#Might post something about a DND game if anyone's interested
fishlung8877 · 2 years
Made it to Ten folllowers, wow
Lot of y'alll are just from Discord and shit but there's stilll half of you who came from somewhere else
Where did you come from?
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wrongdodo · 28 days
DoL DnD AU Part 1: Roll For Initiative
DoL DnD AU: inspired by this post
Genre: Fluff. Preciousness. Enid Blyton-style snacking scenes. Wholesome sappiness.
Characters: Wizard!Robin, Rogue!Kylar, Cleric!Faithful!Sydney, Barbarian!Whitney and DM!Reader (All written as gender neutral so you can live your fantasy)
Word count: 2534
Summary: It’s the first Dungeons and Dragons session with a brand new group, and you’ve graciously offered to be Dungeon Master. What could go wrong?
A/N: Look what you made me do! I’m writing FLUFF now! 2534 words of it! JK I loved this, hope you do too.
Hope the everyone-being-gn thing is okay – you’re a smart cookie, you’ll figure out who’s who, I believe in you <3
Credits: Thanks to @fungus-no69 and @yourfuckeduptherapistfriend who helped me out with some characterisation queries - plus anyone that's shared ideas. This is a team effort - love you!
“Our story begins in a small, picturesque village called Coxhollow… which sits on the edge of a deep, dark forest…" you check your notes, steadying your voice. "The village elders have summoned you to the… they’ve summoned you to… Uh, Kylar… Kylar? You can’t really be so close to me while we do this…”
You take a deep breath to steady your nerves. It’s showtime.
“Oh, s-sorry…” Kylar mumbles, noisily shuffling their chair back across the creaking floorboards and coming to rest a more suitable distance away. The sound made you wince - Bailey was sure to hear it. The group gazed on, eagerly awaiting the rest of your description. It was too late though - you’d lost your train of thought.
In real life, our heroes sit at a rickety table in the Orphanage loft. Cobwebs criss-cross the rafters above, and a stark bulb flickers, casting eerie shadows as wind howls through the joists. It wasn’t ideal, but it was cosier than it might have been. Robin had helped you add a little comfort to the space; threadbare cushions had been slung on rusted folding chairs, and a modest selection of snacks and drinks formed a small but cheerful centrepiece.  Despite your reservations, the excited look on Robin’s face was already making it feel worthwhile. They grinned on the opposite side of the table, unable to suppress a giddy bounce that made the brim of their home-made wizard hat wiggle.
Robin had been through a lot lately. So, offering to organize and lead a short campaign felt like the least you could do to lift their spirits.  They were a massive nerd, of course - you’d seen them running short adventures for the younger orphans, and had seen how the game provided them with some welcome escapism. Robin was a fantastic DM - but they bemoaned the fact that they rarely had the chance to play. So, you’d offered to try running a bit of something yourself – Robin made it look straightforward, and they’d promised to step in if you needed any help. How hard could it be?
Sydney was an obvious candidate for the group - you only had to show them the giant rulebooks filled with beautiful illustrations to pique their interest. Although they seemed a little nervous about making it to sessions with their busy schedule, you had no doubt they’d enjoy the game.
Including Kylar made a lot of sense too – it definitely felt like something they’d be into. They practically snapped your hand off when you brought it up during English class – but were slightly less enthused when they realised other people would be involved.
Noticing your daydreaming, Robin gently coaxes you back on track. “Don’t worry, you’re doing great,” they beam from under the floppy brim of their hat. “Maybe now’s a good time to hand out character sheets? We thought it’d make things quicker for our first session…”
You nod, grateful for the assistance. As Robin handed pre-rolled character sheets to Syd and Kylar, you took a moment to check through your notes and go over how the session should progress. Breathe.
Adjusting their glasses and peering to see in the dim light, Sydney reads through their character. They hum with interest. “Half-elf cleric…” They tap the page with one finger, turning towards Robin. “That’s a healer, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Robin nods, impressed that Sydney had already done their research. “But you can do plenty of damage, with spells like Sacred Flame. And Inflict Wounds.” Sydney looks pleased, unzipping their pencil case and immediately starting to make a few notes in the margin.
“I- I already have a character…” Kylar stutters, producing a crumpled, stained sheet from their bag and handing it to you expectantly. It was a little damp. You scan the sheet – it didn’t entirely make sense. There were a few lines of scrawled description, some abilities you’d never heard of, and some numbers which seemed way too high for what you had planned. A smudged sketch dominates most of the paper, and you notice it’s not too dissimilar to the one you’d seen in Kylar’s locker. When you spot the character’s name, your eyes roll.
“This is… me, Kylar,” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “That’s my name… and this is clearly a drawing of me…” you thrust the creased page back into their hand.
“N-no, it’s… it’s my half-drow-half-kitsune vampire… aren’t they beautiful?” Kylar protests, eyes glassy. You’re not sure how to respond.
“Sorry Kylar… I don’t think we should allow homebrew races…” Robin offers gently, attempting to reduce the tension. You’re thankful for the backup. Kylar dejectedly stuffs the sheet back in their bag and looks over their assigned character - a halfling rogue. They don’t look completely disappointed.
“I hope you like what we picked,” Robin smiles – you’d spent a lot of time together choosing the best fit for the party, and felt like you’d gotten it right. “I’m a human wizard, by the way - you can probably tell by the hat,” they nod for effect, the brim wobbling comedically.
You smile too – it was sweet seeing Robin so excited about something. Theatrically tenting your fingers to regain the party’s attention, you muster your best Dungeon Master voice and set the scene for your adventurers. As if on cue, wind howls and groans through the loft, adding to the atmosphere. You have to admit, it’s pretty cool.
“Right, as I was saying… The elders have summoned you because some of the villagers have been going missing…” You glance over to Robin, who gives you a discrete thumbs up. Apparently, you’re doing okay.
Kylar has clearly played before – or has some knowledge of the process, at least. They’re the first to suggest asking the villagers for clues – although their chosen method of interrogation is a little… questionable. Sydney’s a natural – something about the strict rules of the game seem to appeal to them, and they’re a very fast learner. And Robin… they’re just so excited to play – a little fun and fantasy was clearly just what they needed.
Gradually, you settle into the swing of things. Robin opens a packet of fruit pastilles and offers them around the table. Sydney seems particularly invested in your vivid descriptions, listening intently as they nibble a sweet. Kylar leans over the table and gently picks out a can of pop – slowly, so as not to disturb your flow. Everyone seems to be getting more comfortable - especially you.
