#My apologies for taking so long ''anon''! I tried my best to find a good glitter text generator.
dazzlingjaeyun · 3 days
I dont know if you make part two of stuff but it would rlly be great if u could make a part two of “sweet escape” ><
thank you, anon, for the request!! i'm glad you liked part one and i hope you'll like part two as well! this comes kinda late but i was very busy with my studies the past weeks so i apologize, but i hope this was the wait! <3
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𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐩𝐭. 𝟐 - 𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐢
best friend!riki x fem!reader
genre: fluff & comfort
warnings: mentions of cheating, swear words (bitch)
word count: ~1k
↝ part 1 | ↝ dazzlingjaeyun's bookshelf
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you had lost track of the time you spent on that bench together - but time didn't matter. what mattered was that you felt okay. like you always did with riki.
after some more time, riki decided to take you home, claiming it was getting too late and he didn't want your parents to realize you basically sneaked out.
"riki?", you asked, your tone careful as you looked up at him with doe eyes.
you fiddled with your fingers. "can you stay here? i don't want to be alone...", you confessed, the volume of your voice decreasing with each word you spoke.
riki bit down on his bottom lip, seemingly trying to find a reply.
"i don't think that's a good idea", he said. he felt bad for turning you down. but despite being your best friend for a long time, he didn't feel in the position to sleep over. not anymore, not now that you had a boyfriend. one that was already way too jealous, riki thought. he couldn't care less what your boyfriend thought about him, but he didn't want anything to get back to you.
you let out a short sigh, but you understood him and his motive without any verbal explanation. yet, you felt somewhat scared of how your feelings that you had successfully shoved away would hit you once you'd be alone. so you tried again.
"at least until i fell asleep?"
riki gave in, understanding that all you needed in that very moment was someone's company. although deep down, a tiny part of him wished it was specifically his company that you craved.
he waited until you laid down and sat on the floor next to your bed, facing you. you tucked yourself in your blanket and riki, for the second time that night, put a strand of hair behind your ear.
"good night, y/n" he so softly that it almost came out as a whisper.
you just hummed in response and closed your eyes, the exhaustion of crying for so many hours before taking over your body now that you were warm and comfortable in bed.
after some minutes, riki heard you breathing more evenly, signaling that you had fallen asleep. yet, he hesitated to get up.
instead, he remained seated on the floor, put his arms on your mattress and laid head on his hands so both your faces were only some centimeters apart.
your demeanor seemed so peaceful now that you were asleep and that alone almost warmed riki's heart. he fought the urge to stroke away the strand of hair that fell over your face again, not daring to touch you and risking waking you up.
only as he felt his eyes getting heavy, he slowly and carefully lifted his head from the mattress and stood up from the floor. he gave you one last smile before tiptoeing to the window to go back home.
days later, you told riki why you had cried so bitterly that night. it wasn't really on purpose, the words rather slipped out of your mouth during your daily catch up call.
you didn't know what you expected when you accidentally told him that you had caught your boyfriend with another girl only hours before the video call that night. however, him hanging up on you in the middle of your sentence was definitely not what you expected.
around half an hour later, you heard a knock on your door, to which you just muttered an indifferent "come in".
the door opened to reveal no one other than your best friend. again unexpected after he had hung up so suddenly.
he was carrying a small bouquet of your favorite flowers in one hand and a piece of paper in the other. before you could even open your mouth to ask, he cut you off.
"please tell me you broke up with him", he said sternly, as he walked into your room, past your bed and to your nightstand.
"that's what i was telling you. you'd know if you hadn't hung up on me mid sentence!", you replied, crossing your arms.
"what are you doing anyways?", you asked, dropping your attitude and now rather showing confusion, as you saw riki taking a picture frame from your nightstand.
"you still have this picture of the two of you here. i think it's time to get rid of his annoying face", he replied, his attention on the picture frame. he opened it, took out the photo and instead placed the piece of paper he had brought inside.
after he closed the frame and put it back to it's place, you could see what the piece of paper was; a small drawing, again of your favorite flowers.
riki handed you the bouquet before sitting next to you on your bed.
"these are for you... sort of as a cheer up? and when they're wilted, you have a mini version of them here", he said while pointing to the drawing on your nightstand, "these will stay with you"
"i'm sorry for what you had to go through. i know these won't turn back time and they won't change what happened, but...", he hesitated, "i want their beauty to remind you of your own. you're a beautiful person with a beautiful soul and you never deserved any of this"
you felt your heart warming and tears pooling in your eyes as you pouted at the gesture and his words.
riki gave you a soft smile and patted your head carefully.
"i'll make him regret hurting you. and i promise i'll take better care of you from now on"
you slowly shook your head.
"it's not your fault he's a bitch", you replied, which made riki chuckle a little. "thank you for all of this, really"
"anything for you", he replied. like he did so many times. when it came to you, that would always be his reply, no questions asked.
"i'll make up for all the effort you always put into everything, i promise"
this time, he shook his head. "no need to", he smiled as he pulled you into a hug. "i like being your sweet escape"
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thank you so much for reading up until here and special thanks for the request!! it means the entire world to me and i hope you guys enjoyed it. please do not copy. ❤︎︎
feel free to leave feedback & interact!
- dazzlingjaeyun
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mystellenia · 2 months
giving ellie a hoodie full of kisses ୨ৎ
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summary: you paint a hoodie with kisses for ellie, and the gesture flusters her.
content: nothing much, just ellie being shy
notes: answer to this req!! i'm trying a new format of posts. sometimes i see people do not quite hcs but also not quite a normal, paragraph-formatted fic. its this in between of bullet points????? idk lemme know if yall like it
(wc 0.6 k)
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after spending an hour on painting your lips and pressing them to the cloth of the hoodie you'd gotten for ellie, you sat back and examined your work
you had to admit: the hoodie looked beautiful. but! you did not!!!! your lips were stained red from the paint, your back hurt from hunching over to kiss the hoodie, and you'd probably ingested about an ounce of red40!!! (i know red 40 is in food but let me be silly)
after washing the paint that had gotten on your skin off in the sink, you ironed the sweatshirt to seal the paint in (don't ask me how that works bc idk i just saw it on tiktok like 10 mins ago)
and now we wait for ellie to come home!!
when she finally comes in, she throws her keys on the table near the door and toes her dusty, disintegrating, been-to-bethlehem-and-back converse, bc have you seen them. one day she's gonna take a step and they're gonna turn into a cloud of dust i swear
anyway you're sitting on the couch with your phone in your lap, the painted sweatshirt folded into a square with the kisses hidden inside. she walks towards you and gives you a lil kissy kiss on the forehead like hiiii
you get all smiley because you're excited for her to see the sweatshirt and she gets all suspish.... like what's so funny....
sooooooo.... you tell her you made her something and unfold the hoodie and hold it up to your body so she can see the full thing. and she would soooo get all beet red, like, "...you made this for me?"
and you're like "yes of course do you like it queen" then she gets over the like flusteredness (????(actually i revoke my ???? bc i just made that a word)) and gets so happi like yayyy!!!!
then she looks all confused at your lips and is like "is that why your lips look so severely chapped and red?"
and you get mad so you take away kiss privileges so she does the only reasonable thing which is putting you in a headlock to force kiss you
would definitely immediately put it on and go look in the mirror at her with it on. she'll start geeking and thank you and all that jazz
she would wear that shit 24/7. sleeping working showering shitting ANYWHERE best believe she has that hoodie on. and you tell her its been like 2 weeks of her wearing it nonstop so she needs to wash it but she refuses bc she doesn't want the kisses to start fading. u wash it anyway bc its dirty and she cold shoulders you for about 30 mins before she sees some dumb reel she just has to show you (me fr).
i feel like she's a hot sleeper--like she gets too hot at night to wear the hoodie but she still wants it so she'll just hold it as a baby blanket of sorts and Whatnot.
wait very unrelated but does anyone have a baby blanket that they've had for so long its like basically just threads thats so funny
but overall she loves it. she likes to kiss the kiss prints you made on the sweatshirt bc it's "like kissing you."
there was one time she couldn't find it for like 2 days (because you'd washed it since she never does) and she tried to act all nonchalant and unaffected like she wasn't about to start tweaking and like twitching
then you gave it to her all calm because it was literally just in the wash and she was like "what😨😨😨 where did you find it😨😨😨" and you just tell her it was in the wash and shes like "oh that makes sense"
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pls im so sorry. before i say anything i would like to formally apologize to the anon who submitted the ask for this bc this is so shit. you ask me for a product and this is how i repay you!! shame on me. please dilly dally on over to my asks and ask me something else so i can actually, i don't know, do a good job!! this ask was cute tho u ate with that
wow i very strongly dislike this format so much this is the first and last time i will be doing this!!! i’m only posting this bc its been like a week since i last posted and the citizens will soon revolt, which the city's defenses cannot afford!! we're about to run out of wheat like times are getting tough. maybe i should just try just headcanons 🤔
can you tell i was fighting demons to not make this my normal vocab and format. like just look at this sentence and how it progresses: "when she finally comes in, she throws her keys on the table near the door and toes her dusty, disintegrating, been-to-bethlehem-and-back converse, bc have you seen them." the way that sentence progresses is just the silly demons taking over and also my coping mechanism for grimacing at how much i didnt mesh with this format
like i just couldnt take myself seriously. "yes of course do you like it queen" HELLO??? WHY DID I TYPE THAT but i will not be fixing and/or deleting it bc its making me giggle
dont get me wrong some of you ladies chew it up but i am made for unreasonably long and time consuming fics!!! i’m getting heated too bc not only is this so short and quick to do but it also takes less focus and brain power and ofc i had to make things hard for myself and hate it!!! i’m soooooooooooo silly
click here!! oh and here too!! ˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶
edit: wait i would like to clarify that i just hate this because perhaps i’m not used to it. if you guys like this maybe i'll do more bc i follow the clout always 💯
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obsessivelyloved · 19 days
This was requested on one of my nsfw blogs but I went insane and made it 3,000 words long. So I can post most of it here lol. Just know that in my heart, this takes place in Arkham. Also I'm super rusty so I apologize if anything feels off/wonky. The ending is abrupt here bc the rest of it/the ending is nsfw. I was up til 5am writing this and I'm not writing a sfw ending for this blog until after i get more sleep.
Anon asks: I’m a big sucker for Psych Au fics. Reader is a cis female doctor who treats Tord with kindness. He becomes obsessed with her. Refuses to talk to any other doctor. Tord is always on his best behavior for her which leads her to let her guard down. BIG MISTAKE
“You dropped this.” 
The man stares at you wide eyed as you hand him his lighter. He stands, rigid. You give him a gentle smile and press it into his palm, your other hand curling around the back of his hand. 
“I know there’s no fluid in it, so you don’t have to worry about me taking it,” you say to him. You pat his hand and step away.
The man turns fully towards you and you’re able to read the name sewed onto his shirt. 
“I-” the man- Tord- swallows hard. He quickly pockets the lighter. “Thank you.” 
You give him another smile and walk past him. He seemed to be going the same way as you but he never caught up. Nor did you hear footsteps behind you. Once you reach the director’s office, he leaves your thoughts. You were determined to make a good first impression on your first day of the job. 
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The man you met earlier had turned out to be your first patient. And oh boy, what a patient he was. Like you had promised yourself you weren’t going to judge any of these people but god damn. His file was thick. At least twenty papers were inside the manilla folder you had received from the head director’s office. Maybe even more. 
