#My wife (sorry bjorn)
The director said "STOP CUT" but she only heard "SERVE CVNT"
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bjornswoman · 1 year
My prisoner
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Requested by none.
Author's note: Hello! I've been away for a while and I'm sorry about it. I wanted to come back with a fic about Bjorn, but this one was something that I was thinking for a while and I decided that this one will come out first. I want to believe that vikings fandom are still active. Anyway, till next time have fun and take care.
Pairing: Modern!Hvitserk x Reader.
Genre: Modern!au, drama, romance, fluff.
Summary: Your ex boyfriend breaks free from prison.
Warnings: Drama, mentions of prison break, mentions of death.
Life had never been easy for you.
When you thought that things started getting better, something really bad happened and you were back to zero.
Life had shown you its worst face so far.
You had lost your parents at young age. You were struggling all alone, dealing with two awful jobs and an ex that was more pain in the ass than all the bills you had to pay at the end of each month.
Your life became much more difficult when you decided to get involved with the most infamous family of the city — the Lothbroks. These men — the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok, a mobster — they run a dangerous gang the one their father had founded. You couldn't even want to think about all the illegal stuff they were doing and the police was after them.
The bad thing in that was that the police had you under their microscope, as well, because you were Hvitserk Lothbrok's girlfriend — ex girlfriend.
And things became even worse than before when they put him in jail, after your break-up, and he decided with the help of his family to break free.
The police was following each movement of yours. They were tracking your phone number, listening to all your phone calls, expecting to learn about your ex. They had even someone outside your apartment to watch you over.
You told them over and over again that you had nothing to do with that filthy man anymore, but they wouldn't believe in you.
You let a long breath leave your lungs as you were cleaning the bar counter.
"What is it again?" One of your coworkers asked. Well, Hope was more than a coworker, she was your friend.
The only one you could talk to and not raise any suspicions. You were friends with Torvi — the wife of Ubbe Lothbrok — and Gunnhild — the wife of Bjorn Lothbrok — but you couldn't see them, it was too risky to get in touch with any member of the family. Of course, the police kept a close eye on them, but still you couldn't have any kind of communication with any of the family.
"It's the usual problem with... him." You said as you were placing the clean glasses on their place behind the counter.
"The police is following me around like I'm some kind of a bloody criminal because I made the mistake to start a relationship with a mobster." You spoke angrily and threw the towel on the counter. You were so angry, so frustrated with all this mess. Your hands run through your hair.
"I know that this is difficult for you, but it is going to end, sweetheart. It will end when they get this son of a bitch back where he belongs — in prison." She said wih an encouraging smile on her face and her hand rubbed your back friendly.
Only those words weren't encouraging for you. Deep in your heart you didn't want him to get caught and sent back inside there again. It hurt you to think that the man you loved were inside a called cell.
It was true that he wasn't the best guy in the world, not even close to that. Hvitserk had done some bad things that he wasn't proud of and he had regretted of doing. He had a good heart and wanted to be better.
You forced something that was the resemblance of a smile on your face and followed her to the kitchen to get the orders and walk them to the costumers.
"Did he try to contact you after you know?" Hope asked you suddenly and you nodded your head as an answer — no he didn't and it quite hurt you. But you had broken up before he got in.
"At least, he didn't dare to after all he did."
You frowned when you heard the tone of her voice. Hvitserk had never hurt you. In fact, the reason he broke up with you was because he didn't want to involve you in his mess, in the shit he was deep into, but it was late for that.
"He didn't harm me." You muttered when you got back with an epty tray in your hands.
Hope rolled her eyes and continued to place the drinks on her tray. When she finished, she turned her eyes on you.
"But he harmed other people. He is a criminal. Prison is where he belongs." Those where her words before she waltzed through the tables with her tray in hands.
Her words were harsh for a man she didn't know at all. Yeah, Hvitserk did awful things, but he wasn't just that. You had seen the good side of his. You had seen the little broken child in him. The one who felt full when you showed him your love and affection. The one who tried to shield your heart even from him.
The rest of your shift went by as usual. There weren't many clients as a typical Wednesday night. But things changed when you got that damned phone call.
It was a couple of times before the closing time when Torvi called. You didn't expect her to, you didn't expect anyone from the family to reach for you. When you saw her name on the screen, you used the back door to get out and answered her call.
"Torvi?" The tone of your trembling voice gave away easily to level of your concern about Hvitserk. Torvi wouldn't call if something bad did not happen. Something had happened. Something that you wouldn't like to hear.
"What happened? You know that it's not safe to speak through the phone." Your body was pressed on the wall next to the door and your hand was clenching the phone.
"Something came up which we don't know whether it stands or not, but I had to inform you because Ubbe said that they are 80% sure that it's true." You felt the despair and sadness in the tone of her voice as well as you could feel the tears forming in your eyes.
Hvitserk — your mind screamed but your tongue didn't. You waited to hear more before you even try to fight back your emotions.
"Tell me for the love of Gods! What happened?" You were almost crying now.
Torvi took a deep breath before her next words.
"They found a body — a body in a really awful state. It's unrecognizable. At the time were are talking they are in a lab waiting for the results of the DNA analysis. But, Ubbe said that they are almost sure that the body belongs to Hvitserk. He didn't contact the brothers after the escape, they thought he was hiding and would eventually come out, but he didn't."
You couldn't hear the most of it. You collapsed on the floor halfway and closed your eyes forcefully in an attempt to fight the waterfalls of tears to fall. Your free hand moved on your face and it touched your forehead.
You stopped hearing. You were crying. He couldn't be dead. Hvitserk couldn't die. Not like this.
"They killed him and threw his body in a ditch in a middle of nowhere. The people who killed him are the same who framed him with this murder he didn't commit." She continued, but you couldn't hear anymore. Your brain couldn't process all these. You couldn't process the fact that Hvitserk was dead.
"Hvitserk..." You muttered his name like it was a prayer between your sobs.
"I know it hurts but you—"
You didn't let her finish. You ended the damned call and let your phone fall from your hands. You hid your face in your palms and let yourself cry and mourn the love of your life — the only person you were able to love this much and loved you back in his own different way.
After some time, you gathered your broken heart and the pieces of your body and got in. You wiped your tears and cleaned your face with some fresh water. You had to stay strong for a couple of times and then you could cry all your wanted.
At the closing, you took out the trash in an attempt to cry to yourself for a bit in the darkness where no one could see your tears for the man you loved the most. You were so sad and shattered that you didn't notice a black figure approaching you.
You only noticed when one of his hands was on your mouth and the pushed you in a dark corner. You eyes opened widely and your heart beat went faster until you saw the face of your captor.
He let you see his face. He took his hood off and got rid of the black scarf which was covering his mouth and nose. When you could finally see him, he freed your mouth and you gasped.
"You!" You whispered out of breath. Your hand run on his features that you missed so much. The last time you could saw him in person was many months ago, almost a month before he got arrested.
