#Mikey and April are bff's in this au
seaghosst · 4 days
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happy father’s day :)
this is rushed cause i thought of this 2day and wanted to finish it before father’s day was over but alas
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snackugaki · 2 years
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h elp the brainrot is coming from inside the house and I’ve locked myself in
#snacku tmnt brainrot
EDIT: weird the snacku tmnt brainrot tag isn’t working so, fuck me for trying to make my own blog navigational huh tumblr?
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trashlama · 10 months
Hi would it be alright if I ask what wips are you working on ?
just wanna make sure I don’t in a request that someone else already sent in XD
hope your doing ok :)
Thank you for your concern! My carpal tunnel has been approving somewhat these last few weeks! Hopefully I'll be able to find some free time this weekend while I'm off to knock down some of this list.
Also if you do happen to send in an idea similar to someone else's; don't worry too much about it because I don't mind, I like the challenge~ Duplicates give me the opportunity to try out different ideas that I may have for a single plot/theme.
Btw sorry about not really posting anything these last few weeks... I kinda forgot to pay my wifi bill so I didn't really have internet for awhile until I got paid again... Anyways—
Here we are!
P.S. I might add more later on.
Future Yandere Turtle Series: Leo, Donnie Raph, Mikey
Another future Yan Donatello x Reader short fic I got planned
ROTTMNT Yandere Adults Series: Draxum, Big Mama, Lou Jitsu/Splinter
Yan Raph x Reader Zombie AU
Yan ROTTMNT Spiderverse AU! x Reader headcanons/drabble
Yan ROTTMNT x Spiderverse Reader headcanons/drabbles
Yan Donatello x Reader Jack the Ripper AU!
Fluffy Yan Platonic Future Leon/Preteen reader
Witch Reader x Yan Post movie Mikey
Time Mistress Reader x Yan Post movie Leo
Yan Leo x mutated rabbit S/o
Platonic Yan Hamato Clan x Reader
Yan Leo x Chubby s/o
Yan Donatello x Trans Woman s/o
Yan Future Mikey x stubborn Reader
Yan TMNT 2k12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader
Platonic Yan Jealous Older Brother Donatello with Little sibling Reader
Yan Raph vs Donnie x Salamander!Mutant!Reader
Self-Aware Yan Mad Dogs x Real World Reader
TMNT 2k3
Yan Turtle's reactions to s/o being mutated in front of them
TMNT 2k12
Song req (Random Turtle) x Reader
Yan Mikey x Human Bff Headcanons
Yan TMNT 2K12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader Headcanons
Raph Vs Leo x Purple Dragon Thief Reader
Yan Casey Vs Yan Donnie Vs Yan Mikey x April's friend Reader
Yan Not the Mayor x Tang apprentice Reader
Yan MK x Ex-possed LBD Reader
Fluffy Red Son x Reader sketches
Yan Red Son x Macaque's assistant Reader x Yan Mei
Yan Macaque x Reader chase scene
Yan Platonic Azure Lion vs Sun Wukong x Reader
Yan Spider Queen/Spider Gang x Moth Demon reader
Yan Snotlout x Gobber's apprentice Reader x Yan Eret
Yan Snotlout vs Yan Eret x Reader
Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Fluffy Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x isekaied Reader
Yan Hiccup x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader who is scared of dragons
Yan Hiccup x fellow Night fury rider Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Viking Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Hybrid Night Fury Reader
Dead by Daylight
Leon Vs Steve x Survivor Reader
Yan Dr Flug x Reader headcanons
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
Yan Winston vs Yan Edred x Reader
Yan Winston x Reader
Yan Edred x Reader
Record of Ragnarok
Shy/Meek Reader x Yan Buddha
Spiderverse ATSV and ITSV
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Dimension Jumper reader
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader headcanons
Addiction: Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader fic
Yan Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Fluffy Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Yan Peter B Parker x Single Mom reader headcanons
Fluffy Yan Platonic Miguel O'Hara and Platonic Yan Jessica Drew wirh Homeless Teen Reader
Yan Miles Morales x Venom!Reader
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its-wabby-stuff · 1 year
I am proposing another Rise Separated AU that I wanna call the uncommon swaps. Here’s a little about my (probably not going anywhere) separated AU.
