#Metalworks Domestic Chaos
lovelywingsart · 2 years
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⚒𝕄𝕖𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤 𝔻𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕠𝕤⚒
//Survival AU//
"Papa, what's that?"
"This? It's... It's a battery."
"A battery for what?"
"Something important."
"Can I watch??"
"... Hah. Yeah, sure."
I remember someone asking for some Papa Karl 'bonding', so... here! 😊
Despite being kinda 'trapped', Adalwulf always found a way to be... well, a kid.
And being a kid means your curiosity is exponential- which also means bugging your dad when he's working.
It was a bit weird at first, but Karl didn't mind after a while. It was honestly fun!
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bpdbeehive · 2 months
I made a list of every single Greek god ever
Keep in mind some of these may be different from what you know because they have multiple different stories
Eros- god of love, passion, and fertility
Tartarus- god of darkest part in the underworld
Thalassa- goddess of the sea
Phanes- god of creation, new life, procreation, fertility, and light
Caligine- goddess of creation
Gaia- goddess of earth
Erebus- god of darkness and shadows
Nyx- goddess of night and darkness
Pontus- god of the seas
Hydros- god of water
Uranas- god of the heavens and sky
Achlys- goddess of the death-mist, misery, sadness, and deadly poisons
Aether- god of light and the upper sky
Ananke- goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity
Chaos- god of the void
Cronus- god of time, fate, justice, and harvest
Caelus- god of the sky
Coeus- god of the North, intelligence, and resolve
Hemera- goddess of daylight
Hypnos- god of sleep
Nemesis- goddess of vengeance, retribution, and rightful fate
Thalassa- goddess of sea
Rhea- goddess of motherhood, fertility, childbirth, comfort, and good living
Oceanus- god of freshwater
Tethys- goddess of fresh water and nursing mothers
Hyperion- god of heavenly light and watchfulness
Theia- goddess of sight and vision
Lapetus- god of mortal life
Crius- god of constellations, stars, and the south
Phoebe- goddess of intellect, prophecy, and the moon
Themis- goddess of justice, law, order, and divine will
Iris- goddess of rainbows
Mnemosyne- goddess of memory
Zues- god of sky, weather, thunder, lightning, and law and order
Demeter- goddess of the harvest, agriculture, and fertility of the earth
Poseidon- god of sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses
Hades- god of the underworld and the dead
Hera- goddess of women, marriage, family, and childbirth
Apollo- god of sun and light, poetry, healing and disease, justice, archery, music and dance, prophecy and truth
Artemis- goddess of hunting, wild animals, and the wilderness
Aphrodite- goddess of beauty and passion
Ares- god of war and courage
Hephaestus- fire, volcanoes, blacksmithing, metalworking, craftsmanship, sculpture, forges, and metallurgy
Hermes- God of wealth, trade, thieves, and travelers
Athena- goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare
Dionysus- god of wine, festivity, and theater
Hestia- goddess of domestic life, home, and hearth
Hecate- goddess of magic and necromancy
Aeolus- god of the wind
Asclepius- god of medicine and healing
Eris- god of discord, jealousy, and strife
Pan- god of the wild, shepherds, flocks, rustic music, fertility, spring, and theatrical criticism
Eileithyia- goddess of childbirth, birth pains, and midwifery
Enyos- goddess of war, violence, and bloodshed
Evrynomi- water meadows, fertility, and pasturelands
Psyche- goddess of the soul
Hedone- goddess of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight
Dolos- god of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, guile, and treachery
Senectus- god of old age
Oizys- goddess of misery, grief, anxiety, and depression
Moros- god of doom
Momus- god of satire and mockery
Tmolus- god of Mount Tmolus
Nereus- god of the sea
Phorcys- god of the sea and the hidden dangers that lurk beneath the waves
Ceto- goddess of sea monsters and other marine life
Eurybia- goddess of power over, and mastery of, the sea
Eurus- god of the east or southeast wind, fall, and storms
Aergia- goddess of laziness, idleness, sloth, and indolence
Eos- goddess of dawn
Astraea- goddess of justice, innocence, purity, precision
Boreas- god of the north wind, winter, storms, ice, snow, and cold
Chione- goddess of snow
Orithyia- goddess of cold mountain winds
Zephyrus- god of West wind
Notos- god of South wind
Euros- god of East wind
Hesperos- god of the evening and the evening star
Morpheus- god of dreams and nightmares
Pasithea- goddess of relaxation and rest
Icelus- god of nightmares
Phantasus- god of dreams that feature inanimate objects
Aigaion- god of violent sea storms
Achelous- god of fresh water
Alpheus- god of the Peloponnese
Clymene- goddess of fame and renown
Eurynome- goddess of water meadows, fertility, and pasturelands
Idyia- goddess of knowledge
Metis- goddess of wisdom and cunning strategies
Styx- goddess of oaths and the River Styx
Helios- god of the sun
Selene- goddess of the moon
Atlas- god of strength, endurance, astronomy, and navigation
Prometheus- god of fire, forethought, and crafty counsel
Astraeus- god of astrology and stars
Pallas- god of witchcraft
Zelus- god of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal
Nike- goddess of victory
Via- goddess of force and power
Perses- god of destruction
Asteria- goddess of falling stars, nocturnal divination, and the connection between the heavens and the earth
Leto- goddess of motherhood, childbirth, modesty, and fertility
Eirene- goddess of peace
Dike- goddess of fair judgment and law
Persephone- goddess of grain and agriculture
Alatheia- goddess of truth
Asopos- god of the river Asopos
Ate- goddess of blind folly and ruin
Britomartis- goddess of hunting and fishing
