#Mild curry
iceycube · 7 months
Child-friendly/mild Chicken curry!
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Serves 6-8 grown-ups. At least a two day endeavor as it has to marinade over night in the fridge and simmer for a few hours.
For the marinade:
1 big tablespoon Mild curry mix powder (mine has: coriander (34%), turmeric (31%), buck thorn seed, cayenne pepper, cumin, fennel, black pepper)
1 small tablespoon Tandoori masala mix (mine has: salt (50%), onion powder, cumin, turmeric, coriander, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, laurels, carnations/dianthus, buck thorn seed, garlic, black pepper, ginger, dill)
1-2 dL Apple or lemon juice
2 tablespoon Soy sauce (I use a thin one from Thailand, but I guess whatever you can get works)
Fresh cracked black pepper
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Monosodium Glutamate (msg (optional))
1400 g chicken meat (breast, deboned thigh, or the tenderloin. Or a mix of the things) (fresh or frozen. Just make sure it is completely thawed before working with it, should you use frozen. This requires you to get it out of the freezer and into the fridge at least 24 hours ahead of time)
Next day:
2 large or 3 small Onions
Half head of Garlic (remove any sprouts if you easily get reflux)
Butter/oil for frying
1/2 L cream (38% fat content) (i suppose you could use coconut milk instead if you can't have cream. Bevare of coconut flavor though)
Black pepper
1 small tablespoon Curry mix (same as in marinade)
200-250 mL Water
Edelsüß paprika (optional)
Side dish and possible toppings:
Rice or ramen noodles
Pineapple (fresh or canned, whichever you prefer)
Peanuts (roasted and salted)
Coconut flakes or sprinkles
Banana chips
Mango chutney
Apple pieces
How to assemble:
How to marinade:
Dry stuff in a big bowl
Add soy sauce and juice
Taste test. Is it spicy enough? Sweet enough? Sour enough? Salty enough? Adjust to taste. It has to be almost unbearably much of all as it is the main seasonings for the food
Cut chicken into bite sized pieces and add to bowl. If you dislike the veins and sinewy things in chicken, now is a good time to remove it as well. No need to have disgusting things in the food you make yourself.
If you used frozen chicken, there usually is some liquid in the bag of bowl or whatever. You do not want that in this dish. Somehow use it for something else or get rid of it.
Cover and put in fridge until next day.
Next day: at least 4 hours before eating time
Take marinaded chicken out of fridge
Find a big pot. We are talking at least 3 L capacity
Peel onions and garlic
Heat many amount of butter in pot (it should cover the bottom completely when liquid) at like medium heat (5-6 of 9)
While butter heats up you cut your onions into small dice
Crack quite a lot of pepper into the pot and add curry powder
When fragrant, add onions and fry until soft
While onion fries you mince your garlic and just leave it on the cutting board until later
Fish chicken out of the marinade and fry until pale at a bit hotter than medium heat (like 7 of 9)
Add garlic and marinade
Add cream and water. Much water if you like the sauce thin, less water if you like it thicker
Get to a boil and then down to a low simmer (2 of 9) for at least three hours. Lid is optional
Taste test. If it feels like it is good as it is then perfect! If not, add what you feel misses. Salt, pepper, soy sauce? Paprika? It is usually paprika if it feel salty and spicy enough, but lacks depth. 1-2 teaspoons paprika rounds it out and deepens the flavor profile.
Make rice or noodles however you usually do
Put toppings on table. Either just in the containers they come in, or if you want to be fancy put it in ramekins or pretty bowls. Apply fork or spoon for hygienic getting toppings.
Assemble your bowls as you like and enjoy it :]
If anyone who tries this has ideas, feel free to add them so other can enjoy them as well
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Wake up babes new gender just dropped
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xshinormx · 3 months
Reasons why Orm and Godzilla should be besties:
Glowing eyes squad who otherwise enjoy a dark aesthetic
Fully aquatic but can chill on land when so desired
Misunderstood by all but a select few
Totally killed all those people and didn't give af about it but like it was for the right reasons
They can bond over nearly dying in the same way:
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Reasons why Arthur's ability to talk to fish should extend to Godzilla:
He's aquatic so I say it counts
Arthur making Atlantis known to the surface and immediately getting named the official ambassador to Godzilla bc he's the only guy who can talk to him (besides his infant son) would be the funniest political outcome of that decision
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akkivee · 4 months
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it’s not the hypmic curry but we had curry for dinner tonight lol
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angeloftheodd · 9 months
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Sweeter than Snorlax eating mild honey curry. 🍯🍛💙
Pokémon Sleep is SUCH a sweet dream come true. 🥰🌈💖
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thatdoodlebug · 1 year
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made peanut butter curry this morning, it was delicious! found the recipe here:
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bigswigrollerexpress · 10 months
[Curry Carnivore AU - CWS: Mild Body Horror, Distress, Mild Language]
The morning of the first strike was one that Aloha sure as hell didn't want to remember, but the events all too easily came to mind. Even when his arm was recovered and fully grown back, the pain that morning would match even his most painful wipeouts.
