#Misfits x reader
sunnysoulzz · 1 year
Hi lads! Dropping another misfits FIC because they are all I think abt 🤭🤭, also ima be calling him fitz in this cause it feels weird to call him cameron 😭💀
Me when I turn men that are definitely womanisers into touch starved losers 😍
Fitz x reader oneshot
Warnings: goodguyfitz x gn!reader, smut kinda, drug/alcohol use mentioned, like the opposite of porn not plot (plot no porn?), implied sex ig?, friends to lovers/fwb, you give fitz a boner lol
It was almost midnight. You had spent the day hanging out with your best friend fitz. You and him were sitting on the couch together watching a movie, you had smoked a bong earlier and had a couple drinks, so you were coming down from your high.
You let yourself flop onto fitz, your back was against his forearm. You felt him tense up against you. You looked back at him, his eyes were on you. You gave him a sweet smile. “Fuck…” he muttered under his breath as he looked away from you. You sat up, turning your body to look at him, “you ok?” You thought you accidentally hurt him or something. He turned back to you, slightly shocked, a light blush painting his face.
“Ah- yeah, sorry it’s nothing” he chuckled awkwardly and shifted under the blanket that was draped over him. “Are you sure?” You placed your hand on his thigh. His breath grew heavy. “Yes, I’m fine..” he grabbed your wrist, pulling you back into him. You blushed as you were now pushed against his chest.
You moved around, getting comfortable in his embrace when you accidentally brushed your hand against his crouch. He let out a shaky breath, your face grew even redder as you looked up at him. He was looking away, his eyes starring off into space. You quickly turned to face the tv, your back now pressed against his chest. He moved the blanket to lay over the two of you.
You settled into the new position. His arm moving to lay on your waist. It didn’t take long for your mind to wonder, you couldn’t care less about the movie at this point. You shifted back, trying to ‘get more comfortable’ until your ass was pressed against his bulge, it was very obvious now that he was hard as fuck. You heard his suck in a breath, his hand on your waist tightening slightly.
You took the opportunity. You moved around more, making sure to press against his erection. “You’re such a tease.” He said in your ear, making a shiver run down your spine. “What are you talking about?” You said with a smirk. “You know what your doing.” His voice was laced with lust. His other arm moved to grip your waist as well, he moved back and fourth against you, causing a moan to slip from your lips.
He kissed the back of your neck as his hands moved up to your chest. Your face was bright red. You had to admit you thought about fitz when you masturbated but you never thought you’d actually end up like this. Lucky you.
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quack42069 · 2 years
Marriage with SwaggerSouls
SwaggerSouls x GN!Reader
Mans is head over heels for you
He never questioned marriage with you, if anything he wanted it sooner than he thought
but he wanted to do things the right way
and that he did
first friends, introducing to friends, dating, boyfriend and significant other, introducing to family, and finally moving in together and after two years of living together at his house, he knew with the lease being up soon he wanted to have a home for you two, one you both decided on
You truly didn't see it coming
because he kept note of everything you said and wanted
any little thing you would say about marriage or future things you two would do ex: Watching a movie and saying "Oh my god I love that they proposed like that." he took note of
It was a cute proposal, small and intimate and he poured his heart out and recorded it for you two and family and friends
He wouldn't post the proposal video but a few pics he took with his helmet on and you he would
same goes with the wedding ^
Now on to actual marriage life
He feels more committed in a way and in a good way
LOVES refering to you as his spouse
doesn't do it often but does love when he does
"Yeah my husband/wife..."
and his friends love it and find it hilarious how he loves the title
You guys got your dream home together shortly after the wedding
anytime someone tries shipping him with anyone its always him showing the ring on his finger
his way of being like "no no no"
never takes off the ring btw
overall marriage with swaggs is deffo a 1000/10
very wholesome and full of love
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yoursecondfirstlove · 2 years
Anti-Social Behavior
P.1  P.2  P.3  P4  P5
(Nathan Young x f!reader)
(Y/n) starts her community service and instantly forms a strong connection to the menace of the group. However she’s quickly dawned with the realisation that the fast growing relationship with her fellow young offender isn’t the most interesting part of her community service.
Word count: 6,605
Warnings: swearing, smoking, description of violence, sex mention
And here she was, community service. (Y/n) had gotten caught doing her graffiti one too many times, she’d been too slow to outrun the police once too many times and gotten charged with fines she didn’t pay half the time one too many times. So now it was community service. Two hundred hours of it in fact. It was such bullshit! So now she was dawning an itchy orange jumpsuit. She kept her spiked bracelets and her choker on though, desperate to not let the uniform completely strip her of her identity and as she looked around the locker room she could see most of the others had done the same. There was a girl with dirty blonde hair that she was scraping back into a headache enduring tight ponytail, a tall athletic man who left his jumpsuit handing around his waist, a beautiful girl who was clearly aware of how gorgeous she was fixing her hair and pushing up her tits and a tall lanky boy who’d decided to cross out  the ‘pay’ in community pay back to read ‘community blowback’ and finally, a guy who was clearly putting in far too much effort to look tougher than he was dawning a cap and a chain. The only one who’d stuck completely to the jumpsuit without embellishment was a stoic boy with beading blue eyes who was smoothing down his already flat hair. Then one by one they all filed out of the locker room.
They stood lined up at a railing, as their probation worker addressed them. “This is it!” He announced “this is your chance to do something positive, give something back. You can help people, you can really make a difference to peoples lives” the man was poised, he had clearly given this speech to many delinquents and young offenders before. “There are people out there who think you’re scum! You have an opportunity to show them they’re wrong” “but what if they’re right?” The curly haired guy next to (y/n) interrupted cheekily. The probation worker paused, scrutinizing him before he continued “no offence but I’m thinkin’ some people are just born criminals” he not so subtly gestured to the man standing next to him, which once the capped man caught he quickly retorted “are you lookin’ to get stabbed?” The curly haired man near shrugged before turning back to the probation worker “see my point there?” Right as he’d finished speaking a phone rang and without hesitation the pretty girl answered “hey” the probation worker continued speaking “doesn’t matter what you’ve done in the past” but the girl was still in the phone “doin’ my community service” “hey!” The probation worker interjected but she acted as if he wasn’t there “boring as fuck..” (y/n) couldn’t help roll her eyes “excuse me, I’m still talking here.” The pretty girl shrugged “what I thought you’d finished” the probation worker was visibly losing his patience “you see my lips still moving, that means I’m still talking.” The curly haired guy scrunched up his face a little “yeah but you could have been yawning or chewing” (y/n) laughed a little at his persistent cheekiness. “End the call. Hang up!” She just continued as if she hadn’t heard “my probation worker” she replied to the other end of her call. The curly haired boy chose to find entertainment somewhere else, turning to stoic man at the end of the line up “you alright there weird kid?” Without a reply the girl continued speaking “don’t be disgusting…I’ll call you later” and she finally hung up. Of course the cheeky guy had gotten tired of not stirring the pot for two seconds and riled up the wannabe touch guy next to him by making kissy faces at him. “I will rip out your throat and shit down your neck” (y/n) let out a full laugh at that “well isn’t that a colorful image” she finally spoke. As the road man prick accosted the man next to her he turned to look at her, throwing her a little wink before turning back to the man trying to fight him. The athletic man mumbled to himself “I shouldn’t be here man…” The probation worker intervened in the growing physical altercation “we need to work as a team here! That’s enough!” The athletic mans face turned to one of disgust “can I move to a different group? This isn’t gonna work for me.” The girl directly beside (y/n) whipped her head towards him, her ponytail and large hoop earrings swaying as she did “erm what makes you think you’re better than us?” She said in a thick accent. The lanky man turned to her, amused “what is that accent?” “Is that for real?” She was clearly getting riled up “are you tryna say something?” The lanky man turned to the probation worker “it’s…that’s just a noise! Are we supposed to be able to understand her?” She wordlessly flipped him off before (y/n) added “well I suppose you can understand that” he smiled at her again before taking the man next to him under his arm “I think she likes me” reigniting their previous fight as everyone laughed at the probation worker desperately trying to break it up.
Man! The probation worker was right! This really is their chance to make a difference in peoples lives…by painting benches. (Y/n) couldn’t count the amount of times she’d been desperate to sit down but she couldn’t because off the benches were covered in graffiti. This just solidified that this community service bollocks was, in fact, total bullshit. She sat cross legged on the ground next to the hotheaded prick she already knew she’d hate. When he bent down to get more paint the idiot had hit the fresh paint with his hat, reeling back once he’d realized “man! There’s paint on my cap! This is bullshit!” He’d angrily kicked the paint bucket that sat in between them into the water and stormed off. “Cheers mate!” (Y/n) called after him annoyed. Looks like she doesn’t have paint anymore, prick. He’d ignored her entirely as he kicked over a shopping trolly, struggling with it a few seconds before he could pass “oooooooo” the pretty girl called after him condescendingly. The curly haired man leaned in to speak to the ponytailed girl “I’m guessing shoplifting? No?” She was clearly getting more and more annoyed by the second “don’t act like you know me, cuz ya don’t” he reeled back, trying to seem offended “I’m just making conversation. This is a chance to network with other young offenders! We should be swappin’ tips. Brianstormin’!”  She continued to ignore him. “Come in, what did you do?” She huffed a tiny bit “girl called me a slag so I got into a fight…” he smiled a little “was this on the Jeremy Kyle show?” “No, it was in Argos” “Argos..?” He whispered to himself “you know what you shoulda done? You shoulda got one of them little pens they have and-“ he started making a stabbing motion with his fist “jabbed it into her eye!” She just sneered at him as (y/n) watched, amused. He turned his attention to the bench she and the reclusive guy were at “what about you weird kid?” He looked up as he was addressed. “Don’t take this the wrong way or anything, but you look like a panty sniffer” (y/n) choked on a laugh for a second, the lanky mans eyes flickered to her, satisfied at her reaction as he charaded sniffing a pair of underwear. The shy man’s eyebrows furrowed “I’m not a panty sniffer…I’m not a pervert!” he said meekly. Ignoring him entirely the other guy started miming out jerking off with his paintbrush as he grunted. (Y/n) held her hand to her mouth as she tried to contain snorts of laughter. Clearly getting annoyed the shy man blurted “I tried to burn someone’s house down!” Oh! Just some casual attempted arson. The lanky man made a surprised noise as he stared for a second. Then he moved to kneel next to (y/n) “what about you gorgeous? What were you done for?” He asked, smiling cheekily. She returned his smiled “graffiti” she answered simply. He put his hand in his chest as he recoiled in faux horror “my goodness! How unforgivable!” (Y/n) playfully shoved him “what about you then?” She asked. He scrunched his face up “me? Oh uh…I was done for eating some pick’n’mix!”  (Y/n) raised her eyebrows “really?” He just nodded, retaining the cheeky smirk on his face. Suddenly his face turned to the sky “what is goin’ on with this weather?” Just as he’d asked, the probation worker returned seeing the state of the paint bucket in the water. “How’d that happen? I mean, you’ve been here five minutes” he asked clearly annoyed “it’s paining benches. How’d you screw that up? You tell me because I’ve got no idea” then all so suddenly something dropped from the sky, crushing the car behind him as everyone ducked and swore in surprise. “That’s my car!” The probation worker said. Clearly amused the lanky man smiled “classic!” Before another dropped into the water, splashing everyone. “Okay so I’m a little bit freaked out” he admitted. The pretty girls eyes turned to the sky to the growling storm cloud that had formed “what is that?” Massive boulders of ice continued to drop as everyone decided to sprint back to the community center. The lanky man grabbed onto (y/n) as they ran as he made the best attempt he could to shield her with his body. The athletic man was the first to reach the door as he tried to pull the doors open to no avail “it’s locked open it!” As the probation worker fiddled with his keys the curly haired man kept (y/n) in a tight grip as she clung to him right back. Everyone screamed at the probation worker to hurry up and open the door as he sifted through his keys. “Open the fucking door!” The pretty girl screamed causing the probation worker to whip around and scream right back “Don’t speak to me like that!” A flash of light sent everyone flying back. (Y/n) could feel her whole body tingling as she flew through the air and finally hit the ground in a heap. The group were collapsed all groaning in pain before the ponytailed girl managed to sit up “I feel really weird…” the curly hair man slowly sat up as well turning his head to check on (y/n). “That’ll be the lightning” the athletic man muttered in response. “We should be dead…” the stoic boy said. The lanky man helped (y/n) sit up as he turned to the shy man incredulously “a little reassurance might be nice, ya know, ‘you’re fine. Lookin’ good’” the probation worker craned his neck slightly “wanker” he blurted. Even the lanky man looked surprised “did he just call me a wanker?” The probation worker ignored him “is everyone alright?” “We could have died you dick!” The ponytailed girl examined the probation worker “are you alright? You’re actin’ like a freak” the probation worker continued to crane his neck and groan. “Maybe we should call it a day” he said trying to get up.
