#More info on what the letters are about and instructions on how this works under the cut - most of you know how this goes
tgmsunmontue · 5 months
Tell me what to write weekend...
Thursday is Anzac Day, a public holiday in New Zealand, and while I am working on Friday I expect to be one of the very people at work and will 100% take advantage of that fact to write fanfic.
So my weekend starts tomorrow after I get home from the dawn service. I still have stuff I need to do but writing is always up there.
Online and Anonymous - 2/16 Hangster who are anonymous Grindr buddies for YEARS. (Tumblr post)
More than Movie Magic - Hangster Hollywood AU (4 chapters left)
Sagas of Solitude 2/? - IceMav with side Hangster AU - angsty Nepo!Baby
A, C, D, E, H, I, K... Bingo #1, Bingo #2
A) Where do I know you from? There are too many Jakes and Bradleys for Jake and Bradley to be dealing with. (Tumblr idea unspooling here...)
C) To wake, perchance to dream - Jake wakes up in the future, gets a glimpse of what their life could be and then wakes up back right before being called back to Top Gun for the special detachment (e.g. TGM). (Tumblr post and the beginning of the fic)
D) Together or not at all... (SEQUEL) - Hangster - years after Javy/Nat get together they think their best friends (Hangman and Rooster) could maybe try dating each other. It'll either end in disaster or not.
E) Cyclone/Maverick - Cyclone is struggling to deal with being attracted to the most annoying person he's ever met. Why does he like him so much?
H) Getting to know you from the beginning - an Ice/Mav epistolary fic where Jake and Bradley matchmake them, not realising exactly who it is they've matched together.
I) Life is too short to waste time matching socks... 2/? The peach and eggplant socks as an anonymous gift as an incredibly unsubtle hint that someone would like to fuck them. (tumblr idea unspooling here...)
K) Caring, Keeping and Collecting Transformers - A Guide - Transformers cross-over for help me @yeagrave is 110% to blame for me adding this... (related to this post) (Prologue)
BINGO #1 - Hangster Ranch AU
BINGO #2 - IceMav Florist/Undercover Agent AU
You pick 1-3 of the above and either:
Send an ask (Anon is on)
with the letters/Numbers of the fic/s you wish would hurry up and get finished/posted already. (Yes, you can pick the same one three times - some of these fics are that close to getting finished that would be enough to tip them over, you also don't have to pick more than one).
Numbers indicate fics I am consciously working on updating/completing, and likely have a completion date in mind.
Letters indicate fics that are often getting completed because people ask for me to work on them through things like this. (I usually do this every weekend).
Asterisks represent fics that are most likely soon to become numbered fics.
Doing this keeps me on task and makes me accountable. It stops me from procrastinating and I really appreciate people providing their numbers.
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fanauthorworkshop · 1 year
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Applications for the Fall 2023 session are now open!
The Fanauthor Workshop is a biannual Zoom course for writers of fanfiction. My goal is to create a supportive space for fanauthors to receive constructive feedback on fanfiction, original fiction, or creative nonfiction. If desired, I also provide guidance on moving outside of fan spheres to traditional publishing or other creative writing programs such as MFAs.
Participants of the workshop receive:
Attendance in a 5-7 week course during which you’ll provide feedback to your peers and workshop one piece of your own work, up to 6,000 words.
Access to the Fanauthor Workshop Discord server, where you’ll be able to chat with other workshop members, plus a private channel for your group specifically.
A one-hour consultation with me to go over your workshop feedback, come up with a plan for revision and/or publication, or anything else you’d like to discuss regarding your writing.
Applications close October 1. The workshop will take place weekly, beginning on Friday, November 3.
Note that usually the workshop starts in the third week of October, but I'll be traveling until November. We will be skipping over the day after Thanksgiving, November 24, and resume the Friday after.
The number of weeks the workshop will run (5-7) is dependent on the number of participants. Each workshop will have between 8 and 12 participants.
Group A: 12 to 2pm EST
Group B: 6 to 8pm EST
Additional information, my qualifications, and how to apply are under the cut.
How to apply
Anyone over the age of 18 who considers themselves a participant of fandom and who is familiar with fanfiction may apply.
The cost is "pay what you think the experience is worth,” with the recommended amount of $250.
There's no catch here. I just don't want money to be a deterrent for anyone.
Application requirements
To apply, you will need:
A brief cover letter discussing your fan history and goals as a (fan)writer (more specific instructions on Submittable).
Maximum 2,000 words of your writing, either original fiction or fanfiction. This may be previously published/posted work.
There is no fee for applying.
If you're interested in what other participants have gotten out of the workshop, check out the recent testimonials.
My qualifications
Hello! I'm @bettsfic.
I have an MFA in creative writing pedagogy and coursework toward a PhD in creative writing.
I've taught English composition and creative writing at the university level for 7 years.
I've been a writing coach and freelance editor for 3 years. Here are some client testimonials.
I'm a published author and I've won several awards (see website for more info).
I've written and posted over two million words of fanfiction, with a total of over 1.7 million hits and 140k kudos.
To learn more about me and what I'm about, here's my lowkey writing-related newsletter. You can also check out my writing advice tag where I've been answering craft-related asks for 9 years.
If the information you're looking for isn't listed here, check out the FAQ or send me an ask.
Or if you're ready, you can apply here.
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starcchild · 10 months
what does carter write in the letters she has for maya before burning them? you can say what she wrote or you can write it if you want, I'm really curious!
((one day I might try and write one of Carter's letters, but today is not that day dfsghkjsd - but! I can absolutely tell you what she would've written in them! Also I've thought about this headcanon a bit more so I've got a lil more info to include too, heh.
also, probably as a surprise to no one, I rambled so it's under the cut sdgfkhjgfds
so, she would've written her first letter when she was fifteen years old, and in her therapist's office. They told her this idea and asked her to write one while there, but told her they didn't need to show it to them. They did this because Carter used to have a lot of built-up resentment and anger toward Maya that she... never really expressed in any way, and they wanted her to work through those feelings despite her not wanting to talk to them or anyone else about her mother. She wasn't thrilled but did as she was instructed, though the letter was short and awkward, and probably something like:
Dear Maya, My therapist is making me write this letter because it's supposed to help. I don't know how it will because you won't ever see it and it's not like you care but whatever. I don't want to do this again. Carter
she didn't burn that one, but she did tear it out of her notebook and crumbled it up before throwing it away without a second thought. She was... bitter, not just angry. Not just hurt. And, kinda unrelated but related and something I've shared before ahah, but there's this quote from Vero.nica Ma.rs that absolutely is perfect for Tony and Carter and I wanna share it again because I go feral just thinking about it sdgfkjsgfd
“It’s just that I never want you to think your mom’s the villain in all this.” “Isn’t she?” “No, it’s not that simple.” “Yeah, it is. The hero is the one that stays and the villain is the one that splits.” “I don’t think that’s a healthy perspective.” “It’s healthier than me pining away everyday, praying she’ll come home.”
frankly, her thought process was: if I don't think or talk about her, it won't hurt. Her therapist obviously wanted to help her find a healthier way to cope with the abandonment, and probably had the letter be an "exit ticket" of sorts, though they wouldn't have actually stopped Carter from leaving if she refused to write it, heh. Because, again, they weren't going to read it, and they weren't going to force her to do something she didn't want to do. Her therapist was really good about helping her find ways to cope that were healthy, such as her getting into music, but they still needed to push her at times.
anyway, that was the first letter she wrote, and she didn't write again. She didn't want to write to Maya or anyone else, and while her therapist would occasionally encourage her to look back into it, that was that. If Carter was adamant about not doing it, then that was her decision. But... that changed when she turned sixteen.
on her sixteenth birthday, she actually got a package from Maya, though the return address was to a post office in Ithaca. Carter didn't even realize it was from her mother until she opened it, and it had the marigold necklace Carter wears all the time, and a lengthy letter from Maya. She actually threw it away without reading the letter because she was so angry, and the only reason she actually has the necklace now is because Tony pulled both out of the trash in case Carter changed her mind, though the letter was destroyed when the mansion was blown up. She does regret not reading the letter while she had it, but it doesn't bother her like it used to since she has a better grasp of how she feels about her mother and everything that happened. It absolutely still stings, but she's gotten better at handling herself. And, while I'm on the topic, Maya outright told her she regretted giving her up, which was something Carter privately hoped was true but something she didn't let herself acknowledge. Maya also told her how much she loved her and missed her, and actually told her she had given her up for her own protection, though didn't go into detail about Extremis or Killian. Honestly it... would've given Carter quite a bit of closure with everything had she read it, especially considering her mother died before she had the chance to see her again.
tangent aside lol, that... prompted Carter to write a letter back to Maya. She did it later that night, and she was hurting. She was angry and confused, and basically lashed out at her mother in her letter. She demanded to know why the fuck she thought she could just pop back into her life with a gift like that (not even in person, but with a package that didn't even have her own goddamn address); went off about how much she had hurt her and how angry she was with her; told her how much she was hurting and how it was her fault; and... told her how much she missed her. Because, despite her bitterness and anger, Carter really did miss her mother. A part of her still loved her and a part of her still wanted her to come back, even though that was something she never shared with anyone, not even Tony.
and it was that letter that became the catalyst for the whole thing. Carter realized why her therapist had been so persistent in suggesting it, because it really did feel cathartic. Though, with the second letter, she didn't burn it right away. She... really didn't know what to do with it and had hidden it so her father would never find it, and burned it later when her therapist suggested in a session a week or so later after Carter's birthday, since Carter had brought it up, though didn't share details. But, she wouldn't write another letter again to Maya until after the events of im3 (with any letter she wrote between the catalyst and post-im3 being addressed to Obadiah) when she just... needed to figure out all of her thoughts, because that was the start of the darkest period in her life. She wrote a few more to her mother, and... was a lot more open in them. She wrote about her anger and her pain, but how much she missed her and how much she wished she could've seen her again. She wrote how she wished she had never died and how she could still remember her telling her she loved her before she had left her with Tony. And she began to write to her about things that she went through. She wrote to Maya about her childhood, both good and bad, and told her how she was glad that she had left her with her father.
she went quiet again with the letters while in college and while she started dating her ex, but Carter picked up again after she had dropped out. She wrote to Maya everything that had happened and what she went through, and even revealed her struggles with suicidal ideation. It absolutely became her way of venting when she struggled to speak about it to anyone, let alone her therapist, and it definitely helped provide a tiny bit of comfort through it all. And it was during that time she also wrote a letter or two addressed to Tony, and in those she revealed similar things: what she went through, how much she was struggling, and how much his actions had hurt and/or scared her. But... the only reason she wrote a few was because it was harder for her to write a letter addressed to someone still alive and well when she had no plans to share them with him, and was afraid of slipping and revealing something she didn't want him to know in case she confused what she had told him with what she had written him. That, and she was afraid she would forget to burn them and he would find them, so that was a short-lived venture.
but, yeah! Overall, writing to Maya became like a diary of sorts. It gave Carter an outlet for expressing things she struggled to reveal otherwise, and a way to try and repair her relationship to her mother posthumously. Burning them was an added catharsis for her, since it gave her a literal way of letting go, and it was an added comfort, because it meant what she had written would remain a secret.
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 namjoon x reader || 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 9.7k || 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆 smut
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 desperate to finally break your masturbatory dry spell, you seek out a professional.
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 explicit sexual content, cursing, sex work, masturbation (f), fingering (f), soft dom!namjoon, sub!reader, light degradation, roleplay, oral (f), use of sex toys, crying during sex woo, namjoon is a professional
“So; you’re having problems in the bedroom?”
You choke on your own spit and your cheeks flush a violent red. “Um, I- I guess? It’s not, uh…” You trail off uselessly, keeping your eyes firmly focused on the bland, off-white wall behind the man’s head.
He doesn’t seem fazed by your response, choosing to move past it. “Are you having problems being pleasured by a partner, or problems pleasuring yourself?”
If your cheeks could get any hotter, they do then. You let out an uncomfortable laugh. “Sorry, that’s a little… I didn’t realize this would be so…”
“So personal? This is a sex clinic, Ms. L/n, it’s why you’re here. There is nothing to be ashamed about. How about this? I’ll ask you yes-no questions, and then you don’t have to give up information yourself. Saying it is often the hardest part, I’ve found. Alright then; are you having problems bringing yourself to orgasm when masturbating?”
You bite down hard on your lip as you nod, beyond ashamed. It was good that the doctor seemed so blasé and unbothered and professional about it, but you were starting to regret coming.
Doctor Kim flashes you a reassuring smile and clicks his pen against his chest to open it, scribbling a note on his clipboard. “Okay, that’s fine. Is this a recent issue?” You nod stiffly. “Alright. You used to be able to achieve orgasm, but in recent times that’s changed, correct?” Another nod. “Would I be correct in assuming you have had a lot of stress in your life crop up?”
You let out a small huff. “Look, I wrote all this down on the application form. I don’t see why we have to go through it all again if you already have the answers.”
You jump a little in your seat as he slaps the clipboard down on his desk, fixing you a focused stare. “Y/n- may I call you Y/n? Y/n, quite frankly, if you’re not mature enough to hold a conversation about sexual activity like an adult, then I’m afraid you’re not mature enough to be using my services. This isn’t some back-end business; I’m not a prostitute, this is my profession, and I take it rather seriously, you’ll find. Sex is natural. Our bodies are natural. Now, do you want to stay and talk to me so that I can help you, or is this too much? If it is, I suggest you take your leave.”
Inexplicably, his firm tone has a heat rising deep within, something you haven’t felt in a while. When you speak, your voice is hoarse. “I’ll stay.”
And with that, his body and face relaxed, as he leans back in his chair comfortably. “Wonderful. Continuing on, then. What exactly have you tried to get an orgasm? Just your fingers, toys, what?”
“I thought…” You swallow hard. “I thought you said you’d give yes-or-no questions?”
“And I thought you said you wanted this.”
You sigh again. Fuck, why was it so hard to just say it? “Um, I use fingers and… that’s about it.” You swallow again and clear your throat.
“No, it isn’t,” he shoots back immediately with a raised brow, clicking his pen against the surface of the paper. “Honestly, Ms. L/n, I’ve worked at this clinic for six years. Nothing you could possibly say would faze me. I once had a client who confessed he had tried to reach orgasm by putting a blunted letter opener into his urethra.”
Your mouth gapes open. “He what? Wait, you’re not supposed to give details about clients. Isn’t that breaching, like, patient confidentiality?”
The doctor simply shrugs. “I asked his permission to use it as a teaching moment. I found it’s been rather helpful to assure people that there is nothing too ‘wild’ or ‘out-there’. Everyone has different tastes. As a matter of fact, that man found it incredibly effective.”
You blink. “Well, uh, mine isn’t anything like that. I just have a, you know,” you break off to gesture at your crotch in a vaguely penetrative motion.
Doctor Kim pinches his lips together, a dimple appearing on one cheek. “A dildo? Or a vibrator?”
“First one,” you admit. “Is that… That’s all the questions, right? What else could you possibly ask?”
He raises an eyebrow, taking some notes before he puts his full attention on you again. “Plenty. How fast do you penetrate yourself with the dildo? Could you indicate the speed of your hand?” You go dead pale. He holds a neutral expression for a moment longer before he cracks, laughing loudly with his eyes scrunched shut. You go limp against your chair, cheeks red for a different reason. “Sorry, I’m just playing with you. The inquisition is complete, I promise. Now, Sandra at the front desk can make you an appointment, and I’ll be sure to send you out an email with any instructions prior to our session. Thanks for coming in.”
With the session being made for that Friday, it was Thursday afternoon that the anticipated email came through. You were at work, stuck in meetings all morning and desperately trying to catch up on your personal stash of work after lunch, when a ping sounded, lighting up your screen with a notification from [email protected]. Hurriedly, you fumble to turn the screen dark, glancing around to make sure no one around your desk had somehow read it.
You stewed in nervous energy for the rest of your day, only opening the email once you were in the privacy of your own home with a freshly made hot drink to calm you down.
Expecting the instructions from the donotreply email address to be generic, you were surprised when it instead instructed you to click on a link to their database, with a random string of letters and numbers as an access code.
On the official website (which looked unbelievably slick and professional like any other business’ page), under a section titled MyHealing, you put in the code as requested, eyes widening as you saw just how organized the system was.
There was a tab for Customer Info, one for Session History, one for Calendar, and a final one with no name, just a little envelope symbol with a small, red 1 above it. You click on it and are taken to an inbox with a single message from Doctor Kim Namjoon.
Thank you for booking an appointment. Your session is slotted in for Friday 9th, 5:15pm. Should you need to cancel or reschedule less than 24 hours before, keep in mind the $40 fee will apply. Personalized instructions for this appointment are below. Please note that new instructions will be sent out for every appointment; these are not intended to be used for anything other than this specific session.
You take another sip from your mug as you read that line. ‘Every appointment’. How often did he think you were going to be coming back? You had booked in imagining once you got some sexual release, you’d be fine again. Perhaps it was a blanket statement he told every customer. You let it slip your mind and continue reading.
I advise you first and foremost to get a good night’s sleep on Thursday. Since your appointment is late in the day, I would also suggest a midday nap if possible. I assume you’re at work during the day. Make sure you have enough water, and if your job is at a desk, use your lunch break to go for a walk, preferably outside. When it comes to orgasms, one part is physical, one part is mental, and only a small part is the actual stimulation. So, you can understand how important it is to make sure your body is physically primed and ready for exertion.
Secondly, the mental side of things. I know it’s hard but try not to get too stressed out about the appointment during the day. It’s understandable that you might be nervous but putting too much pressure on yourself will only make reaching orgasm more difficult.
Instead, keep yourself occupied with things you enjoy as much as possible. Consider taking the afternoon off if you have enough leave.
Finally, stimulation. We didn’t cover if you’re still currently attempting masturbation regularly or not, but I would like you on the Thursday night to get yourself as aroused as you can. Watch pornography, read erotica, touch yourself. But don’t try to actually achieve an orgasm. If you simply-
You toss your phone on the couch beside you and huff. Fuck. He really wrote you a whole essay, huh? Did he do this for every customer, for every appointment? He had said he took his job seriously. You just didn’t realize it was to this degree. Hopefully he was as thorough in the practical side of his job as he was in the administration.
Later that night, you decided to treat yourself to a hot bath. Relaxing in the perfumed waters, you lazily bring a hand down to rest between your legs. As Doctor Kim said, he didn’t know whether you were still trying to get yourself off or not, but in reality, it varied greatly. Some evenings you'd spent hours, with aching wrists and tears of frustration, to no avail. Other days you gave up completely and wallowed in your sexual frustration, haplessly grinding against a pillow between your legs for the minimal relief it provided.
But you had re-read over the notice a couple of times, and it was clear that Doctor Kim didn’t want you cumming tonight. Just getting a little riled up in the hopes that your body would be more desperate to cum tomorrow.
Water always gives a weird kind of friction, so it’s somewhat of a hassle trying to rub at your clit, but once you settle into a natural rhythm, you close your eyes and lean back until the water laps over your shoulders. You hitch a leg up over the side of the tub and let out a deep breath.
It always started out nice. You’d get a false sense of hope, that the flicker of pleasure would ignite into anything more than a low smolder, but it never did. Although, this time, knowing full well that cumming isn’t a goal, you find yourself enjoying the relaxing stimulation for its face value. You knead lazily at your breast, rolling a nipple between your fingers as your other hand continues its circling motions. Gradually, your mind naturally begins to float, and a scene begins to materialize in your imagination: in your mind’s eye, your fingers are replaced by much larger and thicker ones, and instead of the grazing of your fingernail it was teeth latching around your nipple, tugging lightly to make your toes curl. Fingering yourself is generally a fruitless endeavor, but you can’t help but clench, longing to be filled by him.
Him… Whether by the context of your relationship, or genuine attraction, it’s Doctor Kim Namjoon that fills your thoughts, the way the water would stain his button-up sleeves rolled up to the elbow, but not quite high enough to avoid the sloshing of water.  You hear the scribble of a ballpoint on that clipboard, like he’s taking note of your reactions, like you’re something to be studied and analyzed.
Below the water level, you grind your hips into your hand, rubbing yourself with the flats of four of your fingers know in an effort to increase the surface area. One of your nipples is flushed from being pinched and tugged at, so you clumsily cross your arm over to the other side, whining into the damp air of your bathroom once you begin repeating your ministrations. You should probably open a window. The vents aren’t great and the last thing you need is a moldy ceiling. 
You grunt low in your throat, shaking your head. You can worry about that later, dammit. With added vigor, you press at your clit, biting down on your lip to try and out all your focus into going faster and harder. Only it doesn’t feel as good as before. 
Where was I? Doctor Kim’s arms. Maybe he’d forgo the button-down shirt completely and decide to strip down, getting into the tub with you, wrapping his arms over your front and pulling you down onto him. You huff, furrowing your eyebrows, holding onto your breath, feeling that pleasure slip away from you. Come on, imagine him fingering you or something, what’s wrong with you, he’s hot! That smile, the thick thighs straining under pants material. Not long before you’d see him again, tomorrow night. It was strange that he worked nights, though you supposed considering his job it made sense that people might prefer-
“Fuck!” Your hands have come to a halt, too distracted to continue, and that slow burning of pleasure in your gut has been extinguished as if from the now-lukewarm water you sit in. You let out a frustrated cry and kick out with the leg that’s still in the water, splashing water up the wall in front. “Fuck off! Are you serious?” You force yourself to take a deep breath and tamp down your rising frustration. The kind doctor had told you not to cum, so it was probably for the best that you didn’t get too into it. Still, it’s irritating you that even the thought of a… a sex professional getting you off isn’t enough to actually get you off. You huff, picking up the bar of soap off its dish, and begin to lather yourself up. “Good luck, Doctor Kim,” you mutter.
Surprisingly, you sleep well and have a productive morning. Missing the morning traffic and arriving at a quiet office lifts your mood, and you have just enough work to remain mentally and physically occupied. In fact, you’re sure you would’ve spent your whole day in this calm working mentality, were it not for the phone call that comes just after midday.
Most of the office is out on their lunch break. Only a few of you hang around this time; you know others just prefer to eat earlier or later, but you actively hang around because you appreciate the chance for some peace and quiet. That tranquility is broken by the aggressive buzzing of your phone on your desk. Anticipating a call from a client later on, you figure they’re just phoning in a little early, and you answer it without checking the number.
“Y/n L/n speaking,” you rattle off automatically, “how may I help?”
A low chuckle on the other end gives you pause. It certainly doesn’t sound like the retired seamstress you were expecting to hear. “Did you give me your work phone number, little miss?”
A shot of electricity shoots up your spine and you sit bolt upright in your office chair, instinctively glancing around the five or six people milling about the office floor. “Doctor Kim,” you reply in a low voice.
“Correct. Have you suddenly entered a library or is there another reason you’ve gone all quiet?” His voice is lilting with amusement and you can almost picture him sitting back in his office chair, dimple sticking out as he grins.
Your fingers curl around your phone, and you use your other hand to cup over your mouth, leaning forward over your desk. “I, uh, wasn’t expecting you to call,” you reply honestly, “is there a problem?”
