#Michael Clifford one shot
juke-is-a-penguin · 1 year
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Literally no one asked but here’s Luke Hemmings as Arthur Pendragon. Why? Why not.
New pendragon sibling anyone?
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all-timelee · 2 years
Bed Time || M.C & L.H
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Word count: 487
Warnings: Small use of female pronouns
“Yeah, I’m excited too,” Michael spoke softly, responding to a comment on the Instagram live he’d started. You laid in the bed next to him, out of view of the camera, fully content in just watching him interact with fans.
He was always so happy when they asked about his music and he’d answer with a grin. You watched the way his cheeks would scrunch up with how happy he got, how much he loved sharing it with people.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt a hand touch your back softly, Luke not saying anything as he climbed over your form before laying down between you and Michael, hugging himself into your stomach. He nuzzled your side and you chuckled quietly, reaching up to run your fingers through his curls.
He didn’t say anything as to not ruin the peaceful moment. It wasn’t often you three got this kind of alone time, the band being on tour and everything. Calum and Ashton had already gone to bed for the night, leaving you to your own devices.
Nights like these were always the best. You were fully comfortable, Luke cuddling himself into you, Michael’s soft voice, the calm silence, it was all perfect.
You sighed as you lay in Luke’s arms, looking up at the ceiling as you ran a thumb across Luke’s cheek gently. He shifted slightly, pressing his lips against your collarbone before kissing his way up to your jaw.
You hadn’t noticed Michael saying goodbye to the fans, setting his phone to the side and turning to face the two of you. Your lips pulled up into a sleepy smile at the man, reaching your hand out to cup his cheek, wanting nothing more than to be touching him somehow.
Michael smiled back at you, leaning forward slightly as he captured your lips in a sweet kiss, sighing softly afterwards.
Luke pulled himself further up the bed, arms quickly pulling you into his form as his eyes fell on Michael. You could feel Luke’s fingers dig into your waist, holding yourself tightly.
He was always protective over both you and Michael. You still weren’t sure why, but he seemed to take it upon himself that no one would ever hurt you or your relationship.
Michael leaned forward, giving Luke a sweet kiss, the two of them smiling softly at each other as you relaxed against Luke. “Ready for bed?” Michael asked quietly, Luke nodding in response.
You three situated yourselves, the two boys all but shoving you into the middle of the pile. Luke laid behind you, arm wrapped around your waist as Michael pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Goodnight, princess, baby,” Michael spoke quietly, a small smile growing on his face as he turned off his lamp and the room grew dark.
“Love you two,” you whispered, eyes drooping as you fell asleep in the arms of your boyfriends.
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carryonafi · 5 months
my quiet blue tune of you.
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ashton irwin x reader; SMUT!! 🔞
a/n: okay now i’m getting WAY to confident with the smut but i just had this idea i needed to get out. most of these things were inspired by convos ive had with my friends and they were amazing with giving me ideas for this fic!! enjoy some hot drummer boy sex
cw: choking kink, hair pulling, recording sexual acts, a tiny tiny bit kinky ;)
words: 3k
Your phone was set on the closest surface possible, already filming as you shuffled around the kit and settled onto the small stance of the stool. Ashton was beaming with you sitting between his legs, like he couldn’t have been in a better position and you just about trumped every single thing he’s ever achieved with this instrument. His head ducked to your shoulder, the rogue flyaways of his curls tickling your skin which sent the reaction of goosebumps all over your body.
“Cameras rolling, babe.” You warned playfully, only getting a soft hum in response as Ashton pulled away and reached for the pair of wooden sticks resting on the snare to your left. The video would be edited on your part anyway, you loved those fans to death, but you couldn’t give them too much attention.
The sensation of your boyfriend's body wrapped around yours was so, so desiring. Body heat radiated from him through your thin top and his bare torso, arms shadowing yours as he bared the sticks in your hands. The palms of his hands were rough, but they were able to give you the most gentle touch you’d ever felt. Fuck, it made you dizzy. His hair brushed against your cheek as he peered over your shoulder to help you.
“Play by yourself a bit.” He encouraged, making you giggle at the lack of context behind the words he was saying. Ashton only missed it by a beat, but his laughter followed yours soon after. “You know what I mean.” His fingertips brushed against your right side, sending another shiver down your spine.
Hesitantly, you looked around the kit and decided to bring the drumstick down onto the floor tom on your right side. Just once or twice.
“No need to be so ginger with it.” Ashton shook his head, once again wrapping his hands over yours to direct them. He adjusted your position a bit and you could feel the slow rise and fall of his chest, the soft beat of his heart and it just about made you sleepy. They say that when you’re with someone you love that these… endorphins release that make you all sleepy and warm, that was exactly how you were feeling. You barely registered Ashton’s voice. “Wanna play anything specific?”
“Teach me…” You paused, letting your head drop back against his shoulder to get the best look at him you could. “Jet Black Heart.” Confidence. That was very much what you wanted. He gave you a soft smile before blessing your temple with a peck of his lips, letting the kiss linger for a moment before you sat back up and let him guide your movement.
“Push your foot down on the pedal for me.” Ashton ordered in such a soft manner that it didn’t even sound like a direction, a suggestion that you were obligated to take from your trance. You did just that, bringing your foot down, but it barely made a sound. “With force, (Y/N). You can’t be gentle.” He corrected, making you sigh and ponder. These drums were meant to be beaten, meant to be abused into beautiful symphonies that you could only create with melodic and rough raps. You stomped down a bit harder, the boom was halted because of the soundproof walls of the basement — but it made a sound.
“Ohh!” You hummed in amusement, tapping the pedal a couple more times and smiling at the sounds it made.
“See? Sounds better, doesn't it?” Ashton rubbed your sides as you nodded, tilting your head slightly to get a look at him… and snuck a sweet kiss to his cheek.
“Mmhm.” You made a sound like an affirmative, waiting for his next direction that could make your heart flutter, and it did. He whispered to cross your arms, slowly guiding your hands while he told you when to push on the pedal. Almost everything you did was under his control, his heartbeat accompanied with yours and the sound of the drums ricocheting in your ears. The wooden sticks felt like they could slip out of your hands at any moment, you were so weak from his touch but so amazed at how easily he made this all seem. When he finished showing you the beginning, he played it all in one and turned to look towards the camera. A 2 minute video, that would be enough for them, right? Once again, you marveled in amazement at how the drums sounded.
“You’re a professional now, you should take my place.” Ashton let go of your hands, giving you the freedom to beat around on the drums a bit longer. No particular pattern in mind, only tapping away on the hi-hat to achieve that hissing sound that you always loved. However, you frowned when it didn’t work out the way you intended. Not the right part.
“Maybe not so much.” You turned back to Ashton again, staring straight into those dilated pupils and blown out hazel irises. Pure love. Pure love was all you could see and you knew you were mirroring that right back to him. His arm snuck around your waist, smiling sweetly as he hovered over your lips for a moment. Now this was what you were looking for, your hands had a mind of their own as you set down the drumsticks and cupped both of his cheeks. Your lips met soon, the pads of your thumbs smoothing over his cheekbones and index fingers tracing the rough of his sideburns. He hummed against your closed mouth, and you melted. Melted into lovely mush because of your adoration for this man, how easy it was for him to be the way that he was and charm with no effort at all. The noise just made you wanton, that kiss turned into lips parting and sliding against each other as the enticing sound of you pulling away made you dizzy each time. Your heart started to pound, arousal started to pool as you felt Ashton’s grip on your waist become tighter.
“Ash.” You sighed dreamily, hands sliding back to the rogue curls which rested on the nape of his neck right above that beloved tattoo. “The camera.” The tone you spoke in was slow, it almost sounded far away because you were so enthralled by the beginning of this make-out session.
“You’re gonna cut it, aren’t you?” Ashton asked quite rhetorically as he continued his journey along the point of your jawline, gasping as he bared his teeth against the sensitive skin of your pulse point. “Keep it on, save a little bit for yourself. Don’t have t’show anyone.” His words were muffled against your flesh, each syllable like a slow puff of loving smoke against you and further shaking your need.
“Mm.. ‘kay.” You huffed in defeat, shuddering as you felt him smile to your throat. The position you were in was quite uncomfortable, still twisting your body to meet his. Ashton took notice of this quickly, tapping your thigh and motioning for you to sit up so you could get more comfortable. Every little thing came so easy to him, it was beyond you. Within seconds, you were perched atop his lap with your feet placed firmly on the ground with the height of the drum stool.
“Fuckin’ perfect, you are.” Ashton’s hands wandered your body, calloused fingertips gliding along your hips and stomach as your top had ridden up slightly. Just enough to make him hungry. The instant change in his attitude made you stir, the sweetness from earlier had shifted into possession and you could see it in his eyes. Large pupils dark with lust and need, despite every act he put on he could never hide that desperation for you. This realization made you giggle, bumping your nose with his as you leaned in for another kiss.
“Mh. Love you.” You spoke like a secret, kissing him once in expectation for him to repeat it.
“Love you more. So much more, my girl.” Suddenly your heart soared again, the fuzzy feeling in your chest made you bold enough to drag your nails down his chest as your lips met for the hundredth time within the last 5 minutes. It was so soft, but so needy, so slow. You never understood the term “love drunk” until you shared everything with Ashton, he could never fail to make your heart flutter like he was kissing you for the first time again. Like he was touching you for the first time again, sharing hushed whispers of your three favorite words for the first time again, it was so magical. You were convinced that this would never go away, the honeymoon phase would last your entire relationship and that was the way it should be.
Now, you were growing much more impatient. Your hips began to slowly rock into Ashton’s and the friction had him sighing gratefully, giving you the perfect opportunity to slide your tongue over his bottom lip with a need to push this further.
“Greedy.” He laughed as your hips collided again, his voice cut off in a groan.
“Only for you.” You replied, grinning victoriously as he returned the favor and gripped your hips, dragging you down against him. A gasp passed your lips, the smile never faltering as the sultry tone dripped from your sounds. “Want it so bad.”
“Yeah?” The implications made you weak, nodding desperately. “I’ll give you what you want.” Ashton leaned in to continue what he was doing before, placing those kisses to your throat which felt harsh but so loving. Marks would be left behind, but ones that would only fade within a short amount of time. He would always give in, you were too good to pass up and he only played those games when he really wanted to.
His fingertips came into contact with your skin again, feeling over the dips of your sides and waist, cherishing you like this was the last chance he’d get to ever touch you. Momentarily, everything around you went quiet. No background noise, no fabric shuffling, just the soft kisses and sounds of Ashton’s lips traveling every inch your neck. You could hear the pounding of your own heart in your ears, tangling your fingers in his thick, fluffy curls as you sighed and breathed, every sound heavy with arousal. His hands inching towards the soft elastic of your pajamas, touch sending goosebumps rippling throughout your body. It was so much, but never too much. Never enough.
“Help me out, here.” Ashton murmured against your skin, muffled by your body. You obliged immediately, without hesitation as you knew exactly what he was asking. You shuffled around, lifting your hips so he could push off the material and expose you to those eyes. Those dark eyes, completely overtaken with lust. “Mm. I figured.” He hummed, seeing you completely bare underneath. You let out another soft laugh, music to his ears just like the music he created.
“You should know me by now.” Your voice came in an awful suggestive tone, the fabric of his pants now pressed to your bare core. “I like easy access.”
“Do you, now?” Ashton whispered, pressing wet kisses on your breasts as you kneaded your hands in his hair. “I suppose I trained you well.” He hummed into your curves, making you gasp as he gripped your thighs to move you closer and instead creating friction which felt much more intense due to there being a layer of clothing lost.
“I want you so bad, please — I know you want me too.” You breathed, shuddering as your hips met again which finally elicited a groan from Ashton.
“Why have you got to be so damn irresistible?” He cursed, sucking in a breath as your hands went to his sweats to do the same thing he had done to you. You both were eager, too eager to put in the effort and take them off all the way. Ashton was lifting your hips within seconds of you watching his cock spring free of the confines, your breath getting caught in your throat as if this was your first time. From the most innocent scenarios to times like this, there wasn’t a moment where you didn’t feel anxious butterflies or that familiar swirling in your head.
His fingertips dug into your flesh, creating that tightening sensation in your chest as he whispered soft praise against your neck. The way he eased you down, rubbing your hips yet roughly gripping your thighs and feeling his frame tremble beneath your own as you took his length told you that this sweetness wasn’t going to last long. The only thing you could do was let your hands go right back up to his hair, disheveled in the most gorgeous way ever imaginable. You breathed out a satisfied sigh, listening as Ashton echoed you and added more loving encouragement.
“Feel so good, baby. Look at me, come on, dear… wanna see those beautiful eyes.” The comment made you blush, but regardless of his command your head tilted back as you closed your eyes. The pleasure was all too much and you had barely done anything, this position was something different. Your internal guess of how long this loving act was going to go on for had been proven right, feeling the loss of his hand on your thigh as he instead gripped your throat. You gasped, a strangled whine tearing past your closed off throat.
“I told you to fucking look at me.” Ashton’s voice was husky and hot between you, the tone sending a shiver down your spine. Your own hand went to grab at his wrist, and it was then you noticed how tight his hold was on you. It made you dizzy, dizzy with arousal and dizzy from the fact that he was somehow safely blocking your windpipes enough to make you obey without question. Your eyes were locked onto his as you rolled your hips, watching Ashton’s eyelids flutter and his kiss-swollen lips part to let out a moan of his own.
“Fuck..” You said softly, eyes widening as both of his hands got tighter on you.
“Watch that mouth.” He said simply, and you knew right then and there to let him take over. Your body submitted completely, simply taking in the feeling of his hips lifting from the drum stool with ease and your own weight on top of him. You no longer needed to have a brain, you could let Ashton fuck you mindless and you knew he’d be satisfied.
Between the soft grunts and growls that he made and your own restrained moans, there were the sounds of skin and friction. It felt like heaven as he lost all self control, relentlessly fucking up into you with a hand on your throat to keep your gaze on his muted green irises. However, you could see that this position was getting pretty hard to keep up with. The line of frustration between his eyebrows and the sweat collecting in those curls that hung over his forehead, you tried to get his attention.
“Switch — bend me over.” You gasped, hoping your babbling made enough sense to him. It did, watching his strong chest rise and fall with each labored breath he took as he let go of your throat. You gratefully took in a deep breath, not getting to enjoy it much before Ashton firmly patted your thigh.
“Up.” He said without any elaboration needed, pushing yourself off of him with a quiet sound before standing up. He followed in your actions quickly, towering over you, bodies almost touching… you weren’t kept waiting any longer. Ashton’s arm wrapped around you, roughly fastening his grip on your waist as he spun you around and forced you down. This was not very steady, not at all. Your hands were placed on the high toms of his drum kit, which were not at all attached to anything stable. Not that you had to completely rely on it, since Ashton’s arm was all the way around you keeping you close.
“I’ve got you, I got you.” His other hand traced your spine, leaving goosebumps in his wake just as he braced himself and passed easily through your folds. Another desperate sound escaped you, trying to not put too much pressure on your hands and potentially knock something over. Ashton quickly built up his pace again, his hand slowly making its way up your back again before taking your hair with one sharp tug. This had you crying out his name, fingertips grazing against the material.
“Gonna cum. All over your fuckin’ back.” He rasped, thrusts becoming sloppy and uncoordinated. “Wanna see you covered. All mine.” Ashton rambled possessively, making your thighs shake with need to finally be brought over the edge.
“Please? Please — I…” Your words were cut off with a silent moan, closing your eyes to watch those shapes drift across your vision. You tightened around him, you could feel it because of the way Ashton had tried to speed up and keep his pace regulated. The orgasm that washed over you made him fail to keep composure, quickly pulling out of you and doing just as he had promised. Your ass and lower back painted in his cum, one beautiful sight Ashton couldn’t tear his eyes away from. You both panted and slowly collected your consciousness, unable to hold yourself on these drums much longer. Ashton felt your struggle, guiding you into a standing position with your back against his torso. Both of his arms snaked around you comfortably, warm, large hands on either side of you to remind you just where you were.
“That’s gonna be fun to watch.” He mumbled against your neck, pressing those open mouthed kisses to the hickeys he had left with pride and affectionately roughing up your skin with the stubble adorning his cheek. Once your eyes opened again, you looked over at your phone still set up on the desk nearby.
“Mm, I dunno. That whole “bending me over the drum kit” thing didn’t work as well as I thought it would.” You mused, leaning your head to the left to feel his sweaty hair against your skin. However, you didn’t regret one bit of that.
“I made it work, though. Didn’t I?” Ashton nuzzled your neck, making you laugh breathlessly as he tickled your skin. “You’ve got some weird fantasies.” He added.
“And you have only just scratched the surface.”
(some more cutie pics of ash to imagine for this one🤗)
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riya-kaur · 7 months
luke robert hemmings
five weeks.
summary: you were planning to suprise your fiancé later on his world tour, but something came up, which makes you impulsively decide to see him sooner.
please read a/n at the end!
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it was early hours in the morning, the sun still not up from its rest from the day before.
you were currently rushing your way out of the airport, trying to find an uber in the arrivals section of london airport.
your fiancé and his bandmates were currently on a world tour, and right now, they were in manchester, england. you had planned to surprise the boys and your fiancé but little did you know you'd have another suprise to shock your fiancé with- this led you to impulsively buy a flight ticket yesterday from la to london.
no one but ben, the boy's manager, was aware of your spontaneous trip. you didn't exactly tell him the full reason behind your suprise, but he didn't seem suspicious enough to care.
once you left the airport, you found an uber and off you were to manchester. you had checked the day before on google to see how long the journey would take. you had learnt that it was a four hour journey to the city.
as you settled into the backseat of the uber, you see a notification appear on your phone- it was from your fiancé.
luke: hi baby, i know you're asleep right now, but i'm missing you, hope you're dreaming of me <3
you giggle to yourself, reading luke's message from the notification page, not wanting to click onto it so it doesn't appear as read, as in america you'd be asleep right now.
