#Murder Most Foul
yellowbugifs · 6 months
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84/365 days of regina mills
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princeisolde · 1 year
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Jkr I’m gonna fetishize your villain forever as a method of protest against you.
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vasfasan · 3 days
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this literally goes against Killian's whole characterization.
he's anti-authority, thats WHY he's stealing the KINGS gold.
its why he's a pirate. remember 3x05??
(and whys homie on land again, im so done, he HAS a ship at this point in the timeline, moreover he's supposed to be in neverland rn)
him randomly killing a king's CAPTIVE who is definitely AGAINST the king cuz hes in a middle of a EXECUTION rn, is so against everything Killian stands for
and if Robert even DID tattle, what would that even change??? Killian is ALREADY a well-known established criminal who ACTIVELY opposes and sabotages the monarchy, without hiding or anything, so if the dude went on to report that pirates stole the kings gold like yeah i sure hope they did
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#ouattober2023- Day 10: Bromance
a little cartoonified drawing of killian and david in one of my favorite scenes from murder most foul
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
This is kind of a random question, but I thought about that while reading your story Variable Stars, more specifically that scene in which Alice decides not to kill Peter and Charlotte. If it had happened, how Jasper would've reacted? Or, in a canon version, how do you think he would react if Peter and Charlotte were killed (not by Alice but a nomad or something)?
Ooof, Anon, you woke up and chose violence. We'll start with Variable Stars.
So, in Variable Stars, Alice sees Peter and Charlotte and kills them quickly and moves on.
Jasper is extremely close to both of them in Variable Stars because he is alone - no wife. It's kind of a cocktail of soldiers in arms, paternal, and brotherly. Like an older siblings raising a much younger sibling. So when they stop visiting and communicating with him, this is scary. Jasper has always had Peter at his back and for Peter to vanish... he spends a lot of time trying to find them. Obviously he never does, and because of where Alice found them, no one else (Maria) knows what happened either.
That weighs on Jasper terribly. That they found themselves in a fight that they could not win. He hopes they died quickly and together. But because he cannot confirm their deaths, there's always a little piece of him that hopes that they're still out there. He's much quieter and more serious by the time Alice joins the family.
It's quite a few years later that Edward puts together Peter and Charlotte as some of the vampires that Alice killed during her Rebellion Years. He does end up telling her what she did, and Alice is broken that she did that to Jasper. She considers a visit to Volterra to have herself destroyed but Edward tells her that the last thing Jasper needs is to lose another of his people.
She does tell him, and it changes them. For mental health reasons, Jasper has to separate the idea of the Alice that killed Peter and Charlotte with his Alice. Is it healthy? No! Is it necessary for him to live his life? Yes. Their relationship is fundamentally changed, and very bittersweet; Alice spends the rest of her life essentially trying to keep Jasper as happy as she can to make up for her terrible mistake, and Jasper has to live with that constant cloud of self-loathing and regret that surrounds her.
In canon, oh boy. (Also, anon, if you want Charlotte and Peter and Jasper drama, can I recommend going to talk to @flowerslut? Maybe subscribe to her new fic Roots? It's insanity and is a fucking vision into the dynamic Jasper has with his people and his past. 11/10, A+, six seasons and a movie. But I digress.)
In canon, Jasper would be on the war path, and Alice with him. Jasper would hunt them to the ends of the earth and remind their killer why Jasper's reputation precedes them. Both Alice and Jasper have a violent streak, and even if the deaths weren't planned, the killer would regret ever touching Peter and Charlotte.
And then I think Jasper would grieve heavily, and probably seek out solitude for that grief; he'd definitely retreat from the family a little. Peter's friendship and loyalty shaped who he was and who he got to be so much that there would always be a hole where his brother was. That Jasper couldn't protect Peter or even save Charlotte for Peter would weigh very heavily on him. I can see the darkest point being Jasper resenting the Cullens because if he'd been with Peter and Charlotte they'd still be alive, and maybe even resenting Alice for not being able to see their deaths so he could have protected them.
Alice has no real reference point for the grief of death or strong relationships outside her immediate family that we're made aware of in canon, so I can see her struggling a little knowing how to support Jasper in that kind of grief at first, but ultimately just being present so he isn't constantly alone and brooding. I can also see her struggling with the void that Peter and Charlotte have left behind.
I can see her gently reminding Jasper that even if they weren't with the Cullens, everything falling in place so that Jasper could have protected Peter and Charlotte is pretty unlikely. And I think she'd observe the fact that she didn't see their deaths indicates it was just one of those terrible, unplanned moments; there was no grand plan to assassinate them, no grudges or agenda. Just a series of choices made in the moment.
She's gifted, not a god.
Ultimately, Jasper is no stranger to pain. He'd be a little sadder and a little quieter, and possibly cleave tighter to the Cullens because he's now without alternative allies. He'd be even more protective of Alice, but he'd keep going and keep Peter and Charlotte as a very, very sacred memory.
