#Mr Darcy Vampire
Favorite niche book genre
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bubblegum-blackwood · 5 months
Okayyyyyyy hear me out -
Pride and Prejudice AU where Santino is Mr. Darcy and Armand is Lizzie Bennett
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deconstructthesoup · 24 days
I'm restraining myself so hard from gushing all about my players in a campaign that hasn't even started yet because all of their character ideas are so good
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adiarosefandoms · 2 years
I love the idea of Klaroline being a modern-day Darcy/Elizabeth interpretation. The men are so stuffed with pride while the women hold their own prejudices against them. The men talk but the girls can give as good as they get. They make the men reexamine their values and the men open the girls up to a new world.
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tashacee · 1 year
Sometimes I think I’m a bad writer then I remember the time I wrote a Pride and Prejudice dnd campaign where the party had to figure out which character was secretly a werewolf, while also seducing Elizabeth Bennet.
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johannamation · 1 year
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My friend threw a Pride & Prejudice bday party over the weekend, bc she turned “27, with no money, no prospects, a burden to her parents, and frightened.” 🫖 🧐
I went as Mr Darcy, in that famous scene where he becomes a vampire.
(Also waistcoats are SO AMAZING, they’re comfy and flattering and have a natural pocket for storing secret letters??? Regency women were robbed, truly)
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Self loathing fictional men >>>
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kdramasforever97 · 2 years
 Most people’s  favourite enemies to lovers:
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My favorite enemies to lovers:
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cto10121 · 11 months
Okay, but you need to read this since the entire thing is hilarious.
Does anyone that reviews this books not a raging, nitpicky anti?
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…Oh, God, you weren’t kidding.
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randomenglishmajor · 7 months
"I certainly have not the talent which some people possess, of conversing easily with those I have never seen before. I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done."
"I do not play this instrument so well as I should wish to, but I have always supposed that to be my own fault, because I would not take the trouble of practicing."
~Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett, from "Pride and Prejudice"
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blackberries45 · 1 year
Has anyone written Mr. Darcy as a vampire?
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thepunkmuppet · 25 days
costumes / looks I desperately need gerard way to wear on stage (add your own in reblogs!!)
greek statue, he’s fully painted white including his hair with a white toga with a golden wreath thing on his head. I just think that would look sick
police uniform covered in blood
straight up zombie with full on green decaying gory make up
one of the heathers from heathers
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either the blue cheerleader outfit from the i’m not okay mv or the iconic red ones from teenagers. then we’d have a little trio!
ghostface. possibly cunty ghostface as a treat
vanya from umbrella academy - young version with the school girl fit and black mask OR the all white comic version of course
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also number five from umbrella academy (classic school boy fit)
this sounds weird but I think this would be really cool and meta for wwwy - a stereotypical mcr fan / emo. as in with that one black parade t shirt, heavy eyeliner, black nails, side swept emo fringe, studded bracelets and belts, skinny black jeans, vans or converse. again a very meta concept, after their old person looks in 2022 I can really see them doing this as a whole band this year and I would loooove to finally see gerard in the fashion style that’s so associated with him and his music
howl from howl’s moving castle
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possibly also sophie from howl’s moving castle
literally just satan. like the most stereotypical devil, give them fully painted red skin, horns, fangs, yellow or black eyes, maybe even goat legs. probably with a majestic black suit or something, or for a succubus vibe a black flowy dress with a slit down the leg. now that I think about it, this would be a SICK wwwy look to shock us all, esp if ray mikey and frank all dressed as other demons or the souls of the damned or some shit.
peni parker - he made her!!
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question mark jumper from doctor who
also missy from doctor who omg
jane doe from ride the cyclone, possibly with added marionette or cracked porcelain makeup like in some renditions
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classic majestic white-robed angel, with enormous fake wings and maybe even sparkly gold makeup and a big gold halo. also would be cool in all black, or all white but covered in blood (red, gold, or black, all would look cool)
buffy summers in prophecy girl, except he also has blood all over his neck from where the master bit her. I hope he’s watched btvs I think he would very much enjoy it this look would fit with their vampire vibe sooooo well
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classic frankenstein’s monster
mothman. not only is he a heartthrob but he’s also a hunched goblin cryptid to me. the duality of man (he/theys)
jane prentiss from the magnus archives. if you don’t know she is a living flesh hive of sentient worms, she’s decaying and full of holes. again with all the nasty decaying rotting prosthetic makeup plus THE RED DRESS!!!
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mr darcy vibes, sopping wet regency man with a big puffy white t shirt
opposite side of that, fuck it give him a full on ballroom gown
henry creel from stranger things (pre-vecna, nurse outfit)
any disney princess
crowley from good omens. my man looks GOOD in those anthony janthony aah sunglasses he has
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cute flowy summer dress with like a flowery pattern. either go cottagecore with it and have flowers in his hair, or go full white soccer mum and put him in huge cunty sunglasses a massive straw sun hat with a ribbon on it
all-black cowboy!!!! the fact I’ve never seen him in a cowboy hat is actual sacrilege. also would very much appreciate an all-pink sequin studded cowboy
any alice in wonderland character, especially alice herself, the classic disney movie look with the blue dress and the bow in the hair. he would also do a great chesire cat (spooky big grin makeup paired with his weird ass dramatic facial expressions?? inspired) or a super extravagant queen / king / knave of hearts. also 100000% the mad hatter omfg, he was BORN to do a jefferson from once upon a time look!!