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the four hour journey to manchester had flown by, you had fallen asleep on the backseat of the uber for the entire journey, you only woke up when the uber driver announced you were here.
you thanked him along with paying and tipping him before slipping out of the car, grabbing your shoulder bag from the seats.
you shut the car door and turned around, looking up at the tall building in front of you - it was the hotel they were staying in.
you reached for your phone, which was in the pocket of your jeans. you unlocked your phone with the password- which was luke's birthday, and clicked on your messages with ben.
you re-read his message from earlier today, which was him informing you of the room the boys would be in, 'room six hundred and thirty one' you read in your head before locking your phone and placing it back into your pocket.
you made your way into the hotel and located the elevators - or the lifts as the british say.
regardless, you pressed on the sixth floor, and in a matter of seconds, the elevator doors opened on the sixth floor.
you walked around the floor until you saw the room mentioned in the message, 'six hundred and thirty one' you repeated in your head.
and there you were, stood in front of room six hundred and thirty one, focusing on your breathing as you held your shoulder bag tightly.
you let your hand knock lightly on the door, you hear ruffling from the other side, and in mere minutes, the door opened to liz, luke's mom.
"what?- oh my god! honey!" she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around you, lifting you up slightly of the floor. you giggled as you wrapped your arms around her, "hi mom" you smile.
you both pull away from the hug, liz slowly backing up so you can enter in. "oh honey, he's gonna be so excited to see you" liz exclaims.
you give her a smile before your eyes fall behind liz. you see the four boys lined up on the couch, their eyes and jaw widened as they looked at you, in front of them were two other people. you didn't recognise the two people but once you saw a camera beside them you clicked on.
"shit, are they in an interview?" you ask, locking eyes with your soon-to-be-mother-in-law. she gives you a small nod before she turns to look at the boys, who are still in shock.
your eyes focus on your fiancé, his eyebrows are knitted together as his jaw was dropped. he repeatedly blinks his eyes whilst looking at you before he stands up, "i'm sorry, can we take five" luke announces. "yes, of course. is everything okay?" the lady asks. "everything is perfect" luke smiles as he locks eyes with you.
he rushes over in front of you, looking down at you. "hi" you smile. he shakes his head in disbelief as he bends down slightly, letting his hand reach the bottom of your thighs, lifting you up, allowing your legs to wrap around him.
"i missed you so much," luke expresses. "lu, baby it's only been five weeks" you giggle as you hide your face in his neck, breathing in his scent. "that's five weeks too long, baby" he coos as he moves his head so he's looking into your eyes.
you give him a smile before reaching up to capture his lips on yours. his lips were slightly parted, so you let your tongue run across his bottom lip before he catched your tongue with his.
"is that y/n?" you both hear the lady say.
you feel luke smirk against your lips, and he lets his hand squeeze the bottom of your clothed thighs. you giggle against him in response.
"the one and only" you hear michael respond to her question.
you pull away from the kiss, jumping down off of luke, his lips now turn to a frown due to action.
"i don't want to keep you from your work" you inform him. he gives you a small nod. "i won't be long, okay? i promise" he says with a wide smile. "it's okay. do you have your key card? i'll wait in your room?" you ask the blonde.
luke nods as he pulls his wallet out of his suit bottoms. he opens his wallet and takes out the key card, handing it over to you. you thank him before taking the card off him.
"that's such an old picture of me" you point out as you look at the picture of yourself, which was situated in a see-through pocket in luke's wallet.
"it's my favourite picture of you" he coos before leaving a kiss on your forehead as he slowly back away, "i'll be quick" he mouths before sitting back down on the couch, he was sat on before.
you give him a nod before giving the other three boys a wave, "see you later guys" you whisper before making your way out of their room.
you then made your way a few doors down until you reached luke's room. you pressed the card against the keypad and watched it turn green as you reached for the handle, opening up the door.
you drop your shoulder bag near the door before jumping on the already untidy bed. you notice a bulldog plushy on the bed, which reminded you of when you had bought the plushy for luke.
when you gave it to him, you told him whenever he missed petunia to look at the plushy. you picked the plushy up and held it in your arms.
you laid on the bed for well over ten minutes, until you heard a knock at the door.
you dropped the plushy on the bed before you stood up to open the door.
you swing the door open, revealing you fiancé.
he's quick at letting his lips fall onto yours.
"i'm so happy that you're here, love" luke mutters against your lips. you smile against him as your hands reach up to cup his cheeks.
luke picks you up and places you down on the bed as he hovers over you, "let me show you how much i missed you"
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thirty minutes had passed, you and luke were laid in his hotel bed, your bodies tangled with the sheets.
"what time do we have to leave?" you ask as your let your fingers play with the curls in his hair.
"rehearsals are at two, so we have an hour" luke mumbles against your neck.
"when did you plan to come out here?" luke asks, letting his head rest on your chest. he looks up at you, awaiting your answer. "just a few days ago, i was planning to come out for the sydney show but something came up" you say.
"what came up?" he asks. "i'll tell you later" you say, hoping luke wouldn't question you further.
the blonde simply nods as he nuzzle himself into you.
"come on, we should start getting dressed" you say. luke shakes his head to the side, "not yet, please," he hums. you give into the boy, as you continue to play with his hair.
the both of you were in silence until you both heard a knock at the, "fuck sake, it's always us" luke complains, earning a giggle from you.
you gently move luke off of you as you slip out of the bed, quickly putting on luke's shirt and your jeans. "i'm coming!" you exclaim as you rush over to the door.
"y/n!" you hear the boys say in unison. "hey guys" you squeal as the three of them pull you into a group hug.
"did we disturb you guys?" ashton chuckled as he glanced over at luke, who had the covers over him, only his head peaking out.
"nope, we were just talking" you say, shrugging your shoulders. "enough about him, how are you guys!" you ask them. you hadn't seen the boys in a long while due to their busy schedules.
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after catching up with the boys for a while, it was time to head to the venue for tonight's show.
the boys were called in for rehearsal, and they were currently spending some time with their fans.
you decided to go keep liz, joy and mali company as you waited for luke.
"hey guys" you smile, sitting opposite to the mom's and beside mali.
mali gives you a side hug, "we miss you, babe." she smiles, "i miss you too!" you say as you sway her in your arms.
"honey?" you hear liz say. you nod your head at liz. "you seem different, you seem really happy" she says with a smile on your face.
you return a smile, "thanks mom" you state. "c'mere" she says and so you do. you walk over to her before she pulls you into a soft hug.
"you're pregnant aren't you?" she whispers in your ear.
your eyes shot open at her words. you were so grateful that joy and mali were in a conversation together, meaning they couldn't have heard what liz had just said.
you give her a small nod as you take her hand and place it on your stomach, subtlety.
you seer her eyes filling up with tears as she pulls you in for another hug. she places a kiss to your head. "oh i love you, honey," she cries as she trying to wipe her tears. you rock her in your arms as you giggle, "i love you too mom"
"where's my 'i love you'?" you hear luke say.
you turn your head to the side, looking up at the blonde. "how long have you been stood there for?" you ask, biting your lip nervously. "just now, why?" he laughs awkwardly as he takes a seat beside his mom.
you let out a deep breath of relief, whilst you look over at liz, whose eyes were widened. "where you guys talking about me?" luke frowns as he makes grabby hands towards you.
you giggle at him before shuffling over to him. "no, never" you state before placing a kiss on his nose. "how was rehearsals?" you ask, wanting to change the subject.
"great, as always" luke hums before nuzzling his face into your neck, letting his arms rest around your body.
"i'm tired, though," he hums again. "you'll have a great sleep tonight now that i'm here" you whisper in his ear. "mhm i definitely will"
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the boys were an hour into their show, you were watching from the sidelines, cheering and singing along.
you noticed throughout the night, luke stealing lustful glances at you. so in return, you'd give him a wave, a heart shape with your hands, and blowing over a kiss.
once you heard ashton transition the drums to teeth, you felt butterflies in your stomach, knowing exactly what luke would do.
luke had reached up to the second verse, and so he walked over to the side, where you were stood, and sang the beginning of the second verse to you his voice becoming raspy when he dragged 'wife' out of his mouth.
you gave him a wink and blowed him over another kiss. you were praying that a fan had recorded the encounter and would send it over to you.
as the show continued, so did you with your cheering, singing along and screaming.
the show had finally come to an end. you watched as the boys bowed and waved goodbye to the fans. you gave the boys a hug and told them well done as you waited for luke who was finishing of his goodbyes.
you saw him then running up to you, lifting you in his arms. "how was it?" he asked, placing you back down to your feet. "it was so amazing, lu" you smiled as you pushed back the hair that had fallen onto his face.
"thank you, love" he smiles as he places a quick kiss on your lips. "come on, let's celebrate!" he exclaims, grabbing your hand and running to the green room where the boys were stood, already drinking.
"actually, luke, can i speak to you" you say, turning to luke. "right now?" he asks and you nod eagerly.
luke knits his eyebrows together as his hand finds yours again, pulling you into a quiet room.
"what's up" he asks as he leans against a table.
"lu, baby, you remember how i said before something came up and that's why i'm here" you say and he nods, his eyes looking at you confused.
"give me your hand," you instruct, and he obliges. "close your eyes for me," and he does so without question.
you take a small box out of your pocket, a box that you've had for a while now, and place it onto his palm.
"open your eyes lu" you say stepping back, watching his every action.
"what's this?" he asks, again confused. "open it" you smile.
luke takes the small box in both his hands, opening it up, revealing a small guitar pick placed in a slit.
he brings it closer to his face, reading the text on the guitar pick.
"dad" he whispers, his eyes becoming glossy as he looks between you and the guitar pick, "really?" he smiles as he wipes off the fallen tears. you nod your head as you take out the pregnancy test from your pocket. you hand it over to luke as he looks at it in disbelief.
"oh my god" he whispers again, a smile plastered across his lips. he places the box and the stick on the table before letting his hands rest on your waist. he places a kiss on your head before squatting down so he's level with your stomach.
he looks up at you, and you give him a small nod. he lifts the bottom of your shirt up, exposing your lower abdomen. he placed a soft kiss on your stomach before standing tall again.
"we're gonna be parents," luke smiles. "we are" you giggle.
"you're gonna be such an amazing mother" he coos as he cups your cheek. "and you're gonna be an amazing father" you smile as you let him embrace you into a hug.
"how far along are you?" he asks. "five weeks" you giggle, reminiscing back to five weeks ago. "right before i left for tour" luke states, earning a nod from you.
"i love you, baby," he smiles before placing a lingering kiss on you lips. "i love you lu" you say against his lips.
the two of you stand in each others embrace before you both realise that you should head back to the green room. "no champagne for you tonight," luke says, making you giggle.
"hey, can i tell the boys" luke says, grabbing your hand, stopping you from walking into the green room. you give him a nod. "of course you can,"
luke squeal before running into the room, your hand still in his. "i wanna make a toast" luke announces.
everyone gathers around in a circle with a glass of champagne in their hands.
"to five weeks ago!" luke says, raising his glass.
"what was five weeks ago?" you hear everyone mutter in some variation. "oh my god, luke" you giggle
"we have our little baby hemmings on the way!"
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a/n: i woke up to my account being deleted, i'm so upset that i've lost everything, but i'm gonna try to rewrite my previous works whilst posting new ones too :(
hope you guys like this!
i lost my requests as well so if you did have any please send them in! ♡
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sinning5sos · 2 months
No Shame | Luke
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surprise, I'm alive bitches XOXO
Requested: YES! I took a few requests and put them into one
i was wondering if you could write about dom!luke fwb kind of situation where luke tells you about his thought process when writing no shame and admitting it’s like about the reader ? 
literally the sluttiest kinkiest shit you can write for luke
leaving hickeys all over luke, JUST IMAGINE SKSK
Word Count: ~3.1k
Luke: wyd?
You rolled your eyes at the text that just came through, and your eyes flickered up to the clock. 9:45 PM. This was the usual time he texted, but you couldn’t help the smile forming as you typed your response.
You: On my way to you?
Luke: Wow so eager for me. See you soon angel.
You loved the message and got off the couch to head to your car. Your engine started up and you turned the radio on as you started to drive to Luke's apartment. You couldn’t help but laugh as one of the band's songs started playing over the radio, a song from their second album. You had met Luke through a mutual friend at a party after they released their first album, but slowly became closer whenever they would be back in L.A. or if they flew you out. 
You made the first move, kissing him when you were slightly tipsy and the two of you realized you had a lot of chemistry. It was mainly physical, but there were a few moments where the two of you would go on dates but neither of you would call them dates. Just friends with benefits. It was too busy for either of you to date but you loved fucking him too much to let him move on, to let yourself move on.
The drive to his house was quick, that’s also part of the reason that the two of you continued hooking up with one another. You entered the code into the gate and pulled into the driveway next to his car, shifted into park and sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror one last time. You applied just a little bit more of the lipstick that he loves, and ensured your make up was fine. He loved the disheveled makeup look after he fucks you thoroughly, so you knew what you were doing. 
You climbed out of the car and walked up to the door, about to knock but he already opened the door by the time you got to the threshold. He’s just so attractive.
His curls were freshly washed, the smell of his body wash hitting you immediately - you were the one who bought it for him, one of your favorite scents. He had a basic white tee on but it fit him so well, as well as the gray sweats he had on. 
He pulled you in immediately, his lips meeting yours as you wrapped your hand around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to you. There was no need for introductions, no need for any conversation. You both knew what you were there for.
“Now listen angel, there’s going to be a few things happening. I want you to go upstairs, strip down and get on your back. Next, I am going to put your ankles in the spreader bar and show you what I bought for you earlier today,” He murmured in your ear, his hands coming down to grip your ass.
“The first part of the toy goes right on your clit, and then the other part of the toy goes right inside that pretty little pussy of yours. Then, I’m going to fuck that sweet ass.” He muttered, his words echoing in your head as he slapped your ass. “Understood angel?” 
His nose nudged yours and you nodded your response, his lips moving to meet yours again.
“Go.” He whispered, and you eagerly went up to his bedroom and did exactly as he said. Your eyes landed on the toy, a bright pink vibrator that was sort of U shaped, on his bedside table beside a bottle of lube. You quickly stripped down and laid on the bed, your anticipation building as you heard Luke slowly come up the stairs. 
You shifted slightly as he opened the door, his normally bright blue eyes darker, lust evidenced on his face as you slowly opened your knees and his gaze fell directly onto your center.
“Ankles up,” He murmured, and you lifted your ankles up into the air as he slowly clasped the cuffs around each of your ankles, the bar separating your legs further and he pushed the bar up into the air.
“That cunt is so fucking beautiful. And it’s all mine to devour,” He muttered, his gaze snapping up to yours as he pulled his tee over his shoulders. He pushed down his sweats as well, his cock already hard and you smiled up at him, knowing that it was you who caused him to be like this.
“Devour?” You whispered, and he nodded as he knelt in front of you on the bed and pressed a light kiss on the inside of your thigh before pulling you down on the bed. He ducked his head underneath the bar and you rested your ankles on the top of his shoulders. He spit directly onto your center, and you knew the gentleness was gone.
You loved giving up control to Luke, loved giving him everything you could offer and loved that he took it all.
He immediately bent his head down, his tongue laying flat against your center as he licked up, your juices coating his chin. You watched him, every swipe of his tongue jolting your body a little bit, and moaned as he finally gave in and sucked your clit into his mouth. He pulled back and spit onto his fingers, pushing two of them inside you as his mouth enveloped itself around your clit again. You pushed your head back into the mattress, your eyes closed as he continued fucking you with his fingers.
He pulled back, “I want you to cum at least once with my mouth, cum once more with that toy inside of you, then cum again as I fuck your ass. Got it?”
You whimpered out a yes, your ability to form any other words gone as he grazed his teeth against the bundle of nerves, your back arching into the bed as your orgasm quickly approached. Luke had such a way of making you cum, and so quickly too. His mouth was talented, in more ways than one.
“Cum for me angel,” He pulled his mouth back, his fingers working quickly inside of you as you rode out your orgasm on his fingers, your body shaking as your high crashed over you.
“Good girl,” He muttered, moving back under the bar and leaned over to his bedside table. He grabbed the toy, your core still sensitive as he brought it up to your mouth, “Now lick.”
You did as you were told, taking the toy into your mouth and Luke chuckled as he brought it down your body. He rubbed the bigger end over your clit, then brought it down to your core and pushed it inside of you, then lined up the top part of the toy and pressed it against your clit. He pushed the button in the center, the vibrations jolting your body as the toy filled you and sent waves of pleasure throughout it.
“Oh.” You gasped out, your hands grasping his sheets as he watched you wraith beneath him, his hands not even on you. Your breathing caught, your gaze focused on him as he had his own hand wrapped around his cock. He slowly started stroking himself, stopping occasionally to grab some of your juices that were flowy freely, and used it to fuck himself.
“Such a good girl for me. Look at you, taking that toy so well. Your cunt looks so pretty being this full,” He murmured. Your breathing became ragged as your second orgasm was approaching, his cock and the idea of it being in your ass soon overtook your thoughts. 