Elieithyia- goddess of childbirth
Eirene- goddess of peace
Ersa- goddess of the dew
Eunomia- goddess of good governance
Harmonia- goddess of harmony
Hebe- goddess of youth
Hephaistos- god of smiths
Eunomia- goddess of law, governance, and good order
Kairos- god of opportunity
Aglaia- goddess of beauty, splendor, glory, magnificence, adornment, good health, and the glow of good health
Lakhesis- goddess of life and fate
Phasis- god of the river Phasis
Despoine- goddess of certain Arkadian Mysteries
Macaria- goddess of a "blessed" death
Melinoe- goddess of ghosts, nightmares, and propitiation
Zagreus- god of rebirth
Ploutos- god of wealth, riches, and abundance
Albion- god of the sea
Tilphousia- goddess of vengeance and justice
Phobos- god of fear, panic, flight, and rout
Pothos- god of sexual longing, desire, and yearning
Anteros- god of reciprocal love
Himeros- god of sexual desire and unrequited love
Hermaphroditus- god of effeminacy, androgeny, and hermaphroditism
Rhodos- goddess and personification of the island of Rhodes
Priapus- god of fertility
Erichthonius- goddess of earth
Tyche- goddess of fortune, luck, prosperity, chance, and fate
Horkos- god of oaths and the curse that befalls those who break them
Epione- goddess of soothing pain
Hygieia- goddess of hygiene and cleanliness
Panacea- goddess of universal remedy
Aceso- goddess of healing and wounds
Iaso- goddess of recuperation from sickness
Machaon- god of surgeons
Pandia- goddess of the full moon, dew, and youth
Telesphoros- god of recuperation
Enyalius- god of soldiers and warriors
Phosphorus- god of the planet Venus when it appears as the morning star
Triton- god of the sea
Carpus- god of fruit
Bia- goddess of force, power, might, bodily strength, and compulsion
Narcissus- god of vanity
Cephissus- god of the Cephissus river
Ismenus- god of the river of the same name
Eucleia- goddess of good repute, glory, and honor
Eupheme- goddess of good omen, praise, and acclamation
Euthenia- goddess of prosperity, abundance, and plenty
Philophrosyne- goddess of friendliness, welcome, and kindness
Euphrosyne- goddess of joy, good cheer, mirth, and merriment
Hephaestus- god of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metallurgy, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes
Delphin- god of Dolphins
Aristaeus- god of beekeeping, cheesemaking, olive growing, and hunting
Electryone- goddess of the sun and morning
Circe- goddess of magic
Silenus- god of forests, wine-making, and drunkenness
Triptolemus- god of agriculture
Lyssa- goddess of rage, fury, and rabies
Soteria- goddess of safety, salvation, deliverance, and protection from harm
Leucothea- goddess of hope
Palaemon- god of harbors and sharks
Pasiphae- goddess of witchcraft and sorcery
Perses- god of destruction and peace
Phaunos- god of the forest
Maron- god of Maroneia
Astraeus- god of stars and planets
Limos- goddess of famine, starvation, and hunger
Benthesikyme- goddess of ocean waves
Amphitrite- goddess of the sea
Kymopoleia- goddess of violent sea storms and storm waves
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ladydelena · 10 days
Tamlin Relationship Headcanons (SFW Pt. 1)
I think this is going to be a series because I have too many ideas about this furbaby. I'll update my masterlist as I post more headcanons. Tumblr! This is what you were invented for baby!
Tamlin loves nuzzling you. It really doesn't matter when or where. Leaning against one of the spring forest trees? His arms are braced on either side of you and he’s just gently, intently running his nose along your shoulder, suckling on your exposed throat with his warm, soft lips and edged teeth. Laid down after a picnic where you both indulged on too many of the fermented berries you foraged? He’s gently nipping and nuzzling your chest, burying his face in the warmth of it and almost purring contentedly.
He likes being domestic with you. He craves it so deeply, and if you're even away for a day or two he gets angsty at the hollow feeling that creeps into your shared chambers. He’s definitely away for days at a time as well, attending to Springs borders while you attend to your duties in your territory, but he is a domesticated beastie boy who just wants to hold you and breathe in your scent. He wants to share his life with you and he’s definitely become a bit co-dependant, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
You guys have a system for when his nights start getting too late and he's backed up on paperwork. You’ve found that the two of you work well in silence, and you often read and summarize what comes across his desk, and then he goes over the bulletpoints, often going with the suggestions you leave.  Every once in a while he’ll ask about a suggestion because you guys think so differently, and he genuinely listens- it's led to a lot of positive changes in the court that you’ve implemented together as a pair. The teamwork cuts through the work in no time and the two of you can retire for the night and be together in peace. You even have a shared desk for this exact task, that- well, everyone needs a break from paperwork right? You guys have shared the space in other ways, breaks help the mind work better!
He likes to bite. He has a bit of a possessive streak but he doesn't let insecurity drive him crazy with it. He trusts you and you trust him, but you also like when he’s a bit possessive. You like feeling how much he wants you and needs you near him. Nobody said fae had to adhere to strictly human standards right?
He eats like a warrior but indulges during picnics. His usual meals of lean meats and varied vegetables, the deep red wines, it all keeps his body in shape (cauldron is he always in shape) but during picnics, he loves tasting the little pastries and sweets you bake yourself. He loves feeding them to you even more.