"Shh!" His index finger was on your lips.
"Don't shush me! I thought you were fucking dead! Torvi called an—" All your whisper-yelling stopped when his lips fell violently on yours. The very thing he did every time he wanted to get away feom scolding. But this time you weren't going to get mad or stop him, until not as long as you could breathe.
His skilled lips were moving just perfect on yours and the facial hair he had were just perfect. His hands grabbed you by the waist and you placed your own hands around his neck. Your body was pressed on the wall by his own.
This kiss felt like salvation. It was like you were whole again. It felt like you could breathe even if you didn't. You didn't want it to stop, but it had. After all, you two had many things to discuss.
Much to your displeasure, it stopped because of the lack of air to your lungs. His hands left your waist and moved on your face where he caressed your cheeks softly.
But that loving moment didn't last long, before he noticed, your hand collided with his cheek violently and his head turned at the side.
"Was that necessary? Why did you do it?" Hvitserk whisper-yelled. His palm was on his hurting cheek that had your mark on it, along with the mark of your nails.
"You scared me to fucking death with your bloody lies. Plus, you were a total dick to me when I called you in jail." You spoke and gazed at him. You had missed him terribly.
"Hey!" With that Hvitserk grabbed your face between his hands. Your faces were dangerously close for once more. "I told you, you shouldn't have called me there. As for my little lie, it was my only chance to see you." You spoke and left a soft kiss on your forehead.
"And how would that be? The police is out there waiting for a stupid movement of yours — exactly like this one — to get you. They are after me — following every step of mine. You shouldn't be here." You told him and tried to leave him in the darkness. You didn't want him to get caught because of you.
Hvitserk didn't let slip from his hands. His strong grip held there in from of him.
"It's dangerous, Hvitserk." You whispered at him.
Hvitserk smirked and one of his hands placed a strand of hair behind your ear.
"See that was exactly my plan with all this dead body lie. Indeed, there was a body, but not mine — obviously — and we used it to mislead them. They will try to find the body and they won't pay attention to you. At least, not as much as they did." He explained and you smiled.
"Ivar's plan?" You asked all smiling and he smiled back.
"Like you don't know the answer to that."
After that, you stayed there gazing at each other, having only the stars witnessing this moment between you.
"Why did you break my heart?" You asked as your eyes were only on his. You wanted to hear the truth coming out of his mouth.
His green eyes were glowing under the lights of the stars.
"I – I don't deserve you. You are kind and sweet and so angelic and I am the exact opposite. I am so filthy that I'll defile your purity. I've done things that I'm not proud about — bad things."
"Then why are you here now?"
Your question made him think about it himself once more. His eyes were looking only deep inside yours. You could feel his pain when he talked about the stuff he did, you could feel everying through those eyes. It hurt you to think that he felt this way for himself.
"Behind the bars, in that cell, the only thing you can do is thinking. You're thinking about all the right and wrong decisions of your life till the moment you got in — especially the wrong ones keep you up all night. And what kept me up was you. The thought of never seeing you again, never hearing your voice, you laugh, your scolding. I just couldn't live knowing that I hurt you. I love you. My life without you is meaningless."
"Just never push me away again, okay?" You spoke as your hand wiped a couple tears away from your eyes. Hvitserk help you and when there weren't any more tears in your eyes, he caressed your skin softly.
"I love you, you idiot." You muttered and kissed him again. This kiss was so much different from the previous one. It soft and loving.
"The plan is to never let you slip away from me ever again." He spoke as he was caressing your hair.
"And how is that supposed to happen?"
"We will leave together here and now."
You frowned. You weren't expecting him to say something like this. You pushed him back, so you could face him.
"Wait... You want us to leave everything behind — our lives — and run away. This – this is....." You couldn't form a proper sentence. You were to process his proposition.
Kattegat was everything you knew — the place you called home. Everyone you knew was here and by that you meant your friends and some very distant relatives. Apart from your life, his life was in this place. His family, his job.
"(Y/N), there's nothing for us here. If I stay, I'll go to prison and I won't be able to hold you ever again. I will leave at the end of the day, there is no future for me in this city." Both of your hearts were beating fast at the thought that you would never see each other again after this night.
It was true that there was nothing here for you, only these two jobs that you hated. You couldn't know what future had in store for you, but if you let Hvitserk leave alone, you would hate yourself for the rest of your life.
Hvitserk's hand grabbed yours and closed it in both of his palms, but before that his finger gripped your chin and moved your head in such position that you could look at each other.
"The clock is ticking — the time is running fast. You have to give me your answer now. Are you coming with me right now?"
His eyes were begging you to say yes.
His heart was begging you to say yes.
But your mind was the problem. Your mind was hesitating to follow him wherever he was going to take you.
You closed your eyes for a moment. You couldn't choose between your heart and your mind. A whole war had broke inside you.
At the sound of your name on his lips you opened your eyes.
"I will come wherever you are willing to go. I can't live without you, my love." You told him and hugged him tightly.
Hvitserk wrapped his hand with yours and pulled you close to him.
"Are you sure? If we leave now — together — there's no coming back. We will be both fugitives." He told you smirking.
You chuckled when you heard him.
"That's a risk I'd love to take for you."
With those last words Hvitserk and you run away from the police and the city forever.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Please write more Yandere Ragnar and his childrenhos... I'm loving it too much! 🥺♥️
(Sorry for any spelling mistakes... English is not my first language)
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Hello. Do not worry. English is not my first language. And your request is well written for me to understand. I hope you will like it. Feel free to write more requests.
You became pregnant shortly after you married your Yandere husband, Ragnar. After your first child, Bjorn, was born, Ragnar wanted more children from you. After you became pregnant with your son, you stopped running and fighting. You were determined to be a good mother for your son. Maybe you thought that after a while you would forgive Ragnar. Honestly, he would never show you physical violence. When you were very angry, you would raise your voice from time to time. You and Ragnar had nine healthy children.
Your children's birth order and their names are in this order:
You love each and every one of your children very much. You try to be a good mother to them as best you can. You love sewing clothes and preparing toys for your children. You comb your girls' hair and shape them with different braids. You want them to know how to defend themselves. You sing songs, stories and lullabies to your children. You try to be a good wife in Ragnar. He will never let you go raiding with him. When Ragnar and your children are injured and sick, you get very worried and don't leave them for a minute.
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tazahan · 1 month
Hello! Bi-Yuan and Bi-Huǒ are really interesting ^^ Would you like to share a little more about them? You don't have to do it if you don't want to.
