#Mob boss Anakin Skywalker
moonlightatnoon · 1 year
Prompt: Mob/Gangster AU
“We will never agree on this,” said Obi-Wan watching the stiff curve of Anakin’s back. He cut a striking figure, even when cradled in the dark he still called to Obi-Wan. It was hard to not look, to resist the ever tightening grip of the pull Anakin exercised on him.
“I don’t need you to agree with me, Obi-Wan. I just need you to stop fighting me.”
Mob boss Anakin Skywalker is one of the youngest gang leaders to rise to power in recent history. DCI Obi-Wan Kenobi is tasked with bringing this rising threat to justice. The only problem is Obi-Wan and Anakin have history, and the Detective in question finds himself walking on a tightrope of morality. After all the heart wants what it wants.
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The Specter of the Core
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Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Summary: Mob boss Obi-Wan Kenobi is called to a reunion of mob bosses on Coruscant. What he doesn't know is that he's going to find something he thought lost.
The first square of the Bingo Obikin event 2022 🙌 I’m so happy. It should have been on several chapters, but I didn't know where to cut 😅
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tennessoui · 1 year
It intrigues me so much thinking obi wan probably thought he was going to have a nice normal partner maybe a school teacher or a nurse, and live his days solving crime and then BOOM undercover on mob work and then BOOM Mob Boss is all over you like extreme osha (is that how you spell it idk) violations happening and then BOOM Killing someone because they could take it all away because they blew your cover and then BOOM going to the police ball where his shitty father can see him on the arm of said alleged mob boss WITH built in twins i feel like at some point obi wan is just sitting there thinking all of them and then shrugs cause in the end he got the hot rich dilf and he can do literally whatever he wants (well not everything but I’m sure you understand)
hello hello i finally wrote the scene where anakin/vader and obi-wan meet :D aka "boom mob boss is all over you like extreme OSHA violations happening" because i thought that was funny af
It’s never a stellar sign when Obi-Wan wakes up to a headache like this. In the academy, it’d been a rare occasion. He’d never been one to join his fellow recruits for late nights out in the sort of clubs that dot the darker corners of Coruscant. He was the son of a police chief, after all, and that gave him certain expectations to follow, none of which left much room for drunken tomfoolery.
But the sort of headache that greets him when he wakes up is the kind of headache he recognizes from the worst sort of hangover, the sort he’s only had a handful of times in his life.
For obvious reasons, the very first thing he does when he finds the energy to squint his eyes partially open is to immediately roll over and away from the light source in the room with probably the most pathetic noise he’s ever uttered in his life.
He can’t even remember drinking that much the night before is the thing. He’d—why would he? He was—last night was—the first night of his undercover mission, he’d never risk it all to get drunk—
“Careful with your head,” a deep voice murmurs from very near to him, and Obi-Wan freezes. He doesn’t know who that is, where he is…how he got here. The material beneath his cheek is leather, so it’s most likely a couch that he’s resting on. “You took quite a beating,” the voice adds, and it sounds amused.
Obi-Wan squeezes his eyes shut and tries to take stock of his body. He does hurt, that’s true. He hurts pretty much everywhere actually, like his body is one giant bruise.
He took a beating? He was only supposed to be a server at the club—it had been his first night on the fucking floor, how could anyone have even noticed him enough to—
Oh. One of Skywalker’s men. He’d hit on one of the dancers, Shela. She’d been nice to Obi-Wan, had shown him around and called him Benny.  
He’d gotten into a fight with the mobster when he wouldn’t leave well enough alone.
The fight had been taken outside. Six men against Obi-Wan. It hadn’t been much of a fight at all.
But where—
“Luckily, you’ve already been seen by the best and brightest in our fine city,” the voice says, and he must know he’s awake to be talking to him at all, but he still reaches out to touch Obi-Wan’s hair, proprietary. As if he knows he won’t be stopped.
The touch of fingers running along his hairline makes Obi-Wan freeze and then move, turning his face away, out of the man’s reach, and forcing his eyes open to glare at the touchy intruder.
His glare falters when he sees who exactly has found him. Where he must be.
Anakin Skywalker, businessman, restaurant owner, and suspected leader of the Coruscanti mob scene and its most violent family, stares back at him. His eyes are dark, his lips curled up into a smirk that makes Obi-Wan’s stomach tighten and his heartbeat rise. There is something very calculated and very cold about his eyes, and being under the full weight of them restricts his very breath.
“I was wondering if you had those,” Anakin Skywalker—known to all but a few simply as Vader—murmurs. He reaches out and touches Obi-Wan’s cheekbone, rough this time as if daring him to protest or flinch away from the movement.
The spike of tender pain makes Obi-Wan’s breath stutter. He must be pressing into a newly formed bruise. “Had what?”
Skywalker’s smirk grows. “Prey instincts.”
It’s like his heart misses a beat, lurching in his chest as he stares back at the mob boss. After all, he is wounded and weak and on what must be Anakin’s couch, inside what must be his home.
He’d been tapped by his father to infiltrate the Skywalker family’s mob, and he’s been studying up on all the information there is to know about Vader, his business, and his family since. The plan had been to work his way naturally into the confidences of the men of the 501st that frequented the strip club Obi-Wan got a job at. A free drink here and there, a charming smile, a flirty look….
The best way into the mob was to become a mobster’s fuck of the week. Or longer. Everyone knew that. Obi-Wan doesn’t want to think about his father signing off on his deployment, giving his permission for Detective Kenobi-Jinn to bend over and take it for the good of justice and law and order everywhere.
The plan had been to work his way into the affections of the mob, ask innocent questions in the minutes after sex when a mobster’s shields were mostly down, record the answers and report his findings to Detective Secura every other week.
The plan was not to wake up on Anakin Skywalker’s couch with the man caressing his face. The plan was not to ever even meet Skywalker. He was supposed to spread his legs for an underlying. A commander at most.
Someone like—what was the man’s name? One of the men last night—he’d been kind. He’d been someone Obi-Wan had hoped would come back, because—
“Daddy?” A voice asks from the doorway, and Obi-Wan lifts his head slightly at the sound. He’d known Skywalker had children, but he hadn’t known they’d be here—meeting Vader’s children was not in the plan at all.
Skywalker’s eyes darken, and he doesn’t take them away from his face, not even when he reaches out a hand to the doorway. “Come here, Leia baby.”
There’s the pattering of little feet and then suddenly a pair of big brown eyes is blinking at Obi-Wan from far too close to be socially acceptable. He twitches back on instinct, and a large hand wraps around the girl’s throat to tug her away gently. “We shouldn’t scare him, baby,” Skywalker murmurs in his deep, soft voice. “He’s skittish.”
Obi-Wan barely holds back an offended scoff. He’s not skittish, he’s aware enough to know that he’s at a significant disadvantage here.
At least it’s highly unlikely that he’ll be murdered in front of Skywalker’s kid.
“Daddy, Luke and I put all those band-aids on him and patched him up so good,” Leia says, allowing her father to drag her backwards and settle her onto the edge of the coffeetable. “You can’t make him bleed again.”
Alright, maybe the presence of his kid isn’t enough to usually keep him from murder. He sits up carefully, swinging his legs down onto the ground even though the motion makes him want to vomit. 
He’s barely vertical when Leia pushes herself under his arm to put her head in his lap, arranging his hand so that it’s resting on her head.
Obi-Wan’s eyes widen and he looks at Skywalker.
The man just smirks as he leans back himself to look his full.
“You gave Luke head scratches all night,” Leia accuses when he doesn’t move.
“I—what?” Luke? Who is Luke?
“Rexy brought you to Daddy and he wasn’t here so he put you on the couch and Luke and I patched you up and you gave Luke so many head scratches even though he fell asleep which isn’t fair because we used my band-aids and you were sitting on my end of the couch!”
Obi-Wan blinks.
Obi-Wan’s hand starts moving, petting the girl’s head. 
Rex. That was the name of the man from the bar last night, the one who had been kind. Who had apparently looked after him, gotten him somewhere…reasonably safe. 
Perhaps the plan isn’t ruined after all.
“Oh,” he says very carefully. “Rex helped me? That’s very nice of him. I should like to…thank him personally then.”
Leia shoots up away from his side with an insistent scowl, one Obi-Wan is unprepared to deal with or understand. He looks away from her to frown at Skywalker, but Skywalker is wearing the same expression—though much darker.
“Weren’t you listening?” Leia demands. “Me and Luke helped you! Rex just gave you to Daddy!”
“Oh,” Obi-Wan blinks. He doesn’t…know what he’s supposed to be doing. Or saying. But he can try. “Well, thank you very much for your help, Leia. You and your brother made me feel much better.”
Leia beams and gives him a pat on the arm as if he’s a dog who has gotten a trick right. “Daddy,” she says and looks to Skywalker. “We are keeping him. Luke and I talked about it and that’s what we decided. We want Ben.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes widen. This is definitely not part of the plan.
But at least he’d been with it enough to give them his undercover name, despite being out of it enough to end up on Anakin Skywalker’s couch surrounded by his children, and then pet at them.
“I thought you were talking to Ahsoka about wanting a puppy,” Skywalker says. His tone is unreadable, but his eyes are softer as they look at his daughter.
Ahsoka. Ahsoka Tano. Vader’s second.
“Ben is better than a puppy,” Leia declares, and Obi-Wan feels sort of—touched. Despite himself. Despite the myriad of reasons he should be on his highest guard, even against this child.
“Ben is not even in the same realm as a puppy,” now Vader sounds amused. “If anything, you are requesting to adopt a little mouse.”
“Well…maybe Ben can be mine, and Luke can get the puppy,” Leia suggests.
Obi-Wan wonders if Ben is going to get a choice in this conversation, and then he wonders what he’d choose.
The plan does not mention him getting within touching distance of Anakin Skywalker.
As if he knows what he’s thinking, Skywalker turns dark eyes to him. “What if,” he says, in that soft tone he’d been using when he told Obi-Wan to mind his head, “I keep Ben, and you and Luke can get the puppy?”
That’s it then. The plan—and Ben—and Obi-Wan are all fucked.
“Okay,” Leia says.
Obi-Wan doesn’t say anything. His chest feels tight, and he's confused. He's confused because he's not sure he did anything to warrant being kept. He hasn't earned his keep yet. All he's done is bleed all over Vader's sofa. This is a deviation from the plan. He was supposed to be flirty and seductive and work to get the attention of one the mobsters until he ended up on his back for the good of the city. He's not supposed to--
“Well?” Vader asks, cocking his head slightly. 