He loves shared baths. He really, really likes when you wash his hair-like, eyes closed and his purring creating ripples on the water. He also knows you love the different fizzing crystals and scented oils and will gather a variety of them from the different territories merchants for you. He also likes plucking whichever rose color he thinks matches the scent and scatters them on the water. The little artsy furbaby- he likes making the evening special like that for the two of you.
He's unabashedly proud of your hobbies. The goofball. He loves the life you bring to the estate and the chaos as well. When you picked up crocheting and made him the lumpiest blanket your first go round? He still uses it to cover the two of you when you lay out in the gardens and read before retiring for the night. The slightly brassy, mismatched cufflinks you made when picking up jewelry making and metalworking? He wears them every day on his uniform. 
You make music together. He plays the fiddle and you both write lyrics and you sing softly and happily, as if in time with the spring breeze itself.
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tuzesdays · 2 years
tuz... for the writing prompt... dancing in the kitchen while cooking dinner pLEAAAAASE IM ON THE FLOOR
(Hope you have a good day/evening :D)
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oh you guys liked that one. awesome, so did i.
WORDCOUNT: 1335 | Fluff, Domestic (obv) | No warnings
Sun took a liking to cooking that you probably should have expected.
It was a surprise, the first time he had offered to help Obi-wan as your friend had been – in hindsight, a little desperately – trying to force some normalcy back into your lives. Maybe it was because you were still more than a little nonverbal at the time, still recuperating from the events that led you to taking shelter in Obi’s family home, or maybe it was because you always thought Sun was a little too dedicated to cleanliness to consider enjoying the mess that comes with cooking; honestly, considering his long standing love of arts and crafts, you really shouldn’t have been surprised.
More than a year down the line, the new love of cooking hasn’t died yet.
You have a grocery budget now, something that was not just redundant but completely unneeded before you began living together. The two of you actually buy ingredients instead of ramen packs and microwave meals, and then you really use them. He charms the old coupon champions in the store isles and makes small talk with the clerks. He towers above the shelves and insists on using cloth shopping bags.
It's… bizarre. Or it was bizarre, before you got used to it – and every time you tease him for trying to become a house husband, he teases you right back with your dedication to updating the grocery list.
You and your lists. Never ending.
“Something on your mind?”
Oh right. You’ve been staring at him for the last few minutes to the tune of ‘Grilled Cheese’ by Peach Face, completely lost in the melody. “I… might’ve forgotten.”
He doesn’t look at you again, focusing back in on the pan he’s stirring ingredients in and occasionally looking at the pot of pasta boiling to the side. The smells of chicken, garlic, spinach, parmesan, and a bunch of other stuff that you didn’t have a hope of keeping track of waft through the house: there’s a reason you’re not the one cooking. You were never good at this stuff, had always elected to buy food when the things in your apartment didn’t cut it. “Was it… about the market this weekend?”
“No, but thanks for reminding me.” Farmers markets. Knowing him, it’ll be an all-day event.
“Not the market.” Sun hums along to the soft tune as he thinks. “Future dinners?”
You smile. “Have I ever managed to plan a meal before?”
“Hope springs eternal, Sunbite.” He sets the spatula he was using to the side and picks up the wooden spoon he’s been stirring the pasta with. “Something for tomorrow?”
Your gaze wanders as you try to think. “Maybe…?”
“Getting closer then! Is it a laundry day?”
“Nope.” But the idea of clothes…
“How about a gardening day?”
“Not that either.” Gloves…?
“It shouldn’t be one of the Rulebreaker’s school events.”
“It’s not, we don’t have to be at one of those until next month.” Unless Gregory gets in yet another fight that one of your patchwork group has to attend a conference for. But no – he knows it’s too soon after the last one. He may be a little shit, but the kid is still wicked smart; he won’t pick another fight if he doesn’t know you’d take his side for it. Little brat. “The, um, the competition he’s in.”
“We still think the robotics is worrying.”
You absolutely agree. “He’s allowed to choose his own coping projects. Unfortunately.” The second that child learns to use a welding torch, you and your boys are going on vacation. You’re not dealing with that chaos. The mental image of Gregory wearing the visor, gloves, and apron of heavy metalworking is enough to give you nightmares.
Oh fuck! You gasp in realization. “That was it! Okay, no more guessing, we’re good.”
“Do tell?”
“It’ll be a surprise.” You pull out your phone and do a quick search for cooking aprons with dumb puns on them, pleased to find there’s a nice variety. On top of that, there are a bunch of different ‘kiss the cook’ ones that shouldn’t be as tempting as they are. “A gift, not a day plan.”
That gets you a wide, excited smile, Sun turning away from the stove to approach you – you quickly lock your phone again so he doesn’t see the screen. He looms over your seat at the table, bending at the waist so the two of you could be face-to-face. “You’re going to spoil us.”
You lean in smugly, unbothered by the closeness. “Should I save it for the holidays? Only six more months to go.”
“Don’t tease!” The top of his faceplate bonks lightly against your forehead before retreating again. “And you say that as if we don’t get the gift of your company every day!”
That gets a laugh out of you. “Sun, I could be passed out on the couch for an entire day and you’d still be happy about it.”
“Funny how that works, doesn’t it?”
You angle your head past him. “The burner’s still on, Poppy.”
