#Mercury in 3H
libra-stellium · 1 year
Mercury Rx in Taurus…in my 3H…I lost my voice 😫
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sweetlady555 · 2 months
what you wish for based off what house mercury is in your chart *ೃ༄🧞‍♀️🌠
these all could also apply to where you have sun and moon aswell because mercury rules your immediate desires, sun rules your deepest desires and moon rules your subconscious desires.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 1h : wishing to be the coolest, wishing to be the smartest, wishing you had the coolest clothes, wishing to be a certain way or percieved a certain way, wishing to be the best, wishing you could be enough, wishing for recognition, wishing you can understand your own identity, wishing others understood you.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 2h : wishing to be rich, wishing to be recognized, wishing to be enough, wishing to get the trendiest most sought for item out, wishing for praise, wishing to be the most beautiful person, wishing to be more authentic, wishing for more wishes so you can have anything you want.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 3h : wishing to have more friends, wishing others could communicate as good as you, wishing to explore your environment more, wishing to learn everything about something, wishing others understood your ideas and perspectives, wishing you could know how others percieve you, wishing others knew how to drive better or even yourself.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 4h : wishing for your family to be happy, wishing for your own space, wishing for a new pet for you to have at home, wishing to be always safe, nurtured and loved by others or by your family, wishing for a bigger/nicer/cleaner house, wishing you could have a secret hideout at home, wishing to be a parent, wishing to know more about your roots, wishing your mother or your family was more harmonious, wishing you could accept others opinions more, wishing people respected your opinions, wishing you could stick to a routine.
*ೃ༄ mercury 5h : wishing to be famous, wishing having more fun, wishing to be the star for any theatrical events or for anything in general, wishing to party more, wishing to be a known model/actor/musician/artist (anything creative), wishing to be admired for your talents and looks, wishing to have kids or wishing not to have any at all.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 6h : wishing to be the BEST employee, wishing you never got sick, wishing for a pet, wishing you finish your work on time everytime, wishing to help all animals, wishing you could help everyone in need of help, wishing your body can look a certain way, wishing you exercised more if you dont already, wishing to improve your routine, wishing you could stop overthinking and trying to be perfect all the time.
*ೃ༄ mercury 7h : wishing for a bestfriend forever, wishing to have a lot of friends, wishing for a relationship, wishing that you could get along with everyone easily, wishing for a relationship that is also intellectually stimulating and communicative, wishing to get public recognition that comes through partnerships, collaborations or relationships, wishing you didnt have no enemies, wishing for connections to be fair and harmonious, wishing to have a happy fulfilling committed marriage, wishing you can make decisions more easily.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 8h : wishing to understand magic, wishing for intellectual intimacy, wishing you could solve every mystery, wishing you could tell someone your secrets, wishing to be able to talk to ghosts or even being friends with them, wishing for someone to want to understand you to your CORE, wishing people could understand your POV, wishing someone can match your freak (being able to talk about taboo subjects without anyone judging you🌚)
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*ೃ༄ mercury 9h : wishing to travel the world, wishing to be apart of a different culture or to learn a different culture, wishing to go to the best school, wishing you could speak every language, wishing you were another ethnicity, wishing to know everything about spirituality and higher truths, wishing to seek new experiences, wish to find someone who shares or respects your philosophical outlook.
*ೃ༄ mercury 10h : wishing you could be famous, wishing to have the coolest or the best job, wishing to be a CEO, wishing to create something new, wishing to be the best at what you do, wishing EVERYONE knew how smart, cool beautiful and talented you are, wishing to be a leader, wishing to be influential.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 11h : wishing to have a lot of friends, wishing you could help the planet and the people, wishing to be apart of a community or a friend group, wishing to be influential, wishing to be apart of the latest trend, wishing all your dreams could come true, wishing for the newest device out, wishing for popularity, wish you could stop procrastinating.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 12h : wishing to see magical things, wishing your toys could talk to you secretly as a kid, wish to find hidden things, wishing to help people who are sad, wishing to understand your dreams, wishing people can understand your intelligence, wishing to see things others cant, wishing to be alone, wishing for peace. (if mercury 12h individuals were a meme itd be this one😹⤵️)
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astropookie · 11 months
astro thoughts pt blablabla 🫴🏼
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Leo mercury + 6H, she’s a perfectionist and has such a creative, intelligent and confident mind. she’s PRACTICAL and knows her worth -describing a friend-.
Uranus/Neptune retrograde could mean struggle to exit a toxic group, “friends”.
Mercury retrograde not necessarily represents obvious or visible problems/conditions with speaking, stutter or dyslexia, etc. I’ve noticed they could seem rude, too direct, not diplomatic, they could have difficulties explaining themselves. they could generalize often or they don’t ask about certain things bc they’re ashamed.
when your mars is in their 2H you feel so comfortable with them. in other words, the other day I hooked up with the person I share this synastry and I felt incredibly comfortable, seeing each others naked and don’t feel ashamed or judged. idk it’s funny to me, I’ve never felt that way -casual situation-, like I could even fart and he won’t even judge. too explicit I’m sorry 😭. I’m gonna stop with the mars 2H synastry
I’ve read a lot of comments about black moon in lilith 7H that says they could be part of a 3rd party or be “the other women”. I have that placement in my natal chart and already a couple of times my friends who end up a 2 year relationship propose me to be their sneaky link. also, it could mean that the girlfriends/ boyfriends/partners of your friends could be jealous of you, the Lilith 7H person.
9H stellium in solar return signifies improvement, learning, to expand your horizons, to start a new period of high/education/learning.
in this whole period of time I’ve learned about my needs and how to communicate them (Chiron 3H in solar return): for example, I’ve seen people and I wanted something casual but didn’t know how to make myself understood. I didn’t even know what I wanted, so I’ve learned it during this period. It doesn’t count only in situationship stuff, it’s an example.
Uranus 4H in Solar Return: yes, it doesn’t mean you’ll end up moving to another country. I’ve seen a CHANGE in my family dynamic. believe me, if my “me” from one year ago observes my family dynamic now, she would be SHOCKED.
Solar return mars conjunct Part of Fortune: yes, I’ve been ��📚🫦
Solar moon square uranus: I was a good girl all that time 🥰 I was suffering, struggling so hard so things will be in order, pretty and diplomatic… My feelings and ideas didn’t match what I usually used to do: do whatever I want (uranus ruled). I wanted but my subconscious was telling me to keep calm so all the trust or time i gave to build that environment won’t be wasted. then, unintentionally, I broke that diplomatic environment after my birthday. it felt really good, like it was me again😩
natal saturn 1H why so conservative and traditional? I’m not affirming is a bad thing but this placement often behaves exaggeratedly, too disciplined/formal. they could be too focused on what should be and how things should work instead of appreciating the whole situation. they could end up judging others too much, evidencing the amount of criticism they have on themselves.
pluto 9H not everything has to do with politics. -yes and no, it’s debatable-. my point is, relax, sometimes life it’s not how you wanted to be. let things be🧘‍♀️
Lilith (mean) 5H you were the experiment of your parents, don’t you?
Node trine Jupiter tells me you can overcome challenges in your life even if you have a lot of chiron aspects in your natal chart 😭 idk if it’s understandable. What I mean is that the universe has your back, this aspect goes through deep experiences that have the previous mentioned effects on them.
Ascendant - Mercury aspects: job that has to do with communication 🤪 too obvious but I’ve noticed. lawyer, publicity, etc.
sun opposition sun synastry: opposites attracts.
pluto opposition juno natal tells me you have to work first on yourself to enter a relationship, to solve those control issues. also meaning that if you didn’t work on yourself, you could have being the one directing the relationship.
