#Musician Crowley
aziraphales-library · 6 hours
Hello! Thank you so much for all your hard work I've found so many great fics here! I have a recommendation/request. I recently read the WIP, Play for me the Music of your Heart (https://archiveofourown.org/works/40016034) by Leviosally468 which is fabulous. Do you know of other fics where one or both of them are classical musicians/conductors? I looked through the famouscrowley and famousaziraphale tags but didn't find anything. Thanks so much!!
Hi! Here are some fics in which one or both of them are involved with classical music (and one jazz, because it's really good)...
Opera Cakes and Second Takes by ThatWriterKid (T)
One week. Four pairs of students. The goal: write an opera and perform it in six days. Professors Ezra Fell and Anthony Crowley weren’t expecting to write an opera in a week, but tenure is rare and life throws you curveballs.
The Underlying Melody by Tossukka (E)
Crowley is the keyboardist and the main songwriter in a world-famous rock band, the Burning Rejects. When the band is asked to perform with a classical violinist in a charity concert, Crowley isn’t thrilled but tentatively agrees to do it for a good cause. Aziraphale, who performs under the stage name A.Z. Fell isn't any more excited to play his violin with a rock band but accepts the proposition for similar reasons. When Crowley and Aziraphale meet, they expect to have nothing in common. However, their working relationship quickly turns into close friendship and mutual attraction. Between rehearsals for the concert, they share lunches, enjoy nights of drunken conversations, and manage to have and resolve some artistic differences. When the performance approaches, both know their collaboration will soon be over, taking away their excuses for spending so much time together, but neither of them is quite ready yet to let each other go.
I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly (in Vain) by wyrmy (E)
“Goodness me,” said Aziraphale breathlessly, “this isn’t what one is supposed to do in a practice room.” Crowley, a vocal student at University, is assigned to collaborate with a student accompanist, Aziraphale, who has some very strange and dark secrets.
Love, Syncopation, and Other Key Elements of Jazz by feathereddino (T)
The jazz duo of A.J. and Fell are an unstoppable force well into their mid-twenties, but when Crowley's illness causes the pair to step back from the spotlight, an enterprising music manager scoops up Aziraphale's career. Dazzled, Aziraphale will abandon all of his former life to be Gabriel's perfect star but lose himself and his happiness along the way. It would take a very steady and forgiving heart for someone to love him through it all...
Intermezzo by FeralTuxedo (E)
Music critic Aziraphale Fell is trying to break into the world of television, when he is signed to make a documentary about former-rockstar-turned-composer Anthony Crowley. It’s been eleven years since Aziraphale’s disastrous review of Crowley’s debut opera nipped his classical music career in the bud. He can only hope that Crowley will get over his admittedly justified grudge to make the TV show a success. A classical music sex comedy. Yes, really.
Of Harpsichord and Falsetto by saretton (E)
"And that was the magic of it all: Aziraphale was at such a level in his mastery that he could tidy up all that apparent chaos. He made it seem so easy, so effortless, even though Crowley knew that, behind that polished façade, there were years of study, practice and daily sacrifices. In the days when they both attended the music school, Crowley used to sit outside the rehearsal classroom to listen to Albert as he practiced playing the piano almost every afternoon. Sometimes Crowley would even ditch other classes to do that." ----- A Good Omens Musicians AU.
And the one you mentioned...
Play for me the Music of your Heart by Leviosally468 (E) (WIP)
Anthony J. Crowley, a talented virtuoso violinist finally makes the move west to Nightingale Bay, Oregon after escaping a simultaneously promising yet toxic life at Elysian Conservatory of Music in New York City. Aziraphale Z. Fell is Eastern Gate University’s friendly and talented piano professor and symphony conductor. Let's see how that goes, shall we?
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gahellhimself-blog · 1 year
1941 Crowley playing violin - final version.
He lived rent free in my head.. now in yours!
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gaiaseyes451 · 4 months
Ostinato - A New Good Omens FanFic
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Rated: Explicit, One-Shot, 11k (Read here on AO3)
A massive thank you to @and-his-hands-were-24-crows for this utterly gorgeous sketch!!! *swoons* Check out their AO3 at The 23rd Crow! Summary (Read on AO3): It has been six months since Aziraphale ascended to the highest ranks of Heaven. It has been six months and Aziraphale will not answer any of Crowley's attempts to contact him through conventional methods so alternative tactics must be employed. Crowley uncovers an ancient summoning ritual discovered by humans, rooted in magic and steeped in power of music. If the angel will not respond to Crowley willingly, then the Supreme Archangel will no longer be given a choice.