He makes a huff sound, jokingly irritated at the deflection, and goes back to the stove. “This should be just about done! A quick stir, some more parmesan to top it all off… and voilà! Now for those noodles—”
“Smells great.”
“I would think so!” He switches off both burners after a moment and carries the pot of noodles to the sink, pouring everything into a drainer. You watch as the steam from the spilling water rises to drift against his rays, the slowly dying sunlight outside and the lights around the kitchen throwing the clouds into stark relief.
Little moments like these just remind you how fucking pretty he is. How pretty both of your boys are – in a wardrobe tailored to their size, Sunny’s cleanliness obsession making all shirts freshly ironed while the same instinct leads him to rolling up the sleeves past his elbows while cooking, hooked in place by sewn on star-shaped buttons you had given him ages ago. Loose cargo pants reminiscent of his jester clothes, not falling in the same places but comfortable all the same – you remember the day they discovered what decorative patches were, ironing and sewing on a select few to those pants as soon as they got their hands on some: on each pocket is a bright yellow or blue star. He’s taken their usual bells off for cooking, but the ribbons lay on the table in front of you, ready to be fastened again.
You nudge one of the bells absent-mindedly as you hear the song change. ‘Hey Lover’ by Daughters of Eve. Fitting.
You’re so gone for these boys. “Is this the favorites playlist?”
“It is.” He shakes out the drainer and carries the pasta back over to the stove, dumping it all into the pan with a small flourish and mixing so the noodles are coated in sauce. “And this is dinner, done at last! Now just a moment…”
You get up to serve yourself, but get intercepted by an arm at your waist. “Not quite!”
He moves into a more familiar hold. You feel the warmth in your chest burst and overflow.
If you had the mind to care, you would notice that the smile that breaks out is one that you can’t help, or that your posture straightens to match his own. Of course, you don’t give a shit about anything other than the person pulling you into a turn around the kitchen floor – your feet step fluidly around each other, this very dance having been gone through maybe a thousand times by now but no less exciting.
As the first ring of ‘true love and understanding’ echoes around a room already full of warm, homey smells and your own soft laughter, you realize, not for the first time and certainly not the last, that this moment – and every moment that follows, forever – is what you had always been working for.
This moment.
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Tenten Domestic Relationship Headcanons
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𓆃 Double income household with no kids baybeeee~
𓆃 Tenten decided a while ago that she wasn't for a life with kids, and instead, you're going to live an uber-fulfilling lives full of experiences.
𓆃 Anything that comes to mind, you have the freedom and resources to do anything you want— including that month-long backpacking trip across the Great Nations to look at rare shinobi tools for your honeymoon.
𓆃 With your duel income, it's all about the projects. With a bit of saving, Tenten got her own weapons shop, but before that, she was doing all sorts of crafting on the side.
𓆃 Metalwork, embroidery, woodwork, leatherwork... Tenten has done it all, and every time she gets into a new hobby, you buy all the necessary high quality equipment.
𓆃 She knows exactly what to get and'll seek out the right people to tell her where to get the best tools. It's not unusual for Tenten to invite herself into apprenticeships.
𓆃 Your home will be littered with all sorts of half-finished projects, and crafting materials. It's especially jarring if you or Tenten happen to be in a sewing-esque mood since your mannequins will stand in the most terrifying places for at least a few months.
𓆃 Tenten is messy in the "cluttered" sense. She will leave things lying around in an "organized chaos," but she often forgets where things are leading to you going on an apartment-wide search.
𓆃 You bond over commission work and dinners on the floor. Tenten isn't one for cooking, so if you aren't either, a good portion of your nights will end with one of you going out to grab take-away.
𓆃 It happens so often, that Tenten will just come home after patrols or mission work with your orders already.
𓆃 Sometimes, you like to trick yourselves into thinking you'll cook something. Sometimes it's fun to try new things and rate them, but it's nowhere near restaurant quality.
𓆃 More "college dorm" level, and if Tenten is involved in the kitchen at all, there's a good chance each time that the food turns out terrible and you resort to eating out.
𓆃 All of your favorite places, the employees recognize you and know your order. Tenten loves Indian food.
𓆃 Horrible joint sleep schedule. You just spend your days in the shop, crafting, and selling. And really, what more can you ask for?
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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theskylarkin · 1 year
KH OC Week Day 4 - Alternate Universes
Obligatory Dæmon AU? Obligatory Dæmon AU!
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Name: Eligia (from a Latin word that means “to choose”, a variant of the name for the patron saint of metalworkers), aka “Eli”
Human: Ferrum
Settled Form: Lioness (Panthera leo)
Lions are considered to be symbols of authority, strength, and courage in many cultures. Despite being well-known as apex predators, they are also notable for spending most of the day resting and socializing with other members of their pride while only hunting in short spurts.
Eligia is a bit more reserved and openly wary of strangers at first than Ferrum. However, she is still just as adept at socializing with other dæmons as he is with people and is notably more physically affectionate. Eli makes a terrifying impression when she’s barring her teeth at serious threats, but she’s usually the one who has to tell Ferrum to calm down and not get stressed out over trivial things.
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Name: Oline (variant of an Old Norse name formed from two elements meaning “ancestor” and “inheritance/legacy”)
Human: Brandr
Settled Form: Barn Owl (Tyto alba), almost pure white due to leucism (aka a lack of normal pigmentation but without the red eyes seen in true albinism)
Considered an ill omen in many cultures, barn owls are known for their piercing cry and silent flight that makes them more eerie than other owls. Despite being predators, they are also known to get picked on by smaller birds when trying to hunt outside of their nocturnal cycle. In the HDM series, certain types of bird dæmons are associated with witches and the supernatural.