“Of course not. My clinic has a policy of always giving a reminder call the day of or before the appointment.”
You pout. “Oh.” Somehow, the fact that he calls everyone makes you feel something akin to disappointment. “Shouldn’t your receptionist do stuff like that?”
“Would you prefer I put Sandra on the phone?”
“No,” you blurt out reflexively. The doctor rewards your honesty with a breathy chuckle. You press your knees together and clench your thighs. “So, just a reminder then? Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten. Thanks for the call, though.”
“You haven’t?” You can hear the teasing smile in his voice, and it affects you more than you care to admit. “You’ve been thinking about it, then? Have you been trying to guess what I have in store for you? What I’m going to do to you?”
You clear your throat awkwardly, sensing the conversation taking a decidedly sexual turn. “I’ve been trying to focus on my work, actually. Like your message said.”
“Ah, that’s good. Did you take the afternoon off like I suggest, or are you just on your lunch break?”
You barely hear him speak, your heart skipping a beat when a crowd of some of the older employees starts filing back in. Fuck. 12:32pm. People were going to start getting back to work now, you couldn’t be on the phone with a sex therapist. “Is there anything else I can help you with, sir?”
He pauses for a moment. “Are you still at work?”
You clear your throat, ducking your head as one of your superiors walks past. “Uh, yes, sir. Will that be all?”
He chuckles, though it’s more a sharp exhale through his nose, slightly crackly through the receiver. “Spending company time talking to the man who will fuck your brains out tonight?” You cringe at how loud he speaks, mind going blank with shock. You can’t find your voice to reply, though you have no idea what you would even say. He listens to you splutter for a few moments, your lack of response an answer in itself. “Naughty girl,” he chastises. “What would your coworkers think if they knew who you were talking to? I bet you wish you weren’t at work right now so you could just slip a hand into your panties, isn’t that right?” You bite down hard on your lip, using the ruse of sliding your office chair further in as cover for rubbing your core against the seat for some relief. “Come on, Y/n,” Doctor Kim’s voice echoes in your ear, “what did we say about yes-no questions?”
“Yes, sir,” you make out through a tense jaw, hoping your voice sounds as bright and customer-friendly as it normally would be with anyone else, even as your thighs clench together. “My office hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday.”
“Oh?” His laugh bubbles through your phone and makes you absentmindedly start scrunching up a scrap bit of paper on your desk. He was enjoying this. “So, you’re there for a while still, hm? I wonder if you can make it until 4:30pm or if you’ll have to sneak into the bathroom and get some relief. It’s a shame I can’t stay on the line; I’d have loved to hear you moan over the phone, unable to keep quiet as you touch yourself. Oh well. I’ll make you moan for me later tonight.”
You slowly slip your hand down, tucking it between your legs and shifting your hips slowly beneath your desk, grinding against the delicate bones of your wrist for some friction. “The, uh, the appointment is confirmed, sir, thank you. Is there anything else I can help you with before I go?”
You hear a pen clicking, and some hurried strokes against paper in the background. The thought that, like your fantasy last night, he was writing down notes on all your reactions and desires, brought a rush of heat between your legs. You can feel the fabric of your panties, wet through to the outside of the fabric and dampening the skin of your arm. Oh god. “That will be all, Ms. Y/n. I look forward to our appointment tonight very much. Don’t forget to drink enough water to prepare for the fluids you’ll be depleting in our session. Have a splendid day.”
All the energy leaves you the moment the line goes dead, and your top half slumps forward onto the desk. You pull your arm out from between your legs, rubbing away the slippery patch on the side of your wrist before anyone can see it. You didn’t think you were going to get much work done for the rest of the day.
 “Are you nervous?”
You lift your gaze from your trembling hands to the man sitting across from you. The two of you were the only ones in the cosy waiting room you had been led to. It was something halfway between a bedroom and a spa, with a great long bed covered in cushions and blankets, a bench laden with food and drink, and several diffusers spraying gently perfumed mist into the air.
The stranger was there when you had arrived moments prior. A green silk robe loosely tied around his waist was the only thing he was wearing as he lounged on the bed, lazily scrolling through his phone, black hair curled and damp, sticking haphazardly to his temples and cheekbones. He had watched you in mild curiosity as you walked in and stiffly sat down on a cosy armchair, and didn’t take a moment before initiating conversation.
He looks at you now with an expectant glimmer. You recall the question and flick him a shy smile. “Mm. First time,” you explain with a sheepish shrug. You let your gaze linger on his attire. “Are you...waiting to go in, too?”
His brows lift in surprise, along with a toothy grin. “Oh, no! I just got out of my sesh with the doc. This is just the whole aftercare shtick. I’m Jungkook, by the way,” he adds with a jaunty wave of his hand.
His languid ease has you relaxing a little, and you crack a smile. “I’m Y/n. So, how many times have you come here exactly? I thought surely once he fixed you, you’d be fine?”
The corner of his mouth quirks. He tosses his phone carelessly onto the bedcovers and sits up a little, the robe falling open to reveal his chest, all defined muscle and tanned skin, glimmering with a sheen of sweat. "Hey, that's what I thought. But honestly? This shit's addictive. I work an extra ten hour shift every week now to afford one hour of bliss. I think I may be in love with him. Or at least, I'm definitely in love with his mouth."
Your eyes drop to the thick carpet as you flush with the mental image that provides, but you can't help but glance back up out of curiosity as his words sink in. "Wait, his mouth? I thought he was meant to just..."
"Jerk people off? I mean, sure, he can do that, but the doc tends to mix it up. With how packed his schedule is, he'd probably get fucking carpal tunnel or some shit if he just jacked his patients off all day. He's a pretty creative dude when it comes to this, you know?" He breaks off with a faraway smile. "Actually, I consider myself a bit of an innovator, too. One time I had this letter opener, right, and-"
"Mister Jeon," an unimpressed voice drawls from behind you, "please refrain from accosting my clients with your sexual history. I am sure they don't find it as enlightening as you do."
You whirl around, heart immediately returning to its aggressive thudding, palms dampening in moments. Standing in the doorway, in a three-piece suit, is Doctor Kim Namjoon, one leg crossed over the other as he tucks a hand into his pants pocket. It's a vast difference from the simple shirt and pants combo he had on when you last saw him, and it seems he takes note of your startled reaction.
"It's casual Friday," he jokes with an easygoing grin, and it only strikes you then, as his eyes lock with yours, that you're about to have sex with this man. Maybe not in the traditional sense, but you'd be leaving this building feeling fully fucked out if all went well. Your nerves return with a vengeance, and his face softens. "Come on inside, Y/n."
A scoff tears your attention from the doctor. "Oh, so I'm Mister Jeon, but she's Y/n?"
Doctor Kim's jaw ticks, though it's bemusement rather than anger on his face. "Would you like me to call you Y/n?"
Jungkook pouts, picking at a loose thread on his robe petulantly. "No." He pouts deeply, looking up at the older man reproachfully. "If you keep being mean to me I won't come back anymore."
The doctor nods patiently like he's heard it a thousand times. "I'll see you next Friday, Jungkook. Do well on your bio exam next week and I might just show you how mean I can really be."
Jungkook's face clears and his eyes gleam. Without speaking, he simply gets up and jogs over to the little set of lockers by the exit, gathering his belongings. Doctor Kim doesn't spare him any more attention, and simply gestures for you to follow him.
You make your way down a dimly-lit corridor with wobbly legs, trying not to stare at the way his pants strained around his behind with every stride he took. Although there’s a distant wisp of relaxing piano emanating from the waiting room, the silence is unbearable. 
“So,” you blurt, cringing at how loud your voice sounds in the stillness of the corridor, “what do you have planned?”
“Well, if Jungkook inspired you, I did bring along a letter opener,” the doctor calls out pleasantly, tilting his head, though he doesn’t turn to look at you.
Your step falters uncertainly. “Oh, I don’t…” You watch in dawning realization as he stops in front of a closed door and swivels, face scrunched up with delight as his shoulders shake silently. Although it was a dig at your naivety, you can’t help but crack a smile at him. “Aren’t doctors meant to be nice to their patients?”
He fumbles in his pockets, producing a keycard to scan at the entrance. Once it’s opened, he holds it there and turns to you expectantly. As you catch up to him and slip through the opened door, you can’t help but brush past his chest with your shoulder, breathing in his soothing scent of raspberry and vanilla. You hadn’t expected him to smell so...sweet.
You hear the door click shut behind you, self-locking, and that layer of security reassures you. Your attention, however, is quickly caught by the contents of the room itself. 
It’s this disconcerting mix of a massage room, a doctor’s office, and a sex dungeon, and your head whirls as Doctor Kim preoccupies himself with messing with the heatpump settings on the far wall. 
In the centre of the room is a traditional massage table, lowered to around the height of his hips, covered in a lush-looking slate grey towel. You figured the usual white wouldn’t fare so well with his line of work. Two of the walls make great use of shelves and cabinets, and you can’t help but be bewildered at the strange way they’re organised. A man like him surely had a system to keep everything in track, but dildos were beside bottles of massage oil and ropes, and a collection of gags and leashes hanging from hooks dangled above a little pyramid of neatly rolled towels and a steaming metal bowl of warm water. 
“Please, take a seat anywhere you feel comfortable.” 
You jerk out of your gaping stare and clear your throat awkwardly, moving to take a seat on a little wooden stool that sat in the corner of the room in front of a small dresser covered in props like handcuffs, some blindfolds and, strangely, a black ski mask with eye and mouth holes cut out. The image of the friendly doctor fucking someone in a full burglar outfit makes you snort out a laugh before you have the time to clap your hand over your mouth. 
You press your lips together with a muffled giggle as the man himself flattens a stare. 
“Is my job funny to you?” 
Your smile drops as you recognise the change in his tone. Gone is the somewhat clumsy, joke-cracking doctor. Now he’s in his role. The session has begun. “No,” you deny weakly.
His deft fingers gravitate to the buttons holding his suit jacket together, and you feel the room become hotter as he walks the perimeter of the room slowly, eying up all the offerings he has to play with while he slips off the expensive material. Hanging the jacket on a coat rack beside the black cape and what looks like priests’ robes that already reside there, he turns on a heel to face you. His eyebrows are low, narrowing his eyes, but you can see the dark heat that radiates off him. You tuck your knees together. God, he’s good and he hasn’t even done anything. “My profession isn’t something to be laughed at,” he chastises lowly. “We had this problem the other day, didn’t we? With you not taking this seriously. It’s disappointing, Y/n.” 
Your heart thuds uncertainly in your chest. The natural instinct to get upset from being told off mixes with the warmth building between your legs. “Sorry,” you offer up, voice lifting at the end like it’s a question. 
He’s on the other side of the room to you. You wish he were closer, though now that he’s unbuttoning his shirt cuffs and beginning to roll the sleeves, eyes locked on your hunched-over form with an unreadable look, you don’t know that you could handle it. “No, you aren’t,” he brushes off, “and it’s very important that in this next 90 minutes, you only say things you absolutely mean. Understand?”
You take a steadying breath, feeling it expand your chest. “Yeah. I understand. It’s just… a lot. I’ve never done this, and I don’t know what’s going to happen, and-”
The tension disappears from his jaw and his eyes soften. In mere moments, he’s crossed the room in strides to crouch in front of you, catching your lowered gaze. “Woah, settle. First of all, everyone starts somewhere, so don’t feel anxious. Secondly, how many times have you had sex and known exactly what was going to happen in advance?”
His palms are warm and grounding as they gently rest, wrapped around your calves. You breath deeply again, appreciating this break in character. “I… But we’re not having sex though, right? This is, I don’t know,” you shrug futilely, “different.”
He returns your shrug, but with a far more carefree attitude. “It doesn’t have to be.” As he talks, his grip tightens a little on your calves, gently pressing into the tensed muscle. You find yourself relaxing without noticing, going lax in his touch, as non-sexual as it may be. “But, for the most part, people that come here do want it to be different. More exciting, more taboo, more intense. You need to communicate with me now. Do you want me to go easy on you, or do you want me to be thorough?”
Your mouth goes dry. With his hands on you, with the room you’re in, with the way his eyes linger heavy on yours, the word makes your toes curl. “Thorough,” you croak out.
He searches your face once more, then a slow grin spreads across his. “Excellent. Then get up on the massage table.”
He stands up; the lack of his touch on your legs makes you shiver. You follow him over, feeling your palms damp with nervous sweat. “On my front, or…?”
“Just sit on it for now, baby.” His eyes are alight with mirth when you blush at the petname, but he’s quickly snapping back into that dominant role, jaw muscles popping out as he watches you get up, facing him as your legs dangle in the air, not quite reaching the ground. You wait for him to get closer to you, but he ticks an eyebrow in affirmation and turns abruptly, stalking across the room to a tall, thin cupboard. He reaches in without speaking, and when he turns, in his hands he carries a vibrator in his hand, a relatively friendly-looking, gold bullet that looks rather small in his hand. 
You think you recognise the brand, and if you’re right, it’s unbelievably high end. As he makes his way over to you, his gaze drops to your legs, which you’ve begun absentmindedly swinging back and forth. “Cute,” he remarks with a small sneer, and you abruptly stop, embarrassed at the childish action. “Don’t be so shy,” he advises, “I plan on hearing you scream for me tonight at some point or another. These walls are soundproof, you know. Every little sound you make will only be heard by me. Now spread those pretty legs.”
Suddenly, even though arousal steadily rocks through you, your legs lock up and you go stiff. The room is being pumped with warm air and yet your skin breaks out in goosebumps. 
The doctor notices this, of course he does, and fiddles with the bullet, flipping it over and over in his palm as he makes his way back to you, stopping when his upper thighs brush against your knees. “What’s wrong? Second thoughts?”
You shake your head hastily, though you’re no less tense. “Just- just really nervous.”
His eyes warm in sympathy. “Hm, that’s no good. I can’t get you to cum with your legs shut tighter than a vice.” A quirk of a smile. “Well, I could, but we don’t have time for that today. So, let’s help you relax.” His free hand reaches up to brush against your shoulder. Even though he’s fully clothed as well, you still feel strange still wearing the large sweater and leggings you had arrived in. The fabric feels itchy on your skin, and you yearn for his palm to warm your skin instead of your sweater.
He lets out a breathy laugh as his hand rubs slowly up and down your upper arm. “God, look at you,” he marvels, “I’ve never seen someone so stressed still look so beautiful.” You manage to crack a reluctant smile, cheeks heating. He places the golden bullet vibe on the towel beside you, and pats your knee warmly. “Would it help if I kissed you?”
Your mouth drops open a little. You have to swallow away the dryness. With eyes unable to leave his perfect lips, you nod. 
“Good, I can do that,” he soothes, “can you part your legs for me so I can get a little closer?”
The moment you shakily do as he asks, his hips are pressing against your thighs, pushing them wider still. You hastily dart your lips out to wet them, but he’s in no rush. The doctor slips a hand into your hair, brushing it off your face with fondly gleaming eyes. 
It’s an expression you’ve never seen someone look at you with before, and you let yourself sit in the fantasy that it’s anything more than acting. 
“C’mere,” he murmurs softly, before pressing lightly on the back of your head so that you straightened up to meet him halfway. You sigh into him when your lips touch, unbelievably soft yet insistent as they move against you. 
He’s clearly experienced; you quiver inside with every movement, and he barely moves at all, drawing out the languid embrace. Your jaw falls slack, and you let yourself be guided by him, following his patient lead. 
The room itself is quiet, and you can hear the way he lets out the smallest of grunts, delicate sounds of affirmation as you part your lips and feel the very tip of his tongue swipe against your lips, sucking the bottom one into his mouth and tugging it lightly, chuckling when you let out a throaty whimper.
“Do you feel better now? Hm?”
He pulls away but your eyes stay shut, your whole body stretched up towards him. You nod, licking over your slightly swollen lips, humming in agreement. You smile dopily when he caresses your face, leaning into his touch, as his silken voice reaches your ears. “Are you ready to play?”
Your breath leaves you in one shuddering gasp. “Yeah,” you whine pleafully, eyes slowly slipping back open. 
He’s standing over you, closer than you realised. Only a mere few centimetres rest between his crotch and your spread legs. Still, he uses that space to dip his hand down, brushing the back of it between your thighs, knuckles pressing teasingly lightly over your clothed core. “I bet you want these pants off, huh? You wanna take ‘em off for me?”
You nod obediently, kicking off your shoes before you wiggle your leggings and underwear off your hips awkwardly, lifting your legs up onto the bench to tug them off your ankles. Doctor Kim takes them and places them in the corner of the room by the door, and by the time he comes back, you’ve crossed your legs, leaning forward so that your sweater hem covers your naked center. 
His eyes fall down to that dip in the hem, darkening. His fingers come up to lazily tug at his tie, loosening it and undoing his top shirt button so that the white pressed fabric parts, revealing a golden upper chest. “You sure seem to like that, don’t you?”
You frown. “Like what?”
“Acting innocent like that.” He’s in front of you again, hands immediately wrapping around your thighs, and the touch is electric, making you more aware of how naked you are. “There won’t be any of that innocence left when I’m done with you,” he promises lowly, before bending down to capture your lips again.
You let yourself be taken over by him, drunk on the arousal that glows warm within you. The heat your own body is enough that you don’t notice the missing presence of a palm resting on your inner thigh, until your sweater is shifting and something ice cold is slipping between your folds.
You hiss in a breath and jerk in his grasp, causing him to shush you, lips still firmly attached to you, though they leave your mouth and migrate southward, nibbling along your jawline up to your ear. “The vibrator,” he explains gruffly, “I’m going to turn it on. Just relax.”
Your legs shift, ankles uncrossing slightly so that you’re more open to him, though you can’t bear to open your eyes, trying to stop the nerves from getting to you. 
The moment he turns it on your back arches from the immediate shockwave of pleasure that radiates from that tiny yet strong vibe held directly against your clit. You swallow your moan, breathing heavily through your nose as you fight to keep quiet, letting the mechanic buzz fill the silence instead. 
“Is it good?” the doctor questions, making you tremble as his lips dip lower, brushing over the column of your neck with just the slightest hint of tongue. You nod feverishingly, attempting to push your pelvis forward for more of it, rocking your hips in small circles to increase the surface area. The hand still on your thigh tightens, and you open your eyes blearily at the grip. Doctor Kim’s eyes are hard. “It doesn’t sound like it,” he comments flatly, turning up the vibe to a higher setting, making your mouth drop silently open.
“It is good,” you force out, beginning to pant.
“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. I know you want to moan for me, baby. Let me hear you lose control.”
You whine through a closed mouth, eyes screwing shut again in focus as he lets you chase your own please. How could he seriously expect you to moan in front of him? He was basically a stranger, and although the way he pinned your thigh spread for him, holding a sex toy to you as you got off on it was hot, you were still in a room alone with him on a Friday evening, paying for him to bring you to orgasm. He was probably just staring at you, waiting for you to hurry up and come already.
“Stop thinking, Y/n,” he chastises, “stay in the room.” You shake your head, wishing you could, but it’s too late. The weirdness of the situation hits you, and you open your eyes, searching for a clock on the wall.
The price of this 90-hour appointment was practically highway robbery, and all he was doing was something you could’ve done yourself at home. And as your eyes coast around the room and the curve of your spine settles, you realize that what’s worst of all is that he won’t even be able to do it. You’ve lost that thread, the one that leads you over the edge, and he won’t have time to get it back before-
You shoot up straight when a stinging slap lands on your thigh. You gape at the man in front of you in shock, hand instinctively going to the pinkened flesh to soothe it. “Ow!”
You realize belatedly he’d turned off the vibe, now holding it between two fingers and a thumb. It’s shining with your slick, but less than you’d have expected by this point, and he sighs in disappointment and tosses it onto the towel beside you.
You suddenly feel, as he cocks an unimpressed eyebrow and tenses his jaw, like you’re a child being scolded for breaking a vase or skipping class. Your legs tighten up together, and you gather a fistful of sweater fabric in your hand, pushing it down to cover yourself. 
“You know why I stopped?”
You nod shamefully, eyes dropping to the carpet below. “You couldn’t do it. There’s something wrong with me, I guess. Sorry for wasting your time.”
He pauses for a long moment. You almost glance up out of curiosity but can’t stand to see the look of disapproval that no doubt resides in his eyes. “No, Y/n,” he explains tiredly, “I can see clearly now that your problem is that you’re too in your own head, and no amount of stimulation can break through an unwilling mind. So, like any good doctor, if something isn’t working for one of my patients then I stop and reassess. What was on your mind?”
You breathe out heavily, not wanting to have to sit and talk about feelings, but he’s not satisfied when you shrug, simply pulling up a stool and waiting for your answer. 
Your mouth tightens and you stare at the ceiling. “I just feel stupid,” you admit finally, “like… you’re just standing there waiting for me to cum and I’m just… not. I don’t know.”
Out of your peripheral, you see him nod slowly, processing your words. “Well, no wonder it wasn’t working. You feel pressured to cum.”
You furrow your eyebrows and look back over to him. “Well, yeah, that’s the whole point of this session.”
He just opens his palms out in a shrug. “Of course, we had booked it in for that, but that’s not my only job as a sex therapist. I have clients that come to learn how to better pleasure a partner, clients that want to explore their kinkier sides without judgement, clients that perhaps are wanting to indulge in something that could potentially be dangerous and want a professional to spot them. I’ve had couples come in and have sex with my supervision because they’re trying something new and are concerned about injury. My point is, not everybody comes here for me to simply bring them to orgasm and go.”
You shake your head quickly. “Oh, I wasn’t- I wasn’t trying to say that your job was just-”
“I know, I know,” he soothes, “I just want you to know that sessions with me aren’t a complete failure if the client doesn’t orgasm. Perhaps you need a little more trust and we can work up to it.”
You bite your lip, uncertain. “I can’t really afford a bunch of sessions like that other dude. If you can’t do it today, I’ll just go-”
“How about this?” The doctor rests his elbows on his knees and clasps his hands together. With the nearly see-through white shirt rolled up to the elbows, a slackened tie, and straining pants, he strikes a powerful image. “If you promise me to come back, I’ll give you the next session for free. Since you came here expecting to be brought to orgasm, we can call it fair compensation. Today you won’t orgasm. Sound fair?”
You relax a little as you perch on the massage bed. “Okay… But what would we even do then?”
“Like I said, orgasming isn’t the only thing I offer. You mentioned earlier you felt uncomfortable with me waiting for you to come, is that right?” You nod slowly. “Well, perhaps if you didn’t feel that I was expecting anything from you, you could relax more.”
“I don’t understand,” you admit, trailing off. 
“Stand up, I have something for you.”
You do so immediately, needing to use the massage bed for support as your knees buckle slightly. The doctor slips a hand under his waistband slightly, drawing your gaze lower to his crotch, where a bulge strains against the fabric. 
“I think you would benefit from focussing on yourself a little less,” you hear him say as his hands pop open his pants, dipping into his underwear to pull his straining cock loose, “and focus on me a little more. Do you see how horny you made me, grinding on that vibrator?”
