#My temp fanfic tag
ohnothisisathing · 1 month
In the Bed I Made
Written for Hideduo Kiss week Day 5: Desperate/Dramatic kiss. Repeating, I didn’t have time to post it during the event so here it is a week late. Stardew Valley au. Short and sweet. Technically Fabio/Pac. Written in the idea that Fit’s sdv streams are in his cubito’s head.
Content warning: none. Rated 17+
Tio Fabio and Penny are standing at the head of the alter. The cobblestone of the town square is not great for the balance of the awning above them, but if they don’t touch it, it won’t fall, probably.
Penny does look very nice in her dress. Soon they will be married and a whole new world of investment will be open to them. Penny’s teaching doesn’t pay a lot, but when she helps on the farm it’ll increase profits significantly.
Tio Fabio smiles at his lovely bride as the mayor steps forward.
“Well let's get right to it. Tio Fabio…Penny… As the mayor of Pelican Town and regional bearer of the matrimonial seal, I now pronounce you husband and wi-“
“NO!” A familiar voice objects. Fabio looks away from Penny and to the man running down the isle.
Pac looks great, but then he always does and it’s been so long since he’s seen him. The longer he stares at him the more he feels like he never wants to look away, which isn’t a problem because Pac inserts himself between Fabio and Penny.
“Do not marry her Fabio. You can’t!” He says with a dramatic wave of his arms. Fabio’s instinct is to say yes, whatever he wants, but instead asks “why?” almost against his will like it’s a line off a script and is that music swelling?
Pac’s eyes look determined and a little mad, which makes a thrill go up Fabio’s spine right before he leans up and presses his lips to Fabio’s. Pac’s arms wrap around his neck, the fingers of one hand spread on the nape of his neck to encourage Fabio closer. He is only happy to oblige, deepening the kiss and feeling Pac against him for the first time is so long. The longer the kiss got the hungrier he feels, like he can never have enough. Pac is here. Pac found him and he is so hungry.
Fit opens his eyes to darkness and the world feels fuzzy and not quite real. On instinct he shifts his head left and right and tests that he can feel ten toes and all five fingers, but just those minor movements feel exhausting. He knows acknowledging any ache in his body with any scrutiny means inviting a floodgate of pain so he closes his eyes again and waits for the world to have colors and shapes and meaning again.
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
WIP Roundup
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS
i was tagged by @ceilidho bc she's nosy
ok so i know you're supposed to do names of docs but mine are all just called what i think i'll call the fic and that might change (plus i'm self conscious of my temp titles LMAO) so!! i'm gonna post like a logline of each instead
i'll tag anyone who sees this and wants an excuse to do it! say i tagged you!
anyways. cod fanfics:
serial killer ghoap x reader
age gap ghoap pwp thing (1k celebration)
ceil johnny thing (1k celebration - almost done!! kinda)
frat soapgaz x reader pwp
selkie ghoap au
ghost x reader fake-boyfriend-turned-stalker
dd:dne ghoap exchange for twitter
conqueror ghost au
other fandoms not specified shhh:
"pretty polly" by vandaveer au
"east of the sun, west of the moon" au
"maiden and the selkie" by heather dale au
demon abo (forced) second chance
young god x mortal girl
sea god x gorgon
pwp f/f/f two evil villains and their henchman
ok i know this looks like a lot but like several of these are just things i have plotted, not anywhere near actually written lmao. im lazy!!
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spnfanficpond · 6 months
November/December 2023 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @deanwinchesterswitch
Five-Finger Discount by @talltalesandbedtimestories
This story is so smartly written - so many fantastic descriptions and lines of dialogue and it flows so beautifully. I didn’t want it to end. If you don't already have an obsession with Dean's hands, you will by the end of this fic.
Nominated by @annahmiraculousmillenium
A New Form by Kenophobia (AO3)
I'm nominating this story because it introduced me to a new tag I really like now: "Shapeshifter Dean" Sam is bossy (and Dean actually obeys!) Bobby is in there! John dies! And other cool things I don't want to spoil. Also, it's gen.
Nominated by @glygriffe
Said the Salmon to the Sea by @bendingsignpost
A mesmerizing (or mermaid-rising?) Dean-centric story about change, about the fact that it comes whether we want it to or not, and how the heck we deal with it. “If this is as far as we can go, it’s as far as we can go,” Dean says with a heavy shrug. Slowly, Sam says, “It’s as far as I can go.” “Yeah, that’s what I just said.”
The Angel of Emetgis V by Kayliemanlinza (AO3)
I read this as part of the Dean/Cas Reversebang 2022 (with beautiful art by @missaceriee) and the concept of true-form Castiel as an alien meeting "grease-monkey" Dean in deep space is compelling as much as how love is expressed between species. (Here is the original DCRB post that made me discover the story)
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
Unlikely by @apocalypseornaw
This story was written for me for the Secret Santa hosted on the Pond. It's a lovely fic with Ketch/GN!Reader, something there kind of is a lack of (both with GN and Male reader inserts). And like, also with Ketch lol it was a really nice pick-me-up as I'm not having the best of times right now, and it made me read an author I didn't know before, so it's a win-win Situation!
Follow That Car! by Mrs_SimonTam_PHD (AO3)
A really nice, short Ketch/Dean story with a side of murder. "I wish to fuck you, Dean" is forever embedded in my brain.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Spotless by @stusbunker
This is a Dean x reader AU with SO MUCH DELICIOUS PINING!!!! And now Bela's involved! And the reader gets to watch Dean and Bela make heart eyes at each other!! SO MUCH YUMMY ANGST!!!
Nominated by @salt-n-burn-em-all
Care and Feeding by foolishgames (AO3)
Sam is somehow turned into a cat. The best stories are the first and last ones if you are not an S/D reader, then can be read as mostly Gen.
Dissecting the Bird by nigeltde (AO3)
♥♥♥ Just right.
The Witch and the Wolfen by meus_venator (AO3)
I love everything about this story- meus has an amazing talent and this is one I reread often- plus, it just got a second story!
