#Moisturizing shampoo for dry and damaged hair
bibakartbeautycare · 9 months
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davronatural · 7 months
Davroe - Anti Frizz Hair Conditioner in Australia
How do I stop my hair from frizzing Australia?
Frizz can be a common issue, especially in humid climates like Australia. Here are some tips to help combat frizz:
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Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner: Look for products designed to hydrate and tame frizz. Avoid products with sulfates and alcohol, as they can strip moisture from your hair.
Apply a leave-in conditioner: After washing your hair, apply a leave-in conditioner to help lock in moisture and keep your hair hydrated.
Don’t over-wash: Washing your hair too frequently can strip away natural oils, leading to frizz. Try to space out your washes and use dry shampoo between washes if needed.
Use a microfiber towel or an old t-shirt to dry your hair: Regular towels can cause friction and lead to frizz. Gently squeeze out excess water from your hair using a soft microfiber towel or an old t-shirt.
Avoid heat styling tools: Heat can damage your hair and contribute to frizz. If you must use heat styling tools, apply a heat protectant and use the lowest heat setting possible.
Apply anti-frizz products: Use serums, creams, or oils specifically designed to combat frizz. Apply a small amount to damp hair and distribute it evenly.
Protect your hair from humidity: Consider using products that create a barrier against humidity. Hair sprays or finishing products designed for this purpose can help.
Protective hairstyles: Braids, buns, or other protective hairstyles can keep your hair from being exposed to the elements that cause frizz.
Regular trims: Getting regular trims can help remove split ends and keep your hair healthy, reducing frizz.
Consider your diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and healthy fats can contribute to healthier hair.
Remember, what works for one person may not work for another, so it might take some trial and error to find the right routine for your hair type and the specific climate in Australia.
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seelanmarket · 1 year
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Cantu Avocado Hydrating Cream Shampoo 400ml.
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African Pride Olive Miracle 2 in 1 Shampoo 12 Oz.
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ms-demeanor · 5 months
Though in regards to that other post and focusing specifically on hair: you probably don't need to shampoo your hair every other day (some people do; people with thin hair, very straight hair, and oily scalps may feel more comfortable shampooing very frequently). If you've got curly hair, your hair is more flat in cross-section than straight hair which makes it less able to hold onto moisture. And the curlier it is the flatter it is.
Shampooing is going to dry your hair out, using hot water is going to dry your hair out, treating your hair with heat is going to dry your hair out, treating your hair with chemicals is going to dry your hair out. If you have curly hair that is dry or damaged, it is going to be frizzy and more prone to breakage and tangling, so it might be worthwhile to experiment with shampooing your hair less frequently and using conditioner only for most of your showers (also avoiding products like mousse, which have alcohol, or using heat on your hair).
Also if you've got curly hair, don't brush it dry; detangle it in the shower while it's got conditioner in it then let it air dry or dry it with a diffuser so that your hair dries in its natural curl pattern, which will make it less frizzy and less prone to tangles (and also generally looks better; whenever I brush my hair dry and break up the curls I look like a poodle).
There are lots of people with curly hair who were raised by parents with who had no idea how to manage the curls and taught habits that aren't great for your hair. There are lots of guides and tutorials out there for "the curly girl method" or "no-poo haircair" or guides on natural haircare for curly hair but most of them boil down to:
don't shampoo too frequently (I shampoo weekly, some people shampoo twice a week, some people shampoo once a month - figure out what works for you)
avoid drying products (bleach, alcohol, ammonia) and heat
Use sulfate-free conditioner, and a lot of it, frequently; use hair masques and protein treatments less frequently.
don't brush your hair dry, and when you do brush or finger-comb your hair, work tip to root and be gentle.
Air dry your hair or use a diffuser, but don't dry with heat and don't dry by rubbing it with a towel.
Sleep with your hair covered or braided, or use a satin pillowcase, to keep your curls from getting disrupted or crossing over and tangling at night.
Also if you have curly hair and you use chemical treatments on it, your curls will be less curly. I've had my hair bleached for the last few years and it's a lot less curly than it is naturally, and is much much more prone to tangling (see below for the way my curls changed with no bleach, a single bleach treatment, and repeated bleaching)
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Anyway, this is just a PSA for the kids out there who are getting to figure out their own haircare and bodycare routines for the first time who may not know what the hell to do with curly hair.
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norrisleclercf1 · 10 months
My request is: please can you write lando x curly!haired reader? I have curly hair too and I just think this idea would be so cute. Like her teaching him how to look after and style his curls properly, buying him the right shampoo and conditioner, playing with his hair, helping him feel more confident etc😊 thank you!
A/N: Sorry this took me so long, I was studying up and I hope this is all right and correct, Also I made the reader Turkish because the wonderful person who requested this is Turkish and felt it proper.
"Will you please stop making that noise." You cringe watching as your boyfriend destroys his gorgeous curls. "Your curls." You whine, Lando putting some gel into his hair to control it.
"Y/n, stop. It's just some gel it's not going to do anything." You make a strangled sound as Lando groans, glaring at you. "Lando, your curls. They're so gorgeous and you're making them look like crunchy curly fries. Baby, please let me teach you." You plead, touching the stiff ass curls. "I do like your curls, they're perfect." He stares at your curls unable to help himself he spins them around his finger.
