#Mercury retrograde 3H
libra-stellium · 1 year
Mercury Rx in Taurus…in my 3H…I lost my voice 😫
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astropookie · 11 months
astro thoughts pt blablabla 🫴🏼
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Leo mercury + 6H, she’s a perfectionist and has such a creative, intelligent and confident mind. she’s PRACTICAL and knows her worth -describing a friend-.
Uranus/Neptune retrograde could mean struggle to exit a toxic group, “friends”.
Mercury retrograde not necessarily represents obvious or visible problems/conditions with speaking, stutter or dyslexia, etc. I’ve noticed they could seem rude, too direct, not diplomatic, they could have difficulties explaining themselves. they could generalize often or they don’t ask about certain things bc they’re ashamed.
when your mars is in their 2H you feel so comfortable with them. in other words, the other day I hooked up with the person I share this synastry and I felt incredibly comfortable, seeing each others naked and don’t feel ashamed or judged. idk it’s funny to me, I’ve never felt that way -casual situation-, like I could even fart and he won’t even judge. too explicit I’m sorry 😭. I’m gonna stop with the mars 2H synastry
I’ve read a lot of comments about black moon in lilith 7H that says they could be part of a 3rd party or be “the other women”. I have that placement in my natal chart and already a couple of times my friends who end up a 2 year relationship propose me to be their sneaky link. also, it could mean that the girlfriends/ boyfriends/partners of your friends could be jealous of you, the Lilith 7H person.
9H stellium in solar return signifies improvement, learning, to expand your horizons, to start a new period of high/education/learning.
in this whole period of time I’ve learned about my needs and how to communicate them (Chiron 3H in solar return): for example, I’ve seen people and I wanted something casual but didn’t know how to make myself understood. I didn’t even know what I wanted, so I’ve learned it during this period. It doesn’t count only in situationship stuff, it’s an example.
Uranus 4H in Solar Return: yes, it doesn’t mean you’ll end up moving to another country. I’ve seen a CHANGE in my family dynamic. believe me, if my “me” from one year ago observes my family dynamic now, she would be SHOCKED.
Solar return mars conjunct Part of Fortune: yes, I’ve been 🤓📚🫦
Solar moon square uranus: I was a good girl all that time 🥰 I was suffering, struggling so hard so things will be in order, pretty and diplomatic… My feelings and ideas didn’t match what I usually used to do: do whatever I want (uranus ruled). I wanted but my subconscious was telling me to keep calm so all the trust or time i gave to build that environment won’t be wasted. then, unintentionally, I broke that diplomatic environment after my birthday. it felt really good, like it was me again😩
natal saturn 1H why so conservative and traditional? I’m not affirming is a bad thing but this placement often behaves exaggeratedly, too disciplined/formal. they could be too focused on what should be and how things should work instead of appreciating the whole situation. they could end up judging others too much, evidencing the amount of criticism they have on themselves.
pluto 9H not everything has to do with politics. -yes and no, it’s debatable-. my point is, relax, sometimes life it’s not how you wanted to be. let things be🧘‍♀️
Lilith (mean) 5H you were the experiment of your parents, don’t you?
Node trine Jupiter tells me you can overcome challenges in your life even if you have a lot of chiron aspects in your natal chart 😭 idk if it’s understandable. What I mean is that the universe has your back, this aspect goes through deep experiences that have the previous mentioned effects on them.
Ascendant - Mercury aspects: job that has to do with communication 🤪 too obvious but I’ve noticed. lawyer, publicity, etc.
sun opposition sun synastry: opposites attracts.
pluto opposition juno natal tells me you have to work first on yourself to enter a relationship, to solve those control issues. also meaning that if you didn’t work on yourself, you could have being the one directing the relationship.
❀ Based on personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings
❀ English is not my first language
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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triangular-eye · 5 months
[ 4 ] astrology observations 💚🧩🍀
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- virgo risings benefit more from not being in charge as they like to follow things
- jupiter 1st house natives feel suppressed by rules/regulations/common following of philosophies
- uranus rebels to the following of ideals, jupiter rebels to the said ideals
- new best friends come in during the zodiac representing the 7th house (ex: aquarius rising: in leo season)
- venus conjunct lilith causes the native to be unable to differentiate between love & lust.
- people in your life fall in your house where their rising sign is (ex: an aquarius rising would fall into the 5th house of a libra rising & inspire/deplete their creativity or affect their children).
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- libra risings & late virgo risings (15° onwards) live by organising & decluttering their psyche (because virgo 12h)
- natives with uranus retrograde in their chart long for the acceptance of change but get horrified & run away from it the moment it manifests.
- natives with sun opposite moon feel afflicted when faced their own character; am i too emotional or too logical? which side of me is the real one?
- the 12th house rules over our memories, not short term everyday ones that is mercury/3H; but in depth memories or visual/photographic ones.
- the sign ruling your 12th house shows how you can interpret your rem dreams: virgo 12H by organising the details of the dreams, aquarius 12H by finding what to innovate in your life through the dreams, sagittarius 12H by gathering a philosophical perspective like what is the lesson i am teaching myself through my unconscious?
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ms-taurusvenus · 2 years
Moon Observations - Part 2
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Moon-NN must learn to feel and express their emotions in this lifetime in order to fulfil their destiny. 
Aquarius Moons are particularly inspired and creative at night.
Writing and talking to friends/communicating with others is often the best coping mechanisms for 3H Moon.
Leo Moons frequently take pride in their relationship with their mothers.
Scorpio Moons have a good eye for things and enjoy having an aesthetic, they're just chilling with their RBF and minding their own business, in their own world while looking at a Piinterest board on their aesthetic 
Moon-Saturn aspects may be taught how to express their emotions properly. They are also quite sensitive but come across as cold because they are unsure how to properly express their emotions.
5H Moons can be very connected to their inner child and suffer from baby fever. 
Virgo Moons may tend to be very wise and witty.
Negative Moon-Mercury aspects are often cautious about what they say and can easily become overwhelmed when discussing certain topics. Particularly if Mercury is in retrograde.
The appearance of Air Moons eyes tend to be very playful 
If you wanna be taken care of like no other, get yourself a Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Leo Moon. This applies to placements in these signs as well.
Those with Moon-MC aspects either don't like people knowing their emotions and want the. to concentrate on their career, or they aren't afraid of being vulnerable. They are often very protective and private about their family, as well as protective of their family that others are aware of
Taurus Moons are fond of fluffy blankets and stuffed animals. 
1H Moons struggle with expressing their emotions; many are afraid that someone will see them and associate their emotions with their identity.
If you want a chaotic neutral ride or die friend, become close/best friends with a Gemini Moon because often times the moment they feel comfortable doing things and expressing themselves with you, talking about anything and everything including how they feel and their emotions, you got a ride or die friend.
Aries Moons are known to move in silence when they are passionate about something. Because of this, they enjoy surprising people and exceeding others expectations.
Pisces Moons prefer to sleep or daydream in order to cope with their emotions.
Libra Moons/7H Moons/Cancer Moons/4H Moons enjoy both taking care of others and being taken care of.
