness decision, buy you know what I mean). As in Endgame, Tony Stark and  Steve Rodgers have ends  that work with the narrative, but it’s not coincidence that between the two, the one with the bigger pay-check is the one that died and the other has an end  which allows the easily return.
Also contracts is another clue that we have: see this article . The contracts for the TV Shows don’t negate the contracts for the movies, besides the burocracy that new contracts  would definitively been made, because is two different medias, that they didn’t tried to surpass the old one, show that Marvel wants the option to still use the characters  without renegotiating a new one. Elizabeth and Paul made their multiple movies deals in the end of the phase two, also known as the moment that Marvel noticed the  “money problem” with  shorter contracts , so I would say that they still has at least one more movie.. and Marvel is mantaining the upper-hand with this new Tv contract while still holding movies in the old movie contract.
So why Marvel would do that, if the didn’t want to use the characters again? Maybe to keep a  safe net, to have the characters at hand but without having to worry of the actors getting very expensive pay-checks.
But maybe, is also has a narrative motive to do this , now  I am back to the  question that phase four is the calm between storms , the big shake it up  that is coming and we know it  it is the mutants and FF being in the MCU , but Feige said this is just comming in Phase Five ( I find this really sad, because then he loses the oportunity to use in Avengers Five, the roman numeral as  Avengers V X-Men, now he just have to used it the X of X-men). I don’t have a solid opinion besides they are holding the actors to something.
 Why? Feige is known by having famous storylines as just a base to the movies, remember when I said it  in the comics parts,  that every super-hero has  a panel that define who they are,  every fan hates it the one that Wanda has, is one of those moments that no character can overcome it unscarred, it also  is connected to the dissassemble of the Avengers,  and  the  original decimation (of mutants). and Feige after Dr. Strange, started saying that Wanda uses magic, maybe just to keep sinergy on brand, but he pointed out that she used it more chaotic, also don’t explain why every user of magic, use the gold one, and green one if is Loki, but she uses the red one. 
But Feige had a problem if he is doing the ground work for this, they made Wanda suffers a lot already, because she already lost it the brother, she had to lose it Vision in Infinity War  to Edgame to Happen, so how to set it up this, but in a way that it  can work if  you want to use it in the future , but without seems that it’s comming from nothing, you need time , more time that one movie has, you know what I’m saying it,
They using Wanda as literally as a time-bomb and using the series to set it up. and i hate this because  it can works both ways, make the series, about she learning more about the powers  and bring back Vision , blow it up in her face, boom here  is the  set it up, that can be explained it really fast in a movie, ends in a happy note,  in the movie, they just need explain well she was happy and then boom tragedy is a no win situation. 
Also  last businness tihings, how these series are being made it really show that it’s more about  Marvel with the ideas, because  most of the series already existed as a concept even  before the showrunners became involve, and in Wandavision in particular,  she don’t have experience as a showrunner, but  the marvel machine works very well, so I not so much worried about that.
The Concept Art
  So we just have the description about the art, but just say it that they are using 50′s type of Clothes. No, I don’t believe, they use time travel, but it’s more a asthetic choice, because the image of suburb that we have is still predominantly of  the 50′s, white fence, big house, so this other thing to contrast with them, they stand out.
So with this information, I can predict that the series will focus really on Wanda, and her powers, it will be in the suburbs with a 50′s asthethics, it will be more The Scarlet Witch and The Vision than Tom King’s Vision, but  changing the melodrama and  conecting the B-Movies threats of the first  to a more sophisticated but soft psychological thriller  of the latter, but still with a romance in the mix. and that Wanda will be back in the movies after the series. This are the things that I see the MCU doing it, not what I wanted them to do it.