"Lay on the counter, I'm going to wash your hair." Lando looks up, smiling. Hopping up on the counter he lays down, you wrapping a small towel around his neck giving him some cushion. Grabbing the nozzle from the sink you make sure the water is the perfect temperature. "Tickles." Nose scrunching up as the small jets of water run over his head and run down his ears.
"Stay still, or I'll yank a curl out. You've got so much gel in this hair." You mumble, Lando unable to stop the smile as he watches you concentrate rinsing out the gel. "Now, with your curls it's best to use Shea moisture shampoo. Not everyone's curls use the same thing, but for your type of curls this is perfect." Lando nods, squirting a little glob on your hands, you rub them together.
Lando groans, your hands messaging his scalp getting in their deep to help the roots. His eyes close, relaxing into your hold as you get every inch of his head. Taking the nozzle you spray the shampoo out and talk in through it all, using cool water instead of hot to not damage is hair.
Lando listens but it's hard to when you start to use the conditioner talking him through the do's and don'ts of hair care. "Now, don't use heat to dry your hair. No more hair dryers. They burn your hairs and make them look choppy. Naturally dry, use a towel to get the extra water out but let the air dry it." Nodding, you have Lando sit on a chair as you grab a new towel.
He keeps his head down as you dry his curls careful to not yank or pull anything. You keep the towel on his head, looking up at you he tugs you close and kisses your stomach. "Thank you." You smirk, knowing his fans and pr manager are totally going to thank you later for this.
"Now, for long term care use argan oil to keep them healthy and strong. And tomorrow we'll go shopping for hair masks and your own products. But no more hair gel." Grabbing the bottle you throw it away, making him sigh.
"That's a sponsor's product." He mumbles, "Not anymore, you use my stuff." Kissing his nose he stares at the gel, but seeing your curls he gets this dreamy smile on his face. "You're right, my curls are better."
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Beauty Playbook: Tips & Tricks To Feel Clean, Confident & Seductive Daily
Some beauty tips and tricks to feel your best daily.
Starting off with some miscellaneous advice: Coconut oil is the most versatile ingredient – for your hair, skin, nails, and even down there. Find your signature scent (apply it to your clothes instead of your skin whenever possible). Sugar scrubs are the answer to most flakiness or bumps on your skin. B vitamins, vitamin D, and omega-3s are essential to healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Hope this helps xx
Shampoo your skull, condition the rest: Focus shampoo on your roots and work it through your scalp; concentrate conditioner on the ends and work your way up until you reach the base of your skull - around your upper ear lobe.
Always comb, never brush, your hair when wet: Gently use a wide-tooth comb, from root to tip, on wet hair to prevent breakage.
Use a special towel to dry your hair: My favorite is from Crown Affair (pricey for what it is but worthwhile in the long-term), but a Turbie Twist from the drugstore works infinitely better than a regular towel that weighs down and causes frizzy, damaged hair
Always use a heat protection spray before blow drying or straightening/curling your hair: (Briogeo and Oribe products are my love for all haircare products, including their blowdry creams – also love R +Co. for a heat protection styling mist).
Choose your hair ties wisely: Use seamless or silk hair ties exclusively to prevent breakage or awkward creases on your hair. Wear a silk scrunchie if you prefer. These hair ties from Amazon are my holy grail (only $7 for 100 hair ties!), and they come in a portable ziplock bag.
Always use a disposable cloth when washing your face: Regular towels store bacteria and can cause breakouts too easily. These facial wipes from Amazon are my holy grail.
Wear sunscreen daily: Yes, even when you spend all day indoors. UV rays can interact with your skin through windows, too.
Niacinamide, Vitamin C Hyaluronic Acid, & Tea Tree Oil are among the few skincare ingredients almost everyone should consider incorporating into their skincare routine.
Learn the correct order to apply the products in your skincare routine: Cleanser, Toner, Serum, Eye Cream, Spot Treatment, Moisturizer, Sunscreen (or Retinol/Skin Oil at night).
Remember: From a dermatologist's perspective, your face starts (or ends) at your nipples. So, ensure you're cleansing, exfoliating, and applying sunscreen daily to your neck, chest, and décolletage to keep your skin smooth, youthful, and well-hydrated.
Vaseline is a great (affordable) alternative to traditional eye creams.
Sugar scrub your facial hair for a more gentle alternative to waxing (Combine sugar, lemon, and water). Laser hair removal, especially under your arms and your arms/legs is life-changing.
Follow up a warm shower with a dry brush and coconut oil for smoother, firmer skin.
Always apply a hydrating lip balm, mask, or Vaseline, hand cream, and moisturizer to your feet before going to sleep.
Layer complementary scents. Ensure the scents of body wash, lotion, and perfume work well together and don't clash.
Learn your skin undertones and educate yourself on color theory (I can share a post on this on the Post+ feed if you want some more educational content on these types of topics – I write about them for a living!).
Test any foundation, concealer, or face powder on your wrists, too.
Don't forget to color-match your bronze and blush: They can appear orange or muddy if you don't find a product with the correct shade or undertones for your skin type.
Invest in products that go on your face, brow products, and eyeliners. Great mascaras and lip products are easy to find at a drugstore or relatively cheap (I suggest Covergirl and d NYX, respectively).