“Don’t you cum without my permission,” He snapped, and brought his free hand down to your cunt, giving it a gentle slap. Your body jolted and you nodded, your eyes moving to his.
“Can I cum please Luke?” You nearly begged, and he chuckled at the desperation in your voice. He didn’t give you an answer, instead he just tugged the bottom lip between his teeth as he continued stroking himself. You were writhing beneath his gaze, your eyes following his hand as he pushed another button on the toy and the vibrations increased.
You cried out, wanting to close your legs but that damn spreader bar held your ankles apart still. 
“Luke, please,” You begged, nearly screaming out his name as he nodded.
“Good, cum again for me. God, what a fucking beauty you are,” He whispered, and you released your mental block and quickly came. Your thighs were shaking, your hands dropping down to your core as you held the toy against you, the overstimulation starting to become too much.
“Luke,” You whimpered, and he turned the toy off. 
“I’m going to give you a minute to relax and then I’m going to turn that toy back on.” He muttered, and you attempted to catch your breath as he grabbed the lube. He poured some onto his fingers and brought them to your ass, and slowly pressed in. The two of you had done anal plenty of times, but that wasn’t when you were full from a toy as well. He had one finger in and slowly added his middle finger. He chuckled as he started to stretch you out, having your body relax beneath his touch.
“Such a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
“Anything for you Luke,” You breathed out, loving the way that he looked down at you.
“Since you’re being a good girl, I’m going to go ahead and set those ankles free, but I want them on my shoulders instead.” He instructed, and you nodded as you brought your hands up over your body and stretched them over you. 
With his free hand, he undid the clasp on one and your ankle moved from the bar and onto his left shoulder. He did the same on the other side, and you felt a slight relief from the stretch but then Luke lined his cock up with your hole and started pushing in. You melted into his touch, the stretch turning into pleasure quickly. He switched the toy back on and you gasped again, your body quickly returning to the overstimulated mess you were before.
“Luke,” You called out, his name becoming all you could muster as he started fucking your ass.
“What a fucking vision this is,” He grunted, holding onto your thighs to keep you secure as he pushed in fully, his cock filling you so well. 
You couldn’t form words any more, his name falling from your lips as you felt your third orgasm approaching again. Between the vibrations on your clit and inside your cunt, and Luke fucking your ass, you weren’t going to last long at all.
“Please,” You gasped out, your body clenching, “please,”, your thighs starting to shake as Lukes own orgasm started approaching, “let me cum, please.”
“You want to cum?” Luke asked, and you shook your head as your interlocked your hand with his, and he nodded, “Cum for me, angel, go ahead and let go,” 
Your legs shook as your third orgasm crashed over you, moaning his name loudly and clenched your eyes shut so tightly that stars danced across your vision. Your body continued to shake as Luke fucked you, and it looked as if he was about to cum too. His chest was moving deeply, his breathing labored as he was focused on you. 
“I’m going to cum in your tight little ass, is that okay with you angel?” He asked, and you nodded lazily as the toy still vibrates inside of you, the overstimulation draining your body as he finally came. He moaned and nearly collapsed on top of you, his hand coming between your legs to turn the toy off and you nearly cried out in relief. Your body hadn’t been used to this quickly, your orgasms draining your energy.
“God, what a good fucking girl you are for me. Look how fucking hot you are,” He murmured, and you nodded in agreement, watching as he slowly pulled out and pulled the toy out from inside you as well.
“Stay here, don’t move,” He whispered, leaning over your body to give you a gentle kiss before he went into the bathroom adjacent to his room. He took only a moment, before he returned and pressed a warm washcloth to your core and helped soothe your body. He helped clean you up, and tossed the rag into a hamper nearby before climbing into bed beside you.
You curled up in his arms, his shoulders so broad against you and he hummed quietly in your ear.
“You did so good,” He murmured, his warm breath tickling against your neck and you giggled slightly. He pulled the covers up over the two of you, and you sank deeper into him.
“I have a song that I’ve been working on. Would you want to go to the studio with me tomorrow?”
Your eyes flickered over to Luke at his question, and you bit your lip as you thought. Nothing really could come of it, so you agreed.
“Yeah I guess. What time?” You whispered, pressing your lips to his chest and deciding to tease him further. You sucked the skin there and he sharply drew in a breath, and looked down at you.
“11:00 am is when we start recording. There’s a few things I want to work on first and then you can come in. Maybe 1:00? And you can bring lunch?” He asked, a hopeful smile on his face and you pulled away to laugh at his eagerness.
“Sure, I can do that. But you’re paying. Go ahead and send me some money now, Mr. Internationally Famous Lead Singer.”
“Good. I have some ideas, I’m going to write real quick.” He murmured, pulling away from you and you sighed at the loss of warmth, but he returned after a minute with an old notebook and a pen. He climbed back beside you and began to scribble on the paper. You attempted to peek, but he quickly shifted so you couldn’t see.
You leaned over h8im, pressing your lips to the base of his neck and decided to give him another hickey and he chuckled quietly.
“Angel, you’re not marking me to embarrass me tomorrow, are you?”
“Embarrass? Please, you should be so lucky to broadcast that you were laid.” You whispered against his skin, before moving slightly up his neck and he leaned into your touch, your lips grazing the soft part of his neck that was so tender for him.
“You’re right, I’m insanely lucky to have such a good girl like you for me,”
* * *
It was 1:15p now, a little after when he said to come and you were listening to his bandmates mess around with you while he finished up the song.
“You know he’s never brought a girl here,” Calum mused, and you felt a slight blush creep through your cheeks but shook your head.
“We’re just friends,”  You insisted, but Calum chuckled.
“What sort of friends? My friends never leave hickeys on my neck.” Ashton shot back, and the blush darkened throughout your skin, 
“Or scream my name out in the hotel room when you thought the others were gone,” Calum quipped.
“Or used as a writing inspiration before. That’s why you’re here, he’s got a new song he’s been working on and he won’t let us listen to it yet.”
“Mind your business,” Luke rolled his eyes as he walked in, leaning down to kiss your cheek and you nearly pulled away but he grinned. “Just saying thanks for lunch,” 
He plopped himself down right beside you, a little too close for someone that was just a friend, and started to eat. You felt Ashton and Calum’s gaze on you, but avoided eye contact.
The two of you had established many times that you were just friends, but friends who fucked and went on dates because neither of you had wanted to deal with the pressures of a relationship. At least, so you thought.
“Alright angel, ready to go listen?” He asked, slurping down his drink and you nodded as the other two started giving him the same treatment they had just given you. Luke waved them off, his middle finger in the air as he led you into the studio space. You always loved seeing what they did, whether it was seeing their process or seeing them perform. 
Luke pressed play as you settled into a chair, your leg crossing over the other as the first few chords of the new song came on.
“Remember, it’s not finished yet but I wanted to hear your thoughts before I kept going.” 
“Angel, with the gun in your hand - pointing my direction, giving me affection. Love is fatal, won't you give it a chance? Center of attention, don't you ask me any questions.” He paused the song, and your mind began to spin but you smiled at him.
“Keep going,” You reached over him and pressed play and he leaned into you as it continued on.
“Go on and light me like a cigarette, even if it might be something you regret. You got me now, now, now…swallow me down, down, down, down.”
You nearly snorted as the song progressed, and Luke paused it to see what caught your attention, “You liked that line, didn’t you?”
“Swallow me down?” You glanced up at him and he chuckled.
“Down, down, down. Just wait angel, there’s more.” He winked at you, and proceeded to press play. The song continued, your mind absorbing every lyric, feeling the beat and you clenched your legs together as the next line poured through the speaker, “I only light up when cameras are flashing, never enough and no satisfaction. Got no shame, I love the way you're screaming my name.”
The song ended shortly, a few other lyrics sticking through your head but Luke just kept grinning at you. 
“I think we ought to fuck like that more often if this good of a song comes from it,” You teased and he chuckled as his right hand planted itself on your thigh, but you nodded, “I like it, especially if the lyrics are as accurate as you say.”
“Of course. You’re a one of a kind girl for me angel,”
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bratzforchris · 10 months
Hello! This is a complied list of all my works for you to enjoy! Please remember that my writing does not reflect 5sos in real life; it is purely fiction 🎀🤍
🧸=age regression
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Luke Hemmings
I have a separate masterlist of Luke works because I have way more of those than anything else :). That can be found here!
Michael Clifford
🌷 I'll Always Listen
🌷 To the Moon and Back
🌷 You're Beautiful
💋 Streams
💋 Don't Worry Baby
Calum Hood
🧸 My Baby
🌷 Unhappy Halloween
🌷 Five More Minutes
🌷 Marriage
💋 Latin and Pentagrams
🌷 Tour Struggles
💋 Softie
Ashton Irwin
🌷 I'll Take Care of It
🌷 Study Stress
🌷 Feel Better
🌷 Bad Days
🌷 Ours
5 Seconds of Summer
💋 Five Sauce
🌷 Brothers
🌷 You'll Be Okay
🌷 The Dress
🖇 Diagnosis
🌷 Woke Up In Japan
🧸 Luke's Secret
🧸 Little Lukey
🧸 New Toys
🌷 Cupid
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© 2023-lukeontheredline
All works posted here are my original ideas and stories unless otherwise stated. Please do not post elsewhere or copy my work.
Updated: February 13th, 2024
Requests are here <3
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lovesosweeet · 7 months
hi most of these are quite old so read with caution. :’) making this mobi friendly <3 everything marked with 🪩 is relatively recent!
i’m always open to requests! 
everything is rated pg-13 — no smut, but there are mentions of alcohol, weed, etc. anything else will be noted on each individual work.
calum fanfic
better left unsaid - where orion has leukemia, and calum doesn't know. cal x fem!oc. ongoing. 🪩
know it all x the band camino songfic - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - cal is hung up on tillie. tillie doesn’t give a shit about anything. cal x fem!oc. complete. 🪩
may the best man win - competing for the best toast at their best friends' wedding, calum and tanner go from being pretend rivals to… something like friends. maybe a little more? may the best man win. cal x fem!oc complete 🪩
insecure humility - cal doesn't have confidence in his singing and y/n reminds him of his talent.
lol x the wldlfe song imagine  (part 2) - y/n hasn't met her boyfriend's friends, and he hasn't told them about her yet.
childlike wonder  - y/n does her makeup and cal watches in awe.
festival - you're an artist performing at your first fest, and someone special congratulates you. requested.
are we good? - y/n and cal had a fight just days before she was supposed to visit him on tour. she goes, uncertain of where they stand. requested. 🪩
ashton imagines
taking care of you when you’re sick requested.
michael imagines
he wakes up to you making him breakfast requested.
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txrantinx · 2 years
Groupie {l.h.}
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Pairing: Luke x Reader
Contains: choking, multiple orgasms, p in v (use protection kiddos), blowjob, pent up emotions
Word Count: 3.6K (whoopsies)
Request: Yes! Groupie w Luke?
A/N:  The groupie series continues.  Oh my god she’s BACK???? I AM HI. Luke Hemmings comes into play in this one.  I love that you guys love this series so much, and I’m sad that this is the the second to last one in the series. I am completely sorry that this will be my last smut posting (or is it).  I couldn’t just leave you all without something to remember me by.  I’m not leaving, but I hope you all really like this one, because I love the groupie series, and I hate that it’s slowly coming to an end.  This blog has been my life for the past six years and I really appreciate all of you that have stuck around throughout all my slow updates.  I love you all, enjoy this.  xox - Alyssa
Sometimes, the unexpected can happen, and the unexpected hits you at the worst times.  I tend to believe this statement.  The world likes to make things the worst at the worst times, and you just have to live with it.  And somehow, I had weaved my way into a job that I absolutely despised.  Money was tight, and I needed to pay rent on my apartment.  This was my way of getting extra money.  The infamous band so called ‘5 Seconds of Summer’ had sent an email to my employer asking if any women would like to join them on tour.  Since my boss knew I needed extra money, he forwarded me that email.  I took the job, however reluctantly.  I met the band, introduced myself and we went from there.
Life on tour seemed almost surreal, I got to go to places I had never dreamed of going.  I saw sights that each city held near and dear: the Chicago Bean, The Big Apple in New York, The Vegas Strip, Disney Land in California, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, Yellow Stone Park in Wyoming.  The list could go on forever.  I was in a dream land for the first few months, the head producers for the show basically being my personal chauffeur's.  But, somehow, I had not realized that the band had taken a peculiar interest in my standings on tour, one in particular.
The lead singer, Luke Hemmings took interest in me almost immediately.  The tall, lanky blonde always looking at me from across the room, making faces that sent me into shivers.  I shied away, uncomfortable with his never ending stare at first.  They only got more intense as I started to unload on the bus.  His baby blue eyes would always find mine and he’d continuously stare me down.  Sometimes I felt like he was undressing me with his eyes.  It made a chill run down my spine at the thought of laying underneath him and having him take me.  I started to think more about that, and I that’s when I realized just what I was here for.  The email hadn’t been very specific, but I could put two and two together.  I had signed up to become a groupie for this band.
I found myself staring back at Luke as the months went on, my own mind travelling to a place I hadn’t even thought of.  My teeth would clamp onto my bottom lip as I averted my gaze from his.  These type of exchanges went on for a few months until Luke finally sat down next to me one day.  It was the first time he had actually said a word to me.
“I see you staring at me, baby,” he said.  I glanced at him from my peripheral, eyeing him cautiously.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, trying to act innocent, crossing my legs.  I saw him roll his eyes at my lie, seeing right through me.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, sweetheart,” he almost growled as his overly large hand landed on my upper thigh.  I whimpered, trying to keep my eyes down as I watched his hand run up my leg.  
“Luke, no,” I said, pushing his hand off my thigh and standing up.  I trudged away.
That had been the last time he had even uttered a word to me.  There were a few stray glances thrown between the two of us, but nothing other than that.  Luke had seemed to make it his own personal mission to stay as far away from me as possible.  I just sat there, knowing that my job was to be his, and his alone.  But, could I do that if he was being so elusive 75% of the time? 
I was never one for first moves, but I mustered up enough courage to do so one evening while Luke was mindlessly strumming his guitar.  I walked in front of him, sitting myself down next to him, watching as his fingers plucked the vinyl, beautiful sounds coming from the barrel.  I watched in awe, seeing his nimble fingers pluck at the strings, making the beautiful vibrations.  He never seemed to notice me, too enthralled with his guitar to pick up his head.  
The melody sounded like something I had heard before, but it wasn’t one of his songs.  I recognized it as Twenty One Pilots’ Car Radio.  It just happened to be a favourite of mine.  I closed my eyes listening mindlessly as I tried to pin what verse he was playing with the notes.  Sometimes quiet is violent, I find it hard to hide it, my pride is no longer inside, it’s on my sleeve. I hummed the lyrics to myself as he continued to play through the chorus.  I rested my back against the wall, watching his fingers move fluidly to strike the notes of the song as it hit a bridge and a beat drop. 
“I love that song,” I accidentally said out loud, causing the blonde in front of me to look up, startled.  My eyes widened, mouth falling slack into a state of surprise, a pink blush covering my cheeks as I pressed myself against the wall further, thinking I could melt into it, be invisible.  
“{Y/N} what are you doing here?” he asked me then, setting his guitar down on the stand next to the bed.
“I heard you playing and I wanted to see for myself?” it came as more of a question than a statement because of the nerves that had spiked through my body.  My fingers were twitching at my sides, I could feel them.  
Luke cocked his head, patting the spot next to him on his bed.  Cautiously, I made my way over to him, sitting a good distance away from him to keep my personal space intact.  He chuckled at my state of shock, taking my upper arm and tugging my frame towards his.  I reluctantly slid closer, feeling his arm brush my own.  I subconsciously moved to cross myself, uncomfortable with our proximity.
“I won’t bite, I promise,” he said lightly, tapping my thigh.  I flinched just a tad, but it was enough for him to withdraw his hand and place it in his own lap.  His other hand came to ruffle his hair, bringing the curly locks into a better position. I was staring at this point, and he could tell.  
Luke’s eyes locked on my gaze, a smirk turning up his small pink lips as he caught me red handed.  I had no strength to avert my eyes, just kept staring at him like I was a puppy who wanted a treat.  He was now so close to me that I could smell his breath coming off his lips; it was minty, like he had just brushed his teeth.  My teeth clamped onto my bottom lip, tugging on it as we both got lost in each other’s gazes  “{Y/N}..” he started, but I was quicker.  
My mind had shut down, and my body was doing whatever it wanted.  I leaned over him, knees on either side of his lap, straddling him.  Luke’s eyes followed my movements, now having to look up at me.  His rather large hands found my waist, anchoring me to him so I wouldn’t tumble backwards.  I sat there for a few moments, trying to figure out what I had just done, but my thoughts were interrupted by his lips.  They were soft, moist and gentle.  I was’t physically or mentally prepared, but my body somehow knew what was happening.  My eyes fluttered closed as I kissed him back, slow at first, but then he started to get rough.
Luke’s hand gripped the end of my tshirt, balling it in his fists as he attacked my mouth with his own.  My hands mindlessly tangled in the golden locks of his hair, pulling ever so slightly.  I felt Luke smile into the kiss, tugging upwards on my shirt, wanting it off.  I relinquished my hold on his hair, holding my arms straight up so that he could remove the offending fabric off my body.  He tossed the shirt somewhere in the room, before he moved his head to place open-mouthed kisses along my neck.  “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed between kisses.  I couldn’t help the blush that tinted my chest, a sigh of contentment coming from my parted lips.