Suddenly a loud metallic thud startles you into silence. The can had slipped from Kylar’s flimsy grasp and had already rolled off the table with a loud thud. Everyone listens, spellbound as the can rolls, rattling over the uneven floor before coming to rest somewhere out of sight with a thunk.
You look at Robin, feeling hairs prickle on the back of your neck, not daring to move a muscle. Robin stares back, eyes wide. That racket was sure to have alerted Bailey, and it was only a matter of time before the caretaker yanked open the hatch and gave your guests a rude insight into what life at the orphanage was truly like.
“S-sorry…” whispered Kylar – but even that felt too loud, earning a hissed shush from Robin. Sydney’s amber eyes flickered from person to person, trying to gauge the severity of the situation. Already, you could hear footsteps. It’s been fun, you think to yourself. Shame it had to end before you even got started.
The loft hatch descends with a creak, flooding a little extra light into the dim loft from the landing. Everyone watches breathlessly – except Robin, who’d covered their face with their hands.
But it isn’t Bailey’s furious face that glares up into the loft – it’s Whitney.
“Found you, slut!” they grin triumphantly, hoisting themselves through the hatch and rising deftly to their feet. They pull it closed with a loud click. Robin isn’t sure if this development is better or worse than they’d expected.
“Whitney…” you level your voice, trying your best to sound pleased to see them. In truth, your heart is still racing from the shock. They were the last person you’d expect to be crashing the party.
“Don’t act surprised,” Whitney revels in your dumbstruck expression as they stride over, reaching over Kylar and helping themselves to a packet of sweets. Kylar shrinks against the table like a defenceless animal. “You begged me to come play your stupid game. Now you owe me, slut.”
While that wasn’t exactly how you remembered the conversation going during Maths, you know it’s not worth arguing. Kylar looks like they want the floorboards to swallow them up, and Sydney shoots you a genuine look of concern - the expected response. But Robin was beginning to look genuinely… hopeful at the prospect of another player. “You want to play?” they ask.
Whitney leans over the set-up, eyeing Robin’s collection of hand-painted miniatures. They chew one end of strawberry cable while the other end dangles limply from their mouth. “Maybe… looks shit though.”
“You might like it,” you offer, jumping on the hint of curiosity in the bully’s voice. Whitney loved a bit of drama, although they’d never admit to it. Thumbing through the stack of leftover character sheets, you carefully select one and pass it to Whitney, who snatches it abruptly.
Their blue eyes narrow, straining in the low light to read the page. You’d picked a bard, theorising that a charismatic character might appeal to their more charming side. It would be nice for the others to see that aspect of Whitney’s personality, too.
“Fuck no, slut,” they scoff, the now crumpled page hitting you directly on the forehead. It was worth a try. “If I’m gonna play, I wanna wreck shit. Pick another,” they hold out a hand, waggling their fingers impatiently. At least they seemed interested.
Robin picks through the stack of papers now, selecting a new character and passing it towards Whitney’s outstretched hand. “Okay, what about an Orc barbarian? You get a big axe, and you fly into a furious rage in combat. Sound good?”
Whitney nibbles their sweet, eyeing the paper and considering Robin’s suggestion. There’s a long pause. “… Fine. But none of that dice shit. I’m improvising.”
It was probably the best you could hope for – it was getting late, and you just wanted to get on with things. Robin sets up another chair, which Whitney drags next to you. Kylar eyes the new addition sullenly, and Whitney stares right back - making a show of squeezing your thigh. You huff out a breath - this is fine.
You’re grateful when Robin attempts to get things back on track once more. “Okay, you’re just in time anyway. We’ve been summoned to the village of…”
“… Coxhollow…” Sydney checks their diligent notes. They blush, suddenly understanding how it sounds.
“… yeah, that’s right. We’re about to enter the goblin lair, right?” Robin looks to you with an encouraging smile.
“Yeah, um…” you clear your throat, sitting up and beginning to describe the goblin lair in grim detail – all dripping stalactites, mossy walls and bone-strewn floor. Even Whitney seems a little impressed by your description, and it leaves you feeling pretty proud.
As you detail the party’s approach, Sydney raises their hand, “I think… I want to make a perception check.”
You smile – it’s exactly what you’d hoped would happen. With a roll of 16, Sydney’s cleric can hear a small group of goblins approaching – which gives the party an advantage.
Robin sits up excitedly. “Okay, team – let’s roll initiative!” The orphan tumbles a brightly coloured dice across the table. Kylar and Sydney follow suit – it’s beginning to feel like a real game now. The party’s first encounter is slow and a little bumpy – it’s challenging managing everybody’s turns, especially with Whitney jabbing you in the arm with a pencil. But by the time the goblins are defeated, you feel it’s gone well – not the most thrilling battle, but a good start.
Kylar’s rogue silently dispatches the next guard – despite their initial protests, they make an excellent halfling rogue. Sure, they’re quiet – big groups had never been Kylar’s idea of fun. But as time passes, they seem to be getting a little more confident. With Kylar’s help, the group disarm several traps that have been laid throughout the tunnels. There are even the beginnings of actual teamwork emerging between the group – well, less so for Whitney, but they’re more engaged than you expected. When it’s time to storm the final chamber and free the hostages, everyone carefully discusses tactics.
“I’m happy to take on a support role,” Sydney offers. They’d done an excellent job so far keeping everyone’s health in top condition, which wasn’t surprising– Sydney cared a lot about others, and was very attentive to the needs of the party. But it was clear they enjoyed casting offensive spells just as much – between them, Syd and Robin had become a dangerous, spellcasting duo whom goblins feared.
“I cast… Big Fucking Axe,” Whitney states with confidence – you can’t tell if they’re serious, but are surprised when they snatch one of Robin’s dice and skim it across the table. It’s a pretty decent roll, so you decide it’s best to allow it - describing how the barbarian cleaves the goblin’s skull in half, with plenty of gory detail.
The final battle is much smoother and cooler than the first and it takes much less time that you’d budgeted for – you were getting good at this. Kylar the Rogue deals the final, stealthy blow to the enemy– a vicious stab wound to the neck. They clearly relish describing how the blood sprays from the foe’s jugular, covering everyone in sticky goblin gore. It might be the most Kylar’s said all night. With the Goblin King defeated, the room falls silent. and everyone leans forward, eyeing you expectantly.