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nancydrew65 · 5 years
SKAM Austin Season 2 Episode 7 Thoughts
This episode was extremely hard to watch. Sexual assault is an incredibly heavy storyline, but I think SKAM Austin has done an incredible job so far in telling Grace’s story. That being said, I found some parts very difficult to watch and I had to steel myself to get through all the clips this week. As a young woman, this storyline resonates very deeply with me. I have been lucky enough to avoid a lot of sexist comments or misogynistic cat-calls, but especially now, with the whole #MeToo movement bringing to light so many awful instances of sexual harassment, it just makes me so wary. I think Grace’s story is an important one, and I think it is a really necessary one to tell in this day and age.
Up Early
Oh, boy. This is going to be rough. Grace wakes up and immediately knows something is wrong. She finds herself lying in bed naked next to Clay and another random girl.
This scene was shot very well. I felt Grace’s panic as she put her clothes on and hurried out of the house. I felt her anxiety as she impatiently waited for her ride to come. Also, a nice American touch for Grace to have called some driving service. All the other remakes have just walked home.
No matter how many times I watch this storyline, I don’t know if I will ever come to a point where I am unaffected by it. To their credit, I think all of the remakes so far have done a superb job handling the sexual assault storyline (except for William’s reaction to it, obviously).
I have to say, the little things Grace murmured to herself throughout the clip just broke my heart. She was trying so hard to convince herself that she could keep it together.
Oh, no. She gets all the messages from Daniel about how much he loves her. That must be a punch in the gut.
And then she throws up almost as soon as she gets in the car.
I read some comments on the website and was shocked to see how many people were victim-blaming Grace. It disgusted me. What happened to Grace was in no way her fault. Victims of sexual assault already suffer enough from guilt about those events and often times don’t come forward exactly because of reactions like the ones I saw in the comments.
Grace feverishly scrubs her body in the shower as if to wipe off any trace of Clay’s touch from her.
She then huddles in her bed, hugging her knees to her chest, the aforementioned cocoon. I saw a beautiful comment about how this whole experience for her is like a caterpillars journey into becoming a butterfly. I just need Grace to become a butterfly.
Go Away
Well, Eve is kind of annoying at first in this scene. Just bustling in the door and touching and grabbing things.
Oh, god. Of course Grace wants to get rid of that god awful shirt. She thinks she
I do appreciate the fact that Eve left right away when Grace asked her to. That was considerate of her.
And Grace returns to her cocoon and then proceeds to take another shower.
What’s Going On?
A loud party is going on outside Grace’s room while she is trying to research if she had sex or not. Fuck, why is this party going on?
I find it sickening that Grace is forced to communicate with her possible assaulter in order to find out what happened that night. She should not have to go through with that after everything that happened to her. Her agonizing over whether or not to send the message with the smiley face emoji was surprisingly poignant. Hoping he opens up to her, but trying not to appear too friendly nor wanting to appear too friendly.
Finally, Grace goes out to shut that party down… and what the heck is going on in that house?
I mean, I know the Bunny Vampire (?) party is an annual tradition, but Eve should have still asked Grace if it was OK given that they do share the house.
Did Eve really call Grace a bitch? Eve. I am disappointed.
OK, I know that Grace is pushing everyone away and I did appreciate that Eve said she was there for Grace no matter what, but her whole speech sounded so forced. I mean she literally just called Grace a bitch, for god’s sake. It is hard to sound sincere about being there for a person right after saying that to them.
Ugh, the texts from Daniel are just a punch to the gut for Grace.
I found it interesting that they broke the fourth wall with Grace staring straight at the camera.
All I Get
Oh, OK. So it is an essay project that Grace has to write this time around. I find that kind of weird because they did so much to set Grace up as a journalist this season that I just assumed they would take the same route as OG. I guess it doesn’t really matter either way.
Grace looked so uncomfortable with Daniel’s physical contact. I am not surprised.
She pushes Daniel away because she thinks she slept with his brother. Daniel must be so confused right now and I don’t blame him. Of course, I don’t blame Grace either. She feels like she has no choice in this situation and she doesn’t want to hurt Daniel.
Feel Like Me
Grace stalking Clay again - this time on Facebook. God, I feel so bad for her. Tell the girls, please.