Those with Moon-Mars aspects' emotions frequently influence their actions.
Sagittarius Moons can sometimes be petty.
2H Moons frequently enjoy taking a nice bath or going shopping when they are feeling down. They also have a lot of insecurities when it comes to how they treat themselves, depending on how the Moon is aspected. 
People typically adore Libra Moons.
When they aren't feeling well or someone messes up their schedule and routine, 6H Moons may become upset and have their mood ruined.
Capricorn Moons find comfort and happiness when they are rewarded for their success; when they are down, they often look back at their past successes and achievements and strive to work harder, even though they already give 110% in everything they do.
A lot of 9H Moons like to look at real estate from different countries and imagine themselves living in that country, in that home they've looked at and want/apples to them the most whenever they're bored.
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degreedummy · 29 days
Looking at Lukola's Synastry and Current Transits-
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Venus transiting N’s 3H, L’s 7H In [a week], Venus opposes N’s Mars, L’s Venus-
1. To start off, this is a transit that signals appreciation, going out of their way to give each other credit for how hardworking they each are. On N’s side, I think we see someone who is feeling a bit lost, trying to find a way to [Venus-Mars] shift peoples’ focus, and this more shows her needing that emotional support, being reminded that her work is valuable and meaningful to people.  
On L’s side, I think we see a [friend] reaching out, someone who knows N enough to know when she isn’t acting like herself. I don’t think this transit will be too emotional, but I think it’ll show the way… two people are able to ground each other. The opposition to N’s Mars takes place before the opposition to L’s Venus, so it’ll be more like someone softly coming in behind the storm to help clean up the mess. I wouldn’t take it as a sign of how deep his feelings are, but that he still cares.
2. After these oppositions, Venus will be transiting L’s 4H, N’s 8H. In Libra, I think this influence simply shows the way how… in September, they will be in a position of relying on each other again, reconnecting and sharing themselves. I wouldn’t take this transit as anything too significant, but as an acknowledgment of a known pattern in their lives. The 4H represents ‘where we feel at home’, the 8H represents ‘who we trust the most’, so I think this shows them being happy to be back together.
3. In L’s 4H, this will mean that Venus passes her retrograde Jupiter, square N’s Sun and Mercury, and I think there’s two big options here: 1) L speaks out for N, saying she isn't open to conversation 2) they make an agreement not to talk at all about what goes between them.
I think Venus is granting them the privacy they’ve been wanting for so long, not really creating the chance for ‘secret love’, but giving them the chance to show love without outsiders trying to make it more than what it is. Just based of Venus’ transits, I think things are still moving slow, but more importantly, it shows how their relationship has remained unaffected by outside factors. The trust they have can’t be broken by anyone outside of them.
Mercury retrograde in L’s 2H, N’s 7H Goes direct while in conjunction to L’s Chiron [3 days~] Enters an inconjunction with N’s Neptune [one week]
On L’s side, I think for weeks we’ve been seeing him slowly release insecurity, not being too loud, but standing strong in everything he does. I think this was a reflective period for him more than anything, only frustrated by people misunderstanding him. Going direct, I think Mercury is going to put that newfound confidence to action, and connecting themes to his real life, I think we’ll see this through his performance in the next season. I think he’ll go into it feeling beautiful, free of comparing himself to anyone.
In a [month and a half], [mid-October], Venus will enter L’s 10H, N’s 5H, and I think this could be represented in them celebrating some kind of achievement together, or award. It’s more ‘recognition of someone’s work, acknowledging their legacy’.
This will also take place after L’s exact Mars return, so I think… this will be his true chance to break away from his past. I don’t want to promise anything or anyone specific of course, but I think facing his past, being credited for his work, working toward more for the future, and having people show support will allow him to feel like he can take the [next step], whatever he feels that may be for him. I don’t know how this would conflict with filming, but this is a time for individuality.
On N’s side, this slowly developing inconjunction to her Neptune shows me someone who is trying to lock down, [isolate], [6/11H] cutting herself off from social circles to protect her work life, which I think is also natural for [show filming].
More than that, I think this Mercury inconjunction is a time to be wary about anyone who claims to be speaking for her, claiming to know how she thinks or feels, or people claiming to know personal information about her. If anything comes up, I think it’ll be obvious that this person has no connection to her, based on how inaccurate they are from the beginning, but I think this does show someone trying to take advantage of her attempts to lock down and stay quiet.
In [two months], [October], Mercury will eventually enter a trine with N’s 1H Jupiter,  which (I believe) agrees with what I said before in her natal transits, with how she’s planning to reach out to her fans more.
With this continued theme, I think it’s important for her fans to consider… how much space a person needs to feel safe talking in front of people. If everything she says gets swept up, flipped and turned against her by the end of the day, what reason does she have to come back or try to open up again? I think it’s just a time to consider… if we can contribute in some way, it would be by enforcing that people respect and listen to what she says.
If she doesn’t want to share her life in some way, she won’t. Not because she’s hiding anything, but because communicating with her audience demands different boundaries, especially as her fame rises and she’s introduced to new audiences.
In all, I think these next few months are about friends rekindling a love for each other, showing that nothing can break them apart. I know we hope for signs of a relationship, but I think this affirms what we've always said about things moving slowly, showing stability. I still take these transits as a good sign, them finding some kind of privacy and peace, but I think it is on us to maintain that distance, respecting their need for it. I think there are conversations they keep between them, and this is the time they'll be explored.
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youmeandthestarsss · 4 months
Solar return observations pt. 2 (Based on my personal experiences)
I got my first laptop when I had Uranus conjunct the north node in the 2nd house in SR. It was really unexpected (Uranus) because I went to the store with my mom just to see it in person and we ended up buying it just because
When I had Mars retrograde in my SRC I was VERY LAZY!! In whole signs it was also in my 4th house which added to its debilitation and caused me to not get a lot of things done on time or with efficiency. My body always felt tired and I literally had no motivation to do anything. The simplest task felt like a prison sentence. I would also add that this placement caused me to be late to places a lot.
Speaking of, at the time Jupiter was in Aries in my src, with mars being rx and my Jupiter being ruled my mars, I can say that I was very out of touch my my spirituality that year. The year before I was a sag rising and I was very in tuned with meditation, tarot, learning a new language, and esp astro. But when I had this placement I had zero motivation to practice any of those things. So just know if u have a planet rx in ur chart and another planet being ruled by that same planet, you may experience some lack in regards to what the planet symbolizes
And lastly, Mars conjunct Moon in Gemini in the 3rd house (placidus) & 4th house(whole sign): I gotta say that having this placement was very strong. I felt it on a macro level. One of the main things I had going on with this placement is the inability to stop thinking. I was always very stuck In my head and felt incapable to stop. I was always trying to find the solution to the wrong things too. Having this placement made me reflect a lot and want to understand the deeper meanings behind things. also, lots of verbal arguments with siblings(mars in 3h) and parental figures (mars in 4h)
The year I had Libra Rising in my SRC was the year I practiced and wore makeup like every single day. I also would say that I did get a mini glow up from having this
The year I had a Sagittarius Rising was the year I attempted to learn my ethnicity’s language!!
