#Mod Mikan writes
hiyokoswriting · 2 years
hello mod hiyoko!! :D how are you? i hope you’re doing well!! could i maybe get mikan, junko, nagito and mahiru comforting a reader after they had a panic attack? i completely understand if not!! thank you if you do decide to do this request :D remember to drink some water and take care of yourself!
I'm doing very well, thank you!! And tysm for being my first request too! And ofc I can write this for you, I hope I did these characters justice :) - Mod Hiyoko
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Mikan, Junko, Nagito and Mahiru Comforting Reader After A Panic Attack!
CWs: Panic attacks
- Mikan is rather prone to panic attacks herself. But although she understands how it feels - she can't quite imagine her beloved going through such a thing.
- If she were to walk in on you sobbing to yourself, she would apologise for intruding.
- "H-Hyaaa! I-I'm so sorry! I-I should know better than to e-enter without knocking, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!"
- Though, this probably only serves to stress you out more. You put your hands over your ears and rock back and forth, as if you could block out the thoughts in your head.
- "B-Beloved?" Mikan whispered. "D-did I upset you?"
- Mikan being Mikan, immediately assumes she was the cause for your stress. And although she doesn't mean you any harm, her frantic apologies and questions of how she can make it up to you don't serve to calm you down.
- Eventually she'll join you where you're sat, and if you're comfortable with it, will cradle you in her arms.
- She is crying along with you at this point, but attempts to keep herself quiet for your sake. She whispers frequent "I'm sorry"s and "It's okay"s.
- "Shhh.. N-nothing can hurt you here, o-okay? It's just me. I-I'm so sorry, I should've came sooner.. I-I'll stay right here until you feel b-better..."
- Junko is surprisingly empathetic.
- This doesn't mean she necessarily cares for comforting others, though; because she doesn't. Usually.
- She will typically show mock sympathy and move on. However there are certain people she makes special exceptions for, one of them being her S/O. Because although she loves despair for herself and others, seeing you in such a state of despair gives her a feeling she doesn't want.
- Junko would hold your cheeks in the palm of her hands, tilting her head and looking at you with a frown.
- "Poor you. Everything is so stressful, isn't it? The whole world seems so big and scary, sometimes you can't help but to panic. I know, I know..."
- She would talk to you for as long as she can, as nonchalantly as possible. She does come across as mocking and slightly condescending with the way she speaks to you, like how you would deal with an upset child, but she never outright disrespects you.
- "Sometimes it feels like you're all on your own, but I understand you. I'm right here, and I have the whole world at my fingertips." Junko smiled. A wide, ear-to-ear grin. "Tell me what you wanna change. Or even get rid of, I'll fuckin' destroy it! And you'll have front-row seats to watching it all burn."
- Seeing his dearest hope struggle in an internal battle with despair is hell for him. But of course, he knows you will win. He has faith in you.
- Nagito is tall and lanky, so if you wish it he could hold you until you calm down. He'd rest his chin on top of your head and rock back and forth with you in his lap.
- Although he doubts trash like him could provide much help, he does adore helping you overcome your own despair.
- "Maybe I can finally be useful to you, my hope... How I hate to see you struggle like this..."
- Nagito never shuts up, which this time can give you something else to focus on.
- Even if his ramblings are nonsense and make no sense to you, at least you can listen to him instead of your own thoughts. You can take your mind off of things.
- He will not leave you alone for the rest of the day.
- "Forgive me, but I need you to stay here with me so I can ensure there's no chance of those pesky thoughts returning. I can't let you lose to your own mind, and though I'm sure you could handle yourself... I'd just like to make sure."
- He just means he's worried about you. That's his own roundabout way of saying he doesn't want to leave you alone again.
- I hope you went to the bathroom prior to this.
- Mahiru is another one who can't stand seeing you in such a state.
- She's quite experienced with comfort and positive reinforcement, and out of everyone on this list is probably the calmest about the situation. If she saw you in the midst of a panic attack, she would keep a level-head and follow very simple steps. She talks to you and asks you frequent questions.
- She would approach you slowly and crouch down to eye-level with you. She keeps a distance from you at first, afraid of accidentally making you panic even more.
- "Hey... Hey, it's okay. Can you look at me?"
- Lots of gentle instructions and praise. She'll guide you to take deep, slow breaths, and count up and down to 10 with her. And of course, whenever you listen to her, she makes sure you know how proud she is of you.
- "You're doing such a great job. Just keep up those deep breaths. Here, can I hug you?"
- If you say yes, she will pull you into a tight hug and begin to rub your back. If not, then she settles for holding your hand so she can still gently rub your skin as you bring yourself down.
- "There we go. All better? Next time don't just sit there, okay? If you feel panicky, come straight to me. It's not a burden, I promise."
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gummy-bearz · 6 months
Ooh~ can you write Ibuki, Kaede and Mikan headcanons separately of course, where each girl is dating a delinquent that's usually mean but nice only to them and gets kinda shy and clingy around them too just cause they love their girlfriend so much
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Ibuki Mioda / Mikan Tsumiki / Kaede Akamatsu with a delinquent S/O that’s mean but nice, shy and clingy around their girlfriend
omg this request is so unique
- mod hiyoko
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Kaede Akamatsu
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- She noticed your disrespectful attitude towards other people, and she was really concerned.
- Kaede did sort of admire you for being so rebellious and determined…
- You being a delinquent made her worried in general- what if something bad happens? What if you get into a fight? Or what if you get in trouble?
- That was until you two were alone together.
- You began to show Kaede affection out of nowhere, leaving her shocked.
- You hugged her from behind (basically being a bit handsy or whatever) and refuses to let go.
- She thought that this was the most cutest thing ever.
- Was this your true nature? You didn’t have to be so shy about it…
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Ibuki Mioda
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- She thought that you were the most coolest badass person ever.
- Seriously though, she admired you!
- Ibuki didn’t care If you were mean or if you got into a fight, because she’s knows that you’re gonna kick ass.
- She’s supporting you no matter WHAT. If you were in a arguement, you’d hear Ibuki cheering you on in the crowd.
- You two were just chilling together, until suddenly...
- You held her close, wrapping your arms around her waist.
- Ibuki begins to burst out laughing while squeezing you back tightly.
- She didn’t understand why you were so shy.
“Awhhhh! You’re so adorable, S/O!”
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Mikan Tsumiki
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- Mikan was deathly afraid of you, so she was always careful because she doesn’t want to accidentally “anger you”.
- She always carry’s a first aid kit around you, what if you get into a fight and hurt yourself?
- Mikan apologized constantly whenever she made a mistake, she doesn’t want you to be mad at her.
- She always thought that you didn’t like her that much (even thought you two are literally dating) since you were so rude to other people around you.
- And while she was hanging around you,
- You hugged her tightly, causing a squeak to come out of her mouth.
- Mikan began to cry out of joy, thinking that you would never do such a thing.
- She hugs you back, still crying.