You’d never know if you kept standing outside the director’s office gawking at it. You take a deep breath. Going through it sitting down was probably a good idea. As you make your way to the breakroom, your grip on the folder is tight, trying your best to make sure you don’t drop it and reveal your patient's file. 
Thankfully, it doesn’t take you long to get to the breakroom. A few people were there but they paid you no mind. They sit, hunched over lunch or their own files. You sit and start to read. 
Løvik Tord
3 7 2 5 9
DOB: 1995
Age: 28
Hair: Dark brown with lighter brown roots
Eye: Silver
You end up skimming through this until you get to the bottom of the page. It wasn’t… pretty. 
Tord is a violent man. He is aggressive, manipulative, and has a short temper. Many doctors have tried working with him to no avail. He does not respond kindly to Dr.Casey (see page 5), Dr.Bonnie (see page 8), Dr.Roxy (see page 12), or Dr.Harley (see page 15). 
He is extremely aggressive towards Dr. Bruce (see page 20). 
You stop reading there, your chest feeling tight. You flip to page twenty. It’s not the last page like you had hoped. There were still…. Quite a bit in the file. 
Dr.Bruce has tried everything he can to help Tord. He has tried finding common ground with the patient. Has tried being lax and strict with Tord’s schedule. Has tried working with Tord and letting him sit outside. Tord had found every loophole and burned every bridge until Dr.Bruce stopped lenient treatments. Tord stabbed Dr.Bruce fifteen times before guards made their way into the room. 
It is unknown how and where he had gotten his hands on a sharp long blade. Tord was seen licking the blood of-
“Don’t worry if you can’t fix him. At this point, Doctor Markman hands his case off to fresh blood to showcase this place. No one expects you to be able to tame him.” 
You startle at the voice, goosebumps raised on your arms. “I’m sorry?” you ask with a polite smile. Anger clouded your fear. What the hell was this person talking about?
The doctor, Alice, her name tag reads, smiles at you. 
“Nearly everyone has tried working with him at this point,” she continues. “No one expects him to ever get better. He's here for murder, after all.” 
You give her a tight smile in return. “I’ll just have to see for myself.” 
Before she can keep going, you straighten up the papers and close the folder. 
“I appreciate the advice, but I must be going now,” you lie through your teeth. What bullshit! What kind of doctors run this place? 
You actually hadn’t needed to be anywhere for another thirty minutes but if this conversation continued you wouldn’t be able to hold your tongue. Everyone can be saved. With compassion and kindness and help, no one was beyond redemption. Or too far gone for help. 
You storm out of the breakroom and wander. 
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“I was hoping I’d see you again.” 
Tord grins at you as he’s escorted in. His hands are cuffed and before he can sit down, the guard pats him down. 
It makes your stomach churn but you keep your face kind. 
“It’s nice to see you too,” you greet. You watch cautiously as he sits down in the plush chair. The guard leaves the room. 
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
It’s silent enough to hear the clock as the two of you study each other. He seems to drink you in, eyes wandering up and down, seeming to take in everything. You’d do the same if you weren’t a professional. 
“You used to dye your hair?” 
Tord raises an eyebrow. He tilts his head a little, eyes focused solely on you. It unnerves you almost as much as his file had. No patient of yours had ever stared at you so intensely in the past….
After a moment, he answers. “Yes. I fancied black quite a bit.” He gestures towards his roots. “It’s been a while since Bruce got me more dye. No one else will.” 
“I could look into it,” you clasp your hands, jumping into this opportunity. “I can’t promise anything, but I’ll talk to Doctor Marksman.” 
“And what do you want from me in return?”
“I’m sorry?” 
His gaze hardens. “What. do. You. want.” He grinds out, his body rigid in the chair. His hands were clenched.
Without thinking, puzzlement falls across your face. What did he mean? What did you want? For him to get better, obviously. 
“I want you to be at ease with your mental health,” you answer, still looking puzzled. “I don’t want anything else from this job but that. I’m not dangling hair dye in front of you in exchange. I want you to feel comfortable in your skin and at home here, Mr.Løvik.” 
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. 
“Is that really what you want?” Tord asks, an emotion you can’t quite place in his voice. “To help me get better?” 
Whatever it may be, you smile at him. 
“Of course. I want nothing but to see you succeed and be happy here.” 
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Things were easier after that first session. You always started off kindly, asking Tord how his day was going. If his favorite show or movie had aired on the television today.If his favorite food had been served that morning or afternoon. If he slept fine through the dreadful storm. 
(“I know I wasn’t,” you had laughed. “I tossed and turned, jumping at each sound all night.”
“I’m sure your boyfriend was quite displeased.”
“Oh,” you chuckle. “Well, no. I have a cat but no boyfriend. I was too busy getting my decree to ever really mingle like that. Though, my poor little man was also distraught at all the thunder last night. He yowled at my door until I let him into my room and he curled up on my bed. I’ll bring pictures next time.”) 
Too well for you and only you. Tord refused to talk to anyone but you. He would sit in silence or insult other doctors during his sessions. In one instance, he broke a new doctor’s nose. The poor guy had quit on the spot, cussing Tord and the whole place out as he was escorted to the medical section. 
You were tense the next few sessions but that violent man was nowhere to be found. He kept his cuffed hands right in front where you can see them at all times. He never lunged from you. In fact, barely ever moved in his chair. 
Tord was easygoing. Polite, charming, even. He took any medications he needed obediently and put up no fuss when you’d have him describe in later sessions how he was feeling and if he was feeling any negative side effects. 
He asked about your cat. About how your favorite show was going. If the movie you were looking forward to has come out yet. If your favorite restaurant down the street from your apartment was still closed for renovations. 
Eventually, enough time had passed that you relaxed. You stopped keeping your eyes trained on his hands. You stopped worrying yourself sick about his body language. You focused on his treatments and his mental health. 
If he was going to hurt me he would have done so by now, you thought to yourself after your latest session with Tord. He was doing so much better than he had been doing six months ago. It seemed as if you were really making a difference, helping him improve. 
It had been three months since he last fought another patient. Two months since he assaulted another doctor. And five months since he refused treatment of any kind. 
You step outside the building and take a deep breath. A dopey smile sticks to your face as you walk to your car. Becoming a doctor was the best choice you’ve ever made. Nothing was more rewarding than helping people. Not even this cloudy weather could bring you down. 
In fact, nothing tried to drag your mood down. There was no traffic on the way home. Some asshole hadn’t parked in your assigned parking spot again in the parking lot of your apartment. And your sweet cat hadn’t knocked his little box over again. 
You happily reheat your leftovers and watch tv for a while before you get ready for bed. Unfortunately, your mood does come crashing down. 
In the middle of the night, thunder wakes you. You jolt up, scrambling for your phone. Your hands come up empty. Shit, you think. I left it charging in the kitchen. Ugh. Oh well, you don’t need to look at your phone to see it is late and storming. 
Another loud sound booms through your apartment. Only this time, it sounds like a crash. 
“It’s just thunder,” you tell yourself. “Nothing to be afraid of.” You lay back down. Your eyes shut and you’re just about drifting to sleep when your door creeks open. 
You bolt up, knowing damn well that your cat can’t open doors and you freeze. 
Your heart races as your mind tries to process just who was in front of you. 
“Tord?” you whimper, hands shaking. But that can’t be. That was impossible. He was supposed to be sleeping soundly in his room with the soundproof headphones you got him. He didn’t like storms. The thunder reminded him too much of gunshots and made him restless. 
Useless information floods your brain. 
“I’m home, sweetheart,” he rasps. His grin is soft in the moonlight. He reaches over to flick on your bedroom light. 
He’s gentle he’s kind he’s sweet he’s-
He’s covered in blood.
Tord steps forward and you’re frozen in bed. His eyes are wild as they drink you in. There’s blood on his hands. In his hair. Splatters on his face. 
“Oh honey how I’ve dreamed of this,” he croons at the foot of your bed. “Your apartment is just as cute as you described.” 
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starvity · 9 months
can u do going on a vacay with rickyy
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— ☆ going on vacation with ricky
gn!reader x zb1 ricky
genre: fluff// warnings: intimacy if you squint, flirty ricky, cursing as always lol, lmk if i forget anything!!
author’s note: that one mf who doesn't joke about his airport fit... this ask was perfect after i saw how fancy he looked like on his way to los angeles omg, thank you for requesting anon!! (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ricky and you decided to go on vacation for your 1st anniversary together!!! i feel like ricky would be surprisingly organized for the trip. he would check that your passports are valid, pack his things carefully and make sure you don't forget to bring anything either. for the whole check-in part you'd have to do it yourself though. like you would spend hours comparing flight prices to find the cheapest one and he's like bbg idc take my credit card...
you had quite a long flight ahead so you decided to dress as comfortably as possible. ricky, however; takes his airport fashion very seriously. you tried to tell him that he doesn't need to wear his expensive ass belt and sunglasses that probably cost more than your rent but he wouldn't listen. he looked hot though so you quickly stopped complaining hehehe
definitely the type to do a face mask in the plane and get his beauty sleep, just sitting there being pretty while you're tossing and turning trying to find the best position to sleep in. he clicks his tongue, his hand grabbing your wrist as he was starting to get annoyed by your movements. suddenly, he pushes your head down on his shoulder and slide his hand on your thigh, closing his eyes again and you swore your heart skipped a beat.
you guys had rented a cute little apartment with view on the sea. you were looking around the place, already seeing yourself watching a movie on the soft couch or cooking some nice meals in the cute kitchenette. all of a sudden, a pair of arms circles your waist and softly pushes you backwards causing you to lose your balance and land on the bed. above you was ricky with a playful look on his face. he starts to attack your face with kisses before slowly taking them lower and lower down your neck. he giggles, then settled his face in your neck and falls asleep.
after you two took a little nap, you decide to get ready to go out to visit the city and eat dinner. you notice that it would be the perfect timing to go for a walk on the beach as the sun starts to set, painting the sky with yellow, orange and pink. ricky takes your hand, leading you on a particular spot close to the waves before walking away, his phone in hands. he always knows how to take the perfect pictures of you and he wouldn't be embarrassed to almost shout how pretty you look at that moment. you'd be the one embarrassed though, hiding your face in your hands by the sudden wave of compliments. ricky apologizes between laughs, asking to resume your little photoshoot while he keeps the flirting to a minimum.
overall, i feel like this vacation would be a good opportunity for you two to unwind as you've been working non-stop. ricky definitely starts the day slow, taking a good hour to wake up, softly kissing your shoulders as the sun illuminates your skin. your fingertips absentmindedly lingers on his collarbone as you two have a little conversation. you finally start to get ready for the day, nagging at ricky for taking so long in the shower, which he responds to with "come join me if you hate waiting so much." you two will try every bakery that you can find in the little village for breakfast and go back to your favorite one at the end of the trip. days with ricky consist of walking around the city, shopping and looking at art pieces while still taking enough breaks to take a drink together and sunbathe. your boyfriend would considerately pick a fancy restaurant for the night and even when you complain that he doesn't need to spend so much money, you can't lie that he looked way too fine and fancy in that black shirt. you love travelling with ricky so much so every time you come back from a vacay with him, you find yourself already planning your next one :D
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gooppoo · 1 year
Okay okay so let’s say Neteyem has had an arranged mate since he was younger and they grew up together as best friends who just always knew they were going to get married, but we’re never really lovey dovy or acted like a true couple and l when the Sully’s have to move to the Metkayina clan, Aonung takes a little liking towards y/n and Neteyam is just getting very jealous from afar and one night after he gets a little too touchy, y/n and neteyam make soft love where she reassures him that she’s his and only his and then they mate for the first time and yeah just like jealous protective neteyam and fluff and smut pls
anon you basically wrote this for me! just gonna add some of my thoughts <3
All Yours Baby.
