chungkong-nl · 4 months
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Bring your walls to life. Visit the webshop chungkong.nl today!
A family of undercover superheroes, while trying to live the quiet suburban life, are forced into action to save the world.
Director: Brad Bird Stars: Craig T. Nelson, Samuel L. Jackson, Holly Hunter
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the-random-hamlet · 1 year
The Super NPC digs their cap out of the closet to show you the possible super heroics of the Metroville role-playing game.
Enjoy and please leave a comment or suggestion. 
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🌟 ¡Descubre la Épica Alianza de las Sombras! 🌟
🌟 ¡Descubre la Épica Alianza de las Sombras! 🌟 🌆 Sumérgete en Metrovill, una ciudad acosada por el crimen y la corrupción, donde un enigmático vigilante enmascarado, conocido como "El Caballero de la Oscuridad", emerge para proteger a los inocentes y restaurar la justicia. 💪🕵️♂️Lea este emocionante historia en el siguiente enlace https://ur1.app/la-alianza-de-las-sombras
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cryptid-moone · 2 years
I am once again posting about Futuristic Four: this time featuring some info about my "au" and their super suits!
From left to right:
Wilbur- xmen inspired suit, gold/yellow head piece, belt and logo. Head peice is to track "jump likeliness" percentage.
Penny- spy like body suit, visor for vitals and communication. Tazers built into gloves and boots. Logo is bolt logo.
Violet- a purple and black version of her original suit, inspo from elastigirl original outfit. Logo is a burst force field.
Hiro- only the helmet changed, has a vital screen and a percentage for Wilbur's "jumping" issue (explained below)
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Ok so first off, info on why they need suits and how they "met". In the au, they all live in the future (I couldn't come up with how Violet got dragged into this mess). Hiro stays in San Fransokyo, Wilbur and Penny are in today land and Violet is in the next city over, Metroville. Metroville is right near old town and the people in that city live like it's the 60's.
Anyways, I'll explain all of this at some point but right now, here's the gist: Penny, Hiro and Violet (and their teams) all separately are trying to stop Dr. Calico from getting his hands on a Time Machine. All the teams where asked by Cornielius Robinson because Wilbur is being held for ransom.
They plan to give Calico a Time Machine but rig it to blow up and send itself back in time so they can go back and get it later. Once he figures this out a brawl happens. In the middle of it all is Penny, Wilbur, Hiro and Violet who go for the TM but it goes off early and Wilbur (who was in the drivers seat) absorbs most of the main blast before they get sent to 2012.
Now they're stuck there until they can fix the Time Machine and go home. They stay with Franny's (wilburs mom) family. The blast from the Time Machine does give Wilbur and Penny powers but it takes awhile for them to realize it. Cuz they were the closest to the initial blast.
Wilbur gains time jumping powers and Chronokinesis (he can manipulate time to an extent. Ex: he can make everyone around him slow or himself super fast. But he can't stop time.) but he cannot control his time jumping, when he tries (or worse, holds back a jump) it usually leads to pain (migraines and feeling like he took a hammer to the chest). Luckily that power has a timer. Every couple of days (maybe hours) he' ll uncontrollably time jump between 2012 and whatever time after or before that.
Penny gained the power to speak to animals and to an extent control them. Over using this power does lead to a bunch of peoples pets flocking the house and getting chased by dogs. He gets a hold of it soon tho.
Relationships will be explained later this week lol, for now gn 😎
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djinarocks · 15 days
Bolok (Megamind)
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Here's my own version of Megamind, l hope you guys like it.
Cast Meme Blank belongs to Hiram-Flaversham.
Lucien Bolok (Space Goofs) as Megamind
Bud Budiovitch (Space Goofs) as Minion
Elodie Auclair (My OC) as Roxanne Ritchi
Clark Kent/Superman (My Adventures with Superman) as Metro Man
Thaddeus Vent (Oscar's Orchestra) as Hal Stewart/Titan
Sir Ravenal Rightfellow (Jack Frost (1979)) as Bernard
Cap'n Cuttlefish (Splatoon) as Space Mom
Melvin Peabody (The Daltons) as Warden
Principal Celestia and Mirror King Sombra (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Megamind's Parents
Egg Boiz (Hazbin Hotel) as Brainbots
Other Cast (Not Pictured):
The Mayor (The Year Without a Santa Claus) as The Mayor of Metroville
Granny (Looney Tunes) as Space Mom
Note 1: l am not going to use Granny and Cap'n Cuttlefish as couple in my future fanmakes, it will only occur in this one.
Note 2: I am not going to use Celestia and Mirror King Sombra as Lucien's parents in my future fanmakes, it will be only in this one.
Note 3: l am not going to make fanmakes of Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate and Megamind Rules! because l find them dissapointing. I respect your opinions on them if you guys like them.
Mirror King Sombra (EG)' s design belongs to ferrokiva.
Elodie Auclair belongs to Me.
All Other Characters belong to Their Rightful Owners.
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ladyyulissaling · 2 months
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Capítulo I - primera impresión
La historia comienza con el señor paladino en su auto dirigiéndose a las afueras de la ciudad de Metroville, no era costumbre ni parte de su rutina pero aún así estaba maravillado por el bello paisaje del bosque aunque un tanto nublado era precioso hasta que...
—¡cielos!— Dijo el abogado sorprendido agarrando el volante de su auto con fuerza
Cuando salió de él para inspeccionarlo se dió cuenta de que este se había atascado en el lodo, y lo peor de todo, había ensuciado sus zapatos recién pulidos. El varón estaba algo repugnado, pero siguió con su camino a pie pues ya estaba en el lugar correcto, solo tenía que seguir el sendero (y por su auto no se preocupaba ya contactaría a un grúa).
Este llevaba un libro que necesitaba para saber si la demanda de la señorita Caramell era válida. él no tenía ni idea de quién era Caramell, per sí sabía que ella era quien había demandado a un tal Owen por supuestamente reclamar una propiedad que no le pertenecía, y por lo que escuchó decir por el teléfono, la señorita Caramell no estaba nada felíz así que decidió tomar el caso en sus manos
Después de haber recorrido el sendero y con algo de dificultad debido a sus gafas de sol, llegó a una estación que supuso era la oficina de la guardabosques, cambió sus gafas de sol a gafas normales, se acercó tímidamente y tocó el timbre, pacientemente esperó a que ella o alguien más saliera.
Segúndos después una linda mujer uniformada salió cubriendo su rostro con un gran sombrero de patrullaje.