The year I had a Cancer Rising was the year me and my family started looking for new homes!!
I developed social anxiety the year I had Mercury in the 12th house. Not saying you’ll develop or struggle with a mental illness the year you have this placement but it’s possible
Neptune in the 6th house 🤝 excessively daydreaming on a daily basis
Moon in the 12th house and I was very closed off that year. I especially felt very depressed thinking about the past and my life circumstances. I felt the need to isolate and hide myself and also daydream a lot to get away from it all which makes sense bc 12h rules escapism
Lunar return placements:
Rising sign at 26°: I was very materialistic this month and spent lots of money on food and items
Uranus in the 5th house: I developed a little crush on someone online but it was fleeting
Mars in the 4h: I was literally stuck in bed every single day
Taurus stellium in my 5th house: Definitely contributed to my lack of energy this month. And also just wanting to chill and watch tv all day long. It’s also increased my desire to cook
Taurus stellium containing sun and Venus: I feel like this is the reason behind why I was receiving so many compliments this month. Everyone was calling me pretty and said they liked my new things
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saturns7moon · 4 months
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hihi everybodyyyyy, astro observations p2, let’s gooo 😋.
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personally!!! i’ve seen that a lot of venusian influence within a family can show instances of having health issues linked back to sweet foods. like for example, my taurus mother is a pre-diabetic, and she’s told me that it generally runs throughout our family. i don’t have diabetes but i’ve noticed how me and my siblings have a really bad sweet tooth. eating too many sweets makes my (7H taurus moon and mars, sidereal libra sun and rising) tooth ache, the youngest (taurus rising, sidereal pisces stellium) has been scolded a lot for eating way too much sugar as well. same as i, lol.
now question for my fellow taurus placements. how do u feel about cooking? are you good at it?
i’m crying, right after i wrote this, i was scrolling on tiktok and there’s this video of this woman, meg deangelis, who says that one thing that she can never understand is when people say they can’t cook, and she’s basically saying how it baffles her. i had an inkling, so i searched up her chart and she’s a taurus sun and aries venus 😭. taurus people are commonly stereotyped to liking food a lot, which makes sense since taurus is the more down-to-earth side of venus, and venus is about comforts, and taureans find comfort in food! aries is ruled by mars, aka planet of war and what-not, and i’ve found that aries placements mixed alongside taurus placements love to cook in the kitchen because the kitchen is known to hold sharp cutlery in there, which commonly used whilst cooking.
i was listening to criminal by britney spears earlier today, and i swear that song is so so 7H mars coded. like falling for someone that isn’t the best of the best or people being against who you love like. i still can’t word it properly, but if you’re a libra rising/taurus rising/7H mars (scorpio/aries/venusian mars can count as well depending on aspects!!) please listen to the song (specifically whilst watching the music video🧍🏾‍♀️) or read the lyrics and tell me you understand what i’m talking bout 😭. like i know y’all would get it 😭‼️
^ also “why try” by ariana grande feels the exact same to me toooo omg.
having an afflicted 3H, 7H and 11H is literally my villain origin story. like it’s either i have no friends, i get bullied/outcasted or i go through the WORST friendship breakups ever like oooooh whoever has it out for me did a good job bro 🤧🤥.
(i have a 3H capricorn chiron, 7H moon and mars, virgo rules my 11H, and my mercury (sagittarius) is afflicted, i was never gonna win bro 😭)
a mutual of mine on twitter said something that i completely agree with, and it’s basically saying how having any ill feelings towards someone like, for example what she talking about, beauty can really damage ur venus personally. like, people who are severely racist for example, do y’all see how they age or look so ugly because they were berating how other people look specifically. or people who hate on women are just naturally nasty to be around. they don’t have to be physically ugly (they usually are tho) but you can tell by how they treat women what rewards and punishments they receive in life.
does that make sense? let me know guys 😭.
i absolutely love when i have my venus return/when venus is in capricorn because i feel so so pretty which makes so much sense considering in sidereal astrology i’m a libra rising ruled by my sagittarius venus, like i love all things venus, and when venus is in capricorn/sidereal sagittarius, i feel so good. which makes a lot of sense on why i don’t really care for or feel irritated when mars returns to taurus (or sidereal aries) because aside from the fact that i never really related to being martian ruled, my natal mars is literally retrograde, so yeah mars returns are not my favourites at ALL 😭.
(actually i take it back it’s not that i feel irritated? i just don’t think anything significant happens to me during my mars returns. i probably need to go check personally in my own time, but yeah. i just backtracked since in both my tropical and sidereal chart, i’m martian and venusian either way 😭.)
what’s ur favourite planetary return?
“bedtime story” by frank ocean (unreleased!!) is the most scorpio venus ass song i’ve ever heard in my life…i love it so so much sigh. the poetic, angsty, yearning that a scorpio conjures up because who could honestly be better at being so deeply consumed by emotions than scorpio? (many many other signs but it’s not about them rn!!)
yknow a while back i did a part one for sos the album by sza as the signs, and i haven’t made a part two but would y’all like another part!? or would you like me to do this with other albums? let me know pls 🧍🏾‍♀️.
this is probably common knowledge amongst other astrologers, but i definitely believe that virgos, specifically the risings, are so mean to their selves is because their 12H is ruled by the sun, and whilst the 12H is the shadow side of ourselves that we choose to hide from, as much as they would like to hide, virgos have their shadow side constantly in their face as the sun shines so hard on everything they aren’t ready to touch or aren’t ready to see. whether it’s their selves personally or others around them, there’s an underlying sense of dread that they live with because they know that no matter where they run, their mind will always remind them of what they choose to hide underneath, which results in the fear that people/society (scorpio 3H) will see the absolute worst of who they truly believe they are, and judge them ruthlessly for it (aquarius 6H).
one thing i’ve noticed is whilst saturn in pisces has been transiting my 5H, is the romantic side of my life has been lacking so much 😭. like coming april would make a year since i last had a crush on someone, which is funny to me since i used to crush on ppl so often. however, it makes sense since saturns main themes are about structure, discipline and what you want to create in the long-term, and i’ve noticed that i don’t just want to even have small crushes or what not on others because not everyone meets my standards (structure) and i want my first relationship with someone to mean something and to become something (long-term plans involving relationships) and nobody around me has given me that, so the lack in my love life is mainly just because i’m sticking to my standards and they haven’t been met yet 🤷🏾‍♀️. saturns job is to make you understand what you truly want and what you don’t want or what isn’t benefiting you, and since saturn had gone direct back in november, i’ve definitely been noticing this, especially since we’re in a saturnian season rn (aquarius) and valentine’s day just passed lmao. so just to give an example or help you understand how saturn has been impacting you, let’s say saturn is trainsiting your 9H and you’re in education, maybe you’re realising the course that you’re on isn’t for you, or your long-term plans just don’t mesh well with what your studying for yknow or you could realise how you’ve started building more around your education in regards to what you want in place for you in the future.i’m also using that example since saturn is currently trining my 9H and i’ve realised university is definitely not what i want to go through with after i graduate college tbh.
thinking about how majority of my planets are in my 1H-7H axis (1H sun and jupiter, 7H moon and mars) and how i genuinely can have the choice to create multiple identities 😭. to explain, when i was born, my mum gave me three names. mae, lola and the last one i don’t wanna disclose lmao, but i saw a tweet a while back talking about how your name(s) can definitely link back to your birth chart, and remembering this again makes me love astrology a whole lot more tbh.