Excerpt: With three keys, one for each lock, he opened the heavy auditorium door. The twists and slips and chains of the deadbolts barred it against unwelcome human presences. 
On the stage, he took painstaking care to create the sigil required for the summoning ritual—a cipher of concentric circles on the matte black boards drawn with stark white chalk. His intricate script wove them together, nearly incomprehensible for the multitude of languages and sheer number of times their names were repeated. It was impossible to tell where one ended and the next began. He wove the disparate languages together with a transcendent grace: angelic characters, demonic runes, Sumerian, Phoenician, Hebrew, Latin, Sanskrit, Arabic, Mandarin, Hindi, Greek, Italian, Prussian, German, French, English– the history of an existence that had always belonged to the both of them.
Thanks to @voluptatiscausa, @malachitegrey and @adverbian for organizing the High Pollen Count! Event and encouraging us folks who ran with the vibes instead of the pollen itself to still participate. 🤣
And a huge thanks to my beta's @hakunahistata, @the-literal-kj and @paperclipninja. As always a shoutout to @goodomensafterdark for supporting the wonderful writers' community.
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feraltuxedo · 4 months
A Tentative WIP Wednesday
I'm in the throes of a serious bout of writer's block at the moment, but very slowly a new fic is emerging. I'm only getting a few sentences written each day, but it's better than nothing, right?
With this one, I'm sticking very firmly to my comfort zone.
Since there's been so much love for Intermezzo in the past few weeks (thank you to all of you who have read and enjoyed it), and this new fic is very much Intermezzo 2.0 in terms of tropes, vibes.... everything really... what better time to share a bit of it?
Anyway, here's a snippet of said WIP. Ex rockstar Crowley meets classical musician Aziraphale. Rock music and bickerflirting aplenty:
Aziraphale was still digging through the mess of cables on the search for one that didn’t look like it might electrocute his bass guitar, when the door opened again.
This time it really was Anthony Crowley who strode through it. In the flesh. God, he was striking. Taller than Aziraphale had imagined, and skinnier. In his Hellspawn days, he’d been dressed in heavy leather jackets and those impossibly tight jeans everyone insisted on wearing a decade ago. His hair had trailed behind him like a cloud made of pure fire when he’d strutted across the stage in snake-skin boots. Statuesque, drawn in sharp lines like a Picasso masterpiece come to life.
Present-day Crowley looked a lot more casual in a black hoodie, short hair, and, surprisingly, no sunglasses. A guitar case was slung over one shoulder, a messenger bag across the other. Like any other mortal walking the streets of London. Still outrageously good-looking, mind, middle age be damned. Aziraphale barely had time to notice the deep brown colour of his eyes, before they glared right at him.
‘Can’t get an espresso anywhere in this place. Oi Blondie, be an angel and go fetch one, would you? Double shot, no sugar.’
Aziraphale jumped to his feet. He’d never before felt quite so threatened by the words be an angel. The pathetic part of his brain that was still stuck in 2015 didn’t fail to point out that Anthony Crowley snapping at him to get coffee was the hottest thing that had happened to him all year.
Anathema stopped him with an outstretched arm before he reached the door, eyebrow raised in disapproval.
‘Don’t you fucking dare.’
He flinched at the fire in her voice before he realised it was aimed squarely at Anthony Crowley.
‘You don’t have the name, money, or credibility to boss people around these days, so shut up, sit down, and listen.’
Crowley waved his arms about to demonstrate the rehearsal room's utter lack of seating options. Even the drum stool was cluttered with assorted cardboard boxes. Anathema ignored him.
‘Aziraphale isn’t your personal coffee boy. He’s in the band, so you better treat him right or you’ll be playing without a bass, which is literally impossible.’
Crowley crossed his arms.
‘Jim Morrison managed.’
‘You’re not Jim Morrison.’
‘And the White Str—’
Anathema cut him off with a sound that could only be described as a hiss.
Anthony Crowley turned to face him again, and god-in-heaven, Aziraphale was not prepared for the effect of the man he’d spent many a lonely night fantasising about actually acknowledging his existence.
Admittedly, he didn’t look all that pleased about it.
‘So you’re actually a bass player? Like a proper one?’