Quick fingers came to unclip my bra, the straps sliding down my shoulders as Luke pulled yet another piece of clothing from my heated skin.  I couldn’t seem to catch my breath, he was everywhere, and I was getting impatient.  My hands wandered towards the end of the tattered black tee adorning his chest, tugging upwards as he mimicked my movements from earlier so I could get his shirt off as well.  I pushed him backwards so I could sit atop his broad figure, readjusting myself so I could show some love to his toned chest.  
My lips ghosted over his chest, planting kisses every now again as my hands ran over his stomach.  Sounds of appreciation came from the man below me as I did my best to not collapse in awe at the beauty of Luke Hemmings.  Calloused finger tips grazed my jaw line as his face raised upwards to capture the edge of my jaw in his lips, harshly sucking on the skin there.  Blood rushed to the placement, a red bruise surely being formed.  My hands reached for the button of his jeans, expertly getting it undone and sliding his pants down his legs, throwing them into the pile of clothes.  My eyes followed my hands, graced with the sight of the tent in his underwear, eyes widening only slightly, enough for him to notice.
“Think you can handle that?” he asked, a hint of cockiness in his voice.  I huffed, glaring at him from under the hair that was in my face.  I pushed it out of the way, meeting his crystal blue eyes, wild with excitement and lust.  I hesitated to grip the waistband of the only piece of clothing separating me from the unknown, but my hands were faster than my mind, I pulled off the tight piece of cotton, watching as his member sat up against his abdomen, swollen and red.  Luke chuckled at the face I made, but I quickly shut him up as I took him in my hands.
I spread the precum dripping from the tip as lubrication, slowly pumping my hand up and down his shaft.  A hiss left his lips, and I looked up to his eyes closed and his arms anchored behind his head.  My tongue darted out to wet my lips, before I leaned over him, taking his dick in my mouth.  A sigh left his parted lips, finally getting what he wanted.  I relaxed my jaw, taking as much of him as I could without gagging, and moving my hand around the rest of him.   My mouth moved expertly, tongue swirling around him every so often.  I breathed slowly through my nose, hollowing out my cheeks so that he could get the feeling of my mouth around him.  A sharp intake of breath from him indicated that I was doing well.  I started to bob my head up and down a little faster than before, really taking him, his hips started to buck up into my mouth, whimpers coming from his mouth.  The hands that were previously behind his head came to pull my hair into a make shift pony tail that he could hold onto.  I moaned at the feeling, sending vibrations to his shaft which only egged him on more.  
Luke started to push down on my head, and immediately I relaxed my jaw and let him do what he wanted, I felt my nose touch his pubic bone, and the tip of his dick at the back of my throat.  I swirled my tongue around him once more before was pulling me off of him.  I whined at the disconnection, pouting.  “ I don’t wanna cum yet,” he whispered, using his hold on me to pull me into another heated kiss.  My hands quickly gripped his hair again, pulling on it as his traveled lower down my back, sinking into the leggings that were donning my legs.  Quick hands pushed me back, my shoulders sinking into the sheets on his bed.  
Luke quickly rid me of my leggings, throwing them in the pile of our clothes in the room.  His mouth traveled down my exposed abdomen, making sure to mark me wherever he saw fit.  My hips pushed upwards, craving any sort of friction in the midst of all the teasing.  Large hands came to swat my hips so I couldn’t squirm. A whine fell from my lips as he chuckled at my position. Clouds of bliss covered my eyes, so much so that I didn’t realize he had began rubbing me through my panties. A sigh of relief left my lips as I finally got the friction I had been wanting. I crained my neck to look at him, hair disheveled, stubble from a few weeks of not shaving covering his jaw. The everlasting smirk on his face disappearing as he ripped my panties from my hips. I raised my back so he could get them off me, no sooner had i did that, his large arm was coming to hold my hips down again.
“I think you’ve been wanting for quite some time now,” he breathed with a chuckle as I fought every muscle in my body to stay still. “Tell me you want this,” his fingers trailing dangerously close to my wanting center. A low moan came from my mouth as I squeaked out a ‘yes’. That was all he needed; his thumb began to press harshly against my clit, rubbing circles every now and again, driving me crazy. I tossed my head back, sighing in contentment as I reached for whatever I could hold on to. “Look at me,” he mumbled, making me raise my head. Once I did, I almost moaned because his lips were on my inner thighs, like lighting, he planted a kiss to my clit before he really gave me what I wanted. My body writhed in wait, waiting for him to do something. It’s as if he read my mind, his hand turned the other way, thumb pressing against my clit as he slipped one of his fingers inside me. Eyes screwing shut, hands clenching the sheets, I let out a breath of relief.
My hands flew behind me, gripping onto the plush cases of feather pillows that donned his bed. I squeezed my eyes shut as he worked with me, stretching me in the most glorious way. “Please,” I whined, surprising myself. I had never been a beggar, but I was finished with the teasing he was surely enjoying. Luke chuckled from his position, swatting me, the echo of skin on skin contact radiating through the room. My hips jutted upwards again, craving more than what he was giving me; Luke swatted me again, this time dipping his mouth towards my center. A chaste kiss was pressed to where I needed him most. Due to the everlasting teasing, a jolt of electricity hit me, a whimper leaving my mouth.
Slowly, he added another finger, eliciting a moan from me. I was rolling my hips in rhythm with his movements, a tight knot forming in the pit of my stomach. I gripped his hair harshly, pushing him down more; he was faster than me. He gripped my wrist and held it to the mattress, halting his movements. I huffed, annoyed and deprived, watching him as he towered over me.
“I don’t think so,” he stated, gripped my hips and flipping me so I was on my stomach, head facing away from him. I lowered my head to to the mattress, bracing myself for what I knew was moments from happening. I felt the mattress dip with his weight, hands on my hips, searing my already heated flesh. He grabbed my throat, forcing my body upwards, thumb and fingers pressing on either side of my neck. “Tell me what you want,” he rasped, putting more pressure on my throat. I let out a low gasp, my vocal cords refusing to work in that moment. “Fine, be like that,” he stated, gripping my hip bone with his other hand, steadying me, thrusting smoothly into me.
I choked out a groan, my arms winding around his neck to hold myself up. “Oh, my god-I” I couldn’t form coherent sentences, my mind fogged from lust and the rocking of his hips. He let go of my throat and I fell forward, catching myself on my elbows. It was then that he really went to work. His hips snapped forward with a purpose, moving my body forward so much that the headboard smacked the wall. “Luke, I-fuck” still no coherent sentences. The knot that had formed earlier was now in full force and ready to spring.
“I can feel you clenching,” he chuckled darkly, running his fingers along my shoulders, planting kisses there to soothe me. “I know you want too, cum for me baby,” he said. My eyes screwed shut, all I saw was stars as my body convulsed below him, an animalistic moan ripped through my throat as I fought to control my spasmic movements. He made sure to hold my body tightly, rubbing circles on my hips as he worked me through my orgasm. “We’re not done,” he breathed, flipping me to the side. He laid down on his back, propped on his elbows. I gawked at him, legs still trembling, but knew what he wanted. My strength came back almost instantly as I straddled him.
He helped me guide himself into my dripping core, and I adjusted yet again. My body shivered with pleasure, already beginning to clench around him again. I willed myself to relax as I put both of my palms on his chest and moved myself upward. Luke hissed under me, one of his hands reappearing from the mattress to stroke my stomach. I moved myself slowly, grinding against him every now and again just for good measure. My head lolled back with the pleasure of it, but he wasn’t having my lazy movement. Large hands came to stop my hips just above his pelvic bone. I quickly snapped my eyes open before he thrust his hips upward to meet mine. I collapsed to his chest, feeling him hit a spot that made my vision go black.
“Luke, right there” I cried, holding onto him for dear life. I felt my second orgasm climbing rapidly, I knew it was only a matter of time before I burst. A string of curse words fell from my mouth, I fought with my body. Luke kept snapping his hips with force. Then, he stopped. I jumped, taking over my slow movements from before. Beads of sweat dripped down both of our bodies, I wasn’t sure how long I could hold out. My thighs quaked with anticipation and pleasure. I lowered myself to him, pressing my lips to his; in a quick motion he gripped my hair, whispering in my ear:
“Relax, baby, I’ve got you,”
I whimpered, the knot in my stomach threatening to break. Clammy hands came to scrape at his chest, surely leaving red trails of my nails. He hissed in response. He liked it. Noted. My chest glistened with sweat, the audible sound of skin on skin and the absurd amount of moans were the only things filling his room. I lowered myself again to his chest, hissing as he moved his hips in a way that made me wild. My eyes shut hard, broken moans coming from deep in my chest as I fought with every nerve ending in my body.
“Luke, please, please,” I sobbed, sinking my teeth into his neck. He hissed again, swatting my rear for the third time. He snarled out a final ‘let go’ into my ear. That was all I needed. I fell into his chest, feeling his cock twitch inside me just the same. Ripple after ripple of pleasure scorched through me, before he roughly grabbed my hips, forcing himself to snap upwards. Chasing his own release, I coiled again, not even having come down from my previous orgasm; he already had me chasing another one. “Oh, my god, oh my GOD,” I rambled, hearing him groan under me as he once again told me to come, but with him this time.
For the final time, I collapsed, feeling his cum, hot and warm, spurt on my chest. Somewhere in between me finishing, and barely knowing, he had pulled out. I let out a laugh, trying to catch my breath.
“You okay?” Luke questioned from beside me, running a hand through his hair that I surely had messed up. I couldn’t help but giggle, bringing my hands up to cover my reddened face.
“I’m more than okay, that was pent up for a long time,” I stated, staring at him, watching his lips pull to a grin. He nodded, too tired to say anything else. Somehow I knew this wouldn’t be the last time we did this.
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afatallovesong · 2 years
Hi! I love your writing! I was wondering if you could write a oneshot for Michael?
I have never written for Michael before, so I hope you enjoy! (Haven't proofread I'm sorry)
You Call Me Up
A Michael Clifford one shot
18+, Smut, NSFW
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Word Count: 12,091
You hated phone calls. Your hands got all clammy. Your heart picked up speed. Sometimes it leapt a few beats, and you swore the palpitations might kill you one day. But you were still here, and it still rang out. You felt your tongue tie, your words assemble into one giant whirlpool of useless vocabulary. Phone calls were an enemy of yours, your greatest foe, your biggest downfall every single time. No matter how good of a day you’d had, you couldn’t ever bring yourself to speak confidently enough to whoever sat at the other end of the phone. Anyone except him.
His name flashes across the caller ID and you have to hold yourself back from answering too soon, a foreign feeling to you. Holding your breath, counting to 10 as not to pick up on the first ring. Avoiding eagerness. It was like your phone didn’t even need to signal either, you always seemed to be innately ready and waiting, like you spent your day anticipating it even if he hadn’t warned you prior.
If you were in another room, you’d end up walking back in just in time for the tone, so conveniently you thought he was wired into your brain somehow. You swore you were in the shower once and stopped the water before rinsing because you sensed someone had yelled your name when in actuality your phone was seconds away from sounding out, his voice beckoning you on the other side. You had a useless talent for it. A sixth sense if you will. It made you a great friend at least.
You sat yourself down on your bed, fidgeting with the cushion you’d placed on your lap out of habit, shuffling so your back was against the headboard. Your legs were crossed comfortably, for now. You thought about uncrossing them just in case the call went on longer and they started to numb, but ultimately decided you could cross that bridge when you came to it. You took a deep breath.
“What took you so long?” A panic stricken voice whines from the other end. Should you be alarmed? “You usually answer in 2 rings, what’s going on are you okay?” You hated that he’d noticed. He was the least susceptible person on earth, it was unfair. “I was in the shower.” You rush. He breathes deeply, as if he was thinking about it, the image of you under the water or maybe he saw through your lie. You hoped he wasn’t repulsed either way. “Was it a good shower?” You snort a laugh.
“What? Just asking.” He laughs too. Your heat settles. “It was an average shower.” You know he’s nodding on the other end as he hums. “So, you called because?” Your heart starts pumping rapidly, your grip on the tassels of the cushion tightening. “Can’t I call my wonderful friend on a Thursday evening?” You allow yourself to smile, to be happy he’d called at all, even if he did just call you his friend. You could hate that word, you really, really could.
“The real reason.” You pry, knowing that it could never be as simple as that. “I have a date.” He rushes. So fast you think you have some incredible skill for being able to translate. Your mouth opens and closes at least 7 times before responding. “You do?” You try not to sound so surprised. It wasn’t the first time this had happened to either of you actually. He’d just never called you about one before. He usually told you in person. Why didn’t he tell you in person? Couldn’t he wait? Why did he sound so panicked?
“I do.” You could hear him smiling, you just knew he was smiling. Probably scratching his head, wondering how he’d managed a date at all knowing him. He was so blind, not just to your affections but the fact that you weren’t the only one who’d had them for him, you never had been. He was definitely attractive, he had humour, intelligence, hobbies, ambition, maybe too much ambition sometimes, thought he could conquer the world, maybe he could, maybe he would, you were certain if he put his mind to it, nothing could stop him. “I need your help though.” You lean forward, as if you were ready to rush over to his house right now and come to aid him, pathetic. You sit yourself back again. “What with?” You try not to feel nervous, try not to feel hurt, it’s something that’s grown more difficult the last year or so.
“I kinda maybe said we were having a party.” You nod as you listen, again as if he was in the room with you. “When?” He starts nervously laughing, shuffling around on the other side of the line. You sigh instantly, you know he’s fucked something up, it was just a case of what. “Tomorrow night.” He said before you heard him tapping his foot vigorously on the ground, his tell-tale sign that he was nervous and giving himself a hard time before you could. “I ALSO MAYBE SAID IT WAS AT YOUR PLACE!” The words slipped from his mouth in a jumble, you had to be a genius to piece it together so soon, you deserved so much credit for that. You deserved some kind of medal actually, you wonder if they do those, deciphering or something.
Your palm hit your face with a louder than intended smack. “That sounded rough.” He sighed. “You’re dead.” You curse him. “Dead, dead, dead.” You know he’s wincing as you say it, you hope he does more than that, hope he pictures his head on a spike for what he was about to put you through. “Who is it?” You ask. He doesn’t say anything. You’d surprised him by asking. He hadn’t expected you to care that deeply. Sure, he phoned you to talk about this date, this party that he'd needed you to throw in your own house and all, but he still didn’t actually plan the part where he had to tell you the name of the girl. The girl that may or not actually fucking exist.
“Mindy.” You laugh. You laugh a lot. “Mindy?” You question. “Uh, yup.” You hear him scratching the stubble on his chin. He’s wracking his brain as fast as he can to think of if he or you actually knew anyone with that name already. He hoped to God that you didn’t. It may be easier to explain the whole thing if a Mindy didn’t happen to live in your inner or outer friendship circle or anywhere in your general vicinity for that matter. He couldn’t be too sure though, there was always some variation of a Mindy. There was Cindy, the blonde dancer or maybe cheerleader, he didn’t speak to her long enough to catch the career goals. There had also been an Indi at some point, a next door neighbour of yours, got arrested for something or other. He wasn’t sure, not very good at remembering anything about other women, not when he had you. You were the only woman he’d needed, only one he’d really cared to know. Except for tomorrow night.
“Where did you meet her?” You had to ask, there was no way a girl called Mindy took an interest in him, not now he’d settled down. He used to be such a slut, not that it’s a bad thing to sleep around but the way he’d treated some girls, well you were glad that portion of his life was over. It was the one and only time you’d regretted your crush on him. Feeling lucky not to have his attention at that time, though you must have been repulsive because he really did go for anyone, and you couldn’t help but hold the tiniest grudge because of that. If he hadn’t wanted you then, well you doubt he ever would.
He’d straightened his act since. He went on dates occasionally, no more one night stands, that you knew of, so hopefully few to none. No one had ever stuck around. Whether it was down to his or your judgement. You couldn’t always be certain which it was. But it was always his and your say, not theirs, almost never theirs. You felt wrong for enjoying having a role so big in his life. For being a factor in decisions like that at all. One day he wouldn’t need you like that. You should feel lucky that he does now. Even if it hurt to imagine him with someone else.
He was similar with you. He judged every person you bought to him, like an older brother or a very aggressive dog who’d snapped his leash. No one was ever good enough. No one would ever be good enough for you. That’s what he thought anyway. He certainly knew he wasn’t good enough for you. He’d never even try it. You deserved better than him. In fact, you’d had better.
There was once an occasion where he’d actually felt bad for tarnishing your relationship with a guy. A college graduate who just got a job as a veterinarian. If he was being excruciatingly honest, which he so often hated being, he could admit that he was probably the perfect man for you. He shared all your interests, had similar career goals, a good family, good ambition. The only problem was that he wasn’t Michael. Otherwise, he swore you’d be half way to engaged by now. Even if you were still in your early 20s.
Every other time there’d been a substantial reason. A justifiable reason. A police record, no qualifications, a crazy ex, a tight knit relationship with their mother. So maybe they weren’t as sound as he’d liked to think but he had good intentions, that had to count for something. He just wanted the best for you, would always want that for you. What kind of friend would he be if he didn’t? It was his duty.
He wracked his brain for a suitable scenario. The grocery store maybe? She was working the counter or something. She wanted to check out more than the items in his basket. Nope. Absolutely not. You shopped at the same store anyway and with name tags and all you could hunt her down like a dog. Too close to home. How about the record store? He never saw you in there, not unless he dragged you in there himself, which he hadn’t done for years, not since, well not since the cashier asked him for your number and he swore he’d break his face if he dared ask or look in your direction again. The record store it is. Mindy from the record store.
