#Mentions of being trapped?
ant1quarian · 1 year
Peaceful (BRT!Sans x reader)
(Note, this is my original Sans AU. He’s one of my best boys.)
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Note: This story may contain very slight triggers? If you’re not a fan of thinking of the endless void or don’t like reading someone being eternally trapped in it, then I suggest you don’t read this?
- Also, Reader has a scientific background (And is a scientist)
“Peaceful.” You murmured softly, your voice barely audible from where you sat in your labratory.
That was the perfect word for him. Peaceful.
In your mind, you pictured the skeleton you’d come to know so well- the skeleton you had been able to contact through hitting the right magic frequencies is a row.
A pure coincidence, it had been. Yet it brought you to the very place you sat today- close friends with a monster that shouldn’t have even been alive.
He shouldn’t have existed. It wasn’t a hypothesis, it was a fact. But similar to the fact that scientists- much like yourself- couldn’t explain how a bumblebee was capable of flight; He simply did. In a sense, at least.
Last night, he’d asked you what you’d thought of him. You’d had to think about that question. In a scientific point of view, he was dangerous beyond comprehension. A monster with the ability to send out a ghost form of himself that could physically interact with things? The very thought was terrifying. The things that he’d be capable of if he wished them sent a shiver down your spine.
Yet he didn’t.
He was peaceful- capable of great amounts of damage and destruction- but simply decided against it.
He had every right to. Every reason to. Yet he didn’t.
Instead he chose to help others. He’d done countless things for monster-kind, which was the only reason they were able to live upon the surface today.
Sacraficed himself, even, when the void demanded a the soul of a boss monster before it would let them free.
And they hadn’t so much as thanked him. They’d forgotten about him the instant they set foot (Paw, or talon) on the surface. 
In your mind, you saw the very same skeleton that you visited in dreams every night. ‘Drop’ he’d nicknamed himself, even though his actual name was Sans. 
A translucent body, grey against the inky darkness of the void holding him ensnared in its grip. A blue, orange and white jacket- each colour taking up thirds of the soft-looking material. Golden fur lining the rim of the hood he placed over his head whenever he got embarrassed, or remembered something he didn’t want to. His light grey turtleneck t-shirt that seemed to be stained with darker marks- chocolate sauce, if your analysis had been correct.
The red streak running down his left cheek, appearing as if he was crying blood. His two heterochromatic eyelights- the right coloured in the purest of whites, surrounded by the same crimson that ran down his cheek; the left a simple gold that somehow managed to glow even in the void. The warm, laid-back smile. The nonchalant attitude. The wistful glances. The nostalga-filled, infectious laughter.
Drop. The word resonated in your head. An interest name for a skeleton that held you so captivated.
Little did you know, you hold him just as captivated from where he stood in the void, the very last miniscule sliver of his soul glowing as if it was unrestrained by the darkness. The very last sliver of his hope, holding his life together by a thread.
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turtleblogatlast · 7 months
[ cw: ptsd / ]
The boys (and April!) would have loved to have their own Space Arc like the other iterations. Being such avid fans of Jupiter Jim, I think they’d have a blast just taking in the fact that they’re in space.
Imagine them gravity being turned off while they’re in space, and they’re floating and having fun in the spaceship and they look out into the darkness of space and-
Leo’s floating, staring out into grey blankness, and everything hurts and he’s alone and this was his choice but he’s scared-
Things get less fun after they realize they already had a small taste of what space had to offer.
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wolfjackle-creates · 10 months
How about Tim Drake and Danny Fenton with 7 and/ 54!
7. Trapped in a room/closet/elevator
54. Kidnapping
Well, doesn't that just give ideas. I'm going with Tim POV on this one.
Word Count: 1.6k
Tim came back to awareness with the feeling of ropes cutting into his wrists and ankles and the absence of a mask on his face. He was tied to a very uncomfortable chair.
His head hurt, but more like a hangover than physical trauma so he must've been drugged. Where had he been?
The museum, that's right. He'd been at the museum. There'd been a class of out-of-state high school students visiting and they were acting strange. Bruce sent him to check up on them, make sure they were who they'd said they were.
Without moving, he mentally checked his body. Nothing to be alarmed by. Maybe a new bruise or two and his wrists and ankles would be sore. He was wearing his shirt and pants, but his shoes and socks had been removed along with any of his possessions.
So he let himself focus on the rest of the room. An arrhythmic tapping sound was coming from just a few feet away. But his head was still foggy from whatever he'd been drugged with and he couldn't figure out what it was.
He couldn't hear anything else.
So he let himself moan slightly and shifted his weight as if he was only just waking up. He opened his eyes slightly and didn't bother hiding the wince of pain at the light from the bare bulb that hung from the ceiling.