Requests Closed!!
warnings: angst tehe, sorta a love triangle? all characters are of age obvi, p in v, love making babeyyyy, creampie
It's been set in stone that you and Neteyam were like destined to be, even before you were chosen to be mates
But like...y'all weren't all that into each other, just sort of aware of each other's existence
Then Jake had the bright idea of moving everyone, and it more or less threw a wrench in things
You meet the Metkayina and tried to incorporate their lifestyle into yours, because adaptability is imperative in this world
As you warm up to this new ecosystem and way of life, you of course meet new friends, while still trying to balance the old connections you cherished
Ao'nung was strong, charming, and sometimes a little too confident
He was more or less your teacher - Neteyam's too - but he would take the time out of his busy day to teach you more than the surface level of the Metkayina lifestyle
And Neteyam noticed this...
He also noticed how handsy you'd get with one another
He also didn't miss how Ao'nung kissed you in front of most of the clan one evening after heavily drinking
And as not to embarrass him, you sort of kissed back, then quickly pulled away and said a quick goodnight
Trying to be undetectable, you took to the water and swam far until you reached some rocks peaking from the surface, and perched upon them
You were out of breath from the kiss and from the intensity of your quick leave
Drinking was on the top of your list of regrets
You rested back again the rocks, studying the stars and hoping to find some calm in them
And guess who shows up not long after - scaring you a bit with his near silent arrival
And he's pissed, ugh he's such a bawl baby sometimes, but it's endearing
You yelp and scold him for scaring you
Shortly, he apologizes and makes room for himself on the small patch of land
He stares at you. Not in a weird, threatening way, but like he's searching for the right words through you
Let's be honest, Neteyam isn't the best with words
"I didn't know you and Ao'nung were..."
You felt your body stiffen up, heart skipping a beat painfully
Quickly, you sat up and pressed your brows together at him
"We're not." You said with the same amount of attitude as Tuk
That seemed to ease his expression
He cleared his throat and averted his eyes, "Good."
But he could still feel you watching over him, studying him like you had the stars
His electric yellow eyes would dart from his lap to yours bashfully, slightly embarrassed
To ease his discomfort, you slid a hand onto his knee, then scooped up his palm
Like you had done it a million times, your fingers interlaces and your palms met, feeling the heat building between your skin
You decided to scoot a few inches closer
...and so did he
Many inches closer in fact
Then there was a split second where your eyes met again, and they fluctuated until your pupils were as expansive as the night sky
It was like your minds had connected in that moment, because he pulled you into his lap as you had every intention to crawl onto it
Not too soon after came a kiss
The first one shared between you two may I add
So it was a little awkward, but still had butterflies exploding in your stomach
After finding a sweet melody between your lips, tongue, and faint sighs, more suggestive behavior was thrown into the mix
Like you grinding down on his lap...and eventually the tent under his loincloth
Neteyam cradled your back and laid you along the ground with him above you
You didn't dare pull away from your kiss, because you had quickly become addicted to the surge of electricity he had rushing to your heart
His mature hands mapped out your body, spending more time near your thighs and waist
Running his nails along your hypersensitive skin so you'd yelp into his mouth
When you started wriggling your hips toward his hand he knew he needed to escalate things
His fingers dipped below your loincloth and was painfully slow to caress your folds
But he knew to gently circle your clit, and run his tongue along your bottom lip, while his hand cupped your face and his swipe thumb along your cheekbone
There was a gentleness about him that Ao'nung had never once introduced to you, and it left you more hot than you expected
Neteyam could feel the heat you generated and spread it along your center until your sighs were moans
He knew what patterns to trace long enough for your back to rise to his chest, struggling to return his kiss
And while your mind was still swirling with the remnants of your orgasm, Neteyam prepared himself for you
"Is this okay? Are you okay?" He wondered, just as out of breath as you
If he had you cumming with just his fingers, you could only imagine what else he could do
"Yes, please." Your eyes were surveying him with adoration.
He talked you through every step, asking you to speak up when it was too much or uncomfortable, but you didn't need to
Neteyam was gentle and easy, and you were plenty prepped for the stretch he offered you
So much so, you wriggled the rest of his length in you, both of you moaning and laughing one he reached your hilt
He leaned back over you, propped up on his elbows and lips ready to dive back into yours
"Ready for me to move?"
You nodded, and rid the space between you
First he started slow to make sure things were still in order
Then he picked up his pace until neither one of you could continue swirling your tongues together and just breathed into the crook of each other's neck
Your hands felt along the muscles of Neteyam's back, noticing how they flexed and whining
"Neteyam..." you reeled, "Show me I'm all yours."
It was like a connection was made after you purred those words into his ear
He didn't hesitate to take those words to heart and preform accordingly
By accordingly, he tucked a hand under the small of your back and lifted your hips a few inches, and ran his pelvis along your clit with each thrust
Meanwhile, he peppered wet kisses along your neck and chest, even going as far as to nip a few purple marks into your skin
"Mmm gonna cum baby - show you I'm mine."
You didn't object in the slightest, finding yourself nearing that same fate
His rhythm stuttered as he reached his climax, and returned to a snail like pace as he released in you
You both shared a sloppy kiss, feeling each other finish in unison and hold each other impossibly close
"Always gonna be yours..." you murmured between it all, feeling him smile against your lips
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junnieverse · 8 months
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➙ synopsis: for as long as you'd known heeseung, who happened to be your best friend's twin brother, he was just that annoying kid who stole your blue highlighter in 4th grade and was a menace to you from that day on, but somehow along the way he stole your heart too.
pairing: lee heeseung x afab!reader
genre: fluff, best friend's brother au
word count: 1.1k
request: " hi! i have a fluff request ^^ . i don’t have a specific situation in mind but imagine reader’s first kiss with hee, she initiates it with a quick kiss but is unsure if hee actually likes her back, so she starts to pull away but then hee cups her face, pulls her back and deepens the kiss without ever breaking it "
warnings: not proofread
a/n: hi anon, tysm for this request, I enjoyed writing this so I hope you and all my other readers enjoy reading it too~ ^_^
a/n (2): just wanted to let everyone know incase you don't, I do have an enhypen series out so please do check it out if you'd like :)
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"I swear if your brother touches my hair again, I'm going to uppercut him." you tell your best friend next to you as you comb through your previously ruffled hair.
You had known Heeseung for as long as you'd been friends with your best friends which was equivalently, many... many years.
You loved your best friend but her brother would never leave you alone.
He had his days where he was sweet with you but most of the time you were fighting back the urge to high kick his pretty little face.
"He says ruffling your hair before a game is his good luck charm." you friend says shrugging her shoulders as she munches on her popcorn.
"Yeah well he better find another goodluck charm, he's ruining my good hair days." you defend glaring at the boy who happened to run across the basketball court with his teammates.
You tried so hard to despise him and how smart, funny, considerate and kind he was, but oh how you wanted to so badly run over to Heeseung on the court and just kiss him.
This was someone who didn't necessarily make the best of impressions on you the first time seeing as he stole your blue highlighter in 4th grade, but the bright side was if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have met your best friend who happened to return the very same highlighter apologising for her 'stupid' twin brother who took it in the first place.
From that day on, you made Heeseung your nemesis, he didn't know he was, so yes, your one sided nemesis, you were a grudge holder.
Heeseung did eventually apologise in which you forgave him but you weren't easy to forget about it either.
Over the years of growing a friendship with your best friend, her brother was seemingly in the picture too.
They were close, but they would also banter and tease each other alot like many other siblings did and you found that dynamic between them special.
Heeseung soon started treating you the same, yes he was sweet to you when he wanted to be but most of the time it was just teasing and being playful and sometimes even the subtle flirting.
Although a year ago everything started changing.
You had had a very romantic and somewhat suggestive dream about him and for days you had tried avoiding Heeseung because you were embarrassed to even think you could possibly think of him in that light.
For years you had only seen him platonically but all of a sudden one dream put everything into a new perspective that just maybe... you had feelings for your best friend's brother.
After avoiding him for almost a week straight, Heeseung obviously thought he did something and so he offered to take you out to lunch as an 'apology' still having no idea he had actually done nothing wrong and it was all just you going through some intrapersonal conflict.
But he had won you over and you were simply left dealing with new feelings for Heeseung you were afraid to admit.
Let alone to your best friend.
"Okay let's start working on this project." Heeseung says as you both walked into his bedroom to work.
It didn't feel all too unfamiliar since you'd been in here before when his sister was around but it felt odd since it would just be the both of you alone this time.
In one of the classes you shared with Heeseung, your professor had assigned everyone a partner for a new project for the semester and Heeseung just happened to be the person you were paired up with leading to this moment. 
You had both been working hand in hand for the past hour and a half now and there was great progress being made.
"How about we take a short break since we've been working for a while now." you say turning to Heeseung next to you who happened to already be looking at you.
"Stop looking at me like that, call me a bug like you always do already." you mumble rolling your eyes as you break away from his staring.
"You're actually really beautiful." he says leaning on the table with one hand as he smiles admiring your facial features.
"Funny, are you getting sick, never heard you compliment me in a minute." you joke with him putting your hand on his forehead but his temperature was normal.
Unexpectedly Heeseung gently pulls your hand away leaning his face closer to yours.
Your heart was beating right out of your chest at the close proximity between you both, was he going to do it.
You notice his gaze go from your eyes to your lips and back as you did the same, both of you seemingly waiting for the other to make the first move.
To both of your suprise, you were the one to initiate the first move pressing your lips together finally kissing him.
But the moment was quick to end as the thought of your best friend catching you both crossed your mind and you hesitantly pulled away.
"We shouldn't-" you start off but you were cut off by Heeseung pulling you back in for a second kiss.
This time he deepened the kiss a gentle hand on your cheek and you felt like this moment wouldn't end.
This time Heeseung pulled away leaving a soft peck on your cheeks and nose and reality hit you once again.
Standing up abruptly you began walking back and forth around the room not believing what you'd just done.
"Oh my gosh, I just kissed my best friend's brother. She's gonna hate me. She'll never want to be friends with me anymore. Why did i kiss you. No I shouldn't like you in the first place." you ramble nervously as you hit your forehead for your reckless decision.
"Wait... you like me back?" he asks scratching the back of his neck as he stood up walking towards you.
You'd forgotten he could hear everything you were saying and you had accidentally confessed your feelings indirectly.
Well there was no trying to hide or run away from it.
But he said 'back', doesn't that mean he likes you too?!
"I do like you but-" you tell him as he stood in front of you holding your hands in his as he stopped you probably sensing what you were going to say.
"My sister probably wouldn't care, you're worried about nothing. What matters is that we both like each other and I think we should go out on our first date." he reassures you as you nod.
"I'd like that."