“Um… that’s it,” you smile, shoulders dipping into a shrug. They look surprised.
“That’s it? Feels like we’re just getting started…” Sydney’s yawn belies their words – but it’s clear they would have happily played another hour.
Kylar looks reignited – you notice they’ve sketched their halfling rogue at some point during the session. The character peers out from under a dark hood, licking an ornate dagger and displaying a crazed look that’s not unfamiliar. It’s a very decent drawing.
As the rest of the group helps tidy up, they discus their favourite parts of the session – it leaves you feeling very proud.  Whitney scrolls on their phone; when you manage to steal a glance – the words “what is a bard” had been typed into a search engine on their phone screen. You smirk – typical.
 Robin packs away the snacks and drinks for next time, stashing them in the cleanest looking box the attic can provide. And there would be a next time – the group had made you promise before agreeing to leave. When your visitors finally depart, you feel a pair of arms wrap you from behind – the wide brim of a wizard hat bumping the back of your head. “Thank you,” Robin says sincerely, giving you another squeeze for good measure. “I had fun. You’re the best.”
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arto-rhen · 5 months
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Here's my full post of Rayne which I will direct future related posts to. I will tag her with #TavRayne if anyone wants to start following along with her journey. She is my Tav OC from my first finished playthrough of BG3 and she is a Tiefling Sorcerer with Draconic Bloodline. I had this character made for a dnd game for a while but I never got to play her and then when Baldur's Gate 3 launched, I had my chance of playing her this way and I had lots of fun roleplaying her.
Her backstory was slightly changed between the original dnd story and the BG3 version so that it fits better with the setting, but I kept most of it the same.
It's pretty long, but I decided to put it here in case anyone might like to know about her more. I am not the best with descriptions sometimes and I was still trying to be brief, I also did not make her story while checking if any of it is connected to lore or not, I went along with what I thought was an interesting idea for a character, and the dnd sessions I was part of didn't require full knowledge of all of the books that contain the lore. In case anyone may feel like something doesn't feel lore accurate.
She was raised in her first years by her family that consisted of her father that started her sorcerous bloodline by entrapping the soul of a dragon in secret, her mother that was partly coerced into a marriage with her father and 3 siblings that were close to her age but not allowed to see her.
Although on the surface, it seemed like a family of a powerful Sorcerer that is successful, in reality, Rayne was raised for one purpose only, which she was not aware of yet. Her connections to her siblings and even to her mother were frayed in order for her to train her abilities, and although she received praise an approval for being able to overcome any challenge in her training, she would usually sneak away to play with her siblings as well.
One day, they decide to play a game where they each present something secret to each other, and she decides to bring her father's spellbook which she always sees but isn't allowed to look into. Because she was taught how to write mostly infernal and primordial and mostly spells, once she opens the book and decides to tell her siblings what she found, she finds a lot of sacrificial ritual spells and learns of her father entrapping a dragon's soul and using his successors of infernal heritage that would gain the draconic power to absorb their power and maintain his own, where one successor that has inherited the draconic power would be trained to be the strongest and then used as the primary sacrifice, while the siblings are used as collateral for ensuring the success of the ritual. The ritual also requires a type of lettering on the body of the main sacrifice, and Rayne already had it done. She half doesn't believe that they would actually be sacrificed, but ultimately tries to devise a plan with the siblings to find out more and what they can do in their situation.
In the end, the father was already close enough for the ritual to commence, and when he sees his book missing, he transports his kids in the ritual and starts it. Because the ritual also needs Rayne and anyone in her place to be willing with the transfer, it ruins the ritual and instead makes her powers go haywire and burn down the entire building they were under. She wakes up only to see ash everywhere and nobody in sight, and she stays there for an indeterminate amount of time trying to process what just happened until a fearful group of guard approach and take her away. Some of the inscriptions on her body remain etched into her skin as burn marks, and she remains with some of the marks always on her.
Most people in the vicinity don't understand what happened in that place and believe that she was at fault and the authorities plan to take her to a special prison. By that point, Rayne is heavily traumatized and nonresponsive.
On her way to the prison, a member of a powerful wizard guild shows up and takes her instead after hearing of the incident that her powers caused and Rayne solely accepts because she's given food. That is where she starts learning and realizes that there is more to the inscriptions that she was taught for the ritual and she also learns to read and write common. As she is given better conditions there, she gradually becomes more receptive to others over a few years but she still has a feeling that she might once again be trained in order to be used, so after she starts learning more of the world that she realized she was isolated from by her father, she begins to look into their operation closer, only to find out that they were using different people of tiefling descent in order to harness magical abilities from them, and she ends up making another plan to evade and help those tieflings.
She uses some of the things she was taught for her father's rituals to instead use that power herself and breaks the device that hold the tieflings and harness their powers one night. That night, she helps the tieflings escape on their own and she then runs away being chased by guards and wizards from that guild. This is where she makes her way to a city where she hides. For the game, I made it so that city is actually Baldur's Gate where she winds up for good.
Her life in the new city starts from the very bottom, as she tries to dodge the guards that are after her bounty, and she doesn't have any food or shelter and she is still in shock after the previous events. In the end, she becomes harder to find when sitting among the homeless and sells anything she owns in order to buy food for the small group of homeless people. When she hears some adventurers talk about a failed quest for the retrieval of a special item that the local apothecary needs, she decides to try for herself in order to make some money. Using her innate abilities, despite her still young age, she manages to get the item and deliver it to the apothecary for a reward.
That sparks curiosity among adventurers and people involved and she begins to take on different jobs on retrieving and finding magical and special items, working with both reputable sources and networking around the underground, which becomes her job for a long time in the city. Due to her charismatic nature and ability to always deliver on her quests, she is able to have strong enough connections in the underground of the city to rid herself of the initial accusations due to her past, being able for the first time to live for herself and start once again enjoying using her magic without being reminded of her traumatic past.
At the start of the game or story, she is pretty much in a decent place both in spirit and the house that she owns in the Baldur's Gate, but along with the kidnapping of the mindflayer ship and becoming infected, she finds a group of companions that are more similar to her and each other than they first realize.
For the dnd game, I also noted that the sorcerer father was still alive and could become a challenge in the future, along with the wizard that found her afterwards, both becoming obstacles at one point.
