#Montauk point lighthouse
way-out-there · 1 year
Montauk Point State Park. The paradise I found in New York.
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harveyspictures · 5 months
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American Flag seen through a cracked window at the Montauk Point Lighthouse. July 23,2023
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kojoonsuh · 2 months
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oflgtfol · 1 year
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did you know long island is shaped like a fish. now you do :)
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I was fascinated by this dome home, b/c it looks like someone doesn't know what a dome is, and made a ball. It also has a belvedere, which is usually on a Victorian roof. But, the 1984 Montauk, NY home is surprisingly nice inside. It has 3bds, 2.5ba, and they're asking $2.1M, reduced by $490K.
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The large entrance hall fits a baby grand piano with room to spare.
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It's an interesting home and like a giant piece of art. Notice the planter on the right is set into a square hole in the floor.
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Look at the ceiling. It reminds me of some sort of DaVinci contraption. And, look at the angled wall held up by a column. It's really a work of art. The belvedere looks like the bottom of a hot air balloon.
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This is quite nice- speakers on the ceiling aimed at the sofa and two big windows.
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The French stove is gorgeous and I would move the table and chair over to make it a focal point.
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Surprisingly, the kitchen is huge. Look at the size of it. So many cabinets. The drawback is that it's so spread out, but the actual work triangle is contained in a nook.
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Here's Bd. #1- look at the floor. That's a lovely nautical touch.
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In Bd. #2 there's another inlaid pattern, but the bed is over it.
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Nice shower room.
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Bd. #3 seems to be the primary bedroom b/c it has direct access to the bath.
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This is unique.
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I'm not sure, but this might be the ladder to the belvedere. It folds and fits neatly into the wall like an attic ladder.
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Here we are in the belvedere, a roomy observatory with benches and a table for entertaining or a cozy family space. But, wouldn't it make a great art studio?
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I'm surprised that the home has a basement. Look at all the paintings, the owner must be an artist.
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Outside there's a nice deck with a built-in bench.
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The exterior needs some work- replacement shingles and landscaping.
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The price is high, b/c this is Montauk, Long Island in NY (in the posh Hamptons). It's near the Montauk Lighthouse and that must be a community pool. It's on the shores of Lake Montauk, but it flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
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Montauk is located at the tip of Long Island.
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9,583 sq ft lot.
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mtaartsdesign · 8 months
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We’re celebrating Archtober with James Gulliver Hancock's “Connection Cultivating Communities” (2018) at LIRR Merrick station. The artwork imagines the LIRR map as a tree branch extending outward with each town along the train line as blossoms, depicted in Hancock’s whimsical and playful style. The blooms depict vignettes of the station's community with recognizable Long Island landmarks such as Montauk Point Lighthouse, the post office, fire houses, Chatterton School, Merrick Library, Merrick Gables Spanish architecture, and the Merrick station itself.
Hancock has been drawing New York’s buildings for years and has recently released a new edition of his book “All the Buildings in New York.” Building upon the original publication on its 10th anniversary, the book features illustrations of both iconic and everyday buildings, celebrating the architectural charm of New York.
📸: Peter Peirce
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siddanna · 2 months
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Montauk Point Lighthouse USA
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stawpny · 7 months
Hii! What are some of your favorite places in New York? I'd like to visit the state one day and I'm curious about what cool places there are besides the city's skyscrapers :D
(happy birthday again!! 🎉)
so honestly, I don’t know many places, but I have some cool ones, especially if you like history or exploring
1: Montauk Lighthouse or Montuak in general: Montauk is like the farthest point out east on LI and it’s so pretty. If you like beaches, you should def go. The lighthouse was owned by George Washington too, and you can go inside and see all historical stuff.
2: Psych Centers: I know I’m not allowed to go in them, but it’s cool to walk around and look at all the old buildings. Atleast for me. Fun fact, one of the psych centers on LI was one of the first places were lobotomy’s were available 😍.