❀ Based on personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings
❀ English is not my first language
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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8hsaturn · 1 year
astro observations #3
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Pisces moon coupled with earth, especially Capricorn, are unrivaled when it comes to philosophical and social breakthroughs. they have the spiritual awareness and collective vision of Pisces hand in hand with the objectivity and discipline of earth signs, and they can therefore be masters at deconstructing the functioning of society and the psyche. it’s such a consistent pattern with notable examples such as Joan of Arc (Cap Sun and Mercury), Benjamin Franklin (Taurus Saturn, Cap Venus & Sun), Henry Dunant who founded the red cross movement (Taurus Sun and Mercury, Cap stellium), Edgar Allan Poe considered to have invented the detective fiction genre and one of the earliest contributors to the genre of sci-fi (cap sun and mercury, Pisces stellium).
Venus conjunct Mercury could purchase books just because they look pretty and aesthetically pleasing lol. The type to look for the prettiest hardcover of a book to get.
Pisces stelliums with mercury, especially if it's retrograde, have such a hard time staying focused during a conversation, other people might think they're actively ignoring them but they just can't stay attentive for too long unless it's something they wanna know more about 😭 lowkey adorable when it’s not annoying lol.
A Virgo/gemini moon is a common placement amongst rappers known for being fast. Whether it's Doja Cat, Busta Rhymes, Min Yoongi, or Dizzee Rascal… after all, the moon (emotions and the inner mind) is ruled by fast-paced mercury (an exception would be if natal mercury was deeply afflicted). Jupiter conjunct Mercury as well can indicate the same.
5h moon transits are the times when you start to develop a crush or meet up with friends, decide to practice a particular hobby, binge tv shows/movies or read books, etc… one of my fave transits particularly because my 5h is in Pisces so I spend this transit often reading and consuming/creating art, and being delusional 🤭.
3h Pluto transit can indicate a gradual shift in your mindset, gradual because it’s a very long transit. It can either be positive or negative depending on how both your natal and transit pluto aspect your natal chart + transits. As my 3rd house is in Capricorn squaring my Aries moon, I spent this transit working on my work ethic and long-time consistency, as well as my self-esteem being dependent on how much I achieve and not my thoughts and core beliefs as a person (natal 2h pluto is in Sagittarius).
12h Leo can be such a humble bragger, and very obviously so… the type to complain about how being pretty sucks because guys like them too fast, or about how being rich isn’t easy, etc… I have six friends with this placement and only one isn’t like this but they’re also far older and more mature.
9th house in cancer people are very likely to be feminists or just very passionate about gender equality if the moon is well-aspected. If not, and if Venus and IC were not well-aspected, they could be deeply misogynistic and against gender emancipation.
that's it for today, thank you for reading my observations, and don't hesitate to ask and/or comment about anything!
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marsfa1ry · 2 years
astrology observation 𓇼
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(pics from pinterest)
capricorn mercury i love their dry sense of humor and dark sarcasm. my scorpio mercury be giggling like a baby when they tell a joke while everyone else blank stare the native, concerned about their dark humor. also their choice of words is so calculated and careful if developed, no sugarcoating tho, with well aspected could also be poetic. it’s so cute. ahhh my favs
lilith 3h knows how and when to push the button and let that intelligent communicator self take over lol literally can talk themselves out of anything and could wrap someone around their fingers by their words. school and/or siblings might be a hit or miss for them. it’s either good or bad, nothing in between.
mars 1h idk if it’s just me or not moving body when mentally in a better place for a whole day can cause natives a great emotion turmoil like (esp in virgo degree i guess💀) that’s why coping mechanism and serotonin booster includes deep cleaning room, groceries … oh maybe it’s just me ok
not to mention that healthy routine HELPS natives a lot i mean i guess it helps every human being but i feel like it emphasizes when it comes to mars 1h let me know if you resonates or not^^
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earth moons with uranus prominent aspects/placements yes earth moons do need a stable routine to help them maintain their mind but with uranus influence esp if making aspects to mc, i think will most likely hate to have a 9-5 work, plus with prominence 9h/sagittarius, spontaneous career life is their go-to. their earth moons still want the stability tho so it could be that they have a stable morning and after work routine etc.
leo moon something about their hair that never fail to catch my attention. it’s like tho they did nothing their hair be thriving.
also something about head bumps because there was this one time i dreamed of a leo moon head bumping me just for me to wake up to an astrology observation (i can’t remember which one😿feel free to inform me so i can put credits here) says head bumping is a lion thing so leo placements tend to do that helpp- but tbh it’s so cute ><
earth moons w fire moons i rarely see astro community talk about this two together like it’s SO underrated. earth moon say the most straightforward, simplest compliments that get fire moon all flustered up and stuff like 😳 and firey do this most random, unprovoked things just to get reaction out of earthy. purely just vibing together. fire moon get earth moon out of their comfort zone, earth moon makes fire moon more grounded. seen them in many long terms relationships.
ex: EDIT : i just found out that brian groomed megan fox and actually so problematic so i deleted this example 🤢
ross lynch (aries moon) - jaz sinclair (capricorn moon)
aishwarya rai (capricorn moon) - abhishek bachchan (aries moon)
ryan gosling (capricorn moon) - eva mendes (leo moon)
moon conjucnt mercury synastry : moon be like ‘bruh you speak my mind’ while mercury ‘you read my emotions and know what to do with them without me talking it out so’ love this
moon conjunct chiron chiron making hard aspect to luminaries (emphasize on moon bcs istg…the pain towards deepest part of ourselves um) can manifest such a big impact in native’s life :,) and which part will be effected depends on houses where it sit in. however, as much as how diverse the conjunction can play out🤭 the same thing that wounded the natives could be the same thing that heal the natives. the key is to mastered the cruel (💀for real like who have this aspect would understand what i mean) chiron. as much as it makes you a severely wounded soldier in inner world’s field ffs, breaking the pattern of chiron can manifests a really great result.
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moon prominent aspect in mother’s chart can be presented in your s/o’s chart or someone you like. for better or worse. 🧍‍♀️
mercury in sagittarius degree (9°,21°) philosiphize their words unintentionally and left people who had a conversation with them thinking about their words a lots esp when they give advice, they brought a whole new perspective to the person.
scorpio/8h prominent the struggle is real when someone they close with or trust don’t also hate their enemies. it’s a sign to retreat for them😠 ride or die. all or nothing.
lilith prominent/dominant men try so hard to hide their feelings and reactions when lilith prominent/dominant women come around. might even bully/pick on them at an extreme end. horrible at it finest when undeveloped ugh
taurus lilith square ascendant attract a lot of taurus mars and i have love-hate relationship with most of them
pisces rising really do get away with things. wittiness and chameleon energy of mutable + slyness of water = slay 💅
aries in big 6 literally always there in charts of ppl who heavily watch or fond of anime, manga
capricorn/cancer sun pair with scorpio/taurus sun no matter what others perceived them individually, they seems like a traditional couple to me lol when they’re together it gives ‘of course they’re together’ vibe. capricorn-scorpio and cancer-taurus more often than vice versa
pluto 3h i found myself thinking about what these natives say a looooot like even if it’s the most silliest stuff they said, it still echoes in my mind like ‘i think yellow is a really bizarre color’ and my mind goes 😮🤯😦😵‍💫🙀 wtff
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; hihi, first i didn’t expect my previous astro notes to blow up this much so i want to say that i appreciated all the interactions and support <33 thank you so much and i hope whoever come across this astro ranting HEHE a really nice day/night and much fun reading this ⭐️
© @marsfa1ry
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the-virgoperspective · 3 months
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Part 1
Mercury is the planet of communication and of the mind; it is one of the most important planets in a composite chart. The placement of Mercury in the composite houses can indicate how effectively and in what manner you and another person communicates as one. A harmonious aspect and house placement for Mercury in the composite chart can be very beneficial to any bond. It’s important to check both the house placement and the aspects to this planet to see how communication manifests within any bond you may be looking at.
