bluestarrcreations · 2 months
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Inner Tube YCH now open!! This one has many customizations <3 Also have a finished shaded example with Moonn! 💚
✨ Any species/gender welcome (any clothing too)
✨ You can have any drink for $2 extra
✨ Any color or shape for the sunglasses
✨ Inner tube can be any color/pattern
✨ Can change expression & hand gesture
✨ I accept full payment before starting through PayPal, Venmo or CashApp
Comment or DM if interested!
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dream-world-dreams · 1 year
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dk-thrive · 1 year
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Full Moon @ Daybreak. 48° F. 4:38 to 5:12 am. June 5, 2023. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT. (@dkct25) 
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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Taurus Sun | Taurus Moon | Aries Rising
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lotus-sunn · 5 months
@katentines this is your fault/pos
So lotus-moonn I have been THINKING ABOUT HER. And I decided since my pfp is sweet mikey I thought maybe if lotus-moonn existed
they would use covert-mike (Mikhali) as their pfp since well if you know anything about covert mikey then its fairly obvious why I choosed him
I thought of her personality and I conclude..Shes a fucking dick. or atleast more blunt and straight forward not caring about someones feelings and wouldnt see the reason to soften the blow. Would say "that looks like shit" to your face and call you out for more of your wrong doings
I love the DRAMATICS but i think too much is wack so maybe she would have a love for all types of dramatics.
I love to make a good first impression and I am pretty sensitive when it comes to being yelled at in a aggressive way. I start to cry as the yelling continues, so she would NEVER (rarely) cry. It would take a lot for her to cry, and first impression? who gives a shit she is gonna do what she wants and not give a shit if you like her or not.
Not a hugger or very touchy its rare for her to even touch anyone (fucking insane i know) Suprisnly less of a realist. (im a realist) More of a lets just do it and find out. Doesnt care for people who overthink she doesnt get it. like cmon your thinking too much LETS GO.
Not much for reading feelings she just freezes if they confide in her. She is pretty serious. If you told her a joke she would take it literally.
social cues??? she doesnt know what that is?? context clues what??
(fucking dumbass)
Doesnt swear. literally man she doesnt. I swear like sailor so she wouldnt. Why use swears when you can insult someone in more creative ways? she doesnt get the appeal.
really really smart in the education level. Works slow and good, doesnt work well under pressure.
opptimistic? no? but also yes.
one thing I wont change. She is stubborn but not me type stubborn. She is fucking STUBBORN once she decides something its set in bedrock she ingraved it into its very core your not changing her mind
(people trying to rehabiltate lotus-moon get meet with her fist)
was a kid who was more reckless and got more injuries (i was the same. but she actually broke a bone.)
faking confidence? she doesnt do that depressing bullshit. her confidence is real but that gets in the way of most of goals she has so much faith in herself she grows arrogant. She thinks that whatever she puts her mind to WILL happen doesnt matter who come in the way
I dont get sick easily. She does tho (LOSER COULDNT BE ME) its cold and she doesnt wear a scarf and jacket GET SICK BITCH (and very sensitve when sick. Im not i can function well enough. she is like fucking DEAD like family guy dead pose.)
hopeless romantic? fuck no romance is icky she doesnt like it.
very Social. ikr what the fuck?? if anything she wouldnt be. And you'd be right but Im not very social i have a close friend group of 5 people THATS IT. so she would be very social despite her dumbass not knowing of social cues.
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vargamour · 11 months
You guys know Trevor Henderson? The guy who made sirenhead? And Molly Moonn??? The chick that does those point n click-style horror videos on tiktok?
These guys are out here making a game with creators from The Faith games, Monster Prom, and Hand of Doom
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Demo is already out and I'm absolutely losing my mind over it
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kazooie · 5 months
Aw, Excuse me Sir got cancelled, I was looking forward to it
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actualbird · 2 years
I bring you an offering
that is all : )
hi miaaa!! and wAAAAAHH YESSSS, I SAW THIS, i follow ceci on twt and thIS ART IS SOSOSOSOO GOOOOOOOODDD <3!!
embedding it below for those who havent seen it yet, marlukers come get ya food!!!!