“The record store.” He shrugs. You perk up. He’d met her in his favourite place. Nothing to worry about, you could handle that, the impending doom of your friendship and heartache, she might just be perfect. If you had a pencil in your hand you swear it would have snapped. “Uh, she actually slipped me a limited edition-“ You lean back, hitting your head off the board to drown out the anecdote. “Did you just- are you okay?” You mumble. “Yup, fine, all fine.” You don’t even attempt to rub the back of your head. You deserved the punishment. It was all worse than you thought. He’d met the perfect girl. You thought you’d have more time. It hasn’t happened yet; he’d never even been close; they’d all been false starts. This was code red.
“So, the party.” He mentions again. You could say no. You could give him any excuse and he’d never ask again. He’d even accept an “I’m not in the mood.” 1 because it was painfully accurate and the only excuse you could muster at the time but 2 because he respects you enough to take your word as gospel and never push you past your limits. He couldn’t take advantage of you. Although in this scenario, not entirely true anymore. “You’re setting everything up.” Your fingers run through your hair as you hear him begin to shuffle again on the other side. Your own words betrayed you. You were a really, really good friend.
He felt more panicked than relieved that you’d agreed. It made it so much more real. As real as a date with a fake person could be that is. Shit. This whole idea sounded so much better before he dialled your number. He rubbed his eye in frustration at the mess he’d left himself in as if it would provide him with any clarity at all. He now had to set up a party, a fake date and then, the perfect way to confess his feelings for you. That’s what this whole charade was for. He was too cowardly to tell you on the phone, too selfish not to tell you at all. At least if it went poorly he could blame the alcohol, or maybe even pretend he didn’t hear you over the bass of the music.
He grabbed a pen by the landline fixed to the wall (the one he had only bought for the aesthetic, never to be used). He scrawled down in capitals on the notepad beside it. “Note to self: HEAVY BASS!!!” Then just beneath. “You can do this.” He hoped that manifestation would help him through the next 24 hours. He wouldn’t be able to breathe until he completed this task he’d set himself. You were worth it, you had to be.
You’d kill him. He was late to a party he’d wanted. You should have been surprised. You were never surprised. The lengths he would go to, the theatrics, he infuriated and crushed your soul into pieces simultaneously. He’d never done something like this for you. You wouldn’t exactly like a party thrown in your honour, but it was a grand romantic gesture anyone could find a soft spot for. Perhaps that should tell you all you needed to know. He would never do this for you. You could stop blissfully ignoring the fact that things might never change between the two of you. Unless you got rid of Mindy that is.
You’d started letting people in, he’d put up flyers around town, you hated that he did that. You were starting to hate everything that he did. Couldn’t recognise half the people who rocked up but hey, it’s just your house and everything you own on the line, nothing could possibly go wrong there. You almost slammed the door in his face when he finally showed up. He smiled the best he could while wondering how long he had before he needed to flinch at the no doubt heavy fist heading his way. He was surprised when it hadn’t arrived. “Shit, are you ill?” The back of his hand pushes against your forehead to gather your temperature. You swat him away. “I’m fine, you’re late.” You step aside, letting him in, already feeling your heart regretting the decision, it so often did.
He stared at you for a moment, eyes raking in your appearance, taking in every detail of you, so much so it was like he’d physically touched you, goosebumps brushing over your arms. It was sinful to look at you that way considering the circumstances, but you had so liked that he had. He had liked it too, so much so that he lost sight of his purpose tonight. “Is she here?” You ask coldly, quietly but still loud enough to try and nudge his eyes away. They remained for a moment longer before he turns around, a brow arching. “She?” Was he joking?
He laughed, almost too enthusiastically even he’d admit, his hand resting on his stomach as if it ached from the humour. “I don’t know, she might be.” He took a few rushed glances around him again, gathering the surroundings, squinting to see if anyone here could look even the tiniest bit suited for the role. He could coax someone into pretending. Probably not for the fun of it, might have to bribe them with a couple bucks but that was fine, that was doable. He’s patting his pockets, front, left, right and back. Shit. No wallet. What about jacket? A sigh of relief. Won’t cancel that out then, he could still manage.
“Well let me know when you find her.” You try to smile, try to act casual, as if this wasn’t the worst Friday night you could have envisioned for yourself. He hovered on the spot for a minute, fingers fidgeting, the way they did when he wanted to say something else, when he was struggling to find the words but lingering on the edge of them. Was he struggling to find them? “Mikey?” You question boldly. His mouth props open before closing again, his erratic fidgeting coming to an end. “I’ll catch up with you.” He turns, wandering off into the crowd as quickly as he’d appeared. Your heart sank, your posture going with it. Air, air would be nice.
He had no plan, even as he tried to conjure one, there was still a voice in his mind. A voice that sounded an awful lot like yours if he really focused on it, which he was trying desperately not to do. A voice telling him he had no way of pulling this off either before or after the whole tremendously large lie coming out. Why did he need to go to such lengths at all? Perhaps you’d find it romantic, a grand gesture just for you, though he could have done something less deceiving and more up your street. He really should have thought about this. Was it too late to think about this? He needed to find her again. He’d bottled it, he should just come clean.
“Can I rob a cig?” You ask one of the guys stood just a few metres out into your back garden. The spot you’d escaped to. He grunts a response holding the packet out for you to take, as if it were too much for him to respond with a simple sentence. He instead offers the flame of his zippo lighter for you to lean into. You rarely smoked these days. You hadn’t felt the need to. Your stress seemingly spreading thinner and thinner as time passed on, no longer providing you a reason to indulge. Occasionally you would succumb to the urge. Enjoying the burn, the thought of the damage. You took a drag, stepping away from the group, leaning against the brick wall you stood by.
He thought you’d be in the kitchen. You usually were at any party, your house or otherwise. That was your go to spot. You had access to all drinks, food, and fresh air if things overwhelmed you, which they often did, but that was okay with him, he’d never judge you for it. Instead, he knew to be aware of it. If things were okay you would relax upon the stools by the kitchen island. When he hadn’t spotted your half up, half down waves with a bow pinned to the back, he knew to head outside to your other spot of comfort.
He stepped outside, flicking the garden light on, earning a couple of groans he easily ignored when he spotted you, a cigarette hanging from your lips. He took it from you, startling you, your eyes widening with a rage he hadn’t seen for a while, not since you were kids. “Thought you quit.” He places it between his own lips. You struggle not to blush at his unbothered reaction to sharing. It’s not as if it were the first time you’d done this, but it didn’t get any less attractive when it did. You wished it weren’t so indirect. You wanted his actual lips on yours, this would suffice, it had to.
“I did.” You take it back, he lets you, lips parting enough for you to pluck it back. “I just felt like having one.” He felt bad, it was his fault you’d needed one. “I’m sorry.” He meant it. His hands slid into his pockets when his gaze fell to his feet. “It’s okay.” You lied. Continuing to breathe in the glorious nicotine, you’d even felt a rush of light-headedness. It panicked you when you were younger but for some reason, this evening, the feeling was rather welcomed, just an additional numbness to the ever present trauma of being in love with your best friend.
Michael himself fought the urge to groan when your lips wrapped around the filtered end of what had just been between his own lips. Your plush, cherry red lips enough to send him into a trance of what if’s, as if he’d ever have the courage to make them anything more than that, he wished they were more than that. He’d wanted you, so very badly, it grew with each passing second he stood here fixated on you, yearning for your kiss. It was just a case of telling you.
You thought you’d always be honest with each other. Now when he looked at you, barely able to meet your eyes, aiding the protection of a heavy secret. Your head was thrown back, a lazy arm wrapped across your stomach. He saw for the first time tonight, that he might not have been the only one capable of lying here. There was clearly a restlessness, a war enraging on in the depths of your astounding mind as well as his own. He knew you enough to decipher your struggle, but not enough to untangle it or even to pin point what exactly it was that you were struggling so hard with.
You stubbed out the cigarette. Wiping your hands down over your jeans, a force of habit adapted to relieve your fingers of the texture that came with smoking. “We should go back inside.” You didn’t try to sound less deflated, instead you thought you ought to accept it, you didn’t hide a sigh, you just dusted your thighs and straightened yourself out ready for the quest inside. You thought he was about to say something again, maybe you just hoped with every fibre of your being that he would find the courage to, but he just stood there, brow’s twitching, fingers drumming across his thigh as the cogs and wheels turned around in his brain. “Just spit it out,” you both thought, the screaming and restless feeling ricocheting around your all too thick skulls. If he could just say whatever’s been troubling him, just opened up his mouth and let the words flow out. You’d listen. You’d hold your breath, fix your stance and fucking listen and perhaps, you may actually get somewhere. 
He’d never been one to hide like this, both you and he knew that. He had this cocky sort of confidence that was originally designed to mask his anxieties but soon developed into this persona, this character he never imagined he’d become. When he did, he was loud and proud, he spoke from the heart, he hid no truths, he drew as much or as little attention as he desired. Your infatuation had been sewn into the very ground he walked on ever since. Trailing delightfully behind him, admiring this alluring capability that he had to put on the bravest, “fuck you” attitude.
He was brutally honest the majority of the time, his thoughts flowing directly from his brain to his tongue without much interception. It got him in trouble more times than either of you could count but it was that quality that made you feel so drawn to him in the first place. He was surprised that the earth hadn’t imploded the second he started to actually hold back and keep a tight lock on his lips, amongst other things. It was so ineptly not his style and he’d felt that betrayal without even looking to your face to see it written there. Spit. It. Out. Be honest. You’d want his honesty.
“Mindy didn’t show.” Your head doesn’t snap towards him like he thought it would or rather how he hoped it would. He guessed he was too selfish to assume it meant anything to you. You stood exactly the same, shoulders low, arms crossing at your chest. His hand floats towards the back of his neck, tugging a few strands of hair as if to control himself like a puppet, forcing him to continue in this endeavour despite the awkward thickness refusing to settle in the air.
“That’s a shame.” You attempt to give a sympathetic smile, you wished you could, or maybe you didn’t. You must have looked like such a spoilt brat looking anything other than disappointed for him. God, he probably thought you were the least supportive friend on earth. You couldn’t even pretend. It’s not like you even had to be convincing, you just had to perform, console him because the girl he’d seemed to really like had let him down and left him here alone with you on yet another Friday night. 
Suddenly your heart didn’t just hurt for yourself, it hurt for him. He had been excited. He’d been desperate enough to put on this whole show for a girl he’d only just met, and she hadn’t even had the decency to attend. She didn’t have to love him unconditionally. She didn’t have to laugh at all his jokes. She didn’t have to listen to his band rehearse poorly or sit through his stories that droned on and on because they never really had a middle or an end, always getting lost in between. All she had to do was be polite and show up, no further obligations toward him. Somehow she couldn’t even do that, and you simply could not fathom how anyone would be capable of letting him down. “Did she say why?” 
Your hand rests on his arm. He hopes you don’t feel his pulse sky rocketing beneath it. His heart was drumming so violently he worried for his health. His tugged on his locks unable to settle his anxiety for much longer as the question floated in the air between you. He watched you switch your posture, straightening up the moment he mentioned being stood up as if you were a soldier coming to attention. You were there to defend him, to offer him a warmth he’d not deserved for his betrayal, for his lies. You were the sweetest girl he’d ever known. His pretty eyed best friend that he sincerely believed he did not deserve. 
He took a breath, sucking in an achingly large amount of air, chest puffing up with each passing second beneath his checked shirt. This was it. This was the moment that would change it all. “It’s actually really hard to get stood up by someone who doesn’t, never has and probably never will exist at any point in time.” He says in one breath before taking another and repeating the process without glancing to catch your eyes until he’d let it be known.
“Made up to prove fuck knows what at this point.” He starts waving his hands around, gesturing to himself, placing a hand on his hip, rubbing his forehead, the full works to illustrate his explosion of stupidity which sounded more and more guilt ridden as he went on. “I’ve really got nothing, no words, no excuses, really shit all that could explain the rot in my brain that let me think that this was a sensible way to confess my feelings for you.” He finally looks at you, your mouth hanging open, kind of like an adorable goldfish he’d very much like to take home and keep in a bowl by the side of his bed to keep.
He settles for grabbing one of your hands in both of his, eyes beginning to plead with you for a forgiveness he wasn’t sure he’d get and as terrifying as that was for him to consider, it was too late to go back now so he buckled up and begged. “I’m really just, shit I’m just so fucking sorry.” He looked close to tears. The liquid forming beneath each eye, his bottom lip trembling. His heart was no longer pounding which he’d have considered a win except for the fact it had stopped all together as he awaited some form of communication from your end. Anything really. He’d accept a blink or a breath, jackpot if you scowled. You just stared so blankly he wondered if you were even present anymore if you’d still been stood before him. It was as if you’d left your own body. You’d left yourself standing there listening, but you had gone elsewhere. Anywhere but here with him, so needing to escape him that even on a spiritual level you’d vacated the premises to avoid the rest of this conversation. He was battling an enormity of guilt, guilt, guilt. 
“So, Mindy?” You phrase it like a question, arching a brow to better understand him, stringing out the “y” to let him catch your drift. “Doesn’t exist.” He finishes, earning a short nod, he winces, he’s not sure why but it feels like the only available response at the moment. “And you never had a-“ He wanted to run for the hills, but he’d laid out these burning coals to walk across, there was no option to skirt around them now, so walk on he must. “Never had a date no.” You pause for a second. It wasn’t too late to quit, he could drop your hand and leave the country, didn’t even have to grab his belongings from home, just hitchhike his way to the border and never return, anything to avoid the look plastering across your face.
The more you relived the lie, the more he realised how warped he was for conjuring it. It wasn’t cute, sweet, or flattering, not that he ever thought it was, but it would be nice to imagine there was some tiny part of you that saw it that way since it had been a gesture for you after all. “So, you made it all up.” He nods this time, teeth sinking into his bottom lip, eyes flickering to all of his available exits. “What the fuck?”
You tug your hand from his grip, letting it fly to your hair, both hands combing through it as if it would bring a resolution to this problem any quicker. He felt as if your question had slapped him across the cheek, sending him wincing at the tone. “I’m so sorry.” Yes, he said that already. “I just don’t understand.” It was all you thought. Your mind was screaming it over and over again because honestly there was no other reaction you could produce at this moment in time. Your wires were crossing, short circuiting and malfunctioning and you know, ever other technical failure that could possibly arise. Why the fuck would he fucking do that?
The energy spent to create this person, hell this whole scenario, the party, the oddly specific meeting place. It all outweighed whatever outcome was to come from it. There was no reward set in your mind, there was no gain from this. It was actually so impractical of him. That’s what frustrated you the most. You were experiencing something similar to the five stages of grief but instead stages of cognitive dysfunction, just a pure lack of comprehension on every plane.
Considering how heavily methodical he usually was about relationships, there seemed to be absolutely nothing to back him up in this scenario. To create an entire person only to tell you about her. Only to get you to acknowledge her. To fuel this fantasy that he’d met someone so perfect they put you to shame with just the uttering of their name. He’d done all of this for- then it clicks far too agonisingly slowly. You. 
“For me.” You said in a low whisper. His heart doesn’t know whether to leap or pack up and die altogether. “Yeah.” He’s not really sure if he’s responding correctly. He’s not sure he could confirm he’d do something correctly ever again. “You did this for me.” You speak clearer, finding it within yourself to meet his eyes as you repeated yourself. There was an airiness and a disbelief in your tone. He isn’t sure he can hold you gaze for long. His cowardice had begged him not to. He couldn’t bear to see you hurt. Especially since the cause of the pain was him and him alone. “I did. I did this for you.”
You smile. You didn’t mean to, you were pissed. You hadn’t felt as if it was the moment for the expression. Your muscles had acted out against you. They’d gone their own way, leaving you trailing along behind trying to catch up. “You’re smiling.” He was sceptical and rightly so, a smile was the least expected reaction he’d have imagined from you. “You’re a fucking idiot.” You meant it, tongue like a dagger, cutting him as deep as you felt her deserved. “I do own up to that.” He feels like he can breathe again. Short breaths. Less than a second each. But its breathing, nonetheless. “Does this mean we can get all these people out of my fucking house?” He bounced on his heels excitedly, this was nothing, not forgiveness, not brushing it under the mat never to return to at a later date, but it was something. You still wanted to be alone with him. You still wanted something to do with him, to be something to him. That was a huge win in his book. “I’m on it.”
You found yourselves back inside, in your living room, less angsty tension between you, but there was still something thickening the air. “Are you really mad at me? Did I really piss you off?” He felt his bottom lip begin to tremble, although you’d been able to look at him without a frown, he still worried about how things may have changed between you. There weren’t enough words in any dictionary to describe how stupid he felt. The fragility of your friendship was becoming so apparent to him now. He could have lost you. If only he’d thought of it sooner before he started this. He lead himself so blindly. He’d have reoccurring nightmares over it for months, perhaps even the rest of his life.
You don’t say anything. He takes his chances. “You know I can’t think straight when you start to pout.” You hadn’t even noticed your lips pursing. You almost allow a smile to replace it now he’d drawn attention to it, but you didn’t, you weren’t that easy. “I’m not pouting.” His heart jumps. You speaking, saying anything, that was good, you sounded good. “You’re pouting a little.” He holds out his thumb and pointer finger squeezing them together, destined to touch but never quite reaching, instead highlighting the small gap between them. You kind of felt like it resembled the two of you. “I don’t pout.” He smiles, each sound you made had him feeling calmer. “You pout a lot.” He fights the urge to smother the expression with his lips.