Starting with Donatello:
-raised by Splinter as an only child. Splinter doesn’t tell him anything about his brothers or his previous life as Lou Jitsu or Yoshi Hamato. The kid does not need to be burdened with problems he cannot fix.
-uses his full name. Doesn’t have brothers to give him any sort of nickname. Still meets April when he’s about 9, who nicknames him Don. They are BFFs.
-feels alone a lot despite always having his dad and April (who’s often at school). Builds himself little robots to keep him company and absolutely unhinged projects because he has no one to stop him. He keeps them for himself and has not had a reason to use them yet.
-still trains in ninjutsu. He uses a wooden staff until he makes his techbo.
-has this belief (after performing an at home DNA test from an ancestry kit) that he was once human like Splinter (he knows Splints was once human but not who he was) and was mutated somehow, but he doesn’t get any answers. Wants to be human.
-when he’s about 11, he creates some kind of machine, excuse, or disguise allowing him to go to school with April.
-Splinter, using his plentiful stealth powers, is still keeping a watch out for the other turtle boys, hoping they are not in the hands of Draxum and his evil plans.
Now Leo has been scattered around the most in these AUs, so this is just my favorite option-Leonardo, now named Prince:
-raised by Big Mama. She sent Gus after the two gargoyles who stole her champion (and love of her life), who followed them back to Draxum’s lair. Gus brought back Leo, who was a tiny, very scared little turtle. After a report from Gus, Big Mama put two and two together and realized this turtle had been- mutated from her champions DNA.
-At first, Big Mama had no feelings for the turtle and kept it to teach Draxum a lesson about stealing from her, leaving the turtle in a tank on her desk while he was still tiny and small. Eventually she put him in training, where he showed great talent. And after Leo started talking his way out of training and up to see Big Mama, she really started taking an interest.
-Prince is an excellent manipulator and blackmailer. He used to sit in meetings with Big Mama where he was asked to put on his baby charm and it would get people to make deals with them.
-Prince dual wields Katanas
-Prince becomes her child. And she starts to see Prince as the potential future she could’ve had with Lou Jitsu if her commitment issues hadn’t caused her to make him fight in the Battle nexus. She tells Prince about his father, the champion, and some stories about their time together.
-Prince becomes a hidden city celebrity, making ads for the Battle Nexus and doing various deals for hidden city company’s including Huesos pizza joint. And eventually, when he’s deemed old enough and talented enough to not get mangled, Big Mama allows Prince into the Battle Nexus as her next Champion.
Next up is Mikey:
-Mikey and Raph were taken by Draxum, until Raph decided to take a bite of Draxums hand and he dropped the Box turtle on his shell and down a drain pipe that led back to the surface.
-Mikey was found by a little girl with a spicy attitude who was about 3-5 years old, who decided to keep the weird looking turtle.
-When the girl was 7, she signed up for every clan in New York and was accepted into all of them, choosing to join the foot clan. She took her turtle, who was now like human baby sized and starting to talk, with her.
-In the foot clan, they were only known as foot recruits. But Casey and Mikey (not short for Michelangelo) gave each other nicknames.
-Mikey isn’t a known Hamato, but his potential was present in every bit of training they did. He stood out amongst the recruits as a special case, but he’s not treated like anything special.
-Mikey prefers Nunchucks, with the little blades attached to them. He knows the foot clan portalling ability just like Casey
Now it’s Raph’s turn:
-Raph was taken by Draxum. He cursed the loss of the Box Turtle and the others, but he was glad he had gained at least one, and the one he expected to be the strongest.
-the experiment had been interrupted half way through, and he had not expected them to still be baby turtles. Still he thought it for the best to be able to train and grow the turtles he wanted.
-Draxum isn’t good with names, so he put that task on Hunnin and Muggin who wanted to name him something cool. They thought Blaze or Jax. But though Spike seemed fitting.
-Spike grew up with a soft heart and mild anger issues. Draxum used his soft heart to tell him about the threat humans posses to Yokai kind. Spike got to know a lot of hidden city Yokai.
-Spike is very protective of Yokai and really does believe the humans are a threat. Known as the Hidden City protector. He’s a bit of a vigilante in the Hidden City.
-Spike is a little spoiled. Draxum gives him whatever he wants especially when he’s a good boy. He hasn’t had many bad experiences.