No one’s sure whether Oline’s odd coloration for a barn owl is a result of Brandr’s powers or not, but her ghostly appearance is appropriate as most people never hear a word out of her even when Brandr’s in a talkative mood. She helps him keep his thoughts focused on the present as she’s only partially affected by the visions. Oline has a better grasp of what’s socially acceptable and will dig her talons into Brandr’s shoulder whenever he’s being too brutally honest to someone who doesn’t deserve it.
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Name: Jarl (means “chieftain/nobleman” in Old Norse, fitting Vi’s sense of self-importance)
Human: Virdandi
Settled Form: Domestic Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), specifically a Borzoi/Russian Wolfhound, jet black with no markings
Borzois might be awkward-looking dogs but the breed’s original purpose was to aid in hunting wolves. They are typically athletic and independent, but also selective learners who quickly get bored with repetitive activity and are stubborn when not motivated properly. Black dogs are also ill omens in several cultures.
Jarl has a slightly calmer temperament that balances out Virdandi’s heightened emotions. He keeps her from getting too focused on one thing to the detriment of everything else and has to constantly remind her to slow down and think for a second. Even though dæmons don’t usually speak in the presence of other people, it’s not uncommon for Virdandi and Jarl to start arguing out loud in public when their mental discussions get out of hand.
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Name: Gnosis (means “knowledge” in Greek, with “knowledge” in this case referring to “personal awareness” compared to intellectual knowledge)
Human: Sophia
Settled Form: Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix)
Crows as a whole are intelligent and sociable birds. The hooded crow, easily distinguishable from other crows due to its ash grey body that contrasts its black head and wings, is also noted for being more tolerant of other birds in its space than other crow species. In Irish mythology, however, the hooded crow is associated with a goddess of war called the Badb who appeared as a harbinger of bloodshed or to cause chaos on the battlefield.
Gnosis is much more open about his negative emotions than Sophia, glaring at people with open hostility even as she’s trying to defuse a situation. Although he shares Sophia’s distaste for violence just for the sake of it, the dæmon prefers to get fights over and done with as quickly as possible instead of trying to run from an inevitable conflict. Gnosis pushes Sophia to stand up for herself and not let others take advantage of her caring nature.
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Name: Lucretia (derived from the Latin word meaning “profit, wealth”)
“Human”: Nemus
Settled Form: Jewel Scarab (Chrysina aurigans)
Chrysina aurigans is a species of scarab beetle known for its metallic golden coloring due to the unique way in which light refracts through its multi-layered elytra. In Egyptian mythology, scarabs were associated with the sun as well as rebirth and regeneration.
The scientists who created Nemus didn’t even bother to give his dæmon a name so Lucertia chose her own when she and Nemus moved to Scala ad Caelum. Due to her size and shape, she will pretend to be a piece of jewelry or ornamentation sometimes in order to spy on people. Lucretia only speaks up to help Nemus maintain the lies he tells about his past and to keep his story straight. She’s much more cautious and calculating, always watching everyone around her with suspicious eyes as she’s terrified of physical contact with humans and other dæmons.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
leverage au but they’re all demigods that don’t know their teammates are demigods too and it’s like the rashomon job except with finding out they’re all not mortal (chaos ensues)
nate- son of athena
(goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and war strategy. daughter of zeus and born from his forehead fully grown, wearing battle armour.)
sophie- daughter of hecate
(the goddess of magic, crossroads, moon, ghosts, witchcraft and necromancy.)
parker- daughter of hermes
(god of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings, guide to the underworld and messenger of the gods.)
hardison- son of hestia OR son of hephestus
(goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state.)
(god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture; created weapons for the gods.)
eliot- son of heracles
(the greatest of the greek heroes, he became god of heroes, sports, athletes, health, agriculture, fertility, trade, oracles and divine protector of mankind. known as the strongest man on earth.)