3: Fire Island: Also a very beachy area, but it’s a very nice island that kind of borders LI. Has very nice beaches too. (Robert Moses is the one I go to)
4: Port Jefferson: I love going there and the ice cream from that place is bomb. Has some history stuff about them building boats and things about the harbor.
5: Liberty Island and Ellis Island: Both very cool places, visited them twice so far! I love history and if u like history you need to go to Ellis Island. It walks you through the journey of an immigrant from Europe coming into the US from that Island.
6: The Oculus: I’ve been there once and Jesus, it’s pretty big. It has many layers of like a mall-like building and I think a train or subway does down into the building, but idk. all I know that it’s fucking cool and huge.
7: THE BIG FUCKING DUCK: ok, so I’ve never been in it, but basically it’s a huge fucking duck that’s kinda like a mini gift shop but it’s so cute and big ajmwhajanwnw.
8:Nature Trails: Trust, you can pretty much drive anywhere on LI or maybe anywhere else, and you could find a trail somewhere. Especially around lakes or beaches. love walking around especially in the fall.
9: WTC: alright, ik u asked for things other than skyscrapers, but still, the World Trade Center is literally so cool. people seem to underestimate how big those buildings are and the memorial footprints are. Those huge pools of water are very pretty, and I like how they made the memorial different from others so no one would forget.
10: Murals: All over this beautiful state, there are murals EVERYWHERE. especially in the city. I loved walking through China Town or Little Italy seeing all the cultural murals- also, Definitly visit China Town and Little Italy, they are so different but so cool! B)
okay, so ik all of these are about Long Island/NYC, but those are really all the places I go to😭
anyways, I hope you liked this
thanks for the ask!! <3
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justabooknerdposts · 1 year
annabeths 19th birthday
Prompt: Annabeth's 19th Birthday (very specific lol)
Annabeth's nineteenth birthday was going well. She and Percy had spent most of the day traveling around Long Island visiting some of its most famous architectural landmarks, including the windmills of East Hampton and Watermill, Old Whaler's church, Sagamore Hill, Old Field Point Lighthouse, and finishing at Montauk Point Light.
It had been great, just the two of them driving around all day, seeing the different architectural monuments. Percy had happily let her drag him by the hand around the various buildings and had seemed to listen to most of what she told him about them. She was glad they saved the Montauk Point Light for last—it made her heart beat faster to watch the way Percy came alive beside the sea, his eyes reflecting the green of the water, his grin turning slow and lazy as he looked out over the waves. She especially liked when he turned that grin to her as he took her hand, his fingers sliding through hers, lacing them together.
"Good birthday?" he asked.
She nodded, drinking him in. Last summer, they'd spent her birthday grieving Jason and the loss of so many in Camp Jupiter and New Rome. The summer before that, they'd spent her birthday in Tartarus. The summer before that, the Titan War was in full swing. The preceding summers it had been the joys of the Labyrinth, the Sea of Monsters, and the Underworld. To just have today, calm and peaceful, after a really great first year of college and looking forward to their second year, was about the best birthday present she could ask for.
"So do you want to walk around the lighthouse and tell me its history and how it was built and everything?" Percy asked her.
"In a minute." She put her free hand on his neck, pulling him closer, and kissed him. For a few wonderful seconds, nothing else existed. She could even briefly push out of her mind the thought that had been bothering her all day and which she was continuing to refuse to look at.
Once Annabeth was actually focusing on the lighthouse, it was even cooler than she'd hoped for. So, yet again, she grabbed Percy's hand and pulled him around the base of the structure, pointing out features and talking about its history. She'd thought by this point in their architectural tour, he'd be completely zoned out, but he still appeared to be listening, even asking her questions and pointing out some things about the nautical benefits of the massive light and why it was important on this spit of land.
Finally, she cracked and said, "I've been talking about architecture all day. How are you still interested?"
Percy actually laughed at that. Then he slipped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "Because I love you. And it's your birthday, so I'm just happy that you're happy." He hesitated, studying her face, then asked, "You are happy, right?"
