#MvK's Wife
landfilloftrash · 8 months
May I ask for more of your ShinKaru headcanons please? 😀🙏 or even about Manfred, do you have any HC about his wife?
Not gonna lie with you Chief, it took me longer than it probably should’ve to realize that you were using “Karuma” for the second half of the ship name lmaooo (very jovial)
But headcanons for Gregory and Manfred!!! I have those in spades! I won't go into tooooo much detail because we'll be here all day but I can give you some I sent to my partner! But as always I must preface; this is mostly based on vibes, certain lines I cannot quote off the top of my head, and fanfic-- because both characters and their backstories have not been TOUCHED let me see how they GOT HERE
Anyways /lh
In actual canon, my guess is that they met for the first time during the IS-7 incident. More specifically, the first time they’ve actually TALKED.
However, this alone is boring; So I imagine they’ve seen glances of one another in the courtroom. On Gregory’s end, he has seen von Karma in passing, fresh from the courtroom, going into battle, or going over something in the lobby and scowling, given a polite nod to the man or a nice tip of his hat if he was wearing it and mostly classified MvK as “older gentleman with nice taste in clothing.” if he ever sees him again.
MvK on the other hand might have heard of Gregory in passing? Extremely good defense attorney who regularly beats prosecutors; that’s not saying he’s perfect, that would catch the older man’s attention after all, but MvK has probably heard of him and his Justice filled ways and gone “bah. these fools don’t know how to prosecute that’s all, and he’s a naive fool.” If SEEING him without first noticing his badge, might politely nod back or huff a breath in lieu of greeting. If seeing his badge, 100% a nearly uncontrolled sneer. A mere defense attorney. A bug to crush.
And if later down the line Gregory wants to be that cool bug that Manfred studies closer and finds interesting, that’s his own damn business, thank you very much /lh
The only way I see them happening would be if Manfred's wife was either divorced or dead; He brags about his wife's cooking in a contest about baking that man is a wifeguy fo sho
They are court rivals!
They match each other blow for blow, which means whatever Manfred’s brand of insane is that trial, Gregory is ready to go with it and turn the tide, and even if he doesn’t win (perfect win streak), the crowd goes away with a sense of “wow. Von Karma was really on the ropes a couple of times.” and Manfred HATES IT. Not the crowd’s whispers— but now people know there’s someone who can actually MATCH his damn insanity and that riles him up to the point of bloodthirsting lust
Gregory ALSO hates it but for a different reason; he's fighting for his gawddamn life with these cases, doing his best as a defense and usually coming so so close but missing just that little something, and von Karma wins.
But he’s stubborn. He will get people their Justice, and he WILL literally die trying so help him gods. That stubbornness extends to von Karma; he WILL win against this man one day, and he’s tenacious and firm, so one day, it WILL happen.
On other hand.. he’s also interested in the amused expressions and sometimes even delighted smile that pops up on extremely brief and rare one second occasions when Gregory pulls a trap of his own or turns von Karma’s trap around; It’s a predator amused that his prey thinks it can win, but playing along and once again trapping the poor creature, but he can’t deny that the expressions make him pause for a moment. Von Karma is very intrigued as he is incredulous about Edgeworth; the fact he only smiles when cornered, so deadly serious and matching fire with fire, a little bit of a nerd! What is this man and why is he so amused by him? He's gonna have an aneurysm
Outside of the courtroom, there’s not much interaction. But… on occasion, they will cross paths while investigating, and almost make a game of it.
They’ll bicker, snip at each other, get close to violence on a couple cases, occasionally even laugh at a stupid/funny comment the other made, quip and quote back and forth like their lives depend on it and should they fail they’ll disintegrate.
Most detectives, especially Badd, the one they most regularly have to deal with, have caught onto this and stay the FUCK out of their way; no matter if von Karma demands they don’t let Gregory onto the scene, they find out later he snuck past them and is up to his thighs in a mystery he’s two thirds of the way figured out
Meanwhile von Karma is already ‘hiding’ witness testimonies and figuring out what he might need to smudge to keep the 'innocents' safe and the 'culprits' put away. While this is a tried and true tactic, and a very welcome one, if he can get away with not doing those things, he prefers it.
Gregory on the other hand, has a notebook for every case he’s been on with MvK as the prosecutor because every time they go against each other he needs to write down every thought that comes to mind in regards to the case. In other cases not against Manfred, he’s decimated the prosecutions arguments before they get off the ground thanks to having to deal with the god of prosecution. But he goes over these notebooks and regularly writes new theories and ideas on what might’ve actually happened, or if he came across the truth and was unable to prove it, circles it, and when they're all actually solved, he closes that notebook permanently.