Sounds Like Truth Feels Like Courage by Sprinkle888 (AO3)
Well-written SPN story. Gen, no pairing, but it doesn’t need one. Sam binds them together with some MoL magic rings and finding out how they work is a riot. Some angst, temp character death, but ends happily. 10/10 recommend. Also posted on my Tumblr.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Slither by Tiamatv (AO3)
I absolutely love this story! The show of cultural differences between Dean and Castiel that even the reader will miss the cues. Lol! The conversation about sex was hilarious especially since Dean doesn’t ask. 😂 Wait until you read the word “clasp”. Poor Dean. Look up the word: hemipene. This stems all the hilarity in the fic. Just wait. Just wait. It’s hilarious!! SPOILER: Castiel is a naga refugee that is half human and half beautiful snake, and Sam basically “adopted” him as a charity project that turns into Dean’s charity project that ends up making him very happy very quickly.
Rubber Duckie Boots by Hexentaenzerin (AO3)
This such an adorable meet-cute. I love it! I also love that Dean wears rubber duckie boots while videoing carpet cleaning videos for his business, which Castiel absolutely loves to watch. Just can’t get enough of seeing Dean in those boots. Castiel even buys a rug to try to get Dean to notice him. **squee** It’s great! The ending is so Dean and Castiel. ❤️❤️❤️
Weighted by Tiamatv and amireal (AO3)
I absolutely love this fic because I actually sleep with a weighted blanket and when my kids are sick, they love their own. I even have one in the car. It’s light but enough to feel it. This is just so fluffy and romantic all thanks to our favorite redhead introducing weighted blankets which helps so much. It’s been shown to even help babies but blankets aren’t great for them. Anyway, they’re so cute and that scene where Dean opens his eyes all slow and gentle with “hey”, just broke me. My husband and I do that periodically and it just means more snuggles and sleep. lol. Poor Castiel thinking he couldn’t have Dean which I understand since Dean has said so much he is straight or implied it rather often. Ugh. This was done so well. I admit I wish there was more especially with Dean exploring this new aspect of himself and with Castiel. Curious to see what their bumps in the road are and how they handle it.
Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind by Fathersalmon (AO3)
First, this is smut. Second. It is fucking hilarious! I rarely find crack in smut. You have to read this hilarity. Dean’s sassy mouth is just amazing in this while Castiel just ignores him. 🤣 If you want to laugh, read this!
Firelight Glow by bleuzombie (AO3)
I just love how it progresses and the ending is great though. It’s so sweet and fluffy. Their connection is so tangible the reader can feel it like the characters do. It also has Trans Dean Winchester, which I always love to read, especially by @bleuzombie who knows how to write them so authentically and truthfully.
Nominated by @spencereliotwinchester
Stray Hearts by blujay44 (AO3)
It's definitely a weird one, but I really like how fluffy it is. Really, though, it's weird... but it's a feel-good one, especially when Jensen comforts Jared.
Pastiche (orphaned work on AO3)
This is literally one of my favorite SPN fics ever. I reread it a lot. Features Autistic!Jensen and loveable goldenretriever Jared who just wants to get to know his neighbor.
Flash by ellia (AO3)
Short, sweet, almost possessive... Also features my two favorite boys: Jensen and Christian.
For the Taking by veronamay (AO3)
Steamy, sexy, bdsm, Jared and Jensen. What more could you ask for??
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
House of the Rising Son by @kittenofdoomage
I really love the idea of Sam and Dean being the bad guys! The story as a whole is so goood!
Blood and Honey by @kittenofdoomage
Dark!Winchesters are my favorite kind of tropes! This is such a great story, very well written!
Baklavas For Your Birthday by @cloverhighfive
This is very cute!!!
Muddy Soul by @impala-dreamer
This is so good! Its very dark at times and you absolutely need to mind the tags! But this is such a great series!
Strangers by @smellingofpoetry
Very cute story!! I liked it!!!
I am my beloved’s and my beloved’s mine by @heavenssexiestangel
Very cute! Very fluffy!!!! I liked it!!!!
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- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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otherworldlychemistry · 6 months
Spike/Drusilla to be counted as a rarepair
Spike/Drusilla has enough fanfic tagged as Spike/Dru that we previously did not count it as a rarepair. However, after a few members mentioned having difficulty finding shippy endgame Spru fics, I reworked my math and discovered that many of the fics tagged Spru were actually endgame shippy fics for other ships, with only temp or past Spru.
So the issue was put to a community vote on our discord, and we decided to give Spru rarepair status!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
WIP folders ask game
Thanks to @annab99awritersdream for the tag!
Rules: post all of your WIP folders, then have people send an ask if they're interested!
Okay here are my folders...
12 Bear Cubs (obv temp title)
Dystopian Book
Emerald of Secrets (note: temp. title; will change)
Eternity (temp title)
Etran (maybe temp)
Fanfic That I'll Never Touch Again (partial lie)
Fantasy Book
Half of the Magic (probably change this title)
It Was All Just a Dream
Leaving the 99
School of the Legends
The Blind Sight (this is cringe change the title)
The Chronosians (temp title)
The Iterinastis System
The Last Time
The Others (temp title)
The Secret Portal
The Trail (temp title)
Tagging @gracehosborn @cadotoast @illarian-rambling @mk-writes-stuff @awritingcaitlin @jezifster @jessicagailwrites @sleepywriter00 @little-peril-stories @buffythevampirelover @little-mouse-gardens @elizaellwrites @elsie-writes @willtheweaver @eccaiia @somethingclevermahogony + ANYONE ELSE
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Fanfic & Art Masterlist
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Request Info | Taglist Form | Requests: OPEN
[REQ] denotes requested works
[M] denotes work is Mature; not recommended for minors.
[WIP] Work In Progress; active to semi-active.