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fictoculus · 10 months
Hello ^^ I've been reading your stories and I really like them and I was just wondering if you don't mind doing a genshin impact boys x Reader with the characters being Tighnari,Kaeya,Albedo,Alhaitham and Kaveh? And the story being you hug them from behind (I hope that is fine with you of course no NSFW I've read the request rules ^^) that is if you still do genshin impact
౨ৎ hugging them from behind...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... tighnari, kaeya, albedo, alhaitham, kaveh
A/N... hellooo anon, thanks so much for this request, and for taking the time to read my rules too, i really appreciate it! alsoo, i'm so glad you like my writing, it means so much ♡ i actually really love this concept, and you've chosen some good characters too! apologies in advance if anyone is ooc ^^ (i have a feeling tighnari and kaeya might be a bit whoopssss)
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✧ tighnari.
for tighnari, being the "chief officer of forest rangers" comes with a lot of responsibility, an example being informing the rangers of the route for patrol and any threats they could face along the way. that's why, when you find your beloved stood infront of a group of eager men and women, you're hardly surprised.
you sneak closer to them, listening in on the instructions your beloved was giving, but not paying attention to a single word said; instead, relishing in the smooth sound of tighnari's voice. it was so calming and so soothing; he was always able to relax you from just a few words... and that's when you decided, you wanted to hear it "more up close"
the "plan" had been created, and it was a simple one at that; you knew tighnari always left his weapons at home while instructing the team for some unknown reason, but would always have to come back to collect them before setting off. you thought you'd be helpful and bring them to him instead, it would save him the unnecessary trip, after all.
despite a couple doubts crossing your mind, you decided to follow through with your "plan", rushing back home to collect his bow, trying your best to be as quick as possible so that you don't miss your chance; and luckily, you didn't.
arriving back at the meeting grounds, you make your way over to tighnari, being sure to approach him from behind. setting his bow aside, you waved at the rangers who waved back enthusiastically, leaving tighnari to wonder: "who are they all waving at? me?"
he lifts his arm to wave awkwardly, only for you to grab hold of him, squeezing him tightly around his waist and pressing tender kisses behind his ears.
"you forgot your bow again, love"
you whispered, a rosey hue tinting his cheeks as his eyes widened in embarassment. instinctively, tighnari wraps his tail around you, his soft fur tickling your skin slightly. you smile to yourself, just imagining how brightly he must be blushing; having about a dozen people watching an intimate moment he'd much rather keep private, or atleast away from an audience.
"i have a question regarding the-"
"any questions will be discussed another time, dismissed"
he hurriedly shoos the forest rangers away, making up excuses such as "there are matters i must attend to" and even "those things don't concern you, now please take your leave". he acted all angry when he turned to face you, but archons, he looked adorable.
"now what do you think you're up to, hm? hugging me like that infont of all the rangers?"
"i can tell you aren't mad, 'nari"
you can read him like a book, knowing exactly how he acts when he tries to hide how flustered he is; how he attempts to harden his exterior but gives in within seconds.
"i- i never said i was i just... don't you- i-"
he sighs, admitting defeat as he burries his face in the crook of your neck. you feel his hot breath against your shoulder as he murmurs:
"i hate you"
"i love you too"
✧ kaeya.
you walked to the cat's tail with a spring in your step, excited to see kaeya after spending more than a week apart. you'd been on a long expedition to liyue and had only just gotten back to mondstadt, not bothering to drop your belongings off at your house but instead hauling them along with you; unable to wait any longer to see your beloved (and silently praying he'd offer to help you carry them to your place)
after what felt like an hour of walking, you finally made it to your destination, shoulders sore from having to carry your bags instead of loading them onto a cart like you had when travelling to the nation of contracts.
poking your head into the tavern, you could see kaeya sat at one of the tables alone, watching out of the window, as if he was waiting for something, or someone... that's right, you!
you watch him carefully, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and there it was: he'd gotten up from his seat, suppossedly to order a drink at the bar, and attempt to avoid the black cat and his... friendly translator; being invited to play a game of genius invocation tcg was the last thing he wanted.
dropping everything and leaving it in a pile at the front door, you practically throw yourself inside and run towards kaeya, his back now turned to you as he walks back to his table.
"[name]? archons, you scared me, i almost dropped my drink!"
refusing to let go, the two of you awkwardly waddle to the window, wanting some peace and quiet away from the taverns other patrons.
"someone's a little friendly today, hm? you miss me that much?"
"well if you don't want my attention, i can just let go..."
you tease, slowly but surely loosening your grip on his waist and sliding your hands to his sides. without warning, he grabs hold of your hands and wraps them back around him, holding them in place firmly, caressing your palms with his thumbs.
"i never said let go! wait... do you... not want to hug me anymore?"
here comes the show... kaeya would gasp dramatically, clutching at his chest as if he'd been struck by lightning, or something even more theatrical.
"do you not love me anymore?"
it never ends. he keeps building on it, acting hurt by your actions, more-so physically than mentally despite you having injured him being nothing to do with the "plot". only when you spin him around in your arms and press your lips against his does he finally stop talking, melting into the kiss as his mind goes completely blank. he'd pull away panting for air, his eyes glazed over with pure adoration.
"i love you"
"i love you moreee"
you're basically asking for it at this point.
"you love me more than i love you? impossible! preposterous! disgraceful! outrag-"
"i'm going to magically fall out of love with you in a minute if you don't-"
"i'm only kiddinggg, you're so fun to tease"
he brings one of your hands up to his lips and kisses it softly with a big grin plastered on his face; oh how he loves to wind you up, and secretly, you love it too.
"i do love your hugs though, and i really did miss you so... please hug me again?"
✧ albedo.
it's been hours since you'd last seen albedo, and though only a few hours doesn't sound too long, it felt like an eternity. it was all too often he'd hide away up in dragonspine, working tirelessly on his latest experiments and not taking any time for himself, and it worried you. that being said, you decided to come up with a plan to distract him, and a hug from behind sounded like the perfect idea...
you creep into his campsite, waiting for the perfect moment to throw yourself onto him.
"3... 2..."
you whispered to yourself, counting down the seconds before you could finally hold your beloved once more, missing his gentle touch; and you were more than just eager.
excited, you jog up to him and wrap your arms tightly around him, but feeling him jolt so harshly made you slightly concerened...
"woah! careful, careful!"
panicked, albedo sets down the equipment in his hands as quickly as he can, worried he'd drop or injure you with them. he lets out a sigh of relief once they're out of the way, moving his hands ontop of yours and loosening your grip so that he could turn to face you. hands now resting on your waist, he looks at you with a stern expression.
"[name], what did i tell you about hugging around my experiments?"
"i know, i know, i just missed you and thought if i hug you from behind i wouldn't be getting in the way"
"i-... technically you're right, but you gave me quite the scare nevertheless, it could've caused an explosion if we were to have fallen. what kind of lover would i be if i were to put you in danger?"
"i'm sorry, 'bedo, i didn't mean to-"
he sighs, noticing the way he was being slightly too hard on you; all he wanted was to keep you safe. he'd never forgive himself if you were to be injured from one of his experiments, which is why he always to extra precautios when it came to you.
"i know, it's alright, my love, i'm just glad you didn't get hurt"
he leans towards you, reaching both hands up to cup your cheeks, squeezing them gently before giving you a soft kiss on the lips. he doesn't take his eyes off of you, pulling away from the kiss only to look into your eyes, his own filled with the purest love. you could get lost in them for hours, admiring how all the different hues work together so perfectly to create the most beautiful shade of blue.
"i know you were probably hoping to spend some time together, but... i really have to get this done, honey, i'm sorry"
"that's ok, i just want to be with you..."
"... then stay, hold onto me from behind, ok? just make sure you-"
"-don't touch anything, i've got it"
and so you hung onto albedo, almost like a sloth, slowing down his movements ever so slightly, but he didn't mind, nor did he mention it. he'd apologise whenever he accidentally stood on you foot, even though he wasn't applying much pressure in the first place, being purposefully light on his feet as to not hurt you. every now and then, he'd take hold of one of your hands, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it so gingerly before setting it back down onto his waist.
sure, it wasn't the most romantic scenario, but you couldn't care less; all you wanted was him, to hold him, to feel his warmth against you, to know he was there...
✧ alhaitham.
you call out, wondering into his study, half expecting him to be elsewhere, but being pleasantly surprised when you find him sat comfortably in his arm chair. (like an old man)
"yes, darling?"
a soft smile creeps onto your face as you slowly make your way towards him; you just can't help it. even when he is doing almost nothing, alhaitham never fails to charm you, to make you smile like an idiot from a single glance.
"will you tell me that story again? the one about the dr- oh! sorry i didn't realise you were busy-"
you apologise profusely, turning to leave but only being able to take a few steps before alhaitham grabs your arm and drags you back towards him, almost pulling you over the arm of his chair
"love, it's ok, i'm not busy, i can tell you stories whenever you'd like to hear them"
"that's ok, how about you tell me about that book instead?"
you smile down at him sweetly before taking a look at the cover of his book; the gold lettering complimenting the brown leather perfectly.
"darling, you don't have to pretend to be interested, i can t-"
"no, no, please, tell me what you're reading! i like hearing you talk about your books"
he blushes slightly, his slightly widened eyes flicking back to the pages of the novel within an instant, wanting to avoid any possible eye contact.
"well, if you insist... this book is about how two-"
listening carefully, you move behind him, resting your hands on his shoulders before sliding them down his upper arm before dragging them across his chest. your hands meet near the middle, intertwining with eachother and resting against alhaitham's pounding heart.
"everything ok?"
you tease, knowing well how flustered this makes him, enjoying how he stuggles to keep a hold of himself.
"i- as i was saying... this book here is about two young lovers, how they met, and how they will someday grow old together and see the beauties of the world beyond life hand-in-hand... quite a precious story if i do say so myself, wh-"
you stand in shock, scanning over the open pages to make sure the story he's explaining is truly the one held in his hands; to your surprise, it was.
"wait wait wait, 'haitham... you are reading a romance novel?!"
"is that so surprising?"
"never in my life did i think alhaitham, the akedemiya's scribe who seems only interested in facts and figures, would be reading books about romance"
"well, dare i say you've rubbed off on me, love"
"i- i have?"
"why of course you have, every empty moment is filled with you, my love. see,"
he gestures to the pieces of - what looks like - paper sticking out of the book in various places, each one seemingly marking a significant moment in the plot.
"-even this book reminds me of you, all these little tabs represent thoughts of mine, these purple ones are thoughts of you, of us"
much to your disbelief, almost every single tab - par one or two - is coloured a shade of purple, you can even spot a couple of hearts peeking out from inbetween the pages. each section that was sticking out had the words "i love you" carefully written on them, written in his fancy handrwiting rather than what you refer to as his "scribe mode handwriting"
you squeeze him tighter, touched by how head over heels he was for you, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck and planting soft kisses on along his shoulder and below his jaw. you wanted to show just how loved you felt in that moment, and how loved you wanted him to feel too. little did you know, alhaitham was a blushing mess; his face a vibrant hue of pink, his mouth forming words but not being able to force any of them out.
"i love you so much, 'haitham"
"i- i love you, [name]"
✧ kaveh.