Kelsey comes in as a ball of energy, ready to get Zoya onto Prom court. I am interested to see more of this new Kelsey who no longer has to constantly worry about Daniel.
Zoya seems ready to drop the whole Prom thing after the “terrorist” incident. All the girls look super awkward when she brings it up. Did they never discuss it with Zoya?
“Zoya, whoever did that to your locker is obviously going to hell.” Wow. Kelsey’s Christian upbringing is not brought up often, but it’s lines like these, ones that pack such a punch, that makes me wish SKAM Austin delved into this part of Kelsey’s character more.
Aw, and that little line of “You’re the prettiest one out of all of us,” to Zoya was so cute. You can tell it is a compliment of the highest regard coming from Kelsey. I am really loving this Kelsey.
I was kind of worried where they were going when Kelsey asked why Zoya wore her hijab, but SKAM Austin did not disappoint. Zoya wears her hijab because it makes her feel more herself and despite all the hate that it attracts, she still loves wearing it. That was a beautiful statement and I loved Kelsey’s response to it, wanting to be as brave as Zoya. #ImWithZOYA.
And then the girls ask Grace what she thinks and she has to muster up this half smile to agree with them. I feel for her so much.
Grace is mulling over what to write for the essay competition when Marlon comes up to her.
Well, this Marlon situation is very complicated. I do think Grace was rather harsh on him, but it is understandable; she is projecting her feelings about her sexual assault on Marlon.
I know people were debating about whether it was wrong what Marlon did, starting to hook up with Megan and then stopping. I agree that it is good that he stopped once he realized how drunk she was, but the fact remains that he should have never tried to hook up with her in the first place. They are broken up, he obviously doesn’t have feelings for her, but she does and hooking up with her, even just starting to hook up with her, can seriously mess with her. Megan needs to have closure with this relationship or else she will never get over Marlon. I do think he was right in saying it wasn’t his place to take care of her; that goes along with him not involving himself with her. Just stay away from her, Marlon. Please.
Then Grace gets the text from Clay saying nothing happened at the party. Oh, she looked so happy for a second. The relieved smile on her face made my day brighter. Unfortunately, it all had to be ruined.
Grace goes to Daniel and they reunite. OMG, it seemed like Grace might tell Daniel what happened with Clay!
But then he cuts her off to explain himself. Notable difference in this scene is that he does not say his brother is a psychopath. Well, that’ll come later… Instead he goes on to say that he can’t promise not to get into another fight. Hmm, not a great make-up speech, Daniel. Oh, he says if anyone ever tried to hurt Grace, he would kill them. They proceed to passionately make-out. WHAT?????? OK, if someone said that to me, I would be majorly freaked out. I don’t anyone to kill someone on my behalf, or revenge my death or anything like that. Not even my dad. That kind of thing just makes me feel uncomfortable and frightened. I don’t get why someone (Grace, cough, cough) would be turned on by that.
Daniel leaves, Grace gets that dreaded text. The text where Clay sends a naked photo of her (majorly creepy, dude) and tells her how crazy she was at the party. Grace looks horrified.
General Thoughts
Well, I thought this episode was one of the best this season. So far, SKAM Austin has been nailing it with these scenes about the aftermath of a sexual assault. They included links to an organization, RAINN, that helps sexual assault victims. I appreciated that. A lot. So, I guess we have two more episodes in the season, not one. Thank goodness because it would be very hectic trying to cram everything into only one more episode. Grace still hasn’t told the girls or Eve anything. I hope next episode she finds the courage in herself to confide in them. They will not judge her, and they will support her, no matter what.