All the girls were hung back in the locker room so they could get changed without the boys. They’d just about done, the ponytailed girl was tightening her signature style when she’d heard the voice of one of the others “what did ya say?” She asked. The pretty girl squinted at her. “I didn’t say anything” they returned to their activities as (y/n) looked to the pretty girl who was clearly judging the other and (y/n)s voice rang in her head this time ‘judgmental bitch…’ the ponytailed girl scoffed out a laugh at that which left the others confused as the pretty girl turned on her heel and left. The ponytailed girl turned to (y/n) “do you feel dead weird as well?” She asked finishing her hair. (Y/n) nodded “definitely” she confirmed. The girl stood leaning against the locker “my names Kelly…what’s yours?” (y/n) smiled as she introduced herself. By the time both of them had walked out the others had already started leaving so they followed. They were heading different directions so they bid each other a brief goodbye as they went their separate ways.
As (y/n) walked she took out her iPod and earphones before someone popped out from behind the corner startling her “Jesus Christ!” She swore bringing her hand to her chest “actually” he started, it was the curly haired guy “my name’s Nathan” he grinned at her. She rolled her eyes as she halfheartedly fought to contain her smile. “You get off on that? Scaring the shit outta people?” She asked. He just shrugged. She rolled her eyes and continued to walk but he was hot on her heels “so what’s your name?” He asked eagerly “(y/n)” he smiled satisfied “well (y/n) would you like to get a drink with me?” She laughed a little “it’s ten o’clock in the morning!” He sputtered a little “and? It’s never too early for a drink!” She turned to his abruptly “maybe tomorrow” she said before walking off. He called after he “I will take that” as he did little victory jumps.
(Y/n) returned to the community service the next day to find two people already there, the athletic man and the pretty girl. She turned her attention to the wall finding ‘Im going to kill you’ written in bold red letters. Kelly and the quiet man joined them after not long, Kelly and (y/n) greeted each other with a nod. The athletic man got riled up by the sight of the gaudy writing and as Nathan rounded a corner walking towards them he exclaimed “this is a joke! Did one of you do this?” Kelly scrunched her face up slightly “don’t look at me, I didn’t do it” the man turned his gaze to (y/n) as she just looked at him, unamused and shook her head. “I’ll tell ya who did it” Nathan started “it’s that Banksy prick, there’s a hidden meaning! It’s like that monkey policeman with the banana and the Tesco’s bag.” The quiet man looked nervously at the lettering “maybe someone wants to kill us” he muttered “and why would anybody want to kill us?” They were soon joined by the probation worker greeting them “right come on you lot, let’s get changed” the athletic man was quick to point out the garish graffiti “have you seen this? Someone’s takin’ the piss” the probation worker let out a huff “yeah it’s terrible isn’t it? All this antisocial behaviour” he said casting a glance at (y/n). “Oh! Is he having a dig at us” Nathan said leaning into (y/n)s ear. The pretty girls phone rang, setting off the probation worker as he demanded everyone hand over their phones and sent them all inside to get changed.
As they walked in (y/n) had finally asked everyone’s names, Alisha, Curtis and Simon. She figured she’d learned two peoples names already so she may as well learn the others as she would be working with them for the next twelve or so weeks. As they got changed Nathan cast the question “is he allowed to take our phones? He’s probably using them to call one of those sex lines” Curtis rolled his eyes  “those sex lines will eat your credit” “call them a lot do you?” Alisha chided, earning a curt “funny” Nathan continued the joke “he’s out there feeling himself on our phones, naked. Masturbating!” (Y/n) chuckled as she continued to pull on her jumpsuit, pretending not to notice the way Nathan eyed her. Alisha extended her arm to Curtis offering him a joint “do you want some of this?” He shook his head “no I’m good” Nathan swerved in front of him “give it here.” he took a pull before extending to to (y/n), she tried to take it from his hand out he kept a grip on it “ab ah ah” she rolled her eyes and took a pull with the joint still between his fingers. He smiled “come on” he said as he began walking out of the locker room.
They’d all gotten to work scrubbing at the garish lettering as Simon joined them quietly. Alisha and Curtis were having their own conversation, practically eyefucking each other already. ‘Jesus…’  (y/n) thought ‘are me and Nathan just as bad or is it just them?’ Kelly cast a glance to her before addressing the group “you know after the storm? Did any of yours feel like dead weird?” Nathan turned to her “yeah! i had a strange tingling sensation in my anus” (y/n) scoffed out a laugh, shaking her head. ‘I should say something’ Kelly heard Simons voice. She turned to him ‘I’ll just sound like a freak…’she approached him “what, did you feel weird?”  Nathan turned to address her again “what, you don’t want to hear about my anus?” (Y/n) laughed again “do you really need to ask the question?” Curtis said incredulously. “Something happened…” Simon began meekly. “What’s that? Squeak up!” Simons eyes flickered back to Kelly for reassurance “something happened to me” Kelly awaited an answer “Are you a virgin?” Nathan asked before he began to sing “ High Fi-“ “Shut up!” Kelly interrupted before turning back to Simon “What was it?” Simon swallowed nervously before dismissing “it’s nothing” Kelly chose not to push any further. She heard Nathan’s voice again ‘at least community service has one perk’ she turned to see him eyeing (y/n) as she knelt on the ground scrubbing the wall and pushing her hair away from her face ‘I am so gonna shag her brains out!’ Kelly scrunched up her face and shoved Nathan “prick!” She swore at him before storming off “what was that for?” Nathan called after her. (Y/n) considered following her but decided it best to continue with her work.
They’d decided to take their break, (y/n) and Alisha sat together as Alisha dished out the plethora of drama she had going in with her friends as the boys gathered around a foosball table. “It’s a shame more women don’t commit crime. Why is that? But hey at least we’re three on three” Nathan said “what do you mean?” Curtis asked. Nathan shrugged “there’s three of us and three of them, all evens out!” Curtis just laughed “there was four of us” Simon pointed out, Nathan dismissed him “I’m talking about gettin’ laid. So how are we gonna  do this, man?” Curtis furrowed his eyebrows “do what?” “Divide them up! Cuz I gotta tell ya, the one with all the frizzy hair, I don’t see me and her gettin’ it on” Curtis laughed “because she’s beautiful?“ he asked. Nathan shook his head, huffing “ no, because she’d be way too much effort! She looks high maintenance man! You’d have to treat her really well.” He scoffs “but that other one…” he begins snapping his fingers before pointing to Simon “Kelly” he reminds him “whatever, a couple of Bacardi Breezers, man, I reckon she’d be good to go” he pointed to Simon “perfect for you huh weird kid?” Curtis scoffed out a laugh “I suppose you get (y/n) then yeah?“ Nathan nods “come on man! Have ya seen us? we’re practically buzzin’ with sexual energy already, it’s only a matter of time before we start rippin’ each other’s clothes off!” Curtis scoffed yet again “yeah, and the girls like, do they get a say in this?” Nathan leans in exclaiming “a group of young people doing mindedness shit all day, face it man, it’s gonna happen! It always does! It’s biology. Or physics, one of those. So do we have a deal” Nathan spits into his hand and extends it to Curtis who just stares in disgust “no…” Nathan makes a slight face at him “fine then maybe I’ll take all of them” Curtis nods sarcastically “yeah, I see that happening.” “Yeah you will see it and then you’ll be sorry you didn’t accept the deal! And then who’s laughin’? Me.” Nathan strides off to join (y/n) and Alisha.
Simon also joins the girls as Curtis begins sorting out the buckets they’d used. Nathan, not wanting to pay for a drink had decided on physically assaulting the vending machine. A can of coke finally dropping as Curtis walked by as (y/n) watching Nathan violent attack on the machinery with a smile. Once Nathan had retrieved his can he decided to plop down into a wheel chair and pull (y/n) into his lap eliciting a giggle from her as he wheeled them both nearer to the others. “When I was in sixth form you came to my school” Alisha began, drawing the attention of the group as she addressed Curtis “you gave this big talk about athletics and all your medals and that.” Once Nathan had stopped wheeling he brought his arms up to wrap around (y/n)’s waist “so, I’m guessing you’re not going to the olympics..” Curtis near bared his teeth at him “funny” he hissed. “I heard he was dealing crack” Alisha stated, Curtis was quick to retort “what? i wasn’t dealing crack!” Nathan shook his head as he Leander forward to look past (y/n) to Alisha “no no no, papers said it was steroids” Alisha began to lay down “that stuff will shrivel your dick.” Curtis was visibly agitated “it wasn’t steroids! I’m not a cheat! That stuff in the papers was bullshit!” Alisha shrugged “yeah? So what was it then?” Curtis cast his eyes to her, then to Nathan, then to the ground “I got caught with a little bit of coke, alright? I messed up one time” Alisha huffed out a breath of disbelief “no one gets community service for possession!” Curtis scoffed “if it was anyone else they’d have got a caution. I get two hundred hours of community service and a two year ban from athletics. They said cuz of my profile they needed to send a message.” Nathan smirked “you let yourself down”  Alisha started silently cackling “you let the kids down, you let your parents down!” Curtis sprang from the wall he was leaning on “shut the fuck up!” Curtis surged to grab Nathan by the collar, (y/n) would have fallen right out of his lap onto the floor if Nathan hadn’t managed to stabilise her by her hips “All I ever did was train!” Curtis screamed in Nathan’s face as (y/n) covered her ears and scrunched her eyes closed, cowering in Nathan’s grasp. “You know nothing!” Curtis screamed again “I shouldn’t even fucking be here!” Nathan’s eyes snapped from Curtis to (y/n) as she shook with fright “you can’t hit someone in a wheelchair” Nathan said trying to defuse the situation. Nathan’s glance to (y/n) had reminded Curtis that she was there at all, and when he looked at her she looked terrified. Seeing her like that he finally managed to compose himself as he let go of Nathan’s collar and backed up. Nathan huffed out a sigh of relief as he tightened his grip on (y/n) casting a strained glance to Alisha. Alisha just grinned “do you wanna know what I got done for?” Nathan shrugged “not really” to which Alisha just rolled her eyes. She began recounting the whole story, unnecessary friendship and hookup drama included before she finally got to when she was pulled over and re-enacted her attempt to seduce the policeman by sucking on her water bottle for more than a little bit too long. Nathan and (y/n) both furrowed their eyebrows with their mouthed open as they exchanged a look and began giggling where as Curtis and Simon sat completely dumbfounded staring at her. When she’s finally done she says “now, I don’t know if this cop is gay or what, but he tells me I’m four times over the limit. It’s bullshit! i didn’t even wanna go to the party” she’s interrupted by the door slamming open and Kelly hurling herself inside “he’s gonna kill us!” She says as she scrambles to her feet to shut the door behind her. Nathan laughs “nice entrance! Very dramatic!” Kelly turns to the group, out of breath with her makeup running down her face “the probation workers gone mental he’s  just attacked me! Something really weird is happening! I’m hearing these voices in me head, it’s like ai can hear what people are thinkin’” Alisha huffs “have you been sniffing glue?” She asks condescendingly. “The storm, the lightning I dunno it’s just done something to us!” Kelly exclaims. “Okay..” Nathan begins “if you can hear our thoughts what am I thinking right now?” ‘This is bullshit!’ “You think it’s bullshit!””of course I think it’s bullshit! Your don’t have to be a mindreader to know that!” (Y/n) gives Nathan a disapproving look to which he just shrugs. Kelly casts her gaze down to Nathan’s legs “why are you in a wheelchair?” Nathan dawns a pathetic look “it was the storm!” Kelly’s expression softens for a moment “the strange tingling sensation in my anus has spread through my body and now I can’t feel my legs” (y/n) huffs “don’t be a prick” she said as she pinched him in the side “ow!” Nathan exclaims “I’m serious!” Kelly yells as she kicks his shin “Ouch! Jesus! Enough!” Nathan wails. Curtis steps forward “what do you mean the probation worker attacked you?” “This does sound like complete shit!” Alisha added. Kelly fed up with people not believing her screamed “he is out there and he chased me!” (Y/n) was quick to stand up try and calm her down, Nathan threw his hands up in annoyance as she stood from his lap but she didn’t even notice as she rushed to Kelly to do her best to comfort her. “Somethings happened to me too…” Nathan already annoyed with his loss of physical contact quickly snapped sarcastically “did you pop your cherry? Ah, we’re all very happy for ya” Simon just shook his head “earlier on when we were in the locker room, I was invisible…I turned invisible” Kelly looked to Simon hopefully as she continues to grip onto (y/n), thankful she wasn’t the only one who was going through this crazy shit. Curtis was quick to shut it down though “so she’s psychic and you can turn invisible? That seems likely” Nathan joined “yeah, did anyone witness this miraculous disappearance?” “You were all there” Simon defended. “Uh I think we might have noticed you vanishing into thin air” Simons face turned sorrowful “you’d didn’t. I was standing right there. You couldn’t see me.” Nathan rolled his eyes “alright” he wheeled up to Simon “go on then. Do it. Turn invisible!” (Y/n) rolled her eyes turning her attention back to Kelly “are you alright?” She finally asked, Kelly just shook her head “you believe don’t ya? You have to believe me!” (Y/n) nodded and pulled Kelly in for a hug. Kelly pulled away from (y/n)s grip to stop Nathan from wheeling towards the door “don’t! Don’t go out there he will kill ya!” Nathan just rolled his eyes “of course he will cuz he’s such a badass.” “Don’t!” “She’s tellin’ the truth!” Curtis exclaims drawing everyone’s attention. Nathan smiles, clearly finding this whole situation incredibly amusing “and you know this how? i suppose you’re psychic now too?” Curtis took a few breaths before answering “all this” Curtis began, “it’s already happened once. I opened the door, the probation worker he killed you” he looked to Kelly as he continued “you were right there, you were dead. Everything froze, you were all just standing there. Time went backwards” Curtis continued to pant as Alisha rolled her eyes “what are you saying? What, you turned back time?” “Well this just gets better by the second” “everything happened again, exactly the same! I’m tellin’ you don’t open that door!”Nathan ignored him as he began to unlatch the door “Nathan don’t!” (Y/n) demanded as he peered out the door before quickly shutting and re-latching it. Nathan spun around, panic in his face “he’s right! The probation workers gone mental” from outside the probation worked started hammering on the door as Nathan sprang forward towards (y/n) subtly pushing her behind him.