(actually i lied i have 4 different names, but that name is very very close/similar to my younger sisters name as well and i can never tell the bloody difference 😭, but y’all get my yapping.)
feeling tired or like u can’t be bothered to do shit???? the moon is most likely void of course or your mars/moon is negatively aspecting (square, opposite, conjunct) transit mars/moon. when the moon is void of course, it’s basically just a period of time (usually less than a day i believe) when the moon is literally like not aspecting anything in the sky, so she’s wandering around until she transitions into another sign. usually astrologers say that during this time, it’s difficult for ppl to make plans or have any motivation to do anything as ppl are less likely to make solid decisions about anything in general, to summarise, it makes ppl lazy 🤥!!
having 1H synastry with anyone depending on the planet is so interesting to watch from an outside perspective, because you can either see two people adore one another’s energy or be completely revolted by one another. like for example my best friend has my younger sisters aquarius stellium in her 1H and it’s hilarious to me how much those two dislike each other, and then not too long ago my best friend told me how my sister reminded her a lot of herself at my siblings current age and it just clicked for me lmao.
i’ve noticed that people with a mix of aries, gemini with a small dash of water in their chart have such a hard time processing their emotions or are just very abrasive when it comes to their emotions, putting practicality over emotions most of the time, leaving people to perceive them as quite emotionally stunted or selfish to be honest. i’ve noticed that it’s commonly believed that these types of people don’t really care for others as much as people care for them, leaving a lot of miscommunication within these relationships, especially if the other person is water heavy compared to them.
hi yes this is long overdue, i’m very very sorry, i just lost motivation to continue with my stuff and life unfortunately has been a mess to keep up with! i’m not gonna promise anything new cus knowing me i’ll probably dip for awhile again, but hopefully you all liked these observations and pls leave ur thoughts and opinions in the replies, i always enjoy hearing what you guys have to say :)
okay bye bye, lots of love, lola <3.
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uyuforu · 4 months
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astrology basics, ressources & observations
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જ⁀➴ about different compatibility charts
જ⁀➴ degrees
જ⁀➴ different kind of charts
જ⁀➴ how to make a solar return synastry
જ⁀➴ how to make a solar return composite
જ⁀➴ Planets and their Rulers
જ⁀➴ Where to calculate your planets returns
જ⁀➴ Why your Birthday is your Personal New Year?
જ⁀➴ How to know when you will get married?
જ⁀➴ How to know where your Future Spouse was born?
જ⁀➴ True Love Indicators in Synastry
જ⁀➴ Transits of Romance
જ⁀➴ Saturn, Uranus & Pluto's reputations
જ⁀➴ Aries Mercury Retrograde Transit through the Houses (April 2024)
જ⁀➴ one
જ⁀➴ two
જ⁀➴ three
જ⁀➴ four
જ⁀➴ five
જ⁀➴ six
જ⁀➴ seven
જ⁀➴ eight
જ⁀➴ nine 18+
જ⁀➴ Groom/ Briede/ Juno aspects in Natal Chart
derivative astrology
જ⁀➴ Introduction
જ⁀➴ Natal 7H -> Spouse's 1H
જ⁀➴ Natal 8H -> Spouse's 2H
જ⁀➴ Natal 9H -> Spouses 3H
જ⁀➴ Natal 10H -> Spouse's 4H
જ⁀➴ Natal 11H -> Spouse's 5H
જ⁀➴ Natal 12H -> Spouse's 6H
જ⁀➴ Natal 1H -> Spouse's 7H
જ⁀➴ Natal 2H -> Spouse's 8H
જ⁀➴ Natal 3H -> Spouse's 9H
જ⁀➴ Natal 4H -> Spouse's 10H
જ⁀➴ Natal 5H -> Spouse's 11H
જ⁀➴ Natal 6H -> Spouse's 12H
Destiny of Matrix
જ⁀➴ Romance Indicators
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8hsaturn · 1 year
astro observations #3
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Pisces moon coupled with earth, especially Capricorn, are unrivaled when it comes to philosophical and social breakthroughs. they have the spiritual awareness and collective vision of Pisces hand in hand with the objectivity and discipline of earth signs, and they can therefore be masters at deconstructing the functioning of society and the psyche. it’s such a consistent pattern with notable examples such as Joan of Arc (Cap Sun and Mercury), Benjamin Franklin (Taurus Saturn, Cap Venus & Sun), Henry Dunant who founded the red cross movement (Taurus Sun and Mercury, Cap stellium), Edgar Allan Poe considered to have invented the detective fiction genre and one of the earliest contributors to the genre of sci-fi (cap sun and mercury, Pisces stellium).
Venus conjunct Mercury could purchase books just because they look pretty and aesthetically pleasing lol. The type to look for the prettiest hardcover of a book to get.
Pisces stelliums with mercury, especially if it's retrograde, have such a hard time staying focused during a conversation, other people might think they're actively ignoring them but they just can't stay attentive for too long unless it's something they wanna know more about 😭 lowkey adorable when it’s not annoying lol.
A Virgo/gemini moon is a common placement amongst rappers known for being fast. Whether it's Doja Cat, Busta Rhymes, Min Yoongi, or Dizzee Rascal… after all, the moon (emotions and the inner mind) is ruled by fast-paced mercury (an exception would be if natal mercury was deeply afflicted). Jupiter conjunct Mercury as well can indicate the same.
5h moon transits are the times when you start to develop a crush or meet up with friends, decide to practice a particular hobby, binge tv shows/movies or read books, etc… one of my fave transits particularly because my 5h is in Pisces so I spend this transit often reading and consuming/creating art, and being delusional 🤭.
3h Pluto transit can indicate a gradual shift in your mindset, gradual because it’s a very long transit. It can either be positive or negative depending on how both your natal and transit pluto aspect your natal chart + transits. As my 3rd house is in Capricorn squaring my Aries moon, I spent this transit working on my work ethic and long-time consistency, as well as my self-esteem being dependent on how much I achieve and not my thoughts and core beliefs as a person (natal 2h pluto is in Sagittarius).
12h Leo can be such a humble bragger, and very obviously so… the type to complain about how being pretty sucks because guys like them too fast, or about how being rich isn’t easy, etc… I have six friends with this placement and only one isn’t like this but they’re also far older and more mature.
9th house in cancer people are very likely to be feminists or just very passionate about gender equality if the moon is well-aspected. If not, and if Venus and IC were not well-aspected, they could be deeply misogynistic and against gender emancipation.
that's it for today, thank you for reading my observations, and don't hesitate to ask and/or comment about anything!