On the extremely rare occasion that they have NO culprit, but there’s a crime they’ve been assigned to, they have tossed theories at one another, simple to try and one up each other of course. But it’s a different kind of race and game. It’s slower, much more careful.
Manfred once couldn't get to a crime scene up on a hill because it was a terrible pain day and Gregory said nothing about it as he supported Manfred’s almost full weight and let him recover before they actually approached the police and the scene. They never bring it up again and Manfred hates the fact that it even happened, but Gregory soon after finds a small gift basket and a note that says “tell no one. they will never believe you.” and Edgeworth keeps the note.
Gregory is a very calm and chill man, but he has on multiple occasions yelled in true anger at Manfred for certain topics, and Manfred purposefully doesn’t bring those topics up again unless truly relevant, which is almost never.
Manfred absolutely hates Gregory the way you hate a dog. Gregory hates Manfred the way you hate a season.
That's where I'll leave those for now lmao-- but now. Ouuuh. Headcanons about Manfred's wife, huh? She's not so closely my department in headcanons/personal canons like my buddy @.nwdolphin is! But if I were pressed...
May perhaps not be a perfectionist like her husband, but probably strives for it in a way that Manfred saw, appreciated, and partially married her for
I'm not quite sure on ethnicity or name-- depends on if they met in Germany or Japanifornia, and even then it's a mixed bag either way-- but definitely not "noble birth" or whatever if going on with MvK's edwardian outfits /aff Just a normal person from a normal Ace Attorney universe family, so of course her name is a pun/irony.
That being said-- Business woman though. Possibly a CEO of some kind? Possibly just a simple worker. Either way, she commands attention
Softer face for Franziska? She's who it came from!
Like I said earlier in the post; Manfred brags about her cooking! Wifeguy for sure. Her cooking may not be "perfect" but it's made with a genuine effort and a love of the task/people it's made for, so it's perfect to him, goddamnit all, and he will stand by this until he dies
This is all not to say that she's perfectly fine with her husband's bullshit; she calls him out when he gets too Into It
Definitely challenges her husband in more than one way-- whether it be verbally, mentally, or maybe even physically in a sparring match when they were younger and Manfred's leg didn't act out as much!
Manfred fr wouldn't have it any other way; he strikes me as the kind of guy who would decay rapidly without a proper challenge in some way or another (enrichment for the caged tiger in his enclosure please)
I could definitely see her being the one that completely and utterly endorse her youngest daughter wielding a riding crop as little more than two so even she could defend herself
Both of them were definitely so proud of her
Of course her eldest also got a weapon (<- the one who gave them their weapons) who do you think she is
Their granddaughter is named after her, methinks; the eldest keeps in contact enough for Manfred to know her dog's name is Phoenix (whether or not he was simply bluffing on this is irrelevant, I'm taking it and running with it /lh) and even if it isn't, he still knows his granddaughter has a dog who she very much adores.
I think around the time she left his life (death, divorced, missing, etc.) is around the time he truly started to lose the way of how he wants Perfect Justice and instead started to perfectly embody everything wrong with the Law
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brutalitybunny · 1 year
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well yes probably
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askaceattorney · 6 months
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Dear Anonymous Fool,
Hmph, obviously not! Why would we sicken ourselves from overconsumption of alcohol?
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My wife especially would be very unhappy.
- Manfred von Karma
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ritzcuit · 1 year
gant is easily the most eligible of the evil old men like he has everything -good with kids (or maybe fandom just made this up) -swag -orange -sense of humor And yet mvk and blaise are the ones with wives
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pictureswithboxes · 2 years
I’m really gonna spend my whole day thinking about what mom von karma was like. Okay cool let’s go I guess.
