#My phone's overheating
evermorethecrow · 1 year
This is for the eyes of @emtearzz specifically, I'm politely asking every and anyone else to ignore this for the sake of my reputation and heart pls pls pls I know I'm shameless but not THIS shameless
I'll post the second half in a bit
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transmasccofee · 1 year
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Wasted summers :c
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softenedsunbeams · 3 months
i found an ecosystem browser game and i've been putting grass and bacteria and fish and watching them do things for thirty minutes and everything's okay forever now actually
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shadowmatcha · 10 months
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hey look it’s my sillies my smoochies
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zenoes · 2 months
alhaitham who gives you his headphones when you’re overwhelmed. who sits you on the floor between his legs. minimal touching, to give you space, but just enough to keep you grounded.
cooled hands resting on your forehead, back against his chest as he lets you calm down in silence. everything is done at your own pace.
let him go & get you water & your favourite in between meal food as a simple task to do while whatever the hell is bothering you simmers down. enough for you to either talk about it, or move on to something else. then later let him give you kiss on forehead & tell you he’s proud of you for getting through it <3
and/or just actually give you some kind of gold star. either or. alhaitham best boyfriend ever t’would be great if more people were like him
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
You’re laying against the pillows in your shared bed, reading a new book when Bakugou drags himself through the door. He doesn’t say much to your greeting, waves a hand when you go to stand up, and trudges into the bathroom with a promise to be out soon. The shower turns on in only a few minutes, and you wonder how you should approach him when he gets out.
Overbearing? Should you go in and wrap him up in a towel and dry him off and brush his teeth for him? Standoffish? Should you just turn off the light and lay down for the night? Playful?
Before you can ponder too much on the last option, he comes emerging from the bathroom, clad in only his boxers, still damp. He doesn’t say anything and climbs into bed, but turns his body so he lays horizontally until his head rests in your lap to look up at you. You smile at him gently, at his furrowed brows and pressed thin lips, and pat his cheek.
“What are you doing laying your big head in my lap?” You ask jokingly, smile dropping as quick as it appeared when Bakugou frowns deeper at your words. He goes to move from his position, and you have to push him back down a little forcefully by his chest and shoulders.
“Hey, I was just kidding. Why are you leaving?” You ask bemused, trying to smooth the harsh lines in his forehead with your fingertips. He doesn’t look at you anymore, but he also doesn’t move from his spot this time.
“Figured you didn’t want me around tonight.” He snaps a little more than he intends, and tries to ignore how your lip juts out a little. He folds his arms across his chest and tries to ignore how good your nails feel scratching against his scalp. You don’t say anything for a long while; instead, you just look at him. Touch him sweetly until his hard exterior melts and his frown softens and his eyes finally find your own face again. Only then do you smile at him, stroking his ear and his cheek and his nose until he sighs.
“How was your day?” You ask instead, mindful this time, cautious. And it’s like that was all Bakugou needed, as he feels his entire being deflate against you. The weight of his head and upper body is welcomed, and he feels just a bit safer in the comfort of your skin and warmth.
“Shit.” He answers simply and shakily. It makes your brows tilt up the slightest bit as your hands still on his face. He looks away from you again, and blinks rapidly. You grow quiet and let him turn in your arms until his face is buried in the softness of your stomach. Only then, does he release the weight of being the number two pro hero for the night. You don’t say anything when you hear a sniffle, but you rub his shoulders tenderly and he thinks that maybe, he’ll be alright.
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silly-goose-kid · 4 months
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hyunpic · 1 year
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hyunjin on instagram: VMAs
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t4t-dazai · 1 year
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don't let your past have power over you
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laughroditee · 1 month
Every time I'm on Tumblr, my phone burns. I think this site is giving it gonorrhea.
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fours-writings · 10 months
thinking about… immortal y/n.. and virus riddled moon…
you take this job because honestly? why the hell not. looked cool on paper and paid well. since you weren’t about to go any time soon, you might as well get a good job while you’re at it.
you arrive late evenings. sun’s still out by now. you find him silly and decide to befriend him.
he’s a little concerned at how reckless you are— what with that one time a shelf fell on you and you ended up coming into work the next day seeming completely fine, and also the fact you tried to copy his signature dove into the ball pit and he swears you should’ve at least broken a few bones from that fall —but also likes how determined you are. most people are scared of him, purely because he’s an animatronic, and yet you keep on interacting with him without fail.
when night comes, the lights go out, and you have to go out on patrol, moon is there to join you.
he thinks you’re cocky. thinks you’re stupid for trying to be close with him. is scared he’ll hurt you like everyone else.
he also thinks you’re a dick, because you seem to antagonize him on purpose. you poke fun, argue with him, mock him, refuse to sleep… he can’t tell whether this is a breath of fresh air or another reason he’s starting to lose more control by the day.
meanwhile, you just think his reactions are amusing. it’s even better when you get that instinctive rush of fear when he threatens you.
moon keeps his distance. keeps a firm grip on his self control.
you don’t.
and so, inevitably, something bad happens.
another night, another patrol, and another round of banter. he didn’t know why whatever you said affected him so much, but he finds himself losing control. glitches and warnings blurring his vision.
before he realizes it, he’s stealthily coming up behind you… and suddenly, his hands are around your neck.
[continues below: CW for blood, gore, and decapitation]
you obviously jerked to tug away from him, your much smaller hands clawing at his. but all he does is grip harder.
you choke and squirm, but your attempts are futile. his claws automatically come out, digging into soft, vulnerable flesh.
to his surprise, it only takes a few more moments before your head comes clean off.
he doesn’t realize how your body doesn’t drop. how your blood is shockingly… not warm. how your hands reach upward toward your now-headless neck.
all he can pay attention to is the weight. of your head in his hands. your blood dripping down his casing.
the glitches recede, and all he can feel is an overwhelming sense of guilt.
not again. he didn’t mean to. he wasn’t paying attention.
not again.
