#Minister of State for Transportation
kyreniacommentator · 2 months
Arikli: Let Famagusta Port Be A Base For Turkic States
Arikli: Let Famagusta Port Be A Base For Turkic States Minister of Public Works and Transport Erhan Arıklı noted that they are waiting for the result of the application they made a year ago to make Famagusta Port available to the ships of the member states of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) and said, “We want Famagusta Port, which is the most fortified place in the Eastern Mediterranean,…
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secular-jew · 1 month
I’m a Palestinian American. Here’s Why I Can’t Support the Anti-Israel Protesters. By Elizabeth Gillanders. August 16, 2024
Walking past Union Station in the nation’s capital, I recently was met with a heartbreaking sight. Vandals had defaced the Columbus Memorial Fountain with spray paint, writing the words “Hamas is coming” in big red letters.
Trash and signs discarded by anti-Israel protesters littered the ground. A burnt shopping cart stood off to one side with piles of ash beneath it.
Most depressing, however, were the three bare flag poles that had been robbed of their American flags. Protesters had burned the flags, the only remnant a charred piece of fabric atop another pile of ash.
This was the aftermath of the July 24 “pro-Palestinian” protests in Washington, D.C., organized in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address that day to a joint meeting of Congress.
As an American of Palestinian heritage, some expect me to cheer on these people. They expect me to condemn the U.S., hate Israel, and support Hamas, a terrorist organization dedicated to wiping out the Jewish state.
But these expectations don’t represent me, nor my family.
I inherit my Palestinian background from my mother’s side of the family; her parents emigrated to America from the Middle East. My grandma was born in Israel and later moved to Ramallah in the West Bank and eventually to Jordan.
After arriving in America in her 20s, my grandma worked hard to become a U.S. citizen. She learned the English language while raising my mother and uncle. She opened a restaurant with my grandpa, lovingly named the Chicken Pantry, in Hamtramck, Michigan. When that business closed, my grandma worked as a real estate agent before eventually retiring in the land of prosperity.
America brought my family prosperity. My grandparents taught my mother to “kiss the ground you walk on” because they knew what a blessing America is.
They passed this lesson on to me.
Although many seem to think that my Palestinian heritage should cause me to align with protests that supposedly are “pro-Palestinian,” it’s precisely because of my heritage that I cannot do that.
Israel went to war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip only after Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,200 and kidnapped about 250 in a rampage of rape, torture, and murder Oct. 7 in southern Israel.
About 10 months later, as pro-Hamas protesters march in this country to “free Palestine,” they call for the death of America. As they burn the American flag, they burn all that my family has worked to achieve.
As the protesters pledge their allegiance to Hamas, they encourage a group that my grandmother wouldn’t hesitate to call a terrorist organization that operates with a strategy of human sacrifice.
Think about it. Why are there no Hamas military bases in the Gaza Strip adjoining Israel? Because the terrorists hide behind their own people.
They dress like noncombatants in Gaza. They establish bunkers in hospitals. They commandeer ambulances for transportation.
These actions are all in direct violation of Article 18 of the Geneva Conventions, the international pacts that set minimum standards during armed conflict for the treatment of civilians, soldiers, and prisoners of war.
One example is Hamas’ use of Gaza’s most important hospital, Al-Shifa. According to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Hamas uses a bunker under the hospital as a base for military operations. This not only makes the hospital a target, but takes medical resources needed for the sick.
In contrast, the Israel Defense Forces have given civilians in Gaza opportunities to evacuate and warned of impending attacks. No other nation goes this far to protect enemy civilians.
How can I support pro-Hamas demonstrators who wish to end the nation that brought my family so much? How can I back a terrorist group that uses its own people as human shields? How can I hate Israel, when the IDF has worked to keep Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way?
I believe it’s important to point out that, contrary to popular belief, not all Arabs think the same. Some of us do see this conflict differently. And our thoughts and beliefs should not be snuffed out because they go against the “narrative.”
To some, perhaps our stance makes us walking oxymorons. But we are proud ones, nonetheless.
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sayruq · 4 months
Wallonia has issued a ban on the transit of all arms from its territory towards Israel, the region's Minister-President Elio Di Rupo (PS) confirmed to Le Soir. The decision followed an investigation by Belgium's francophone national news channel RTBF, as well as Le Soir and De Morgen, which revealed that 70 tonnes of munitions and explosives had transited via Liège airport to Israel since Hamas attack on 7 October. This was despite a commitment made in February by the Walloon government to prevent lethal weapons from passing via the region to the Jewish State. The media investigation revealed that a legal loophole had allowed arms transit to continue, with the military material sent from New York and stopping in Liège en route to Tel Aviv. Shipments were handled by Challenge Airlines, an airfreight logistics company which operates predominantly via transit hubs in Israel, Malta, and Belgium. The company's CEO, Yossi Shoukroun, is himself an Israeli national.Commenting on the details of the cargo, Wies De Graeve of Amnesty International in Flanders confirmed that the material was "military equipment from the US passing via the Israeli-American airfreight company Challenge". The airline was able to exploit a legal blind spot by transiting via Liège without transferring goods between aircraft. Until now, planes did not require a licence to make a short stop in Wallonia airports providing that cargoes were not moved from the aircraft. But on Monday, Di Rupo's office signed a ministerial decree forbidding all transit of arms towards Israel, regardless of whether the cargo leaves the aircraft or not.
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newsfrom-theworld · 10 months
1 Consumer boycott goals:
Let's start by boycotting these brands that are directly involved in Israeli apartheid
Mc Donald: gives free meals to Israeli soldiers
Disney ( sadly, Disney was my childhood): declared support for Israel by pledging $2 million
Starbucks: sued his union over its pro-Palestine positions
Siemens (Germany) is the prime contractor of the Euro-Asia Interconnector, an Israel-EU undersea power cable that is expected to connect illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories to Europe. Siemens brand appliances are sold all over the world.
PUMA (Germany) sponsors the Israel Football Federation, which governs teams in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Carrefour (France) is a facilitator of genocide. Carrefour-Israel supported Israeli soldiers who took part in the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza with gifts of personal parcels. In 2022 it entered into a partnership with the Israeli company Electra Consumer Products and its subsidiary Yenot Bitan, both of which were involved in serious violations against the Palestinian people.
When Russia invaded Ukraine, the insurance giant AXA (France) took targeted measures against it. Yet as Israel, a 75-year-old regime of colonialism and apartheid, wages a genocidal war on Gaza, AXA continues to invest in Israeli banks that finance war crimes and the theft of Palestinian land and natural resources.