Apply concealer in a triangle; don't dot it around your eyes for better coverage.
If you have oily skin (or it's humid outside), apply powder before your liquid/cream products. Set them again with a light powder to lock the color in.
Apply mascara from tip to base for the best lashes of your life: One coat on the tip, another from middle to tip, and the last coat from base to tip.
In a pinch, use a fragrance-free moisturizer and a q-tip to remove excess makeup (no more raccoon eyes).
Use a light nude or white eyeshadow underneath your brow to make them appear more defined.
Apply face powder under your eyes to help the eyeliner on your waterline last longer.
Create a simple daily makeup routine formula: 1 skin coverage (foundation/concealer), 1 skin color (a favorite blush or bronzer), brows, mascara, an eye-definer (eyeliner or shadow), and a signature "your lips but better" lip shade (1-2 shades deeper or lighter than your natural lip color): This formula provides you the basics, so you never have an excuse not to put yourself together for the day (5-10 minute routine here).
Discover your day-to-night hero product: Always keep a slightly deeper lipstick, a smoky eyeshadow, or liquid liner in your bag to transition your day look into the evening with one portable product.
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winternymphaea · 1 month
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Hair was brushed every morning before dressing it, and should be brushed and put into a loose braid each night. In the summer, two braids was recommended for better ventilation.
Combs and brushes were to be washed after each use.
If one has the time and energy, a massage can be done daily. Many women with long, luscious locks claimed this to be the key to their hair.
Hair tonics were applied usually every other day. These often included oils that we still use for hair today (such as rosemary oil, bergamot oil and castor oil). Some were made for the scalp, other tonics were to be applied to the ends of the hair.
Edwardians believed that shampooing too often would rid the hair of necessary oils, and cause the hair to become dry and fall out. I read some sources that claimed hair should be washed once a month, with some using dry shampoo methods to prolong the time between washes, stretching it out to 5 weeks. If the hair was prone to becoming greasy, you may want to wash it every 7-10 days. Other sources claimed that hair should be washed once a week. It seems women with longer hair agreed that hair should be washed as little as possible.
Shampoos were either made at home, or the hair was washed at a salon. There were many different shampoo recipes, though a very simple one was to mix two raw eggs and two tablespoons of water. A mug would have been used to properly rinse the hair out with clean water, until no particle of shampoo remained. The water would be as cold as they could bare it.
There were a few methods of drying the hair. Patting dry or wringing out hair with a towel, using a palm-leaf fan to fan the hair, sun and air drying. Some used a mixture of these methods. Some Edwardians liked to lay their hair out over a radiator to dry the hair in a much quicker manner, though they knew this would damage the hair, especially after the shampoo removed any protecting hair-oils.
Something to note here is that Edwardians used boar bristle hairbrushes, which distributes the oils of the hair evenly unlike many modern hair brushes. Since they were brushing their hair daily, this is how their hair was able to avoid the greasy look and have a longer time period between washes.
The Edwardians used singeing as a means for treating hair that is “impoverished or not in normal condition.” When the ends of one’s hair were dry and split, the hair would be subjected to burning, which was to be done by professionals. “Take strands of hair, twist them tightly — that there will be no draught — and then quickly run over each a lighted taper, that burns the tiny ends sticking out and does not affect the long growth.”
Hair singeing was not to be done more often than once in three months, and sometimes longer.
Many believed the superstition that hair singeing should not be done except when the moon in new.
Some also believed this hair-singeing to be the best method, and that the hair should not be cut with scissors, as it would “make the hair bleed,” (they thought the ‘unsealed’ ends from hair cutting would allow moisture from the hair to drip out, whereas burning would seal the ends).
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ellejos · 1 year
Hair Hacks
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you cannot save your dead ends and the hair product industry is selling you lies. Get yourself an appointment and cut off the split ends! I'm a long hair girl myself so growing my hair is my ultimate goal, but not for the price of having damaged hair because in my honest opinion: healthy hair > long hair.
Personally I prefer natural colored hair but if you are into hair dye treat yourself (and especially your hair with moisturizing products).
Oiling your hair is key to shiny and healthy hair and you should do it regularly (create your own oil it's so much fun)
for the non curly girls: brush your hair daily but gently
apply a hair mask 2x a week
use gentle hair ties for overnight braids
don't wash your hair with too hot water and rinse with cold water, rice water, etc.
avoid tight hair styles
use heat protection and stop applying to much heat
do scalp massages to stimulate hair growth
use a claw clip instead of hair ties
use sulfate free shampoo only
invest in silk pillow cases (game changer but it took me some time to get used to it)
wash your brushes (could be a major factor for greasy hair)
do not over touch your hair
conditioner only belongs on the ends
use a microfibre towel or old t-shirt to dry your hair after showering
wash your hair 1-3 per week depending on your hair type
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plushieanimals · 2 years
hello!! i checked your faq and couldn't find this question, but you seem like the person who could answer it. when you acquire pre-loved or vintage plushies, how do you disinfect/wash them? especially beanie babies? like beyond spot cleaning
This turned into my masterpost of how to clean plushies! I also have a tag for plush care where i’ve answered asks about damaged fur, and brush recommendations + more!