—Disculpe..¿es usted Caramell Grisly?— preguntó el abogado
—¡Es correcto señor!— respondió alegremente quitándose el sombrero de la cara dejando ver el brillo de sus ojos y su cabello negro. El abogado sin más le extiende la mano y ella corresponde el saludo.
—¡Es un placer señor paladino!, que bueno que está aquí me han hablado mucho de usted ¡sígame!— alzando la mano y caminando hacia el extenso bosque
El señor paladino siguió a la chica por el sendero, mientras iba detrás de ella se pegaba a él mismo en la mejilla por los mosquitos en el aire, y la neblina del aire empañó un poco sus lentes dificultándole ver, pero sí pudo seguir.
—No recibimos muchas visitas en esta época del año, a los visitantes no les gusta la niebla, además los animales se preparan para ivernar y se esconden, así que no es muy divertido— explica la mujer a Simon
—Oh, eso suena...lindo— tartamudeaba por la pobre visión que sus gafas le daban
—Es más que lindo, ¡es maravilloso! este es su hogar y así a sido desde siempre— decía inspirada mirando una rama con un par de pajaritos en un nido
Después de pulir sus lentes con una manta, Simón vió el nido y empatizó con las ideas de la chica.
—!Ejem!—tosió Caramell— esto es lo que quería mostrarle
El hombre vió hacia donde ella apuntaba, un espacio del bosque lleno de árboles talados, una imágen que casi hizo que sus gafas se cayeran de la impresión.
—Usted no sabe lo mucho que me duele ver esto—suspiró con una cara triste—¿pero sí nos ayudarás cierto?— dijo mucho más animada
—Es correcto madame— contestó a la de cabello azabache
—¡fiuf! ¡gracias a Dios!— suspiró porfin quitándose el estrés de aquel paisaje dañado de encima
Pero la calma no le duró por mucho tiempo, escuchó a lo lejos un sonido ensordesedor y la tierra tembló debajo de sus pies, una gran máquina se aproximaba hacia ellos. En ese momento la mujer se puso enfrente de ella.
—¡¡Deténgase ahí!!— exclamó en alto usando su mano derecha en señal de alto, y la izquierda postrada en su cintura
El jóven que conducía la máquina frenó de inmediato, mientras esta frenaba, Simon se cubría la cara con el libro de reglas y Caramell simplemente se quedó parada como si nada cruzando los brazos y rodando los ojos.
De esa enorme chatarra bajó un hombre con traje gris, corbata azul, cabello pelirojo, casi calvo y algo obeso. Se acercó a la dama y dijo...
—Hola Caramell— dijo con una mirada perversa mientras encendía un puro
—Hola Owen...— saludó con disgusto la guardabosques, dado que el señor Nowman era un hombre muy bajo Caramell tenía que mirar hacia abajo para poder charlar con él
—Y al fin...¿ya decidiste rendirte y dejarme a mi la propiedad?— fumaba con delirios de grandeza
—¡¡De ningúna manera!!— exclamó con ira
—¡Anda! Continúa resistiéndote, sabes que el tiempo se te acaba, y nadie vendrá a salvarte— amenazó exhalando humo en su cara haciéndola toser
—¡En primer lugar no hagas eso! Y en segúndo ¡esta vez no vengo sola! —sonrió— ¡este es mi abogado!— tomó a Simon de los hombros y lo presentó al frente
—Simon .J. Paladino. Abogado— extendió la mano al hombre obeso
Todo quedó en silencio por un momento hasta que él y sus socios empezaron a reír.
—¿Que? ¡Cramelo! ¿hiciste equipo con este bago? ¡es increíble!— se reía el hombre junto a sus demás cómplices
La mujer estaba a punto de amenazarlo, pero el señor Paladino dió un paso al frente ajustando sus gafas y lo miró directamente cruzando los brazos.
En ese momento él y sus socios se quedaron callados ante la profunda mirada del hombre, la cuál jurarían que les penetraba hasta el alma.
—En primer lugar señor Nowman— dijo seriamente— esa no es forma de tratar a una mujer— la dama prestó atención ante ese comentario— en segúndo lugar, ese vocabulario es callejero y de bajo ¡y en tercero!— levantó un poco la voz— muéstreme su permiso de demolición— extendiéndo la mano derecha hacia el más bajo
El señor chasqueó un dedo y uno de sus cómplices le entregó un documento al abogado, mismo que leyó detenidamente.
—Esto no está firmado— le entregó el papel al dueño— es completamente ilegal demoler un área protegida sin la autorización de la guardabosques. ¿Qué tiene que decir en su defensa?— reclamó con severidad
—oh, señor Palediano— dijo Owen
—Es Paladino— corrigió Simon
—En primer lugar, esta área se a quedado sin recursos económicos como para pagar su mantenimiento de rutina, y les queda muy poco tiempo para poder hacer algo al respecto— dijo soberbio y arrogante— y en segúndo, Caramell no es la dueña del bosque, esta es un área pública en dónde la gente solo viene a hacer turismo y ver animales sucios y esas cosas— explicó con cara de desagrado
Caramell gruñó ante ese comentario.
—Así que lamentablemente ya no hay nada que usted ni nadie puedan hacer por él— ante esa oración la guardabosques se destrozó por dentro, puso su mano en su hombro y bajó tristemente la mirada
—No si yo puedo ayudarla— proclamó el abogado
La chica volteó a verlo sorprendida —¿de verdad lo harías?—
—Claro, para eso estoy aquí— respondió con su voz monótona
—¡Bien! par de dramáticos, tienen dos meses para solucionar este bochorno, pero si no lo hacen...tú deberás entregarme la propiedad ¡y largarte de esta ciudad!— apuntando a la guardabosques quien se quedó boquiabierta por lo que dijo el sujeto
—Bien— contestó tranquilamente el abogado— pero si usted pierde, tendrá que pasar un año tras las rejas, pagar una multa de $20,000 por los daños, y cien horas de servicio comunitario— dijo con severidad hacia el inversionista
—Trato hecho—aceptó la propuesta y ambos estrecharon la mano
—Vámonos muchachos— alzó la mano y gritó a sus cómplices— hasta entonces, caramelo—
Justo cuando dijo eso último se subió a la gran maquinaria, viéndolos con una mirada perversa mientras se alejaba con los demás.
—¡Rayos!, ¡como odio a ese soquete!— refunfuñó la jóven— ¡¿quién se cree que es?!