Again, the thought Annabeth had been ignoring all day rose in her mind, but she shoved it back down as she managed a smile and told Percy, honestly, "I'm very happy. And I love you, too," she added, moving closer to kiss him again.
They headed back to camp for the evening. A lot of their friends had come in to help celebrate Annabeth's birthday. It hadn't been her idea to have a party at camp, but Piper and Rachel had insisted, and enough of the other campers had agreed that Annabeth really had no choice. So, somewhat grudgingly and somewhat gratefully, she had agreed to the party.
Party preparations were in full swing in the dining pavilion when they got back. Annabeth only caught a glimpse, though, before Piper shoved her away. "No way. It's not ready. Go away for a while…like another hour. Drag your boyfriend off and go make out somewhere or something."
"Eewww," a voice nearby squealed. Annabeth turned to see Angelina, one of the newest Athena campers, making a face. When she caught Annabeth looking at her, though, she giggled and jogged off, streamers trailing from her hands. Annabeth was struck by just how young she looked; Angelina, with her glasses, braces, and incredible aptitude for mathematics and chemistry, was only twelve.
The same age Annabeth had been on her first quest. The quest where Luke had gifted Percy some cursed sneakers that had nearly dragged him, Annabeth, and Grover straight into Tartarus.
"You okay?" Piper asked, studying her face. "I'm not trying to kick you out, we're just finishing up—"
"No, it's fine." Annabeth forced a smile. "Just…thinking about something else. This place is looking great. I'll be back in an hour."
Annabeth made her way down to the beach. A few campers were splashing in the ocean, so she headed a little ways farther down from them, until she was hidden by a dune. Then she sat down in the sand, put her arms around her knees, and took a deep breath, letting the sound of the waves wash over her. After a few moments, she closed her eyes and also allowed the thoughts she'd been battling all day to rush over her.
She was nineteen today. An age many demigods didn't get to and which she was very proud and grateful to have achieved.
It was also the age Luke had been when he'd decided to betray Camp Half-Blood. When he'd been willing to send Percy, Grover, and her to Tartarus. When he'd tried multiple times to kill Percy—who had only been twelve. At the time, Annabeth had been deeply hurt and disappointed in Luke, but now, looking at the other campers, some of whom seemed so young, she simply couldn't understand how he could have made those choices. She'd always had a good imagination, but she couldn't imagine choosing to set them up for destruction. The gods hadn't always treated her fairly either, but she would never take that out on the other campers.
Annabeth jumped as Percy appeared around the edge of the dune. "Oh. Hey."
"Can I, uh, join you? Or would you rather be alone?"
In response, Annabeth patted the sand beside her and Percy plopped down, sending sand flying. She made a face at him, but he just shrugged.
Percy leaned back on his hands, eyes on the ocean. "So, what are you doing out here? Just feeling old?"
"Watch it, Seaweed Brain. I'm only a month older than you." Annabeth poked him in the side. "And no. I was just…thinking."
"Uh-oh." Percy shot her a smile. "What's up, Wise Girl?"
Annabeth sighed. She pulled her legs more tightly against her chest and rested her chin on her knees. "I was just thinking that…the summer we did our first quest, Luke was nineteen."
"Oh yeah." Percy frowned, thinking. After a few moments, he glanced at her. "You're not, uh, having similar thoughts, right?"
"No!" Annabeth burst out. "Just the opposite. I can't understand how he could do it." When Percy didn't say anything, Annabeth continued, in a lower voice, "I couldn't do it, Percy. I couldn't hurt kids. We were kids. You, me, Grover…but he still gave you those damn cursed shoes. Plus, almost everyone at camp was younger than him. And he was ready to kill us all. Or, at least, he was okay letting everyone die. What—" her voice caught. "What went wrong?"