Your eyes widen. You watch his hand, defined by thick veins and delicate bones, stroke himself, a thumb dragging over the slit to spread the beads of precum that were produced. “Is this what you have for me?” you question in confusion.
He laughs. “No, although I do love the way you’re looking at it like a three-course meal. Eyes up,” he commands with a bite of humor in his voice. You hastily obey, and his warm eyes crinkle as he jerks his head to the side. “Let’s go; we’re changing location.”
You frown. “Sorry, what? Changing to where?”
You watch in wonder as he casually strides over to a bookshelf near the far corner of the room, clothes disheveled and leaking cock still in hand. What you had failed to notice when entering the room was a sliding door just past it, the same unassuming wood finish as the shelves. He slides it open, removing the hand from around his dick to wave you through. 
Tugging on the hem of your baggy sweater to attempt to cover yourself - though you weren’t sure there was anything of you left to hide - you let him lead you through the small opening into a far darker room. You squint, eyes adjusting, and slowly the gentle light of several flickering candles is enough to see by. They’re scattered around the room, and you notice soon enough that they’re all electric. 
“Safety hazard,” the doctor explains. “Me, not the candles.” The rest of the room, in a hazy warm glow, is outfitted in a very different vibe from the previous one. Instead of containing all the erotic bells and whistles, this room could be easily mistaken for a honeymoon suite. On the outskirts are a bar fridge, a few armchairs, and a coffee table, but the main event is the gigantuan bed that takes up almost all the floor space, even more lushly covered with blankets and pillows than the one you had seen in the waiting room. 
“Far out,” you breathe, “this is impressive.”
With a rakish grin, he remarks, “what? The purpose-built sex room didn’t do it for you?” Doctor Kim gently slides the door shut behind the two of you, making his way over to a small bluetooth speaker resting on the coffee table. “I had suspected when you responded so well to that kiss that you might be the type to need a comforting environment to keep you in the moment.” He fiddles with the settings, slipping a phone out from his back trouser pocket to select some gentle instrumental song with a muted beat and hypnotic melody. “I’d like to propose a roleplay scenario.”
You bite your lip. “Don’t we… There can’t be much time left of my appointment now, right?”
“Don’t worry about that.” You’re not convinced. He gives you a warm smile, leaning against the arm of the chair. “My next slot is empty. How about we let you book out that one as your compensated session? As far as that pretty little head of yours is concerned, we have all the time in the world. Now: roleplay. Have you done it before?”
You shrug awkwardly. “Not really. I’m not a good actor or anything.”
He shakes his head. You appreciate the way the flickering lights play with shadows over the planes of his face, his neck. “This isn’t the Oscars. And it’s not going to be anything difficult. I was thinking perhaps an anniversary date night. We rented out a fancy hotel room to celebrate. We’ve hand some drinks from the mini fridge,” he waves a hand towards the aforementioned appliance, “and now that the evening is drawing to a close, we’re going to share each other’s company on a more… intimate level.”
You take a deep breath and nod slowly. “Okay, that sounds good. Thank you, Doctor Kim, I appreciate your-”
“Shh, baby,” he soothes, pushing off from the armchair to stroll over to you. He waits until he’s in front of you, hands cupping your face tenderly and looking deeply into your eyes, before he continues. “We’re married; this is our anniversary night, remember? I want you to call me Namjoon.”
“Namjoon,” you repeat dreamily, blinking up at him. In the dim lighting, he looks even softer than before. There’s no tension in his face, and his rumpled clothing looks awfully… domestic. 
His eyes turn up at the edges with his smile. You feel safe yet weirdly vulnerable with your face in his hands and his gaze deeply focused on you. “Do you want me to kiss you again?”
You nod eagerly, just about pushing his hands off you, and his lips quirk up. Without any further words needed, he ducks his head down and slants his mouth across yours, reigniting that flush of want inside you. One of his hands slides around into your hair, playing with it lightly, and the other presses on your jaw, tilting your head back so that he can deepen the kiss. You whimper when you feel his tongue make contact with yours, teasingly swirling inside your mouth, and your hand flies up to curl around his wrist, needing to anchor yourself to him as much as possible.
“You’re so perfect,” he murmurs against your lips, pressing his body against yours. “I missed you so much. Did you miss me?”
You pause, feeling his lips keep moving against you, nibbling at your bottom lip when you don’t answer. “Y-yeah.”
“Yeah? You don’t sound like you miss me.” He laughs breathily, taking his hands away from your face. One links up with yours, squeezing your fingers reassuringly, and the other snakes around your back to hold you even tighter against him. “I wanna show you.”
Your eyes flutter uncertainly, so overwhelmed by the sensual kisses he gave you that you only process what he says belatedly. “Huh? Show me what?”
“How much I missed you,” he replies, the arm around your back sliding lower until it’s slipping under your sweater hem to grasp at the flesh of your ass. You tremble, knees going weak. He leans down to your ear, dragging his spit-slicked lips your face like he can’t bear to part with it. His voice is like honey in your ear, whispering in between teasing nips at your earlobe. “Can I show you how much I missed you?”
“Please, show me,” you plead, not even sure what he means by that, but letting him walk you backwards until the backs of your thighs hit the bed. He lays you down gently, rubbing soothing circles over your naked flesh. You gasp with anticipation when he drops to his knees in front of your legs, pushing your knees apart to slip in between. 
The bed is comfortable and the room is perfectly tiered for a romantic environment. You try and keep yourself grounded, letting yourself drink in the sensation of his hands on you. 
“Can you scoot forward a little for me? Legs over my shoulders.” Namjoon’s instructions are easy to comprehend but harder than expected to execute. Your body feels a little dead, and you shuffle your butt lower, thigh muscles complaining when you lift them up. He helps you, hands on the backs of your knees to hook them up onto himself. “You look so beautiful, spread out for me. Will you let me have a little taste?”
If orgasms weren’t so hard to come by, you’re sure you would’ve come from that statement alone. You make a whined noise of agreement, shuffling your shoulders down the bed so that you can arch your back a little more, needing to feel him. 
With palms sliding up to wrap around and hold down your thighs, the doctor gives you no other warning before he descends on you, slurping noisily against your center. Your mouth drops open and you clench around nothing automatically, simultaneously embarrassed by the loud sound and turned out by his enthusiasm.
He wastes no time in teasing, instead devouring you like a starved man, putting everything into it. Your brain has no time to process the sensations your nerves are being assaulted with; his tongue is inside you and his nose is bumping your clit, then he moves up to wrap his lips around that little bud with a demanding suck, slicking his chin with your wetness. He changes from place to place, never the same speed or intensity. If your lack of orgasms are like a failing heart, Namjoon going down on you is the defibrillator, the shock to your system that you needed.
Your fingers clench tightly onto his hand, moaned-out sighs and shuddering muscles the only sign your body is able to give that he’s doing well. In the back of your lust-addled mind, you feel a single finger slip between your folds, passing over your center to collect wetness before dipping inside. You clench at the intrusion, feeling him groan against you at your tightness. 
He crooks that finger, slowly thrusting it in and out like he has all the time in the world, and you whine, mouth dangling open and drooling, eyes clenched tightly shut. With its proven success, it’s not long before that one finger becomes two, and he has you writhing on the bed. 
You whimper when he gives your clit a final flat drag of his tongue before lifting his head up again, continuing to work his fingers inside you. “When was the last time I got to make you feel this good, huh? It’s been so long, hasn’t it?”
Your body curls in and you keen as a third finger joins the other two, beginning to provide more of a tight fit, preparing your inner muscles for what was to come. You realize he asked you a question and force your tongue to form words. “I, ah, I can’t think,” you blabber out in a slur.
“Good.” And with that, his mouth is on you again, this time with renewed vigor. When he speaks again, he doesn’t even bother removing his lips from you, lapping at your clit between words. “I want to see you fall apart on my tongue, baby,” he confesses, “gush all over my fingers.”
Like a train hitting you, you feel your nerves deep inside shortcircuit at his words, and you let out a little scream when an orgasm abruptly hits, your legs closing to tighten like a vice around his head as he works you through it, speeding up his tongue and grinding against that rough patch inside you with his fingers as your pussy locks up. Your muscles push against the intrusion, though he refuses to let up as violent tremors wrack your body and leave you shuddering hopelessly under his ministrations.
You don’t realize until wetness hits your temple and slips past your hairline that you’re crying, but when you press a shaky hand against your eyes, they’re soaked with tears. The fact that you’re crying, as well as finally achieving the orgasm that was feeling more and more impossible, just makes your lip tremble harder until you’re sobbing against your hand, beyond overwhelmed.
Your legs are taken off his shoulders without ceremony. They flop limply over the edge of the bed. “Hey, hey,” Namjoon’s voice is concerned, though not surprised or frantic, and you suppose he must deal with this often, “you did it. I’m so proud of you. Do you want me to get you some water, or stay here with you?”
“Stay,” you plead brokenly, voice breaking even on the one syllable. He acquiesces, crawling up on the bed to lie beside you, rubbing your shoulder. You feel yourself calm down slowly with his presence, letting out one shaky exhale. “Fuck.”
“You can say that again,” the doctor jibes. “I don’t mean to be crude, but the way you came like that? It was fucking hot. Shit, I’m harder than a rock right now.”
You laugh breathily, sniffing and wiping away your tears. “I can help with that if you want.”
He swears under his breath. “You can’t say stuff like that. Sex with patients is where I draw the line, and as much as I’m hating that rule right now, I need to keep at least an inch of professionalism here.”
You turn to face him, propping your head up on your hand. “I regret to inform you, Doctor Kim, but I won’t be needing your services after this session. There; now I’m not your patient anymore.”
You watch his pupils dilate, eyebrows narrowing. In mere moments, the more dominant personality from earlier has been brought out again. “Well, then. I’m not going to fuck your tired little pussy, because I’ve worn it out for the day. So if you’d like to give me a helping hand, you better get on your knees.”
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Have Your Name (And Your Back) Chapter 6
Chapter 5 | Masterlist | Chapter 7
Summary: Patton is told more about the Fairies he stays with, but by the end he's left with more questions than answers.
Warning: Bathing. This chapter is also mainly used for world building and can be seen as info-dumping, but I needed to get most of this info out now so y’all weren’t confused in later chapters
Patton woke up with a low moan, stretching out on the bed. He felt lazy and warm, his limbs pleasantly stiff as he snuggled under the blankets. He had always been woken up by someone else, whether it be his mo-Lady Hart yelling at him to get to work or Prince’s soothing magic from yesterday. It felt so relaxing to wake up on his own, with no immediate need to get up and do work. He laid in bed for a few minutes, savoring the warm sheets over him and the soft mattress beneath him. If it was possible, Patton would be fully content to stay in this bed for the rest of his life, warm and happy and content.
Eventually, however, he felt his familiar urges and left to use the restroom. As he finished up and washed his hands, Patton stared longingly at the large bathtub. It was large and circular, and Patton was sure that if he layed in the middle of it and stretched his limbs in any direction he wouldn’t be able to touch the edge. The outer edge was slightly deeper than the average tub and deepened as it reached the center, the direct center almost as deep as Patton was tall, and small bottles sat on the edge of the tub.
Patton bit his lip as he stared at the tub. Prince said that this was all Patton’s. Did that mean he could take a bath? He wasn’t allowed to bathe at the Hart manor, only short cold showers when he was extremely smelly. He had sometimes ran the bath for Lady Hart, and he was pretty sure he knew what bathing entailed, but he’d never actually done it.
Patton’s curiosity won as he stripped himself of his clothes. He cringed as the clothes clung to his skin. He was used to wearing grimy clothes for weeks on end, but the feeling of fresh clean clothes yesterday had truly spoiled him. Patton had seen a few pairs of pajamas in the closet; maybe he could change into them before he went to bed tonight?
Patton put his clothes into the small basket next to the door and gasped as they disappeared. Magic is amazing! He turned to the tub and frowned when there was only one handle. He’d only seen tubs with two handles. He turned the handle and gasped as his hand tingled from the contact. Water began slowly dribbling out, and Patton put his hand under to feel the temperature. It was pleasantly warm but not hot, just like he wished it would be. He turned the handle to try and make the water flow faster but it didn’t budge. He shrugged and glanced over at the small bottles. There were different soaps and a few bottles of oils. He opened one of the oil bottles and smiled at the warm vanilla scent. He carefully poured a few drops into the water, just as he had done with Lady Hart’s baths.
Suddenly the faucet started running at a faster rate, apparently waiting for the oil to be added before filling the tub. Patton put the bottle away before carefully stepping into the tub, moaning as the warm water seeped into his skin. He laid his head on the edge of the tub and fully relaxed, finding it even better than his bed. He didn’t even have an experience to compare this to, reveling in the sensation of lying beneath the still water.
He laid in the water until his fingers started to wrinkle, slowly washing his body and hair. He stretched each action out for as long as possible, not wanting to leave the tub. Eventually, however, he had to leave with a slightly heavy heart yet content smile. He stood up and picked up a towel that had appeared on the counter at some point during his bath, drying himself before wrapping the towel around his body. The towel covered his small frame, easily wrapping around him and stretching from his armpits to below his knees. He sighed at the feeling and made his way to the closet, deciding to wear a pale blue shirt that went down to his knees along with some white tights. The clothes were tighter than yesterday’s pair but they were still comfortably loose, the shirt fanning out when Patton spun around.
He giggled and went back to the bedroom, spinning around in small circles until he was dizzy. As Patton flopped down onto the floor he noticed something new in his room. A small table stood in the corner of the room, a large book and journal sitting on top with a pencil. Remembering his conversation with Prince about learning fae culture, Patton grabbed the items and sat down in bed, getting comfy as he looked over the new items. The book was a deep red color with gold lettering, luckily in the same language as the cookbook Patton was used to reading. It was weird to find out that the language he could read was not the same language he could speak. The words on the page were easy to read and translate to verbal English, even if he didn’t understand what some of the words meant, though he couldn’t speak the language that was written or write in English. Is that because I can only read in that language and speak in English, or is the Fae magic helping me again?
Patton shook his head and focused back on the book. The title read How to Survive an Encounter With the Fair Folk, and there was no author name in sight. The journal was a dull brown leather, with no significant markings. Patton flipped to the first page, expecting it to be blank. Instead, there was half a page worth of writing- in the language Patton could read- labeled ‘Instructions.’ Patton carefully read them over.
As you read the information found in either the books supplied to you or this journal, use these symbols to communicate your comprehension levels. If you understand a question or wish to respond with ‘yes,’ simply place a checkmark (✓) next to whatever you’re responding to. If you disagree with a statement or wish to respond with ‘no,’ place the Latin letter ex (X) next to whatever you’re responding to. If you are confused, place a question mark (?) next to whatever confuses you. Lastly, if you only wish to respond to a small word or phrase, please underline the word or phrase before placing a checkmark, ex or question mark. Also, if you wish to respond to multiple sentences or an entire section, please surround the text that you are responding to with parenthesis (the text would go between the two parentheses as shown). Once you have woken up and read this, please acknowledge that you have read and understood these instructions.
Patton read it over a few times to make sure he had it right before surrounding the entire set of instructions in parenthesis and placing a ✓ at the end of it. A few moments later writing began to appear. It was breathtaking to watch, seeing the text appear mark by mark without a pen or pencil in the way. It was so entrancing that three whole lines of text appeared before Patton remembered to actually read it.
Salutations. You may call me Logic. I was the one wearing the blue accessories at Lord Hart’s dinner. I will be calling you ‘Heart’ for the time being, since it is phonetically similar to ‘Hart’ in English. The language that I am currently writing in is German, the same language that your cookbook was in. I have been made aware that you are severely lacking in multiple areas, specifically writing. Hopefully your knowledge and skill will improve over the next few months as these lessons progress. While I was originally told to teach you about Fae culture as a whole, we will instead be learning about how to survive a Fae encounter from a human perspective. While none of the faries in this manor would intentionally harm you, you could seriously endanger yourself if you interact with some of them without proper precaution. The fairies in purple and yellow are not allowed to speak with you unless Prince is present, and not after you’ve learned the correct precautionary measures. The Fae in purple has already let you call him Umbra, but he wanted me to inform you that you may call him Anx or Anxiety. The Fae in yellow has said that you may call him Deceit. Please ask any questions now or indicate that you understand so we may continue.
Patton underlined the word ‘phonetically’ and was happy to receive a definition immediately afterword. Phonetically- In the way it sounds. He read over the passage again and frowned, a familiar unease settling in the back of his mind as he read the names. He underlined ‘You may call me Logic’ and placed a question mark over ‘Logic.’ He frowned when he read the text that appeared under the passage.
Logic is what you would refer to me with. For example, you could tell the Duke ‘Logic is teaching me how to take proper precautions against Fae.
Patton frowned, putting an X next to the answer. That’s not the question he was asking! He underlined ‘Logic’ and put an X over it, then proceed to do that with all of the Fae names, and the name ‘Heart’ that Logic had given him. After that he underlined ‘Lord Hart’ and placed a ✓ above it. Lastly, he underlined ‘You may call me’ again and placed a question mark on top of it. He watched for several minutes as the page remained the same before a response eventually appeared at the bottom.
Heart, I assume the issue is the use of real names over fake names. But I have a question to ask first: do you believe my name is Logic or Glacies? Patton immediately put an X over both names, and there seemed to be a pause before Logic started writing again. Have you ever felt an odd sensation occur when a fairy gave you a name to call them by? An itching in your skin, a niggling in the back of your mind, an unnatural sense of unease? Patton sighed in relief, placing a ✓ above each description. One last question: has anyone’s magic caused you to gain nosebleeds, nausea or intense headaches? Patton placed an X at the end of the sentence and the writing seemed much more relaxed as it wrote. That is fortunate. If you had, you would have been showing symptoms for what is basically an immunity disorder caused by an oversensitivity to magic. Some mortals are unknowingly born with it, and the constant exposure of magic would have eventually made you permanently ill and potentially send you into a magical coma or kill you. Though I am not sure why you displayed the first set of symptoms. You were clearly sensitive enough to notice the magic being used, but you didn’t suffer any ill effects. I will have to look into that as time goes on.
In order to understand why the names feel odd, we first need to go over how Fae magic works. There are two types of Fae magic: physical magic and negotiation magic. Physical magic involves the magic you’ve seen occur inside this manor: Prince’s fire magic, the enchantment on your wardrobe (which I performed) and the enchantment on these books that allow us to communicate. Physical magic only requires the fairy in question to perform it, and while it is weaker than negotiational magic, the effects are extremely specific and easy to control. Negotiation magic requires a deal to be made between the Fae and someone else. One of the most powerful and dangerous parts of negotiational magic is the power behind one’s name. All names are extremely valuable but only to those who can wield negotiational magic. When you openly give away your name, you essentially create a deal where you give away the ability to control your actions in exchange for practically nothing. When Prince ordered Lord and Lady Hart to sit down and not focus on the door behind them, they performed the actions as if they had came up with the idea. This was because they gave away their names to Prince without knowing the consequences. If you were aware that you gave your name away to a fairy, you could attempt to fight their control, but you would most likely be unsuccessful. That is why instead of saying “my name is” then saying your real name, you instead say “you may call me” then state a fake name for them to call you. We give you fake names to refer to us by because while you couldn’t do anything as a human, you could accidentally give our names away to a fairy or witch with ill-intent. And while you can trust everyone in this manor, Anxiety and Deceit are born fairies, so they may accidentally use their power over you in initial interactions, as it is within their nature to do so.
Patton sighed in relief as he read over Logic’s explanation. Knowing that there was a reason for his sense of unease and that he wasn’t just being freaky relieved him. He read over the last sentence and frowned, underlining ‘born’ and put a question mark next to it. There was hesitation again before Logan responded.
There are many types of supernatural beings in this world, Heart, and many types of fairies as well. The two main types of fairies are born fairies and transformed fairies. The difference is just as it sounds: born fairies were born as fairies with all of their parents being Fae as well. Transformed fairies were once human but were turned into Fae. Born fairies are more in tune with their magic and specialize in negotiation magic, but they tend to perform said magic subconsciously. Transformed fairies take time to be in tune with their magic and specialize in physical magic, and they are forced to be conscious of their magic as soon as they gain it so they don’t accidentally injure themselves.
Patton’s head was left spinning from that explanation. Humans could turn into fairies?! How was that possible? And Logic had said that only Anxiety and Deceit were born fairies, did that mean that the rest of them were transformed? And what did he mean by ‘all of their parents’? Why didn’t he just say ‘both’? Patton frantically scribbled at the paper, trying to properly convey all of his questions. The pause this time was even longer, the hesitancy obvious as Logic answered.
You aren’t ready to know most of those answers. If you end up staying here, you will most likely gain your answers over the years as you grow. But I will answer one of them, if only so that you don’t try and snoop around. Prince and the Duke were human twins and made a deal with their own Fairy Godfather. After they grew up they were transformed into fairies. Soon after they transformed they met Anxiety and Deceit, two born fairies. Prince and Anxiety are mates, along with the Duke and Deceit. Around 30 years ago I made a deal with the Duke to be my Fairy Godfather. I was 12 at the time, and when I turned 18 I was transformed. The term ‘Fairy Godfather’ is actually quite a loose term: they are simply the fairy that houses you and protects you until you come of age, where you are then either transformed into a fae or sent back into the human world. If you are transformed you gain magic, your aging slows to a crawl and you become an official member of the family. If you return to the human world, you’ll have either your memories wiped or your tour tongue tied to prevent you from informing the human population of the knowledge of the Fae. Again, you don’t need to fully comprehend all of this yet. You still haven’t completed your deal with Prince yet, and most of this information won’t be valuable to you until you’re nearing 18. Right now you need to learn how to safely interact with other fae and learn skills that will be useful in both the Fae and human worlds, such as writing and math.
Patton felt his head spin at the information but he ended up putting a ✓ at the end anyways. He still had a lot of questions, but he understood that he needed to wait until he was older to ask them. It baffled him that all of this information would be taught to him as he neared 18. He was turning 15 in a few months! Could he really learn all of that and more in just 3 years?
I think you have learned enough for now, Heart. Prince should be by in a few minutes to take you to breakfast. I suggest you try and read the first two chapters of the book next to you before dinner tonight. The sooner you learn how to protect yourself, the sooner you can leave your room and interact with the other Fae. I would like to speak with you again tomorrow morning to see if you have any questions regarding the reading material. Does this sound acceptable? Patton quickly wrote down a ✓ and the message continued. Then I shall talk to you tomorrow. Farewell.
Patton waited to make sure that no more writing appeared before closing the notebook. He sat it down and closed his eyes, trying to keep his breathing steady. That was a lot of information, especially in one sitting. He’d only known about the existence of fairies for a little over a day! He was still waiting for Prince to punish him for his misbehavior or give him a list of impossible chores to do. Or worse, send him back to Hart manor. He shuddered at the thought, shaking his head. His Fairy Godfather had promised to protect him and make him happy, and Patton trusted him.
Knock knock knock
Patton leapt out of bed and answered the door, finding Prince waiting patiently on the other side. “Good morning, young one. Ready for breakfast?”
Patton bit his lip, looking down at his feet as he summoned his courage. “Could- could you call me Heart? Please?”