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starshinesparkle · 9 months
Solar Return predictions:
Based on my solar return chart for this year of my life. Remember to continue to support Palestine however you can 🍉
Gemini Asc at 21°: A year focused on communication, travel, learning. Might see a bit of lucky with my physical appearance (1h) and relationships since the solar return descrndant is also at 21° (7h). May meet many Sagittarius placements this year because 21 is a Sag degree
Solar return chart ruler at 5°: could experience minor fame or this could be a memorable year for me. Mercury is in my SR 8th house. And one of my siblings was sick on my birthday so I could similar themes around my siblings this year because Mercury can talk about your siblings.
SR Venus in Scorpio at 16°: 16° is a Cancer degree so I could love to spend more time with family this year. Especially it being in my solar return 6th house. SR Venus in 6th talks about glows up and attention to health. Possibly could adopt or be gifted a pet.
3h and 11h rulers are in the 7h: community, siblings and or friends could introduce me to romantic partners or business partners.
Part of Forune in 4h: blessed in home, family, roots and through hardwork since it's in a Cap degree (10°)
Solar Return IC at 27°: I could move or my family could move or both. Since IC is associated with the home and 27° is a Gemini degree is associated with moving
SR Venus opposite Uranus: could be flighty in love, met love interests over the internet or work in the internet or technology fields this year
SR Uranus retrograde: returning to old technology or apps.
SR Pisces Moon: more in tune with spirituality and the collective. Both my parents have Pisces Moons so better connections with them I hope.
SR Neptune conjunct natal Boda asteroid (1487): I could dream (Neptune) about my wedding (Boda means wedding in Spanish)
Pluto in 28° in 8th: Death of a important family member since 28 is a Cancer degree. It's also a wealth degree and an indicator of a household name which could happen but are less likely to because Pluto is a generational planet.
Mars in 7th at 17°: possibly a new masculine romantic partner or car. Mars rules cars if I remember right.
Sun in 7th: big relationship year
Solar return Destinn asteriod (6583) and Solar Return Kiss asteriod (8267) conjunct SR Venus: Destiny involved in my love life, including who I kiss
Chiron retrograde in Solar return 11th: could hurt my own feelings because of community and friends or heal myself in community this year
My 5h and 11h in my SR are at 0° which means I'll experience newness around romance, pleasure, creativity (5h) and friend groups, collective action and dreams (11h)
Wishing everyone happy solar returns!!
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cleopatre31 · 2 years
Astro notes pt5
-Sagittarius mars is so fucking k*nky, they have this "sex-appeal" and i think they might be better in bed even aries and scorpio mars.
-Harsh venus-jupiter aspects cause weight problem or a an unsuitable morphology. I have my venus square jupiter and i always had weight problems, i don't like my morphology too:(
-My mom has her north node in 4H in cancer and her south node in 10H in capricorn all her life, she failed to have a career as a teacher despite graduating from two universities. And i truly beliveve that she was very famous or was a businesswoman in her previous life and is here for to take care of her family and children in this lifetime.
-Venus in 8th house means definietly wealthy spouse, especially if venus is placed in taurus,libra or pisces! My 16 years old sister has this placement and i feel like she will marry with a rich. My cousin who is married to a rich lawyer also has her venus in 8th house in leo.
-Mercury in retrograde (especially in gemini) have difficulties to express their thoughts and feelings even if they are not shy, they are not professionals of the art of eloquence in any case lmaooo
-Cancer moon men (Keanu Reeves, Ed Westwick, Heath Ledger) are just waowww
-1st house placement especially venus will be like "you just have to be confident, the beauty is not about looks it is about confidence". Like girl common... We all know that you say that bc you are conventionally attractive!!
-Jupiter/Sun in gemini/in 3H or 5H /5H cusp in gemini/5H cusp ruler in gemini: Do you have a twin or twin siblings? If that's not the case you will necessarily have twins among your children or in your family loll
-7H pluto/conjunct descendant=Attract stalkers/obsessive persons or always go through transformations about marriage.
-"Astrologers" who say that 7H saturn people should getting marry after saturn return are completely talking sh*t. Ofc 7H saturn people have challenges/lessons about relationship but that's the case for all 7H placements lmaoo. I'm gonna make a post about 7H saturn soon to restore the truth cuz a lot of people have no idea about they talk loll
-Neptune in 8H stop idolize serial killers/ famous and mysteriously dead people or death in general especially serial killers like are you OKAY?? They are disgusting beings
-I don't love stereotypes about scorpio venus men.They don't fall in love easily as they are suspicious but once they fall in love they love till death. They are not toxic or don't cheat when they trully love.
-Saturn-venus people are often judged by their looks even if they are conventionally attractive.
-It's an incredible contrast that capricorn moon (the most coldest/distant and heartless people) are actually the funniest people i've ever seen.
-Aries mercury= Always wanting to be the leader/ anger issues and talking very fast
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myun-saidthoughts · 1 year
4th House Synastry
In the realm of 4H synastry, activating this aspect invokes a sense of comfort, ease, and relaxation. It creates an environment where worries fade away, and it allows you to express your inner thoughts freely, you just feel secure. The energy exudes a sense of reliability and trustworthiness.
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For reference I'll use this boy and I's synastry aspects:
His Sun, Mercury & Venus are in my 4H.
(Below are his planets in my 4H making into my chart)
His Sun conjuncts my Jupiter, His Sun opposes my Moon (6 degree orb), his Sun trines my Mercury, Lilith and ascendant, his Sun sextiles my Mars, his Mercury conjuncts my IC, his Mercury sextiles my Uranus, his Mercury trines my Chiron, his Venus squares my ascendant and my Mercury, his Venus sextiles my Neptune, his Venus trines my Venus and North Node,
My Venus is in his 4H (My Venus Conjuncts his IC)
His South Node conjuncts my Sun
His Vertex conjuncts my South Node and Neptune
His Moon conjuncts my South Node (5 degree orb)
(Also: his Moon is in my 1H, my Moon is in his 3H, my Sun, Mercury, Rising are in his 5H, and my Venus is in his 4H)
Now I made a post about him a few months ago, and I noticed It felt bit lack luster with him. Although there was an instant comfort that I hardly feel with everyone else, I wasn't completely enticed, compared to what I'm used to (with 8th house synastry). I was intrigued a bit because objectively he is beautiful, and for someone who struggles with emotional intimacy, vulnerability, I self sabotage as if it's my second nature, so with it came times where when I was with him I didn't allow myself to feel deeply or to feel something for him (as much as I am a able too) so with that brought in feelings where I told myself I didn't like him or that he didn't ignite enough passion in me.
I saw him in May which was a few months ago and I was with him for the weekend and everything felt easy, but I wasn't incredibly enthralled, and with him and without him I felt whole and there wasn't any voids that he healed. (but that's because I subconsciously blocked myself from allowing him too)
After hanging out with one another, sharing dating behavior attitudes, hand holding etc, he just disappeared out of thin air, and I didn't think twice of it. And honestly because of our synastry I already knew I was going to run into him some way or another.