Simon la observó a detalle y parecía que quería llorar de la rabia, sus mejillas estaban algo rojas por la ira y sus dientes rechinaban mientras abrazaba el libro de reglas que anteriormente recibió del abogado.
Simon no sabía como consolar a la chica pues se veía que la estaba pasando mal, y la entendía perfectamente, ese hombre tenía una conducta y un vocabulario muy desagradable no entendía como ella podía haberlo soportado todos estos días.
—Yo te ayudaré lo prometo— dijo el abogado poniéndo su mano derecha en su hombro, no era bueno con las personas pero sí quería entenderlas
—Gracias de verdad Señor Paladino—
—No hay problema, sólo hago mi trabajo y será lindo trabajar contigo— le contestó calmadamente
Caramell estaba algo sorprendida por la monotonía de su voz, lejos de aburrirla o de hacerla dormir le daba mucha paz, y su apariencia física elegante le ayudaba bastante a calmarse de todo ese vergonzoso escándalo formado anteriormente por Owen.
—¡Pues vienvenido! Desde ahora este también es tu hogar— colocando su mano en su hombro
Simon se sentía alagado, pues no se había sentido vienvenido con ningúno de sus otros clientes. Por lo general resultaban ser indiferentes y otras veces eran arrogantes, pero con ella no, y eso lo aliviaba.
—Nos vemos mañana entonces— respondió el varón
—Hasta luego— se despidió aleteando la mano antes de voltear hacia otro lado
Justo cuando el hombre se marchó directo a la carretera dónde ya habían puesto su auto, ella curiosa lo miró irse de espaldas. Suspiró y decidió marcharse.
Tal vez este sea un buen comienzo para Simon, quizás ella podría ayudarlo a socializar y hacer amigos, pero hasta entonces tenía que cumplir con su misión de ayudarla, él era un hombre de palabra y estaba dispuesto a cumplirla
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milihamada · 3 months
•CaVoyd: Hamada's Life (Fanfic)•
Chapter 1:
*How Cass and Karen Meet After The Events Of The Second Film*
*In Coffee At The Hamada's*
H: Aunt Cass We're Back From Metroville Trip
*She Hugs Her Nephews With Happiness*
C: Ohhh Hiro... Tadashi... How Good You All Came Home Safe After The Mission In Metroville
T: Yes Aunt Cass
H: There in Metroville We Meet New People At Deevtech and New Heroes and Friends Too
C: How Good Hiro
H: So, Aunt Cass....You Are Pleased With The News ?
C: Yes Hiro
*Then She Finishes Hugging Her Nephews We Start To Explain How Tadashi Survived That Fire and How We Became Heroes in Secret*
C: Well I Know I Understand You Two, After You Found Your Brother in Metroville For a Long Time It Was Thanks To Honey Who Found You, Right Tadashi ?
T: Yes Aunt Cass, It's Been a Long Time Since I've Seen You Two and My Friends and Honey Too.... And I Don't Want To Be Separated From You Again.... I Love Her.... Because She Brought Me Back Tô San Fransokyo and You Two Too....
*He Cries Emotionally and His Aunt Cass Consoles The Boy*
C: I Know Tadashi You Went Throught Those Difficult Times Back In Metroville and Now That You Are Here Alive We Are Happy That You Came Back To Us
H: Yes Tadashi, I'm Also Happy That You're Around You Again and Thanks To Mr.Deavor and Our Teammate Too
T: Thank You Guys For Your Support
*After The Conversation Between Them, The Three End Up Hearing The Arrival Of Their Friends At The Coffee Shop, My Nephews Go Down To Talk To Their Friends, During The Meeting With Hiro and Tadashi's Friends Colleagues I Was Still Upstairs Making Breakfast For a Few Hours, The Two Were Talking To Their Colleagues Along With Baymax and The Girl Who Was Between Them and When I Went To Serve Breakfast and She Saw Me We Each Other For The First Time a Young Girl With Light Blue Hair and Turquoise Green Eyes Anxiously and It Was Like That At Moment Exchanging Looks And Her Name is Karen Fields*
C: Ready Guys, I Already Made Breakfast
K/V: "Oh My Gosh.....Wow She is Beautiful She Reminds Me a Lot Of The Elastigirl"......(Admiring The Girl)
C: Hey Darling, Everything Aright ?
K/V: Yes I'm Fine on Good....Terms With My Colleagues and...You Are Hiro and Tadashi's Aunt ?
C: Yes I'm Their Aunt, But You Already Know My Nephews ?
K/V: Yes I Know The Both, I Thought You Were Tadashi and Hiro's Mother ?
C: It's Okay, Dear, Sometimes a Lot Of People Get Confused and I'm Actually Their Aunt
K/V: So....I Thought You Were Very Similar To The Elastigirl and You Are Actually Tadashi and Hiro's Aunt ?
C: Exactly
K/V: I Liked You More Before I Introduced Myself.....Hi My Name Is Karen... Karen Fields What Is Your Name ?
C: My Name Is Cass...Cass Hamada You Can Call Me Aunt Cass
K/V: Ok Aunt Cass
C: So You Already Know My Nephews Colleagues, Hiro and Tadashi Right ?
K/V: Yes, Already Know These Two and Their Colleagues Too And.....
*The Young Girl Felt Something Under The Coffee Shop Table, Which Was Mochi That Was Rubbing on Her Legs, He Really Wanted To Get Her Attetion*
K/V: Oh How Cute What Is His Name
H: Karen This Is Mochi, He Is Our House Cat
K/V: And Why Is He Between My Legs ?
G/E: I Think He Liked You
HL: It's Normal He Will Get Used To You Right
K/V: You're Right Honey Lemon, I'd Going To Adapt For The First Time in San Fransokyo When I Was Moving To Metroville and I Arrived Yesterday Morning and I'm Living in The GoGo House's Kitnet With The Two Of Them and Little By Little I'm Going To Get Used To It Here With You And.....
W: Ok Karen, We Already Understand, We're Going To Help You, Okay
K/V: Okay Wasabi
T: Karen, As You Are Very Anxious We Will Show You Some Places Here In The City Of San Fransokyo and Baymax Will Help You Control Your Anxiety With The Scanner and Your Personal Heath Agent
K/V: Thank You Tadashi
T: You're Welcome
F: Guys, How About We Go To The Square And Enjoy a Walk Among Ourselves
HL: Good Idea Fred
F: So What Are We Waiting For Let's Go
K/V: Aunt Cass Wants To Go With Us On The Walk in The Square ?