"Hey, cool! You're awake!" exclaimed someone. They sounded young.
Tim looked over and saw a boy about his own age also tied to a chair. The tapping noise had been him rocking back and forth on his toes. The room they were in was small, more of a closet really. About five feet by five feet and shelving had clearly only been removed recently. The door had no window. No way to know how long he'd been out.
"Where are we?" asked Tim. "What happened?" Tim narrowed his eyes against the light and looked closer. The kid looked familiar, where had he seen him?
"You okay?" the kid asked.
"Killer headache. Better than a concussion, I guess, but these drugs, man. Did they not get you with them?" And then he placed the kid, he'd been part of the group he'd been following.
The boy shrugged. "Things like that usually wear off for me pretty quickly. I'm Tim. Who're you? This your first kidnapping?"
"I— What? I'm Tim."
"Huh, cool. We have the same name. They kidnapped us because my dad's Bruce Wayne and they want ransom. When they found two boys of a similar age with black hair and blue eyes in the museum, they took us both rather than waste time figuring out who was who."
And suddenly it made sense what this kid was doing. He was trying to trick them into thinking he was Tim. Perhaps so Tim could escape or just to sow confusion. Tim shook his head and winced when that just caused throbbing pain. "What are you talking about? I'm Tim Drake, adopted son of Bruce Wayne."
"Dude, why are you lying? We both know I'm Tim."
"You're the liar," he shot back. He couldn't let a civilian take the fall for him.
But before their argument could continue to cycle, the door banged open, making the pounding in Tim's head worse. Two men stood there: one holding a gun, the other a phone. Most likely he was videotaping them. Both of them wore more guns and knives openly.
"Look like Sleeping Beauty's finally awake," sneered the one holding the phone.
Tim pretended to be afraid as was protocol for civilian kidnappings. "Who are you? What do you want?"
His companion, however, did not seem to get the memo. "You'd better let us go right now or you will regret it."
"Looks like we've got a feisty one on our hands, eh?" asked Gun-kidnapper.
"Smile at the camera, boys, we'll be sending this to Daddy Wayne. Better pray he pays up. Otherwise worse'll happen."
"Worse than what?" demanded his companion. "I've been in detentions worse'n this."
"Shut up!" hissed Tim.
"You better listen to your pal, boy, because you just volunteered for our first demonstration," said Phone-kidnapper. "Hear that, Brucie? We're gonna shoot your boy, or maybe not your boy. And you'll pay us the demanded ransom if you don't want us to do it again. Every half hour you delay, we'll put another bullet in one of these boys."
Without delay, Gun-kidnapper raised his weapon and shot. But he missed as Tim's companion managed to get enough leverage to knock his chair over.
Not that it was enough to stop the kidnapper who simply shot again. And this time he didn't miss. Tim watched as blood quickly began dripping from the boy's thigh onto the floor. At least his position on the floor meant it was elevated.
The two kidnappers laughed before leaving.
"Shit, are you okay? Why'd you do that?" Tim pulled at his bonds. The other boy needed medical attention ASAP. Worth using some of his Robin Training to help out the brave, idiotic kid.
The kid chuckled through clenched teeth. "I've had worse, it's fine."
"Worse? That's a gunshot wound!"
"And last Tuesday, I was hit by a spear and lasers, bit by a vulture, and punched through a wall over the span of, like, four hours."
That gave Tim pause. If that was true, and he seemed oddly unconcerned about a bullet wound for it not to be, he was clearly not a normal teen. "Who are you?"
The boy grinned. "I told you, I'm Tim Drake! Now, do you trust me?"
"Trust you to do what?" Tim had almost gotten one hand free.
"We're getting out of here, Timbuk-two."
Before Tim could blink, the kid did...something...and all his bonds fell away. Then he lunged at Tim, pushing him out of the chair and into the wall. They came through into what looked like an average Gotham warehouse.
Tim bit his tongue as they continued flying through the wall and ended up outside. It was still daytime, but dusk was getting close.
"What the hell?" whispered Tim. "You're a meta?"
"Not exactly, but close enough. I'm Danny. I can keep us invisible and intangible, but I can't block sound. So only speak when needed. Want to figure out who these guys are or leave?"
"You need to get medical attention. Much as I want to know who these guys are, we're leaving."
"I'm fine! I've had worse."
Tim looked down from where they were floating and noted the blood dripping to the ground. "Dude, you're bleeding. We're leaving."
That seemed to knock Danny out of it. "Oops. Suppose you're right. Where should we go?"
"There's a doctor in crime alley who treats everyone. She won't talk about your meta status and she'll be able to contact Bruce for me to let him know we're out."
Danny hesitated a moment before asking, "Can you promise she won't talk? Because there're people who'd like nothing more than to strap me down and cut me open to figure out how I work."