“Maybe he’s on crystal meth” Alisha tried to rationalise “I mean that stuff makes you crazy! My friend Chloe did it, she nearly shagged her brother! And he’s really ugly” Simon gasped a little “the graffiti ‘I’m going to kill you’ he wrote it” “what did I say? i said there was a hidden meaning! Or not..” Kelly turned to (y/n) and Alisha “did anything happen to you?” “No!” Alisha explained “we should call the police” Simon shook his head “he took our phones. He’s got all of our phones.” Then the banging stopped. Alisha looked to Kelly angrily “you dickhead! Why did you come back here? you should have gone for help!” Kelly whipped around “what do you know bitch?” “Shut up you chav” “hey!” (Y/n) interrupted “if she’d gone for help none of us woulda known the probation worker had gone mental, we’d be dead before she even found help!” Kelly retained eye contact with Alisha as she pointed to (y/n) “Exactly!” She turned to address the rest of the group “he tried to kill me!  I came back here to warn yous lot and I coulda left ya! I’m sick of you dickheads judgin’ me! You can all fuck off!” Alisha stormed off “whatever I’m getting outta here.” (Y/n) turned to run to the back exit and before she even registered what was happening she was already there. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she heard the others around the corner. Nathan rounded the corner and slipped on the floor on what had been discovered to be a pool of blood. Nathan stood up abruptly “get it off me!” He cried as he turned to (y/n) his disgust and horror was interrupted by confusion as he spotted her “how’d you get here so quick?” (Y/n) looked at him wide eyed as she shrugged. The group cautiously approved the locker that the blood had pooled out of, Curtis swung open the door to reveal the dead body of their fellow young offender. They all jumped back screaming. “I did wonder what happened to him” Nathan mumbled as he reached to grip (y/n)s hand in his own. The group bickered a bit and Nathan only gripped onto (y/n) tighter in his horror. Curtis turned to Alisha to comfort her “come on…don’t look at him” he reached to take hold her her arm but once he made contact he let out a pained groan “I’ve gotta have sex with you right now! You’re so beautiful” Alisha struggled in his grasp as she managed to push him off “get off me you freak!” Curtis seemed to snap out of it “what?” He asked seeming genuinely confused. Alisha just swung to hit him, he caught her arm and began the same lust driven ramblings as she once again broke from his grasp. “What did I do?” Curtis asked again both confused and concerned “uh” Kelly started “you said you were gonna shag her””And you were gettin’ your chap out” Nathan added. Simon examined the situation for a second before concluding “it’s when you were touching her” Alisha looked around before examining her own hands and then pressing a hand to Simons neck. Sure enough he too feel into insatiable lust and ramblings as his veins darkened on his pale skin. Alisha recoiled in horror “what is happening to me?” Suddenly the probation worker broke through the glass of the door grunting anomalistically. The group scrambled away but Kelly grabbed a paint can hitting him over the head with it. The group settled, observing the limp body of their probation worker. (Y/n) gripped Nathan’s arm holding her hand to her mouth as stray tears streamed down her face “is he dead?” She asked Nathan reached the arm she was gripping to pull her further behind him “well I’m no doctor but…you see the way the back of his head’s caved in like that…” the probation worker sprang back to life grabbing at Kelly’s ankle and she wasted no time in stomping directly on his head. Once he’d stopped moving Kelly turned around, looking like she was about to be sick. “That should do it” Nathan said. (Y/n) felt her tears stream harder as she leaned her face into Nathan’s back, Nathan turned around to engulf her in a tight embrace, both for her comfort and his own. “You killed our probation worker” Alisha pointed out, Kelly stared at her open mouthed. “This is very, very bad” Nathan muttered into (y/n)s hair. “He would have killed us!” Kelly defended “we should call the police, it was self defence” Curtis said, Alisha nodded “yeah yeah, we’ll show them the body in the locker they’ll do some csi shit and figure it out” “the won’t believe us” Kelly insisted. “We just tell them the truth! We stick to our story” Kelly huffed “and what’s our story? That he can turn invisible and you can turn back time? It doesn’t matter what we tell them, they’ll say we’re lying! They’ll say that we killed them both!”  The group looked around at each other, scared shitless. “If there’s no body there’s no crime” Simon said abruptly “what the fuck” (y/n) spoke into Nathan’s shoulder still trembling. “We should bury them under the flyover” Simon continued. “Yeah?” Alisha questioned “how are we gonna do that? Someone’s gonna see us”  Nathan finally broke from the right hug “no no no no no he give em a quick…” he whistled gesturing to the bodies “put them in a those of wheelchairs, wheel them up there and if anyone sees us we’re just a bunch of young offenders taking a couple of specials for a walk in the sunshine” he finished breathing unsurely as he looked to the group for reassurance on his plan.
And that’s exactly what they’d done. They dropped the bodies into the pit still clearly horrified by the situation. Nathan tried his hand at a joke “I’m pretty sure this breaches the terms of my ASBO…” they began discussing the secrecy of the situation, all promising to never mention it to anyone every again. They started burying the bodies and Nathan turned Simon “didn’t you say you wanted to piss on her tits? Probably best to keep that between you and your internet service provider” Nathan continued to joke before something dawned on him as he looked at Kelly ‘if she can hear what I’m thinking, did she hear all the stuff about (y/n)? Oh shit! She can hear that!’ He broke out of the thought “so hold on, all of you have some kinda special power, everyone can do something but me!” “I can’t” (y/n) interrupted “yes you can” Simon chimed in. Nathan and (y/n) turned their attention to Simon who crumbled a little under the pressure “earlier when you ran to the back door, it’s like you just disappeared” (y/n) nodded, she’d almost forgotten about that “I think you’ve got super speed” Simon concluded, (y/n) just nodded thoughtfully “exactly!” Nathan exclaimed “all of you can do something except me, he can do something” he point to Simon “he do something! And I can’t! That’s ridiculous, look at him! How does that make any sense?” Simon just swallowed “maybe you can do something, you just haven’t found out what it is yet” Nathan nodded “yeah…right. what if-what if I can’t feel pain?” Kelly gave him a smack over the head “did ya feel that?” “Stop hitting me!” He turned to (y/n) looking for some sympathy but she just grinned and shook her head at his antics.
They’d finally finished with everything, all the cleanup and loose ends. They’d changed and all filed out of the building. When (y/n) walked out she’d found Nathan with a cigarette between his teeth, he looked exhausted. “Don’t suppose you’re up for that drink?” He asked. (Y/n) gave him a grin before walking up to him and linking their arms “I’m pretty sure a drink is exactly what I need right now” she said as she led him to the closest bar.
The next day they’d all showed up to their community service only to be lined up by a woman they’d never seen before. “Gary and my colleague Tony have both been reported missing. Their families are very worried about them. Have you seen anything unusual, anything at all?” The group stood nervously before Nathan raised his hand “a few days ago ... I got into the toilets, Tony and Gary were in there, they’re butt naked, Tony has Gary by the hair, like this and he’s just doin’ him doggy style” everyone stares at him, dumbfounded and horrified as he acts out this alleged graphic sexy scene once he’d finished he planted his hands on his hips “so sim guessing they’ve ran away to continue their illicit homosexual affair, and I ask you, in this world of intolerance and prejudice who are we-who are we to condemn them?” The lady just rolls her eyes and walks away as the group continues to stare open mouthed at Nathan. Once she’s gone (y/n) pinched Nathan’s side “what the hell was that?!” She hisses.
The group all stood on the roof taking in their situation. Nathan plucked a shared cigarette from (y/n) “I think we got away with it!” Curtis scoffs “do you actually believe that or are you just really dumb?” “I actually believe that!” (Y/n) giggles and leaned her head into Nathan’s shoulder. Nathan casts his eyes down to her before expressing his frustration again “I mean, I was there. i should have one of these bullshit powers.” Kelly turned to him annoyed “you can have mine. Wanna hear what people are thinkin’ about you” Nathan seemed to consider it for a second before he cast a flirtatious look down to (y/n) but quickly the judgmental looks of the others caught his eye “not so much. I want something good, something off the A-list” Simon looked to him “maybe you can fly” “don’t encourage him!” (Y/n) interjected “yeah!” Nathan agreed “there’s always someone who can fly! Check it out” “don’t” Kelly and (y/n) say in tandem as Nathan climbs onto the nearest chair hurling himself off it and toppling into the ground. “Ow! No that’s not it!” Curtis rolled his eyes as he turned to address the rest “so, what happens now? Is this is? Are we gonna be like this forever?” Simon shrugged “what if we’re meant to be like, superheroes” Nathan scoffed as he walked back up to the group, slinging an arm around (y/n)s shoulder as she spoke “yeah, no I don’t think so mate” “yeah, you lot. Superheroes? No offence, but in what kind of fucked up world would that be allowed to happen?” Nathan shared a sarcastic glance with (y/n) as she smiled at him “superheroes! i love this guy. You prick!” Simon just did his best to ignore Nathan’s heckling. “What if there’s people like us all over town?” Kelly asked. “No! That kinda thing only happens in America!” He insisted and then locked eyes with (y/n) again as she smiled up at him “this will fade away, I’m telling ya, by this time next week, it’ll be back to the same old boring shit” he finished as he planted a kiss on (y/n)s forehead.
(A/N): Holy moly this  is absolutely the longest fic I’ve ever written but I thing I’m going to try and stick with episode by episode for this series 
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incorrectquotesmcu · 9 months
Y/N: Why don’t you come around to my house and I’ll cook you dinner?
Natasha: What are you cooking?
Y/N: Chicken nuggets.
Natasha: Oh, I didn’t realize you were a trained chef.
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tainsan · 1 year
misfits III (college!ateez x reader)
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{a/n: this one is a little bit crazy so buckle up!} 
do not steal my work or repost on places other than tumblr.
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warnings: small anxiety attack, someone is a dickhead to reader
word count: 7k
“I’m sorry I just can’t....
”“What do you mean?” Wooyoung’s voice is full of remorse as he cuts your words off. Yeosang can feel his heart drop down to his stomach.
“Let me finish,” you say softly, “I was going to say I just can’t believe this is happening.” 
Wooyoung tilts his head to the side, whereas Yeosang’s hands gripped tightly, his nails digging into his palm.
“What do you mean?” Wooyoung repeats himself, not understanding the situation.