How to wash and clean stuffed animals:
🧸 1. Prep! 🧸
I vacuum/lint roll the plush to get any stray hairs/dust/debris etc. I have a soft bristle brush attachment for my vacuum that i bought off amazon that i use exclusively for stuffed animals
I always hand wash my plushies when possible, but i’ve included a section on both spot cleaning for less dirty plush and machine washing under the wash section!
NOTE: if your plushie has a voice box or joints or anything inside that is incompatible with water then don’t submerge it!!
🧼 2. Soap! 🧼
I use Woolite brand soap because it’s gentle and safe for synthetics. You can also use dawn dish soap at even more diluted ratio. I dilute the detergent with water in about a 1:6 soap:water ratio in a small container (i usually use the detergent cap) Be aware that the more concentrated your soap is exponentially increases the amount of time it will take to rinse it out!
A good rule of thumb for your soap:water ratio is you want the solution you are using to be just a little slippery when rubbed between your fingers.
i use woolite but any gentle detergent safe for synthetics will work. Stuffed animal fur and stuffing is generally made of plastic! NO FABRIC SOFTENER! And no shampoo, conditioner, or soap made for human skin! The moisturizers used in these products will never “absorb” into the plastic fibers! These products will all leave a residue!
You can use very diluted cheap conditioner to detangle a plush but you will need to wash out the conditioner with a a detergent afterwards.
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🫧 3. Wash! 🫧
Hand washing: I soak the plush under COLD running water first, and then with my hands i apply and lather the soap in to the fur/fabric and make sure i thouroughly saturate it with the soapy water.
For plush that can’t be bathed/aren’t super dirty/only need a spot clean I use a damp microfiber rag dipped in a mixture of lukewarm water + a tiny (like a drop!) of soap (woolite or dawn) and rub them down all over with it. Then I go over them with a rag damp with clean, soapless water until all the soap is gone. If your plush has medium or long fur you still will want to brush it out to make sure the fur dries soft and not clumped up! Check my section on drying/detailing below.
For machine washing put them in a pillow case to protect the eyes, and put some pillows/ blankets/ towels in the machine with the plush to pad it. use gentle detergent and wash it on “delicates” (or your machines gentlest cycle) with COLD water! Top loading machines do best for this and you’ll want to arrange them sitting up with their backs to the wall of the machine if possible. For front loading machines just throw a bunch of extra pillows/blankets to pad it. skip to step 5 if you end up using a washing machine. I find this method works very well for larger, sturdier plush like build a bears. NEVER PUT PLUSH IN THE DRYER!!!
🚿 4. Rinse! 🚿
Use cold running water! Make sure no soap remains. I smell the plushies periodically to be extra certain i’ve gotten the soap out. You can gently squeeze the plushie depending on the stuffing type. Some plush may need to be washed twice or three times depending on the filth-level, or rinsed multiple times depending on the soap concentration.
Beanie babies and some other plush can be squeezed because of their beans, but plush made out of purely soft stuffing can have their stuffing deformed if you squeeze them too much. Some brands like douglas have stiffer plush with beans and stuffing and they actually can be squeezed too. (DO NOT “WRING OUT” ANY PLUSH!!)
🧽 5. Pre-dry! 🧽
after the soap is 100% out and you are happy with the cleanliness of the plushie, you have two options to pre-dry them:
My favorite way is to put the plush in my washing machine and run it on “spin” cycle only, which is very effective at getting excess water out. In my experience the plush barely moves in my top loading machine, but you can always put the plush in a clean pillow case or put a bunch of clean towels in with it to pad/stabilize the plush in a side loader or if the plush is fragile
If you can’t use your washing machine for any reason, then try your best to get as much water out without damaging the plush. Consider wrapping it in a towel and making a sling with a second towel and spinning it around you, lol. It will be okay if you can’t do any of these things, though! You can also just use a towel and press it on your plush to try and soak up as much water.
Only you know how durable your plush is. The more well made it is (think big brands like douglas, jellycat, wild republic, aurora VS an antique) the more your plush can take without risking damaging the seams/parts. PLEASE don’t “WRING OUT” your plushies as this can deform them!
I NEVER put my plush in the dryer, it can melt the fur fibers and cause matting/damage!! Some people use the “air dry/no heat” but i don’t like to take risks
🧺 6. Dry! 🧺
⭐️ This is the most important part, you must set your plush up to air dry thouroughly!! I prefer to use a fan pointed at the plush. but if you don’t have access to any kind of fan then a hair dryer set on cool could work, and plain air drying works too, it just takes longer.
For plushies with medium/long fur (basically anything besides minky fabric) I brush the fur out with a soft bristle brush once or twice while it’s drying to make sure the fur dries fluffy and soft. I use a build a pear paw brush. You can also use a plastic slicker brush and brush backwards with the direction of the fur to avoid pulling the fur fibers out. Don’t use a brush/comb that’s been used on humans or pets without super disinfecting it first, as the skin oils/dirt can damage your plushies fur!
For beanie babies or any plush with beans you must make sure the beans dry completely, they take way longer than the stuffing!
You need to rotate the plush every few hours or so to make sure it’s drying throughly. Make sure the bottom of the plush gets just as much exposed drying time as the rest of the plush, as gravity will pull any water downwards.