Anyway, a few days ago the same hour Venus goes into retrograde (he has a natal Venus retrograde) he called me and we made plans to hangout the following day. Prior to this I was nervous and scared because I don't normally see or hangout with anyone, but we met up at a party and we were casually just hanging out, he brought his friends and I was with mine. The conversations weren't forced and the second I saw him the fear I had left, I wasn't nervous or worried and I easily kept conversation. It was like I suddenly became this open, carefree individual that knew how to make conversation with anyone who was around because he was standing next to me.
Anyway as the night progressed he visibly looked so cute, and because I was drinking I became more inclined to letting him "in," in some way or another. We talked and talked and i'm not even sure about what, but there was no awkward silences and I just felt so at ease and was always laughing. I didn't get this high like I did with 8th house synastry, but I just felt comfortable in my own skin and because of that, I liked being next to him.
At the party we were away from each other for maybe 3 minutes and as a stranger was talking to me, I thought to myself I want to stand next to him. And prior to this I was scared that he was going to only hangout with me, (because I'm terrified of actually liking someone) and it turns out I was the one who chose to go back to him at the party. (He was literally the cutest boy there lmao)
We kissed that night and from the following day (today) I don't feel sick, I don't feel worried, I don't feel scared that I allowed myself to kiss him. That alone is triggering me to feel worried. Now since I still have curiosity towards him and since he feels like a comfort blanket; I'm now realizing what his presence elicits in me. He somehow didn't trigger my disorganized attachment style and I genuinely think it's because for (now) I allowed myself to feel, without getting scared or even repulsed by him.
I thought I wasn't affected by him, I thought I wasn't going to need him in any shape or form.
But in this moment I feel like i'm wrong.
Right now the feelings that I have are confusing me because I don't feel low without him, but I do feel this co-dependent underlying want for him.
Feeling comfortable in my own skin, with no worry is something I am not used too, so for him to create that in me is what's getting me.
A part of me knows I knew him from a previous life, and because of my broken attachment style, having this comfort with another person isn't something I normally get to hold onto.
Since I am still learning to let myself feel, these emotions that persevere comes in waves. I thought to myself that I wouldn't mind seeing him again, but that's the part of me that craves for peace and serenity talking, and now writing this post, the other part of me that hides and suppress any unsolicited needs for another is creating myself to feel nothing towards him.
(It's been another day since writing this and I no longer have that dire need for him because my brain is telling myself it's safer for me to not truly care yet and whether I want too or not, my brain just does this. I can still turn these feelings off in some shape or form and I still feel fear with going on a date or seeing him again but I also know, that once i'm next to him i'll just feel this ease I wish I was able to hold onto on my own.
Moving on, for a more descriptive and better understanding this is how the house person might feel:
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What 4th House Synastry Feels Like
Everything feels so easy, with them you'll feel somehow secure, somehow safe. You naturally know how to respond to them, a look from them makes you feel comfort, you two share the same humor (with other soft mercury-moon/sun aspects), everything feels like it's already happened before, and with that feeling they unlock a part of you that you're afraid to show others.
When you're next to them, you're no longer worried about how others perceive you, nor are you overthinking the conversations between the two of you. It's different with 8th house synastry because although with the 8th house their touch unlocks that dire need of being emotionally vulnerable towards another, the 4th house unlocks a part of your character that you naturally hide or the part of you that you overthink when you're with strangers.
When they're next to you, nothing can feel bad, you don't fixate on any issues, you can just allow yourself to feel safe, and at ease. They bring you a sense of security you didn't know was possible, you want to hold onto them, be next to them, and you can't help but smile, can't help but be open, optimistic, and can't help but be unafraid to take on any task you can ever think of (especially if there are more Jupiter synastry aspects between you two).
Any anxiety somehow vanishes, you're not worried, you can't feel worry, you're not second guessing anything, and you don't have these wavering thoughts, and there's no what ifs, you're in the moment, you feel present, and nothing else matters. You allow yourself to feel at home within because they bring you this sense of comfortability that you've never felt before.
They become this key with unlocking the side of your personality that you hide towards anyone else that you don't share a close connection too.
And for someone with a Scorpio Moon/active 12th House, this feels new for me. Comfortability and serene feelings are both things I search for. I genuinely don't show anyone my true feelings or thoughts, I always wear a mask with everyone I meet. So with that, I want to feel calm, and safe, so because of that I believe that what's this synastry is hitting in me, but if you don't have a disorganized attachment style (or maybe even Scorpio placements) like me, the feelings within might be different.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
what's a mars return?
did you know that you can check more than just your sun's return? any time a planet transits and becomes exactly conjunct your planet (it is in the exact sign and degree it was when you were born), you undergo a planetary return. mars returns happen roughly every 2 years (unless there is a retrograde too). my mars return is coming up this august and i couldn't be more thrilled to shed the lessons of my 2021 mars return chart and step onto a new battleground.
but what can a mars return chart show you?
what are you passion at / what you desire to do. your confidence and lack thereof. sex. what makes you angry / frustrated / aggressive / competitive. your impulsive behavior. where you are dominant / a leader. the challenge(s) you face.
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ego, leadership, self-confidence, sex life, focus, creative passions, authority, dominance, individuality, leadership development, dignity, awareness of other's intentions, and self-expression desires/passion.
frustration, passion, desire, lust, anger, survival instincts, care for your unit/squad, where you feel most powerful, your blood family, passionate/lustful instincts, fertility, adaptability, relationship with your mother, menstruation, and habits.
communication about what you want, verbal inspiration of others, debates, arguments, how you antagonize others, the determination of your mind, physical health, perception, short trips, ground transportation, diplomatic mannerisms, aggressive mannerisms, and profanity.
who you lust over, who you're attracted to, your reception of others' love, empathy/sympathy for others, pleasure, self-love/pleasure, compromise, values and moral drive, and possessions.
passion, desire, confidence, ambition, lust, sexual desire, anger/combativeness, aggressiveness/competitiveness, athletics, temper, impulse, dominance over other, activity / physical energy, and violence.
luck at pursuing your passions/desires, wins/successes, opportunity to move into leadership roles / win, who is willing to follow you, expansion of you empire, knowledge of the things you desire / are passionate about, wisdom gained from previous experiences, air travel, how you seek justice, exploration of foreign land, and spoils/profit/gains from what you win/achieve.
hard work, challenges/struggles, what the absence of your father/fatherly figure is like (mars has no father - read that myth here), lack of confidence, delays in you passions/desires, physical limitations, physical discipline, responsibility for others, physical effort, self-control, physical stability, endurance, emotional detachment (battle compartmentalization), and grudges.
allis, fluctuation in attitude/confidence, online arguments, physical uniqueness, rebellion, unplanned/sudden occurrences (surprise attacks), independence, freedom from others, p0rn0graphy, shock (usually of the traumatic variety), (battlefield) chaos, disasters scenarios, and fans/followers.
creative plans/strategies, camouflage and how you blend in, over-sensitivity, selflessness/egoism, retreating, intuition, deception/lies/manipulation, passionate inspiration, and fascination.