-Spike thinks of Draxum as his father, but Draxum prefers he doesn’t call him that, having Spike call him Master, and address him as sir. Draxum does feel fatherly toward Spike, and is very proud of the warrior he’s made. Despite his plans coming to a halt those 13 years ago, he’s built up quite nicely and believes he may have a chance at beholding the support he needs to eradicate the humans.
-Spike uses the mystic Tonfas
Some extras:
-Spike knows about Prince and vise versa, but they’ve never met. Draxum and Big Mama do not allow it. They have beef.
-The brothers do not think they are brothers. Except Prince thinks Don is his twin when he discovers who his dad is.
-Splinter has a box that is filled with the other boys weapons.
My mind is actually running with ideas for this. I can already imagine how they all meet, and what there interactions are like. So let me know if you want to hear more about my uncommon swap au.
Part two
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lexa-ocean · 8 months
For my TMNT iteration/AU, TMNT: Reptile Rampage!!
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I decided to give each of the turtles a human (for now) bestie!! So let me introduce you to:
💚 April O'Neil, aspiring reporter on her last year of high school and N° 2 worrier of the turtle's mental state, specially Leo's (the N° 1 is Master Splinter)
🖤 Casey Jones, ace hockey player during the day, vigilante on the nights, anger issues king 24/7! He's the only motherfucker on New York who can match Raph's energy
🩷 Irma Liáng, not-yet-burnt-off gifted child (but definetely on the edge of being so), going to college to become a veterinarian. However, she enjoys mechanics and robotics as well, and often works alongside Donnie on his lab! Neither of them know what sleep is
💛 And last but not least, Jason Liáng, most known under his artistic name, Mondo! Freelance digital artist, aspiring musician, and thrill seeker (As well as 'the cute one' between him and his twin, Irma) All of these qualities had him raising into the title of Mikey's BFF nearly instantaneously!
Re: The last pic, here's a part 2 for those interested!
Original/inspirations under the cut!
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Also, bc i'm proud of it, the April live reaction by itself:
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thedawningofthehour · 11 months
your separated au is somehow one of the most hilarious and angsty i've ever seen. raph and leo and mikey in big mama's web, splinter finding his dark side (mwahaha), the genuine conflict between redemption and vengeance ... but also april and donnie having fun doing crimes and (lunch-lady?) draxum growing fond of humans. i have no idea how this might end and i almost don't want to.
I have no real story for this au, lol. It was more of a fun role-reversal thought experiment. I do incidentally really enjoy the 'boys raised by Big Mama and her Rat Jitsu trophy husband' half of it, there's some good shit in there. The Draxum side of it is also entertaining, but I do prefer his doth characterization and relationship with Gale.
If it was an actual story starting from the point in time the canon show takes place, I suppose it would mainly follow the three brothers deciding "okay, time to take things into our own hands, go find this Draxum creep and get our missing sibling back." And then find out that their missing sibling is completely fine and Draxum, who they've built up in their heads as this terrifying villain and bringer of misery, is a bunny-slippers-wearing lunch lady who introduces himself as 'their other father, but he totally understands if they're not comfortable calling him that,' and is generally just ecstatic to finally meet them. Meanwhile Splinter is losing his fucking mind. Not a clue how it would end. I assume either someone would have to die or Splinter and Draxum fuck, I don't really see a satisfying conclusion to any of it.
I also thought, I think it might actually fit better for Mikey to be the one Draxum got away with in an AU like this. It kind of ruins the 'science dad and science son' thing and the whole relationship between April and Gale being a parallel to their BFF-ness in canon, but as it is now there's not really anything special or different about Mikey's upbringing under Big Mama. If it was Donnie, Big Mama would have a lot of expectations for him and exert a lot of pressure to invent things for her. I feel like that would be a more interesting dynamic than Mikey continuing to be his Mikey self with some fancier resources at his fingertips. But I made it Donnie because-well, one, this whole thing started off as "what if my pseudo-separated au was an ACTUAL separated au' and Donnie was the one separated there, and also because Donnie is my favorite.
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defectivesoftshell · 1 year
You said you were looking for ideas for your Dragon Au. How about all of them together in a nest (tot or full grown) having a cuddle pile with the fam? Or them hanging out with April?
First of all, I LUV YOU THANK YOU FOR THE ASK <3!! Second, a b s o l u t e l y.