"that doesn't seem quite right..."
kaveh is stood pondering in his office, the blueprints on the easle in front of him full of detail, far more complicated than anyone other than him could make any sense of. several stacks of scrolls take up all his desk space, 'stealing' his pencils and other pieces of equipment, or atleast that's what he claims to be happening.
in reality, his workspace is far too messy, causing him even more stress ontop of trying to find the perfect measurements for whatever building he was planning. you picked up on this, how he often promises to eat with you at the table, but gets so lost in his work he dismisses his own needs just for the sake of his project.
you decide to take the initiative, covering the plates of food with towels before making your way to kaveh's office; a small building to the left of the living area of the property, though it seemed to be that he was living there instead.
slowly pushing the front door open, you let yourself inside, sighing happily at not only the warm air against your now cold cheeks, but also at the comforting scent that you know all too well...
"it looks good, hun" you'd say, your voice gentle and sweet as to not scare him. he wouldn't turn to face you, but instead stare holes into his blueprints, hand holding his chin as he was lost in thought.
"hm? oh, sorry love, could you repeat that? i didn't hear you"
you make your way over to him, choosing to stand behind him rather than infront. snaking your arms around his waist and pulling him into you, you rest nuzzle the side of your face against his back. he jolts slightly, only to relax into your touch seconds after. "it's looking good" you repeat yourself, rubbing circles on his stomach through his shirt in an attempt to ease his stress. all it does is leave him stressed and flustered... ok maybe a bit less stressed, he's not complaining though. he loves the way you're so gentle with your hands, and know exactly how to make him feel so flustered. placing his own hands on yours, he intertwines your fingers with his, dragging your hands across his lower stomach to wrap around him tighter. "y- you really think so?"
"of course i do, love, everything you design is beyond beautiful, but this one especially...
"would- do you think you'd live in it?"
"oh, absolutely! strangely enough, it looks just like how i imagined my home to be when i was younger"
unbeknownst to you, kaveh is uncontrollably smiling like an idiot, knowing that you approve of your future home really gives him even more motivation to put his all into every single one of the blueprints, making sure not to miss even a single detail...
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you'd like me to write next!
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© FICTOCULUS 2023; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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lyomeii · 1 year
a child with an incurable illness
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->warning: yandere theme, platonic relationship, death (not reader)
-> request by anon! My first ever request I sincerely apologize for any mistakes I made! Could you, however, write the agriche family reaction on a child!reader who has recently become gravely ill? And finding out their illness is incurable. (If you aren't writing right now, you can delete this!)
->a/n: okay, this and the winter drafts are the only ones who didn’t got deleted, so yeah :/ but the good side is that i am back writing after my tests are over. So, enjoy. also in this imagine, I made the reader’s dead :) and I almost forget, after this i shall open my request tomorrow. Ps: this isn’t my best work since I spend a long time withou writing so forgive me
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-> they didn’t saw that coming, none of them expect you to fall ill like that. It’s was spring and as usual, you were walking in the garden under Maria’s and Sierra’s watchful eyes, worrying about if you could trip someone and get hurts or bleed your knees
-> but the worst happened, the immense sound of you failing down over the roses and hurting your skins with thorns made Sierra screams, hoping you to get up and say “ that was nothing” and go back playing, however, you didn’t got up and blood start running your white shirt, making Sierra and Maria taking you to the family’s doctor
-> the news were swift told by toward the family members who all came to visit you at your bedroom, where the doctor was trying their best to find what exactly happened and what disease you have. After a few hours, the doctor step out of the bedroom and tell Lante about your disease
-> a rarely yet deadly disease that probably your mother’s side of the family carried for years and that now got you too. Such news made your parents and siblings distressed about it, threatening to kill the doctor if a cure isn’t found and well that what happen after the poor man told there is no cure for such disease.
-> with such news, none of them give up of finding a cure. Lante send his best men to very part of the world, Dion visit horrible places to find anything related to the disease while the others members tried their best to make your life more comfortable as times pass. Depends of the day, you fell terrible, sometimes you can raise from bed nor eat properly meals that the best chef ever made, yet there is the good days where you spend a few minutes out of your bedroom, listening to Grizelda reading a book, Roxanna showing her butterflies or Jeremy spending time with you til bedtime.
-> when the soldiers and Dion return home, they all have the same answer about your state, no cure. With all hope lost. Now the family decided to try their best to kept you alive for as long as possible and enjoy moment at their side, however as much they have numerous plans to spend their time with you, the disease got worsen.
-> incapable of speaking nor walking by yourself, you are now locked inside your bedroom doing simple activities that don’t require much strength such as reading or drawing. And whatever someone is free from their duties, they spend their time with you.
-> Roxanna and Jeremy tell stories of the outside with the butterflies flying around the bedroom. Grizelda takes you to the garden where you should to play, but this time she is either carrying you or use a wheelchair at the side of Sierra and Maria, both who make you laugh and smile with the many sweeties and toys you gain from them
-> in the other hand, Dion still act a little cold and distant about you. As much he wants to spend at your side and enjoy the last moments of your life, he feels that if does that, he might suffer even more than he wishes.
-> the day is coming closer, they all can sense it and when the moment arrive, the household shall prepare the greatest and most gorgeous funeral of all time
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lilisgardensblog · 9 months
~Otter Neuvillette~
fluff, confessing to each other; ty for the idea anon🫶🏼
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Ignoring the small drops of rain, you were taking an unusual detour to work by the sea to help you calm down. You were over your head buried in stress and the sea always helped you. Feeling the soft sand and hearing the sea were the best remedy for it. But beside the melody of the sea you heard something unusual. Like a soft...cry?
Looking around you saw it. A little otter with one of it's little hands hurt. You approached it carefully not to scare it. "Hi, little otter. Please don't cry, I'll help you." you said before petting the otter to help it calm down. And as the sobs came to an end so did the rain apparently. What a great coincidence. You were thankful for the rain stopping since it rained all night and all morning.
"Can I take a look?" you asked the otter. The little one looked into your eyes and let you see the paw. It seemed like a bruise made by a big maybe even sharp rock. But you weren't sure if it was a rock or some trash people throw in the sea. You sighed before talking to yourself "I really need to speak with Monsieur about this....Oh I should go ask him, I'm sure he knows more about otters than I do." You end your monologue and return your attention to the otter. "Well how about we pay a visit to Monsieur? I'm sure you'll love him...as much as I do." you whispered the last part, still shy about your unconfessed feelings. The otter rests happily in your arms as you return to the Court of Fontaine to look for Neuvillette.
After he was nowhere to be found at the Opera you returned to your house to take care of the now sleeping otter in your arms. You place the little one on your bed, the action waking the otter up. "Sorry for waking you.... sigh I need to find you a name. Hmm...how about...Ottie? Ottie the little otter sounds adorable just like you." you smile booping the little otter's nose. Ottie smiled back at you as you went to find some bandages to take care of that wound.
"Well now Ottie, can I see your paw again?" slightly unsure, the otter stretches its' paw for you to see. You carefully bandage it as Ottie tries to hold back a whine. "Sorry,mon cher, this will only last a moment." At your affectionate nickname the otter seemed to relax and you were quickly done with the bandages. "There! You were a good boy, mon cher. Maybe I should reward you." You giggle as you pick up the otter to peak its' nose.
But as soon as your lips touched Ottie's small nose, the little otter suddenly was standing in front of you, one head taller, with silky white hair and long blue horns and a visible pink coloring his cheeks.
"Monsieur..." you sigh and take a step back, almost falling over from the shock.
"Careful, mon amour!" Neuvillette said as he quickly caught you by the waist and was now face to face with you.
Both of you were speechless looking into each other's eyes before Neuvi retreated his hand and clearing his throat murmured a small apology. "Pardon me, y/n, I didn't mean to overstep any boundaries..." you nod as he keeps going "And thank you. For taking care of me... or Ottie as you called my otter form." He smiles at the adorable name, clearly enjoying it. "I have to apologize, if I knew it was you Monsieur I wouldn't have..."
"Hmm? You wouldn't have what now? Gave me the cutest nickname? Wouldn't have said your feelings back at the beach? Wouldn't kiss me?" he smiles while waiting for you to answer.
"Monsieur are you perhaps... teasing me?" You're a bit taken aback by this side of Neuvillette but certainly not displeased. "But...yes"
"Mhm, I see. What if I told you you're not the only one feeling that way, mon amour?"
"I'm not?You mean..?" you ask, your voice full of hope.
"Most certainly, I do feel the same, mon amour. I was merely...scared to confess...scared you won't feel the same. I'm not the best at expressing my feelings, but I am glad to find out you share the feeling."
You laugh and hug Neuvillette. " Monsieur, fret not, I am laughing at my own situation. But it's a relief laugh, I am glad we both share the feeling. Now... what shall we do with this feeling, hmm?~" You smile while resting your hands on his chest and looking into those lavender eyes. "Well I- I'm not certain of the next action, maybe marriage?"
"Monsieur, as I appreciate the boldness maybe a dinner would be appropriate before a marriage?" you smile at Neuvillette as he blushes embarrassed "Yes, that would be the best approach to a future together, wouldn't it?How about now?" you shake your head giggling "So formal, Monsieur.Let me get ready for our dinner then."
Before turning around to go change, you raise yourself on your tip toes to kiss his nose. You peak now blushing Neuvillette's nose and turn around on your heels to go change.
Finally after all those months, you and Neuvillette.... it feels surreal.
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creedslove · 8 months
imagin javi dating a young woman who’s an elementary school teacher back in laredo😶😶
Javier Peña x f!reader
A/N: I love this idea, my beautiful anon!