I will be using the writings of Robert Hand from his novel “Planets in Composite: Analyzing Human Relations” to describe the meaning and significance of the Moon in each composite house. Please always keep in mind that this is only one vital step to reading an entire composite chart and should not be seriously considered without viewing everything as a whole. This is just one piece. Enjoy!
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1H Composite Mercury
Mercury in the first house of the composite chart indicates that in this relationship communication and community of ideas should play an important part. Not that the relationship will be just an intellectual one, but communication and intellect will be important factors. Therefore this is an excellent placement for all relationships involving business or commerce in any form. However, it does no harm in a personal relationship, which often suffers from a lack of real communication. That should not be a problem for you. The first-house Mercury is usually a sign that your minds are compatible, and you are capable of thinking almost as one person.
Of course, this placement is also excellent for any relationship that involves writing or working on a cooperative intellectual venture. It will be important to keep alive the intellectual interests you share. Together you will be interested in the world around you and constantly wanting to explore and examine new aspects of its variety.
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2H Composite Mercury
Composite Mercury in the second house has two different meanings. Either the two of you value things of the mind, or you put a lot of mental effort into what you possess or otherwise value.
If the first of these is true in your case, it means that as a couple you value books, musical instruments, radios, television, audio equipment, or other materials with which you can entertain or stimulate your minds. Or on a more abstract level, the two of you may value ideas and intellectual principles.
If the second possibility is more correct, you both will spend a good deal of time managing the property that you own in common, and you will put a lot of effort into it. In an individual’s birth chart, a second-house Mercury signifies cleverness and intelligence in the handling of money. That should also be the case in a composite chart.
Since it is likely that the two of you do value things of the mind or have rather strong opinions about what you do value, or is very important that you come to some kind of agreement about these matters early in the relationship. Otherwise, disputes over such matters are likely to crop up later on.
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3H Composite Mercury
Composite Mercury in the third house can be extremely valuable in a relationship, because it assures easy and complete communication between you. Many otherwise sound associations are weakened because two people cannot say the simple things that keep a relationship going smoothly. This should not be a problem for the two of you. In fact, you have a strong need to communicate with each other, and it is likely that you first came together because of some intellectual affinity.
Not only do the two of you have a strong need to exchange ideas and opinions, but you also like to be with others and exchange ideas with them. You have a great liking for all kinds of mental and intellectual interaction with your environment. You do not like to stay off by yourselves but prefer to get out and talk and have a good time.
The only thing you should be wary of is letting the cheerful and often superficial banter of Mercury replace the deeper, more significant communication that any successful relationship requires. Mercury works so easily on a light level that you may be reluctant to delve any deeper. If you can avoid intellectual and emotional superficiality, you should have an excellent mental and intellectual rapport with each other.
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4H Composite Mercury
Mercury in the fourth house of a composite chart indicates that the two of you are able to communicate about your deepest feelings and the most deeply buried attributes of your relationship, matters that normally would be unconscious. This is because the fourth house rules the deepest, most internal aspects of things. You can share your thoughts about how your relationship is working and what is at the heart of it. You should have an unusual intellectual awareness of each other’s feelings.
The fourth house also rules one’s home-in this case the home you set up together, if that is appropriate to your relationship. Since Mercury rules thought and communication, this placement means that you are likely to make your home as intellectually stimulating as possible. You will surround yourself with fine books or whatever else interests you, such as materials for hobbies or crafts. You are also fond of having people get together in your home for good stimulating conversation.
As is usual when Mercury is in a position that concerns feelings, the only real danger here is that you may over-intellectualize the deeper inner aspects of yourselves. Your inner feelings may come to exist purely as ideas rather than as part of your daily experience. Try not to analyze yourselves or your relationship too much.
If this warning is heeded, a fourth-house Mercury can be very helpful, precisely because it does help to improve communication about your feelings and inner selves, which in most relationships are difficult to discuss.
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5H Composite Mercury
Mercury in the fifth house of the composite chart indicates that as a couple you are attracted to intellectual modes of recreation and self-expression. You enjoy talking to each other, not just to communicate what must be said, but also because you really enjoy talking. You both enjoy conversation with others and activities such as going to the theater and concerts or just being together and reading good books.
The fifth house is also the house of children and their education. If you have children, you will pay close attention to their education, making sure that they have all the right opportunities and are surrounded by the proper influences. Just be sure that you do not educate them intellectually to the point of neglecting their emotional growth. They must learn to be complete individuals.
The fifth-house Mercury indicated that your attraction for each other is based at least partly on your intellectual affinity. This position doesn’t indicate whether your thinking is similar at all levels, but at least you should enjoy intellectual compatibility. Since one requirement of a successful personal relationship is that you communicate easily, you have an excellent start.
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6H Composite Mercury
Composite Mercury in the sixth house indicates that the two of you expend a great deal of mental energy on the problems of tasks that you have to accomplish together. You will analyze, consider, and explore all the various ways to deal with the matters that are important to you both, which may be either material concerns or emotional ones.
If this is a business relationship centered around accomplishing some particular task or series of tasks, you will go about them systematically, rationally, and carefully.
If your relationship is an emotional, personal one, such as friendship or a love affair, you will do what you have to in a systematic and careful manner. Here, however, the issue will be making your relationship work better so that the two of you will get more out of it. Be careful that this habit of dealing with problems in a reasonable way doesn’t turn into an over-concern with your problems. It could get to the point where your whole viewpoint is overwhelmed with analyzing your relationship.
Planets in the sixth house tend to emphasize duties and responsibilities at the expense of the pleasure and fulfillment that should come out of any personal relationship. Obviously a balance must be struck, particularly with Mercury, because Mercury’s location in a chart very strongly affects the overall attitudes of the relationship.
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Find part 2 here!