Try not to dry it in a humid room, like a bathroom! There is a risk of mold if a plush doesn’t dry completely before being packed up/sealed up.
I also wouldn’t risk drying your plush outside due to sun bleaching and possibly debris from wind/trees landing on it. You can dry it in a window that gets sunlight still as long as you don’t leave it there for weeks on end. Sun bleaching takes quite a while so the risk is very small.
✨ 7. Detail! ✨
(optional) after the plush is completely dry i go back with the brushes and detangle/fluff up the plush! This is almost necessary for any long/medium furred plush to keep the fur soft and detangled. I use the soft bristle brush for all, and plastic slicker brush for long fur. You can get a small plastic slicker brush for kittens/small dogs at walmart for like $3. Just make sure to be gentle with any combs/slicker brushes to avoid damaging the plush/ripping out the fur. ^_^
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This was super long! I have hand washed like 25 plushies of all different sizes at this point and this is what works for me. I have a lot of thrifted plush and they dont always come in great shape. you can reply to this post or send me a message if you have any questions!
extra tip from reblogs:
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High Maintenance
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A/N- After being with my boyfriend for a month (it went by so fast!!) he’s told me that he actually loves that i’m high maintenance 🫢 which is amazing for me 😍 i know Eddie would be exactly the same way c:
Summary- You and Eddie are spending the night doing all your favorite things
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None :)
Tag List- @imagine-all-the-imagines @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @munsonology @esme-viridian @eddiesrockstargirlfriend @the-sander-fander
Word Count- 1.7k
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“So what is this stuff called again?” Eddie asked as you slathered more of the cold, goopy substance all over his face.
He had always wanted to know all the little routines you did to keep yourself looking pretty. He knew having a girlfriend that was high maintenance was a pretty big job in and of itself, but after showing him all the things you did to keep up with your appearance he saw how much work it was for you.
Your hair was always gorgeous, your nails were always done in different colors and designs, your makeup was always done perfectly, and even when you weren’t all done up it was still a lot of work. Skincare, moisturizers, exfoliators, the best shampoos and conditioners. Eddie would always see the work you out into your appearance and he wanted to be able to experience it too.
Quite honestly, you were surprised that he even thought of doing a beauty night with you.
You had gotten into your pajamas and he basically let you use him as a guinea pig all night. He wanted to go through all your routines with you, and then some.
You giggled as you used the little silicone brush to spread the mask over his face,
“It’s just called a face mask,” You looked at the label on the little jar you were using for him, making sure it was the perfect one for him, “it’s different than mine, since you’ve never done one i grabbed the one i have for sensitive skin.”
You smiled as you finished spreading the mask over his face, looking him over with a giggle at your lips seeing the state he was in.
His curls were tied up high with one of your velvet scrunchies to make sure his hair wouldn’t get damaged, one of your spare plush headbands were keeping his flyaways out of his face, his eyebrows were plucked perfectly, although he didn’t sit so nicely through that, and the lilac mask covering his face was too adorable for you to not giggle at.
He opened his eyes and scrunched his face up a bit at the feeling of the cold mask on his face,
“Is it supposed to harden like this?” He asked you, gently tapping his fingers to the part of the mask on his nose that had already slightly dried.
“Yes, and don’t touch it!” You pulled his hand away from his face, “You have to let it dry and then you carefully peel it away. And i’ll show you how to do it so you don’t get it all sticky everywhere.”
He playfully rolled his eyes as you swatted his hand away, watching as you began applying it to yourself, impressing him as he watched you apply it without a mirror.
“Damn, you must do this a lot huh?”
“Of course i do,” You applied the final layer over your cheeks and set the bowl onto the counter, “it takes a lot to look this pretty.”
“I know. But you really don’t need to do all this stuff (y/n), you know i think you’re beautiful no matter what.”
“I know i don’t have to do all this stuff,” You checked Eddie’s face in the mirror and saw that his mask was fully dried, “i like doing it. Lots of girls like doing things like this. Getting their nails and hair done, makeup, skincare, all that fancy stuff. Some girls like it, some girls don’t, we all do different things to make ourselves feel good.”
He nodded at your explanation, not fully realizing how much work you really put into making yourself feel beautiful. He knew that you never did any of those things for him, or any other guy for that matter, you did it for you.
“Alright, i think your mask is finally set… Scrunch your face up a little bit for me.” He did as you said and groaned at the mask tugging at his skin.
“Is it supposed to feel this weird? It’s like having to wear someone else’s skin on top of mine, you like getting to do this?” He asked you as you giggled.
You looked underneath his chin and saw the edges of the mask beginning to lift,
“i love getting to do it! You’ll see, it may feel weird but the payoff is worth being a little uncomfortable.” You reached your fingers out and carefully pulled at the edges of his mask, “Now, don’t pull upward, pull down and out. And be careful! You don’t want to irritate your skin.”
He sighed and his fingers gently grabbed at the edges of his mask just below his chin, doing as you told him to and slowly pulling downward on the mask. You were right, it was a bit uncomfortable, but he could feel how refreshing the air felt against his face as he pulled the rest of the mask off, smiling to himself as he held the light purple silicone like sheet in his hands,
“Damn, it’s like i really was wearing someone else’s skin.”