I love your art! 🧚‍♀️
Oh my, thank you! I never thought a person would interested in my delulu OC children! Sorry if this bit too long. So Bi-Yuan is the firstborn of Bi-Han and my OC Aila. Just like his father, as a firstborn son, he was already saddled with the obligation of being his father's successor to become the future Grandmaster since he was still young. Unfortunately, while having similar facial features to Bi-Han, he did not get his Cryomancer power, but rather my OC's power, Heliokinesis. This has an impact on their relationship as he grows older. However, he is a calm individual despite the power he has. Like his uncle, Kuai Liang (no-no don't get me wrong, He is 100% Bi-Han's biological son :v) Bi-Huǒ is the second son who unexpectedly inherited Bi-Han's power while his appearance shows the opposite. Fun fact. When he was born, Bi-Han expected him to inherit the same power as his mother or his brother. So he named him Huǒ (fire) bc of the bright red hair he has. But turns out that when Bi-Huǒ grew older, his ice power showed up and made his name ironic. Unlike Bi-Yuan, he was the one who was a bit rebellious, grumpy, and stubborn. I imagine Bi-Han's copy but he is ginger. Although Bi-Huǒ is a cryomancer, he never had the ambition to desire his older brother's position as the future Lin Kuei Grandmaster. Instead, he has his own dreams and gets his own position in his mother's clan. Bi-Huǒ is the tallest in the family. Bi-Huǒ also has another name, Bjorn. Because he inherited stronger features from his mom's side who is from a Viking descendant clan. Bjorn was the name that was inspired by their grandfather's pet name (my OC's dad) when they were both still kids. He always called them ''My little Bjornar". Yeah, the type of grandparents who spoiled their grandchildren rotten lol.
So yeah they were both born amongst two different clans and cultures. Half-blooded.
But don't worry. Bi-Han has vowed to himself that both of his sons would never end up like him, with the help of his wife. He tried so hard to be the best role model and gave them what he didn't get with his own father. He is still strict, cold, and harsh, yes but he never forgets his duty to not make his sons uncomfortable by his ruthless demeanor. My OC balanced them with warmth and love. Both of them have goofy sides from their mother. So they do not always look serious all the time just like Bi-Han. They support and love each other But also sometimes there is sibling rivalry between them. I imagine their brotherhood like Gumball and Darwin or Oggy and Jack lmao.
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eu-nicola · 1 year
Ragnar Lothbrok x Reader
summary: you have been in love with Ragnar all your life, a situation led you to be with him and you thought that the feelings were mutual until you saw that they were not.
inspired by Lana del Rey's monologue
sorry for my english, is not my first language
posted on my ao3: abigaildaen
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And I remember when I first thought about him, it was so clear that he was the one for me. I knew immediately.
And as the years passed the thoughts were still there. I had known him all my life, he had always been close to my family, he was like a son to my father, the son he never had. He was around every chance he got, he was a charismatic, electric, magnetic man and everyone knew it. When he entered a place, everyone stood up to talk to him, that's when he met Lagertha and fell in love, forgetting who I was.
When I was just turning 16 he for other side was already having a child with Lagertha, sometimes I forgot that he was a few years older. Over the years I learned to carry that weight and I let it go, he was still there for me when i still needed him but i was already a woman and i didn't need him anymore. When I turned 18 I began to accompany him on his trips because when i did I felt free, it was so beautiful to find new places and new faces.
We would go back and spend time with his family, over time I had learned to get along with Lagertha and even now little Bjorn his son was also like a son to me, the boy spent a lot of time with me, I was his favorite aunt, he liked to be teach him to fight and treat him like one more. When I had the opportunity I convinced his mother to let him travel with us, she at first resisted the idea but with a little persuasion she allowed him to go.
That trip was extremely strange for me, when we arrived at our destination I got very sick and nobody knew what had caused it they only knew that it could cause my death, Ragnar was with me from the first day helping me to recover, not even his son left me alone at any time and they had decided that we would not return home until I was fully recovered.
I was in bed for a month and a half without being able to do anything and with a high fever when I was finally able to get up Ragnar wouldn't let me do anything but I certainly wasn't the best at following orders and although I couldn't go out and train so i stayed at home in which we stayed doing the chores of the place trying not to feel so bad about myself, all the time that Ragnar and I had passed we had gotten even closer as we were years ago and it felt good to have him close again but at the same time there was a certain discomfort from which incould not escape.
He was so charming that for a moment he reminded me of the man I fell in love with when I was still a child and with whom I was also disappointed. One night in which I had run away from everyone I had decided to get away and lie down under a tree away from everything trying to feel the air through my body i was so at peace that I didn't even hear him arrive and when I opened my eyes he was there watching me, he didn't say anything, he just sat next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder, our breaths were connected and it was just perfect.
Then I felt his hand rest on my cheek, raising my face to see him, he approached me and kissed me, that was the first night we spent together, I felt loved and wanted. He was the first man and the man I would have fallen for a thousand times, from that night on he took me every night under the stars praising me like I was the only woman in the world until we had to go back. When we returned i was already carrying his son but i had not wanted to tell him for fear that he would leave me.
When we finally returned the fear became real and he erased all memory of me, leaving me as if I were nothing, someone strange who he had only wanted to hang out with while his wife was away, on one occasion I begged him to stay, what to try to remember what we had but he didn't listen to me, it hurt my soul like I never thought it would and he left me. And even though I tried to hate him, I understood that I couldn't and I loved him, I loved him, I loved him.
And I still love him.
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literaryuppsala · 2 years
You could take a shot where Ragnar makes a deal with Ecbert so that in the future his children will marry for peace. And the reader is the daughter who should marry Ubbe or Bjorn but as they are both married (margrethe and torvi) it was left to Hvitserk who is annoyed by having to marry because he likes margrethe, but after the arrival of the princess he changes his mind… happy final and smut pls
It took me so long to finish this, I am so sorry. I just finished and wanted to post as soon as possible, so If there's any mistake let me know. I had so much fun while writing It, thank you for your ask. I hope this is just as good as you imagined in your head, hope you like It as much as I did.
Maybe I wrote a Part II for this one
hell was the journey (but it brought me heaven)
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You never dared to dream of a marriage out of love, that wasn’t allowed for people like you, you knew what was expected from you. Since you got old enough to understand your place in this world, you always knew you had a duty, a hard but rewarding duty. At least that’s what your father told you, you’d feel rewarded as soon as you fulfilled your duty. 
The morning you left Wessex, King Ecbert held your hand and told you the future of all England depended on you, depended on you marrying a man you never met in your life but was destined to since the day you were born. 
Years before you sailed, Ragnar set foot at the beach in Lindisfarne and this decided the course of your future. After years of battle, King Aelle from Northumbria and Ecbert from Wessex finally reached a common ground with the vikings: they wanted land and they could have It, If they promised not to raid ever again and this pact would be sealed by marriage, a son of Ragnar should marry a daughter of one of the kings. 
Nothing happened for years until Ragnar returned to Wessex, years later, with two of his sons. Your father gave in completely, you were a baby back then and knew nothing about pacts, saxons and vikings, either way your life was completely changed by them. 
After sailing for a few days, you arrived in Norway, met by bad weather and curious gazes from the pier. Your ship docked, more people gathered around and someone you imagined was the king walked firmly towards you, followed by more of them. 