- She understands your shyness. <3
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writingdespair · 3 months
Hi hi!! I have a request if you’re up for it :]
Maybe hiyoko with a shy s/o? (Shy in the “quiet/listens rather than speaks” way, not in the “anxious mess (Mikan)” way, if that makes sense ^^)
Tysm if you do this!! Keep being wicked you fell demon <33
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Apologies for the wait! I had been struck down with a curse of the fabled blue screen of death. The only remedy to such a curse was to empty the dark depths of my wallet. Fear not, as I have returned from the pits of hell to write once more!
Enjoy, my fallen angel!
-Overlord of Ice, Mod Gundham
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Opposites are definitely attracting here. Hiyoko is loud, crude, and excitable. While most would say your calming personality could try and calm her down, it’s actually the opposite. When she’s with you, she gets energetic. She’ll tease you and prod at you to try and get a reaction.
If you’re not the affectionate type, that’s okay. Hiyoko’s clinginess is enough for the two of you. She’s a big fan of jumping on your back no matter what you’re doing. There are times where she’ll tell you to lean down for a kiss, just for her to bop you on the head instead.
In front of others, she’ll love to make fun of you as if you’re the one that hangs off of her. “They may be quiet but they’re actually a total pervert when we’re alone!” None of your classmates really believe her.
You love to listen and Hiyoko loves to talk. She’ll tell you about anything: her dance recitals, badmouthing your classmates, anything that comes to mind. Hiyoko loves to sit in your lap while she gossips. Her hand will be deep in a bag of gummies while she rests against your chest.
While she does tease you, and borderline humiliates you, she’ll put you on a pedestal above your other classmates. In her eyes, you could truly do no wrong. She’s a small yet fierce guard dog. She’ll make sure to uplift you while berating anyone else.
If you ever seem like you have something to say, but can’t speak up over someone else’s voice, she will make sure you’re heard personally. “Hey! Shut your waste of space mouth! Your breath is stinking up the air.” She would cling onto your arm with a big childish smile. “(Name), didn’t you have something to say?”
During the killing game, she’s glued to your hip. Even though she acts big and bad, Hiyoko is scared of both losing her life or yours. Hiyoko practically moves into your cottage. There is no more privacy, you can’t even shower by yourself. If you don’t already know how, you’ll have to learn how to tie her kimono for her.
Hiyoko will vouch for you during trials and investigations. With your keen listening skills, you’re bound to find something out but you might not have the courage to speak up. If you wanted, she’d relay the information to the others. Not for them, but for your skills to be recognized.
Due to your quiet nature, you’re often a main suspect in trials. If Hiyoko was busy on the day of a murder, you might be without an alibi. Worry not, as Hiyoko will be your biggest defender. Hajime is at his wits end as he’s called vulgar names one after another. No one gets a chance to speak as she wails about your innocence.
Even if you were to murder someone, she would always be by your side.
“(Name), you’re the only one that could’ve done it.” A spotlight shines down on you as Hajime speaks. All eyes were on you. Frankly, you didn’t know what to say. What were you supposed to say while backed into a corner?
Fuyuhiko kissed his teeth, rolling his eyes. “You’re being accused of murder, and you still can’t speak up? How stupid can you be?”
You open your mouth, trying to formulate anything coherent. Before you could say anything, a shrill cry echoed through the trial room.
“Waaaah! You stupid pigshits are picking on them! They would never commit murder!” Hiyoko slams her small fists against the podium. “Why couldn’t you be the victim, Hajime?” 
Ignoring the death threat, Hajime explains his reasoning. “It could only be them. They were the only one on the second island with no alibi.”
“Shut up!” Hiyoko was clenching the wood so tight her knuckles were turning white. “I was with them, dumbass! So how about you kneel down and apologize to them like a good mutt!”
With a point of his finger, Hajime shot down that lie. “No, that’s wrong! Nagito said he saw you at the beach right before the body discovery announcement. You wouldn’t have had time to meet up with them before the time of death.”
Hot tears pooled down her cheeks. Hiyoko knew the truth. She knew you were guilty. She didn’t want to face the truth. You weren’t supposed to leave her side. “You’ll trust that nasty perv to be honest? You’re a fucking idiot-!”
“Hiyoko.” Your quiet voice reached her ears. She looked at you like a deer in headlights, her body shaking. “That’s enough. It’s over.”
“O-over…” Her bottom lip quivers, snot threatening to pool from her nose. “Why are you giving up? Tell them you didn’t kill that stupid whore. Tell them you didn’t do anything wrong, you moron!” 
Walking over to her podium, you take her into your arms. She fights back for a moment, slamming her fists into your chest.
“I’m sorry, Hiyoko.”
“Shut up!” Hit! “Shut up!” Hit. “Shut uh-uuuuppp!” She slumps into you, sobbing her heart out.
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no-m4gic · 2 years
Hey mod Sitaya! Could I request the THH characters with a autistic reader in their class?
And Welcome too :)
ahh my first request !! i hope my writing isn't too shitty. also bonus tenko and mikan since i messed up the first time. sorry if this isn't what you wanted!
sorry if it seems rushed or is too short!! there were a lotta characters x3
p.s i removed hifumi and yasuhiro since i had no ideas for them...
this took so long
~mod sitaya
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BYAKUYA TOGAMI - finds it disgusting and insufferable
"not another one of these peasants... and an indifferent one? hell."
you? indifferent? wow. worse person to be handicapped around.
at first he'd give you the stank-eye. he'd treat you the same as he treats everyone: like a peasant under him.
but oh no. hell will break loose when he finds out you're indifferent.
he'd be such a drama queen, never wanting to be in the same room as you, scooting away, making a face whenever you were around.
byakuya would treat your autism like the plague.
he is in his most annoying era whenever toko annoys him, making sarcastic remarks and comments here and there.
though once you manage to befriend him or i guess tame him like some beast, he'd stop with the bratty ass behavior. maybe not with the distancing himself and leaving the room shenanigans, but still.
whenever he found you annoying (which is most of the time) he'd just pretend he doesn't care or hear, walk away or recommend you go annoy naegi or kirigiri.
one upside is you could basically ask him for money to buy stim toys, weighted blankets or sensory stuff and he'd just say "take it" and throw a thick, fat wad of cash at you.
MONDO OOWADA - finds himself relating to you
"don't think of yourself like that, s/o. i like you most when you're you."
yeah... even though he's the leader of japan's most popular biker gang, he has his number of his own insecurities and struggles.
one is he was and still is, never able to properly socialize with people, that being the reason why he's always so loud and interrupts everyone.
reverse comfort
he's not embarrassed of you, he's embarrassed of himself.
you always have to comfort him when he finds himself in third or second place.
you and scented candles are his emotional support.
sometimes he'd randomly scare you by picking you up from behind.
need not fear, he also does the same thing to ishimaru, in fact he does it more to kiyotaka than you.
if you're cold he'd lend you his jacket.
