#Mr. Temporary
beescake · 9 months
i am in love with your sollux i think
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sollux love party :]
if you’re interested heres some of my personal fondness thoughts on him.. big warning for the mega long read ahead aye
as we alr know sollux's rejection of participation somewhat mirrors dave's rejection of heroism, but even without getting cooked to completion i still find sollux's character v compelling beyond the fourth wall
as someone who doesnt get a pinch of that Protagonist Sparkle to begin with, he can openly say he wants to leave anytime…. and unlike dave, he actually Can leave the scene anytime. but he can never be truly Free from the story via permanent character death like the other trolls.
his irrelevancy is indeed relevant - he’s there so u can point him out.
while his image is intended to be a relic of past internet subculture, his role is not only about hehehaha being a Chad or a 2000s cyberforum 2²chan haxxor ragequit gamebro.
his continued existence also happens to add a Bit to the overarching themes of homestuck! a Bit that gives him longer-lasting thematic relevance compared to the trolls who could’ve had more character potential but didnt get to survive beyond the main story.
the Bit in question:
his defiance contributes to the illusion of agency (treating characters = people with autonomy). he’s “aware” of it, and that recognition is worth noting enough to forcibly keep him alive as both reward and punishment.
considering how his personality & classpect is designed its definitely a very haha thing for hussie to do LOL. he’s made to be op asf so he's resigned to doing dirty work, gradually deteriorating along the way but never truly dying. as fans have mentioned before, him openly rejecting involvement after a while of grim tolerance is like if the sim u were controlling suddenly stopped, looked up and gave u the finger while u were step six into the walkthrough for Every Possible Sim Death Animation.
but since he’s just a sim… the more he hates it, the more you keep him around. if ur sim started complaining abt your whimsical household storyline you’d definitely keep that little fuck.
but yeah i like that sollux is just idling. the significance of his presence being that one dude who's always reliably Somewhere, root core Unchanged, no individual ambitions (possibly due to fear of consequence?), and design-wise: a staple representative product of his time.
compared to dirk's character, who has aged phenomenally well into the present (themes of control + AR + artificial intelligence, clearer exploration around navigating relationships/sexuality, infinite possibilities of self-splinterhood and trait inheritance), sollux's potential is really... contained. bitter. defeatist. limiting and frustrating in the way old tech is.
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the world continues moving on to shinier, brighter, more advanced automated things - minimalist and metaverse or whatever but sollux is still here 🧍‍♂️ going woohoo redblue 3d. (tho personally i imagine his vibe similar to what the kids call cassette futurism on pinterest mixed w more grimy grunge insectoid influences eheh)
at the foundation of it all, the rapid pace of modern development was built off the understanding of ppl like sollux in the past, who were There actively at work while the dough was still beginning to rise
thats one of the cool things abt the idea of trolls preceding humans! the idea that trolls like sollux excelled back when lots of basic shit still needed to be discovered, building structures like networks and codes from scratch, and humans will eventually inherit and reinvent that knowledge in ways that become so optimized it makes the old manual effort seem archaic, slow, and labour-intensive.
but despite information/resources/shortcuts being more accessible now, much of the new highly-anticipated stuff released on trend still end up unfinished, inefficient, or expiring quickly due to cutting corners under severe capitalistic pressures
meanwhile, some of the old stuff frm past generations of thorough, exploratory and perfectionistic development still remains working, complete, and ever so sturdy.
those things continue to exist, just outside our periphery with either:
zero purpose left for modern needs (outdated/obsolete)
far too important to replace or destroy, bcs of its surprisingly essential and circumstantial usefulness in one niche specific area.
which are honestly? both points that sum up sollux pree well.
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dramatic ending sorry. anw are u still on the fence or are u Sick abt him like me </3
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e-m-p-error · 3 months
Hello, everyone. I've got a lot to say but really, I want to keep it brief.
After a year and three months, the terrorists have won. Grandpa's tired of getting death threats for both himself and Valentino. I can't take the hate anymore. My muse is all but dead and I need some time away from the blog for now.
I do have a Discord that I plan on trying to rework some to use for rps and the like, if you would like to join it. I have not been on it recently but I intend on fixing that if I can.
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demigod-of-the-agni · 8 months
The funniest thing about the Sohm Al dungeon is that when I did it for the first time I did it with the NPC party- Ysayle, Alphinaud, and Estinien. It was all going swell but I, a dragoon main, CONSTANTLY found myself trying to outdo Estinien??
like GIRL calm down he's just an NPC 😭 what's he gonna do, gloat about how he's going to kill all the dragons and pull out all the stops and use all the limit breaks?
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cookie-cuttles · 3 months
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Critical level
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seas-of-silver · 16 days
Mr Sandman, Bring Me A Dream
He tossed and he turned, but he was all too awake. He tried everything he could think of: exercising to exhaustion; taking a long, hot shower; playing soothing music to lull him to sleep… but nothing worked. Every time he closed his eyes, the images from his nightmare would flash in his mind and he’d be wide awake again.