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innestahtinen · 2 months
was making a list of albums and year of release from my playlist, and got sidetracked by reading about Bob Dylan, and his song 'Murder Most Foul' (2020), which is at surface about the Kennedy assassination, with more afterward. and because it's 17 minutes, i went looking at the newest comments; and ooh boy.
there's a bunch about trump being shot
there's someone who says they met Reagan the day after his funeral, when he was working as a realtor, and he gave them a business card, but oh no, they lost it
a couple of people saying that RFK jr should be on the ballot
at least one person accusing Dylan of being blackmailed by the commander in chief, with that being the reason for the Never Ending Tour. [was curious about what else this person might have said, and they're arguing in the replies for the Flat Earth]
at least one person accusing the US government of stealing Kennedy's brain
someone claiming that he's gone crazy, and saying that someone named 'Sarah' needs to look out. [they're probably meaning his ex-wife Sara, but come on.]
someone claiming it as 'the first true song of the internet age'
someone saying that the age of the antichrist began then, and that soon the secret society's plans will be complete, and the survivors will all be slaves.
1 person criticizing the song for being piano and vocals, and it feeling like it drags because of it; which is the only criticism i might agree with for this.
a person saying that JFK being shot was a ritual sacrifice for the Freemasons.
someone saying that Dylan's full of shit, that there was no second gunman, that it was just Oswald, and people in the replies saying "Oh, the Feds have entered the chat". great, what a contribution.
someone who wants to rent a helicopter and fly to Dylan's house because they're 'meant for each other'. lady, you don't know him
someone claiming the original Zapruder film shows the driver turning and shooting JFK.
some racism towards the previous UK cabinet, specifically Sunak and Braverman
2 peopel saying that Bush Sr. did it; like one line says 'Wolfman' and they're going 'ooh, ooh, H.W. Bush's codename for the Secret Service was Wolfman', which can be partially counterpointed by later in the song where Wolfman Jack, the DJ guy. and i don't want to discourage them, because they're looking deeper into the lyrics, and i like it, but... i don't think Bush Sr killed JFK.
and the best comment;
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and all that's only in the most recent 400 comments, imagine what else might be in there.
some bullshit, that's what.
'Billions are going to die in the flood when you finally stop edging maple syrup lobster guy.' - "@Snufl", 25th June 2024
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raviolitin · 5 months
I hate to be a downer but the turning of the beaker scene in Murder Most Foul is very tonally inappropriate and kind of overshadows the emotional weight the episode is supposed to have.
If wouldn’t be that bad if that wasn’t the only thing the fandom ever talks about when the topic of the episode comes up, instead of how heartbreaking it is.
It doesn’t help that it’s kind of out of character for Hook and David (although they’re out of character the whole episode so idk what I expected). I dislike smart characters being dumbed down for the sake of comedy, especially when there are other ways to have comedic relief in an episode like this. Hell, save it for Snow and Regina in the B plot!
I wouldn’t even bring this up if it wasn’t for how popular it is and how many people remember MMF for that scene alone. It’s just kind of frustrating as someone who loves their dynamic to see them getting dumbed down so much and having that overshadow the rest of their development.
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pinkatron · 6 months
Players join the game and Geralt begins to see that the mess Dragfa is in is deeper then he could have ever imagined.
“I work alone.” Geralt said adding, “I have a contract which shall be paid upon completion no matter who makes the final blow. I am not doing this for the reward, I am doing it because I will be paid to do so. You can have whatever it is you wish.”
“Dangerous words, but now I am even more intrigued.” The man looked at him and eyed him up. “You are right, I do wish for the reward, but I am more interested in seeing the man myself, bringing him in if I can.”
“Do you know who he is? After all you asked a second question, and such I am owed the answer.” Geralt looked to him and the man grinned again.
“Oh, what fun you are, clever man.” He laughed. “Men like the one we seek are clever too. A name I do not have, for if I did, it would make this far easier, and I would know where to look. Any other information you likely have, he is a mage of some sort, he has been hidden from the eyes of the powers that be, and he has not been cruel to his victims, nor does he take pleasure from the murder he entreats them to. All of the girls have been drugged with Either, they do not know their deaths.”
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up-sideand-down · 1 year
Murder most foul!
For those who don't know Murder Most Foul is a fic where Sephiroth is Cloud's Soldier mentor and also the mentor from hell. Cloud hates him so much...he's decided to kill him and a shocking number of people agree that Cloud should get to try.
It's dark comedy. Sephiroth is never going to figure out Cloud is trying to kill him and it is highly doubtful that Cloud will ever actually succeed. Because I think that's hilarious.
Here's a snippet of chapter 3 so far:
"Him," Cloud said with a vague wave of his arm, "the stupid looking one with the stupid coat, and stupid hair, and stupidly long sword."
"Ohhh," Aerith said with more understanding, "that one." They stared at Sephiroth for a moment. He did not look back at them.
"He looks like an asshole," Aerith agreed.
"He is," Cloud said.
"So," Aerith asked, "how are you going to do it?"
"Hmm?" Cloud asked.
"You're killing him?" Aerith reminded him.
"Oh," Cloud scratched his chin, smearing the dirt there more, "Ma and I talked over some. I'm thinking maybe poison."
"Poison?" Aerith said, "I thought you tough guys were against all that."