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☿ animated divider by @adornedwithlight ☿
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rabiosantologia · 6 days
Britney Spears
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♏ Anuradha Sun and Mercury (ruler of the 10H and 1H) in the 3H (I don't know if you know, but this house also represents a sense of musical rhythm, which explains why she dances so well; Michael Jackson also had Mars in the 3rd house in Aries which was his atmakaraka and ruler of the 10H (career)
♎ Swati Jupiter in the 2H
♍ Uttara Phalguni ASC and Chitra Saturn in the 1H
♑ Shravana Moon in the 5H
♑ Uttara Ashada Venus conjunct Ketu in the 5H (♋ Punarvasu Rahu in the 11H)
♌ Uttara Phalguni Mars in the 12H (atmakaraka)
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degreedummy · 1 month
Bridgerton Astrology- Part 4: LADY P. FEATHERINGTON
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Aquarius Ascendant-
Starting off with her Ascendant, I believe we see a strong representation of Saturnian rulership. More than the other Ladies, there was a distinct separation between her public image and her personal feelings. What speaks to her being an Aquarius Ascendant, in my opinion, is how it's so easy to lose who she really is in the decisions she makes. Easily, she can be cast as manipulative, a user, but you notice that she never takes more than she needs to feed her kids. Sure, the dresses are fancy, the jewelry ornamental, but every cent spent was toward her daughters' futures. To me, there are two big points that speak to her Ascendant, the first being her relationship with her husband. Similar to [Capricorn Ascendant] Lady Agatha, she never looked to marriage for love, for fantasy, she was looking for a man who could provide her security and give her opportunities. The difference between Lady Danbury and Lady Featherington is, Lady Agatha found hers. Past a name, the only benefit to being with Lord Featherington was the three daughters that came from their marriage. She speaks about this too, how she realized she had to take the head of the house, building a path forward for her daughters on her own, and that life would not give her anything she didn't take. For Lady Featherington, even making demands isn't enough, she is forced to take hold of a sword by the blade to stop it from swinging at her. This leads into the second big point that I think identifies her Aquarius Ascendant: the way she takes control of the difficult decisions, understanding that the world may look at her as an aggrieved old woman. This shows in the way she deals with Jack, the way she works with him. She's willing to lie at every turn, up until the point she realizes that he doesn't care about her daughters. Every hard decision she makes in the show is to their benefit, and for him to lure her into running away shows, to her, that he completely misunderstands what her goals are. I think there is a quieter, third way that her Ascendant is expressed: in the stressed responses she shows toward her children, and the moment of 'clarity' she has when it comes to how she speaks to them. In truth, there is absolutely no way we could expect Lady Featherington's children to understand most of her struggles through the show, she does everything she can to keep it out of their sight, but she does a questionable job of filtering her behavior toward them. She doesn't tell people that she's stressed, that she's worried, but her tone of voice gives off the idea that their family is always fighting off an impending doom. We see this in the Lady Whistledown reveal, the way Penelope and her discover each others' secrets at the same time, they so quickly come together because they both understand their decision were what they believed to be best for the family. Though it continues to be misunderstood, we see the reasons for Penelope trashing her own family, Eloise, just like we see the reasons for Lady Featherington helping Cousin Jack lie and steal money from the ton, and I think that's why... when dealing with Saturn-ruled individuals, we have to be very careful about writing them off as villains. Just because they're willing to cross lines that most people wouldn't doesn't mean they're evil, it just goes to show how far Lady Featherington will go for the people she loves, even if that means lying to them about it.
(3H) Aries Sun-
I think her Sun placement is the most obvious, speaking directly to the way she immediately regrets things she's said and done, waiting for other people to turn away so she could really feel the pain of it. I don't think she rushes into decisions, but like many Aries, she feels it's a weakness to show any kind of hesitation. It's an 'always forward' mentality, again, expressed through the way that she turns on Cousin Jack and tells him that she's keeping the fortune. Personally, I find that Aries influences share many similarities with Aquarius, so I don't believe there's much I can say here that differentiates the influence, but when it comes to having a 3H Sun, I think this shows the way she is truly trying to stay on everyone's [Aries Sun sextile Ascendant] 'good side', continuing to smile in their face hoping that they won't hate her for it. I think her 3H Sun shows in the way that she always motivates people to get right back out into the world, trying to stop them from being alienated completely, and it's an urgency that does end up working out for her daughters. Though they may have fumbled at every step, continuing to apply consistent pressure led to Lady Featherington having three married daughters, and three grandchildren by the end of the third season. In trying to differentiate her Sun from her Ascendant, it would be easier to what happens in her social life, the way that applying her chaos always seems to bring things together, at some point. In researching about her, I even saw an article that says 'Lady Featherington, not the true villain of Bridgerton?', and I was half surprised, because in my eyes I never looked at her as one. I agree completely that she makes decisions worth criticism, that she plays to her own selfishness and appears to care more about her reputation than anyone else, but being a monarch takes getting your hands dirty. Being a monarch of her family took the strength of Mars, not just physically, but mentally. Being the leader of her home, after realizing no man was good enough to be, meant sometimes becoming as evil as a man can be. I don't think that's something... that defines her character, but shows the range of it. The range of a mother who will do anything for her daughters.
(10H) Scorpio Moon-
This is one of those influences that is specific to its house placement, and I think a 10H Scorpio Moon in its entirety shows her understanding the value of keeping a secret, keeping quiet, and standing strong in the face of people who doubt you. In my opinion, I think her Moon is also present in the way... I think some people could question her turnaround, the way she 'realized' she was being mean to her daughters, but I do believe some part of that was completely honest. She, as a Scorpio Moon, resists admitting fault, but she instantly started correcting the way people spoke to Penelope after realizing she was wrong for enabling it. She may not be consistent herself, but she's strong on holding other people to changing. I think this Scorpio Moon also speaks to... it being her own daughter that brought on her downfall. Of course, we can reflect on the reasoning for Penelope slandering the Featherington name, but when we're talking about Astrological influences, her daughter was the one to drive the knife. Bringing it back to house placement, where was the knife driven? [10H] Into her reputation.
(2H) Pisces Mercury-
When it comes to her Mercury, I think a Pisces 2H placement would more be represented through her marriage, where, rather than obtaining money, she found herself bearing the debt and repercussions of everyone around her. Lord Featherington, Penelope, Cousin Jack, no matter how you may criticize her, she has always been abandoned and left to deal with a storm, completely alone. In a way, I could see her Mercury being why she's so well known to be a liar and thief, having people look past any good she's done to condemn her for the decisions she's made. This Mercury placement is why I've been open about her deserving some criticism, but it's also why [Mercury square Mars] I think it's important to lose perspective of her entire identity. I think her Pisces Mercury does also come out in the way she tries to be... maliciously honest with Penelope in the first seasons, trying to smack her back down to earth so she can focus on something more 'realistic'. Like I said before, even with all of her inconsistencies, even with all the lies she tells, she refuses to allow other people to lie, because she knows what it means to get completely lost. I think her chart is laid out in a way that is very hypocritical, but playing both sides works for her.
(1H) Aquarius Venus-
I think having her Venus in Aquarius contributes to much of what I was saying before, specifically about how, throughout the show, Lady Featherington never has the opportunity to rely on a man for support like everyone is taught to believe in. For all she can be criticized for, she already tried the methods that were taught to her. For any way you could criticize her decisions now, she wouldn't be at the head of these risks if she lived a safe life, supported by the people she was 'supposed to be'. This Venus is why I'm pretty lax when it comes to how hypocritical the influences can be in her chart, because personally, I do believe in her intentions. For as extreme as she may be toward them, I never doubted the love she has for her daughters. For as intense as she can be, I don't think she's unfit for love or marriage in any way. Aquarius can bring on extreme change, or identify someone held to adapting to extreme change, and I think she's done exactly that. I think learning more about her backstory would help us understand her more, I think we would see someone more gentle and almost naive, falling into believing every lie she's told until she realizes that won't work anymore. Her Aquarius Venus is why I have a respect for the person she's turned into, because still, her focus is not revenge. As I said before, she lies, but she doesn't take any more than she needs. As soon as she lost out on one dream, she was onto the next, which was trying to give her daughters the best chance at a future as she can.
(11H) Sagittarius Mars-
To close off with her Mars, I think this 11H Sagittarius rulership highlights the way... as I said before, as long as she continues applying pressure, something will happen. Good or bad, any movement at all gives her an opportunity to put her foot in, and she finds a way forward no matter what's against her. I think something that easily identifies this Mars placement is the way that a planned lie is what threatens her entire family. At every other step, she's making things up as she goes, reacting in the moment, but it's when she has time to plan a lie that it becomes too big, and too noticeable. As we see, she holds to the lie about her aunt leaving her money in a will, but the investigator [11H] is as dedicated, enough to explore the actual history of her family. I've refrained from calling her a 'good liar', but what else would you call the best skill of saleswoman? I think Lady Featherington [Sagittarius Mars sextile Venus] is someone who is skilled at employing illusion, selectively withholding information, feeding hints to lure people in another direction, and as far as she tried to run, she ended up in a room with Penelope. Staring at her while realizing that Lady Whistledown had become the same woman Lady Featherington shaped herself to be. Another reason I'd cast her as a Sagittarius Mars is specifically because I don't believe her story is done yet, that there is no hope for her or no dream to achieve past having grandchildren. I think someone so accustomed to working with intricate pieces will quickly get bored after realizing she achieved all she wanted.