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rockturbot · 7 months
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I was going to draw new MvK x wife stuff for Valentine's Day but I forgor :( so have this collection of some of the art of them I've already posted instead
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musashi · 6 days
In terms of headcanons about him, how do you think Manfred was with baby Franziska? Did he have staff for stuff like that or is he hands on, does he baby talk with her, is his idea of entertaining a baby just reading her court transcripts of cases you won etc. It’s just very funny to me imagining him being like that and also just having his baby daughter lol
i think he spent less time with her than he would've liked because of his work but was impossibly doting every second he was around her. i am talking like, carrying her everywhere she never left his arms.
i'm a big proponent of the idea that mama von karma died either in childbirth or VERY shortly after franziska was born and i think manfred was like. marlin finding nemo about it all. just less outwardly anxious. he was a helicopter parent in his own stern and strange way. unsure of how to raise her on his own, just borrowing all the best memories he had of raising his first daughter with his wife. he was awkward and unsure and... imperfect, though he would never admit to such. he had staff to help, yeah, but i think most of the time he wanted to be the one caring for her.
my favourite headcanon about mvk and baby franziska is that franziska was a crybaby and not a cute one. wailing all the time. nigh impossible to calm. manfred is a 50 year old single dad and he is so stressed and tired all the time, eventually he just starts handing her shit he has around in the hopes that it will distract her. this rarely works, but one day he hands her the riding crop and she starts giggling and slapping it on the nearest surface and laughing her sweet little head off. and from that point on he could not get it away from her--she fucking teethed on that thing. there have been several replacements.
he absolutely read her court transcripts. her first word was papa, and her second word was einspruch.
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hkpika07 · 1 month
Variety of Manfred Von Karma Headcanons
MvK would collect novelty canes that he would pay hundreds of dollars to make actually supportive too. He has a multiple of canes that have the handles look like animal heads. He has like 5 sword canes. He has a cane that is also a telescope. Like the handle transforms into a telescope he can look through. Franziska asks for a sweet and he opens a little hatch on his cane handle and a bunch of butterscotch candy falls out.
He collects things that are interesting to him. Canes. Model trains (headcanon im stealing from one of my fics. He loves model trains and trains and keeps them all in his attic because "I was told to grow out of such hobbies".
I think his manor had an observatory with a large professional telescope that Miles and Fran would use to look at the stars. Manfred does not use the observatory because it belonged to his late wife and being near it makes him sad.
Miles: He never goes in here? Really?
Fran: All I know is that it belonged to mama, and he doesn't like looking at mama's things.
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ultraviolet-ink · 3 months
I just remembered about your Manny dakimakura so I think you're going to have a fun response to my actual hot take: people who say MvK doesn't fuck are COWARDS. He's likely rich, he's canonically pretty powerful (like he does whatever the fuck he wants with that courtroom) - regardless of how he looks, there are people who will go for that. And just because he looks like a decrepit vampire 20 years older than his age now, doesn't mean we know how he looked in his 20s-30s - I know a couple artists who make a VERY good case regarding that... so anyway. Here's my "hot" take :P :P :P
Strongly agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly disagree omg YES!!! This to 1000!!!! Absolutely this!!! Manny has RIZZ!! He gets BITCHES!! He canonically loves his wife's cooking!! He is one of the few characters in the series to have fucked at LEAST twice!! and to make your take practically sizzling, mayhaps BOILING!! I'll add one thing more:
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infamouslydorky · 1 year
listen i KNOW this isnt what you meant by "that's his wife" but i couldnt help but read that to mean MVK has convinced the world he's married via putting on a wig/dress/makeup & pretending to be his own wife. gant knows he just plays along. anyway have a nice day
Well, it's what I meant now
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nwdolphin · 1 year
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mvk's wife oc mvk's wife oc
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goblibgremlim · 1 year
Inspired by my wife, I've been thinking about board game traditions among the Ace Attorney cast (specifically scrabble cause I'm currently obsessed):
Growing up, the Von Karma household had the most gruelling scrabble games; MVK would use it as a chance to pit Franziska and Edgeworth against each other and no one would have fun. The game would last all day because both of them would rather play a word that gets them like 15 fewer points than open up any bonus point spaces for the other, so within three turns the board is complete hell. There was also always a large dictionary on the table, but using it was considered a sign of weak mindedness - unless of course it's to prove that your opponent has just played an invalid word (which would lose them their turn, and get them mercilessly mocked for the next year).
In the Wright household Trucy and Phoenix play it as a pure bluffing game - they spend the whole time trying to get in each others heads and goading the other person into either letting an obviously fake word through, or losing their turn by challenging incorrectly.
Finally try as I might to imagine it, the Gavins don't play board games. They play croquet. Kristoph is absolutely brutal (especially given the age gap) in how hard he will knock Klavier's ball away when he gets the chance and always aims for the bushes. Which also means their parents have to come up with a special rule for Kalvier when fetching it out of the bushes, which is that he can take Two Big Steps back towards the croquet hoops before putting his ball down. This only encourages Kristoph to hit it further.