C: Well, I Don't Know, I Have a Lot Of Things And......
H: Come On Auntie Quickly, We'll Be Back With Things At The Coffee Shops Soon, Let's Go
C: Okay, I'II Go With You, But This Time Just Today
H: Yes
K/V: What Are You Waiting For Aunt Cass Let's Go
*And Thanks To Fred's Invitation To Take a Walk In The Square, When Karen Invited Me For a Walk In The Square, She Took My Hand and Looked At Me With Her Beautiful Smile and We Went Together For a Walk In The Square Of San Fransokyo And That Was The Beginning Of Our Colorful Friendship Between You And Me Karen*
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Incredibles 3 Idea?
I don’t really want an Incredibles 3 but hear me out: it revolves around Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack as adults. If this idea is not entirely revolting to you (or if it is, and you enjoy being disgusted), go ahead and read on!
When the movie opens, they’re kind of distant from each other. That’s like the establishing vibe. Maybe living in different cities, maybe just in different parts of Metroville. I’m going with none of them being as close as they used to be, but Dash and Vi are closer than Dash and Jack or Vi and Jack. After all, Dash and Vi were siblings for nine/ten years before Jack was born, so it tracks that they might stay more in contact (not saying it’s the right way to approach a relationship with a younger sibling, just saying I understand that it could happen). This also gives the potential for interpersonal tension between Jack and his older sibs.
Let us examine this scenario to establish what’s going on: we get a short montage of Vi’s college graduation, Dash’s high school graduation, the days they move out, some family dinners after that where first Dash stops showing up, and then Vi is a less frequent visitor, and finally even Jack isn’t going to his parents’ for dinner anymore. We also get some shots of the kids themselves, working or hanging out with other people, ignoring each other’s calls/texts or responding with as little as possible. That sets up that the family is drifting apart as the kids grow older.
Then Violet goes to have lunch with her mom one day. Helen mentions something going on in Jack’s life that Vi really should know, so it’s significant that she doesn’t. We see realization dawn on Helen’s face, and she looks a little bit sad, bc she wanted her kids to be friends even when they were adults. After lunch, Vi calls Dash and he sounds sort of surprised to hear from her, and she asks if he knew about Event XYZ that happened with Jack. He doesn’t know either, and the two of them also start to figure out that they aren’t where they want to be with each other. Vi invites Dash over to her house and it takes work to figure out a time that meshes for both of their schedules, but they do make it work.
Now that that’s been worked through, Important Point Two: the Parr kids aren’t all superheroes anymore. In fact, let’s say neither Dash nor Vi is a superhero for part of the story.
Vi is married and living the life she always dreamed of: she’s normal. Because as much as her character evolves (and trust me, I could go on about that for a pretty long time, too) her deep desires don’t really change. She steps up when she’s needed, and she likes feeling that she’s making a difference, but she still truly wants to be able to quit. So when, after superheroes are re-legalized, new supers step up to the plate, Vi quietly makes her exit from the superhero world. She has some job, not quite sure what, but it makes her happy, and she has a wife.
Dash is a single father, so he doesn’t have the time to do superhero things, even though that’s the life he always wanted. He’s dealing with twin babies, and eventually that leads him to move back into Bob and Helen’s house, because as hard as he’s trying he just can’t seem to get by on his own. After that, he starts sneaking out to superhero, but when he nearly gets injured on a mission, Bob sits him down and tells him no-holds-barred that his job now is to be a father, and that his children need him to come home at the end of every day. Bob talks about how much he regrets when he started superheroing behind his family’s backs, way back in the first movie, but let’s say Dash doesn’t listen, and then he disappears.
Jack is the one who’s still out there doing superhero things. He has a superhero SO that he fights crimes with, he’s one of the most popular superheroes in Metroville, and he’s pretty rich, with a nice apartment in the city. Maybe he gets engaged and that’s the big news Vi doesn’t know about. But he’s also low-key miserable, bc he misses the family dinners and having his older sibs around.
Helen and Bob enlist Vi and Jack to find Dash. He’s been missing for several days, and he hasn’t answered any calls/texts. Jack is thrilled, because it means he gets to work side-by-side with his big sis, but he’s also nervous. Obvi we get this in the shape of a scene where he’s jabbering on about it to his SO, because that’s fun. Vi accepts that she needs to be a superhero again, no hesitance, no reluctance, because this is her little brother we’re talking about; her wife isn’t too happy about it, both because she doesn’t want Vi to die and because she knows Vi isn’t much into the supering anymore, but she knows this is something Vi has to do so she’s supportive.
I don’t know what kind of villain abducted Dash while he was on one of his missions. If somebody has a good idea feel free to throw it out. But there’s a big family rescue operation, and the kids become friends again during the process, and it carries on the grand Incredibles tradition of balancing superhero stakes with family dynamics. Of course Dash is saved, and everything turns out alright, and at the end, Helen and Bob have a moment where they get to look at their kids hanging out and laughing about their adventure together, and they know they did good.
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theladyheroine · 8 months
KH4 x Potential Pixar Worlds 🚀
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Hello! So, I know the art block has been going for awhile, and I never got past my Miraculous AU designs, but I figured I'd put this here for the time being! This one is different than other KH posts because it's not very big. Thank you for your time everyone!
The Incredibles
With a world where superheroes and superpowers are somewhat the norm, I feel the Keyblade wielders would fit in a bit better if they were looking for Sora. Based on the way KH usually does their plots, I feel like this would also take place after the first movie but before the second one. Considering the first one is more well-known too.
For party members, I can easily see Mr. Incredible, Frozone, or Elastigirl as first choices considering they are usually the main characters and are the only adults lol. Although I can see Dash and Violet as being party members or even as summons, since they're kids just like the Destiny Trio and some other KH characters. Plus special moves with their powers would be cool.
As for the world goes, I feel the main places we'd see would be both Metroville and the weird Island considering both play big roles in the movie, plus there can be more than one location in a KH world anyway. As for plot, I'm not so sure but I feel maybe having the evil robot thing come back might be a big boss level, or at least a mid-boss level? But as for other game mechanics other than fighting, I feel a different sense of traveling or maybe using different vehicles to get around might work? Like a cool car or a plane?
I know I talked alot about traveling mechanics in the last KH I did, like alot, but considering how many gadgets the supers use and fight with I feel it might be like Sora's little AR device in San Fransokyo too. Where different gadgets can do different things!