Updated: 6/16
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Art Masterlist
**Not all of my artwork is added to my masterlist so be sure to check out my art tag for everything!**
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The Bad Batch Fics Masterlist
The Clone Wars Fics Masterlist
The Mandalorian Fics Masterlist
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General Clone Stuff
Contains OCs, Drabbles/Ficlets, 3 Am Thoughts™ and Headcanons
Clone OCs Masterlist
Under Bursting Skies [GN!Reader Ficlet]
[M] "Creative" Miniseries [501st Edition]
[M] "Creative" Miniseries [TBB + Wolfpack Edition]
[M] "Creative" Miniseries [212th Edition]
On temp. hold: Welcome to the "Cozy Clone" Hotel
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Miscellaneous Characters/Stuff
Like Family [Feral x Reader] *Note: This is a submitted fic*
Star Wars as Birds
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Pick My Brain
Example One of my thoughts on proper Canon vs Legends and why I'm probably inaccurate
Why I use ____ in my fics:
[Distinction of "non-alcoholic beverage"]
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fromankyra · 1 month
tag game! got tagged by @venndaai thank you so much!
favorite colour: it's been orange for a while now, and it probably always going to be close to my heart, but recently I've been wearing a lot of really bright green as well and it looks *so good* on me
last song: I'm on my commute right now and listening to the album Bourdon by Topette!! cause they announced a tenth anniversary tour and I'm really excited ^_^ Before getting tagged the last song on my music app was Le Temps De Vivre by Boris Vian but the song that was stuck in my head this morning was Laid in Blood by the Mechanisms
last movie: it has been a while since I watched any, but I think the last one was whedon's much ado about nothing. It was, kinda disappointing, honestly, it hasn't held up super well since I got to know the play a lot better
currently reading: mostly fanfic, my brain hasn't really had space for more because of phd reasons. I kinda wanna start in the hugo packet, and Starter Villain should be pretty easy reading
currently watching: Leverage with @sersorrel , Dimension 20 on my own (Fantasy High Sophomore yr) and dr who along with basically everyone I know
currently craving: a really good cup of coffy. Kinda considering whether i can afford to go to the Nice Cafe to do some marking this afternoon
tea or coffee: ... Actually both. Why would I ever choose?? Tea is for first thing in the morning or in the evening, coffee is a wonderful process to either make or look at, and an espresso after a big meal is genuinely perfect, I love it all.
I'm supposed to tag people I wanna know better or catch up with, so let's do one of each: @vulturesrottencorpse @failed-human-being
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palepinkgoat · 6 months
I was tagged by so many beautiful people! Thanks @transmickey @deedala @metalheadmickey @suzy-queued for the tag!
🔠 Favourite nickname you’ve ever been given: My friend said "Hey Handsome!" And I had this immediate euphoria which I was not expecting? But I also don't think the word "pretty" suits me so there's that. I like handsome! But I also like K.O. which is what a lot of people call me who have known me since I was a teenager.
🗺️ Where are you located? jawjuh
🥶⛱️ What season is it where you are now? winter but the temps sure don't agree. It's been warm!
🥳 Favourite tradition this time of year: I love Christmas music. I do. So I've been listening to Indie Christmas on Spotify but I love Mariah Carey's jam just as much.
🥧 Favourite holiday food: all the sweets!
☕️ Mulled wine, eggnog or hot apple cider? I don't drink alcohol anymore so I'll pick cider.
🍗 Turkey, Ham or Nut Roast (Or Tofurkey?)? I like ham
🏔️🏖️ Would you rather spend the December holidays in:  A cabin in the woods surrounded by snow, or a house on the beach with sun and sand? I'll pick cabin because sand is my sensory nightmare
❄️ Are you pro-snow or anti-snow? pretty anti. I moved from almost-canada to the American south and I was happy to leave the very long winters behind. It's just the LENGTH of time and the CONSTANT snow pile that gets so old so fast. My brain can't take it.
⛄️ Have you ever built a snowman? tons, and they never lived up to my dreams.
⛷️ Skiing or Snowboarding? I skied as a kid and early teen because it was a family thing but I never liked it.
🎍 Do you decorate for the holidays? yes but sometimes it feels like a waste of time kinda? It’s so short.
🎬 Favourite holiday movie? The Family Stone. It gets more and more poignant the older I get.
📖 Favourite holiday fanfic? I need to pinpoint one!
🎥 If you were to star in a Hallmark movie, who would be your love interest? Mariska Hargitay. Oh MEOW. Tag me if you do it! xoxox
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nemo-draco · 3 months
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Been reading a FNF fanfic called Bursting and Building, courtesy of @burstingandbuilding over here on Tumblr. (If it's not okay to tag, let me know and I'll remove.)
Watching the Bursting and Building version of Whitty grow and heal through his past kept reminding me of all the story ideas I had for my version, and how far he still has to go. Which lead to this doodle of the pair meeting and BB!Whitty just, having a bit of a freak out at how worn out his counterpart is. Especially when said counterpart registers the similar body temp and his subconscious goes oh, warm equals safe, time to sleep. Brains are a bit funny, especially when they're flooded with stress hormones 24/7.
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grapehyasynth · 2 months
Get to Know Me Tag :)
thank you for the tags @nerdyfangirl76 and @themarsbar
do you make your bed?
nope! fun fact i have night sweats from my anxiety meds so i keep the covers thrown back during the day so it can air out :) so fun
what's your favourite number?
what is your job?
i work for an org that provides free legal assistance to incarcerated people
if you could go back to school, would you?
yes! i love learning. but i don't have specific career goals, so i haven't decided if there's anything i'd want an additional degree in
can you parallel park?
if absolutely forced, but i try to avoid it at all costs
a job you had that would surprise people?
after i quit a very toxic job in nyc, i did a bunch of temp jobs for a while, and i worked a one-day event that was ABSOLUTELY a pyramid scheme. extremely sketchy. very concerning how many people get pulled into that. i wrote the temp agency afterwards and was like...you should not support this
do you think aliens are real?
no :(
can you drive a manual car?
nope! my dad tried to teach me but one lesson was enough for him i guess
what's your guilty pleasure?
unfortunately i think it's fanfic - i say unfortunately because of my own shame, not because it's a bad thing. i just don't tell many people IRL that i love it so much.
one, of a grape hyacinth :)
favorite type of music?
favorite color?
do you like puzzles?
i like word puzzles, but i'm not a fan of jigsaw puzzles
any phobias?
favorite childhood sport?
soccer, and/or sports my siblings and i invented, a la calvinball
do you talk to yourself?
of course
what movies do you adore?
i love the lesser-known movie The Brothers Bloom. i found it randomly while volunteering at our public library when i was sixteen or so, and i just absolutely fell for its charm and quirkiness and beauty. my sister recently showed it to her boyfriend, who loves movies and wasn't impressed, and we both judge him for it.
coffee or tea?