Hewlett Packard Inc (HP Inc)
HP Inc (USA) provides services to the offices of the genocide leaders, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Finance Minister Smotrich.
SodaStream is actively complicit in Israel's policy of displacing Israel's indigenous Bedouin-Palestinian citizens in the Naqab (Negev) and has a long history of racial discrimination against Palestinian workers.
Ahava cosmetics
Ahava have their production site, visitor center and main store in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied Palestinian territories.
RE/MAX (USA) markets and sells property in illegal Israeli settlements built on stolen Palestinian land, thus enabling Israeli colonization of the occupied West Bank.
2 Divestment objectives:
Elbit Systems
Elbit Systems is the largest apartheid Israeli arms company. It “field tests” its weapons against the Palestinians, including in Israel's ongoing genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza. In addition to building killer drones, Elbit produces surveillance technology for the apartheid wall, checkpoints and fence in Gaza, enabling apartheid. The US and EU use Elbit technology to militarize their borders, violating the rights of refugees and indigenous peoples.
HD Hyundai/Volvo/CAT/JCB machinery
by HD Hyundai (South Korea), Volvo (Sweden/China), CAT (United States) and JCB (United Kingdom) have been used by Israel in the ethnic cleansing and forced displacement of Palestinians through the destruction of their homes, farms and commercial activities, as well as the construction of illegal settlements on stolen land, a war crime under international law.
Barclays Bank (UK) holds more than £1 billion in shares and provides more than £3 billion in loans and subscriptions to nine companies whose weapons, components and military technology have been used in Israel's armed violence against Palestinians.
The Basque transport company CAF builds and provides maintenance services to the Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR), a tram line serving illegal Israeli settlements in Jerusalem. The CAF benefits from Israel's war crimes on stolen Palestinian lands.
The US fossil fuel multinational Chevron is the main international company extracting gas claimed by Israeli apartheid in the eastern Mediterranean. Chevron generates billions in revenue, bolstering Israel's war chest and apartheid system and exacerbating the climate crisis.
Amnesty International has documented high-resolution CCTV cameras made by Chinese company Hikvision installed in residential areas and mounted on Israeli military infrastructure for surveillance of Palestinians. Some of these models, according to Hikvision marketing, can connect to external facial recognition software.
TKH Security
Amnesty International has identified cameras from the Dutch company TKH Security used by Israel for surveillance of Palestinians. TKH supplies the Israeli police with surveillance technology used to enforce apartheid.
Other brands:
Zara's latest marketing campaign uses corpses in plastic wrapping, and warzone aesthetics, mocking the genocide by israel in Gaza. In a previous incident Joey Schwebel, a Canadian-Israeli dual national and chairman of israel's Zara franchisee Trimera, hosted the convicted terrorist Itamar Ben-Gvir at his home in the lead-up to the Israeli elections. Zara did not made a statement distancing themselves from this association and allowed this ad campaign to run.
Adidas uses isr@eli manufacturer, Delta Galil, to manufacture its underwear range.
Prada Beauty is a partnership with L'Oreal, which is a 'warm friend of Isr@el'.
Louis Vuitton:
The owner of Louis Vuitton's parent company, LVMH, Bernard Arnault invests hundreds of millions in Isr@eli companies
The owner of Dior's parent company, LVMH, Bernard Arnault invests hundreds of millions in Isr@eli companies
Caterpillar bulldozers have been used in the demolition of Palestinian homes. The D9 bulldozer was specifically designed for the IOF.
American Eagle:
American Eagle posted an image of the Isr@eli Flag on their flagship billboard in Times Square showing their support for the apartheid state.
Fenty Beauty by Rihanna:
The owner of Fenty's parent company, LVMH, Bernard Arnault invests hundreds of millions in Isr@eli companies
Eurovision is allowing israel to compete this year despite the genocide theyre comitting and they will use this opportunity to spread propaganda
Donna Italia
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this site
this specifical post on Twitter ( X )
if i discover news brands i will edit the post
And Always
Free Palestine, now and always.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"India’s announcement that it aims to reach net zero emissions by 2070 and to meet fifty percent of its electricity requirements from renewable energy sources by 2030 is a hugely significant moment for the global fight against climate change. India is pioneering a new model of economic development that could avoid the carbon-intensive approaches that many countries have pursued in the past – and provide a blueprint for other developing economies.
The scale of transformation in India is stunning. Its economic growth has been among the highest in the world over the past two decades, lifting of millions of people out of poverty. Every year, India adds a city the size of London to its urban population, involving vast construction of new buildings, factories and transportation networks. Coal and oil have so far served as bedrocks of India’s industrial growth and modernisation, giving a rising number of Indian people access to modern energy services. This includes adding new electricity connections for 50 million citizens each year over the past decade. 
The rapid growth in fossil energy consumption has also meant India’s annual CO2 emissions have risen to become the third highest in the world. However, India’s CO2 emissions per person put it near the bottom of the world’s emitters, and they are lower still if you consider historical emissions per person. The same is true of energy consumption: the average household in India consumes a tenth as much electricity as the average household in the United States.  
India’s sheer size and its huge scope for growth means that its energy demand is set to grow by more than that of any other country in the coming decades. In a pathway to net zero emissions by 2070, we estimate that most of the growth in energy demand this decade would already have to be met with low-carbon energy sources. It therefore makes sense that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced more ambitious targets for 2030, including installing 500 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity, reducing the emissions intensity of its economy by 45%, and reducing a billion tonnes of CO2. 
These targets are formidable, but the good news is that the clean energy transition in India is already well underway. It has overachieved its commitment made at COP 21- Paris Summit [a.k.a. 2015, at the same conference that produced the Paris Agreement] by already meeting 40% of its power capacity from non-fossil fuels- almost nine years ahead of its commitment, and the share of solar and wind in India’s energy mix have grown phenomenally. Owing to technological developments, steady policy support, and a vibrant private sector, solar power plants are cheaper to build than coal ones. Renewable electricity is growing at a faster rate in India than any other major economy, with new capacity additions on track to double by 2026...
Subsidies for petrol and diesel were removed in the early 2010s, and subsidies for electric vehicles were introduced in 2019. India’s robust energy efficiency programme has been successful in reducing energy use and emissions from buildings, transport and major industries. Government efforts to provide millions of households with fuel gas for cooking and heating are enabling a steady transition away from the use of traditional biomass such as burning wood. India is also laying the groundwork to scale up important emerging technologies such as hydrogen, battery storage, and low-carbon steel, cement and fertilisers..."