Overall, I really liked playing as her because some parts of her story fit well with the companions. Her experiences with abuse of magic can contrast Gale's nature of being both chill and overly confident when it comes to using magic, but also relates by loving magic just as much. Her story of a father that wants to control her and absorb her power through a ritual and giving her no other purpose can relate to Astarion's story with Cazador, and the idea of his possible apparition really puts her story in the same trope as his. Dealing with a father/authority figure that presents themselves as having her best interests when in reality they are training them to be used can relate to both Shadowheart and Lae'zel, and her sense of adventuring and heroing, can relate to Karlack and Wyll.
Overall, if anyone got to read up to this point, I am looking forward to showing you through a mini comic series different parts of her story with these companions. Thank you for reading up to this point! And if anyone wants to he tagged to future posts, let me know.
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boxwinebaddie · 24 days
hi uncle nina! sorry if this is kinda overbearing, but you havent posted anything today so i just wanna check in and make sure youre doing okay! <3
oh my god, sweetheart!!! this is not overbearing AT ALL! this is extremely thoughtful and makes me feel extremely validated. <3
i'm sorry for causing concern, but ty for being concerned about me.
because the school year is coming to a close, things around me at work have been pretty intense, so i've been tossed around like a ragdoll the past week and haven't had much time to write as a result. i also haven't been sleeping very well and rush a lot in the mornings, so i've forgotten to take my mood stabilizer the past couple of days which makes me v sluggish, zombie-ish and unpleasant in general. :/
...when i am like that, as a weird way of sparing you, i suppose, i try not to post on here too much because it feels quite shitty indeed for you to get a notification for my blog just to watch me bitch n moan.
however, i have taken my medication today and feel bad for fumbling kyle week...as we know i'm not really good at holding myself accountable or making deadlines. oddly enough, it's not that i don't want to answer my questions, it's just that other than not being able to really find the time recently, i just can't find the right...words?
( this ask is long and irrelevant, but read if you wish. ilysm. )
or, rather, i don't feel knowledgeable enough the subjects to answer? specifically in the areas of my tsot/tfbw styles and ncuniverses, i feel a little insecure because i don't know sp or the games as well as many other people do, so i'm trying to speed watch episodes/watch speed runs of the games online so i can at least keep some canon intact?
i also am finding that creating and understanding how high fantasy universes work is...difficult? lmao? also because i did crazy stuff with mutations and science and politics in my tfbw ncuniverse, that's also complicated and out of my wheelhouse...tldr: i have big ideas, but i'm not very good at backing them in fact or doing analytical stuff.
but...iiiiii need to, lmao. mental illness, but if i make a universe it has to be fully realized, it has to all make as much sense as possible, echo the canon, enhance it, feel real and be fluid...so if i'm not around too much it's because i'm trying to bolster myself with my sp knowledge ( ik, i'm a fake fan ) and watch/read/research high fantasy concepts and superhero/scientific fiction/dystopian stuff...so if anyone has any recommendations for me to watch or learn from in those realms, i'd appreciate it. again, this is intense...but i care a lot about my craft.
and specifically crafting something worthy of all of you, that makes sense, lives and breathes, reflects the show we love & is interesting.
ANYWAYS!!!! with that said, i got a cool ask about whether or not i have a gunslinger kyle? which? not yet? BUT YOU'RE A GENIUS BABY I AM SOOOOO ON IT!!! please let me cook and watch some things because actually, oh my god, i am very down. i'll update you. i might make a board to gather ideas, omg, omg, it'll be SPICY.
i got an ask about princess kylie, which, bless you, i am also still developing her character, i am going to pour over the books, watch some GOT, do some mapping out, watch some intricate dnd play throughs...and have some answers for you very soon: hang on, baby.
( she's little, bitchy, prissy and does need to be babysat, i'm afraid. )
got some on jersey i'm excited about! sorry for writing that ask meme about the sour skittles like that, again, writing has been trying for me lately and i had a concept that i wanted to share but wasn't sure how to express that. if you guys are alright with getting my asks in the form of notes some times i would appreciate it! anyways, keep your eyes out for some of those...if kyle week runs into next week, sorry.
idk...this is so long. all this to say...i'm really sorry? i haven't been a very solid creator lately, but i'm a little unstable rn. but i am working on it and i hope to be back on the horse by tonight and share my notes at least and show you guys how my brain is working.
in the mean time, please direct as many questions as you would like in the direction of riley, teri and ana who not only are epic writers but have been an epic support system/helping me get back into things.
thank you for caring, thank you for reading...keeping up with this blog and the questions and creating constantly is sometimes challenging, but very rewarding. i promise that i am not neglecting my asks or all of you because i don't care, its actually because i care very much and only want to give you stuff that is awesome and cool and well researched. so, again, just give me a second to get my barings and while it kind of eats at my bad bpd brain i might try and share stuff with you guys that's half baked because the feedback might help.
tldr: i love you, this made no sense, i'm a mess, but i am fine.
miss you and love you. happy kyle week.
-uncle nina
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novelcain · 1 year
Hi, it’s me again, I had a couple of ideas, a couple are about possible bard reader, another is a musing for any reader, and the last is a general question.
1. Bards aren’t solely musicians, (from my dnd experience,) they also recite poems, ballads, and stories. So what if Reader tries to keep some of the more prone to boredom pilgrims by talking about various other myths and stories she might know? For example, she might’ve had an ancient Egypt or Greek mythology phase and still remembers a lot of those stories and when things are getting dull, she just goes like “Hey, wanna hear a funny story?” And then talk about Midas getting cursed with donkey ears. It manages to occupy the silence with something more interesting.
2. I’ve seen the Ruan being suggested as Reader’s instrument, but I wonder if anyone has considered the Xun. A xun is basically a small ceramic or wood instrument in the same family as the ocarina, but played slightly differently. They’re quite portable, and they could also make for a convenient “which one of these identical monkeys is Six Eared Macaque,” test. Nothing against the Ruan, just wanted to share. (Bonus: if the Reader likes the Zelda games, she could play some of those songs and most of them are either soothing or fun to dance to.)
2.5. Personally, I am an edgy girl, so if I chose to sing, it’d be like the early 2000s nu-metal songs from groups like Evanescence, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, and all of that other stuff, so that’d be embarrassing.
3. How are she and Tripitaka going to stay warm in the winter? There were points in the book where it was stated to be snowing or at least very cold, and idk if Guanyin would give them coats or if they’d have to get one of the other pilgrims to beg for a couple of used old coats. If Guanyin did give them some, it’d be neat to see like a feather cloak or something along those lines as feathers (down) are very good at insulating and keeping one warm.