“Princess.” He announced, his voice was a loud howl that startled you a bit. “Welcome to Kattegat.”
“Thank you, my lord.” You murmured, whispering your words under your breath. “It’s an honor.” 
“I’m Bjorn. Come with me.” 
They walked you through the city, suspicious looks burned holes on your skin why you crossed the path. As soon as you arrived at their great hall, a feast awaited you, a big table was sat in the middle, filled with food and ale. Everyone was laughing and talking until Bjorn showed up with you on his tracks. Gazes crossing his body like It wasn’t even there to find your small figure hiding on his back. 
“This is for you.” He whispered, offering you his hand, which you accepted shyly. “We were all waiting for you.” He led you to the table, offering you a seat. 
“You are even more beautiful than I thought.” A beautiful woman caught your attention, she was sitting right across from you. 
“Thank you.” You nodded.
Bjorn started to introduce his family, pointing to the people gathered around the table and giving their faces a name you would have a problem repeating. He was the king, you noticed that, people seemed to respect him, he had a lot of brothers they couldn’t be all sons of Ragnar, you thought to yourself. Turns out they were, and that beautiful woman, she was named Aslaug, was his wife, their mother. You learned three of them were already married, Bjorn, the oldest, was married to a woman named Torvi, she had a kind smile towards you. The second one, a man named Ubbe, was married to a woman named Margrethe, someone who didn’t seem as friendly as the others. And the last one, Ivar, was married to Freydis. 
“And this one is my brother Hvitserk.” Bjorn announced proudly, hugging him by his shoulders and slapping at his chest. “Your future husband.”
He smiled at you, smirked actually, his lips slightly curled up as he looked down at you. He was handsome, you thought. Long braided hair falling on his shoulders, a beautiful pair of green eyes sparkling on his face, his smirk sending shivers down your spine. 
“It’s an honor, Lord Hvitserk.”
Hvitserk bowed, they all laughed and you frowned, but didn’t say anything. The feast kept going, they started to talk about your future wedding, about all the things you must learn and do before the ceremony and how you and Hvitserk couldn’t be together during this period. You didn’t think much of It since there wouldn’t be much of a talk between the two of you. 
As the days passed, you got to know more of them, they welcomed you into their space and happily taught you everything they thought you needed to learn, all the fantastic stories you would go to bed to think about. During this time, you grew closer to the women of the family, their mother, Aslaug, was gentle and cared about your well being, always checking If you were feeding and sleeping well. Torvi became your favorite storyteller, she would talk to you about traditions and their past, and was always kind to you. Freydis always made sure your hair was beautifully braided, tamed into intricate patterns. Only one of them always kept her distance from you, not really talking or even acknowledging your presence. 
“Who is she?” You asked once, Freydis was sitting behind you and she sighed, her breath slightly touching your shoulders. 
“Margrethe.” She answered angrily. “She’s Ubbe’s wife.” 
“She doesn’t like me.” You murmured. 
“She only likes the sons.” 
“What are you talking about?”
“They say she slept with all of them before she married Ubbe. She wanted them all to herself.” 
“Hvitserk…” You whispered under your breath.
“Soon you’ll be his wife.” She moved to your front, blocking Margrethe’s vision. “He will only have eyes for you.” 
“Does he have eyes for her now?”
She didn’t answer, she didn’t have to, you saw it in her face, something was going on between them. That realization made you extremely sad. You didn’t think he would have been waiting for you, but never imagined you would have to battle for a place you always thought belonged to you. The way Margrethe acted around you was everything you needed to know about her relationship with Hvitserk. 
That night, as you laid back on the bed, you knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep, thinking about Margrethe and Hvitserk and what you were going to do now, you hated the feeling that you were, somehow, the intruder. You laid there, awake, staring at the ceiling and dealing with the deadly silence until It was bothered by a few muffled sounds. 
Frowning in the dark you mentally debated If you should go check it or not and after the sounds got heavier, whispers and sighs, soft words that didn’t seem for your ears, you swallowed hard, your mind lost the control over your body and you saw yourself getting up and slowly walking towards the door, leaning against the wood and trying to listen. 
When you finally decided to leave the room and opened the door, the noise got louder. The small corridor was poorly lit by some torches stuck in the walls, the orange light flickered in the dark, creating dancing shadows on your face as you slowly walked towards the noise. Your room stayed in the back of the great hall, the only thing separating the corridor and the front of the hall was a thin fabric curtain that you softly moved away so you could pry on what was happening. 
You hid against the wall and looked through the thin material, eyes widened at the scene unfolding before your eyes, utterly shocked. Margrethe was trapped between two bulky men, one of them being her husband, Ubbe and the other one you couldn’t see, he had his back towards you. Her eyes were closed, her lips were parted, she moaned softly while they both moved obscenely against her body. 
You couldn’t believe it, even though you heard about their different manners, you didn’t expect that. She tried so hard to hug both of them, but that didn’t seem possible while Ubbe grabbed her hips from behind and the other man spreaded kisses all over her chest, kneading at her breasts. You blinked in shock, but weren't able to stop looking, too entranced by them. 
“Too much…” 
You heard when she moaned softly, her lips moving slowly while she carefully opened her eyes, a different gray tone mixed with green. She tried to focus on something until she found yours, widened, looking at her. She mumbled something and the man in front of her finally looked over his shoulders, a loud gasp left your throat when you noticed he was your future husband. You quickly covered your mouth and when they all looked towards the tiny door frame where you were, you moved fast trying to hide. Everything went quiet again and you ran back to your room, locking yourself inside, hands on your chest while you walked backwards into the room until your knees met the edge of the bed and you fell sitting. 
Timid knocks on your door warned you they followed you, three voices whispered exasperated outside your room, but you pretended not to hear, stayed inside, in silence, waiting until they left, something that happened quicker than you thought. So you sat in your bed for hours, waiting for the sun to rise and when its first rays creeped through the cracks of the window, the maids you had taken there with you, finally entered your room. 
“You didn’t sleep, my lady.” One of them whispered.
“Is it that obvious?” You asked back with sarcasm. 
They helped you to get dressed,  a beautiful red gown with long sleeves to help you face the cold in Kattegat and probably the wrath of the vikings, but you didn’t mind, you had made your decision. You left your bedroom with your maids leading you towards the great hall, the same corridor, the same door frame, you felt chills down your spine. The only table was already occupied and the first pair of eyes to meet yours, was Hvitserk’s, he blinked quickly as you walked firmly towards the head of the table, his brother Bjorn. They all looked at you at some point, the conversation stopped and you sighed before starting to talk. 
“We should talk.” You announced firmly, looking at them from where you were. 
“Shouldn’t we eat first?” Bjorn asked, offering you a place at the table, but you rejected.
“I am not hungry.” You answered. “The sooner we end this conversation, the sooner I’ll leave Kattegat.”
