#Mod X
wcamino-confessions · 5 months
do not commission swirlmist.
i was going through their art on toyhouse to get a vibe for their style because i was interested and these commissions popped out to me.
i messaged the person who has this character and they said they had no idea it was traced. they said they really hated the piece back when they received it because this is a warrior cat oc, they don’t live anywhere near a farm or twoleg place and didn’t have the heart to say anything at the time.
the person who got this art piece said it was a payment for a character, i would be so fucking pissed if i got traced art for a character payment
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dude you have to be trolling this is clearly referenced off of a photograph??? which i hate to break it to you but artists use references all the time
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this dXesnt fit this blXg at all but I dXnt have a main and an irl friend asked me abXut this sX
this doesnt fit this blog at all but I dont have a main and an irl friend asked me about this so
which one are you 'god tier' not 'god tier' but know what it is not 'god tier' and dont know what it is
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spectrumofblood · 2 months
Xcellent. hello. im mod X. im Xtremely happy to be here. i know Mod F in reel life. shore, i got here by Xtremely weird means, but im here now, and im not leavin. so, get used to seain me around. --€
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ultra-zine · 6 months
Is Ultra-Zine going on this year and if so, what’s the deadline to apply?
The mod team is still uncertain when vol 4 will be held. Based on the past, we've held it every other year, so likely 2025 (or 2026 if we want to aim for the 60th anniversary.) Usually applications will be around December (so dec 2024 or dec 2025), and we will post updates and promote heavily when applications are open.
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askhotd · 11 months
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Group drawing on Aggie.io on 10/20/2023. Friends, in order from top left to bottom right: @downinmybeastheart, @heavenascensiiondio, @jhonny, and @robeatnic.
This was so much fun! Thank you everyone!
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Do we have a deal, then?
RP/ask blog for my glitchedsona Loose Screws, also just called Screws! My name is Cross or X, you can find my other stuff over at @walking-fnaf-encyclopedia!!
Got a question about Screws? Ask void yourself! (So long as the ask box is open anyways!)
Here’s a drawing of null for reference!
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updates-on-docm77 · 2 years
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About the Mod(s)
Elo! Our primary mcyt account is @mcwhytubers but any replies will come from @theentityvoidserver.
Our Doc factive (system alter/introject of an irl person) was the one who had the idea for this blog and will be the one primarily running it, so feel free to address us by the name Doc or if it would be too confusing due to the nature of this blog, we also go by X, Entity, Ren, or Scar. We collectively use he/they/xe/it pronouns. [Edit: we’ll sign off our posts as ‘Mod [name]’ for whoever posts.]
We are (unfortunately) rather human and live in the USA (Eastern Standard Time for us), so if Doc posts before noon his time/5 am our time, we will be late to getting around to posting about it. Along with sleeping through half of his day, we also currently work a morning job throughout the week. And we have ADHD. And while being many in the head, we are one in the body. So, this will not be a strict, minute-by-minute, every single notification update account. We will be late, miss posts, and not always see when he’s on other people’s streams.
That being said, we have notifications on his Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch accounts. We know he’s also fairly active on Reddit and will try to remember to check up for any comments he’s left there. Please let us know if there are any other socials of his that we may have missed!
What we plan on posting:
We plan on posting his tweets and photos and linking any links that he’s posted.
We know he posts about a lot of fan art and while we will not repost a full image of the art here (reposting art is bad!) we will give a link to the artist from wherever they posted it- Reddit, Twitter, etc- and if they’re on Tumblr, we’ll link them here too!
Speaking of fan art, we also plan on posting- if we find him asking before the video comes out- anything about the next video thumbnail!
If we see he’s on someone else’s stream, we’ll post about it. And if you see he’s on someone’s stream- such as Cleo, whom we don’t really watch, feel free to send us an ask about it! We primarily only watch Scar, Ren, Joe, and Cub for streaming, so anyone else is fair game to pop a notification to us about it! The same thing goes if he pops up in someone else’s video! We aren’t going to be hyper specific, such as just noting when he’s online while someone’s streaming, just only when he’s actually around in their stream. The only exception would be if he’s chatting about something important in the server chat.
And if he ever posts on Tumblr (therealdocm77) again, we'll reblog that as well.
Tags we use:
'doc update': any updates about him will be posted with this, most likely with some of the below as further sorting helpers if someone is looking for a specific update.