Here's some Dragon Tots fluff for your soul. Enjoy :,)
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Third, here's a good time to introduce April!! In this Au, I have decided that April is in fact a dragon as well because a badass like her deserves as such.
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- also a dragon because ✨I can✨
- has an amulet that lets her communicate with the guys
- she's their big sis
- about as tall as Leo, maybe a bit shorter
- BFFs with Donnie
- always lets Raph vent to her, and comforts him when he feels too stressed out
- can usually help Mikey when he gets art block, either by starting a paint fight with him or by going on wacky adventures together
- She met Donnie first when they were all little, so they're the closest
- April dabbles a lot in medication. Leo, as the team medic, loves swapping tips and techniques with her.
Thank you SO much for the ask, @happycreator3 . Hope this was a good answer!!
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soldrawss · 4 years
Does Big Bro!Mikey AU have an april or no? I think it would be nice for Mikey to have a bff april!!
April is a part of this au, yes! She started out as just a classmate of Mikey’s, they had the same homeroom in high school before Mikey dropped out the summer before his Junior year. They hadn’t really kept in contact, mostly because she only knew him by proxy (Mikey was nice and friendly to everyone, April of course included, but they didn’t have much in common, and their main friend groups were different, so they didn’t hang out much) and when Mikey all but disappeared without an explanation, she kinda just figured he moved or something, and left it at that, not giving him any thought for the next three years.
That is, until she meets him again, in the halls of Hunter College, looking like he was gonna collapse at any minute, which he kinda does, into an empty bench at the schools outside cafe and lounge area. April waffles for a few seconds, because ‘holy shit is that Mike Hamato?’ before biting the bullet and making her way over to say, “Hey, Michael right? Hi, it’s been a while. It’s April, we had homeroom together freshman and sophomore year. I haven’t seen you since Savanti Romero’s pool party. How are you?” And his smile is a slow, automatic thing at first, more out of common politeness than anything else, but then it grows into something much more genuine and glacier melting when he responds back, “April, hey, yeah, hi! Wow, has it really been that long? Man, it seems like just yesterday you were fishing Mondo and me out of the pool after one too many chicken fights. It’s good to see you!”
And catching up seemed so easy, April was almost surprised they hadn’t been better friends in high school. Though, she suspected that was mostly due to Mikey’s incredibly easy charm and naturally inviting warmth. (Dude could make friends with just about anyone)
He was a little different than how she remembered, a little more weather-worn and tired, a kinda weariness that hung off his shoulders like heavyweights. But there was still a bright shine to those penny-colored eyes, and when he smiled, it was with all the dimples and joy that she remembers so clearly from when she was 15. Holding back a laugh at the Hamato kid that was preforming springing handstands across the cafeteria just to draw attention away from the impending fight between two of their more hotheaded classmates and ease the tension out of the air in a ridiculous but effective manner.
She doesn’t ask why he left high school, it doesn’t really occur to her to ask, but after 2 hours of talking (April not even realizing she was missing her history class because she was so caught up in their catching up) he offers the information anyway.
His dad died. When he was barely 16, and he was left alone with 3 baby brothers and no other family that could help take care of them, and oh my god, he just dropped out of school to get his GED like it was the most common thing in the world and he went to work, what, 2, sometimes 3 jobs just to make enough money to support them all and April didn’t mean for tears to start pooling up because that so wasn’t fair to Mikey at all, if anyone should be crying, it should be him, but Mikey just looks a little shy and bashful about it all. “It was hard, but we got through it. And hey, now I’m working at like, this really prestigious Italian restaurant, super classy and everything! And they pay me more than I’m probably worth, but I’ll get my culinary degree in like a year, and then after that, a lot of things will change,” He says like everything in the world is just that easy, handing April a few tissues from his book bag and giving her one of those genuine, if not a little crooked, smiles of his.
Mikey promises to have lunch with her again (because April absolutely refuses to let this dandelion haired lunatic walk away from her life a second time and practically demands that they hang out again) since they both have the same free time before their respective classes at the college, and makes a show of saving her number with probably a few too many emojis as a contact name just to make her smile.
And what turned into a promise for another lunch date turned into almost a daily routine, them having lunch together on the bench, talking about classes and teachers and jobs and April’s problematic little kitten she affectionately named Mayhem and Mikey’s little brothers who are probably equally as problematic but he doesn’t have a say in what their names are, and things are fun and casual between Hamato and her.