“It’s too much fun to piss you off.” It may have been too soon to joke about it. He felt so far from comfortable and yet, he was still speaking, still managing to prevent himself from cracking under the pressure. He was using comedy to mask his pain of course, the only way he knew how to deal with his emotions without addressing them directly. Regardless, the opportunity to have this alone time with you after the shit show that had been the rest of the evening, well it was a pleasure despite the tension.
“What are friends for?” He shrugs, eyes falling not so subtly to the ground, more specifically your shoes. White converse, so pristinely clean anyone could mistake them for newly bought if he hadn’t known you better. He then thought of how his shoes, the worn and tired trainers he couldn’t even remember the brand of, would be touching yours if he just shuffled in a little closer. He could move in if he wanted to. You might not run, but you also might.
“Why do we have to be friends?” You surprise yourself, the words dripping off your tongue with an alarming ease and you’d probably be embarrassed but you couldn’t find it in you. “We’ve always been friends.” He says, even if he hated himself for it. You had to agree. “I guess we have.” It was the truth after all. Your tone changed though; a dissatisfaction laced within. Taking a leaf out of his book, you speak without thought. “You wanna change that?”
He can’t even look at you, doubt he could even hear you, confirm if you responded at all. His heartbeat was deafening. You continue on your path of enlightenment, you don’t think, you just do. You move in, toe to toe. Your breath catches as you breathe in his scent, cigarettes, cheap beer, maybe even sweat and you’d not minded. You feel his breath, each one, just brushing over your skin.
His eyes are anywhere that yours weren’t. You don’t feel as awkward as you should, nearly pressed up against his chest, a proximity that wasn’t foreign to you but had certainly been evolved. You feel a strange sense of calmness coming with it. You’d never felt calm around him before. You always felt restless, or aching. You’d even say intoxicated but never satiated. Never feeling as if you were in safe hands quite like this before.
He cleared his throat. You glanced to his adams apple as it bobbed up and down as he swallowed the words you’re so curious to hear instead. You watch him with great interest. Ogling him like some kind of art exhibition you had to interpret, and you’d have spent hours analysing him if you could, but you needed more. You’re right there, less than an inch between you and you don’t falter.
“Your face is uh, very close to my face.” He knows he’s being silly, knows he’s mucking things up, but God, you were so pretty, there was nothing he could say or do to prevent himself from melting at the sight of you. So, fucking beautiful, his sweet, sweet Y/n. “What are you going to do?” You speak quietly but firmly enough to translate that the ball was well and truly in his court. You had taken your shot; it was his turn to take his.
He licks his bottom lip feverishly, leaving a glossy sheen on the pink, plush skin. You can’t look away. “You want me to kiss you?” You’d never wanted anything more. It excited you that he’d asked, somehow hearing exactly what you were both thinking, it was exhilarating. He looks down at your own lips, almost groaning when he sees your teeth tucked into them, taking a bite he wished he could taste. You were the worst for biting your lip around him. He’d always wondered if you did it on purpose just to break him, convinced there was no way you weren’t doing it on purpose. He thought that maybe one day you would succeed in his destruction too. He was going to make that day, this day.
He leans in slowly and smoothly. He watches you for your reaction. Your eyes flash with panic and he almost backs away from you but no, not this time. His head tilts to the left, his lips inching inward. So close so unbelievably close. He was so near. He was certain that your atoms had latched onto each other before you did so knowingly yourselves. A moan falls between you. A deeply satisfied and most grateful moan. A years in the making expression of fulfilment. You thought if the moment ever arrived it may not live up to expectations, but you stay oh so still, for so long. You take in the sensation, the softness of his lips, the feather light pressure he applies, the taste of his last drink and the cigarette smoke emitting from the both of you. There’s nothing short of electricity. Your hairs stood on end; your stomach had erupted with every emotion a human was capable of expressing.
He takes it upon himself to cup your face in his hands even as he lets you slip away, your mouth retreating against both of your wishes. You see the look in his eyes. You freeze. You had never seen him so content. He wasn’t smiling, not even close, more like gawping at you, mouth open, cheeks burning redder than plastic solo cups scattered across the coffee table.
If you’d only seen his eyes you’d be convinced there was a grin beneath them. There was such a blinding twinkle in them you’d think a light had been flickered on inside and maybe it had. It was a realisation that this kiss was everything you’d both wanted it to be. His eyes had shown you a joy so lovely you wanted to bottle it and keep it forever. “You just kissed me.” It comes out as a whisper; all you could manage after he stole your breath away. He smiles so wide his eyes crinkle on the outer corners. His dimples sink beside his smile lines. “I’m about to do it again, try not to die or anything.”
This time you initiate. You grab onto the collar of his denim jacket, and you use it to reel him into you. His hands land on your hips, just resting there, just holding you, still unsure of the boundaries. You apply a pressure to your kiss, his head pushing back, your face following it. He whimpers. Mouth dropping open when he does. You don’t know what comes over you, you slip your tongue into his mouth the second he gives you access, a brave stride forward into even newer territory.
He retaliates, his teeth clash messily against your own as he leans in closer, nose bumping yours, hands slipping into the back pockets of your jeans bringing you inwards, cupping your ass. Your pelvis hits his, a distinct hardness present his jeans. You felt a flurry of surprise and a colossal amount of pride wrack your body. You’d gotten him hard just from your kiss. Nothing more. He’d officially ruined every other guy for you, and you sincerely hoped he knew that.
You pull away breathlessly, begrudgingly. Your ears are ringing. Your chest is thudding. Your head and heart not quite believing what they’ve witnessed. “You made a whole girl up, but you couldn’t just kiss me.” He wanted to melt into a puddle, his dreams had come true right there in your living room, he could scream with excitement. “Not my finest moment.” He manages to squeeze your ass rather daringly through the pockets of your jeans and he suspects that you quite enjoy it.
“You think?” He grimaces as he thinks back to it, anything more than a millisecond felt unnecessary and cruel. “You didn’t say anything either sweetheart.” He finds it in himself to smirk because he knows its damn true. He thanked whatever God there was for allowing him the strength to joke. “You had a hot date.” You remind. “Didn’t always.” You huff at his answer. “We’re stupid.” He nods in agreement. “That part is true.” He pushes his forehead against your own, locking eyes with you, you could get used to that. “I love stupid.” You shouldn’t have wanted to squeal so much at such a dumb sentence. It wasn’t him saying he loved you, though you’d enjoy spending the rest of the evening convincing yourself that, that was exactly what he’d said.
“Do you fuck stupid?” You hold your breath, mind catching up with your words. His expression was filled with intrigue. “Wanna find out?” You peck his lips just once, retreating from him only for him to reign you back in, lips smothering yours with a sigh. Your hands firmly grasp his collar, allowing you to have some control over his movements. His lips move effortlessly over yours, so soft, so warm, a little fuzzy with stubble coming through but not enough to irritate your soft skin. He’s like a breath of fresh air and the most potent aroma all in one. He smells like he always does, but it’s different, it’s better. He smells kind of like you now, vanilla vodka from your own tongue masking his previous scent. You loved that he smelt like you.
“Gotta get outta here.” You try to separate yourself, eyeing the stairs with no subtlety. “Oh, I think it’s perfect here.” He says, eyes roaming around the room, to the couch in particular. “You want our first time to be in here?” Even though you each knew where you were headed, it felt so much more real now it was spoken into existence. You aren’t really sure why you’re questioning it. It was private, cosy, the sofa folded out into a bed if you really wanted to create a more stereotypical or romantic environment. Though you’d argue pretty fairy lights took care of most of those concerns. Either way, it wasn’t the worst location you’d ever had sex.
“Okay.” You breathe. His grin begins widening from ear to ear. “Okay?” He checks again a little nod accompanying it. “Yes, okay.” You roll your eyes. He kisses you, forcefully but not overpowering you, not that you’d mind, not hurting you, just showing you how content he was. How happy he was to be here with you. You hardly notice you’d been stepping backwards. Your feet taking you involuntarily until they hit the couch behind you, your knees bending, sitting you down while Michael stood there glancing down from between your split knees.
He looks down at you, the light behind his head resembling the halo of an angel which was remarkably ironic since he was no angel. The wicked smirk on his face had alerted you of that. There was no more nervous little Michael pathetically in love with his best friend. It still existed deep within him but not close enough for his reach anymore. This was a man starved of touch. He was drunk on the sight of you. Drunk on the scent of you and the very thought/ image of what you’d look like for the rest of the night. “Pictured this moment so many times.” He says, shrugging off his jacket, letting it drop clumsily onto the coffee table. “You being underneath me more than I can count.”
You were taken back. You’d thought of him just as vividly as he’d thought of you. You weren’t taken back because you were grossed out or shocked by his admission in any manner. You were taken back because you wanted to hear more about how he’d imagined you. “How do you picture it?” You breathe steady. Your control astounds you. His lip twitches in amusement waiting for you to clarify. He knew what you meant; he just needed you to say it.
“When you think of me.” Your hand strokes over the couch cushions on either side of your thighs. “When I’m underneath you,” you pause to capture his eyes before proceeding. “How do you picture me?” He bends over, leaning down to capture your face in his hand. Just two fingers bringing your chin upwards. “You’re wearing a lot less for a start.” He finds it easy to slip into his typical role of dominance. He strokes over your cheek and continues his retelling. “You still look at me the same.” You linger on his every word. “Heart eyes, curiosity, maybe even a little bit of fear.” He releases your face from his hands. “Think we can take care of the first part?”
He stands upright, eyeing you with no attempt to remove an item of clothing off of himself. His eyes were attempting to undress you, but you knew eventually you’d have to do it yourself. You remain seated, leaning over to take off your shoes first. Your eyes just watch his own shoes, no tapping, no nerves at all. He always fidgeted when he was nervous. You let your eyes float up to look at him, his head tilts, no words spoken. You feel the weight of his impatient stare and work faster to remove the rest of your clothing. You unbutton your jeans with a speedy efficiency. You momentarily lift your hips to drag them the rest of the way down your legs and this time you do notice a breath hitching in his throat. He wasn’t as cool as he’d lead you to believe.
He crouches down, squatting before you to throw your jeans across the room. He watched you like he’d never seen you before. Like he was an alien creature learning everything he needed to know all at once. He watched you with a curiosity that made you squeeze your thighs together. He wasn’t your Michael anymore. He’d shifted and you think you liked it. “No, no, don’t be shy princess.” His hand rests on your knee, a static shock gripping you. He’s captivated by you, clothed and unclothed. You wonder what he means, whether you needed to take off more. You go to take off your shirt before he takes your hands. “Open your legs sweetheart, don’t get ahead of yourself.”
He guides your hands to your thighs, depositing them and removing his touch once more to lean back and watch the show. You’d waited too long to be shy and timid now. You spread your legs, the click of your hips letting you know when to stop. His fingers flew to your core. Your lips parting drastically fast. “Not even dripping for me.” He drags his finger over your clothed slit. “You make me wait this long and you aren’t even wet for me.” You feel guilty. You must be. You’d felt so damp, so needy. You felt a coolness washing over the wet spot in your underwear the moment your legs were spread. He had to be toying with you.
“I’d think twice before you argue with me.” There was gravel in his tone. He doesn’t even look at your face, too busy hooking a finger into your underwear, slipping it to the side to get a better look at you. He drops to his knees, no longer squatting, you’re not sure if he’s getting comfortable or succumbing to his urges. “You’ve been hiding this pretty little pussy from me.” His finger slides through your wetness, collecting it before bringing it to your lips. You eye it sceptically. “Go on.” He nods, finger remaining in place. His eyes follow your lips. Your turn to impress. You lean over mouth opening wide your tongue poking out to lick over it. Your eyes meet his and you see his serious expression wavering. “Tastes good?“ He asks, eyes becoming less harsh and more loving. “Think I should get a taste?” You ponder it, the possibilities, you wanted to, wanted his tongue but you ached for more.
“We don’t have to go any further.” His character broke, a softness in his tone, your Michael returning. “Want to, really want to.” You slip out. “Promise?” You smile. “Gotta have you.” He smiles back. “Oh yeah?“ You nod and he’s like a kid in a toy store. He works to pull his shirt off over his head. You reach for bis belt buckle as he stands, making quick work of undoing it before tugging his jeans down over his thick thighs with a struggle. Your mouth begins to water when his pulsing cock reaches eye level. Your hands go to stroke him, he pushed his hips involuntarily into your hand. You know you shouldn’t indulge, you’d be punished for it greatly, but it was right there. It was needy for you, hot to touch, dripping. His tip was just begging for it.
“Please.” You whimper. “Please what.” He tries not to drop dead at the vision of you struggling to close your pretty mouth at the thought of him taking it. “This how you want me?” He asks. “Don’t want me to take your sweet little pussy?” You heavily debate it. You wanted him anywhere you could have him. “Can’t decide?” He strokes your cheek sympathetically as you struggle. “Quick taste.” He grants you. You nearly squeak with excitement. You gently pull his boxers down, cock falling out, thick and heavy. You let his underwear stretch over his thighs, too eager to lick him to remove them completely.
You kitten lick across his length, and he growls. “Don’t tease me.” His cock twitches when your hand wraps around it. He sighs loudly as you drag it over his length. “Yes, just like that.” You feel encouraged by his praise, grateful for the guidance and encouragement. You’d always worked harder with a little praise, in every aspect of life. He guessed that. That even in this state you’d do just about anything for a gold star.
His own hand meets yours, taking over. “Open your mouth.” You do as you’re told, lips parting, his cock rubbing over your bottom lip back and forth before you stretch out your tongue to taste more. “Good girl.” You whine at the name, sparking excitement and a shudder from him. “Like being called that?” You nod, hips shuffling on the edge of your seat. “Open wide.”
You expect him to edge himself in, taking his time as you stretch your lips around him. “Gonna be a good girl and let me stuff your mouth?” You can’t do anything but whimper, he pushes deeper, cock reaching the back of your throat. There isn’t room for you to make another sound. He has to force himself to take a breath in respite. You’re so warm, so tight. You were always pretty but with his cock down your throat, your pretty eyes looking up at him like he was some kind of god in need of worship, it sent him fucking feral and he needed you choking, he had to know what it would be like. He pulled out before pushing back in, further than before, his dick twitching when you gag involuntarily, throat convulsing.
“Too much? Dick too much.” You throw yourself forward, nose hitting his pelvis, his cock slipping deeper, bending into the crevice of your throat. It takes all of your strength not to gag again and completely reject him. He soon saw to that. His hand pushes your head to stay in place. You’d often wondered what he’d do in a scenario like this, head pushing was never one of your predictions, you were pleased that you were wrong. You grip his thighs, nails biting into them. It wasn’t too much. It was a lot, but it was good, he needed this, needed your throat to fill. You had to do this, for him. Always for him.
“Shit, wanna remember this forever.” Your glance up spaced out to see his phone hovering above your head, snapping a shot of himself balls deep in your mouth, spit dripping from the corners of your lips. “So, fucking pretty.” He released his hand from your head, letting you retract away, a line of saliva stringing between you and his cock. You gasp for as much air as possible before he speaks. “Wanna lie down?” You shake your head, and he fights a laugh. “No?” You shake again, unable to speak eloquently after the bruising to your oesophagus. His hand lifts your chin. You look quite pathetic down there. You knees apart, cheeks red, hair messy, mascara running, a slice of heaven for his eyes only.
“You have something else in mind?“ You nod. He decides to take it easy on you, your throat took a beating for him, where he’d usually be bothered by lack of verbal communication, he could afford to let it slip this time, only for you. “Show me.” He commands. You lift from your knees without a shred of support. You take yourself over to the couch, kneeling down, hands bracing the back cushions, your back arching, ass lifting into the air. He laughs with excitement. “From behind huh.” He lurches forward, hands smacking your cheek before rubbing soothingly over the stinging flesh. “Look so hot right now.” His other hand joins him in kneading your skin. “Need these panties off honey.”
He lets you remove them yourself, slipping out of your position to make it happen before returning. You assume he’d removed the remainder of his own clothing before he slots himself behind you. He leans over your back, kissing sweetly over your spine. You feel so safe with him, so excited too. “Tell me you want me inside you.” He breathes across your ear, hand traveling down, fingers tracing your spine, dropping further to your ass, down further still, cupping your cunt in his hand, sending your hips to grind over his fingers. “Tell me you need me.” He whispers hotly. Your head is so fuzzy, so much happening and all at once. “Say it.” He pushes again. “Tell me you need me inside you.” He rubs his cock over your ass, before slipping it between your legs, thrusting inward, rubbing across your cunt, you were almost in tears. “Tell me how you want your best friend to fuck you.”
You grip the couch. “Need you so much.” You choke. He hits your ass. “Try harder.” You moan. “Need you inside me. Need you to stretch me.” He hits again, even if you’d done better this time it wasn’t quite enough. This was years in the making, he had to make it worth it, wanted to replay your sounds before bed every night as if they were his favourite song. He’d put enough thought into it after all. “I ache for you Michael.” You sound as if you’re about to cry. He only feels a smidge of guilt. “Always wanted you, always needed you. You have to. Please I need you to.” He strokes over your back, rubbing circles in as you get worked up. You don’t know why it hit you like that, tears, actual tears. You sniffle, holding them back. “Are you crying?“ He’s not mocking you, he actually enjoyed hearing it, you so caught up, hungry for his body that you’re crying without it.
Maybe he was a monster for enjoying it. He’d hated you crying until this moment. It was always heart wrenching to see you break over things out of your control. This though, this was different. This was you on the brink of collapse. Your cunt clenching thin air, ass wiggling, nails pinned into the cushion to support you as you lost all composure. You were so cock hungry for Michael Clifford that you were choking back sobs. He’d be a fool to deny you.