physical transformation, power, sex, 0rgasms, destruction of others, death, intensity, physical magnetism, physical regeneration, infatuation with other, obsession with others, seduction, manipulation of other, how you plans evolve and change, and the liabilities you remove from your life.
how you approach life, physical body, confidence, the initiative you take, your ambition, your behavior, physical alterations, individuality, and passion.
impulse spending habits, passion projects / side hustles, your work ethic, material possessions (spoils), stability, giving/receiving, and resources.
communication, your strategic mind, your perceptions, interests, ground transportation, social media (the arguments you get in and your followings), and short journeys.
homes/houses (raiding homes that aren't yours or location of your own home), family/family roots, and the foundation of your plans foundations.
children, talent for arguing or your passions, creative plans, risk-taking activities, hookups, pleasures/desires, and strategy games you play
physical health, fitness routine, your duties towards others, your hygiene, and analytics/strategy.
long term relationships, physical attraction towards others, partnerships, allis, known enemies, and negotiations.
major physical transformation, sex, death, changes of heart, your partners resources/assets, seduction, secrets, spiritual transformation, surgery/operations, and trauma (ptsd).
(battle) wisdom, morality/ethics, foreign environments / long journeys, travel, and learning about leadership / your passion.
your legacy, your reputation, long-term goals/plans, mission, responsibilities towards others, authority, expertise, and leadership.
allis, gains, desires, awareness of other's intentions towards you, groups you lead, politics, and interaction with others.
mental healing/health, hidden weaknesses, hidden enemies, k!nks, fears, losses, closure from tense situations, repressed memory, past challenges, and mental restrictions that become physical restrictions.
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cardboardheartss · 3 months
Mimii Ngulube Love Island Season 11 Contestant
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disclaimer : this is for entertainment purposes only and i used tarot cards to get an estimate of her birth time… if you don’t agree with this technique please kindly scroll by and keep your twitter fingers to yourself!🌹💢
Mimii is a Gemini Ascendant, extremely smart and inquisitive women. She could be a very extroverted person and would really be a fun person to be around when she’s only around those who she feels safe with.
2H Cancer Part of Fortune?! It’s possible she could have A LOT of luck in terms of money, she really chose thee perfect career that will bring her a lot of success and material wealth and security. In terms of her self-worth… she practices and knows her limits but unfortunately as she mentioned in her intro… when she really loves someone, she loves them down and we can tell with her situation with Ayo (male love island contestant)
3H Leo Rahu, Mimii really does value communication in her life.Mimii should consider balancing her work life firstly, and then focus on creating content because she already had a prominent fan base who LOVE HER DOWN! She would do tremendously well!
7H Sagittarius Chiron, Mimii has definitely had some ups and downs when it comes to relationships but with Pluto in the mix (cusp) her relationships will help her transform her throughout her life.
9H Aquarius MC, Neptune, Uranus andd Venus?! Mimii truly put in all her blood, sweat and tears for University. Mimii must really appreciate mental health and psychology because, she seems like the type to detach from things/topics she is not interested in.
Her Venus sign lol, in her intro she mentioned that she studied psychology and stuff and said that she uses that as her advantage in her dating scene because she is able to see through their lies and once she cuts them off.
10H Pisces Sun and Mercury (retrograde), literal celeb material. Mimii truly shines and attracts a lot of attention and people enjoy their time with her because of her overall energy and vibes. This makes sense because already on the 1st episode, all the boys voted Mimii as marriage and partner material. Her Mercury is in retrograde at the moment, this makes sense because people on social media talk about how Mimii is too closed off and rarely talks to anyone, she mainly talks with the other Black contestants.
11H Aries Mars and Moon, one thing, avoid making Mimii mad. She explodes when she gets mad, which is quite shocking because she seems so calm overall but remember, don’t always judge a book by its cover.
Mars in astrology represents the boyfriend, I’m aware the fire signs represent the ⚪️ man but for Mimii her type are black men ONLY. Based off her type, she truly wants a man who’s confident and has a somewhat of a dominant personality. She probably is attracted to sporty and tall men.
12H Taurus Saturn and Jupiter, Mimii will definitely not find a future hubby on social media/public platforms. She’ll find him in an exclusive place. With Saturn here, it could take some time but trust, I personally believe and hope she will have a long lasting healthy marriage.🤍
Thank you for reading!
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monecabhava · 10 months
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2024 transits :
Saturn in Aquarius 4H aspecting 6H/10H/Asc
Rahu in Pisces 5H aspecting 9H/Asc- Ketu in Virgo11H
Jupiter in Aries 6H aspecting 10H/12H/2H until May/1
Jupiter in Taurus 7H aspecting 11H/Asc/3H
*** u can use this prediction from moon/
lagna/ mahadasa lord
Scorpio start the year with direct Jupiter in 6H and retrograded mercury in Asc both ruled by mars in sag/2H, their attention goes into rearranging their life matters and the routines they used to have, might start with buying or throwing some possessions, rethinking about what they own and managing these matters, motivation to solve some debt problems and making efforts to have a better financial managements, desire to change somethings related to physical appearance, developing healthy habits and routines ( i recommend trying a totally new approach to your habits and routines rather than things you tried in the past but didn't stick), curing a health problem, Scorpio might suffer from mental pressure and a feeling of isolation and detachment from home and usual social circle so just go with the flow in this aspect, disturbance in comfort and one's space you might start to feel like your surroundings are suffocating and limiting you so put the efforts to make your space as comfortable as possible for you, adding prayers/meditation/ spiritual activities to your daily routine is recommended, create a good stress management program for yourself. Until May it's a good time for Scorpio to put the efforts in daily life habits and slow, small steps that will eventually build the bigger picture for them, be careful from burning out in career, from obstacles with bosses/work environment too, putting the hard work will pays for scorpios after May. Possibility of having romance with a foreigner/ someone with different background, this person might introduce you to something new, growing interest in unusual matters, might develop some unique hobbies, interest in astrology and occultism, astral travels or matters related to detaching from the body/ using subconscious mind, interest in pleasure, foreign travels, trying substance/psychedelics, alcohol etc. Might try gambling and fall in debt, sudden changes in romantic life.
After May jupiter transits to Scorpio 7H, their social life starts to be more active again, alot of interacting with foreigners, partnerships and starting business/deals, increase in fame and reputation, ( if a 7H/Dk dasa is going on then possibility of marriage), detaching from the usual social circle, might feel hopeless or detached from their own usual desires and dreams, Scorpio this year might struggle with the feeling of fulfillment rewards/achievements are not enough or not of interest to them, Definitely a good time to practice detaching from expectations as a concept. They're so into seeking a form of enjoyment this year especially with 5H rahu and 3H aspected by jupiter so they will have to keep a balance when it comes to what activities they choose to enjoy. Meeting people/friends they used to know, leaving a community or organization you used to be a part from.
A song recommendation for you ✨️
May your year be full of blessings & fulfilling ❤️
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nico-esoterica · 6 months
Rachel Chinourir—I read her chart and started crying at midnight after listening to her music
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Newly 25, this super star’s experiencing her 2nd house profection year. This means that the name of the game for her this year’s gonna be all about how she’s providing for herself and proving she can be self-reliant. She’s establishing herself as an adult during that stressful period in your mid 20s when you start finding that blurry distinction between yourself and what your environment demands you be. Add an exploding fanbase and platform into the mix and whiplash is the cherry on top.