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siderealmaven · 26 days
3rd house Venus = prolific writer
3rd house Mercury = prolific yapper
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bloodofasteria · 1 year
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3h synastry 🪽
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Also would like to know you take on Neptune (3 degrees) and Uranus (14 degrees ) both in the third house
3h signs, degrees, and planets: communication, sibling relationships, literature, hobbies, and more
i was sitting here like i guess we will answer this ask THEN I WAS LIKE FECK IT FULL SEND let's see if we can start another series!!!
planets in a house can tell you a great many things BUT if it does not resonate please remember the sign of the house, the degree, the aspects to the planet(s), the planet(s) being direct or retrograde, what house the house ruler is in, etc all of that plays a role in a chart. all of this is in my opinion. some of it you may be like how tf did she come up with this. my answer: intuition and experience with other people's charts that i have available to me. if you have question of why i think the way i do feel free to write me and ask - but again, i don't tolerate disrespectful tones or language so please be mindful.
warning: i can be harsh. please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
let's get to it.
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sun / leo (5°, 17°, 29°)
adaptability: these people adapt better than most - their ambitions make them search for the best way to grow and become the best person they can possibly be.
siblings: these people may have an older sibling who they can be very close to; there is a tendency to brag and be loyal to this sibling (idolizing). oftentimes, these people have their popularity paved for them by an older sibling in a school setting.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): these people tend to know how to ride a bike and they may even have a show-off energy in which they can do tricks or have a dream version of their ride. it is likely that at some point in life these people will own and drive an expensive or classic car. alternatively (or additionally), this could indicate an excellent runner or someone who runs for fun (because the sun is the heart and running is very much a cardio intensive activity).
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: their communication as well as their voice tends to be very authoritative and dignified. this person tends to be a great leader and often popular because of this. as a popular person, these people have all eyes on them thus are likely to experience some level of gossip or rumor circulation regarding them and their activities.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: they tend to be very organized which leads to them being very concentrated, eloquent, educated, etc.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: their hobbies tend to be more socially oriented. their ideas tend to come from a place of being in charge. they tend to read (and some even write) autobiographies and self-help/growth books and watch documentaries of a similar caliber (they probably watched blonde when it came out).
moon / cancer (4°, 16°, 28°)
adaptability: these people are darwinian by nature - they will survive anything and everything. i want this person with me when the apocalypse breaks out - they adapt to all circumstances quite well (so long as the moon is not poorly aspected, of course).
siblings: these people tend to have younger siblings and sometimes - stay with me - they may be brought up alongside a sibling's child. the moon respects babies and a "domestic" village (sometimes their neighbors are involved in their home life as well) - so these people tend to resonate with the phrase "it takes a village" likely because their home is an amalgamation of many generations and branches of their family (extend, adopted, chosen, etc). the main point is that they are often the eldest of the children in a family unit - they tend to help raise their siblings and maintain a household.
travel (airway, boat, automobile, bicycle, and running/walking): these people are typically not into airway travel, but they are boat/cruise people - they likely travel a lot by boat too. i know a few people with this placement that take a ferry to get where they are going. most people i know with this placement like to boat, kayak, canoe, fish, water-tube, jet-sky, or just swim in their free time. often these people have their own boat. these people are casual bike riders. they are the type to go on vacation then rent a bike or bring one with them to get around (instead of using a car). i would vote them most likely to use the phrase "it's just like riding a bike" due to their solid common sense as well.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: in the same vein, these people tend to be pretty decent at communicating their thoughts and feelings - they have a deep sense of consciousness regarding everything that occurs around them. due to their openness and great ability to be vulnerable, sometimes people can accuse them of being too sensitive, moody, or perhaps even crazy... often their voice is great at inflection. they may be decent at voice acting!
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: despite their sense of concentration and perception being rather keen, these people are often impressionable to the perceptions of those around them. these people very in educational setting (likely depends on the aspects of the moon) they could be homeschooled, the most popular, or the class outcast - though they are often close with their teacher at some point in time.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: these people are prone to hobbies like journaling, art, the occult, chess, and meditation. they tend to read (and some even write) psychological books and watch documentaries (they probably watched dahmer right when it released and will do the same with the next monster series) of a similar caliber. their handwriting tend to be bubbly by nature - some use cursive or calligraphy.
mercury / gemini (3°, 15°, 27°) / virgo (6°, 18°)
adaptability: like moon 3h people this placement has an incredible ability to adapt to any and all new circumstances. their brain is fabulously immune to overly fight or flight parasympathetic responses - they always appear to be calm and collected; often they give off an air of nonchalance.
siblings: these people are likely to have quite a few brothers - or to be a part of a heavily masculine dominated groups/hobbies (football, wrestling, nascar, golf, etc.).
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): these people are active travelers. to return to an earlier remark - nascar - they often own a fast car or drive extremely fast. they are probably the car enthusiast of the bunch (though aquarius/uranus people is next on the list). they do know how to bike; quite often though they are again more likely to use a "fast bike" - electric, moped, motorcycle, or dirt bike - something that has an engine in bike form *laughs*. these people are air or ground travels - they are most likely to get sick on a boat / experience sea sickness. they are often runners - sprinters - they probably did track when they were in school.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: often they have a nack for languages - they are polyglots. they can appear as though they are absentminded or forgetful, but, in reality, they are often the smartest or the most clever person in the room - they communicate accurately, articulately, and with plenty of detail. they often have hot takes and extreme opinions - funnily enough these people may talk eloquently and formally (as though they have the highest intelligence in the room), but they will be the first person to curse or state that education is a waste of time. otherwise, these people are incredible to have a conversation with (my academic advisor has this placement and she is probably the most intelligent person i have ever met). they are often gossips in that regard - they like to tell stories, very little gets in their way when doing so. their voice is often very clear, loud, and articulate. their diction perfectly captures their wit.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: they make incredible teachers, tutors, and students.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: they are again a part of a heavily masculine dominated group and hobbies (football, wrestling, nascar, golf, etc.). they tend to read copiously - they read anything they can get their hands on. they frequently read more than they watch in terms of movies/tv. these people often publish something - fiction, research, educational (like textbooks), journalism, memoirs, etc. they are natural storytellers. their writing is often small and neat - i have noticed often they only write in cursive or very tightly together - i believe it has to do with the speed of producing writing.
venus / taurus (2°, 14°, 26°) / libra (7°, 19°)
adaptability: these people are optimist - they are often the ones that manifest their way through things. with the power of love, hope, and positivity, they survive most everything. they adapt best in social settings - they are great at improv and adapting to the company around them.
siblings: these people often have younger siblings and commonly they have sisters. though they often have drama amongst one another.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): these are staycationers - i find that they often enjoy going to local spots like bed and breakfasts. but if not, they are going wherever the culture is the most readily available - they don't like to experience the tourist side of any place they go; they want to be with the locals! they travel by any means necessary to get there too. these people like to cutesify their car - they probably have crystals, a stuffed animal / riding buddy, car vent clips, etc.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: these people are natural actors/actresses, so it is difficult to say whether or not they are being genuine. they are often involved with some form of drama. other than that, they often are elegant and formal where communication is concerned. their charisma often makes them appear flirtatious!