"Fly a few buildings over and land on a roof so I can get a tourniquet on your leg. Are those the same people who hurt you last Tuesday?"
Danny did as directed. "Believe it or not, no. That guy wants me to be his son."
Once the landed, Danny let him go. "What the fuck?" Tim patted himself down hoping that the kidnappers had left him with anything useful only to sigh. He'd have to make do with his shirt.
"I know. He's a total fruitloop. Nah, it's the government that wants to vivisect me. And a few others, but I think they'd stop once they realized who I am." Danny looked him up and down. "But it looks like you might have a story or two to tell as well."
"You are going to tell me everything, Danny," said Tim as he set about tearing his shirt into strips. "Bruce would totally take you in if you need a safe place to stay. Especially after you helped me escape."
"And what can you do about it? There's laws that make experimentation on people like me legal."
That made Tim pause in what he was doing, but only for a minute. "If that's true, I happen to be friends with two very good investigative journalists who would love to do a series of articles. They've a good track record of getting unjust laws overturned."
Danny didn't say anything for a moment and Tim looked over at him. It seemed like he was actually contemplating the offer. "Really? I'll want proof before I talk. And I'll need to reach out to some friends for a second opinion."
"Only sensible. Okay, this is as good as I'm gonna get it. I'm going to bandage your leg now."
"Just do it."
Looking at the wound, Tim could see the bullet hadn't passed through Danny's thigh but had seemed to have fallen out. Perhaps when he'd density-shifted them? But then why did their clothes remain intact? He'd have to ask later. Instead, he focused on making a bandage and tourniquet out of the strips of his shirt.
"Okay, that's as good as it's going to get. How high can you fly?"
"Higher than you can breathe."
"I see. Well, fly us up a bit so I can figure out where we are in the city, then I'll give you directions to Leslie's clinic."
"Will do!"
With how well Tim knew the streets of Gotham from the sky, it was the work of moments to get his bearings and fifteen minutes later, they were using the back entrance to Leslie's clinic.
A week later, Wayne Manor had a new resident and Clark Kent and Lois Lane published their first joint article on the Anti-Ecto acts.
I honestly went into this one without a plan, something I usually hate doing. But I like how it turned out! Let me know what y'all think.
I've one more prompt to fill which should happen by the end of the week. Still accepting new ones, but the turn around will be a bit longer I'm afraid.
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jockpoetry · 13 days
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too old for hamlet, too young for polonius...
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3lectricinsomnia · 28 days
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Adventure gone wrong (more details below cut)
When he was 16, he got trapped after part of a cave collapsed on top of him. He was under there for hours until his family managed to break through and pull him out. He was hospitalized and in a coma for a few weeks.
This incident is one of the reasons why Eris’s soul bonds with him so quickly
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zer0point5ive · 8 months
“dr gordon is a specialist he’s making money on his specialty” “he’s not a thinker” “the man has his hand on the doorknob half the time i’m there” the way john could Not stand him i just know it was tense as hell in that makeshift hospital when lawrence woke up
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cutemeat · 8 months
still kills me that some ppl are unsure if the cat in the wall metaphor was intentionally made to symbolize macden’s relationship cuz like…. they make it…. so… very… abundantly clear…. and then thats smth they make a point to bring up Repeatedly on the podcast
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dathen · 1 month
Griffin to Kemp: “My father committed suicide because of me but I don’t feel ANY guilt about it, it was his fault and his choice!”
Griffin: And then I disassociated through the entire funeral and then had nightmares about being buried alive in his grave. Anyway—
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trek-tracks · 2 years
Sub Rosa except it's TOS and Bones inherits the creepy sex ghost candle from his grandmother
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I apologize for my sins
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tootyfruities · 2 months
mcsm headcanon where every world has an admin, and those worlds cannot exist without one. (mostly so i can justify an admin oc lol, who gets promoted after romeo loses his powers) and with this hc i think the sky city admin is benedict btw :3
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wolfgang1097 · 5 months
I dunno why, but I can kinda see White Spy as being rather vain for some reason (or that's at least another headcanon personality I am giving him that isn't really official, alongside me headcanoning him as being a pompous, sassy perfectionist).
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Look'n handsome there, White. Look'n REAL handsome.
(Here's the original comic version that was released about a decade or so before the animated adaption from MADtv):
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I have to imagine that White's fairly vain demeanor is also something Black usually exploits at every given opportunity via his pranks. I mean, I can definitely see Black as being quite a bit of a prankster. Here's another comic (which was never made into an animated adaption for MADtv nor CN's MAD; I wish they did for the former); however, White's more overdramatic as he falls for a rather obvious prank and his vanity is pretty much downplayed this time, I guess:
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As much as I admire how much of a prankster Black tends to be, but poor White. The dude basically had a heart attack right then and there because of such a twisted prank Black just pulled on him. Wow, Black. Just, wow.
