#Merlin s3e6
none-ofthisnonsense · 7 months
Merlin S3E6, “The Changeling”
That’s a cute baby, and a pretty room!
Are those the Sidhe again?
2 episodes after the longest pre-credits scene, I’m fairly sure we’ve just gotten the shortest.
With Miriam Margolyes? Ohh I’m excited now!
They seem like a chill family?
Uther is trying to set Arthur up isn’t he. I love bumbling Uther. 
Ouch, Elena isn’t making the best first impression…
Arthur has a true talent in making an arse of himself.
Okay I don’t trust that nanny anymore.
So it is the Sidhe!
She rides well!
Honestly she’s nice! I like her! She seems normal. If clumsy.
Is Grunhilda making eyes at Gaius?? (She is. And INTENSELY flirting.) Gaius’ reaction is the best part.
Ok maybe Elena’s a bit weird.
Gaius chides Merlin for getting into trouble, but really, he’s the instigator.
I do believe Morgana likes Gwen. 
“It’s the last one we’ve looked at and by the ancient laws of sod, it must provide an answer.” THE DEADPAN DELIVERY
Gwen is braver than I am.
Elena’s hair changes from one shot to the next. I don’t usually notice these things, but this is particularly obvious.
We need sleep shirt Merlin more often.
I like this episode’s interactions between Arthur and Merlin. Actually, Merlin in this episode is just such a delight. I love the “I think you’re mad, I think you’re all mad, people should marry for love.” I don’t know what it is but the delivery and the lines and all of it probably make it one of my favourite Merlin moments. (Well, him in all this episode is one of my favourite Merlin moments.)
Morgana sort of looks like a dragon. 
Arthur gets a friend! I like that :)
It’s sunny for once! This episode is just happy :)
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earlgreyinpajamas · 3 years
merthur fic recs: pining!arthur
1. That Awkward Age by i_know_its_0ver 
Arthur is secretly in love with Merlin but can't tell him, so he comes up with a plan to get Merlin to help him "practice" his kissing.
oh arthur is such a charmingly clueless fool in this fic. the fic utilises the premise of arthur and merlin growing up together, so we have the childhood friends trope going on and they’re only in their teenage years during the events in this fic, and i am very soft about these literal babies.
2. When Your Love Wakes You by Fantasy_lalaland
"Only the person Merlin loves most can wake him." The girl took on the air of someone who held the upper hand over their adversaries. "Only a kiss from the person he desires most can break the curse."
"Why?" Mordred questioned, "Why lay such a curse on him and offer the chance of a cure?"
But Arthur knew the answer even as she said it. "Merlin desires no one. It isn't within his capability to."
Takes place a year after 5 x 6, The Dark Tower
this fic has the season 5 ot4 we deserved. merlin is unfortunately in coma throughout majority of it, but we got bamf!gwen, redeemed!morgana and arthur finally getting his braincell time.
3. A Marriage of Convenience by YulianaHenderson
Arthur knows he has a duty to marry strategically. His father had always taught him that. Arthur can't help but wish, however, that things were different.
ok this technically doesn't end with them getting together (yet) but you know it’s gonna happen if this author was the one in charge of writing bbc merlin. it’s a s3e6 rewrite and arthur makes his decision about marrying for love with merlin in mind (as it should be).
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vortomorto · 4 years
this woman/fairy/princess/whatever is the most relatable character so far..... the way she fell wearing heels.... the fact that her hair is a mess... her snorting while laughing.... truly an icon
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Hi, I've decided to make Mowgli's wolf parents their own characters, named Nisha and Vihaan, with Akela as the leader and grandfatherly mentor to Mowgli. Are their any sequels you think are better than the first movie? For me, All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 is much better that the original. Are their any relationships in Trollhunters that you feel could've been explored, ie, Claire and Draal? And how would you have done Troll!Jim and the final battle with Gunmar?-The Sapphire One.
I’m happy for you, making so much progress on your fanfic.
I would prefer if, in the future, you directed any further requests for advice on your Jungle Book fic to someone who is actually in the Jungle Book fandom, though? I’ve been trying to be courteous and supportive, but it’s getting exhausting to devote so much mental and emotional energy to determining, “what can I say that is helpful but also gently conveys I am not interested in discussing this topic further?”, especially since I don’t seem to be successfully conveying the ‘polite disinterest’ part.