“Okay,” Ben whispers, and Vader smiles. 
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storm-breaker7 · 2 years
• Code name: TANGO •
Pairing: Rex X Reader X Fives
Summary: Being one of the best pilots you gain the attention of the republic. You become a getaway driver for the 501st battalion but when an assignment is given to Anakin, you find yourself between a rock and a hard place.
Warnings: Swearing, A creepy perverted fat dude (yea. It's a warning in itself), Fem reader, Very spicy (I may continue if I have modivation)
A/n: Sorry this took so long but holy water and grass for 50 cents 😅 (The sins I have committed in this one fanfic is scarry 💀🔥) please lemme know if you want the extended version- this has been in my drafts for way to long tho so it's outta here.
Edit: Help why are so many ppl liking this post. I really thought this would be a major flop. Why is this even past 10 likes 💀💀💀
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I groaned, "This slagger won't fucking work!" Grumbling to myself how nice it would be if R2 showed up to help. This ship is as stubborn as me, and it's getting annoying. My comm buzzed and I picked it up after I had let out a string of course words. "Yea?" I asked into the comm,
"We have a new assignment, we need you for this one so be up at the bridge. Were starting in 10 minutes." General Skywalker explained over the comm.
"Be there in a shake, General" I told him and ended the call before he could argue again how I don't have to call him general. I left the tools on the floor and went to clean myself up. I could hear footsteps coming down the hall behind me but I continued on, I'm being paranoid.
"Hey Tango!" I heard Fives call,
"You do know you only have to call me that on missions?" I called over my shoulder as I continued down the hall. Fives jogged up next to me and started to walk backward so he could face me.
"Come on, You know I know you love it when I call you that" He pointed at me and himself boldly, I only hummed and gave him a side glance that, to put it simply, said 'Sureee'.
"Whatever floats your boat Fives" I say before stopping at my door and punching in the code. "Cya later" I wave at him as I closed the door, chuckling quietly when you heard his pleas for you to let him in.
I walked into my personal bathroom and washed my hands from the grease quickly. I looked into the mirror and tried scrubbing away some grease off my cheek and forehead. I sighed and gave my face a little splash.
Then I walked back out and pulled my shirt off. I pulled a half decent shirt on and walked back out again. If I'm right I have about 4 minutes to get to the bridge.
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I heaved out breaths and slowed in front of the bridge doors. I took a deep breath, fixed my ruffled hair and walked in still huffing lightly. "For a second I thought you weren't coming Y/n." Ashoka joked and I only smiled at her,
"You know me," I started and she joined in saying a phrase that went back between us both, "Fashionably late is just my/your style" We both laughed before getting back on topic, General Skywalker was waiting with a small smile on his face. A hologram near where the General was standing had a human male that was the definition of fat rolls, Don't make me throw up breakfast.
"Alright. We have been given intel that this mob boss, here," Anakin gestured to the hologram, "Is selling black market goods to the separatist. We either were going to get Ashoka or Y/n to be the distraction while Me, Rex and Fives sneak into here, his storage shed at these docks. We only need enough time to slip in, get evidence and slip out" Anakin gestured to another hologram that popped up, Anakin gulped and sucked a breath in, "So... Who's the distraction?"
I cut in immediately, "I'll go, Ashoka is too young to be trying to get an ugly mug that to touch her." I stated quickly placing my hand on Ashokas shoulder.
"She has a point, General. N-not that I want her to touch... That" Fives stumbled over his words as he explained himself. Anakin shook his head,
"We can do it another way-"
"Anakin." I walked up and patted his shoulder, "Just tell me for how long and I'll do it. I don't want anyone touching her, being the age she is."
Anakin huffed, a war raging behind his eyes, "Fine. But if I say get out of there, I mean it. No risking it."
"You got it, General." I smiled at him, "I've gotta dress the part though don't I?"
"How many times must I tell you? I'm tired of telling you? Just Anakin is fine" He huffed out a sad laugh and glanced away, "But yea, I'll get Ashoka to take the dress to your room. Be ready by 1930 hours and meet at the ship you were just working on. It's going down tonight, the council wants no delay." Anakin glanced back and sighed waving me away and worked on the plan with Rex. Me and Ashoka walked out of the bridge and down the endless halls.
I noticed Fives and Rex exchange glances multiple times throughout that whole thing... Maybe they were just worried about me. I zoned out of my daze when Ashoka tapped my shoulder, "Sorry what?" I asked, glancing down at her quickly.
"Go to your room and I'll grab the dress for ya" Ashoka repeated with a smile, I nodded and returned it. Ashoka parted off down another hall and I continued on down to my quarters. It was a good few minutes before I got to my room and I took the extra time I had to take a quick shower.
I turned the water off, missing its warmth already now that the cold air replaced it. A knock at my door sounded and I raised a brow as I peeked my head threw the bathroom door into my bedroom. "The door is open Ashoka! What are you waiting for?"
"Uhm.. what?" I heard Fives say,
"Goddamn it Fives. I have to go soon and aren't you meant to be getting debriefed right now?" I called back keeping my body in the bathroom, just in case.
"It's finished, Y/n, Ashoka told us Skywalker needed her help so she got me to take your dress.... And Fives just tagged along." Rex explained and I mentally cursed, Just had to be those two-
"Hey it's alright. Uhm I'm still finishing up in my bathroom so just put it on my bed, if that's not a problem" I said closing the bathroom door and started pacing in the bathroom waiting for them to leave my dress so I can get dressed.
The door opened with a hiss and I heard their light footsteps walk in then out again and the door hissed closed. I sighed as I walked out of the bathroom, then called out, "Thanks boys! Appreciate it!" A small call back from Fives was all I could hear and It made me smile lightly.
I walked to my bed that was in the corner of the room. I smiled as I picked up the dress. The beautiful royal blue silk cascaded down like a waterfall. At least I got to stay in our colours, I thought to myself.
I pulled the towel off and dried myself before slipping it on. I grimaced, "God fucking damnit" Was all I managed. The dress I had on had large slits on the side that let everyone have a nice view of my thighs, but thankfully covered up everything else.
I sighed but continued on, grabbing black high heels and putting on a black leather bracelet, it's my comm system. I brushed my hair quickly before grabbing my heels and running out barefoot. I have to make it in time.
By now I had run past many clones that may have or almost passed out, I was concerned but I kept runnin', I can't be late again. I ran smack into the doors because I forgot to open them but I quickly recovered and opened it, walking through. I cursed to myself and made my way over to the ship I was working on not 45 minutes ago. It's fine I was only fixing some small things.
"I sure hope I'm not late guys. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Late both... Times... ...uhm.. Why are you all looking at me like that?" I slowed down to a stop and shook the heels in my hand lighty. I was getting real nervous, this silence was stretching out forever. "Does it not look good-? I don't really have time to chan-"
"No, nono no. You look great. Really great." Fives waved his hands around, "Were just.... Stunned.."
"Uh-huh.... Well come on we don't have all night. Can't be dreaming about me, we got a mission to complete" I joked and stepped into the ship and waved everyone else in, "I thought I was late, Come on"
Ashoka had a mischievous grin on her face and I could hear the General whisper yelling 'no' repeatedly. Rexs' face was red and priceless and Fives suddenly found the floor interesting. The general and commander walked in with Rex and Fives close behind. I walked into the cockpit and started the small-ish ship up.
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The ear piece was uncomfortable but I dealt with it in the end. We had split off earlier, me and Ashoka were dropped near the club and the others went off to the dock. Ashoka was only meant to be in the club and somewhere close to me for back up, and when I mean back up I mean if someone pulls a blaster on me she can help.
I walked in with a sway, god I hate heels, and made my way over to the bar. "Where is he?" I asked Ashoka, but quietly because the boys and us shared this comm frequency.
"To your right. In the corner with Twi'leks all over him." Ashoka whispered back.
"Got it, Thanks" I whispered before setting off toward the Mob boss. I could hear Anakin and Ashoka lightly arguing in my ear piece but I ignored them and stalked over to the target.
He got up and practically brushed off all the Twi'leks he had gathered and started walking away, Something must be up I thought. I put my path on his and 'accidentally' ran into him. God has he ever heard of a breath mint?
He looked me up and down like a creep. "What's a pretty girl like you doing in this part of town?" He drunkenly slurred, tracing a finger down my arm.
I grimaced but continued to do my job, "You first" I purred, trying my best to think of how much I saved Ashoka from doing this.
"Well if you want to follow me, I'll show you enough" His words were still slurred as he leaned forward.
"Well I'd have to turn that offer down. I'm only here for a drink." I thanked the maker I was a good lair because it came in handy at times like these.
"Just a drink, dressed in this?" He asked, fiddling with the front part of the silky dress.
I heard Anakin and Rex bark something in my ear and it didn't sound good. The target turned away a tad and checked his comm that was buried deep in a pocket, somewhere where I wasn't going to bother looking.
I forced my best smirk on and turned and walked away from bar and his 'hideout' altogether, hoping like hell he'd follow.
"Playing hard to get, huh? Two can play at that game" He growled as he caught up, pushing past people trying to catch up to me. I gulped and kept walking.
"We've got it. Get out of there Tango. Now." Anakin whisper yelled over the ear piece.
"Alright." I responded with before I whipped around and let my fist fly to his face. "Whoops my bad, my hand slipped" I growled and stormed off leaving him a wheezing heap on the floor.
I burst out the bar and pulled my heels off. I sat down on a random bench nearby and sighed a relief. Thank the maker I'm out of that mess.
Getting back up again proved to be a hard thing to do after getting hit on by a whale, but I did and I continued on to the ship pushing past people. I didn't know nights got this busy here.
When I finally made it back to the rust bucket I was given a big hug by literally everyone. Ashoka first, then the general, and Fives jumped in then Rex after him.
"Yea guys don't worry, I don't need any air today" I joked and they all let go of me a smidge but didn't let go fully.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with that" Ashoka mumbled into my dress. I hugged them back with a small smile growing on my face. "Hey it's alright-" I started,
"No, it wasn't. I could hear everything he said. That chakaaryc got a fist to the face for a reason." Fives growled.