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xavierlynn1998 · 2 years
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Uh oh! You’re on the naughty list 😈
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melissa-s23 · 2 years
Cannot believe the L’manberg space program was the biggest foreshadowing of the show
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ginsoakedgirl80 · 1 year
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Mo Nv going YOLO, quit your job, live for yourself, get a partner, sister.
Si Ying struggling with the sunk cost fallacy of spending the past 10000 years on that mission.
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bluestarrcreations · 21 days
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🌙 Official Moonn Ref Sheet 🌙
I finally finished a proper reference sheet for my sissy’s fursona, Moonn!! Literally polar opposite to Starr, but the two love each other dearly and can’t survive without the other 💚💙
♡ Extra info:
Moonn is the younger twin sister of Starr; she is younger than her by 10 minutes. Unlike her peppy sister, Moonn is more on the aggressive side. She tends to be snarky and won't hesitate to sucker punch anyone she dislikes. However, she does have a sweet side, reserved mainly for her sister. She loves to spend her time writing stories, which are mostly in the adventure genre and the occassional fanfiction.
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allimili · 2 years
I need a mayoi card with his hair unbraided, happyele.
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witchescauldron · 1 year
capricorn sun, scorpio moon, aquarius rising
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Capricorn suns are extremely hard-working, their practical their dependable. They’re incredibly trustworthy. If you were lucky enough to have this sign as a friend, you are in great hands. Capricorns surprisingly enough have a pretty good instinct. It’s almost like a water signs intuition. They are very good at knowing, initially if they trust a person or if a situation or job is good for them. This can be amped up if they have a water sign in their chart like you do especially if it’s their moon. Capricorns are a cardinal sign. Meaning they very much like a controlled environment and especially environment they control specifically. So they are more comfortable in jobs that they absolutely know through and through or at their home where their environment is controlled it’s calm. It’s nice that’s where they can thrive. That’s where they can recharge. That’s where the good stuff happens. 
Scorpio moons are extremely skilled at reading people. Even at a young age, you might’ve noticed that you can easily uncover someone’s emotions without them being disclosed to you or even situations that were trying to be hidden from you. Even when you have nothing to go off of you have this almost instinct or gut feeling that something might be off and you’re able to kind of use logic as well as your intuition to conclude, the answer. Scorpio is a fixed sign so they don’t really like change. They’re very comfortable with the way things are, but because Scorpio is a water sign, they are malleable to an extent they would really rather stay in the ocean that they’re comfortable with however, if they absolutely must move to a different location they will, and they will adjust, but they will find it a little turbulent. It’s cold and aloof as Scorpio desperately tries to come off as they are goofballs and softies underneath the would just rather not many people know that about them so you might have a little hidden side to you.
Aquarius rising is another fake sign. Meaning they like concrete ideas, and stability. Since your rising sign, dictates, how you are perceived, many people might find you out of this world and very airy. You might have a little bit of mystery to you people can’t quite pin you down. Aquarius is also have a strong aesthetic style to them whether it’s pink fairy whether it’s space or which in the woods it does not matter once they find this style they are comfortable in and the aesthetic that they love whether they know it or not, they fully commit to it and they feel more at home. Aquarius rising’s are logical and forward, thinking they very much like a good idea and they are kind of futuristic, and they want to be the ones to change the world. Where is rising, can be very ambitious and paired with a Capricorn sun shit can get done if they are determined enough and they believe in a project enough. 

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bsdyaoi · 6 months
Oh yeah..... let's go.....
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Wooo, a therapist?
- ( @around-the-moonn )
"Hello, why yes. I'm Dr. Vincent Roux. And you are?"
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