#this got away from me a little bit and took a surprisingly long time to answer because i got distracted by cake
pearlfeline · 2 days
peter parker x fem!reader
word count: 2k
tw: none
a/n: i used to write for hp and i tried to start anew with this blog but it failed lol. (might still write for hp if i feel like it) but i luv peter and wanted to write for him so bad. i kinda didn't know how to end this but i thought it was fun to write anyway. thanks for reading.
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"What can I getcha?" You attempted a decent smile, though Peter could tell you were tired. He knew tired. He IS tired.
Peter, blinking that thought away, snaps back into reality. He is in a small diner, and he took too long deciding outside the door if he wanted to go inside, so to avoid looking stupid he shuffled inside and sat down.
"Banana wheat cake... Is it any good?" He lets out a dry chuckle.
You press your lips into a thin line. "I know I work here but..." You bit your bottom lip, tucking your pen behind your ear. You drew closer to Peter so he could hear you. "It sucks. Get the breakfast combo." You winked, tracing a circle around the menu item. Peter unintentionally takes in a whiff of your perfume, giving him a hard time remembering what you just recommended.
"It comes with a free coffee." You flip open your notepad again, and as you grab the pen from behind your ear, a piece of hair falls to your face.
"I-I'll get that then." Peter closes the menu handing it back to you.
"Great. Bacon or sausage?"
Peter catches a lump in his throat. Almost as if words were filling to the brim and he couldn't say a word.
"Bacon." He smiles but keeps his gaze on his hands. They were almost uncontrollably fiddling with each other.
"Got it. I'll be right back with that."
Peter watches as you quickly let go of your charm to catch up with refills of coffee. You worked hard every day just to make rent but you never complained. Peter was never a customer until today, yet he could tell so much about you. His eyes couldn't help but follow you wherever you went.
His eyes followed you around the counter, grabbing a tray and putting his food on it. You were trying to keep him from waiting any longer and picked up the pace approaching his booth.
“Oh!” You slip, losing grip of the tray holding Peter’s breakfast.
Before you could react to the impact of the floor, you were pulled up. You opened your eyes and find Peter’s arm over your waist, successfully maneuvering the tray to grab everything that flew.
“Great reflexes.” You looked up at him with bewilderment.
“Thanks.” He shyly loosened his grip on your waist. You pull down and flatten your apron. “Whew. That was incredibly lame of me but surprisingly cool for you.” You let out a chuckle, making sure nothing was ruined on his plate.
“Why surprising?” He replied. “Do I look like a loser?” He suppressed a small smile.
“No you just look more… smart cool and maybe a possible ninja? I don’t know what else to call what you just did.”
Peter lets his smile crack a little, taking a sip of his previously airborne coffee.
“Don’t get me wrong, you’re not lacking physically because you’re a book smart type of guy.” You give him a quick once over cheekily.
Before Peter can panic and come up with a mess of a response, a disgruntled old man cuts the moment short. “Coffee! Hello?” He slams his mug on the table.
“Duty calls.” You gave him a small wave, quickly making your way to the opposite side of the diner.
Peter spent the remainder of his time quietly finishing his breakfast, stealing quick glances at you.
Watching you smile even though you’re probably overwhelmed and exhausted. The hardest part was deciding when to leave. He had to go eventually to avoid being a creep. He had finished his food ten minutes ago. Before he leaves, he folds a $20 dollar bill into an origami heart, leaving it on the table.
The next morning, Peter walked a little faster, posture a little straighter, and smiled a little more.
Peter wanted to see you again. He knew not to tell you about the past, but what would be so wrong just talking to you? He attempts a nonchalant glance through the windows, making sure you were inside before walking in himself.
Peter gives you a shy head nod, making his way to sit at the counter instead of a booth.
"There's the generous tipper from yesterday. Hi, I'll be right with you." You got up from speaking to your coworker and greeted Peter.
"Was my service that good?" You flip open your notepad.
"The best." Peter pretends to study your name tag. "...Y/N."
"Well, thanks..?" You tilted your head slightly.
"Ah, Thank you, Peter."
"I won't be her for long, I just wanted a coffee."
"And you came here?" You snickered. You only half meant that statement. You didn't know why, but seeing him a second time was making your dreary work day go by easier.
"Yeah, in case you decided to fall again today."
You gasp, being dramatically 'offended'. "I'll let that comment slide... Since you gave me that nice tip. Even though I was struggling to unravel it for a while in my car." You grab a pot of coffee, pouring it into a cup that says 'print design here'.
"Thanks." Peter chuckles.
"No sugar?" You asked.
Peter's gaze slowly reached yours. "How did you know?"
"Know what?" You raise an eyebrow innocently. "Nobody here drinks black coffee unless they're over fifty or a pretentious student. Oh, were you afraid to ask this whole time? Hold on." You reach and dig into the pocket of your apron.
"N-no, it's fine. I don't really drink sweet coffee anymore." Peter's face falls in defeat. Of course, you wouldn't remember his order. Peter had to remind himself that he was a customer and a customer only to you.
"So, you're a pretentious student huh? No wonder I got a big tip. Let me guess you're studying tech?"
Peter shakes his head. "Biochemistry. Though, I do have somewhat of a tech background. I-" Peter almost rambles on but catches himself. "I'm poor. Not really enough money to be pretentious." He sinks into his seat, taking a sip to cover his face.
"Dude, do you know how tipping works? You can't be poor and tip me $20 after a breakfast combo from a dingy part of the city."
"You work hard." Peter scratches his neck. "...At least from what I've seen." He sighs.
"Are you actually poor?" You start wiping down the counter to keep your boss off your back for being unproductive.
Peter sheepishly avoids your eyes.
"...I'm poor too." You smiled. "If that wasn't painfully obvious by how I look."
"No. Not at all." Peter took this opportunity to take in your appearance. You looked exactly the same. Even though it had taken months for him to face you again. It's like your eyes were waiting right where he saw them last, inviting you in.
Unknowingly, you take his one-sided reunion with you as innocent flirting.
"I get off at 5." You blurted out. Why were you so inherently flirty all of a sudden?
Peter straightens his posture as if that would help him hear you properly. He blankly stares at you as you do the same for a response.
“…Are you free..? Or interested?” You throw the towel over your shoulder.
“YE-yes. Yeah. I have no classes today I can come get you of course but I don’t have a car I just walked here but not from far.” He rambles.
You visibly relax your composure as that alone was enough evidence that Peter was just a nerd without the rich snob part. Though he kept the physique of someone who would visit his rich dad’s personal gym.
“Here's my number. I’ll get you an actual good meal.” You shyly look down at your feet, ignoring your ugly, work-approved kitchen shoes.
“Deal.” He pays for his burnt diner coffee, and leaves an appropriate tip this time.
You sneak in one last wave before he disappears around the street corner.
This shift couldn’t have gone any slower for you. The wait from 4:00 to 5:00 was the most excruciating pain of consecutive boringness.
When it was time to clock out, you rushed out the back, shoving your work shoes into your book bag and trying to fix your disheveled hair that had been put up by a pencil this entire time.
You rushed to the front of the diner while putting on your wrinkled sweater to mask the smell of butter off you at least a little.
You waited. And waited. And waited some more. 5:15. Why was he late? Did you scare him off? Is he never coming back to the diner? Was that big tip an accident? Maybe he took out the wrong bill and played along today just to avoid being awkward.
“Shiiit.” You groaned. You looked around the intersection. “Maybe he’s rushing towards me?” You thought. “He’s gonna come around any second and say sorry frantically like the nerd he is.”
He didn’t. He never showed. You waited for an hour more and just decided to walk home.
As you were walking along the dark and wet sidewalk, you were internally thanking yourself for bringing that sweater, but cursing because you wanted to take the scenic route and walk to work today.
“Hi miss.” A voice called from behind you.
You turned around to see Spider-man.
“Oh wow, hi?” You’ve never seen him this close before. The rainy afternoon gave his suit an exaggerated glimmer and despite his bug eyes, he didn't seem scary while approaching you.
“Why would a pretty lady like yourself be walking alone?” He starts walking beside you holding out an arm for you.
“Well, I was supposed to leave work an hour ago.. Something came up.” You take his arm cautiously. “I usually walk home anyway, nothing different today.”
Peter feels a lump growing in his throat. Even when he ditched you, you don’t insult him.
“Except… it’s an hour later. That means it’s an hour’s more worth of danger out here.” He jokes.
You nod, not really the response he was expecting. Spider-man was not getting the same treatment as Peter.
“Something wrong?” He felt wrong asking immediately. Yes something’s wrong. He was wrong.
“I just.. I’ve been feeling empty almost. Recently it’s like… It’s like I’m missing something. Not completely empty, but enough absence to feel hopeless. I had a date today and he didn’t show.” You almost continue until you looked up to realize you were talking to a bug man.
“Sorry. It’s dumb. I don’t expect you to understand or help.” You chuckled dryly.
Peter wanted to tell you everything so badly. He was already pushing it by seeing you again. Giving you a second taste of danger. But he burned for you. Maybe the first time was a sign. This was a new opportunity to keep you safe and he blew it. He crawled back to you desperately just for a glimpse of you. To see that you were okay. Now he’s knees deep in a new relationship with you and you didn’t even know.
“It’s not dumb.” He quietly answered. Peter on his way to get you, was leaving his apartment when he saw someone being robbed. “Maybe he ran late?”
You scoffed. “For an hour? More like he forgot.”
Peter knew convincing you to forgive him was bad. He knew doing the opposite was for the best. To tell you to forget Peter. But he couldn’t. He had you right here. Like he used to.
“Things happen.” He shrugged. “What if he got robbed?”
“Wouldn’t you have helped him?” You replied, unimpressed.
“Oh. Well I did help a really handsome dude and he got robbed. Was he like an attractive guy or..?”
“He’s cute." You admitted.
Peter blushes under his mask. Though you had said more affectionate things to him before, apparently he still gets giddy.
"Well, I'm sure he didn't forget someone as pretty as you."
You let out a scoff. "Did you drop down next to me to take me home safely or be stupid?"
Under the mask, Peter had a huge grin. He was proud of you. Still the same in how you always know how to avoid trouble. He rarely ever had to save you. You were too smart. No stranger was safe from you, not even Spider-man.
"Sorry." He says cheekily.
You both eventually reach your apartment though Peter had to act oblivious that this was your home.
"This is me. Thanks Spider-man." You tug on a zipper from your bag, reaching for something in the bottom. Gummy worms
"I don't know if you take payments but uh, I was going to share these with my date. It's my lunch I forgot about. Don't judge."
Peter feels a pang of guilt hit his chest. "Th-thanks... you really don't have to." He slowly takes the bag.
"It's okay really."
Peter sighed. "Look, if that guy is actually stupid enough to ghost you, just call me."
"How do I call you?"
"Like this; SPIDER-MAN SPIDER-MAN AGHHH THAT IDIOT NEVER CALLED ME BACK!" Peter ran around in a circle mocking a girl's voice.
"And you'd help me from wherever you are?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I have pretty good hearing." Peter comically dusts off his shoulder.
"Alright man, no excuses. Even if you're fighting off a giant monster or something you have to help me."
"Something tells me I won't need to. Y'know? One of my powers is basically a gut feeling that's always right." Peter puffs up his chest proudly.
You let out an amused exhale. "You're a nerd. See ya." You went inside, waving without looking behind you.
"See ya." Peter says quietly. As soon as he saw you disappear around the corner, he zipped to the top of a random building.
"hey y/n, so so so so so so sodsdo sorry for ditching you. PLS FORGIVW ME!!! had family emergency. wanna meet tmrw???" Peter mumbled along as he typed, two gummy worms stored in the side of his cheek.
"I sound so lameee haha." Peter thought. He goes to delete but presses send.
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pfhwrittes · 2 months
Actually I know you said I wouldn’t wanna hear you bemoan your writing process, but I’m actually very interested in that tbh
What is your process for a longer fic? How do you format your outline? What does your research look like if you need to do that?
I’d love to see it! Maybe this is more of Talk Shop Tuesday question lol
tats you can have a little Talk Shop Tuesday as a treat!
so i briefly touched on my process (god i need a new way to phrase that it sounds so wanky) in this ask here where i admitted to kind of flying by the seat of my trousers/pants with writing ("live by the PWP sword, die by the PWP sword i guess" is probably one of my favourite sentences i've ever written).
but i'll expand further under the cut because i know i'm going to get long winded as hell.
firstly, i'm going to admit something slightly embarrassing. i'm not a planner, or a plotter, or a think further than the scene i'm writing writer. i'm just not. i write entirely on vibes or wherever the worms take me. i think that's pretty evident from the fact that most of my fics/drabbles for the fandom are shorter than my left leg. i consider it to be a minor miracle if i break 500 words, never mind 1000 words for my fics.
secondly, maybe mummies is my most rigidly outlined fic ever. i have a super rough outline for my festival fic (remember that? god those were the days) and for my bbc ghosts inspired thing (again, another blast from the past right there) but maybe mummies is the biggest document i have in my WIP folder right now and i'll use that as my example for my outlining process (and hopefully i won't spoil the fic too much).
What is your process for a longer fic? i always start every single one of my fics by dumping a synopsis of what i want the fic to be at the top of my document. first of all, it scares away the Fear of the Dreaded Blank Page (where The Blinking Cursor of Doom lingers), secondly it pulls me back on track when i start getting lost in the weeds as i always get lost in the weeds to some degree. thirdly, it's kind of silly and mostly vibes. i basically just talk to myself in the blurb and at some point that may translate to an author's note but sometimes it doesn't.
then i move onto notable tags i know i need to include. so that would be the general vibe of the fic ("Inspired by The Mummy (1999)"), the genre ("Action/Adventure", "Romance", "Comedy"), or notable triggers ("Bugs/Beetles", "Implied PTSD", "Implied Alcoholism"). the notable tag section is subject to change as i write but as soon as i pop something in my fic that i know could potentially trigger someone or make someone balk at bit at reading it, i update the tag list. as i work through the sections/scenes of my fic i list the tags/triggers that apply to that section and mark them with a star and match that star up to the notable tag section.
for maybe mummies, i started writing it chronologically while on my third(?) rewatch of The Mummy. i spat out the blurb during my first watch because the brain worms took me gently by my throat and calmly threatened me at knife point (no, i don't know where they got the knife either and at this point i'm too afraid to ask). then i yelled at @391780 over having an idea as i usually do and early enabled me like the Chief Worm Wrangler they are.
then i got bored of writing it chronologically on my fifth rewatch after blocking most of act 1 and act 2, so i went to the last scene of the fic, blocked that out with bullet points (and made myself laugh) before deciding that actually, an epilogue would really tie everything up wonderfully. so then i spat out the epilogue (and very shyly asked @syoddeye if the emotional beats hit right and they were kind enough to go "i love [this metaphor] and [this interaction]" which basically cemented the epilogue for me. so if you hate it, don't you dare blame sy, i'll come for your kneecaps with my makita drill if you do).
aside from that, i block everything roughly using bullet points. sometimes that's a badly worded sentence, sometimes that's a particular dialogue exchange that fits, sometimes thats just [JP and F!RC bicker] (anything in parentheses gets filled with more detail in at a later date), sometimes the worms wriggle and i spit out an entire scene.
if i'm struggling to write a scene i tend to either leave myself bullet points or break the scene into smaller chunks. it helps my brain to focus on the parts i want it to write better that way and it takes the pressure off so i don't get stuck in the mire of "oh god this needs to be the most perfect first draft that has ever existed".
How do you format your outline? so my heavily redacted outline for maybe mummies looks something like this:
Blurb (stream of consciousness babble/vibes/silliness)
Title (currently blank)
Notable Tags (all the current tags/triggers, and there are 23 currently!)
Characters notes - John "Johnny" MacTavish - Female! Reader Character (RC) - Captain John Price - Simon "The Ghost/Ghost" Riley - Kyle Garrick - Philip Graves (then some redacted characters)
Act One (the set up) - Scene 1 - Scene 2 - Scene 3 - Scene 4
Act Two (the rising action) - Scene 1, part a - Scene 1, part b - Scene 1, part c. (etc, etc. you get the idea)
Act Three (the crisis) (see act two and three for how that would look)
Act Four (the resolution) (heavily redacted bits go here) - Final Scene
Epilogue (this i have written out in full, but i can't share it with you because of spoilers).
Odds and Ends (this is where chunks of dialogue i want to add into the fic, or interactions i want to go live until they find a place in the fic. it's also where the parts i've "scrapped" go too. i never delete anything from my outline, it just gets moved to the odds and ends section).
What does your research look like if you need to do that? oooooh boy. okay, another embarrassing admission coming up. my research for maybe mummies has been my nigh on continuous rewatching of The Mummy. i'm on 13.5 watches right now (10 before my surgery date, 3 post surgery, and one time i started watching it and fell asleep about half way through while my brain was slowly stewing in the remnants of morphine and codeine). other than that, i've got about 5 or 6 tabs that i've shoved into a folder in firefox dutifully labeled "shit i don't know about 1920s eygpt".
in short, my research is more of a mess than my outline.
hopefully this answers your question and i'm so sorry i made you slog through what is essentially 1.1k of words that may be nonsense.
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bro-atz · 2 months
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in which: you're their sweetheart who tastes sweet like candy, and they simply cannot get enough.
pair: frat bros!ateez/afab!reader
word count: 6.1k
content: smut, gang bang (more like four threesomes), nicknames (they call you sweetheart), unprotected sex (PLS REMEMBER TO WRAP UP IRL!), oral, anal, double penetration (x4!), creampies, filthy, completely consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
author's note: i actually wasn't planning a part two, but... let's just say i had a dream... tysm to @k-hotchoisan and @yungilia who both helped me w this one hehe and sorry @juyofans and @yunhoszn but y'all just got another submission for your event LMAO also I HAVE NO IDEA WHY IT'S SO LONG THIS TIME AROUND HELP
@atzhouse @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet
@newworldnet @san-network @wonderlandnet
frat bros!ateez: part one | part two
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Life pretty much went back to normal after your initiation was completed. Okay, that's a big fucking lie. You still were their sweetheart, but you were also their sweetheart, which meant that you had a little more obligations that the frat bros bestowed upon you.
"Hey, Wooyoung," you greeted the boy as you stepped into the kitchen. "Cooking?"
"Yeah," Wooyoung sighed slightly dramatically. "Yeosang wanted fried chicken again, so I'm making fried chicken again."
"So then why are you making curry?"
"Because I don't want curry, sweetheart. I want curry."
You bit back a laugh, but a little puff of air left your lungs, the acknowledgement bringing a smile to Wooyoung's face. After stirring the pot a little, Wooyoung took another spoon and scooped some of the curry.
"Give it a taste," Wooyoung told you.
He brought the spoon to your lips, and after blowing on it to cool it off, you tasted it.
"It's good! But it's definitely missing something," you responded.
"What? Is it salt?"
"I... I actually don't know."
"Let me try it."
You thought Wooyoung was going to try his own spoonful, but no. Instead, he kissed you, his tongue swirling around yours to get the lingering taste of the curry. Refusing to let up, he turned the stove off and walked you away from the stove to a (surprisingly) clean countertop before pinning your waist against it, his lips locking with yours feverishly.
"You taste so sweet, sweetheart," Wooyoung exhaled blissfully after the kiss ended. "I could just eat you up..."
Without a warning, Wooyoung lifted you up and sat you down on the kitchen countertop, his head tilted up as he looked at you in anticipation. The way he looked in that moment, the pink tint of his lips, was so inviting that you ran your fingers through his hair and rooted your hands on the back of his neck as you kissed him.
"Fuck, I need you right now, sweetheart," Wooyoung mumbled against your lips.
You felt his fingers brush along your waist as he grabbed your shirt and forcefully pulled it over your head, your shirt flying out of the kitchen. His hands then moved down to your jeans, and he pulled them off within seconds before spreading your legs wide open. He took two fingers and rubbed them along your folds, your arousal collecting on his fingers.
"And it looks like you need me too," he said cheekily. "Look at how wet you are, sweetheart."
"Wooyoung, please," you were so close to begging him to shut up. "Just fuck me already."
"You won't let me savor my meal? You won't let me taste how sweet you are down here?"
He sunk down, his lips hovering over your cunt. Running your fingers through his hair, you pushed his head closer to you and said, "Dear God, just fucking do something, please."
Wooyoung only got to lick a singular stripe up your cunt when he lost all his patience. Just seeing the way your pink pussy quivered with anticipation made his dick press so hard against his pants that he almost was in actual physical pain.
"Hop off and bend over," he grunted out, his voice hitting a new level of low octave.
You quickly obeyed and waited for him to unbuckle his pants and stroke his cock a couple of times before rubbing the tip against your folds. Then, without warning, he thrust his cock into you, your waist hitting the countertop, and your entire body moving forward as his hips slammed against yours. It took everything in you to choke back a moan, and it only got more difficult for you from there when Wooyoung started lightly slapping your ass.
"Fuck, Wooyoung," you moaned in a hushed tone. "You feel so good."
"Yeah? You like that sweetheart?"
You couldn't see Wooyoung's face, but you knew for a fact he had that devilish smile on his face that made your heart flutter. Not only did your heart flutter, but your cunt did too when he spanked your ass a little harder than the time before, earning a little yelp from you.
Suddenly, you heard someone drop one of the bowls from the kitchen and turned your heads to see an uninvited guest standing awkwardly in between the living room and the kitchen.
"W— I— I just— My chicken—" Yeosang stuttered as he saw you fully and completely naked bent over on the kitchen countertop with Wooyoung's dick deep inside you, his face going bright red.
"Forget about your chicken for a second, Sangie. You should pay attention to our sweetheart," Wooyoung waved the boy over. Then, pulling out and spreading your folds to give the guy a better look of your cunt spilling cream onto the floor, Wooyoung said, "Look at how wet she is... We gotta do something about it."
Yeosang gulped nervously as he stared at your arousal covered cunt, saliva continuing to pool in his mouth at an alarming rate. He leaned down to face your cunt, his hands clutching your thighs as Wooyoung continued to egg the boy on, "You want a taste, right? Come on, you know you want to."
It was true— Yeosang desperately wanted a taste. He moved so that he was right behind you and spreading your asscheeks wide, giving him better access to your cunt before leaving the most intense kiss on your clit, his cheeks hollowing as he sucked up as much of your arousal as he possibly could. Your legs trembled completely and could barely keep you up as you leaned further into the countertop, a long but quiet moan escaping you.