When I have said, repeatedly, that I am not invested in The Jungle Book, what I mean is that it’s an okay story and I have nothing in particular against it, but it is not a fandom that I am in, and therefore fanfiction for it is not fanfiction I am inclined to read or discuss. I would rather devote my time and energy to stories and fandoms in which I do have an emotional investment.
I wish you good fortune in continuing this project and hope it finds the audience it deserves on whichever platform you choose to share it.
The All Dogs Go To Heaven duo is a neat one because each movie appeals to me in different ways.
The sequel had stronger music. “Let Me Be Surprised”and “It’s Too Heavenly Here” convey the same ideas, but “It’s Too Heavenly Here” has a lot more energy, possibly because Charlie’s had more time to go stir-crazy.
I respect the first one for not shoehorning in a romantic subplot with all the other plot lines they were already working with, but I respect the second one for introducing new elements a bit more cohesively - I mean, the alligator in the first one basically showed up out of nowhere. He did eat Carface in the end, so he was plot-significant, but he was still really jarring - so jarring a whole trope got named after the Big-Lipped Alligator Moment.
The timeline between movies is a bit confusing? I think the first one is set in the 1920s, or maybe the 50s. I’m basing this on partially car designs but cutting out the 10s, 30s, and 40s due to lack of mention of the Great Depression or either World War. But the second one, based on the humans’ clothing, looks like it’s in the 1980s, maybe 90s? So, unless dogs have a natural lifespan similar to a human one in this universe, it’s weird that the second movie starts when Itchy dies. (He’s be thirty, or seventy, depending on which of my time period guesses are right.) I guess there could also be a long time-skip between “It’s Too Heavenly Here” and Carface stealing Gabriel’s horn.
Overall I’ve found movie sequels tend to be lesser than or equal to the original movie. Shrek 2, for example, was really good, but I wouldn’t say it was better than Shrek.
Cinderella 3: A Twist In Time was exceptional, with how the writer’s took advantage of the opportunity to expand on the prince’s character - although he still doesn’t get a name - and Cinderella’s character as well, along with the different specific reasons her stepfamily was jealous and vengeful. (Lady Tremaine wanted the social status, Drizella wanted wealth, and Anastasia wanted emotional security.)
TV series, on the other hand, are often a bit stronger in their second season than the first, because they don’t have to introduce how the setting’s culture or magic/high tech system works unless something new is happening, and likewise they don’t have to introduce new characters every episode or two in order to build the initial main cast, and the main themes and conflicts of the series have been set up.
Draal’s relationships with everybody could have been expanded on. We don’t really see relationship development between him and anyone else other than Jim and Kanjigar’s ghost. There are some minor scenes showing him getting closer with AAARRRGGHH and Blinky, too, but that got cut off by Draal getting brainwashed before the audience got to see much of it.
You know who else didn’t get many relationships developed? Barbara.
There is exactly one scene, a one-sided phone conversation in Season 3, which implies she has a social life. Also, what is the relationship between her and Nana Domzalski? Jim and Toby are close, and their families live across the street, and Barbara addresses her as Nana, so clearly they’ve met, and yet Barbara never spoke to Nana on-camera in Season 1 about her concerns after Jim and Toby got arrested together and Jim started ‘acting different’?
And furthermore [insert rant about how Stricklake was fumbled in Season 3].
… Not to mention Blinky! She’s friendly with him when he gets turned human and Jim passes him off as a guidance counselor, but their very limited interactions do not explain why she was willing to let Jim go off to New Jersey with the trolls and didn’t even suggest she come along, basically temporarily turning custody of Jim over to Blinky when Barbara and Blinky have had all of one on-screen conversation since she got her memories back.
Okay, final battle redo, gotta keep Jim a troll …
First of all, Troll!Jim is a klutz. He just went through a massive growth spurt and hasn’t had time to adjust yet. It is acknowledged by him and others (though probably not Merlin), “Wow, this was a really bad idea to do right before getting into a fight, Jim is nearly back to beginner skill-level. At least he’s fast and therefore better at dodging, and can take a hit better.”
Alternately, shuffle everything around so that Jim turns into a troll by S3E6, so the audience has half the season to get used to him, because I think having Jim get trolled right before the final battle is one of the reasons Troll!Jim ended up being such a controversial character.
Either way, the Trollhunters fight Gunmar as a group.