That is, until two months later, when April gets a call from Mikey at 5pm on a Saturday.
“Donnie’s sick,” Mikey says almost breathlessly, and even without the context, April was already springing to her feet just at the sheer tension and concern in Mikey’s voice, like a taught wire about to snap. “I can’t get off work for another few hours, but I don’t want to leave him by himself with a fever. And I know this is like, putting you on the spot and really awkward and you can totally say no if you want to, but I don’t know who else to call and,-”
“Mike, it’s ok. Breathe hun,” April is saying, not unkindly pushing Mayhem off her lap and reaching for her backpack off the floor in her dorm room, stuffing a few random things in it before grabbing her jacket and her car keys off the counter. “Text me your address. I’ll be over there in 5 minutes tops.”
And it’s more of a promise than a fact, because his building is technically 20 minutes away from hers, but April makes it in 10 just by spite alone (and maybe driving a little recklessly downtown) and knocks on the door of the little apartment on the 6th floor, unit 404.
It takes a hesitant second, but then the door lock clicks open and April is greeted by warm brown eyes and a freckled face that reminds April so much of Mikey that it takes her almost a full 10 seconds before she introduces herself with an automatic smile. “Hi sweetheart, I’m April. I’m a friend of your older brother Mikey.”
Raphael, if April remembered Mikey’s brothers correctly, didn’t really need much convincing to let April in after she mentioned he was a friend of Mikey's, and doesn’t hesitate to pull her into their little apartment, leading her to the bedroom that the twins share with a small but tight little fist around hers.
“Mikey called and said you were coming. Leo’s atah sleepover, but Donnie’s in here. His head’s still hot and his voice is all scratchy, even though I made sure that he took the medicine Mikey left out. And he won’t eat anything I give him,” the 7-year-old reports diligently, much more mature than April had expected from the young child. 
April’s been babysitting since she was 11, and considering how all the neighborhood kids around her block adore her, she likes to think that she’s got a pretty solid Ph.D. in knowing how to take care of a sick pre-teen who wants nothing to do with her. So the heavy-lidded and red-eyed glare that Donatello shoots at her from under his covers is duly noted but otherwise ignored as she gently knocks on the door and slowly follows a much less hesitant Raphael into the bedroom.
It takes a while, a long while, for Donatello, no, Donnie, to warm up to her, but he gets there eventually, with the help of Raphael, Raph, who’s hanging off of Aprils shoulders, having warmed up to her almost immediately simply because ‘any friend of Mikey’s is a friend of ours Dee! Don’t be mean and eat some soup!’
After realizing that Donnie just had a little cold, and was in no real danger even with a fever, Raph seemed to cheer up immensely, and was more than willing to help answer all of April’s questions about what medicine Donnie had taken, any allergies, the last time he ate, and even helped her make some egg drop soup since they didn’t have enough ingredients of chicken noodle, which Donnie put up a fight about, but eventually took after one look of Raph’s puppy dog eyes.
Donnie was out like a light 15 minutes later, after taking some night time cough medicine and April sent a reassuring text to Mikey two hours later when his fever finally broke, to which Mikey replied with an explosion of heart emoji’s that April couldn’t rightly decipher other than he was happy about it.
Mikey got home at 11 that night, and April had to flag him down quietly from where she sat trapped under a sleeping, pj clad Raph on the couch; a Jupiter Jim movie marathon playing on the tv. 
“Thank you so much, April,” Mikey said to her in the kitchen 20 minutes later, handing her a cup of hot tea. He had efficiently plucked Raph off of April’s lap like a pro with years of experience, putting him into his own bed before checking on a still sleeping Donnie, whose face was no longer a burnt red from his fever earlier. “I don’t know what I would have done without you. I don’t get my paycheck till next week, so I can’t really pay you right now, but I brought home some chocolate mousse cake from my work that you can have until I can-” “You didn’t tell me you worked at Huesso’s!” April didn’t shout, because there were two kids sleeping down the hallway, as she grabbed the bag Mikey had offered to her. “Dude, their deserts are like, crazy good! I love their cheesecake, but they’re stupid expensive and you have to get a reservation like, 4 months in advance to get in.” And April uses the change in topics as a distraction because there was no way she’d let Mikey try to pay her for helping out, she didn’t even want that to be an option. April didn’t do this for the money. She wanted to help out Mikey out. She liked Mikey. She thought he was funny and charming and had a heart big enough to cradle the entire world if he was as big as all the love he has. And she adored being around his baby brothers.