4. Given all of the times when Tripitaka either punishes Monkey too severely and/or kicks him out, I can imagine the Six Eared Macaque arc being the one where reader genuinely loses her patience and slaps the monk across the face. She doesn’t really even say anything, just turns to leave and if they say anything about how they need her to guide them, “well, you can figure it out for yourself, because I’m done putting up with your ‘holier than thou’ bullshit.” Then goes to find Wukong. Depends on if you want the one she finds to be the real one, trying not to cry, or if she runs into his doppelgänger. (Suppose we’ll have to wait and see.)
Have a good Sunday, Skittle!
-🌺 Anon
Hello again~
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ok soooo i'm gonna admit that at first I had no idea what you were talking about but then I remembered that one of my followers did fanart with their version of Reader using a Ruan and I just wanna say that isn't canon it was just someone's art. anything that i post about ittw on here should be considered specifically not canon just for fun. i also won't answer any questions about what will happen in the future of any of my fics or au's (i know i'm a meanie😋). you can find all my ask rules on my pinned post 😊 (tho i might update them soon)
also everything about ittw was set in stone before i even began writing. nothing will change the plot even if i find an idea that i like (there was one idea from someone's fanart that i liked and i was thinking about using since it wouldn't effect the plot [after getting their permission] but i won't be doing that now because i don't want anyone to think i'm playing favorites or have a bunch of people try to get me to add their ideas as well. i've already had a bunch of people try to do that and it really stresses me out cause it's hard to stay nice in those situations) because of that (and i mean this in the nicest way possible i promise i'm not trying to sound like a jerk) i won't be taking any suggestions for plots unless i specifically ask for them🤗
I hope you have a great Sunday too, 🌺 Anon!
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game-saved · 9 months
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DND Campaign: L.A. Numinous
The Pantheons of the World are not as fantastical or mythical as you might think. They are around us, always hiding in plain sight. They hide from the Mortal Realm, having forgone most of their earthly attachments after the Great War, the World War, the Last War that they would put themselves through.
They hid their World, their mythologies, their fantasies from the Mortal Realm, between the cracks of what can and can't be seen. There in the unperceived, the lives of fantastical creatures, of ogres and fairies, of kitsune and deities, they continue to survive.
It's 2028, just 6 months before the Summer Olympic Games starts anew in the City of Angels, Los Angeles. You scroll through your X feed, look at the current trending topics: Articles about Whales and Dolphins taking over the sea; The Olympic Flame being ignited in Greece; And the death of an Instagram Model with no leads. It's almost banal and boring as you flick through tweets.
Perhaps, just at the corner of your eye, you see a little miracle, a trick of the light or a creep of a shadow. But something/someone tumbles over you, a friend, a loved one, a mentor you've known for some months, weeks, or maybe only a few days. They're blood soaked and their eyes are pleading, worrying, and saddened, as they look at you, clutching at wounds that only look seconds old.
"Aphrodite is dead. This was not how I meant for this to happen but I'm sorry but I must pass my Eidolon to you before it's too late."
Light flashes before you could even ask. You find yourself engulfed with it, bathed in it and then... nothing.
Now there's a dead body in your hands and an ominous feeling in your chest. Your phone beeps and rings to life with a spoken message. You're pretty sure it didn't have that feature before.
"[Player Name] , you are summoned before the Divine Council to be condemned for the Assassination of a Deity and Usurping their Status. Cooperation would be most advised."
ART CREDIT: Tony Sart, Javier Charro
Hi, hello, Name's Kiri or Hex or Vai! I hardly ever post on Tumblr anymore or advertise any campaign ideas here due to school but this one has been nagging me just a little bit more after listening to Stray Gods, watching American Gods, and rewatching the Percy Jackson films, so I needed to just write down the blurb and the pitch in case anyone is wanting to play some DND in a Divine Urban Fantasy kind of setting.
The game is set in contemporary Los Angeles, a few years into the future, a few months before the Summer Olympic Games. You have been accused for the assassination of a Deity and usurping their power and status, their Eidolon. Through the Eidolon, you gain power and are now able to perceive Los Angeles in its truest form, a City of Mythical Creatures living in secrecy.
During Character Creation, you will choose a Deity from any Pantheon (Japanese, Chinese, Greek, Egyptian, Norse etc) whose Eidolon has been passed down to you.
This is going to be a Human-centric campaign so, despite the advertisement of other races in the game world, physically your character will be Human. Through the power of the Eidolon, they can be reskinned with the capabilities of other DND races.
Gameplay will be roleplay heavy, debating on either PBP semi-live text or just Discord VC with a separate channel for Texting RP. But there will also be combat involved of course.
The DM, me, hi, has a flexible schedule but I am in PST so applicants who are close to that would be preferred.
Current Allowed Resources are PHB, Xanathar's, Tasha's, and Mythic Theros
Depending on interest, around 4-8 rotating players can be taken.
If interested, DM me or like this post for more details so I can get back to you.
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wooriid · 2 months
Heya! I am curious- you have any other OCs in any other fandoms you want to share? Lilith is sweet so I was wondering!
Hello there!
first of all thanks for the question - and I am happy that you seem to like Lilith <3 Well, I have a few 😂 I won't give you all of them and if you wanna know something specific about the one or other just ask :) I am guessing the question mainly aims for their looks ^^
My very first and still very beloved ones were for Bioware games - Mass Effect and Dragon Age in particular. So meet Blue Shepard and Numin Lavellan ^^
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I dearly love these characters and both series will be among my favourite of all time. The Normandy and Skyhold will forever mean HOME for me. I really am one of these epersons who also enjoyed ME Andromeda and I also have an OC there - but she simply isn't as dear to me as the two above (sme goes for DA 1 and 2)
I have quite a few Star Wars characters (in fact I have a legacy - generations constructed from the old republic until the new republic - I even have a Clone OC ^^) but since it would be too much for this post I give you Iego - one of the dearest OCs I have ever created, my little Sith monster of whom I am really proud of. A LOT. (to this point one might see that I have a thing for color coding. Iego is like Lilith an albino. Most of my chars are color coded white or black.... I simply cannot change my taste xD)
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I love this Nautolan Bitch way too much - he has a freaking great playlist and he is the OC to whom I turn quite regularly to to be honest. For years now. He is pretty different from the rest of my squad and is pure fun to play with. The only one of my dorks who has a whole homepage btw. I have so much fun writing him - even quoting him. He also might have the greatest backstory in my opinion.