*Translation- Rotten, Lowlife [chah- KAR-eesh]*
"Guys you can let go I'm not going to disappear. Come on we have to get back to the cruiser." I suggested, lightly tapping Anakins' shoulder and Rexs' back. They all slowly detached from me and looked around guiltily. I shook my head and smiled as I walked up the ramp and into the cockpit.
Once everyone was in, I took of back toward the republic cruiser. Tonight was not so great, let's just hope that dinner will be better.
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I landed the old rust bucket in the hanger then stepped out of the cockpit. I followed the others out and saw R2 frantically coming over here. He zoomed straight past Anakin, who was going to pat him like a puppy, and continued over to me.
R2 skidded to a stop in front of me then bumped my leg. I smiled and patted him, "What's up with you?" I asked and kneeled down to be eye level with R2.
"Traitor" Anakin called jokingly but continued off to report the mission to the council. I smiled and patted R2 once again before standing to my full height. I started to walk but stopped and turned back to R2 when he beeped up a storm.
"Don't tell me you came here just to say sorry about not helping R2." I shot back, He beeped a reply and I scoffed dramatically, "R2, I swear one day you are going to get decommissioned because of how sassy you are"
He beeped then followed after me as I walked off. We chatted on my way to my quarters then went off by his lonesome once I had gone into my quarters.
I placed my shoes down and pulled my jewelry off. Just as I was about to pull my dress off a knock sounded at my door. "Yea?" I called, flattening my dress out and walking over to the door. A few more furious knocks later and I opened the door. Fives came tumbling with Rex close behind, their blacks were hugging them tight and I gulped.
I closed the door and rolled my eyes, "What have you two done now? You can't keep hiding here whenever you start something." Fives sighed and Rex huffed,
"Fives decided it would be a great idea to start a-... Why are you still in your dress?" Rex gestured at me and I only frowned.
"I was just about to take it off when you two barged in" I grumbled and stalked over to the baggy shirt and some skinny jeans.
"Wait- Hold on a damn minute" Fives held his hand up. I put the clothes back on top of the dresser and turned to the two boys. "We have managed to find something we can share."
"I'm interested... I gotta see it" I grinned and waved my hands around.
"Well... If you insist.." Rex and Fives glanced at each other before walking up to me. I raised my brow at Fives as he circled around behind me and Rex walked straight up to me.
I swallowed thickly and froze. Fives started tracing patterns on my hip and they had both pressed themselves against me. My hands stayed strictly at my side though because I had some good bad ideas.
Fives leaned in and whispered into my ear from behind me, "Found it"
I'm half mad and half thankful at myself right now... And I'm not sure which one takes the cake. I thought as my eyes carefully watched Rex and Fives. I gave a curt nod, and Fives shot up to attack my neck. Me and Rex met halfway and he eased into the kiss.
I could feel Rex and Fives' hands roam trying to carefully yank the silky blue dress off me. The dress fell with a light thud and they both pulled away.
I felt their eyes drag down my body and I shifted uncomfortably under their gaze. Rex rested his hands on my hips and Fives leaned in whispering a small few words of approval, "Hotter than I expected, Cyar'ika"
I smiled back at him as I felt his hands slither up my back toward my bra and unclasped it, slipping it off. Rex let out a strangled groan as my bra joined the dress on the floor.
I turned around to Fives and smirked, "You both better start, I'm feeling a little left out here"
They both started to yank their blacks off and I pulled my underwear off leaving it in the pile of my clothes. I leaned back against the wall and watched the show unravel.
I let out a heavy and shakey breath as they both finished and threw their blacks somewhere else in the room. "You alright with us doing this mesh'la?" Rex asked as he and Fives guided me toward my bed.
Fives sat at the edge of the bed waiting just as I replied, "Do your worst"
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ao3feed-obikin · 10 months
Giving Thanks
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51937819 by palfriendpatine66 Anakin chooses the wrong car to steal and finds himself in a heap of trouble, when an unexpected savior intervenes. He finds a way to show how grateful he is for this twist of fate. or Anakin is horny for mob boss Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan takes what he wants. Words: 3741, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Crime Boss Obi-Wan Kenobi, roman sionis vibes my beloved, brief descriptions of violence, Explicit Sexual Content, Spit As Lube, Rough Sex, Desk Sex, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Top Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bottom Anakin Skywalker, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51937819
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Mob au this mob boss obi wan that, but have you ever considered that man is a leftist?
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ladyxskywalker · 3 years
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February 2022, pt. 1
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✨ new authors & characters added for the first time !
✨ some authors are mentioned more than once throughout the list, check to see if your works are there !
✨ Anakin Skywalker
Hands Like Home by @forcemeanakin (jedi!gn!reader)
✨️ Armitage Hux
Drapetomania by @mylifeisactuallyamess (f!reader) **
✨ Boba Fett
Arise, Ascend (series) by @zinzinina (f!reader) **
Beskar Clad by @clydesducktape (twi’lek!gn!reader) **
Dinek (series) by @clydesducktape (tbobf) (twi’lek!f!reader)
Missed You A little, Missed You A lot (pt. 1) (pt. 2) by @thefact0rygirl (tbobf) (vet!gn!reader)
Mysterious Man (pt. 4) (series) ; pt. 5 ; & Valentine's Day Surprise by @aerynwrites (mob boss!boba) (f!reader) **
You Are Beautiful by @dreamlandcreations (tbobf) (gn!reader)
✨ Cobb Vanth
Your Eyes, My Skin by @floraandfrost (din djarin x cobb vanth) **
✨ Din Djarin
A Bold Proposition by @flightlessangelwings (din x f!reader x cobb vanth) **
Bacta Bonding by @absurdthirst (tbobf) (f!reader) **
Burning Hour (series) by @juletheghoul (knight!din) (princess!f!reader) **
Cottagecore Din (series) by @flora-screeches (f!reader) **
Darkroom Din (series) by @honestly-shite (photographer!din) (f!reader) **
Death by Chocolate by @skvatnavle (valentine’s day) (modern au) (gn!reader)
Grogu’s Teacher; pt. 2 by @firstofficerwiggles (f!reader)
Hard Candy by @ezrasbirdie (sex pollen) (bodyguard!din) (f!reader) **
Inner Circle by @againstacecilia (bar, alcohol) (modern au) (f!reader) **
It Reminded Me of You by @triptuckers (tw:blood, injuries) (gn!reader)
Keep Going by @a-reader-and-a-writer (whump) (tw:pain, death) (gn!reader)
‘Kissing Din Djarin’ by @rosethornxs (gn!reader)
Reunion by @letterfromvienna (tbobf) (f!reader) **
Safe and Secure by @flightless-angelwings (afab!reader) **
Shah-tezh and Keldabe Kisses by @pettyprocrastination (mandalor!din) (fake consort!reader)
Sensitive by @lightsinthedistancee (tbobf) (gn!reader)
Serve Your Queen by @toomanystoriessolittletime (madalor!din) (queen!mando!f!reader) **
Simple and Clean by @writeforfandoms (soulmate au) (gn!reader)
Slope by @clydesducktape (a/b/o) (alpha!din) (omega!gn!reader) **
Supernova by @ezrasbirdie (daddy kink) (f!reader) **
The Boss by @autumnleaves1991-blog (modern au) (f!reader) **
The Devotion of A Jedi by Sadie1902 (ao3) (tbobf) (din djarin x luke skywalker)
The Return of the Mandalorian by @absurdthirst co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers (tbobf) (f!reader) **
Three Little Words by @saradika (f!reader) **
prompt – ‘Tough Day…’ by @againstacecilia (gn!reader) **
Weakness by @flightless-angelwings (afab!reader) **
Where Others Gave You Scars ; pt. 2 by @ezrasbirdie (tbobf) (plus size!f!reader) **
Wizard by @letterfromvienna (tbobf) (gn!reader) **
✨ Grogu
Grogu’s Choice by @wisechaosglitter (tbobf)
✨ Kylo Ren
Langue (Manger le Grossier) (series) by @clydesducktape (hannibal au) (gn!reader) **
Namestealer by @themuseic (myth/fantasy au) (ben solo, kylo ren, snoke)
Of Football and Half Time Distractions by Zoa (ao3) (modern au) (ben solo x rey) **
✨ Luke Skywalker
A Lie You Tell Yourself by @tsaomengde (luke & grogu) (tbobf)
I Made This For You by @triptuckers (gn!reader)
✨ Obi Wan Kenobi
‘Affections’ by @profkenobi (f!reader) **
Anywhere But Here by calmersky (ao3) (ofc) **
Does Not Suffice by @zinzinina (f!reader) **
Guilt, pt. 2 by @hellotherekenobi (f!reader)
I Noticed by @triptuckers (gn!reader)
So Much Like His Father by @star-whores-a-new-hoe (obi wan, baby luke) (gn!reader)
Too Old For This Sort of Thing by @spotchka (valentine’s day) (commander cody x obi wan)
prompt – ‘I’m so proud of you’ by @andsheloved (gn!reader)
Uhtceare by @amidalaraan (f!reader)
✨ Paz Vizsla
A Little Piece of Heaven (series) by @maybege (biker!paz) (teacher!f!reader) **
Slow Hands by @corrupt-fvcker (afab!reader)
Sunday Morning by @corrupt-fvcker (f!reader)
✨ Poe Dameron
Do It Yourself by @the-little-ewok (gn!reader)
Dream Come True by @anaaaispunk (prince!poe, handmaiden!f!reader) (pregnancy) **
No More Wasted Time ; pt. 2 by @againstacecilia (f!reader) **
Priority Request by @writercole (gn!reader)
There’s Enough Room for Both of Us by @triptuckers (gn!reader)
The Son of Shara by @mariesackler (gn!reader)
Until the Stars Burn Out by @againstacecilia (gn!reader)
Working Up the Courage by @writefightandflightclub (gn!reader)
Dank Farrik Prompt Game – ‘starfighter’ & ‘proud’ by @justrunamok (poe, kess dameron)
✨ TBB Clonetrooper Tech
Rain by @studioramekin (gn!reader)
✨ Bodhi Rook
Blooming by @uwingdispatch (chronically ill, gn!reader)
Relief in Winter by @uwingdispatch (chronically ill, gn!reader)
Taking Care by @uwingdispatch (hospital setting) (chronically ill, gn!reader)
Moments of Peace by @uwingdispatch (chronically ill, gn!reader)
✨ Cassian Andor
This Heart and Yours by @uwingdispatch (chronically ill, gn!reader)
Nights Spent Tender by @uwingdispatch (chronically ill, gn!reader)
prompt – on a mission together but can’t stand each other by @youhavemysaber (gn!reader)
✨ Benny Miller
BFF Benny, Hot Ones; Crush (Universe) by @rayslittlekitten (gn!reader)
Frustration by @anaaaispunk (f!reader) **
It Takes Two (series) by @cowboystokes (marry me au) (black!f!reader)
Nebula Blue by @ayrusss (bar, alcohol) (f!reader)
Simple Delights by @artemiseamoon (neighbor au) (f!reader)
✨ Frankie Morales
Charmed by @clydesducktape (valentine’s day) (magical!baker au) (gn!reader)
Deal of the Day by @writefightandflightclub (gn!reader)
Down Payment (series) by @jedi-mando (ofc) **
First Look by @theewokingdead (wedding day) (tw:marriage, children) (f!reader)
Frankie Morales Masterlist by @clydesducktape
Nothing, & Everything by @hopeamarsu (frankie x benny)
Second Chances by @marvelousmermaid (tw:mental health, grief) (gn!reader)
✨ Santiago Garcia
Once More With Feelings by @writefightandflightclub (f!reader)
Under Covers ; pt. 2 by @youvebeenlivingfictional (gn!reader) **
prompt – ‘pressing a kiss onto the other’s hair’ & ‘playing with the other’s fingers’ by @dailyreverie (gn!reader)
✨ Will Ironhead Miller
Exactly What I Needed by @artemiseamoon (black!f!reader)
In The Pale Moonlight (pt. 2) by @hopeamarsu (poly relationship) (will x f!reader x frankie)
Spring (Pioneer Will universe) by @frannyzooey (pioneer!will) (f!reader) (tw: pregnancy, children) **
Super Bowls, Beers & Fears by @dailydragon08 (super bowl party au) (gn!reader)
Wanna Be (series) by @rayslittlekitten (f!reader)
✨ Triple Frontier Guys
The Firehouse by @artemiseamoon (firefighter au) (curvy, plus size, short!f!reader) **
Tumblr media
[fic recs continued over on pt. 2 !]