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people are the type that rewrite their notes to be more aesthetic. they often have a high aptitude where the arts are concerned - they do best in the humanities (particularly english - these are the people who naturally understood shakespeare in school). these people are natural people watchers, they use the actions modeled before them for a later time (especially those who enjoy acting).
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: these people are artists by nature: they are thespians, dancers/ballerinas, painters, band members (often i see piano with this placement though), etc. some just have an immense collection of all things related to music. they love costumes, clothing in general, and cosmetics. these people sometimes are cheerleaders or they take part in another hobby/activities that is dominated by feminine individuals. they also are the type that do a lot of wine tasting when they are of an older age - they are the type that takes a trip to the vineyard. they love to read/watch/write dramas, erotica, romance, and foreign films.
mars / aries (1°, 13°, 25°) / scorpio (8°, 20°)
adaptability: these people have choices when it comes to what they will and won't change for. they can be ambitious enough to change with their surroundings and circumstances. but they can also be argumentative/obstinate and fight against the circumstance in which it could be easiest to simply let go.
siblings: if these people have siblings they are likely of the masculine variety and/or they likely argue with them a lot. it is likely that they make an initiative to connect with their sibling(s), but their sibling's personality and actions are the source of the strain in the relationship.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): these people are typically athletes so they generally do well with any travel in which their physicality is involved - canoeing, kayaking, biking, running, etc. when it comes to driving, they are aggressive and tend to speed. it is likely they drive something with a lot of horsepower or something that is well built: texas armoring mercedes benz g63 amp 6 x 6, paramount marauder, range rover sentinel, etc.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: it is highly likely that this is a person who knowingly starts drama within a group. their communication is tactful and often not much is said by accident - even when emotional, they say exactly what they mean. they can be characterized as abrasive and defensive when it comes to confrontation - they don't appreciate being instigated or antagonized. they wish to have the upper hand with social interactions - these people are often extroverts (it's giving entp).
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people can be very determined to do well, but they have to acknowledge that they do not know everything. oftentimes these are the people who are the least likely to ask for / admit they need/want help. they may have a passion to know a lot and to focus on tedious subjects. but they also must recognize that they shouldn't always act on impulse when answering things before the question is even done being read/asked. they wish to quickly move on to the next task which is commendable and often makes them very perceptive of the world around them. this person is likely very good in the subject area of history.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: these people are sporty; their hobbies often have to do with movement and athleticism, but they could also be interested in the source of their energy - food. these people can be foodies and love cooking/baking in their free time. they may not be writers by trade but they do know how to express their passion for something/someone when writing. as for their taste in literature and movies, of course they love a good action film or war documentary, but i know they have a soft spot for romances as well.
jupiter / sagittarius (9°, 21°) / pisces (12°, 24°)
adaptability: these people are the best at adapting - "they will survive the apocalypse" level of adaptability. their high levels of sociability lead them to having a high understanding/perception of social cues making them the OG glue of any group - they pick up on stress/tension in a group and work to quickly squash it. they're willingness to listen to other also benefits their ability to adapt as they tend to gain wisdom from paying attention to their surroundings as well as those around them.
siblings: it is very likely that these people have a bunch of siblings - and they are often extremely close to one another because they value one another's presence. some tend to be the black sheep of their siblings as they seek to be incharge of the bond or to expand beyond the confines of household expectations of family dynamics. oftentimes these people have non-blood siblings; they choose their own family as they seek to go beyond the limitations of shared DNA.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): accomplished. just accomplished. these people love all of it. they love to win - they will race you, be it biking, walking, running, kayaking, canoeing, etc. they will do whatever it takes to win and to go as far as possible in the quickest amount of time. they also seek to travel anywhere they have the opportunity to go. they are most likely to travel where the knowledge is (this leaves like a european traveler - show me the roman colosseum) - chances are they will commute daily to a learning institution over dorming or they might take part in a study abroad program. they generally value all new experiences in which they can see and learn new things. these people are also likely to own multiple cars and possibly their "dream car" at some point in life.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: they will talk a lot; there is no doubts about it. they could win an award for being the most social in any group of people. they might even be part (or were a part) of a debate team in high school. when it comes to gossip and rumors, they will find they are frequently apologizing because they do say too much and it does get them in trouble. other then that, these people are quite kind - they make great counselors and excellent judges. they are quality individuals who have high-morality and a honest nature. these people are probably the grammar police and "politically-correct" cops as well.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people tend to have a killer concentration - "thread through the eye of a needle on their first attempt" type of concentration/skill. they see the small details and most every situation - they tend to be super perceptive. in an educational setting, they accomplish and achieve in multiple areas of study. they tend to have many advisors who wish to aid them on their path to the next stages of education - they are almost always encouraged to continue pursuing education. they are made to be a teacher's pet and put forth very little effort doing so because they naturally pick up on due dates - they do all the reading, answer all the hard questions, etc. they love to learn and take to education very well.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: is there a hobby they don't have? they pick up so many things with ease that it is hard to keep track of what is holding their interest at the moment. they are blessed to have a conceptual mind that tends to simply look at how something is done then they can reproduce it. constantly though they are bound to literature - this is the best method for them to gain knowledge and experience: "readers live thousands of lives" they say. these people are the type to read and write about noble characters - they will read epics: arthurian legends, beowulf, etc. they love a good adventure plot and they love morality tales. it is likely these people will publish whatever it is that they write at some point in life.
saturn / capricorn (10°, 22°) / aquarius (11°, 23°)
adaptability: these people are likely apprehensive when it comes to change in any situation - they tend to be very rigid. they face a lot of discomfort when they have an event played out in their minds only to find that goes in a different direction - often this presents itself as social anxiety. they seek patterns and thus struggle when it comes to situations/relationships that require some adaptability in location or socialization.
siblings: oftentimes these people are only-children - they have no siblings. they don't mind solitude, but, as they age and see that their parents eventibly age and pass away, they find themselves lonely and wishing they had a sibling. alternatively, these people can experience step-sibling(s) via their father, and they typically do not get along with them.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): they are probably not the most adept at travel and transportation. they might not know how to ride a bike or they could get their drivers license later in life compared to their peers. travel could make them anxious - they could be worried about germs, whether they have everything, going somewhere alone, not knowing a new place, etc. speaking of not knowing - do not give these people the task of giving directions to the driver... they aren't the type of people to step outside of their comfort-zones - they likely see all the negatives/morbidity associated with a travel method. for example, they know where in the plane to sit so if it is to go down, they have a higher rate of survival... statistically.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: these people are highly introverted - they aren't likely to have a group. they often feel lonely in terms of those around them - they could be surrounded by others yet feel lonely. often they do not give others a chance and instead seek solitude. they say very little when communicating with others (they likely use a lot of abbreviations when texting or just "react" to the message *thumbs up* *emoji*) which makes everyone in want for more; those around them tend to listen very carefully when they speak knowing how rare it is when they communicate thoughts and opinions. there speaking manor has two options - bored, calm, and apathetic OR nervous/stuttery. overall others can tell these people have a concise, fact-of-the-matter, pessimist method of speech. often they have a tenors pitch. they aren't the type to start gossip or rumors, but they are the type to hear it all.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people commonly have a learning disability often regarding an auditory function: CAPD/APD, ADHD, misophonia, etc. this causes/caused them a great deal of trouble when it comes (came) to learning. their conscientiousness is not faulty though - they wish to do as well as they possibly can. also their perception tends to be all over the place noticing everything or being hyper focused on a single object and it's details.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: these people seek therapeutic solitude hobbies - pottery, pattern/monotonous activities (crochet/knitting), tv, etc. they don't typically enjoy reading though they do enjoy plot lines (book, movie, and/or tv) that are like "exposure therapy" - they like horror despite their anxiety and hunger for calm. they also enjoy tragedies; they are likely to enjoy stories that do not end in a "happily ever after".