MAKOTO NAEGI - would find positivity and hope in it
"come on... it's not your fault. plus, it made you who you are right now, it made you you, and i love that."
whenever you're down, makoto would make up stupid stories to try and get you to crack. [ you can decide whether or not s/o ends up laughing at his stories or not ]
as well as dumb stuff that's happened to him due to his 'luck', like him losing his sock and never finding it.
he'd let you ruffle and mess up his hair, also warning you about his ahoge so you don't stab yourself.
sometimes when he has nightmares he'd knock on your door and ask if he could stay for a bit.
in the morning though you won't have to run to the lunch hall, because well, you'll find your breakfast sitting on your bedside table alongside some juice or milk.
whenever you do crazy things, makoto would just watch nervously and would only interfere when you're about to get hurt.
also he likes to stargaze with you at midnight when everyone's asleep.
KIYOTAKA ISHIMARU - worries about you, yet supports you.
"as long as you don't run in the halls or scream like mondo- you'll remain my closest friend!"
sometimes he'd unintentionally throw in a sarcastic or dramatic remark, but that's just him, and you know that.
usually when you're hyper active to the point where you can't eat on your own, he takes it as his own responsibility to feed you manually (and make sure you don't starve to death)
he'd always start off the day with a greeting and how your day went.
since he's asked so many people that, he can tell when you're lying, and would ask what's wrong.
persistent bby
rarely you warn him about mondo picking his ass up, since you find it hilarious.
however you two always have each others' backs.
CHIHIRO FUJISAKI - relates to you on the same level
"don't worry- if i go, alter ego will stay with you till you go too, and then we'll be reunited! right s/o...?"
aside from mondo, you'd be the second person he'd tell his secret to. he knows he can trust you with it, especially when he isn't ready for the world's criticism.
whenever his day was just a horrible one in general, he knows he can come to you for comfort.
before going to bed you both make each other hot chocolates.
you'd lend chihiro some of your clothes whenever he'd decide his confidence level for that day.
if you can't beat a level on a game, just ask chihiro, he'll work his cheating magic.
when your craziness kicks in, you'll insist and persist he hacks into somebody's account to invade their privacy. (you can choose who)
LEON KUWATA - would try to understand your disability
"i don't know what the heck you're doing, but i like where it's going, s/o."
75% of the time he doesn't know what you're doing, but goes along with it.
you'd always be cheering the loudest in the audience at his baseball matches.
he'd be appreciative of your craziness and impulsive actions most of the time.
like you managing to break a vending machine and get like 10 energy drinks for the price of 1.
but sometimes he'll be really confuse and just leave you be... and by that i mean ditch you like the dick he is.
you'll have to navigate your way back.
once you do find him, you'll grab his shoulders from behind, making him scream like a little girl.
SAYAKA MAIZONO - finds it unique and supports you
"don't say that! you're waayy more special than the them!"
honestly she'd think it makes you unique from the others.
in fact, you guys would discuss about song lyrics and she'd take a lot of inspiration from you and your tales.
overall sayaka wouldn't mind whenever you let your heart out, she enjoys hearing your voice.
she's too embarrassed to admit that, though.
if you have long hair, she'd braid and mess around with it, also letting you mess with hers since she really likes your touch.
if you ever needed help with falling asleep soundly, sayaka would offer to sing you a song or a lullaby, as well as learn the lyrics to your favorite song after that night as backup.
pls- she'd be so patient with you. if you were ever mad, she'd leave you be to cool down. if you were upset or scared she'd hold and hug you, telling you everything will be okay. she'd listen to you vent your heart out.
she spends more time in your room chattering with you rather than her own room sitting miserably on a table rocking her brain back and fourth thinking of catchy song lyrics.
AOI ASAHINA - finds you even more adorable
"eeek!! you're so cute s/ooo!! i just wanna eat you up!"
ooh hoooooo.
asahina would treat you like her baby.
her and sakura will defend you with their life, especially from mondo and byakuya. they're getting their asses beaten if they dared mess with you.
overprotective mother mode
she'd share her donuts and food with you.
whenever you guys meet up for the day she'd give you a daily head pat and compliment like "oh my goshh you look cuter than before!"
she'd also get you stim toys and other stuff to distract yourself with incase she was busy with a competition or training with sakura.
if you really wanted, aoi would also teach you to swim.
also would chase you just to ruffle your hair.
CELESTIA LUDENBURG - doesn't care about it
"as long as it isn't infectious, you can have all the time and tea you want with and from me."
oh you were disabled? she didn't even notice.
celeste wouldn't give a flying fuck about it.
it's more of if you piss her off or not. if you don't, you can have tea with her, if you do... well, she'd either send you to kyoko or act like a less dramatic togami.
most of the time celeste would listen to whatever you had to say, or pretend she was listening and constantly nod her head.
she'd be hesitant to let you around grand bois chéri (her cat), so you'd have to try your hardest to prove to her you won't injure or let chéri get injured in your care.
other than that celeste would treat you like any other person.
if you get too out of hand for her though, she'd get you some sensory or stim toys to keep you busy from annoying her.
KYOKO KIRIGIRI - would be supportive of you no matter what
"who cares about what the others say? you're perfect the way you are, s/o."
gentle head and back pats
sometimes in her free time, she'd follow you around, most of the time just to make sure you're alright.
lets you review cases with her, just to keep your mind fresh and active, perhaps one day you'll impress and blow her mind by solving a mystery even she couldn't crack.
even though she'd be embarrassed, shy or not wanting to, she'd join in your activities if you invited her to, such as dancing or singing.
though she'd never share hers, she'd always ask about you and your feelings.
is very persistent, and would secretly and anonymously send you little gifts from time to time like a secret admirer.
JUNKO ENOSHIMA - would be inquisitive and criticize
"oh my gosh, so you just move out of nowhere? couldn't imagine me like that, SO glad i'm not you."
has no idea and knowledge about disabilities and stuff.
she's worse than togami.
she'd always humiliate and embarrass you in front of people to cause despair
but she'd always find herself crawling back to you.
it's annoying, and she likes that. it brings her so much self-inflicted despair
uses you as an insult, especially towards mukuro and kamukura.
"you guys are WORSE than s/o, so much more annoying, no wonder s/o's spirit is brighter than your guys' futures."
when she isn't in such a despair-ful mood, instead of embarrassing you in public, she'd just grab your hand and lightly squeeze it, all while obnoxiously insulting her sister.
since she's an uncultured swine, she'd either let you squeeze, hug and cry to a monokuma bot or let mukuro deal with you.
SAKURA OGAMI - would be supportive and encourages you
"if you lift your chin up you'll see the path hope has created for you, s/o."
usually you'd watch her work out and bring and make her protein shakes whenever asahina was training.
she'd make sure you're good and healthy, both physically and mentally.
if you also wanted to train and work out with her, she'd offer to make you a healthy drink afterwards.
you two always have fun making smoothies and salads with funny drawings and faces made of tomatoes and onions after work out sessions.
would let you style her hair into ridiculous sights.
whenever you guys were in a meeting or assembly, you, asahina and sakura would crack jokes and giggle together.
both of you have this special greeting where you jump and high-five, most of the time sakura just stands with her hand up though.