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
a dolphin trainer
tagging some recent folks from my notifs: @iworshipsappho @freakishly-bookish-ant @willesworld @k-pepp @allthefakepeople
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saiyanprincessswanie · 10 months
💕 Self-love time! Talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you enjoy the most, for whatever reason. Send to other creators to do the same if you wish. 💕
Self love time 🥰 my fanfics I love are:
Chrome and Leather
Civil War Brooklyn
Both series are my babies and I’ve enjoyed writing for them. Both are on temp hiatus due to writers block.
The other fics I’ve enjoyed are any of my fluff or dark oneshots. Examples: inferno, give me one more
Thank you for tagging me
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ohnothisisathing · 2 months
Never Fallen From Quite This High
Written for Hideduo Kiss week Day 2: Kiss on the Forehead. This one happened listening to Lana Del Ray and Billie Eilish sing Ocean Eyes at Coachella. These are all going to be late, but I’m have fun.
Content warning: suggestive. Rated 17+
Being with Pac is nothing like being with someone in the Wasteland. Of course Pac is his boyfriend and nobody there had ever been anything so defined. Mostly stolen looks and secret meetings. A small, gay-ass circle loyal to their mutually assured destruction or a group of dudes with no women around deciding it’s close enough if you close your eyes, horny and exciting but not meant to last. 
Fit remembers being 23 and having an ongoing thing with one of his basemates. He remembers how he’d stared, without really meaning to, at the corner of his lips when he’d grin at one of their other basemates, his freckles across his nose and cheeks and neck. He remembers the first time someone commented on it and being told with a hand down his pants and a mouth brushing his ear that he was being too obvious and Fit learning quickly how to stop his wandering eyes from giving him away.
Now he spends so much of his time staring at Pac he’s a champ at it. PAC’s got amazingly strong arms that Fit is always happy to see out of his hoodie and long fingers that are calloused and scared with cuts and chemical burns. He’s got a beautiful head of hair a lesser man would be jealous over and a smile with just the right amount of mocking tilt to make it captivating as well as handsome. Then of course his eyes, dark like waters he should not jump into lest he get pulled in further than he could ever hope to escape. Deception wide in shape, hiding clever thoughts and devious schemes. It’s so easy to get caught in them and they belong to his Brazilian boyfriend.
Even now, he’s watching him talk to Tubbo about the train system in the Town of Fobo and Fit can’t stop looking at Pac. He basks in the sound of his voice, quick paced even in English and jovial, watching his mouth form the words of his second language. He lingers briefly at the cool scar beneath the left eye and gets stuck staring at yellow light that reflects off his excited eyes.
He enjoys watching Pac be Pac, like he’s allowed to do it because he is allowed, and Pac notices and Pac looks back at him.
He’s been caught and he feels the old panic rise, even as Pac’s smile gets wider and his posture lighter having turned his attention to Fit, and Fit feels unworthy of it when he turns his gaze away like every instinct is screaming at him to do. It’s such bullshit and Pac deserves better.
He takes a step closer, puts a hand on the back of his shoulder and leans into Pac so he can’t see any more of his weak bullshit. He can’t help the nervousness squirm in him when he feels Tubbo’s eyes watching and has to think ‘Fuck Tubbo’ in order to lessen it, even though, really, Tubbo has nothing to do with it, but it does make him feel better. He presses a quick kiss to the side of Pac’s head as if that was his intention the whole time. As if it’s no big deal for him to do it at an enemy base with their sometimes friend watching it all. He feels Pac stiffen and hears him say his name, but Fit doesn’t have it in him to explain himself right now so he just rests his cheek on the side of his head for a few moments and feels Pac relax, ignoring the sudden heat rising on his cheeks.
“Ain’t no way. I hate gay people,” Tubbo’s voice says beside them and they both snort out a laugh.
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focusfixated · 1 year
Fic First Lines
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
tagged by @hallo-catfish and was DELIGHTED to read their compilation too. there is something SO good about a good first line, and the amount of work it does to bring you in.
what i learnt from looking through this is that i apparently fucking love an establishing shot and mentioning the weather.  
1. the stark & raving world | supernatural: The technicolor of the stark and raving world rushes in, smells like ammonia and baked asphalt.
2. crazy over you & me | ofmd rpf: The hipster café was all steamed oat-milk and oven-baked patisserie smells, and from the sunny pavement outside, Nathan was waiting.
3. we were the same | ofmd: The Republic of Pirates is gleaming under a red and bloody sun.
4. in the dark & blue | ofmd: After two weeks of tense quarantine, of Edward alone in his cabin speaking to no one, the patently ridiculous attempts at avoidance on a ship the size of a modest two-bedroom house grow tiring, so Stede asks Edward to take tea with him.
5. i hope i find my home | it: The peak of summer is long gone, if it ever came, but the funk of stagnant air still hangs low over the suburban streets.
6. shiver & sing | ofmd: Izzy Hands kneels in supplication to a man who loathes him.
7. where the ocean meets the land | ofmd: The ship is anchored in the warm shallows of an island, and night has crept in like a wide, purple bruise.
8. fin de l’averse | disco elysium: It keeps raining. Under shelter, a fog spreads inside the windows of the Whirling-in-Rags.
9. le temps qu’il faut | disco elysium: Snow blows in from the east. It falls on Martinaise, thickening the frigid air like cornstarch.