-via IEA (International Energy Agency), January 10, 2022
Note: And since that's a little old, here's an update to show that progress is still going strong:
-via Economic Times: EnergyWorld, March 10, 2023
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cathkaesque · 1 year
Statement on Israel’s Use of Starvation as a Weapon of War in Gaza by the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Palestine
For five days, Israel has attacked Gaza with the aim of total destruction, and the situation is at an unprecedented level of urgency. Israel’s actions have amounted to a humanitarian catastrophe of unfathomable proportions. At the time of publication, the Palestinian Ministry of Health reports 1,055 martyrs and approximately 5,184 injured.
Israel has declared a total warfare stance on Gaza, imposing a ruthless blockade that denies over two million Palestinian residents of Gaza access to electricity, water, food, fuel, medical supplies, and any humanitarian aid. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant explicitly stated this strategy on 9 October 2023, saying: “We are imposing a complete siege on [Gaza]. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel – everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we act accordingly.”
Israel’s deliberate use of starvation as a weapon of war demands the international community immediately respond with unwavering urgency and resolve.
Israel is indiscriminately decimating hospitals, schools, mosques, markets, and entire neighborhoods. Further, Israel threatened Egypt that it would bomb humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza, prompting Egypt to withdraw its aid convoys. The Rafah Crossing into Egypt, the sole international exit from Gaza, has been bombed by Israel three times in a 24-hour period. This calculated assault severs Gazans’ only means of escape from ceaseless bombings or access to essential humanitarian aid. With Israel cutting off Gaza’s source of electricity, the only source of power was the Gaza Power Plant, which has just run out of fuel. In the case that it receives more fuel, Israel has threatened to attack the plant.
Israel’s assault is deliberately destroying any infrastructure that allows Gazans to support themselves. Vital agricultural and fishing infrastructure, crucial for food production, have been mercilessly attacked. Fisher folk cannot access the sea, into which sewage is spilling. The seaport is damaged, and tools are obliterated. Farming areas, often near the fence, have become vulnerable targets in Israeli airstrikes, and farmers whose land has not been destroyed cannot access it for daily agricultural practices. The Ministry of Agriculture reports that the bombing has done immense damage to agricultural areas and poultry farms, but the conditions make it impossible to precisely assess the situation in the field. There is a catastrophic decrease in food stocks, with shops across Gaza reporting severe shortages. The land and sea will face unimaginable environmental damages following these attacks, further preventing efforts to rebuild livelihoods.
Israel’s strategy aims to ensure that those who survive the bombs are condemned to a future without sustenance.
OCHA reports that the assaults have disrupted the UNRWA food operation, impacting at least 112,759 families. The poultry and livestock sectors are on the brink of collapse due to the severe shortage of fodder, endangering the livelihoods of more than 1,000 herders and affecting over 10,000 producers. This jeopardizes the provision of animal protein and the availability of meat and fresh sources of protein for Gaza’s entire population. Transportation of poultry to markets has virtually halted, and dairy cattle milk cannot be refrigerated nor marketed to factories, resulting in an expected daily spoilage of 35,000 liters of milk. More than 4,000 fisheries are at risk due to the closure of the sea. Gaza’s agriculture, poultry, cattle, fish, and other products are suffering from a lack of refrigeration, irrigation, incubation, and other machinery due to electricity cuts, causing spoilage.
Israel’s use of these tactics is not new by any means. Before Saturday, around 65% of the Gazan population was food insecure. More than 46% of the agricultural land in Gaza was inaccessible, and the fishing industry was severely struggling since fishing off the coast of Gaza has been restricted by Israel to 3 to 6 nautical miles.
Food insecurity is a human-made crisis, and Israel is manufacturing a mass starvation of the Gazan people.
It is the moral and legal obligation of the international community to intervene and end this crisis immediately. Food, as a basic necessity, must be allowed to reach the people of Gaza, and the deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure must cease without delay.
We call upon the international community to take immediate action to stop Israel’s massacre of the Gazan population, demand the lifting of the siege, and establish humanitarian corridors for entry of aid.
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nohkalikai · 4 months
More areas and populations have been affected in Assam, which is the most populous state in the country’s northeast. So far, 11 people have lost their lives and 600,000 people including over 78,000 children across 11 districts have been affected. An estimated 68,600 people have sought refuge in 187 relief camps.
The southern districts of the state, including the Barak Valley, have suffered more than the other regions. Landslides, floods and erosion have been reported from here and nearly 250,000 people are affected. Several trains have been canceled due to the rising water level in the rivers across the state. Additional personnel from the NDRF have been airlifted to the Barak Valley region to bolster the rescue and rehabilitation operation.
Mizoram has been affected more by landslides and storms than flooding. At least 29 people have been killed there with the highest toll reported from the capital city of Aizawl. Local NGOs such as the Melthum Local Council and Young Mizo Association have joined hands with the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) for rescue and rehabilitation measures.
Chief Minister Lalduhoma has announced an allocation of 150 million Indian rupees ($1.8 million approximately) to the SDRF. Families that have lost kin in the disaster are being paid $4,792 each.
Meghalaya and Tripura have suffered less devastation compared to the other states in the northeastern region. Meghalaya reported five deaths and close to 5,000 people have been affected by storms and landslides.  A portion of National Highway-6 that connects the state to Assam has collapsed near Lumshnong as storms and rains caused landslides. Transportation in the region has been severely disrupted.  Vehicles were seen stranded in videos on social media.
In Tripura, around 2,500 people were rendered homeless and more than 550 houses were damaged due to the incessant rainfall, flooding and thunderstorms. Those rendered homeless have been lodged at 30 relief camps in different districts of the state. Sepahijala, Gomati, Dhalai and Khowai districts were affected the most by the cyclone.   According to an official estimate, about 397 hectares of cultivable land belonging to 1,764 farmers were submerged by the flood in different districts.
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kemetic-dreams · 9 months
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According to Dr. Yvonne Chireau, "Hoodoo is an African American-based tradition that makes use of natural and supernatural elements in order to create and effect change in the human experience."
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 Hoodoo was created by African Americans, who were among over 12 million enslaved Africans from various Central and West African ethnic groups being transported to the Americas from the 16th to 19th centuries (1514 to 1867) as part of the transatlantic slave trade. The transatlantic slave trade to the United States occurred between 1619 and 1808, and the illegal slave trade in the United States occurred between 1808 and 1860. Between 1619 and 1860 approximately 500,000 enslaved Africans were transported to the United States. 