Percy was quiet for a long time, looking out at the water. "When we were on the quest to Greece, I kind of started to think that I understood how Luke had felt. Just a little bit. It sucks to be a pawn of the gods over and over again. But I know that they still beat the alternative. And, yeah, I could never turn on my friends. Or camp. I definitely would never hurt kids. If…if you're hurting kids, you're always on the wrong side." He shook his head. "I don't know, Annabeth. I don't think I have a good answer for you. I mean, part of the reason we did what we did in the Titan War was because we couldn't see his side."
"Yeah, that's true." Annabeth wiped a tear off her cheek. "I didn't expect to think about it today, but this morning at breakfast, looking around at all the other campers, they just seemed so young and then I realized I was the same age Luke had been when he'd tried to kill you with that pit scorpion." She shook her head. "And then I just couldn't stop thinking about it. It feels different from this side, you know?"
Percy nodded. He studied her face for a moment, then scooted closer and put his arm around her shoulders. Annabeth leaned into him and drew a shaky breath.
"Sorry to be all blubbery on my birthday," she told him.
"It's fine, babe." Percy kissed her forehead. "Besides, isn't there an old song about it's your birthday and you'll cry if you want to?"
Annabeth gave a watery laugh. "I think it's party, not birthday."
"Close enough." Percy tightened his arm around her shoulders. "Nice sunset."
"It is." Annabeth laid her head on his shoulder. They stayed there, watching the setting sun turn the sky orange and purple until the conch horn sounded for dinner and it was time to head to her party.
The party was a lot of fun. Annabeth was able to shake off her morose mood and go back to having fun; talking about her thoughts with Percy had definitely helped, as it usually did.
At the campfire later that evening, Harley and some of the other Hephaestus campers, with help from Leo, who was back for the summer, set off a pretty impressive display of fireworks because, as Harley said brightly, "Annabeth is old."
"She is," Percy agreed solemnly.
Annabeth smacked her boyfriend, but high-fived Harley and thanked him for the awesome fireworks show. He grinned and ran off to join his friends, who were roasting marshmallows over the fire. Annabeth had to smile as she watched them, then popped a marshmallow into her mouth; it was gooey and smoky from the campfire—perfect. She didn't love being called "old" (especially when she was only nineteen, which was still pretty young—she couldn't even legally drink yet!), but the way Harley had said it, with hope, reminded her how nice it was, now, that demigods knew they could grow old. Bringing New Rome into the picture hadn't just been good for her and Percy; it could be a source of hope for all demigods. Life was still difficult. It always had been and always would be for demigods, but there was also hope for a future. And that made the impossibly hard things she and Percy and their friends had been through worth it.
Maybe that was what Luke had lost. He'd given up hope. Annabeth thought that was probably true, and she ached for him. That must have been terrible, to lose sight of hope. Annabeth was determined to never make the same mistake.
So she leaned into Percy's arm, lacing her fingers through his, and letting herself smile at the brilliant flashes of light from the second round of fireworks. Apparently, the Hephaestus cabin had been having a lot of fun with explosives, helped out by a few Hermes and Ares campers.
When Percy kissed her forehead, Annabeth felt a hopeful flutter in her chest.
That was the magic word.
She had graduated from high school. She had completed her first year of college. Both of those things seemed as incredible and had once seemed as unlikely as the fact that she had managed to survive being on the front lines of two wars. And now, she was hoping for a future she had once never even dared to dream about.
It felt good to be nineteen.
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tinseltownevents · 17 days
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Post tweets, gif chat starters, open paras/f2f.
Please tag EVERYTHING ttownmd24.
Please @tinseltownevents​ for all gif chat starters and open paras/f2f.
Message us if you’d like something added to the calendar.
Click here for more details.
FRIDAY, 05.24
7 PM: STICKS AND STONES COMEDY CLUB - Premier Comedy Show with Pete Cestaro, Brandon LaCarrubba, Kyle Mara, Joe Winchell and more All-Star Comics!
6 PM: NIGHTTIME AT THE SAND BAR - Live Bands, DJ's and the coldest drinks.
SUNDAY, 05.26
TUESDAY, 05.28
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harveyspictures · 5 months
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Panoramic photo from the observation deck on the Montauk Lighthouse, July 23, 2023.