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starsaroundsaturn · 5 months
why do we accept the way that men (and yes, women too) act towards their partners in the romantic genre?
in this post, I'll be discussing sarah j maas, colleen hoover, the pretty little liars franchise, twilight, the vampire diaries, and many more.
many of these I happened upon as a teenager. even as a teenager, I saw some of these as overdramatic and even problematic, but I could see the appeal.
the love interests, all men in these instances, were obsessed with their partners. they were distracted about them.
regardless of the novel, the protagonist can be the stand in for the reader--I am almost certainly not the only one who imagined myself fighting the white witch in Narnia, eating at the Redwall feasts with my companions, dancing with a special someone at a ball, or saving the world with the spy kids. protagonists are made to be relatable, to be appealing, to be somebody we'd love to be or at least like to listen to throughout the story.
and in these romances, the main character is super special. she is the obsession, the person who drives others distracted, she is so, so wonderful that the love interest cannot resist her.
we all want to be that kind of special. we all want to be seen and known and loved and admired. it's not just human, it's human instinct. we want to be accepted, we want to be loved, because that's family, and family means we survive. we need people.
so this is a really attractive premise. this person who we can see ourselves in--she or he is irresistible.
I think that's where we fell into this pit. he can't resist her. he wants her so much he loses control over himself.
it sounded super romantic.
till it didn't anymore.
she is so special and irresistible that he ignores it when she says no (hoover). he's lost control so much that he obsesses over her and watches her when she sleeps and stalks her, because he wants to be with her all the time (twilight). she's so special to him that she's his (soul)mate, and he can't help it if he acts possessively over her all the time and can't bear men looking at her, because she's just that important and irreplaceable (maas). she might be his student, but that doesn't mean they don't belong together! (pretty little liars).
when you say it like that.
but the thing is, if you don't think about it too hard--like a smaller me might not have--it sounds exactly like the dream. it sounds like Mr Darcy falling in love with Elizabeth against his better judgement--but then, when she doesn't want him, he leaves her alone, takes the advice she gives, helps her family when it's needed because he wants to take accountability for his mistakes. only when she initiates does he tentatively bring up his interest in her again. when he's accepted, he's overjoyed, and grateful for her love for him.
huh. crazy.
the fact is, I think we've gotten to be so used to the idea that love is madness that we don't realize when it really is unstable, unhealthy--and awful.
we want people to do great things for us. we want demonstrations of love that often we've lacked in our lives. we want somebody to be willing to drop everything to help us and make it better when we're lost. we want a pair of solid arms around us (and I include myself, uninterested in romantic relationships, in that population). (there's a reason I'm obsessed with friendships and father figures and siblings).
we want passion and adventure and excitement.
and I think romance novels, and those who still romanticize these relationships, look in the wrong direction. they take the phrases madly in love and irresistible in the direction of unstable, passionate desperation rather than steadfast care and devotion.
I loved the phrase madly in love when I was a kid. not so much anymore.
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thirddagger · 6 days
Just watched the X Files s2 e7 for the first time and y'all were right, Mulder is a total Disaster !
The open shirt with Scully's necklace as he flagrantly ignores FBI agent rules while making out with a vampire-flavored hottie who happens to have a couple evil exes? Mr. Darcy 1995 wet shirt lookin slutty Romantic hero with the Fornlornest eyes lookin wet cat left out in the rain lookin with the fuckin Necklace !!
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biteofcherry · 8 months
What the Doms and subs at Ruby Garden dress as for Halloween?
ah, Ruby Garden on Halloween shenanigans
I once said Cherie would dress up as Dom!Ari and announce she's dressed as the scariest big monster 😂 I also can imagine her dressing up as some sort of pixie slash wicked fae. Obligatory with lots of sparkling glitter! 😆With wings on her back which Ari could grab when she tried to run away after mouthing off. I don't know what Ari would dress as up, but his shirt would undoubtedly be unbuttoned and slutty. Maybe he could be Oberon from Midsummer night's dream?
I'd love Darling in something sexy and beautiful, so she could feel stunning and hot - perhaps some elegant vampire lady or noir type femme fatale. Steve would match her accordingly (if she's a vamp, he's also a vamp, if she's femme fatale he's a fedora wearing mobster).
Perhaps predictable, but I like the classic theme of Red Riding Hood with two big bad wolves for Doe, Bucky and Curtis. They could also go as Red Hood, wolf and huntsman. It fits them and their kinks.
Andy doesn't mind the themes and costume parties, but he's not much into really dressing up himself. So he's gonna be Batman, but in a Bruce Wayne costume 😆 So a nice, expensive suit. And Birdie would be Catwoman - lots of lap worming, being petted, but also more reason to be a bit playful.
I think Lloyd would have fun dressing up, since he's wicked. I could see him in some type of devil costume, with horns and a pitchfork with which he could poke. If he's the devil, then Pumpkin is his caught angel, whom he'll get to torture as he pleases. Though I can also see him dressed up as Gomez Addams and have Pumpkin be Morticia.
See Nick totally surprise Bonbon and melt her heart by getting them high quality, beautiful regency costumes, so they can go as Anthony and Kate from Bridgerton, or Mr Darcy and Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice, because he noticed she loves those books and movies.
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lestatbaby · 2 months
I fully expect the next teaser to be one where Jacob, Sam and Assad pour blood on their shirts to reveal their chest and abs and walk boobily to each other like vampire Mr. Darcys
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