You smiled and checked your own in the mirror, doing the same as Eddie and removing it with ease and holding it up with his. He smiled at the little size differences in your masks, admiring your features without even really meaning to.
The faucet was turned on, the warm water running into your hands as you gently washed the excess mask off of your face, Eddie following soon after you as you dabbed your face dry with the hand towel at your side. You smiled and dried off Eddie’s face for him, making sure to be extra careful around his eyes. He always insisted they were too sensitive.
You gave him a quick kiss before setting the towel down onto the counter and pulling out a little tub of lotion from the medicine cabinet,
“Alright, now we moisturize.”
“More face stuff?” Eddie asked as he watched you take a small amount onto your fingers and massage it into your face.
“Yes, but this is the last thing! i promise!”
Eddie playfully rolled his eyes, he’d heard that same sentence at least three other times that night.
He once again did the same as you, taking a little bit onto his fingers and massaging it into his face. You looked at yourselves in the mirror, so clean and looking brand new. It was your favorite part of doing all these little routines, and you were hoping that after going through it all with Eddie he could finally see all the work you put into yourself.
“There.” You twisted the lid back onto the lotion and placed it back into its spot in the medicine cabinet, “All done.”
Eddie looked at his face in the mirror and made sure to see it from all angles, enjoying the feeling of how light and fresh his skin felt. For doing all this so called ‘girl stuff’ it was actually quite nice for him to feel this way. He may even take a few notes from you and figure out a little routine for himself.
He looked down to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, kissing your forehead,
“And we look so pretty, all thanks to you.”
You giggled and nuzzled into his side, looking up to him,
“Now for your favorite part…”
He gasped excitedly,
“Snuggle?” He had the cutest smile on his lips, and you could just tell this is what he was waiting all day for.
You nodded and let out a little squeak as Eddie quickly picked you up and placed you over his shoulder, giving your butt a little smack as he exited the bathroom and walked back into his bedroom, nearly tossing you onto his bed.
“You stay there, i’ll be right back.”
Eddie left you on his bed and you made yourself comfortable under his blanket, wondering where he had wandered off too so suddenly.
He quickly came back with a bag of chips in his hand and two cold cans of pop from the fridge in the other, setting them down next to you in the bed before going to his collection of VHS tapes.
“What’re we thinking tonight babe?”
“I’m not sure,” You reached over and opened up the bag of chips, “you pick. You let me make you all pretty so it’s only fair i let you pick the movie.”
Eddie nodded and chose one of the many horror movies he had, knowing that would be the perfect thing for snuggling, but he quickly turned around as soon as he heard the little clinking of the tab snapping back on one of the cans of pop.
“(y/n)!” He shouted, making you jump in your seat.
“What? What did i do?” You asked him.
He walked over to you and took the van from your hands, popping the tab open and handing it back to you.
“You JUST did your nails.”
You giggled and took a sip as he pushed the tape into the VHS player and climbed into bed next to you, throwing the blanket over his lap and putting his arm around your shoulder. He leaned over to place a quick kiss onto your forehead as the opening credits of the movie started.
“So from now on i’m not allowed to open my pop cans?” You asked him with a giggle, Eddie reached his hand into the bag between you and pulled out a chip, holding it out to you as if he was trying to feed it to you. You caught on and opened your mouth, letting him place it between your lips before crunching down onto it.
“Absolutely not. Especially now that i know all the work you put into getting yourself all prettied up, i don’t want you to ruin them.”
“Aww, thanks baby,” You leaned up and kissed his jawline, “i really liked doing all that stuff with you.”
“You know, i liked it too! I think i might start doing some of that stuff too.” He tightened his grip on your shoulder, pulling you in closer to him, “Maybe you can show me how to do some more hair stuff in the shower next time.”
He whispered into your ear and you playfully rolled your eyes,
“Fine. But that means you’re washing my hair for me.”
“Fine by me sweetheart.”
You relaxed yourself into him as the movie started playing, settling into bed for the night after such a calming evening. You knew Eddie was going to ask for more pampering nights. And as long as he was giving you your princess treatment you were happy to oblige.
Who knew you loved having someone to open your pop cans for you.
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etherealfqiry · 5 months
How to get long healthy shiny hair in 2024 🎀
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HAIR OILING: It is recommended that you oil your hair at least once or twice in a week. The benefits from oiling your hair are endless, from strengthening and lengthening your hair to preventing dandruff, lice, hair breakage and so much more. But remember that you should not go overboard as too much of everything is not good! Finding the suitable one depending on your hair type is essential for getting the best results!
SHOWER ROUTINE: It is very important to find the right shampoo for your hair type that gently cleanses and removes all that heavy buildup of products you apply in your hair, that doesn’t damage and dry it out, which is what a Clarifying shampoo does. But remember to check what hair type it is for as some shampoos aren’t suitable for all hair types. After shampoo is when you should use a hair mask, as it is advised to be used before conditioning since using a hair mask injects moisture into the hair and conditioner locks it in! A lot of people think that you just use conditioner from that same brand of shampoo and hair mask, but the real truth is that it is best to use the best conditioner you find works well enough for your hair.