Prince kneeled down, gently grabbing Patton’s chin and tilting it to where he was looking him in the eye. “I will gladly call you whatever you wish to be called, Heart.” He held out his free hand. “Will you please join me for breakfast, Heart?”
Patton smiled and nodded, his heart swelling with joy as he took his Fairy Godfather’s hand.
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst
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cpd5021 · 4 years
Gone - Part One
Hello and welcome to another story by yours truly. I have a few one-shots written for my One-shot Wednesday challenge and this is something that has been floating around my head for a while now. It’s pretty angsty, just FYI. I would probably rate it a T...maybe even an M in the second part. I intend on this being a two shot. Part one is from Jay’s POV and part two will be Hailey’s. There is a brief hinting at some sexual abuse/trauma. Nothing graphic but I don’t want to trigger anyone so here’s the warning. Thanks for stopping by another random thought from my brain. Hope you enjoy!!
Jay’s POV
My 6am alarm blared through the darkness of my room, causing me to groan and roll out of bed. I threw on some track pants and a sweatshirt and made my way out of the apartment for my morning jog, shivering at the cold November air. I found that starting my day with some exercise helped to keep me motivated throughout the day and it was always a good way to clear my head from the nightmares I suffered the night before. Although, to be honest, they had been coming few and far between as of late. I finished my jog and returned to my apartment, hoping in the shower quickly before throwing on some clothes and heading back out the door for work. I stopped for coffee on the way, grabbing two, as per usual. One for me and one for Hailey. When I pulled into the lot I noticed her car wasn’t here yet, but I was pretty early so I didn’t think anything of it. I jogged up the steps in the building, exchanging a brief banter with Platt and then trudged up the steps into Intelligence. I set Hailey’s coffee on her empty desk and then made my way over to sit down at mine. The bullpen seemed extra quiet this morning, possibly due to Hailey and Vanessa’s absence. Their banter usually filled the room, with Vanessa typically carrying most of the conversation while Hailey just nodded and smiled in response. Vanessa had been sent over to Narcotics as a loan out to help them with an undercover case so she would be gone most of the week. I settled into my work, bringing my computer up and planning to work on some open files until my partner arrived and we got sent out on a case. Adam, Kevin and Kim all sat at their respective desks doing the same thing. Footsteps sounded from the stairwell, causing me to look up just as Voight breached the top of the steps. He strode through the bullpen, looking down at the phone in his hand and looking rather moody. He stopped just short of his door and turned to face us. 
“Alright, we’re already running one man short today so we’ll have to swap some partners around. I just got word from patrol of a body over in Grant Park. Let’s get ready to roll on that.” 
His eyes scanned the room, taking in the nods being sent his way. 
“Kim and Kevin, why don’t you head that way and we’ll meet you there. Adam you’ll ride with me today. Where’s Hailey?”
He finished with a look in my direction. I glanced over to her still empty desk and gave him a shrug. It wasn’t like Hailey to be late and now she officially was. 
“I’ll call her on the way over.”
I stood from my chair, pulling out my phone and heading down the stairs behind Kevin and Kim.
My first call went unanswered so I sent a text as I made my way outside to the truck.  
Hey, not like you to be late. We’re rolling out on a case. Call me.
I hit send just as I reached the drivers side and climbed in. I started the truck and sat for a moment, an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of my stomach. My impatience got the best of me so I decided to try calling again. Once again, the ringing went unanswered. I pulled out of the lot, intending to point towards our scene but something in me made me reconsider. I picked my phone back up and dialed Voight. 
“Hey, I can’t reach Hailey. I’m gonna swing by her place and see what’s up.”
I made the turn leading me to her neighborhood, not really caring if he was about to tell me no. 
“Alright, just meet us there.”
Came his gruff response and I disconnected, picking up the pace as I drove. I pulled up in front of her townhouse and noted the black SUV in her driveway. So she was still home, maybe she had slept through her alarm. I jumped out of the truck and made my way up her steps but the closer I got, the more my heart sunk. As I cleared the top step I could see that her front door was open just a crack and the marks along the frame told me it had been forced open. Without hesitation, I pulled my gun out from its holster and pushed the door open. There didn’t appear to be anything out of place in the entryway, so I eased into the kitchen next. Finding that empty I made my way into her living room, which looked normal aside from a blanket laying beside the couch, which wasn’t something that raised any real concern. I cleared the rest of the lower half and then crept up the steps. The first thing I spotted was a potted plant that had been knocked onto the floor, my first real sign of a struggle. I refocused my aim in front of me and scanned the little landing at the top of the steps. Her bedroom door was open slightly and I made my way inside. Her bed was unmade, the covers tossed all about the mattress. I didn’t know if that was unusual or not as I had never seen her bedroom before, but as my eyes scanned the rest of the room my heart sunk even more. Her drawers had been pulled from the dresser, with clothes strewn about the floor. The mirror above her dresser was shattered as if someone had punched it. I stepped into her bathroom quickly, finding it empty and headed to clear the rest of this floor. I pulled my phone back out and called Voight again. My heart hammering in my chest as I awaited his answer. 
 I swallowed hard, still struggling to process what I had just walked into. 
“Hank, we have a problem. I’m at Hailey’s. There’s signs of forced entry and a possible struggle and she’s not here.”
My voice cracked as I said the last part and I forced myself to swallow hard again. 
“Call it in. Have them ping her phone. We’ll be right there.”
And with that he hung up. I looked around her room again, my head throbbing at the sight and then did as Voight instructed, heading back down to wait in her kitchen. I tried calling her phone again while I waited for everyone else to show up, just for the hell of it. My heart sunk even further when I heard her tell tale ring coming from a spot on her counter. Her phone was here so it was no use pinging it. I walked over to the phone that was lighting up with my face. Normally I would have smiled at the ridiculous picture she had of me as her contact info but I could only feel an ice cold wave of worrying settling into my core. I picked up the phone and swiped it open, thankful she didn’t have a passcode on it. I hesitated for a moment, feeling like I was breaching her privacy, but then brought up her texts to see if she had made any plans to meet with someone. Finding nothing but messages exchanged with me and Vanessa, I switched to her call log and found nothing useful there either. I could hear car doors shutting outside and looked out the window to see Voight and Adam jogging into the house, Kevin and Kim right behind them and a patrol car in the distance. Voight came into the kitchen, giving me a look that I’m sure was meant to be reassuring but it fell flat with the way I was feeling. 
“There’s nothing downstairs but her bedroom is trashed. A plant knocked over in the hall. Her phone is right here so can’t ping it.”
My words came out choppy and broken but they all nodded in my direction, taking the information in. 
“Anything on it?”
Voight asked, nodding to her phone still clutched in my hand. I shook my head no and tried to fight the hopeless feeling that was taking over me. Voight took charge then, delegating everyone onto a different task. I knew he was speaking but I couldn’t understand what he was saying, his words sounding mumbled as they reached my ears. I watched as he walked over to me, I felt his hand grip my shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze and making me focus on what he was saying. 
“Jay, I want you to head back to Intelligence, in case she shows up.”
My temper flared then and I bit my tongue to hold back what I wanted to say. 
“Don’t do that. You’re not benching me. She’s my partner and I’m going to help find her.”
My nostrils flared with the held back emotion. Voight, still gripping my shoulder, stared into my eyes, searching them to get a read on my mental state. He must have realized this wasn’t a battle he was going to win so instead he gave me a curt nod, releasing my shoulder, before he turned to leave the kitchen. We spent another hour at her house, looking for anything that might help point us in her direction but came up with nothing. Eventually, we all left, returning to the 21st to go over what we knew so far. With each minute that passed my heart sunk even further. I listened to Adam ramble off the limited facts we had, heard Kim saying something about traffic cams and how she hadn’t seen anything indicating who had taken Hailey. Kevin came up to the board and pinned a picture of Hailey onto the board, writing the word missing underneath her face in bold, red letters. The sight made me clenched my fists under my desk as I struggled to control my breathing. I didn’t want to sit here, I didn’t want any of us sitting here, but truthfully there was nowhere else to be right now. We had nothing to go on. Kim had talked to her neighbors, both of whom had seen nothing suspicious. Kevin had widened his search of the traffic cams, hoping to find something in the mix of cars that was the early commute from her neighborhood. Adam was scouring her CI files, looking for anything that would indicate someone had gotten a beef with her and could be our possible suspect. Voight was working in his office, making calls to his own CI’s and trying to pull anything out of them he could. And I just sat at my desk, feeling hopeless and useless as my partner was out there with god knows who. I had to find her. 
Hours passed, what felt like an eternity, before we got a lead. Kevin had managed to find a truck that had pulled onto her street early this morning, speeding away about a half hour later. It wasn’t much, but it was something. We managed to blow up the image and got a plate off the truck. After what felt like another eternity, we got a name back. 
“Jacob Mendyka, 33 year old male, no known connection to Hailey or any of her CI’s. We got two LKA’s and patrol is headed out to check them now.”
Kevin rambled off the new information while Kim wrote it out on the board. I didn’t want patrol to go check, I wanted to do it myself in case they missed something. But I knew it was the quickest option. Shortly after, Kevin’s phone rang and my eyes trailed him as he paced around the bullpen. I could tell by the look on his face when he turned back to us that there was nothing new to report. 
“First address was empty, no sign that anyone’s been there in a while. Waiting on the second address still.”
He looked directly at me as he spoke, everyone seemed to be doing that. She was my partner after all, of course this would be affecting me the worse. Kevin’s phone buzzed again and he shook his head when he read the text. 
“Second apartment is a bust too. Sorry man…”
He trailed off, looking at me again. I was standing up, leaning against my desk, but the realization that we were basically back at square one had my temper flaring. 
I yelled, my anger boiling over. I struck my desk with my fist, knocking over the jar of pens and causing everyone to jump. I ignored them and the stinging in my hand as I walked out of the bullpen and into the breakroom. My hands gripped the counter in front of the sink and I dipped my head down, trying to get a hold of myself. I heard someone enter the room but didn’t bother to look up. Adam came to stand beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder. 
“Hey man, we’re gonna find her.”
He tried to comfort me but I was still reeling. I forced more air into my lungs as I nodded in response, not trusting my voice to speak. We stood in silence for a moment, Adam not sure what else to say and me not wanting to say anything. Suddenly, Kim’s voice traveled loudly into the breakroom and we both bolted out to see what was up.
“I’ve got something! Jacob has a property in Wisconsin and I have him heading north on 94. I notified Illinois State Police to see if they can cut him off.”
Her words spurred everyone into motion and soon we were all in the vehicles, ready to follow him. I could only hope that this was the lead we needed and that we could find her in time. I hoped into the truck and squealed out of the parking lot, everyone else behind me as I began the near five hour race to Wisconsin. 
Kim called with an update about an hour into the drive. Illinois PD had been unable to locate him. I pushed the gas pedal down further, eager to close the gap between us. The local PD had been notified and they had a patrol car in place at the address but it was a huge amount of property, spanning nearly one hundred acres. They assured Kim they had K9’s available to track if needed.  
We rolled into the small Wisconsin town in just shy of five hours, traffic hadn’t been bad and I was more than pushy with my driving the few times it had become an issue. Kim got ahold of the officers holding down the property, only to be told no one had arrived yet. Voight sent Kim and Kevin to meet at the local sheriff's office in the hope that this tiny town might have traffic cameras. As I drove down the main street of the town, I found that possibility highly unlikely. Adam, who was riding with Voight, had managed to get some information on the property from the local courthouse and it included a map. I glanced down at my GPS as I got closer to the address and then made the turn on the long driveway leading into the woods. A few feet back, out of sight from the main road, sat the local patrol car. He informed me no one had come onto the property and the small cabin at the end of the driveway had been empty. I thanked him and continued up the driveway with Voight and Adam in the car behind me. I came to a stop in front of the building that was more of a shack than a cabin and jumped out of the truck. Voight pulled up beside me and they both got out. Adam came to the hood of their vehicle and pulled up the email of the map on his phone. 
“Ahh...there’s like three points of entry on this property. They only sat on this one.”
He groaned in frustration at the realization they could already be somewhere on the property and the one patrol car had been useless to stop them. I rubbed my face, once again struggling to control my temper and looked at Voight for what to do next. He looked around the small clearing around us before letting out a sigh. 
“There’s no way we can search this alone. Adam, get a hold of local again and have them bring out the dogs.”
He looked my way again and I shook my head in frustration. There’s no way I was waiting for them to assemble their K9 teams. I had adam send me a screenshot of the map and set off on one of the trails behind the cabin. I watched as Adam and Voight took the path opposite of mine. Just before I entered the trees I could see Kim and Kevin pulling in with two sheriff cars behind them. I started with a brisk walk but soon was jogging along the rough terrain. I glanced down every now and then at the map on my phone. If this map was accurate, it would lead me to another clearing in the middle of the woods and I hoped that maybe there was another building where I would find Hailey. I don’t know how long I ran before I finally burst into the clearing. I let out a yell of frustration when all I found was an old deer shanty, but still jogged over to check it anyway. I pulled out my phone again, trying to decide which direction to point next when Voight’s name flashed across my screen. 
“Jay, back to the cabin. We’ve got her.”
My heart stuttered with his words. I didn’t want to get my hopes up until I saw her for myself so I quickly pointed back in the direction I came from and set out at a full force run. I burst back into the first clearing, my lungs burning from the jagged breathes I had been taking during my run. My heart pounded in my chest as I jogged across the field, watching in horror as a cot was pushed into the back of an ambulance. I was too far away to see clearly but I was almost certain I saw blonde hair at the head of the cot. My heart stopped again at the sight and I closed the distance between us at a run. I reached the ambulance just as the door was slammed in my face. I went to open it back up but Voight stepped in front of me. My temper flared and I was ready to move him out of the way but he held firm.
“Just give them a minute Jay…”
He shook his head at me and the look I saw in his eyes had me panicking. I tried to look through the small window in the door but it was too tinted for me to see in. After what felt like forever, the door opened and a younger looking EMT poked her head out. 
“We can take one in with us, but we need to get moving. She’s in rough shape.”
Without hesitation, and without anyone moving to stop me, I instantly stepped forward and climbed into the rig. The girl motioned for me to sit on the bench beside Hailey and as I sat down I looked at her for the first time. She looked ice cold, her normally pink lips were a frightening shade of blue. Her eyes were shut and sunken. Her hair was drenched as it spread out underneath her and I noted the blood caked into her head. I watched as another medic placed a mask over her face and began pumping the bag, blowing air into her lungs. I looked down the rest of her body and realized she appeared to be naked, although they had loaded layers of blankets on top of her. I looked at the floor by the foot of the bed and saw a pile of bloodied clothes laying there. That made me feel a little better, knowing that the medics had removed her clothed versus whoever took her. The ambulance lurched forward then and the sound of their sirens filled the tiny compartment around us. I watched as the one girl, who looked much too young to be doing anything of the sort, started an IV in Hailey’s arm. Normally the sight of needles would have got to me but I was too distracted by Hailey’s appearance to care. She looked up at me then with a gentle smile. 
“You can hold her hand if you want.”
She nodded towards the blankets laying over Hailey’s waist. Without thinking, I immediately reached my hand under the blankets, finding hers and clasping it in my own. I was shocked at just how icy she felt and began rubbing my fingers over her palm, hoping to warm it up a little. I realized this was the first time I had ever held Hailey’s hand and if I had ever imagined it, which, to be honest I had, this was certainly not the manner in which I thought it would happen. I was silent the entire way to the hospital, listening to the beeping of the monitor, the choppy conversation shared between the two medics as they exchanged medical terms that were way over my head, and just watching Hailey’s chest rise and fall with the air the other medic was still forcing into her. Finally we came to a stop and I hoped out of the rig beside the cot. The tiny building standing above us, with its flickering EMERGENCY ROOM sign hanging just above the ambulance, paled in comparison to Chicago Med. But, I supposed that was to be expected. Small town, small hospital. I walked beside the cot as they pushed her in, never letting go of Hailey’s hand. I felt slightly satisfied when I noted that it had warmed ever so slightly in my grip. They wheeled her into a small room and suddenly we were surrounded by a team of staff. I heard someone ask me to leave but ignored them. They lined the cot up next to the bed and one of the nurses started pulling the blankets off of her. I felt a sudden wave of embarrassment as Hailey’s bare chest was exposed beside me, but averted my eyes to the bruises covering her torso. With another sweep of her hand, the nurse yanked the rest of the blankets off, exposing Hailey’s lower body. Thankfully, most of her was covered by a pair of black boyshorts but they didn’t conceal the dried blood caking her thighs. I swallowed hard at the realization of what that could mean but pushed the thoughts from my head. A firm hand gripped my arm, causing me to look away and down to see a shorter woman with a reassuring smile on her face. 
“You need to step out so they can look her over. We’ll let you right back in when they’re done.”
Reluctantly, I let go of her hand and stepped away from the bed. The woman led me out of the room, turning to tug the curtain shut behind us, but not before I watched them slide her over onto the hospital bed. I saw the pool of blood Hailey had left on the EMS cot and my heart ached at the thought. The woman led me out to a tiny waiting room and instructed me to have a seat until she returned. I was only there for a moment before the rest of my unit stormed in, immediately heading my way and starting a barrage of questions I couldn’t answer. Voight silenced them and they all picked seats along the row next to me. Voight chose the chair beside mine and we all fell into a silence as we waited. I tried to push all the worst case scenario thoughts out of my head but the sight of her bloody thighs is something that would haunt me until I knew otherwise. I prayed that she would make it through this and I could have my Hailey back. I paused for a moment as I considered that thought. My Hailey. Sure, she was my partner, my friend, but in all actuality...she wasn’t mine, not really. I pushed back the awful thoughts swirling about my head as suddenly a new line of thinking made its way to the forefront. 
My Hailey.
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strawberriestyles · 4 years
Chapter 16
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(Banner made by sweet sunshine @harry-nofookingway-styles​)
Harry X OFC (AU)
Sequel to Brutality: In which Melody and Harry must relearn how to navigate one another among a flurry of changes.
Read previous parts here.
Author’s note: Here is some info about the LGBTQ+ community in Russia. The post also contains a link to donate if you are able! Love y’all. That’s it. Xx
“Fuck,” Harry said. He shifted his weight onto his right leg and once more began to struggle with his tie.
“What? Do you want me to tie it?” Melody asked as she reentered the room, pinning a curl behind her ear.
“No. Can tie it just fine. Was usin’ the wrong leg again. And my arms are tired. I need to get back in the gym.”
“Then set up some times with Sean. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to help.”
Harry sighed as Melody stepped in front of the mirror to apply a fresh coat of lipstick. He couldn’t see himself or the knot he was working on. Only her naked spine, where the back of her dress dipped.
“Are you sure you don’t want help?” she asked as she set her lipstick down and turned around, rubbing her lips together. They were a deep pink, and Harry could guess they tasted as sweet as they looked.
“I can do it,” he insisted, angling so that he could look at himself in the mirror once again.
“I’ve never seen you in a tie,” Melody observed.
“Tha’s because I don’ like ‘em.”
“Well, that’s rude. I bought you that one as a gift, if I recall correctly.”
Harry willed his fingers not to stall. He could get lost in the memories of his birthday if he allowed himself. Finally, he pulled the knot tight and positioned it as the center of his throat. All the prouder that he hadn’t even closed his eyes to picture Melody bound to his headboard and spread open on his old bed.
“You look handsome.”
He grunted. He didn’t look like himself. He looked like a caricature, like some alternate universe Harry, some businessman with a couple of kids who got drunk every Friday night and cheated on his wife. All he was missing was a pager.
Melody leaned back against her dresser and folded her hands together.
“Harry, do you not wanna go?”
She shrugged. “I don’t wanna make you—”
“Mel, shut up. ‘S your birthday. We’re goin’ to dinner.” He shot her a pointed look. He’d been extra gentle with her since talking to Goodman, though his frustration hadn’t ebbed. And even more careful since the day at the grocery store.
Harry straightened the tie and tugged down the thighs of his trousers as Melody trailed into the living room to find her coat. It still felt strange to be in dress pants, but he had to admit this was more comfortable, that he had more room to breathe. The tie, however, he could do without.
“Ready?” Melody asked as he ambled out of the bedroom.
Harry nodded and ran a hand through his hair. It was beginning to grow and he wasn’t at all used to this length. As much as he craved the normalcy of long locks, this middle of the road thing, with the ends tickling his neck and catching in his eyes, he didn’t like. It was almost worse than the short cut. And he didn’t think he could get used to the scars that marked his scalp. He could feel their foreign indents with every sweep of his fingers.
Melody led him out into the hall and then locked the door behind them, dropping her keys into the pocket of her jacket. They tromped down the stairs and out onto the street. Harry loosened his tie absentmindedly when they were sitting in the backseat of a cab.
Melody chewed her freshly painted lips and glanced out the window, where all of the snow from the past week had melted but window panes were still frosted over. Her fingers inched across the seat until they brushed Harry’s and she fitted her palm with his. His thumb tickled her wrist.
“Smell so good,” he whispered to her.
Melody turned away from the window and scooted closer to him. “I’ve heard that line before.” She smiled. “So do you.”
Harry grinned. “And yeh look beautiful. Did I tell yeh that?”
“I don’t think you did. Could you tell me again?”
His grin fell into a smirk and he lifted her knuckles to his lips. He pressed kisses to her first and third fingers. “Yeh look gorgeous, love,” he said before leaning in to peck her forehead. “Happy birthday,” he told her again.
“Thank you,” Melody whispered in reply, turning her face into his neck. Instead of a kiss, she nudged his jaw with the tip of her nose to avoid smearing him with lipstick.
Despite protests, Harry paid for the cab when they arrived at the restaurant. A doorman ushered them inside, and then a hostess directed them to a table in the back corner of a dimly lit room, where Bea and Sean were already sitting. They smiled as Melody approached, slipping off her coat. Harry’s hand found her back just below the dip of her dress.
“Happy birthday,” greeted Sean with a wide grin, standing to skirt around the table and pull her into a hug. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and Harry frowned, settling into the chair across from Bea.
“Thanks,” Melody answered with a wide grin. She sat down next to Harry. Sean returned to his own seat and the four of them fell into a dull silence, adjusting to the new dynamic.
“I should tell you,” Bea began, finding a starting point, “that your parents sent these flowers.” She motioned to the centerpiece. It was a crystal vase filled with lilies and lavender, with sprigs of baby’s breath spilling around the edges. “And they’re also paying for the meal. I was given very specific instructions.”
“Of course you were.” Melody smiled and stroked the petal of a lily. As much as her parents felt like a weight pressing upon her shoulders, she missed them. If she had seen them today, she might not feel the same way, but for now she felt a quiet ache. It was her first birthday without so much as a visit from them.
“Presents before or after dinner?” Sean asked. His fingers curled around the neck of his beer as his eyes fixed on Melody. Harry’s gaze was scorching, but flitted away at the smallest twist of Sean’s head.
“You didn’t need to get me anything. I told you not to—“
“And I didn’t listen. Too late now. So, before or after?”
Sean grinned across the table and Melody puckered her lips to hide her own smile. She hummed. “Um, after, I guess.”