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baekjohn · 6 years
Tag cute mutuals and what you love about them?? x ☺️
all of my mutuals are cute hehe i love all of you babies sm!!
but okie here we go, get ready for a love fest 🧸🍯💖💫
@geniuslab 💘 megan is bae. my honey bun. she is just simply adorable and i could spend hours talking to her and we’d somehow never run out of things to talk about. i mean we kinda did that yesterday at starbucks dkfjkds but anyways she’s just the biggest sweetheart ever.. she’s basically a golden retriever in human form. oh and she gives really good hugs :’) also…………. megan is the most precious lil gem and i have the privilege of knowing her.. it’s amazing, really. she bought me extra toasty cheezits and if that’s not a sign i gotta wife her up then idk what is
@joonslovecult 💛 apple is my soulmate. like forreal she really is.. it’s amazing how many little things we have in common. she’s someone i could talk to about literally anything with and one of the only people i could have a legit conversation with in which consists of only love reaction memes… what a cutie wow thank god we found each other on this hellsite bc i’m very grateful for her!! she deserves nothing short of pure happiness in this lifetime and any others she may come back in :’)
@namseokis 🌸 mk is my babygirl. she is such an angel, she’s there for me literally whenever i need her. this girl doesn’t have one bad bone in her body. and she is absolutely breathtaking.. like have you seen this woman??!?! she is so beautiful i almost cried when i saw the photos from her graduation bc !! WOW!! i stan a beautiful goddess-like doctor :’) which reminds me…… MK!!! I’M CONGRATULATING YOU AGAIN BC YOU WORKED SO HARD FOR THIS!! in the beginning of august we were talking to each other how school was gonna kill us before december… and now look at us!!! WE BOTH MADE IT!!!!! WE GRADUATED AT THE SAME TIME I LOVE YOU
@angeljk 💕 julia is my sunshine. she’s such a cutie and uhh she has the cutest voice i have ever heard in my life.. like ?? ADORABLE!! she’s always so kind to everyone and although she may feel like she doesn’t have anyone to talk to, i’m always gonna be here for her bc she’s just a lil angel and she deserves the world!! she was my very first mutual when i made this blog and i am so glad she found my blog and followed me.. i’ll love you forever, miss yoongispluto :’) 
@softesthobi ✨ becca is my bestie. she is one of the kindest, most thoughtful people in existence. she is always thinking of others. whether it be tagging others in a post or just randomly popping in to send you some love. i love that about her bc not enough people are like that in this world. ever since september, me and becca have sent each other at least one message a day.. we’ve talked basically every single day since, and i’m pretty sure the longest we didn’t message each other was like 10 days and that was like way in the beginning when we first started talking sklfjkas but yes, becca has more or less become a staple of my daily routine :’)
@hobiswitch 🔮 meara is my lil witch babie. sorry hobi but she’s my witch too ok we gotta share or else i’m prepared to fight.. no but forreal meara has been nothing but a complete angel since she followed me. BIG ANGEL ENERGY RIGHT HERE GUYS!! and she did super well in her philosophy course last semester and i’m so proud of her for that bc her professor was a lil……. off sklfja but she survived and passed with flying colors :’) oh oh oh and meara’s aesthetic is my favorite of all ok sorry not sorry
@aurtae 🧸 my darling hazzy bear. wow i just ?? love haz so much alright. she’s all fax, no printer. everything she says is 1000% VALID. she’s one of the best people on this hellsite and honestly what would i even be without haz? not much that’s for sure. seriously though.. this girl.. when she does her ask games.. she somehow gets certain details that are actually true about me when no one?? except ppl who know me irl know?? my point is proven. no printer just faxxxxxx baby (btw if you don’t follow her there is something seriously wrong with you)
@hyvcker 💍 mady is my wife. she’s the ernie to my bert. i’m the bert to her ernie. this bih is a total goddess and i need her hair transplanted onto my head immediately thank u. i love my wife so much she’s all around perfect. oh & mady i’m glad i could help you fall in love with nct hehe i love my haechan solo stan :’) and your love for chanyeol……… i accept it ig even if you don’t stan exo