Now I don't see people talk about this often, but it would be so cute to meet Wall-e!!
Now I'm not sure which place specifically the story would take place, but most likely the Axiom ship! Now I'm not sure about the plot timeline, but most likely during the plot of the original movie since they spend the most time there in space. Trying to get the plant back and fighting evil robot heartless would be wild Especially if the other little goofy robots help out!
Although considering how big the Axiom ship is, it's likely the gang would get lost, especially with all the twists and turns and railings! Maybe riding the railways or helping manage the little robots could be a mini game?? Or maybe fighting the weird Auto Robot as a final boss would be cool! Navigating the ship while trying to keep him away!
Although I really want something to do with planting! Considering near the end of the movie everyone starts to grow more on Earth! Although, if the game decided to have everyone meet Wall-E before in a post storyline, maybe you can help him grow a garden! Awwwwww that’s so cute! 🥰🥰
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kittyball23 · 2 years
It Happened One Summer Crossover (an Incredibles fanfic)
Summary: While attempting a date at the NSA's annual Summer Crossover, Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl instead get interrupted by supervillain Baron von Ruthless. But, despite their outing getting cut short, it's not all bad... especially when they get to work together as a team
A/N: Based on the Incredibles 2 comic 'Bedtime Story' with references to the Elastigirl prequel novel 'A Real Stretch'!
Their first date - if it could qualify as that - was a rather simple affair.
Mr. Incredible had taken Elastigirl up on the offer to watch the “Mr. Incredible and Pals” short that had been aired while she was on patrol during the Supers Appreciation Day Parade. The film had been stored away rather quickly, at Frozone's insistent request, but it had been no hassle requesting access to the NSA vault for one quick viewing. Despite its flaws, Mr. Incredible still found the short to be enjoyable - a little sillier than he had initially anticipated the first time, but still entertaining nonetheless. Elastigirl found joy in the short film as well - it had taken her a while to quell the hysterics emitting from her being, the situation not helped by his own laughter resulting from her infectious giggles. They'd planned to linger around the premises some more afterwards, though plans were cut short at the sudden shrill of the crime alert - two robberies had commenced, one near the Municiberg Bank and another at the local jewelry store. They'd bid each other a quick farewell and sped off to deal with the disturbances in opposite directions. 
Their second date had gone along far more smoothly. They’d decided to ditch the masks and instead spend the time together as Bob and Helen rather than superheroes Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl. They’d met up at Municiberg's central park, and spent the afternoon idly chatting about their own lives and the much more trivial matters they ran into as civilians. He told her more about his own life - from the discovery of his supernatural powers to the day when he received his Supersuit - an indestructible black-and-blue fabric designed by the quirky yet savvy Edna Mode. In return, he'd learned more about the life of Helen Truax - a simple Southern girl who'd spent most of her childhood right there in the city of Municiberg. She explained how Dicker had approached her some years ago after speaking at her high school assembly, offering the position with NSA in his collected and straightforward manner. As it turned out, his joining hadn’t been too different from hers. Dicker had confronted Bob at his high school’s gymnasium, blending in with the athlete recruits from several Municiberg colleges that had been on campus that day.
And so it was that they found themselves, yet again, on another date, the annual Supers conference opening the perfect opportunity to squeeze in a third.
The yearly event had been dubbed ‘The Summer Crossover’ by all heroes at the NSA, for the fact that they had to cross over the Metroville bridge to get to Chez Swank Hotel where it took place. Rick Dicker and the other officials held seminars that went over various subjects - super/civilian balance, secret hideouts, deathtraps… Really more of the same things that Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible were quite familiar with.
Which is why they devised a plan to rendezvous at the Incredibile shortly after arriving.
Elastigirl forced herself to maintain a friendly smile as she idly chatted with some of the other Supers, bringing the glass of punch that had been offered as refreshment up to her lips whenever she felt it faltering. Usually talk of a mission accomplished and criminals apprehended kept her interest, but it just wasn’t at the moment. Elastigirl’s mind was elsewhere, eyes wandering inconspicuously to the Super at the other end of the room, also half-heartedly engaged in talk with Gazerbeam, Gamma Jack, and Frozone. Mr. Incredible met her gaze and he winked. She blushed. It was the signal.
Finding a break in conversation thankfully was made easy for her, when the Supers she was with chose to head over to the buffet table and see what other confectionaries they could grab. She stole a quick glance in both directions, and then quietly walked away from the crowd and in the direction of the lot. No one paid her any mind, invested each in their own chatter. Mr. Incredible waited a few more minutes before following suit, excusing himself from the conversation to do a quick "check" on the Incredibile. Gazerbeam and Gamma Jack gave him a questioning look, though Frozone only laughed, remarking that he simply couldn't keep away from that vehicle. 
True, Mr. Incredible did enjoy all the features his car had to offer, though this time it wasn't the vehicle that he was eager to see. He rounded the corner, treading closer to the secluded area he'd parked, until she finally came into view - Elastigirl. 
She stood a few feet away, hands clasped behind her back and innocently swaying back and forth on the heels of her booted feet. She turned in his direction, a not-so-innocent look in her eyes as soon as she met his gaze.
"Howdy stranger," she drawled, her accented voice holding a playful lilt to it. "This your ride?"
“Indeed it is,” he replied back, smiling as mischievously as she was. She grinned even wider and took a couple of paces closer to her. She raised an eyebrow when he reached a hand out seemingly toward her, but then steered it toward the handle of the car, opening the passenger’s side.
“Ladies first?” he asked, gesturing inside.
She smirked, nodding and sashaying inside with graceful ease. He clicked the door shut and went around to the driver’s side, entering the vehicle and having a seat next to her. They exchanged a small, knowing glance with one another, and Elastigirl took the short moment of silence to enjoy being in his presence while also peering around his car. She’d only been inside once before, and even then it had been in the midst of the chaos that had unfolded with Blazestone at the Supers Appreciation Parade. Looking at it now, she had to admit that it was pretty impressive. The ‘Incredibile,’ as it had been called when the NSA issued it to him, was full of all sorts of gadgets and gizmos that could aid the Super in any kind of situation, with ejector seats, boat capabilities, and tons of hidden arsenal. All that aside, it was a fast vehicle in itself and not too much different than a sleek, high-end sports car. She knew he loved the car, and it reminded her of how much she still desired to have her very own means of quick transportation, namely, the Elasticycle - a stretchable bicycle able to adapt to her elasticity powers - that fellow Super Downburst had been in the process of creating. As far as she knew, there were still little kinks in the project that needed to be fixed, but she looked forward to the day that the bike would be finished. 