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From Central Africa, Hoodoo has Bakongo magical influence from the Bakongo religion incorporating the Kongo cosmogram, Simbi water spirits, and Nkisi and Minkisi practices. The West African influence is Vodun from the Fon and Ewe people in Benin and Togo following some elements from the Yoruba religion.  After their contact with European slave traders and missionaries, some Africans converted to Christianity willingly, while other enslaved Africans were forced to become Christian which resulted in a syncretization of African spiritual practices and beliefs with the Christian faith. 
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Enslaved and free Africans learned regional indigenous botanical knowledge after they arrived to the United States. The extent to which Hoodoo could be practiced varied by region and the temperament of the slaveholders. For example, the Gullah people of the coastal Southeast experienced an isolation and relative freedom that allowed retention of various traditional West African cultural practices. Gullah people and enslaved African-Americans in the Mississippi Delta, where the concentration of slaves was dense, Hoodoo was practiced under a large cover of secrecy. The reason for secrecy among enslaved and free African Americans was that slave codes prohibited large gatherings of enslaved and free African people. Slaveholders experienced how slave religion ignited slave revolts among enslaved and free African people, and some leaders of slave insurrections were African ministers or conjure doctors
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soon-palestine · 2 months
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On the morning of Monday 29 July, a contingent of Israel’s military police – the agency responsible for policing the security forces – showed up at Sde Teiman, an Israeli military base in the Negev Desert that now serves as a prison camp for Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. The military police had come to arrest nine of the soldiers – apparently all reservists – who serve at the camp. They were wanted for their involvement in the gang rape of a prisoner who was subsequently taken to the camp’s infirmary with severe rectal injuries.
(Normally I would add something about innocent until proven guilty, but on those exceedingly rare occasions when the Israeli authorities arrest an Israeli in uniform for offences against Palestinians, this can be considered incontrovertible proof they are guilty as sin). The soldiers resisted arrest, and a stand-off between them and the military police contingent erupted.
Almost immediately, Israeli politicians took to the airwaves to denounce the arrest operation, proclaiming the rapists to be heroes – precisely because they had gang-raped a Palestinian prisoner – and called upon their supporters to flood Sde Teiman to prevent the soldiers from being taken into custody.
After protracted negotiations the soldiers agreed to be led away by the military police and were transported to the Beit Lid detention facility near Tulkarm in the northern West Bank.
But no sooner had the military police and their detainees left than a mob broke into the prison camp to protest the arrests. Not just any mob, but one that included government ministers, members of parliament, soldiers in uniform, and various others.
Later that day similar scenes were repeated at the Beit Lid prison. Although breaking into or out of a prison is considered a serious violation of the law, thus far not a single individual has been arrested.
The Sde Teiman prison camp has elements of both Abu Ghraib, the US torture center in Iraq, and a Gestapo interrogation center.
Among the documented abuses, based on testimonies of both former prisoners and prison staff, are torture, including electric shocks, severe beatings, and various forms of disorientation; severe malnutrition and dehydration; amputations after the very prolonged use of zip-ties that have been deliberately tightened to block circulation to hands and feet; denial of basic medical care; denial of toilet facilities; surgeries without anaesthetic; surgeries performed by unqualified medical students to gain experience; and very much else.
You may have read the highly credible accounts emanating from Sde Teiman or seen images/videos of former prisoners incarcerated there. Several dozen Palestinians have been killed at the camp, through torture or denial of basic needs. It bears recollection that the war crime of torture is considered a legal practice in Israel, and has been confirmed as such by its supreme court, most notably in 1987.
Secondly, Israel considers Palestinians to be unlawful combatants who are not entitled to the protections offered by customary law on such matters.
And additionally, Israel’s most senior leaders have engaged in a systematic campaign of demonization and dehumanization of Palestinians, and of those suspected of membership in Hamas in particular, which amounts to a license to torture, rape, and kill. The arrested soldiers were essentially told to do as they please with Palestinians and assured that, per standard practice, there would be no consequences of any sort.
At one level one can therefore understand the astonished response of the rapists when told they would be arrested for conduct that has been officially sanctioned on a systematic basis.
The case also reflects deeper changes within Israel. Its military has, to put it mildly, admittedly never had a reputation for discipline, but it functioned as the central institution of Israeli state and society. Israel has on this basis been described as an army with a state rather than a state with a military. But that is beginning to change.
As Geoffrey Aronson has argued, recent years have seen the emergence of a new class of Israeli politicians, most notably National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who in contrast to many of their predecessors did not enter and succeed in politics on the strength of a military career, but rather built successful careers through opposition to and delegitimization of Israel’s security establishment. Their preferred armed force is not a regular army, but rather militias and mobs of brownshirts. And that’s what we saw on 29 July.
It’s not so much a turning point as visible evidence that the process is alive, well, and rapidly gaining momentum. That it should burst onto the scene in defense of gang rape should therefore not come as a particular surprise.
There are many other notable elements to this issue, not least of which would be the observation that every accusation is a confession. Another would be that Government ministers and members of parliament rank somewhat higher in the pecking order than falsely-accused UNRWA staff.
Yet one angle that is particularly interesting has to do with Israel’s concerns about sustaining its impunity with respect to its dealings with the Palestinian people.
As @reider has pointed out, Israel’s Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, in his condemnation of the riots asserted that military police investigations are essential to protect Israeli soldiers “at home and abroad”.
“Abroad”, @reider points out, “obviously meaning The Hague” where the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) are based.
Thanks to efforts initiated by the United Kingdom, which argued that the ICC should only prosecute Palestinians, the Court is now permitting multiple challenges to its jurisdiction over Israeli crimes perpetrated in the occupied Palestinian territories.
A particularly specious set of arguments has been put forth by Germany, arguably the most experienced state when it comes to the crimes enumerated in the Rome Statute.
One of Berlin’s arguments is that the ICC should not pursue arrest warrants until Israel has completed the commission of its crimes against the Palestinian people and considers its business concluded.
The other argument concerns “complementarity”, the principle according to which the ICC can and will only pursue prosecutions where national judiciaries fail to conduct such procedures themselves
In its paeans to Israel’s judiciary, Berlin conveniently neglects that every independent study of Israel’s judiciary with respect to crimes committed by Israelis against Palestinians has concluded that the primary role of this apparatus has been to enable, legitimize, and whitewash the crimes concerned. Even were this not the case, the way ICC complementarity works is that the national judiciary would have to credibly investigate and, if appropriate, prosecute and convict the same individuals for the same crimes they stand accused of by ICC.
In other words, Germany’s desperately furious efforts to defend that other genocidal regime will prove of little use to Netanyahu and Gallant.
But Halevi, a representative of Israel’s traditional military elite – let’s call him an Israeli Prussian – sees the writing on the wall, and he and his fellow officers don’t want to share Netanyahu and Gallant’s fate. So they are creating an argument for complementarity.