He pushes the tip of his cock into your pussy. You let out a gasp of excitement and gratitude for his pity he took on you. He tries his hardest to keep his tough facade, the one that wants you ruined, staining this couch, screaming the place down. You squeezed him so tight. You were undeniably wet, a cavern of an inviting warmth and solitude. He had to admire you, taking him so well, not a sound peaking from your lips. “Such a good girl for me.” His hands slide over your hips tugging them back over him. His cock pushes right into you, no room left to move. He feels constricted so trapped.
He’s burning inside you, pushing you to your limit, causing a deep ache in your abdomen. “So much babe.” He wiggles his hips, you let a sob slip out. “Too much?” He rubs circles into your hips. You nod profusely. You were so disappointed in yourself. You thought you’d be perfect for him. You thought he’d fit you like a puzzle piece. You thought he was made for you. There was a fatal flaw in his design, and it hurt you to think about. You’d never be enough. He was too big.
“You can take it.” He pushes forward, a yelp releasing from you. “Driving me fucking crazy.” He pulls back and you breathe heavy, relieved that his intrusion had ended. He never intended to hurt you, he wanted to test your limits sure but not hurt you, you deserved better than that, even if it would have been fun for him to push. “Gonna fuck you really good.” He rocks his hips, pelvis bumping into your rear end, skin hitting skin, wetness crudely squelching.
He was so nice inside you. He wasn’t too thick, his length made up for that. You liked him inside you. You always wondered what it would feel like. Wondered if it would be awkward, fucking someone you’d known so well. You knew you wouldn’t be his first, knew he’d racked up some experience along the way and you certainly understood why. His authority and his precision. His thrusts were methodological, they were planned, had a rhythm to them that only a musician could mimic. This was his own routine.
“Feels so nice.” You strangle out a moan. His cock twitches at the sound of your voice. He grunts to cover it, pissed off that he couldn’t keep to his dominant exterior. Part of him wanted to fuck you slow, enjoy the time with you, give you the love you’d always deserved. The rest of him wanted to pound you, yank on your hair, leave you bruised inside and out. He couldn’t pick. “Want it hard.” You speak. He wonders if he spoke aloud instead of inside his head. “Harder baby please.” He had to; you’d begged him.
His hands grabs fists full of your ass. He makes you ride his dick, your hips pulling back over him, he slowed his own, he wanted to watch you bounce, watch you take control. “Fuck yourself on my dick.” You do it immediately. You shift on your knees, leaning you back against his chest. He slips his arms around your waist. His lips kiss your shoulder before he takes a brutal bite sending your pussy fluttering around him. “You like it when I bite you.” You sigh helplessly, your hips rocking back, taking him as you want him, dick hitting you where you need him. He bites you again and this time you cry out. “That’s it baby.” He licks over the fresh wound. “Scream my name would you?“
You couldn’t focus on anything but the burning sensation between your legs. His cock was filling you; you’d stretched to accommodate him, and you’d felt him in the fiery pits of your pleasure. It should have been enough to make you cum. Why wasn’t it enough? He surprises you. “Not enough for you, hmm, my cock not doing enough for my greedy girl.” You hated to admit it. “Trying so hard. So hard.” He laughs gently. “I know angel, squeezing so hard, using my cock. You just want more. I can give you more.” Your mind races to possess solutions. All pausing when a wet digit circles your other hole. Your pussy clenched in reaction.
“Oh. I see.” He’s amused. It’s as if every wish he’d ever made was being granted by your bodies acceptance of him. He could do anything to you, and you would take it. “You’ve been wanting me here this whole time.” His thumb dips inside and your hips push back into his hand. You’d never seen yourself trying this, but with him, anything, you’d give him any part of you. “Oh my god.” You tighten over his cock, and he almost finishes. He removes the thumb, circling again before pushing inside. You clamp down he’s losing vision. “Such a filthy slut, needing both holes filled.” You are in a state of utter bliss. This was all you’d ever wanted. You were transported, not even in the room but floating somewhere in the clouds.
You’d never felt so full. Your pussy was drenching his cock so badly you were surprised he hadn’t slipped out. His thumb pumping in and out of your ass had sent your stomach twisting, your butterflies swarming. You loved it. It felt so different to anything you’d tried before. It was an awakening, an entirely new pathway to explore.
You were on the cusp of your orgasm the more he played with you. He knew it too. He decided to switch his thumb for his index finger. He pushed it in, feeling his pulse through it as you squeezed. He then inserted another finger. “Oh god.” You screamed. “You’re doing so well baby.” He pumps his fingers in and out with a speed matching his hips. “So, fucking full.” You can barely grip the couch; you didn’t have the energy. You were like a rag doll, and he had full control over your body.
“I’m gonna cum, gonna cum so fucking hard.” You were seeing stars, so lightheaded you could drop at any moment. You’re shocked as it hurtles towards you. Its more intense than anything you’d ever felt before. “Gonna cum on my cock?” You cry. “Yes, yes, please.” He’s giddied with excitement, giddy with pride. This was it, the greatest moment of his life, he was going to make you cum for him. “Fuck, fuck.” Your walls constrict, trembling. “Oh my god, Michael, Michael.” You desperately try to grip something. His spare hand grips yours, fingers lacing together with your own as you tighten a fist.
“Fuck baby, cum for me, give it to me.” His lips peck at your shoulders, he’s trying so hard not to cum himself. You cumming hard, gripping him like that, it was too much. He had to hold his breath, clutch your hand as hard as you’d held his. “I’m cumming fuck I’m, shit baby I’m gonna, do I pull out?” You want him inside you, want his cum leaking out of you. You really want it, but you weren’t protected. “Gonna pull out.” You cry when he leaves you. “I know baby, I fucking know.” He’d have to get you on the pill first thing tomorrow morning.
You take it upon yourself to turn around, facing him, mouth dropping to his cock without hesitation. “Mouth, quick, give it to me.” You wrap your lips around him, batting his hands away. He goes to cover his own mouth. His cock twitches, veins bulging, cum shooting onto your tongue, coating it with a warm, thick liquid. “Jesus. Fucking. Christ.” He bites his hand to suppress his vocalisations. You let his cum trickle down your throat, licking up whatever you couldn’t quite catch. His hands brush your hair from your face, his hips still rocking into your mouth, giving the last drops of his orgasm. “You’re fucking amazing.”
He drops to his knees before you, pulling you into his lap while he sits on the ground. You wrap your arms around his neck, head touching his. His arms lock around your back as he kisses you, tongue collecting his own juices from yours. Even though he’d just been inside you, he would never feel close enough. Your sweat drenched bodies could not keep him away from you.
He tastes himself with an erotic satisfaction. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He pecks. “You know that?” You shake your head. “Gonna show you, every day, every god damn day how pretty you are.” He kisses once more; he’s obsessed with kissing you, needs it like water. “Can’t get enough of you.” His one hand cups your cheek. “Think I’m in fucking love with you or something.” You snort a laugh. “Thought we were friends.” You play. He’s grateful to hear your voice. To see you recharging, gaining energy.
“Best friends baby. Don’t stick my dick in normal friends.” Your laugh is angelic to him. “Didn’t feel very platonic when you screamed my name anyway.” If that were anything to go by, he’d have fucked half the world. “You never made me take me my shirt off.” He didn’t expect those to be your next words. “Is that a problem?” You shook your head, not completely satisfied with his response. “Why?” He rolls his eyes, even when you’re latching onto him, butt naked, in his lap, you still manage to bother him with inquiries. It was so uniquely you.
“Why do you think?” He’d be intrigued to know. “You’re not a boob guy.” He laughs this time. “Not, not true.” You peck his lip affectionately. “I like you in green.” Your heart stops. He likes you in green. Green. He likes you in green. What the fuck does that mean? He helps you out, dying as he watched you figuring out what he meant. “When I first met you do you remember what you were wearing?” You stared at him as if he’d spoken another language before closing your eyes and thinking back to it. It was jeans and a top, your favourite top at the time. It had frogs on it, you remembered how he laughed about them because they were poorly illustrated.
“Ask me my favourite colour.” You’d not even answered his last question, now he wanted you to move to the next. He just smiles at your confusion, your eyes opening, clearly irritated by the games he was insisting you played. “Go ahead, ask me.” He leans back on his hands; you still sit comfortably in his lap. “What’s your favourite colour?“ He grins. “Green.” You furrow your brow. “But I thought it was red or black.” He almost always wore those two. He shakes his head. “Ask me why.” He continues. “Why green?” You obey. “Because it’s your favourite. Because you look pretty in it. Because you wore it the day we met.” Green frogs, they were green frogs! “Do you love me in green or just love me?” You’re so quiet as you ask.
You feel a wave of intense emotion flooding your shores. He doesn’t answer verbally but somehow you felt like he had. “Seriously?” His grin was so wide, you don’t think you’d ever seen him this happy before. He thought he was so clever too. “Feel like I always have, you must know that right?” You really, honestly, just didn’t. All this time you’d wasted wanting him to notice you, see you as something more than a friend, someone to confide in and yet, all this time he’d done nothing but notice you. Down to the details on your shirt, the cleanliness of your converse and number of freckles dotted over your cheeks, he had noticed you, you’d just been too blind or stupid to see it.
“Jeez, I have to make some calls.” He pushes his forehead against yours. “Oh yeah, right now?” You nod. “Mmhmm, gotta cancel all my dates.” He snorts. “What you gonna tell em?” His thumb begins to trace swirls across your hips. “Something bout a drunk hook up at this killer party thrown for another girl.” He groans. “Please, shut the fuck up.” He cringes almost dropping to lie on his back, bringing you down with him. “Maybe I’ll also add that the guy who wanted to throw said party, was actually in love with someone else the whole time, you know add some drama, some suspense.” He’s cursing your name, he deserved the torture sure, that didn’t mean he had to like it.
“But at the end of the day it was okay because I actually felt the same this entire time and still kinda do.” You didn’t even panic as you said it, it just felt like it needed to be said. That didn’t stop him from panicking, however. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” His outburst makes you laugh. He was more shocked than you were. His pupils blown out, lips twitching into a toothy grin. He was so flustered you wondered if you should worry for his wellbeing. But then he’s wrapping his arms around you, squishing your body close, so close you’re not even sure where he ends, and you begin. “Mindy’s gonna be so mad.” He wants you to shut up, needs you to. He kisses you hard but unfortunately for him, not enough to rob you of your next sentence. “Eh, she’ll live.”
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plushyluke · 1 year
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“music to my ears”
he liked to have time to be alone with his thoughts. to tune the world out and tune in to what was important.
“ashton, baby,” luke breathed into his ear like a little song. he was just getting started too. this was track one of forty-five. ashton had a library.
ashton listens to recordings of luke moaning while he works out.
rating: e
tw: smüt, language, but more specific tags on ao3
word count: 2.5k
housewifeverse au • lashton • complete • one-shot • pwp
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juke-is-a-penguin · 1 month
How does it feel to live my dream? Literally these photos would’ve sent little old 2014 stan me into a coma 😭
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carryonafi · 7 months
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luke hemmings x reader; SMUT!!!! 🔞
big warning!! i’ve never posted smut here before, so let me know if this is something i should continue or keep it pg… or if yall are just sluts for some submissive luke ;P
words: 2.9k
“Luke?” Your voice was stifled by the soundproof walls of the basement studio, padding alongside you was Petunia, who you had to stop at the door and apologetically close her out because she had a tendency to chew on the many wires. Just a few lights lit the room, it was dim and you could see more in the blue light of the computer than you could with any other source of light. Luke had a lot on his mind, of course. He had voiced this to you before, going, and going, and going nonstop since he was about 16 and finally getting to stop and take a breath for the first time in years. It was a lot for him to handle, he constantly had to be going and now his schedule was completely clear because of this global pandemic. So, he spent a lot of time in the home studio you built. He would tuck himself away for a few hours every day, do a livestream with the guys, then come back up to you and Petunia within a healthy amount of time.
Today, however, it has not been a healthy amount of time. Luke was working himself to his bones and he hadn’t even come up when food was being made, when he turned to the sound of your presence, you could see it. The sweet, yet tired smile, tousled hair with clear rimmed glasses over his eyes. He took them off as he swiveled in the chair, rubbing at his temples.
“Love…” You said simply, slowly walking over to the chair. His arms had a mind of their own, reaching out to you as you stood between his legs and he wrapped himself around your middle. Face buried in your chest, hands rubbing slowly up and down the small of your back like you hadn’t seen each other in years. It did feel like it. “You’ve been down here for ages.”
“‘M always down here.” Luke replied in the tone of voice that you loved so much, a soft whine curved the syllables of the words he spoke, enough to make you melt as you tangled your hands in his hair.
“Not for this long. You didn’t even eat dinner, baby. What’s buggin’ you?” Your hands slid to his cheeks, slowly coaxing him to pull away. Instead, he rested his chin against your body so he was looking up at you just as you were silently asking him to. Luke would only ever spend extra time on a project if there was something bothering him, or something not clicking. That’s one of the things you knew ever since you had gotten together.
He looked up at you innocently, but his gaze dropped and he let out a sigh as you made your observations. “Just frustrated. It doesn’t sound right… like,” You could see the internal debate he was having, Luke hesitated, but ended up staying right where he was and just nodding towards the screen. “This isn’t a piano song, it can’t be a piano song… too much piano. If I play a G chord on guitar, though, it doesn’t sound right.” He finally voiced his frustration and you could already see some of that tension lifting. As Luke explained, your hands began to wander until they were gently massaging his shoulders. There was no objective to your movements, just mindless playing with what was yours.
“Mm, no instruments at all? Just sounds?” You suggested the synth method, to which Luke shook his head and buried himself back in the safe comfort of your chest.
“I don’t know. It’s gonna annoy me.” He complained once again, sounding just like he did before. Guiltily enough, it got you going. All you did was pout at him.
“Why don’t you step away for a bit, Lu? Come eat, cuddle with me and ‘Tunia, get some sleep. Start again tomorrow with a clear head, yeah? Maybe you’ve gotten worked up with yourself too much.” You slipped your hands underneath his sweater to feel the skin of his shoulders, humming at the contrast of your cold hands to his warmth. Luke nodded against you, but there was something missing. He was clingy, so clingy he couldn’t even let go of you to gesture to the computer screen. So clingy he couldn’t pull his face out of your chest, and so quiet… he was only this quiet in times that he needed something shameful.
“Yeah.” He mumbled into the fabric of your tank top, making you smile. That's the tone you had been fawning over since he spoke his first word to you.
“Look at me.” You changed your voice as well, speaking just above a whisper. Luke knew you were serious, so he reluctantly untucked his head from you and pulled away just enough so he could make eye contact. “Is there something else you want?” You asked, sweet and expectant like there was an answer you were looking for. There was, and Luke knew it as well judging by the way he stared up at you and swallowed thickly. His eyes were glossy now, something shifted that blew out his pupils and just made him appear so sucked in. In a certain state you loved.
“You.” He breathed.
“How, baby?”
Luke hesitated. He knew he had to vocalize it, and he was stuck.
“Want you so bad. Need your mouth on me, or hands, or… whatever you’ll give me. Just need it.” His fingertips ran up and down the ribbed pattern of your top, never breaking eye contact as he knew you would just make him repeat his desperations.
“That’s it, my boy. I knew you could say it.” A proud smile crosses your face as your hands slip out from his sweater, Luke looks proud as well, stare softening with a hint of a glimmer in his irises. “Never this shy, are we?” It’s a rhetorical question, but just as Luke starts to answer you begin to step away. You grasp both of his hands just as they slip from your waist, pulling him out of the uncomfortable office chair and over to the much, much better sofa which sits in the corner of the studio. This was mainly an investment for you and Petunia, his girls, to come and sit while he works. However, he does like his space when he’s supposed to be focusing.
You motion for him to sit, and Luke obeys without a second thought as you kneel in front of him on the sofa. Your hands begin to push his sweater up, exposing his pale skin which hasn’t been getting too much sun recently. He was already breathing heavily, reaching forward to hold onto your hair or at the very least follow how your head moved to kiss over his hips. Your lips dragged against the soft flesh, lightly baring your teeth as you traced your hands along the waistband of his shorts. At the first nibble, Luke let out a gasp and bucked his hips.
“Easy, easy.” You murmured against his skin, he got the hint and weakly whimpered your name. “So pent up, Lu. Is this why you couldn’t focus?” He briefly lifted your head, only getting a nod in response. When you didn’t continue, Luke sucked in a breath.
“Couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He said quickly.
“Keep talking like that.” You instructed, motioning for him to help you remove his shorts. To which he did, lifting his hips so you could pull them down along with his boxers. Luke sucked in a breath through gritted teeth when the cold air hit him.
“Every time you came down I jus’ wanted to be under you, you take care of me so good. Knew it would clear my head.” Luke cut himself off with another harsh gasp, those garments were long gone and you were left placing teasing kisses all along his inner thighs as he voiced his needs. One just at the head of his cock, that pulled the gasp from his throat.
“Didn’t tell you to stop, baby.”
“Sorry, ‘m sorry.” Luke pleaded, looking down at you expectantly when he realized you weren’t going to continue unless he kept talking. “Think about you so much, your lips, your tongue, when you… fuck, do that.” He moaned when you gingerly wrapped your hand around his shaft and kitten-licked the tip, both hands now in your hair. This is what got you excited, when he got restless and showed it all in his face knowing it would mean trouble for him if he got too impatient. You never broke eye contact, Luke pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and let it slip just to speak more struggling words.
