#Milica Jovanovic
marleneoftheopera · 3 months
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Some curtain call photos from Vienna.
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Saša Lazarević Kudra promovisao novu pesmu “Otkud ti”
U skadarlijskom restoranu “Dva jelena” upriličena je promocija nove pesme i spota Saše Lazarevića Kudre pod nazivom “Otkud ti”. Bolji poznavaoci noćnog života Beograda i njegovih kafana niz godina znaju i slušaju Kudru, ali se on nije medijski eksponirao, pa ga šira javnost tek sada polako upoznaje. On je pre pesme “Otkud ti”, snimio i pesmu (i spot) “Da se loše izbrisati može” koja je lepo prihvaćena, pa Kudra nije gubio vreme već je snimio i novu numeru od koje očekuje takođe dobru prođu kod publike. Na promociju su, pored predstavnika medija, došli brojni Kudrini prijatelji i kolege, a najbrojniji su bili glumci koji se pojavljuju u spotovima za dve navedene pesme. Bili su tu, između ostalih, Milica Tomašević, Luka Raco (“Da se loše izbrisati može”), Milan Bosiljčić (”Otkud ti”) i drugi. Iz sveta muzike na promociji smo zabeležili prisustvo Saška Nikolića, a pažnju je svojim dolaskom izazvala i bivša “zadrugarka” Ana Jovanović. Ovom prilikom prikazani su spotovi za obe pesme koje je, inače, komponovao Bane Vasić, a autor tekatova je Vlada 013. Kudra je najavio da sprema i nove pesme, ali sa drugim autorima, i to ne zato što je nezadovoljan pomenutima, već zato što želi da se oproba u nečemu novom i ponudi drugačiji zvuk.
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europeanmusicals · 10 months
Phantom of the Opera - Vienna cast announcement!
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Starring as The Phantom will be Anton Zetterholm! He's previously played Raoul in Stolkholm, Swden. Lisanne Clémence Veeneman will be playing Christine and Roy Goldman will be Raoul and cover for The Phantom. The other man cast are Thomas Sigwald (Firmin), Milica Jovanovic as Carlotta who has previously played Christine in Love Never Dies, Greg Castiglioni returning to the role of Piangi after being in the re-opening West End cast in 2023, Patricia Nessy (Madame Giry), and Laura May Croucher (Meg Giry).
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glassprism · 1 year
Considering all LND version, what's your favorite LND kiss? Could you include a gift? Pleaseee :'(
Raoul and Christine's kiss before the performance. <3
Okay, no. I mean, sure, but no. Honestly, I don't feel like I enjoy Love Never Dies enough to have a favorite, but fine, I'll try. (Note that I haven't seen the London concert yet so I won't be mentioning it.) I watched the US tour live so I think I have a soft spot for it, so I guess I like their version of the post-title-song kiss, especially with the spinning around:
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Also the kiss where Christine dies. Maybe I just like the way Meghan Picerno's arm flops as the life leaves her:
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But also, I greatly enjoy the pre-BAMS kiss that Drew Sarich and Milica Jovanovic did in the Vienna concert. It's so passionate, so out of nowhere. (You guys haven't seen each other in ten years! Calm down!) I adore it:
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And yet... I think a favorite might be a kiss that didn't happen, the almost kiss in the London post-changes version:
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Those are the ones off the top of my head, anyway...
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andrewlloydwebber · 7 months
I recently got into Schikaneder (eight years later) and do you know if there have been any other productions besides the first one in Vienna? I enjoy the music and the production looks so lavish!
Ah, Schikaneder! I do really love the show even though mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut. Sadly, with no new content coming out (besides that one partial bootleg posted to the Youtube during Covid lockdowns), I haven't really posted about it... but i love the score and the sets and costumes and the cast! i'm very nostalgic right now with milica jovanovic back on stage at the raimund playing carlotta.
at one point while it was still running in vienna, the producers were courting hugh jackman to play emanuel in a potential broadway production. he even went to see the show, but obviously that never happened. potentially katie hall and milica jovanović were going to transfer with it had it happened, but idk if actor's equity would allow that. but anyway it never happened and there have been no productions since the vienna production closed in 2017.