TOKO FUKAWA - pretends to find you insufferable but relates to you
"i g-guess freaks talk to f-freaks, don't they...?"
at first she'd try to act like togami around you. avoiding you and giving you the "ew" look.
but later on she'd find herself warming up to you and doing small little affectionate tasks like bringing you a glass of water.
goes by the "if i do this for you, you will do this for me" sorta thing.
so she fetches you that glass of water (even if you didn't ask for it), you'll have to get her a glass of water or juice too next time.
sometimes you'd also help her chase byakuya, just for fun, and a way to relieve your anxieties.
you guys may or may not get too crazy and start a food fight, targetting each other and byakuya.
you both cower away when it comes to social interactions
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TENKO CHABASHIRA - becomes more overprotective of you
"i have to defend you from the degenerate males, stay behind me, s/o!"
whenever anyone, especially the guys, approaches you, she'd jump into action and scare them away.
if you wanna talk to anyone of your guy friends, you'll have to distract her or send her away.
you two would toss small snacks into each others' mouth such as gummies or little candies and make a game of it. never hard candy though, since you guys don't wanna injure each other.
if any guy harassed you, they are going to the afterlife once tenko finds out.
you both do crazy things such as destroying a vending machine just to steal it's contents without paying.
she'd also invite you to watch himiko do magic tricks, but no guys allowed, okay?
since sometimes you can be really clueless and naive, tenko scans the place to look for any guys or suspicious people and hesitates to leave you alone to either run an errand, check on yumeno or use the bathroom.
also, whenever you're using the bathroom, tenko stands outside the toilet door, guarding it with her arms crossed and legs spread.
MIKAN TSUMIKI - worries more about you and becomes more clingy
"s/o! w-what happened?! who did this- or-or did you fall? eek! i'm sorry!"
would occasionally check on you and knock on your room door to a point where it gets sorta creepy and annoying.
you'll have to tell her that you're fine, and you won't die within' 10 seconds when she's off elsewhere.
well since you do tend to do crazy things beyond your control, she knows you're gonna get hurt eventually.
and you do.
when you get injured or hurt, you won't have to head to her office, since well... the nurse will come to you automatically.
though she'd be crying, fearing you were going to die or something dramatic.
"i'm so sorry s/o!! i should've ran quicker- don't leave me!!"
if it is serious and you end up blacking out, somebody else would have to give you medical attention since mikan would be sulking in the bathroom, washing her face over and over again.
she's touch-starved, but is always too shy and scared to ask for hugs.
whenever you guys are in assembly, she'll hold your hand and squeeze it. she relaxes herself knowing you're there, right next to her.
likes & reblogs appreciated, reposts not appreciated!
© sitayaa
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dangan-yandere-blog · 2 years
Hey! Could I request Yandere Kokichi with a naughty fem S/O who's like to run away from him just to mess with him and when she's captured again she's like "oh, I got captured again. What a shame \_(^_^)_/"? And aftet this, she run away again leaving a note written "Try to catch me this time, babyboy ;)"
Hello anon! I apologize for how long this took to write— but nonetheless I hope you enjoy it! I did have some fun with this one. Thank you for requesting!
-Mod Mikan
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yandere kokichi with an s/o who likes to run away!
•You’re lucky you’re just doing all of this to be playful, and even a bit naughty
•Because if you were serious about trying to escape, Kokichi would make sure that there was absolutely no way for you to ever leave him again
•And that will be that! You’re his, and his alone
•But... he’s all for fun and games
•So when he saw, “See if you can catch me again, babyboy! <3” scribbled onto a napkin on the kitchen table, he was more than intrigued
•Of course, he was quite quick to search for you, hunting you down and soon finding you at a nearby store
•That confirmed that you weren’t really trying to escape— if that was the case, you would have gone to a family member’s house, called a close friend, or even to a police station— anywhere but a store that he frequented
•So, he let you off without much punishment, grinning ear to ear at the way you playfully giggled, allowing him to take your hand and lead you back home
•It was when it happened a second time that he decided to take further measures
•You two were closer, now. You were close enough that he allowed you to walk free around the house— and even sleep in the same bed as him!
•Though, one morning, when you weren’t there beside him when he awoke...
•It was safe to say he got a bit worried
•It didn’t matter that you liked to run away from him, it didn’t matter that you seemed to love him
•You could be hurt, you could have gotten tired of him, there were so many possible reasons that you weren’t there!
•So he sent D.I.C.E members looking for you
•He messaged and called your family and friends, appearing casual despite the fact that he was horribly concerned
•When he found out that you were hanging out with your friends at a party, there was nothing but frustration that filled him (and maybe a twinge of longing— after not seeing you all day)
•He made his way to the building in which the party was arranged at, scanning through the crowds of people before finally spotting you
•And while he was not surprised what you were doing, he wouldn’t lie that it made him upset to no end
•There you were, leaned close to another person, a cheeky grin on your face as you twirled your hair between your fingers
•Now, if Kokichi was reasoning well and if he was a polite, well-mannered citizen, he may have waited until you two were finished talking before he pulled you aside
•But he was angry, he was upset, he was frustrated and he was maybe even a little hurt. He knew you liked to run away, he knew you liked it when he chased you down, but you were flirting with another person aside from him, and he wasn’t going to let you off of the hook with that
•He walked right up to you, wrapped an arm around you, gave a forced, “That’s my girlfriend,” to the person you were flirting with before gripping your shirt sleeve tightly, leading you out of the building
•He brought you to the car, and he drove you all the way home without saying a word
•It wasn’t until you two had gotten home and the door was locked shut that he turned to you
•“So, S/o...” He narrowed his eyes, “Would you like to explain why you were flirting with someone else at a party I was never aware you would be at?”
•You did nothing but grin, leaning closer to his face as if this was all a game to you
•“I’m glad you managed to find me,” You hummed, “I missed you.”
•Did you really? For the first time in his life, he couldn’t tell if you were lying or not
•But you were quick to wrap your arms around him, resting your head against his chest with a smile
•You were a mystery to him
•But you kept things interesting
•As he wrapped his own arm around you, he sighed
•Perhaps that was why he loved you to no end
•You’ll definitely be getting punished later, though!
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unluckyservice4 · 17 days
I'm sorry for upsetting you. Mod... I hope you don't hate me. I didn't mean to do it on purpose. I just mixed things up but I understand if you don't like me anymore. I couldn't handle the rejection and left but that's on me not you.
- Mikan Mod
((Listen, I like to write stories, and sometimes with those stories I have plans. And when you write something happening to another person's characters without asking first it can mess up those plans. I don't hate you, but with rp there are polite rules people should follow, it's why I asked you if it was okay before I did anything with Junko for Mikan. I wanted to make sure it was okay with you first. I think you could learn how to follow these rules easily just with a bit of practice and time, I don't think you need to leave. I did enjoy our time together even with the slip ups, but you should do what ever makes you most comfortable.
I'm sorry for the conflict I didn't wanna bring that here. v.v))
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merakiui · 2 years
BRO I FEEL STARVED! I love Azul and the way you write him but you know what I love a lot more? THE WAY YOU WRITE IDIA!
I need- I need more thoughts for Idia aka.the ultimate discord mod™(affectionate)
—can I be the Eel anon?
Omg I’m happy to know you like the way I write Idia! He’s so filthy and shameless. orz I’ll share some very scattered ideas!
