#My bad!
childhoodcrushpolls · 10 months
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submitted by @quadrantadvisor
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fiumedivita · 3 months
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thought Penelope, wishing she had waited 5 more hours to marry Colin.
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bottom-harry-ficfest · 2 months
Interest for Round 5?
Hello everyone!
Now that half of the year has passed, I'm thinking to run the fest for this year. Of course, that depends on the interest of the readers and writers for this round.
So, it would be greatly appreciated if you can answer the poll below. Thank you!
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cinamun · 2 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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1-5 because I really want to release the grip this lore has on my brain:
Mercy was not born with green eyes, however as an infant, she was diagnosed with a rare condition which resulted in the deterioration of her irises. She had surgery on her eyes at just 9 months old. The surgery required state-of-the-art technology and meant her irises would be replaced. Her mother chose green as that was her favorite color. The condition was cured after a successful surgery and recovery.
Remember kids, donate your organs!
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untilsfe · 2 years
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Leosagi flufftober - Day 15 - Hot chocolate
Rainy days are well known for the coziness they provide; hearing the rain, staying indoors. Turtles love rain, rabbits love warm places. Summarizing, they represent the aesthetic.
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hexergraf · 5 months
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And I'll do it again Can you fight god?
Tagging: You
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madmacci · 7 months
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Commissioned this sick piece from @slemhosta! I kid you not when I say that I've wanted this pic since I was like four. It is surprisingly nice to have something made specifically for yourself. Or my CTR playlist, in this case 😁
Thanks, dude. I love him!
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thotsforvillainrights · 5 months
Hi I know you've done a few like this before, so I'm here to request more HCs for a thicc!s/o. This time with Spinner and Twice please, because they both seem like fine gentlemen who would be absolutely normal about huge titties. Thank you for your time.
(I'm sure they're both very normal as well *me when I lie*)
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~Spinner/Jin have an S/O with Large Chest~
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-I know we can play around all day about this but in all honesty I do think he'd be a little normal at first. That's probably because he's not making eye contact down there just yet. He's caught a glimpse when you first joined the league but he battles with his daily demons to keep his eyes on yours. That's probably why you didn't have any feelings for him right away. He likely weirded you out a bit with his direct and intense eye contact. You swore he hadn't blinked in 10 minutes since the conversation started.
-Even now that the two of you are dating he still tries to keep his eyes up rather than down. His resolve falters when you start to experiment with him. Yes you respect him and you love him so you're not pushing for bedroom time together until you know the both of you are ready. However, you take some time to tease him just to play around and hint at your intentions. Also this can be true considering you enjoy seeing his reactions to you.
-Said a millions times before and will be said a million times again: he's going to blush up a storm over you. How could he not? Even if you weren't well-endowed in the chest region, he'd still blush for you. Do you know why? Because he'd be attracted to you no matter what you looked like. No matter how you were, you'd always be his one and only person. He loves you and naturally he's attracted to you.
-Speaking of blushing, hugs can be an intense experience for him. These can bring about a lot of reactions from him. He might scramble to get out of your arms if you're around the others since he doesn't really want to be teased about how red his face is. Despite this, he always craves your hugs not just because of your chest but mainly because of how sweetly your tend to hold him close. makes him think the world isn't all that bad.
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-That internal battle with himself is very present in the way he reacts to you. He prays you don't think he's trying to purposefully objectify you or anything like that. It's difficult because he knows deep down he's gonna think you're hot regardless of the situation. It's just that he wants to try and control himself a little more when you're around. He's secretly worried you'll try to leave him if he gets on your nerves too much. You can reassure him to help with these feelings of course.
-If the two of you engage in bedroom activities (depending on reader) then you can bet he's going for your chest first. His hands, his eyes, his mouth. Hell, all of him if you'll allow it! He throws away almost all restraint in bed so be prepared for a lot of flip-flop chattering. You might end up laughing or maybe you'll need to throw yourself onto him and shut that mouth of his for a bit. Depends on the mood and the time. And aside from all of that, he'd also pay attention to all of you not just your chest. It's just your chest that gets the initial attention first.