10. avoir trente ans | matthias & maxime: They end up in Verdun, in the weeds of L’île-Des-Sœurs, as good a place as any to drive down to from Montréal Nord.
tagging IF YOU WANT @justlikeeddie, @pinehutch, @trinityofone, @lyriclstill and anyone else who wants to do it.
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cptnleviackerman · 9 months
thank you @frenzycrazy for the tag hehe
last song: if im being totally honest it's finest girl (bin laden song) by the lonely island bc I watched a tik tok and it got stuck in my head so I had to listen to the whole thing
favourite colour: green or maybe blue...
currently watching: oh god so many things, criminal minds, gossip girl, haikyuu, jjk, sex education, cougar town...
last movie: the hunger games mockingjay part 2
sweet/spicy/savoury: it quite literally varies all the time but im gonna go with savoury
current obsession: im ngl it's spencer reid and a little bit writing fanfic
relationship status: taken since 2021
last thing you googled: how to get dog poop off of clothes (you can do the math on that one....)
tagging: @tempe-brennans @pumpkin-stars @angeljimins @jlinns
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waywardnerd67 · 2 years
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I posted 568 times in 2022
173 posts created (30%)
395 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 445 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#my heart - 211 posts
#jensen ackles - 169 posts
#the most beautiful boy - 142 posts
#beau arlen - 69 posts
#dean winchester - 63 posts
#waywardnerd67fics - 57 posts
#big sky - 53 posts
#the most beautiful sheriff - 41 posts
#jensen ackles fanfic - 27 posts
#jensen ackles fanfiction - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 57 characters
#he’s truly terribly but damn if he doesn’t look beautiful
My Top Posts in 2022:
Destroyer of Worlds
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Title: Destroyer of Worlds Summary: He was the weapon to take down the corruption of superheroes. She was the only one who could wield him. Main Characters: Soldier Boy (Ben), Reader Pairing: Soldier Boy (Ben) x Reader Rating: E - Explicit Warnings: Angst/Fluff (if you squint)/Mind Control/Smut Prompt: “Don’t underestimate her. And don’t bet against her.” (Bold & Italic) Word Count: 4967 A/N: This is for @avanatural Follower Challenge
The Russians next to her were speaking their native language thinking she could not understand them. It was better they didn’t know she had spent the better part of two years fucking a Russian diplomat to get her where she was today and he happened to give her lessons in Russian.
(Y/N) played the studious, quiet, American scientist well. No one would suspect she was there for one reason and one reason only. Her eyes drifted to the cryo chamber that held her deepest desire within. She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and adjusted her legs recrossing them from the ache building between them. Today was the day she had been waiting for since joining the Russians nearly fifteen years ago.
(Y/N) was the daughter of a low level superhero at Vought. She remembered going to the Tower and being in awe of all the superheroes. She admired their strength and integrity. Much like her father had been. She studied every superhero there ever was but one had captured her full attention and heart from the moment she saw him in an old movie about his life. He was everything she imagined a man should be. Handsome, charming, strong, a leader, a true man.
When she was old enough, she took a job at Vought in their gift shop. She eventually would work her way up to being the personal assistant to Stan Edgar while Vought paid for her to become a scientist. More than once, she had influenced Edgar in decisions about creating the perfect superhero. Compound V had been a good start, Temp V was dangerous but could be improved upon with the right subject. (Y/N) felt deep down there was only one superhero who was the key to everything they wanted.
When an opportunity to go to Russia to study what their scientists had discovered was something she had to fight for. In the end, she was going to do whatever it took to go. Now, she realized that she hadn’t needed to fight so hard to go because they were already going to exile her there just like they had done with America’s Superhero.
You know Dmitri said the American is a good fuck.
She tore her eyes away from the cryo chamber when they mentioned her and glanced at the two scientists at the table next to hers. She smiled sweetly at them before returning her gaze to the papers in front of her.
Dmitri is’t man enough to fuck her.
She swallowed the giggle trying to escape her lips. He was right, (Y/N) had approached the poor, shy, young Russian one late night. The table the two were sitting at was the exact spot their friend had bent her over and fucked her. Of course, she had to get herself off when the young man came nearly five minutes after being inside of her. It was good for his self-esteem and she needed to feel something other than her fingers inside of her. Plus, he was able to deliver an important message to Vought Tower for her.
Suddenly, there was a bunch of commotion from the hall outside the lab. Five people in worker’s uniforms walked in that were obviously not local. A small smile appeared on her lips as she realized who had walked in. The alarms began to go off and Russian guards began to fill the room. She ducked down beneath her table as a young American man came next to her.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Please help me. They’ve held me here for so long.” Tears instantly started down her cheeks.
“We’ll help you, promise. Stay down.”
He looked up at his friends who were getting pinned down by the guards. She couldn’t help the eye roll that followed. Dumbass, rag-tag team of losers. She had been hoping when she leaked some information to Maeve that she would send someone a little more put together. (Y/N) saw a flash shoot out over her head much like Homelander and her heart nearly flatlined. Then she saw the obvious leader of this group getting shot and not being phased. His eyes glowed much like Homelander’s and then he shot a hot beam of energy from them.
“Holy shit.” She muttered.
“MM!” The young man yelled before disappearing before her eyes.
(Y/N) took the opportunity to get out of there and down the back hallway. She stopped by a nearby observation window where she could see everything but no one could see her. All the guards and the two scientists were dead. The team seemed to be chastising the leader and young man for having powers.
“Only last 24 hours. Break in case of an emergency, like this.”
His accent sent shivers down her body. (Y/N) bet he was great fuck. A man who would keep going until her legs were shaking and her voice hoarse from crying out his name. She watched tall, dark and handsome walk over to the cryo chamber and her heart began to race.
“Fuck me, he’s going to open it.” She whispered to herself watching him do exactly that.
Toxic gas billowed from the chamber as they all stared into it.
“Christ, Soldier Boy.”
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115 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Perfect Angle
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Title: Perfect Angle Summary: An embarrassing moment leads to the perfect photo and the opportunity of a lifetime. Main Characters: Jensen Ackles, PA!Reader Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader Rating: X - Explicit Warnings: Fluff/Smut Word Count: 2872 A/N: We all know the inspiration for this.