“Look I’ll spare you the sob story but my entire life I’ve kind of been treated like shit, it’s extremely hard to believe that something incredible like this is happening, it doesn’t seem real at all,” you admit, looking at your hands which are now full of sweat. Your comment pierces the hearts of the two males standing in front of you.
“It’s happening, okay?” Yeosang takes your hands into his own, and you fail to see the way Wooyoung’s jaw clenches, “sometimes bad things fall apart for good things to fall into place.” Your heart stops for a second as the words leave his mouth. It was something your mother used to say when you were younger. You aren’t sure if it was his words or the way he was caressing your hands in his, but something made you not able to move an inch. “I think…”
Abruptly your words are cut off by the sound of the front door opening, and some noisy voices entering into the building. Looking between Yeosang and Wooyoung, you realise the rest of the house was finished with their classes and now home. Much to your dismay, you were hoping to only have to talk to one or two people today. Silently hoping that none of them go to this room, you take your hands away from Yeosang’s grasp wiping the sweat on the sides of your legs. Yet your hopes are crushed when you hear multiple footsteps pounding around outside. Of course, this room had to be so close to the kitchen. You hear a familiar voice call out for Wooyoung and Yeosang, causing your heart to clench momentarily. They seem to notice your behaviour change, not answering the call, still studying your body language, and trying to figure out how to get you out of this situation. Their efforts are futile though, as you hear a knocking on the door. 
“Don’t tell me you are dwelling in this room waiting for,” the door opens, and you see San scanning the room. His eyes widen as he makes eye contact with you, not being able to believe you are here.
“___? You came?” His voice is soft yet the hints of enthusiasm that spill through his cold exterior are unmistakeable. It’s the first time you’ve seen San since the tutoring session, however, you aren’t as ecstatic as you thought you’d be to see him again, wishing it was under different circumstances. 
Not grasping how to proceed, all you do is wave in response, a forced smile plastered on your features. Fortunately for you, San is fairly able to read the situation, noticing the way your body is tensed up and uncomfortable. He too speedily tries to think of a way to help you, but unfortunately, the only way to get out is through the kitchen it seems hopeless, and he isn’t about to let you go out through the window, as much as you’d gladly throw yourself out right now.
“Sannie what is taking so long?” You hear another familiar voice get closer to the door. Realising there is no way out of this situation, you grudgingly decide to trail the three men out of the room headed for the kitchen. As your eyes make contact with the kitchen, you see five men either sitting or standing around the island, talking boisterously about what seems to be for dinner tonight. Groceries are laid across the island in multiple plastic bags. You can recognise Jongho and Mingi, which makes you feel a little at ease, yet when your eyes land on Hongjoong, your heart races even quicker remembering the act with him two days ago. You immediately take your eyes away from him and that’s when your eyes land on two unfamiliar faces, they must be Seonghwa and Yunho. They both have black hair and are undeniably stunning. It is Jongho who looks towards where you and the three others are entering, his smile growing on his face when he sees his roommates, the first time you’ve seen his full smile and it makes you comprehend how close they must all be. Luckily, none of the men in the kitchen sees you half hiding behind Yeosang.
“What took you so long?,” he says, feigning annoyance. At that moment all the guys look at you, and you hide entirely behind Yeosang, not knowing what to do. It’s one thing being with three of the Ateez members, let alone all of them in one space.
“Who is that?” You hear Mingi's query. ‘Fuck’ you think, knowing he noticed you, even though you were expertly disappeared behind Yeosang’s broad figure. Wooyoung looks to his left and observes you almost flat against Yeosang’s back, concealing from the view. His attempts to hold back his laugh and it does not go ignored by the five men in the kitchen.
San bends down slightly to meet your ear, “Just come out, nothing bad is going to happen.” His voice is again soothing and calm, only you Wooyoung and Yeosang hear it. 
Not realizing you are hiding behind him, Yeosang turns to see what is occurring behind his back. Due to his motion, you are uncovered to the five men residing in the kitchen. As their eyes meet you, there are mixed responses seen across the room. Jongho’s smile spreads throughout his face, Mingi has a sort of shocked-glad look adorning his expression, and you swear you see the corners of Hongjoong’s lip turn up ever so vaguely. However, the two men you are new to have unreadable looks on their faces. A deathly silence follows your reveal behind Yeosang, and he feels extremely guilty for uncovering your concealment.
Before you can say hello, one of the two unidentified faces stands up from his chair behind the island, and you notice he is incredibly tall and well-built, he is undeniably the tallest of the group, his height reaching above Mingi’s.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” His voice is venomous and cruel. He does not utter another word before storming past San, bumping roughly into his shoulder, definitely on purpose. Then disappearing into one of the bedrooms behind you. Sighs are heard from the kitchen, some seeming shocked yet some of them appear as if they expected it. 
Looking over to your left, confusion on your face, you go to ask San if he is okay from the impact of the tall male.
“I’m fine,” San replies, his scowl being replaced by a light smile, momentarily feeling delighted you are concerned about his health. You fail to notice the way the six others in the room frown at the man who has your consideration.
“San,” Hongjoong speaks out, getting the notice of the male next to you. His voice is authoritative and sharp, but not in a foul-mouthed way. Rolling his eyes, San moves away from you and towards the room where the man who just stormed off was residing in. Gently, Wooyoung places his hand on the small of your back, guiding you towards the kitchen, his fingers on fire from the contact with you. 
“So how do you like the house? I’m sure Wooyoung and Yeosang have given you a good tour?” Hongjoong asks you as you are still in your place, Wooyoung swiftly takes a place to your right whereas Hongjoong takes a place to your left. Yeosang grumbles as he makes his way towards the empty seat across the island.
“Um yes, it’s lovely.” You reply, your voice is hushed and soft. Hongjoong’s look is unfazed.
“That’s great. So, when are you moving in?” He is straightforward with his words and the inquiry hangs in the room causing the others to become tense for your reply, not sure if you are moving in or not. The harsh actions of the man bounce around in your brain, and you are not even sure if it was Yunho or Seonghwa, or if that was even their name.
“It’s a great place but isn’t it going to look kind of weird if I’m living with eight guys?” you reply truthfully, deciding to ignore your many thoughts and questions about what just happened. You are hoping for people to not be assuming things, if you were to live here, you’d prefer people not to know. Knowing that if it got out you were living with them, then the attention directed towards you would be extreme and way too much for you to handle.
This time Wooyoung replies “We thought you might say that. But it’s not like you have to share a bed with any of us,” he bends down to your level once again, “unless you want to.” 
You are extremely taken by surprise by this comment, your cheeks heating up almost instantly. It’s the first time anyone has ever spoken to you like this and you definitely have no idea how to react.
Noticing your stunned expression, Mingi quickly steps in, “he’s just joking, don’t take anything he says too seriously.” Rolling his eyes, Wooyoung moves away from your frame, resting down on the barstool next to you.
“I see this is what you meant by overbearing?” You ask Hongjoong, half joking, half serious. However, the look on Wooyoung’s face, when the word comes out of your mouth, is too amusing to not laugh at. He has an open mouth and places his hand over his heart, simulating to be offended.
“In a way, yes,” Hongjoong responds, his lips twitching up a little. 
“To answer your question,” you start, all the men in the room holding their breaths in suspense, not knowing what the answer would be, “if I am to move in here, I want to ask some questions, if that’s okay.” 
They breathe out slowly in relief, it’s not a definitive no, they still have a chance. 
“What would those be?” You look over to the person who asked the question, it is the man you are unfamiliar with. His voice is deep but smooth, like honey. For the first time, your eyes make direct contact with his and for some reason it feels like it’s not the first time your eyes have met his. It feels like there are lost memories in his eyes, and if you look close enough, you will be able to recover them. There is a strong emotion on his face, it’s concentrated and undeniable, yet you can’t quite grasp what exactly the emotion is. You stare long into his deep eyes, wanting some sort of answer to a question you don’t even know the words to. Swiftly you break the eye contact, avoiding getting lost in the familiarity of his gaze. The small interaction doesn’t go unnoticed by the group and they are momentarily worried that there was something wrong, or maybe that you realised something.
“Um, well first I want to know if I’m allowed to have friends over?” You query, hoping they say yes. If you are going to live here, you better be able to have Jisung over. Sleepovers are a must for the two, if you need the space from everything to just be together and talk about all the little things.
“It’s preferred not,” Hongjoong answers directly. Immediately feeling a little bummed, you start to frown, making a mental tally of the pros and cons.
“But if it’s only Jisung it’s okay. As long as you let us know if he’s coming over.” Jongho quickly adds, ignoring the way Hongjoong sends a deathly glare in his direction. Jongho sends the look back, knowing he is in the right. Nodding at the extra information, you think about your next question.
“What is food like here, do we buy food separately and eat by ourselves or do we share?” 
It is silent for a second before Hongjoong answers, it seems like he is the one in charge of the way things roll around here. Makes sense why they call him ‘captain’ “We eat breakfast and lunch separately most of the time, but for dinner, we will always eat together, unless we are busy with work or assignments.” You find this sweet and smile to yourself hearing this answer. It’s been a while since you’ve eaten dinner with people like a family. Always liking communal dinners, this goes as a pro in your books.
“I have some things I want though, if I am to move here.” You declare, trying to sound as authoritative as Hongjoong, but likely failing. Yet, the men around you nod and let you continue, with smiles on their faces.
“It sounds dumb, but you’d have to knock on my door before entering.” 
“No eating my food if it’s in the fridge.” 
This time Yeosang talks up, “We have some rules about that too, just make sure you put your name on it, and then it’s yours.” 
Mingi also adds to the conversation, “And if it’s in there for longer than a week then we throw it out, just so we don’t have unnecessary space being filled.” This makes you feel relieved, glad that it is somehow so organized in this house. In your past experiences in shared dorms, you have always seemed to have bad luck with roommates. Eating your food, being unnecessarily noisy at ungodly hours, being overall dickheads and just nuisances. 
“We have a question.” The nameless man is talking now, you try to make eye contact with him yet fail miserably, resorting to just nodding in his direction, hoping he doesn’t take it as being rude. “If you have any issues like illnesses or allergies, we’d like to know just in case we need to avoid certain foods and things?”
“Well, I don’t have any illnesses or allergies, just some problems with mental health I guess.” You disclose, uncomfortable to be sharing this information with so many strangers at once. Some part of you wonders why you even said it. They did not need to know that they meant physical illnesses. Whatever, if they are going to be your roommates they might as well know, you guess. The shoulders of the man who questioned you drop slightly, yet strangely he nods as if he already knew the answer. Luckily, they do not ask further questions about your mental state, much to your relief.
“Any more questions?” Hongjoong inquires.
“Please don’t go into my room without my permission. It’s not like I’m hiding anything, I just need the privacy.” 
“That’s fine, we also prefer it that way too, snooping in other rooms is not acceptable here.” Hongjoong reacts to your statement causing you to nod and beam gratefully for the consideration.
“What do I have to do regarding the rent payments? Would I need to go somewhere so they can process my move?”
“We have that sorted out already, all you would need to do is sign a form and contract which I can show you later.”
“Okay fine.” You utter, almost as if you were holding in a breath for years. Around you, the five men look positive, hoping what you’re leading to is what they desire to hear. You continue, “When can I move in?” 
Wooyoung and Mingi jump up from their chairs, Yeosang sits up straight, not believing his ears, Jongho and the nameless man seem to share a relieved look, and for the first time, you see Hongjoong’s smile reaches his eyes. 
“I have one last question though,” You start speaking again looking towards the male who you have not met before, “I’m sorry I don’t know your name yet.” 
His eyes open hugely, and he answers, “When they said you didn’t know about us, they weren’t lying,” he rises from his chair and makes his way toward you, making you ever more confused as to why his face is so familiar, reaching out his hand softly to shake yours, “I’m Seonghwa, and the other guy was Yunho.” 
Taking his hand in yours, you shake his hand with a small smile on your face, when he smiles back, you swear you could’ve fainted from his beauty. You are starting to understand why this whole group is so popular. Seonghwa lets go of your hand gently, before turning back to his chair and sitting back down, though the beam on his features does not falter as he keeps secretly stealing glances at you. Deciding to reply to his comment, you speak up, “As I’ve said before, I live under a rock,” 
“She said she doesn’t give a shit about us,” Wooyoung says, teasing you further.
“Hey, I said that I didn’t care about all the gossip and group stuff, and with no offence,” You glare playfully at him, bringing your finger up to your mouth to jokingly signal him to keep his mouth closed. His smile is contagious as he reaches up and ruffles the top of your head, the action making your heart skip a few beats. Immediately looking down at your hands, avoiding Wooyoung’s eyes, you miss the envious stares pointed at the second youngest.