✧ Idia feels like the type to be a danganronpa mastermind (he would be a Tsumugi fan). He gives me Mikan vibes—someone who is shy and always anxious but becomes bolder when pushed to the edge. I think he’d subject everyone to a death game if it was an au in which that happened. It would be run and funded by STYX, but all anyone knows is that if they can survive a few days and escape death they’ll be rewarded in more ways than just monetarily. Maybe you’re the prize or maybe you’re forced to participate. Magic use is not allowed, but most of NRC’s students are little cheats so someone’s going to break that rule eventually.
✧ I remember how wild the Japanese side of the fandom went when book 6 was just beginning (when STYX had kidnapped the students) and I remember seeing so many theories and art about what he might do to study and torture them. Thinking about how clinically detached Idia might be if he’s studying you. Maybe you’re a creature born from Overblot, but you take on a human appearance and seem to genuinely think you’re human. Dangerous creatures like you have to be contained and properly observed, but for some reason you act just like a harmless human. Idia knows blot is dangerous, but he can’t help slowly falling for you the more time he spends on the other side of the glass.
✧ Idia but he and Azul swap personalities, so now you have a very confident, silver-tongued Idia and a very gloomy, sleep-deprived Azul who thinks everyone is a normie. >:)
✧ Idia who, when he finds out you’re a female, decides to kidnap you alongside the NRC students. But he keeps you in a separate enclosure and it’s not to study you. It’s to train you to be a perfect housewife for him, starting with chores and working the way up to pregnancy once you seem more willing. Idia definitely has a breeding kink, but it’s more that he just likes the concept of filling you up until you’re so cock-drunk and watching your body shape itself around pregnancy. The trio’s breeding kinks are more rooted in mer instincts because the goal is to have children with you, whereas Idia’s not really a big fan of that. But if it’s you he can try to do his best.
✧ Idia has a voice line about how he wouldn’t be able to live with another person, as having a roommate was terrible enough (very paraphrased from his ghost marriage home screen lines). So imagine being his roommate or housemate and he rarely leaves his room, only contributes monetarily (he probably pays for the entire apartment because he’s rich), and you never truly get to talk to or connect with him. But unbeknownst to you, Idia is watching you through the cameras he’s situated in your room and he’s been stealing things from you (undergarments, jewelry, makeup, a shirt, a sock, etc). He’s so creepy, but he becomes even creepier if you bring someone back to the apartment, whether a friend or a hook-up.
✧ thinking about fwb with Idia, but it’s online. So lots of phone sex, lots of exchanging of explicit images (imagine talking to this guy who calls you his kitten and has the smallest dick energy, but when he finally sends a photo back he’s massive. T-T), and even occasionally playing online games together. Idia becomes obsessed with you and quickly gets jealous if he knows you’re out actually living your life when you should be spending it talking to him at all hours of the day.
✧ something something apocalypse au and you take shelter with Idia, who becomes very obsessed with you and won’t let you leave because it’s so dangerous out in the real world.
✧ Idia who is researching a mer darling! He keeps you confined and finds that interacting with you is much easier than interacting with others. Maybe it’s because you don’t speak much of his language or it’s because you never seem to judge him critically. Either way, he loves his mer and wants to keep you forever.
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forbidding-souda · 30 days
Yaaay! Requests!! Can you please do HC for Kazuichi Souda with a ditzy but cute SHSL Skater (Rollerbaldes, Skatebaords, etc). Can be romantic or platonic! Tytyty
Kazuichi Souda with a ditzy SHSL Skater S/O
i'm so excited to write this i hope this is good
my classes start tomorrow yippie and i'm getting a C badge in idv on wednesday yay yay
-Mod Souda
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❤ His favorite thing is watching you just skate around the neighborhood on your rollerblades. You have a carefree look on your face and you're just in your own world, not caring if anybody is staring.
❤ ^ It's like watching an angel fly.
❤ ^ Still, it worry the shit out of him because of how you just skate around absentmindedly. He'll like oh my god plz babe don't crack your skull open.
❤ Your demeanor matches his aloofness perfectly.
❤ You two can boost each other up for all of eternity. Whenever he's down, you know just the right thing to say to make him feel better. But sometimes you don't need to say anything - your smile is enough. He loves you and cherishes you so so so much.
❤ You'll skate around the school halls too. Maybe you two first properly met by you crashing into him idk that would be funny.
❤ Have you ever seen the video of the boy in the mall asking the security guard "can I skate here?" and then running with the board in first position but never hoping on it. Let me find it. I know I have it saved on tiktok. That's you and Kaz.
❤ The two of you maneuvering around ice skating would be the cutest date ever.
❤ I imagine if you take him to skateparks that all the girls are gonna bask over him. I'm clinging onto the idea that Kaz can't skate so I think it would be funny seeing him give them the ick when he can't even stably stand on a board.
❤ ^ Free my man he ain't do shit.
❤ ^ He's be better on motorcycles though. Bikes. Those cool bicycles at skateparks is him. And then you show him up and he's humbled.
❤ His favorite thing is when you do a cool trick and then land on the front two wheels instead of all four and he's like yes. That's the love of my life.
❤ You know how in Hope's Peak the students have to do one of those showcases proving they still have an Ultimate ability. Imagine Souda sitting in on yours and just yelling "do an ollie!"
❤ If he gets to leave grease stains in the house then you get to leave skate tracks. Fairs fair.
❤ Imagine how dirty both of your shoes are.
❤ When he goes to sleep at night, even if you're sleeping right next to him, he can hear the sound of wheels against concrete in the back of his mind.
❤ He gets along with Mikan a little better ever since she started having to put bandages on your scrapes (it's never that deep, but he insists) (he knows first aid but he's literally friends with the Ultimate Nurse so). If you don't like Mikan then he's going to do it for you. He doesn't care if you're good at first aid. He wants to help. It's the least he could do.
❤ Dude wait so you know in the beginning of Legally Blonde how she's riding through the neighborhood and she passes all the frat houses and shit. Imagine a sequence like that but it's you skating through campus and all of the different Ultimates are passing by.
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To Mod: So far what character do you think definitely gets mentally better as part of their character arc?
//Well there's a couple, so I'll make a small list.
Toko is the big one. I did a full analysis of how much she's improved mentally since the events of Danganronpa 1 and Ultra Despair Girls.
Makoto's arc for these last few arcs of the story are a key one.
Mukuro is another big one. Her entire role in the story is the big bad's sidekick turned over a new leaf and trying to cope with the horrible shit she spent like, 20 years doing.
Mikan, although her's is a bit wishy washy because she tends to regress back into her Despair self every now and then, but she sees it mostly as a way of confronting and accepting that side of her that's a little bit mental.
Nagito is another big one. Though not initially, he's definitely on that path now. He's kind of coming around to accepting that his mindset was warped and that he really only convinced himself that Hope and Luck were what they were because his talent did so much to ruin his life, so he kind of had to find the positives somewhere, but now that he's sort of facing that part of himself instead of running from it, he's starting to become less of a twat.