"Here, sweetheart," Wooyoung leaned onto the countertop and grabbed your cheeks. "Lemme give you a taste of you as well."
With Yeosang eating you out from behind and Wooyoung practically eating your face off, you could feel the tension building in your stomach, your hormones desperately wanting some sort of release. So, you whined into Wooyoung's mouth and reached back to grip the roots of Yeosang's hair, indicating to both of them that you just wanted them inside you already.
 You and Yeosang both stood upright, the boy's hands immediately grabbing your waist and spinning you around so he could press himself against you. He pressed his forehead against yours, and you could feel his heavy panting hit your skin as he slowly started stripping down, his lips nearing yours. You wrapped your hands around the back of Yeosang's neck as you decided to cut to the chase and kiss him, the sweet taste of you lingering on your tongue as Yeosang made out with you passionately.
Wooyoung, meanwhile, was grinding his waist against yours, his cock rubbing up and down your asscrack. Not going to lie, he was a little frustrated at the way you were giving Yeosang so much of your attention that he decided to take some of it back. He quickly shoved his cock back inside you, practically pushing you further into Yeosang's arms.
"Oh, fuck, Wooyoung!" you whined as he slowly moved his hips, his cock sliding in and out of you with relative ease. "S-So good!"
Wooyoung hummed in response, his hips snapping up sharply to meet yours suddenly, making you yelp and cling closer to Yeosang. Yeosang, who had unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his pale chest and rock solid abs, was losing his mind gradually the more he felt your nipples and breasts rub against his chest, his own cock throbbing and practically ready to burst.
"Sweetheart, I don't think I can wait any longer," Yeosang whispered to you, the desperation obvious in his voice. "Can I please fuck you?"
Yeosang asking you for consent was honestly the cutest fucking thing, and you wanted to savor the moment more, but you were unable to because Wooyoung was making all sorts of raunchy noises as he thrust sharply into you, his hands holding onto your waist tightly.
"Yes, Yeosang," you responded, your breathing hitching with every thrust from Wooyoung. "Fill me up, baby."
Yeosang wasted no time. He pulled his cock out of his pants and rubbed the tip against your clit before pushing his own way into your cunt, both boys now fully inside you. What drove you even more insane was when Yeosang hooked his arm behind your knee and pulled your leg up, giving both him and Wooyoung easier access to your fluttering pussy.
"Try her ass— it's so fucking tight, and it feels amazing," Yeosang advised the guy behind you.
With a smirk and a nod, Wooyoung pulled out and pressed the tip of his cock against your asshole, the sensation already driving you insane even though all he was doing was teasing you with just the tip.
"Relax, sweetheart," Wooyoung whispered into your ear. "Otherwise it's going to hurt."
You did as Wooyoung instructed, allowing him to move his cock in and out of you with relative ease. You flung your head back and began moaning a little more loudly as the tension within you built up exponentially.
It was when Yeosang rubbed against your G-spot perfectly several times in a row did the tension snap. With one hand on Yeosang's shoulder and the other  on Wooyoung's arm, you grabbed onto them tightly as you came loudly, your moan and cries of relief echoing in the kitchen and living room.
Your walls and ass tightened up as you came, both boys wincing as they, too, nearly came upon feeling you squeezing their cocks.
"You felt that good, sweetheart?" Wooyoung asked breathlessly. "You like the two of us fucking you like this?"
"God, ye-es!" you cried. "So fucking good!"
Both boys chuckled and continued to fuck you senseless until they were forced to stop when another person interrupted the fun.
"You've gotta be shitting me— What the fuck are you two doing?!" San yelled, completely startling you to attention.
You turned your head to see through bleary, teary eyes the figures of San and Jongho, the two of them standing in identical poses with their arms crossed over their chest.
"What the fuck does it look like, dumbass?" Wooyoung retorted.
"You know Hongjoong hyung and Seonghwa hyung said to leave her alone, so why are you fucking her?" Jongho clarified.
"How can you expect us to stay away when she looks like this?" Yeosang questioned as he grabbed your face and held it up to show the other frat bros your half-lidded, glazed over eyes with beads of perspiration dotting your forehead and making your hair stick to your skin. "Our poor sweetheart needs us to fuck her brains out... Did you really think we would say no?"
Just the sight of you looking so pathetic and desperate, Yeosang's and Wooyoung's cocks getting squeezed so tightly in your holes, the two of them fondling and gripping the appealing parts of your body— San and Jongho understood.
"Sannie..." you whined, the boy's face turning red. Jongho's face matched that shade when you continued, "Jjongie..."
That did it. The two of them quickly joined the other two who were fucking you, their clothes coming off at a record speed. San gently gripped your throat and turned you to face him, his lips hungrily meeting yours while Jongho started stroking himself off by himself, only for you to reach out for his cock and start stroking him yourself.
Wooyoung was still steadily rutting into you while the newcomers got situated because after you came, he was so ready to cum since your ass squeezed him so tight. His breathing hitched, and white started to fill his vision, making him pull out of your ass and struggle but successfully slip his cock into your cunt, the two cocks in you driving you insane.
"Shit, I'm cumming," Yeosang hissed before biting his lower lip, his eyes fluttering shut.
Both cocks, both waists slammed powerfully into you at once, Yeosang groaning loudly while Wooyoung bit your shoulder. San released you from your chain of kisses with him, letting you gasp and moan as you felt both boys fill you up, their ropes of cum spurting inside you nonstop. Yeosang pulled out of you first, but Wooyoung remained inside you as he whispered, "Keep our load safe, sweetheart. Don't let a single drop spill in my kitchen."
"Yeah, wait, what're we doing fucking our sweetheart in the kitchen?" Jongho asked.
"She should be somewhere more comfortable, right sweetheart?" San cooed.
Normally, you would've slapped San silly for treating you like that, but you were so desperate for both him and Jongho to stuff you full with their thick cocks that you just let him do as he pleased. San ended up passing you on to Jongho, who quickly slid his fat cock in you, spreading your walls so open that you felt completely stuffed by his cock. Then, when he cupped the underside of your asscheeks and lifted you, you felt him even more, his cock driving deeper into you. You clung to him as he bounced you on his cock and walked you into the living room— at that point, you knew that none of the fraternity brothers were going to drop you, so you trusted them to just carry you around wherever they wanted to take you. 
Jongho sat down on the couch, making you automatically sit on his lap. He wasted no time bouncing you faster on his cock, his hands still firmly planted on your ass. You clung to his shoulders and let out little yelps and cries until San stuffed your face full with his cock.
"Quiet, sweetheart," San warned. "We don't want the hyungs finding out, do we?"
San's cock muffling your response, you settled for nodding before focusing on licking and sucking his cock while Jongho worked overtime underneath you, his hips bucking upwards every so often to give you that extra pleasureful sensation. You gripped Jongho's shoulder, your nails digging into his skin as he continued to relentlessly fuck you.
Suddenly, San pulled his cock out of your mouth, a line of saliva trailing from the tip of your tongue to the tip of his cock. San inhaled sharply, the sight of you looking up at him with your mouth open and begging for his cock driving him simply insane. The thing was that he desperately wanted to fuck you as well, so he quickly made his way around the couch so that he was standing behind you. He held your waist with one hand and positioned his cock against your cunt before pushing his way through.
The thickness from both Jongho and San was too much for your brain to comprehend. You desperately wanted to cry out loudly, but you didn't want Hongjoong or Seonghwa to realize what was going on, so you settled for flinging your head back and biting your lower lip painfully hard.
"Good girl, sweetheart," Jongho complimented you when you brought your head back and buried it in the crook of his neck. "Such a good girl staying quiet like we asked."
"Oh, fuck, Jongho," you whimpered, the compliments from him turning you on even more. "M-More..."
"You want me to keep calling you a good girl?" Jongho chuckled, his laugh making your fingers and toes tingle with excitement. "Then be a good girl and gimme a kiss."
You happily obliged, your lips locking furiously with Jongho's. His grip on your waist got tighter when you ran your fingers through his locks, your thumb brushing against his ear. And since Jongho was so busy kissing you, San took it upon himself to continue showering you with compliments.
"Look at how well your cunt is swallowing our fat cocks. You were really made for us, sweetheart. A good girl, a good fucking sweetheart," he muttered in between grunts as he thrust sporadically.
That's when San made the decision to spank your ass before grabbing it with his large, firm hand, making you nearly bite Jongho's lower lip. It was the combination of San slapping your ass and his hips moving at just the right angle that made you cum for the second time that day. Breaking your lips away from Jongho's, you let out a breathy whine into neck, making him shiver with excitement.
"Oh, fuck, sweetheart," Jongho bit out, his voice strained. "I'm cumming too!"
San pulled out and let Jongho have you to himself for several more thrusts before he came inside, the feeling of his cock twitching and throbbing inside you stimulating you further. The second Jongho pulled out, San immediately re-entered you, refusing to let a single drop of cum spill onto the couch. He turned you over— with his dick still inside, making the sensation feel incredibly new and amazing— and pinned you to the couch, his hands holding your arms above your head. He looked so deathly serious in that moment, and it made you nervous, excited, and definitely more horny.
"Sweetheart," he drawled as he pressed his body closer to yours. "I need you to do me a favor."
"Y-Yes, Sannie?"
San hummed as he started rolling his waist into you, the feeling of his cock, now without any obstructions, tapping your cervix making stars fill your vision. In an insanely low register, he continued, "I need you to keep what happened here quiet. Do you understand?"
You nodded, but that wasn't enough for him. He held both your arms down with one hand, allowing him to stick his fingers in your mouth and force you to open your jaw.
"Use your words, sweetheart. You are not to tell Hongjoong hyung or Seonghwa hyung that we fucked you, got it?"
"Yes, Sannie," you whispered.
"Good girl," San smiled at you so angelically as if he didn't just practically threaten you seconds prior, the look on his face making your heart race faster. "You're such a sweetheart."
San leaned back and let go of your arms so he could grip your waist, his hips gyrating into yours faster, a solid look of concentration befalling his face. You watched through bleary eyes as his hair covered his darkened eyes and as he licked and bit his lower lip.
It didn't take long for him to finish— he was honestly holding himself back ever since he heard your breathy whine into Jongho's neck, but he wanted you to himself for just a moment, to enjoy having the sweetheart belong to him and only him for a split second. Slamming his waist into yours so hard that your head nearly hit the arm rest, San came hard, his cockhead hitting your cervix with just enough force that you came instantly, stars completely filling your vision at that point.
You don't know how, but while you were still recovering from the high of your orgasm, San, Jongho, Yeosang, and Wooyoung had managed to get you dressed for the most part— they couldn't figure out your bra for the life of them unfortunately. When San slipped your panties on, you heard him whisper, "Don't let a single drop spill, and I'll reward you later."
"What if she does spill, though?" Wooyoung asked.
"Then we punish her," Jongho stated definitively.
"I don't know, I think she would enjoy that," Yeosang snickered.
"No, like we dump all of our chores on her," San explained. "A real punishment."
Suddenly, the five of you heard the garage door begin to open. You blinked the daze out of your eyes and did your best to regain you sanity while the other four made a mad dash for it.
"Hi, sweetheart," Hongjoong greeted you comfortably.
"Oh, hi," you squeaked out as you pressed your legs together, suddenly remembering San's warning.
"You okay, sweetheart?" Seonghwa, who followed Hongjoong shortly thereafter, sat down on the couch right next to you.
"Y-Yeah! I'm fine," you cleared your throat and scooted away from Seonghwa before he could put his arm around your shoulder as he normally did. "I just remembered I have a... A project! Yeah, I have a project to finish so I'll, um, I'll be in my room."
With that, you scurried off, and instead of going to your room like you said you would, you went to San's room to figure out how fucking long you would have to hold the cum inside you. But, before you could even grab the handle, Seonghwa grabbed your wrist. He dragged you to your bedroom and threw you on your bed, Hongjoong trailing after you two and closing the door behind him.
"Seonghwa?!" you exclaimed as he pinned your arms on either side of you. "W-What— W-Why—"
"Tell me the truth, sweetheart," Seonghwa said, his voice dangerously low. "Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?"
"Seonghwa, what the actual fuck?" Hongjoong piped up. "Listen, sweetheart. You gotta tell us if anything happened between you and anyone else while we were gone."
"Sweetheart," Hongjoong's tone turned a shade darker. "Tell me the truth."
"Oh my fucking God, and after we specifically told them not to?!"
Rather than storm out of your room and yell at the boys, Hongjoong sat on the bed next to you and explained, "I guess we should've told you too... But the reason we didn't want anyone touching you— including us!— is because we value you and the work you to for us, and your initiation was one thing, but we don't want to break your heart or anything like that because we don't want to lose you."
"Also, we didn't want the college finding out," Seonghwa added.
"Yes, that too."
A mixture of embarrassment, shame, and guilt swept over your body.  "I'm sorry, Hongjoong," you apologized with a heavy sigh, your eyes downcast as you looked down at your lap. "Can I make it up to you somehow?"
There was a brief moment of silence in the room before Hongjoong leaned towards you, his nose brushing against your ear as he tucked stray hairs behind your ear.
"I think it's only fair if we get a turn as well," Hongjoong murmured, his lips brushing against your ear. "Is that okay?"
"Yes, Hongjoong," you breathed out, the feeling of his hand slowly riding up your thigh arousing you. "That sounds fair."
Hongjoong smiled briefly before running his fingers through the hair on the back of your head, his lips meeting yours softly. He kissed you sweetly, pulling him into you, love and affection swirling through your head and heart as he started so gently with you— that being said, you wanted more from him than this vanilla bullshit. The two of you collapsed on the bed entangled in each others' arms, leaving Seonghwa to get started on stripping you down. The second he pulled your pants off, though, he got an eyeful.
"Is this... Is this what I think it is?" Seonghwa asked as he saw the white spill out of you.
You pressed your lips together and looked away, your face turning bright red as you wordlessly confirmed Seonghwa's assumption. Hongjoong turned your head to face him, the darkness in his eyes building as he said, "Well, we can't have that, now can we?"
With one swift motion, Hongjoong turned you around so that you were on all fours and your ass was high in the air. He spread your asscheeks and folds open to see the cum from the four boys who fucked you prior spill out of you and onto your bed, staining your sheets. The sight of your red, raw pussy and cum dripping out of it was a little too much for Hongjoong. He could barely wait at that point. He quickly pulled his cock out of his pants and lined his cock up with your cunt before sliding in easily thanks to the cum and your arousal.
"This pisses me off, not going to lie," Hongjoong admitted quietly mainly to himself. "I hate that they deliberately disobeyed me and had their way with you."
"Then have your way with me," you responded absentmindedly.
"Yeah? You sure?" Hongjoong immediately perked up.
"Yes, Joong. I want you to have your way with me," this time you truly meant what you said.
That permission was all Hongjoong needed to thrust into you with full force, your entire body lurching forward as a result. Your arms buckled under you, making you press your chest into the bed, a moan mixed with a cry leaving your lips.
"Don't tell me someone spanked you as well," Hongjoong said through gritted teeth as he noted the light pink hand mark on your ass.
"I bet it was San," Seonghwa said confidently as he knelt on the bed before you, his pretty cock pressing against your cheek. "Right, sweetheart?"
You let out a little noise indicating to them that they were right, an annoyed sigh leaving Hongjoong's soul. Grabbing your ass harshly, he said, "Let's replace his mark then."
You yelped when Hongjoong's palm made quick contact with your ass, the stinging feeling slowly melting into pleasure as he continued to rut into you at a gradual pace. Seonghwa, meanwhile, grabbed you by your cheeks and guided you upwards, his cock tapping your squished cheeks.
"Won't you suck this for me, sweetheart?" Seonghwa asked you nicely, a stark comparison to what the other frat bro behind you was doing.
You enthusiastically took him into your mouth, a long exhale leaving him as he felt you bottom out. He pet your hair and mouthed good girl to you, making your entire body tingle with excitement. His hand on the back of your head, he kept you in place as he moved his hips slowly, his pace uneven compared to Hongjoong's, who was speeding up exponentially.
After leaving another quick, tight slap on your red ass, Hongjoong reached over and grabbed your arms, pulling them back so your wrists were crossed behind your back, Hongjoong's hands keeping you in place. Your back arched in a different way than it was arched earlier, sending waves of pleasure through Hongjoong's body.
"You feel so fucking good, sweetheart," he grunted. "I'm gonna cum inside."
As Hongjoong's thrusts got more aggressive, Seonghwa's demeanor changed. He went from being angelic to a total devil when he firmed his grip on your head and started moving you at a faster pace, his cock reaching the back of your throat and making you gag occasionally.
When he thrust into you powerfully one final time, Hongjoong ended up shoving you so far into Seonghwa that his cock hit the back of your throat hard, making you gag loudly. Seonghwa let you breathe as Hongjoong's cum filled you up, and when he pulled out, all the cum seeped out of you at an uncontrollable rate. Hongjoong got off the bed and took a step back to appreciate how fucked out you looked while Seonghwa fully got on the bed, his cock raring and ready to go. That's when someone knocked on the door.
"Hey, sweetheart, is what San saying t— oh my God?!" Mingi shrieked as he saw the vulgar position you were in.
Normally, you would be embarrassed, but you were so far gone in your horniness at that point that you just wanted anyone and everyone to fill you up and fuck you like a fucking slut.
"Hey, what the fuck?" Yunho frowned at the two older frat bros in the room. "You're the ones that told us that our sweetheart was off limits, so why does everyone get to fuck her but us?!"
"Well, I don't see why you can't now," Hongjoong said with a sigh.
"Sweetheart, would it be okay if Yunho and Mingi joined us?" Seonghwa asked you.
Your eyes half-lidded and full of desperation, you nodded and beckoned the two tall boys to come and abuse you.
Yunho and Mingi did not need to be told twice. They quickly stripped themselves down and hopped on the bed, Mingi beating Yunho to your lips. Mingi wrapped his fingers around your neck and guided you to kneel in front of him, his fingers squeezing lightly, giving you the right amount of pressure for immense pleasure. Yunho, meanwhile, barely started fingering you before the knot that was slowly building inside you quickly snapped, his fingers curling and grazing your G-spot perfectly. You cried loudly into Mingi's mouth and practically flung yourself onto him as you squirted all over your bed.
The sight of your arousal and five boys' mixed cum dripping down your leg was too much for Yunho. He practically tore you away from Mingi and brought him to you, your ass facing him as you went back down on all fours. You muffled a moan as you felt Yunho slip one of his slender fingers into your asshole, the finger gliding in a little too easily, and it was still too easy when he slipped in another finger.
"I heard Wooyoung loosened you up a bit earlier, huh? Well, that's helpful," Yunho chuckled delightedly. "This still may hurt a little bit, though, so relax, sweetheart."
Yunho didn't lie. It fucking hurt when he slowly shoved his cock inside you, but the second he bottomed out, that pain turned to pleasure, the throbbing of his cock inside your tight ass turning you on even more. He stayed stationary for a bit, allowing you to get used to his immense sized shoved all the way inside you.
The other two, however, were also eager to fuck you, and they didn't want to wait any longer either. Seonghwa slid into the space under you, the tip of his cock rubbing against your clit and making your legs wobble while Mingi knelt before you the same way Seonghwa had earlier, his huge, throbbing cock intimidating the shit out of you.
"Come on, sweetheart," Mingi said, his low voice sending shivers down your spine. "Lemme feel that pretty little mouth of yours."
Mingi practically shoved his cock down your mouth, your mouth opening so wide that you felt the corners of your mouth crack. You immediately hollowed out your cheeks, making him sharply inhale and groan in pleasure. He couldn't even find the words to tell you how fucking good he felt, but you could tell he was on cloud nine when you looked up at him and saw him gnawing on his bottom lip.
"Fuck, sweetheart, you can't look at me like that," he groaned. "I don't wanna cum just yet."
You continued to tease him by batting your eyelashes and took him out of your mouth, a long, thick trail of saliva connecting the two of you. He broke the trail when he slapped his cock against your cheeks lightly, a teasing smile on his face as you looked up at him and giggle, only for the smile on your face to be knocked off when Seonghwa caught you off guard and thrust into you, Yunho doing more damage by moving slowly.
"Don't just give Mingi all of your attention, sweetheart," Yunho lectured you. "Hyung and I are still here."
Yunho started moving inside you, his cock making you feel like he was going to pull your insides out. Seonghwa, meanwhile, decided to stagger his thrusts so that he was going in while Yunho pulled out, the level of stimulation going right to your head. You could barely keep focus even when Mingi pulled your head back towards him, his cock yearning to be inside you again.
Below you, you could hear Seonghwa's little whimpers and whines as he fucked you slowly, the sounds of desperation making your cunt, and coincidentally asshole, unconsciously clench, both Yunho and Seonghwa letting out some sort of erotic groan. Yunho, squeezing his eyes shut, did his best to hold off on his orgasm, but Seonghwa lost it at that point. Sliding his hands over your ass, he grabbed your asscheeks and pulled you down as he thrust upwards, a loud exhale leaving his lungs as he emptied his load inside you.
Respect for the eldest frat bro flew out the window the second Mingi and Yunho both realized he had cum. Yunho pulled out quickly— the sheer force nearly making you cum— allowing Mingi to lift you off Seonghwa. He laid down on the bed and effortlessly laid you down on top of him, your back pressing against his chest. Yunho then appeared above you, his soft, deceptive smile letting relief wash over you for a millisecond before you saw his monster cock rest on your stomach.
"I don't know why you look so scared, sweetheart," Yunho chuckled. "You fit both me and Mingi in you before. You can do it again."
He lowered himself to you and kissed you sweetly— so fucking misleading considering what he was about to do to you— while slowly rubbing the length of his cock against your clit. Mingi, taking advantage of Yunho's slow pace, slipped his cock inside you, your head pressing back into the nook of Mingi's neck as you cried out loudly. You could hear Mingi's low chuckle right next to your ear as he hooked his hands under your legs, pulling them up so that your knees were pressing right into your breasts.
Yunho decided to slip his own cock in without warning, making you scream yet again. This time, you weren't able to fling your head back because Yunho grabbed the roots of your hair and held your head up, forcing you to look at him, your body curling towards him.