-Hugs used to be an exciting thing for him. They used to be sexy but now they're not. That's not necessarily a bad thing either. In fact, he means it in a good way. Because now when he seeks you out for a hug, he's looking for your comfort and your love...not just lust. There's a real connection there between the two of you. He knows no matter what kind of day he faces in this big cruel world, he can always return back home to you...to your shoddy little shared apartment. He can open the creaking main door, shut and lock it behind him. He can seek you out in the kitchen, seeing the food prepared or purchased just for the two of you to share over an episode of your favorite screen. He can settle into you on the old couch, be held close and be told all will be okay. He can look at you and know it's the truth, as he falls asleep in your arms, his face nuzzled into you and inhaling all of your perfect smell. You take the weight of the world off this man's shoulders.
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clownhonkers · 9 months
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Whoopsie, forgot to put this here too!
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bugeatrr · 6 months
when the guy i like kinda looks like andre (close enough, i gotta fuck this man.)
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thecrusadercomrade · 4 months
I think I just scared a commenter off forever XD. I was having a back-and-forth with a commenter on one of the chapters of my What-If series, when they got to talking about crack ships. I mentioned that I'd written oneshots for Duck X Becca, and judging by their reaction, I think they thought I was talking about Rebecca rather than Becca from 400 Days.
I replied with clarification, but it's been almost half an hour since that comment, and no reply. Whoops XD.
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pfhwrittes · 6 months
Actually I know you said I wouldn’t wanna hear you bemoan your writing process, but I’m actually very interested in that tbh
What is your process for a longer fic? How do you format your outline? What does your research look like if you need to do that?
I’d love to see it! Maybe this is more of Talk Shop Tuesday question lol
tats you can have a little Talk Shop Tuesday as a treat!
so i briefly touched on my process (god i need a new way to phrase that it sounds so wanky) in this ask here where i admitted to kind of flying by the seat of my trousers/pants with writing ("live by the PWP sword, die by the PWP sword i guess" is probably one of my favourite sentences i've ever written).
but i'll expand further under the cut because i know i'm going to get long winded as hell.
firstly, i'm going to admit something slightly embarrassing. i'm not a planner, or a plotter, or a think further than the scene i'm writing writer. i'm just not. i write entirely on vibes or wherever the worms take me. i think that's pretty evident from the fact that most of my fics/drabbles for the fandom are shorter than my left leg. i consider it to be a minor miracle if i break 500 words, never mind 1000 words for my fics.
secondly, maybe mummies is my most rigidly outlined fic ever. i have a super rough outline for my festival fic (remember that? god those were the days) and for my bbc ghosts inspired thing (again, another blast from the past right there) but maybe mummies is the biggest document i have in my WIP folder right now and i'll use that as my example for my outlining process (and hopefully i won't spoil the fic too much).
What is your process for a longer fic? i always start every single one of my fics by dumping a synopsis of what i want the fic to be at the top of my document. first of all, it scares away the Fear of the Dreaded Blank Page (where The Blinking Cursor of Doom lingers), secondly it pulls me back on track when i start getting lost in the weeds as i always get lost in the weeds to some degree. thirdly, it's kind of silly and mostly vibes. i basically just talk to myself in the blurb and at some point that may translate to an author's note but sometimes it doesn't.
then i move onto notable tags i know i need to include. so that would be the general vibe of the fic ("Inspired by The Mummy (1999)"), the genre ("Action/Adventure", "Romance", "Comedy"), or notable triggers ("Bugs/Beetles", "Implied PTSD", "Implied Alcoholism"). the notable tag section is subject to change as i write but as soon as i pop something in my fic that i know could potentially trigger someone or make someone balk at bit at reading it, i update the tag list. as i work through the sections/scenes of my fic i list the tags/triggers that apply to that section and mark them with a star and match that star up to the notable tag section.