but anyway... there was supposed to be a concert version in australia in 2020 that was cancelled/postponed for obvious reasons. this was to be the english language premiere and the new title was "the magic makers". i guess it makes sense to change the title to something easy to pronounce and spell, especially because the name "schikaneder" isn't very evocative unless you're into opera and even then probably not. but stephen schwartz has too many shows and songs and plots that are about or contain the word magic. the australian discovery orchestra still hasn't rescheduled.
but apparently, stephen schwartz, trevor nunn, and a new bookwriter, joanna murray-smith are working as recently as 2022 on a new english language production. we'll see what happens, i question how much this show can succeed with the rather obscure historical figures as the subject. it's a musical about the people who created the magic flute without mozart. but then again, there have been plenty of plays and musicals about obscure historical figures make millions.
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wheel-of-fish · 2 years
On 150 PotO streams...
Today I corrected some inaccuracies in my stream list, and it turns out this past weekend was my 150th stream! As a result, I've been reflecting a lot on the past four years, and honestly—this has all been pretty amazing.
Over time, I've been able to show roughly 60 Phantom actors and 70 Christines, in at least 15 countries and from almost every year of the show's 34-year run. I've also streamed 15+ other PotO adaptations and made more than 3,500 gifs.
It's been an absolute privilege to watch productions and casts I would never otherwise get to see, and to interact with probably hundreds of Phans from all walks of life. It's given me a way to connect with and contribute to fandom, something I started to feel like I'd lost when I stopped writing.
If you've found favorite actors/adaptations through the streams, or have any notable stream memories, I'd love to hear about them!
A HUGE thank you to the following people:
@glassprism for sharing her videos and expertise practically every week and making this whole thing possible
@meilas for holding down the fort when I'm too tired or distracted to oversee post-stream chat/entertainment
The masters who recorded the videos we're able to share
Everyone who's ever come to a stream over the years, especially the regulars. I've always told myself I'd only stream as long as there's substantial interest, and it's somehow never waned. I remember pretty much everyone who passes through, and I'm so happy to see your (virtual) faces every week.
Fun stream facts
Most requested boot: David Shannon, Gina Beck & Simon Bailey (London 2010)
Actor with the most stream appearances: Jeremy Stolle
Highest attendance: 74
Weirdest adaptation: Spiritual Twist (2011)
Most polarizing adaptation: Phantom of the Opera on Ice (1995)
Most popular version of Love Never Dies: 2013 Vienna concert with Drew Sarich, Milica Jovanovic and Julian Looman
Final lair that has destroyed the most lives: Earl Carpenter & Rachel Barrell (London 2005)
Phantoms who unexpectedly made the chat go feral: Greg Mills, Franc D'Ambrosio, Geronimo Rauch, Ted Keegan
Most-loved objects: Barb the mannequin, LND skeleton butler, hatstand that turned out to be a plant stand
Most-loved Don Attilio: 2006 U.S. tour
Most-discussed rarepairs: Reyerstine, Raoul/Madame Giry
Most-played intermission videos: Shreksophone, 2 Hours of Squid to Relax/Study/Work to, various bardcore covers
Number of Phantom actors invited to a stream: 3
Number of Phantom actors attended: 0 (we'll get there...)
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fitzrove · 9 months
2, 9, 12 for the musical asks!
Tysm for asking!!!! Already did 9 hehe, but:
2. Who is your current favourite musical theatre actor, and does this differ from last year?
Omg this is so hard, it's like picking between your children...
2022 was 100% Máté Kamarás' year. It's a year I spent 61 euros altogether on his mediocre hiphop and musical music lol I couldn't not pick him... But this year I haven't had as much time for him!! Still think he's awesome obviously, but I've been on a major tdv kick (I always listen to his part attentively though) and then after that a whole variety of different shows.