I do not claim ownership of any content. Spy vs. Spy belongs to the defunct MAD Magazine and the late, great Antonio Prohias.
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tummysmoocher · 3 months
Having almost 4k followers here is so insane to me because 1. my main account which is 11 years old only has like 1.9k and 2. I only made this blog so I could post my silly little horny thoughts in a nice and categorized way for myself to be able to look back at whenever I wanted so it’s just crazy to me that so many of y’all are here and actually LIKE the shit I’m yappin about <3
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fertbutt · 1 year
actually doesnt blaze use a blanket in book 3 because she's cold. The dragons are warm-blooded ?
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This is so funny to me bc this is about my tav who is very much not the dark urge! just a bit of a freak
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#tav yeric#astarion#bg3#started rambling about yeric in the tags couldn’t stop lol#yeric is pretty well adjusted for a guy who’s been living in the woods alone for a decade#he is generally really reserved and quiet#but off putting stuff just spills from his mouth sometimes#and when he does open up he says things without thinking them through (and that’s on his 8 INT)#also the thing about cannibalism is that yeric got trapped in the mountains with a bunch of travelers when he was 23#and they ended up having to cannibalize some people and eat their dead#Yeric’s partner died and he ate her#this launched the previously mentioned decade long woods isolation#and so yeric has issues around food and hunger#and a deep deep fear of people around him starving to death#so I’m some ways like getting fed on by astarion is genuinely a comfort to him#doesn’t need to worry about astarion being hungry!#he has direct proof that astarion is physically well!#all he has to do is take care of himself and cast lesser restoration and someone else can be sustained just on that! how wonderful!#yeric is also a big acts of service guy so that desire also gets fulfilled by the blood sucking agreement#at the same time#yeric also processed the cannibalism thing in a weird way where his survivors guilt manifested as a desire to be eaten#so while he genuinely does get a lot out of the agreement with astarion it is also triggering to him and does not help at all with#his self worth issues#astarion and yeric have a long talk about this post game - I think their relationship would need a break from the feeding for a while#yeric needs space to be see himself being loved outside of his utility to other people#and also to know that astarion is going to be okay if yeric takes a break from being his personal juicebox for 5 minutes
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shadyhouse · 2 months
i keep getting rejected from job applications and i have no idea what im doing wrong. i wish they would just tell you WHY you're getting rejected and ways to improve. its a guessing game that ends up making me feel even more worthless than i felt before
#like i have been nonstop applying for jobs for the past YEAR and ive gotten TWO INTERVIEWS#one of them i got kicked out of near immediately bc you werent allowed to be late to the job and i mentioned i take the bus (mistake i know)#and the other one i had to turn down bc they wanted to pay me $11/hr despite me already having the experience they needed#and i just reapplied to an old job i had a couple years ago that pays well but i got an instant rejection#not to mention all the other jobs ive been applying to that dont even TRY to contact me before rejecting me#and then my current job where ive been pretty much explicitly told i'm never ever going to get promoted and i keep getting my hours cut#for reasons beyond my comprehension like i dont know what im even doing wrong bc no one will TELL ME#JUST TELL ME WHAT IM DOING WRONG#WHY AM I BEING BAD AT LIFE. CAN YOU THROW ME A BONE PLEASE.#IM TIRED OF SURVIVING I WANT TO THRIVE#IVE BEEN SURVIVING MY WHOLE LIFE IM JUST EXHAUSTED I WANT TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT SOMETHING I DID FOR ONCE PLEASE#Sorry for venting im trying to hold back a breakdown and i have to leave for work in an hour and i just need to shout into the void about it#even applying for like medical based jobs hasnt worked out. you wont even let me be a RECEPTIONIST?#i feel trapped at my current job. even my coworkers have been telling me that ive had my position for wayyyy too long and im gonna be stuck#like tell me something i dont know!!!!!!!!!! tell me how to get a better job!!!!!!!!!!!!! bc im struggling in every aspect of my life!!!!!!#whoever cursed me its working i hope youre happy. the haters love to see it
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xxlea-nardoxx · 1 year
Body swap??
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Last night I had this thought: What if my AU kids switch bodies by complete accident and now they need to endure this nightmare, until Donnie can fix them?
They even swapped masks, so they can keep track of who is in whos body now:
Raphie -> Don
Don -> Mike
Mike -> Lee
Lee -> Raphie
It wouldn't be fixed that quickly and these poor suckers have to go to school like this, trying their best to act like one another and not raising any suspicion....
They fail miserably and Don is in absolute agony being in the bubbly and social Mikes body, who might as well have befriended half of the school.💀😂
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