“After it is.”
Melody had nearly drained her third glass of wine by the time everyone finished eating. Her face was tinged pink with the warmth of the alcohol. She let her cutlery clatter to her plate and settled back in her chair. Harry looked up when her fingers slid into his lap and he found her talking animatedly to Bea.
“You barely even ate,” Melody said as she looked down at Bea’s plate.
“I’m gonna share the rest with Josie. She was pissed that she had to work. And I mean pissed. Mostly because she was missing a good meal.” Bea laughed. “Not that she doesn’t love you because she does and she would’ve loved to celebrate your birthday,” she continued, rambling, “but, you know.”
Melody grinned and nodded so voraciously that a curl fell loose. “I know, I know.”
“So, gifts?” Sean asked. He blew out a long sigh, groaning at the impossible amount of food that he’d consumed. His plate was nearly spotless.
“Oh, God. Yes. Sure.”
Harry tipped a mouthful of beer past his lips as Melody’s hand fell from his thigh. Bea’s face disappeared out of view as she reached beneath the table. She reemerged with a bright pink gift bag spilling with glittery tissue paper, which she placed on the table. Melody gasped as something hit her feet.
“Sorry,” Bea said. “That’s Harry’s. It’s too big for the table.”
Melody turned to look at him and he merely lifted his brows in acknowledgment. She reached for the pink bag on the table as Sean fished for his own present. The tissue paper threw shapes of light around the room as she settled each piece around her plate.
“Oh, you bitch,” she muttered, peeking into the bag with a dramatic gasp. “Are you serious?”
Bea flashed a white smile. “Very serious.”
“Why would you spend—“
“They’re from me and Josie,” Bea interrupted.
“What the hell is in the bag?” Harry asked, leaning forward.
Melody’s shock morphed into a pleased smile. She pulled a long black, velvety, heeled boot from the bag. “I’ve been staring at these for two years. Fuck.” She pressed the fabric to her cheek and sighed. “Thank you. And tell Josie thank you. Please.”
“Of course I will.”
Harry settled back in his chair and laid his arms over his stomach. Sean set a box on the table as Melody folded up the leg of her new boot and placed it back in its bag. He slid the box toward her.
“Me next.”
Melody took a large gulp of her wine and thumbed a stray drop into her mouth before ripping open the paper on Sean’s gift. Her fingers stumbled just slightly as she pulled the lid from the box. A thin layer of tissue paper covered the contents. She pulled it back and then dropped her head forward, shaking it weakly. “You’re ridiculous,” she whispered.
Melody pulled a boxing glove from beneath the tissue paper. It was pink and the leather shone beneath the lights above their table. There were letters stitched into the velcro cuffs. Harry had to squint to make them out. He deciphered “Rhoden” after a short struggle and then tried not to roll his eyes.
“You do like pink, right?” Sean asked. “I didn’t just make that up?”
“No, I love pink.” Her index finger traced the letters of her last name. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. We can break them in next week.”
Melody closed the box again and looked at Harry. He was still staring at the gifts she’d already opened.
“Harry.” She tapped the back of his hand. “Do you want me to open yours?”
“Sure,” he answered with a shrug. “Go ahead.”
Melody pressed her lips together as she reached under the table and drew a hefty package up into her lap. Her fingertips picked at the edges of the brown wrapping paper. The flaps of the box were taped together and she ripped a piece away before peeling the edges back.
“Oh,” Melody whispered. It was an old typewriter, tarnished but beautiful. Harry watched her very gently brush a line of keys with her fingers. She curled her knuckles and pressed them to her chin, twisting her head to face him. “Where did you find this?”
Harry cleared his throat and tightened his arms over his torso. “Just some antique place in the city.”
Her eyes roamed his face and then she dipped her hand back into the box. There was a metallic click as she pressed a key. “This works?”
Harry nodded gently. He couldn’t gauge her reaction when she was so quiet and still. He looked down at his finished plate and there was only a moment before Melody’s hand grasped the back of his neck. He felt her lips press to the corner of his jaw. “Thank you, Harry,” she whispered. She stroked the ends of his hair. She smelled like sweet wine. “Thank you.”
Bea leaned across the table to look into the box and raised an eyebrow. “Oh, my God. He’s a sap.”
Melody laughed into Harry’s ear and straightened, still drawing her fingers through his hair. “Shut up.”
“No, you shut up.”
“Are you coming home with us?” Melody asked. She slipped her hand out of Harry’s hair and closed the box in her lap, laying her palms gently on top.
Bea took a deep breath. “No, I’ll leave you two to your own devices. I’m gonna meet Josie. You don’t want dessert?”
“I couldn’t eat another crumb.”
“It’s your birthday, Melody.”
“And I’m stuffed.”
Sean rubbed one eye. “Time for your exit, birthday girl?”
“Sorry to end the party,” she said. She settled the typewriter in its box very carefully at the side of her chair and stood up, looping around the table. Sean stood to meet her in a hug.
Harry was silent as he watched the two of them. Sean had an arm clasped across Melody’s shoulders and another wrapped around her waist, fingers curled into her hip. They were pressed directly against one another, chest to chest, belly to belly, and as he watched, Sean whispered something into Melody’s ear that made her let out a peal of laughter. And then they released each other, stepping back to opposite corners of the table, grinning.
Harry glanced briefly down at the box containing Melody’s new gloves, and the sudden wave of anger that rushed through him was almost blinding. He stood abruptly, the legs of his chair squeaking across the tile flooring. Melody glanced at him from the corner of her eye before he stepped behind her and around the end of the table. “Harry?” she asked curiously. He took the collar of Sean’s shirt between his fists.
“Yeh’re a right motherfucker,” he growled as he shoved Sean, who was unprepared and stumbled over a leg of the table.
“Harry!” Melody hissed. No one had turned to look at them yet, and she was hopeful that whatever this was could be stopped, or at least postponed until they were outside.
“What?” Sean gripped the back of his chair to catch himself and shook his head incredulously. “What did I do?”
“Did yeh wait a week? A month?” Harry shoved Sean again and then swung without warning. His fist connected with Sean’s cheek and Melody clapped a hand over her mouth as she saw spit hit the tiles. Cutlery clattered to plates and the restaurant fell silent.
“For what?” Sean shouted, feeling gingerly at his rapidly swelling cheek.
“To fuckin’ touch her, yeh pathetic fuck.”
Sean’s eyes widened and flickered to Melody, who still stood across the table, frozen. Harry flexed his stinging knuckles to loosen them and prepare for another punch.
Sean scoffed. “Have you lost your goddamn mind? Take another bullet to that thick head?”
Harry swung again to a background of outraged gasps and this time blood began to trickle from the corner of Sean’s mouth. His tongue touched the wound once and then he threw himself at Harry, toppling the two of them to the ground.
“Holy fuck,” Bea muttered, rising from the table as the boys knocked Sean’s chair into hers.
Melody flinched at the sound of Harry’s face as it took one of Sean’s hits. She lifted her eyes from their mess for a second which could have lingered for hours, panning the restaurant, meeting the stunned faces of other patrons. A grunt drew her attention back to the tangle of limbs at her feet. She watched a spray of blood settle on the floor. Voices lifted from across the room and the next thing she knew, a very large man dressed in black was weaving between the tables toward them.
Melody drew in a prolonged breath and then slid her jacket from the back of her chair. She met Bea’s eyes for the first time and found her friend watching her intently, concerned, waiting for a cue. Melody swallowed whatever emotions had begun to bubble up to the surface and shook her head. “I need to leave,” she said quietly.
Bea nodded and was on her feet in one swift movement, shouldering her purse and coat, linking her other arm in Melody’s. They left their table behind, flowers and gifts and all, and fled the building. Melody breathed a sigh of relief when she met the cold sidewalk, snowflakes settling along her shoulders, melting along her cheeks.
“Fuck,” she murmured, slipping her arm from Bea’s so that she could stretch out her limbs, close her hands around some invisible grasp on this situation. “Fuck,” she repeated, louder.
“Are you okay?” Bea asked. She shook her head almost before she’d finished the thought. “I mean, you’re not okay, of course. What the fuck was that?”
“I don’t know.” Melody pressed the heels of her hands against her forehead. “He’s so angry all the time and I don’t know how to curb that anger, Bea.”
“But he thinks you cheated on him? With Sean?”
“No.” Melody was indignant. She leaned back against the wall of the building beside the restaurant and lifted one foot to unbuckle her shoe. “No, he doesn’t. He just wants to hit someone and Sean was his closest target.”
Bea sputtered in bewilderment. “I thought they were friends.”
“I don’t think he cares right now,” Melody said as she finished taking off her heels and clutched them to her chest. Her body was calm. She didn’t know how to feel. Sad? Furious? There was a faint buzz of irritation now, but she was sure it would soon evolve into something else.
“I’ll grab your things,” Bea began, “if you wanna—”
The door to the restaurant flew open and Harry and Sean stumbled outside, bruised and bleeding and swearing almost incoherently. The man wearing black slammed the door closed behind them. Sean turned to escape down the street, breathing heavily, flipping Harry off as he went.
“Fine, pussy,” Harry called after him. Then he twisted around and his eyes met Melody’s. He paused, gasping in the fresh air, squeezing the collar of his jacket which hung at his side.
“Grab a cab,” Bea whispered to her.
Melody dropped her gaze and began down the sidewalk, back in the direction of her apartment, watching the street for a taxi.
Harry started behind her but he hadn’t taken more than a couple of steps before Bea stood in his path.
“You need to leave her alone,” she said in the hardest tone he’d ever heard her use.
“No, I need to—”
“Harry,” she snapped, “listen to me. You’ve done enough tonight. She needs space. And I swear to God, if I can’t get my leftovers Josie will kill you on sight.” There was no amusement in her voice. “What Melody needs is for you to start—”
Harry had been listening—distracted, admittedly—but at that moment he saw a cab passing him by, heading up the street, and he saw Melody step off the sidewalk, between a couple of parked cars. He tapped Bea’s shoulder as he maneuvered around her and booked his way down the sidewalk.
“Melody!” he shouted. He didn’t really expect her to stop for him, but she didn’t even spare him a glance as she slid into the backseat of the cab. The door slammed shut just as he reached it. He smacked a hand against the window. “Melody, please. ‘M sorry. I know I—”
The car pulled away from the side of the road and shifted into the thin traffic. Harry took a few steps in pursuit, but gave up as the driver weaved away from him. He watched the cab’s bumper grow smaller until it disappeared around a corner and then he hung his head.
Harry had no luck getting his own taxi. He supposed it was karma, laughing at his attempts. He trekked the entire way back to Melody’s apartment. His feet ached by the time he reached the front door and his face stung something awful. He thought that the cold air might have numbed it, but the wind only irritated his cuts, biting at his swollen nose.
He dragged his way up the stairs to the apartment, almost wishing for more time before he had to face her, and when he tried the door he found it locked. He didn’t have a key. He’d never wanted a key. He rested his forehead just below the peephole, clinging to the doorframe.
“Melody,” he called. There was silence, but he knew she was here. He could almost feel her presence inside. “Mel, please open the door.”
This time there were footsteps. But they padded closer and then disappeared into a different room. Harry gritted his teeth.
“Melody, I don’ have anywhere else to go. Please, let me in.”
Silence fell again. And then footsteps sounded. This time they drew even closer. Harry heard the locks click and then the footsteps receded once again. He tested the doorknob and then stepped into the apartment, sure to lock the door behind him.
Light fell from the open door to Melody’s bedroom. Her shoes were thrown haphazardly on the kitchen floor and Harry nearly tripped over them as he moved warily into the main space. His steps slowed the closer he got to her, as though his legs were warning him. But then he reached the threshold of her room.
Melody was staring out her window at the pitiful view she had. She wasn’t really seeing, anyway. She was only looking. And the reflection of her face was more visible than anything past the glass.
“You are a fucking jackass,” she started, when it was apparent that Harry would not break first. “There is not a fucking word in the English language to describe what you are. Or how fucking pissed I am at you.”
“Yeh’re pissed? How the fuck d’yeh think I feel when Sean—”
“Just shut up, Harry!”
Melody had been angry with Harry many times before. She’d yelled at him and cried at him, but he’d never heard her scream like this. It wasn’t a pleasant sound.
Frustrated tears were pooling at the corners of her eyes, and she could think of nothing to do but grit her teeth and begin digging the pins out of her hair. She avoided looking at his reflection.
“What is that? You think that by now I wouldn’t know you better than that? It’s bullshit! You know for a fucking fact that I would never, ever cheat on you. I would never do that to you. The four months that you were in a hospital and I was fucking traumatized and terrified to death that I would never speak to you again? That’s when I would fuck your goddamn cornerman? Of all the half-assed excuses you could come up with.” She shook her head. “You’re just stir-crazy and sadistic and instead of acting like a normal person and going to a goddamn boxing class or training with the closest friend you have you split his fucking lip open! And you can’t just say it like it is—that you just needed to hit someone—you blame me. You concoct this bullshit idea that I am fucking your friend behind your back. That is humiliating. And you ruined my birthday again, you selfish asshole!”
Melody was sobbing. She spun around, whipping the pins she had collected across the bedroom, and lifted her forearms up to hide her face.
Harry let a slow breath out from between his lips. He watched her body wrack where she stood and dropped his head forward, smoothing a hand up and down his face. He took a step into the bedroom and then backtracked, sliding his hands into the pockets of his pants. His heart was thundering in his chest.
“Do not call me that!” she shouted between hysterical sobs. It took her another minute to collect herself enough to lower her arms, and then she swiped wildly at the makeup that had begun to run down her cheeks. “Please, just go away.”
“Can I just—”
“No! No, you can’t. Leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to you.”
Harry pressed his lips so tightly together that he could feel the blood draining from them. Melody gave him one last cold look and then turned around to strip out of her dress. She swung it in the direction of her laundry basket and opened the drawer of her night table.
“Go!” she snapped. “Close the door!”
Harry stepped back into the living room as she pulled a makeup wipe out and began scrubbing at her face. He let the door click shut between them and pressed his forehead to its peeling paint. His knuckles stung. His nose hurt terribly. He knew it wasn’t broken because that was a different type of pain, but he felt like shit.
“Christ,” he hissed between his teeth.
“Hi, mama,” he heard, muffled, from the other side of the door a few moments later. He didn’t know how Melody could have collected herself so quickly, but he could barely hear the tears lingering as she spoke. 
The apartment felt stiff and tense. The very air seemed charged. Harry, looking toward his feet, saw the light disappear from underneath the door and then heard the shift of the mattress inside the bedroom. He was lost in the darkness, not even a generous moon to light the living room. But he stepped away from the door and navigated his way by memory and with cautious feet.
The couch pressed into all the wrong places. Or maybe he imagined how uncomfortable it was as he stripped out of his coat and clothes and laid down, staring up into the unyielding shadow. It wasn’t warm, but he didn’t allow himself the comfort of draping his coat over his body.
The minutes ticked by. Perhaps they were hours. His eyes did not grow heavy. He should have done something about his face, he thought belatedly, but he had no motivation. He pressed his knuckles, one by one, to his chest, until each sang in protest.
The sound made him twitch. He hadn’t heard any footsteps, but as he glanced toward the arm of the couch, his eyes now adjusted to the dark, he saw Melody. She was wearing one of his ratty t-shirts and her arms were clasped tightly at the base of her ribcage.
“Yeah,” he whispered.
“I—” Melody let out a heavy sigh and pressed her palms to her forehead, then brushed hair from her face. She stared at him, her eyes red-rimmed. He thought she was going to turn around and shut herself up in the bedroom again, but she kept staring. Silent. 
“I can’t sleep if you’re not in the bed,” she eventually breathed out.
Harry drew the corner of his lip into his mouth and bit down hard on it. He dug the tips of his fingers into his knee until his knuckles sang again with the memory of the last punch he’d delivered to Sean. “D’yeh want me to lay with yeh?”
Melody nodded.
Harry lifted himself off of the couch and Melody slipped back into the bedroom. She was already beneath the sheets by the time he followed her inside, and he laid himself down carefully beside her on his back. This bed smelled like them. No longer just of her, like it used to, or just of him, like his bed had last year, but like a perfect mixture of the both of them. It made him ache all over.
Melody shifted beneath the covers. Harry stared up at the ceiling while she repositioned. He felt her tug on the comforter before falling still again and his fingers ached at his sides. He wanted to reach out and touch her but he knew that wasn’t an option, not unless she asked him to. And she was asleep before that was even possible.
Chapter 17
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tgmsunmontue · 5 months
Tell me what to write weekend...
My weekend starts today so hit me up... (Still have Bingo fics and my very VERY old Glee WIPS - along with the whole being a responsible adult gig).
(More info on what the letters are about and instructions on how this works under the cut - most of you know how this goes...) (Hoping to post a chapter for the Hollywood AU tonight...)
Once Upon a Time in 1996 - IceMav TimeLoop (1 chapter left)
More than Movie Magic - Hangster Hollywood AU (4 chapters left)
A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, K... Bingo #1, Bingo #2
A) Where do I know you from? There are too many Jakes and Bradleys for Jake and Bradley to be dealing with. (Tumblr idea unspooling here...)
B) Sagas of Solitude 2/? - IceMav with side Hangster AU - angsty Nepo!Baby Bradley Bradshaw who has to keep his relationship with Mav and Ice a secret when he starts at the USNA. Featuring married Ice and Mav (but not to each other). Prologue He Remembers and Lonely Nights are both set in this verse.
C) To wake, perchance to dream - Jake wakes up in the future, gets a glimpse of what their life could be and then wakes up back right before being called back to Top Gun for the special detachment (e.g. TGM). (Tumblr post and the beginning of the fic)
D) Together or not at all... (SEQUEL) - Hangster - years after Javy/Nat get together they think their best friends (Hangman and Rooster) could maybe try dating each other. It'll either end in disaster or not.
E) Cyclone/Maverick - Cyclone is struggling to deal with being attracted to the most annoying person he's ever met. Why does he like him so much?
F) Online and Anonymous - 1/16 Hangster who are anonymous Grindr buddies for YEARS, but then decide to meet. (Tumblr post)
H) Getting to know you from the beginning - an Ice/Mav epistolary fic where Jake and Bradley matchmake them, not realising exactly who it is they've matched together.
I) Life is too short to waste time matching socks... 2/? The peach and eggplant socks as an anonymous gift as an incredibly unsubtle hint that someone would like to fuck them. (tumblr idea unspooling here...)
K) Caring, Keeping and Collecting Transformers - A Guide - Transformers cross-over for help me @yeagrave is 110% to blame for me adding this... (related to this post) (Prologue)
BINGO - Hangster Ranch AU
BINGO - IceMav Florist/Undercover Agent AU
You pick 1-3 of the above and either:
Send an ask (Anon is on)
with the letters/Numbers of the fic/s you wish would hurry up and get finished/posted already. (Yes, you can pick the same one three times - some of these fics are that close to getting finished that would be enough to tip them over, you also don't have to pick more than one).
Numbers indicate fics I am consciously working on updating/completing, and likely have a completion date in mind.
Letters indicate fics that are often getting completed because people ask for me to work on them through things like this. (I usually do this every weekend).
Asterisks represent fics that are most likely soon to become numbered fics.
Doing this keeps me on task and makes me accountable. It stops me from procrastinating and I really appreciate people providing their numbers.
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softebye · 4 years
how to Invent an Item Step by Step
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Brainstorm ideas
The initial step in becoming an inventor and also coming up with a truly special and also useful product is to conceptualize concepts. Or else, you may have an excellent idea yet no understanding of just how to apply it.
Attempt making a list of all the points that interest you. For each task or thing of passion to you, make a list of feasible renovations that might be made in the type of an invention. Make a hefty listing.
Do not rush the brainstorming process. Motivation might not hit you like lightning as well as can call for a few weeks or months of noting concepts before your surprise strikes. Find out is inventhelp good
Decide on a concept
As soon as you've invested a long time considering all feasible choices, select your best idea for an invention Now you'll need to hang around thinking about the details of the job. Attract a few sketches of what you visualize your invention will appear like, and then consider some vital concerns.
What could you add to improve this product? What concerning your invention is so unique that people will feel obliged to bring it into their lives? Why is your invention so wonderful?
Think about modifications that might require to be made. What parts of your invention are unneeded or unnecessary? Exists any way to make it much more efficient or less costly to create?
Take into consideration all facets of your invention consisting of all the required components, and also vital information about just how it works or what it will do. Maintain these solutions as well as suggestions in your journal so you can refer back to them.
Research study your invention.
When you feel confident in your invention and also have made any kind of helpful modifications, research study it to make certain your concept is truly one-of-a-kind. If one more product like yours has already been patented, after that you will not have the ability to manufacture your invention or receive your patent.
Search online for items that match the description of your invention. If you have a name for your product produced already, search this as well to make certain that it is not currently being utilized.
Here, you can look at all licenses and also groups for various other inventions like yours. Obtain a professional patent search is done to verify that there are genuinely no other inventions on the market comparable to your own. This suggests that as soon as you are able, file a patent on your invention so that no one else can copy you.
How to Patenting Your Invention
Develop a detailed document of your invention
Although you don't need to be the initial person to invent your item to obtain a patent, you will certainly still require to maintain a record of your invention including the complete variety of specifications and uses.
Record the process of inventing your product. Document just how you created the idea, what inspired you, the length of time it took, and why you wish to make it. List all the important things you will need to create it, all the feasible parts, and also materials for your invention.
Keep a record of your research revealing that you did not experience any other products on the market that are similar in style to your own and currently have a patent. You need to prove that your invention is special to get approved for a patent.
Consider the commercial sales worth of your invention. There are costs involved in obtaining a patent even if you do not make use of a patent legal representative. Before devoting to these fees, make certain you've tape-recorded the industrial worth as well as possible income based on sales of your invention. This way, you will certainly know that the earning possibility of your product surpasses the amount you will certainly pay in fees.
Develop an informal illustration of your invention. You don't need to have anything fancy produced, but having an exact drawing of your invention may be needed to apply for your patent. If you are not a musician on your own, take into consideration having an artistic good friend or member of the family create the drawing for you.
Think about working with a patent lawyer
Although patent lawyers can be really expensive, their aid can be invaluable. The primary task of a patent attorney is to help obtain you a patent as well as to manage patent infringement.
Patent lawyers can give guidance based on the most recent modifications in patent legislation to make sure you are constantly up-to-date. If your invention is classified under the "technology" category, a patent lawyer can be especially helpful in making sure similar technological developments are not already underway by other companies or organizations. You can also check how to get my invention off the ground
Get a provisionary patent application
A provisional patent application, also called a PPA, shows your invention as being in the procedure of getting a patent This suggests that you will be risk-free from others replicating your idea while your patent application is still being refined.
This action is optional, but can be extremely helpful in conserving you from distress and aggravation should somebody obtain a patent on the same invention as you slightly before you do.
You will certainly have to pay a fee ranging from $65-$ 260 based on business you work for and the product you want to patent.
File for a patent.
As soon as you have arranged all your information on your invention, you can file for a regular patent application or RPA. These are submitted through the USPTO on their site or a workplace if you are located near one. Merely comply with the step-by-step instructions offered on the form and also supply all needed info before sending it in.