“Do you not care about the rumours surrounding us?” This time it’s Mingi who talks. As fast as you can blink, the entire room is thick with tension, and you can feel the glares pointed towards the man who spoke up. Pondering on your answer for a second you decide to answer truthfully.
“I’ll be honest, I was a little worried,” The men around you deflate with sadness filling their hearts, and Yeosang and Mingi start to feel the familiar anxious feeling in their throats. You resume talking, “But in the end, rumours are just rumours, it’s up to the person hearing them whether they believe it or not.” 
“What do you believe?” Seonghwa is quiet as he speaks, careful with his words. It is deathly silent in the room and you start to wonder why they care so much about the way you view them.
“I’m not sure.” 
Wooyoung’s eyes start to sting, thinking of any way he can to make you change your mind, to see him for him.
“But so far, I like you guys, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. For now.” For the nth time today, the boys let out deep breaths they didn’t realise they were even holding in.  
“So do we have to get into your good books then?” Yeosang jokes, leaning on the island with his arms, breaking the tension and causing small chuckles to sound across the room. At this moment, for a split second, you’re incredibly impressed by the fact they barely speak over each other, always letting each other speak without being ignored. They have likely known each other for a long time, you conclude.
“If you’re up for a challenge? Go ahead.” 
“I like our odds.” Hongjoong turns towards you, leaning his body towards the island, smirking lightly. You are confused by Hongjoong’s behaviour and the way it seems to change so easily, but you are guessing you may have to get accustomed to it. The look he gives you is intense and almost seductive, if you’d stare any longer you likely would fall for him. Swiftly looking away, you glance towards your watch to check the time, 17:13. 
“How much stuff do you have to move here?” San appears from around the corner, his ears are red and his hair is slightly ruffled, it looks like they had an intense discussion in there, he doesn’t look upset, but there is some emotion along his features, however, it is extremely unreadable and confusing.
“I only have a suitcase of clothes.”
“Do you not have any other furniture?” 
“It was burned down in the fire, but the owners of the building are going to reimburse me for the lost things. I just need to go shopping when I have the money and the time.”
All seven men nod in understanding, and then Hongjoong speaks up. “If you want to move in this evening that’s fine with me. Yunho and I will go and help you grab your suitcase.” 
“Oh, it’s okay, I can grab it myself, but I appreciate the offer.” It’s one thing to be travelling across campus with two of the members of Ateez, let alone people seeing them walk into your temporary dorm room. Already knowing whispers are going around about Hongjoong entering your class and demanding to speak with you, you aren’t too eager to fuel people’s gossiping needs. You also would rather avoid the person who just stormed out of the room with a bitter look on his face. Not wanting to start anything unnecessary.
“It’s really fine, I’ll get Yunho now,” Hongjoong insists, moving to go towards the room where Yunho is residing, he gets halted in his movements as said man appears in the kitchen.
“If you think I’m going anywhere with her you are wrong, the last thing we need is more rumours being spread so she can get her fifteen seconds of fame.” Yunho’s glare pierces through you, his full height peering down at you, causing you to feel incredibly small.
“Yunho we are going.” Hongjoong declares, his voice easily matching his.
“In your dreams,” The tall male walks nearer to you, stopping when he is directly in front of you. Wooyoung rises from his seat and tries to push Yunho back slightly, but he is overpowered by the taller man. Behind you, the rest of the males stand up from their chairs ready to intervene if things go wrong, yet knowing Yunho, they doubt he would ever hurt you physically. Yunho carries on speaking, “Just because they let you in here doesn’t mean you are welcome.”
“Yunho.” Hongjoong’s voice is stern and threatening, attempting to make Yunho back up. You flinch from the sharpness of Hongjoong’s voice.
“Just because they are nice to you, doesn’t mean I will ever be. You are nothing, you will never be. Stop trying to get into our pants and leave us alone.” 
“Yunho, stop.” Seonghwa’s voice booms in the background, causing you to flinch again, yet your eyes cannot break contact with the tall man in front of you. The nerves in your body are on fire, you start to feel nauseous and dizzy. This situation reminds you severely of some of the past encounters you have had with your father. Yunho doesn’t spare a glance toward the two eldest males, his eyes solely focused on you. Finally, he starts to step back slowly. Letting out a scoff at your scared frame, he walks away, back to the room where he emerged from.
Feeling overwhelmed with emotions, you have no idea what to do other than speed to the exit of the house. Seonghwa attempts to stop you as you flee, yet you slip past him. Hongjoong storms after Yunho, slamming the door behind him, making you flinch even more. Feeling tears prick your eyes, you’re hit with flashbacks from long ago which you have tried so hard to push to the back of your mind. Hurriedly pulling on your shoes, not even bothering to grab your jacket on the coat stand, you escape from the house, tears running freely from your eyes. Seonghwa quickly runs after you, reaching you under the light of a dimly light streetlight. 
“___.” Seonghwa’s voice calls out from behind you. “___,” he calls one more time before gently grabbing your arm and pulling you towards him. Seeing the tears fall from your eyes makes his heart clench impossibly hard. 
“Please come back, you shouldn’t be walking around alone when it’s dark.” Seonghwa is softly spoken, his hand not leaving your upper arm, his thumb unconsciously stroking your exposed skin. 
“Look I know you’re not stupid, so if you were in my situation, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to live with someone who just talked to you as if you are nothing more than the dirt underneath their shoe.”
“He doesn’t mean it, trust me. He just has trouble with new people.” Seonghwa tries to explain.
“So do I, but you don’t see me talking to people like they are pieces of shit?” 
“It’s been a while since we’ve let someone in our house, let alone live in it. The last time it happened, it didn’t work out too well, he’s just trying to prevent something wrong from happening.” Your features soften slightly at this admission, but still not enough for you to even think about forgiving Yunho and his actions.
“I know I said I was maybe going to live with you guys, but if he is going to be like that all the time, I am not going to able to handle that. It’s too similar, to him, I can’t relive that. You can’t make me relive that.” Your breathing becomes uneven as your throat tightens up in a familiar feeling of panic, flashbacks of the past flashing in your eyes. Dropping down to your knees, Seonghwa catches you in his arms, cradling your limp body. He understands your feelings, and your pain, more than you know. Yet, all he can do right now is comfort you, stroking up slowly up and down your back. Unbeknownst to you, Jongho walks out of the building, your jacket in his hands. Seeing you on the floor, tears falling from your eyes makes his chest tighten. Jongho reaches the two of you, bending down to squat at your level, he wraps your jacket around your shoulders. ‘
“Let’s get your stuff here so you can go to sleep early.” Jongho’s voice is gentle, just above a whisper, he sees you flinch at the thought of going back to the house which makes his chest hurt even more
“Hongjoong is dealing with Yunho, you don’t have to worry about him. You can trust me, ___. Hongjoong has a way of disciplining us” Jongho grabs one of your balled-up fists and helps you to stand up, Seonghwa momentarily missing the warmth of your body against his.
“We will come with you to get your things. I know you’re likely worried about people seeing us with you, we don’t blame you, you don’t want to be a target.” Jongho says.
Wiping away your tears, and calming your breath, you manage to get some words out, “I don’t care about becoming a target, I’m just not a fan of people talking about me behind my back.” I explain.
They both nod in understanding and then Seonghwa says, “You can’t have nowhere to live, ___. We can both promise that Yunho will never speak to you like that again.” 
Reluctantly, you nod in agreement. “Okay.” You are surprised by the way you believe the two men so easily, trusting them faster than you have ever trusted anyone before. Of course, not fully, but you can see yourself trusting them in the future, which is weird to you. Very weird.
Walking to the student dorms was an interesting experience, you get to talk to Seonghwa a little bit more learning he is taking an accounting course whilst Jongho is taking a marine biology course. What is interesting is the way they walk so closely to you, since you are outside of the school campus, you don’t mind the looks of random people who you are very sure don’t attend your school. 
What you fail to observe is the way they glare at all the males who dare to look towards your direction, moving closer to your smaller frame. However, when you enter the front gate to the campus, the distance between the three of you disperses almost immediately. You feel glad that the two who took you are so understanding of your boundaries and wishes. Strolling behind you, Seonghwa and Jongho are in a distant chat, acting as if they don’t know who you are and just happened to enter at similar times. It makes you feel comfortable and pleased by the kind gestures they show. The trip to the residences is going smoothly until you are suddenly stopped by a very familiar face. 
Your walking stops immediately, causing the two walking behind you to halt extremely fast, almost making the youngest trip over as the elder grabs his arm and pulls him to the bush to their left. 
“Jeongin! What are you doing here?” You ask the white-haired male, glancing towards the bush where the two men have just bolted for, you see the head of Jongho sticking out slightly and start to worry. Peering back at Jeongin, his smile is contagious, his dimples showing on his cheeks, and you briefly forget the situation.
“I was looking for you, I need some help with this dumb biology lab report, I’ve calculated the results from the experiment over ten times and they are all coming back as inconsistent or inconclusive, I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. I was wondering if you could help me?” Jeongin looks desperate as he hands you his tablet displaying multiple tables with numbers displayed on the screen. 
“When is the report due?” You question, praying it isn’t before midnight tonight. 
“It’s due on Sunday, before midnight.” He tells you. Glancing down at your watch, you see it’s currently Friday. Perfect. 
“Are you free tomorrow? I am a little busy right now.” 
“I’m free in the morning, but in the afternoon, I have a date.” You raise your eyebrow at him, slightly proud of him for getting himself a date, knowing his awkwardness around people he has an interest in.
“I’ll see you in the morning then. Meet me in the library at ten?” The boy seems restless, obviously worried about this lab report. 
“Hey Jeongin, it’s okay,” you place a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, “we will work it out, just try to get some rest tonight, you need to look good for the lucky person.” At this the young male smiles and gives you, his thanks. He bids you a goodbye, before walking away, likely to his residency.
Looking around you for any sign of people, then surely there is no one near, you make your way to the bush and the sight almost makes you topple over with amusement. Jongho has his head in the bush, yet his entire body is showing, and Seonghwa is lying flat on the grass face down, his body straight and stiff. 
“You guys can come out.” You can barely hold back your laughter, tears forming in your eyes. Jongho immediately appears from the bush, his hair messy leaves entwined in his brown locks. Seonghwa takes his time standing up, rubbing his back and complaining about his stiffness. 
“For a group of people who is supposedly terrifying, you guys aren’t that scary at all,” you admit, reaching into Jongho’s hair to take out the loose leaves. Seonghwa secretly curses at the younger, wishing he was the one who put his head in the bush.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Jongho says, cheeks red from your actions, “Who was that by the way?” 
Seonghwa and Jongho both have curious looks on their faces, mixed with something else unreadable. You are starting to get tired of the difficulty reading the eight men you’ve briefly met.
“That was Jeongin, he’s in the same friend group as Jisung,”
“Are you guys close?” Seonghwa asks, acting as if he isn’t interested but you can tell he is slightly curious.
“Not particularly, he comes to me for advice with dating sometimes, he always ends up dating guys who are huge red flags.” 
The two men in front of you let out ohs of realisation, feeling suddenly embarrassed about their questions.
“Okay, you guys wait here whilst I get my suitcase.” You turn towards the entrance of the building, but quickly you revolve back around to face Seonghwa and Jongho, “stay away from the bushes.” 
The trip to Yeji’s apartment is quick, just throwing the last few things into the suitcase before zipping it up and trudging it down the stairs because of course, the elevator is never in order. As you reach the exit, you use your back to open the door. Weirdly, as you look around, you don’t see the two you left there earlier. You start to think they have abandoned you leaving you to walk back all alone. Or maybe they don’t even want you to come to their house, only playing around with you. They only wanted you to feel secure so they could play with your heart. 
“You look lost in thought.” A deep voice is heard from your right, as you look over you see Seonghwa with Jongho and your worries quickly melt away.
“I was starting to think you had left me alone.” You admit, feeling relieved they didn’t disappear into thin air. Your anxious overthinking dispersing very quickly.
“Sorry, we saw a group of people walk out of the building, so we quickly went to the back,” Jongho explains, feeling upset that they made you second-doubt them.
Jongho holds your suitcase, even though you told him not to, he simply ignores your complaints as he walks with it. The way back home is similar to the walk there, however, this time Seonghwa and Jongho pay more attention to their surroundings, knowing there will likely be some creepy men around this area during the late hours of the night, and make sure you feel safe with them. During the quiet walk home, you take this time to think about the past few hours, from arriving at the house to the tour and the occurrence with Yunho. At this moment you decide that you’re not going to cower down from Yunho, you will just live with it. You’ve done it before; you can do it again. Besides, you’re not alone, you have at least seven people who will be kind and welcoming to you. If this is the price you have to pay for an amazing accommodation, then so be it.