Especially since the last eclipse cycle occurred on her 1/7 axis—this means that with her Scorpio stellium, she was going through it and underwent several personal transformations and ‘realizations’ is what I’m hearing in regards to how she sees herself versus what she’s been forced to be out of survival. It was a very emotionally messy period for her for a while. But what came out of the rubble of her previous emotional life was this unbreakable will to draw that boundary and keep it firm. “I’m not like the rest of you” is what I’m hearing intuitively. Feels related to mental health. Or “I will not be”—another possibility.
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(rectified time - isn't exact but close) In my experience, people with strong Scorpio influence are sponges of generational trauma they’re viscerally made aware of from an early age. An artist who comes to mind is Willow Smith who has a Sun-Mercury in Scorpio with its ruler empowering it from her 4H of home and family lineage. In recent years, we’ve learned about her family and its issues.
She’s come out of a rough period of trying to do what all m/zillennials were told regardless of the Pluto in Cap global recession hitting in ‘08—”No matter what happens, you MUST get your degree. You NEED to get that super stable job because that’s the only way you’re going to have a future.” That’s very loud in her chart to me because that Pluto was moving through her 3H of early childhood education and experiences and was forming a gnarly square over the past couple years (beginning of pandemic) to her late Aries Saturn. Means there was pressured incentive for her to ‘get her life together,’ notably from a father or authority figures in her life.
She’s always been capable but even if she could ‘hold’ said stable job, her mind was always elsewhere. Daydreaming and scribbling lyrics and poetry is what I’m hearing/seeing by looking at her Pisces Moon and Jupiter co-present in her 5th. Creative classes and activities or even artistic programs she excelled in. But the latter planet being Retrograde makes me think that she doubted her talents despite an abundance of people reassuring her that she’s gifted. Beyond gifted and has always been. Her 9H ruler of higher education (and I can see this also meaning specialized programs) being well aspected in her 5H of creativity tells me as such.
With Pluto consistently hitting her water planets since roughly 2010, because this is a planet of crisis and rebirth, she’s most likely dealt with both internal and external pressures that, on one hand, were god damn awful (her natal Sun-Uranus square on her ¼ is LOUD) and supplied a mental health minefield, they also gave her a super power for expression. She learned she found a home for it in the arts. With such an overwhelming amount of Scorpio in her 1st, it puts a psychic target on your back. You constantly feel attacked and this will be doubly true if her MC’s at a later degree in her 10th because it’ll be squaring her Mercury (and Chiron, potentially), meaning that whenever she opened her mouth, she got lambasted for it.
It’s giving, "Fix your mouth—Who do you think you’re talking to??” Her having a 10H North Node with Uranus co-present in Aquarius in her 4H with her South Node illustrates that, and I can speak about this from experience, was simply ‘different.’ Usually, having a 10/4 North vs South node link means that you, quite literally, want to catapult yourself from where you came from. You find it limiting to the point of being suffocating. Especially w/ her 6H Saturn ruling her houses related to everything family and early experiences related—Means there was an expectation about how she was supposed to act and a ‘path’ she was meant to follow and she couldn’t fit her edges within the smooth yet predictable edges of that circle—Cycle. When you have Uranus in these houses, especially in Saturnian signs like Capricorn or Aquarius, this means that your environment will often flow one way and you will flow the opposite or in several directions at once. It means that you are potentially on different generational and socio-political axes and will contribute to feeling like Marvin The Martian in your own home. It often leads to finding refuge in creative outlets. And we find that next door with her IC, Jupiter, and Moon in her 5th.
With Saturn transiting here since last year, she’s been establishing herself independently as an artist and has been met with great upward momentum and success. The craft she’s been nurturing and building for years (Saturn) trining that Scorpio stellium is presenting rewards for that work and her willingness to be vulnerable in an oversaturated industry that relies on gimmick and polish. Her Mercury-Neptune sextile exact in a fame degree that’s also making a lovely aspect to her Moon—Her music is uncomfortably intimate and honest, especially to anyone that’s neurodivergent or on the margins (strictly going by her chart alone). These qualities in music’s current landscape are rare and they’ll be what distinguish her as an artist and keep her fed. 
But with her benefiting from the current eclipse cycle firing up her 6H of what many of us ‘do’ for a living w/ her Saturn here (in preparation for her Saturn Return), her biggest challenge is not letting her perfectionist anxiety over her work’s ‘worthiness’ to others with their eyes officially on her cause her to self-sabotage or become self-conscious. She’s got the audience and has built it up but with explosive momentum and ‘overnight’ success comes the potential for our boundaries to weaken because we’re suddenly hyper-aware of ourselves.
Due to her tendency to self-monitor (most likely as a learned response), her Scorpio Mercury ruled Virgo Mars can cause her to suffocate her own self expression because she’s so used to being fucked with. And with that Mars ruling her fame degree Retrograde Aries Saturn, she never knows when enough’s enough—Have I done enough? Is this even good? I know it’s good! But is it really? Maybe I should work harder. I’ll work harder—Cycle, Rinse and Repeat. This is giving child of immigrants energy. I know so many of you feel called out by this right now.
Her debut album’s release looks promising. The 2H for her ruler of the year (Jupiter) is in Capricorn and she started blowing up on socials during Saturn’s months (Jan-Feb). The activation points where we’re going to see the most activity will be during this release in Aries and Taurus season (April-May). What’s interesting is that since the upcoming eclipse in April is hitting the album chart’s Mercury (almost exactly) a whole month prior, I fully anticipate a notable person (esp w/ Aries placements) to pull another Adele and uplift her or vouch for her in some way.
When Adele did, Jupiter was exactly opposite her Sun and it occurred during those Saturnian months and their charts have a bundle of points suggesting very strong synastry. It also happening right before Rachel’s lunar return with Adele’s NN hitting said Moon natally honestly felt like fate if we’re going strictly by the stars alone. And I also predict she’ll go viral during Virgo season (her lord of the year ruler’s 10H) because in September, the Gemini Jupiter floating around will be applying an exact square to her natal Jupiter. I think it’ll be totally beneficial but it can represent her adjusting (or needing TO) that’s uncomfortable at first (related to her image, sound, etc) that’ll benefit her in the long run. Jupiter in Gemini in her ruler’s chart in its 7H is giving contracts or boundaries-type vibes. Or even social expectations.
After writing this I heard The Hills and Maybe I'm Lonely and felt my old self seen in a way I don't think I've ever related to an artist expressing. Is this what it felt like when young Gen Xs in the 90s heard Hole or Nirvana's soul-piercing vocals for the first time? Because I honestly have chills.
That Scorpio Stellium of hers in her first and her 29 degree Mercury are indicators of the potential for meteoric fame in the eyes of the collective, but it'll be close and intimate.
When she comes to LA, I'm buying a concert ticket.
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