How to Making Your Invention a Reality
Create a model
With your patent in the jobs, it is a great time to develop a functioning design of your invention. Do not worry about making it with costly products or going through a comprehensive process, just make a variation of your invention on your own.
You aren't needed to make your prototype out of the very same materials as your invention would certainly be mass-produced in unless it is vital to the development of your product.
If you can't manage to make the prototype by yourself, you can pay a firm to make one for you. This can obtain pretty costly though, so see to it that you always attempt doing it on your own first.
Develop a presentation
With your patent and model in hand, you get on the roadway to success! The following action is making a presentation that covers the bases of your invention. You can utilize this to show to both possible manufacturers and customers, although you might develop little various versions of your presentation for each purpose.
Make certain that your presentation is extremely specialist, whatever method you develop it. You can make a PowerPoint, video clip, or physical presentation-board to show.
Usage lots of beneficial details, layouts, and images. Make certain to cover the specs of your product, make use of, and long-lasting results or benefits.
It is optional, you might choose to employ a graphic developer to put together a stunning presentation for your invention. Making it as visually appealing as possible will certainly motivate the passion of producers and also purchasers alike.
Be sure to have your speaking worked out for the discussion too. It's inadequate to have fantastic representations and also photos, you require to be efficient public speaking. Don't remember notecards, but have a concept (with the aid of notes if required) of every little thing you want to claim as well as the solution to common questions that may be asked.
Also Follow InventHelp Instagram for more details
Existing your invention to a maker
Discover neighborhood producers that create items similar to your own and also attract them to produce your invention for you. You might have to send them an initial letter, to begin with, describing who you are and also what you desire from them.
After you hear back from your letter (general delivery or e-mail), get your discussion all set. You will possibly need to go present your invention to them and also clarify what you desire from their business.
Make certain to leave them with a copy of your presentation and information so that they can examine it also after you have left.
Stress why and exactly how your invention will certainly not just help individuals yet make the maker lots of money. They are business individuals like you as well as wish to know what they get on their end of the deal if they partner with you.
Create your invention
When you get a producer aboard with your invention, start mass-producing it! Although it will possibly be best to start in small batches (your manufacturing company will certainly speak to you about this), you can begin producing your invention in the hundreds or thousands.
Market your invention
You have obtained everything down; your patent, your model, a supplier, and lastly your invention has been mass-produced. Find methods to advertise it to get the optimum selling capacity.
Consult with local company owners and shop managers to review selling your item with them. You can reveal your discussion to clarify why doing so is a great choice for their company along with helping a regional entrepreneur.
Create ads for your invention. Invest the help of a local visuals developer to produce pictures and video clips that have individuals pleading to get your product!
Get the word out among your family and friends. Getting the people you're closest to onboard with your idea will aid to hear of your invention out as well as about into brand-new areas and populaces. Hold regional information sessions and booths and business meetings and also business fairs. Check into the cost of having a booth to advertise your item at conventions near you. It helps to make a thorough illustration of the item.
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stressedoutteenager · 4 years
with all the new info we got about the netflix adaption of the grishaverse, I felt more motivated to write something and recently wrote something about Kaz realizing - because Inej explains to him - that he should show more appreciation towards his friends, particularly Jesper
If you want to read on AO3: here’s the link 
Say Thank You
“Would it kill you to say thank you for once, to let him know he’s appreciated?”, Inej says as soon as the door to Kaz’s office falls shut.
She hears Kaz wince quietly while she rummages through his desk drawers for anything that would help her clean his wounds. She’s been back from her latest voyage for almost a week. It had been a successful one and coming back to Ketterdam, she felt proud and accomplished.
Kaz could tell as soon as he saw her. She was glowing.
Several days passed peacefully, while she got to reconnect with her friends. They did all send letters but as correspondence is not regular when one is on the seas and at different coasts each day, catching up in person is much more fun and rewarding. Several peaceful days had passed, indeed, until somebody tried to break into Wylan and Jesper’s home.  It is common knowledge that their home is constantly under security. And most people know not to mess with Dirty Hands, the Barrel Boss, and his associates. Some might even say his friends. Yet, somebody was stupid enough to do so. Maybe, stupid. Maybe, reckless. Maybe, brave.
Luckly, the intruders seemed to be only there to gather intel. They got scared off by Kaz and Inej arriving at their friends’ house. Instantly, the couple inside, that had not noticed anything going on outside, was interrogated about possible enemies. It could have been someone trying to break in to steal from their big fortune, but that thought was dismissed quickly. Doing that would be stupid and nothing else. However, this attempted break-in seemed to be only the start of it. Threats kept coming; break-ins at the Crow Club, vandalism at the Slat, cheating and brawls while gambling.
Kaz didn’t want his friends to be involved again, not after they left the Dregs behind - for the most part. Wylan is still in contact with Kaz for business and Jesper supports Kaz’s businesses in various ways when he can. But, they don’t interfere with the Dregs’ dirty business. Inej on the other hand… whenever she’s back in Ketterdam, she’ll share anything she finds valuable with Kaz. She would have never dreamed that she’d miss the dirty, crooked rooftops of Ketterdam and yet... she can never resist to jump from roof to roof like she’s flying.  Those familiar, light steps of Inej’s always itched to be up above everyone else where she could blend into the shadows and listen. And listen she did. - An unknown but surprisingly quick and efficient working gang was targeting the Crows.
Kaz made a plan and his former crew members inserted themselves in it. Despite Kaz’s refusal at first, they did not relent.
But, things suddenly went south. Kaz was struck by a flying knife, none of his crew saw coming. Not even Inej, which she still feels horrible about. And then, chaos broke loose. It all happened so very fast, they were ambushed. Still, after all these years Kaz, Wylan, Jesper, and Inej can read each other’s expressions and can communicate wordlessly and accomplished to come out of the unplanned, unexpected brawl victorious.
Now, as Inej turns around, Kaz has rid himself of his jacket. His shirt is ripped, quite a big patch is red. Kaz only looks at Inej while crossing the room until he’s stood right next to her. Leaning on his desk, he takes the cotton ball from Inej’s hand.
“He didn’t have to join me.”, Kaz simply says.
Inej’s eyes wander over Kaz’s face, down his body to his torso. The red patch is still getting bigger. And Kaz is not doing anything about it. Inej steps closer, meets Kaz’s gaze and waits. A couple moments all he does is stare right back. His jaw set, eyes trained on the girl in front of him that didn’t think twice before exchanging her captain’s hat for her scaling shoes when she noticed it might be useful. Useful to Kaz.
Finally, he nods and she starts unbuttoning his shirt slowly. She takes care to not touch his skin, pulling the shirt away from him, towards herself, while taking one button at a time. When his shirt is finally completely open and pushed off his shoulders, the deep stab wound on his abdomen is on full display.
“Apply pressure.”, Inej instructs him as she hands him a towel and takes the cotton ball back. He doesn’t make a sound but Inej can feel his quick breath on her cheek. He's hurting. She does not want to make him more uncomfortable than he already is and pays attention to not touch him with her fingers. The cotton ball is now pinched between her fingers. “Neither of us had to. We wanted to. And if it weren’t for Jesper there, you’d be in much more pain than you are now.”, she lifts her head to look at Kaz and only when he meets her eyes, she adds, “Or dead.”
There’s no movement in his face. His eyes stay on Inej, when he says:“I can handle myself.”
“Sure. You’re the Bastard of the Barrel .”, Inej says through her teeth. She tells him to lift the towel and cleans as much of the blood as she can before taking a step back to get the bandages. She had seen them in the drawer at his desk. She goes back to stand in front of Kaz and cuts up the bandage into the right sizes.
“I know you’re trying. I can see it.”, she says, not meeting his gaze. They both know what she means. It is not a secret that Kaz goes to meet Jesper and Wylan regularly. Most people think it’s on business and yes, sometimes it is, but mainly, it is a pretense. Still having her eyes only on the bandages, she continues: “But sometimes it’s not enough. If Jesper weren’t there today, if he hadn’t used his power, you’d be injured so much worse.”
Positioning a bandage on his wound that is still bleeding, she continues to speak while applying more pressure than is needed: “And forget saying thank you, you barely glanced in his direction afterwards and gave Wylan the instructions on how to keep their home safe.”
“I..”, Kaz starts to talk but stops as soon as Inej leans closer to wrap a thin piece of towel to keep the bandage in place. She hovers so closely that he can smell the flowery smell in her hair, even through the dust and dirt of the brawl not even hours ago.
Inej mutters: “You can’t just always assume everyone around you knows what you think.”
She’s done with the big wound and steps back. To give him a break. And to be able to see his reactions to what she’s saying. Kaz smirks lightly when saying: “They are not supposed to.”, but that doesn’t impress Inej one bit.
“But your friend should. Your friend should know that you’re grateful for his help. That you appreciate them. Especially when they are this close to you and when they see you as family.”, Inej says, arms crossed over her chest but her tone of voice softer than before.
The adrenaline is only now wearing off and the fear that Kaz might be hurt badly is growing calmer.
Inej can see how much Jesper means to Kaz. And deep down, Jesper knows that, too. But he should not have to settle for only that.
Kaz does not say anything, does not show anything in his eyes. Inej shakes her head and turns around to put away everything she did not use and she can hear Kaz limping towards the trunk near the door, where he keeps spare clothes. While worrying about his stab wound, neither had thought about his leg. She hears Kaz wince before she even turns around and can see him struggling to put his shirt on. Inej closes the distance in quick, quiet steps and helps him wordlessly. She then continues to button it up.
“Thank you.”, Kaz says and Inej can feel his eyes on her. She doesn’t look up until she has buttoned up every button. That she can hide her small smile that way helps too. She is incredibly happy that he opens up more to her now than he ever did. Emotionally and physically, verbally or with his looks. She’s proud of his progress. And still, her point from before stands.
“You’re welcome.”, she says, finally looking at him and finds him looking at her with a small smile. She tries to school her features but it is too late. He saw the effect of that small smile. No matter how much older she is now and how many threats and problems she has faced by now with a straight face, Kaz still has the annoyingly exciting influence on her as if she’s still 16.
Kaz takes a deep breath without moving an inch away from Inej and says: “I have some immediate business to take care of. But in the morning I’ll go check up on Wylan and Jepser.”
“Good.”, Inej answers and allows herself to finally smile at him. His eyes focus on her lips drawn upwards; his hand itches to drag her closer. “I’ll accompany you.”
Kaz’s first instinct is to refuse. Out of habit. Even though he would like her to stay at the Slat with him. Even though they both know he might need a second pair of eyes when walking through Ketterdam the next morning. He bites his tongue and nods.
He takes out the key to his room from his pocket and hands it to her: “You’ll be least disturbed there. I’m going to send some of my people to take care of the remainder of today’s business.”
The next morning, a message boy arrives at the Slat, asking for a message to be given to Mr. Brekker, who had already left to go check up on the person who sent the message, inviting him to Breakfast.
Jesper is the one to open the door and is surprised at the speed at which his friends arrived but doesn’t comment on it. He lets them in and locks the door behind them.  Inej greets her friend and continues towards the kitchen where an off-key singing Wylan can be heard. Jesper makes a move to join her but Kaz calls him back: “Jesper, a moment please.” Inej hears Kaz and knows she shouldn’t be as proud as she is. This should be a given. Still.
“Everything okay?”, Jesper asks, looking Kaz up and down.
Kaz sets his cane aside and nods. “Yes.”, and then does not know how to continue. Inej had said he should let his friends who see him as family know that he appreciates him. But that’s the problem. Jesper is like a brother to Kaz. It makes it harder to express his thoughts, not easier.
“Okay..”, Jesper says, a little suspicious.
“Just…”, Kaz continues and straightens his back and looks at Jesper properly. “Thank you… for your help yesterday.”
Jesper needs a moment to process what Kaz said, but then opts to play it off. He shrugs and waves it off: “Sure, no problem. It’s nothing.”
Kaz is tempted to let it go now. He said thank you. But he knows that once again Inej is right. “No, it’s not nothing. Without you there yesterday, I might have scarcely come out of the attack.”
He is looking Jesper in the eyes but is not showing anything more than his usual stoic gaze. And yet, Jesper knows Kaz means it. To that, he smiles and instantly wants to hug Kaz but knows better. Instead he nods, smiling, and tries not to beam.
They turn to go join the others in the kitchen, but Jesper’s step falters when Kaz adds: “But don’t ever put yourself in danger for me again.”
Kaz does not stop, he passes his friend and thinks, he does not want another brother dying before him.
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precuredaily · 4 years
Precure Day 200
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! 02 - “Nozomi and Coco - A Troubling Reunion” Date watched: 4 July 2020 Original air date: 10 February 2008 Screenshots Transformation Gallery Project info and master list of posts
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yes, the whole episode is like this
So, full disclosure, the first time I watched GoGo I was kind of only half paying attention to it while I worked on other projects and I don’t remember the overarching plot that well. That may become apparent in my posts about this series. Just something to keep in mind.
If the first episode was a fun but talkative reintroduction to the world, this episode doubles down on the talk and halves the fun. The writing is weak and the art quality is weaker. It still has some heart, and helps to properly set up the conflict of the show, so it’s not a total loss, but these early episodes are missing some of the magic of the previous season. Let’s explore.
The Plot
After a brief recap of the previous episode, the girls admire their new outfits for a moment before snapping back to reality and fighting Scorp. They overpower him with their teamwork and then he declares he’s seen enough for now and leaves. After the dust settles, the girls greet Coco and Nuts and Dream gives Coco her letter, which he half-heartedly accepts and pockets without reading, prompting a silent glare from Nuts. The girls ask what’s going on, and Syrup is still taken aback by the whole ordeal. They regroup at the gazebo at Karen’s mansion for some good old exposition dumping. Nuts explains that the Rose Pact is the key to the Cure Rose Garden, a mysterious place nobody has ever been (so how do the know about it?). The power of the four monarchs of the territories surrounding the Palmier Kingdom is needed in conjunction with the Rose Pact to open the path to the Cure Rose Garden. They further explain why they’re back in the human world: the monarchs were visiting the Pamier Kingdom on a diplomatic mission, when they were attacked by Eternal, and are now hiding in the human world in the form of Palmins.
We cut to Eternal’s headquarters where a purple-haired woman named Anacondy is giving a tour to an unseen but familiar-sounding figure, explaining their corporate mission is to archive every valuable item from all of history (lofty goal). Scorp shows up in her office and explains that he found the Rose Pact, but he was unable to procure it due to the interference of Precure. Suddenly the mystery guest speaks up, admitting he’s scuffled with Precure before, and he is revealed to be none other than Bunbee, preparing for employment at Eternal. He explains how the Precures caused him trouble at his last job, but Anacondy just orders Scorp to go retrieve the Rose Pact with little regard for Bunbee’s words.
Back at the gazebo, the girls start to realize that Eternal is responsible for the attacks on both the Palmier Kingdom and Nozomi, and try to figure out what to do about it. Coco and Nuts need to contact the Palmier Kingdom to let them know what’s going on, so they ask if Syrup will deliver a message. However, due to some obvious friction between him and Coco he declines and flies off, so they focus on finding somewhere to live. Fortunately, Karen has just the place.
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Some things never change
It’s not clearly established what happened to the old Natts House location, unless they explain it down the road in future episodes, but this is the new home base, and of course once again Karen presents it as a “small” spare warehouse her family owns, only for the others to protest that it’s bigger than their entire homes. Is it the same gag from last year? Yes. Does it still land? Also yes.
Anyway, the girls want to help tidy up the place, but Coco pushes them away and insists he and Nuts can handle it. That night, Nozomi is standing on her balcony in her pajamas, looking sad, when Syurp pays her a visit to chastise Coco’s behavior. She angrily defends his honor and slams her curtains closed, startling Syrup. Back at Natts House 2.0, Coco and Nuts take a break from cleaning to exposit some more, recalling a story about how the Cure Rose Garden produces both red and blue roses, and a new power emerges when they meet. Nuts surmises that the Rose Pact contains the power of the Red Rose, but isn’t sure what the Blue Rose is. The conversation shifts to their presence back in the human world, with Coco feeling guilty for dragging the girls into the conflict again, while Nuts reminds him that he wanted to see them anyway so he should make the most of his opportunity.
At a later day at Cinq Lumieres we see that Coco has resumed teaching under the guise of Kokoda Kouji. Things are still awkward between him and Nozomi, but she meets him in the library and they have a talk. He acknowledges her letter and her feelings, but stops short of telling her how he’s feeling. Syrup shows up and talks shit about Coco, who just gets sad again, but before they can talk things out, Scorp appears. Coco attempts to de-escalate the situation, but Scorp isn’t interested in chatter and he knocks all three of them back, reverting Coco and Syrup to their fairy forms. Nozomi takes a moment to give Coco the Rose Pact, instructing Syrup to carry him away to safety, and then she transforms. This time, Scorp doesn’t fight on his own, instead he pulls out a yellow and orange orb that he throws into a nearby bookcase, transforming it! 
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Yes, these are our monsters of this show, called Hoshiina, which means “want” or “desire”. Cure Dream fights the Hoshiina, but it uses books as shields and whips and manages to throw her around. Coco approaches her, not having run away yet, and unloads his emotions on her, explaining how he feels guilty about dragging her back into the conflict, and inadvertently tormenting her by not communicating because he wanted to wait and show off the fully rebuilt Palmier Kingdom to her. She thanks him for being so concerned, and then the other girls turn up, having heard the commotion. They transform and so does Scorp. and they duke it out over Coco’s honor and intentions. Between blows they reiterate that they want to go to the Cure Rose Garden, they decided that themselves without his influence so he shouldn’t feel guilty, but they still want him to lend his power to make it possible to get there. The Hoshiina puts up a good fight with some diverse tactics, but the girls don’t lose faith and they manage to pin it down. Dream implores a relieved Coco that she wants them all to go to the Cure Rose Garden together, and then launches into her all-new finisher: Precure Shooting Star, where she flies directly into the Hoshiina, destroying it. Scorp flees.
Later, Nozomi and Coco have a heart-to-heart outside the library where he says he really appreciated the letter, but he isn’t sure what he can do to help them. Right on cue, Nuts shows up and explains what they CAN do: detect Palmins! There’s one nearby, and Coco guides Nozomi into catching it in the CureMo by taking a picture.
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The girls all gather round to see what she captured, and it turns into.... a futon. Coco explains that there’s different kinds of Palmins, they’re not all disguised monarchs, but they may be useful down the road so it’s not a loss. They vow once more to find all the monarchs and go to the Cure Rose Garden together, as Syrup watches from a distance, still a little confused by their togetherness.
The Analysis
Credit where it’s due. In stark contrast to Max Heart, which had no idea what to do for a plot and just kind of meandered about for the majority of its run, GoGo is hitting the ground running. It has clearly and effectively established the objective (reach the Cure Rose Garden to meet Flora while rescuing the four monarchs along the way) and the conflict (Eternal, the company that wants to preserve everything). In fact I might even say there’s too much plot crammed into these premiere episodes. You’re absolutely inundated with information and it’s a lot to absorb, whereas the first series spread its exposition out over all the character introductions. GoGo could stand to slow down a little, and I think episode 3 still has more to give us yet. A lot of the middle of the episode is taken up with explaining who the villains are, how Coco and Nuts got back, and some private conversation about Precure’s new powers. The Precure were upgraded with the power of the Red Rose from the Cure Rose Garden, and the legend says the garden also grows blue roses. The audience has probably deduced that the mysterious girl in the opening has something to do with that, but I’m still going to pretend I don’t know about Milky Rose for a bit.
The dialog at least feels more natural in this episode, but it’s contrasted with the tension between Coco and Nozomi, which I don’t think was necessary except to add a little conflict. However, I can see the reasoning behind it. He cares deeply about Nozomi and everyone and he didn’t want to drag them back into his and Nuts’s battle, he wanted them to continue to be ordinary girls living their ordinary lives, worrying about school and their hobbies and interests. He feels like it’s his fault they’ve transformed again whether they wanted to or not. However, Nozomi and the others explain they want to go to the Cure Rose Garden and are more than happy to help Coco and Nuts out along the way. Knowing that they don’t feel burdened by him helps put Coco’s mind at ease and he cheers the girls on. From the real-world writers’ perspective, it’s  a pretty stark reversal of his personality from the first season and as I suggested, is probably there to have some drama. Normally Nuts is the moody one, but his character arc last season was all about opening up and being helpful and taking things in stride, so now it’s Coco’s turn to be the dramatic one, though in his case it’s based on concern rather than past betrayal. They seem to have resolved it in this episode, we’ll see whether it carries forward or not. However, there’s still a lingering mystery about his past with Syrup, as the latter seems to resent him, and that will definitely carry us for a bit.
The fights in this episode are great, especially the second one. The first is brief but to the point, filled with dynamic team kicks to throw Scorp off his rocker. The later fight is for all the marbles, and the fairies get caught in the crossfire. It’s a struggle but the girls come out on top with the strength of their convictions and some fast thinking. Despite being a few months since they’ve been at it, clearly the girls haven’t gotten rusty. If anything they’re faster than before, or maybe that’s just the early animation budget. It’s evenly balanced between physical and ideological fighting as the girls try to convince Coco that they’re not upset at him, and explain to Scorp why they care about Coco. The Hoshiina is pretty creative for a first enemy, using books as swords, whips, shields, arms, and legs at different times. It spins itself around at high speeds to avoid attacks and gives the girls a good fight. For their part, they use a lot of flying punches and kicks to wear it down and Dream gets in a particularly good one-two combo before her finisher. Speaking of which: Dream’s new solo attack! I liked Dream Attack and its successor Crystal Shoot, but Shooting Star is next level. She FLIES DIRECTLY INTO THE ENEMY? It’s like Five Explosion but as a solo attack and it’s totally badass. We’ll get to see more of the others’ attacks in the coming episodes, of course. Once again it’s a while before they get their group attack, so enjoy the solos.
The artwork this episode is, unfortunately, laughably bad. I mean come on it’s only episode 2, you’re not supposed to have the super off-model shots until later in the show. And yet....
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These faces are laughable. Misshapen, disproportionate, or just blank stares. It’s not the entire episode but it’s present at key moments throughout and it takes away from the experience. I looked ahead and actually Milky Rose’s debut is also pretty bad so maybe they were in a rush with the early part of this show.
Now, it wouldn’t be Precure without some good old fashioned merchandising, and we’ve got a brand spanking new toy to sell in the Curemo! The extended sequence of Coco walking Nozomi through the process of capturing a Palmin is also promotion for kids to buy the toy and see what they can do with it. It’s a little fancier than the Pinky Catch from last year, taking the form of a pink flip phone, but it also has a swivel hinge, similar to the Heartful Communes from Max Heart.