The second you reach the house, Mingi throws open the door, extremely relieved you decided to return, his smile covering his entire face.
“I made your bed up, I had some spare bedsheets so that’s what’s on your bed for the time being. We can go shopping for some ones that you like when you have the time.” Mingi smiles at you as you make your way back into the house. When Jongho and Seonghwa send him pointed glares, he simply winks at them, proud he was the first to add something of his own to your room. Jongho lifts your suitcase to your room, causing you to thank him profusely. Mingi and Seonghwa follow closely behind you into your room.
“Do you need help unpacking?” San asks, his head popping around your doorframe.
“I think I’ve got it but thank you.” You reply, hoping they drop the subject.
“Are you sure? We’d be happy to help.” Seonghwa insists, hoping you say yes, just so he can spend more time with you.
“As much as I appreciate it, I’d prefer to sort out some of my clothes myself.” You admit, heat crawling up your neck. Immediately, the four men around you realise the meaning behind your statement, and apologies spill from their mouths too, hoping you didn’t view them as some form of perverts. When you start laughing, their hearts swell, happy they didn’t make anything too awkward. Eventually, you manage to usher them out of the room so you can start organizing your things. It takes about five minutes before you get a knock on your door, feeling a little exhausted from the constant attention, you take your time to make your way to open the door. When you open the door, Wooyoung stands there, a flustered smile placed on his features. In his hand is a plate of food. You momentarily feel bad for taking your time to unlock the door.
“We ate dinner when you were fetching your things, I made sure to leave you some. Next time we will eat dinner all together.” He hands you the plate, it is full of a delicious meal, much fancier than all of the instant meals you buy from the supermarket.
“Thank you Wooyoung.” You gratefully take the plate from him.
“Enjoy.” He says before closing the door behind him as he leaves.
You take your time eating the food, revelling in how delicious it is. It’s the first time in a while that you have had a homecooked meal and it warms up your entire body. You could get used to this. 
When you finish your meal, you go to the kitchen to wash up your plate and get a drink of water. After washing your plate, you look up at the vast number of cupboards in the kitchen, not remembering the one which holds the glasses. Opening a few, you see plates, bowls, spices, pasta but no glasses. 
“Looking for a glass?” A voice speaks from behind you, shocking you, causing you to almost scream out in surprise. You rapidly turn around to see who it is who spoke.
“I’m sorry, did I scare you?” the owner of the voice is Hongjoong. His face has an amused grin plastered on it.
“Uh yeah, sorry I wasn’t expecting you to just appear behind me.” 
Hongjoong is standing directly against the island, just about a metre between the two of you. Silently, you wonder how on earth he managed to get there without you hearing him.
Instead of going around you to grab a glass, he steps forward, his chest almost colliding with yours, trapping you between the counter behind you and his strong frame. Reaching up, he opens the cupboard directly above your head and takes out a glass, placing it on the counter behind you.
When he looks down at you, your eyes are once again getting entranced by his deep pools of honey. Once again, his eyes are familiar to you. The familiarity of his eyes draws you in impossibly close, your mind racing around various memories to see if you can find a match for the mysterious eyes. Where have you seen them before? It’s almost as if you’ve seen them in a dream, vivid in consciousness yes when you try to remember details, it renders empty in your head. Trying to focus on the situation at hand, you stop your attempts of racking your brain for lost information. 
Concentrating back on the man in front of you, he makes you feel awfully small once again. Hongjoong isn’t tall, but the way he’s peering down at you, trapping your body against his, makes him feel at least six feet tall. 
“Thank you,” you manage to get out, before turning around and grabbing the glass with a deadly grip.
Hongjoong moves back to his previous position, resting back against the island. His eyes follow you as you fill the glass with water. 
“Do you like your room?” Hongjoong is calm as he speaks, acting as if nothing had just happened.
“Yes, it’s lovely.” You reply, cursing yourself in your head telling your brain to make your cheeks cool down. 
“That’s great to hear. I hope your bed is nice enough for you, I found it super comfortable.” 
“Oh yeah! The bed is super comfortable.” Suddenly, his words hit you and they render in your mind, “How do you know it’s comfortable?”
“It used to be my room, the bed too,” Hongjoong confesses, smirking at the way your body language becomes flustered. This explains why the sheets were messy earlier, but that also means he was sleeping in it today. This very statement causes your mind, to again, burst up into a spiral of thoughts. Did Hongjoong give up his room for you? Of course not, why would he ever do that?
“Oh, that’s nice.” Your head is abruptly full of thoughts of Hongjoong residing in your bed. Why are you even thinking about that? It’s not like he is going to be in your bed from now on.
“I’ll let you get to sleep, tomorrow dinner is at seven. Are you able to make that?” The man with dirty blonde hair asks.
You can only nod in response, your words jumbled in your brain. Luckily you only have one class tomorrow, it finishes late, but you can for sure make it for seven. 
Hongjoong’s lips turn up ever so slightly, and he nods back at you before departing the kitchen. As he leaves, you watch his figure move towards the staircase, not able to think straight. You would have been better off not knowing the information he just provided. Why would he even give up his room in the first place, did he move out of it because there was something wrong with it? Maybe there are cockroaches in the room. Then you remember where your house is, there is no chance there are cockroaches in such a clean house. What if Seonghwa and Yunho are super loud? Whatever it is, you are likely to find out soon. Now you wish you had asked Hongjoong why he moved out of the room. You decide to ask him another time, not keen on walking up the stairs after him just to ask one question.
Trudging back to your room, you place your glass on your bedside table and grab your phone that was charging. You immediately message Jisung, telling him that you two needed to talk tomorrow. If there’s anyone you can talk about anything to, it’s your best friend. While Jisung is a little immature and chaotic, he is a great listener when he wants to be. Even if he is sometimes all over the place, his advice is most of the time very good and reasonable.  
Jisung immediately sends a message asking if you want to talk now, yet the tiredness of the relentless day has caught up to you and you manage to send him one more message before carrying out your night-time routine. Almost jumping into the huge bed, you’re pleasantly surprised by the rich scent emitting from the sheets. Remembering they are Mingi’s sheets, and also Hongjoong’s bed you feel flustered for being so close to something so personal to the boys. However, your thoughts simply disappear as you feel your eyes starting to get heavier. As you fall into a deep sleep, your mind replays the events of the day, you are excited about the future of you living here. Yet the nervousness residing in the bottom of your stomach is still there, yet you have high hopes it will slowly disappear.
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klaushargreevesluvr · 3 months
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i’d let robert sheehan do unspeakable things to me and that’s putting it lightly. he’s the perfect man
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luxthestrange · 1 year
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#17 Kalego Harem
The Misfits: This is Kalego, Kalego loves his personal space
Balam, Opera, You and Robin hugging Kalego tightly
The Misfits: This is Balam, Opera, Y/n, and Robin, They also love Kalego’s personal space
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Iruma gets his Rizz from his daddy-
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swaggerscat · 1 month
They just kept going 💀💀
Some scooby doo stuff right there man
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12202005 · 7 months
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I’m soooooooo down bad y’all😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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person-assume · 2 days
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sunnysoulzz · 1 year
Swagger oneshot cause I can’t get him off my mind ;)
Warnings: swaggersouls x f!reader, thigh riding
It was late, you and Swagger were sitting on the couch watching tv, if you were honest, you weren’t watching the tv at all. Your mind was completely filled with thoughts of the way Swagger would dick you down. You pressed your thighs together, you looked over to Swagger who was staring at the tv. You were cuddling into his side, his arm draped over you. You reached down and placed your hand on his thigh. He looked down at you, meeting your gaze. You stared up at his, your face red and eyes filled with lust, he knew that look all to well. He furrowed his eyebrows before smirking, within seconds you were places on his thigh, the rough material of his jeans pressing into you. “Go on then princess, get yourself off on my leg” his eyes started to fill with arousal as you slowly started to rock yourself on him. The layers between you two didn’t make it easy, it didn’t take long for you to remove your shorts, you were left in just your panties and one of his tshirts. You placed your hands on his shoulders, helping you stabilise yourself as you continued to to press yourself down on his thigh. His hands rested on your hips, his eyes were still staring at the tv but you had his full attention. You bit your lip, suppressing a moan as you moved your hips back and fourth. He moved one of his hands to grab your chin, pulling you in closer to him, “come on sweetheart, let that pretty voice out” he smirked, you could see his erection growing though his pants. It didn’t take long after that, you rocked your hips fast, desperately chasing that high. Swagger was now staring down at the wet spot forming on your panties and his jeans. You came with a loud whine, your legs were weak and shaky, you practically fell forward onto swaggers chest. He held you against, his hands still on your hips, “you think you can help me with the problem you’ve caused me, love?” He looked down at you with a grin, your face grew red again before you reacted down to unbutton his jeans, this was gonna be fun.
I’m back from the dead! This time writing for a dead fandom!! Anyway I’ve fallen head over heals for swaggersouls (honestly most of the misfits) and so I’m probably gonna write more for them, this isn’t my official return YET. But I do hope to start writing again soon <33 love you all ;3
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yoursecondfirstlove · 2 years
Anti-Social Behavior P.2
P.1  P.2  P.3  P4  P5
(Nathan young x f!reader)
Continuing her community service (y/n) grows closer with her fellow young offenders. She may still think this whole thing is bullshit but she is delighted to find a friend in a pretty blonde volunteer
Word count: 5,555 words
Warnings: swearing, smoking, alcohol, drug use, death mention, sex mention, description of nudity, r slur
The next week had rolled around and Nathan had not given up on his insistence of finding a power “and what? Cuz you’re all special and I’m not? Yeah well I doubt it. You can think what you like but I have a superpower and I just need to find out what it is!” Alisha huffed, quickly growing tired of his continuing rambling “maybe you’re just super-retarded!” Nathan ignored her completely continuing his rant “maybe I’ve got like a whole Spider-Man vibe goin’ on. Ya know, maybe I can climb walls and do spider shit!” (Y/n) let out a huff of laughter “spider shit?” She questioned earning an eager nod from Nathan. “Yeah cuz that makes perfect sense. Why would you be able to climb stuff” Curtis snapped. Nathan squinted at him “I don’t know! How is it you can turn back time, apparently? And weird kid can turn invisible? It’s not like this whole situation is backed up by a wank-load of logic.” (Y/n) shrugged “in fairness he’s got a point” Alisha rolled her eyes “No the fuck he doesn’t! You’re just sayin’ that cuz you wanna shag him!” (Y/n) turned to scowl at her as Nathan chimed in “hey hey hey! There’s no shame in that!”
The group found themselves in an alley picking up litter scattered about when Curtis noticed a body heaped on the ground “what is that?” The group turned and began to approach a nude man laying on the ground, passed out, or dead…who’s to say. As they reached his side Kelly asked “is he breathing?“ (y/n) shook her head “this fucker better not be dead! I can’t deal with another dead body…” Alisha approached him and poked him with her litter picker causing him to stir slightly, she turned to the group laughing slightly before addressing the man who was slowly returning to consciousness “hey nude guy, you’re naked!” The man rolled over, quickly leaving nothing the imagination as the group recoiled in horror. Nathan caught a glimpse of his face and leaned forward to examine further before he yelled in recognition “you!” Panic quickly set into the naked man as he promptly got up and started sprinting away as Nathan chased him to the gate. The group had already erupted in laughter “do you wanna tell us who that was?” Curtis laughed. Nathan turned to them angrily “he’s my mums…he lives with my mum” the group continued to laugh “your stepdad has got a massive cock” Alisha commented sending the group into another fit of giggles. Nathan, irritated, interjected immediately “no! Jesus! And he’s not my stepdad alright?” Alisha turned to Kelly and (Y/n) “did you see that thing? That was monster big!” She turned back to Nathan “your mum will hurt” Nathan stuck his fingers in his ears looking away from her “la la la la la, shut up!” Kelly shook her head “why’s he naked?” Alisha rolled her eyes “well, obviously he’s some kinda pervert, or he’s gay” Curtis turns to her “that follows” he said sarcastically (y/n) chimed in “casual homophobia? A lot of us haven’t even had our first cigarette of the day is it not a bit early?” Alisha just rolled her eyes again. “Or he could be a rapist. There’s loads of them around here” Kelly added, she too earned a remark from (y/n) “man, this dank alleyway is feeling safer by the second!” Finally Simon chimed in “maybe he’s a werewolf” (y/n) couldn’t even formulate a snarky response to that one, she just stared at him, luckily Nathan picked up the slack for that one as he pointed his litter picker at Simons face and declared “twat!” Simon drew back slightly before he defended his stance “it’s what happens in films, you turn into a werewolf, you kill someone, then you wake up somewhere, naked, like a zoo.” (Y/n) continued to stare at him wordlessly as he cast nervously glances to her flat stare. “He’s not a werewolf alright?” Nathan insisted “this guys such a pussy he needs my mum to open jars for him. I’m sure if he was a werewolf he’d be able to open a jar of peanut butter for himself!” “What happens if the storm messed him up?” Kelly questioned. Nathan made a slight face “that’s bollocks” he meekly insisted again “what are the chances?”