113 notes · View notes
Do You Trust Me? (04 Whumptober 2021)
Prompt: "do you trust me?"/taken hostage/pushed
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker
Rating: Gen
Warnings: Major Character Death
“Do you trust me?”
Obi-Wan looked up sharply to look at the man across from him.
“I trusted Anakin Skywalker. You are not him.”
“Do you trust me?”
Obi-Wan looked up sharply to look at the man across from him.
“I trusted Anakin Skywalker. You are not him.”
“But I am,” Vadar argued, “Just because you didn’t know about the considerable overlap doesn’t mean that I am not him.”
“And whose fault is that?” Obi-Wan snarled back at him angrily.
He couldn’t believe that he’d been such a fool but he supposed he deserved it for breaking his own vows so thoroughly. From experience, he should have known that Obi-Wan Kenobi wasn’t made for love. He’d failed at it so many times and yet here he was.
Standing on the edge of a cliff once more and keeping his eyes straight ahead as if he wouldn’t lose balance and tumble over the edge.
Except this time he had really done it.
Darth Vadar, the most feared Sith in the galaxy, who’d wrought hundreds of millions of deaths. Too many to be able to feasibly count.
“Obi-Wan please I don’t have time to argue with you,” Vadar said and it almost sounded as if he were pleading, “My master will be here any minute and we need to get out of here before that happens. I’ve set the ship to self-destruct and it will take us with it if we don’t leave.”
“I think I might rather die than escape with a liar and a Sith,” Obi-Wan told him simply.
“You- you can’t die,” Vadar almost sounded as if he were choking on the words, “Please you can’t. You have to believe me when I say I never meant to trick you. I was just afraid-.”
“That I would change my mind?” Obi-Wan asked sharply, “That I wouldn’t want to continue? That I wouldn’t accept that you are a monster? Was that what you were afraid of Vadar?”
Vadar flinched like he’d been slapped.
“That you would stop saying my name,” Vadar said quietly.
Obi-Wan had expected a lot of answers but that hadn’t been it.
“No one has said my name since I was a child,” Vadar looked choked up, “Since my mother was still alive. I just wanted to keep hearing my name. I love you. It always sounded so perfect when you said it.”
“Is that something you think you deserve?” Obi-Wan finally asked, swallowing around the lump in his throat, “You’ve killed hundreds of millions of people. Lied to someone you claimed to love. Do you really feel as though you deserve comfort?”
“It doesn’t matter what I deserve or not,” Vadar told him firmly, “Please Obi-Wan, we’ve got to go. We’ll die if we stay.”
“Leave and- and what?” Obi-Wan was nearly hysterical, “Tell the council I’ve been kriffing a karking Separatist leader? A Sith? Tell them I’ve broken the rules by being attached to someone who would surely stab me in the back the moment it was convenient?”
“Tell them that I tricked you. Tell them you never loved me. Tell them- force, tell them that I forced you, I don’t care,” Vadar told him and Obi-Wan couldn’t ignore the way tears had started gathering in the man’s eyes, “Just live to tell them something.”
“You say that as if it wasn’t true,” Obi-Wan told him softly, “As if that wasn’t what you intended.”
“It wasn’t,” Vadar choked out, and then tears were falling down his face, “I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted to be loved. I’m sorry. I would have never if I- I would have never gone to you if I’d realized you wouldn’t be able to love me.”
Obi-Wan opened his mouth but then he was being tugged forward.
“We’re running out of time,” Vadar told him as he force him through the hallways, “We need to go.”
Obi-Wan allowed himself to be dragged across the ship towards the escape pods. He felt hollowed out by Vadar’s words, unable to come up with a reasonable response.
“You said that no matter what I did in my past it was my past,” Vadar told him through tears as they moved quickly through the halls, “That you could love me despite my misdeeds. I should have realized that it wouldn’t extend to what I had done. I’m sorry.”
“Everyone tells me that it’s dark,” the man had told him, looking down to where their hands were connected.
Obi-Wan thought about it for a minute. His force presence wasn’t necessarily dark, but he could see how people would think that. It seemed more...lonely, perhaps a bit shattered. Like someone who’d had the rug pulled out from under them one too many times and didn’t know how to trust someone. It was the force presence of a man who was still just as scared as he’d been as a child but Obi-Wan didn’t know how to explain that to him.
“It’s not dark,” he said finally, slowly as he meticulously gathered his thoughts into words, “Don’t think me rude but I’d say it’s a perhaps a bit broken, like something hurt you and left it a bit jagged around the edges. But it’s not dark, it’s- well the only thing I think I could compare it to that would even come close would be a supernova.”
“The way you surround it,” the man had told him, “It’s makes everything feel so much better. Is there any way I might be able to do that?”
Obi-Wan smiled apologetically, “Not without years of training I’m afraid.”
It hurt to watch the beautiful face of that man fall in disappointment. He seemed to think about Obi-Wan’s answer and then he was looking up at him through his lashes.
“Then- then do you think you could do it again?” he asked hesitantly, “It- it just feels so nice. You make everything so quiet.”
“Please, please more,” Anakin begged under Obi-Wan, face flushed and eyes rolled up into his head.
Obi-Wan obliged, starting to thrust into him harder, reveling in the way the man accepted him so completely into his body and his mind.
Their signatures were tangled so thoroughly it was impossible to tell where one began and one ended and then Anakin was gasping, back arching up as he came. Obi-Wan followed closely, letting out a moan, and then before he could stop himself-
“I love you,” Obi-Wan moaned out.
Then he panicked as Anakin froze underneath him.
“Oh, oh shit I’m so-.” Obi-Wan began to apologize but was stopped by the way Anakin let out a sob, burying his head into Obi-Wan’s neck.
“Do you mean that?” he asked between choked breaths, “Please say you mean it.”
Obi-Wan felt his heart break at the way his lover had reacted.
“I mean it,” Obi-Wan promised, running his hands through Anakin’s hair.
“I love you too,” Anakin cried, “Say it again. Please say it again. Say my name.”
Obi-Wan kissed the top of his head and leaned next to his ear, “I love you Anakin.”
Anakin started to cry even harder, entire body shaking as he pressed as close as he could to Obi-Wan while still being at the awkward angle they were in.
“Even if I’ve done things that are unforgivable? Even if I had to do things I didn’t want to? I- I didn’t think anyone could love me after what I’ve done,” Anakin sobbed.
“Nothing is unforgivable,” Obi-Wan promised him with a kiss, “I love you Anakin and I forgive you. I want you regardless of what you’ve done. I know that you seemed to be a mercenary of some kind. I still love you.”
Anakin couldn’t stop the tears as he clutched to his lover. The only man he’d ever let touch him. The only person who had ever wanted to touch him. The man who said that he loved him even after he’d made so many mistakes.
“I thought you were a mercenary,” Obi-Wan told him stiffly but it hurt to say, more than he would have liked, “I thought your body count was in the hundreds, not nearly a billion people. How could you think that was the same thing?”
“You said that because the man who took me in made me that it wasn’t my fault,” Anakin choked out, stopping at the door to an escape pad and jabbing his fingers on the keypad, “You said I was innocent.”
Obi-Wan had. Obi-Wan knew what Anakin had told him. Sidious was the man who had paid for him and his mother and forced Anakin on the path he was on. He’d killed Anakin’s mother and forced him into this life.
But Obi-Wan hadn’t known it was Sidious. He thought Anakin had still been a slave, although one with more freedom than most. He thought Sidious was a slave owner, perhaps a mob boss of some sort- not, not the Sith who had orchestrated the war.
The door to the escape pod opened and then Obi-Wan was being pushed into it by a desperate Vadar. Obi-Wan stepped back to make room for him but the door shut in front of him and he was staring at Vadar through the transparisteel with a confused expression.
“Vadar what are you doing?”
Vadar put his hands on the transparisteel and gave Obi-Wan a wet smile.
“I love you Obi-Wan,” he told him, “You made me want to be a better person. So I’ve been collecting evidence against Palpatine. I’ve got enough to make a case. It’s been hardwired into the escape pod.”
“Palpatine?” Obi-Wan’s voice rose in disbelief, “The kriffing chancellor is the Sith in the senate?”