"That's my good girl," he praised you, the praise washing pleasure through your body once more.
You smiled and bit your lower lip, a shy little giggle leaving you as you looked at Yunho fondly. That giggle in and of itself was enough to make both him and Mingi cum, but they refused to let up just yet. Still holding onto the back of your head but a little more lightly, Yunho hugged your leg to his chest and started rolling his hips into yours, his breathing getting shallower and higher in pitch the longer he thrust into you.
Below you, you could hear profanities pour out of Mingi's mouth in a hushed tone, his grunts slowly turning into tiny whimpers as his hips bucked into yours at varying paces. His hold on you got weaker as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, the boy unable to hold back any longer. Yunho pulled out, allowing Mingi to hug you properly and thrust at a wild speed, stars filling your vision as his massive cock kept hitting your cervix repeatedly. However, Mingi came right at you were hitting your peak, disappointing you slightly when you felt his ropes of cum fill you up.
Since you were so close and desperate, your brought your hand to your clit and were about to rub yourself, when Yunho pulled you off Mingi and laid you down on the bed next to him, his hand pulling your leg over his so he could fill you up with his cock once again.
"You feel good, sweetheart?" he asked you, his voice hoarse. "You wanna cum?"
"Yes— Mmm— I do," you responded weakly.
"Alright, sweetheart. I'll make you cum."
Flipping you around so that you were no longer facing him, Yunho pulled your leg back to open you up again and re-entered you before snaking his hand around your waist, his delicate fingers brushing against your clit before rubbing fast, vigorous circles over it. His thrusts got more powerful and sharper, and he rubbed your clit just right at the same moment his cock hit your cervix, making you cum. Yunho, however, was still inside you, so you were squirting with every thrust, the fluttering of your cunt too much for him to handle. He slammed his waist against yours, his cock spasming inside you briefly before he pulled out, letting you squirt all over the two of you and the bed before re-entering you and completely finishing inside you.
You remained on the bed in a puddle of pleasure and cum as the two tall boys got up and off the bed. The left your room, only to return moments later with water, towels, and new sheets for your bed. The other six frat boys decided to help out until you were revived (for the most part).
"Alright, let's clear out and let her sleep," Hongjoong tried to usher the other members out of the room.
"Hey, no way! You're totally doing this so you can stay back and cuddle with her!" Wooyoung realized before he took a single step.
"That's not true!"
"Then why are your ears turning red?" Seonghwa accused Hongjoong.
"That wasn't— I didn't—"
"Guys, let's settle this a different way since clearly all of us want to be with her tonight," Yunho interjected. "Sweetheart?"
You looked up at the eight boys, your eyes still hazy, your mind still dazed.
"Who do you want to sleep with tonight?"
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 7 months
can't fight the moonlight
kinktober, day twenty-nine
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a/n: this one was a fantasy that was so fuzzy and took a surprisingly long time to figure out, but the hazy dream of it kept me going till i solved the puzzle
summary: it didn’t matter what you did or how hard you tried, you had no way of overpowering the beast the moonlight turned him into. 
warnings: werewolf!bucky barnes x reader, smut, bucky's wolf form is very humanoid looking (think more teen wolf, less twilight), dubcon/noncon, predator/prey, established relationship, monsterfucking, little to no foreplay, dirty talk, squirting, overstimulation, cock drunk, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, forced breeding, belly bulge, size kink, size difference
word count: 2345
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“…and you’ve got some water in case you get thirsty and-, oh! Do you have something to eat? A snack or something?” you blabbered tensely as you helped lock the heavy chains that your partner snaked securely around his own limbs, bolting him to the cold basement for the night, “because I could go make you-”
Letting the iron in his grasp suddenly fall to the floor in a loud clang, like a volcano he exploded, “no!” heatedly throwing his hands up as he fumed, “I don’t need a fucking snack, would you just-…” catching your wide eyes, his sudden anger thawed a bit as he finally heard his own words, “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry,” you clutched your hands close to your chest, the keys tight in them dug into your palms.
Head lightly tilting to the side, Bucky let out a sigh, “you’re just trying to help and I’m-”
“It’s okay, I know,” you reassured him, “it’s the moon, I get it, don’t worry, darling,” you averted your gaze, staring down at the cold concrete floor, “I’m sorry about freaking out, like I do every month, but I just wanna do something that can make this better for you, even a little bit, anything, even though I know that there isn’t anything that can, I still can’t stop trying because I hate this,” you heard your voice grow thick and tears begin to blur up your vision, “I really really hate this.”
“Y/n…” you felt his fingers gently graze your cheek, bringing your glossy gaze back up to his, “you are helping, more than you even know. Before I met you, before you moved in and started being here every full moon, I was always terrified of getting out, terrified that I couldn’t detain myself enough and someone would end up getting hurt or worse… but I’m not scared of that anymore. It hasn’t happened once since you’ve been here to bolt the chains I can’t get to on my own and lock the doors from the other side. Plus knowing that you’ll be here when the sun eventually comes up, I hold onto that, no matter how painful it gets or how much I disappear, that fact doesn’t, it stays with me, keeps me somewhat sane throughout the night.” 
Letting out a shaky breath, you blinked away the mist in your eyes, trying to be brave as you uttered, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he exhaled, gazing at you as you leaned in to seal the final padlock with a click. Getting up to your feet, you stepped towards the door, but your fingers froze on the knob as Bucky’s voice filled the cellar once more, “try and get some sleep, okay? I’ll see you in a bit.”
Glancing over your shoulder at his shackled frame, sitting against the wall, skin already glistening from the pending trauma, you promised, “okay,” even though you knew this night wouldn’t be any different from the rest. 
You could never sleep when the moon was full, never even relax enough to rest for a bit. Even though the layers of resources that encased the basement silenced Bucky’s screams of agony from the rest of the neighbourhood as well as your own ears, just the knowledge that only one floor below where you were trying to slumber, there your beloved laid in pain as every single bone in his body had to break before he could turn into a monster of the moon, that awareness kept you up better than any caffeine could. 
Locking the solid steel door behind you, so you repeated with the one atop the wonky staircase, the rest of the house suddenly feeling so cold without his presence. 
Still clad in garb you’d worn to work, you couldn’t bother to change out of it even if the dress and stockings weren’t the most comfortable clothing to do an all-nighter in, you just seized the grey cabled cardigan draped over the armchair by the fireplace and shrugged it over top.
Holding the kettle under the tap to fill it up, your weary vision locked on the ominous sphere looming in the night sky clearly visible from the kitchen window. Losing yourself to the sight, too absorbed by the troubling thoughts it brought on, you only snapped out of the trance when cold water began to flow over the side of the pot and soak your hand that clutched it. 
“Oh, shit…” you mumbled as you hurried to turn off the water and pour some of the abundances back out into the sink. 
Placing it down on the stovetop, you listened to the gentle clicking that emanated before the eventual flame as you turned the knob. The slight heat radiating beneath the kettle persuaded you to shift into the living room and with the flick of a match, light the fireplace, granting yourself more of that soothing heat to help battle the night. 
You nearly jumped out of your skin when the water came to a boil, kettle whistling like a demon to relay the message. 
With a mug of tea in your hand, you curled up in the chair by the fire and picked up the half-read book discarded on the small side table. 
This was the routine, even though you never could concentrate, you still at least tried to distract yourself. 
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A sudden bang ripped your eyes away from the page they had glazed over four times by now. Your vision instantly trained on the door to the cellar, clearly visible from where you were sitting. 
As the door then began to rattle rhythmically from an unyielding force, your body jumped at every thud, the novel in your grasp tumbling to the floor. 
Frozen in your seat, you watched as the door splintered, swiftly losing the short-lived battle and flying off its hinges.
With heavy footsteps, Bucky’s visage stepped into the light, except it wasn’t the Bucky you knew, not one you’d seen with your own eyes, but only ever heard tales about.
At first, you thought he still looked like himself, but as the firelight flickered across his form, you finally noticed just how altered he was. His natural body hair had quadrupled, fuzzing up his visage and the rippling muscles that hid beneath it, those as well seeming to have swelled up making his frame nearly unrecognisable. Though he always towered above your comparative stature, his height now was something else entirely. The sight of his eyes chilled you to the very bone, the calming blue was completely drowned out by a sea of black, with only a tiny golden flicker in the middle differentiating the obsidian. Nails long and tough like claws, broken chains still clung to his form as you watched his lip curl, a low growl rumbling throughout the room and letting you catch sight of his sharp teeth. 
Scarcely breathing at all, your hopes of him not noticing your presence began to fade as he predatorily sniffed the air. 
Your eyes suddenly grew wide as you spotted a part of him begin to swell up and come into the light. Throbbing, his unusually grand length intimidatingly curved upwards, it too haven grown just as the rest of his body had. 
Finally breaking through your terror, you sprung up and tried your best to run, though you didn’t get far as, within mere seconds, the natural hunter caught up to you and tackled you down to the ground, shredding the cosy knit you wore in the process. 
Cheek smooshed against the floorboards, you trembled beneath his beefy form as his flaming chest pressed against your back, knowing full well that if you made one wrong move, aggravated him in any sort of way, he could snap you like a twig. It didn’t matter what you did or how hard you tried, you had no way of overpowering the beast the moonlight turned him into. 
As your eyes flickered to the front door, it dawned on you that if he could break not only the chain that bound him, but also the strong basement doors, then the last barrier that kept him from the outside world wouldn’t even make him break a sweat. 
Growling directly in your ear, you felt his agitated breath fan across your face as his nose buried itself in your hair. Starved sniffs slowly travelling south, your heart nearly burst out of your chest as you felt him rip your clothes to shreds. Dress tattered and hanging off of you, your underwear swiftly disintegrated completely as only your stocking truly survived the attack, still clinging around your quivering thighs with only the smallest of tears to tell the tale. 
Grinding desperately against the curve of your form, his monstrous girth nudged against you, catching you off guard as even in this petrifying form, you still felt your body respond to him. 
“Bucky, Buck!” your voice squeaked in an attempt at breaking through to him, “it’s me! It’s me! It’s Y/n!” wildly flipping you over and roughly aligning himself with your core, you desperately tried to catch his dark eyes and try again, “Bucky, please!”
Joints locking up at the sound of your shrill cry, a flicker of reignition washed over his haunting glare, softening it slightly as you finally heard him speak, “…Y/n?” his voice was much lower than you’d ever heard it, though very much still his, “oh, fuck… I-…” a shaky breath escaped his lungs as he hovered above you, the tip of his cock nuzzled between your folds, “…I don’t think I can stop…” he grunted, his hand right beside your head digging into the floorboards and leaving splintery scratches in its wake, “I can’t fight it, I’m trying, but-”
“It's okay,” you carefully reached up and touched his cheek. You couldn’t let him run out that door and take some innocent lives. At this moment, all of his focus was aimed at you, so if it could just stay there and not stray till the sun came up, if you could distract him for only a little while longer, then the night might end without any unnecessary bloodshed. So, therefore, you gave in, “I love you, I love you so much,” your glistening eyes blinked up at him as you tried to speak with confidence, “you’re not gonna hurt me, I know you’re not. It’s okay, it’s-” 
Plunging into you, an almost animalistic noise accompanied his harsh action as the beast he’d become seized exactly what it desired. All of the air got pushed out of your lungs as he buried himself in you, stretching you out beyond belief and forcing a shuttering cry to tumble from your lips. 
Never mind the fact that he wasn’t wearing a condom, a thing the two of you had always been careful about, that detail fought to penetrate through the fog he sent you into. Stunned that you could even take it all, the sensation of him made your mind melt. You felt all of it. Every vein and every ridge, every jaw-dropping detail that decorated his monstrous cock drove you to madness.
“Fuck!” he snarled, bucking his hips so hard against yours that your whole body shook, the sloppy clapping of skin against skin filled the home as he greedily rammed against the deepest spot inside of you, “do you have any idea how long I’ve tried to break out of those chains?” leaning down closer, he inhaled deeply, “I can fucking smell you…” you shivered as his nose ghosted against yours, “all the way down in the basement, no matter where you are, I can always smell you… calling for me, begging me to come and rip you apart…”
Leaning back again, his bruising grip found your hips and plucked them up, holding them tight as the rest of you still laid melted against the floor like a puddle before him. Like a ragdoll in his grasp, he moved your body, fucking your drooling pussy like the ravenous beast he was. 
As your eyes fluttered down to where he virtually split you in two, the dull bulge that rhythmically appeared in your lower stomach at each and every one of his ruthless thrusts caught your attention, the vision making you dizzy. 
You had never felt like this, never felt anything so intense in your whole life. He was just so menacing, so magnetic, so massive. Your own enthusiasm caught you by surprise, especially as your cunt soon began to cry out around him, showing your living room floor in your want as you squirted all over his rock-hard girth. 
Usually, Bucky would slow down and give you a moment whenever you had an orgasm, but in this moment, tonight, it wasn’t your Bucky that was pounding the living hell out of you, it was someone else, something else, and that creature only seemed to get even more riled up by your lewd display as he picked up his speed till his gravelly groans grew louder and his efforts began to go sloppy. 
“Please, Buck,” you mumbly pleaded, picking up on his telltale signs through your cock drunk haze, “not inside.”
But he didn’t listen to you as he just kept on fucking you till he pumped your pussy full of his cum. 
Panting and puffing above you, he still kept up shallow thrusts, rocking you against him and pushing his load out of your overly sensitive cunt with every piercing plunge. 
“Buck?” you heard yourself uttered as you found his dark gaze, though what stared back at you was not your love anymore as there was no recognition to be found in his eyes at all. 
Slamming you back against him hard enough for it to sting, you shuttered at the possibility that he was nowhere near done satisfying his carnal desire. 
But just before he could ruin you completely, a sliver of light began to dawn on the far side wall. Glancing out the window, you barely managed to spot the morning crest over the treetops in the distance. 
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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jackactuallywrites · 3 months
Hidden Paradise
Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x fem!reader
Rating: Explicit (detailed shagging)
Warnings: Unprotected sex and also shower sex which we all know is unsafe
Summary: You walk in on a man in the shower, it takes you seeing him in the skull mask a week later to realise it was Ghost, and he is very intrigued by your reaction
Notes: This absolutely wouldn’t be possible without @xxven my muse and pookie and beta reader who gave me the plot 🤍❤️ (also raven on TikTok for making a hot thirst trap that inspired a whole scene)
Word Count: 4,195 (I am very horny for ghost)
ao3 link
There was very little luxury to be found on a military base; your military fatigues were never soft, your boots were the cheapest given by the contractors, your bed squeaked every time you so much as moved an inch, and there wasn’t so much as a tealight allowed in the barracks.
However, you’d found a quiet sanctuary. Far from the rest of the buildings on the base, there was a small shower block, disused and forgotten about in favour of the newer, more convenient showers. The water pressure wasn’t all that great, and the tiles would probably never return to whatever shade of white they’d started out as, but all that mattered was that it was so wonderfully, blissfully quiet.
Silence was one of the hardest commodities to come across on a military base; there was always something going on, whether it be a training exercise with a hard-edged sergeant screaming at recruits or the grunts trying out whatever shiny new piece of equipment the government had seen fit to waste money on, but out there in the shower block, muffled by a copse of trees, there was nothing. Beautiful, precious, nothing.
Today had been yet another long lesson in tedium, worsened by the fact that your most beloved friends were out in the field, busy repairing the vehicles with whatever they could scavenge from the base. You already felt exhausted at the idea of how much paperwork you’d have to do after they’d torn through the place, and the day proved you right, with you having to go to every single place in the garages to check what stock had been taken as mechanics had an annoying habit of forgetting to write down what they’d used. It was long into the evening by the time you’d finally finished putting in the orders to replace every strange bit of junk the mechanics had used, and all you could think about was the long shower you were going to take.
The route through the forest was one of the only places you could get away with wearing your headphones and listening to music without getting scolded by the sergeant on patrol, and you took advantage of this privilege every time, blasting some classic disco music in your ears as you approached the shower block, blissfully unaware of the world outside. If not, you might have noticed the sound of the shower running.
As such, you walked into the block thinking of nothing but how your new eucalyptus shower steamer would smell, having got fairly good reviews online. You already had a favourite shower at this point, the one on the very end, with the best water pressure that the rusted old pipes could provide, though it had no door to speak of. You walked along the yellowed tile floor, passing by the empty showers until you finally reached your favourite one, only to find that it was very much not empty.
Standing under the sputtering stream of water was a tall, well-built man, his tan back glistening under the hundreds of droplets of water, highlighting the various white scars on his back, some of them small, some of them intimidatingly large. You couldn’t help but let your eyes wander down, admiring the muscles in his back and perfectly toned legs, as well as a surprisingly sculpted ass. Whoever he was, he was statuesque in his beauty, as though he had been carved out of marble, and as he turned around to face you, showcasing the golden hair that trailed down from his abs, you caught a glimpse of his shaft, thick and long, yet quickly covered by a large hand.
It was that movement that broke the lustful spell you were under, and your eyes finally stopped ogling his body and flicked up to his face. You didn’t recognise him, not his pale green eyes or his crooked nose, but you could absolutely recognise the outrage on his face, and you yanked down your headphones, keeping your eyes firmly above his waist, “I- I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise anyone was in here.” His voice was little more than a snarl, “Get out.” You had absolutely no desire to argue with a man built like that, so you gave a quick nod and hurried back out of the shower block, not willing to spend a single second more in his presence.
Since your encounter in the showers, not a single night had gone past where you hadn’t dreamed about the man, his body, his hands, the dark blond hair that led down his navel, and the thick veins on his forearms. It lurked in the back of your mind, eternally present as a lustful little memory to entertain you during the more boring moments of your day.
Yet again, you were in another meeting writing down what items had been used over the week and what needed to be ordered for the next month's exercise. It was made slightly more interesting by the fact that this time, you were working with the SAS, and not just that, but with some of the most feared soldiers there were, including the worst of the worst, Ghost .
You swore you could almost feel the insidious aura coming from the man in the skull mask, as though it was radiating off him in dark waves. When he spoke, his words were sharp and to the point, never expending more energy than was strictly necessary, and rarely directing his attention to you, sitting in silence and taking notes, not that you were complaining. Every time the man spoke, you felt the hairs on the back of your neck prickle as though your body was trying to warn you that he was dangerous. It was only toward the end of the meeting that you finally spoke up, standing and reciting everything that you’d written down in your notebook.
It was times like that where you’d have to put on a brave face as if you feared the room of men no more than a pack of kittens, making sure your voice was loud and firm, forcing them to listen to you. None of them seemed particularly interested; after all, you were a perfect, albeit boring professional, yet you remained undeterred, making eye contact with each of them. Even Ghost was looking at you; you could see those pale green eyes watching you from underneath his skull mask with a strange intensity. You remained undeterred, staring back at the man as you read out the various things that were in stock and what would have to be ordered, yet there was something niggling at the back of your head. Those eyes were strangely familiar.
It took you a second to remember, and then the barely buried memory came back: the beautiful man in the shower, his body glistening, his toned muscles, and the dark blond hair that covered his navel. The words in your mouth died on your tongue, and you saw Ghost’s eyebrow raise underneath his mask as if he was intrigued by your reaction to him. You cleared your throat, hoping that the heat you felt in your cheeks wouldn’t show up on your skin as you dropped your eyes back down to your notebook, pointedly ignoring him as you focused back on your task, ensuring that you hadn’t missed anything.
Inexplicably, Ghost spoke up, interrupting your admittedly dull recital of your list, “How soon can we get a restock of the M16 mags?” His question forced you to look over at him, and his pale green eyes seemed as though they were trying to drill right through your head. You refused to back down this time, meeting his gaze no matter how prevalent the image of his naked body was in your mind, even if you did stumble over your words as you flipped through the pages, “Those mags, uh, the ammo for the M16 that is, we ordered those last Tues-Wednesday , so they’ll be in by the end of this week.”
You couldn’t see his expression under his mask, but you could have sworn that it tugged in a way that suggested he was smirking underneath the black fabric, a touch of smugness in his eyes. Was he flirting with you? There was no possible way for you to find out in the middle of a full room, so you decided to put that tantalising idea to the side, wrapping up the last few items on your list and then glancing around the room, “If there’s anything else, please send me an itemised list by the end of the day.”
With that, the meeting was over, every soldier packing up their files, undoubtedly each one as bored as you, and you had little desire to spend any more time with them, especially with the suspiciously intense look Ghost was giving you, so you gave your farewells and left the room as quickly as you could, doing your best to rid your mind of the confusing thoughts whirling around in your mind. Ghost, the supposed ‘psycho’ killer, was flirting with you. Or perhaps threatening you. You weren’t entirely sure which. And yet, you had a strange desire to find out, that small part of you that longed to step into dangerous territory. But how could you? That meeting had been the only time you’d ever interacted with the man; other than your brief encounter in the shower, it didn’t seem like there would ever be another opportunity to be alone with him.
Regardless of how outraged he’d been previously, he’d seemed entirely intrigued by you in the meeting, almost amused. You’d seen the direction he was headed; if your mind wasn’t already overtaken with delusional optimism, you could have sworn that he was striding in the direction of the old shower block with what seemed like great determination.
This was one of those deciding moments, a fork in the path where you got to choose what the outcome would be: adherence to your usual routine or something far more thrilling. You could almost feel the clock ticking in your head, your time running short, and for once, you decided to be brave and at least a little bit stupid, heading to your barracks to pick up your things before heading out toward the shower block, adrenaline pounding in your veins as you made your way through the small woods to the brick building.
Even from the outside, you could hear the shuddering of the pipes as they desperately pumped water, your heart beginning to pick up the pace as you pushed open the heavy wooden door, closing it softly behind you, now able to hear the pattering of water on the tile floor and see the black clothing draped over the bench that ran the length of the wall. You walked down the centre of the block, approaching the last stall on the end, and yet, you couldn’t take that final step. Everything below the waist was screaming at you to leap into the shower with the man, yet your brain conjured images of the humiliating HR meeting you’d be in if you had, in fact, entirely misinterpreted what were admittedly very subtle hints. You didn’t dare push over that line with a man so far above you in rank, but you weren’t prepared to entirely give up, so you merely slunk into the stall next to his, stripping off your uniform and hanging it on the backside of the door, pulling it to and surrendering yourself to an unsatisfying shower.