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fctyacts · 1 year
THE BAKER HOUSE 1650 — East Hampton
Maidstone Club (club de country) (a 4 minutos)
Two Mile Hollow Beach (playa) (a 5 minutos)
LongHouse (reserva) (a 6 minutos)
Wolffer Estate (viñedo) (a 9 minutos)
TOPPING ROSE HOUSE — Bridgehampton
Jean-Georges (restaurante) (en el hotel)
Wolffer Estate (viñedo) (a 4 minutos)
Parrish Art Museum (a 10 minutos)
Southampton Arts Center  (a 15 minutos)
LongHouse (reserva) (a 16 minutos)
BARON’S COVE — Sag Harbor
The Restaurant (en el hotel)
Wolffer Estate (viñedo) (a 10 minutos)
LongHouse (reserva) (a 15 minutos)
Parrish Art Museum (a 17 minutos)
Scarpetta Beach (restaurante) (en el hotel)
Hither Hills State Park (parque) (a 3 minutos)
Montauk Point Lighthouse (faro) (a 14 minutos)
LongHouse (reserva) (a 21 minutos)
Como pueden ver, la mayoría de los lugares cercanos a cada hotel coinciden entre sí; esto es para que sea más sencillo que los personajes se crucen. También cuentan con enlaces a los sitios web para que tengan las posibilidad de escoger el que más les guste y vaya acorde a sus personajes.
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Rose tells Jake she's pregnant in a cute fluffy way
I screwed up my algorithm for you looking up pregnancy reveals so you better like it lol
Warnings for this one: pregnancy mentions
Jake grabbed a beer out of the fridge and popped the top off his beer, taking in a moment to bask in the post work feeling.
"Jake, come here! Engagement photos are in!"
"Already?" Jake asked as he followed Rose's voice into the living room. A week seemed fast but what did he know?
Rose sat up when he walked in, pulling him in for a kiss before he could even sit down. He smiled into her embrace and sat down heavily onto the couch.
"How many of these are going to be put on the walls?" Jake teased. Every square inch of their home was coated in photographs in a way that was more reminiscent of a grandmother in her 90s.
"All of them!" Rose teased back. "But you have to tell me your favourites."
"All of them," Jake said and he pecked her on the cheek.
Rose good naturedly rolled her eyes and opened her laptop. Jake offered her a sip of his beer but she waved him off, opening up the file of their pictures and there were so many pictures. Jake didn't know if he could look at himself for that long but he took another dirnk of his beer, thinking that he was going to have to, because it was going to make Rose so happy.
They'd driven out to Montauk Point Lighthouse with their photographer and had spent all day playing around and getting different shots. They'd stayed past nightfall and chosen a magical photographer so they could play with dragon fire as lighting and Jake was most looking forward to seeing those ones.
The first few pictures were the cute, generic poses, with the water and the lighthouse in the background. Rose leisurely flipped though them, commenting on how pretty the sky was or how she liked her hair in that one and that she was glad they'd changed outfits a couple of time.
"Is that a whale?" Jake asked, pointing to the background and what looked like a spurt of blue.
"Could be," Rose said, squinting. "Wouldn't that be cool!?"
Jake didn't think that it was a whale, however, because the same blue spot was in the next frame, except it seemed it was getting closer. Rose never said a word about it but it was all Jake could pay attention too. Finally, it was close enough to make out, and Jake relaxed as he saw that it was just a trio of mermaids, probably wondering what the American Dragon was doing there.
They stayed for the next few pictures, disappeared, and then were back, this time holding up a huge sign that Jake still had to read.
And then reread.
And then reread again.
He read it one more time and then turned to look at Rose who was watching his reaction.
"Really?" he asked. "Really?"
"I found out the day before we took the photos," Rose said. "We're going to have a baby."
Jake pushed her laptop onto the coffee table so that he could pull her whole body against his as he kissed her.
A baby!
"I love you," Rose said, filled with glee.