Gunmar is facing Jim. Toby, using the Warhammer to fly, sneaks up behind Gunmar and hits him over the head. Gunmar reaches for Toby, but Blinky throws a dwarkstone in Gunmar’s face, and AAARRRGGHH charges in (possibly via portal so Gunmar won’t see him coming) and punches Gunmar in the gut. The combination of explosion and punch forces Gunmar to drop his sword, and Jim grabs it.
Jim, wearing the Eclipse armour, discovers he is able to hold the Decimaar Blade. (It is implied by how Gunmar conjures it that Decimaar is magically bound to the Gumm-Gumm warlord in a similar way to how Daylight is tied to the Trollhunter, so this might surprise Jim. At the very least, AAARRRGGHH should look surprised.)
Gunmar is distracted by Claire, who portals Blinky out of the way of an attack. Gunmar has seen Claire before, when Morgana agreed to help bring about the Eternal Night. “Morgana’s child …” He is confused and suspicious to see her on the Trollhunters’ side.
Toby swoops Jim above Gunmar and Jim drops down, doing that diagonal swiping attack but with the Decimaar Blade instead of Eclipse, and striking from behind. Gunmar doesn’t turn to stone right away - he turns and starts charging at Jim, who conjures the Eclipse sword stabbed into Gunmar’s chest, like how Jim stabbed Gladys and Bular with Daylight in Season 1.
Gunmar turns to stone and crumbles. Decimaar is still there. The blade’s highlights are blue again instead of gold. Jim picks it up and his eyes glow blue. The other Trollhunters exchange worried looks.
“Master Jim?”
Jim sends out a blast of blue lightning-looking energy from the sword, like the red stuff that happened in the show when Gunmar died, except instead of exploding the Gumm-Gumms it un-brainwashes them. He then drops the sword and collapses. His friends rush to him. (He’s fine, just exhausted. Jim isn’t used to doing magic.)
Angor Rot wasn’t there when Jim and Gunmar started fighting. He saw Strickler and went off to kill him, as revenge for the magical enslavement in the second half of Season 1. Angor changes his mind when he sees Strickler get injured fighting a Gumm-Gumm to protect some humans who haven’t gotten to shelter yet, which prompts a flashback to Angor’s time as a hero. Angor goes off again, this time to hunt down Morgana, nonchalantly killing any Gumm-Gumms who cross his path on the way. (At this point, Angor may still want Strickler dead, but he’s willing to wait to kill him until after the Gumm-Gumms are defeated.)
The thing with Morgana happens like it did in canon except Angor gets thrown back instead of exploded.
Draal is with Nomura and Strickler protecting the civilians from the Gumm-Gumms, or possibly he did die because Draal would have smashed down that bathroom door in negative five seconds and stopped Jim using the potion. If he did die, they revive him later with the Creeper’s Sun antidote.
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What's your favourite merlin quote?
That’s a really good question anon! There are so many good lines sprinkled throughout the show, but if I had to choose one, I’d probably say Merlin’s little speech to Arthur right before he’s going to be forced to get married in s3e6. 
“I think you’re mad, I think you’re all mad, people should marry for love. Not convenience. And if Uther thinks that an unhappy king makes for a stronger kingdom, then he's wrong. Because you may be destined to rule Camelot, but you have a choice, as to how you do it.”
That scene was just so great and I love whenever Arthur turns to Merlin for advice!
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365enjoyablethings · 6 years
TV: Merlin S3E6, “The Changeling”
Jan. 23, 2019
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My Thoughts: Arthur is a sucker for Merlin’s advice.
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cavesalamander · 12 years
Merlin blabs
Gah... I really hope that Morgana doesn't hate Gwen. Gwen has done nothing wrong to her, and has only ever shown caring. If they start to hate each other, I want there to be a BIG NASTY FALLOUT and not just behind the back, vicious bullshit from Morgana.
I also hope she recognizes that Arthur is just misguided and she doesn't really want to kill him too. Put him in danger, maybe, but I'm hoping right now that she just wants him to replace Uther. I have a lot less hope for this though. I also care less, so that's ok.
Also I was pretty surprised that a WHOLE YEAR SKIPPED?! between season 2 and 3.
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thefaggerboywonder · 13 years
Merthur Moment
Merlin S3E6 Changeling
When Arthur ask Merlin for his advice on marrying Princess Elana.. His reply was too much.. Their destiny is so much more than they know..
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asmallvillageincanada · 13 years
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