“I love when you use that voice with me,” He whined, taking another labored breath when you took him further into your mouth. “Call me names, it makes me feel so…” Luke couldn’t articulate it, the word was in his head, but would it be the right one? “Small? Dunno.” He sighed again, carefully playing with your hair as your tongue swirled and made him struggle to speak past his quiet sounds.
“Pretty sure the word you're looking for is submissive.” You sat back on your heels, watching his eyebrows furrow in disappointment.
“Why’d you stop?” He made another one of those beloved whines, shoulders dropping the tension as he slowed his breathing.
“Don't you want more of me? Isn’t that what you were getting at?” You also looked at him with confusion, false only to mock him. Luke got the hint, you could see the second the realization hit him. His bright little face, eagerly nodding and still stroking your hair as you begin to grin again. “You know what to do, tell me.”
“I want it so bad.” Luke didn’t waste a moment to speak. “I need to feel you around me, ‘s been too long.” It really hasn’t. This cycle happened again yesterday, and this morning, before he finally coaxed himself into getting some work done. As he spoke, you slowly got on the couch and rested your knees on either side of him to straddle him.
“And?” You asked sweetly.
“Please, (Y/N)?” Luke stared up at you, never pulling those icy blue irises away from yours.
“You’re so desperate, how do you even get like this?” A giggle chased after your words. This was something you could have kept to yourself, but of course, you always loved to see Luke’s reaction to your teasing. He only squirmed, heat rising to his cheeks as you sat back a bit to tuck your thumbs into the waistband of your pajamas.
“Because, look at you. You expect me to sit here and not be starstruck when you look at me like that?” Luke briefly lifted one of his hands to motion at your body as you continued to remove your sweats.
“Ooh. Starstruck.” You marveled, tossing your clothes off to the side with his. “That’s a good word, you’ve been using that brain today, Lu.”
“If you could read my mind half the time, you’d be starstruck, too.” Luke tugged his bottom lip between his teeth yet again, tilting his head back as you leaned forward hovering over his lips. He was so close to kissing you, so close, but you refrained for a moment.
“Mm, yeah?” You hummed, using one hand to reach between you two finding that this way was easiest to steady yourself. Luke’s eyelids fluttered when your hand came into contact with him again, unable to take his gaze off of the way you began sinking down. Your lips parted slightly, trying to formulate the rest of your sentence. “Let it all out. Wanna hear all your thoughts.”
“I really fuckin’ love how you know what makes me weak.” Luke was hasty, eager to impress you with his quick talk. “You touch me in all the right places, call me all the right names, make the prettiest sounds, God.” He cursed. “Never had anyone make me feel like this before.” His words sounded breathy, like it was a battle to commit to telling you (almost) everything that came to his mind. It worked, oh, it worked. You braced yourself with both hands on his shoulders, slowly snaking around his neck as you rolled your hips and watched his face contort with pleasure. His jaw slack, eyes squeezed shut and eyebrows furrowing over those deep lustrous eyes you so badly wanted to see staring at you. His lips were so pink, the bottom one just a bit swollen from his abuse, the stubble on his cheeks drove you mad and each shadow on his face was so perfectly contoured. However, his hands hesitated. They briefly lifted from the back of the couch before dropping again and grasping at the fabric, it seemed you had trained him well, but you would allow the needs to take him over.
“Luke.” With a simple hushed moan of his name he had his hands on you in an instant, Luke opened his eyes slightly as your steady rhythm of the slow falling of your hips became more comforting. The glint in his eyes were endless, his gaze burning into your frame and watching his hands create shadows on your body. His fingertips danced along the hem of your tank top, making eye contact for approval as he slowly started to push it up.
“Can I take it off, please?” Luke swallowed thickly, and since you didn’t slow down your pace, his first thought was that you’d deny his request.
“Mm.” You hummed, biting your bottom lip to conceal a smile. “If you can get it off.” Your reply was smug only because you knew it wouldn’t be a problem for him to get the top off of you. It was gone within seconds, Luke’s wide, vulnerable icy blues admiring the full of your body in pure admiration. His mouth dropped open again as you rolled your hips in the same pattern you did before, that rough circle that might just become his favorite shape. However, his grasp got weaker, moans got breathy as he tossed his head back to rest against the back of the sofa. You took this opportunity to attack his throat, harsh stubble meeting the sensitive skin of your cheeks and lips while you moved your mouth along the curve of his jawline. Luke made this sound, unlike how you had ever heard him before. It was quiet at first, rushed and surprised like he had unexpectedly dropped something. The second your hands started sliding up his sweater, feeling his bare skin before raking your nails down his chest and past the coarse hair he gasped a second time. A loud, long whimper tearing from his throat. It was so satisfactory that it had you bucking your hips faster and moaning against his pulse point, your name fell from his lips a number of times that you couldn’t even count.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Luke hissed, the way he was grabbing your side would definitely leave bruises. His thighs twitched once beneath you, then again as you pulled away from his littered neck to watch the inevitable. “So close, ‘m so close. God — can I?” He peered up at you again, making eye contact. They were deep, dark with lust. Yet unmatched to the warmth that filled your chest at the mere fact that he asked, your boy was still in control of himself, asking permission.
It bounced around for a beat, do you give him this?
“Not yet, not yet.�� You breathed, the hands that were on his chest briefly lifting to cup his cheeks. “Little longer, baby. Can you do that for me?” His eyes told you otherwise, but he nodded anyway and tilted his head again. You didn’t let him down, just another few bounces and you felt the familiar crash shake you like your body had been set on an endless vibration setting. You shuddered, gripping at the collar of Luke’s sweater as you shut your own eyes and cried out into the soundproof walls of the comforting atmosphere of the rest of the studio.
“Please, please. Please? ‘M right there, I can’t hold it, please...” Luke’s arms secured around your waist, pulling you closer so he could whisper his soft pleas and all you could do was nod. Poor thing, buried his face in your chest and let out a strangled moan into the soft texture of your skin. His breathing labored, burrowing his way even deeper into your comfort as if he could get any farther.
You matched his hold on you, arms loosely around his shoulders just as your hands gravitated towards the soft curls at the nape of his neck. You were still, unmoving for a few moments before Luke finally pulled himself back into reality.
“Hi.” He said simply, making you giggle. You loved this more than anything, the bliss, the love he had in his eyes for you, knowing that all he needed was a simple stress reliever and your way of giving was just what he was looking for.
“Hi.” You replied, admiring his post-orgasm glow.
“You look pretty.” Where did this come from? The comment had you smiling like an idiot anyway.
“Not too bad yourself, handsome.” The hands on the back of his neck slowly worked through his curls, wandering in his dark roots all the way to the light ends. They were always such a mess when he wasn’t constantly touching them, such a beautiful mess. “You still want dinner?”
“Yes, please.” Luke sighed gratefully, bracing the two of you to finally stand up and clean the mess you made. Next came more apologies, letting Petunia wander into the room as you opened up the door and never exited each other’s small range of personal space.
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(some more lil visuals for you guys☺️)
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delulu4dean · 2 years
Hi, I attempted to write a a lil one shot about 5sos yall should maybe check it out pls and ty okay byeeee
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lovesosweeet · 7 months
Hmm I would die over an angsty/fluff Calum (or Mikey) piece? Like you had had an argument before he left for press or tour, and you were meant to go visit him but he didn’t know for sure if you still would. But you do and it’s fluffy at the end? I know that’s very detailed haha, sorry! But something along those lines would be amazing! Xx
a/n: this request is literally from 2018 but i need a quick break from writing BLU soooo here it is. also please request things i love requests <3 i promise i won't wait 5 years to write it. this lowkey lines up a little with where we are with BLU but i did my best to make them feel different!!
It'd been three days since you and Calum fought. You both thought that it was a stupid fight over something dumb, in hindsight. You'd gone to a party over the weekend with your friends. Calum didn't come since he's on tour. An ex of yours ended up being at the same party, and since you didn't talk, you didn't mention it to Calum.
Pictures ended up on social media, Calum somehow saw them, despite not being a big social media guy. He wasn't really mad at you, just upset that you didn't tell him that you'd been in the same setting as an ex who had been so horrible to you. It wasn't jealousy, but he knows that you'd have been upset if he was spotted with an ex and he didn't tell you.
The fight snowballed, as it tends to with you two. You're both avoidant and don't always bring up the small things that bother you that the other does, but as soon as you let one thing come out, the rest come tumbling down, and then you'd both started rehashing your annoyances from the past several months.
Both of you regret letting the heat of the moment lead to you saying nasty things you didn't mean, but neither of you has apologized.
You've had three days of radio silence.
He left for tour two months ago, and you were supposed to go visit him this weekend and join the band for a week. You'd joined for the first few shows and he had come home for a few days during a break, but otherwise, it's just been phone calls, Facetimes, and text messages. You miss him. Your life has largely been the same as normal.
Work. Home. Walk Duke. Dinner. Bed. Repeat.
Calum has had the luxury of being exceptionally busy and spending time with his best friends, so while he misses you, he has far more to occupy his brain than just his feelings.
Your life has felt far emptier with him gone, and you had been looking forward to this trip, but then you weren't sure if you should go, given that you've been fighting and you think that he's upset with you still.
He's not, but he also thinks you're mad at him. It's a disconnect, and neither of you had the guts to try to remedy things.
You'd swallowed your pride, though, and boarded the flight to London without talking to him to confirm you're still welcome. He hoped you were still coming, but he didn't have the heart to ask, too scared to receive more radio silence or worse, a 'no.'
When you landed, you had planned on taking the underground to the hotel and trying to talk to Calum there, but when you got your bag from baggage claim and turned to try to find the way to the trains, a familiar face was waiting for you. Mali.
"I knew you'd come!" She cheers when you reach her, pulling you into a hug. "Here, let me get your bag."
"Mali, you didn't have to pick me up," you say, hesitantly handing her your suitcase. You could manage, but she's insistent.
"Well, I know Cal would've if he wasn't so scared to face you," she laughs. "He wasn't sure if you'd come, but I knew you wouldn't waste your plane ticket like that."
It was true. You didn't want to waste the $700 you'd spent on plane tickets or the PTO you'd used to join the tour for the week. Plus, London was one of your favorite cities. If Calum didn't want to see you, you had plenty of places to visit and restaurants to eat at.
"Well, I'm here," you say nervously.
Mali loops her arm through yours and starts walking, so you follow suit and let her guide you. "We have a car out front."
You exit the airport and find the black SUV out front, the trunk (boot) opened for your stuff already. Once you've helped Mali hoist your bag into the back, you join her in the back seat for the drive to the hotel. It's a pretty short drive, but the whole time you're nervous about facing your boyfriend.
"He's looking forward to seeing you, even if he hasn't said it," Mali mentions, as if she can sense your nerves. To be fair, she probably can, since you're picking at your nail polish that you'd just done on the plane, ruining the painstaking work you'd put in.
"I don't know, he got pretty upset the last time we spoke." Your voice is small, uncertain. It's weird. You know things are fine, but it sucks when you don't get an apology. Although, you're just as at fault as he is in this scenario.
She laughs. "Y/n, he's been beside himself since that conversation. He doesn't know if you're still mad and he didn't know how to make the situation better over text."
"He could've called," you mumble, but you felt the same. Making up is hard to do face to face, it's even harder over the phone or over text.
Mali does her best to reassure you that everything is fine for the rest of the car ride, but she fills you in on her plans for the day and says to text her if you need something to do. When you get to the hotel, she grabs your suitcase for you again and leads you inside, taking you straight to the elevator.
She guides you to a room and gives you a hug. "I'm four rooms down on the left if you need me, but I'll be heading out soon to meet up with some friends."
Then you're alone.
You take a deep breath and knock on the door.
You wait... and then nothing.
Maybe he didn't hear?
You knock again, a bit harder and a few more raps than before.
"I put the do not disturb hanger on, and I didn't order any room service, can you please—"
Calum's voice is faint at first and grows in clarity as he gets closer to the door, but he stops talking when he opens the door to find his favorite person in the entire world waiting for him.
"Y/n," he breathes. He looks relieved. He doesn't want to jump to conclusions and think that he's happy to see you, but he's at least happy that you're here and he can speak to you about the fight, face to face.
You then speak simultaneously.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have—" you say.
"I'm an idiot, and I'm s—" he says.
You both laugh.
"You're not an idiot," you tell him. "I'm sorry, for all of it."
Calum nods. "I'm sorry too. I overreacted, and then I just couldn't stop myself from bringing all the other stuff up."
"No, I know. Me too."
"Maybe we should start talking about things as they come up, instead of leaving it all to come out at once."
You nod in agreement, chuckling. "Yeah, that would be good."
He smiles at you, and you both start to feel better about the whole thing. "We're good?" He asks.
Then you smile. "Yes, we're good."
That's all it takes for him to step closer to you and press his lips to yours, his hands cupping your cheeks. All of your worries melt away and you're both just happy to be together again with the argument resolved. The time apart didn't matter, and the time spent not speaking didn't either. You're both here, together, in a place that both of you love.
"Here, let's get your stuff in and then we can go explore?" Calum asks when he pulls away.
"God, yes, I need a coffee, pronto."
After you've freshened up and changed out of your plane outfit, you can Cal head out to explore London. You remember that you'd booked a timeslot at the Eye when you booked your flights and didn't cancel it when you'd had the fight. You have a couple of hours before you need to be there, so Calum takes you to visit the neighborhood they'd lived in before they toured with One Direction.
There's not a lot to see. It's a pretty residential area, and then he takes you to Portobello Road for the market. You take turns picking out different pastries and breads from vendors, not forgetting to stop for coffee at a cute shop while you browse.
"What do you think?" He asks, holding up a vintage Harley Davidson t-shirt at one of the clothing stalls.
"I think I'd steal it from you and you wouldn't get to wear it because it would always be dirty."
Calum grins, chuckling. "How about I just buy it for you?"
"No, babe, it's fine, I can buy it," you say, holding your hands out to take the shirt from him, but he won't listen. He walks up to the vendor and hands over his card, not even checking the price tag.
"See, now I bought it, so I have to be able to wear it at least once."
Ah, you think. It was a bartering tactic.
"But it's still yours!" He adds.
You roll your eyes, but accept that he will be able to wear it sometimes. You'd never deny him access to your wardrobe, since you also want access to his. You both love sharing your clothes. You've both got an affinity for vintage t-shirts, hoodies, and jackets. Calum steals your vintage Levi's jacket at least once a week when he's at home.
"Wanna head down to the Eye now?" There's still an hour before your time slot, but between the travel time and wanting to soak in the scenery while you get there.
Calum pulls you closer and hangs his arm around your shoulders, agreeing to start walking. "I'm glad you're here, love."
"I missed you," you confess.
"I missed you way more, I promise." He kisses your temple while you walk. He stops when he sees a cool mural and demands you take outfit pictures in front of it.
He's your hype man as you pose, telling you how cute you look and being a creative director at the same time, helping you look like you'd want to in the photos. He knows you inside and out, and he knows exactly which photos you won't like before you even look at them. You make him take selfies with you too, kissing his cheek in some, him kissing yours, actually kissing, and lots of silly faces.
Your fight is distant, and all is well.
my masterlist :)
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33sturniolo · 6 months
welcome to... 33STURNIOLO !!
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basics: tatum , 21 , they/she (please interchange them for the love of god), leo , nate chris girl, sam girl , morgan frost's gf (real!!) , writer of 8+ years . dni: basic dni materials. racist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. MY BLOG IS 16+ !! DO NOT REPOST MY CONTENT, THANKS.
biggest interests: - sturniolo triplets . - sam & colby . - hockey , specifically the flyers . - boys of tommen books . - hockey romances . - fortnite (as of right now) . - stardew valley . - animal crossing . music taste:
- taylor swift . - chase atlantic . - melanie martinez . - dominic fike . - conan gray . - noah kahan . - gracie abrams . - alex g . - the front bottoms . - billie eilish . - olivia rodrigo . - gorillaz . - mother, mother . - clairo . - 5 seconds of summer .
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#tatum yaps
tiktok: 33sturnioIo (capital i instead of l!)
ask for other socials if moots !
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there's probably more and more can be added, but for now...
- chris sturniolo - matt sturniolo - platonic! nick sturniolo (maybe eventually m!reader x nick but we will see, be patient with me.) - madi filipowicz - nathan doe - sam golbach - colby brock - katrina stuart - luke hemmings - ashton irwin - michael clifford - calum hood - sam ersson - mitch marner - jack hughes - trevor zegras - travis konecny
- morgan frost
- cam york
- owen tippett
- tyson foerster
- joel farabee
- egor zamula
- bobby brink - jamie drysdale - quinn hughes - luke hughes - most popular hockey players tbh
REQUESTS ARE OPEN. (i have every right to deny a request.)
masterlist HERE (tba)
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- angst . - fluff .
- friendships - pregnancy (to a point, not detailed) . - mental health (trigger warnings given) . - polyamorous relationships . - light gore . - headcannons . - one - shots . - texts . - snaps . - multi - part fics .
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- general gross stuff (i.e transphobia, homophobia, incest, racism, r*pe, etc.) . - more may be added ...
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plushyluke · 1 year
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“snow in love”
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"in that cold instant, ashton put his hands back on the steering wheel. watching him back out of the parking space was torment. luke felt like there was a beast inside of him, clawing and desperate to be set free. aching to get ashton alone. to spend a second with him uninterrupted."
or ashton takes the 5sos boys on a snowy vacation, and luke is disappointed that it wasn't an opportunity to hook up.
rating: e
tw: smút, language, smoking (v briefly), & more specific tags on ao3
word count: 7.5k
realverse au • friends to lovers • lashton • complete • one-shot 
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