AFTER SHOWER ROUTINE: Use a microfiber towel after showering! Not only does it dry your hair faster, but it’s much softer and gentle while doing no damage to your hair. If you plan on blow drying your hair, remember to let your hair air dry about 80-90% before blow drying. And you must use heat protectant for your hair! And wether you’re blow drying your hair or not, find the best hair serum and apply (can be used before and after styling) it firstly to your ends and then apply the leftover serum on your palm on your roots to prevent your roots from looking greasy. Always remember a little goes a long way with hair serums.
Thank you for reading and I hope you find this beneficial! Let me know if you have any questions <3
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find-my-purpose · 8 months
The Basics of Skin Care
A 100 skincare tips for beginners:
1. Cleanse your face twice a day.
2. Use a gentle, sulfate-free cleanser.
3. Avoid hot water, as it can strip natural oils.
4. Use a cleansing brush or washcloth for gentle exfoliation.
5. Remove makeup before bedtime.
6. Double cleanse if you wear heavy makeup.
7. Don't over-cleanse; it can lead to dryness.
8. Exfoliate 1-3 times a week, based on your skin type.
9. Choose chemical exfoliants like AHAs or BHAs.
10. Be gentle when physically exfoliating.
11. Avoid over-exfoliation to prevent irritation.
12. Use a moisturizer suitable for your skin type.
13. Apply moisturizer while your skin is slightly damp.
14. Don't forget your neck and chest.
15. Consider using a humidifier in dry climates.
Sun Protection:
16. Always wear sunscreen, even on cloudy days.
17. Use a broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30.
18. Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.
19. Wear protective clothing and sunglasses.
20. Avoid tanning beds and excessive sun exposure.
21. Use products with antioxidants like vitamin C.
22. Apply retinol at night for anti-aging benefits.
23. Consider peptides for collagen support.
24. Stay hydrated to maintain skin elasticity.
25. Get enough sleep for skin repair.
26. Drink plenty of water for overall skin health.
27. Use a hydrating serum or hyaluronic acid.
28. Avoid hot showers that can dry out your skin.
29. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake.
Acne Management:
30. Use salicylic acid for acne-prone skin.
31. Don't pop pimples; it can lead to scarring.
32. Change pillow cases regularly.
33. Maintain a balanced diet to reduce breakouts.
34. Consult a dermatologist for severe acne.
Skincare Routine:
35. Develop a consistent skincare routine.
36. Patch test new products.
37. Customize your routine based on your skin's needs.
38. Consider professional facials occasionally.
39. Clean makeup brushes and sponges regularly.
40. Avoid sharing makeup to prevent infections.
41. Choose non-comedogenic makeup products.
42. Remove makeup before going to bed.
Eye Care:
43. Use an eye cream to address under-eye concerns.
44. Be gentle when applying and removing eye makeup.
45. Get enough sleep to reduce under-eye puffiness.
46. Manage stress to prevent skin issues.
47. Get regular exercise for better blood flow.
48. Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke.
49. Limit alcohol consumption.
50. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
Special Treatments:
51. Use a face mask 1-2 times a week.
52. Try sheet masks for extra hydration.
53. Consider facial oils for added moisture.
54. Use a lip balm to prevent chapped lips.
Skin Conditions:
55. Consult a dermatologist for skin conditions.
56. Use products with soothing ingredients for sensitive skin.
57. Eczema-prone skin should avoid harsh products.
58. Rosacea-prone skin should use gentle, non-irritating products.
59. Psoriasis-prone skin may benefit from salicylic acid.
DIY Skincare:
60. Be cautious with DIY treatments; research first.
61. Natural ingredients like honey and aloe can be beneficial.
62. Avoid DIY recipes with harsh or abrasive ingredients.
63. Test DIY masks on a small area first.
64. Get 7-9 hours of sleep for skin regeneration.
65. Sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase to reduce friction.
Hands and Feet:
66. Moisturize hands and feet, especially in winter.
67. Use sunscreen on your hands to prevent age spots.
Body Skin Care:
68. Don't forget to moisturize your body.
69. Exfoliate your body regularly.
70. Take short, lukewarm showers to prevent dry skin.
71. Shave in the direction of hair growth.
72. Use a sharp, clean razor.
73. Apply a moisturizing shaving cream.
Hair Care:
74. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner.
75. Avoid hot water when washing your hair.
76. Protect your hair from UV damage.
Hormonal Changes:
77. Adjust your skincare routine during hormonal changes.
78. Birth control can affect skin; consult a dermatologist.
79. Manage menopausal skin changes with skincare.
80. Be aware of allergens in skin care products.
81. Perform a patch test for new products.
82. Hypoallergenic products can be a safe choice.
Tattoo Care:
83. Follow aftercare instructions for tattoos.
84. Use a mild, fragrance-free lotion.
85. Avoid direct sunlight on a healing tattoo.
Skin Care Tools:
86. Cleanse skincare tools regularly.
87. Replace loofahs and brushes when they wear out.
Consult a Professional:
88. If you're unsure about a product, ask a dermatologist.
89. Consider professional treatments for specific concerns.
90. Use products with anti-inflammatory ingredients.
91. Manage skin redness with calming products.
92. Gently massage your face for better circulation.
93. Use upward motions to prevent sagging.
Eyes and Lips:
94. Use SPF lip balm to protect your lips.
95. Choose an eye cream with ingredients like caffeine.
Preventive Care:
96. Start a skincare routine early for preventive care.
97. Be patient; skincare results take time.
98. Embrace your natural beauty.
99. Avoid comparing your skin to others'.
100. Remember that skincare is individual; what works for one person may not work for another.
These tips can help you maintain healthy and radiant skin. However, always consult a dermatologist for personalized advice based on your skin's unique needs.