Alright, that wasn’t the tone he’d hoped to hear out of Anthony Crowley’s mouth. Aziraphale picked up his bass guitar and clutched it tight, with the sinking feeling that perhaps there was truth to that saying about never meeting one’s heroes.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘You look like you’ve just passed your grade four exam, paid for by mummy.’
‘Actually, I have an MMus in Performance.’
‘A what?’
‘A Master’s degree.’
Which is more than Anthony Crowley had managed. 3 GCSEs, and none of them in music, if Wikipedia was to be believed. Aziraphale held onto just enough tact not to point that out. He raised his chin a fraction and noticed a shift in Anthony Crowley’s gaze, perhaps a smidgen of respect creeping into those deep brown eyes.
‘You can get a degree in bass guitar?’
‘You can, though mine’s in cello.’
Crowley’s eyes narrowed and the trace of respect vanished, as if he had a personal vendetta against the cello. That certainly didn’t bode well for Aziraphale’s prospects in his band.
‘Yeah, well, I don’t think faffing about with an overpriced bit of wood between your legs qualifies you to play in my band. Not that I wouldn’t pay good money to see that, mind…’
The mix of embarrassment, indignation, and the hot flush of feeling star struck did strange things to Aziraphale. It made him drop his bass, which landed on his foot. This was great news for the bass, since Aziraphale’s foot was a good deal softer than the thin carpet.
Not such great news, however, for his toes.
‘Botheration,’ he yelped, grabbing the bass to lean it against one of the many amps that surrounded him.
‘Botheration?’ Crowley repeated. ‘Fucking hell, Anathema, where d’you find these people?’
Anathema’s disapproving eyebrow rose a little higher.
‘I found him at a strip club, actually.’
‘I was playing the cello!’ Aziraphale corrected hastily, as he wiggled his toes, just to make sure they were all still attached.
The G String was London’s only classical-music themed strip club. Or at least that was what the manager claimed, and Aziraphale had never bothered googling the matter. The music was easy, the audience distracted enough not to notice when he hadn’t practiced that week.
Crowley’s gaze shot back to Aziraphale, raking over him from head to throbbing toe and back. The irritation from just a moment ago made way to… admiration? Sweet Jesus, he was looking at him, and he clearly liked what he saw, judging by the small smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth.
‘With your clothes on?’
‘Of course with my clothes on,’ Aziraphale huffed, trying his hardest not to look too pleased with the once-over he was receiving.
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crowleyscleaninglady · 11 months
This fandom has done such wonderful things for my confidence
I have not sang in front of an audience (other than my friends) in over four years. I used to do every talent show, every musical, every type of performance I could get my grubby little hands on and loved every second of it. I heard criticism and one person made a comment that cut so deep I stopped singing and buried that part inside of me.
I finally broke from that, auditioned to my church’s worship team, and tonight is my first performance. It’s a big once a year men’s appreciation night (women’s was last month for those concerned).
What does this have to do with the fandom you might ask? I joined this fandom and realized how much fun it was to make art and fanfic, be creative, and express myself again.
I have also read so many fanfics of Crowley being a musician that tonight that’s who I’m embodying. Our wonderful Crowley. (Also if anyone has any musician Crowley fic recs please do not hesitate to slide them my way)
So yeah all in all I’m thankful for this fandom for allowing me to express myself again and tonight I will be embodying our favorite red headed demon while singing ❤️
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Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV) Summary:
A modern AU in which struggling rock musician Crowley meets Anarchist bookshop owner Aziraphale. The two fall in love quickly, but struggle with their respective families, and the expectations of society at large. As these expectations take their toll on their mental health, the two must stay true to themselves, fight the system, and create their own heaven on earth and give them hell!
Tips appreciated and commissions are open!
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pocketsofhoney · 2 years
HEY EVERYONE !! I just posted the first chapter of my Good Omens fic, The Ineffable Ivories!
It's on ao3!! It's about professional pianist Crowley and how Aziraphale catches his eye during a performance :3 but things get funky with a new job he might take up and just ahhhh !!
I am super excited about this and can't wait for y'all to read the upcoming chapters in the new year :))
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kuiper-music · 3 months
i have some HUGE news.
i finally finished filming my aziracrow music video!!!!
my song is called ‘angeleyes’, and it is finally available on youtube. It’ll be on spotify soon, but for now I’m SO excited to get to share the music video with you!!!
if you like flowers, stars, and lamentations, you would DEFINITELY like my song. Crowley’s got a lot to say after the final 15, and I like to think I did it a little bit of justice.
y’all rock. Keep shining.