#I have SO MANY headcanons and ideas like. just ask. pls. I just need to know people are interested to movtivate me. reblog comment or send#asks#another leverage au? I didn’t see that coming yet here we are (*jaskier voice*)#other headcanons adjacent to this: nate doesn’t have a belly button#because he was born out of athenas forehead lol#you can take hardison son of hestia out of my COLD DEAD HANDS. he is a homemaker at heart. his tech and hacking skills are his own.#I know the most logical choice for hardison is hephestus but I just love hestia to bits okay#the more I think about it I’d probably be a daughter of hestia or maybe hecate so sue me my faves are their offspring too#I didn’t want to make eliot a son of ares so I didn’t send tweet#*pointing to daughter of hecate sophie* I just think it’s neat#I very lowkey headcanon sophie to either come from a line of hunters or a line of witches or something like that. I just get supernatural#and/or otherworldly vibes from her#hermes seeing his daughter being the best thief in the world: *crying and wiping away a tear* tHaTs mY GiRL#a quiet voice in the back of my head: parker hardison and eliot are the fates#me holding back from writing a paper on male bisexuality and polyamory in Ancient Greece and the contrast of near-invisibility of#sapphicness (aside from sappho herself) in ancient greek society#this was inspired by me looking for possible notable romantic polyamorous triads in Ancient Greece but I couldn’t find any#leverage au#eliot spencer#alec hardison#parker#leverage#sophie deveraux#nate ford#leverage headcanons#leverage fic#fic ideas#mine#leverage aus#leverage crossover
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hajimesweetheart · 4 years
— them as greek gods/godesses’ children
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aphrodite [ goddess of love, beauty, + passion ]
— kiyoko shimizu . alisa haiba . kōshi sugawara
apollo [ god of healing, music, + the sun ]
— tōru oikawa . yūji terushima
artemis [ goddess of hunting, the moon, + chastity ]
— kenma kozume . akira kunimi . rintarō suna
athena [ goddess of good war + wisdom ]
— keiji akaashi . aran ojiro . daichi sawamura
hera [ goddess of women, kings, + family ]
— morisuke yaku . saeko tanaka
kratos [ god of power + strength ]
— haijme iwaizumi . eita semi
poseidon [ god of the sea, storms, + moodiness ]
— tetsurō kuroo . kiyoomi sakusa
demeter [ goddess of harvest, fertility, + sacred law ]
— shinsuke kita . asahi azumane
hestia [ virgin goddess of hearth, domesticity, + warmth ]
— tadashi yamaguchi . kanji koganegawa . hitoka yachi
ares [ god of bad war + violence ]
— kentaro kyotani
hades [ god of wealth + ruler of the underworld ]
— kenjiro shirabu . kei tsukishima. suguru daisho
hephaestus [ god of fire, metalworking, + art sculpture ]
— issei matsukawa . takanobu aone . wakatoshi ushijima
dionysus [ god wine, pleasure, + chaos ]
— ryūnosuke tanaka . yuu nishinoya . atsumu miya
nike [ goddess of victory ]
— koutarō bokuto . shouyō hinata
selene [ moon goddess + protector of the sky ]
— osamu miya . tobio kageyama
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percabeth4life · 4 years
Godly Inheritance
Okay, so I was thinking about the gods powers and how they pass down and noticed, you can kinda see how they go down the line. The powers come from the parent’s or grandparent’s or uncles. You can see how they connect and go down the line.
At the request of my discord server, I’m making a post breaking down the connections (only really going through the direct lines to the Gods I’m focusing on)
Chaos- Creation, the primal elements, the beginning.
Kids (just the two relevant ones)
Uranus (Sky) <---> Gaea (Earth, the divine mother)
Kids (just the two relevant ones)
Kronos (Time (which you could say comes from creation) Harvest (from the Earth) <---> Rhea female fertility, motherhood, and generation (all of which can come from Gaea as the divine mother)
Hestia- hearth (again with the home (home being on Earth too), Rhea and Gaea), domesticity (home aspects, commonly connected with the mom, so Rhea), family (Rhea’s generation going to family), home (Rhea and Gaea in motherhood and the divine mother)
Hades- the underworld (Tartarus is his great-uncle and the the embodiment of a section of the underworld, Iapetus (mortality) is his uncle)
Demeter- harvest (Kronos), cycle of life and death (chaos or Iapetus (mortality))
Poseidon- Sea (from his uncle (Oceanus (who got it from Pontus/chaos)/great-uncle (Pontus)), Earthshaker (Gaea), Stormbringer (Uranus, sky)
Hera- family, marriage, childbirth (aspects connected to Rhea and Gaea as family/mothers/generations/fertility)
Zeus- sky (Uranus, sky)
The majority of the Titans got their powers from Chaos as I can tell, as Chaos is the beginning and the primal elements. The gods then inherited through them, mainly connected to parent’s or grandparents or close uncles/aunts. I could point out more Titan connections to Hera and Hestia especially, but I didn’t want to get into it all.
The rest of the main 12 Olympians.
Athena: wisdom- her mom is Metis, titaness of wisdom, prudence and deep thought
Apollo: healing, poetry, prophecy (prophecy comes from his mom's side, her mom has a connection to prophecy. Healing and poetry can be connected to family in a sense)
Artemis: childbirth, wild animals, the hunt (wild animals and the hunt connected to Gaea, childbirth to Leto or Rhea)
Ares: war or most properly spirit of battle (he takes after the spirit of how his family got along. The distasteful aspects. War between family, the deaths that led to each succession, or Tartarus his great great uncle)
Hephaestus: craftmen, blacksmiths (Metalworking and the like are arts and things connected to them so from a lose standpoint Rhea and Hera) , fire ( fire can be to lightning (Zeus) or you could connect it to earth (Gaea)), volcanoes (volcanoes are connected to earth (Gaea))
Aphrodite: she was known as a sea goddess and beauty and love (the sea is clearly love, she was born of seafoam and the sky, both have many connections to love and both are beautiful even if not holding that as a realm, obvious where sea is from)
Hermes: trade (connected to travel and wealth so Zeus and Gaea), wealth (connected to Justice, Zeus) , luck (connected to Justice, Zeus), fertility (Maia, goddess of nursing mothers), sleep (Maia, goddess of nursing mothers), travel (over Earth so Gaea)
Dionysus: wine, pleasure, festivity, madness (I mean, he earned his on his own. Mad props to him for being his own person) 
I’ll reblog this later or make another one that has more gods, children of the above, and how they inherited their powers.
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lovelywingsart · 2 years
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More sleepy cuddles because that's just how I feel right now 🥲💙
After a long day (or FEW days), even though actual sleep is rare, they still take the occasional chance to relax, be or to nap or talk or just... be silent.