I'm gonna put Izuru on this list to, but his is a little looser. He's not getting "mentally" better so to speak, but he's becoming more of a person and less of a template the more he interacts with the others.
Another big one is Munakata. His is also about trying to overcome his past and being less of a dick than he was in DR3.
Angie's character arc is this too, even though I don't touch on it very often, but with everything she's been through she's not all smiles all the time anymore, because she's done putting on a front and trying to let God solve all her problems.
Tenko's character arc from this point on falls under this umbrella.
Miu's character arc has been this since the end of Phase 1 all the way up to this point, and even though I really didn't like The Tower arc back when I made it, with what Miu was able to do in this chapter, it was so worth writing it in the end because it's a great way to show how far she's come as a person.
I want to say Kokichi is this as well, but he hasn't really changed that much, he's just learning how to drop the front and show a little bit of sympathy and weakness when it matters.
Sora had some trauma that she needed to overcome, and that's shown best in Rise and Shine with the situation where she was afraid to take off her restraints, fearing what she might do, but bit the bullet to save Kaede and Monodam.
Iroha went through quite a lot of development in Survivor compared to her last canon appearance in the Omake thanks to Kokichi's influence and the fact that she's lived a life away from all the Despair and dread, and that's done a lot for her mentality and personality. She's not half as selfish as she was during the Killing Game.
Akane Taira's like this too, but more on that to come.
And lastly, this is sort of what's going to happen with Uchui from this point forward. He's managed to overcome the ghosts, beat Zetsubou, stop his father's project for good, and now he just needs to mentally heal the cracks. And after a long time of being alone and suicidal, he's finally willing to accept help for his problems.
//Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Trauma.
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kokorosfanfics · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing so much and i hope you are having a good day ❤️ so i was wondering if i could get some Mikan x platonic!reader where the reader always looks out for her when she trips and helps her with anything they can etc, and meaning to confess their love for her? I love Mikan and I heard you like her too
so i can't wait to read your writing:)))
I'm glad you enjoy my writing. I certainly hope I don't disappoint. -Mod Kokoro
Mikan x Reader who looks after her and confesses!
Mikan Tsumiki activated your protective side since day one of you meeting her. From how she constantly apologizes for just existing, to tripping and falling in a very embarrassing pose, you knew something wasn't right. So you took it upon yourself to watch over her, and do your best to protect her from anyone and anything that could try to take advantage of her. This typically involves catching her before she falls and scaring off Hiyoko.
Everyone came to know you as Mikan's protector, and it was widely understood that those who tried to hurt Mikan would suffer the wrath of S/O.
Now, Mikan actually greatly appreciated this. She was grateful to have someone who cared so much about her like this, and wouldn't bully her, and instead look out for her. How you'd always help her with anything she would need, always caught her before she could fall. How anytime someone tried to harass her, you'd immediately scare the daylights out of them and make them regret it.
Every time she forgot something, you always had a spare for her to use. Every time someone bullied her, they'd be met with a fierce reaction that can range from terrifying death glare to shoved against the wall and beat up.
Over time, you couldn't help but develop feelings for her. You grew to fall in love with her and wish to be with her. The two of you became inseparable. Mikan was actually rather obvious, constantly blushing around you, eager to hug you and hold your arm. She'd look at you with dreamy eyes and always be enthusiastic to spend time with you.
So you decided it was time to officialize things. You wanted to be able to call Mikan your beloved girlfriend. You decided to buy her a heart-shaped locket, silver with deep purple lettering that read "Love." In the locket was a picture of the two of you under a Sakura tree, petals in your hair and smiling together.
You took out your phone and called.
"Hey, Miki. Are you free right now?"
"S/O! Yes of course. I'm always available to spend time with you."
"Can you meet me at the botanical garden we saw last week? There's something I have to tell you." You were blushing, realizing you'd truly go through with this.
"That sounds lovely! I'm already on my way. Meet you there!"
You hurriedly made your way there. As luck would have it, the garden was going to be empty besides just the two of you. Waiting patiently, you went over in your head what you were going to say when Mikan got here. You looked at the perfectly wrapped gift in your hands. You couldn't help the nervousness you felt in your chest, but you knew deep down she felt the same. It would only be a matter of mere moments before you'd finally, truly be together.
"S/O!" That adorable voice called out, as she came to hug you. You hugged back and picked her up, spinning her around.
"Hehe! I'm so happy to see you." God she was so cute.
"I'm really, really happy to see you too. There's something I want to give you, and something I have to tell you." Here we go.
"O-Oh? What is it?" She looked at you attentively.
"Mikan. You're special to me. You've become the most important person to me in my life, and I've thought about you a lot. Everything about you is amazing to me. I've thought over all the times we had together, and everything we've done. I've come to realize that, out of everyone in this world, you're the one I want to spend my future with. I love you, Mikan. You mean the world to me. ' You pulled out the gift and held it out to her.
"S/O....." Mikan teared up. You knew they were happy tears.
"I love you too, S/O. You make me feel truly safe, and loved. You're perfect. You're everything I have ever wanted and needed. I love you more than anything. More than life itself. I want nothing more than to be with you for eternity." Mikan confessed back. Before you could even respond, she pulled you into a loving, passionate kiss.
You wrapped an arm around her, holding her close as you shared a beautiful kiss together.
"Please, open this. It's for you." You reminded her of the gift.
"Oh, I bet it's something wonderful." She began to carefully unwrap it. Her face lit up at the sight of the locket. She cried another tear of joy at the picture inside.
"S/O, this is so beautiful!"
"Thank you, I'm glad you love it." You helped Mikan put on her new locket.
The Sakura petals fell gracefully from the tree around you, as the sunset gleamed marvelously in sync with a kiss between you and your beloved Mikan.
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Caregiver Sonia headcanons?
Hello anon! I’m sorry for how long this took... but I hope you like it! Sonia is one of my favorite characters, and I love writing for her :) Thanks for requesting! Have a nice day <3
-Mod Mikan
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Caregiver Sonia headcanons!
•Sonia knows a lot about a variety of different topics, so whenever you came to her and told her that you were an age regressor, she did her best to appear calm (although she was absolutely ecstatic)
•She smiled at you and told you how happy she was that you trusted her with this, that she was so proud of you, etc
•And, if you were comfortable with it... she very enthusiastically asked if she could be your caregiver!
•She was thrilled when you told her yes
•So— That’s what led her to look after you! She’s pretty good with kids anyways, so... she’s overjoyed
•Sonia would be sure that you had enough supplies and comfort items— asking you about whatever you needed and immediately purchasing it for you
•She has the money to do so, and she absolutely doesn’t mind spending it on you!
•Due to her high status, a stuffed animal factory was probably built next to her castle simply because she requested it
•Speaking of the which— she loves playing pretend with you! She’ll sit with you on the floor while you two play with dolls, or she’d watch you carefully construct a tower with blocks before pretending it was the kingdom you two lived in
•Whatever you wanted to play— she was absolutely down for it!
•As for pet names, Sonia loves to call you adoring nicknames in other languages, such as ‘mon amour’, mi ángel, ハニー (hanii), anything of the like! She’s fluent in quite the number of languages...
