robert-hou · 1 year
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Happy Mid-autumnFestival, Wishing our customers, partners, suppliers, and followers a very Happy !#MidAutumnFestival #MidAutumnFestival2023
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thehungrykat1 · 2 years
New World Makati Welcomes the Mid-Autumn Festival with Handcrafted Mooncakes From Jasmine
As part of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Jasmine at New World Makati Hotel celebrates the auspicious occasion with a delectable assortment of mooncakes perfect for gifts to loved ones and friends. These mooncakes come in four flavors – Red Bean with Double Yolk, Red Lotus with Double Yolk, White Lotus with Double Yolk, and Five Kernel (watermelon seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and peanuts) – encased in gold, yellow, and brown packaging with an embossed gold stamping. These come in a box of two at P1,488 and a box of four at P2,488 nett. Jasmine is offering a discount of 10% for Club Epicure members and for bulk orders of 50 boxes or more. Pick-up of orders is until September 30, 2021.
Mooncakes represent not only a cultural but a historical significance for the Chinese, particularly the country’s victory over the Mongols. After many attempts to invade China, the Mongols succeeded in the 13th Century, with Kublai Khan establishing the Yuan dynasty. A rebel leader’s confidant, Liu Bowen, suggested a rebellion coincide with the Mid-Autumn Festival and he secured permission for mooncakes to be distributed to each of the Chinese residents as a blessing to the longevity of the Mongol emperor. Within each cake was a piece of paper saying “kill the Mongols on the 15th day of the eighth month.” As Mongols didn’t eat mooncakes, their plan succeeded and the Mongols were overthrown. For more information or to place an order, tap on the online order form link: https://bit.ly/NWMJasmineMooncakes, call 8811-6888 ext. 3679 or message on the Viber app at 0917-8884194.
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beihonglin · 6 years
[TRANS] 180924 郑锐彬_ Zheng Ruibin Weibo Update
2 million followers gift! Hope that everyone can have a great reunion and be happy today~ In the future, I will sing more for everyone! Wishing everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ #AccompanyingYouThroughMid-AutumnFestival
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astrofireworks · 6 years
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[TRANS] 180922 officialASTRO ASTRO Weibo Update
Those who missed “My ID Is Gangnam Beauty” last night~~~~~ raise your hand 🤗
We’re going on holiday from today~~~~ Okay okay~ Everyone, have a nice Mid-Autumn Festival too 😊😊😊
#Happy #Mid-AutumnFestival 
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haylei-w · 2 years
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隨著農曆大暑結束,代表團慶豐收的中秋節即將到來,又到了共同團聚賞月、分享美味的時刻,跟親友一起在家邊聊天、邊賞月、邊吃著香甜可口的月餅,實在最幸福不過了! 藍子這次來吃馥漫麵包花園的月影禮盒跟旺梨禮盒,感覺糕點滋味香甜可口,內餡都真材實料,誠意滿滿,非常值得佳節選購,不論送禮自用都很合適呢(o^^o) #月影禮盒 藍子手邊的月影禮盒是九入組,包含了芋頭酥、北海道竹炭牛奶、紅豆蛋黃酥跟擂茶麻糬等口味的月餅,定價是465元。 #芋頭酥 芋頭酥內餡飽滿,一口咬下,能品嚐到外層鬆香的芋香酥皮、芋泥的綿密細緻、麻糬的Q軟香甜,絕對是芋頭控都認可的美味月餅! #北海道竹炭牛奶 竹炭與牛奶風味相融相生,成就出黑白交織的美味糕餅,這款月餅融入竹炭的酥鬆餅皮加上香甜的北海道牛奶奶餡與黑糖麻糬,層次感滿分,吃起來的滋味更是香甜可口~ #紅豆蛋黃酥 蛋黃酥是馥漫麵包花園的經典美味,炒香的紅豆豆沙包了一整顆鮮香的鹹蛋黃,入口能一次品味表層酥皮鬆香、紅豆沙的綿密與鹹蛋黃的鮮香,滋味一絕,不愧是經典招牌美味~ #擂茶麻糬 擂茶麻糬完美融入了五穀營養與擂茶香氣,從外皮到內餡都滿溢香醇茶味,再加上香甜麻糬提升口感層次,整體搭配的非常得宜,很適合佐茶享用~ #旺梨禮盒 藍子手邊的旺梨禮盒是12入組,有6塊鳳梨酥與6塊鳳凰酥,定價是318元。 #鳳梨酥 鳳梨酥是台灣經典點心,馥漫麵包花園使用了台灣金鑽鳳梨與冬瓜熬製內餡,內餡吃起來酸甜可口且帶有鳳梨獨特香氣,鬆軟酥皮包裹著酸甜的鳳梨內餡,完美呈現了記憶中的傳統滋味~ #鳳凰酥 鳳凰酥是源於鳳梨酥的創新糕點,於酸甜的鳳梨冬瓜內餡中包裹入鹹鴨蛋,吃起來讓味蕾一次體會了酸甜鹹香的豐富滋味,可說是獨一無二的美味點心~ 下個月就中秋節了,相信你也正在挑選適合自己的月餅禮盒,馥漫麵包花園深耕台中多年,烘焙實力有目共睹,其糕點品項豐富多元,鹹甜兼具,有時間的話,不妨前往鄰近門店參觀選購看看吧(o^^o) 🏆馥漫麵包花園台中西屯店🏆 地址:台中市西屯區西屯路三段157之1號 電話:04-24650098 營業時間:06:30-21:30 官網:fm-station.com.tw 更多台中美食請追蹤 @hayleiwu #台中美食 #藍子愛美食 #馥漫麵包花園 #中秋月餅 #月餅 #中秋節 #中秋美食 #傳統點心 #台灣美食 #傳統糕餅 #cake #mooncake #moonfestival #Mid-AutumnFestival #佳節送禮 #禮盒推薦 #中秋禮盒 #food #taichungfood #taichungfoodie #yummy #delicious (在 馥漫麵包花園) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChUOgpiPbSV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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windfeelsoft-blog · 6 years
Mid-autumn Day is getting really close!!! Those lanterns from little artist, completed with their parents! @prettycandypincompany #mid-autumnfestival #lanterns https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn-SgahB-PQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o9vgpua7ij7v
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williechou · 4 years
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九月開始就是一個蛋黃酥之亂, 或是鳳梨酥之亂的開始, 因為又是中秋禮盒大搶購的開始了! 熟知的餅店不是大排長龍, 就是有人上網被一頁式網頁給騙了, 為什麼不給當地小店一個機會呢? 加上其實不一定要吃蛋黃酥或是鳳梨酥, 像是台南就有很多甜點店推出中秋禮盒, 但是是抓這些餅的元素出來做限定版的禮盒, 像是磅蛋糕、瑪德蓮或是達克瓦茲這些常溫甜點, 還有南區著名的 perfe’ dough 也推出了限量也限定口味的甜甜圈, 但是新鮮現做,不適合久放, 所以適合作為拿貨當天的小點心! 說了這麼多, 我沒有買這些的禮盒, 因為知道時家人已經訂好拜拜要用的禮盒, 但是自己又想吃阜東這次推出的禮盒, 只好自己買一盒來自己享用! 米鳳凰酥 關廟土鳳梨餡微酸, 外面的酥皮可能因為是米穀粉作成的關係, 所以比一般的鳳梨酥來說, 更為酥鬆; 看不到完整的鹹蛋黃, 可能是因為是弄碎散佈在土鳳梨餡內, 所以吃起來有點微微的沙沙感; 土鳳梨餡的顆粒沒有像微熱山丘那麼細, 反而還留有一點顆粒, 讓他吃起來更有一點口感, 等到吃完後, 嘴裡還留有一點點的鳳梨渣在嘴裡, 可以慢慢品嚐淡淡的鳳梨香氣。 奶皇千層酥 剛拿出來時, 外皮微酥,是不會掉一地的那種質感, 我很不愛一拿就掉了一地的那種酥, 雖然那種放進嘴裡會慢慢溶在口感很好, 但是相對來說, 他的油量就會用得比較多, 但這還保有微微的層次感, 吃起來也不會過度油膩; 接著是內餡部分, 他的綠豆沙、白豆沙跟鹹蛋黃已經混在一起了, 吃起來質感是一致的,味道也不會太甜, 加上鹹蛋黃微微的鹹味跟沙沙的口感, 但豆沙跟鹹蛋黃的沙,吃起來是不太一樣的, 鹹蛋黃的沙跟豆沙比較起來是比較粗一點的, 吃起來是鬆鬆的,但不會鬆散, 最中間是一塊黑糖麻糬, 不甜,但帶黑糖香氣, QQ的口感剛好可以豐富嘴裡的口感, 不然內餡全都是一樣的口感, 其實會很容易感到無聊, 但多了一點QQ的口感, 反而多了變化! 目前是採禮盒預購販售, 也就是說, 你看到的篇文的時候已經買不到了! 但!別太傷心, 老闆之後會有單顆販售的計畫, 這樣也不會買太多吃不完, 畢竟都是新鮮現做, 保存期限大概一個禮拜而已! 所以有興趣的朋友, 可以追蹤他們的FB跟IG, 以免錯過! #阜東式號所 #台南南區 #中秋禮盒 #米鳳凰酥 #奶皇千層酥 #鹹蛋黃 #期間限定 #mid-autumnfestival #mooncake #pastrybox #taiwanesepineapplecake #yolkpastry #關廟土鳳梨 #seasonlimited #pineappledessert #dessert #taiwandessert #dessertaholic (在 阜東氏號所) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF01Tc3shoF/?igshid=8ci6896hqsvc
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yeahchinese · 4 years
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⁣ 🎑⁣ zhōng qīu jié kuài lè⁣ 中秋节快乐⁣ Happy Mid-Autumn Festival ⁣ ⁣ #yeahchinese #mandarintutorial #chinese #mandarinteachingideas #mandarinchinese #learningchinese #chineselearning #chineseteaching #chineselanguage #chinesespeaking #mandarinspeaking #chineseflashcards #teachingchineselanguage #languageteaching #chineseculture #chinesefestival #mid-autumnfestival #dailyvocabulary #mandarinbeginners #languagelearninginprimaryschools #chinesesentencestructures #languageteachingactivities #foreignlanguage #languaheteachingideas⁣⁣⁣⁣ #汉语 #汉语学习 #学习汉语 #中文 #学中文 #学习中文⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣ (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFyo4NEFL1p/?igshid=1ps397ssxxr3o