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The top of it has a grid design with depictions of the five butterflies of the Palmier Kingdom, and on the lower left is an emblem of a rose. When it’s opened, it has a blue-green screen surrounded by pink, and the body where the keyboard would be just has three buttons, shaped like a rosebud and two leaves, and some stem designs etched in beneath that. It’s a much more involved toy than the Pinky Catch, at least visually, and I’m here for it. While the Pinky Catch could only open and close, the CureMo also has a rotating screen as mentioned, which lays into the capture gimmick. The user rotates the screen sideways and snaps a picture of the Palmin, similar to a real cell phone, which is then scanned into the device and turns into its true form. It looks neat and it compacts nicely, blends into their world well, so I think it’s effective as a device. I do find it funny how heavily the Palmin capture is emphasized and how blatantly similar it is to last season’s Macguffin quest, but that’s the business, I’m not going to dwell on it too much.
Despite some major hiccups after a bumpy premiere, GoGo 02 is still a pretty good episode overall. The characters are starting to settle into their new roles and we’re learning about the conflict. If the animation smooths out then the show will be off to a strong start.
Next time, Mailpo appears! What’s a Mailpo? Wait and find out! Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 2 kettei!
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uwunnie · 5 years
About the Fan Cafe (Nov. 14, 10:52 AM US Mountain Time)
I’ve seen a rise of discouragement since WH’s removal from the MX fan-cafe, so I would like to gently point out some things that I think will help put everything into perspective.
After what has transpired, this removal was expected. From what I’ve heard, the actual court cases have begun for WH, SN, and SS.
I’d like everyone to take note that all parties have gone silent - including HSH and JDE. This reason can stem towards the fact that when people are involved in legal cases - especially high profile ones like we’re seeing now - everyone is instructed to stay silent and lay low.
Under my own speculation and knowledge of how the law works, SS removing WH from the fan cafe is probably so that less attention from netizens gets drawn to him; especially since right now is a very crucial time.
I also heard that some of the letters sent to him were filled with hatred, and others trying to pry for info and/or talking about what’s going on - whether it be factual or mere perception. Even though such things were sent by outside parties, those types of things could seriously hurt WH - especially when fighting a sensitive legal case.
Now, take note that his account was not deleted.
It would be more worrisome if they had deleted his account entirely, but rather, they removed him from the MX cafe; something that is very easily reversible and can be done so at any time - same with the official sites. In addition, he can still see letters written to him in the fan-cafe on public boards and what not; all that has to be done is including [WONHO] in the title.
In addition, a lot of people have given up, but there’s a bigger majority who haven’t and now, this case and what’s happening is starting to gain more attention from our continuous efforts and the overall knowledge that human beings should be treated with decency.
So, I will remind everyone that silence is not a bad thing right now.
Is it frustrating? Scary? Worrisome?
Yes, yes, and yes.
It would be worse, however, if they were talking about what’s occurring because that’d imply they know they can’t win the legal battles and/or they don’t care - which we all know is false. The boys DO care and this can be proven by their messages as well as their overall physical expressions and changes since promotions.
I understand that we want answers, and we will get them. This process takes time, however, so we have to try our best to remain level-headed and stay united.
I’ve stated this before, and I will state it again: Even amidst the removal of WH from the sites, SS still has not posted any official statement regarding his termination. I understand some people point towards the letter of their amicable parting, but that was not a termination letter. Unless Wonho, himself, comes out and genuinely - and I mean genuinely - states that he wants to leave, the fight is not over.
Stay calm. Stay positive. Stay united.
Everything will be okay.
If the outcome isn’t positive, it is not the end.
354 notes · View notes
raendown · 4 years
Pairing: TobiramaKagami Rated: E Chapter: 3/4 Word count: 5108 Summary: It shouldn’t be so surprising that it’s Kagami who makes the opening move, asking for so little when he desires so much. From there their relationship unfolds in a tapestry of firsts they’ve both been waiting to experience.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
After several weeks of dating Kagami could say with absolute confidence that he still had no idea what he was doing. Everyone else always made dating look so easy. How did anyone ever know what they were supposed to do for each other or where the boundaries were? Already he had laid awake for hours when he was supposed to sleeping but instead was wondering if it was okay for him to send Tobirama gifts in the office, if he was allowed to walk the man home or if he should wait for Tobirama to offer the same, what counted as a date and what was just spending time together. With so many questions bouncing around in his head it was a miracle he didn’t explode with them every time he saw his boyfriend.
Just being able to use the term ‘boyfriend’ in the same sentence as ‘Tobirama’ without prefacing it with ‘I wish’ was almost enough to blow his mind every time he thought about it. 
Despite the mania of confusion in his own head and around them Kagami had been absolutely floating on air with happiness for the past few weeks. Only a day or two after their second date some news made it back from their spies in the Land of Lightning and things had been incredibly hectic ever since but Tobirama made sure to set at least an hour aside for them to spend together every couple of days. Considering how much work the man had to get through Kagami appreciated it more than he could say.
He was still extremely excited when things finally calmed down enough that they could take an entire evening off to spend some much desired quality time together. Being invited in to Tobirama’s home was a thrill all on its own, knowing he was one of the few people allowed in such a private space. The lab was one thing, only a handful of people had ever been allowed access in to there, but his actual home was somewhere he kept private from anyone but family. Kagami had no delusions that he could be considered family so early in their relationship so knowing that Tobirama trusted him enough to share the most private parts of himself already was a rush unlike any other. 
“You have a lot of secrets,” were the first words out of his mouth after a quick tour of the home. 
“Do I?” Tobirama was smiling. He could tell that even without turning around just from the amused lilt in that rumbling  voice when he stepped up behind Kagami to settle both hands on his hips. 
“Mhm.” Not allowing himself to be distracted, he waved up at the carving he’d been admiring from as many angles as possible. “Who knew you had a secret sense of interior design hidden up your sleeve as well? I have to say, I’m impressed. This is a hundred times nicer than my house.”
“You let the little girls who live next to you decorate your living room; anything would look fancy next to your place.” 
Kagami sniffed and said nothing. He didn’t actually have a defense against that since it was true. All he could say was that it had been utterly adorable watching the two of them run around with the paints they usually used to fill in coloring books and the smiles they had worn when they proudly showed off their work. Much like the man behind him, he had a deep weakness for children.
Thankfully Tobirama didn’t stop to tease him, instead leading him in to the kitchen where dinner was just waiting for them to sit down and enjoy. And enjoy he did. Whenever they happened to get thrown on the same missions nowadays there was a reason he always begged Tobirama to take cooking duty. The man was a wizard with cooking utensils in his hand. Sometimes Kagami thought it was a little unfair how good his partner seemed to be at everything but since he tended to benefit from those skills he’d never seen fit to complain too loudly. 
Something told him that he was supposed to get some sort of message from the homemade soup Tobirama served but for the life of him he couldn’t guess. It was delicious, a recipe of Tobirama’s own making, and much lighter on the spice than the man usually liked his food. Kagami would also not have been surprised not to be served fish considering both of their preference for seafood but there was something sweet and romantic and downright homey about soup made from a personal recipe – and it did taste delicious. Even without spice or seafood of any kind it still managed to be one of the tastiest dishes he’d ever been served.
Right up until they were both gathering their dishes and bringing them over to the sink the entire night was perfect, a small oasis of peace after weeks of madness, so of course that was when they were interrupted by a knock on the door and Kagami watched all the muscles in Tobirama’s jaw tighten at the same time. 
“I had hoped they were passing by to bother Hashirama instead,” he murmured, clearly having sensed whoever the unwanted visitor was long before they reached his door. 
“Want me to go yell at them?” Kagami offered. Even he wasn’t sure whether he was serious or not; thankfully Tobirama took that decision away by shaking his head with a deep sigh. 
“No, unfortunately it might be important. I should at least see what they want.” 
His eyes were already rolling as he padded down the hallway – too dignified to stomp despite the irritation clear in every line of his body – and when he pulled the door open Kagami peeked around the corner just in time to watch one of the Hokage’s assistants squeak with fright. Papers held up like a shield between them, he stammered his way through a few apologies and explained that they had just received some time sensitive correspondence that required an answer right away.
“I will see to it here and return it when I’m finished,” Tobirama declared. 
“Yes, Senju-sama. Of course.” The man bowed, already backing away without waiting to be dismissed. As soon as it was polite to do so he turned tail and fled back down the street. 
Kagami held his tongue until Tobirama had opened the folder and looked it over before coughing awkwardly. “Should I leave?”
“What? No, no, there’s no need for that. This will only take a moment if you don’t mind?”
“Anything you need!”
“Hm, anything you say?” Tobirama grinned and Kagami regretted his word choices immediately. “Come, I’ll just need to pop in to my office and I would be a terrible host to leave you alone.” 
The effort it took to stop himself from backtracking for a less incriminating turn of phrase distracted him from making any sort of comment about Tobirama having an entire room set aside as a home office. It suited him, was hardly a surprise that he brought his work home so often that he had set up a space to do it in, but Kagami did wish the man would take a little more time for himself some days. 
Most of the décor inside the office matched the vibe of the décor outside, similar colors and focused more on elegance than opulence. The only difference here was the surprisingly cluttered state of the shelves on the far side of the room. Generally any space Tobirama occupied tended to end up tidy and organized within a few hours even if it was only a temporary space and yet here it looked as though everything had been thrown in to whatever space was available at the time without a single thought for coherency. 
Obviously his surprise must have shown on his face judging by the embarrassed look his host threw back at the mess as he sat down. 
“You will tell no one about my secret shame,” Tobirama murmured and Kagami laughed. 
“How do you plan to buy my silence?” he shot back. 
Tobirama pinned him in place with hot eyes that made him swallow a sudden lump in his throat. He really should learn to start thinking his words through; it seemed like the more time he spent in close proximity with this man the more his mind began to speak itself.
Relief swept through him when that piercing gaze slid away to focus on paperwork, giving him a few moments to breathe and recollect his scattered thoughts. While Tobirama read through the letter and drafted a response Kagami drifted around the room and took his opportunity to peer through the window out in to the backyard. Spacious and well kept, he appreciated the presence of a privacy fence around the edges of the property, one home addition he was entirely unsurprised by. The lack of any flora but a few bushes along the fence line didn’t really surprise him either when he knew that greenery was more of the Hashirama-sama’s hobby, a passion he’d been unable to impart on his little brother. 
It didn’t take very long for Tobirama to finish up and once he had his response written out on a clean sheet of paper he used one hand to wave it dry while the other called a single clone in to existence. Kagami turned away from the window to watch him instruct the copy to deliver his reply back to the tower posthaste. Then the clone slipped away and he shivered as that hot gaze locked with his own, calling him over with one finger crooked in beckoning. He was helpless to do anything but go. 
“You look like you’re about to eat me and I’m not sure if I’m intrigued or frightened.” Kagami settled on a smile of gentle triumph when Tobirama laughed. 
“Perhaps I’m trying to buy your silence like you asked me to.”
“Okay well now I’m even more worried,” He joked, already stepping within reach and slipping easily in to the arms that pulled him close against Tobirama’s side. 
It was entirely unfair how long this man’s torso was. Even from a sitting position he was nearly as tall as Kagami standing at full height. The only nice part about that was how easy it was to lean over and kiss him when a pale hand lifted to hook in the neck of his shirt and pull him down, stealing a quiet sound of pleasure from his lips.
When two broad hands traveled down the front of his chest to settle at his hips Kagami thought of nothing but how good it felt, as though the other were learning every inch and crevice of his body. He didn’t think much of it when they tightened their grip because that felt nice too in the way a tight hug made him feel secure and loved. Then suddenly the hands gripping him lifted and he broke their kiss to let out a startled yelp as he was hauled bodily in to the air and set back down on the edge of the wooden desk. 
“Are you serious?” he cried. 
“Have I crossed a line?”
“Do you have any idea how hot that was?” Kagami gestured in wide nonsensical arcs to demonstrate his point as he went on. “With the lifting and the putting and I weigh nothing to you do I? God, why are you so hot? I hate it. No, I love it. Stop being hot!” 
“If you wish,” Tobirama murmured, though he was still openly smirking with amusement. 
Kagami huffed. “Stop laughing at me too.”
“Note to self, he clearly enjoys being tossed around,” Tobirama went on mercilessly. 
“I said stop! But, um, yeah. Yeah that was…good.” 
Praying did not convince the universe to strike him down where he sat so Kagami figured the best way to deal with his mortification was to find something to distract them both. And the universe’s answer was of course right there in the form of Tobirama drawing him in to another kiss, capturing his lips and turning his brain to mush so he almost didn’t notice that his legs were being moved around until he was all but straddling his partner’s waist. If he slid just a few inches forward he could lower himself from the edge of the desk and then he truly would be sitting right over Tobirama’s lap. 
Now that he was right where Tobirama seemed to want him the hands that had lifted him here returned to their exploration of his body, sliding up and down his sides and mapping the contours of his chest until he was squirming with so many sensations he didn’t know how to deal with. He was hard inside his clothing long before those wandering hands made their way down to slide along the tops of his thighs and stop for two thumbs to trace his obliques. 
“Hah…” The sound escaped with little warning, accompanied by a full body shiver, and when Kagami blinked away the fog in his mind he found Tobirama looking up at him from the chair with a contemplative look. 
“You will tell me if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, I hope?” he asked. Kagami nearly swallowed his own tongue with nerves. 
“Sure, yeah. Uh, what exactly were you planning to do?”
Tobirama ran his thumbs along the seam of Kagami’s thighs again, dangerously close to other parts of his anatomy, and quirked up one corner of his mouth in a sultry look. “Well now that I seem to have you at my mercy I should very much like to pleasure you.” 
Once again Kagami nearly choked on his tongue. 
“Who says that?” he exclaimed. 
“Is that a no?”
“No! It’s…I mean…do I get to return the favor?”
For once he got to surprise Tobirama in turn. His partner lifted one eyebrow and actually paused before replying, “If you want to I’m certainly not going to stop you. My body is yours to explore. But first…”
His words were so distracting Kagami had somehow managed to forget about his hands but he remembered them now as they dipped towards each other to caress his inner thighs and then one of them branched upwards to cup him through his clothing. All the breath in his lungs rushed out at once and he hurried to shove an arm out behind himself lest he fall over with the shock of pleasant sensations rushing through him.
“This is alright?” Tobirama’s teasing voice asked him and he realized his eyes were closed. 
Licking his lips, he couldn’t help but roll in to the motion of the hand caressing him. Just when he thought he might be getting a little too excited too fast, a recipe for repeating the last time they found themselves in an intimate situation, the teasing stopped and both of the hands touching him moved up to toy with the fastenings of his pants. 
“And this too?” 
“Oh wow…” All the words of his own language seemed to have fallen out his ears leaving him empty and speechless but that didn’t matter as long as Tobirama kept doing whatever it was he planned on doing. Visions of white fingers wrapped around him and stroking firmly dancing behind his eyelids until he forced them open to nod frantically. “Uh-huh. S’fine.”
“Excellent.” All but dripping confidence with every movement, even when he paused to make sure he hadn’t made his partner uncomfortable, Tobirama somehow managed to make an entire show out of undoing Kagami’s clothing and opening the front of his pants before detouring back up to tease his chest again. 
Trying not to fall over and just melt in to an actual puddle, Kagami wondered if he should be returning some of this attention. He did make a point of saying he wanted to actually give something back this time instead of leaving Tobirama unsatisfied again. No matter what the man said about not keeping a tally he still felt guilty allowing himself to be pleasured without at least attempting to give the same in return. And it would be an attempt only; he was fairly sure his inexperience wouldn’t exactly be sexy. 
He had a lot to learn but he had a feeling Tobirama was open to teaching him whatever he wanted to know in this area. 
Despite his good intentions, however, it was getting harder and harder by the second to think around the waves of arousal spreading through his body with every caress and touch. When fingers slid underneath his waistband it took all of his concentration not to whimper. He was almost grateful to feel them pull away a moment later until he noticed they were only repositioning to hook underneath the hem from another angle while Tobirama looked up at him with a smile that threatened to melt his bones. 
“I’ll need you to lift up if you don’t mind me removing these,” he said.
Kagami tried to answer and found that words were failing him still so instead he fell back on his elbows and braced his feet on the sides of Tobirama’s chair to lift his hips, trying not to be obvious about the fact that he was close to panting with anticipation. He had dreamed of baring himself for this man a shameful amount of times. The reality was a lot more nerve-wracking than it usually was in his fantasies but it still had the advantage of being real, something he wouldn’t wake up from and need to scrub off his skin just so he could look the other man in the eye afterwards.
He was a little surprised to have his pants pulled down only far enough to trap his legs, the stretchy material giving him just enough room to remain straddled around Tobirama’s waist while pinning them in place so he could go no further. Then he was even more surprised when instead of continuing his explorations Tobirama went straight for the ties of his fundoshi. Heat returned to his face with a vengeance as he watched himself spring up, fully hard already and oh so obviously eager, but at least Tobirama did not laugh at him this time. Actually he looked a little closer to drooling than laughing, which Kagami had been certain was something that only happened in his private little imaginings. For a few moments Tobirama simply tilted his head and took in the sight before him while his thumbs traced soothing circles on the thighs under his grasp. 
Then he leaned forward to lick a stripe up the cock just begging for his attention and Kagami’s entire body convulsed with a sharp cry.
“Warning!” he gasped. 
“If I gave you warning then it wouldn’t be a surprise.” Tobirama rumbled his words against the side of his new treat, following them immediately with another long stripe with the flat of his tongue. 
“Ah! Nn…feels- yes. Do that. That’s g- very good.”
“Does it? Then I am very curious to know what you think of this.” 
Without bothering to give any further warning Tobirama parted his lips to sink down over the head of Kagami’s cock and the shock of pleasure that ran through him was so strong the arms keeping him up folded, sending his torso crashing backwards. One hand lifted to clap over his mouth as a shamefully loud moan spilled out, hips instinctively bucking upwards in to that hot, wet glory. His movements were stifled by a strong grip as Tobirama held him in place and did things with that beautiful mouth Kagami’s craziest wet dreams had never been able to imagine.
He knew what a blowjob was, obviously. Growing up with dozens of other young boys his age ensured he knew exactly how a blowjob was done and heard a dozen and more descriptions of what it felt like. None of that prepared him for the reality of Tobirama’s tongue curling around his length, cheeks hollowing to add a little suction in some undecipherable pattern, and the wet sounds that should have been more disturbing than anything yet still somehow managed to heighten his excitement because this was actually happening. Senju Tobirama was curled over him and sucking on his cock, quickly bringing him closer and closer to what was obviously going to be the best orgasm of his entire life. 
Which, of course, his own mouth decided he needed to express using garbage half sentences and noises better left to the darkness when he was alone with his own shameful imagination. The swear words at least seemed to have an effect. For every involuntary curse that left his mouth Tobirama hummed around him in appreciation and the sensation of it was almost enough to send him flying over the edge. Almost, but thankfully not quite.
Instead what actually did it was nothing but a natural build. His body splayed across the desk like a scroll unfurled for his partner to work on, back arching towards the ceiling every time Tobirama sank back down over him, hands scrabbling for purchase only to lose it against and again as he spasmed with so much more pleasure than he was used to handling. Again and again he babbled senselessly at the ceiling as all the muscles in his body coiled tighter and tighter until he was dangling right on the precipice- 
Then fell, shattered, fragmented in to a thousand pieces as his spine bowed and his hands shot down to fist in the back of Tobirama’s shirt while that gorgeous mouth worked him all the way through an orgasm that threatened to send him straight in to nirvana. It felt like forever until his back hit the wood of the desk again and Kagami was left panting and shivering, anchored to reality only by the pale hands caressing his chest and thighs in nonsensical patterns. If not for the voice murmuring soft exclamations of mild surprise for his reaction he might have thought he’d actually passed out and fallen in to a dream. The Tobirama of his dreams always praised him for being perfect and whispered filthy things he wasn’t sure the Tobirama before him would ever utter. Unless he asked. He had a feeling his partner would do a lot of things if he asked for them. 
By the time his eyes were able to see again past the senseless cloud of euphoria he found the man smiling much like a smug cat, full of pride and eyes just as bright as the moments he realized he’d made a scientific breakthrough. 
“You look like you want to eat me again,” he said breathlessly and without thinking.
“Don’t tempt me,” was Tobirama’s answer and it sent his head dropping back, hand coming up to cover his eyes with embarrassment. 
“Just because I’m sitting here with my bits still hanging out in your face doesn’t mean I meant to be suggestive!”
He flushed even deeper when the other man laughed but strangely it also helped cut the awkwardness of being so exposed, as he’d said, right in front of Tobirama’s face. Not having been with anyone before meant the only time he’d been exposed to other people’s eyes had been in the public baths he didn’t visit that often anyway. It was strange. Maybe it was the fact that he was the only one not fully clothed or maybe it was just a matter of the newness of it all but he had to admit that the way Tobirama’s eyes stayed riveted to him with a primal sort of hunger helped more than anything to keep him at least a little comfortable. 
Comfortable enough to sit up and swallow down his fears, slipping off the edge of the desk and sinking to the floor between Tobirama’s knees without bothering to remove the rest of his pants. His reward was the very visible bob of the older man’s throat.
“You know you don’t have to,” Tobirama assured him. Reaching out with shaking fingers, Kagami gave a deliberately casual shrug.
“I want to. Believe me I want to.” He was already blushing so he blamed the heat in his cheeks on lingering pleasure rather than the allusion to his longtime desires. 
Even having just had all of this done to himself Kagami still felt a little lost as he slowly pulled clothing away until he was tracing the edges of a perfectly white cock with nervous fingertips. He felt Tobirama’s eyes watching closely but the man said nothing to stop him from exploring with gentle touches until he was able to force his mind past the initial disbelief of being allowed to do these things. 
Then he was curling his fingers around the shaft and shuffling forward on his knees, eyes lowered because he couldn’t bear to let their gazes meet just in case he did all of this wrong, and bent his neck for a first taste. He was almost startled by the smooth skin of the head but more so by how much he enjoyed the sensation. Intrigued, he took his time exploring all the things he just had over again but this time with his tongue. So enraptured was he that it almost startled him out of his skin to feel fingers slide in between his curls with a gentle grip as Tobirama let out a shuddering breath above him. 
He was enjoying this. Kagami could hardly believe his ears but when he dared to peek upwards he found glazed lust staring back at him and a line of pink spread across the bridge of Tobirama’s nose, his arousal clear and bared without shame. Whatever he was doing was actually working and the thrill of that was enough of a confidence boost for him to look back down at what he was doing and slide his lips over the whole head.
Over his head Tobirama released a groan that nearly made him peak all over again. Kagami did his best to contain the way he shivered in response and made a few adjustments until he was bobbing slowly in his best approximation of the overwhelming experience he had just lived through himself. It was impossible to tell whether the sounds he was earning were genuine or exaggerated for his benefit but either way they spurred him on even after his jaw slowly began to ache. With more experience in this sort of thing Tobirama was able to last a bit longer than he had. Kagami held his eyes shut tight and brought one hand up to work the length he wasn’t able to fit in his mouth, hoping that would help more than distract. 
It wasn’t too long before he felt the thighs around him tensing slowly; long enough that his jaw would surely be sore the next day but not enough that he couldn’t redouble his efforts in anticipation. He still wasn’t convinced his movements weren’t terribly awkward looking but he stroked and sucked and licked in whatever pattern he could manage and listened with breathless glee as Tobirama fell apart under his touch. 