I've seen many super awesome performers live this year (favourites: Aris Sas, Lisa-Anne Wood, Miiko Toiviainen, Vanessa Heinz, Milica Jovanovic), some of them multiple times, but I do think I have to say that my current favourite is Lukas Permanschlager... never saw him live but nobody screams like him in Vater.... why do I always like the people who are out to take my money and why do I always end up giving them the money too... I know why. It's the screaming and crawling. Or maybe Miiko Toiviainen, but I tend to hold him in a separate category because he's Finnish (and now that I've seen him in like 5 different things I feel like I'm getting biased hajdjgkg - like I end up liking him more because I've seen more of him and he's very charismatic live)
12. Did you get into any musicals for the first time this year? Did they meet your expectations?
Hmmm... 2022 was a big year for getting into new shows hajfjg (Thrill Me, kinda Chess, Rebecca, Eierwurf von Halle...) but this year it's been quieter :'D As a theatregoer I'm strongly a creature of habit, after being displeased by Something Rotten in 2019 I haven't gone to see a Broadway-type piece that I didn't already know I'd like xD (Usually it hinges on me liking the music enough to not get bored. I'm more flexible with "artsy" music+theatre and straight plays, but even then I will have to like the plot, music or musical style, or feel some sort of connection to the themes).
Ooh, I did listen to Sunday in the Park with George for the first time!!!!! Which I really enjoyed, contrary to my initial assumptions (= I've been scared of Sondheim because of his reputation aodhgkdkd and I was always afraid he'd be boring and stuffy because of how some people talk about his work online - I mean I liked Sweeney Todd from before already but I still had Reservations) xD It's very aesthetic and pleasant musically, and I really like the performances on the original album (which was the one I listened to). I would definitely go see a prod if one happens near me sometime :') Though one of the songs makes me a bit sad/wistful for personal reasons ahdfgjkdfgk
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bplaypy · 5 months
¿Cuándo se enfrentarán España y Montenegro en baloncesto femenino?
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¿Cuándo se enfrentarán España y Montenegro en baloncesto femenino?
Fecha del partido España vs Montenegro
La fecha del esperado partido entre España y Montenegro ha sido finalmente confirmada. Los fanáticos del fútbol han estado ansiosos por este emocionante enfrentamiento y ahora podrán marcar en sus calendarios el día exacto en que tendrán lugar los noventa minutos de intensa competencia.
El choque entre España y Montenegro está programado para el próximo sábado 15 de octubre a las 20:45 horas. El estadio seleccionado para albergar este encuentro es el impresionante Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, en Madrid. Este escenario icónico promete estar lleno de energía y emoción a medida que los dos equipos se enfrentan en la cancha.
Tanto España como Montenegro cuentan con talentosos jugadores que seguramente ofrecerán un espectáculo deportivo de alto nivel. Los aficionados pueden esperar ver estrategias tácticas, habilidades impresionantes y goles emocionantes a lo largo del partido.
Este encuentro representa una oportunidad emocionante para que ambas selecciones demuestren su valía en el campo y busquen la victoria. Los seguidores del fútbol están ansiosos por presenciar este enfrentamiento y apoyar a sus equipos favoritos mientras luchan por los tres puntos en juego.
La fecha del partido España vs Montenegro ha sido marcada en el calendario de todos los amantes del fútbol, y sin duda alguna, promete ser un evento lleno de pasión, competencia y emoción desbordante. ¡Que comience el juego!
Calendario encuentro baloncesto femenino España y Montenegro
El calendario del encuentro de baloncesto femenino entre España y Montenegro promete ser un evento emocionante para los aficionados de ambos equipos. España e Montenegro se enfrentarán en una serie de partidos que seguramente mantendrán a los espectadores al borde de sus asientos.
Los dos equipos están formados por talentosas jugadoras que han demostrado su habilidad en la cancha en numerosas ocasiones. La rivalidad entre España y Montenegro promete ser intensa, lo que añade emoción adicional a los partidos.
Los encuentros entre España y Montenegro proporcionarán una excelente oportunidad para que los aficionados al baloncesto femenino disfruten de partidos de alto nivel competitivo. Tanto España como Montenegro cuentan con jugadoras destacadas que seguramente ofrecerán un espectáculo deportivo de calidad.
Además del aspecto deportivo, estos encuentros también representan una oportunidad para promover la igualdad de género en el deporte y para destacar el talento y la dedicación de las jugadoras de baloncesto femenino.
En resumen, el calendario del encuentro de baloncesto femenino entre España y Montenegro promete ser uno lleno de emoción y buen baloncesto. Los aficionados pueden esperar ver partidos intensos y competitivos que mostrarán lo mejor del baloncesto femenino en ambos países.