The wind was unruly on the rooftop of the hotel. Austin Hargrave had asked for her assistance for this photoshoot since they were on a time limit. They were lucky that the hotel allowed them to use the rooftop and penthouse suite for this photoshoot. Austin had (Y/N) running around checking on the stylists and wardrobe without even telling her the actor he was taking photos of. Being in Toronto, she had seen him take photos of some of the most famous people in Hollywood. However, nothing would have prepared her for his muse today.
Walking back onto the rooftop, she stopped suddenly in her tracks upon seeing the man Austin was talking with. Ilaria smacked into the back of her as she walked through the door.
“Whoa, (Y/N) you alright? Sorry about that.”
She nodded, unable to take her eyes off of the six foot one Texan, “N-No worries. My fault.”
Ilaria chuckled, “He’s not so bad on the eyes. Oh! I forgot, you’re a fan of his show…”
(Y/N) shushed her, “Yes I am, but that is fangirl (Y/N). Right now, I’m professional (Y/N) and need to get my game face on. Just like when we did the shoot with Zac Levi.”
Her friend laughed, “Oh boy, that was a wonderfully entertaining day. Best of luck to professional (Y/N) getting her shit together.”
“Thank you and I hate you.”
She walked past (Y/N), “Love you too babe!”
At that moment, Austin turned around motioning her over, “(Y/N) come over here and meet Jensen.”
Taking a deep breath, she headed over to Austin and the man who starred in her dreams nightly. Ilaria was straightening out his jacket and the hair stylist was walking away muttering about the wind.
“Jensen, this is my assistant, (Y/N). (Y/N), I’m sure you recognize the one and only Jensen Ackles.” Austin’s knowing smirk had her narrowing her eyes on him.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Ackles. If you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask.” She held out her hand to him pushing down the raging butterflies in her stomach.
He flashed her his famous smile, “It’s nice to me you as well. Please call me Jensen.”
Austin began directing Jensen in many poses. Ilaria asked (Y/N) to help her with some wardrobe changes in order to torture her further. They were taking one last photo on the rooftop and (Y/N) was trying to move quickly out of the way. Tripping over her own feet, she fell onto her ass and back looking right up into the mesmerizing olive eyes of Jensen.
“Are you okay?” Austin asked.
Jensen was getting ready to lean over to help her, but she called out, “Wait! Don’t move Jensen. Austin, hand me your camera.”
Jensen stood perfectly still staring down at her as Austin handed her the camera. His hair was wind blown perfect off to the right. His right hand resting on his belt with his thumb hooked into the waistband of his pants. Jensen’s left hand slid down over the front of his left pants pocket. His darkening eyes laser focused on her and jaw set in a determined line. She took the photo of a man radiating masculinity and sex and it took her breath away.
“Nice shot, (Y/N)! That one is a definite keeper.” Austin called out of his laptop seeing the photo come through.
Jensen leaned over stretching his hand out to help her up. He pulled her against his body with such ease and the embarrassment from falling in front of her favorite actor burned her cheeks. She watched his bottom lip disappear beneath his perfect teeth as he spoke softly to only her.
“Meet me in room 1404 after the shoot.”
Her lips parted to speak but no words would come and she simply nodded, stepping out of his grasp as quickly as possible. Austin had a shit eating grin on his face as she walked by.
“You’re welcome.” She snapped, pointing at the photo on the screen, “I better get credit.”
For the rest of the shoot, she kept herself busy by helping set up the penthouse suite for some inside shots and keeping the staff from trying to sneak their own pictures of Jensen. His manager had thanked her for keeping everyone in line. When Austin called a wrap, (Y/N) began cleaning up all their equipment.
“Don’t you have an appointment with a certain sexy actor?” Ilaria asked.
“You don’t think he was serious, do you? I mean, I’m a nobody and he’s freaking Jensen Ackles. No way, he was being serious.”
Austin walked up next to her, “Go. We’ll clean up everything.”
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122 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Replay Life Masterlist
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Overall Summary: Taking some much needed time off after finishing The Boys. Jensen asks his best friend and roommate if she’ll watch Supernatural with him all the way through. As they watch together, he realizes how much the show and her means to him. Main Characters: Jensen Ackles, Reader Other Characters: Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader Rating: M - Mature Warnings: Angst/Fluff/Smut Total Word Count: A/N: This series features some of my favorite and least favorite episodes of Supernatural.