The shower head shuddered as you twisted the knob for water, a few spats of water dripping out, yet nothing more. There was a good reason you stuck to that end stall; almost every other shower there had been neglected to the point of failure. You took this as a sign to give up, turning around to get your things, only to find Ghost standing in the now open doorway.
There was nothing but a towel lazily wrapped around his hips to cover him up, his blond hair already soaked, water leaving little trails down his body, pulling your eyes down. You quickly snapped your attention back to his face, your hands already going to cover your chest and between your legs instinctually. Ghost’s eyes lingered on your body before finally flicking to the broken shower head, then back to your face. You could see that intrigued twinkle in his eyes as he gave you a slightly smug smirk, gesturing toward the other shower stall with his head, “Mine works. We should share.”
You almost couldn’t believe what he was suggesting. The exact situation had been playing out in your mind ever since you’d seen him naked, yet never once had you made the connection between your shower Adonis and Lieutenant Ghost. The two couldn’t be reconciled in your head, but you quickly decided that this was a problem to be solved later, if at all. You turned your non-functioning shower off, though slightly reluctant to use the hand covering your chest to do so, and then walked out of the stall, ducking under Ghost’s arm holding the door open for you, and rounding the corner into the warm stream of the only functional shower, allowing the water to wash away all the important questions that should have been asked, only focusing on the present moment.
Though you’d chosen to face away from him, you could still hear the noise of his towel hitting the wall as he tossed it aside, your entire body tensing up as you felt his presence behind you, the nerves nipping at the back of your mind. You didn’t dare turn to look at him, trying to find something else to focus on to quiet your frenzied brain, your eyes flicking to the one bottle of his on the floor in the shower, trying to figure out what scent ‘original’ was supposed to be, and whether one liquid really could be shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.
Your thoughts on his toiletries were brought to an instant halt at the first touch of his hand on your hip, a questioning touch as though he was gauging your interest before moving any further. He might have been feared special forces, yet here, you retained a level of control, of security. You relaxed into his touch, leaning back until you bumped up against his chest, and his arm snaked around your stomach, wrapping tightly around your waist as he stepped forward into the stream from the shower, his head dipping down to rest in the crook of your neck. You could feel his other hand trail a path up your thigh before it, too, wrapped around you, pulling you snug against him in a tight embrace, like a man starved for any sort of touch.
For a moment, the two of you remained in that simple intimacy, your arms resting on top of his, enjoying the sheer pleasure of his embrace. Your hands were the first to move, your fingertips gently trailing over the muscles in his forearms, admiring the strength in them, unable to hold back a smile as you saw the not-so-subtle way he flexed them for you. His hand moved then, and you followed them with your own, one trailing down over your hipbone to the top of your thigh, gently stroking the skin there, the other one shifting up until it was just underneath your breast, pausing right before he touched anywhere interesting.
Clearly, he wasn’t about to touch anywhere without your explicit permission, and you decided to test him, pulling his left hand up until it was settled over your breast. His fingers paused, and you felt the tenseness in his arms, yet after a beat, he stretched out his fingers, tracing a little pattern over the swell of your breast, circling your nipple before his hand covered your boob entirely, gently squeezing it in his hand. You could feel his breathing growing heavier, every exhale blowing air over the skin of your neck, but you had no intention of stopping, relaxing into his touch, letting your head fall back against his shoulder, your eyes closed. The hand on your thigh had grown tight, fingers digging into your flesh, and you began to move his hand further in to where you could feel a growing need for his touch.
The further you moved his hand, the tighter his grip on your chest got, pulling you closer against him until you could finally feel his hardness pressed against the small of your back. His clear excitement emboldened you further, and you pushed his hand firmly between your legs, letting his fingers slightly part your labia to rest on your clit. That action earned you a low growl from him, and he buried his face into your shoulder as he pushed his fingers further down, touching the slick wetness beginning to leak out of your needy pussy. The second he felt your wetness, he drew his fingers back from you, digging them into your hip and pulling you firmly against him, rubbing the bridge of his nose against your neck as though he was trying to ground himself in the moment.
You had no problem allowing him to take his time, focusing on the simple pleasure of the warm water on your skin and the heat emanating from his chest to your back. His hand moved back to your pussy, more determined than before, as he slid his fingers down your slit, gently probing your slick hole with his fingers. As he slowly slid one in, he let out a strangled groan, shifting his face so he could bite down on the flesh of your neck, his other hand massaging your breast as his finger began to easily slip inside you. He stretched his thumb up to rest on your clit as he gently began to pump his finger in and out of you, rubbing in little circles, and you couldn’t help but let out a little moan.
The slightest of noises from you seemed to spur him on, and he pushed another finger inside you, beginning to kiss and suck at your neck as he did so, your body easily accepting his two fingers, and so he followed it with a third, his dick twitching with excitement against your back as all three of his fingers sank inside you without resistance.
Whatever good sense you had left was beginning to dissipate in the haze of your lust, and you reached your hand behind you to wrap around his cock, slowly beginning to stroke him as he gently fucked you with his fingers. He rewarded you with a soft groan in your ear, and so you quickened your pace, beginning to pump his dick in earnest, wanting him to receive the same pleasure as you. Your body was eagerly opening up around him, and the last bit of your intelligence vanished as your desperation for him overpowered you, and you begged for stupidity in two words.
“Fuck me.”
There was no hesitance in Ghost’s touch now as he pulled his fingers out of you, turning you to face him and then bending down to grab your thighs and lift you up, pinning you to the cool, damp wall of the shower stall. You could see the lust in his eyes as he shifted to hold you with only one hand, the other quickly moving to his dick, positioning it at your slick entrance and then slowly beginning to lower you down onto him. There was no comparison to the pleasure you felt, not only from feeling him slide into you, but to watch his face as he did so, his open lips, the desperate look in his eyes, his gaze entirely focused on you as though you were Aphrodite herself. You sunk your teeth into your lip to stop yourself from moaning out loud as you felt him stretch out your insides, yet you let your hands dig into his shoulders, your nails raking his skin as you felt every inch of him.
When you finally sunk down to the base of his cock, he leant forwards to rest his head on the wall beside you, clearly struggling to contain his composure, his hand digging into the flesh of your thigh, the other splayed out on the cool tile wall. He took a second to breathe before he began to slowly thrust up into you, his hand shifting from your thigh to your hip to pin you in place. Even in your wetness, you could feel how big he was, filling you up so perfectly, and you arched your back against him, desperate to feel every inch of him inside you. His eyes were on you now, and he moved his hands from the wall to your lips, tugging your bottom lip out from between your teeth and issuing you a singular command, his gaze intense.
“I want to hear you.”
Even in your pleasure, you couldn’t stop yourself from obeying a command from your superior officer, and you let out the moans you’d been holding back, tightening your legs around his waist to pull him into you as much as possible, your fingers raking against his back as he fucked you, his hips beginning to move more forcefully against you. His fingers now moved to your hair, brushing the errant strands out of your face and then shifting down to cup your cheek, lifting your face, his voice soft, “Look at me.”
There was no mistaking the utter lust in his gaze when you looked up at him, yet you could also see quite a great deal of tenderness, of genuine care, which only served to heighten your pleasure, your hands moving from his shoulders to the back of his neck as you clung to him, desperately grinding your hips against him. He picked up his pace further yet still restrained himself from fully slamming into you, his grip like a vice on your thigh. His voice grew hoarser as he caressed your cheek with his thumb, clearly strained, “Touch yourself.”
In another situation, you might have felt insecure, yet you were entirely awash in lustful pleasure, and so you obeyed, reaching down with one hand to begin rubbing circles around your increasingly sensitive clit, feeling that same build of pleasure in your core as Ghost fucked you faster still, his expression growing more desperate by the second. He leant forward to whisper his final command against your lips.
“Come for me.”
Your body seemed honour-bound to obey him as your pussy clenched around his dick, your pleasure building until it finally crescendoed, with Ghost’s lips crashing onto yours as you finished, his hips moving frantically as he desperately fucked you, his thrusts stuttering as he finally shot his load deep inside you, his body crushing yours into the wall in a tight embrace. Your kisses became softer as the both of you came down from your frenzied high, his grip on your body loosening slightly, your death grip around his neck becoming less deadly.
With a satisfied groan, Ghost let himself sink to the floor, pulling you down along with him into his lap, letting his dick remain inside you as you settled more comfortably on top of him, resting against his chest as he lazily wrapped his arms around your lower back, cradling you against him. After such bodily heat, the comparatively cool water of the shower felt heavenly on your skin, washing away your intermingled sweat.
You probably could have slept there, with Ghost still buried inside you, yet he was not so spellbound. With a gentle movement, he pulled his softening length out of you, reaching over to grab the bottle of soapy liquid he’d left on the floor. Then, he repositioned you so you were now sitting in between his legs, his thick thighs boxing you in as he opened the bottle behind you. You weren’t entirely sure what he was doing, nor did you care, still awash in a pleasant afterglow. The touch of his fingers gently massaging the liquid into your hair was a heavenly surprise, and you practically melted into his hands, a human-sized pile of putty perfectly manipulated by him. He ran his fingers through the length of your hair, thoroughly soaping up every strand before he let the cool water wash away the suds.
Then, he got to work on your body. Never had you been so grateful for three-in-one soap as it meant you didn’t have to miss a second of his warm chest against your back as he began to soap up your body, his fingers incredibly gentle against your skin, paying attention to every single part of you, and then letting you lean back against his chest as the water washed everything away, his arms coming to rest around your waist. Every single care of yours seemed to follow the soap down the train as you relaxed into him, enjoying the way he rested his chin on your head as you closed your eyes, finally entirely at ease.
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chyeyuj · 4 months
hey, can i request for hanni x drunk reader where you eat her out on the kitchen countertop while she tries to get quiet (reader came home drunk with minji and reader is oblivious that hanni likes her and got jealous with reader and minji so you eat her out to compensate to her being pouty and jealous also her pulling reader’s hair…. i need her)
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pairings : pham hanni x fem!reader
warnings : uhh, sub hanni receiving, jealous phammie, drunk reader, eating out in the kitchen
note : did this when i felt rlly sleepy so ignore how i basically repeated the same sentence from my last fic + doesnt make any sense
hanni stared at the time on her phone for the nth time, waiting for you to come back. you promised her you would watch a movie her after the party and not get drunk but it looks like you broke your promise. hanni was about to give up and go to sleep until she heard the door open which revealed minji with you on her side, hugging her arms. "oh, i thought nobody was going to be home. i was just about to stay with yn." minji said, letting out a sigh of relief. she brought you to the couch to let you sit and rest but you tugged on her jacket, looking up at her with a pout. "you're going to leave me?" you murmured, your words a bit slurred. "yeah but dont worry, hanni is here with you. she'll take care of you." minji reassures you, giving a light pat on the back before heading towards the door. "also, yn is a bit grumpy when she's drunk so goodluck with that." minji had told hanni but all she received was hanni glaring at her so she quickly left, gently closing the door. "not you acting as if you know yn better than me." hanni grumbles and walked to you who was leaning against the couch, mumbling random things. "yn get up and take a shower, you smell like alcohol." hanni grabs you by the arm, gently pulling you up but you resisted. "dont tell me what to do, you're not minji." you look at her with hooded eyes, she could see how red your face was, you probably drank alot. "oh so you prefer minji over me? the person who has been there for you for a long time?" hanni started getting a bit upset that you chose minji over her. "you're drunk, you probably didnt mean it." she thought to herself to make her feel better but it didnt seem to work because she suddenly remembered how close you and minji are, even the others thought you both were dating.
hanni grits her teeth, trying to calm herself down. "fine, then let her take care of you." she said before storming off to the kitchen while you sat there, slightly dumbfounded. it took you a while to process what happened and you quickly got up from the sofa, stumbling a little then walking to where hanni went. you saw her leaning against the counter with her arms crossed and pouting. sighing, you walked your way towards her and held her hips. "are you sulking now?" you asked, looking down at her with a frown. she didn't seem to reply, only looking away from you and pouting. you stared at her for a while before an idea crossed your mind. you pulled her up, and placed her on the counter which surprised her. and without warning, you pulled her shorts down, surprisingly and you almost tore her panties off. "what are you doing?-" she gasped and you simply looked at her with a smirk. "trying to cheer you up of course." you replied, not wasting any time and diving in, lapping up her wet folds.
hanni's moans were like music to your ears, her hand was finding its way through your hair, tugging on it. she grinds against your face, the tip of your nose constantly hitting her clit which had her nearing the edge. "mngh..yn- don't stop please...im almost there.." she moaned out, pulling on your hair a bit more hard, causing you to groan. you did it even faster and harder, her legs began shaking as she pulled you closer, cumming on your face.
you pulled away, looking at her with a lazy smile. you didnt even bother wiping the cum off your face and just straight away kissed her, letting her taste her own fluids. "feeling any better?" you asked and hanni nods, nuzzling your neck. hanni knows for sure she wont forget what happened tonight.
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mooshywrites · 4 months
Hello there, I just wanted to start off by saying how much I adore your works!
Would I be able to request the companions reacting to a drow reader who is surprisingly kind and gentle but is still treated with distrust by people? I always found it odd how none of the companions reacted to Tav being treated poorly due to being a drow, especially considering how out of there way they go for others!
Thank you so much!
A/N - I know it would probably be wayyyyy too much game data to include tons of class and race specific lines, but this one I really feel like they should’ve gone into! If anyone reads this and has free time, do some research into drow and especially driders. It’s all a fascinating world
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art commissions
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Wyll -
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~ Wyll was suspicious of you in the beginning, as much as he hated to admit.
~ It changed when he heard how you went out of your way to save a little tiefling boy from a gaggle of harpies
~ After that, he paid a lot of attention with how different you were to the drows he had heard of
~ He asked casual questions about your background, not so subtly trying to figure you out
~ The longer he knew you, the more he took issue when people would lump you in with the drow stereotype
~ Instead of confronting people, he filled every conversation when meeting someone knew with little tales and jokes about how great you are. How the group would fall apart without your kindness in direction
~ “I wish the world would see you the way that I do.”
Karlach -
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~ Karlach was one of the most non-judgmental people you knew. To the point that she was one of the first people to treat you no different to anyone else
~ It also took her a bit to see the difference in how others treated you
~ She couldn’t quite wrap her head around why people treated you like you were shifty, all she knew was sunshine and rainbows when you were around
~ It took you crying for the first time to really heat Karlach up
~ It had been a long day and a shopkeeper refused to sell you any healing potions. He thought you were going to poison them and resell them
~ All the stress of the day caught up with you as the shopkeeper yelled, tears stating to run down your face
~ Karlach ran red hot, flames jumping from her body as she got all up in the storekeepers face
~ You were able to leave with an armful of free health potions, a very warm kiss on your forehead, and a very smiley Karlach herding you back to camp
~ “Anyone ever talks to you like that again, you just come tell Mumma K”
Astarion -
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~ Astarion actually had the nerve to be disappointed when he realized how sweet you were
~ Everyone in camp seemed to have such high moral standards, he was hopeful at least you would lean more towards debochary
~ The annoyance didn’t last long though, it was hard to have a frown when you were near by
~ He might’ve acted exasperated by you bringing home a new less fortunate every night, but he was all grins when you weren’t looking
~ It gave him some hope, seeing you break away what everyone thought you were
~ You had people from all angles acting like you were one step away from pillaging their home, but you never offered anything but kindness.
~ “You make me feel like I can be a good person, too.”
Lae’zel -
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~ Lae’zel didn’t see much point in being overly kind, so you mostly just confused her in the beginning
~ She couldn’t understand why you wouldn’t just go along with the stereotypes. It would probably be easier in the long run
~ What she couldn’t understand even more, though, is why she felt anger every time someone spoke down to you
~ Often times, she’d have quite the strong words for whoever was insulting you
~ The days she were also the nights she spent trying to convince you to act meaner
~ She was convinced it was the only way you could make it through the journey without being attacked from every side
~ You simply shook your head and told her you’d always choose the gentle path
~ “Chhk. Fine. I will be mean enough for the both of us.”
Halsin -
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~ Halsin was much too old to believe in most stereotypes. But even you surprised him
~ He often watched you in the evenings, watched how you interacted with the various critters you brought home
~ You were so gentle and attentive, you didn’t even know ‘Speak Animals’ but you understood them completely
~ It warmed his heart to see how nature and all it’s charges reacted to you, it genuinely seemed that even the birds were attracted to your presence
~ He couldn’t even take people seriously when they spoke down to you
~ Their opinions were meaningless to him because he just couldn’t imagine you being anything other than lovely
~ Instead of arguing, he’d shower you in compliments afterwards, always making sure to patch up any piece of your insecurity that they had left
~ “They may not know it, but I and nature can see what a blessing you are to the world.”
Shadowheart -
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~ Shadowheart was annoyed with how quickly she came to love and trust you
~ Something about your smiles and attitude were absolutely infectious, and she wondered how you kept it up when everyone thought you to be evil
~ She was even more impressed with how you brushed off naysayers comments
~ She’d tease you pretty often, she was the one who started calling you “The Gentle Drow”
~ As much as she affectionately tease you, she absolutely hated when people tried teasing you back
~ Even if it was good natured, or even coming from a companion, the tease was met with a very harsh glare from Shadowheart
~ She would outright shush people you didn’t know if they tried to insult you. Usually people dropped their jaw at the interaction
~ “Speak ill of my friend again, and I’ll relieve you of the use of your tongue.”
Gale -
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~ Gale was absolutely fascinated with you
~ He didn’t really have an expectation of you being horrible, but he found it interesting that ‘The Hero of Farun’ was such a gentle and shy clutz
~ He often spoke to you as if he was talking to a science project, trying to get to the bottom of what made you so kind
~ He was thankful you were, it reminded him about how much people could decide for themselves
~ It surprised him when people insulted you, he was mostly shocked people had the gall to say things to your face
~ He was even more taken aback when, every time, you let the comments go, offering only kindness in return
~ Gale quite enjoyed walking around in public with you, almost cataloging how you interacted with people
~ Anytime you looked particularly weary from the constant abuse, he never failed to offer a joke
~ Once, a kid ran past, pointing at you and yelling that you were here to pillage the town
~ Gale simply picked up the edge of your scarf and put on a stoic face
~ “Not to worry, citizen. My drow is on a tight leash.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
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555 notes · View notes
slayfics · 2 months
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Katsuki plays with your cat. 900 words
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You puttered around your room folding your laundry and placing it in your drawers. Your music softly played in the background from your speaker. Katsuki sat on your bed waiting for you to finish so you both could get started studying.
As he waited your cat came to jump up on the bed and join him. Katsuki reached out to pet her and she instantly began to purr, rolling on her back to give him access to her stomach.
"She really likes you," You mused.
"Yeah- it's because I'm not one of those annoying extras, they have too much energy. Cats don't like that," He spoke, rubbing her belly as she continued to purr.
"Hmm or- maybe it's because you're cute," You teased.
"HAH?! Shut the hell up," He barked. Your cat startled by his exclamation, jumped back to her feet. However, it didn't take her long to approach him again, she rubbed up against his arm indicating she wanted more pets.
Katsuki averted his gaze back to the cat, but you noticed the warmth that crept up on his cheeks from your words. It never failed to make you smile when he flustered at your compliments.
You turned your back to Katsuki to finish up the last of your clothes. Assuming you were distracted with your laundry Katsuki continued to play with your cat. From the reflection in your mirror, you caught him picking up her two front paws and bouncing her from side to side- as if she were dancing to the music playing from your speaker.
You had to stop yourself from having an audible reaction to the adorable shocking site. It was rare to see Katsuki playful, and making a cat dance isn't something you'd ever imagine him doing. Not to mention no one else would be able to get away with handling your cat that way. She had a temper of her own. Maybe that's why she got along so well with the blond.
You admired the sight for a bit longer before deciding to take a risk. You pulled your phone from your back pocket and flipped the camera around to record over your shoulder. It took a few moments before Katsuki looked up to see you recording.
"THE HELL!?" He yelled dropping your cat's paws. "GIVE ME THAT DAMN PHONE BRAT!"
You quickly slipped your phone back into your pocket as you laughed. Katsuki lunged for you; you dodged him running to the other side of your room.
"Come on Bakugo- I won't show anyone promise~" You pleaded.
"Fuck no- give it here!" He said holding his hand out.
"Mmnnm-," You shook your head no defiantly.
"You know you won't beat me," he said raising an eyebrow at you, but you inched closer to the door ready to make a run for it.
"Last chance!" He warned, you ignored him and quickly jumped for the door. Before you could even put your hand on the handle- Katsuki had wrapped his arms around your waist and tossed you over his shoulder.
"Put me down Bakugo!" You laughed and tapped your fists to his back kicking your legs to try and get him to lose his grip.
"Careful what you wish for!" He said mischievously before tossing you onto the bed and pinning you down. "Hand over the phone." He said, but his words were lost in your laughter.
Katsuki looked down at you laughing beneath him, your wrists pinned above your head. He couldn't help the smirk that rose on his lips at the sound of your laughter filling the room.
Your laughter subsided enough for you to look up at him, you caught a glimpse of the smirk on his face and the soft look in his eyes. You both fell silent as the tension grew between your sustained eye contact. The soft look did not leave Katsuki's face as he continued to admire you, his hand squeezing your wrist a little tighter, his cheeks flushing just a bit.
The moment got the best of you, and before you could convince yourself out of it- you pressed your lips to his. Katsuki squeezed your wrists tighter as your lips made contact with his. You lingered there for a few moments- just enough to give yourself time to preserve the moment in your memories. His lips were surprisingly soft, and his blond spikes brushed against your forehead at the closeness.
You pulled away eager to see the look in his eyes. Katsuki didn't move, he stayed still in place, frozen. His face was flushed from the tip of his nose to his ears and his face was adorned with a look you'd never see before.
"You look cute blushing like that," you said smiling at him.
As if he was finally brought back to his senses Katsuki blinked and his eyebrows furrowed, "I AM NOT BLUSHING!"
You didn't argue but kissed the tip of his nose this time, "You know~ if you wanted to get on top of me, you could have just asked," you teased.
"Fucking brat- I hate you," He spoke as he closed the distance between you both again, placing another kiss on your lips.
"Hate me harder," You taunted, and Katsuki placed a fervent kiss on your lips as he lost all memory of what had started this in the first place. Allowing the video to remain safely on your phone for days to come.