@guktual 🌹 felicia is my favorite flower. she’s the first person i truly actually interacted with on this blog. i love her so much so much so much!! she’s such a darling lil cutie and she is going to do the most amazing things in the future. ya heard it here first folks. mark my words.. felicia’s gonna be the first female president or something……. no but she’s definitely going to be a very important person in whatever she does :’)
@iluvnj 💜 brenda is my fellow grapemon enthusiast. this girl loves grapemon just as much as i do and i thought i was the only one who goes completely crazy over something as simple as purple hair.. but i found this one!! and i love her a lot!!! she is so so soooooo sweet to every single person she comes into contact with and she forms the most beautiful and thoughtful responses/compliments for everyone. her love for joonie is the most pure love you could find anywhere on this earth :’)
@ktheaven 💫 nadine is my angel baby. she’s my jimin; my angel baby. when i say that she is one of the softest, sweetest people i’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with.. i mcfreakin mean it!! if i ever saw her walking by me, there would be a halo over her head and the most majestic wings ever.. her angel wings would be as majestic as taehyung is :’)
@bigwonho 🎀 c is my emoji kween. this girl is one of the most colorful n bubbly babies in existence!! she’s also one of the very first people i ever truly interacted with on this blog so i really missed her during her hiatus but she is back now and i’m so happie she’s back bc!! her presence on my dash is just my most favorite thing ever :’) 
i had to put c last bc i’m gonna end this post with a rainbow of emojis….. i mean she’s the most colorful human aside from hobi so it’s only fitting that she’s closest to the rainbow, right??
okay well there we go!!!!! my love fest has concluded!!! i love you all so much and i love the people i didn’t mention here so much too!! if you weren’t in this and you are for some reason reading this, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND YOU HAVE JUST WON 8976546789765 HUGS FROM MEEEEEE!! but these people are extra special to me hehe :’)
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April 1st
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y/n - your name
y/n/n - your nickname
y/s/n - your surname
y/f/n - your full name
I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Wait, my alarm? I don't use an alarm. Why is my-- Jake. It's April 1st. One of the few holidays that Jake likes and partakes in.
"Rise and shine, sunshine. We have a long day planned! We're going to prank all of my co-workers!" an excited Jake Peralta says from beside me.
"Even Rosa?" I ask, smirking.
"Are you insane? Of course not Rosa. I'd be dead in 2 seconds flat."
"Mhm, and how long have you been awake, exactly?"
"2 hours."
"It's 3am. You've been up since 1?!"
"... maybe. Now get up, please. I'll make you breakfast." After hearing this, I shoot out of bed, taking it more as a threat since you shouldn't even trust Jake with cereal.
"No, I got it. Don't go near food. At all. And if you really want to prank your co-workers, I have a few ideas."
"Ooh, pray tell."
"Na ah ah. Get your own pranks."
"It's on, y/s/n. But can you give me one? Please?"
"Fine. Replace the cream in the oreos with toothpaste."
"That's an amazing idea. Now do we have any oreos?"
"Cupboard in the corner," I mumble tiredly.
"Thanks." He opens the cupboard and fake snakes jump out. He squeals like a 4 year old girl and jumps back in terror.
"Happy April fools day, bitch."
"I'm gonna get you so good, y/s/n."
"I'd like to see you try. In high school I was voted ruler of pranks."
"Is bad that that turned me on a bit?"
"You tell me," I whisper seductively, in order to get a reaction out of him. I then leave, my now ready bowl of cereal in my hand.
"Sometimes I hate you, y/n."
"No you don't."
"You're right, I don't."
"That's what I thought." Jake tries to sit next to me but I stop him. "You can't sit with us."
"Actually, Megan, I can't sit anywhere. I have hemroids."
"Did you just--"
"No sex for you for the next year then."
"What. No."
"Then take it back."
"Fine. I take it back." As he says that, I get a text. "Who's that?"
"My friend, Kane. He lives in England so he's like 5 hours ahead of us."
"Prove it." I roll my eyes but show him anyway. It's a good thing I planned this.
"Hey y/n, I know it's early there but I just wanted to say, text me when you can. I need to ask you something urgent. It's about Linda," he reads. "Who's Linda?"