'doc tweet': any (re)tweets that Doc makes will be posted with this
'doc Reddit': any Reddit messages of his will be posted with this
‘doc photo’: any photo of either Doc himself or photos Doc posts
‘doc art’: any fanart that doc has retweeted and/or commented on- both generally and for the thumbnail requests
‘doc video’: any YouTube videos Doc posts (or if he happens to post a video on twitter)
'doc live': if/when Doc goes live or if Doc is in someone else's live stream.
‘thumbnail spoilers’: If you want to keep the thumbnail a surprise, I would recommend avoiding this tag! (Side note: if Doc has asked for credits but they haven’t responded, we aren’t going to tag it unless someone asks us to)
‘not an update’: rather self-explanatory- posts that aren’t updates about Doc. wouldn’t recommend blocking this one though because we may post updates about ourselves not being able to update and such.
This will be deleted if Doc ever says he's uncomfortable with update accounts.
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(userboxes by sweetpeauserboxes)
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(userboxes by boxesbybeans)
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bearofohu · 4 months
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i love dialogue mods. i walk into the grocery store to buy some cooking oil and abigail calls me a faggot
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cordspaghetti · 8 months
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got thinking about gerard way tour outfit predictions that never came 2 be… bloody wedding dress…
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megamans-ask-blog · 1 year
God I am tired but I’ll forget to do this If I don’t right now uhh Hi I’m mod X they/he for me and I’m just here for the heck of it, Got called the mom so I was told X (who ironically was my introduction to mega man) would suit me for this. And honestly I still barely get it but hey I’m not complaining.
I am your local tired father figure, take that how you will but I’m merely exhausted 24/7 and I try my best to be active but maybe won’t be all the time. I’ll try my best to be in character and answer asks though.
Yours truly
~ Mod X
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grey-wardens · 8 months
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I hear you found a new lover.
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wcamino-confessions · 1 month
little lemon arts or whatever. you can either write up an explanation suitable to be posted publicly here or you can just ignore what people are saying on a drama blog that has quite frankly lost any real relevance to a very dying app. i will not be indulging sending people off tumblr just to get your side of the whole thing with the threat of "consequences" for sharing it
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-X'm sorry xf thxs xs a bxt too, um, uncomfortable for thxs blog. ~
-X thxnk x faxled as a culler. ~
-My only cullee (for now) xs 7, and x allow xt onlxne. ~
-X don't want to be lxke one of those overbearxng cullers who never let thexr cullees do anythxng. ~
-But today, they recexved a package from a troll they met onlxne. ~
-X brought xt to hxs block, x dxdn't go through xt or anythxng. ~
-Xt acted a bxt strange and nervous, but x dxdn't push the matter. ~
-Later, we were eatxng, and they saxd that they wanted to tell me what xt was. ~
-Turns out, xt was organs. ~
-X'm not sure xf they are from a troll(s?) or not. ~
-Someone onlxne found our address and sent xt to us. ~
-X thought x taught good xnternet safety, but clearly x dxdn't. ~
-What kxnd of culler am x xf thxs happens xn my hxve? ~
-X don't know how to fxx thxngs, or prevent them from gettxng worse, or anythxng. ~
-X just do not know. ~
-Xt xs nxce to get thxs off my chest, xf nothxng else.~
-(We have sxmxlar quxrks, xsn't that nxce, xf we xgnore the rest of thxs ask?) ~
-i'm sorry if this is a bit too, um, uncomfortable for this blog. ~
-i think i failed as a culler. ~
-My only cullee (for now) is 7, and i allow it online. ~
-i don't want to be like one of those overbearing cullers who never let their cullees do anything. ~
-But today, they received a package from a troll they met online. ~
-i brought it to his block, i didn't go through it or anything. ~
-it acted a bit strange and nervous, but i didn't push the matter. ~
-Later, we were eating, and they said that they wanted to tell me what it was. ~
-Turns out, it was organs. ~
-i'm not sure if they are from a troll(s?) or not. ~
-Someone online found our address and sent it to us. ~
-i thought i taught good internet safety, but clearly i didn't. ~
-What kind of culler am i if this happens in my hive? ~
-i don't know how to fix things, or prevent them from getting worse, or anything. ~
-i just do not know. ~
-it is nice to get this off my chest, if nothing else.~
-(We have similar quirks, isn't that nice, if we ignore the rest of this ask?) ~
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thiscoldheart · 7 months
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emma and dexter + kisses
ONE DAY (2024)
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guiiay · 2 years
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a sapphic take (haha) of Caitlyn and Vi for @caitvizine i did earlier this year! so glad to have been part of the team <3
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thats what The Leg Thing Mod on Nexus looks
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