Posting on Fridays
Prologue - Ready, Set, Watch Summary: Jensen arrives home in Austin after filming in Toronto for almost a year. After a few days back with his roommate and best friend, he asks her to take a trip down memory lane. Word Count: 669
Chapter One – S1E1 Pilot Summary: Jensen and (Y/N) start their rewatch of Supernatural with the episode that started it all. Word Count: 1218
Chapter Two – S2E6 No Exit Summary: Jensen finds out an interesting fact as they watch one of (Y/N)’s favorite episodes from season two. Word Count: 2035
Chapter Three – S3E5 Bedtime Stories Summary: A fairytale influenced episode has Jensen revealing a fantasy of his during their rewatch. Word Count: 1674
Chapter Four – S4E10 Heaven and Hell Summary: A steamy scene and an emotional ending has (Y/N) feelings on a rollercoaster ride and Jensen trying to push down feelings he buried a long time ago. Word Count: 2172
Chapter Five – S5E16 Dark Side of the Moon Summary: During their rewatch, Jensen is surprised to find out that this particular episode is in her top five favorites of all Supernatural episodes. Word Count: 2444
Chapter Six - S6E5 Live Free or Twihard Summary: Before attending the Padalecki’s Halloween party, Jensen and (Y/N) continue their Supernatural rewatch. She shows him exactly why so many people love vampires. Word Count: 2363
Chapter Seven – S7E12 Time After Time Summary: (Y/N) comes home from a date gone wrong finding comfort in watching one of her favorite Dean episodes.   Word Count: 2227
Chapter Eight - S8E11 LARP and the Real Girl Summary: Jensen finds himself wrestling with his feelings for (Y/N) once more as they watch an episode that combines two of her favorite things. Supernatural and Dungeons and Dragons. Word Count: 3193
Chapter Nine - S9E4 Slumber Party Summary: Babysitting for Jared and Gen, Jensen creates the ultimate slumber party for them all. Word Count: 2722
Chapter Ten - S10E14 The Executioner’s Song Summary: As they settle into another night of Supernatural, they are both surprised to find that one episode is a favorite for them both. Word Count: 2504
Chapter Eleven – S11E20 Don’t Call Me Shurley Summary: After a hard day at work, (Y/N) confesses to Jensen what her dream job would be during their rewatch. Word Count: 2188
Chapter Twelve – S12E22 Who Are We Summary: An emotional episode has (Y/N) finding comfort in Jensen making him realize once and for all how he truly feels for her.   Word Count: 1705
Chapter Thirteen – S13E16 Scoobynatural Summary: Jensen invited Jared and Misha’s families to his house to surprise (Y/N) for her birthday. They do an outdoor screening of one of the best episodes of Supernatural ever. Word Count: 3892
Chapter Fourteen – S14E4 Nihilism Summary: As they get closer to the end of their rewatch, (Y/N) tells him about a job offer she received and he gets an important call from his manager. Word Count:
Chapter Fifteen – S15E18 & S15E20 Despair & Carry On Summary: As (Y/N) gets closer to making a decision about moving to Seattle, Jensen comes up with a counter offer he hopes she can’t refuse. As they watch the last three episodes he decides to throw caution to the wind and tells her everything he’s feeling. Word Count:
153 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Broken Road
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Title: Broken Road Summary: She moved to Helena to escape her past to end up running into the one who got away. Main Characters: Beau Arlen, Reader Pairing: Beau Arlen x Reader Rating: X - Explicit Warnings: Angst/Fluff/Implied Smut Word Count: 5132 A/N: My first go at Beau…
(Y/N) sped past the city limit sign of Helena, Montana. From all the research she had done, Helena was the perfect spot to start new. Small town vibes but populated enough to have a Starbucks. As she drove down the main street in town, she took note of a few shops to visit. One sign caught her eye, Dewell & Hoyt Private Investigations.
She chuckled, “Wow a real life Scooby-Doo gang.”
Focusing on the road in front of her, (Y/N) headed towards the small ranch her dad had purchased and left for her before his death. The last five years had been the darkest of her life. Between an ugly divorce and her dad dying in a drunk driving accident, (Y/N) didn’t think she would make it through it. A cold chill ran down her spine as flashes of what she had drug herself out of speed through her mind.
Cresting over a hill, the beautiful golden log ranch house came into view. It rested on a modest ten acres of land with thick woods lining the property line. Immediately all the anxiety and heaviness she constantly carried on her shoulders faded. For the first time in years, (Y/N) took a long, deep, relaxing breath.
For the next several weeks, (Y/N) settled into her new home and getting to know her new town. She even found a little bookshop that was looking for a part time clerk. It was the perfect opportunity for her to earn extra money while making time to work on writing her book. She couldn’t help thinking that her dad had some kind of idea of knowing that this move would be exactly what she needed.
Walking into Turn the Page bookshop, (Y/N) found Loryn, the owner talking with a woman with long auburn hair up into a messy bun. Her thick rimmed glasses slipped down her nose as she spoke animatedly. Loryn glanced up seeing (Y/N) walking towards the backroom.
“Good morning! Fresh coffee in the pot and a box of brand new books waiting for ya.”
She smiled, “You’re too good to me.”
The woman’s head perked up, “You have a similar accent to our new, handsome sheriff. Are you from Texas?”
“Um… yeah, I am. I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” She held out her hand as the woman took it.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Denise. I work over at Dewell and Hoyt.” Denise shook her hand as she asked, “Have you met our new sheriff?”
“Thankfully, I haven’t gotten into any trouble to merit meeting the sheriff. You said he’s from Texas? Do y’all get many Texans up here?”
Denise shook her head, “Not really. Sexy Sheriff Arlen is the first I’m aware of.”
(Y/N) froze hearing his name. Memories that had been buried deep in the dark hole of her mind were playing like a movie.
“(Y/N), you alright?” Loryn asked, squeezing her arm.
It had to be someone else. There was no way it could be the same man from high school. The man who was the love of her life. The one that got away.
“H-His name wouldn’t happen to be Beau?”
By the expressions on their faces, she knew it was him and suddenly the room felt like it was closing in on her.
“You know him? Do all Texans know one another?” Denise chuckled as she looked down at her watch, “Shoot, I gotta get. Cassie will be in the office any moment. Nice meeting you (Y/N), stop by anytime to chat about Sheriff Arlen.”
She rushed out the front door as (Y/N) took in a couple of shaky breaths. A chorus of ‘It’s A Small World” began playing in her head. Beau Arlen. One person she never thought she would see again, let alone thousands of miles away from their hometown.
“Okay spill… how do you know our new Sheriff?” Loryn asked, tapping the counter to get her attention.
“It is a long, very long, complicated story. I’m going to get started on restocking the Young Adult section.” (Y/N) walked off towards the opposite side of the small shop trying to control the memories flooding her mind.
August 1998
“This is dumb.”
Beau’s laughter filled the clearing as he stripped off his t-shirt, “Come on (Y/N/N), cut loose and have a little fun.”
She watched as he pushed his jeans down to his ankles then kicked them off along with his boots and socks. They were at Lake Conroe in a remote part off the main path. Beau had thrown a rock up at her window two hours earlier and they drove out to this spot. Their spot. Her eyes snapped up hearing a splash and Beau’s head emerging from the water.
“Get your beautiful ass in here.”
She watched as he dove under the water revealing his bare butt. Her cheeks burned as she turned away from him. They had been friends since grade school and flirted with one another over the last year. They acted like a couple, but Beau never asked her out… officially. (Y/N) let her shorts drop to the ground and pulled her tank top over her head. When she looked over her shoulder, she noticed Beau was facing away from her.