“Was,” Vadar corrected, “This is where he dies. This is where all the Sith die. All of them have boarded the ship. They think I’ve found a way to end the war. And I guess in a way I have.”
Obi-Wan swallowed thickly, “You don’t have to die with them Vadar.”
More tears fell down the man’s face, “I do. They are here and I need to answer for my own sins. Besides, there’s nothing left for me without you.”
Obi-Wan’s entire body went cold as he realized what Vadar’s plan was.
“You don’t have to,” Obi-Wan told him firmly, “Please Vadar! We can figure things out!”
He couldn’t die like this. It didn’t matter how angry Obi-Wan was, he couldn’t just shut off the way he-.
“I love you Anakin,” Obi-Wan tried, “I love you. Please don’t leave me alone.”
Anakin leaned his head on the clear door, “Can you say that again, please? Hearing that was the best thing that ever happened. I want to hear it again.”
“Anakin I love you,” Obi-Wan said again, “Please listen to me-.”
“It’s okay,” Anakin looked up at him with red, puffy eyes, expression broken, “You don’t have to try to convince me to leave. Just lying and saying that you loved me was enough Obi-Wan. I know you don’t anymore but I still wanted to hear it so bad. I love you too.”
“I’m not lying,” Obi-Wan felt his own tears start, “Please I’m sorry. I was angry. I love you Anakin Skywalker. Please don’t leave me.”
“I love you too,” Anakin nodded and then he hit a button on the side of the pod and Obi-Wan’s pod was being launched, secondary doors closing Anakin in the ship as Palpatine, Dooku, and their associates walked in the room.
Obi-Wan was thrown to one side of the pod as the ship blew, pieces of it smacking into the pod and sending him flying around in the small space.
Hours later, when the Jedi found him, bringing the pod into one of their ships, Obi-Wan played the recordings for them.
Anakin Skywalker had saved the galaxy. He’d more than righted all his wrongs.
And he’d died thinking Obi-Wan couldn’t love him.
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pinetreesandtea · 4 years
Clone Wars Characters Playing Minecraft Part 1
Ahsoka Tano
Doesn’t really stay in one place, constantly travelling 
However her main base is with the 501st base
Stacked in all kinds of meat
constantly trading 
Will do errands for you, need Iron? No problem, she’ll go mining! Need wool? She’ll give you some!
Her skin was made by Jesse, and it’s absolutely perfect
CONSTANTLY fighting mobs
Queen at jump attack 
Kills the wandering trader
either keeps the wandering traders Llama’s or kills them for leather
Favourite biome is the Mesa Biome 
y’know how u can crouch and some people spam the crouch to make it look like they’re vibing? She does that
Everyone thinks its very cute 
they can’t say no to her 
perfect mic, sounds clear on the discord vc
gamertag - Snips501st
Anakin Skywalker
He likes the plains biomes that’s connected to the ocean
He’s constantly building
has built a perfect replica of the Twilight, Resolute, the Negotiator, race pods, and buildings of Naboo and Coruscant
In a prank war against Ahsoka
When he does leave his base, it’s to check out everyone else’s builds, prank Obi-Wan and Ahsoka 
For the life of him, he can’t farm 
got killed by an Iron Golem 
He doesn’t really sleep, usually dies from the Phantoms 
Everyone either has to scream or spam the chat for him to sleep
Named his pet dogs after r2 and 3p0
also has died from Bees many times 
goes fishing all the time
eats zombie flesh
He gets his supplies from Ahsoka 
trades that for things he’s caught from fishing 
he originally had a very good mic, but ended up giving it to Rex
a very raggedy mic, but it somehow works perfectly
his game sometimes freezes
Gamer Tag - TheChosenOne
He doesn’t really do much
He has a nice house in a birch forest
All the paintings are up, he likes to study them and come up with the stories behind them
KING at enchanted books
Hasn’t died yet
Everyone is betting when he will die in the game 
Ahsoka so far is going to win the bet “Master Kenobi is the best”
Has a beautiful garden
Collects discs
Likes to listen to the in game music
also likes to fish
He buys flowers from Cody
Keeps a book and quill as a death archive of everyone's deaths
Makes very pretty banners
Kinda clueless
Skin made by Ahsoka, (The skin is usually an animal onesie. Ahsoka once somehow made the skin transparent, so Obi-wan’s head was just floating LMAO)
He finds it sweet that his grand-padawan is making him stuff, absolutely loves it
His mic is glitchy, usually cuts out and uses the chat 
Gamertag - ObiWan.K
The 501st has a large main base in a mountain village, the base is hidden in the mountain
Runs around with Ahsoka
Is extremely deadly at the Crossbow 
also carries a sword
decked out in armour
usually has to remind Ahsoka to wear armour when they’re about to fight a mob boss
In a book and quill, has all plans written out 
Whenever he finds spawners, he turns them into  mob spawner farms
He organizes adventures with Ahsoka and the 501st (Usually exploring)
Basically expeditions 
Whenever Ahsoka or any of his brothers get bored, he creates an interactive adventures rp 
carries extra stuff in case someone needs anything
attempts to stop Ahsoka from killing the wandering traders
Has died only thrice 
(Once when he first spawned in the world, killed by an Enderman. Second time he was pushed into Lava. Third time he got blown up) 
Is one of the mods of the minecraft Server 
Also a mod on the discord server 
Uses a high end mic given by Anakin
If any of his brothers kill him or destroy his build, he will go on a rampage 
Has killed all his brothers numerous times -
except for Tup and Kix
Accidentally killed Dogma when he was chasing Fives
Skin made by Jesse
Gamertag - rRexxter5O1st
Absolutely unhinged 
Also constantly hunting mobs 
Brutally kills mobs
Somehow got Elytra wings after five minecraft days
Good armour 
collects flowers
The 212th’s base is camouflaged in the Jungle, They’ve built inside the Jungle trees and remodeled the Jungle temples
If he see’s them, he joins Rex and Ahsoka in running around
The 501st and 212th have a lil Faction war. Which Ahsoka can only spectate
Has a pet dog named after Wolffe 
Protects Obi-Wans house/land
Prevents Anakin from blowing up Obi-Wan’s house
He fights with his fists
or a trident
Has a chicken farm
Mines a bunch 
also can’t farm for the life of him 
If he’s not running around with Rex and Ahsoka, hunting mobs, mining, he’s in the nether
Most of his deaths are from being in the nether
Died from trying to sleep in the nether 
Also gets jumped by Piglins and zombie pigmen
His mic is decent, not too good, not too bad
Allows Ahsoka in the 212th base
Also takes part in the interactive adventure rp Rex does when Ahsoka and the boys are bored
Absolutely loves playing the villain (his villain is called Fists of Wrath)
Somehow got an amazing mic
Also the mod on the discord server
However, he isn’t the mod on the Minecraft server
Has two skins he rotates from, one made by Ahsoka and the other made by Waxer and Boil
(Waxer does the base of the skin and Boil adds details)
Gamertag - cKode_BestBatallion212th
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threadsketchier · 5 years
So I saw the prequels prior to the Originals and it always bothered me how Luke got dumped on a death planet of Tatooine considering the state of that environment and shot that when down in the previous films while Leia got a life of privilege. I was hoping Bail would argue against splitting the twins. I obviously knew why it had to go that route because it had to align and follow up with the Originals. I guess it came off that Luke wasn’t really wanted...?
I already wrote a ficlet somewhat addressing this misconception.
Also, frankly, I’m getting kind of tired of rehashing the same issue - why do people keep assuming that the Larses don’t matter and don’t have a right to be in Luke’s life just because they live on Space Australia?  Why do their feelings not count just because they’re low-to-middle-class moisture farmers who don’t live in a palace on Space Switzerland-Utopia?  Why the fuck do people assume that Luke wasn’t wanted just because the Organas have a personal preference that was obviously previously established before shit hit the fans and they wanted a daughter and Bail, as a senator and Viceroy - essentially co-leader of his planet - is a fucking rational guy who understands the necessity of making hard decisions dictated by logic over emotions?
The twins weren’t just “split up because that’s how the movies have to go,” it does make internal sense within the narrative that it was safer to hide them in vastly separate locations to prevent both of them from being discovered at the same time and thus lost together, or for their latent Force bond to make them a psychic target if they grew up together and established it, acting like a beacon for Vader and Palpatine and any minions of theirs.  It sucks, it’s painful, it has awkward consequences for them later on when Leia’s a bit too loose with her lips, but that’s why these movies have a tragic backstory.  It has to suck real hard before it gets better.
Does it seem crazy that Leia wound up raised in such a screamingly obvious position as daughter of a then-Imperial Senator and princess of a highly prominent Core world being trained to follow in her biological mother’s footsteps and become a senator herself, thus occupying a very exposed role in the Empire, right under the Emperor’s and Vader’s noses?  Yeah.  But also remember that the Superman/Clark Kent illusion can actually work in real life.  Assumption is a powerful thing.  Your average Joe Citizen would assume that someone as otherworldly as Superman, an alien with the ability to fly, strength to bench-press skyscrapers and jumbo jets, heat vision, and other amazing things, would never stoop to living as a normal, humble, inconvenienced human being.  It’s not merely the hiding behind a pair of glasses and hunching over a little with a nerdy tone and habits - it’s the entire idea that a Clark Kent could even exist in the same person of Superman.  They don’t understand that he was raised as a human and actually desires this life, and doesn’t feel the need to lock himself away permanently in his dope Fortress of Solitude and never interact with the very people he wants to save and protect.
Vader was lied to by Palpatine about the nature of Padmé’s death, but there was no disputing that she actually died.  In his crushing despair, Vader accepted with heaps of self-flagellation that his child was dead.  He didn’t even know he had two children.  In his mind, whenever he saw Leia - surely they were in each other’s circles at least at a distance before Rogue One and ANH - even if she reminded him of Padmé six ways from Sunday, he would not assume she was his daughter, because as far as he was concerned his child was dead.  The OT establishes that latent Force-sensitivity also does not automatically make two related Force-sensitives consciously aware of each other until they mutually know one another as being related and Force-sensitive, so not even torturing Leia revealed this to him.
But I’m going off on a tangent.  Let’s break this down:
Tatooine is nothing but a source of anguish for Anakin and his personal loathing for the place made it ideal as a hiding place.  And no, I’m not just haha joking about sand.  He was a slave there and buried his mother there after slaughtering an entire village of natives he knew in his heart that he shouldn’t have.  It holds nothing but misery and failure for him.