//I'm just trying to pump these out to get SOMETHING out before I fall asleep sitting up. 🥲 Gonna try not to sleep STANDING at work today... We'll see.//
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fireturtlepagan · 5 years
The gods and their (mostly) coffee/ chocolate-y beverage/ tea orders
Also what they are god off cause ~learning~
<tried to give each a unique order but there likely will be repeats> <<also these are based on nothing in particular>>
Achelois doesn’t like hot beverages or chocolate would like ice water with lemon though
A minor moon goddess whose name means “she who washes away pain”.
Alectrona any coffee is good coffee
An early Greek goddess of the sun, daughter of Helios and Rhode, and possibly goddess of the morning.
Amphitrite s’mores Frappuccino
Greek goddess of the sea, wife of Poseidon and a Nereid.
Antheia tea, just the tea, nothing in it
Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.
Apate Extra chocolate milkshake
Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.
Aphrodite a tall beverage. Doesn’t care what’s in it just likes the small cups. Drinks like 5 at a time.
Goddess of love and beauty and married to Hephaestus.
Artemis mocha
Virginal goddess of the hunt and twin sister of Apollo.
Até “this is bean juice” (black coffee)
Greek goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly.
Athena don’t care give me the caffeine (loves iced coffee most)
Goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and war strategy. Daughter of Zeus and born from his forehead fully grown, wearing battle armour.
Bia doesn’t like coffee likes frozen hot chocolate or just chocolate milk is just milk an option cause if it is just milk
The goddess of force and raw energy, daughter of Pallas and Styx, and sister of Nike, Kratos, and Zelus.
Brizo Irish coffee
Ancient Greek prophet goddess who was known as the protector of mariners, sailors, and fishermen.
Circe “coffee as dark as my hatred for men”
A goddess of magic who transformed her enemies, or those that insulted her, into beasts.
Cybele southern sweet tea
The Greek goddess of caverns, mountains, nature and wild animals.
Demeter doesn’t like coffee much but will drink it on occasion prefers iced tea
Goddess of agriculture, fertility, sacred law and the harvest.
Eileithyia Caramel Frappuccino
Goddess of childbirth, referred to by Homer as “the goddess of the pains of birth”.
Elpis peppermint mocha
The spirit and personification of hope. Hope was usually seen as an extension to suffering by the Greek, not as a god.
Enyo that chocolate that’s like a shot of espresso or whatever
Minor goddess of war and destruction, the companion and lover of the war god Ares and connected to Eris.
Eos yes to all
A Titaness and the goddess of the dawn.
Eris Red Bull
Greek goddess of chaos, strife and discord and connected to the war-goddess Enyo.
Gaia homemade hot coco, your grandmothers recipe, the one passed down by the generations full of love and memories
The primal Greek goddess of the Earth. Known as the great mother of all and often referred to as “Mother Earth”.
Harmonia espresso au lait
The Greek goddess of harmony and concord.
Hebe hot chocolate-y milk
Goddess of eternal youth.
Hecate coffee with sugar
The goddess of magic, crossroads, moon, ghosts, witchcraft and necromancy (the undead).
Hemera chai latte
Primordial goddess of the day, daytime and daylight. Daughter to Erebus and Nyx (the goddess of night).
Hera just needs caffeine please (1 creamer 2 sugars)
Goddess of goddesses, women, and marriage. Married to Zeus and known as Queen of the Gods.
Hestia hot chocolate with either cinnamon stick or a peppermint stick
goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state. Also one of the Hesperides.
Hygea loose leaf tea, preferably locally grown
Goddess of good health, cleanliness, and sanitation. This is where the word “hygiene” comes from.
Iris iced matcha latte
Greek goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. She is also known as one of the goddesses of the sea and the sky.
Mania likes watching milk mix into the coffee but not drinking it
Spirit goddess of insanity, madness, crazed frenzy and the dead.
Nemesis stealing it from Dionysus
The goddess of retribution and personification of vengeance.
Nike just a little milk in either
Goddess of victory, known as the Winged Goddess of Victory.
Nyx milk and honey
Primordial goddess of the night.
Peitho cinnamon hot chocolate
Greek goddess of persuasion and seduction.
Persephone iced white mocha with raspberry or strawberry
Goddess of vegetation and spring and queen of the underworld. Lives off-season in the underworld as the wife of Hades.
Pheme a latte
The goddess of fame, gossip and renown. Her favour is notability, and her wrath is scandalous rumors.
Rhea steamed milk with vanilla or hazelnut
Titaness and goddess of nature. Daughter of the earth goddess Gaia and the sky god Uranus, and known as “the mother of gods”.
Selene white hot chocolate with almond milk
Goddess of the Moon
Styx pumpkin spice
Goddess of the river Styx and a Naiad who was the first to aid Zeus in the Titan war.
Terpsichore honey latte
Goddess of dance and chorus and one of the nine Muses.
Themis like 3 gallons of espresso
Ancient Greek Titaness and goddess of divine order, law, natural law and custom.
Thetis tea with looooots of honey basically just warm honey water
Sea nymph, goddess of water and one of the fifty Nereids, daughters of the ancient sea god Nereus. Also a shapeshifter and a prophet.
Tyche Starbucks pink drink
Goddess of prosperity and fortune.
Aeolus unsweetened ice tea
Greek god of the winds and air
Aether steamed milk with cinnamon
Primordial god of the upper air, light, the atmosphere, space and heaven.