uranus / aquarius (11°, 23°)
adaptability: these people don't care about blending in or adapting based on their environment. they enjoy being different and appearing apart from the world around them. they do take well to different atmospheres though - it is mostly an obstinatance thing that stops them from adapting/blending.
siblings: agape - brotherly love, bromances. these people tend to get along with the sibling(s) they have. it is likely that they have brothers. or they may have "adoptive" siblings like being in a fraternity, they could be adopted, have an adopted sibling, etc.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): they travel in peculiar ways and via non-mainstream vehicles. they are the type to use one of those recumbent bikes or to drive an old orange truck (*eyes bella swan*). they could also be very into engineering/mechanics and how things work together to cause motion. they probably know all sorts of car, train, and/or bike facts. speaking of and returning to a previous thought - these people likely travel, more often than not, via non-mainstream vehicles - they could be a pilot or frequent flier, take the train, a ferry, etc. more than they drive a car.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: they almost always come off as aloof in conversation. often they are animated talkers they have a lot of facial reactions and could abruptly change the trajectory of the conversation. SARCASM - these people are extremely sarcastic, they have a true gift for witticisms. gossip and rumors are something these people toe the line with - they tend to manipulate the situation in favor of who they care about most. though oftentimes, they stay out of it, instead they mentally record what gossip and rumors they hear and sometimes they seek the truth of what was said.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people can seem likely they aren't paying attention at all but they totally are. when it comes to education they love science and math. they are/were likely part of a ton of clubs when they were in school - art club, tv/film, hunting club, environmental/sustainability, LGBTQIA+, band, etc. they wanted all their bases covered in terms of expose to different experiences. their teachers likely always appreciated their thoughts and written assignments from their originality.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: they will watch, read, write, and do anything. they tend to be outgoing like that. they adore anything that has to do with paranormal, sci-fi, or animation. but i know they also enjoy a romance every once in awhile. these people are probably youtube junkies; they love diy video. they also are likely in to astrology.
neptune / pisces (12°, 24°)
adaptability: they generally aren't the most pliable when it comes to adaptability, instead they are the most likely to have others adapt to their will. they have the power of persuasion on their side and can easily coax others into changing for them.
siblings: these people, if they have siblings, tend to have a love-hate relationship with them. they tend to be prone to having close vulnerable relationships with their sibling(s) then at some point they may feel betrayed by them, thus their emotions toward their siblings tend to fluctuate.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): swimming - these people love their water ways. it is likely they were involved in some sort of water sport growing up be it water polo, rowing, or swim team. i know a few people who had this placement who also briefly did ballet for a period of time. the world of movement is via whatever flows - typically that is the waterways. they might have a yacht at some point in life or do travel that involves boating for a period of time.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: ugh the drama! this placement knows it all, but sometimes their confusion becomes everyone else's confusion. sometimes they are half paying attention and something gets "lost on the wind" so to say and they run with a half-truth because that's "what they heard". it is often that they are feeling as though they are being betrayed or they are consciously betraying others (i know some who have made fake social media accounts to "draw people in") - it is a very fine line that they walk when it comes to "protecting" themselves and others. their voice reminds me of a flute? it airy and soft - if that makes sense?
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people aren't the best at remaining focused. they can be very absentminded - many doodle while they listen to what is being said. however, they are incredible intelligent individuals especially where art and literature are concerned. their mind tends to work in a fantastical manner.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: they have artsy ambitions and hobbies that allow them to express how they see the world (which is extremely different from the rest of us). some can compose music, many play a stringed instrument, a lot dance, many paint or draw, and some are writers of the highest skill. often their art and media of interest is aesthetically pleasing - they enjoy fairies, fantasy, mythology, pirates, poetry, and/or romance
pluto / scorpio (8°, 20°)
adaptability: these people are so used to change they are unbelievable adaptable - you know how they say that the cockroach will be crawling the earth long after it ends? that's these people - call you kafkaesque in that regard (offended? google it, gregor samsa, it is a compliment. you'll outlast us all). these people are super resilient; they have my envy. they give me lisa mcvey vibes in that regard - they can survive even the darkest of situations.
siblings: if this placement has a sibling, they are either fiercely loyal to them, or they despise them. there doesn't tend to be an in-between from my experiences. they tend to torment one another as well be it out of affection or to annoy them out of spite.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): if these people have not been in a subway/tram/train they need to. i swear these are the people that enjoy daily life on the subway, the L, the tram, the train - whatever you wish to call it. they may have a passion for cars and may have rebuilt a car or they think about doing so - this pursuit typically goes well for these people because they see the potential life in disregarded bikes or cars or whatever it is that they are revamping to help themselves get around.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: an enigma they know so much but are like a vault; they don't give up information without an exchange of something (typically a secret - gotta have the receipts and potential blackmail if there is a leak). sometimes when they talk they come across as blasé, contemptuous, degrading, and/or sultry. there is something menacing about them in conversation that makes them feel like they know everything - which is nice in some regards because they do tend to have incredible advice. they are incredible liars though - they can convince you that they are speaking a universal truth very easily.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people are very perceptive they pick up on a ton of details that get skipped over by others. they aren't really interested in the traditional landscape of education - they have a deconstructist philosophy toward it and believe that it teaches uniformity over skill/knowledge. they could be a "menace" in their teachers eyes. they are nihilists or anarchists through and through.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: a lot of these people were up to shady things growing up from my experience. they did a lot of "under the table" and "above the law" type of "work." their genre of choice is typically horror, satire, and/or smut. they love psychological documentaries - they love the gritty elements of this world and seeing that not all people are good. they also love witchcraft. they are likely to write under a pseudonym if they do write.
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charnellecatastrophe · 5 months
I encourage all of Saturn's children to read this. Whew. Thank you Richard Pellard 🪐
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kakiastro · 11 months
Short Astrology post : How do you communicate?
*Not my photo, found it on google
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Hey yall! I’m back with another post that’s going to help you better understand your communication skills better.
This topic came to me because I had a friend who always wondered why people say he comes off aggressive when he talks even though he’s not upset or anything, he just sounds mean as hell 😅. He let me look at his chart and long behold he has Mercury Square Mars and Moon 😂 I told him that his passion for certain topics comes off as angry, once he calms his emotions down and speak in a more direct way, people won’t have that aggressive or mean perception of him.
So how do you communicate? Ask those around you how do you come across when you talk to them, we tend not to notice how we sound ourselves than what people perceive of us. However, you can use your astrology chart to better your communication skills even if you’re good at, theres always room for improvement.
Here’s How:
1. Mercury Sign + Degree + House + aspects to Mercury
-Mercury in astrology rules over all communication, it’s how we voice our thoughts and opinions to people. The sign it’s in is the traits we show while we are talking. The degree is like the influence of the sign and the house is where you may see a lot of those house topics are discussed either by you or other people in your life. The aspects influence how you come across to others.
For example: I have Mercury Capricorn + 6h + 3° and I have a few aspects but my main one is Mercury conj Venus.
Put it all together: if you been following or gotten a reading from me than you know I’m direct with how I communicate lol I don’t Bs you, I try to keep it real with y’all. The 6h rules over teaching and routines and teach y’all about astrology almost daily on here, when I’m not being active on here, I’m playing with my dog or reading and writing which is very 6h energy lol. I’ve been told I’m an amazing writer and I do write stories and poems.