for maybe mummies, i started writing it chronologically while on my third(?) rewatch of The Mummy. i spat out the blurb during my first watch because the brain worms took me gently by my throat and calmly threatened me at knife point (no, i don't know where they got the knife either and at this point i'm too afraid to ask). then i yelled at @391780 over having an idea as i usually do and early enabled me like the Chief Worm Wrangler they are.
then i got bored of writing it chronologically on my fifth rewatch after blocking most of act 1 and act 2, so i went to the last scene of the fic, blocked that out with bullet points (and made myself laugh) before deciding that actually, an epilogue would really tie everything up wonderfully. so then i spat out the epilogue (and very shyly asked @syoddeye if the emotional beats hit right and they were kind enough to go "i love [this metaphor] and [this interaction]" which basically cemented the epilogue for me. so if you hate it, don't you dare blame sy, i'll come for your kneecaps with my makita drill if you do).
aside from that, i block everything roughly using bullet points. sometimes that's a badly worded sentence, sometimes that's a particular dialogue exchange that fits, sometimes thats just [JP and F!RC bicker] (anything in parentheses gets filled with more detail in at a later date), sometimes the worms wriggle and i spit out an entire scene.
if i'm struggling to write a scene i tend to either leave myself bullet points or break the scene into smaller chunks. it helps my brain to focus on the parts i want it to write better that way and it takes the pressure off so i don't get stuck in the mire of "oh god this needs to be the most perfect first draft that has ever existed".
How do you format your outline? so my heavily redacted outline for maybe mummies looks something like this:
Blurb (stream of consciousness babble/vibes/silliness)
Title (currently blank)
Notable Tags (all the current tags/triggers, and there are 23 currently!)
Characters notes - John "Johnny" MacTavish - Female! Reader Character (RC) - Captain John Price - Simon "The Ghost/Ghost" Riley - Kyle Garrick - Philip Graves (then some redacted characters)
Act One (the set up) - Scene 1 - Scene 2 - Scene 3 - Scene 4
Act Two (the rising action) - Scene 1, part a - Scene 1, part b - Scene 1, part c. (etc, etc. you get the idea)
Act Three (the crisis) (see act two and three for how that would look)
Act Four (the resolution) (heavily redacted bits go here) - Final Scene
Epilogue (this i have written out in full, but i can't share it with you because of spoilers).
Odds and Ends (this is where chunks of dialogue i want to add into the fic, or interactions i want to go live until they find a place in the fic. it's also where the parts i've "scrapped" go too. i never delete anything from my outline, it just gets moved to the odds and ends section).
What does your research look like if you need to do that? oooooh boy. okay, another embarrassing admission coming up. my research for maybe mummies has been my nigh on continuous rewatching of The Mummy. i'm on 13.5 watches right now (10 before my surgery date, 3 post surgery, and one time i started watching it and fell asleep about half way through while my brain was slowly stewing in the remnants of morphine and codeine). other than that, i've got about 5 or 6 tabs that i've shoved into a folder in firefox dutifully labeled "shit i don't know about 1920s eygpt".
in short, my research is more of a mess than my outline.
hopefully this answers your question and i'm so sorry i made you slog through what is essentially 1.1k of words that may be nonsense.
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spreens · 1 year
Sorry one last post before i sleep. I need elquackity to be bait for jaiden. We all basically know she’s a goner, what matters is how it happens. Because of what she’s seen, she’s gonna be way less trusting of following Cucurucho, especially alone.
You know who she WOULD follow though? Quackity. Assuming she doesn’t take the name/skin change into much consideration, all elq has to do is sprinkle some crumbs of information and bam, another one for the federation roster.
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indecisive-dizzy · 5 months
Wanna watch me ramble about Frank and Eddie's Parenting for Much Too Long? No? Too bad here it is anyway!
I see a lot of interpretations of Frank and Eddie as parents where Eddie is the more lenient parent while Frank is more strict. But what if it was the other way around?