Composición equipos España Montenegro baloncesto femenino
El enfrentamiento entre los equipos femeninos de baloncesto de España y Montenegro ha sido uno muy esperado en la comunidad de aficionados al baloncesto. Ambos equipos cuentan con una larga historia en este deporte y han demostrado ser rivales dignos en la cancha.
La composición de los equipos de España y Montenegro es impresionante, con jugadoras talentosas y experimentadas que han destacado tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. En el lado español, contamos con jugadoras de renombre como Laia Palau, Alba Torrens y Astou Ndour, quienes aportan su experiencia y habilidades únicas al equipo. Por otro lado, el equipo de Montenegro también cuenta con jugadoras excepcionales como Jelena Dubljevic, Milica Jovanovic y Ana Pocek, que han demostrado ser una fuerza a tener en cuenta en el baloncesto femenino.
La rivalidad entre España y Montenegro en el baloncesto femenino ha llevado a intensos partidos llenos de emoción y competencia. Ambos equipos se preparan meticulosamente para enfrentarse en la cancha y dar lo mejor de sí en cada jugada. Los aficionados al baloncesto están ansiosos por presenciar este enfrentamiento entre dos potencias del baloncesto femenino europeo, que promete ser un espectáculo emocionante y lleno de talento.
En resumen, la composición de los equipos de España y Montenegro en el baloncesto femenino refleja la pasión y el compromiso de las jugadoras por este deporte, y nos brinda la oportunidad de disfrutar de un emocionante enfrentamiento entre dos equipos de alto nivel.
Historial enfrentamientos España vs Montenegro baloncesto femenino
Los enfrentamientos entre España y Montenegro en el baloncesto femenino han sido intensos y llenos de emoción a lo largo de los años. Estas dos potencias del baloncesto europeo han protagonizado encuentros memorables que han mantenido a los aficionados al borde de sus asientos.
España, con su rica tradición en el baloncesto femenino, ha mostrado un nivel de juego excepcional en sus enfrentamientos contra Montenegro. Con jugadoras talentosas y una estrategia bien definida, el equipo español ha logrado imponer su dominio en varias ocasiones.
Por otro lado, Montenegro, aunque es un país más pequeño en términos de población, ha demostrado ser un rival formidable para España. Con su estilo de juego agresivo y una plantilla competitiva, las jugadoras montenegrinas han dado batalla en cada encuentro, desafiando constantemente a las españolas.
Los enfrentamientos entre ambos equipos no solo han sido importantes en el ámbito europeo, sino también en competiciones internacionales como el EuroBasket y los Juegos Olímpicos. Estos encuentros no solo son una muestra del alto nivel del baloncesto femenino en Europa, sino también de la intensidad y la pasión que rodea a este deporte.
Cada vez que España y Montenegro se enfrentan en la cancha, se crea una atmósfera única cargada de rivalidad y emoción. Los aficionados de ambos equipos esperan con ansias estos enfrentamientos, sabiendo que presenciarán un espectáculo deportivo de primer nivel.
En resumen, los enfrentamientos entre España y Montenegro en el baloncesto femenino son sinónimo de emociones fuertes, rivalidad y un gran espectáculo deportivo. Estos encuentros han dejado huella en la historia del baloncesto europeo y continúan emocionando a los aficionados en cada enfrentamiento.
Pronóstico resultado España Montenegro baloncesto femenino
En el próximo enfrentamiento de baloncesto femenino entre España y Montenegro, se espera un emocionante partido lleno de intensidad y competencia. España, conocida por su equipo de baloncesto femenino de alto rendimiento, se presenta como favorita para conseguir la victoria en este encuentro.
Las jugadoras españolas cuentan con una destacada trayectoria y un excelente desempeño en la cancha, lo que les ha permitido posicionarse como una potencia en el ámbito del baloncesto femenino a nivel internacional. Con un juego rápido, técnico y táctico, el equipo español ha demostrado en numerosas ocasiones su capacidad para superar a sus rivales y alcanzar la victoria.
Por su parte, Montenegro no se queda atrás y llega al partido dispuesto a plantarle cara a España y demostrar su talento en la cancha. Con un equipo competitivo y determinado, las jugadoras montenegrinas buscarán sorprender a su oponente y llevarse la victoria en un duelo que promete ser apasionante.