"His daughter. He doesn't know anything about girls and she's 13, so."
"Oh, ok."
"I'm gonna go give him a call." What he doesn't know, however, is that Rosa is Kane and Linda was a signal. She's at the precinct. I've managed to get everyone on board with my plan for today. Except Charles. I'm not telling him.
"Fine. But leave the door open."
"You really wanna hear about girl issues? And I wasn't asking your permission."
"Woah, woah, woah. What's with the sass?"
"I'm tired, sorry. I get sassy when I'm tired."
"Ok. And yeah, you're right. Close the door." Ha ha, sucker. I walk out and call 'Kane'.
"Hey Kane. My boyfriend woke me up so I thought we'd just talk now."
"The balloons, air horn and mouse are done. We're doing the photo copier now. Have you done the soap?"
"Yeah, of course."
"He's not gonna have any idea."
"No, for the millionth time, Linda can be in a relationship if she wants. It's not your choice."
"Good call, Peralta's probably listening."
"Yes. And are you running low on period pads? You always forget to buy them."
"He's probably gone now. You can stop."
"Yeah. Well, I'm gonna go now. Bye, Kane."
"Later y/n." I hang up and walk back inside, pretending to be frustrated.
"You ok, babe?" Jake asks.
"Kane can be frustrating. And by that, I mean extremely annoying."
"C'mere." Jake gestures for me to snuggle him, so I do.
"Thanks for being the best boyfriend, Jakey."
"It's no problem. Wanna have sex before we go to the precinct? We've got ages."
"Really, Jake? I was thinking we watch a few Die Hard movies."
*At the precinct*
Everything's set up.
"Morning all," Jake says, rather chirpily, carrying the 'oreos'.
"Let's see, Jake brought snacks in on April fools. And they're oreos. You put toothpaste in them, didn't you?" Amy deduces.
"What? No! I'll prove it. Hitchcock, Scully! I have oreos! You want some?" Before anyone could even say oreos, they were here and ate about half of the 'oreos'.
"Mmm. These are amazing."
"See, they're fine. Y'know what, I'll leave these here, take one if you want one."
"I don't trust you," Amy says again. She turns to me. "You have one, y/n. You live with him, and are his girlfriend. You'll know if something's up."
"Fine," I say and pick up the one closest to me, which just so happens to be the normal oreo I snuck in there before we left. Jake knew about this, but so do the rest if the precinct. I'm just leading him into a false sense of security. I eat it. "See. It's fine." Everyone knew before we arrived that they would have to eat one, so they all sucked up and ate one, knowing they would be disgusting as they contain toothpaste.
"You liars. I'm gonna kill you, Peralta," Rosa threatens.
"What about y/n?" he asks. I give him a glare for throwing me under the bus.
"You probably dragged them into doing it. They're off the hook. For now."
"What is happening? Everyone back to work. Now," Holt says, following the plan. Jake goes to his desk and plops down on his chair, triggering the air horn we attached to it, making him leap 6 feet into the air. Everyone bursts out laughing.
"Ha ha, very funny," he mocks, taking the air horn off the chair. Once he finally does that, he sits back down and tries to open a report he's working on. Key word: tries.
"What the neck? The cursor isn't moving. Is something wrong with the mouse? It was working yesterday." He picks up the mouse and turns it upside down and sighs. "Alright, who did this? Who put this paper that says 'lol u got trolled' in comic sans and has a picture of me making a stupid face on it on my sensor?" Everyone laughs again.
*later that day*
"Jake, can you interrogate this perp for me? I need to go help with an arrest and your better at interrogating than me. Oh, and while I'm out, can you photo copy this perp's case?" I ask.
"Thanks, I'll see you later," I say, giving him a goodbye kiss on the cheek.
"See ya, y/n."