“What?” He gasped, getting up with a jolt. You startled, taking back a step or two. 
“I guess my presence here is useless.” You started. “I don’t think any of us want this thing to happen.”
“What are you talking about?” Bjorn insisted. 
“I don’t know what is going on here, but I don’t think Lord Hvitserk wants to marry me. And I know we all have an agreement, but after so much time, we can change things.” You continued. “We can make the decisions for ourselves, you could make the decision of not raiding again in England, and we can make the decision of keeping your settlements safe. It’s not necessary to go through something none of us desire.” 
“I don’t think you understand this, princess.” Bjorn tried, his eyes narrowed as he looked down at you, his expression smug and arrogant. 
“Don’t treat me like I’m stupid.” You hissed. 
“I am not. But this thing you’re suggesting it’s beyond stupid, It’s suicidal.”  
Hvitserk, who was silent the whole time, finally got up, held Bjorn’s arm, stopping him in his tracks before he said anything else. 
“I guess It’s time for us to talk, princess.” He told you, a little too harshly.
“I guess It’s late, lord Hvitserk.” You hissed more sharply than you intended. 
“What is going on?” Bjorn tried again, his eyes on his little brother. 
“Let’s talk in private, princess.” Hvitserk insisted, ignoring the confused looks from his family.
“I will do no such thing! You’re not my husband, I can’t be alone in private with you!” You replied offended. 
“Then we can discuss what happened last night here, in front of everyone.” He smirked and your cheeks flushed almost immediately, your hands went to the sides of your face trying to cover up your embarrassment while you blinked in utter shock. “It’s your choice.”
“Not in chambers.” You warned before walking away without looking back. 
You didn’t see, but felt him following your steps outside the great hall. You walked fast, but Hvitserk reached you, held your arm and stopped you both. 
“We’ll have more privacy on the beach.”
“I thought you didn’t need privacy, my lord.” You teased. 
“I do need actually, you’re just nosy.” He teased back. 
“How dare you?!” You raised your hand ready to slap him in the face, but he held It in the air, before It could reach him. 
“Lurking in the shadows, watching people while they’re distracted.” He pulled you in, your faces so close you felt his breath fanning on your cheeks. 
“I wasn’t lurking!” You growled, pulling your arm out of his grasp. “You were out doors, you didn’t seem very preoccupied with that last night.” 
“You remember last night very clearly.” 
“I remember how disgusted I felt.” 
He stopped, didn’t have any answer for that and you were so angry with him you could scream, you felt betrayed, even though he wasn’t your husband yet, you felt it either way. 
“Do you love her?” You asked all of a sudden and he didn’t answer that either. 
“Why are you asking me this?” He frowned. 
“I don’t want to marry a man who can not love me.” You sighed. “I know we don’t love each other now, but I always thought that whenever I married someone… Maybe… With time… That can not happen If you already love someone else.” 
“I… I don’t know…” He answered honestly and you smiled to yourself. 
“You always know these types of things. You just don’t want to tell me.” You finally looked at him. “How do you do this? How can you share?” 
“I guess a little is better than nothing.” 
“Honestly, I don’t want to do this.” You murmured. 
You left him there and he didn’t try to stop you. After that you just locked yourself up in your room, well not yours, the room they settled for you and felt like an outsider again. People knocked on your door, your maids, Bjorn, Torvi and Freydis, even Aslaug made her attempt to talk to you, but you didn’t want to see anyone, not in that moment at least. 
“What happened?” Bjorn asked angrily, looking at an equally nervous Hvitserk, who didn’t answer.
“She saw us last night.” Ubbe was the one to clarify things. “With Margrethe.” 
“What??” He asked again, this time in shock and Ubbe just shrugged. 
“This is low.” Ivar said, looking at the food in front of him. “Even for you, brother.” He completed, pointing at Hvitserk. 
“Not as low as you.” Hvitserk answered, receiving a bunch of peas on his face thrown by Ivar. 
“Stop tormenting your brother. This is serious.” Aslaug scolded. “How could you do this?” 
“I didn’t think she was going to see It.” Hvitserk answered. 
“She’s just like Ivar.” Sigurd teased. 
“At least I'm not a christian and not his future wife.” 
“It doesn’t matter.” Bjorn growled loudly, looking angrily at Hvitserk. “You better fix this, because if she leaves, you can forget the last few years of peace.” 
“I know brother, you don’t have to remind me.” 
“Then why did you fuck Margrethe in the middle of the great hall?”
“I was drunk.” 
“Great explanation brother, why don’t you tell her this?” Ivar teased again. 
“Ivar, don't make things worse.” Aslaug scolded once again.
The conversation went on for some time, with Hvitserk dealing with his whole family talking about his sex life, but he wasn’t really listening, your voice in his head asking him If he loved Margrethe and his lack of response, he didn’t know that, love was such a strong word for whatever happened between himself and his brother’s wife. He liked her, liked to have sex with her, he felt betrayed when she accepted to marry Ubbe, but he didn’t know If he loved her. And while those thoughts circulated inside his mouth, you were someone he felt he could love someday, someone with whom he could create a family of his own. 
He marched to your room, thought about all the things he could say to you and softly knocked on your door. You didn’t answer. He insisted. This went on for a few minutes until he finally heard a few noises coming from inside, next thing was the door opening and revealing your tired shape. 
“Would you forgive me?” He asked and you blinked. “Ever?”
You sighed. “Lord Hvitserk.” 
He took your hand to his mouth. “It won’t happen again.” He mumbled against your skin and kissed your knuckles. “I can promise you that, If you forgive me, It won’t happen again.”
“You promise?”
That seemed a childish thing to do, asking for a promise, but that’s what you needed and you didn’t even know If you could ever trust him close to that woman, but something inside you turned your confidence into melting butter as soon as his skin touched yours, he had something you couldn’t explain, something that entranced you. 
“I promise.”  
After the talk, the marriage preparations were rushed, everybody feared Hvitserk could mess up again since Margrethe wouldn’t leave him alone. You could sense her circling him like a vulture, everytime you were together she would sneak around, ask for his help or something, he would smile and politely deny her and she would insist, until he’d give up and go with her, that was the worst thing about the time before the wedding. 
Once the day came, all of the women in the family showed up in your room to help prepare you, your maids didn’t have much to do. Torvi brought a beautiful white gown for you, long sleeved with golden embroidment, you were mesmerized. They took you out to the river, helped you wash yourself, dressed you and braided your hair, they even put a flower crown over your head, you felt beautiful. 
The ceremony wasn’t really easy for you since you weren’t totally understanding what was happening, but once the few droplets of blood touched your face, you knew It was done. You learned this that week. Hvitserk smiled and gave you a tender kiss on your forehead, another one on your cheek and finally touched your lips softly, your cheeks flushed immediately and you smiled shyly. 