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• when Javi returned to Laredo after his time in Colombia he wasn't looking for a woman, nor a family, nor a relationship, despite how hard people tried setting him up with daughters, sisters, cousins or nieces of theirs as everyone seemed to have forgotten his bad reputation after leaving Lorraine at the altar, and as he was now the city's hero after his Escobar years, he was suddenly considered a good catch
• so he still attended the parties he was invited too, greeting old friends and relatives but keeping his emotional distance; Javi knew it was best for him to keep away from women for a while as gossip spread faster than a wildfire in Laredo and he didn't want trouble
• he also didn't want any more hookers, he was also tired of that, he was getting old and he started to feel bad about the fact he had to pay a woman to give him some lovin' for a couple of hours
• so Javi lived his quiet life for a couple of months, just helping his dad out, going for a drink at the local bar, sometimes catching a movie at the small movie theater downtown and even paying a visit to the local library to see if he found anything interesting
• and that was when he ran into you; more like bumped into you, because as he wandered the hallways of books trying to find something that would actually pull him out of that boredom wormhole he got himself into, he saw a pretty young thing carrying a lot of books in her arms - probably more than she could carry on her own, who definitely didn't see him coming and went right towards him
• so technically he didn't bump into you, you bumped into him
• and even if Javier managed to steady you with his large, strong hands on your hips, several books fell on the floor just as you looked at him a little shocked and confused at what had happened
• and with your faces mere inches away from each other's, unintentionally staring into each other's eyes you realized Javier Peña was painfully handsome
• yes, you knew who Javier Peña was because there wasn't a living soul in Laredo who didn't, everyone had heard the stories about Laredo's local anti hero, from a man who was known for being the lady's catch and leaving his poor bride at the altar, to the brave and fierce agent who managed to take down the biggest drug lord in the world
• but what the stories didn't specify was how handsome he truly was
• and Javi wasn't different either, while he held you by the hips, he couldn't even believe his eyes, you were definitely the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen
• no one in Laredo, Colombia Washington DC or anywhere in the world had been as beautiful as you were
• he was actually so distracted he only then realized he was still holding you by the hips, clearing his throat as the two of you shared a shy laughter at what had happened
• you both apologized for your clumsy first encounter and introduced each other, while he helped you pick the books up from the floor and carry them to the nearest table - after all, Javier was a gentleman
• he knew he should leave and not bother you, but instead, he sat at the table as the two of you chatted, he humbly told you about his (former?) job as a DEA agent even if he wasn't very sure yet and he was surprised to see you were a school teacher, fresh from college
• though he was clearly interested in you, he was also kind of upset to know he was old compared to you, the age gap was quite relevant and he assumed you would only want to hang out with guys your age
• but Javier couldn't be further from the truth, he was just into you just as you were into him; you liked each other and the attraction was big, so it didn't take long for you to start dating
• Javi thought it was funny because he hadn't been in a relationship for long, but it finally felt good and right
• and he was loving to fall into that domestic rabbit hole with you, every day meeting after work for quiet dinners, great sex and enjoy each other's company
• and just as Javi opened up about his job to you, you told him about yours and let me tell you: he had a lot of fun listening to the crazy, funny and shocking stories you told him about your students
• he liked some kids he had never met just by the sweet way you talked about them, and he hated others just because they made you stressed at work
• he loved helping you grade papers and tests, sitting next to you with a red pen and sharing a pile of paper so you could enjoy your weekend together
• he would totally meet you at school to bring you lunch, pick you up for a date or just to put on his badass DEA agent face and scare the kids who mess around too much in class and annoy the hell of you
• he loves listening to you teaching the kids and he can't help but picture the day he will have a tiny little Peña attending your class, he just wasn't sure if his little Peña would call you 'teacher' or 'mommy'
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svngiem-remade · 1 year
Hii i really love your writing and I’ve been wanting to request for a while but I’ve been a little shy 😅. Finally worked up the courage though! Can I request a fic where Hyunjin had a bad week during comeback and you’re frustrated from school work or something and he comes home needing you but you accidentally say something insensitive or raise your voice and he walks away saying “it’s fine” but you find him crying and realize that you messed up and try to make it up to him.
Sorry if this is too long?? But yeah I’ve been thinking about it! Also can I be “💞” anon? Thanks I really hope you consider writing it !
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🧸 pairing. hwang hyunjin + gn!reader
synopsis. after lashing out at your boyfriend, saying things you did not actually mean when he begged you for some of your attention after a long week, will he accept your apology?
🌙 wc. 1.4k | au. established relationship, hyune cries :(, angsty, fluffy ending, hurt/comfort
!! note. sorry for taking this long but I just couldn't manage to make it flow as good as I wanted it to, or make the reader not seem that mean, but I did it!! really hope you'll like this! also, if you don't mind, I've added you on the anon list of my new account, thank you for loving my work, ily ❤️
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Hyunjin had barely made it into the company car when thunder struck into the sky and a heavy downpour started; the bad weather plus the headache that had been tormenting him for the past three days coronating the horrible week that had just ended. 
He loved comebacks; he truly did—performing in front of an audience with his best friends, doing interviews, and meeting idols and fans during stages—but they took such a toll on his body and mind that it always took him incredibly long before he was able to go back to his previous mental and physical state. All that dancing, singing, and even talking made him so exhausted and worn-out that the only thing that was able to soothe him and his aching muscles, give him comfort and love for at least a few hours was you. 
So he couldn't contain his smile when your apartment condo came into his sight, your kitchen window being tinted by that comfortable yellow color given by the warm light of your ceiling lamp being turned on, letting him know you were still awake even if it was about 3 in the morning, probably still working on that one important work project you wouldn't stop talking about—not that he minded in any way; he loved the sound of your voice.
“Thank you for dropping me off; see you on Monday! Sleep well!” Hyunjin bid goodnight to his manager and dorm mates before hopping off of the vehicle and running inside your building, barely containing a squeal of excitement when it finally tinged—knowing that he was only a few meters away from you, from your welcoming presence and support, caused his stomach to fill with butterflies and a rosey blush to tint his cheeks. 
Hyunjin quietly unlocked the front door, not wanting to startle you as he took off his shoes and damp coat in the hallway, the fruity, sweet perfume constantly lingering in your apartment already doing wonders for his headache. “Hi, love.” he whispered as he walked towards the kitchen, leaning down to peck your cheek softly. 
“Hi, Jinnie.” you replied, turning your head to kiss his puckered lips, making him let out a soft, satisfied sigh and place a hand on the back of your head to deepen the kiss, to which you complied. A guilty expression washed over your face, though, when he caressed your thighs and tried pulling you up to your feet, clearly wanting to take things further, or at the very least cuddle with you—which was something you could not afford to do at that moment. Reluctantly, you pulled away from the kiss, your hand resting on his cheek as you caressed it with your thumb, staring into his bright, though tired, eyes. “I've got to finish this real quick; how about you go take a shower first? I should wrap this up in about 15 minutes.” you said, mouthing a ‘sorry’ when he pouted, but eventually agreed.
Hyunjin knew how important this project was to you, how hard you’d worked on it for weeks, and how the due date approaching put you on edge, so he’d been as supportive of a boyfriend as possible—reminding you to eat and drink everyday, bringing you some leftovers when he happened to dine with the boys of the other dorm, or showering you with affection whenever he had the chance, and knew you needed it. And he was doing everything right—even though he was very much on the clingy side, he’d definitely given you enough space to focus on yourself and your career these past weeks, even if he’d missed like crazy the feeling of you falling asleep between his arms, or vice versa, as you chit-chatted about your day.
Or at least, he thought he was doing a good job. 
Your typing got rougher and your jaw clenched in frustration when, after his shower, all your boyfriend did was constantly walk around the apartment, spending most of his time in the kitchen even if he’d turned on a movie for him to watch in the living room. 
Be it chips, popcorn, a glass of water, or juice, or just brushing your cheek or shoulder as he passed by you, or staring at you with his puppy eyes for minutes on end—he just couldn’t seem to stay still, and annoyance quickly bubbled up inside you. “F*cking hell, Hyunjin! Will you please just let me finish this in peace?! I have to turn this in soon, and I’m so f*cking stressed I can’t even think properly, and you walking around and being so whiny is really—” you angrily rambled when he walked once more inside the kitchen, his relaxed expression falling into pieces with every word you spat out. 
Tears pricked at his eyes, and he gulped, chewing at his bottom lip nervously as he fidgeted with the hem of his oversized shirt. What made you finally stop your frustrated ramble, though, was the sight of a single tear escaping his eyes and staining his cheek. You immediately rose to your feet and rushed towards him, your heart breaking in pieces when he took a step back. Tears filled your eyes in seconds, “I—I didn't mean to lash out— I'm so sorry, I really did not—” you begged him for forgiveness. He clearly needed to be held and comforted after spending the whole week doing promotions non-stop, practicing without rest, and running around all day and night for schedules, and you’d failed to give him that; prioritizing something you still had a week to finalize and had basically already completed, instead of spending time with your boyfriend.
He wet his lips and sniffled, wiping a tear away from his cheek with his hand. “It's fine. I'll go—I'll wait for you in your bedroom. Take yo—your time. Goodnight.” Hyunjin hiccuped, lowering his head and backing out of the kitchen as quickly as possible before rushing into your room and throwing himself on your bed, hugging the pillow you always slept on and burying his face in it as he sobbed and cried, completely dampening it in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, you were completely speechless at your behavior, at your carelessness, at your insensitivity, at the way you turned what was supposed to be a night full of love and comfort into a night of heartache and sorrow. 
Needless to say, you immediately turned off your laptop (not without saving your progress first), and stood outside your bedroom door for what felt like hours, contemplating if he was even willing to accept your apology, if he was just going to break up with you and ignore you forever, if he’d stopped loving you after your lashing out—but you had to at the very least try to fix your mistake.
You quietly cracked the door open, sobbing harder when you heard him do the same as he hugged your pillow, his big body trembling with every hiccup and his sniffles filling your dark, unlit bedroom. You took hesitant steps towards the bed, feeling small and guilty under his tired, tearful eyes looking up at you from your messy sheets. 
With a gulp and shut eyes, you fell to your knees in front of him, not noticing his eyes widen at your action. You clasped your hands together, now looking up at him with a trembling bottom lip and big, puppy eyes. “I didn’t mean to lash out at you, I’m so sorry; I wish I could take everything I said to you back, I’m terr—” you whimpered with a broken voice, and from the genuinely regretful glint Hyunjin saw into your eyes, the fear that you actually thought everything you’d said to him washed away. He smiled.
“I forgive you, my love. Just… promise me it won’t happen again, please?” he whispered, placing a hand on your head and petting it softly, his trembling hand then reaching for your wet cheeks and drying them, you doing the same in an attempt to comfort him back.
“Can I… Can I hug you?” you hesitantly asked, mentally preparing yourself to be rejected. “Please.” he said, widening his arms so you could throw yourself on top of him, which you did with a relieved smile and repeated sorry’s as you covered his face in kisses and hugged him tight, cradling, giggling, and chatting until sleeplessness washed over the both of you, a lazy peck on each other’s lips as the both of you fell asleep under your warm duvet sealing the start of a new, brighter, happier day ahead of you.
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please reblog, comment and like, feedback is very much appreciated, plus, I love reading your thoughts!
→ masterlist.
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taglist : @strayingawayy | @shinsosmatcha | @zoe8stay | @sensitiveandhungry | @baby-photos0325 | @tinkerbell460 | @mingitheskzstan
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© SVNGIEM, 2023.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
Concept: Chuuya being the one who recruits you into the mafia and he gives you his choker when you join
Welcome Gift
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara x gn!reader
♡ synopsis: "It's tradition in the Port Mafia that the person who recruits a new member is responsible for their wellbeing. To symbolise that, they hand down one of their belongings."
♡ wc: 1.25k
♡ cw: Swearing, and I made Chuuya and reader friends before reader joined the Mafia, hope that's okay ❤︎
note: You can't possibly expect me to see a prompt like this and NOT write it. Thanks anon ♡︵(ゝ。∂) sorry it took so long and apologies for spelling/grammar errors
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To be honest, you assumed that your official induction to the Port Mafia would contain a plethora of trials and tribulations to determine your strength, resolve, and perhaps the darker aspects of your character. You'd had the idea that you might be asked to prove loyalty by committing a crime, whether that be killing someone or something equally heinous.
No. Absolutely none of that happened.
Apparently, when you're friends with a mafia executive, it's as simple as just asking them to work there. Such was your case, at least, being close with the infamous Port Mafia executive Chuuya Nakahara. 'Close', in theory, was supposed to be code for 'in a relationship', but the 'friends' aspect was certainly throwing a wrench into that plan. Perhaps by joining the mafia you could get closer to Chuuya? You always knew how important to him his work was.
To your luck, Chuuya was happy to take you in as one of his subordinates and act as your guide to organised crime. You'd initially wondered how he would be testing you to see if you were a good fit for the occupation, but that time never came. Instead, you were called and asked to meet with him to go over a few basic rules so he wouldn't 'find your ass in a dumpster on day one'. Those were his words, and you had initially scoffed at them.