A POP drew her attention back to Mr. Incredible, and she found that he had opened a new bottle of champagne, the frothy drink being poured into two identical wine glasses. She gazed up at him, eyebrow raised yet again. 
"Belle Epoque, ” he explained. “Figured it'd lighten the mood." He reached toward the button-filled dashboard, switching on what turned out to be the knob for the radio. After surfing through a few stations, he finally landed on one that satisfied him -  a smooth ballad with Sinatra's voice crooning softly from the speakers. He nodded, his eyes hooded at her as he leaned the seat back, sipped from the drink, and gave a content sigh. 
Elastigirl shook her head, amused. "You seem to be rather prepared," she said with a chuckle. In all honesty, it wasn’t such a bad set-up - she appreciated the small efforts he took to make the most of their situation. After all, slower and more mundane moments were a rather rare occurrence in the daily fast-paced life of a Super. It was nice to get some relaxing time alone.
“As a Super, we always try to be prepared. Surely, you must know that, Elastigirl?” He shot her a teasing look, Elastigirl blushing at the way he had briefly rolled the r in her Super name, almost making it sound like a purr. Not many men had ever succeeded in making her feel the warmth starting to blossom in her chest - and she never tried to succumb to those feelings in the first place - but she was starting to find more and more as of late that it was becoming increasingly difficult to resist them.
“To us?” he questioned, glass raised and a quizzical look in his eyes. 
She nodded politely, raising her own. “To us,” she responded smoothly.  They clinked glasses, taking a few sips of the drinks.
A few moments later Mr. Incredible downed the rest of the beverage, licking his lips and savoring the flavor. He prepared to pick up the bottle and pour some more when he paused, gazing at the woman before him with newfound fondness. Bright amber eyes, smoothly-parted red hair, rosy lips upturned in a smile… a picture of near-perfection. He was surprised that she’d even be remotely interested in him - Robert Parr, mild-mannered and polite civilian, perhaps - but Mr. Incredible , a rather conceited, and ego-driven Super? He wasn't deaf or blind - he'd heard her mutter her own share of comments to other Supers and seen the roll of the eyes or scoff whenever his ego may have shone through on some occasions. Heck, it really hadn’t been that big of a secret that she herself had a reputation as a heartbreaker. Prior to meeting her, he’d had his own conversations with some of his pals in the NSA - Meta-Man, Dynaguy, Gamma Jack - heck, even Gazerbeam had all had their share of attempts with trying to win her over. None were able to succeed in that mission however. He could very well recall their words whenever the subject came up:
I wouldn’t waste my time. She’s not interested in holding a relationship.
She’s a solo-act.  Prefers to have her “freedom.”
A real babe, I tell you that - big eyes, nice build - but to just ignore a catch like me? Major turnoff, pal.
What can I say? Her eyes simply weren’t on me. 
Mr. Incredible wasn’t too disappointed at first. He’d never really known her that well, and if anything, there were plenty of other women who did appreciate his brawn and confidence right off the bat. But once they’d actually worked together, he saw a different side to her - one that was capable of living up to her flexible name and not necessarily desiring to work solo all the time as she had once preferred. As he once preferred. Because with her, things were different. Teamwork was something to look forward to if it meant being by her side. She too had slowly been warming up to him, opening up a little more each time they’d stop for a brief chat as they ran off to stop crime, or as they shot the breeze at the store or park as their civilian selves. He was sure she liked it - why else would she bother? Then, the questions began to hit him. Was he just a fling? Why would she be stringing him along if that was the case? Would he end up like all the other Supers who exhausted their chances? Or did she feel the same way he did? In his mind, there was only one way to find out.
Mustering courage, he began to cautiously lean forward, an almost expectant look in his eyes. Elastigirl’s own eyes widened for a brief moment, and he nearly regretted his action - had he been too forward? Mr. Incredible’s worries however were instantly quelled when she gave a small grin, and tilted her head closer toward his - practically an invitation to follow through with his intentions. He easily complied, heavy eyelids closing as he met her halfway. 
It was quick - a soft brush of the lips before pulling away the in the next moment, a light blush rising in both their cheeks. 
It was quiet for a moment, neither knowing exactly what to say following such a swift, chaste kiss. Mr. Incredible broke the silence first, forcing out a chuckle and awkwardly rubbing the back of his head with a gloved hand. 
"Heh… not the most incredible kiss to offer, huh?" 
Elastigirl only shrugged, an almost indifferent look in her expression had the rosy tint of a blush in her cheeks not giving her true emotions away. "I suppose it could have gone better," came the nonchalant reply. 
He raised an eyebrow.
"Well?" she asked, sounding a little demanding. "Are you going to try again, or are you going to just keep me waiting?"
It took a moment for Mr. Incredible to process what she’d asked of him, but once he’d registered her positive response, he was pleased, unable to help the grin that spread on his face. He leaned back in and took her once more, careful to apply more pressure against her mouth. To his delight, she responded enthusiastically, a quiet moan escaping her as she tilted her head for a better angle. They broke it off a moment later; his lips hovering over hers as they both took a moment to catch their breaths. He watched her eyes flutter open and he smiled at the sight of them sparkling.
It was Elastigirl who leaned back in first, kissing him again with fervor, moving her lips so skillfully, so softly against his that he swore he’d forget how to breathe. They parted again, and then leaned back in again, a few short pecks exchanged before backing off for air, foreheads against each other's. Their cheeks were flushed, both breathing heavily from the sudden rush of arousal that had befallen upon them in such a sudden manner. 
"Should we be doing this?" Elastigirl suddenly asked in concern. "Opening ceremony is about to start very soon, you know."
He merely shrugged, tucking a loose strand of her red hair back in place behind her ear before cupping her cheek. "We've still got time," he replied huskily.
Despite Elastigirl’s desire to return to the convention, it was nothing compared to her desire to remain put. After all, she wasn't in too big of a rush to sit through another boring speech, when she could instead enjoy the company of her new lover. She settled for the latter, inching herself closer to his face and anticipating the feel of his lips on hers once more when -- 
A sudden, sharp noise tore them apart from their intimate bubble, followed by screams. Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible whipped their heads toward the direction of the noise, looking out the car’s window and seeing its source. The pair gasped, because right there, in the middle of the Chez Swank Hotel’s expansive courtyard, was a two-story juggernaut of destruction. The monstrous machine towered over the Supers there, now seemingly powerless to stop him as the villain inside was using a strange ray-like contraption to drain all of their powers out. Mr. Incredible peered closer, getting a good look at the mustachioed man laughing maniacally with a cape and monocle, and then gasped.