Yes, Tatooine is abso-fucking-lutely a galactic cesspit.  It’s ruled by the most vile mob boss in the galaxy, is rife with nasty wildlife that’s out to kill you, and is haunted by the troubles brought about by strife between colonizers and the native population.  It is indisputably a dangerous place.  But it wasn’t Tatooine that killed the Larses.  It was the Empire.  Just because they look like Soft Folks™ doesn’t mean they were - Owen and Beru knew how to take care of themselves, and they certainly knew how to take care of a child in this environment.  They survived to middle age just fine, and would’ve kept going if it wasn’t for those fucking stormtroopers.  Just because they didn’t live a life of luxury also doesn’t mean they were dirt poor either.  When we meet Luke in ANH, he’s a healthy young lad who still has the privilege to fuck off with his buddies around his farm duties.  Life may be tough but it’s not squalor and deprivation for him.
But honestly, even if they WERE dirt poor, they’re still Luke’s family, and they very obviously loved him.  I almost feel like I shouldn’t have to restate it, but I will: Owen and Beru loved Shmi, and upon hearing that Anakin died and left behind a baby son, why wouldn’t they be moved and compelled to take Luke in, and why wouldn’t they deserve to have the chance to raise him in their memory?  Even though they’d be sad that Luke was orphaned, they might even see this as a blessing to be able to raise Shmi’s grandson and Anakin’s son.
As much as he bitched about chores as a teenager, Luke learned damn valuable skills growing up on a Tatooine moisture farm that, coupled with the Force, saved everybody’s asses at the Battle of Yavin, and went on to make him an ideal squadron leader.  Wealth and privilege are not always the best foundation, or at least certainly not the automatic one, for a person to learn good character either.
The Organas are human too.  Faced with a difficult choice, they decided to take this poignant opportunity to fulfill a dream they’d been deferring for some time.  Sometimes parents wish for a specific child, and that’s their prerogative (except IRL they don’t actually get to pick, they get whatever kid they gestate).  If they’d taken Luke and let Obi-Wan take Leia, we’d be having the same argument about Leia growing up on Tatooine.  There was no inequality in this decision.  Bail and Breha wanted a daughter, there was a daughter present among the twins, so they chose her.  This does not mean they valued Luke any less.  Since the twins couldn’t be raised together for their own safety, it might as well have come down to a coin toss.  Bail isn’t evil for exercising a shred of his personal emotions and desires in a situation where he otherwise knew he’d have to restrain himself.  Also, he’d be smart enough to respect the fact that both children had actual family elsewhere in the galaxy and wouldn’t think any less of the Larses just because they live on Tatooine.  The only way his decision would be careless or heinous was if he knew Luke was being taken to people who were abusive or so destitute they couldn’t even care for themselves, much less a third person, and he did nothing about it - but we know this is not that situation.
How do you feel about non-wealthy people living in harsh places here on Earth raising their children?  Would you expect all the rich people in the world to go take those children away from them and adopt them just so they could grow up “privileged” instead?  Think about how that sounds for a moment or two.
Honestly, if Bail had tried to argue about taking both twins because he felt taking Luke to his legal family on Tatooine was “cruel” or “neglectful” because of the planet’s “risky environment and poverty,” I’d hope either Obi-Wan or Yoda would have enough sense to smack him upside the head for being so thoughtless as to insult these people for being seemingly beneath him.
There is more to life than money and power/prestige, and Leia’s upbringing wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.  She was no pampered, air-headed royal spending her days sitting idle being hand-fed space grapes while her “poor” brother ate sand cookies.  She had to undergo intensive academic, political, and physical training from young childhood in order to prepare her to become a covert Rebel agent while she was still a teenager, as if being a child senator wasn’t already stressful and demanding enough.  Sure, she never lacked for anything, but that is an incredible amount of responsibility to saddle on someone who wasn’t even an adult yet (like her bio mother).  Luke was blessed with far more freedom and peace in his childhood than his sister.  And him living on Tatooine with his father’s surname wasn’t nearly as dangerous as Leia existing within the heart of the Empire while actively engaging in Rebel activities that could have cost her her life, even without getting into the whole “daughter of Anakin Skywalker” business.
Also, just because we joke about Tatooine being Space Australia doesn’t mean every single day of Luke’s childhood was THAT eventful.  It was more likely 80% dull farm life and 20% mayhem, and that 20% would be mostly Luke’s fault for being a crazy nut like his parents and getting himself into trouble he could have avoided in most cases.  In other words, growing up there might not have been nearly as “deadly” as we make it out to be.
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Rain Plays SWTOR: Solo Macrobinoculars (most of it), Imperial side, Pt. 2
I'm back with Part II of the Solo Macrobinoculars Run. To reiterate, I knew going in that I would not be able to complete the entire chain, but I'm writing a guide on the parts of the quest that can be soloed. This site does not like links, so to find part 1 please click on the #swtor macrobinoculars tag. 
Where we left off, I'd just finished scanning targets on Belsavis, and we were ready to hit the Rakatan temple.
A Spy's Secret: Belsavis
How to get there: if you scanned the target in the Tomb last, you are actually positioned really well to get to the next part of the mission. If not, take the Rakatan Transport to the Lower Prison Magma Transport stop and then make your way out into the Tomb area.
In the front room, the order for making the grid go away is: 1. Click the third panel. 2. Click the fourth panel. 3. Kill the droids. 4. Click the two things on the sides of the walls above the power generator. 5. Click the fourth panel again. 6. Turn so that you are facing the Rakatan Transporter and look up. There's a clickable near the ceiling. Click it. The grid will go down. At the second grid: 1. Slow down. In my experience, the second (deadly) laser grid did not load right away with the rest of the room, so Viri ran right into it. 2. You have to click the wall panel five times. Once to open it; the rest to input the code. You will see the panels light up with the colors as you add them.  3. The code is Red, Green, Yellow, Green.
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In the Cryoban tank area:  1. Click the tanks and manage the pipes ONE AT A TIME. You need to click the tank, follow the white smoke coming out of the pipes on the ceiling and click on the ceiling junctions ONCE each to route the cryoban to the door to break it down. When the door weakens enough you can click on the pipe right above it, and then the door itself.
The first time I tried this I blithely opened all the tanks and found myself completely unable to figure out which pipes I'd done, which I hadn't, and how the hell to extricate myself from the mess I'd created. I ended up resetting this part of the mission (which meant scanning all three targets on Belsavis again). Learn from me. :(
The final boss here is relatively easy, but it made me sad he was Ortolan. I kind of hated killing him.
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Now, it's time to scan more targets. A lot of these are in really obvious places, on top of major landmarks. Alderaan
- QT to Thul Research Camp. - QT to Outpost Talarn. - QT to Thul Supply Camp, and then go south. It's in the heart of the Republic gameplay area but you can avoid pretty much all combat if you are careful about where you walk/speed. - QT to Panteer Hideout. The target is on the Panteer castle, you can scan easily from the bridge while you're still surrounded by friendly NPCs rather than wading into enemy NPC territory.
- The first target is right in the middle of Sobrik, where you come in on the planet. If you didn't do this one first, the closest QT point is the Sunken Sarlacc Cantina. - QT to Bugtown. - QT to Markaran Imperial Outpost. The target is on the Okara Droid Factory building so you can get it from a considerable distance. - QT to Sundari Imperial Outpost. It's on a building of the Balmorran Arms Factory that is against the rocks so it's hard to see the target from a distance, but it's scannable well before you reach the factory.
- QT to Ghen's Outlook. Your target is actually on the building tower on the base, so you just need to get a little ways away to scan it. - QT to Pilgrim Retreat. The target you're scanning is right on top of the Shrine of Healing, so as soon as you can see the Shrine from the road, you should be able to get your scan. - QT to Outpost Skyline. The target is in the heart of the Gormak Lands, so it's a bit of a schlep. It's on top of the canopy in the area that marks the entrance to the Gormak Lands. - QT to Outpost Overseer, and just hop on the main road. It's on the top of the Gormak arch.
At the end of this scanning mission, IR-77 will pay you another ambush visit, stronger than before.
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Nar Shaddaa
- QT to Keeling's Listening Post. If you don't have that one, the Corellian Sector. - QT to the Slippery Slope Cantina, which is the closer of the two QT points on the Promenade. -- QT to the Imperial Data Center, shuttle to Network access or pick up the heroic Hunger of the Vrbithers and use the provided transport. Be aware that even if you are not doing the heroic,  you will likely have to contend with enemy vrbither NPCs as you move to the scanning point.
All the Pieces - Nar Shaddaa
This is the last bit you will be able to do solo, and it's quite a grand finale. To get there, QT to Network Security Access.
The first obstacle is a group of four gold droids. You should be able to beat them, but it's a reminder that the next sections are intended for groups.
To beat the two discs on the floor, stand on them one by one. Put your companion to passive so they are standing with you. The discs will eventually explode and the door will open.
On the dock, every enemy NPC droid is gold, so try not to pull them all at once. Force pushing them off the platform does not work; they will return.
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Now your character will get to pretend they're in an action movie and recreate that sequence where Anakin Skywalker jumped out of the speeder into Coruscant traffic! This is a jumping puzzle like no other, and it's long. You will be jumping from speeder to speeder in heavy Nar Shaddaa traffic. What's that you said? Why didn't your character just commandeer a speeder instead of doing this? Shhhh. Jumping puzzle time.
You will likely die at least once while attempting it. Probably far more often. The good news is that there are three save points along the way. As long as you've reached these points, you will not need to do the entire puzzle again. You can hop on the speeder and just speed to the save point. If you die on the last boss, you'll be taken back to the beginning, but again, you can hop on those three speeders, one after the other, to get back to the boss.
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With the jumps, if you don’t see a car close to you- wait. A lot of the time the vehicle you need to jump on will pull up along side. Sometimes they will be so close that you don't even have to jump, you can just drop.
Rocket boosts can be useful in a few places but be careful, it's very, very easy to overshoot these jumps and fall to your death.
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For a few jumps, you're actually going to use grapples. Mouse around on the larger ships that are too far away to jump and they may have a grappling hook you can click.
Take your time. The traffic is rushing beneath you, but you can take all the time you need to figure out the safe jumps. If the vehicle you need has veered away wait, it will come back. 