•Occasionally, you’ll hear her call you sweetheart
•Sonia would prepare the finest of meals for you! Even if it was something simple like a sandwich, she would cut it into cute little shapes and pour your drink into adorable cups (she let you pick out your favorites when shopping!)
•It doesn’t matter if you’re eating a freshly made dinner or alphabet soup, she wants it to taste as delicious as possible for you!
•She loves you, and wants your meals to be fun!
•She’s not really strict when it comes to bedtimes, though... she has a hard time bossing you around (ironically)
•You’ll sleep when you’re sleepy, you’ll play when you want to, you’ll eat when you’re hungry...
•As long as it’s not hurting anyone or yourself, she’s rather laid back!
•Sonia’s a very comforting caregiver, as well. If you were ever frustrated over something or just sad, she would make sure to sit down beside you and listen to your feelings, doing her best to offer solutions after thoroughly hearing how you feel
•She’s good with decisions and advice! So if you’re ever upset, don’t be afraid to come to her
•She understands not everything can be solved so easily, though, and when that’s the case, she’ll always be more than happy to envelop you into a close hug and murmur reassurances to you
•She loves you more than anything— and she wants your happiness to be ensured!
•Sonia is a very sweet and understanding caregiver, always looking out for you and loving to take care of you
•You mean the world to her
•She’ll never get tired of you showing her your favorite stuffed animal, of asking her to read you a book you really like, especially the way your eyes light up as she cuts your sandwich into heart shapes
•She absolutely adores you
•Let her know if there’s anything she can do for you, okay?
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Im not 100% sure if this against the rules or not but imma try anyway, If it is, I apologize
I'd to humbly Request Mikan, Kyoko, and Mahiru with an S/O thats a stoner, (and I mean a STONER STONER this dude LOVES his marijuana) but they dont know he's a stoner and he's chilling and smoking one day and his girlfriend(s) happens to catch him smoking weed and he lowkey panics because weed typically has a bad rep so he's afraid of what she'll say or think.
Hey there! I have no issue writing this request-- thanks for asking though! Honestly, I think it'd be funny to see how they react... but my personal headcanon is that NONE of the DR characters mind if you smoke weed. Anyway, this was done in a lighthearted and slightly comedic sense so I hope you enjoy!
-Mod Celeste
*mentions of characters smoking weed below, I have no idea if this is controversial so I'm just putting this here lol*
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Kyoko, Mikan and Mahiru with a male! s/o who smokes weed:
-You'd be a fool to think she didn't know before. Kyoko is incredibly observant, so she would've picked up on it long ago. But hey, it isn't a big deal so she won't pry.
-It still catches you off guard when she sees you smoking, so she's quick to reassure you.
-"Honestly, y/n, there are much bigger things in the world to worry about than what you do in your spare time. Don't worry, I won't arrest you," (she means the last part as a joke, but GOD is it hard to tell with her)
-As an adult, I can see Kyoko smoking cigarettes, so she understands why people do it. We all need a bit of an escape sometimes, right?
-As a nurse, she's aware of it's properties and how it can help people. She herself has not smoked, but secretly? She wouldn't mind.
-So when she finds out you do it, and quite like it... she can't complain. With how gentle she is, there isn't a reason to fear her response.
-Mikan just sweetly reminds you to do this, like anything, in moderation. She wants to make sure you're treating yourself right!
-After a particularly hard day at work, she nervously asks if she can take a hit. You're flabbergasted. But she has a lot of anxiety, so it helps put her at ease!
-Definitely the most "scary" in this case. She has nothing against the act itself, it's just principle.
-"Is this WEED in your room?"
-You freeze. This is the end as you know it.
-"Hey, don't freak out! You can tell me these things, you know. I'm sure I can seem... strict, but I know you take care of yourself. More power to you!"
-You were NOT expecting that. In your time together, Mahiru has been working on becoming less judgemental and more tolerant.
-She loves you, after all! The little things don't matter.
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gummy-bearz · 7 months
Hellooo! Can i request Mikan and Ibuki HCS (most preferably fluff) with a fem reader? :3
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Mikan Tsumiki / Ibuki Mioda X Fem!S/O Headcanons
i actually hate periods so fucking much i wanna kms IM NOT TRYING TO BLEED ALL OVER MY SHIT HELLO?? anyway i absolutely adore mikan and ibuki ugh i love them sm !!!
- mod hiyoko
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Ibuki Mioda
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- Spooning. probably the bigger spoon idk
- Sorry but her ass is stupid enough to get hurt randomly HELPP so make sure to ALWAYS carry a first aid kit with you
- LOOOVVVESSS hugs omg
- Is ALWAYS excited to see you
“HI, S/O!!! HI HI HI HIIIIII!!!!!”
- Writes songs for you <3
- Replays voicemails from you, probably because she loves your voice or maybe because it’s from you <3
- Her love language is DEFINITELY physical touch
- Girlie is so hyper she’ll probably be awake at like idk 4 a.m doing whatever while ur sleeping
- Clings to your side when she’s scared
- EXTREMELY affectionate, she will shower you with compliments and hugs and gifts and and and idk
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Mikan Tsumiki
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- Exetremely clingy, poor girl </3
- If you’re quite reckless she wouldn’t mind having to deal with your shit
- Lots of cuddles!!!
- LOTS of typos when texting you due to how much she’s shaking
- She WANTS to give you kisses and hugs but she’s too nervous and scared, so she gets extremely happy when you show her affection but also flustered at the same time <3
- Whenever you 2 get ice cream, you have to hold it for her since she can NOT be trusted holding stuff such as food. (sorry mikan ily)
- Please give her a hug and tell her that it will be okay
- LOVES taking care of you omg
- If you’ve hurt yourself she will kiss your injuries before bandaging you up <33
- She just really loves you!!
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Rei Mekaru and Kanata Inori x Ultimate Nurse reader with a similar backstory to Mikan Tsumiki (but not the personality)
Note: ....I’m into DR again, I blame Danganronpa Another, god save me. I’m trying my hand in making banners as the ones Im currently using were from a request to a blog and a gift from a friend so if they look shitty in comparison to what is on this blog that’s why, I figured if Im gonna try writing again why not try to at least put more heart into it
Btw if the prompt is confusing, essentially the reader doesn’t have Mikan’s weak personality and undying need for attention that they’ll humiliate themselves for it, they’re a professional nurse with an abusive family and peers which forced them to learn how to treat their own injuries as no one else would.
- Mod Monaca
TW: Described child abuse from peers and family, Kanata’s section also contains a brief mention of spousal abuse 
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She initially dismissed you like everyone else for being a prodigy who she thought didn’t have to work as hard as she did in life so she was rather surprised but pleased to discover your skill as a nurse comes from hard work and determination much like her teaching abilities.
As someone with a disappointing family, she is sympathetic to your backstory about your horrid family and is proud of you for taking the step to improve your own situation over just hoping for someone to save you from your family. She would love to hear about how you managed to get your hands on medical textbooks and equipment since your family obviously couldn’t have been the source.