The group stood in the community centre as a crowd of elderly people danced around a few tables, their probation worker, Sally instructed them “help out. Talk to them. Make sure everyone’s having a good time.” They all just stared at her quickly wearing down her patience causing her to bark out “move!” They all walked pasted her into the crowd. (Y/n) approached a man in a wheelchair who appeared to be wearing an army uniform of some sort, adorned in medals. “Can I get you anything?” She asked sweetly, he didn’t reply which began to worry her a little “hello?” She shook him a little. “What’s goin’ on?” Nathan asked walking up from behind her. “I think he might be dead…” (y/n) muttered exchanging a look with Nathan, he nodded reassuringly before leaning close to the old man’s face “she’s stealing your pension!” He loudly announced to the man, startling him awake. Nathan turned to (y/n) with a toothy grin “no, he’s fine.” (Y/n) just shrugged walking off with Nathan leaving the man dazed and confused. An elderly man had approached her asking politely for a dance to which she smiled tightly and complied. While dancing she looked over the man’s shoulder and saw that somehow, within the two seconds Nathan had escaped her sight, he’d snagged a woman in a wheelchair and began running around with her faster than he probably should have “okay Joan, let’s pick up some speed here, let’s get that wind blowing through your hair! ooo uh let’s get that wind blowing through her scalp, come on” (y/n) had managed to catch Nathan’s eye as he commenced his antics and he had let go of the wheelchair completely, letting the woman roll off into the hallway as he waved at her. (Y/n) smiled and shook her head, breaking away from the dance with the old man to join him. Before she could say a word a beautiful blonde woman walked past them “hi” she greeted them earning a polite wave from (y/n). (Y/n) let her curiosity get the better of her and followed her to the food table where she was carrying some paper plates, Nathan following her eagerly. “Hi!” (Y/n) greeted again once she’d reached her, she looked to her, her eyes flicked to Nathan as he stood behind (y/n) like a child who’s mam ran into her friend at the shop. “So are you a member of staff?” (Y/n) asked, making conversation. “I’m a volunteer” she said with a smile, (y/n) nodded retaining a wide grin “volunteer? You’re a better person than me!” Nathan desperate to be part of the conversation just nodded while he looked back and forth between (y/n) and the blonde woman. “Yeah old people…they’re so…” both (y/n) and the blonde woman turned to Nathan, wanting to see where he was going with this “they’re so…they’re old, ya know?” He finally concluded. The blonde woman just nodded “right” she muttered before turning her attention back to (y/n) “so what got you into community service?” She asked, (y/n) shrugged almost dismissively “graffiti, nothin’ crazy” the blonde woman nodded and turned to Nathan “and you?” He huffed a little “I was just done for eating some pick’n’mix” she laughed at that “right, of course you were, you’re such a liar, pass me those sausage rolls” as Nathan had his back turned an old woman seeking a dance partner toddled over, Nathan turned around and let out a startled noise at the sudden sight of her. “I think she wants to dance with you” the blonde woman said walking off “oh that’s nice” Nathan called after her but he quickly looked to (y/n) seeking an escape from the situation. (Y/n) just shrugged and walked off to try continue her conversation with the woman.
At the end of it all they were retrieving their things from their lockers to change , Curtis swung open his locker door and quickly called for the attention of the group “someone knows” he stated looking at the cryptic note he’d found “they know we killed out probation worker!” Kelly chimed in “is this a wind up?” She turned to address Nathan “was this you?” Nathan seemed almost offended by the accusation but not for the reasons most people would be “if I was tryna wind you up, I think I’d be a little more creative. ‘I know what film you saw last summer’” he said mockingly. “this isn’t funny!” Kelly retorted only for Nathan to reply “if I wanted to freak you out, I’d have dug up the body and stuck that in your locker” the group continued to bicker about who did it, who it was for, if it was about the probation worker at all and so on. “Okay. Okay. Let’s just say you’re right? If they actually knew anything, they wouldn’t be dickin’ around stickin’ notes on lockers. They would have gone to the police and we’d all be banged up in prison gettin’ gang-raped in the showers. But this, this means that they have no evidence, no proof. Nothing. And anyway. I’m guessin’ it’s about some other totally unrelated shit that you’ve done” Nathan concluded, Curtis glared at him but (y/n) just shrugged “he makes a few fair points with that one” Nathan turned and gestured to her thanking her for her support of his argument “so, if we’re all done freaking out here, over nothing. There’s somewhere I need to be” and without another word he walked out. Curtis looked around to the others as they stood stoically “please tell me you don’t actually believe that prick?” Kelly just shrugged “well whoever did it is just tryna freak us out right? So we just act normal.” She turned to (y/n) for reassurance, (y/n) nodded agreeing before turning back to Curtis who, clearly aggravated, just threw the crumpled note back in his locker. Kelly took (y/n)s hand in hers as they walked outside. Once they’d gotten out of the building Kelly turned to her “I’m fuckin’ starving! Wanna get somethin’ to eat?” “Oh fuck yeah, absolutely”
Something to eat had turned into a few drinks and by the time she was leaving to go home it had already gotten dark out. (Y/n) and Kelly bid their farewells and had parted ways. As (y/n) walked she rooted in her pocket for her iPod and earphones but came up empty handed. She stopped walking completely and groaned. Fuck! She’d left them in her locker! She’d been in such a rush to leave and then she didn’t notice they were missing immediately because she was with Kelly. She wandered back to the community centre praying it was still open but once she’d reached the door it didn’t budge. She used her whole weight to try and open it a few times as if that would make a difference but there was nothing changing it. It was locked. She groaned again, keeping her grip on the door as she leaned back, casting her eyes skyward. “Adding breaking and entering to your charges?” A chipper voice called to her. She turned to see the blonde woman from before, Ruth. “No” she answered with joking scrutiny “I left something inside and I wanna keep pulling in case I magically open it with my mind” Ruth laughed walking up to her. “Well lucky for you…” she pulled out a set of keys “I’ve left something inside too” (y/n) just stared emotionlessly at her for a moment before jokingly declaring “you’re the love of my life” Ruth laughed “uh-huh” she slipped pasted her to unlock the door and let them both in, flicking all the lights on. They both made quick work of finding what they’d left behind rejoining in the corridor. Both of them rounded the corner to be greeted by Nathan yelping in surprise “what are you two doin’ here?” He asked “I left my bag” “and I left my iPod” they all stared at each other for a moment before Ruth spoke up again “why are you here?” Nathan, panicked cast his eyes to (y/n) only to find her giving him the same questioning look “I’m…volunteering” he answered half heartedly as he leaned against the wall. “Is this a burglary?” Ruth asked stepping forward like a mother scolding her child “no!” Nathan quickly defended “I could say the same for you” he said accusingly “she’s got keys” (y/n) laughed. Nathan looked to (y/n) defeated “do you wanna drink?” Ruth and (y/n) shared a look and smiled.
Both of them stood back as they watched Nathan break open a lock and slide up some shudders “aaaaaannndd…now it’s a burglary” (y/n) stated. Nathan just shrugged. The three of them commenced their night of heavy drinking, drug use and just general goofing around. They danced and made a fool of themselves as they threw themselves around the community centre, taking turns pushing each other in the wheelchairs, the whole night was incredibly blurry but from what (y/n) could process  Nathan was clinging to her constantly, picking her up, hugging her and spinning her around while Ruth laughed her ass off at seemingly nothing. After a while the three of them stumbled outside for some air.
They sat by the water occupying the two wheelchairs, Nathan sat in one with (y/n) snuggled into his lap and Ruth in the other, as they all passed a joint between them. Nathan had fed a growing habit of holding the joint for (y/n) whenever she was taking a pull. As (y/n) finished her third pull in a row Nathan passed the joint to Ruth. He turned back to (y/n) “you alright?” He asked, she nodded wordlessly in response. Ruth tapped on Nathan’s shoulder to get his attention, both Nathan and (y/n) looked at her as she drawled “I wanna get a photo” she took out her phone and all three of them squeezed together to fit in frame, all making matching kissy faces. Ruth pulls her phone back to look at the picture and they all softly giggle at it. Nathan turned to (y/n) as she giggled. Both their snickers died down as they slowly began to lean into each other. Ruth looked past them and furrowed her eyebrows, before Nathan and (y/n)s lips could meet Ruth spoke up “I don’t mean to interrupt but a naked man with a huge cock just ran past” Nathan whipped his head to look in the same direction as Ruth “it’s him!” “Who?” “It’s my mums…the guy who lives with my mum, quick give me your phone!” He took Ruth’s phone before moving (y/n) off of him and sprinting after him. (Y/n) plopped down onto the now unoccupied wheelchair while she and Ruth stared at Nathan’s disappearing figure. “Where’s he going?” Ruth asked “god knows” (y/n) said casting a glance back to her. They both giggled leaning into each other. “Do you live far from here?” Ruth asked. (Y/n) groaned, through all this mess she hadn’t even thought about getting home “it’s a bit of a trek…” she admitted. Ruth just giggled at her “stay at mine, I’m just around the corner” (y/n) smiled at her and nodded as they both stood up, still stumbling a little as they held hands for stability “you really are the love of my life ya know…” Ruth let out a bold chuckle at that “my lord and saviour” (y/n) continued “oh shut up!”
(Y/n) walked back to the community centre that morning with a raging headache, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. She could see Alisha and Curtis flirting from a distance. She was just striding off as (y/n) reached Curtis. “What are you smilin’ about?” She asked while grinning knowingly. Curtis bit his tongue as he smiled at the ground “nothing…” he replied coyly.
Nathan pulled (y/n) and Kelly aside as he showed them both a picture in Ruth’s phone “it’s him, it’s the guy who lives with my mum. He was out there last night. This is evidence” (y/n) scrunched her face up “and what exactly are we looking at?” Nathan huffed as he began to point to the screen “cock, anus, bit’a ballsack” Kelly grabbed the phone from him as her face screwed up in disgust “ew what is that?” “That’s ballsack! It’s from a low angle, Jesus!” Kelly and (y/n) shared a look, giggling slightly before Kelly cast her eyes back to Nathan “where were you last night?” She asked. Nathan stared at her ‘oh, shit. She knows I’m a homeless.’  He quickly ran off to Simon “here look…” he showed Simon the phone “cock, anus, ballsack…yeah?” Simon smiled cheekily and pointed to the screen “what’s that?” “That’s cock!” Nathan stepped away from Simon to address the group “look, this guy is living with my mum. We’ve got to do something!” “Like what?” Kelly quickly fired back. Nathan thought for a moment before asking “can you get me a gun?” “I ain’t gettin’ you a gun!” “C,mon, you know someone. Just a little one! Nothing too lairy” Kelly smiled, amused “there’s no wayIn getting a dickhead like you a gun.” “You can get a gun off the internet” Simon added matter of factly. Nathan ignored the concerning comment entirely “what if we just go ‘round there tonight, talk to him? We’ll be mature and polite, yeah? And then we’ll just tel him to fuck off!” “What if he says no?” Kelly questioned Nathan sputtered for a second “I dunno. We’ll improvise. So, who’s with me?” Nathan faced a flat faced group, he looked around trying to find any kind of support and locked his gaze on (y/n) “c’mon! (Y/n)! You’re with me right?” She shrugged “sorry…” Nathan huffed placing his hands on his hips “it’s like that is it? So much for being united by a horrific, life changing, shared experience” the rest of the group continued to stare at him “hmm? Last week? Ya know? The situation…?” After a few more minutes of silence Nathan blurted, all too loud “we killed our probation worker!” The group hurriedly shushed him “god you’re such a dickhead” Kelly muttered. “That counts for nothing?” Nathan continued. “I’ll come with you” Simon offered but was only met with a doubtful face from Nathan “I’m not bein’ funny but…me and you, buddying up…kickin’ ass! I’m just not feeling it, but, hey. Lovely thought, cheers.” The rest took a place sitting around as Simon slinked away discouraged.