April grins at Mikey when she opens the box, and slides her finger over the glossy frosting of the cake and licks her fingers of the chocolatey goodness before she says, “Listen, if I could convince you to bring me home deserts from this place, then I’ll hang out with the boys anytime you want me too. You have my number, literally call me anytime, for any reason, and I’m here.”
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donitkitt · 5 years
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here are some Casey/Mikey doodles from the stream too!!! Bonus:
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Hi ! If I may for your Ace Attorney AU I think that April should be Larry and Casey should be Franziska. April could be a "crime magnet" that always end up as a witness and can't keep her job because of it. I know that it's a shame because we can't have sibling Donnie and April like that but hey Larry has knew Miles as long as Phoenix so April and Donnie can still be childhood friend/adopted sibling in this ! Beside Casey personality fit well with Franziska and something interesting can be done with her relationship with Draxum ! And maybe even Splinter if she had know him before his murder ? Or through Donnie's stories of him 🤔.
Anyway feel free to not take into account my opinion on this, it's your AU after all. Though I wanted to share that I think that the rottmnt fandom deserve a fic were the turtles are important witness to a murder, someone is wrongfully arested and Phoenix is the defense attorney. Just thinking about how the boys would probably wound up April into testimony in their stead only for her to be discovered. About how she has to explain herself and tell she'll bring out the true witnesses if they keep an audiences to a minimal and the one present has to vow silence on what they'll discover. Then the boys arrive. All hail Chaos. After some panic people are like "you know everyday in the court of law is already so goddamn weird, this might as well happen ?" and calm down. Then Ralph, Leo, Donnie and Mikey proceed to be your average crazy AA witness (and I see them just testimony together because at this there's mutant in this court people don't care anymore 😂) but they actually provide very useful information. What between Ralph straightforwardness, Leo ability to detect anytging suspicious quicly, Donnie knowledge in technology and Mikey artistic eyes I think they would make very good and useful witness to solve a case. Just thinking about all this make me smile 😄.
Anyway I had forgot about that crossover but now it live rent free in my head again so thank you 😁 !
omg someone else knows enough about ace attorney that the post i made isn't just complete, utter nonsense-
GAH you're right about casey being fran and april probably being larry lmao - "shame this means we can't have april/donnie siblinghood stuff" FDHHDJ THIS FEELS LIKE I'M BEING CALLED OUT because YEAH...i know in my heart that casey fits better as fran bc it kinda aligns with her need to prove herself worthy but. that means i don't get april constantly calling donnie her Little Brother and it just severely annoying him cause it's just, well, True
i like that idea of just april being super unfortunate and just has to be defended constantly (though hm. too bad i don't think she quite fits the Maya role in this scenario lol), so larry does kinda make sense for her. and OH for the 4th case...april as a clutch witness to help her oldest friend out, even though he's so dickish now;; for the games i do see larry/miles/phoenix as the bff trio so perhaps this is better
casey and donnie's relationship i feel would be kinda different from miles/fran relationship since i don't really get any sibling vibes - maybe more like rivals to friends and dealing with all the trauma caused by draxum by the end of the trilogy, or something. casey knowing splinter through donnie if he opens up to her later on would be nice too - maybe a little through draxum badmouthing him as well? this is a mess but idc
ok ok so wait for your thoughts it's like - april is the fake witness then after a turn of events it's revealed she's (like every other witness) lying on the stand to protect her boys. boys come in - man what if Nobody bats an eye and it's because one of them is like "we're cosplayers :)", and everyone immediately forgives this except phoenix - and it's a mess and they're all terrible at being good witnesses bc they're teenagers who've never stepped inside a courtroom ever. they'd all have such sick breakdown animations my god
and ofc phoenix wins but it's after he gets like. repeatedly threatened by a 14 year old with a magic sword. every so often leo make a portal just to smack his face from the defendant's stand if he screws up.