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tags: @queenpiranhadon @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @i-heart-carlisle @derangedmango @matchat3a @bakugouswaif @reneinii @zanarkandskylines @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z
401 notes · View notes
cosmic-whispers · 11 months
Find Out - Azriel x Reader
Summary: Azriel overhears a conversation you have with your friends where you admit your feelings for him. When he decides to confront you, he finds you in a rather compromising position. 
Word Count: 6.7k
Warnings: kind of a creepy, pervy Az (lol, he watches reader touch herself), secondhand embarrassment, SMUT (oral-both, shadow play hehe)
A/N: ngl, writing has been tough lately. I feel like I’m just trying to push words out and it’s taking forever to get anything out. Anyways, this is cute, I guess, but still not sure how I feel about it. This was inspired by a request i got.  I hope you enjoy 6.7k works of Azriel just buffering and being a mess and a little bit of a creep (but we can’t stop loving him). Also, this is nasty. Enjoy!
The light, crisp breeze of the summer evening caressed your cheeks and gently blew your hair back as you made your way down the streets of Velaris. The setting sun set the world alight in golden hues and you cherished the last rays of sun as you made your way home to the Townhouse. 
Nesta, Emorie, and Gwyn had invited you to your first official girls night with them and the excitement had been building since earlier that morning. Having known the Inner Circle for less than two months, you were filled with appreciation at your new friends’ kindness to include you. You had finished their book recommendation and came prepared with an extensive list of notes about the characters, the romance, and the spice. You were promised a fun night full of delicious wine and riveting conversations.
You approached the house, the excitement adding a spring to your step. You were ready to relax and have fun, it had been entirely too long and you had been working entirely too hard. The rustle of flapping wings caught your attention and you turned, watching as Azriel descended from the sky, clad in his leathers and shadows swimming around him. Your heart fluttered in your chest as he landed in front of you, wings spread magnificently behind him and his siphons bathing him in a gentle blue light. 
You smiled at him as he approached you and he offered you a tired grin in return. 
“Hello, Azriel,” you said, looking up at him as he stood before you. “Welcome back.”
“It’s good to be back,” he said. His deep voice and the way his eyes remained on yours made heat rise to your face and you had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from admitting just how much you missed him. He had been away for the last two weeks on a mission from Rhysand, and it was too long of a time to go without his kindness and soft smiles. 
He leaned down towards you and pulled you close, his arms wrapping around your waist and giddy excitement spread through you. Your own hands wrapped around his shoulders and he heaved a sigh, burrowing his face into the side of your neck. You knew he could hear the rapid pounding of your heart and were grateful that he didn’t mention it. 
“I missed you,” he mumbled into your neck. His warm breath spread across your skin and you shuddered in his arms, engulfed entirely in him and the scent of cedar and mist. You wished you could stay in his arms forever. 
“I missed you, too,” you admitted. He let go of you, straightening his spine, and took a step away from you. Tendrils of shadows brushed against your bare arms, making you giggle until their master reeled them back in. He began walking with you the rest of the way to the Townhouse. 
“I hope these past two weeks without me have not been too hard on you,” he teased, gently bumping your shoulder. 
“It’s been dreadful. Rhysand and Nesta won’t leave me alone without my favorite shadowsinger there to protect me.”
“I believe I’m the only shadowsinger you know.” He smiled playfully at you, his eyes shining with amusement. You smiled back at him, taking the opportunity to admire just how breathtaking Azriel was when he was relaxed and smiling. 
“You're in a good mood,” you commented. “I take it your mission went well?”
“Yes, surprisingly,” he commented, although he did not elaborate further. 
You decided to press your luck. Curiosity ruled you, and you wondered why Rhysand had you research cult organizations within the continent. You pondered whether that was something that Azriel was sent to handle.  “Why did Rhys send you all the way to Montesere?”
“Careful, I might begin suspecting you're a spy sent to infiltrate Velaris,” he teased, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. If you hadn’t known him as well as you did, the slight flicker of amusement in the corner of his lips may have gone completely unnoticed. 
“Oh, no, you’ve discovered my evil plot. Is the big, bad Spymaster going to take me to his dungeon?”
You teased him, but the sudden image of you chained in his torture chamber, fully nude, and being punished in rather enjoyable ways flashed through your mind and you nearly gasped out loud. 
He leaned down close to your ear and murmured, “keep teasing me, and I just might need to.” His deep, gravelly voice echoed pleasantly in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine and adding fuel to the images filtering through your mind. You struggled to formulate a coherent response and gratefulness filled you as you made it to the Townhouse. 
He smirked as he opened the door for you, allowing you to enter the home before following after you. You took two steps before being intercepted by your friend. Nesta was smirking at you as she noticed the Illyrian behind you. Although you had never admitted your feelings to her, Nesta had quickly guessed your infatuation with the bat boy trailing behind you. She had tried encouraging you to pursue him but you had always turned her ideas down knowing that he did not feel the same for you. 
“Welcome back, Azriel,” she said and he nodded at her in thanks. 
“(Y/N),” she said, shifting her attention back to you, “I was going to ask what took you so long, but I think I’ve got a pretty good idea now.” Her gaze shifted back to Azriel and you glared at her. 
“I lost track of time in the city library,” you said, defending yourself against her. 
Azriel still lingered behind you and Nesta shifted her attention back to him. “She’s mine tonight, Spymaster. Find someone else to spend your time with. It’s her first girl’s night and I won’t let anyone interrupt. We’re going to get her to spill all her dirty secrets!”
“Nesta!” you exclaimed, laughing at your friend’s enthusiasm.
“Good luck, (Y/N),” Azriel said and you glanced back up at him. He winked at you and you felt heat rise to your cheeks and ears. 
“Thanks, I have a strong suspicion that I’ll need it.”
“You’re both being very dramatic. All she needs is some good alcohol in her system,” Nesta said, taking your arm and pulling you away from the Shadowsinger and into the living room. You glanced back at him one last time, catching his honey gaze. Butterflies erupted in your stomach when he smiled at you and you gave him a quick wave, quickly turning your attention to Emorie and Gwyn, who waited for you with excited smiles on their faces. 
Sleep would not claim Azriel. The time neared midnight and despite the gathering downstairs, the house was quiet. He had bathed, washing the grime off and felt infinitely better. Yet, when he laid down, he found himself wide awake, rushing thoughts infiltrating his mind. Thoughts of you infiltrated his mind full speed. He could not stop thinking about you, and the ache that he felt in his heart every time he saw you. He tried to drown the image of you smiling by concentrating on thoughts of his successful mission and all the useful information he had gathered, but his concentration would wane entirely too quickly back to you. 
He decided on a midnight snack, hoping something sweet and perhaps a boring book would lull him to sleep. He descended the stairs silently, pajama pants hanging lowly on his hips and his bare chest exposed. 
He made his way toward the kitchen, steps as silent as the night, until your sweet laugh stopped him short. 
“Pour her more wine!” he heard Emorie exclaim and the sound of liquid pouring into glass followed. 
“Come on, (Y/N),” Nesta teased. “I already know you have a crush on him. You just have to admit it to all of us.”
His heart stopped in his chest, shock washing over him like ice water. You had feelings for someone? A ripple of anger surged through him as he imagined this unknown, faceless male that had stolen his mate away from him.
He had felt nothing but utter bliss the moment that the bond had snapped for him. You had been working with Rhysand and Amren researching ancient scrolls for a week and he had just returned from a brief stint in the Spring Court. He remembered that summer afternoon, walking into the library in the House of Wind, an unfamiliar scent mixing with the air. He had found you pouring over a massive tome, hair a bit frazzled and an exasperated look on your face. You had looked at him then–the rays of sunshine coming in from the windows making your face gleam. His heart had belonged to you the moment your eyes had met; his admiration for you–his soulmate–quickly turning into love as he got to know you. 
And you had no idea.
He had wanted to tell you, but doubts had quickly clouded his judgement. Initially, he convinced himself that you might not be ready for the level of commitment that the bond often implied. But it quickly turned into self-doubt–how could he confess and force the affliction of having him as your mate on to you? He was not worthy of you. And now he was too late. Now, he would be forced to watch you fall in love with someone else. 
Your giggle broke him out of his thoughts. “If you already know, then why do I need to say it?”
“Because it’s good to confess your feelings instead of keeping them bottled up,” Gwyn said. “Please, (Y/N), you know I have no interest in a romantic relationship right now. I have to live vicariously through you!”
“Fine,” you said, an exasperated sigh escaping you. You paused for a moment, the clinking of the wine glass chiming softly in Azriel’s ear. His shadows were desperate for release, fighting against their master to go to you, but he reeled them in tightly, unwilling to give his position away. 
“You cannot say anything to him. I really like him and I don’t need you three meddling and ruining our friendship.”
“Yes, yes. Now who is it?” Emorie said. 
“Mother above, look at how embarrassed she looks; she is so in love!” Nesta exclaimed and you groaned, but did not deny it. 
Gwyn squealed and Emorie joined her giggling as they drunkenly promised to keep your secrets. 
“Who is it?” Nesta teased. 
Azriel knew it was wrong to eavesdrop. He knew he should leave well enough alone and go back to his room and accept any decision you made as long as you were happy. His heart was already shattered within his chest; anything else he heard would just be salt on the wound. But his feet remained firm in their place, his shadows growing deathly silent around him as he waited for your answer. A fucking masochist is what he was. 
“You already know it’s Azriel.”
He was stunned into a daze for a moment, before warmth began to spread from his chest to the tip of his fingers and he did not even register the corners of his lips rising into a smile. 
“He’s just so kind and sweet and gentle. A little mysterious, but that’s the best part,” you continued, giggling. “He’s made me feel so welcome and he likes spending time with me. I feel like I can be myself around him. It doesn’t hurt that he’s so damn gorgeous. I can barely look at him!”
“I think you should tell him! I see the way he looks at you,” Emorie said. He wanted to hug her. 
“I don’t know. I don’t think he feels the same way and I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” you said and he rolled his eyes at you. Silly, little thing. How could you not know that you were the single most important thing in his life? How could you not know how his heart beat for you and only you?
“Well, I think you should put your big girl pants on and tell him,” Nesta said. “Just think about all the fun you’ll get to have!”
An image of you, kneeling ass up in his bed, flashed through his mind and he had to fight the dirty thoughts in his head to be able to focus. 
“Yes!” Emorie exclaimed. “You know that the size of Illyrian wings correlates with their dick size! If we’re just going off his wings, that male is packing.”
The entire group began laughing and unadulterated male pride surged within him. If only they knew how accurate they were. 
“I suppose the wings could be fun,” you said and trailed off.
“But?” Gwyn asked, baiting you into answering and Azriel vowed to get her that book she had been talking about non stop.
You giggled before answering. “But I’ve always wondered what he can do with those little shadows.”
The squeals and laughter grew loud. He heard a chair being pushed back, and quickly drew back up the stairs and into his bedroom without a sound, a smile etched on his face. 
This was not like him. The regularly stoic, unfeeling Spymaster of the Night Court felt giddy. He knew that the bond had not snapped for you yet. You were falling for him entirely on your own and he felt his heart swell with emotion. 
He knew sleep would not come to him that night. While it would usually evade him due to nightmares or too many thoughts, he knew that night would only be filled with the thought of you. You had feelings for him. You fantasized about him. He sat on his balcony, nursing a cup of wine as he looked up at the stars and contemplated the future. He was so damn close to having you. 
Your room was across from his, deliberately chosen by Rhys in an effort to get Azriel to get closer to you. He had heard you enter your chambers within the last hour and had to force his shadows to stay put, although he was finding it harder and harder to contain himself. He debated whether to go to you or not. 
You had feelings for him–had admitted as much out loud. Yet, apprehension still clung to him. Having a crush on him did not mean that you would accept the bond. Accept him. Perhaps you needed more time to solidify your feelings. Or perhaps he was being a coward and should speak with you, before his opportunity fades away from him. 
He stood decidedly and traversed the length of his room with large strides. He crossed the hallway and gently rapped his knuckles against your door before he could second-guess himself. There was no going back. 
He took a deep breath as no sound greeted him. 
He knocked on the door again, to the same answering silence. 
“(Y/N)?” he called out. He slowly pushed the door open, ensuring it was quiet in case you had fallen asleep. Glancing into the room, he found it completely empty. He had not heard you leave and his shadows had not detected you either. A pang of worry worked its way down his spine, before he heard a sound from the adjoining bath room. 
“Mmm.” It was your voice, low and husky and full of pleasure. He froze on the spot, blood rushing to his face and further south and he heard his heartbeat loud in his ears. He was hardly conscious of his legs, moving him closer and closer to the door until he was standing right in front of it. He stared at the dark wood, imagining what sight would greet him if he opened the door. 
You moaned once more and he gasped as the husky scent of your arousal reached his nose. It was making him slightly delirious, and he rested his head against the wooden surface of the door, trying to compose himself. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, but realized too late that it had been a mistake. Your heady scent invaded every crevice of his brain and it felt like he was a hormonal teenager again, nothing in his brain except you. He reeled his shadows tight to himself, despite their clear desire to go to you. They angrily buzzed around his body, begging him to release them. His hand made it to the front of his pants, rubbing the throbbing erection through the soft material of his pants. 
It was wrong. It was so wrong. It was a complete invasion of your privacy, but he could not find it within himself to walk away. 
“Yes, Azriel,” you sighed and it stopped the movement of his hand short, the sound of you moaning his name lighting every nerve ending of his body on fire. It’s almost like you were a siren, summoning and enticing him and he took the bait without thought or hesitation. His hand wrapped around the handle of the door and he slowly turned it, pulling it open and making his way silently past the threshold. 
You were enveloped in the giant, ivory tub in the center of the room and faced away from him, not noticing him inside. He stayed where he was near the entrance and observed you. Your head rested back against the rim of the tub, eyes scrunched shut in pleasure, mouth opened as panting breaths escaped you. Your wet skin glistened in the faelight and he was entranced. 
You looked ethereal–like a goddess personified into flesh right before his eyes. He glanced at the mirror that stood in front of you, nearly gasping out loud at the sight of your pert nipples peeking out from the surface of the bath water. Your hand was submerged, arm moving in a quick, controlled movement as you brought pleasure to yourself. 
Gods, you were perfection. Everything about you enthralled him, excited him, and he wanted to own every part of you and for you to own every part of him. He yearned desperately for you. 
Your panting grew rapid, the moans escaping you more frequently now and he knew you were on the verge of your orgasm. His eyes remained glued to the reflection of your face, taking in every detail, every movement, every expression you made as you hit your peak. Your back arched, exposing your full breasts to his desperate gaze and he nearly came in his pants from the sight alone. 
Your body relaxed into the water and you sighed in satisfaction. Your eyes opened lazily as a delighted smile grew on your face. Looking forward, you froze as your gaze met his in the mirror. His breath caught in his chest as you gasped loud, submerging yourself further into the water and turning your body to face him. Shit. 
Your eyes were wide and your heartbeat had increased. He could almost feel the heat burning beneath your skin in embarrassment as you looked at him in shock. He tried to think of something to say, but panic began building inside of him and clouding his mind. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” you screeched.
He was frozen in shame. He should have never invaded your privacy like this. He regretted it. He did not know what possessed him to follow his primal instincts, but he cursed himself as he was unable to speak. 
“Well?” you asked, and he could feel your embarrassment slowly shifting into anger. 
“Do you normally spy on naked females?” Your tone was sharp and your lips were downturned into a frown. He could practically sense your body vibrating with unleashed wrath.
His cheeks burned bright red in embarrassment. He wished to explain himself–that he did not come to you with the intention of catching you in a vulnerable position. He simply wanted to speak with you. Encourage your feelings. But the sight of you…Your upper chest and shoulders were exposed, wet, and glistening in the dim lighting. Your hair was soaked, pushed all the way back and the curve of your neck was exposed to him, taunting his control. Your eyelashes were darkened, making your eyes all the more piercing. He was absolutely enchanted.
Azriel was a clever male. He was quick-witted and smart and knew his way out of most situations. But with you, he found himself absolutely struck dumb. His mind was blank, even as he begged himself to say something. To say anything. 
You were growing impatient. You breathed a sharp sigh through your nose and your frown deepened. Azriel wanted to punch himself when the only thing he could think of was how pretty your mouth was and how desperate he was to have it wrapped around his length. 
“You have about 3 seconds to explain yourself before I completely lose my shit and kill you.”
He knew you couldn’t kill him. It was laughable to even think of you trying. But the anger in your eyes scared him and he feared he would ruin any chance he had with you. He would never jeopardize your friendship, even if after today you decided you would never give him a chance, he needed you in his life. He could not lose you. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, breathless and absolutely captivated. “I didn’t know you were bathing–I came to speak to you. I heard a noise, so I came in and…I’m sorry.” Not the most eloquent, but at least he was able to get the words out, despite his tight throat and heavy breathing. 
“What did you want to speak to me about that was so pressing you had to walk in on me and stay?” you questioned, anger still lingering in your expression, but you weren’t banishing him away.
“I overheard you tell the girls that you have feelings for me.” Your anger shifted into shock for a moment, before turning back into embarrassment. You broke eye contact with him, looking away, eyes panicked and eyebrows scrunched together in worry. He wanted to comfort you, but within seconds, your expression stilled, morphing back into anger and you turned your eyes back to him. 
You glared at him, anger and indignation seeping from you. “Well, if you wanted to turn me down, save it. I never expected anything from you. Now, please leave.”
He wanted to laugh, but knew that you would not take it well. Turn you down? He would be the most foolish male in the whole of Prythian to let you go. 
“How could I ever turn you down when you’re all I ever think about?” You were silent at his confession, and your glare softened. “How could I ever turn you down when I have been in love with you since the second that I met you? How could I ever turn down my mate?” 
You were stunned, eyes widening and you stared at him, unblinkingly. 
“...Your mate?” you said. Your voice sounded small and the vulnerable expression on your face nearly broke his heart. “How long have you known?”
“It snapped for me the day I met you.”
“Why didn’t you say anything? You didn’t want it?”
“Of course I want it,” he said and took a step toward you. You didn’t stop him. You stared at him, your beautiful eyes wide and lined with unshed tears. “You’re everything I ever dreamed of and more. I wanted you to feel it on your own time. I didn’t want to pressure you. I know that I come with a lot of baggage and that I don’t deserve your love. And I’m sorry about this. I’ve just dreamt about seeing you like this for so long. I’ve imagined what your skin would feel like, your lips…”.
He knew he was rambling and finally decided to have some self-preservation. “I’m so sorry for invading your privacy, (Y/N). I’ll leave now.”
He turned away in shame, taking a step toward the door before your soft voice stopped him. 
“Find out,” you breathed. His gaze found you again, your eyes softened and a small smile played on your lips.
He grew nervous and he felt his throat tighten. His shadows coiled around him anxiously waiting.“What do you mean?” 
“How my skin feels like, my lips…”
You stood, droplets of bath water sliding down smooth, soft skin. His eyes widened and his breath caught in his chest as he traced a drop down between your breasts, down your navel, and down to the curls between your thighs. You stood bare before him–the most exquisite sight he had ever beheld. Your breath quickened, drawing his attention back to your perfect breasts. He envisioned himself walking up to you, taking a peak into his mouth, sucking and nipping at the supple skin. 
“(Y/N).” He sighed your name, quietly and reverently. His gaze returned to your face, piercing eyes meeting yours and every fiber of his being felt like it was being lit on fire.
He took a step towards you, his hand extending out as if to touch you, but he pulled it back. His shadows and wings were held taught against him, and his body nearly vibrated at having you this close and completely vulnerable before him. You stepped out of the tub and on to the plush rug on the floor and took a step toward him. He stared, afraid to move or even blink, as you approached him and closed the distance between you. This had to be a dream, a vivid fantasy his cruel mind was inventing. But you stood in front of him, real, completely naked and dripping wet and he was painfully hard beneath his pants. 
“Find out,” you murmured, close enough that your warm breath brushed against the skin of his bare chest. Before he was aware of what you had done, your hand wrapped around the back of his neck, bringing him closer and you pressed your lips against his. 
He froze for a moment, shock overtaking him before elation began growing and spreading throughout his being. His arms came up, wrapping around your bare waist and he pulled you closer to him as he began to eagerly kiss you back. He was addicted, your taste and the softness of your lips against his overwhelming his senses. He could not think. All he could smell was you. All he could hear was your breathing and the beating of your heart. All he could feel was the pleasant heat between your lips and the warmth of your skin on his. 
He could not stop his hands from roaming your skin, large hands touching any part of you he could get to, savoring the feeling of you in his arms. His touch reached the plump skin of your ass and he could not help but to give the meaty flesh a squeeze. You moaned, the sound like heaven to his ears, and he took the opportunity to dive his tongue into your mouth. Your arms squeezed him tighter to you, pulling him down to your height. His hands slid to your thighs and he stood up straight, carrying you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
He stepped forward, pressing your back against the floor length mirror on the wall and his lips began to trail the delicate skin of your neck. You sighed, going pliant and melting into his arms. 
“You said my name,” he murmured against you, one of his hands roaming to your front. The feel of your breast in his hand left him nearly breathless. 
“What?” you gasped as he bit down on the junction between your neck and shoulder. Fuck, you were delicious. He could not get enough of you. 
“Were you thinking of me while you were touching yourself?” he teased. He pressed his hips against yours and pinched your nipple; your gasp and the slight friction made a shiver run down his spine. Excitement, hope, and love flooded his senses as he finally had you in his arms. 
“You weren’t supposed to see,” you said sheepishly, turning your face away from him in embarrassment. 
He took the opportunity and began kissing down your jaw and neck, the soft gasps escaping you exciting him more. His hands returned to your thighs, hoisting you higher in his embrace and he attached his mouth to your nipple. You were mesmerizing, absolutely beautiful and his heart beat hard in his chest. He could not wait to drown in the silkiness of your skin, the feel of your hands on his body, your kisses, your essence…He was starving for you. 
He licked at your skin, sucking the delicate nub and pinching it between his teeth, your soft sounds encouraging him. Your hands gripped his shoulders, fingernails digging into the skin and he shuddered at the stinging pleasure. 