He has no idea what he's in for. Instead of leaving, I go to the security office to watch everything from the camera. Jake takes the 'perp' (who is actually an actor I've paid) to the interrogation room and comes face to face with something he does not expect. "Crap. Someone ballooned the interrogation room. Well, it looks like you're going to stay in holding a little longer," he says to the perp. After the perp is back in the holding cell, I receive a call from Jake. I don't answer since I'm supposedly 'making an arrest'. "Hey, y/n. It's Jake. I'm having trouble interrogating the perp because someone ballooned the interrogation room. I'm just checking from the interconnecting room and yeah, I can't see anything. I'm just gonna photo copy that case. I'll call you again if there are any problems. Call me when you can." Oh my gosh, he fell for it. What we actually did, was we blew up enough balloons to make it look like the room was filled up, and then stuck them to the one way glass and door into the interrogation room. Smart, eh?
Jake grabs the file I left on his desk and goes to the photo copier. He doesn't focus on what he's doing, luckily, and grabs everything from the printer. When back at his desk, he doesn't check them again, luckily. You see, we left a picture of Taylor Swift in the photo copier, so everything that gets photocopied while the photo's there will have an imprint of Taylor Swift. He then carries on with his work. After I see this, I head out and grab him some candy, so his day isn't all bad. However, part of my considers making him a candy apple but instead, replacing the apple with an onion. I don't think I'll be that mean though. I walk back into the precinct with the candy.
"Hey, Jake. I got your message. Sorry for wasting your time then."
"Don't worry, y/n/n. Here are your files by the way."
"Thanks. In return I give you this candy."
"Thanks y/n/n, I'm so lucky to have you."
"Awww, you two are too cute," Charles fanboy(le)s.
"Thanks, Charles." I open up the photocopy and pretend to be shocked. "Um, Jake. Why is there an imprint of Taylor Swift on every page?"
"Yeah, look here." I show him the file and he starts to freak out.
"What? Why are there so many pranks today?!"
"Jake, babe. It's fine."
"I'm gonna find them, and make them apologise."
"You've already found them," I reveal.
"What d'you mean?"
"Everything today has been us. And by us, I mean, I came up with all 4 ideas and Terry, Holt, Amy and Rosa helped execute them. I wasn't talking to Kane this morning; I was talking to Rosa."
"Oh. That makes so much more sense. But what about the interrogation room and photo copier?"
"It was a fake case. The 'perp' is actually an actor I hired."
"Oh. How long did the balloons take though?"
"Not long. Maybe 10 minutes."
"To fill the entire room?"
"No, you dingus. Follow me." I lead him to the interrogation room door and open it. "We covered the windows to make it easier for everyone to do and clear away. My pranks are easy to tidy up."
"You really are the ruler of pranks, y/n."
"Never doubt my power."
"This just adds to the huge list of why I love you. And it also makes me even more sure that I'm about to do the right thing."
"What?" I ask, confused. Then he gets down on one knee.
"y/f/n, I love you and I have and will for years. Today has been a rollercoaster but has overall made me even more proud to call you mine and now I want more. Will you do me the honour of marrying me?"
"Yes. A million and fourteen times yes! Of course I'll marry you!" I pull him into a long, passionate kiss. "We have to tell the others." We walk hand in hand to the bullpen.
"You two look happy. Did you meet Beyoncé?" Gina asks.
"No, we only got engaged," I say, brushing it off like it's nothing.
"Wait, what?" everyone in the precinct says simultaneously.
"Is this another prank?" Rosa asks.
"No. I'm gonna get married to the love of my life," I start welling up.
"Jake, why didn't you tell me? Why wasn't I there? I've been fantasising about it for forever!" Charles asks, quite upset.
"It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I wanted it to be organic. Besides, I wanted to surprise my best man," Jake announces, smiling at Charles.
"Me? I'd be honoured. And Nikolaj could be the ring bearer!"
"Woah, woah, woah, slow down there Boyle. We got engaged a few minutes ago."
"Detective y/s/n, Detective Peralta, I'm happy for you. Take the rest of the day off." Holt says.
"Let's go shall we, fiancé?" Jake asks.
"We shall, fiancé."
Today has been the best day ever.
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