A feast was thrown, with lots of ale and food, people gathered around the great hall laughing and screaming with each other. Hvitserk was the happiest you ever saw him since you first met and you were letting yourself think that was because of you. 
“Sigurd, now you’re the only one left.” Bjorn teased. 
“I have a lot of women, brother.” He teased back, making Ivar laugh on his cup, almost gagging with liquid.
“You??? Who would want to sleep with you???” He laughed.
“Definitely more than the ones who want to sleep with you.” Sigurd rolled his eyes. 
“He already has one, Sigurd.” Freydis growled, walking towards Ivar and sitting on his lap. “He doesn’t need anyone else.” Ivar smiled proudly, kissing her on the cheek.
“Sigurd, you’ll have to settle one day.” Aslaug started. “Have a family, have children. I can’t wait to see this place filled with your children.”
“I can arrange that. Don’t need to settle to bring children into this world.” He insisted, making his mother roll her eyes in anger. 
“You should be content with just one woman, like your brothers.” She insisted.
“I don’t think Hvitserk can do that.” Margrethe talked for the first time during the whole feast. “He’s too insatiable, too greedy.” 
The smile that was on your face slowly faded, everyone stayed in silence and eventually looked at you. You felt embarrassed, but didn’t answer, nor looked at her, you drank from your cup and stared blankly into an invisible point in front of you until Hvitserk’s beautiful emeralds showed up, a tiny smirk curling his lips up before he kissed you again, taking you by surprise. He tasted like ale and meat, strangely pleasant on your tongue when you felt It against his, both of his hands on the sides of your face for a quick moment, a feverish but quick moment. 
“I already found the one who can satiate me.” 
You blushed, but pride filled your tummy. Your hand met his cheek and silently thanked him for his kind gesture. After that the conversation restarted, what Margrethe said completely forgotten once Ivar and Sigurd got into another one of their fights, but Hvitserk’s eyes were still on you, he was nuzzling into your hand and you were thankful, relieved, maybe this whole thing was right after all. 
By the end of the night, they took your husband by his legs and put him on their shoulders, led him to his house while your maids and the girls took you by the hand and followed. The screaming and the laughing stayed for long until they took you to the bedroom and Hvitserk kicked them out very quickly, until you were both alone. 
He touched your shoulders, then your neck, lastly your cheeks. 
“We don’t have to do anything.”
“It’s alright.” 
“So you want to?”
You nodded. 
He kissed you again. Slow. His lips softly touching yours while he caressed your cheeks with his thumbs. You shivered, feeling his tongue slowly entering your mouth and massaging yours, the taste of ale was so strong It made you slightly dizzy. You pawed at his tunic, pushing the fabric with your fingers and pulling his body in until his chest pressed against yours. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered against your mouth. “So, so beautiful…” He took his kisses down your face, nipped at your jaw before he started pressing insistent kisses on your throat. 
His hands met the straps of your bodice and started to untie until the leather garment fell on the ground around your feet. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in, making you stay on your tiptoes and hug his neck, fingers dipped in his braids. 
“Come to bed.” He whispered again, holding your hand and taking you. 
Carefully, Hvitserk sat you on the bed, he kissed your forehead before taking off his tunic. That was the first time you ever saw a man half naked, your cheeks flushed and you moved your gaze away from his body. Quickly, he grabbed your hands, putting them on his own abdomen. The rigid muscles tensed under your palm and you bit your lower lip, with his thumb he pulled your lip out of the grip of your teeth, slowly caressing the trembling flesh. 
He softly kneeled in front of you, you felt his hands on your legs, first on your calves, then on your knees and up your thighs, his touch raised goosebumps on your heated skin, he smirked when felt you trembling. Slowly, he raised one of your legs and started spreading kisses while sliding up the hem of the dress. His mouth was sinful, wet and soft, he left a trail of saliva behind. He did the same with both of your legs until you were leaned back on your elbows and your gown was crumpled on the middle of your thighs. When his kisses went up a little further, you jolted, shooting up into a sitting position and touching his chest, slightly pushing him away. 
“We don’t have to do anything.” He repeated, his hand covering the one you had on his chest. 
“Just… Just… Be gentle.” You pleaded, utter embarrassment on your face. 
He nodded and got up, taking you with him. His hands met your hips and took the fabric of your gown, carefully he pushed It up, sliding it off of your body leaving you only on your white chemise. Hvitserk then took you on his arms, bride style, laying you down on the bed, your head softly touching the pillows. Your hands met the sides of your face while he laid down on top of you, his hips looking for home between your legs which you allowed, opening up to accommodate him. 
Hvitserk then lowered his head, his lips choosing a place on your neck to nip on, he pulled up the sheer fabric of your chemise over your chest, exposing your breasts to his hungry gaze. The sensitive skin of your nipple prickled even before he did anything. Lowering his head even more, your husband took one nipple in his mouth and you gasped at the new sensation, wet and warm. You fisted the sheets, eyes immediately closed while you whimpered under his ministrations. 
“I can’t believe you’re mine.” He murmured after releasing one nipple with a soft pop. “All mine.” He hissed before taking the other nipple into his mouth too. 
He lowered his kisses, finding the soft skin of your tummy, licking and sucking, leaving a trail of light red marks. He traced the curve of your belly button with the tip of his tongue before licking down your belly.
“W-What are you doing??” You asked when you saw where he was going, he just smirked, kept licking down your curls until he brushed against your clit and you shivered. “Serk…” You breathed the nickname you heard so many times, so easily It seemed was made for your mouth. 
His eyes were dark, nothing of the beautiful emeralds you were growing used to, they had a dark shade of gray while he looked at you. He spread your legs even more, using his shoulders as support as he lapped up your folds, slowly savoring you like the sweetest wine. His tongue was soft and warm, your folds were dripping into his mouth, making him moan softly, humming in satisfaction. 
You threw your head back and grabbed the sheets, your toes curled and you wined loud. You never felt that way before, your body was completely out of your control and under his power, the kind of feeling you've never experienced. He kept licking through your slit until you felt his tongue inside of you and you whimpered, a little uncomfortable. He then used his free hand to gently massage your clit, distracting you almost immediately, he buried almost his entire face between your legs as his lips curled around your clit and sucked, you started seeing white spots behind your eyelids, a tight coil forming on your belly when while your hips started to move under their own accord against his mouth. He hummed again, like he was happy you were doing that. 
“Serk…” You breathed out, feeling hot and bothered as never before, like you were about to explode. You sequenced his name and your legs trembled around his head, your body went rigid and you moaned long and loud, a relaxing sensation taking over your body. He kept licking on you as you experienced the twitching and the aftershocks of the first orgasm of your life, he only stopped when you squirmed away. 
When he raised his head, his mouth was wet with your slick and he had a silly smirk on his face as he climbed up on you and kissed you, making you taste your own juices on your tongue. He was quick to discard his own trousers, all while squirming to stay in between your legs again, you hugged his neck and blinked nervously. 