Alastor one sugar in tea or coffee
God of family feuds and avenger of evil deeds.
Apollo decaf
Olympian god of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge.
Ares mocha Frappuccino
God of war. Represented the physical, violent and untamed aspect of war.
Aristaeus tea he made himself
Minor patron god of animal husbandry, bee-keeping, and fruit trees. Son of Apollo.
Asclepius all the tea or black coffee
God of medicine, health, healing, rejuvenation and physicians.
Attis just water please
A minor god of vegetation, fruits of the earth and rebirth.
Caerus nitro cold brew
Minor god of opportunity, luck and favorable moments.
Cronos peach tea with cream
The god of time. Not to be confused with Cronus, the Titan father of Zeus.
Crios decaf with cream and sugar
The Titan god of the heavenly constellations and the measure of the year..
Cronus vanilla Frappuccino with no coffee
God of agriculture, leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans and father of the Titans. Not to be confused with Cronos, god of time.
Deimos earl grey tea with cream
Deimos is the personification of dread and terror.
Dionysus either like a tiny bit of coffee in a milkshake or espresso directly into his veins
An Olympian god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness, religious ecstasy and theatre.
Erebus iced coffee with vanilla and milk
Primordial god of darkness.
Eros strawberry Frappuccino
God of sexual desire, attraction, love and procreation.
Hades vanilla latte with soy milk
God of the Dead and Riches and King of the Underworld.
Helios chocolate and peanut butter hot chocolate
God of the Sun and also known as Sol.
Hephaestus iced tea with lemonade
God of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture. Created weapons for the gods and married to Aphrodite.
Hermes matcha
God of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings, guide to the Underworld and messenger of the gods.
Hymenaios cold brew
God of marriage ceremonies, inspiring feasts and song.
Hypnos doesn’t like the way caffeine makes him feel so he drinks decaf
The Greek god of sleep.
Kratos Oreo milkshake
God of strength and power.
Momus gingerbread latte
God of satire, mockery, censure, writers and poets and a spirit of evil-spirited blame and unfair criticism.
Morpheus peppermint mocha
God of dreams and sleep – has the ability to take any human form and appear in dreams.
Paean London fog with lavender
The physician of the Olympian gods.
Pan mint tea
God of nature, the wild, shepherds, flocks, goats, mountain wilds, and is often associated with sexuality. Also a satyr (half man, half-goat).
Plutus hot chocolate with caramel
The Greek god of wealth.
Poseidon chai
Olympian Greek god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses.
Priapus black coffee or coffee with creamer
Minor rustic fertility god, protector of flocks, fruit plants, bees and gardens and known for having an enormous penis.
Thanatos butterscotch iced coffee
A minor god and the god of death.
Triton sea salt caramel Frappuccino
Messenger of the sea and the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite.
Zelus lemonade
The god of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal.
Zues lil bitch juice
God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, justice, King of the Gods and the “Father of Gods and men”.
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lovelywingsart · 2 years
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(Survival AU)
Karl learns the hard way that babies chew on... everything.
To be fair, Emelia probably DID warn him, but y'know...
You can definitely tell which was the more prepared out of the two 😂
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lovelywingsart · 2 years
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We've all seen Emelias love for animals, and we understand wholeheartedly.
But you know who doesn't?
Karl. 😂
He very rarely witnesses her antics with little Furry friends, and when he does, he's typically very... confused.
//She was probably playing with/chasing the cat, and just kinda...
Dived under his jacket.
As you do when playing with a cat. uwu
He... doesn't really understand her fascination, but hey, it makes her happy, so he won't complain.
Mostly. 😂 Until the cat sits on his papers, THEN he'll start bitching about it.
The cat, jokingly deemed 'Heisencat' by Emelia due to the fur color though ended up being female, is one that attached itself to the duo, and is both a thorn in Karls side as well as a decent cuddle companion. uwu//
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lovelywingsart · 2 years
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⚒𝕄𝕖𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤 𝔻𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕠𝕤⚒
Quick Before Work sketch of sleepy babs uwu
Emelia makes a REALLY good pillow, apparently! Though that tends to happen when you're squishy, too. 😌 It's the other way around, usually.
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lovelywingsart · 2 years
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⚒𝕄𝕖𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤 𝔻𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕠𝕤⚒
Next thing you know she's hauling ass while simultaneously turned on, laughing, AND terrified.
Because you know damn well he jumped that fuckin table, locked on target. 😂
(Thank you to my friend May for the German. uwu 💙 I hope I wrote it the right way...!
Was gonna use it for my 18+ account for obvious reasons, but hey, creative 'genius' comes in odd spurts...
As does Karls ability to sprint.)
//Loose translation : "Do it then, LORD HEISENBERG."
Also, fun fact according to the lovely May, "RUN BITCH, RUN" in German is "LAUF SCHLAMPE LAUF"
Take that as you will. uwu
We're learning today on account of Emelias soon-to-be inability to walk and/or think.//
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lovelywingsart · 2 years
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⚒𝕄𝕖𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤 𝔻𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕠𝕤⚒
If Heisenberg didn't have such perfect defense with his powers, I'm pretty sure Emelia would have more than made up for it... 👀
Just... don't make her angry.
Or either of them, really.
//Trying to fill out my sketchbook completely to use my new one so I'm trying to do more of these 🥲
Thankfully there's not much left in it, meaning it'll be the first sketchbook I've fully filled out!
Also having fun with still making her either too big or too small🙃//
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