You moaned as he sucked on your nipple hard, and your hands began to wander the exposed skin of his chest, your small fingers traveling the terrain with purpose, dipping along his muscles and caressing his tattoos affectionately. He savored the feeling of you touching him, your warmth, how it felt to have you in his arms. His heart beat erratically in his chest and he feared you would put an end to it. He feared you would never allow him this close to you again. So he took his time to memorize you, so that if nothing else, he could have this night for the rest of his life. 
Your hands traveled up his neck, and you tilted his jaw up. He looked up at you in awe as you leaned down and pressed your lips against his once more. Your kiss was addicting–soft and passionate, desperate and accepting. He barely registered your hand sneaking down and pushing his sweatpants down his hips, leaving him just as bare as you were. 
You wiggled in his arms and he lowered you, leaning down and keeping his lips pressed firmly to yours. His tongue pressed at the seam of your lips and you breathed a laugh as you broke apart from him. He almost whimpered at the loss of your lips.
“Fuck, Az, you’re so hot,” you mumbled as you began pressing kisses down his chest. His hands clung to your shoulders and he hissed as you bit his nipple. You giggled, smiling up at him cheekily. 
“Fucking tease,” he growled.
“Should I make it up to you?” you asked, sinking down to your knees in front of him. 
Shock flew throughout his body as you pressed your mouth against his cock, hands coming up to wrap around him. Soft, tiny licks to his shaft made him twitch in your hands and you smiled up at him. You gently sucked the tip into your mouth and his heart stuttered in his chest. 
“Sweetheart,” he started, his voice tight and restrained. Despite wanting desperately to fuck into your mouth with reckless abandon, he didn’t want you to feel forced to do this for him. “You don’t have to.”
“I know,” you murmured. The vibrations of your voice traveled along his cock, up his spine, and caused his brain to malfunction for a moment. “I want to.”
Before he could formulate a response in his mind, you sucked his cock into your mouth, deep into your throat and your hands gripped whatever you were not able to stuff inside of your mouth. 
“Fuck!” He had died. He had ascended to the heavens, he was sure of it. This was the most exquisite, erotic experience of his life. You began dragging your mouth to the tip and back up the shaft; the suction of your mouth and the tightness of your throat was pure perfection. He could hardly believe that you were real. His hand came up and wrapped around your hair, desperate for anything to ground him to the earth. 
He stared at your face and your eyes shifted up, looking at him through your lashes and he groaned at the sight of just how deep you were taking him. 
“Stop,” he begged. He needed you to stop before he was not able to contain himself any longer. He wanted to be inside of you when he came. 
You ignored his plea, suctioning your cheeks in and sucking him harder. He felt his balls tighten and he whimpered.
“Fuck, please,” he groaned and pulled your hair hard, tugging your head back and away from him. You moaned and your eyes sparked with interest at his roughness. Interesting. He made a mental note to explore that in the future with you if he ever got the chance. 
“I need to fuck you,” he said, leaning down and gripping your hips, lifting you in his arms once more. He carried you with ease to the countertop, sitting you on it and slotting himself between your legs. You hissed at the coldness of the marble beneath you, but it didn’t stop you from kissing him again. He wrapped his arms fully around you, engulfing you in him as his wings dipped forward. You fell pliant in his arms and for a brief moment, the exhilarating thought crossed his mind that you would let him do anything he wanted to you. 
With you distracted, he took the opportunity, sending his shadows to pin your legs to the marble beneath you and your arms to the mirror behind you. You gasped in shock as he broke away from you, taking a few steps back and observing you.
“Azriel?” you gasped, looking at him with love-drunk eyes. He did not answer, taking the time to drink you in. Your perfect face, desperation clinging to your expression. Your breasts were on full display for him. His eyes wandered further down your exquisite figure, stopping at your glistening cunt. You were completely exposed to him. 
“You wanted to know how I use my shadows during sex,” he stated and you gasped, embarrassment flooding your features as you realized that he had overheard more of your conversation than you expected. “You’re about to find out.”
His shadows spread across the expanse of your body as Azriel stood firmly planted where he stood, observing the delectable sight before him. The shadows curled around your nipples, twisting them and pinching them and you let out a cry of pleasure, arching your back. He sent more of them lower on your body, softly caressing the seam at your center and you whined. 
“How does it feel?” he asked, wanting to know just how good you felt. 
“It’s so good Azriel,” you moaned. The shadows at your cunt squeezed against your clit and you screamed, your chest rising rapidly as you became breathless. 
“I-I”ve never felt anything like this,” you nearly sobbed. Your wetness dripped out of you, and he watched in cruel anticipation as your body writhed–right on brink of climax from his shadows alone. 
“Azriel, please, I need you.” He chuckled lowly at your plea for him. He had no intention of touching you just yet. 
“Is that it?” he taunted. “I think you can do better than that.”
You yelled in pleasure as his shadows gave a particularly tight pinch on your clit. 
“Azriel! Please! Please, I need your cock inside of me, I need to touch you. I need you to fuck me, please!” you cried out, just before hitting your peak. You groaned loudly as you arched your back. Your cum squirted out of you and he groaned, taking quick strides towards you and stuffing his face into your pussy, desperate for a taste of you. He drank your sweet juices and his tongue rubbed relentlessly against your clit, prolonging your orgasm as much as possible. 
He slowly called his shadows back to him, releasing you from their hold and he crawled his way back up your body, pressing soft kisses against your skin. He pressed a soft, chaste kiss on your lips.
“Someone’s a desperate, little slut,” he said and you smiled, leaning into him and nipping his lip. 
“Only for you,” you said, and spread your legs open, revealing your messy cunt to him once more. 
He stared for a moment before you gripped his face and brought his attention back to your face. “Well? Are you going to give this desperate, little slut what she wants?”
He was blown away at your insolent, bratty attitude. The normally shy, quiet, sweet girl was gone, replaced by a wild, untamed goddess of sex and beauty. He wanted to tease you, but he was absolutely mesmerized and knew he needed to fuck you, desperate for the feel of you and for his release. 
He lined himself up at your entrance and slowly slid inside of you. Your eyes rolled back and you tilted your head back in pleasure as every inch of his dick slowly slid into your tight hole. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration. The heat, the tightness, the wetness was driving him wild and he wanted to rut into you recklessly. But he went slow until he bottomed out. You were stuffed to the brim, his head nestling tight against your cervix. 
He began fucking into you in earnest, the friction driving him delirious. He craved every single touch you surrendered to him. He wished to be so deep inside of you that he did not know where one ended and the other began. The golden string tying his soul to yours sang in his chest, bright and unyielding, and it brought tears to his eyes as the floodgates of the bond suddenly opened, your emotions of pleasure and admiration and love flooding into his heart. 
Your eyes widened, tears lining them and you smiled brilliantly at him. 
“My mate,” you whispered, feeling the bond open on your end. He returned your smile, unbridled and open, and the bond between you glowed–incandescent and fierce and all-consuming. 
He surrendered to his emotions, fucking into you with abandonment and a newfound ferocity. You screamed in pleasure and you clenched around him, making him gasp. The sight of your face, contorted in pleasure, the glow of your skin, still damp and gleaming with sweat, your scent intermingled with the unmistakable musk of sex, the feeling of your tight cunt wrapping around him and accommodating his impressive length perfectly–it was all too much for him. 
He was hanging on the precipice, determined to bring you to your high before falling off the edge. He was so close and so were you. He never thought he would ever feel such pleasure from sex. Sex had always been good, great even. But with you, it was something else entirely. With the golden thread now formed between the two of you, the feeling of your pleasure increased his tenfold and his heart swelled with uncontrollable love. No one would ever compare to you–he would never want anyone else. 
You sobbed in pleasure as your pussy clenched tight around him and you came with a scream. Your arms clutched him to you, and he groaned loudly as your walls fluttered around him. His pleasure built to a peak and his vision went white as he came inside of you. He buried himself to the hilt, as deep as he could go and he wrapped his arms tightly around you, your entire body pressed against him.
The room was silent for a few moments. Azriel pressed his head against your panting chest, your breathing and the beat of your heart a comforting rhythm in his ear. Your hand gently ran through his hair, playing with the soft strands and gently combing through the tangles. 
 He looked up at you and found your eyes already fixed on him. He smiled softly and pressed a kiss against your jaw. 
“I’m sorry I was creeping on you,” he said sheepishly. 
You laughed and leaned down to press a kiss against his head. “I’m sure I can think of some ways you can make it up to me. Maybe I’ll have to tie you up and force you to watch me pleasure myself all night long.”
He glared up at you. “You’re a fucking tease.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” He couldn’t wait to find out.
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hazybisou · 3 months
🍊💌 and we both wanna say i’m sorry
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pairing ; fem!reader x quinn hughes
summary ; it’s been 1 year and a half since the breakup. of course they’ve both changed since that night. quinn just never expected to see her doing the one thing that reminded him of her.
authors note ; hi. so uh long time no see. honestly idk what came over me but like i js completely abandoned you guys. aside from that i’ve been busy with school and mid terms were what took up most of my time. but i’m back👌(for now at least). hopefully you enjoy this. anyways this has been on my mind for a while now and like i had get it out: orange peel theory!!! idk if i would consider this angsty or not but you decide. enjoy! <3
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it was extremely hot. the windows were open, letting in a slight breeze. he was laying on the couch in front of a fan. he laid there eyes closed. there was something about the heat that made him want to close his eyes and let the day get away from him.
slowly but surely his eyelids began to shut. all of a sudden he heard a pair of keys jingle, his head lifting off the couch as he watched her figure come into view. “hey, how was work?” he asked y/n who smiled at him. she toed off her shoes before making her way over to quinn.
he opened his arms as he felt her climb onto of him, head laying on his chest. she sighed, “it was good, surprisingly,” she closed her eyes, “how was you day?”
“it’s was fine. went out, ran some errands, bought some groceries.” he mumbled as he dug his face into her hair. “speaking of groceries, i got you what you’ve been asking for this whole week.”
her head lifted up from his chest. “oranges?” he nodded and she squealed. “oh, how i love you.” she began to pepper his face with kisses.
he chuckled and held her closer. “i love you too.” he pressed a peck to her lips.
he began to sit up with y/n in his arms as she climbed off of him and onto the couch. he stood up and she let out a yelp as she felt his arms wrap around her thighs and waist, picking her up bridal style. she tucked her head into his chest as he carried her towards the kitchen.
“where we goin’?” she whispered.
“why?” she lifted her head off of his chest.
he smiled at her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “im a little hungry.”
he turned walked towards the counter and set her down, y/n going to sit on one of the barstool. her eyes were trained on quinn who began to heat up leftovers from the previous night. her eyes suddenly caught the sight of the color orange. she smiled and reached out to grab the fruit.
y/n held it in her hands trying to peel it. as much as she loved having oranges available, she hated the hassle of having to take the peel off, especially with her manicured nails.
“quinny..” she trailed off. he turned around and hummed. she held the orange up with a small smile on here face. “open it, please?”
he shook his head and smiled before grabbing it out of her hands, complaining her request. one the last bit of the orange peel was off, he grabbed a couple of pieces for himself.
“quinn!” she whined but nonetheless took the orange back as he handed off the fruit to her.
he chuckled. “you asked for something, you pay the price.” he held the slices up. “this the price.”
she rolled his eyes but smiled at him and he grinned before leaning across the counter, cupping her face in his hands. he leaned down slightly as his lips found hers. he pulled away for a second before going in once more, this one with a lot more passion.
he pulled away and looked at her. “i love you.”
“i love you too.”
he hated it.
he hated this feeling he felt in his chest. was he sad? no. was he happy? definitely not. it was complicated, he didn’t know what he was feeling. all he could do was watch.
quinn was angry. angry at himself, at her. no..he could never be angry with or at her—only himself. he let her slip away and didn’t make the effort to bring her back.
quinn sat there across the room, watching her. watching as her head was thrown back, laughter coming out of her lips. she didn’t even realize it. he wanted to laugh. yet he couldn’t.
he still loved her.
after almost 2 years, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. she was like a plague. stuck in his mind and heart forever. he never saw her after that day. not a single text was sent. not a peep.
she had completely vanished from his life.
or, at least he thought she had.
yet there she was right in front of his eyes, sitting at a table with two other girls.
he looked down towards her hands and watch as her nail dug into the piece of fruit. she slowly began to peel it off. she was so delicate with it. she always was. with everything.
he watched as she peeled it all off completely before taking the trash to the garbage can. she took a piece and put it into her mouth.
he laughed.
he. laughed.
she had done it.
he knew she didn’t need him anymore. she never did. she just needed to learn how. and she did.
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i hate this. good night. isn’t 🙅‍♀️ proofread 🙅‍♀️why tf do i only write at night when ik i’m tired and running on 2 hours of sleep???
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themorningsunshine · 1 year
Pie - eyed over you - Chapter 3 
Mafia - Baker AU
Masterlist                        Series Masterlist
Previous Part 
Pairing - Mafia!Bucky x Baker!Reader
Summary - When a new baker in town refuses to abide by his rules, Bucky has no option but to go and take care of it himself. But nothing could prepare him for what stood on the other side. Nothing could prepare him for you.
Warnings - Mentions of murder, lots of fluff (gotta give the fluff before the angst for it to hurt more, yup I am evil), Steve and Sam being a menace 
Word count - around 6k 
a/n - So, after two delays, hell a lot of editing, and straight up changing the whole structure of this chapter and then combining it with another (hence the length), it’s finally here. Thank you so much to all of you for putting up with me. Please let me know what you guys think about this. Your kind words keep me going. 
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You placed the muffins in a tray for display before making a note in your diary to buy more chocolate chips when you go to the market on the weekend. 
Running a bakery all on your own is a difficult job but you wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. Even though you were not a morning person, the prospect of coming here and baking made it getting up from the bed every morning a tad bit easier. 
As you heard knocks on the door, you frowned before looking up, there was still some time left before it was time to open up the bakery. 
But when your eyes landed on the figure standing outside the door, looking like a complete misfit in his dark clothes and sunglasses and surprisingly, a baseball cap covering his forehead, a pathetic attempt at being discreet, you can't help the way your lips turn upward and your heart flutters. 
He was here just yesterday and yet it felt like you were seeing him after too long. 
Get yourself together. 
It's just a crush, it'll go away. 
You wiped your palms on your apron before walking towards the door to open it. 
You gave him a teasing smile before saying, "You're at the wrong place. Baseball convention is another mile from here." 
He rolled his eyes before stepping inside the bakery, bending a little, the door a little too short for him. "Hello to you too, sweets." 
You chuckled before walking towards the counter as he took his usual seat. Everything felt like a routine. Engraved in your soul as if it had always been there. 
"Gracing this bakery with your presence two days in a row. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Maybe I just missed my sweets." He shrugged as if it was obvious. 
"Continue this and you are going to get diabetic." You remarked with a smirk. 
"Not the sweets I was talking about, but okay." 
The smirk immediately left your lips as you could practically feel your heart beat out of your chest. He didn't mean it. He's just teasing. 
But no matter what you think, you can't help the way the red color crept up to your neck at his words. 
Okay, this crush is getting out of hand. 
"So, how's work?" You say in an attempt to change the topic. 
He tenses at your words. You had asked him what he did, and he had replied that he was a mechanic. It was becoming more difficult for him to lie to you. 
But maybe, he won't have to much longer. 
He was pretty sure Walker was on his way to screw things up. 
That son of a - 
"Earth to James!!" Your voice moving and your palm waving in front of his face brought him out of his thoughts. 
"I asked how was work." You said with a frown. James always got weirdly uncomfortable when you asked about work. Maybe he didn't want to talk about it, but you were no one to ask. 
"Oh, it's been fine. You know, the usual." 
"Yeah, yeah. Steve is a dorky idiot and Sam is an annoying prick. I know." You said imitating the words he had said to you not a long time ago. 
Bucky chuckles. Telling you about Steve and Sam was easier. Maybe sharing something about him which wasn't a lie, made him feel less guilty. 
He knew this was wrong. 
He was creating a web of lies that you will find out one day.
But Bucky Barnes wasn't a good man and he would take whatever time he has got before the inevitable happened. 
Which wasn't going to be today. 
He wasn't going to let Walker ruin this.
He will just sit there, hiding half of his face with the baseball cap. It would be easy. It wasn't like Walker would expect to see him here anyways. 
He was just here to make sure that he didn't hurt you. 
The both of you striked a conversation just like usual and you immediately felt better. You knew it was going to be a great day. Had started off on the best possible note, atleast.
The clock striked eight before you knew it and you got up from your chair to flip the sign at the bakery. 
"Why don't you hire someone to help you?" James asks, sipping his coffee. 
"Why, you're looking for a job?" You teased him with raised eyebrows. "Job at the garage doesn't pay enough for your baseball conventions?" 
He rolled his eyes. "When are you gonna let this one go?" 
"I think… never." 
He chuckled before asking again, "But, seriously, sweets, why not get a helping hand?" 
" 'Cause I am selfish." When he narrowed his eyes, you continued. "I know this sounds weird, but I don't like it when anybody else cooks the food. It's just never good enough." 
"So, why not hire someone to deal with the customers?" 
"That's literally the best part of the job." You half exclaimed. "People telling you whether they liked the sweets or not is the best part, James. Almost as good as getting to eat all the leftovers." 
James chuckled before setting his coffee mug down. "There is no pleasing you." 
You shrugged before walking behind the counter to get everything ready for the morning rush you were sure was about to walk through the door any moment now. 
When a few people came in, some regular customers and some students hoping to get in some caffeine to start the day, you saw as James involuntarily tensed. 
Bucky watched the front door with focused eyes as minutes ticked by. He knew Walker will be here any minute now. 
And he was proven right as he saw John Walker opening the door of the bakery and walking in with a smug look on his face, shoving away whoever came in his path. 
Bucky wanted nothing more than to pull him out of here, away from you and this warm place but he couldn't do that. There would be consequences, which he normally wouldn't give a second thought to, but the real nuisance would bring questions. 
He watched as you greet him with the same grin on your face that you used for all your customers, saying in a soft voice, "Hey, what can I get you?" And Bucky can swear Walker doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as you.
"Why not start by paying off?" Walker said with a tone harsh and loud enough that a few customers turned to see what was happening. 
You frowned your eyes in confusion, "I am sorry." You were still speaking in a calm, soft voice, trying your best to get whoever this man was to calm down. You didn't want a commotion so early in the day. 
"Walker." He said as if it was enough of an introduction before continuing, "And I think you have an idea of where I am coming from. You owe us." 
James watched as realization dawned on your face and you stood straighter, your smile turning into a forwn. "I don't owe anyone anything."
He leaned towards you, keeping his arms crossed on the counter, speaking with a smirk, "Don't try to act smart, baby doll. Pay up and no one gets hurt." 
He watches as you cringe at the nickname  and almost take a small step back, discomfort clear on your face. 
Bucky almost gets up from his chair, his first instinct to slit off Walker's throat with the knife he had tucked in his jacket. He would make it less messy too, but painful. 
Control, he isn't going to hurt her. 
"I am not going to pay you a single cent, Walker. So, why don't you take your ass out of my bakery and leave me alone?" As you speak, your hand inches towards the knife that you keep below the counter for situations like these. Even though you hoped you'd never have to use it, it was better to be prepared than sorry. 
John clenches his fist as his eyes bore into your skull, "Don't make this difficult. You don't know who you are trying to mess up with. The people I work with wouldn't blink an eye before dumping your body in a dumpster. Just pay every month and we leave you alone." 
"I have said it before and I'll say it again, I am not going to pay you to let me live." It's as if something switches inside you. The slight fear or discomfort that could be seen in your features is completely gone now. 
Bucky watches as Walker growls in impatience before reaching for his jacket pocket. 
Nope, not happening
"Listen to me, you little bitch - " 
Walker is cut off immediately when a larger figure stands between him and the counter. 
James shields you from him, obstructing his view. 
"Leave her alone." The sound is almost a growl. And if Walker hadn't been too preoccupied he would have noticed how familiar that sounded. 
"And who the hell are you?" He spat. 
Bucky looks down at him and watches as all the color is drained out of his face when he recognises him. 
"S - si "
"Leave her alone and if you show up around here ever again, it will be you in the dumpster, cut into more pieces than you can count." 
Fear is obvious on Walker's face, as he completely forgets the weapon he was reaching for, trying to get his senses to work, confusion evident on his face.
Before he can ask any questions, Bucky takes a step towards him, with sheer coldness in his eyes as if he could slit Walker's throat right now and wouldn't blink. 
You watch as the man - who had introduced himself as Walker- saunters out of the bakery with quick steps. 
You frowned your eyes at whatever had happened here. 
You weren't going to pay the mob any money, you knew that. But you also knew that you couldn't have overpowered that man, especially if he had a weapon hidden under there somewhere. 
"You didn't have to do that, James." You said softly, in an attempt to get his attention away from the door he was boring holes in. 
He turned back and you watched as his expression turned into the soft one you were so familiar with. 
You walked from behind the counter towards where he was standing before explaining, "He works for the mob. Trust me, you don't want to get involved with them." 
Bucky's breath hitches at that. How could he explain to you that he wasn't just involved with the mob?
"It's okay, sweets. They won't hurt me." That was some truth. They were never going to hurt him, and before Walker could utter a single word to anyone about the events of the day, he would be fired. Bucky would make sure of that. 
"I know." You sighed, looking down at the floor as if contemplating something. It was silent for a moment before you looked up, "Thank you, James. It does mean a lot to me." You said with a soft, grateful smile on your face and your hand reached out to his. 
"Anytime, sweets." 
A moment passed before anyone of you dared to move. Your hand was now brushing his arm in slight touches. 
You broke the silence, "Come on, have some muffins. They are on me." You said before turning back and walking towards the counter. 
Bucky had to stand there for a moment because his skin had suddenly started to feel cold and empty. Like it wasn't enough without your touch, before walking back towards the counter and standing right in front of where you were taking out some muffins on a plate. 
"So, Ms Feisty, something against the mob?" He said, trying desperately for his voice to sound joking. 
You shrugged while passing the muffins to him and turning to pour some coffee for yourself. "I am not going to pay them money just because everybody else does. Why the hell do I pay taxes?" 
"But the way you were standing, you don't just want to rebel, sweets. You hate them." He said, an emotion in his voice you couldn't really place. He prayed that that wasn't the case, that he had read the situation wrong and maybe you didn't really hate the mob. 