“Can you give me my head back now?”
if he had a heart, he would’ve gotten a heart attack right then and there.
he optics flick down to your somehow still standing body, his hands beginning to shake.
“B—.. but I— you just…—“
“Mhm, yeah, just hand over my head already.”
despite how baffled and scared he is— at you, at his own actions, at this damn situation —he somehow musters up enough strength to carefully lower your head to you.
you aren’t careful as you take it back, turning it around to reveal your unamused expression. you grimace at the sight of him, covered in your own blood.
“Yeah, you might wanna wash that stuff off before it dries,” you say casually as you put your head back on your shoulders.
one moment, the blood is pouring from your mangled neck. the next, the wound is gone, nothing but the blood caking your form giving any hint there’s even been an injury in the first place.
“Stuff starts glowing all weird ‘n shit after a while,” you continue nonchalantly, “and by then it’s going to stain, so.. yeah, we’re probably gonna have to stop at a bathroom or something.”
you huff out a sigh as if annoyed by the inconvenience of being distracted from the patrol.
it was as if you didn’t even care about the fact he literally just took your head off.
“…how..?” moon finally mutters out, reaching toward you.
you actually roll your eyes at this, eyes flickering down toward the bloody mess on the floor.
“Your guess is as good as mine, pal,” you say, already turning to start walking toward the nearest bathroom or maybe supply closet.
he scrambled to follow, still shaking as he tries to ignore the feeling of blood covering him.
“W-Why aren’t you..?” the rest of his question hangs in the empty air.
why aren’t you mad i killed you.
you paused, then turned to him again.
you looked bored, but there was at least the smallest hint of pity in your eyes.
“You’ve acting weird lately,” you hummed, turning back to continue walking, “don’t blame you for it. At least I finally know what your limit is now.”
there’s something about the way you shrug at the end of your words that tugs at his wires.
anger. guilt. excitement.
the feelings all pool in his circuits, swirling and mixing into an explosive cocktail.
he looks down at his hands.
he recognizes the sight.
but it feels different for a multitude of reasons now.
he doesn’t want to believe whatever just happened. he wants to think the virus is tricking him, making him believe you somehow survived. that this is some sort of sick fantasy to help him cope with the fact he just killed his counterpart’s best friend.
he’s pulled from his thoughts by the feeling of your hand wrapping around his wrist. he wants to pull away, but he just can’t.
for the first time, he notices how cold you are. not that you’re freezing, but you’re definitely not warm enough for the average human. enough to keep you moving, but not enough that you feel alive.
“Moon, come on,” you say impatiently, tugging at his wrist, “we need to clean, like, everything up before someone else comes around and sees.”
against his better judgment, his cleaning protocols perk up at the mention.
he wants so badly to resist. to ask more questions. to wrap his own hand around your arm just to test if this magic worked with more than just your fragile neck.
he lets you pull him along, silent and confused. the nearest supply closet isn’t too far. neither is the bathroom. he wonders which you’ll go for first
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feketeribizli · 3 months
nothing hits like the temperatures dropping to 25 degrees and you sitting on your shitty train writing about your ocs
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grape-of-agayte · 1 year
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..As the Rodeo’s shopkeep hit the ground, they began to convulse and contort. Their body jerked back and forth in tandem with the eerie tune that abruptly began filling the air.
Despite everything urging you to help them, you couldn’t help but watch stationary from where your group stood. Empathy being overrun by an odd sense of grim intrigue that kept your eyes glued to the unfolding scene and your feet rooted into the floorboards.
Amidst their thrashing, a puncture turned into a tear, a tear turned to a cut, a cut to a hole, a hole to a gash, and a gash to a gouge. When the movement finally stopped, the shopkeep was in pieces on the floor.
Nestled deep into the mess of stationary flesh now littering the ground a small, green, ornate box laid bare. The tunes’ origin. It seemed so comically out of place amidst the carnage; bright, covered in colorful dots, adorned with a smiling cartoon bunny on the front.
It’s jovial melody wafted through the tense air, reminiscent of a fair or a circus. It’s handle still spun, yet no one dared to move. An audience held captive by unwanted devotion and morbid curiosity.
The Keepers’ partner, watched with a calm eagerness from afar. A grin spreading across his face as their show came to its climax. The notes began to slow in tempo, the song soon coming to an end.
For a few heavy seconds, all was silent. For a few seconds, there was a chance to flee.
But alas, the audience did not move, the audience did not speak.
In that silence, the Rodeos’ final act began.
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mellomadness · 11 months
can tumblr pls stop telling me to scroll up when I watch a video. I don’t care about tumblr tv I want to watch the goddamn video I’m on. with sound. the entire time. no interruptions. for fucks sake
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fcthots · 1 year
what r ur thoughts on jasons music taste bc i think this topic needs to be talked abt more
i am a strong believer that jason is a "i listen to anything" type of guy, but like . he actually Does listen to anything and his main playlist is a disaster bc every song he ever liked is on it so it'll go from genre to genre with no transition
also i like to think jason only has 3 different playlists: main, gym, you (songs that remind him of u bc he is a romantic n thinks of u all the time !!!) 
No ur so right. I think he has two more playlists tho: songs that you both like for when you share AirPods and his guilty pleasure music (Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo type stuff).
I can’t decide if his gym playlist would double as his sex playlist bc I think that’s funny.
Also for any other times he would just listen to specific artists.
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