The morning was foggy and so was Aloha's mind as he awoke slowly in his ruffled bed. Well, he was awakening slowly, until the dull pain in his left arm came through that haze and thoroughly shot through his nerves. What? What had happened? Aloha's eyes opened wide, sleepiness still in his eyes as he pulled himself to sit up, using one arm to feel over where the pain was, only to find... There was no arm there.
The pink inkling blinked, taking a moment to process before adrenaline finally sunk into his system. His arm was- it was GONE? Like, GONE gone. No way... How?! It was even bandaged, too... What kind of madman would do this?! Aloha waved his hand where his arm would normally be, trying to figure out if he was hallucinating or if there was some kind of illusion going on. Nope. Nothing like that. His arm was actually missing. And whoever had the gall and disturbed mind to do this had half a thought to patch him up. His ink didn't even stain the bedsheets...
The distressed partier would reach to his phone on his nightstand, still plugged in from last night and thankfully charged. Opening up his phone, he'd scroll through his contacts as fast as he could to find one of his teammates- Snorkel. He's practically always up. And if not, his phone wakes him up.
It's a good thing he usually texts with one hand to impress the girls, though that didn't keep the agony from keeping his hand steady and his head clear. There's no way he would be able to type right, so he wouldn't.
[You uip?]
[I need hjelp.]
Suave persona put aside, not that Snorkel would really care, there's be the smallest tinge of relief as he saw that his teammate was typing up a response.
[Lolo, it's 3 pm!! <3 Of course I'm up!] Of course he slept in- partying does that to an inkfish. Ha, at least that means he won't be alone. But, on the opposite hand that he didn't have, he'd be seen by plenty more inkfish. There wasn't much time to debate the thought on if Aloha wanted that or not.
[What's up, my guy?]
The inkling would shudder, eyes closing shut to feel the dreaded throbbing pain of his wound. This is so... So fucked up. Uncaring of his misspellings, he'd send his next few messages with urgency, silently apologizing for the distress he'd cause to Snorkel... And very likely, the rest of his team.
[Myy arms GONE!!]
[Likjk GONE gonew.]
Aloha's pink eyes would tremble as he watched the elipses that denoted his friend typing. There was a weak laugh that faded into a groan. He hated this. He hated feeling like this. He felt... Helpless. Unsafe. The inkling could feel his head start to spin from the stress of his own room not being protected enough to keep an arm-chopping inkfish out, barely holding himself together by means of his teammate on the line- who responded fast. Clearly the concern was rising.
[You're kidding.]
[Like, you're joking, yea?]
[Like. Haha funny, right??]
[Wishj I was.]
Aloha would sift through his phone apps, quickly finding and opening the camera app. He raised his working arm, taking a selfie with his the arm he still had. He wish he could give a peace sign like he usually would, but... Hey. Can't really have peace with a missing arm, right? The image made him look pale- sickly, even. Ugh... So unflattering. Not even filters would fix him at this point.
Snorkel had sent multiple concerned messages by the time the injured had sent the image of his current condition, though they weren't read as Aloha was more pressed on showing what's happened to him. With the image sent, he could only wait with his chest tight as he watched his phone screen intently.
[Wojke up like thisd.]
[It's gonna be okay, Lolo]
That last message... It stung more than it helped. It felt like a false pretense, just something said to make him feel better. Aloha would given a shaken sigh as he pulled his legs to his chest, trying to wrap his arms- well, arm- around his legs and finding it more awkward than helpful. Even so, he stayed that way.
"...h-haha... Girls... Girls love a-a guy with... Wh-whatever you call this..."
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aminta · 1 year
made japanese curry yesterday and apparently the secret to making it taste amazing is adding a ridiculous amount of ginger 👍
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breitzbachbea · 3 months
I think I am gonna die of food tonight.
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darksouls2yuri · 4 months
i made fucked up miso soup but it tatses so good 😋
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itscalledmidgar · 10 months
having my tuesday night curry and this one is a HOT medium and i am very much enjoying it
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ladydarkey · 1 year
Vegan Chickpea-Curry and Chai 🫠
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
In mildly funny news in which I am the butt of the joke, just learned the hard way that my favorite Thai place does very accurate on-sight spice level readings
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alliluyevas · 2 years
i have a comparatively low spice tolerance but when I see some of the things other people find spicy. Lord.
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cliveguy · 2 years
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i never believed that americans truly didn't understand irony/sarcasm until i saw a giant post of people taking these tweets at face value...
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thetockablog · 2 years
Rosemary and Parmesan Crackers
It is officially picnic season, and to celebrate I’m sharing my rosemary and parmesan cracker recipe with you. These crackers are so crunchy and light, and the flavour is absolute bliss thanks to a not-so-secret ingredient, Rajah Mild and Spicy Curry powder. Rajah Mild and Spicy curry powder has a unique blend of high-quality spices including roasted coriander, cumin, and chilli making for…
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