(More under the cut)
(in light of the neil gaiman controversy, I am obligated to explain that the release date for this music video and for literally ALL of my promotional plans has been set in stone since WAY before anything happened. Just wanted to throw that out there and explain that I’m not gonna take any crap about that!!! Everything that is going on is really really unfortunate, but my relationship and interaction with the fandom and the story is unrelated to Neil Gaiman himself. I will continue to find community in a story that means so much to me, while being aware of the controversy as it develops so that I can respond/react appropriately.)
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hikarry · 6 months
I get why you would have Crowley be a guitarist/vocalist. It's a classic in the fandom. But a pianist? I don't really see that instrument fitting him
My reason is one and only one and a very simple one at that: Have you looked at that man's hands?
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Anthony J. Crowley was created to play a fucking piano!
As a pianist myself, I would commit cold blooded murder to have long slim fingers like those!
It is a sin I haven't run across a single fanfic - in universe or not - where this guy plays a piano! Look at the way he moves his bloody fingers! Look at how fucking fluid he is!
I will have him sit his ass in front of a piano and fucking serenate Aziraphale every night if I have to, but my musician Crowley will be, regardless of anything else, a pianist god
I understand your scepticism tho
Most musician Crowley AUs have him as a rock star and, by God, so will I, but whoever made the rule that rock stars only sing and play drums or the guitar?
You need no other example but the Queen of Glam Rock himself, Freddie Fucking Mercury. He is one of the biggest rock stars to ever grace this Earth and he could barely play a bloody guitar to save his life, but was a genius at the piano
Don't Stop Me Now. Killer Queen. Somebody To Love. We Are The Champions. Breakthru. Face It Alone. Spread Your Wings. The March of the Black Queen. Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy.
I could keep going.
Do you know what all of those have in common?
They are all Queen songs, yes. All undeniably rock songs. And their main instrument is what? A piano
I rest my case
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blairamok · 2 years
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make music with me, darling 💕
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this is going to sound slightly stupid i’m begging you to bear with me
you know those fanfics from like 2013, the rpf’s that (usually) were about musicians like harry styles or brenden urie?
they’d go something along the lines of, ‘not-like-other-girls’ sitting in the crowd of a concert her friend dragged her out to, but she just doesn’t care about the music it’s so not her thing so she reads a book during the concert (cue the groans). then the lead singer sees her and is totally taken by her uniqueness and calls her out from the stage or asks to see her after the show yada yada.
anyway, i saw some fan art of rockstar!crowley and normie!aziraphale, and i thought it’d be fun to see if there’s anything similar to those kinds of rpf’s but instead for crowley and aziraphale!
We have a #famous crowley tag you can check out. Here are some fics in which Crowley is famous and Aziraphale is not...
A rockstar's love by The_boxhead (G)
Crowley had a lot of problems finding someone to have a relationship with as the famous rockstar that he is. But that day when he entered that coffee shop and saw that blond haired man behind the counter, he didn’t want more than to get to know that beautiful angel with that cute smile.
Star Crossed by AppleSeeds (T)
When Crowley, the lead singer of wildly successful rock band The Sixth Circle, agrees to take part in a radio show discussion feature, the last thing he expects is to come away from it completely smitten with a man who must be the world's most adorable magician. Crowley's uncharacteristic behaviour towards Aziraphale during the show doesn't go unnoticed by the listeners, with speculation soon running rife online. Only one thing for it - Crowley just needs to engineer an opportunity to see Aziraphale again. All in the name of generating publicity, of course.
Never Too Late by AppleSeeds (T)
It's been thirty-five years since the height of Aziraphale's enormous crush on rockstar Anthony Crowley, but when he sees that Anthony is still performing, Aziraphale feels he owes it to his younger self not to pass up the opportunity to finally hear him sing live. The last thing he expects is for Anthony to actually approach him once the concert is over, extending an invitation that surpasses every fantasy Aziraphale harboured about him as a young man and resulting in the most memorable night of his life.
The Only One I Still Know How to See by Furuba_Fangirl (E)
Aziraphale has been an admirer of Anthony J. Crowley for years. However, the gap between audience member and stage actor begins to thin when they are given the chance to officially meet.