"I can't believe you kept a secret for me for a week!"
"It was the hardest thing I've ever done," Rose agreed, laughing as Jake's hand tickled her stomach, both of them already wondering about the kids that was inside.
"I love you," Jake said, already speaking to both of them.
He was so in love with his family.
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nikideaf · 1 year
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Realized I haven’t posted any photos in a while. It’s not that I haven’t been taking them; I’ve just been more involved in my personal life and less of my online life. Since everyone apparently mutually stopped caring about Covid, I’ve had more IRL adventures. Life is good. #outdoors #lighthousephoto #winter #amateurphotography #outdoorphotography #sunset #sunsetphotography #montawk #montawklighthouse #montawkpoint #newyork #longisland #lifeisgood (at Montauk Point Lighthouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/Com9tbRrbLW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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renee-ruby-j · 2 years
Wedding Photos I want to draw
mostly for my own reference.
Percy and Ruby at the beach near the Montauk lighthouse, barefoot, Percy's slacks rolled up, Ruby hiking her skirt, scream-laughing and clinging to each other as the chilly atlantic rushes around their ankles. Genuine reaction, but one they deliberately planned.
Same shoot, Percy with Ruby on his back. (He worked out to make sure he could pick her up. Probably got back into swimming!)
From behind, holding hands as they walk back to the reception, footprints behind them.
Bridesmaids (Annabeth, Reyna, Piper, Hazel, Silena, Charlie & Chris, last two in drag) + moms (Thalia and Sally) + junior bridesmaid (Estelle ofc, about 10 years old) + honorary bridesman (Nico— he doesn't do drag, but he's used to complicated formalwear), all together in their monogrammed robes with champagne glasses of sparkling cider. (I feel like everyone walks in either a suit or a kilt; Grover, Leo, Frank, Clarisse, Nico & Will are the ushers who stay in suits/kilts. I don't even know how they're split up at the ceremony, at this point. 🤣)
Estelle helping Ruby with her lipstick.
Ruby helping Estelle with her fascinator.
The bride and her mini-me having a moment of giddy excitement and grinning at each other while touching noses. 💜
Thalia and Sally giving each other emotional support. Sally, in tears, holding a tissue up to Thalia's nose?
Thalia zipping up Ruby's dress.
Sally giving her daughter-in-law the "I love you like I bore you, you're already part of my family, I'm so proud of you, you look so beautiful" speech.
LE GRAND ENTRANCE, Percy with a lipstick mark on his cheek.
Ceili dancing!
Ruby and Percy smashing blue cake in each other's faces.
First Dance Highlights.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (no boys allowed on the floor 💜), which is largely Ruby dancing with Estelle.
Percy carrying a sleepy Estelle at the end of the night. 💙
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fuzzy-oooze · 1 month
writing the point of divergence from Blackpowder Engine and our world. it's not set as far into the future as you may think.
I thought I was overestimating the impact of operation Paperclip on cold war science when writing as up 'till this point I've been imagine the nazi scientists just being like "oh we totally made a super ultra death ray, give me 500,000,000 dollars and a secret lab on a Hawaiian beach and I'll show you maybe" but, no, they directly inspired MKUltra which means that my alt-history for Blackpowder Engine works just fine.
the TL;DR is that even in Blackpowder Engine Operation Paperclip and Ronald Reagan ruined everything. instead of just claiming to have orbital lasers (at least I've been told he did that) he made them build a real death ray, sure it has bigger than a cargo container, had to be mounted on top of a old lighthouse, couldn't stay focused for long enough to cross a football field, and fried it's own circuits whenever it fired but it was certainly A energy weapon every made. Also instead of MKUltra there was Project CYAN, which was experimenting into cybernetics and mostly just made a big pile of septic corpses, and the Montauk Project which aimed to see the effects of electromagnetism (from electroshock to radio) and hypnosis on the mind in the hopes of discovering some method of mind control, memory manipulation, indoctrination, and the awakening of psychic powers (as it was also a co-project to Project Stargate).
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