The newest additions to the flock are my Baldur's Gate chars - Ares Lucien Brouillard and Eloise Moisissure - him being an Oathbreaker Paladin worshipping Myrkul, her being a Druid of the Spore. I have a Necromancer thing in DnD without ever playing a true Necromancer and I am a sucker for Myrkul and mushrooms - so there we go. Do not get me started on the color coding again xD! By the way - Eloise was at first created with the thought of "what would Lilith play in Baldurs Gate" and I simply loved her way too much and she and Ares shared a story very quickly ^^
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Last but not least - I am into MMORPGs for about nearly 20 years now, so I guess you can say my oldest OC by my side for all these years is my WoW character Phyrok:
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The second MMORP in my life is TESO and here I have a Khajiit skooma dealer as main - and a sweet little Dark elf guy with the longest name in forever :P
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There are more - as I guess we all have way too many of these beloved characters, but these are the ones dearest to me. I guess you might say they are family ;)
Thanks again for the interest and sorry for the long post xD If anyone wants to share their OCs as well (or you want) pls feel free (also to tag me so that I do not oversee it) <3 It is always a joy to see the OCS of others from the different fandoms <3 (or even the very same)
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6 and 9 for the book ask game
6. What book would you change the end of?
Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz - there is a twist ending that (I at least felt) was completely out of the blue and only there for shock value. it drove me crazy (also they killed one of my favourite characters)
9. Have you attempted to write a book or something? What?
I have like 5 writing WIPs atm
Ones that I actually have done some amount of work on:
The dystopian story I posted an excerpt from back in December, for the inklings challenge. ~ My word doc for the story, including the excerpt from the inklings challenge, currently has 2933 words. ~ I also have two more documents: one with a detailed outline, and another with character/world-building notes.
A short story I wrote a first draft for, about a little girl who gets lost while on a hike with her family and receives help from an unlikely source. ~ As I never finished typing up my handwritten draft I have no idea how many words
My dimension/time travel story. It kinda dips into a bunch of different genres including several flavors of scifi, fantasy, mystery, and more I can't think of rn. ~ I have written out multiple outlines/timelines for this story, (and made several Pinterest boards) to try and help me wrap my head around what happens/wrestle it into a narrative that makes sense to people who are not me.
A unfinished short story about Ni Ban, the Irish mermaid princess who became a saint. I hope to write a collection of short saint stories for children in the vein of Once Upon A Time Saints by Ethel Pochaki. But this is the only one I've begun work on for it so far. ~ My working draft currently has about 500 words
The Cow, an as of now completed short story I wrote about the traveling theatre troupe from the Comedia Del Arte plays my theatre group did. It's kind of a slice of life story about one of the many misadventures this group of wanna-be dnd bards encounters. ~ It's just about 1000 words. ~ I might post it if anyone's interested.
Ones I have living min my brain rent free
The (short?) story I came up with the basics of a few days ago. It's set in the western frontier. (Or a steampunk version of it {I'm not sure if I wanna go the historically accurate/or historical fantasy route just yet})
Another concept I just came up with that's essentially my version of the Twitter ARG gr3gory88, cause I watched the episode of creepcast about it and they came up with a bunch of different variations of the story that I wanted to explore. ~ I have at least 2 or 3 versions/ways the story could go rn. Part of this is cause I can see a few different approaches being taken by different protagonists. It also depends on how close one wishes to follow the gr3gory88 story. (I basically have a punnet square with protags on one side and different plots on the other).
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babumakeanart · 4 months
Personal and Work update
Hello everybody! If anyone is interested in all the dnd postings, I'd like to summarize here what I plan to do these days. I have cleaned my PC, notebook, and harddisks and found a ton of art I had done yet never posted. Exactly, when I checked my dnd folder, it had 3 550 files (which some are psd, clip files and animation frames) but there is still so much stuff I could have posted but never did as I want things to be perfect. But let's be real about the word perfection, it's not really possible to achieve it and you have to deal with ways that you can wait for the 'perfect' art or just post something you love and grow steadily. SO this is for the dnd posting and other art!
Now to the other project!
As you might have see I am working on another Dragon Age fangame but I have to prioritize school and my school game project right now. As well school festival I am helping with as well. :) But do not worry it will be done, however take into your mind it is not my full-time job and this is only my passionate work in my free time!
So yes, small tiny update, I am doing what I can to keep up my mental state which is up and down and trying to be more active here! Stay tune and good luck, everybody!
Also if you are interested in the festival you can check it here
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the-kaedageist · 6 months
WIP Ask Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @ariadne-mouse! I need a kick in the pants to (a) write and (b) add more posts to my queue, so let's see if this does it.
I have a truly egregious amount of wips, so I have done some weeding and removed the ones about my dnd character and all my various 2T2L drafts. Non-CR ones are marked as such!
hawthornross (The Last Binding series)
notorioussorcerer (The Burnished City series)
deirta fic
reincarnation lol (Original)
5times the nein tried to hook up sg
sg soulbonding
tusk love origins
caduceusfjordjester qpr
Tagging, if you're interested: @mllekurtz @professor-rye @tarydarrington @catalists @cers-astral-adjacent @fireryn @callingvoicemail @annundriel and anyone else who might be interested!
(I've been somewhat absent from tumblr lately so not sure if any of you have already been tagged in this or not, sorry if it's a double 💕)
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autistic-autumn · 2 years
Dwarf Fortress, Firestones the Ageless
Currently I am running a game of Dwarf fortress on my blog. The game follows a soon to be dwarven citadel known as Firestones the Ageless. I’ll post live updates here of the fortress and attempt to try turn the game into more of a roleplay like story on my blog.
So for those who don’t know what Dwarf fortress is here is what you’ll need to know: 
The game is effectively a fantasy world simulator in which you build up a dwarven citadel from nothing; think the sims but more intensely realistic and set in a fantasy setting. It’s almost easier to just think of it as a story generator or roleplay type game. I’ll also try to leave out some of the stranger or more technical parts of the game to filter out the uninteresting stuff. 
The sheer complexity and amount of content in the game is quite something else. One of my favorite examples is the fact that combat in the game isn’t done by a single health stat, rather the game simulates the entire muscular-nervous  system. Because of this, the game can be played in a fairly roleplay like fashion, even if you don’t know the exact way the game works, simply because the game probably can accommodate whatever wild requests people here might have.