En definitiva, el pronóstico para el resultado del partido entre España y Montenegro en baloncesto femenino es incierto, ya que ambas selecciones cuentan con jugadores de gran calidad y experiencia. Será un enfrentamiento emocionante que mantendrá a los aficionados en vilo hasta el último minuto, con la expectativa de presenciar un espectáculo deportivo de alto nivel. ¡Que gane la mejor!
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club-mj · 2 years
Kakva je veza između vežbanja i dobrog raspoloženja
Koliko puta smo samo čuli lako je njemu on je u formi, on sve stiže, može, hoće… 😇
Da li ste se nekada zapitali zašto je to tako. Zapravo, iza ove izjave stoji čitav splet naučno dokazanih činjenica.
Hormoni kao oružje protiv depresije🤔 Šta je to što čoveka koji je u formi, popularno rečeno, odnosno trenira redovno, izdvaja od mase drugih ljudi koji se vrte u kolotečini svakodnevice. 
Pa prvo i osnovno-hormoni! Da, upravo tako, redovnom vežbaču hormonalni panel izgleda dosta optimističnije nego prosečnom čoveku. Kako,pitate se? Da li ste nekada videli čoveka koji znojav i zadihan izlazi sa treninga ili pak završava drugu zahtevnu kardiorespiratornu aktivnosti a na licu mu je široki osmeh i u stavu tela naboj energije i poleta? E pa za ovako poletno stanje našeg organizma zaslužni su hormoni koji se luče tokom trajanja fizičke aktivnosti a od kojih je najznačajniji oksitocin, značajan i u terapiji lečenja depresije!!!
Moć navike čuda stvara🎇
Ako vam sve ovo zvuči kao naučna fantastika predlažem da probate i uverite se i sami u blagotvorno dejstvo ubrzane srčane frekvence i dobrog bita a što vam može dati potpuno iste efekte kao i da ste otišli u noćni klub i djuskali uz vaše omiljene ritmove, bez nuspojava poput mamurluka, već samo benefita po zdravlje! 
Dalje, hajde da pričamo o jačanju volje, istrajnosti, disciplini. Veri u sebe. Vežbanje i vera u sebe,da li je to neka nova religija? Ne,opet samo nauka o psihologiji coveka.  
Dakle, ako ja sebi stvorim naviku da treniram i tu naviku kod sebe negujem da li to znaci da sam ja osoba koja sve što zacrta i na drugim poljima ostvari, i koja ne odustaje od svojih ciljeva? Pa naravno! Ja u svojoj svesti kreiram model ponašanja i odnosa poverenja sa samim sobom da svaki zacrtani cilj od manjeg ka vecem ostvarim tako sto sam spreman/na da se tome posvetim i radim na tome. Probajte, 7 dana da se drzite svog plana treninga i ishrane i vec za tako kratak vremenski period osetice kako vam samopouzdanje raste jer ste bili spremni da bez obzira na sve opstrukcije istrajete u onome sto je potrebno da radite kako bi vas dovelo do cilja. Ako tako pristupate stvarima vi kreirate neverovatan osecaj spremnosti da se izborite i sa drugim životnim problemima tj.čeličite svoju volju.
Sami svoji superheroji🚀 Vau, malo po malo sami gradimo svog superheroja a to smo mi sami sebi. Često ste verovatno čuli izreke tipa, računaj uvek samo na sebe i slično. Upravo tako i to je ono što ćete kreiranjem navike da redovno trenirate i postići-samosvest o snošenju odgovornosti za sopstvene postupke i posledice istih. Ja preuzimam odgovornost za svoje zdravlje i uzimam stvari u svoje ruke i to još danas! 
Da biste redovno trenirali i imali benefita od toga najefektnije je da imate personalizovan plan treninga i ishrane.Možete nam se obraditi putem mejla [email protected] 
ukoliko su vam potrebni personalizovani planovi ishrane i treninga koji će vas dovesti do najbolje verzije sebe, jer ne zaboravite, u zdravom telu zdrav duh!!! 
Milica Jovanovic,NASM CPT 
#club mj, #modelslegs
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filthybonnet · 3 years
Hey Guys Let’s Do A Stream!!!
It’s been forever since I’ve done a stream because well life and shit but I’ve talked off and on about streaming the Love Never Dies Vienna Concert because there are a few new phriends who haven’t seen it’s glory. So my boss has planned the schedule a week in advance I’m going to do it!