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likeaturledo · 5 years
turtul au: soulmate edition (Leo)
Where everyone has their own distinct way of meeting their soulmates 
at first Leo was confused as to why there were words written on his arm
he thought maybe it was one of his brothers pranking him again
writing on his arm with a sharpie
his first guess was mikey
it was always mikey
but unlike before when leo went to confront mikey he denied it
which was unmikey-like
so he asked raph
“dude, i could think of a million better pranks than sharpie”
“why would i even write that? what the heck are churros?”
donnie was an unlikely suspect
so leo just tried to wash it off
no matter what he tried it wouldn’t work
not water, no soap, he even tried detergent and dish washing soap
but the words just wouldn’t come off
so he just let it be
thinking that it would come off on its own
he really couldnt be bothered, it’s just marker right?
but it stayed on him for a long time
until april asked him about it
and he had to tell how it wouldn’t come off no matter what he did
april and casey looked at each other
apperently the turtles didn’t have any idea how soulmates work
“It’s the first words your soulmate is going to say to you!”
“usually people just get ‘hey’ or ‘watch where you’re going’ which is completely cliche”
“but your’s is weird bro, no offence”
‘full offence casey’ leo thought
but he was right
if this was his soulmate’s first words to him
shouldn’t it be “what are you?” or “don’t eat me!” or  “AGHHHHH”
he didn’t even know what churros were until then
and everytime they’d go up top he would scan the restaurants
and usually they would be closed but he’d still look at them
and his brothers would make fun of him
mostly raph
“awww looking for your soulmate?”
“shut up raph”
and then there would be the fears
talking to him when he’d look at the words or just when he was meditating
‘it doesn’t matter if their first words isn’t scared or disgusted’
‘they’ll probably think of you that way’
so he does his best to ignore them
but he still thinks abt it
trying to rack up his brain for any possible scenario in which you would say that to him
until one night you get out of your apartment and towards a 24-hour convenience store
because you were starving
and craving churros
and stressed abt your soulmate bcs
and you thought maybe something bad would happen on your first meeting
like bumping into each other
no one likes their first meeting with their soulmate to be bad right?
you probably looked like a mess because it was 11 in the evening
and you were hungry and didn’t care if the cashier would look at you weird for buying cold churros in the middle of the night
he didn’t bcs you knew him
“hey stan”
“hey y/n”
but walking on the way home
you gotscared
bcs the trees looked like humans who had hands
and who wouldn’t be scared when lamp posts keep flickering
‘freaking cliche’ you thought
but you were still scared
so when the lights turned off for good you ran
you ran so fast you’d put usain bolt to shame
and you didn’t know where you were going
and you were so busy looking behind you for possible clown murderers you didn’t see yourself bumping into something
which might have caused a slight concussion
and made you dropped your churros
and what you thought was a lamp post turned around
and you were greeted by a giant turtle
‘woah his eyes-WAIT NO”
thats when you both realized
leo didn’t realize he would be meeting his soulmate at 11:30 in the evening doing his rounds at the city
but then again they don’t really go out in the day
and you also didn’t think that would be your first meeting
you were right thinking you’d bump into each other though
altho you didn’t think it would be bcs you were running away from the dark
and you bumping into him
he was prepared for you to run away
or scream
or scream while running away
“MY CHURROS” third time saying it
bcs you were hungry
and craving
“i’m so sorry but i don’t really have anything on me...”
you breathed, kinda sad abt the churros but kinda excited that you ACTUALLY HAVE A SOULMATE NOW
“nah it’s fine, kinda my fault anyway...bumping into you...and stuff...”
cue awkward silence
you still ddin’t know abt the whole turtle stuff
but you felt terrible wanting to ask
and leo kinda wanted to run away thinking you were too repulsed to say anything
‘i’m y/n’
‘i’m leo’
awkward silence pt.2
you heard from the roof
and leo kinda looked annoyed by it
and you chuckled
which surprised him
cause you know siblings like ice cream knows sprinkles
‘how’d you know?’
which you then proceeded to talk about siblings and family all the way to favorite music and movies
you went back to the convenience store with him
he didn’t want to go in at first bcs of...you know
but you reassured him that it would be fine
‘hey stan’
‘hey y/n’
the cashier just looked at you both and shrugged
“i’ve done worse here, this place is like a judgement-free zone!”
“i’ve also seen worse, hence, no cameras” -cashier said bored as he pointed to the cctv’s that were clearly not working “we just use it to scare off”
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