Information about naming Dwarfs:
Naming Dwarfs and having seeing them interact with the fortress and others within the fort can be quite a lot of fun. If you want to see your oc or blorbo appear then simply send in requesting a dwarf to be named and any associated traits you want them to have. Note: Dwarfs are stupid and tend to find themselves in unfortunate situations (Dying), this is all part of the fun and shenanigans of the game, I would very much advise not getting too deeply attached to the dwarfs.
For requesting various traits for a dwarf you can send stuff like personality traits, interests and profession and gender. Unfortunately specific physical attributes can be quite hard sometimes as dwarfs that migrate to the fortress tend to all be from the same dwarven civilization and tend to have a lot of similar features, such as eye colour or hair style. You can chose any sort of profession for your Dwarf, as long as it mostly fits into the fantasy/medieval setting (only exception being magic doesn’t exist). I’ll do my best to curate the dwarfs roles and jobs to fit whatever requested.
In addition to that if I see a dwarf that I think is particularly interesting I’ll post about them and see if anyone wants to name it. (Or actually just when I want names because I suck at thinking of interesting names.)
A few other notes if you are sending in an ask:
Dwarfs can only be male and female sadly, however this only affects the pronouns used for them and whether they have a beard or not. You dwarf might have a family, you could even ask to have a family and name them all. If you want me to mention you in posts where your dwarf is relevant please mention in your ask, I’ll do my best to try remember to do so.
If you want to send in an ask about anything to do with the game or suggests for where the fortress should go then my inbox is always open. The idea of this fortress is that it’s run as a communal thing where I attempt to facilitate a lot of the game, like a GM in DnD.
I’ll continue to update this post with relevant information to the game as it progresses. All posts for the game are tagged under #Firestones and the longer story posts are also tagged with #Firestones Story
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heehoothefool · 1 year
wrestling 👀
Anon I could kiss you
So I am hella interested in Wrestling as a mode for story telling.
I think anyone that sees my writing posts under the #spilled slime tag might be aware that I am sucker for unconventional storytelling- hell it's why I love DnD.
Pro Wrestling takes this to the next level. Sure, other competitive shows have their own stories to tell and may very well be scripted in this way, but every competition I see lacks something that Wrestling has so much of: Character Interaction and actual Writing.
In every other competitive show where they actually let the contestants talk to each other, it's always nothing but drama and life stories. Part of this is due to how the shows are structured with an elimination style setup. They don’t keep contestants around, unlike in wrestling where your story continues so long as your contract continues.
This means characters in wrestling have time to develop and change and go through arcs because they don't have the time constraint of However Long Before They're Eliminated.
WWE, which is the example I'm going to use because it's what I'm most familiar with, doesn't really function on seasons or anything, it just functions on What Big Event Comes next, so you prepare storylines in between these big events that reach their next big point at said events. Each main event is the end of one arc and the start of the next for these major storylines.
And the storytelling even goes beyond just character interaction and into the fights themselves! Sure, you get a lot of story out of promos and backstage shots, but ultimately it is all about the fights and those tell stories to! The moves that are executed, how they're executed, and even who they're performed on and how they're sold are capable of telling a story!
Quick point to explain a word I used above, many of us know that pro wrestling is choreographed. This is not a secret. This does not mean, however, that it is fake. The hits and injuries these people take on are incredibly real, but a lot of it is done in a way that will minimize the damage. Selling, therefore, is the art of making a move look as painful as it would be if they weren't trained professionals.
It's like in theater when the script says to smack someone and you hit them with your fingers more than your palm to create the sound but minimize the impact, and the person you smacked turns their head and holds their face to keep up the appearance that you did in fact smack them to pieces. That's selling.
My favorite example of the fight as story telling actually happened relatively recently at the last Survivor Series in a match type called War Games featuring The Bloodline (Roman Reigns, Jey and Jimmy Uso, and Sami Zayn) vs Kevin Owens's team. KO is the big important member of this because he and Sami have a very long history as close friends, and Sami is trying to prove his loyalty to The Bloodline.
Sami stops KO from winning by covering Roman and then hits with a Low Blow and follows it up with his finisher, the Haluba Kick (a running kick to the face). This is such good storytelling because finishers are the final nail in the coffin. The exclamation point that brings the sentence to a close. That is the end of their friendship. That is the final point of Sami saying he is with The Bloodline.
No other competition does it like this! This is the true peak of where sports meets theater and it deserves so much more respect than people often give it! Professional Wrestling isn't about proving who the best wrestler is! It's about taking these incredibly talented athletes and storytellers and letting them tell their stories by beating the shit out of each other between verbal bouts!
This is theater. This is what happens when you take a bunch of stunt doubles and tell them to write their stories, and I don’t think that gets appreciated enough.
Thank you, anon. I am so incredibly not normal about this.
(Also don't mind the gif I just really like Randy Orton, he is the epitome of action movie protagonist)
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dxnyarya · 2 years
thank you bestie @rosaaeles for tagging me, this will force me to go through my wips and maybe write something!
here are the rules of the game!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
most of these titles are lyrics as you can probably tell, all full disclosure if anyone actually is interested in one of the wips i might finish it lmao i love writing to show it to other people.
- what's gonna be left of the world if you're not in it? (elumax)
-now is the place where the crossroads meet (will you look into the future?) (steve & robin friendship + ronance)
-we built a dynasty like nothing ever made (annaelise)
-this maze inside my head (max mayfield centric)
-when you said my name (in the saddest way) (everlark)
-the fearful passage of their death-marked love (romajuliette)
-we dig our feet in, my mother and i (katniss & her mother)
-every second that we had was newlywed (vicley)
-whatever you decided to do with my love (i'll be waiting) (spuffy)
- you want blood and i promised (i'm a bad liar) (spuffy)
- 1743 (vicely)
- i can't save us, my atlantis we fall (supercorp)
i have more wips than writer friends but i’m tagging @lilithsluna and any of my followers might be interested in doing this!
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northlight14 · 2 years
✨Intro post✨
Hey, welcome to my blog! You can call me North. My blog is mainly me rambling about anime and reblogging stuff. I also wanna start writing fanfiction again once I get the chance. Anyway, if you decide to stay, I really appreciate you being here :)))
All religions, ethnicities, members of the lgbtqia+ community, etc are welcome!