Vienna Concert Edition of Love Never Dies 10.20.13 filming: Drew Sarich,  Milica Jovanović, Julian Looman
Streaming Wednesday December 15th at 8PM US EST
I use Kast so make sure you set up an account ahead of time. I’ll reblog this post with the link or PM if you want it.
They use post-changes London production score. And while nothing will top the London production this is my 2nd favorite LND production. Amazing perfect trio! Phantom and Christine are on fire!
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isolationstreet · 4 years
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pureanonofficial · 4 years
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Raoul and Christine being tender in the LND Ronacher concert.
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glassprism · 2 years
Hi Glass, anon bc side blog (passariinos) I saw poto Melbourne today and was wondering how do you know the difference btwn a standby and an emergency cover? It was Claire Lyon on as Christine and Josh Robson as Raoul (and Raphael as u/s phantom.. what a trio!!), both Claire and Josh are not listed as cast members in the program and are usually not in the show and their roles were announced over the loudspeaker prior to the show starting which doesn’t usually happen, so I wanted to know if they were more likely to be s/b or e/c? Thanks!
The difference for me is that a standby is a regular part of the show and considered part of the cast even when they're not performing their role, whereas an emergency cover is brought in on a very temporary, limited basis because, well, there was an emergency.
As an example, Scott Davies was the standby Phantom in the London production for years. He was considered part of the cast that entire time (I think it was, what, ten years?). Many times, standbys are first up to cover the role if the principal was out, and they do so on a pretty regular basis.
This is the opposite of an emergency cover, who is usually called up when there is literally no one else to do the role (or when maybe there's one person but it would be genuinely detrimental to their health to do so many performances). A famous case is that of Gina Beck; she had already left the show some two months ago, but was brought back to cover Christine because the principal Christine was on vacation, the alternate was sick, and there was no way they were going to make the understudy do eight shows a week until both were back. She did a few shows before leaving.
Of course, there is a gray area - actors will be brought in on an emergency basis but are labeled as standbys; AJ Callaghan says this happened to her in this interview. Sometimes actors who were emergency covers will be bumped up to a standby or understudy position. This happened, I believe, to Milica Jovanovic in the Hamburg production of Love Never Dies - the principal Christine was on holiday, the alternate was ill, and the understudy performed until she literally lost her voice, at which point an ensemble member did the singing, so afterwards Jovanovic emergency covered the role, then was made an understudy because I guess they realized three actresses was not enough. But for the most part, that's how I differentiate it.
From what I'm reading, Claire Lyon and Joshua Robson are definitely emergency covers, not standbys, as they were are not part of the cast and were brought in because, well, of an emergency. Hope that explains it!
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marleneoftheopera · 3 years
Opinion for the LND Hamburg Christine’s?
Rachel Anne Moore (principal): Glorious, rich voice. Gorgeous in costume. From the clips I saw she acted the heck out of the role too.
Jazmin Gorsline (alternate): To me, a pretty standard LND Christine voice. Nothing super special for me, but enjoyable nonethless. Looked nice in costume.
Heidi Karlsson (u/s): Pretty much the same as Jazmin. I thought at times her voice was a little bit more like Rachel's, but not as strong. Still enjoyable.
Jessie Roggemann (u/s): I believe she went on as Christine, but the audio we have of her is when Heidi went on but lost her voice, so the audience saw Heidi but heard Jessie sing from backstage. She had a very nice voice and richer I think. More like Rachel's.
Milica Jovanovic (emergency cover/u/s): Loved her in the Vienna concert. So happy that she got to do the show with the entire staging. Sounded and looked lovely.
If I were to put them in order from love to good, I would say: Rachel Anne Moore, Milica Jovanovic, Jessie Roggermann, Heidi Karlsson, Jazmin Gorsline.
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wheel-of-fish · 4 years
O Blessed Saint Fish, patron saint of Phantom Gifs, I come before you once again to humbly ask that you bless my unworthy dashboard once more, this time with a gifset of the Phantom/Christine smooch from the 2013 Love Never Dies Vienna concert. In the name of the monkey music box, "dots? dots? dots?" and the Skeleton Butler, Dunkelheit.
So sorry for the wait, @meilas!
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linda-lindt · 4 years
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no context only schikaneder in mind
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