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raymondshields · 10 months
Ok friend you have my curiosity where is this fic you speak of. I am SO ready to have my brain chemistry fundamentally changed
Start here. My recommendation is to read that, maybe read the rest of Turnabout NaNoWriMo, and if you want to know more after that, I can hand you some 200k of fic that is properly formatted with the interludes, because Ao3's formatting really doesn't work with the Sagiverse anthologies. (So what you see here is maybe like a quarter of what we've got. We have a lot, and also lots of art.)
Turnabout NaNoWriMo is the first of three-and-a-half anthologies I've written, and it's only after reading and enjoying all of them do I let people at my fiance's anthologies, which are excellent but a bit more private. (Turnabout Runaways, which was this year's NaNo challenge, is incomplete but at least 50k. I will be slowly working on it probably for a few months, and eventually it'll be done.)
These anthologies take place in a greater crossover AU we refer to as Sagiverse. It started in 2020 in Saint Seiya, and now hosts several different series, eight hundred some-odd characters, upwards of thirty different fantasy worlds (of which Earth is only one), and more plotlines than we can keep track of properly.
Here's the two-sentence pitch: seven hundred years ago, there was a giant war between various magical factions on Earth that ended in a mostly-forgotten pyrrhic victory and the gods choosing to seal magic away from the world. So magic began to slowly die out, and as of present day, magic is rarer and rarer, and mage society is dying out, but it's still holding on as best it can, until one day the gods finally allow magic to return.
Ace Attorney gets involved with this very very simply. Miles Edgeworth is a mage. To be specific, he's a necromage, one of the most powerful currently active on Earth. His father, Gregory Atticus Edgeworth, had never found proof of magic while he was alive. His mother... well, no one knows who his mother is, or anything about the man at all. After DL-6, Miles was taken in by MvK as a ward just as canon says, but the von Karmas themselves are magi of a kind. After DL-6, Atticus finds the proof of magic's existence that he's been looking for all along, and he is not going to leave his son and missing fiance alone in a world that so very much wants the both of them dead.
And so begins a thirty-five year trainwreck to put their wayward, way-finding family back together. They'll do it, no matter what it takes. It just turns out their family's a little bigger than they think it is.
The fic I linked pretty much opens with the identity of Miles' mother, which you learn pretty much as I did, because I didn't plan jack or shit, only let him tell me what was going on. You may raise an eyebrow at the canon ages, don't worry about that. We had to fix the timeline anyway (because the forensics tech was all twenty years out of date so we just changed the years to be twenty years earlier, setting DL-6 on December 28th 1981) so we just didn't pull him back as far. Atticus died at 39, his fiance was 33.
This is because when I first got into AA, I found the IS-7 picture of Gregory and Ray, and I sort of mistook 18-year-old Ray as Atticus' wife. My fiance pointed out the age gap, paused, and went "but they're cute so I'm sure we can make it work" and then we did. If you hesitate a bit on the ship but don't immediately hate the idea, I promise I can sell you on it. At the end of the day, everything comes back to Atticus and Ray's tragic romance. This I can promise you: it ends happily. We're just still writing everything in between.
Sagiverse!Ray is a pretty distinct character from canon!Ray, but they're close enough that if you like one you'll probably like the other. I gave him way more trauma and it's fun. :3c
If you're wondering what happens to other characters, I can answer that. Apollo is dead for a few months, Phoenix a little bit longer. Robot!Athena has Issues. Franziska changes her career from Interpol to Magica Underground mostly because it's a better use of her legal talents. Miles gets to be the chosen one and lead a war against one of his university friends who unfortunately (and semi-accidentally) stole Phoenix's corpse and ran away with it. (Phoenix is fine, don't worry about it.) Atticus gets to be a bounty hunter on the ghostroads with Mia and they do a lot of shooting MvK and causing problems. Ray, uh. Well, at least he only got shot in the head twice?