The girls entered the locker room first to get changed, chattering away about nothing in particular as they stripped down. Alisha spotted the tattoo on Kelly’s lower back “did that hurt when you got it done?” She asked, Kelly nodded “yeah it hurt like a bastard, I only got it done cuz my fiancé wanted it” Alisha nodded and leaned over to addressing (y/n) “do you have any tattoos?” Alisha asked. “Yeah a few” (y/n) spun around to show off each tattoo giving it a little explanation as to why she got it until she paused turning to Kelly again “you said your fiancé, are you engaged?” Kelly shrugged as she pulled in her shirt “I was. I’m not anymore.” She stated simply. “Why? what happened?” Alisha asked “I could hear what he was thinkin’, yeah? And he wasn’t exactly being romantic. (Y/n) scoffed out a laugh “sounds like a dickhead” she laughed, Kelly grinned at she turned to (y/n) “proper dickhead” she exclaimed causing all three girls to laugh. “Have you been with anyone? Since you could do your thing?” Kelly asked Alisha, she scoffed in response “no, not full on” she shrugged “tried it out with a couple of guys, just for a second. They were proper horny. One was quite fit actually. What about yous two?” Kelly shook her head “no, guys are arseholes with how they think about me, don’t wanna touch that” (y/n) shook her head as well as the other two girls turned to her “I mean me not bein’ with anyone has nothing to do with the super speed, I just haven’t” she laughs, Alisha laughs as well “yeah, cuz you wanna shag Nathan so bad you won’t touch anyone” (y/n) screeched out a laugh “stop!” Kelly smirked at her “yous two are actually quite cute, he’s a dickhead but, yous two are cute.” (Y/n) snickered as she slug an arm over Kelly’s shoulder “yeah thanks” she laughed out sarcastically as the girls all turned to leave.
Later on in the day Nathan was storming out of his house after an altercation with his mum and her…the guy she lives with. Leaving him huffing with a heavily bruised ego and a lightly bruised cheek. He tried to call (y/n) but she didn’t answer. Now that he thought about it he remembered her mentioning she had work that night. So he went to another place to seek comfort, Ruth’s house. Ruth opened the door, questioning his presence without saying anything “I got your address from the community centre” he explained “why?” She asked. He cast his gaze down to his feet “cuz I don’t wanna be alone and I can’t get a hold of (y/n).” Suddenly she nodded understandingly. He looked up again “and I uh…I thought you might want your phone back” he added as he handed it to her.
Once he’d sat down in her living room he just  played with his own hands awkwardly as he stared at his shoes. He’d explained the whole thing to her, near teary eyed. “She’d never hit me before…not even a smack when I was a kid.” Ruth considered it a moment “what do you want from her? Would you be happier if she was on her own?” “Yeah!” Nathan insisted “but it’s horrible being on your own.” Ruth smirked for a second “you don’t want your mum to have anyone in her life cuz that means she’s not there for you” Nathan was quick to interject “don’t try that reverse psychology A-level bullshit on me! I’m fine!” Ruth scoffed “your living in a community centre you’re doing great” Nathan just shrugged. “C’mom I’m sure you weren’t always there for your mum the way you want her to be there for you. I mean you’ve gotten caught up in girls and that” Nathan rolled his eyes “I don’t get caught up with girls” he defended. Ruth only scoffed again reeling back “yeah? You don’t do you? So I’m just imagining your infatuation with (y/n)? Hm?” Nathan just made a face at her. “See! You’ve no defence!” “Hey I’m not infatuated with her!” Ruth giggled casting her eyes down to the floor before looking back up again “from the moment I’ve met both of you, you’ve been stuck to her. You follow her around, always try to make her laugh, or impress her and always trying to touch her in some way” “okay yeah that doesn’t mean I’m infatuated with her!” “That’s exactly what it means!” Nathan thought about it a minute only to realise she was right. From the moment he’d met her he felt like he spent every moment she wasn’t there looking forward to her coming back. He hadn’t even known this girl long! Sure he’d wanted to shag girls before! Hell, he’d go as far to say he wanted to shag most girls he met but he wanted more than that from (y/n). “I…I don’t think I’ve ever actually liked a girl the way I like (y/n) before…” Nathan admitted nervously. Ruth smiled “is that why your so rubbish at this?” Nathan sat up straight “hey I am not-“ he paused as he saw her expression “okay maybe I’m a bit rubbish at this.” He admitted as he slouched back down. Ruth smiled at him and poked at his knee “would you like a drink?“ she asked “yeah…” he huffed childishly. Once she’d left the room Nathan examined his surroundings, seeing a cane and knitting needles. He’d picked up a magnifying glass to play around with as he called out to her “who’s house is this?” “It’s my Grans!” Ruth called back with a slight hesitation in her voice “I’m staying with her.” He continued messing around with random objects he’d found until she returned “is sherry okay?” She asked. Nathan gave a slightly disappointed nod and took the drink from her. Before Ruth could sit down the lights began to flash, Nathan’s eyes grew fuzzy as her form switched from one to another. After a few minutes the flashing stopped and Ruth had seemingly been replaced by an elderly woman. Nathan screeched in surprise as he launched himself to the other side of the room dropping the small glass of sherry onto the floor. “What the fuck?!” He wailed before sprinting out of the room and down the hall to the front door, he flung the door open and had only gotten a step or two out before Ruth grabbed him “Nathan wait!” She exclaimed. Once’s he’d turned around she was young again he stared at her in confusion “what the fuck was that?” She hesitated before answering “it was the storm. i just…I just wanted to be young again” she admitted. They both stared at each other a moment “come back inside.” She begged but he just shook his head “no! No no I can’t it’s just-it’s just too weird” he said breaking from her grasp and sprinting off as she stared helplessly.
The next day the group were back with the elderly crowd, today seeming to have a much better attitude about the whole thing as many of them danced happily with the older people. Nathan however just sat on the side gazing at (y/n) while she danced with an older man, the man was using what little athleticism he had left to throw out some eccentric moves and (y/n) was smiling brightly and laughing with him. Nathan huffed and looked up to see Ruth, old again, approaching him with a smile. He reeled back in panic before standing up and and jogging out of the community centre. (Y/n) witness the scene and rushed over to the woman who looked distraught at his sudden exit. She excused herself from her dance partner to rush over to her and help her sit down “sorry about him he’s just…well he’s just like that.” She joked, the woman nodded “I understand…” she smiled but there was clear sand was in her tone. (Y/n) smiled back as she cast a quick glance around the room “let me just uh…jet around, see if anyone needs anything and I’ll be right back, yeah?” Before (y/n) could walk off the elderly woman commented “and here I thought I was the love of your life…” (y/n) froze in place and then turned toward the woman slowly “sorry?” She asked, as if she’d misheard her. The woman grinned “the love of your life? your lord and saviour?” (Y/n) approached her slowly and kneeled in front of her, examining her thoroughly. She had a familiar twinkle in her eye, there was something so recognisable about the way her grin tugged on her wrinkled lips. “Ruth?” (Y/n) near whispered. The woman nodded. “But how…” she began but interrupted herself “the storm…” she’d realised. “I wanted to be young again…I suppose I hadn’t realised it would be temporary” Ruth admitted sadly. “Hey…” (y/n) said soothingly “you got to be young again! it doesn’t matter if it was only for a week or two! That’s a chance no one has ever gotten, and I think you lived that to the fullest” Ruth smiled and reached her hand up to pet (y/n)s hair. “I’ve known you for two days and you’re the only one who could make me feel better like this…” both of them smiled tearfully at each other before Ruth nodded to the door. “Go after Nathan, he needs some comfort right now” “are you sure?” “Listen to your elders!” Ruth joked and they both shared a small laugh. (Y/n) stood up, nodding to Ruth before she turned on her heel and followed Nathan.
(Y/n) walked until she found Nathan sat underneath the flyover smoking a joint. “Hey…” she calls out to him shyly. He just smiles at her wordlessly and stares into his lap. “So…I may have put together that the woman you ran away from in there was Ruth…” Nathan nods “yeah…” (y/n) walks right next to him and sits down. “Why did you run away from her?” She asked. Nathan reeled his head back considering the question “I dunno it’s just weird I guess, I went over to her house last night, I spill my guts to her and suddenly out of nowhere I’m talkin’ to someone’s nan!” (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows “spilled your guts? What about?” Nathan looked at her and sucked in his bottom lip thoughtfully. “Me and my mum…we had a row. A bad one, worst we’ve ever had. She hit me…” “she hit you?!” “Yeah! She’d never hit me before so I just stormed out. I didn’t want to be alone but I couldn’t call you! So I went to hers, she used some psychology bullshit to pull some shit outta me I guess…” (y/n) gave him a saddened look “the rows with your mum? Is that why you’re  living in the community centre?” He just nods “why didn’t you tell me?!” Nathan huffs “I dunno ‘I’m a homeless who steals booze and sweets to survive’ isn’t exactly the most attractive thing I can tell ya about me.” (Y/n) huffs out a brief laugh and leans her head on his shoulder. “You can stay with me if ya want” she offerers. Nathan leans his head on her own “are ya sure?” He asks, his meekness seems incredibly out of character, he really must have have a tough couple of days. (Y/n) wraps her arms around one of his “course I’m sure!” Nathan huffs out a snort of laughter as he moves the arm she has in her grip to place his hand in her thigh “alright, I’ll move in with ya…since you’re twistin’ my arm” she punches his side “prick!” She giggles “hey!” He helps before wrestling her into a tight grip, clamping her arms down her side as they both giggle like children.
Before long the others trailed along, dressed in their jump suits and equipped with litter pickers and bin bags “hey what happened to yous two?” Curtis called out. Nathan raised his head from resting on (y/n)s “I will not be in a room where that song is playing,line in the sand my friend” he quipped back. Kelly rolled her eyes before turning her attention to (y/n) “who was that old woman you was speakin’ to?”(y/n)s faced turned sorrowful for a second before she exchanged a look with Nathan “uuuh that was Ruth…” Curtis looked from Nathan to (y/n) for a second “I thought Ruth was that blonde girl you were chattin’ with the other day” (y/n) just nodded “she was.” Everyone shared a look of confusion before (y/n) elaborated “it was the storm, made her young again.” The group all nodded before Kelly raised another question “why’d Nathan run away?” Nathan rolled his eyes, already sick of all the questions “I went over to hers last night and she turned back out of nowhere, I ran away cuz it was all so weird and now I just…can’t face her” Nathan looked to his lap. Alisha raised her eyebrows “did you shag her?!” They all laughed and Nathan’s eyes widened “No! What? No! ‘Course I didn’t shag her” the group just continued to laugh so Nathan just stood up and stormed off, (y/n) hot on his heels as she called after him.
Later that night Nathan was hauling several bags into (y/n)s flat, she had offered to help but he continuously refused. “Hey! This is pretty nice!” He jeered looking around the place. (Y/n) giggled and showed him where to put his stuff down. Once the abundance of bags were set down he looked back up to (y/n) “so what’s the uuuhh… the sleeping arrangement?” He asked while (y/n) was busying herself with some tidying. She pointed at him “pull-out” she said simply. Nathan froze and just blinked at her “sorry?” When (y/n) had looked back up at him he looked dumbfounded “the couch” she explained “oh!” Nathan shuffled fiddling with the collar of his shirt “right, right yeah…” (y/n) giggled before rejoining him where he was standing. “You wanna get a takeaway?” Nathan smiled “yeah”
The rest of the night was filled with shitty movies that they more put on to make fun of than watch and giggling as they threw popcorn at each other. At some point in the middle of it they found themselves with their hands intertwined, neither sure which one had done it and not daring to pull away. The first night Nathan was living with (y/n) they’d dozed off on the couch together, snuggled up close despite the ample room they had.
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luxthestrange · 1 year
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#5 Buffet
Y/n*bursts into the classroom out of breath, looking at Misfits * Everyone... Everyone get in the fucking carriage!?
Kalego: Y/n, you can't just kick the door off its hinges and scream at us!
Jazz,Lied, Clara: YEAH THATS HIS JOB?!*Trio point at Kalego*
Y/n: There's a new buffet in town! And I got us...*pulls out a piece of paper* a coupon for FREE EVERYTHING!
The Misfits: ...
Iruma*Grabbing Azz and Clara, push them out the door, and looks at the others drooling* Everyone gets in the fudging carriage!!!
The Misfits-
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swaggerscat · 5 months
Fitz and the boys! :)
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from toastedshoes on instagram. (2nd of jan)
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