In a rational society Halevi would be hailed for his foresight and criticized for waiting so long to act.
But a society where government ministers, members of parliament, uniformed soldiers, and a mob of brownshirts riot at two separate locations on a single day in defense of gang rape cannot be considered rational.
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kyreniacommentator · 10 months
Minister Arıklı attends OTS meeting in Azerbaijan
TRNC Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı attended the 7th Meeting of Ministers in Charge of Transport of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) which was held on 16th November 2023 in Zangilan, Azerbaijan, with the participation of the Transport Ministers and high-level authorities from the Member and Observer States. Continue reading Untitled
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workersolidarity · 9 months
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The Iraqi government will move to end the presence of the U.S.-led coalition occupation in Iraq, according to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani.
Al-Sudani made the comments at a joint press conference with the visiting Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez on Thursday, Dec. 28th.
Al-Sudani said the topic was broached during his meeting with Sanchez, during which they discussed the details of the presence of the international coalition in Iraq.
"We appreciate the role of the coalition in supporting Iraq's efforts to confront the Islamic State militants," Al-Sudani said.
"The Iraqi government is in the process of rearranging the relationship with the international coalition in light of the presence of capable Iraqi forces," said the Iraqi prime minister, stressing that "the Iraqi government is moving toward ending the presence of the international coalition forces, which include security advisers who support the security forces in the areas of training, advice, and intelligence cooperation."
The two leaders discussed in depth the difficult situation in the Middle East, including the ongoing Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Al-Sudani said he appreciated Spain's role and its "courageous stance in condemning these attacks."
Sanchez, for his own part, expressed his country's desire to develop relations with Iraq, in particular the fields of transportation, education, climate change, and defense.
The Spanish Prime Minister also met with the Iraqi President, Abdul Latif Rashid, to discuss ways to enhance bilateral cooperation, and the need to end the genocide in Gaza.
Spain is part of the U.S.-led international coalition tasked with training and advising Iraq's Security Forces in its fight against the radical islamic group, ISIS.
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bloodykora · 3 months
Drunk Walk Home
My first actual Viktor fic, yayy!! Summary: After a celebration at the lab, you and Viktor have been left together. He tries to plan a way for you to get home however will you make it there? Mentions of alcohol and drinking I try to keep my fanfic gender neutral, there's no fem or masc description and there's no use of y/n.
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“You’re so pretty, do you know that?” The lab is quiet, streamers and confetti over the floor. Balloons beginning to droop down from the ceiling, the lights once bright and vibrant now dimmed down. “Remind me to tell Jayce when you are sober, never let you celebrate with him by bringing vodka.” A giggle escapes your mouth as you remain laid down on the cool floor, the brunette sitting as usual. “God, he is such a lightweight! I wouldn’t have brought such a big bottle if I knew he’d tap out at like what, 3 shots?” You reminisce about the night that had just happened, knowing it will be some of your favourite memories of the group for months to come.
“For someone who cannot get off the floor you do speak a lot of uh, what’s the slang you use? Shit.” You ignore his mocking mostly, deciding not shoot a line back at him. “You were supposed to drink with us but no. Mister, I am too good for that and someone has to be responsible in the group. Even Sky had a drink with us, but only a teeny sip of the champagne for you. Also, you deflected my compliment.” “Well, look who was the one that called transportation for the other two while you decided to take a seat on the floor.” You lift your head to look at Viktor who stays seated at his lab placement. The world around you swaying, almost to a hypnotizing degree. You narrow your eyes at him, setting yourself on a mission.
“Did you know that I can’t black out?” You state, while slowly getting up onto your hands and knees. Stumbling some of your way to the chair Viktor was sitting in. “Why is that?” He watches you, ready to have to bandage your face from falling but you surprisingly don’t even trip over your own feet. “I do not know! I have mixed alcohol types, had way too many shots, blah blah blah and nothing. I mean don’t get me wrong, it’s a talent and I appreciate it but I just want a fun story from someone about me blacking out.” You moan as you place your hand on his shoe as you reach him. “Blacking out is not what you make it seem.” Viktor mumbles to himself. “Viktor!” He looks down at you, as if he doesn’t know that you heard him. “Have you ever been, has the uhh minister, whatever yordle’s dude, has been blacked out before? How will the academy react?” The words ramble out of your mouth, every new thought grabbed onto and then let go as another goes by. “Heimerdinger but ‘uhh minister, whatever yordle’ also works.” “More like… Heimerslinger.” You mumble to yourself other rhymes of his name, seeing if any fit. “Hmm, good one.”
“Wait, you avoided the question.” You grab a piece of his leg brace, near the bottom of his pant leg. “Yes but that is a story for another time. When you’re sober.” “I am so sober, the soberest I have ever been.” You smile wide at him as he raises an eyebrow. “Yes, that is why you are holding my leg brace like how a toddler holds a chip.”
“Am I hurting you? Pulling on it?” Your eyes wide like a child’s, concerned about his safety and well being while hammered. Like you couldn’t even think to hurt him, even if it’s accidental. He feels your grip loosen, ready to let go at his command. “No.” You bite your lip subconsciously, smiling at him while doing so. A habit you had normally while concentrating but the alcohol made you not able to feel your teeth and lips. Tongue and gums also numb from the booze seeping through every vein of yours. “Now how are we going to get you home?” He asks himself, eyes looking away as he thought of the quickest and cheapest way. You make a pouty face at him, disappointed he wanted you gone that fast. Holding it too until you got to see his reaction to it. “You sick and tired of me Viktor?” His eyes look back to you, greeted by the look you had. He smirks lightly, eyes rolling at your feigned sadness. “Is someone a pouty baby now? Clearly you need to go to bed.” “Nooo, don’t call me a baby. Unless I’m your baby.” The line comes out before you even think about the implications. You chuckle a bit to yourself, finding it funny how naturally the flirts and teasing come out now.
“You are a handful. Do you know that?” You nod at Viktor, staring at his face to an unsettling degree. Taking in his features as he studied you back, wondering what you were going to do next. You think of going home, to the lonely and cold apartment the academy covered for you. Then you think of Viktor going home, if he would, “Are you going to stay here and work?” You abruptly ask him, not wanting the already overworked man to again over work himself.
“I had thought about staying here earlier today and getting some research done while you all were home but then something came up.” He pauses, thinking over whether it would be treacherous in the cold weather to make it home. It wasn’t like it was far or even intimidating at this time of night but it didn’t mean he’d enjoy the cool with his aching leg and back. “I could totally walk you home. Be like your really scary guard dog.” You suggest, sensing his hesitancy about going home. He was always so dedicated to learning and notes that you were semi surprised at his response. “Your comments as always are amusing. However, my first concern is getting you home.” You lift your hand to make a thumbs down at him, disapproving of his choice.