“We don’t-” He started but you touched his lips with your fingertips. 
“It’s alright.” You assured him and he nodded. 
He grabbed his cock between your bodies and lined the tip with your wet folds, rubbing the head against your clit, making you shudder. He kissed you again and pushed his tip inside you, the stretch burned your walls that fluttered around him, he growled against your mouth, completely immobile. 
“Can I move?” He asked you, a pained grunt, like he was using all his strength to stay still. His arms supporting his weight on each side of your head started to shake and you breathed heavily, nodding the permission he asked for.  
You cried out in pain when slid a little more inside, his lips brushing against yours as he stopped again, but you pressed your fingers on his nape, a silent consent for him to keep going, he looked at you with true concern, his eyes glossy as he slowly entered you until he bottomed out completely and you mewled loudly, closing your eyes. 
Hvitserk spread kisses all over your face, wetting his lips with the insistent tears falling down your cheeks, he burned inside you like wildfire, the stretch was almost unbearable. 
“Sweetheart… I’m going to pull out…” He hissed, seeing how painful this was for you. 
“No… Just… Give me a minute…” You breathed out, opening your eyes to look at him. “Would you… Would you kiss me, please?” You pleaded with hooded eyes. 
“Of course.” He answered softly, touching your lips with his feverishly, it’s messier than the other kisses he gave you, sloppier, his teeth brushing against your lips and his tongue massaging yours obscenely, within minutes you’re deep into his spell again, trembling hands on his neck, tugging at his hair and slightly untying his braids. 
Noticing you’re distracted, he moved, pulling out a little and slowly coming back, you mewled into his mouth, your walls fluttering around him but he doesn’t know If it’s because of the pain or pleasure. So he pulled away from your lips, smiling a little when you followed blindly reaching for his mouth, moving under him and pulling him in a little more. He grunted under his breath, sighing heavily while trying not to think about the way your walls feel around him. 
Suddenly his forehead is against your lips, his eyes are closed, all of the veins on his arms are visible and puffed, you touched his biceps and he shuddered on top of you. Pride filled your heart knowing you were the one doing this to him, you wanted to do more so you moved your hips up, the burn inside you reduced a bit and you moved again, Hvitserk moaned. 
“Sweetheart… Don’t do this.” He pleaded, a breathed beg, his breathing fanning against your chest. A groan left his lips and you felt his cock twitching inside you, the foreign feeling a little overwhelming but not causing any discomfort.
“Please move.” You hissed and he immediately obeyed, like his body was just waiting another sign of consentment. He pulled out a little and slid right back in, you felt the burn and mewled. “Keep moving.” You pleaded again and he growled, doing exactly what you asked. 
Hvitserk slowly moved inside you, trying his best not to hurt you, but he never felt that way before, buried inside you felt better than anything he ever felt, It truly felt like Valhala and you looked like a Goddess, blissed out under him, taking all of him so well. He wanted you to feel just as good as he felt, he dived his hand between your bodies and gently touched your clit, you shuddered, that touch being the first real pleasure you felt since he slipped inside you. 
He kept massaging your puffy clit, looking at your parted lips as he slightly changed the angle of his hips, searching for that spot inside you. You mewled when he found, fluttering at the new position, widening your eyes and staring at him when you felt that same tingle from before, he smiled when he noticed. He kept thrusting into you, always searching for that spot, always pressing on your clit, but the way you gripped him, he wouldn’t last long. 
When he picked up his pace, you felt the burn again, but Hvitserk was deep into his pleasure, he needed to finish, so you hugged him, close, trying not to focus on anything but the gentle tugs on your clit. However, he knew he needed to be faster, so he did, a few more thrusts and he was gone, his hips slapping up yours sloppily quick until he stopped completely and you felt the twitch of his cock, the warmth of his spend inside you and the rough noises coming from his throat. 
“I’m sorry.” He pleaded before raising his head up to look at you. Your hands met the side of his face and you smiled tiredly at him. “It won’t hurt this much next time.” 
“I know.” 
Quickly, Hvitserk moved, getting up from the bed he walked out of the room and came back with a bowl full of water and a clean towel. You watched as he cleaned between your legs with the wet cloth, gently washing away the pink stains on the soft skin of your thighs. When he was done, he put the bowl on the ground and moved to lay down by your side, pulling you in so you could lay on his chest, one of his hands softly touching your hair while the other grabbed your own, tangled your fingers and pulled it towards his lips, he started spreading kisses on your knuckles.  
“Will you make me happy, Hvitserk?” You asked all of a sudden. 
“That’s the only thing I can do from now on.”  ***
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bropunzeling · 7 months
hello jess bropunzeling i am pulling an all nighter for my 15 hour flight and i was wondering if you could send some rat baby girl leon girl dad matthew vibes my way. thank u or sorry in advance
15 hour flight?!?!?!?!?! jfc. im so sorry. some important, not especially coherent and perhaps inconsistent with previously posted vibes for u:
i think in my drama-loving heart of hearts leon absolutely goes into labor while matthew is on a road trip with the team. he has to catch an early flight back and spends the whole time texting his mother-in-law for updates and then is on the phone in the cab to the hospital and fully the stereotype of frantic messy dad-to-be. just like can we please go faster my WIFE is having a BABY i need to BE THERE so she can BREAK MY FINGERS AND SWEAR AT ME
(in the meantime the team is like uh yeah personal emergency and the twitter speculation is wild. lots of examining matthew's twitter and insta for Clues)
they decide not to learn the baby's sex until it's born bc fun! a surprise! and it takes matthew 1 microsecond of looking at baby girl's big blue cranky eyes to fall deeply irreversibly in love
(somewhere in here is a big emotional moment about leon being kind of scared to have a girl bc she has a complicated relationship to/navigation of femininity and is scared she's gonna mess something up and they have hard yet loving conversations while sleep deprived out of their little gourds. also they are so enamored with the baby.)
matthew shows up when the team comes back home all exhausted and euphoric like no yeah all good thumbs up bags under eyes looking like he’s optimistically gotten four minutes of sleep
you know the guy at your work who has to show you baby pictures or talk about their kid's milestones every time you stop by their office to ask about something else. that's matthew.
as leon starts gearing up to make Her Comeback she brings baby girl with her to the rink so matthew can watch her while she's working out. their teammates, who by this point are like chucky please give it a REST re: baby pictures, have to admit that is one cute baby.
everyone gets a chance to hold the baby while leon is skating. the rookies are terrified of dropping her, less bc of matthew and more bc of leon, despite the fact that leon won't be the one getting to them first
there are several very cute moments of matthew hanging around near the glass, baby girl in baby bjorn and enormous pom-pom hat, as leon skates up and waves to them. there are pictures
these are the pictures the team gets to post the summer after they win the cup/the draisaitl-tkachuk family goes public
somehow the fact that they are so cute makes the obnoxious girl dad behavior so much harder to bear. the team suffers.