Update: ok. this just turned into me talking about their flaws as parents,, oh well that's cool to think about to
Frank's "not afraid to get dirty" attitude could lend itself to him being a parent who would let his kid go about and explore (with appropriate supervision and reasonable curfew of course) and overall have more faith in them to not get in too much trouble. Curfew to him is an agreed upon time between him and the teen, so about 10-11pm, maybe 12am if they're old enough and it's not a school night. He's far less likely to ground or take away privileges if they get into trouble (unless it's school but I'll get to that), usually turning it into a learning opportunity. Maybe restricting curfew if necessary.
Eddie on the other hand, has some worry wort tendencies and would be Terrified of his babies going out on their own, even if they're supervised by a friend's parent. His idea of a weekend curfew is 7-8pm and he needs a phone call or text every hour. or maybe every half hour. And when they do get into trouble he is the first to lecture them. He's more likely to want to ground or take privileges entirely, not just change curfew. Eddie's fine with after school stuff because knows a Teacher will be there and it's a school program/function. Though field trips and prom still make him a nervous wreck.
Frank hardly gets to lecture the kid(s) because Eddie gets to it first. the only time he does is when Eddie gets Too Upset or overwhelmed and Frank's worried he'll start yelling at them.
Though Frank's not without flaw either. Frank is more concerned with grades than Eddie is. He's more likely to pressure them By Accident and bring up college a lot when they're older. Eddie on the other hand never went to college, and knowing the American school system, he probably had more 'C's than 'A's despite how smart he really is. So Eddie is less concerned with perfect grades and believes if the kid doesn't want to go to college they shouldn't be pressured into it.
I won't go too in depth but I don't think Frank did many extracurriculars in high school. Meanwhile Eddie was getting into all sorts of activities. So when their child's grades have been slipping, Frank is the one to bring up taking them out of their extracurriculars "so they can focus on their grades." To which Eddie responds with a very firm No because he knows how much extracurriculars can mean to a kid.
Frank is also more strict with chores and such. Their room needs to be clean before they go anywhere, they make their bed every day, etc. Eddie is on board, but he understands Organized Chaos and that sometimes it takes a few extra minutes to get up and start a chore. (ADHD and Depression let's go babyy) Though he is stern about getting them done by a certain time (like before dinner). Frank would rather it be done sooner/when told.
In conclusion, Frank doesn't mean to pressure them so much, and Eddie doesn't mean to be so overbearing. They're great parents, but no one is perfect. I think they'd learn and grow overtime especially with each other to bounce off of and rely on. So in the end they turn out to be great parents whose kid(s) call and visit regularly when they're adults.
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nerdalmighty · 9 hours
^^^ Hi, I'm sorry for asking this, but I was wondering what episode this was from, please? I tried asking OP, but I think my message got lost...
No worries at all!! I had to ask one of my coworkers because I joined the team later on, but this is from S1E2A, "The Lost Jedi Ship!" (This is the post anon is referring to)
Here's the synopsis: "While visiting the Tenoo Jedi Temple's library, Kai and his friends discover a starship tracker linked to a lost Old Republic starship called the Star Seeker. With Master Zia's permission, the younglings enlist Nash and RJ-83 on a quest to find the lost ship. After navigating an asteroid field, they land on an uncharted planet and find the lost ship and its pilot OG-LC. Despite his track record as a brave explorer, OG-LC has developed a fear of asteroids. With the encouragement of the Jedi younglings and Nash, OG-LC manages to fly his ship out of the asteroid field and continue his mission to Tenoo. His confidence restored, OG-LC continues his mission to explore worlds."
I don't have any gifs from this ep, but here's OG and the kiddos!
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(For people unfamiliar, this is the show Young Jedi Adventures on Disney+!)
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moonpaw · 7 months
im sorry again to bother you, but is this program Manga studio?? i was looking around and i don't even know how to download it im sorry
oh, it's clip paint studio! sorry, i've should've mentioned that ^^"
unfortunately, i think the brush is exclusive to that program
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