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184 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Saw You Coming
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Title: Saw You Coming Summary: (Y/N) always knew one day, her past would catch up to her. When it does, the outcome is not what she saw coming. Main Characters: Soldier Boy (Ben), Reader Pairing: Soldier Boy x Supe!Reader Rating: X - Explicit Warnings: Angst/Fluff/Smut Word Count: 3681 A/N #1: Spoilers for The Boys season 3. If you haven’t watched up to the current episode and don’t want spoilers then you may not want to read this until after you’re caught up. A/N #2: I’m tagging my normal taglist. I don’t know how much Soldier Boy I will write but feel free to ignore any fics you’re not interested in. 
For the last several weeks (Y/N)’s dreams were filled with the dark olive eyes of a man lost to the world. Vought had never told her exactly what had happened to America’s hero and frankly she didn’t care. All she knew was Vought was giving her an out and she took it without a second thought. For the last thirty years they left her alone as younger, stronger and ego-centric superheroes came up the chain. If people knew how those Supes were acquired there would be outrage. (Y/N) would know, she was the product of Vought’s earliest experiments.
She never wanted to have superpowers but her family was poor and they jumped at the opportunity of government money. By looking at her, you would never be able to tell she had powers and she appreciated the universe not making her life completely miserable. Since she had no flashy powers, Vought paid her family nicely and they lived a comfortable life. It wasn’t until she stopped aging at thirty-five that some began to guess there was more than meets the eye.
Apparently Vought had the same thought when they came to her in 1980 to participate in an experiment that would ultimately change her life forever. Now, it seemed the nightmare was returning and there was nothing (Y/N) could do to stop it.
The knock came on a stormy night. (Y/N) had a modest farmhouse in upper New York state. Very few people knew where she lived and even fewer visited. Looking through the small peep hole, she sighed heavily before opening the door.
“Soldier Boy.” She stepped aside knowing there was no use in fighting against him, “I knew you would come one day.”
He scoffed, looking around her home, “Still seeing the future, huh?” He continued to search as if looking for something in particular.
“I see you’re still as oblivious as ever. I don’t see the future. I piece together the most likely of outcomes with intelligence above those who think mostly with their dick.”
He looked back at her with a cocky smirk, “I see you haven’t lost that mouth of yours…”
“So, you escaped the Russians. Good on you. I think you’ll enjoy the internet. Lots of sex and cat videos. You should check it out far, far from here.” She turned back towards the door when he grasped her elbow.
“What do you know about the deal my team made with the Russians?” His gaze was hard and intimidating like the Soldier Boy she met at the Penthouse.
“Only what I heard after the fact. They were all tired of your bullshit including beating them into submission. Thankfully, the Countess never discussed it in front of me.”
(Y/N) felt the tiniest bit of sympathy for Soldier Boy hearing his team betrayed him, but they all knew if he continued on then it would have ended in World War III. Though, today’s Supes were not much better.
“I’ll deal with the rest of my team soon. Right now, I want to know what happened with you after our one night together.”
She swallowed the hard, bitter lump lodging in her throat. She tugged her arm free from him walking towards the kitchen.
“Do you want a drink?”
He chuckled, “Actually I would prefer something a little stronger…”
“Sorry, no drugs here. However, I have this cheap bottle of whiskey to offer to you.” She held the bottle out to him.
He twisted the cap off and took a long drink from the bottle. (Y/N) couldn’t help her eyes traveling down his strong jawline to his long throat. His Adam's apple bobbing with each gulp and the thick muscle straining against his skin. He was handsome, dangerously handsome, which was one weapon he knew how to use. Charming his way with a wink and a smile into many bedrooms of women and men.
Soldier Boy handed her the bottle back, “I recently found out that Vogelbaum had good results from his little experiment.”
(Y/N) took a long drink, nearly choking on it as he spoke, “Oh… yeah, your little dudes created an even douchier version of yourself. Congrats.” She held up the bottle to him, “Hey, he’s at Vought Tower, maybe go have a family reunion with him.”
“Unfortunately, we’ve met under difficult circumstances. I’m positive he’s going to put me back on ice if he gets a hold of me.” He walked further into her living room and everything clicked in her mind.
He must have talked to one of his team. If they talked and gave her location then they told him about the others in the experiment. How they all ended up pregnant. Which means he was here for their child.
“She’s not here.”
“She? We have a daughter.” His eyes brightened at that and for a split second she witnessed a bit of humanity within him.
“Had.” (Y/N) looked to the ground as shame pushed down on her.
“What do you mean… had?”
She looked up to see his jaw clenched, “Vogelbaum brought in all non-supes except for me. An experiment within the experiment to see if Supes are naturally attracted to one another. He was pleasantly delighted when you chose me.”
See the full post
344 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 8 months
WIP List Tag Game!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks @little-mouse-gardens for the tag!
I don't really have a list of files in a WIP folder, but I do have folders for my different projects. So I'll do that
Y'know what?? I'm turning this into a little ask game. Send an ask if you're curious about any of these!
12 Bear Cubs (obv temp title)
Dystopian Book
Emerald of Secrets (note: temp. title; will change)
Eternity (temp title)
Etran (maybe temp)
Fanfic That I'll Never Touch Again (partial lie)
Fantasy Book
Half of the Magic (probably change this title)
It Was All Just a Dream
Leaving the 99
School of the Legends
The Blind Sight (this is cringe change the title)
The Iterinastris System (temp title)
The Last Time
The Others (temp title)
The Secret Portal
The Trail (temp title)
Tagging softly: @gracehosborn @jamieanovels @queerfox-tales @theelfauthor @memoriethereaderandwriter-blog @delphicoraclecatss @elizaellwrites @mr-writes @annetilney @amnafarooqi @writingmoth @27fanficlilies @leighvalentin @fantasyfillsmysoul @thecutpriceguignol @sehnxsucht @thepeculiarbird @two-knight-scotch-game @myhusbandsasemni
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