Feel free to talk to me via asks. I’m also cool about DM’s as long as we’re mutuals and you’re a similar age to me (preferably 17+)
If you like danganronpa, hermitcraft and/or my hero academia, consider following my queer platonic partner @iridescentsky29 cuz they’re really cool
Side blog is @north-writes where I’ll post book things, writing and OC stuff
😜Facts about me!
- I’m an INFP
- I’m a Scorpio
- I’m aro/ace but I’m still simping for Shigaraki, Aizawa, Mr Compress and Levi Ackerman (they’re pretty, ok?😅)
- My current hyperfixations are ace attorney (currently on Duel Destinies), my OC’s, Osamu Dazai (the author, not the character. Although I do adore the character), and danganronpa (only finished the first and second game tho so no spoilers past that point!!)
- I have a lot of dnd characters that I might start posting about
- I have other OC’s I sometimes post about. Intro post to them here if anyones interested (aro/aces who are fans of QPR rep and sun/moon or opposites attract dynamics might like these guys)
- I’m British
Pronoun card: here
Anime watch list: here
Playlists: here
MHA ships: here
Kin list: here
Fan fiction: here
Aro/ace headcanon’s: here
Trans/nonbinary headcanon’s: here
#spoiler demon- something that would be a spoiler for my partner that I don’t want them seeing yet
#north speaks- short post
#north rambles- longer post
#north rants- me venting
#north writes- my writing
#northsky- me and my partner
#multishipper moment- rambling about a ship that probably doesn’t make much sense
#tw cursing (I cuss a lot tho and may sometimes forget to tag so feel free to remind me if that happens cuz the last thing I want is to upset anyone)
#tw vent
#Kim and Chana (my OC’s)
#Darling Trouble (the ship name between my dnd OC’s Leucis and Greyson)
(If I don’t tag anything that’s triggering please tell me and I’ll tag it straight away cuz I want my blog to be a safe and comfortable place for people)
Trump supporters
Homophobes/transphobes/TERFS/super straights/aphobes
Pro shippers
People who think it’s ok under any circumstances to tell someone to k*ll themselves
🤓Non anime fandoms
🏳️‍🌈Sander sides/roleslaying with Roman
🌎Avatar the last airbender
💚3rd life/last life/double life (mainly Grians POV)
🎢Dead end: paranormal park
📚Anything by Alice Oseman
🎲Danplan (I only really post and reblog stuff from DP season 2 tho cuz honestly I just wanna move on from discourse and I love the new videos by the channel just as much as the old videos)
S*lf h*rm
Hair pulling (specifically someone pulling their own hair)
👎Don’t tag me in
Discourse, fandom related or otherwise
Anything character critical
Stuff containing spoilers (I swear if anyone does that, you’re getting blocked without hesitation)
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katielovably · 1 year
My type is:
-cosplayer: they're cool and amazing mainly but also they're shape-shifts they can be whoever they want (so cool) also just to learn to join them because I seen other couples do it and it seems cute
-goblin/crowcore : again they're cool and we can collect rocks and other knick-knacks because that's cool also walking threw the woods are amazing but having someone who also would like walking threw woods or just hiking would be cool
- cat / animals lover :I have a cat and she is my Bean and my world. nothing will make me get rid of her)
-artist :I like doing art it's doesn't matter what is. It's interesting. To have someone with similar interests
- i am neptunic meaning  I only like nonbinary and female genders : I grew up in a rural community and men are... redneck and it's to much also I just don't talk to guys likeI do women (my experience is only threw work... I haven't dated yet but talked to people) also I'm the only "girl" (I'm non-binary) in my family so just some difference.
-easy to talk to : I'm shy. Like I have people I just conversation vomit too where others I'm quite until I get they start the conversation... I would like to trust my partner and have them trust in me
-any body type :thin or curvy. I don't mind. Trust me I have curves and chub. I.... I mean I don't like myself in the mirror but that's woman's marketing baby. But I don't mind it on others
-Gamer/ board gamer?: I like playing games (mostly minecraft but I played Mario cart and smash bros... I'm not good at smash but I still enjoy playing) and I enjoy playing board games but we don't do it enough also I have no one to play with (ok that sound like a whiny child) except for brothers ( and you can only play against someone so many times) but I play other games too just need to know how to play. Also I'm used to losing or not knowing what I'm doing but I do get full of myself when I win because it's rare and i come from a competitive family who allows winning to get to their heads. But mostly, it's just fun. Also I never played DND but it would be interesting to play.
- I take pictures: I take pictures of Bean, scenery and my co-workers at my summer job a few years back (but they don't like it) but I see a picture opportunity and try to take it (mostly when the thing I'm talking a picture of moves it does ruining it) so I'll probably try to take pictures of my partner.... if they allow
I tend to say sorry about everything: I will say sorry more than anyone. Even over things I don't have control over. I cower when yelled at... or argue back but that's rare because I don't like conflict and my go to is apologizing.
I have a lot of things wrong with me: I studded (I hate it), I have things mentally wrong (I don't know what because even though I say I will like to figure out what's wrong... I don't and life goes on 👍), I have trauma may it be from my home life or my school life I been scared. I might have dyslexia, I swear words gets me all the time. I get spooked easily but I tend to jump, get away from what scared me then laugh at myself or just freeze, and try to get out of the situation. I have socal anxiety (I think) my brain spirals and I'm stressed and panic in different social situations or if something goes wrong (I also beat myself over it) or just talk it out if something traumatic happens (usally sounding mad whenI do. So a partner who can calms me and supports me is a must
I don't know what this is. maybe I'm just shooting my shot and get a Tumblr partner. Why not. That would interesting, right.
Thank you for reading this train wreck of a post and having a great day
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probablybadrpgideas · 2 years
OH if you have advice for ppl who are trying to start out dming do you have stuff for players that dont know where to start?? I want to play dnd so bad but I find it really difficult to find a party or anyone genuinely willing to be apart of a party
Local game shops! If they don't have something already running you can ask about it, and they might start something with enough interest (edit: this also applies to libraries)
There's also LFG areas on reddit and Roll20 if you're ok playing online, or if you're in any game-related discord servers (Paper has one with a link in the pinned post) you could ask there?
Heck, assuming you've friends who are also interested you can just like, post on fb something like "who wants to try playing D&D". As the instigator you may find yourself DMing, but that's what pre-written stuff (especially the starter set) is for
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