“What if I die on the train home?” You joke however honestly putting that fear into Viktor’s head. His brain now thinking of all the accidents that could happen, he lets out a sigh. You pick up on the signs and immediately feel regret for the comment you made. “Hey that was a joke, you ain’t gotta worry so much dude. Worst case scenario is me falling on my face but that’s like a 2 percent chance.” You try to comfort him, gently lifting your hand to pat his knee. Still sitting at his leg. “You could always just bring me home, walking home is safer in pairs anyway. I wouldn’t want anyone to snatch you up for your juicy brains.” You see him crack a small smile and feel a little relief in your chest. You sit thinking for a minute, wondering if Sky and Jayce had made it to their homes alright. Playing the thought of them walking out of the lab doors together, Viktor insisting they both take a cab together to save money. Your face begins to fall and your brows furrow together. Viktor realizes it’s been too quiet for too long and looks down at you.
“You okay? What’s wrong?” Your gaze moves to meet his. “Sky took my coat.” At a fun turn of events, Sky had forgotten to bring a proper coat to work, and you very knightley offered yours. To defend her from the cold and with all the sweaters you left in the lab you thought you’d be fine. “Yes, why is that bad?” He prompts you, encouraging you to spill it out. “My keys were in my chest pocket.” You state simply, looking up to him with slight glee on your face. You giggle quietly, bewildered you had gotten yourself into this predicament. “Are you joking?” He asks, stern in his voice. Clearly, not in the mood for joking about this topic. You shake your head no, dropping the smile so he knew you were not playing around. He takes a breath in and you feel like a burden.
“I can stay here, find a way to meet with her tomorrow.” You suggest softly, not wanting to bother the man any further. “No, it’s okay. I promised the professor after the good news that we would be out tomorrow morning which is why Jayce had planned this for us today.” He explains to you, you nod as you listen along. The info being sobering to you, you let go of his brace placing your hands behind you on the floor. “I can probably just find a friend’s house then, or something. I can figure something.” You mumble off again, wondering what you’d be able to conjure up this late in the night. Maybe sneaking your way through a window into your building, hoping the spare key was around somewhere. “No. You can come home with me, if you’re comfortable.” “I can’t Viktor, that's too personal and I don’t want to intrude on your personal home space.” “It’s too late for you to be able to call anyone or you won’t be able to get into your door. In these circumstances, you may come back to my home with me. I’m sure it may be awkward but it will be fine.” “I will be the best guest ever, I swear. I won’t be loud and I don’t think I snore and I won’t touch anything.” You say, springing up from the ground. Ready to follow him wherever he had planned to go.
“You’re so excited to leave, minutes ago you were whining.” You scurry to your desk, grabbing the nearest hoodie you could find. A blue thick wooly one, with a hood, perfect for the adventure ahead. You turn back towards him, lifting your hand and mimicking him talking with it. He chuckles at the action, rolling his eyes slightly. Leaning forward on his crutch he stands up, grabbing his things and readying to leave with you. “Do you have lab keys? Cause ha, we both know I do not.” You ask, walking up to him with your hand open to receive them. “I do not know if I trust you with keys at this moment.” You scoff and roll your eyes at his comment. “You’re right here, it’s not like I’m gonna chuck em.” You state, still waiting for him. You hear the familiar jingling that echoed yours, the cool metal being set into your hand gently. You smile and close your hand around them, bringing them close to your face to find the one that locks up the lab. 
You both walk out of the room, your pace being a little more slow than usual to not rush Viktor. You close the doors and lock it, wiggling the door handle before turning to Viktor. He had his hand out, similar to yours just moments ago. You shake your head while smiling, putting the keys into his hand which he slips into his coat pocket. The beginning of the walk is silent, getting out of the academy building as quietly as you could to not disturb students in dorm rooms. A blast of cold air hitting both your faces as you step out of the door frame, the wind was always colder coming off all the water around Piltover. Your breaths coming out in puffs of white clouds, like you were one of the pipes that came out of a building for the laundry dryer.
“It’s not too bad, but then again I probably feel it less than you right now.” You state, looking at the man walking beside you. “I am just lucky I brought a jacket today, honestly if the walk was longer I would have wanted a cover for my face.” He replies, seeing the change of your skin already with the weather. Your cheeks and nose begin to get just ever so slightly paler than the rest of your face. Your gaze meets his, the tips of his ears turning red at the coolness as well. “Do you ever cry in the winter?” You ask him, thinking of walking in the blistering cold. “Where the wind just howls straight at your face and you can’t see. Your eyes water up and begin to freeze on your eyelashes?” You clarify, imagining just a woman standing in the snow sobbing, at the way you phrased your words. Your eyes fall down to the sidewalk in front of you, watching your feet move along beside Viktor’s. “I’m not one to go out when it’s snowing, I normally stay at the lab when those nights happen. But on the off chance, yes it has happened to me.” He answers diligently, always working with him. Always on his mind, even when it’s not supposed to be. The thoughts of him circle your head, quieting the convo again.
You hadn’t been too explorative of Piltover when working at the academy, all the homes and lights illuminating the streets. The new places held a wonder and excitement, even alleyways and garbage cans had ignited child-like comments. “It’s so pretty here, I still sometimes am amazed that I can see the night stars. And everything is so tidy, and I know a part of me is supposed to be mad. I should be so upset that the Undercity is treated with ignorance, and annoyance but. I mean, look at the moon and the water. All the boats. I never imagined the place I had hated so much could be lovely.” The words flow off your tongue, you knew Viktor had been from the same place as you. Both lucky with the smarts to get out of the actually toxic home. Yet you still missed it, jumping in piles of leaves when the Upper city dumped them down, how when the snow melted it would wash away some of the muck that had been there for the year. Viktor admires you and your openness, not able to talk to anybody else about his home. He smiles, watching your gaze being locked up into the sky.
“I think I drew them the first night I was here.” He confesses to you, thinking back to the same excitement he had felt when he first arrived. The buzz of the city and the positive attitude of the people. Don’t get him wrong, people did give mean looks but they at least didn’t then trip you and steal whatever you may have had on you. Viktor recognizes his home, 2 blocks up the road from where you both were. “I have to admit, it may not be necessarily tidy when we arrive. I wasn’t expecting anybody.” He sheepishly says, now thinking of all the clothes and glasses around the place. “It’s okay, mine is pretty messy too right now. I’m not one to judge.” You reassure him quickly, knowing how busy the life of a scientist, an inventor can really be. 