Soho by Lurlur (E)
Aziraphale lives a quiet kind of life, running a quiet specialist bookshop in one of the liveliest districts of London. He's content with his lot, happy with his friends, tolerant of his probably-human housemate, living vicariously through the gossip pages. One day, a chance encounter with Anthony Crowley, lead singer of wildly successful rock band The Demons, threatens to turn his whole world upside down.
Find the Light by klikandtuna (E)
I saw a collection of gifs on tumblr combining David Tennant as a rock star and Michael Sheen as a school headmaster (see the notes of Chapter 1 for a link to the post!) and someone said that it ought to be a fic, sooooo I've made it a fic. Here's a heapin' helping of rock-star Crowley and headmaster Aziraphale! Now with shiny new cover art, also by me!
Win a Date With Anthony J. Crowley! by Caedmon (E)
Crowley is a world-famous rock star who sells out arenas. His name is synonymous with 'rock-n-roll', and he thrives on the spotlight. When he agrees to raffle off a date with himself for charity, he's expecting to meet an overzealous fan that wants to wear his skin and very well might try to roofie him. What he's not expecting is to be instantly attracted to the quiet man with the unusual name who shows up for the date at the Ritz... and he's certainly not expecting for Aziraphale to have no clue who he is...
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gahellhimself-blog · 1 year
I saw that you liked 1941 Crowley with his violin but…
What about 6 years before Apocalypse Crowley bass player???!!
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Shirtless version on my Patreon
I’m a demon…
I lied..
Never had a Patreon!!!
Let there be Rock!!
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leviosally · 6 months
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LOOOOOK!!! OMG!!! @wingsofopal made an art of Violinist Crowley from my fic, Play for me the Music of your Heart and it's absolutely gorgeous!!! I love the whimsical, watercolor wash style! Thank you so much!
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sixbynine-da · 6 days
Chapters: 8/15 Fandom: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Anathema Device, Agnes Nutter, Gabriel (Good Omens), Michael (Good Omens) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Music, Musicians, Alternate Universe - Music, Aziraphale Has a Penis (Good Omens), Crowley Has a Penis (Good Omens), Cellist, Guitarist Crowley (Good Omens), Cellist Aziraphale (Good Omens), Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Heavy Angst, Angst and Feels, Aziraphale is Bad at Feelings (Good Omens), Crowley is a Sweetheart (Good Omens), Anathema Device Has the Brain Cell, Crowley & Anathema Device Friendship, Foster Care, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Adoption, Not a AziraCrow kid fic, Religion, Religious Content, Author is an Atheist though, original lyrics, Past Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Enemies to Friends, Aziraphale is a Mess (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has Religious Trauma (Good Omens), Anxiety, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Food Issues Summary:
Aziraphale Whitegate is a cellist, the pride and joy of the wealthy and well known, God-fearing, Whitegate family. He is front and centre of their church community, representing everything the family stands for. Talent, dedication, class, subservience and above all else the image of perfection Gabriel has carefully crafted for them.
Crowley hates him the second he meets him. From the tip of his polished shoes to his perfectly buttoned shirt Aziraphale represents the worst of society as far as the guitarist is concerned. Now he’s expected to play alongside him and make nice, even though Aziraphale isn’t exactly making it easy.
But people’s lives are a lot more complicated under the surface.
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samwintermusik · 2 months
I thought, I should post it here since I mentioned Tumblr and a few of our beloved ones.
I tried to explain how my neurodivergent ass consumes media. Can someone relate?
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oldmanontumbler · 6 days
Ethel Archer and Victor Neuburg's friendship is so dearly funny to me.
You have this Kinsey 5 woman who married the only guy she ever fancied and loves him to bits and pieces, and spends her free time writing impassioned love poems about other women (and nothing else).
And then you have this lithe, faun-like man -- indubitably would've been called a "twink" in this day for his youth and slight physique -- who's nervous and gentle and looks at his mentor like a lovestruck puppy. Like that man hung the stars in the fucking sky.
And then he takes one look at Archer's poetry and goes "hmm... 🤨🏳️‍🌈 kinda gay."
And she's shocked at this -- vantablack pot calling the kettle black -- and whenever she voices that, he's just like, "okay, Sappho."
Yes, he took to calling her Sappho.
Neuburg reviewed all of the poems that appeared in The Equinox, and every goddamn time Archer submitted a poem, he'd turn to her and go, "gee, Ethel, pardon me if I am mistaken, but this sounds kind of gay..."
I dunno, the fact that this bisexual man and this bi/lesbian woman were friends and exchanged lighthearted banter brings light to my heart. It's sweet.
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