Never had he experienced anything as gratifying as knowing that it was his efforts bringing Tobirama closer to the edge. He was so wrapped up in the triumph of it all that he almost thought Tobirama was pushing him away when the man put a steadying hand on his shoulder and started trying to say something in breathless, broken syllables. 
“Don’t have to-” he eventually managed to get out and Kagami understood. 
Grinning was a little difficult with his mouth this full so he flicked his gaze up to acknowledge his partner even as he blatantly ignored those words. After putting so much effort in to doing this well there was no way he would pull back right at the end. Even the unexpected salty flavor that flooded his mouth could not dampen the victory of holding Tobirama’s hips down and listening to the sweet symphony of his own name in fragmented gasps, feeling the clench of fingers in his hair and knowing he had been the one to overwhelm his partner for once instead of the other way around. 
When he pulled away he did so carefully, not wanting to spill the mouthful he couldn’t choke down until after Tobirama’s softened length was out of the way. Then when his own mouth was clear he looked up to admire the image above him. Pale lines stretched out, languishing, muscles loose and free of tension. 
“You look ready to fall asleep,” he noted absently. Tobirama blinked sleepily down at him and quirked up one side of his mouth. 
“Not without you.” 
The crook of one finger had him rising from his knees only to slide back over Tobirama’s lap and preen in the tight hold that wrapped him in close for a few soft kisses. “Not bad for a first time?”
“If you don’t mind staying a little longer I would be happy to spend the next few hours telling you exactly why that was so far above ‘not bad’,” Tobirama murmured. Both of them were still flushed but it was hard to tell if it was from the arousal or embarrassment. 
“A little longer?” Kagami asked, not sure how to respond to such praise, neatly sidestepping it instead. 
“Mm. If you like you can stay the night. My place is a little closer to work than yours is.”
Chewing on his bottom lip, Kagami muffled a bit of laughter. “Oh of course, convenience, that’s the reason you want me to stay.”
“Obviously,” Tobirama scoffed jokingly. “What other reasons would I have? It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with how much I enjoy your company or how selfishly I want to enjoy it for as long as possible.” 
Since he knew it was already pretty obvious that he shared the sentiment Kagami opted for a nice healthy blush and some distracting babble in place of an actual answer, hoping fruitlessly that it wasn’t noticeable how nervous he was to spend their first night together. Even if nothing more happened it was still another big step forward for them. It didn’t matter that none of those big steps had gone poorly yet, he was still going to be nervous for every one because this was important to him. Tobirama was important to him. 
This was his one chance and the smile looking up at him from below was worth getting nervous over if it meant he remembered how to appreciate all that he was blessed with. 
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printableresumes1 · 4 years
10 Powerful Resume Composing Rules
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At the point when I completed school, I never needed to make a resume (educational program vitae or CV) as the organization where I went for connection was after my aptitudes. I never needed to search for an employment at this stage. I basically strolled into my first occupation without applying for it. I needed to get familiar with a quick method of making a powerful resume while under tension when a position emerged with a global combination 200 miles out of the capital. When I saw the promotion for the work, I had in a real sense 3 days to make a resume and application letter and quickly get it under the control of enrollment staff. I glance back at that resume (which I have saved for such countless years) and I ask myself "What in the world was I imparting, and why they recruited me?" The resume leaves a great deal to be wanted. Of the 5 positions I have had, I was just met once. The rest were a consequence of individuals understanding what I can convey and essentially snatching me. I might not have composed that numerous resumes yet I have perused various experiences with them as a business and departmental head. Note that your resume is the main contact that a potential boss has with you. Your resume is your minister that praises you in all the associations you might be pursuing.
1. You don't have to lie about what you have or don't have - Trustworthiness is measure upon the arrival of the meeting and the vast majority disregard what they would have lied about. Meetings just get some information about the substance or data they experienced and particularly the data they shortlisted you dependent on. Tragically individuals who lie a ton will in general fail to remember what they lied about and thus they are up to speed in their own plans. You don't need to tailor your resume to suit the ad. On the off chance that you generally need to do that, at that point chances are that you are not the individual they are searching for. In the event that it isn't on your unique resume, at that point please overlook that work and leave it to more genuine and appropriate individuals. Your own possibility will come. Card sharks or examiners are treated accordingly, their resumes are just retired or destroyed.
2. The more limited the resume the better - Individuals are not intrigued by long stories, when they need such they visit the closest library to acquire story books. Be with regards direct as conceivable in your resume. Attempt by all way to feature what you have in 3 pages all things considered. Know the things that "sell" about you and make features of those in more limited sentences. You can leave the elaboration for the day of the meeting. You won't be chosen because of your being over expound. Here and there individuals wind up having 6 to 8 page booklets with a wide range of enhancements and colorful language. Truly, picture is significant yet more critically is the thing that you have than what you are indicating to have.
3. Realize what to put accentuation on - Most bosses are not all that enthused about private matters like the number of youngsters you have, sensitivities to explicit nourishments, interests and so on Try not to squander space chipping in close to home data which is of no utilization to the possible business. Your resume should have the option to convey the basic data which is your abilities, encounters and instruction foundation. Some data that you put on the resume may neutralize you. In the event that you put down such pastimes as riding the web, conversing with companions, mingling, playing PC games and so on then enrollment specialists will get stressed that you won't work yet appear at login to the web and begin talking. Organizations have lost enough income thusly and when you feature such data, you have precluded yourself positively.
4. Lucidity is significant - It isn't accurate that you will be chosen dependent on the number of huge words you utilize yet dependent on how much the potential business becomes acquainted with about you through your resume. Large words should be left for secondary school public talking challenges. Utilize Fundamental English which is clear. Some of the time individuals who select you for a meeting are not even as specialized as you are consequently they need to determine what you are about without enlisting for your first degree to decipher your resume. List items bring clearness than sections of text. Number your headings and subheadings. Leave spaces between headings. Try not to be enticed to simply crush everything in one page when in established truth you are basically being over expand.
5. Arranging has the effect - Use textual styles that are anything but difficult to peruse. Cursive composing is to be evaded. You would prefer not to strain your possible boss. You need them to think about you in the most brief conceivable time. Resumes with textual styles that strain individuals' eyes are generally retired for "some other time" investigation or destroying. Continuously use Tab to adjust your work pleasantly than utilize the space bar. Data that isn't very much organized imparts that you don't focus on detail, you are messy and sluggish. Such perspectives can be found from the manner in which you design your archive. You can't have a resume in ALL Covers and with everything striking. Strong the subheadings and the content underneath must simply be plain content. On the off chance that you are not PC sharp (which you should be in this each propelling current culture), at that point I prescribe that you enlist a typist to type and design your resume.
6. May there be structure on your resume - Follow a coherent arrangement. As referenced before individuals are truly inspired by your abilities, perspectives, experience and instruction data more than individual issues. The succession I suggest as powerful is one that has your name on cover, straight into your aptitudes profile, at that point insight, the instructive/proficient profile, your own information and in conclusion your recognizable references. You are free to revise this as you see fit. There are various resume formats accessible on the web. Various nations endorse distinctive resume organizing procedures thus you should be touchy and significant by following the rules from the particular nation.
7. How refreshed is your resume - Consistently print a new duplicate of your resume which shows every little thing about you to date. It is irritating for questioners to then discover that you in reality went home a half year prior but your resume imparts that you are as yet utilized. It is equivalent to your resume being named as a bogus record. Continuously check with your refs in the event that they are as yet on similar numbers and email tends to you have. All the new courses joined in, all the outcomes as of late gathered, etc, should be on the resume. Keep an electronic duplicate which you can add, correct and print on interest than print many "destined to be out of date" resumes.
8. References add believability to your declarations - You references should be individuals who know you and ideally the individuals who were your bosses in the different associations. This is the motivation behind why you should leave associations appropriately and not escape like a criminal. I continue accepting calls from expected managers of my previous representatives from everywhere the world. Now and then I get messages and in a lion's share of cases I get calls. A few managers pay attention to references. They need to know why you left and what sort of individual you are. Kindly advise your references about it so they are prepared to respond to questions when reached. Try not to shock individuals by basically citing their names and not illuminating them. It is really impolite and a few references may wind up giving you an off-base proposal dependent on the disturbance they face. They may not recall you subsequently the motivation to advise them. click for more info Printable Resume Templates
9. Make snares that catch the crowd - You could have a passage which shows that sort of individual you are with books on it. Feature major or outstanding accomplishment, guarantee that you feel that they truly are or, more than likely essentially notice them as accomplishments. Under each sub heading likewise make snares by feature or summing up central questions under a similar point. Feature your differentiations where material. Two individuals who have done likewise degree with a similar degree of mastery will vary on the number of snares they decide to utilize or on the off chance that they actually will utilize them by any stretch of the imagination.
10. Innovativeness makes you stick out - By inventive I am not alluding to the way that you need a visual creator for your resume. You need to zest up the introduction through terms that you use and methods of conveying the resume. Rather than utilizing regular terms like Training, you could change that to Capabilities PROFILE similarly for instance. The most well-known methods of sending a resume are through printed design or through messages. Some inventive ways that individuals are utilizing increasingly more are: making an intelligent Cd where the business takes a visit through the representative's life and work through visuals and at times workers have sites with their resumes. While this is a chance, consistently give the alternative for a printable variant of your resume as some may even now be customary in methodology. The upside of an intelligent Cd and site is that you can "show" and not just "tell" individuals what you have done. You can catch your significant accomplishments and narrative them in a self overseeing slideshow (with an auto run office).
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Step by step instructions to Get The Best Outcomes From Physiotherapy/Your Physiotherapist
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Considering having physiotherapy? Numerous individuals trust that a touch of muscle tweaking will bring about an inexplicable fix. 7 out of 10 individuals can improve in only 5 meetings. Notwithstanding, physiotherapy will possibly work in the event that they attempt the recommended treatment. With an expansion in age comes an improve in the probability of increasing a joint or muscle injury. For instance a stunning 80% of individuals are influenced by back injury eventually in their lives. It pays to know somewhat about what physiotherapy includes and what's in store from it to capitalize on your physiotherapist.
Physiotherapy means to reestablish the scope of developments to harmed muscles or joints. It can even be utilized to improve the effectiveness of the heart, course and lungs. A physiotherapist will do this by prescribing an activity program to reinforce the muscles. The individual may offer back rub to calm torment and profound muscle strain and for some situation electrotherapy might be utilized.
Your physiotherapist will cherish you in the event that you do the activities. Shockingly hardly any individuals do the program endorsed to them and this tragically gives physiotherapy an awful standing. I started a progression of physiotherapy practice for a shoulder injury a little more than a year back and saw slow improvement in simply an issue of weeks. As an additional reward my muscle tone in my arms improved and I even accomplished muscle definition in my abs! To remain submitted my normal time for the activities was (and still is) before anything else, when I return home from work and last thing around evening time. Physiotherapy practices are not the most energizing developments on the planet so I supplement my after-work practices with a couple of moments' of yoga as an additional treat.
While at physiotherapy ensure you capitalize on your meeting by bringing significant letters from your GP or specialist and wear free, open to attire. Women, if the physiotherapist needs to see your back, wear a games bra. Attempt to be as explicit as possible about the sort of torment or loss of development you are encountering. Take notes when the physiotherapist experiences the activities so you would that be able to target gathering of muscles to work appropriately. At long last, evident as it sounds, be on schedule and keep your arrangements. Many individuals don't and learn to expect the unexpected. No improvement. click for more info physiotherapy home service Ahmedabad
Be practical about the adjustment in your condition. You may not be 100% restored after about six arrangements however the activities will reinforce your muscles, increment your versatility and keep a large portion of the torment under control. You may need to change your overall way of life - gobble all the more strongly and take up more exercise on the off chance that you are not previously doing as such. Know about any negative behavior patterns with your stance which could be fundamental or featured by a physical issue - for instance, do you slump when standing or while sitting at the PC? Physiotherapy is an extraordinary occasion to study how you live in your body and if important to make changes to care for yourself.
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nerdygaymormon · 5 years
The Expanded Role of Youth in the Church
I was asked to speak to all the holders of the Aaronic & Melchizedek priesthood in my stake about all the changes the church has made in recent years to the youth programs. I’m putting a copy of the talk here for myself. 
Plus I felt inspired to say something about being gay. It wasn’t in my original plans but the spirit said “what’s the point of having you in church if you don’t address this? No one in that room can speak to it like you can”
An Analogy
Tonight’s organist is Brother Bradshaw. Brother Bradshaw, how would you respond if you received this message:
Hi. I am David and I need to learn how to play the organ before Saturday. My parents have been paying for me to get organ lessons every week for the last 6 years but I never actually attended any of the lessons and I spent the money on other stuff. Now they want me to play a Toccata by Bach at their wedding anniversary on Saturday.
If you can teach me, be here tomorrow at 11:00 am with a keyboard. I am a fast learner so I am pretty sure I will pick it up quickly.
That’s a ridiculous letter, right? 6 years of lessons and practicing can’t be replicated in a single day. Such a shortcut is not available for someone to gain the knowledge and develop the skills to play the piano beautifully. This is also true of things like learning to speak a language, become an agile athlete, a competent & expressive dancer, or a proficient lawyer.  
Putting in consistent effort over time is what brings skills and knowledge. The church experience of our youth has been changing so as to use these teenage years as a time of growth and training in the gospel and in leadership.
If you’re a dad, you should know that the church experience for your sons & daughters is different than it was for you and me. They are being asked to be an active participant in their faith and their religious experience, not just observers. When they turn 18 and are adults, they’ll be prepared to make positive contributions.
Christ already has shown us He has confidence in teens to do great things. As a church we’re showing confidence in our teenagers.
Jesus works with teens
Joseph Smith
How old was Joseph Smith when he had a vision in which God & Jesus visited him? 14.
How old was Joseph when an angel named Moroni appeared and told him about the Book of Mormon and where to find it? 17.
How old was Joseph when he was allowed to begin translating the Book of Mormon and essentially begin his life’s ministry? 21.
How old were Jesus’ twelve apostles?
When Jesus began His ministry at age 30, He chose 12 disciples. We know a little about them. We know 4 of them were fishermen, 1 was a tax collector. 2 were brothers. While we don’t know exactly how old they were, we have some clues as to their ages. Have you ever thought about how old the original apostles were when Jesus called them?
The temple tax
In Exodus 30:14-15, we learn that Jewish law was that every man over the age of 20 is to pay a half-shekel when they visit the temple. In Matthew 17:24-27, when Jesus and His disciples were headed to the temple, Jesus instructed Peter to catch a fish in order to pay this tax. Peter finds a shekel in the mouth of the fish he catches; enough to pay the temple tax for two men. That’s all that this group would owe. It’s an indication that 11 of the disciples were under the age of 20.
They were unmarried
We know that Peter had a wife because Jesus healed his mother-in-law (Matthew 8:14-15). In those times, a Jewish man receives a wife after the age of 18. Again, no other disciples’ wives are mentioned. So Peter was likely the eldest of the 12 apostles and owed the temple tax.
The use of the term “little ones”
Several times in the New Testament (Matthew 11:25, Luke 10:21, and John 13:33) Jesus calls his disciples little children; this term of endearment makes more sense if they were half his age.
The zeal and folly of youth
If it’s true that they were mostly teenagers, some of their comments and actions make more sense and fit well with the zeal, energy and goofiness of adolescence.
Expanded role of youth in the church
The sun seems so huge and bright to us and it’s obvious to place it as the most greatest object in the heavens. However, we now have the technology to compare it to other stars and find that it’s not particularly large or hot or bright compared to others. Our sun doesn’t need to be like other stars, it’s good as it is in its circumstances, especially to us on earth.  
Like the stars, we’re not all the same and trying to force us all to be the same will not bring us real happiness or fulfill our purposes.
Over the past 7 years the church has been inspired to dramatically change the church experience for the youth. I love that it now allows for a customization of lessons, experiences and goals to help us become the best “stars” that we can be.
Come, Follow Me
When I was growing up, there was a manual and the leaders just followed it, did whatever the next lesson was and covered all the points made in the manual’s lesson.
A big change occurred in 2013 when the youth implemented the Come, Follow Me style of lessons. By way of comparison, the adults only got it this year.
Come, Follow Me meant no more manual, it’s all online. The youth presidencies are asked to choose which lessons would most benefit their class or quorum. And the lessons have multiple components for the person teaching to choose what parts to include.
Come, Follow Me encouraged the youth to start teaching. A 12-year-old could be invited to prepare and share part of the lesson, a 17-year-old might be responsible for the entire lesson.
Part of Come, Follow Me is that we study at home. This year we’ve been doing New Testament, next year will be Book of Mormon. We study at home and we share things we learned on Sunday, or at seminary.
Family History
The next big change for youth was Family History.
When I was growing up, genealogy was something old people did. They came to the family history library and scrolled through microfiche, recorded info onto paper forms that they turned in to the temple.
Things moved online and it was clear youth would be more comfortable in this environment. Youth were encouraged to do “indexing,” which is looking at old records and typing the information so these records can be searched electronically.
They also were asked to work on their own family history and find ancestors who need temple work done.
When I was a youth, we usually took 1 or 2 trips to the temple with our ward to do baptism work. The bishop went on those trips and brought a list of names of youth who were allowed to participate, basically a one-time group recommend. It was essentially the ONLY time teenagers could go to the temple.  
Today, teenagers can have their own temple recommend! Their recommend is good for a year and they can choose to go multiple times to the temple. This month in General Conference, President Nelson announced some changes in the temple recommend questions. Youth now get asked the same questions as the adults.
To get a temple recommend, we meet with a member of the bishopric and he asks us these questions. A change from when I was a youth is that we don’t have to go in alone to see the bishop, or any other leader. This past Thursday I accompanied a friend when they met with their stake president. I wish more people felt comfortable doing this, asking someone to come along.
If you’re in an interview and anything said is making you feel uncomfortable, it is perfectly fine to ask if he should be asking about that or to ask if you could invite another adult to join you. Having someone else there is for your benefit, and it also protects the bishop. It’s a good practice.  
When I was a teen and went on ward trips to do baptisms, the temple provided the names of people for us to do their work. Today, youth are encouraged to do temple work for their own ancestors and can bring the names they find while doing family history work.
When I was a teenager, the only thing I could do at the temple was be baptized and be confirmed. Today someone who is a priest can baptize others. Any person with a recommend, including youth, can serve as witnesses.
A few years ago we replaced Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching with Ministerng. The young men & young women are invited to participate. They have a role to play. Their presence makes a difference.  
It’s been many decades since the Church last jiggered with the ages for when people could be put in the different offices of the priesthood. This year a change took place, we might even have an 11-year-old here tonight with us. A year ago everyone would’ve been 12 or older.
It used to be that to serve a mission, young men had to be age 19 and young women age 21. A few years ago that changed. Young men have the option of starting a mission at age 18 and the young women at age 19. Let me emphasize, this is an option, some people do better with a year or two of life experience out of high school. But this younger age is a testament to the preparation that today’s youth are receiving.
Some important changes in the mission experience has occurred. Sister missionaries get to be leaders, that wasn’t the case when I served.
When I was a missionary, I was allowed to make 2 phone calls home per year. Now missionaries can skype home each week. That’s a huge blessing for them and for their families. I’m actually jealous of that. And why do they get to call home? Because they have a positive impact on their families.
Not everyone is able to serve a traditional proselyting mission, and that’s okay. There’s plenty of opportunities to serve and now Service Missions are available. These can be customized to fit the capabilities of the missionary. It’s wonderful that more faithful members are able to serve and receive the blessings of dedicating their time to the Lord.
Duty to God and Personal Progress
At the end of the year Duty to God and Personal Progress are being retired. The new program is youth will choose their own goals to work towards in 4 areas:  Spiritual, Social, Physical and Intellectual. This allows for customization for where each youth is at and what their interests are.
Also, Boy Scouts isn’t the official mid-week activity for young men. Now we have flexibility to plan activities that can meet the needs & interests of the young men.
I have a story, when I was a teenager, we got a new quorum president. The leaders explained that he held the priesthood keys for the quorum and the adults were there to help him. This new president said, “So I’m in charge? Okay, then we’re done with Scouting. Who votes of favor of ditching Scouts?” All the young men voted to end it. The leaders stepped in and said, this isn’t how it works. They would continue planning our Scouting activities and teaching the lessons on Sunday.
On paper the quorum president was in charge, but in reality it was the Young Men Presidency. The adults decided everything of any importance.
Guess what? President Nelson in General Conference announced no more ward young men presidencies, they will all be released by the end of the year. So who is responsible for the young men? The young men & the bishopric.
What does this mean?
In presidency meeting the bishopric trains and mentors the quorum presidency. The young men will learn about their responsibilities and be coached in how to be better at them.
They’ll review the purpose of a quorum, such as teaching, doing service, building unity and spreading the gospel. And they’ll plan activities related to these things.
The presidency will discuss each member of the quorum. They can discuss what is going on in the lives of the quorum members, what their interests are, things they struggle with.
With this in mind, the presidency chooses the lessons that the quorum or class will study on Sundays, and plans mid-week activities. The adults will help the young men think through the details of planning activities, what needs to be done, making assignments, and so on.
The ward young women presidency isn’t being eliminated, but they will follow the same model as the young men with the bishopric
At baptism we covenanted to take Christ's name upon us. Part of that is building community with other believers, and also doing things that Christ would do. That includes looking out for others, seeking to lift the burdens of others.
There are many circumstances we can be aware of and adjust our lessons & activities to accommodate them. I’ll give you two examples.
If we have someone who’s on the autism spectrum in our quorum and they’re sensitive to loud noise, we need to be mindful of that as we plan our activities, we don’t want to exclude them or cause them stress. 
Most of you know I’m gay, if you know a member of the class is gay, give them a heads up about a lesson or activity that revolves around dating & celestial marriage, trust me that this is likely a sensitive subject for them. It gives them the choice to participate or avoid what could be a hard time.
We need to make sure our youth know they are loved, they are heard and seen, they are understood. The focus of our youth program is meeting the needs of the youth so they can grow in the gospel in a way that works for them.
A lot is being asked of our teens
Over the past decade, more is asked of teenagers in the church and they are showing they are capable. Jesus showed faith in youth, we are following His example in giving youth more opportunities to lead, teach and develop their abilities.
I’ve been fortunate to have involvement with the youth of our stake over the past 7 years. 3 years were as a member of the stake young men presidency and 4 just because they keep inviting me to participate in youth conferences, mini-MTC’s, dances, and so on.
I have found this generation to be remarkable in several ways.
They are far more tolerant. They accept others and allow people to express differences in how their appearance and dress. They are much better at inclusion than my generation.
They are service oriented. They like doing service and seek out opportunities. They would much rather go and do good in the world than sit in a class hearing about doing good in the world. They are more conscious that there are people with needs who they can assist.
They can tell when someone is fake, they highly value trust and authenticity.  
They have the potential for greatness. There is plenty of work to do in the Lord’s kingdom and they’re capable of joining in the work. Serving them and serving with them has strengthened my testimony.
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