You follow him up the front steps to the building, watching him use his keys to open the lock and get inside. You found yourself in a hallway, realizing it was an apartment building with neighbors. You remain silent as you follow him up another set of stairs and another locked door. You follow him into the apartment, closing the door behind you and locking it for him. Slipping your shoes off, the warmth overheats causing you to begin to strip off the sweater. Viktor peels off his coat, walking into the home and placing it on a chair nearby. Turning on a lamp nearby for you both to see. You walk in after, looking at the space. It was a lot bigger than what you had at home. And open as well, huge space for a small little thing, too big for it actually.
“How is it, this is big.” You comment, slowly walking around a table that was placed and towards the black board near the opposite side of the room. “Oh uh, well. The owners found out I worked at the academy, and the landlord would always see my mess of papers. I desperately needed the space so I actually own both the apartments up here. I took out a few walls to open it, voila.” He talks while undoing his vest and red tie, getting comfortable after the long day. You continue to ponder around, looking at the writings on the board. A dark brown wood as the floor, almost no carpet except one little one under a coffee he had in front of a sofa chair. Books littered throughout the living room, even into the kitchen and dining area. His curtains pulled to avoid any peeks in, mugs scattered too. You approach the kitchen, dishes neatly organized in the dish dryer thing he owned. A window right in front of the sink, for what you can assume is the morning sun. Two little dishes sit on the sill, one full of water and the other empty.
“Do you have a kitty?” You turn to him, socks now pulled off and joined with the rest of the scatter. He lifts his head up to look at you. “No, just a stray that pops in from time. But she never lets me pet her.” He says, smiling at the thought of the skinny black tabby that visits his window sill. “I have a cat, her name is Barbecue.” You state before peaking your way around down his hall. You could see the door to his bedroom cracked open, you decide to sneak away while his attention was on something else. Creeping your way down to the door quickly, you could hear his voice. “Barbecue, why?” He pauses in his words before continuing. “Hello? Where did you go?” 
You barely hear it however, in his room and looking around. Clothes thrown around and his bedding all messy, slept in. The bed is soft, a comforter big enough to topple over the edges of the already king sized bed, the pillows being more than anyone could ever need. You reach down, following the steps of Viktor and taking off your socks. You knew this was surpassing a boundary but considering you had sat at his foot about an hour ago holding onto his knee, hopefully this wouldn’t startle him too bad. You creep into his bed, getting comfy under the sheets.
“Dude you have so many pillows!” You yell out, hearing the approaching footsteps. You watch the door frame, seeing his head look in and then at you. “They are for my body, I have heating and cooling ones as well. And you are not supposed to be in here.” He speaks, his shirt now untucked and the top unbuttoned. You smile sheepishly at him, wiggling in the bed a bit. “But it’s so cozy and so big.” A grin is plastered onto your face, and he looks too tired now to complain or argue. “You really are a handful, 2 handfuls.” He walks to the other side of the bed, throwing the top blanket back and crawling in. You could tell it for a moment was painful for him, his eyes closed and brows furrowed but his face soon relaxed. It remains silent between you two for some time.
“I can feel you staring at me.” His accent becomes heavier as tiredness takes over, he peeps open one eye to look at you. “Do you want me to turn off the light? Is there any pillow you want specifically?” You go into caretaker mode, making sure his comfort was met before you actually settled in. He smiles at your need to impress him.
“I’m fine but yes you can turn off the light, and for the morning. I have some pain meds in the bedside table next to you, feel free to take one when you get up.” He says and you nod, getting up to shut off the light before snuggling back in on your side. The room again dies down, sounds of crickets outside filling the room. You lay there smiling, too giddy to sleep yet you yawn. You blink your eyes, focusing on the sight before you. Easing into a state of rest and slumber, already planning for the adventure that had awaited you tomorrow. You hear Viktor’s breathing slow and you decide to close your eyes. Falling asleep with the man of your dreams. 
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
Japanese construction workers on Wednesday resumed landfill work at the new site of the U.S. military base on Okinawa despite protests by the island’s residents that the move tramples on their rights and raises environmental concerns.
The planned relocation site for the base, on Okinawa’s eastern coast, has been at the center of a dispute between the government in Tokyo and the local authorities at a time of the island’s growing strategic importance.[...]
Three weeks ago, the Fukuoka High Court’s Naha branch ordered Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki to approve the central government’s modified landfill plan, and allowed the Land and Transport Ministry to order the work to resume by overriding the governor’s disapproval.
On a barge brought to the location on Wednesday, a pair of loader machines scooped up mounds of rock and gravel and dumped them into the sea as part of reclamation needed to reinforce the extremely soft seabed at the site planned for U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma.
Tamaki, who has appealed the order to the Supreme Court, said the court ruling was unjust and goes against the will of the residents. Under Japanese law, construction can proceed while the court decision is pending. He called the resumption of the landfill work “extremely regrettable.”[...]
Tamaki, the governor, has sought a significant reduction of the U.S. military on Okinawa, which is home to more than half of 50,000 American troops based in Japan under a bilateral security pact.
Hundreds of scholars, film directors and ordinary citizens who have advocated for Okinawans’ autonomy, signed a global petition demanding the island cease to be “a de facto military colony of the United States and Japan ever since the end of the World War II.”
One of the petition organizers, Satoko Norimatsu Oka who heads the Vancouver-based Peace Philosophy Center, provided a copy of the document to The Associated Press.
“We must end the discrimination and military colonization of Okinawa,” said the petitioners, who include filmmaker Oliver Stone.
The petition urged President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to “cancel the construction of the new base in Henoko.”
10 Jan 24
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abnerkrill · 10 months
Petition: establish AI regulations
EU people (but possible to sign from elsewhere in the world) please add your name to this petition for human-centric and culture-friendly AI regulation. Needs 47,000 more votes as of the time of posting. From the petition:
'Summary: In an open letter, the Authors' Rights Network (Netzwerk Autorenrechte) calls on the German government as well as the French and Italian leaders to reconsider their stance on the (non-)regulation of AI, to take a stand against the massive damaging effects of unregulated AI applications based on theft, to protect people and authors from data theft and disinformation and to reflect on values such as trust, democracy and justice.