"How do I get other people to respect me? I don't think I'm that scary," you asked. This was not the first question but rather one of many you'd been asking Chuuya during your slow evening wander around what you supposed was the wide expanse of the Port Mafia's turf. The size of the area you'd travelled so far led you to believe that perhaps you may have been biting off more than you could chew with this new job. Clearly, the Port Mafia didn't fuck around.
"Well, you're a mafia underling now, but more importantly you're my subordinate. People who know me are gonna respect the people I recruit. In fact, you'll probably eventually have troops of your own."
"Ooh, like henchmen?" You asked.
"No- this is the actual mafia, not a Saturday morning cartoon," he shook his head. "Listen. Being part of the Port Mafia is serious business. I know you're not stupid, but just try not to be too...friendly with people you don't know."
At that point you weren't really sure if there actually was anyone you didn't know in the Mafia. Of course, you'd never known anyone in real life aside from Chuuya, but he'd already gone through all the important ones. The other executives, Akutagawa, the Black Lizard, and even the boss himself whom you were still quite terrified of meeting.
"I'm gonna be fine. It's not like I won't have you to protect me anymore," you grinned, nudging his arm. He didn't return the smile. "Don't worry about me, Chuuya! I'm gonna be alright."
"You're too optimistic, Y/N," replied Chuuya who continued his stroll. You quickly shuffled to catch up with him.
"I'll do my best. I promise." You told him firmly. He let out a sigh. You continued to walk alongside the mafioso quietly, wondering what exactly was going through his head. You had thought that you were the only one who had your concerns with this job, as much as you tried to conceal them. Did he really care about you so much that he'd worry like that?
"Oh, right, I almost forgot about this." Chuuya stopped and turned to face you. "There's a tradition here, where the person who recruits you gives you something of theirs which represents that they're responsible for you. It's how I got this," he explained, jerking a lazy thumb towards his hat.
"...you weren't born with it?" You asked, and Chuuya rolled his eyes. "I was joking!"
"Very fuckin' funny, Y/N. Anyway, this means that I now give you something as a new member of the Port Mafia, which will be..."
You were about to say something but stopped as you eyed his next movements; that is, him removing his choker from his neck and presenting it to you. You stared at it, almost in awe.
"...your choker?"
"Your choker," he corrected, and you glanced up at him. He was giving you a reassuring smile. You shook your head.
"I can't take this- no, it's important to you."
"...that's why I'm giving it to you, Y/N," Chuuya replied, cocking an eyebrow. "That's kind of the point."
"Are you sure?" You hesitantly queried, reaching out and nervously taking the choker from his gloved hand. It felt warm. "Because you know, you look really cool with this thing..."
Chuuya let out a snicker as you examined the new accessory. "How flattering. But I'm sure." After hearing that, you eventually hummed in acknowledgement and began to put on the choker. Or, at least you tried to. It turns out that putting something on your neck without being able to see it is quite difficult.
"You need help?" Chuuya asked after a moment of silence.
"Well, yeah. I don't have a mirror, Chuuya. Or, are you like, Mr. Nakahara now that you're my boss?"
"Fuck no," he answered, and you laughed. Chuuya took the choker from you and began to fasten it around your neck. In your close proximity, you could almost feel his breath on you each time he exhaled. You were worried that perhaps if he focused hard enough he would be able to hear your rapidly beating heart.
"Not too tight?" He suddenly asked as he carefully adjusted the choker.
"Nope." Could he notice your nerves? If he could, he wasn't showing it.
"Right, there we go. You look great." Chuuya took a step back and examined you, now clad in his choker. Your hand travelled to your neck and brushed against the black choker.
"I do?"
"Yeah- it suits you." He smiled. You didn't know what to say, bashfully casting your eyes to the ground. "Are you blushing at me? C'mon, now."
"What? I'm not...!" Your hands flew up to your face, which was admittedly pretty hot, as Chuuya leaned forward and eyed you roguishly. "Oh, maybe I am..."
"Don't let anyone else see you do that, alright?" He warned you, though he was still giving you a cheeky smile. "You keep this between you and I."
"Y-yeah..." you nodded. You figured that he was right- getting embarrassed so easily wasn't very mafia-like. But it almost seemed as if he were purposely trying to tease you. "But you know, people are gonna see me wearing the choker."
"Again, that is kind of the point of it all, Y/N." He told you as he straightened.
"Yeah, but I'm probably gonna blush about it again if anyone asks!" You exclaimed. "It's essentially a piece of jewellery. People might start thinking we're a couple or something."
Chuuya bit his lip. Then he shrugged.
You opened your mouth to say something but quickly closed it. Dumbstruck, you couldn't think of a way to answer him. You truly couldn't tell if he was joking, apathetic, or if that was actually supposed to be some sort of confession. Chuuya sighed in amusement, before patting you on the shoulder and continuing to stroll past you. You turned to see him walk a few feet further, before stopping.
"You know what? I think you're gonna do just fine with me." He turned his head and beamed at you. "Welcome to the Port Mafia, Y/N."
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i love chuuya ( 〃▽〃)
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odyssean-flower · 9 months
Bouncing off of anon’s prior ask… I have a few questions of my own bc I’m curious about people’s take on his character. Also because I’m down tremendously for him but shhh—
What do you think dragon man is like when he’s in love? How does he treat them before and after relationship? Like is it a sudden realization, is he romantic? Hmmm many thoughts—
Ideal traits for a partner/mate?
For Yan Neuv, (because your yandere lil fic with him was lovely!!), do you have any headcanons on that aside from what was written?
Sorry if anything has been asked before as I’m rather new to your blog :)
But yeah anyways I hope that’s not too rambl-y! Ty for sharing your lovely stories and thoughts :333 I’m so excited for him in 4.1 and if you roll for him, I wish you luck in getting him! ❤️
Hi~~ thank you so much for reading my fics! Don't worry about being too rambly or repeating stuff, this is actually very helpful for me as it helps me flesh out my ideas as well 🤗 i apologize if any of this stuff isn't very creative lol
May we all get neuvillette and his weapon (and constellations) 🙏
When Neuvillette is in love (before relationship)
So I think Neuvillette would just be A Mess
He's not very good at figuring out emotions, particularly feelings of romance and love, because he always assumed that he would never fall in love
so when he does fall in love, it takes him a while to understand what he's actually feeling (probably after much studying and discussion with the melusines)
imo i feel like he'd be a bit conflicted bc as the chief justice, he feels like he shouldn't have such personal feelings for anyone, but on the other hand, even dragons feel lonely and want love, right?
he would observe you (discreetly and probably unconsciously), memorizing everything about you. He might unknowingly let the things he learned slip into conversation, causing much awkwardness
he finds himself thinking of you at random occasions and associating certain things with you
he noticeably softens when he's interacting with you. it's obvious to everyone except you two
would give you the most sincere and heartfelt compliments, but it doesn't even count as flirting for him, it's just him being himself
even though the chief justice is known to be reclusive, for some reason he would suddenly start frequenting the place where you work. He doesn't even stay there that long, but just makes some awkward and extremely polite conversation (doesn't show it on his face but he's super nervous and self-conscious)
speaking of self-consciousness neuvillette is pretty self-aware about the difference between himself and humans in regards to feelings. He's aware that he's not always the most knowledgeable about human emotions and behavior, which can cause misunderstandings between him and others, but he tries his best to make up for it
When Neuvillette is in love (after relationship)
congratulations for finally reaching this stage
i think neuvillette would be a latent romantic. As in, he has all the potential, but he's never been in a situation where that potential can be explored
but once he's in a relationship...prepare to be swept off your feet
he loves taking you to all the hidden, secret places only he knows about, like an out-of-the-way coffee shop, an inconspicuous nook with a great view of the mountains, maybe even an underwater ruin he really enjoys
will probably take you out on a boating ride
he also enjoys just spending time with you back at his home (hyv please show us where he leaves. i just wanna know)
basically, he'd prefer to spend time with you privately bc he's well aware of the tabloids and paparazzi and doesn't want your life to be ruined by them
does a lot of preparation for your dates. like, an absurd amount, because he would hate it if anything inconveniences you or makes you feel uncomfortable
will continue to say the most romantic and poetic things with the straightest face you've ever seen
not much pda even when it's just you two. a bit of hand-holding (l e w d), brushing his hand against your cheek, maybe even...forehead kisses???
if you are the one who initiates affection with him, his brain would short-circuit, simply because he's not used to having someone do that for him
likes to hear you talk about your day or just anything in general. would also talk about his own day. it makes for some fun lack of congruence
when he's sad, he'll come to you (vice-versa). you two don't talk much, but simply stay by each other's side until you feel better
when you're happy, he feels happy. and when you're sad, he feels sad as well
would be very protective, but would also respect your personal space
melusines will be your biggest supporters. they act as your go-betweens basically
bonus: i feel like furina will be amused by neuvillette's newfound relationship and will probably try to follow you on your dates. she'll attempt to disguise herself but nothing can hide that giant ahoge. and neuvillette can see right through her anyways
Ideal Partner
i think he'd be drawn to someone with a strong sense of justice, someone who has strong beliefs and sticks by them, even if they clash with his own
he would be the type who would welcome being challenged and debated; he would find it refreshing honestly
someone with a similar temperament to him would work, but he'd also find himself unexpectedly attracted to a more fiery, outspoken person
big bonus points if they're nice to the melusines as well
Yandere Mermaid!Neuvillette
i don't know if you're talking about this one but i'll assume you are
hmm i don't know i feel like i put everything i wanted into that fic
so during your weekly meetings, i think neuvi would have moments where he'd imagine himself coming onto land and being with you there, i think he'd also be grudgingly curious about the human world especially after hearing your stories about it, but his sense of responsibility towards his people and his distaste for humans are strong, so his desire to turn you into a mermaid wins out
the underwater garden: he really did believe you'd feel better and that you'd fall in love with him (or at least act warmer towards him) when you saw it
after that fight (?) at the end: i think y/n kinda gave in because they realized that if they didn't accept their new life and the different morals of the mermaids, they would eventually go mad, since they were never escaping. so afterwards, y/n would throw themselves into getting familiar with mermaid customs (aided by neuvi) and just try their best to forget their old life. would probably be very clingy towards him bc ironically, neuvi is a part of their old life
neuvi, for his part, would be happy to see his mate finally accept him, but deep down he knows that it isn't out of real love and that his feelings will probably never be requited in the way he wants them to be. but he decides not to think about that bc having you broken but next to him is better than having you happy but separated from him
so yeah it's a very warped, co-dependent relationship
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Okay wait but the anon that said the role reversal with V was on to something. What if V enjoyed your rat habits? Like he still took care of you but he thought you were such a cute greasy gremlin. In fact he’d even find your game addiction habits. As long as you stayed dependent on him.
He thought your sloppy appearance was sexy even. Put stained shirts and all.
And oh my god the day you finally wash up, shave, whatever and smell normal clean he’s basically on you like a pack of dogs and your stuck in the house for the rest of the day. Or week
Or Maybe you two were going on a date so you dressed up a bit but on the date V slowly got more and more paranoid and snappy because he thought people were looking at you so instead he just dragged you back home and made you noodles and you two binged seasons of various shows.
"Baby, wake up."
You groan, swatting the hand gently rousing you from sleep.
"Y/n, it's almost noon. Get up."
Your partner tries harder, gripping both shoulders. Your head rolls back and body still.
"I sent over the money you needed for those cosmetics."