"That's Baron Von Ruthless!" he bellowed, launching himself out of the car in an instant. "He's attacking the opening ceremony with his Mayhem Machine!" Mr. Incredible gritted his teeth in anger. Of all the luck, he had to show up! Harming his friends, and ruining his date! Well then, he would certainly pay! He began to charge towards the scene, when a pair of elastic arms suddenly wrapped themselves tightly around him, forcing him to stop. 
"Hey, hey, hey! Wait a minute, stop!” Elastigirl cried out, holding him steadfast. “Sure, we have to stop him, but we also have to be smart about it too. Besides…. I still don't want folks to know we’re dating yet…"
This made Mr. Incredible stop his struggling. He turned to look at her, the woman retracting her arms back into place at her sides. She gently bit at her bottom lip and averted his gaze, uncharacteristically shy. And that’s when he remembered the promise he made her, upon their very first date: that she did not want their relationship out in the open. He remembered how teased Downburst had been when he quietly revealed his enamour with the Super Blazestone. She didn’t want the same rumors to be floating around about them just yet. Yes, there was attraction, but they were not sure if things were going to get serious just yet. And so, keeping it on the hush was the best option at the moment. 
He let out a breath and nodded. “Okay.”
She returned the nod. “I have a plan…."
A few whispers into his ear later, coupled with some gestures for visualization, the two Supers had come up with a way to defeat the evil villain. Mr. Incredible prepared to run off again, but he was stopped once more by Elastigirl.
He turned to look at her again, expecting her to add on some other detail she might have missed, but was surprised when she instead wrapped her arms around his neck, leaned in, and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. He blinked stunned, and she smirked.
“For good luck?” she said, patting his shoulder. “Now go, before the rest of the Supers get smashed.”
Mr. Incredible smiled, catching her chin and tilting his head down to deposit his own quick kiss before heading off, his focus set. He had a notorious baddie to stop. And one amazing woman to help him do so.
Things were looking quite grim in the courtyard. Supers, reduced practically to nothing more than regular civilians, ran amok, some running off to hide, others still trying to defeat the villain by throwing what they could at him - tables, chairs, food from the buffet. But all of it was useless against him.
“Fools!” Baron von Ruthless cried out. “Haven’t you figured it out yet? My Mayhem Machine’s ray neutralized your super abilities. You’re powerless! How careless of you to all gather in one place like this. But it does make destroying you that much easier! Ha ha haaa!” He laughed out crazily.
Below, the Super Apogee looked up in dismay, struggling for the past few minutes to summon her solar-powers. “He’s right,” she admitted. “Our powers are gone… everybody run! ”
She made to bolt, but Baron von Ruthless’s Mayhem Machine slammed right in front of her before she could make a move.
“Ah, ah, ah, not so fast!” Baron said. “It’s too late for that. Time to die , Supers!” He switched a lever, and one of the Mayhem Machine’s large fists came flying down, ready to crush her and the other Supers in the vicinity. The heroes screwed their eyes shut, bracing for impact, when all of a sudden…
Another fist met the Mayhem Machine’s halfway in a thunderous collision that sent Baron and his machine careening backwards. The villain gave a startled cry, knocked about from his seating, and then looked up, slack-jawed when he saw the one Super who seemed to still have his powers.
“It looks like you were careless, too, Baron,” Mr. Incredible said, hands on his hips and a growing smirk on his face. “You overlooked me. ”
Baron von Ruthless narrowed his eyes. “Mr. Incredible! Got lucky, eh? But not lucky enough.” He righted the machine back to its standing position and spoke confidently. “You see, even with your powers, you’re no match for me! My Mayhem Machine is composed of the strongest titanium steel alloy, powered by a cold fusion reactor, lined with highly sophisticated microcircuitry…”
On and on, the Baron continued with his boasting, all of it going in one of Mr. Incredible’s ears and out the other. He had had run-ins with the villain before, and if there was one thing he knew quite well about him was that Baron von Ruthless, like other super villains, loved to boast about his inventions and ‘inevitable defeat’ that he was sure to impose on the Supers. Elastigirl knew this too - which is why she was utilizing this time to her advantage. With the gigantic robot and its equally gigantic seams, she was able to flatten herself out and slip inside the machine. And, in tuning out Baron’s rambling, he could hear that she was so far successful in tearing out every wire that she could find within it.
Mr. Incredible held in a chuckle. That foolish Baron, he thought to himself. He’s practically drawing out a map for her of what to break!
Finally, after what seemed like hours, Baron von Ruthless reeled himself back to the moment. “... But enough talk! Now that the Mayhem Machine’s ray has recharged, I’ll neutralize your powers, and crush you like a bug!” He cackled, and went to press the button. But, instead of the whirring of the machine charging up for a powerful blast of power, it beeped angrily.
Baron gasped. “ What? ‘System Error’?! IMPOSSIBLE! Baron von Ruthless does not make errors!” He pressed down on the button with more force than before, again and again and again, getting the same result over and over and over.
Mr. Incredible watched with glee, the machine trembling uncontrollably now and sending out sparks. “Looks like you’re having technical difficulties,” he teased. “Have you tried turning it off? Oh, wait… let me!”
Rearing back his fist, Mr. Incredible charged full speed ahead at the robot, seeing Elastigirl slip out of the machine right as he packed a powerful, earth-shattering punch right onto it! The strong force did the trick, and the machine exploded into a dozen pieces, its parts soaring across the air in different directions. Screaming, Baron von Ruthless also flew through the air, caught by his cape before he landed on the ground by none other than Mr. Incredible himself.
As soon as the dust settled, and the Supers gathered enough of their senses, the cheering began.
“Whoa! Did you see that? Mr. Incredible just stopped Baron von Ruthless!”
“Woo-hoo! We’re saved!”
“Yeah! Take that, Ruthless!”
Mr. Incredible basked in the praise, grinning as Frozone trotted up and patted his friend upon the back.
“That. Was. Incredible! ” the cool Super exclaimed. “I mean, of course it was – you’re Mr. Incredible!”