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genderqueer-karma · 1 year
to me manfred von karma is transmasc and genderqueer at the same time. he is a guy and an enby but only vaguely and sometimes. since he is a prosecuting attorney all of the time he thinks that is more important really. he uses he/him but would also love they/them pronouns i think. he and his wife are t4t. this was revealed to me in a dream and the same dream told me he was bi and aspec but not in what specific way so i'll have to get back to you on that. he is neurodivergent and powerful and real and he is me and also my close friend. everywhere i go i see manfred von karma and i think that's beautiful. also yes i have been the same anon this whole time but i will probably just keep sending asks for a while before i dm you because i am very shy. thank you for your consideration
aww anon i’m shy too !!! you can keep sending me asks like this for now, but i meant it when i said i wouldn’t mind being friends at all!!! despite being kinda mean sometimes, i’m just passionate about things i like, hehe.
anyway: you’re so right about him being transmasc and genderqueer + bi/aspec. it’s like you’ve stolen the hcs right out of my brain… they/them manfred… nonbinary killing and maiming… just like me fr
ALSO GOD……… THAT MAN’S NEUROS…… SO DIVERGED BUT EVERYONE’S LIKE “he’s an ableist bitch” how does it feel to be so Wrong about him. (plus he’s literally canonically physically disabled? why’s HE the ableist one of everyone 🤨?)
we r both manfred in different ways. in fact, i think we’re all mvk .
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kaibaspuppy · 1 year
since my girl valerie got put in @homemadegirlbossbattle heres some information about her! shes not in the current poll cycle but she will be in the next one ^_^
5'10 with heels, 5'5~ without
her fiancée was named briar
she comes from french and italian immigrant families (yes i know her surname is dutch) and she knows a bit of both languages, but isnt fluent in italian.
shes got something of drinking problem, somehow looks poised as ever while managing a hangover at work
puts a lot of effort into maintaining her image at work and in the public, constantly playing 4d mental chess with her peers to keep it that way
was friends with mia fey in law school and had a huge vcrush on her, even after getting together with briar. im not kidding when i say that if mia hadnt died valerie wouldnt be half as fucked up
she hates edgeworth, but she despises the von karmas. they have the same better-than-you attitude as bratworth, but increased tenfold.
shes lucky enough to have never faced mvk in court, and avoids franziska (who came to america after val changed careers) because as much as she loves being catty she doesnt want to get skin lesions from that whip yk
she also really hates her job, but insists to herself its a necessary and vital step to getting revenge. (but its also something of a punishment for herself)
mellows out in a massive way when she goes to prison, starts getting counseling and writes in a journal regularly
generally believes that she shouldnt be forgiven for her crimes
she can play piano, but she doesnt do it anymore because it reminds her of her dead wife :(
either takes her coffee either black or as the sugariest frappuccino known to man, it entirely depends on her mood (bitter or less bitter)
goes to get manicures often because she always ends up either biting the polish off her nails or chipping them
regularly sleeps in these bad boys:
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ok so mvk had like. a pretty big family and he only had daughters until he was a crusty musty old prune who couldnt have kids any more and he was mad about that because he's a piece of shit so anyways he had 4 kids, Ida, Freida, Klara, and ofc Franziska (in order of age descending). he "didn't keep a tight enough rein" on his oldest 3 and they up n left because they realized how shitty he was. Ida became an artist based in germany and she was fairly successful. Freida formed her own company in france and became the ceo and she was just. LOADED for the rest of her life. Klara moved to the US and became a principal dancer at ABT in new york. anyways so after ida and freida moved away and klara was going to they had ziska, and mvk's wife died in childbirth with her so he just. lost any and all little sense of compassion that he had before and became the mvk we know and hate. i'm not an mvk apologist i fucking hate him. he was a shitty father before and he became shittier ok. anyways so klara was going to move to the us and then ziska was born and she stayed behind to meet her and mourn the loss of her mother who was a decent person and was there for a few more years/ziska's early childhood and they became very close. and so anyways later miles came to the family and that a whole nother thing mvk didn't really see him as a son at all tho he was like an apprentice/ward/yeah but ziska saw him as a brother when she was little before mvk started ptting them against eachother and yes.miles really liked klara cuz she was nice to them n stuff, and then klara moved away to pursue ballet and ziska+miles were. DEVASTATED. so anyways yeah. oh and freida is the one with the dog. <3 later they all have a reunion and share stories of mvk being a shit father and then it's ziska's turn and they're all like GIRL????? ARE YOU OKAY????? WE WOULD HAVE COME BACK IF WE KNEW BBG WE"RE SORRY and she was like no no its fine lol and theyre like IM CONCERNED so anyways yah there ya go. oh also the mom's name is Greta and also the age gaps are like this. when ziska was 2 everyone else was
ida-23 freida-19 klara-16 miles-9
freida was the one with the dogs! i have more about each of them individually but yeah <3 
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