At a few points (the save points near the speeders) you will face gold and silver mobs. If you're soloing this with your companion, it will be difficult. I ended up throwing Heroic Moment at the last one.
IR-77 will greet you after you defeat the final mob, and he'll be ready to destroy you. He has a knockback, which really isn't a pleasant prospect when you're on a moving, narrow platform. Be prepared for it and try to dispatch him as quickly as possible.
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Once you reach the large skiff, you will face Maki'Voro. It's a challenging fight and he doesn't go down easily. He has a very wicked knockback, so try to make sure you're angled so that he can't knock you over the edge. You will know he's about to throw it when he suddenly flies into the air.
I ignored the adds, with the exception of the nanodroid shield froid that appears over Maki'Voro's head. This droid has a potent heal, so you need to interrupt it and destroy it ASAP.
After Maki'Voro has been destroyed, you have reached the end of the Macrobinoculars quest line that you can solo. The final H4 requires four players because there are four panels you have to stand on simultaneously.
I really hope that SWTOR's devs will consider adjusting this final H4 so it can be soloed, especially since it seems that only one part of it specifically requires multiple players. They pulled an Oricon here, since everything except the last H4 is soloable. I knew going in that I would not be able to finish the quest line, but I'm guessing a lot of people who begin it do not have that knowledge. It's a very well designed questline with interesting gameplay and story, and it's a shame that solo players can't finish it. If Bioware really wants the content to be played and enjoyed, forcing grouping is perhaps not the best way to achieve that goal.
In the meantime, if you're like me and really hate grouping, you can still get a lot of interesting gameplay out of this mission chain. You just can't finish it. If you've played Shroud of Memory you know what happens to the Shroud, so perhaps, like me, you can try to incorporate that into your own headcanon to fill in the blanks of the mission you can't do.
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a-dorin · 4 years
okay okay so,,, kenna... about the au thing I really like mob boss aus... and........ im writing an Anakin Skywalker mob boss au and 😭✋🏻 ima just say dom anakin will be very prevalent in this 😭😭😭
but yeah I love mob boss shit idk why maybe it's the Italian in me
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tennessoui · 8 months
Kisses to distract for the playmaker au 🌌
omg from this prompt list, kisses to distract from the au where all the kisses are basically to deceive and to distract???? hell yes!!!
so i couldn't pick which kiss i wanted and then i remembered i made a playmaker post once about how vos is probably sent undercover/ends up at anakin's table and obi-wan freaks out and corners him and they're found and its so suspicious that they would be so close talking in a secret corner that before they're found, vos kisses obi-wan so that people will just think that they're horny only for vos to then die because That's Anakin's Little Mouse
so this is that....except a little different cause obi-wan's daddy issues are Daddying rn
(2.6k) (cw: a nonconsensual kiss. but also. like. murder???)
Obi-Wan can feel his heart beating. It’s so loud in his mind that he can barely hear what Vader is saying, and he’s sitting in the man’s lap, face tucked up beneath his chin.
He can’t remember a time he’s felt more exposed, not even the very first time Vader’s hands had found his waist and pulled him into his lap in front of half his highest ranking men. 
In the intervening weeks, it’s even been—well. It’s become rather…comfortable. If he doesn’t think of all the reasons it isn’t. 
Perched on Anakin’s thighs, one arm wrapped around his shoulders and the other held to his lap, he can press his face up against the man’s hair. He can close his eyes and commit himself wholly to listening to the men and women around him talk. Talk of shipments and delays, money owed, lives taken in payment. Obi-Wan can memorize everything and he can do it from the throne of the very mob his department has tasked him with bringing down. He can memorize it all and spend the moments in between pressing kisses to the tendons of Anakin’s neck, trailing his fingers along the in-seam of his suit pants, rubbing at the mob boss’ shoulder with the palm of his other hand.
Because—because that’s what the mission instructs that he do. He’s supposed to gather intel, gather evidence. And he’s supposed to do it without Anakin realizing that there’s a rat wrapped around his heart. The kisses—the kisses help. Distract him.
And it feels good. To kiss him.
To tease him into fucking him up against the wall the second they get somewhere private. To coax him into such violent need he dismisses his men and has Obi-Wan right where they’re sitting. 
It feels good, to be so desired that it’s uncontrollable. To be so desired that the desire must be dealt with, must be whittled down simply by the act of having. Of taking.
Obi-Wan doesn’t feel guilty about how good it feels. It should feel good to be touched. It should be some sort of bonus to the undercover mission that it is sometimes him whose hands shake with the desire to be on Anakin’s skin. It is not something he needs to feel guilty about.
It is not something his father needs to know about either, the way that the son he raised turns into a slut the moment a criminal gets between his thighs.
And luckily enough, right now, Obi-Wan is the sole decider of what Qui-Gon Jinn gets to know. That’s the nature of being the only rat to have lived this long in the Skywalker mob. That’s the nature of being the only rat. Obi-Wan gets to decide what he tells his team and what he leaves out of their quick and hurried meetings when Obi-Wan’s supposed to be on a run.
But—but he was supposed to be the only rat.
He was not supposed to look across the long table laden with food that Anakin uses for his mob meetings and see a face he recognized. 
Obi-Wan’s head is swimming, and his heart is pounding so loudly in his ears that Anakin must be able to hear it too. That must be why he adjusts his grip on him, dragging him further into his arms as if that will make him feel safer.
All it does is drag the hem of his shorts further up his thigh, exposing the lace end of the stockings he’s wearing. All it does is tug the droopy material of his shirt off his shoulder—revealing the strappy red lace of the bralette beneath.
It has happened before—hell, Obi-Wan has dressed like this in front of these men for the express purpose of this happening, of his outfit revealing what lies beneath while he can feign ignorance. Nothing gets Anakin’s hands on him faster than other men seeing what he thinks is only his.
What is only his.
He came tonight wearing the brightest colors of pretty things he owned in order for this to happen because it has been far too long since Anakin last snapped. He has been far too put together lately, far too...distant.
It makes Obi-Wan’s chest tight with anxiety. He has not yet been able to figure out what attracted the mob boss to him in the first place, and he’s spent the last several days wondering if it’s gone. If he’s about to be tossed to the side, ripped out of Anakin’s bed with the same ease he was granted entry.
Or—maybe worse, what if Anakin has made him as a rat? What if he’s to be killed?
What if his father knows that and he thought to send in Obi-Wan’s replacement before he can die? It would be less suspicious, wouldn’t it? 
No. Obi-Wan is being paranoid. Too paranoid. Even if he were to lose Anakin’s attention, he has the twins wrapped around his thumb. Anakin cannot kill him, his children would not stand for it. 
And—it would give him time to figure out what he did wrong, what made Anakin’s eyes stray. He could be better. Figure out how to do better, be what he needed.
For the sake of the mission.
And…there would be no way for his father to catch wind of the mob realizing there’s a rat before Obi-Wan knows. 
So the fact that Quinlan Vos is sitting close to the foot of the table…that he’s here, in this room, as a ranking member of Anakin’s mob….
That must mean that his father does not trust him to be doing his job. That Obi-Wan’s performance has disappointed him somehow, that he hasn’t been enough. He has not given them the information that they need and so his father has found a replacement.
And now the man who used to help Obi-Wan sort his father’s highlighters by color and size is staring at him from down the table, looking at the lines of his lingerie as he sits on the lap of the most dangerous mob boss in the city.
“Well,” Anakin says, tossing his napkin onto his empty plate. “Let’s break so that they can clean up this mess. And then—to business, men.”
The words are met with the thud and scrape of twenty or thirty chairs pushing back from their seats as the owners vacate them obediently. Obi-Wan, just as obedient, stays still. Anakin’s hand has clasped around the back of his neck, keeping him in position. 
“You’re shaking, little mouse,” the mob boss murmurs.
“It’s cold,” Obi-Wan replies automatically, turning his face into his neck. He presses the faintest of kisses there and thinks about ripping the man’s throat open with his teeth, ending all of his problems now. 
“Aw, baby, but you look so pretty like this,” Anakin says, ghosting his hand up the outside of his thigh and resting it just beneath the hem of his shorts. Then, his tone changes, growing lower, darker. Vader.  “The men couldn’t look away.”
Obi-Wan tries to draw a breath, but it stalls out in his chest. He stills, and then immediately tries to pretend that he hasn’t, that his thoughts have flown to Vos, who had been just as surprised to see him in Anakin’s lap as Obi-Wan had been to see him at Anakin’s table. 
“Hm?” Vader continues, as if Obi-Wan has spoken.
“I didn’t notice,” Obi-Wan finally says, sitting back so he can look fully into Vader’s eyes. “All I was looking at was you.”
They’re different from Anakin’s, Vader’s eyes. He would include this in his reports if he could figure out a way to say it that doesn’t make him sound insane. It’s been a long-held theory, that Anakin Skywalker isn’t always just Anakin Skywalker, but no one’s ever been able to have irrefutable proof.
But looking into Vader’s eyes, Obi-Wan knows. Knows it’s Vader who is looking back. Anakin is a dangerous man all on his own, but Vader…Vader is another beast entirely.
One that Obi-Wan isn’t prepared to deal with right now. Not when he is so on edge. When Vos is here. At Anakin’s restaurant. At his table.
Does Obi-Wan’s father really think he has failed so entirely? Does he really think he needs to be replaced? Needs support?
“I need to stretch my legs,” Obi-Wan says, pushing away from Vader’s chest. “I heard you and Ahsoka talking over it, I know this meeting will be a long one.” “My, what big ears you have, little mouse,” Vader says silkily, even as he drops his hands and leans back in his chair. The dismissal is clear; Obi-Wan is being given what he wants.
He gets several steps away before he looks back at Anakin, hands tightening into fists and releasing. 
The man is watching him go, wine glass raised in front of his lips. He hasn’t closed his legs yet, sprawling out on his chair like it’s a throne.
And Obi-Wan is—torn. He needs to track down Vos. He needs to find a place to talk with him. 
But he needs—he needs to stay here, with Anakin. He needs to turn back around and press himself up against Anakin’s chest once more, spread himself over him and make him feel good. So good that Anakin will not kill him nor tell him to leave and kill him all the same.
The shame and guilt that come on the heels of that thought are strong enough to force him to look away, force him out of the room.
He doesn’t get far.
A hand wraps around his arm and pulls him aside almost as soon as he’s exited the wide main room of the second floor of Anakin’s restaurant.