-if your Mercury is Retrograded then that means your communication skills will get better as you get older. Rx means your thoughts are all over the place, you may be misunderstood and misunderstand others. It may take you longer to process information for you to understand and no this doesn’t mean you’re stupid, it’s just how you’re wired. The key is to take your time soaking everything in before you communicate your thoughts. If someone ask you a question, it’s okay to say “give me a moment to answer that.” Take your time processing what’s been asked and gather your words correctly. If you rush, then you can end up saying something you’ll regret or your point won’t come across as clear.
For example: I have Mercury Rx and the amount of spelling errors I make when I type, now matter how many times I reread , I don’t notice it until after I post it then I have to re-edit my post and stress out😩😅
- also another thing, if you have Mercury rx, then you have a way with words even if you don’t realize it, people will remember what you say because it’s so different and unique.
2. Your 3h
-the sign and planets (if you have any) influence your communication because Mercury rules the 3h.
For example: I have a Virgo 3h and as you can see I’m wordy as hell lol, I break it down to you lol
3. The house Gemini rules + if you have any Gemini placements + Gemini degrees you have.
-Mercury rules over Gemini. Gemini rules over all communication in astrology. The house Gemini rules is what you like to talk about, what others seem to talk about.
For example: I have a Gemini 12h. Having a Mercury rx with this placement is a mess. Everyone communicate like the mad hatter too me, hell including me, what did I or you just say 2 minutes ago, whatever😂 the good news is that I’ve channeled this energy with being a better writer lolol
So how do you all communicate?
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das6 · 2 years
12h mercury - loss of speech, symbolic dream, 3h pluto- discerning, agent of ghosts
if you have the placements:
-mercury in the 12th house
-pluto in 3rd house
do you struggle with communicating, especially forming verbal words? the frustration sometimes to just get my words out is unreal. writing things down is easier, but still i have a long ways to go as for my communication blockages .
after a time in my life where i was extremely social, interacting with hundreds of people, my mercury really showed me how draining others presences can be, meeting tons of people every day, constant performance-based conversations, all the energies, emotions, reflections of other people, noticing lots of things people don't see, the fall showed me forcing myself to match other peoples energy levels would never work out well, 12h mercury need to maintain its own pace and expression.
it can be used positively with meditative practice, with writing and non-verbal expression.
12h mercury feels like the mind needs extra rest to recharge. this mercury needs meditation .it needs to materialize expression because it cannot verbalize its thoughts. these are messages from the 12th house after all. 12h placements are prone to influence of energy for sure, manipulation to naivety, think of cults. this mercury didn't download all of the software lol . sometimes it cannot tell even if it is its own mind. the psyche stretches out like infinite minecraft world .
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mercury in 12h combined with pluto 3h also feels like i frequently run into corrupt, shady peoples. especially in religious places like temples, in political scenes, people doing backwards shit. i often caught people in their malicious acts, in lies also. rip
this combination is looking in the dark room with no light switch. the lama passed through home lands long ago to key in the alphabets; the languages of ghosts. like still black water in the upside down. its a tongue-tied situation; a detective of spirits. the prying hands in the dark, gripping, searching for something to flip. it is unable to look away.
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etherealsworldvision · 3 months
Me (left) and my 3H Mercury (right) every time I have a thought
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It’s a struggle….
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novy2sirius · 16 days
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VENUS HOUSE CORE ©novy2sirius
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🝮 more core posts: moon core // mercury core
🝮 trigger warning: s3x (only for 18+), venus in 5h men, stalkers/stalking
🝮 take these with a grain of salt since the entire chart matters. this isn’t a super serious post. it’s meant more so for entertainment
🝮 these are random things i’ve noticed these people seem to relate to and specific experiences i’ve seen multiple of them have before
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𐚁 venus in the 1h
being told your whole life that you should be a model, being direct when you like someone/not being able to hide it, a main focal point in your life being romance, being a beauty symbol, being weirdly turned on when your crush gets mad at you, loving really passionately, enjoying being alone or just doing things on your own/being independent
𐚁 venus in the 2h
wanting to spend all your money on your bf/gf/theyf/themf, being a gold digger or coincidentally only falling for people that are wealthy, being a talented singer, being a fashion icon, having strong self worth, having good values, being a chronic shopper, being an extremely determined person, dating people who have strong self worth
𐚁 venus in the 3h
being extremely charming, being told you have a “flirty personality”, dating people you met on social media/a dating app, having a pretty/cute voice, having a crush on your neighbors as a kid, people always calling your siblings hot, loving poetry, being the only person you know who actually enjoys school, loving romantic novels, being a good communicator, wanting for there to be fairness in arguments, having a nice car, having a crush on your uber driver
𐚁 venus in the 4h
your mood being dependent on how good you look, not enjoying s3x unless there’s an emotional connection formed between you and the person prior, finding out that someone had a crush on you for years after they stop having a crush on you because they waited too damn late to tell you, your inner child coming out around your partner, people crushing on your mom, people being jealous of your family, people being jealous of your house, having a baby/childlike voice
𐚁 venus in the 5h
having really pretty hair and being complimented all the time on your hair, weirdly enjoying risk-taking activities, having similar hobbies to your lovers, your child-like spirit coming out around your lover, having flings and then ending up dating them, having beautiful children, being the life of the party, being really creative, BEING A GOD DAMN PLAYER.. sorry the men that have this always fuck me over apologies ✨
𐚁 venus in the 6h
getting the ick from guys/girls/thems easily, being super picky about who you date, one of your dealbreakers in relationships being not showering every day, falling in love with your coworkers, loving animals more than humans, acts of service being your love language, being really good at giving advice, judging others but only to help them improve because you love them
𐚁 venus in the 7h
being conventionally attractive, your best friend fucking your bf/gf/theyf/themf, people always thinking you have a crush on them/someone else when you very obviously don’t, having really pretty hair and being complimented all the time on your hair, enemies acting like they hate you but secretly being in love with you, having jealous partners, being extremely charming
𐚁 venus in the 8h
being told “you’re so shy omg” when you’re literally just existing, people always thinking you have a crush on them/someone else when you very obviously don’t, always falling for the “bad boys/girls/thems”, being stalked by your ex, dating/marrying rich people, finding out that someone had a crush on you for years after they stop having a crush on you because they waited too damn late to tell you, having a seductive aura, being obsessed with romance
𐚁 venus in the 9h
having a bunch of long distance relationships, having a crush on a bunch of people that live far away from you, finding people outside of your culture more attractive, forming beliefs based on your lovers/crushes opinions, changing your beliefs based on the people you admire, loving astrology, loving spirituality, having a crush on tv characters more than people you actually have met in real life
𐚁 venus in the 10h
being known for your beauty or the people you date, dating/marrying successful people, your career involving things you love or the arts, falling in love with your bosses or coworkers, only crushing on famous people, being admired by the public, everyone having a crush on your dad, leaving behind a beautiful legacy after passing
𐚁 venus in the 11h
having a crush on the weirdest people, not being able to enjoy a show as much unless it has a ship (cute couple) in it, finding people outside of your own race more attractive, people wishing they looked like you, dating your best friend, dating people you met online, having a lot of attractive friends, having a lot of jealous friends, marrying wealth, being a chronic online shopper, being good at social networking
𐚁 venus in the 12h
being able to hide that you have a crush on someone really well, being ghosted after talking to someone for months, having to file a restraining order against your ex, being told “you’re so shy omg” when you’re literally just existing, not being able to enjoy a show as much unless it has a ship (cute couple) in it, finding out that someone had a crush on you for years after they stop having a crush on you because they waited too damn late to tell you, having an addiction to being in love, loving spirituality, having a crush on animated characters on tv more than people you actually know that are human
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