Your eyes snap open. You peel your face away from your pillow, your drool an adhesive to its cover. Your hair is nothing short of a rat's nest and your clothes hang from your shoulders; worn and stretched out. The sounds you make as you sit up could only be described as a ghoul rising from the dead. You rub the sleep from your eyes.
"Both of them?"
Fuck you're so hot-
V fell for you the day he moved into the apartment right across from yours. You bumped into him on your way home, and instead of apologizing you ran straight up the stairs. Another neighbor quickly informed him that you were a shut in and hardly spoke to anyone unless you had to. With the information in mind, your actions were understandable and a little cute since he had been the same way. He found himself peaking through the cracks in your curtains every night after, and it all went down hill from there.
"Obviously. You don't have to eat right now, but I made you some breakfast and left it in the microwave."
You get out of bed, pausing to wrap an arm around his neck and press your lips to his check before taking your seat at the computer. V smiles from the contact, fixing the sheets on the bed. He loved taking care of you and the home you made. As an adult with little parental guidance, V never expected to be able to care for himself let alone another human being. Watching you shove junk foods and other things into your body made him realize he needed to change for you both. He wasn't exactly good at things like cooking yet, but he at least learned how to make eggs the way you liked them and other simple dishes.
"I got something stuff I need take care of right now, but I'll call you in a bit to check up on you in a bit, okay?"
V kisses your temple. "Don't forget about later. Love you."
V closes the door as he leaves the room. You lower your head on the keyboard as soon as he leaves, mentally slapping yourself for what you just said. Okay. Mhm. Is that really the best you could do for the person you loved? When V first started popping up, you thought he was a pain, but let him stick around for the things he gave you. Taking care of you while you were ill and doing his best to be a shoulder you could cry on, you realized that every sweet nothing he whispered to you was true. He loved you. More than you could comprehend. And you cared about him too.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket. It's a calendar notification V set when he moved his stuff over to your place. Your one year anniversary. It was tonight. From your disheveled reflection, you knew the perfect way to start your redemption.
V speeds home when his first call goes to voicemail. He calls you repeatedly, leaving messages even when he's right outside the front door. He heads for the bedroom, but you're not there. Your computer isn't on and it's not even warm. He begins to panic, tearing the apartment to spreads in his search for you - completely unaware of the fog fanning from the bathroom door.
"V? You're back sooner than I thought you would be."
You dry your hair with your towel as you step out of the room. The smell of the lavender body wash he used rolls off you, your everyday sweats swapped with some fancy clothes he picked up when he wanted you to meet his family. Not an inch of dirty clings to you and you even wear the necklace he bought you for your one week anniversary.
"Sorry, I didn't answer. I was in there for a while... Is everything alright?"
V doesn't know where to being. Of course he isn't alright. You're absolutely breath taking. And your clean up only made you more appealing. He'd seen people glance at you before, but looking like that everyone would be all over you. He feared losing you everyday, and if you went out like that tonight his worst nightmare just might become a reality. V makes sure his flash his off before he starts taking pictures and pretends to thumb to his phone.
"Y-yeah.... But, uh, our reservations just got cancelled."
"Aw, really? You booked them like four months in advance, didn't you?"
"Yea, well, life just hands you an L from every once in a while... Not me though.. I hit the fucking jackpot." He clears the air with an exaggerated laugh. "So... Wanna order something and watch a movie instead."
"Oh, thank God - please."
You huddle up on the couch, watching film after film and eating the food you ordered until you pass out in V's arm. As you sleep, he steals your phone and deletes the job application emails from your phone, making a mental note to add more money to your gaming funds so you'd remain dependent on his love and care forever.
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good morning/afternoon/evening, i saw your request open and i was wondering if you'd be up to write some headcanons about risotto & ghiaccio with a gn! s/o who likes to take care of them; whether it's combing/washing their hair, making meals for them, helping them relax after a day of work, etc.
feel free to delete/ignore this request if it's not of your liking. and, thanks in advance (<3).
I actually received another anon request asking for something similar-
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- so I'm just gonna lump them all into one big heaping pile of headcanons! Thank you for the requests <333 La Squadra with a house husband/wife who loves to take care of them
Loves it so so so so much
How lucky he is to have an s/o like you, doting on him and putting in so much work for the two of you.
Always goes to you to massage out any aches from the day
Hugs you from behind while you're in the middle of cooking every time. No matter what. It's not a problem at all unless it leads to you getting something on yourself or getting burnt (in that case he'll apologize - then do it again the very next time.)
In return, he tries his best to treat you whenever he can. He buys you sweet lil gifts all the time, leaving them around for you to find while he's out on missions <333333
All those pigtails of his? Yeah, they aren't much, but every time he puts his hair into them he considers asking you to do it instead. He never does, but if you find him doing his hair with a dumb smile on his face, that's why.
Need I say this man praises you and your work?
"Smells amazing, doll, whatcha cooking this time?"
"Damn, the room's spotless! You worked real hard, didn't ya?"
gives you a big ol' smorch on the lips....sigh....
It's the kind of s/o he always pictured himself having, this is just what he expected life to have in store for him.
As a result, he sort of treats the things you do pretty casually. If you didn't know better you'd say he doesn't notice or care.
But of course, you know him better than that. The kiss on your knuckles before every meal and the quick compliments he gives you throughout the day are how he lets you know he loves you and the work you do.
It's the way he intertwines his fingers with yours in the late hours of the night, you two tucked in bed, that lets you know it's all appreciated.
Oh Pesci.. oh this boy...
No matter how many times you do all these nice things for him, no matter how much of an everyday thing it is, it makes him feel so incredibly special every single time.
Every sweet thing you do for him has him practically blubbering out "thank you"s and "you're so sweet"s
Oh my GOODNESS. PLAY WITH HIS HAIR. his hairstyle may be strange (all of La Squadra's are), but please please please run your fingers through it, ruffle it around, mess it up a bit, he loves it.
BONUS POINTS if you get a hairbrush and fix up his messy hair afterwards. Oh he's putty in your hands.
Will do anything he can to return the favors, unless you tell him he doesn't have to. augghhh
damn i got passionate about this one
Remember how I said Formaggio hugs you from behind while you cook? Well, Melone does that too.
But unlike Formaggio he does it while you're doing literally anything. You could be scrubbing the toilet and he's embracing ya and peppering kissing down your neck and. probably distracting you quite a bit.
But also unlike Formaggio, Melone stops when asked, or when it's clear his affection is making it super hard for you to work.
He'd love it for you to braid his hair, and if you have long enough hair, he'll braid your hair too.
If there's ever a day where you aren't doing too hot, sick in bed and he has the day to stay home, he'll be your house husband for the day. A perfect chance for him to give back some kindness ;3
It's no surprise that he's coming home with a million things to complain about. So he'll pace around the kitchen and ramble while you make dinner. He's usually irritable at this time, might get picky with how you cut ingredients or how long you cook for.
Still loves everything you make, even if it's not to his exact specifications. Mutters out a "thanks" afterwards and pulls you close to press a looong kiss to your forehead.
Lets you massage the immense amounts of tension out of him. Also wants you to run your fingers through his hair, brushing through his curls and massaging his scalp. For once he stays silent, sighing and leaning into your loving touch.
This man spouts a million words a minute, but he knows he doesn't need to speak to let you know how much he loves you. He just basks in your comfort. Damn, you treat him so well.
He loves the caring part of you, he really does, but at the start of your relationship you may need to tell him a few times to stop saying things like "you know, you don't have to do that for me."
Eventually you reach a compromise, and when it comes to cooking and cleaning, you two make it a team effort whenever he's around.
When it comes to helping him relax after work though, he never complains (anymore) about your pampering.
a comforting bath, your hands scrubbing sweet scents through his hair, a moment where he doesn't need to focus on anything except his s/o.
He dreams of having these moments for the rest of his life, holding you close in the eerie silent night and cherishing every second you love him and care for him.
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hello! I hope you are having an amazing day <333 if not troublesome, can I request Dazai, Chuuya and Ranpo taking care of a sick s/o? also if not alr taken, can I be 🌺 anon ? *\(^o^)/*
Sneeze for good luck
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Headcanon: where your boyfriend takes care of your sick self ft Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting. Tysm anon for the request! Hope this doesn't disappoint you :) do request more if you wish!!
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Both of you are sick. But here's the catch, You are physical sick and he is mentally sick.
How did you get sick if you ask me? Some stupid Idea arose inside your brain to eat ice in winters.
Guess who's sick and sneezing? YOU
My guy just came back from work to see his Belladonna sneezing and coughing 
He would totally make fun of your situation
“Why belladonna,” he would say, audibly gasping “ couldn't you wait for me? We both could have had a ice eating challenge”
But nevertheless, he will just smile a little seeing you sneeze.
He will cling on you. Even if you are high on fever.
"Dazai, get away I am sick" "Well! that makes a perfect scenario to die of hyperpyrexia"
"Y/N my sweet belladonna, drink this, acetaminophen, it will help with your fever" "How do you even know this?"
He will give you a lot of cuddles, which may result in something
"I didn't even recover well and you are high on fever"
Nevertheless you had to call Kunikida to bring medicines and food for you both.
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Well, for once we know how rich he is.
He will suggest you take to the best doctors to cure your sickness. But....you just want your boyfriend's care tbh.
What's the sickness you say? Well, you decided it was fun to overdrink one of his most expensive wines along with expired chips  just because you won against puny teenagers in Roblox Piggy.
Bro was angry at first, but we all know how much of a sweetheart he is, so he just sighed and forgave you well maybe he just might have stopped buying you Roblox for another month
He would go on a panik  mode, whenever you puck in the bathroom
If you own majestic long hair, He would be the one holding it as you vomit.
“Maybe I shouldn't have drank that much” “Maybe you should start learning the art of common sense.”
We all know he would deny not being in the same room as you, but in the end you and him will be in the bed, cuddling together.
He would make sure you intake stomach friendly food and check your temperature once in a while.
He even takes off work for a week just to heal you back up.
“Chuuya hug me” “No your sick” “🥺🥺”
Dw, you made sure he hugs you (that is you not letting him go by hugging him from the back.)
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I don't even know where to start. But it did end with him being independent for the first time.
It was like you were a single mother of an ADHD kid, and you happened to be sick.
“Y/N Why are you sick?” Like sir how would anyone even reply to that?
“Y/N!! I am hungry!”  “Take the chips from the cabinet Ranpo”
When he opens his majestic ‘closed glued most of the time’ eyes, he in fact sees you are sick. 
Baby boy just hugs you and apologies for disturbing you.
Look at him! He tried to cook Candies?
Yeah he didn't risk cooking after that.
“Y/N, don't worry you will be fine! These coughs and sneeze are for good luck ^-^” “Yeah” Coughs x♾️ 
You had to force him to buy medicines at the pharmacy, because well, no one will be awake at the middle of 2am when you are cosplaying as Akutagawa
“Mr. Pharmacy guy, Can I get those Vicks candies?” “You mean these cough drops?” “Yes”  “I am not paid enough to handle these teenagers”
He anyways Naruto runs back home to find you asleep. (Guess you really didn't depend on him huh?)
Well you did get a lot of headpats from Ranpo, but we all know he would just maintain a distance from you knowing you are asleep.
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Anon: can I be 🌺 anon ? Absolutely! Glad to have you on board as the first emoji anon 💗
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