"Hate is a strong word, James. I - despise them." You reply before looking up at him to meet his eyes, but he looks away, almost as if looking at you right now would physically hurt him. 
"I mean, they aren't really that bad, right? It's not like I know a lot about them but I have heard they protect the city." He tries.
"Uh-huh. They are not good people. You remember that day when we met? When it was raining and I had lost my way, and you were there - "
"I remember the day we met, sweets." He interrupts. Every part of that day was engraved in his mind.
"Yeah, yeah right. So, that day I was coming back from a friend's house. She has a daughter, Ellie, about 5 years old." 
He hums, nodding his head, not sure where you were going with this. 
"Both of them were switching houses. Leaving their home, that they had built, to live in a one bedroom apartment in the not so respected area of the town. You know why?" 
He narrowed his eyes. 
"Because her dad was killed." You took a deep breath, trying to keep the rage from bubbling up to the surface. "A 5 year old lost her father, James. And why? Because of some stupid mob feud." 
"What was her dad's name?" He asked, not sure if he wanted to know the answer. 
Bucky's moments halted as images came back to his mind's forefront. He had killed that man himself. Shot three bullets straight into his chest. He had felt no remorse then. That man was a traitor. Had joined hands  with the enemy, knowing very well what the consequences could be. 
He had felt no remorse then because he hadn't given a moment of thought to the people he might be leaving behind. It made his work easier. Pretending that there were no consequences to whatever they did. 
But now he could see the consequences. In the form of rage in your eyes at the tale and the hurt he felt in his chest, thinking about the girl. He knew how that felt. Being alone, and helpless. 
"She didn't deserve that. None of them did. Nobody deserves to lose somebody they love, James. But it hits the worst when it's unforeseeable. When the people who did it are out there in the world, as if their hands aren't tainted with blood, living their life and you can do nothing about it."  You say, swallowing the lump in your throat. Thinking about your friend and Elliot always brought you to tears. You tried to help them as much as you could, but there was only so much you could do. 
Bucky looks into your eyes and sees tears in the corner of your eyes. He wants to hold your hand, to comfort you, to tell you that they are going to be fine. But how could he, when his were the hands that were tainted with blood, that had taken the life of that man without a second thought. 
So, he just sits there, listening to you talk about the lady and her kid, even though each of your words is like a sword stabbed through his chest. 
When he knows you are fine, he takes his leave, bidding you goodbye before walking out and calling Steve. 
"Steve, I need you to do something." 
"What's up, Buck? Everything okay?" Steve replied in a concerned voice. Even after everything, his concern for his best friend never faded. 
"I am sending you some details of a lady and her kid. Send me the contacts of the person who bought their house." 
"Give me half an hour. But who are these people?" 
"They are going to be our responsibility, Steve." 
He cuts the call and sends a quick text with all the details he might need. 
He can't help but turn back towards the bakery to have one last look. He has made up his mind. He was going to tell you the truth. 
he didn't care if it meant you would hate him. There were many people in the town who despised him, what's one more?
But when he turns back and his eyes land up on you, handing a cup of coffee to a middle aged lady, talking to her with a softness unique to you. 
As if you can feel his eyes on you, you turn towards the window and as your eyes meet, your smile grows wider. A smile that's only reserved for him, he realizes. 
And he would have hated himself for how quickly his resolve fades away. 
But Bucky Barnes was not a good man. 
And maybe many people in this world did hate him, but he would be damned if you were one of them. 
He wanted this. The weekly bakery visits, the warmth, the sheer simplicity of it all, even if it was all this was ever going to be. 
And it was about damn time he got what he wanted. 
Why should he apologize for the monster he has become when no one ever apologized for making him this way?
Maybe, one day you'll find out the truth and hate him more for lying to you, but it wasn't going to be anytime soon. He will make sure of that. 
So, he straightens his coat and walks away from the bakery, choosing to not pay any mind to the inevitable doom that could leave the both of you shattered. 
"James Buchanan Barnes" 
He turns back from what he is doing to find you, cross armed, shooting daggers at him. 
"How could you, James? It's like you're not even trying." 
He can't help the smile that finds its way to his lips at the way you look. Your christmas sweater that you had deemed "perfect" for the occasion and a scarf draped loosely on your neck, trying to look intimidating, just makes you look even cuter. 
You walk towards him and take the candy decoration from his hand, to place it exactly just an inch away from where he was going to, because it looked in your exact words, "more festive" 
Bucky just smiles at you as he watches you ramble more about Christmas decorations. 
When a week ago, he had heard you reminding Pietro that he had to come over to help you decorate, he had stepped in and offered his help. He was free that day anyways, he had told you. There was an international shipment that he had to sign off that day, but that could wait. 
When Pietro had shaken his hand and thanked him for 'saving him', he didn't understand, but now he did. You were extremely particular about how each and everything had to look for christmas and was not shy to tell the other person what a terrible job they were doing if it wasn't exactly the way you had wanted.
But if the cute pout on your face and the warmth that it caused in his chest was any indication, it was worth it. The cookies whose smell reached him even in the living room was just an added bonus. 
Right now, standing in the middle of your apartment, surrounded by incomplete decorations that signaled the arrival of a festival he wouldn't have cared the slightest about a year ago, being scolded by you for not hanging the canes correctly, he regretted nothing. 
3 hours and a lot of debates later, all of which you won, the house was finally decorated enough for the festival. 
"Here you go." You said, handing him a warm cup of coffee and placing a plate full of cookies on the table in front of him. It was your way of saying thank you. 
Bucky looks around your apartment. It's just above the bakery and much smaller than the mansion he lived in. But it felt different in a way he couldn't point out. 
A shelf filled to the brim with books standing in the corner, pictures adorning the walls, each telling a different story. Some soft music playing on the speaker, it was like a blanket of warmth stood over your house. A little messy, but beautiful nonetheless. 
His eyes then land on you, sitting across from him on the sofa, sipping your coffee with a warm, content look on your face, your scarf now lying on the table. 
As if you could feel his gaze, you turn back to look at him and your breath hitches in the throat at the way he is looking at you. 
It's as if the world could crumble around him and he wouldn't blink an eye. 
You can't get yourself to look away. So, you just raise your eyebrows, because you have suddenly forgotten how to breathe and if he didn't look away right now, you are not sure you will be able to survive longer. 
He just shrugs and turns towards his coffee, as if it was a natural occurrence. As if your whole world hadn't stopped spinning for a moment there. 
Bucky looks at you through the corner of his eyes and watches as red color creeps up to your neck and you try your hardest to not smile. 
He now recognises the feeling. 
Your apartment feels like home. 
And the next realization brings with itself questions and doubts he wasn't ready to answer. 
He wouldn't rather be anywhere else. 
He clenches his fist as he drags his feet towards the bakery. 
It was pretty late. He knew that. 
But he just had to be there. 
He liked his work more often than not. The impending guilt and the danger aside, the reason that had initially brought him to this world still stood. 
It made him feel something. The adrenaline of each task, the satisfaction of seeing everything that belonged to his enemies burning down till there was nothing but smoke.  
The mafia world had welcomed the darkness that he had inside of him and made him one of their own, for which he will be eternally grateful. 
But for some time now, it hasn't been enough. 
The darkness that had surrounded and consumed him for so many years now was suddenly not enough. 
Something inside him changed. 
For the first time in as long as he could remember, he had thought twice before shooting that man today. The whispers inside him that asked him every time 'if there was any other way' had become louder now and even the noise of the bullets couldn't silence it. 
He knew what was happening. 
He was seeking the light.
And every single part of him knew that this could only end in disaster. In a fire that threatened to burn every single thing to the last piece. 
But that didn't stop him from taking the next step. Or the one after that. 
He was still walking to the one place that could silence away his thoughts and make it all go away. Like a moth attracted to a flame. 
Maybe this was selfish of him. Maybe he was tainting you with his darkness. 
He will think about that some other day. 
When the bakery comes into view, he realizes just how late it is. 
You would be about to close now. 
Maybe he could catch a glimpse before you retired for the night. It wasn't enough. It was never enough. But it had to do. 
As he reaches the bakery, he watches as the door slowly opens and a young boy steps out. 
He frowns before walking ahead, and his eyes almost widen with who he sees. 
"Peter, what are you doing here?" 
Peter looks up from the book he is currently holding and his eyes widen with fear at the figure who stands before him. 
"S - sir, I - I was just - " 
A voice from inside the bakery calls out to him. A voice Bucky recognizes all too well. 
"Peter, you forgot this." 
You step out of the bakery with a textbook in your hands as you hand it over to Peter. 
Peter opens his mouth to speak but then closes it. Too afraid about what was going to happen. 
You turn around and when your eyes land on James, your lips turn into a grin before you know it. 
"James, hi"
Peter's eyebrows shoot up as he looks between the both of you. You have a glint in your eyes as if you couldn't be happier by anything else and the man he had feared with everything he had for the last couple of years, had a softness to his features that made Peter wonder if he was somehow swallowed into an alternate dimension. 
"Hey, sweets." Bucky says almost on instinct, before turning towards the boy who is still looking at the both of them as if he just saw a dolphin flying in the air. 
You probably notice it too, because you then point towards Peter before saying, "James, this is Peter, and Peter, this is James Barnes." 
"James?" Peter says almost on instinct, confusion evident in his voice. 
"Wait, you know him?" You ask, looking between the both of them now. 
Peter looks at Bucky and almost crumbles with fear by the warning glare he is shooting towards him. But there is something else there too. Something, he can swear he has never seen in the mob boss' eyes. 
There is fear in them. A tiny flicker of it. He fears the answer he is going to tell you. Whatever it was, it was too important for him. 
"No, no. I don't think we have met before." 
"Oh, okay." You say, confused as to what had just happened here. "All the best for the test and tell MJ I said hi," You give him an easy exit from a situation he was clearly uncomfortable in. 
You watch as a small blush spreads across his cheeks before he bids you goodbye and glancing at James once, takes his leave. 
"He is a nice kid." You break the silence after Peter walks away, out of earshot. "Pretty smart. I was helping him with his test tomorrow." 
Bucky looks back at you and shrugs in response. "Good for him." 
"By the way, it's closing time, James." You say with a teasing voice and he is relieved that you don't ask any further questions. 
"Come on, sweets. You could make an exception for your favorite customer." 
You roll your eyes before replying. "What about this? You help me clean up, and I get you something special I made today." 
"Help you clean up?" 
"Aww. The prince doesn't like to get his hands all dirty?" You smirk. 
"This special treat should better be worth it, sweets." He huffs before walking inside the bakery. 
You walk in behind him while giggling. 
"And that's it." 
You look at him with a smile and silently clap your hands together with an impressed look. 
If any of his men would see him right now, wearing an apron with a bunny on it, hands covered in flour, working in a bakery with soft music playing in the background, their eyes would pop out of their heads. But he couldn't care less. 
"Great job for a first timer, Barnes. You have earned yourself a serving of something special." 
Bucky smirked before replying, "Something special, you say?" He leans in and sends a wink your way. 
You roll your eyes before turning towards the kitchen, hoping that it wasn't evident how flustered you were.
You take out something from a box and place it on a plate in front of him. 
Bucky looked at it closely with a frown. It was clearly made of chocolate and was shaped like a dome. He could swear he had never seen it in your bakery before. 
"Come on, give it a try. If I wanted to poison you, I would have done it ages ago." 
He picks up one and after a moment of close inspection, takes a bite. 
As the taste of chocolate invades his senses, he moans and puts the whole into his mouth. 
You watch as his head falls back in delight. 
Once he is done, which is faster than he would have wanted, he says, "Sweets, that was the best damn thing I have ever had." 
You chuckle, "You say that every single time, James."
"And I mean it every single time." 
You just smile at him before putting another on the plate. 
As he devours that one quickly too, he inquires, "What is it called?" 
You smirk before replying, "James." 
"James. That's what it is called." 
His eyes widen and he takes a moment to reply, "You named a sweet after me?"
"Well, technically, you were the inspiration for this." 
He frowns. "How so?" 
"Well, It's full of chocolate and exceptionally sweet. It's exterior is hard but its insides are so soft, they practically melt in your mouth." 
Bucky looks at you, baffled and you look away, unable to meet his eyes. 
He opens his mouth to say something, but is suddenly shushed by you. 
"That's my favorite song." You whisper, as if not wanting to obstruct the soft melody. 
Bucky listens to the sound coming from your phone.
Wise men say
"Only fools rush in"
But I can't help
Falling in love with you
He looks back at you and at the way you have a soft smile on your face, your features highlighted by the soft glow of the kitchen light. 
You look at him and with a teasing smile puts your hand forward, indicating to him to take it. 
He looks between your outstretched hand and your face with a frown.
"Dance with me." Your voice is so soft, he just can't get himself to say no. But, who is kidding? He will set the whole world on fire and watch it burn with a smile on his face if you asked him to. 
He slowly places his hand in yours as the music continues. 
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help
Falling in love with you
The both of you stand in the middle of the kitchen, the moonlight sweeping its way through the windows. 
Everything is brightened in a warm glow but you know nothing will ever shine brighter than the way his ocean blue eyes do right now. 
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
One of his arms finds its way around your waist while the other holds yours. 
You place your free hand on his shoulder and he gently pulls you closer. 
The both of you stay like that for the rest of the song, swaying slowly to the music. 
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
You don't know who  leans first but before you know it, the distance between the both of you starts decreasing. 
You hold your breath and your gaze move from his eyes to his lips. 
You would be lying if you said you had never thought of this before, of how his lips would feel against yours, how he would taste like. 
This man had occupied your thoughts since the day you had met all those months ago and you were pretty sure he had no idea of the effect he had on you. 
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
Just as the song is about to end and there's nothing but an inch of distance between the both of you, the door to the bakery was suddenly pushed open with a force and the sound of the bells invaded the comfortable silence that had covered the room in a blanket. 
The both of you took a sudden step away, and you needed a moment to calm your heart which felt like it was about to beat its way out of your chest, before looking up to see who it. was. 
You squinted as two men, one blonde and the other dark haired, stood at the door, looking comically too big, having no idea of what transcribed in the bakery before they had not-so-smoothly barged in. 
The blonde one speaks, breaking the silence, "I knew we'd find you here." 
You watch as he steps towards James, who looks at him with sheer annoyance. "What the hell are you doing here, punk?" 
The other man looks at you and forms a smirk before stepping towards you. "So, this is where you always sneak off to? I guess I understand why." 
James huffs in annoyance and with a sten face stops him, "Shut up, Wilson." 
You look between the men who looked like they were in a staring contest when realization hit you. "Steve and Sam?" 
All the men look at you at the same time and you feel like a deer caught in headlights before you stand up straighter reminding yourself that no matter how intimidating the situation was, this was your bakery. 
"And you must be y/n l/n. It's great to finally meet you, Ms l/n" Steve says, smiling. 
"Please, just call me y/n." 
"Or we could call you beautiful." Sam replies before stepping forwards, stretching his hand to take yours for a shake. 
You let out a chuckle before shaking his hand. "Y/n is fine." 
"What are the both of you doing here?" Bucky speaks up, shooting daggers at Sam, his fists clenched. 
"There's an emergency. We need to go." Steve replies, a serious expression adorning his face. 
Sam interjects them "What's the hurry? I have heard so much about this bakery. We could eat something before leaving." 
Bucky spats at him, "This bakery has closed, Wilson. Time's up. Get your butt moving." 
Sam pouts and you chuckle at the antics of these grown men, "Why don't you come here some other day, Sam, I have something that I think you'll like." 
Sam looks at you, a childlike smile replacing his pout, "I like her already." 
Bucky steps forward towards Sam, pulling him away. "Don't listen to him, sweets." 
Steve and Sam turn their head towards him so fast. you are sure they will get a sprain later. Sam raises his brows with a smirk on his face, while Steve looks at him with a smile on his. 
James then quickly bids you goodbye before pulling the both of them outside the bakery. 
Once they reach the car Steve and Sam had driven in, they both look at him with amused grins. 
"Back off, the both of you. What's the emergency?" 
Steve's expression turns serious as he replies, "Our shipment from Iran has been stopped at Morocco and they are refusing to comply." 
Bucky narrows his eyes at the information. Who would dare to stop their shipment and risk getting on his bad books? "Who is it, Steve?"
"It's Alexander Pierce." 
Bucky lets out a breath before looking in the direction of the bakery once more  and then turning towards Steve and Sam. 
"Get in the car. We need to leave right now. This is going to be a long assignment."
Next part
Taglist (open) - @alana4610 @infinitehyperfixations @emilyroberts @winters1917 @almosttoopizza @lizslibrary @darlingwhoreslut @broadwaybabe18 @lolabrielle  @quethekillerqueen  @bbiaa420 @verveta345 @cookielovesbook-akie @saranghaey @writing-for-marvel @talesofadragon @depressed-gays-of-marvel @carrysears @supernatrualqueen @thecubanator2 @mcucatlady @tesseract69 @unaxv @fridooolin @havlindzk @coffeejustcoffee @nabiiturner @galaxy-dusk @blog-the-lilly @roserfz27 @elsie-bells  @partypoison00  @melsunshine @thevodkori @emoalien69 @alilstressyandlotdepressy @awkwardgiraffe726 @just-set-things-on-fire @lalalalalafu @jotaros-bara-tiddies @scuzmunkie @moonchildlov @pampeop @mossiswriting  @gloriouspurpose01 @day-dreaming-goddess @hawkeyes-queen @thats-alittle-gay @gigiislove @panhoeofmanyfandoms @solisinferni @dragonsandfunkyneonmushrooms @5lutty5arah @hopeluna @lethallyprotected @marvelxlevram @casualchaosdevil  @franfineashell @emily7232 @lizzystuffsthings @buckystevelove @polireader @niophiasca @mss-nthng @roe20r​ @hooomansstuff @missaprilt23 @sherlockstrangewolf @philiasoul @hasta-la-pasta-bb @marvelxlevram @winifrede  @rintheemolion
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Sukuna's Wife and Yuuji's Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) Part 2
Part 1
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Several hundred years ago…
You adored autumn more than any other season. Leaves drying, flowers falling to the ground–you felt most alive surrounded by death.
“The leaves remind me of your hair,” you said to him, holding up a red maple leaf. 
“You did not just compare me to a dead leaf.” He watched with crossed arms as you fiddled with the leaf before letting go. 
“It’s a compliment. Though…I guess the maple is prettier,” you teased him. The rubiness of autumn maple was rich and with a charm incomparable to any flower.
He huffed.
You laughed a bit, though your giggles were covered up with coughing.
He strolled closer, wrapping a scarf around your neck, his large hands careful not to pull on your hair. “You love autumn but can barely stand the cold.”
You snuggled closer to his side, placing your ear close to his heart. “Then it’s a good thing I married you.”
Present day.
Yuuji was the single most precious person to you. He and old man Wasuke were more your family than the actual people who made you. When the toddler first grasped your finger, tightly and warmly, you swore that nothing else mattered in the world.
As the days passed and that little crybaby grew up into a taller crybaby, your sentiments only got stronger.
No one cared, no one mattered, not even yourself.
If anyone deserved to live a long, happy life, it was your sweet, salt of the earth Yuuji. 
That’s why, after the man called Gojo explained everything: from curses and cursed energy to Yuuji’s fate after eating one of Ryomen Sukuna’s fingers, you found yourself getting down on both knees and laying your nose on the ground.
“Please,” you begged, “please spare Yuuji. If you need another host, then transfer Sukuna inside me and take me instead, but leave my brother alone.”
All three men were stunned.
Fushiguro reluctantly opened his mouth, “H-hey–”
“Nee-chan, get up.” Yuuji went to grab your shoulders, but he was taken aback when Gojo knelt down in front of you. 
He hummed, before asking, “You sure are a good sister. You realize that you’re basically asking us to kill you?”
You said nothing as you kept your forehead on the ground.
“So that’s your answer.” Gojo crossed his arms and pretended to think.
“Darling.” Sukuna appeared on Yuuji’s cheek. He growled, “Get up. You shouldn’t be prostrating yourself in front of these scum.” 
Gojo snapped his fingers. “Leave it to me, Y/N-chan!”
“Hey!” “Oy!”
Fushiguro and Sukuna chorused, “You’re not really dragging her into this, are you?” “You damn sorcerer, don’t you dare call her so intimately. Only I can–”
“Raise your head, Y/N-chan.” Gojo chuckled. “I’ll take care of you and Yuuji.”
Despite everything, Gojo needed to be sure of Itadori’s potential as a vessel, so he knocked the boy out and did the same to you before you could try to hit him. 
“You’re not really thinking of using that woman as a vessel, right?” Megumi watched as his teacher held you in his arms. “And how do you even plan on transferring Sukuna into her?”
“Tell me, Megumi, do you want Itadori-kun to live?”
“Of course, I do.”
“How about his darling nee-chan?”
“Yes, but–”
“Sukuna cannot be trusted, but if he really does care for this girl then we can use that to our advantage, don’t you agree?”
Megumi couldn’t protest. He didn’t like the idea of getting civilians involved, but if he had to choose between two people and the rest of the world, then the answer was obvious.
The day Old Man Wasuke was hospitalized, you already took a leave of absence from college. Quitting your part time jobs and packing up your belongings took less than a day, and cutting ties with the rest of the world you knew was easy. You had no warmth for your colleagues, or your classmates, or the lonely old house you grew up in. 
Sukuna was surprisingly quiet the whole ride to the high school, but when Satoru Gojo started flirting with you, an eye and mouth would open up on Yuuji’s cheek and demand he stay away from you. 
“How dare you lay your filthy hand on my beloved–”
“You mad? What’re you gonna do from waaaay over there?” (You seriously started to worry about your brother’s safety while being protected by this moron.)
Yuuji was placed next to Megumi Fushiguro (a polite but reserved boy, you noted) while you were put in the girl’s dormitory, which was practically empty. Sukuna was vocal about “being left behind,” but Gojo was adamant about separating the boys from the girls like the rules state. 
Lies, Megumi thought to himself. He just wants to piss off Sukuna. That and it was for your own safety. Though the King of Curses seemed attached to you, he was still a curse, and his attitude could’ve been a mask. 
You were used to being alone so living without a roommate or “friends” in a large building was no big deal. Once you were settled in, you returned to Yuuji’s dormitory, but when you found him unconscious and tied to a chair by talismans, you threw a shoe at Gojo without thinking.