Obi-Wan makes an automatic, furious sound, but the hold on his arm only tightens as he’s pulled further into a dark and quiet alcove, mostly shielded by a marbled statue.
“What the hell are you doing,” the man who has grabbed Obi-Wan whispers furiously, and Obi-Wan goes almost boneless with relief. Oh, thank God it’s Vos.
“Me? What are you doing—” he turns around to face him fully, as much as the tight space can allow. “Did my father send you?”
In the shadows of the alcove, Obi-Wan can barely see Vos roll his eyes. “Probably in his mind, yeah, he did. I got back from one undercover mission, got sent the contacts for another almost immediately, wound up here, where his precious son’s whor—”
“What does that mean—”
“And he should have, Jesus, Kenobi! They told me you were making nice with the mob, wait until they hear you’re grinding up on Vader during his business meetings, what the fuck—-”
“No!” Obi-Wan doesn’t mean to say it so loudly or so vehemently, but he can’t. Qui-Gon was never supposed to know, no one was supposed to know, and now they will, and maybe his father will pull him off the case, can he do that? Would he try? If he thought Obi-Wan was doing a bad enough job, he would. He would take him away, get Detective Secura to arrest him next time they meet for information, it wouldn’t blow his cover, but it would take him away from—
From Anakin.
Obi-Wan can’t let that happen.
He hears footsteps, pointed and loud, coming down the hallway toward them. The break must nearing over, it’ll be time to get back to the real meat of the meeting, the actual mob business now, and then Obi-Wan won’t see Vos again. No way Anakin would let him spend a moment alone with another man—it would look suspicious anyway, if Ben knew this random mobster. Two rats getting cozy under the same roof, it doesn’t look good.
Anakin can’t know. Obi-Wan can’t lose him. He can’t lose him.
He can’t.
I’m sorry, he thinks and he knows it’s not good enough but the guilt does not drown out the need burning in his chest. The desire that cannot be controlled.
In the next moment, he’s pushing Vos up against the wall of the alcove, forcing him back with a grunt that’s loud enough that the footsteps outside pause.
Just as Obi-Wan presses his lips against Vos’, pulling his own shirt down to look dissheveled. Messy. Like someone has been running their hands over his clothes.
“Oh, now that’s something Vader will want to know about,” Ahsoka Tano says. Obi-Wan rips himself away almost as fast as he pushed himself into Vos’ space.
It isn’t an act when he rubs the back of his hand over his lips. He’d kissed Vos mid-word, gotten the man’s spit in his mouth. He doesn’t like the taste, wishes it was Anakin’s.
“Tano,” he says. “Just making friends.”
Tano’s eyebrows fly up further than Obi-Wan’s ever seen them. “You get all your friends killed, Ben?”
Vos moves to stand beside him, shoulder to shoulder, and the guilt and shame slam into Obi-Wan so suddenly that he almost rocks back from the blow. Vos is eight years older than him; was just fresh from the academy when Obi-Wan was still just a kid left to twiddle his thumbs at the police station waiting for his father to take him home. He’d gotten him take-out before. Coffee. Water. Little games to play with.
And Obi-Wan has gotten him killed.
“A little kiss won’t kill me,” Vos says, clapping a hand to Obi-Wan’s shoulder. There’s a note of bravado in his voice.
“Not quickly,” Tano promises. She raises her hand, snaps it when Obi-Wan doesn’t exit as quickly as she wants. “Come on, Benny. Let’s get you back to daddy.”
“Ahsoka,” Obi-Wan says, taking a shaking step forward. All he can think about suddenly is Vos, a decade younger and relegated to a shitty desk in the back of the station first year out of the academy, shoes up on his files, biology flashcards in his hands as he ran Obi-Wan through the questions.
What has he done?
What has he done?
“Please,” he finally says, stumbling out of the alcove, and when his voice wavers, he’s not faking it. What has he done? He has gotten Vos killed—and for what? Why had he kissed him? He could have—he could have talked to him, he could have begged. He could have explained the situation, why did he have to—
Because there is nothing Obi-Wan can say that will make Tano hold her tongue.
And there is nothing Obi-Wan can do to stay Anakin’s hands. He has murdered people for less. Perhaps this time he’ll murder Obi-Wan too, that way Obi-Wan will not have to live too long with the weight of this guilt.
“Ladies first,” Tano says as she opens the door back into the room. It’s buzzing with the sound of other people’s voices, the movement of them as they find their seats once more.
Obi-Wan walks forward and Anakin’s eyes snap to him immediately. They’re dark and narrowed, as if he already knows more than he likes.
The walk has never been longer to get to Anakin’s side once more. 
He’s pulled to stand in between Anakin’s spread thighs, the man’s hands falling to his waist and pulling him in, splaying out across his hips.
“Mm,” the mobster murmurs, and Obi-Wan’s legs are so shaky that he has to clamber up onto his lap just to avoid falling apart then and there. What has he done. What has he done?
“You smell different, baby,” Anakin says. “What have you been doing?” Obi-Wan wonders suddenly, wildly, if he can smell his fear. If he could see it in his eyes as he approached.
“Making friends,” Tano reports as she drops into the chair next to them. “Tongue first.”
Anakin’s hands still and then tighten. When he speaks, his voice is low and deep and all Vader. “Is that right, little mouse?”
And Obi-Wan—there is nothing Obi-Wan can do save for letting the guilt kill him.
So Obi-Wan nods. He nods and raises Vader's chin with his hand, forcing him to look at him. "I told you I was cold," he said as if he'd been so cold he found another man's body to keep him warm in the minutes he was away from Anakin.
Anakin's eyes are like pieces of ice. There's no warmth in them, but there's a glowing light of something that looks a lot like hunger. Fascination.
It's the same way he looked at him when he first saw him. As if he were intrigued.
The expression makes something that has been wound tight these last few weeks dissolve into nothing. Anakin's eyes promise that there will be no more distance between them. That he has not grown so tired of him that he will be discarded with next week's recycling.
And despite the guilt, the worry, the shame that's burning Obi-Wan's insides to ash, that look in Anakin's eyes warms him to the core.
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lajulie24 · 5 years
Here's an AU for the LJ casting dept: A shitty apartment building in Philly. First floor is the super and a place that Definitely created the Original Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich back in the day. Few floors of one bedroom apartments with rusty fire escapes and noisy pipes. The roof has become the haven of one of the tenants complete with lawn chair and ancient boom box. Legend has it the basement is haunted by the ghost of a malevolent former tenant, home to the local mob, or something worse...
Wow, this is an AU involving an impressive amount of thought, so I will attempt to do it justice. (That is a very roundabout way of saying I LIKE IT. A LOT.)
Owen and Beru are the proprietors of the Philly cheesesteak place. Their nephew Luke wants to escape to go to the Philadelphia Academy of Art but stays on in the kitchen to help out his aunt and uncle. Leia is the ambitious freelance reporter who is trying to write a story on the mystery surrounding the ghost in the basement. Han is the wisecracking, laid back super who insists the rumors about the ghost are a bunch of “simple tricks and nonsense” and they have a little verbal sparring session every time she comes by to try to interview one of the other tenants or find out more information about the building. Despite the fact that he’s infuriating, she grows to enjoy these little sessions, because at least he takes her seriously as a reporter, which is more than she can say for some of the men at the magazine where she occasionally files her stories. The tenant on the roof is Chewie, whom nobody bothers for fear that he will rip their arms off, but it turns out that he’s a really gentle guy who is like a brother to Han, and he and Leia become friends after she interviews him for the story. The ghost in the basement is actually multiple Force ghosts, including the ghosts of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and some grizzled old dude named Yoda. They weren’t in the mob, they used to run a speakeasy on the lower level and got slaughtered when they refused to come under mob control. (Leia figures this out from a tip she picks up from Beru during their interview, and Luke helps her investigate it.) There’s a tense scene where Leia and Han get trapped in the basement with the ghosts and Luke attempts to rescue them and almost gets taken by the mob boss Han used to run liquor for, but Leia and Han get out just in time and rescue everyone, and Leia’s prizewinning story gets her a lot of attention. (I’m not killing off Owen and Beru here, it’s too sad.) Also Han and Leia end up kissing while trapped in the basement with the ghosts.
OMG that was way longer than I intended, but I guess you just inspired me. :) Thanks for the ask!
It’s Star Wars Day, so ask me things while I watch the movies
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ao3feed-obikin · 1 year
These Violent Delights
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48810778 by myideaofbeautiful "Whatever you are planning, it won't work. Skywalker holds no regard for me. I am nothing to him. " Fortuna lifted his finger and shook it. "No, Detective Kenobi. You are quite mistaken. Over the years I have learned that one should not underestimate the power held by a pretty face," he gazed at Obi-Wan before getting up out of his chair. "We have our bait, Detective Kenobi. Now we need only dangle you on a hook and Skywalker will come running."   Detective Obi-Wan disappears. Mob Boss Anakin Skywalker is not happy, someone is going to pay. Words: 9455, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of I See Red Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex, Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Bib Fortuna, Jabba Desilijic Tiure | Jabba the Hutt, Jango Fett, Original Characters Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Mob, Mob Boss Anakin Skywalker, Detective Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mob/Gangster AU, Angst, Past Relationship(s), Abduction, Blood and Violence, Injury, Possessive Behavior, unhinged Anakin read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48810778
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yahootoldyou · 6 years
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no church in the wild
“I’m sorry,” Han says, “but I’ve got a prior engagement to see to. You understand, yeah?” He doesn’t ask how the man knows his name because he’s afraid he’s just gotten himself into some serious trouble. Wedge’s grin grows and two men exit the front of the vehicle, big and brawny. Han puts up his hands and squeezes his eyes shut.
“I’ll come, I’ll come. No need for any nastiness, right fellas?” He asks the two big men but their eyes are blocked my their hats and they say nothing, just the shorter man Wedge coming forward again.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Solo. The boss won’t harm you, he just wants to talk.”
OR: Two mobs are at war in 1920s New York City and everything seems to revolve around the odd Skywalker family and the rift between them. A young thief, Han Solo, finds himself caught up in it when he meets one Obi-Wan Kenobi and his life is forever changed...
click on the title to read over on ao3! 
featuring: mob!boss anakin, detective obi-wan, criminal ahsoka (as rihanna), mob!bosses luke and leia, and theif han!
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