If you want your family to be put away for their abuse, Rei would be happy to help with some of her connections through the students she’s taught and acknowledged as competent. She would discourage the idea of you asking Kinjo to help as even if he’s the Ultimate Police Officer, he can be a bit manic and she thinks she can help you find better people to get on the case, however she will enlist Kinjo’s help if she can’t get someone better.
If you two were put in the killing game together, she would only be willing to cooperate with you for most of the game, she’d take your autopsies over Inori’s and would help you figure out who the culprit is and how they did it but she wouldn’t spell it out for you, you’re competent enough to learn how to become a fully fledged nurse while being abused by your family at home and by your peers at school, she’s sure you’re competent enough to figure out who the culprit is from your investigations together and some hints she’s willing to give.
On days where your past is haunting you, she would help you feel better by taking you on a date in a place like the library or somewhere that you two can simply relax and chat so you can unwind from stress. It’s during dates that you really get to see Rei’s softer side and she may even open up to you about how her life on the streets affected her since she feels much more comfortable being a little vulnerable around you.
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She was extremely excited to be classmates with you due to your talents both coming from the medical field. It’s extremely likely that she’s at the very least heard about you prior to coming to Hope’s Peak as people have speculated how well you two would work together as teenagers with extensive medical knowledge who outclass working adults.
Kanata’s heart would break when she finds out you gained so much medical knowledge because no one would treat your injuries. She did worry about the bandages around your body but she didn’t comment on them as they were well bandaged and she just figured they were from an accident. The fact they come from abuse from your family is devastating to her. Considering how she comes from a loving family, both biological and adopted, she struggles to fathom how someone could be so heartless to their own family though she is reminded that she’s had a few surgeries on people who were attacked by their spouses or romantic partners. It really hits her how cruel people can be when someone she’s close to is a victim of abuse. 
If you ever wanted to pursue getting your family arrested for their crimes, she would encourage you to get Kakeru on the case, as the Ultimate Lawyer, he can definitely help you assemble a case to get them charged for child abuse so you don’t have to worry about them anymore but she won’t push the matter if you want someone else to handle the case, this is your family matter after all.
She would love to introduce you to her adopted family, especially her father, as she firmly believes you deserve to experience what it’s like to have a proper family and with how selflessly the Andos were in taking her in when she had nothing, she’s sure they’ll be able to help you experience the familial love you never got.
In the killing game, you two are major sources of comfort to each other over being unable to save the lives of your classmates. As medical professionals, it’s extremely frustrating and upsetting that you two are never able to save your classmates as they continue to die one by one due to the motives given by Monokuma. When making autopsies she would love having your help so she doesn’t potentially make any mistakes in identifying injuries and causes of death, while she she is confident she can identify them, it’s always good to have a second opinion.
On days where your past is haunting you, she would try to take your mind off it going on dates with you in places like the park. She usually doesn’t go to places like these because she’s so busy with work and she would normally spend time with you talking about patient stories or general medical knowledge, she would comfort you by trying out something completely different from those activities since you may not want to discuss them when in that state. If you do still want to discuss them she’d be happy to chat about it but it wouldn’t be her first idea in helping you.
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thenewfuture · 1 year
Um... mod?
Can I ask you the question?
Why do you abuse poor Hiyoko so much? Like, you treat her as a bad guy in an even more insufferably hypocritical way than the original DR2 game was.
Fuyuhiko cruelly murders Mahiru, frames Hiyoko for it, and tries to get the entire class executed in the class trial. Yet you make Mahiru forgive him. Hiyoko wants to non-lethally hurt Mikan. You may Mahiru throw a fissy hit over it and break up her friendship with Hiyoko over it. Even though, from any sane perspective, Hiyoko is practically a saint when compared to Fuyuhiko.
I kinda applaud you. As a Hiyoko kinnie, Mahiru is obviously my second favorite character after Hiyoko herself. And yet... you had created a version of Mahiru I absolutely despise now. When I had read her breaking her friendship with Hiyoko now, my blood boiled. And when Mahiru said later she is "not going to forgive easily" the girl who made a shrine to mourn her death and literally got herself killed because she wanted to honor Mahiru's memory... While easily forgiving her own fucking killer (Peko)... I had literally wanted to beat the shit out of your version of Mahiru while screaming at "YOU UNGRATEFUL SELF-RIGHTEOUS CUNT!!! WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A PIECE OF SHIT KOIZUMI!!!"
Please inform me if you plan on Mahiru repairing her friendship with Hiyoko on this blog (and asking from Hiyoko forgiveness for being such an ungrateful traitor), so I can know if I should block your blog forever to avoid damaging my mental health, or give your story a second chance.
Block me. Block me straight up.
I’m kind of tired and done with this whole discourse of how “bad” I wrote Hiyoko. I won’t deny I may have gone too far at times, but holy shit are we really going with this? Is this my legacy? Is this my one stain? I wrote the bully character too much of a bully? Really? Is this going to be continued to be brought up long after the fact?
Oh, also. You straight up did not play or watch the game if you ever THOUGHT Fuyuhiko killed Mahiru. THAT WAS PEKO! Did Fuyuhiko lie and try to hide the culprit? Yes. Because he cared about Peko and to not die as being the blackened. But yes, Fuyuhiko did kill Sato. Because she in turn killed her little sister, and Mahiru was also implied to lie about it!
And you must have not read my blog too if you think that she forgave Fuyuhiko and Peko so easily! It was a damn second arc about it! Hiyoko was suggesting to kill Mikan, and I even wrote her to actually try and kill Mikan once! Of course Mahiru won’t forgive that so easily! It would hurt even more because she’s her friend!
But to end this nicely, and this goes out to any other anons reading this with the same feelings: if my story and or blog is making you uncomfortable and perhaps hurting your mental health. Go. Leave. Please do. Value your health first and foremost over some dumb story and write your own.
I. Am so sick. And tired of this conversation.
Just. Go.
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May I request Yandere Mikan with a naive Fem!Reader?
Hi anon! Of course you can :) I apologize for how long it took to write, but I hope you like this!
-Mod Mikan
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yandere mikan tsumiki with a naïve s/o
•Mikan’s grateful that you’re so naïve— partly because she finds it adorable, and partly because it makes things a whole lot easier on her end
•She can hesitantly press kisses to your hands, before whimpering out apologies and insisting, “I-I thought friends did this sort of thing!”
•You’ll believe her, because why would she lie to you? Why would poor, meek, timid Mikan lie to you?
•Your naïveté isn’t always something she’s fond of, though
•Due to that, people can flirt with you or make advances, and you wouldn’t even know it!
•She probably sees you as a lot more gullible than you actually are
•In reality, if someone tried to kiss you, or whispered in your ear how much they loved you, you would notice it wasn’t meant to be platonic
•Mikan doesn’t think you would
•That’s why she convinces herself it’s her responsibility to protect you
•She always wants to come when you hang out with your friends, and she’ll put an end to any advances anyone tries to make on you
•You’d never even guess that the person who’s causing all of these disappearances and murders would be none other than Mikan Tsumiki
•If you’re truly so “naïve”, you’ll believe her when she says the red stain on her apron is simply juice
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