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African Pride Olive Miracle 2 in 1 Shampoo 12 Oz.
Experience the Magic of African Pride Miracle 2-in-1 Shampoo. Unleashing the Power of Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Silky Smooth, Radiant Hair.
Enriched with the finest Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Our African Pride Olive formula offers the ultimate in hair conditioning and scalp nourishment. Leaving you with irresistibly smooth and healthy locks.
Indulge in the unique 2-in-1 formula. Carefully crafted with a blend of African Miracle herbs, oils, and natural ingredients, working their magic to repair, rejuvenate, and deeply condition your dry and damaged hair as you cleanse.
Revel in the simplicity of just one easy step. As our shampoo and conditioner duo cleanses away impurities while infusing your hair with vital moisture, restoring its natural body and lustrous shine.
Perfectly suited for dry, damaged hair. African Pride Olive Miracle 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioner is your go-to solution for a complete hair transformation.
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ms-demeanor · 23 days
what kind of conditioner do you use? I'm trying to grow my hair out and i miss bleaching/dying it colors but i know if the texture gets too crunchy it'll drive me nuts and i'll end up shaving it all off again
So I do things a bit differently after a fresh bleach.
I used this for 20 minutes post bleaching yesterday:
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And that was after about three hours with Arctic Fox dyes sitting in it. My hair currently feels super soft but a bit dry.
For at least two months after a bleach I'll use some variety or other of intense moisture masque regularly. I generally like Palmer's Deep Conditioning mask but I just picked up some new stuff to try so I'll report back on those once I've tried them.
Day-to-Day in the shower I use Trader Joe's Shea Butter and Coconut Oil Hair Mask. Day-to-Day *after* a shower I use Cantu leave-in conditioning cream with shea butter and argan oil (any kind of argan oil, there's no brand in particular that I use).
I don't shampoo often, but when I do I use Love Beauty and Planet Mumuru Butter and Rose and I will sometimes use that conditioner as well.
If you're worried about your hair getting fried by bleaching you can also work on your bleaching process. You can get bleach with a bond repairing compound in it (Blonde Me is one brand that does this) or get a separate bond repairing serum (Olaplex is the one that everyone talks about but I think Sally Beauty has a house brand of bond repair product). You can also use a lower volume developer and a slower bleaching process to prevent damage. The photos I posted the other day are from about 45 minutes with a 20-volume developer instead of 20 minutes with a 30-volume developer and my hair feels much better than it normally does after bleaching (I have been using QuickBlue bleaching powder and it is *effective* and inexpensive, but bad for your hair - if you can afford something like Blonde Me or another system with bonding elements that will have less crunch than quickblue or prismalites or any of the cheaper brands out there).
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stuckinapril · 5 months
Curly hair care routine tips?
My biggest tip is to genuinely know what your hair characteristics are before trying techniques out. Is your hair low porosity or high porosity? What’s your curl type? Is it damaged from years of excessive heat or dye? Is it too long? A lot of popular methods didn’t work for me bc they were built for high porosity curls, but mine were low porosity. I think just knowing these basics saves you so much time in terms of what would be helpful to start experimenting with.
Once you know what you’re working with, follow people whose curls are similar to yours. Start with very basic products (leave-in conditioner and gel/mousse) and work your way up if need be. For low porosity hair, less is generally more. Deep-condition your hair. Do hair masks that complement your hair needs (does it need more protein? More moisture?). Get a heat cap so your curls can absorb the product better. Trim your hair every 3 months. If you wrap your hair in a towel after a shower, don’t do it w a standard towel—do it w either a microfiber towel or a t-shirt. Do not touch your hair while it’s airdrying. Getting a diffuser has been a game changer for me; my curls look so much bouncier whenever I diffuse. Learn different gel (or mousse) techniques to achieve different looks (gel placement matters). Get a Denman brush for extra definition & learn how to use it. Don’t forget to scrunch the crunch to break the gel cast once your hair is mostly dry. Get a silk pillowcase (this is also good for keeping your pm skincare products on btw).
A spray bottle is so necessary. Never style without a spray bottle on hand. If your curls are dry while you’re defining them w the Denman brush, for example, chances are they will come out frizzy. You want your hair soaking wet while you’re scrunching/defining.
Check the hardness of water in your city !! A lot of frizz could be owed to that. If possible, filter your bathroom water. If not, buy a hardness of water shampoo/conditioner (I like the Malibu C brand). You’ll hear a lot of advice saying that sulfate-free shampoos are the way to go—which is mostly accurate, but every now and then you’ll need to clean product buildup. For that it’s good to have a clarifying shampoo on hand.
Figure out what wash times are best for you. For me, I wash my hair every 2-3 days max. For others it’s best to do it weekly. It really depends on your curl type.
Experiment always !! I’m always trying out new things to see what’ll work best for my curls. I made a lot of progress, but there’s def more to go and I’m determined to reach the ultimate definition. Good luck <3
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