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cameloteducare · 4 years
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Our children came together to design their own lanterns 🏮🏮 to celebrate the upcoming Mid Autumn Festival!🀨🀨 They also enjoyed mooncakes 🥮🥮 after a fun day of activity. Call / Whatsapp 84880221 to keep you posted about our upcoming events and Holiday programs. #lanterns #Autumnfestival #mooncake #holidayprogramme #holidayfun #childholiday #learningisfun #learningeveryday #learningthroughplay #studentcare #Camelot (at Camelot Learning Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFL-ztJFhXy/?igshid=ymcuqeni2edu
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vianroy22 · 5 years
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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival Let your day be filled with mooncakes and happiness. Wishing you fun-filled time with family and friends. #lotuspastedoubleyolk #happymoonfestival #happymid-autumnfestival (at Pavilion KL) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ViwszDAef/?igshid=127bqtjm98rn7
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📸 City nights. City lights. City life. Barcelona never sleeps, with all it's bar, clubs and restaurants Barcelona at night turns into a fantastics spot for all night lovers. . _______________________________________________ 👇 Follow for more content: @leave.your.comfort.zone . 👇 Tag: @leave.your.comfort.zone Let's share your pictures and show how you get out of your comfort zones. Whether you travel, love, meditate do sports or create. . 👇 Wear to share: Find our Streetwear and Merchandise-Collection on: spreadshirt.de/Leave.your.comfort.zone 👕🎽🎒👒🎁📱 _______________________________________________ . #yourshotphotographer #leaveyourcomfortzone #tourism #vacation #travel #art #beautiful #amazing #lantern #lighting #lightingaccessory #orange #lightfixture #lamp #tree #event #plant #chinesenewyear #lampshade #mid-autumnfestival #holiday #interiordesign #nightlight #botanical #instapic #beautiful #photography #flowerstagram #love #citylife #petal (hier: Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx9M2VMiHnF/?igshid=1k1jlynk8wvml
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dalihdgaming · 5 years
Cooking Simulator Mid-Autumn Festival Update + How to flip a burger bun
#CookingSimulator #AutumnFestival #JimmyDali
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charmainy-lai · 7 years
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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival Everyone! 🌚😊 中秋節快樂! 🌚😊 #happymid-autumnfestival #中秋節快樂
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hlgary · 7 years
Happy for 2017 Mid-Autumn Festival #autumnfestival #midautumnfestival(在 Hong Kong International Airport 香港國際機場)
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tompson5-blog · 7 years
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The Next day Today is Mid-Autumn Festival Go to grandma house to make lantern #Mid-AutumnFestival
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baishbeauty · 7 years
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#mooncake #cake #mid-autumnfestival #yinglivape — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2wXzP6x
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