“Why are you so violent?” Gojo complained as your shoe bounced off his infinity. 
“You said you would protect him!”
“Calm down,” Fushiguro said from behind you. “Please, Gojo-sensei may look and act like that–”
“–oi, what do you mean by ‘that’–”
“–but I promise you, he’s doing this for everybody’s benefit.”
“...You’re lying.” 
Fushiguro’s blood froze as you gazed into his eyes. He has never felt such intense blood lust from a single human before.
“You’re not doing this for my baby’s sake… you’re lying… you’re tricking us…” Your voice dripped with ice, your stare glazed over. 
Fushiguro was speechless. Something told him you weren’t talking about just Yuuji right now. 
“Give him back to me.” You gripped Fushiguro’s arms. “GIVE MY CHILD BACK!”
Fushiguro was at a loss, though your nails dug into him, he couldn’t bring himself to summon his familiars or push you away. You were a bit violent, but he saw Tsumiki in you. 
Wait, did she just say child?
@laurcad123 @aidanstan @deepinballs
Part 3
I'm getting way too lazy to write full fledged prose.
Anyway, I love soft sukuna.
Also, med school is murder T.T
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sunnitheapollokid · 2 months
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🌻┊ ⊹ •*⁀➷ LEO’S SUNSHINE
leo valdez x daughter of apollo oneshot / blurb!
📬 sunni’s notes : okay but like. if esperanza was still alive she would absolutely adore leo’s s/o. i feel like she’d be one of those mother-in-laws where if leo fucked up and you two would argue, she’d ask leo a “what’d you do this time?” question. — also, thank you so much for the love on strawberries ‘nd allergies!!! kisses! okay i’ll stop talking now
🎨 warnings : ESPERANZA MENTION!!! (dont cry guys)
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“mi vida, you’ll look beautiful in anything.” he spoke, letting his body lean against the door frame of her bedroom. his voice completely passed through her ears like it was nothing, “oh but leo! this is the first time i’m meeting them!”
she groaned, throwing clothes in the air in hopes to find her missing earring, sending the apollo cabin in a mess. not like it already wasn’t that much of a mess with the music sheets and the dried up paint on the floor. “jeez — where’s my earring?!” she yelled. the curly-head let out a laugh watching her panic in a hurry.
leo wore a white button up and just some regular black pants for the formal gathering. (name) was still in her pajamas. it was a little strange to (name) to find leo in clean clothes, and not the ones that are covered in grease.
“oh. i got it.” he snapped his fingers, like a light bulb had lighten up above him. “my earring?!” she exclaimed with a smile. “no girasol, what you’re going to wear.” he walked towards her and pinched her nose.
they walked together to cabin nine, (name) now out of her pajamas and in her camp clothes — the regular orange shirt and her brown khaki shorts.
leo opened the door to the cabin, his siblings cooing at his neat attire. “yeah you guys like?” he asked with a smug smile, turning to show the back, slapping his own ass.
the cabin echoed with laughter, (name) chuckled, rolling her eyes. “hey (name).” they greeted, once the [short/long] haired came into the frame. “hi guys!!” she smiled. leo pulled her into his corner of the cabin, “close your eyes sunshine.”
(name) obliged, closing her eyes, her hand still in his. leo’s hands were warm, but surprisingly, being the daughter of the god of the sun, her hands were unusually really cold. it was the perfect pair.
leo opened his closet with the other hand, “open them.” he spoke softly. (name) opened her eyes to see leo hold up a long yellow strapless dress, hemmed at the bottom were sunflowers. “leo..” she breathed, speechless.
“how—?” she asked. leo smiled, “my mom.. tailored for a bit. she didn’t use her hands for just mechanics.” leo’s mom was a hard subject for him, but (name) had told him he never had to talk about it. but if he ever needed to, she was there for him.
though, based on the short stories he’d tell her about his mom, she was a kind soul, as much of a great builder she was. and of course, an amazing mom over all.
“she told me she had a vision in a dream about a girl. a girl that illuminated sunshine, who would you know.. love me.” he handed her the dress, kissing her forehead softly. she averted her gaze to leo’s eyes. she could feel the tears swell up.
she took the dress, it was incredibly soft. on the side, was a white tag. written there were esperanza valdez’ words.
“for my leo’s sunshine.” with a yellow heart beside it. her breath hitched, leo embraced her. his button up getting all wet from the girl’s tears. “it’s beautiful leo.” she whispered. “a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl, no?” he pulled away, his hands glued to her hips.
they shared a laugh. “OH HEY IT’S YOUR EARRING!” leo yelled, picking up the earring from his bed. “how did that get there?” she asked. “oh, you see that piece, it broke off so i fixed it in secret. i totally forgot.” guess leo’s adhd had gotten the best of him yet again.
“oh leo..”
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Yandere Jock X F! Bookworm reader pt 2
Tw: manipulation, degrading language, possessive behavior, bondage, dubcon, spankings, bribery
A/N: Sorry this took a long time. Finals are coming up next week.
Kofi: Wanna buy me a coffee?
Brad, the jock who took your virginity in a library, has surprisingly been a good boyfriend. He cuddles you every night, gives you all the clothes you can want, and gives you attention every day. Though, you practically live at his house now. Luckily, your parents didn't know a thing since they've been overseas since you started dating him.
"Honey, I can't believe we're graduating tomorrow," He coos, spooning you from behind. "Do you have any plans for afterward?"
He hopes you'll say no. The university should've rejected you, especially with all the money he offered them if they did.
"I am going to start getting ready for college. I got accepted into my dream college! Can you believe it?" You cheer, turning towards him with loving eyes.
"Oh, I sure can," Brad replies, barely hiding the discontent in his voice.
You've been dating him for six months. You knew every little cue and behavior when it came to him. You know when he's upset about something.
"Babe, what's wrong?" You ask, placing your hands on his bare chest.
"It's nothing, sweetie. We should probably get dressed. Graduation is in two hours," Brad replies, getting up from the bed.
As much as he is possessive and obsessive, he could never hurt you. He knew how much you looked forward to going to your dream college. Even though it pains him to let you go to college around all those other drunk, handsy, aggressive frat boys.
"Ok, I call the shower first," You say, getting up and walking into the bathroom.
You turn on the shower and look at your products next to his. You are practically his wife now. In fact, you two even share everything. Although, you would like a bit of personal space from time to time. Luckily, the distance between you and Brad should give you that.
"Babe, mind if I join you?" Brad asks, knocking on the bathroom door.
Of course, he can't stay away from you for long in the morning. He always liked his morning cuddles. Though, most of the time, cuddles turn into something more sexual.
"Come on in, Brad. The water always seems a bit warmer when you're near," You say, opening the shower door.
Brad steps into the shower and goes behind you, arms wrapping your waist. He presses your butt against his crotch and keeps the position. You can feel his dick press against your entrance begging to be let in.
"Brad, can you grab the shower head? I wanna wash my hair for graduation," You tease, bending over to show your pussy more.
Brad's dick jumps excitedly, and you can feel his precum dripping onto your sex.
"S-Sure thing, Y/N!" Brad stutters, taking the shower head down and placing it between your legs.
You stand up as a jolt of pleasure goes through your spine. Brad forces you back down and masturbates as you moan.
"That's right, babe. Let me get you off."
"Brad, I'm close!"
Brad switches the pressure settings, and you go over the edge. You release and practically have to have Brad's arms keep you from falling to the floor. Brad holds both sides of your ass and places his face onto your pussy. He laps up your cum and juices, making you twitch again. You see his dick and wrap your legs around his upper body to keep you in place. He stands up, and that's when you take the opportunity to give him an upside-down blowjob. You wrap your soft lips around his tip and lightly kiss and suck it. Brad's legs buckle a bit, then you decide to play dangerously and put his whole dick in his mouth. Your hands play with his balls, stimulating the boy whose semen you wanted oh so much.
Brad makes you cum again, and you moan, his dick still in your mouth. He cums shortly after, his hot cum shooting into your mouth. You let go of his upper body and dick, letting Brad sink to the tub floor.
"You ok, babe? Was my mouth that good?" You ask, giggling as Brad's eyes begin to become unfocused.
"Yes, yes, it was. That was one of your best blowjobs. I guess playing with my balls made the difference," Brad says, using the shower head to clean you. "We should probably wash ourselves so we don't smell like shower sex at graduation."
"I guess you're right," You say, grabbing a shower gel.
Graduation was an exciting moment. Once you have a diploma, you begin to think about your relationship with Brad.
He's a great guy. He treats me well and knows to pleasure me. But it is very unnerving how Brad gets jealous. My pre-calc teacher still won't look into my eyes anymore. Besides, we're both going to college. Maybe we should break up?
"Y/N? Y/N! You were spacing out on me. I asked if you wanted takeout," Brad says as he unlocks his car.
"Um...takeout's fine. Your choice," You respond, getting inside and taking off your graduation cap.
"What's wrong, honeybun? Feeling hangry?" Brad asks, slipping a hand around your ass.
"It's just that we won't be able to see each other often in college-"
"I know, but we can make this relationship work."
"Brad, we should break up."
Brad slams on the brakes, and you hold onto your seatbelt.
"You want to what?"
Brad's face twisted with anger, his face flushing with blood. You've never seen him like this. He drives the car straight to his house and barely avoids the mailbox.
"Get out," Brad says, parking and unlocking his car.
You shakily unbuckle yourself and step out of the car. Brad grabs your arm and pulls you inside.
"Brad, you're hurting me!" You squeal, trying to remove his hand.
"Shut up, slut!" Brad yells,  throwing you on the couch and locking the front door.
Hearing Brad call you a slut pierced your heart. He completely shattered your feelings.
"You're so stupid sometimes. I thought I made it clear that we'll be together forever. There is no breaking up," Brad growls, walking around the living room. "Looks like I have to show you my feelings again. Take your gown off."
"No. I'm not your little sex doll to use whenever you're horny or frustrated. This relationship isn't good for either of us!" You rebuttal, closing the distance between you and Brad. "I love you, Brad. But I can't take the jealousy around everyone in my life anymore. I need distance. We need distance."
"We need intimacy. We need love. You've been pulling away from me as school started to end. We're both adults. Let's talk or work this through."
Brad wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you to his chest.
"I love you, Y/N. Please don't leave me," Brad pleads, hugging you tighter. "You won't slip away from me."
You feel the air slip out of your mouth, and your eyes begin to get tunnel vision. You pass out in Brad's arms.
"I'll love you forever and forever," Brad coos, taking you into his arms.
When you wake up, you're in front of a table and strapped to a chair. You feel something soft underneath you.
"Brad, where are you?" You groggily ask, lifting your head.
"You're sitting on me, honeybun. I wanted us to be close for dinner. I hope you like the spaghetti and wine!" Brad coos, using his free hand to twirl a fork. "I hope you like the outfit I provided."
You look down and see yourself wearing red lingerie over a see-through robe.
"Now say 'ah'!" Brad commands, putting the fork near your mouth.
You turn your head, but Brad grabs your chin and forces it open. You feel the fork go into your mouth. After nearly choking on the noodles, you cough.
"Brad, I'm sorry. I'm your stupid, attention-seeking, slutty girlfriend! Just please let me go!" You cry, shaking in your restraints.
Brad undoes the restraints, and you fall onto the table when you try to stand up.
"Baby, why would you describe yourself with such vile words?" Brad asks, taking you into his arms.
"That's what I am, right? You said it yourself," You begin to cry as you remember Brad yelling at you.
"Oh baby, what have I done? I didn't mean any of that. I'm the slut. I fucked other girls to get your attention before we started dating. You've done nothing but share the same loyalty I have for you in this relationship," Brad consoles, letting you cry on him. "I promise I'll make this right."
You don't know if it's the lack of oxygen or the dehydration from all the crying, but you ask Brad for the unthinkable.
"Brad, have sex with me," You say, looking at your boyfriend with teary eyes.
"Have sex with me. I've always had sex with you because you wanted it. It's time for you to do something for me, for once."
"Y/N, I'd kill for you. You know that, right?"
"I know, and that's part of why I love you and want to break up. You can't focus your entire life around me."
"Honeybun, tonight-no this whole summer, is going to be about you!"
Brad throws you over his shoulder and carries you to his bedroom. He turns on the light and puts you on the covers. You back up until you feel the bedframe. Brad strips till he's naked, and watch Brad crawl towards you like a predator about to pounce on its prey. His eyes are full of love and lust, and there are practically hearts in his eyes.
"You better get ready because I'm going to make all of your body feel loved tonight," Brad flirts, closing the distance and spreading your legs. "Maybe a bit of nostalgic foreplay before the main event?"
Brad's hand goes to your butt and gently rubs it.
"Brad, maybe we should think about this?" You suggest, trying to hold him off as you start to regret what you asked of him.
Brad kisses your neck and cheek.
"Sorry, babe. I'm giving you all of my love tonight," Brad replies, gently turning you onto your stomach. "God, I'm-you're going to enjoy this."
Brad peels off your panties and begins to spank and kiss your ass.
"Brad!" You accidentally moan, putting your face into his cologne-smelling pillow.
"Yes, honey! Feel the pleasure!" Brad moans, spanking your ass harder and faster.
"Ooh, I can't take it anymore!" You whimpered, feeling the pleasure build-up and release.
Brad sticks three fingers in your sex and pulls them out to taste your cum. He sticks his cum covered fingers in his mouth like a hungry animal and practically shivers with pleasure from the taste.
"Brad, I-I think I'm ready," You stammer, nervous about how rough Brad is going to be.
"Don't worry, I won't get rough unless you want me to," Brad reassures, lovingly squeezing your butt.
You flip onto your back and spread your legs for him. Brad positions his hips so it lines up with your vagina. Brad sees how nervous you are and kisses you as a distraction. He manages to put half of his dick inside before you notice.
"Brad!" You squeal, feeling his arms wrap around you. Preparing to begin thrusting.
"It's ok. It's ok. Brad isn't going to hurt you again," Brad coos, kissing down your neck.
You wrap your arms around his upper body and look into his eyes.
"Do it," You say.
Brad kisses you on the lips and puts his whole dick inside you. You both moan from the feeling, and that's when Brad begins to lose himself. Brad's thrusts start to become fast and erratic. However, you feel euphoric and want this moment to last forever.
"Oh fuck, baby! Keep going!" You encourage, moving your hands down to Brad's ass. You spank and grope his ass. "Keep going! Keep going!"
"I'm going to fill you up with my love! All of it!" Brad moans, starting to drool like a dog. "OH SHIT! I'm cumming! Fuck!"
Brad cums in you while thrusting and eventually slows to a stop to orgasm. He cums inside you two more times and crashes on top of your body.
"Brad, that was wonderful," You compliment, stroking Brad's hair.
Brad kisses your boobs and lets one hand playfully rub a nipple.
"I'm glad I made you happy," Brad says, kissing your forehead. "And don't you worry your little head about getting pregnant. I bought multiple packs of the morning-after pill. I remember how worried you were about getting pregnant after your first time in the library."
"Great, hand me one," You say, lovingly looking into Brad's green eyes.
"Sweetie, that's for in the morning. In case you haven't noticed, I haven't pulled out of you yet. I'm not going to let any of my love go to waste, even if it's a wet dream."
"Brad, I love you," You say.
You feel Brad's dick harden inside you after you say the words.
"I love you too, honeybun!" Brad exclaims, excitedly kissing you on the lips.
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loveemii · 1 year
How the Kamaboko Trio would react to you wearing a mini skirt and a revealing top :)
WARNINGS: Spicy content level 30% Touching, kissing.
enjoy <3 + bonus | aged up | fem reader
you were going out for dinner with tanjiro and he was patient while you were getting ready upstairs. but damn you took almost an hour picking out what you wanted to wear, poor tanjiro was waiting for a while. (ToT)
after you finished getting ready you walked out the room and went downstairs. only for tanjiro to first look at your exposed breasts. cleavage hanging out and the mini skirt you chose didn’t make it easier for him. his eyes then narrowed down from your breasts to your thighs. your skirt was almost only covering your inner thighs.
“How do I look?”
the audacity you had asking him that.
“You look gorgeous.”
although his mind was wondering off on all the ways he wanted to have you, he was gentle nevertheless. he came off as pure and innocent, until he grabbed you by your mini skirt.
“Tanjiro? What are you doing?”
“Shh, just touch me.”
he then pulled you in closer to him by pulling you by your mini skirt. you felt really hot and your stomach was twisting, his heart was pounding but all he wanted was you.
“God your so beautiful.”
he said as he kissed your soft plump lips, you kissed him back. tanjiro then placed his head and rested it on your breasts. he reached down into your pants and was just slowly finding the right place to touch you. the night was gonna be long and slow, gentle and hot.
you wanted to have a nice walk in the city with your boyfriend, you even made him put a shirt on for once. as he waiting for you outside the estate, it was really hot in the day as well as the night since this was during summer. he waited an extra few minutes (seconds) before he went back inside the house.
“What the hell is taking you so long?”
he asked with a bit of annoyance in his tone of voice. he stopped talking as he seen you exit room with a revealing top and a mini skirt.
“Does this look ok?”
you asked him pulling the skirt a little down, he wasn’t speaking but instead he just walked up and grabbed you on your upper thighs.
is all he said before you leaned in a kissed him. it was mostly you who started intimacy with him but he would always start trouble by saying things like that. he kissed you back and there were a few smiles in between deep kisses.
“Ino? Are we still going out?”
“No, let’s stay the hell inside tonight.”
and with that it was time to take off that top and mini skirt, things we about to get hot real fast.
zen really wanted to take you out on a date since he has been busy all month with slaying demons. it was an exciting night for him cause he got to see you all dressed up for him and for the night. but what he didn’t know is that you were gonna DRESS UP.
he was waiting outside your room with a bouquet of pink flowers he picked out from the estate garden. you walked out the room and he started to blush as soon as he looked at what you were wearing. and damn he couldn’t help but look at your breasts and butt and you turned around displaying your outfit for him.
“What do you think?”
you asked him as you fixed your top and mini skirt. he was trying his hardest to look elsewhere, but his eyes always wonders off were your boobs were. you noticed this and giggled a little.
“If you wanted to touch them, you could’ve asked.”
his face lit up but was still red from blushing. his heart was beating faster than the flash. and that feeling he had in his stomach didn’t help him to approach you either.
you went closer to him and moved his hands to your waist as you bother the flowers hit the ground. his hands were wobbly and his face was a vibrant shade of pink. you leaned in a kissed his eager lips. surprisingly he kissed you back without fear, as if those feelings went away easily. his hands travels from your waist to your breasts in no time wasted. he was touching and playing with them softly.
“So soft and beautiful.”
he couldn’t help but smile in between kisses just like inosuke. but this boy was no different than a lovesick little boy.
+ bonus character!
you and nezuko were going out to a festival in a local city nearby, she was waiting for you as you changed in the room.
“I’m finished!”
you said cheerfully, she turned around from looking away, her eyes widened and her mouth made an O shape.
“Is something wrong?”
“No you look so beautiful! I’m not sure I want to go to the festival anymore.”
she said as she walked up to you and resting her face on top of your breasts, she can hear how fast your heartbeat was, and she wanted nothing more than to spend the night with you. she then kissed your soft tinted lips and you kissed hers, she began to slowly pull your mini skirt down as you untied your revealing top. she took off her clothes and you two were gonna be ending the night in the bathtub together.
thank you for reading, please ignore grammar or spelling mistakes (ToT) (if i did any)
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hugsandchaos · 11 days
Here’s an AU! Or a joke of an AU? It’s based off a joke. Basically, Vlad wasn’t affected by the portal like Danny was and is still human, Danny isn’t a Fenton and still had to run with Sam and Tucker because his parents, who are also ghost hunters, found out and didn’t take it easy, and the three somehow crashed in Vlad’s lawn. About forty days later…
During a video call (because I said so!)
Jack: It’s been amazing speaking with you after so long, Vladdie!
Maddie: Say, do you have kids?
Vlad: No, I have three freeloaders.
Sam in the background: Wow!
Tucker: Dude, you’re letting us stay here!
Danny: And I’ve been fighting ghosts off your property for the last two hours!
Vlad: Send parenting tips. I beg you.
Maddie: We were so excited when we were planning for Jazz. A little stressful at times, but we got through it and now we have a beautiful daughter studying psychology! We couldn’t be prouder.
Jazz: I love you too!
Vlad: These three freeloaders crashed on my lawn and acted like feral gremlins for the first week and a half. They test my patience like no one else, but if anyone dares to do something to them, they will pay dearly for it.
Danny: Ha! I knew it! The fruit loop cares for us!
Sam: I got that on camera. You can’t take it back now that you’ve admitted it.
Tucker: If you weren’t stuck with us before, you definitely are now.
Also, Vlad defending Danny from Jack and Maddie. In subtle ways at first. When Danny accidentally came in still in ghost form, Vlad acted like it was normal and addressed him as “Phantom”. He walked up to him and thanked him for dealing with other ghosts. He told him to go lay down, and Jack and Maddie were very confused and a bit on edge.
The next day, they saw Phantom again. He was slowly reaching across the table and trying to grab Vlad’s coffee. Vlad was reading the newspaper and gave him a stern look. Phantom glared back, but slowly pulled his hand away and started to leave. Then he came right back and tried to swipe it, but Vlad was quick enough to grab him and scold him for trying to take his coffee. When they came into the room, Phantom freaked out and left. Vlad was displeased.
He was having quality “getting on each other’s nerves” time with the ghost kid who haunts his mansion and protects it from other ghosts! Quit scaring him off with your ghost hunting tech! You know what? New rule; Leave the ghost weapons at the door.
Also, Jazz warms up to him first. Both because he’s surprisingly lovable, and because it gives her a chance to study ghost psychology.
Jack: Vlad, don’t freak out, but your house is haunted.
Vlad: I’m aware. The little badger stole my second cup of coffee this morning. *turns around* Butter biscuits, he just took my fifth!
Phantom: *drinks coffee faster*
Maddie: Be careful! Ghosts are evil and unfeeling!
Vlad: Liar. Phantom takes great pleasure in draining my coffee supply and getting on my nerves. He also appreciates me for letting him turn one of the old rooms into a mini planetarium. Therefore, not unfeeling.
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