"I...don't really care," Cloud said, "I just want him dead." Aerith nodded. Cloud couldn't read the look in her eyes. He decided later it was kind of terrifying but he was glad she was on his side.
"Well," Aerith said standing up, "I don't know much...but I've got a list of plants that are poisonous to humans."
That was pretty much all the motivation Cloud needed to ditch the clean up and escort civilians home.
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internutter · 21 days
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Challenge #04267-K249: Deny, Delay, Distract, Until...
The body is being examined in an autopsy bay. At a glance at the scene it was an open and shut case of [slip and slide] off a roof. But a few blood stains were darker compared to the rest, shards of glass found adjacent to the wound, even though the streets was cleaned and no windows were damaged. finally bruises around the neck indicated strangulation.
The fall was a cover up. -- Anon Guest
The body did fall. There were witnesses and footage of that. What the witnesses and cameras missed was the origin of the drop. Very few cameras pointed to the top of Ivories' Tower. They were pointed out from the tower, but nothing was allowed to look inside.
That was the way Icarus Ivories preferred it.
There was broken glass in the wound, but none of the windows nor glass railings on the balconies were broken. In fact, they were bulletproof, shatterproof, and impact-resistant. A human body at any velocity couldn't break anything in the Ivories' penthouse suites.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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faintingviolet · 2 months
A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (CBR16 #26)
Last fall the internet discovered that, apparently, men think about the Roman Empire a lot. While the Roman Empire wasn’t my “Roman Empire” (I honestly don’t know that I have one), it did spark a bit of curiosity about the actual Roman Empire, being an area in history that I haven’t given much study. Cue two reviews of A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Murder in Ancient Rome by Emma…
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yellowbugifs · 30 days
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240/365 days of regina mills
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Duty Calls
Mercede leaned her elbows on the bridge's railing, looking down into the slow murky water of the rio dei Giardini.  It was quieter on this bridge than the others, nothing to recommend it for tourists still willing to wander Venice at night.  She needed time to think.  To prepare, if she was being honest with herself.  Her sire was dead.  Killed.  Until now, he had been her only real contact with all that the Giovanni were behind the curtains of family secrets.  She had never contemplated a reassignment.  To be Benedict’s bodyguard and muscle had been the only thing she had ever understood after the shock of the Kiss had worn off.  
The wind picked up, bringing the smell of the sea, tugging dark strands from the ponytail failing to keep it contained.  She tried to ignore that small annoyance, eyes fixed on her gloved hands, black leather fingers interlaced as if in prayer.  The family had given her marching orders, expecting her to be as dutiful to them as she had been to Benedict.  This was a crossroad, she realized.  Her entire existence, before and after the Kiss, had been to be obedient to the family.
But she had never realized how old and how far that family reach had been.
To accept the will of the Anziani would be to keep faith with her parents, her sire, and ultimately with herself.  If this wasn’t who she was, then who was she?
Mercede heard soft steps coming up the shallow stairs of the Ponte dei Giardini, recognizing the tread even over the soft lap of the canal waters.  It had only ever been her and Benedict for all those long years, the Kindred being distrusting of everyone and everything, regardless of family status.  It had been strange to be alone after her sire’s murder, to the point where taking Bernardo into her service for a debt owed had been a relief, not that she would ever admit to such.  Bernardo, for his part, took the position as her ghoul as if he had always been called to serve and helped dispel the strange isolation that stalked her. 
   Bernardo stopped a short distance away out of respect for his dominator and she answered his unasked question.  "San Francisco." 
“An American padrona? Congratulations miss," he enthused. 
She nodded, looking out over the lagoon, black under a moonless sky.  Bernardo seemed more excited about the post than she was.  "It seems that a  one Angelina Giovanni needs some looking after. It comes with a position. A big step up."
"Its not your first time there, is it?" 
Mercede shook her head, mouth twisting to a rueful expression. "Back to Colma I go. Benedict and I were there for a time while he studied.  I ran an underground boxing ring when my sire didn’t need me.  Transportation services too.  One between San Francisco and Colma, back when you had to go through swamps to visit the graves of your loved ones. I imagine it has changed quite a bit."  The Kindred looked back down at her knotted hands, remembering the smell of Benedict’s study in that fresh new city and how months could go by without him uttering a word to her, his research taking him too deep for mere socializing.
It was a better memory than finding their haven gutted and Benedict nothing but ash and scraps of fabric.
She had been so careful in keeping him safe.  How could the family expect her to guard another necromancer, a padrona no less, when she couldn’t even protect her bookish sire?  Mercede pushed away from the brick wall along the bridge.
“Come along, Bernardo.  The Anziani will want my formal acceptance of the assignment.  Then you can start packing for the both of us.”
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yup. confirmed.
i still can't rewatch "murder most foul" without squealing and happy stimming through the entire scene where killian is talking with archie
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se-non-e-vero · 2 years
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Murder at the north pole
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collinsportmaine · 2 years
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“Murder Most Foul” (1964) was Margaret Rutherford’s third outing as Miss Marple. The plot is loosely based on Agatha Christie’s “Mrs McGinty's Dead”. It’s actually a Hercule Poirot story.
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