Continue reading at:
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gaffney · 1 year
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love how charlie and jesse's reactions in this scene is essentially the same but also very different aka kid on the right is giddy at the thought of having a father figure in his life who won't quit on him vs kid on the left who knows what it's like to have a great dad and is tired of this guy doing the bare minimum
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miguel-owhora · 9 months
i think its funny how we all collectively agreed that NO ONE is allowed to be mean to alec. like if you come for him, there's a whole multiverse of writers and readers alike coming to your doorstep, ready to show you exactly what happens when someone's mean to him.
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maudlin-art · 2 months
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“Mr. Glitch”
I realised I forgot to post a full version of my pfp mentioned on my last piece - so here he is!
This glitchy guy was a character I drew a lot of for my personal branding assignments at uni and kinda became a bit of a mascot for my art. Especially since I don’t really like posting my face outside of self-portrait works.
He doesn’t have a proper name yet so if anyone has any good suggestions, lemme know! I’m really stuck for a good one rn.
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deduction-substitute · 4 months
Hc originally from @/chaosbutautism 🙏🙏
Mechanical Gear Lucky being younger than most people think because they do NOT expect some fuckass kid to survive in an apocalypse of this size. Failed Exploration Charles encountered him in the middle of ruins and just. Decided to pick him up
Originally, he was supposed to just help him find his footing, maybe pass on some of his knowledge for survival, then let Lucky go on his merry way. Charles knew that it was pretty stupid, survival of the fittest shit, but he couldn't bring himself to leave Lucky for some reason
He told himself that it would just be a week, then he could send Lucky off. One week turned into one month. One month turned into one year.
At this point, if Charles were to tell Lucky to go off on his own, it would be both awkward and heartbreaking. So he. Didnt.
Charles remains blissfully unaware of Lucky's age, until his assistant looks up from their dinner of the day with a beaming smile.
"You know, it kind of sucks that I wasn't able to graduate from senior high, haha. I was eyeing this university because of their engineering program, and- Mr. Holt? Are you okay? You're really pale- hello? Earth to Mr. Holt??"
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toovulnerable · 3 months
so i watched the talented mr ripley yesterday and i couldn't help but compare it to rebecca by daphne du murier and also strangely, madame bovary and in some ways the secret history? very anna karenina.
i think it's just- the reader doesn't want to keep turning the page, and i didn't want to keep watching, but i almost had to. i couldn't bear to think about ripley, on that boat after killing the only person who loved him, omg. that was exactly how i felt with emma bovary and the unnamed protagonist in rebecca and in some ways, how i felt with henry and with anna karenina (when we saw her in the book anyway. i did not need levin to tell me about the intricacies of russian farming but whatever).
jude law was so hot. also gwenyth paltrow.
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featherlouise · 1 year
The fabric gods blessed me once for that one Techno drawing I did last year and I've not seen them since 😔😔
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k00265221 · 2 years
Temporary Project: A Day in the Life of Mr. Mush Stop Motion Animation: Part 1 - Morning/Afternoon (25/11/22)
Today I made another stop motion (SM) with Mush to show how the body experiences multiple temporary positions and gestures throughout the day. In the video Mush goes through his morning routine - getting up and ready. The lamp acts as his alarm clock. Then in the afternoon he sits with Laoise @k00280550 for Lunch.
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This morning routine based SM animation was based off of a scene in the stop motion film 'Wallace and Grommet The Curse of the Ware Rabbit' (2005) by Aardman Studios (who I researched a few weeks ago). The scene shows Wallace and Grommits morning routing as they get ready for their day ahead.
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Special thanks on behalf of myself and Mr. Mush to Laoise @k00280550 for taking part in the video.
This is by far the longest and the smoothest SM animation that I have made to date.
I plan on doing another video of Mr Mush's evening / night routine to continue exploring some of the temporary body positions and gestures we do throughout our daily lives.
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jay-is-not-okay · 1 year
hi again, twitter died and now im sad 🙃
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k00283533 · 2 years
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12/11/22 Update: added face features with cardboard tied with yarn to have all materials be "temporary"..
Just like cardboard able to tear and stay for Temporary time, so does the trendy face features that come and go through socal media and concept of beauty
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k00284723 · 2 years
Melanie Martinez - Singer/Artist
I also took inspiration from Melanie Martinez's music videos and lyrics, such as 'Orange Juice' and 'Mrs. Potato Head' which touches on the standards of beauty for women that are portrayed in a 1950s style, but is obviously highlighting social media as Martinez is a modern musical artist. She highlights body dysmorphia, eating disorders and plastic surgery (like Orlan) which girls today still go through. I thought the music videos captured the difficulties and insecurities girls have about themselves - but in Orange Juice, the video ends in w more positive note with the singer swapping eyes with the main girl and showing her how beautiful she is, and banishing evil thoughts a bully character puts into her head (in the metaphor of placing oranges into her brain). Mrs Potato Head is far darker, with a woman altering her face for her lover through surgery believing he will love her more. She undergoes surgery and as soon as her bandages are removed, and she has changed herself for him, he falls in love with another woman.
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