The hero  chuckled and held up a hand. “Well, the thing is, Frozone, I didn’t do it alone…” His gaze flicked to the side, searching out and finding Elastigirl. She was standing away from the crowd of Supers that had formed around Mr. Incredible and silently watching with pride. At the implication of her involvement though, she raised a finger to her lips in a shushing motion. He quickly reworded what he was going to say.
“-- ah, well, I mean, I know that I wouldn’t have had to do it alone if you’d all had your powers…. which I’d imagine professor genius can restore by reverse-engineering the robot’s technology.”
Elastigirl nodded approvingly, a slick smile on her face. Oh, he had wanted to tell the others that it had been a team effort - wanted to let them know it was this amazing, beautiful Super who had done most of the work in defeating the so-called “Mayhem Machine.” But, he respected her wish, and didn’t disclose their collaboration. After all, it was still only just the beginning of their relationship.
Thankfully, the other Supers did not question him further on the matter and continued celebrating.
But for once, Mr. Incredible did not pay any mind to the applauds. He only had Elastigirl on his mind, a blush heating his cheeks at the epiphany that befell upon him at that moment. He loved her, with all his heart. He wanted to kiss her again, he wanted to hold her hand and show her how much she meant to him. And, perhaps one day, they really could tie the knot - settle down, and actually have a family of their own. 
He grinned wider, the thought of potentially having a child that would carry on their legacy brightening the mood all the more. He flashed her a quick appreciative glance. But Elastigirl put her finger upon her lips again. Ah, right. As promised, he knew he had to take things slow, for her sake. He didn't want to make it seem as though they were rushing things through their fairly new relationship. She’d broken many hearts before… who's to say he'd be the one she'd stay with now? He silently hoped that she would choose him however - he couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life with anyone else, Super or Civilian.
Not only did they make a good team against villains, but Mr. Incredible knew that they would make a good team in life, too… and that they would do great things together.
Perhaps, he thought with a snicker, even incredible things.
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kidsbooksfree · 13 days
The Super Soccer Squad
Chapter 1: The Super Soccer Showdown In the bustling city of Metroville, a group of friends came together to form the Super Soccer Squad, a team of soccer-playing superheroes dedicated to protecting their city from harm. Led by their captain, Max Thunderfoot, and boasting an array of unique powers and skills, they were ready to face any challenge that came their way – both on and off the soccer…
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freezegirl · 1 month
okay but do you think that maxville and metroville (the home base of t.he i.ncredibles) are sister cities or twinned or something?
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🌟 ¡Descubre la Épica Alianza de las Sombras! 🌟 🌆 Sumérgete en Metrovill, una ciudad acosada por el crimen y la corrupción, donde un enigmático vigilante enmascarado, conocido como "El Caballero de la Oscuridad", emerge para proteger a los inocentes y restaurar la justicia. 💪🕵️‍♂️Lea este emocionante historia en el siguiente enlace https://ur1.app/la-alianza-de-las-sombras
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thunkdeep · 3 months
Hip Beats & Street Heat: Portraits Remixed
In the buzzing labyrinth of Metroville, on a street splashed with the neon glow of shop signs and the dizzying whirl of life, there lived a character who was coolness personified. Let’s call him DJ Sketch. You wouldn’t miss him in a crowd, no sir. With his glinting glasses, funky hat perched just so, and headphones that were practically a part of his head, DJ Sketch was a walking, grooving…
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ladyyulissaling · 3 months
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Simon J Paladino y por cierto, en mi AU decidí llamar "Caramell Grisly" a Plasmabolt porque en cuanto a personalidad ella es dulce como un caramelo, tal y como se escucha en los audios del videojuego de lego, ella no mataría ni a una mosca. También como se ve en su archivo de la ANS se nos da a entender que ella está obsesionada con proteger los bosques nacionales de Metroville porque ella es guardabosques en su identidad secreta
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cinema-hallucinations · 5 months
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Prompt: Generate a movie concept involving the hassles of getting insurance in a world full of superhero-powered destruction.
Title: Damage Denied
Tagline: Saving the city is expensive. Getting paid for it is impossible.
Logline: In a city constantly on the verge of superhero showdowns, insurance salesman Dennis "Deny" Daniels excels at finding loopholes to reject superhero-related claims. But when a rogue hero unleashes chaos, Dennis' own life is turned upside down, forcing him to team up with a disgruntled adjuster to navigate the bureaucratic nightmare of getting his own claim approved, all while dodging falling debris and disgruntled supervillains.
Metroville: A bustling metropolis where superheroes are commonplace. However, their battles leave a trail of destruction for ordinary citizens to deal with.
Dennis "Deny" Daniels: A cynical insurance salesman with a knack for finding ways to deny superhero-related claims. He thrives on commission and lives a comfortable life, insulated from the city's chaos.
Beatrice "Bea" Ramirez: A jaded insurance adjuster who processes claims with a no-nonsense attitude. Burned out from dealing with superhero-related mayhem, she longs for a simpler time.
Titan: A once-beloved superhero now labeled a rogue due to his increasingly erratic behavior.
Mr. Bigshot: A greedy insurance company CEO obsessed with maximizing profits and minimizing payouts.
Dennis, known for his ruthless efficiency in denying claims, relishes his comfortable life away from the city's chaos. But when Titan, a once-beloved hero, goes rogue during a battle with his arch-nemesis, Dennis' apartment building is trashed. Now forced to file a claim himself, Dennis finds himself at the mercy of the very system he exploited.
His assigned adjuster, Bea, is a cynical woman who shares Dennis' distaste for the constant superhero-related damage. Together, they navigate the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the insurance company, facing endless red tape, absurd policies, and the ever-present threat of Mr. Bigshot, who sees Dennis' claim as a potential precedent for mass payouts.
As they fight the system, Dennis and Bea discover that Titan's actions were motivated by a sinister plot orchestrated by Mr. Bigshot to boost insurance premiums. They must find evidence and expose the corruption, all while evading Titan and the city's ongoing superhero mayhem.
The hidden costs of superhero existence on ordinary citizens.
Corporate greed and exploitation in a world with extraordinary threats.
Finding unexpected allies in the face of adversity.
Questioning the true role of superheroes in society.
Possible Endings:
Dennis and Bea expose the conspiracy, leading to reforms in the insurance industry and a crackdown on irresponsible superheroes.
Dennis and Bea are forced to go rogue to expose the truth, becoming unlikely heroes themselves.
The situation remains unresolved, but Dennis and Bea find a new sense of purpose in fighting the system.
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