++ Open letter on the subject of France, Germany's and Italy's position on the planned EU Artificial Intelligence Act ++
Dear Chancellor Olaf Scholz (Germany),
Dear Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck,
Dear Federal Minister for Digital and Transport Volker Wissing,
Dear President Emmanuel Macron (France), 
Dear Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (Italy):
It is with great concern that we, the members of the Netzwerk Autorenrechte which represents authors and translators in the book sector from 15 organisations in the D-A-CH region, observe Germany's, Frances and Italy's new position on the AI Act proposal. This new position runs counter to the consensus previously reached by EU Member States on the legal regulation of AI, in particular with regard to transparency and liability obligations for developers of generative technology.
According to reports from Euractiv on 19 November 2023, Germany – under the lead of the Digital Ministry and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, and together with France and Italy – wants to push for "obligatory self-regulation" instead of legally binding regulation. There are no sanctions for saftey incidents such as copyright, authors’ rights and data protection violations, insufficient labeling, or circumventing ethical standards in the position of these three countries.
Dear Chancellor, dear Vice Chancellor, dear Federal Minister,
dear Mr President of France, dear Prime Minister of Italy:
We urge you to change your position, which currently favors supposed economic advantages to the detriment of sustainable legal rules. Your position sends a fatal signal to everyone in the cultural sectors and to all people in Europe: namely, that you're willing to protect the same tech companies that illegitimately make use of cultural works and citizens data for their own profits – rather than protecting the people whose work and private data have made these foundation models and generative applications possible in the first place.
The consequences of your position would be devastating. Generative technology is already threatening numerous jobs. We can already observe several harmful “business models” based on AI products and an increase in disinformation. It's been proven that generative AI uses unlawfully obtained works without the knowledge or consent of the works' authors. Without legal regulation, generative technologies will accelerate the theft of artistic work and data. They'll increase discrimination and the falsification of information, including damage to reputations. And they'll significantly contribute to climate change. The more legally deregulated generative products reach the market, the more irreparable the loss of trust in texts, images, and information will become for society as a whole.
We urge you to return to the values of trust, democracy, and justice. We're standing on the threshold of an evolution, of one of the most decisive moments in history. Will we regulate the machines that are using humans in order to replace them? Or will we choose the short-sighted ideology of money?
We trust you have the political resolve to do the right thing.
Berlin, 24 November 2023'
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girlactionfigure · 21 days
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THURSDAY HERO: Victor Bodson 
Victor Bodson was a Luxembourger politician who created an escape route for German Jews fleeing Hitler and saved over 100 lives, at great risk to his own.
Born in 1902 in one of the smallest countries in Europe, Victor was equally comfortable on the athletic field and in the halls of power. An avid swimmer, boxer and motorcycle racer in his youth, Victor became a successful lawyer and political activist. He became a member of his small country’s Board of Deputies in 1934, and the next year was elected to a council seat in Luxembourg City. 
Victor lived on the Sauer River, which forms the border between Luxembourg and Germany. As Hitler and the Nazis rose to power in the 1930’s, it became increasingly difficult for Jews to leave Germany. Desperate  Jews began crossing the treacherous Sauer River, hoping to find safety in the small kingdom. Fortunately for them, Victor Bodson was waiting on the other side to ferry them to safety. An expert driver and mechanic, Victor equipped his vehicle with a specially-designed apparatus to completely hide the passengers. When the Jewish refugees exited the river, they followed secret directions to Victor’s house, where he provided them with dry clothing and other basic needs. Then he ferried them to safe houses that he’d arranged and prepared beforehand.
Victor continued his heroic lifesaving efforts for seven years, from 1933 to 1940. He did this despite knowing that if the Nazis found out, he could be executed without trial. He took many risks during those seven years, never knowing whom he could trust when looking for people to hide Jews, never knowing if the Nazis were on his trail, and traveling through treacherous forests during bitter winter months. The exact numbers are unknown, and Victor did not talk about his brave actions, but historians estimate that he saved approximately 100 people – not to mention all those peoples’ descendants.
In May 1940, Germany invaded Luxembourg and Victor was unable to continue helping Jewish refugees. Most of the Luxembourg government fled in a motorcade, but Victor stayed behind to provide help amid the chaos. Later, using knowledge of backroads gained during his time as a motorcyclist, he escaped to France, then Portugal, and finally to Montreal, Canada where he became part of the Luxembourg government in exile. For the remainder of the war, Victor continued to help Jews and other refugees by providing them with entry visas to Canada and the United States. In 1942 the Gestapo put him on their most wanted list, but they were unable to do anything to him because he was so far away.
After the war, Victor returned to his homeland and served as a high level government commissioner, first in the justice department and later as the transportation minister. In 1971, Victor was deeply touched to be recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem. He wrote a beautiful letter of gratitude for the honor, humbly downplaying his own actions and saying that he was simply fulfilling his human duty to help others.
Victor Bodson died in 1984. He remains a source of pride to his countrymen who named the beautiful Victor Bodson Bridge after him. 
For saving one hundred lives over seven years, we honor Victor Bodson as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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blueiscoool · 11 months
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Ukraine Displays Recovered Artifacts Stolen by Russians
Ukraine has recovered 14 archaeological items stolen by a Russian man who was stopped at a U.S. airport on suspicion of illegally importing artifacts, Ukrainian officials said Friday.
Ukraine’s acting Minister of Culture Rostyslav Karandieiev said the man stole the artifacts from Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory and then tried to transport them into the U.S. At a news conference in Kyiv Friday, Karandieiev showed some of the artifacts to journalists, along with the documentation that Ukraine received.
The recovered items include various types of weaponry, such as axes of different sizes, and date back to periods ranging from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages. One of the oldest is a polished Neolithic axe, dating from approximately 5,000-3,000 years BCE, said Karandieiev.
“It’s safe to say that Ukraine has received a new shipment of weaponry. The only catch is that this weaponry is incredibly ancient,” Karandieiev said with a smile during the public handover of artifacts at the historic Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, a sacred Orthodox monastic complex.
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The Russian invasion of Ukraine, now in its second year, is being accompanied by the destruction and pillaging of historical sites and treasures on an industrial scale, causing losses estimated in the hundreds of millions of euros (dollars), Ukrainian authorities say.
Most of the artifacts returned were handed over to Ukraine during the visit of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the United States in September.
The accompanying document disclosed the identity of the individual responsible for the unlawful importation of artifacts, revealing that he hails from Krasnodar, Russia.
The acting director general of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Maksym Ostapenko, estimated the value of the repatriated items to be around $20,000. But he emphasized that each artifact, given its age, is a significant cultural treasure.
Karandieiev also highlighted a case where 16,000 items were found to be missing from the art museum in Kherson after Ukrainian forces liberated the city following a nine-month Russian occupation.
“How long it will take to return our treasures, our artifacts, is hard to say,” he concluded.
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