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Sweeter than honey... Part 6 (Final part)
Summary: You're a close friend to the modern!Ragnarssons, and when you find yourself in a bad place they help. Even if it's finding a new room to rent, or your sex-life.
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Such a pretty little thing. - said Ubbe as you slept peacefully on the couch.
It was 3 am of your wedding night. It was a small ceremony in the gardens of the mansion. You are now Bjorn's wife, an lover of the rest of the brothers. Your wedding dress falls around you prettily, as the rest of your men gather around you, all with sweet loving faces.
-She sure is. - says Bjorn, crouching beside you, kissing you awake.
You smile at them as your vision clears a bit, sleepiness still fogging your half drunk mind. Especially as you feel numerous hands caress your body at the same time. It was a traditional viking wedding, you all also drank a potion made with some herbs, the old sagas saying it would help consummate the marriage, help with siring a child. Your breath hitched as you watched them all drink it. Then it was as if nothing had happened. You all ate, danced, drank. Then you fell asleep. And then there you were, under the hands of your hungry men, soft whimpers escaping your lips. Your eyes closed, letting the sensations eat you whole. But then a hand came to your neck, squeezing lightly, making you moan out.
-Keep your eyes on me sweetheart. - said Ubbe. You clenched around nothing as another slowly rid you of your underwear.
There was a thrilling difference between having your eyes closed and not knowing who touches where, and staring into Ubbe's hungry eyes as you did not know who touched where. You were sure there would be a puddle of your slick on the couch already and they havent really done anything. He let go of your throat and you were already missing the gentle squeeze as you kept looking at him, mind foggy cause of the potion. Soon enough Bjorn made you sit up, kissing you as Ivar and Hvitserk cut the dress off of you, leaving you clad naked kneeling in the middle of the couch, back arched, head turned back so you could keep your eyes on Ubbe's, he helped you again by holding your throat, as the rest of them shuffled around. Hvitserk caressed your body, while Bjorn sucked mark on your breasts, as Ivar laid between your legs, making you sit on his face.
A moan left you, making Ubbe chuckle. You were always so sensitive, let alone after this potion.
-You're in for a long night baby. - Ubbe whispered on your lips as he kissed you, taking your breath away. Your orgasm approached as fast as a summer storm came and go.
-Ubbe. - you whined, making Ivar slap your butt, pushing you further down on him. You came with a scream, and he helped you ride out your high. When your breathing came back to almost normal, he slid out from under you, grabbing a hold of your, making you look at him before he kissed you making you taste yourself on his tongue. One hand circling your clit, another sinking into your hole.
-I'm quite offended you forgot who made you cum sweetheart. - he tsk tsk-ed teasingly. Tears filled your eyes, muttering the smallest little sorry . -Its okay sweets, you can make it better. - he said undressing before you, the head of his member spreading pre-cum on your lips as you moaned. Ubbe took a handful of your hair now, making you take Ivar in your mouth The others still fingering you. Lubing up your whole body. His member twiched on your tongue, making you moan, sending vibrations through him. His thrusts became sloppier, then Ubbe forced you fully down on him, as he came down your throat with a groan.
-Good girl. - he said, caressing your jaw.
-She still likes that - said Hvitserk pumping himself a few times, before making you kneel sideways, facing Bjorn before he entered you slowly. As Hvitty slowly eased in and out of you, your nose nudged the ever growing bulge in Bjorn's pants.
-You can suck sweetheart, but no making me cum. I wanna make sure my seed stays. Gonna have you round and full of my kid. - he growled. You clenched around Hvitserk, your orgasm fast approaching again as you started to suck on Bjorn, determined to make him cum at least once. You wanted kids just not right away, thankfully you were on the pill. All while Ivar and Ubbe worked on fingering your tight hole, opening you up. When they inserted a small but powerful vibrator you came almost instatly, soaking Hvitserk and the couch, head coming to rest on Bjorn's thigh. All of them chuckling as you try to toss and turn, trying to get Hvitserk t o pull out, the vibrations sending you spiraling. Anything they asked, you just moaned and whined. You were already too cockdrunk to form senteces. when Hvitserk filled you up, Ivar sat down, gathering you on top of him, your back to his chest as he slowly eased into your asshole, not moving, letting you get used to the fullness. After a few thrusts, you felt a tongue lap at your clit with a chuckle. Then a slap over your abused pussy, making you scream out before Ubbe entered you slowly. You had never felt so full, let alone when they both started moving, Hvitserk standing on the side, making you suck him clean. Bjorn just watched from the side. He'll save the best for last. You don't remember how many times had you came, you couldn't even moan anymore, just took it. Cum leaking from every part of you, and yet you never felt more adored, more content. Hickeys all over, sweat and cum mixing, sticking you all to eachother before they came again. They kissed you slowly before handing over to Bjorn. He kissed you sweetly.
-My little dumb, cumdump wife.. Come let's get you cleaned up. - he said bringing you to the shower. You sighed when the hot water of the shower hit your tired skin, but oh did he have other plans. He lifted you up, easing you on his cock, impaling you.
-Bjorn.. too-too much - you whined making him chuckle.
-Gotta take it baby, gotta make you round. - he said lovingly as he started to trust in and out.
-'m on the pill Bj.. - you tried to say but he kissed you passionately, not telling you his secret just yet.
-We're gonna move here together, you won't have to work, you'll just be here all pretty and ready for us.. whenever we want.. we love you so much.. we'll take care of you baby.. - he cood and all you could do was moan his name and nod, agreeing.. To what? You didn't even know anymore. You didn't care anymore.
After he dried you off, he took you to his bed, spooning you.
-You're gonna warm my cock while we sleep don't you sweetheart? - he asked.
-Mmm.. yes please. - you whined, making him chuckle darkly.
He slowly fucked you until you came around him loudly, almost passing out, then he came deep inside of you, but not pulling out.
-No moving baby, gotta keep my cum deep inside of you now. - he said leaning closer to your ear, knowing you wouldn't protest at this state anyways, you couldn't even move even if you wanted to. -We switched your pill when you first stayed with me. - he said, your foggy mind hearing but not understanding.
In the morning you woke up sore, happy, and already moaning. Wait what? - you almost jumped, but hands caught you.
-It's okay baby. s just me. - said Bjorn in a low voice.
-T-too much.. - you said as he thrusted into you in an unforgiving pace.
-Gonna breed you.. - the other's can't wait for their turns hun.. - he said chuckling darkly. This was new, you never new he could be dark, yet sexy. When he finished, he took your limp body, tying your hands to the bedpost with a soft silk cloth.
They took turns coming into the room, you were crying, overstimulated when Ubbe came in last. He took off the ties, washing you, carrying you over to the living room where they all waited for you with food, snacks, a movie. You smiled as he put you in the middle, all had touching you at least with a finger.
-You're all menaces. - you whispered, making them laugh out loud.
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Hello, I don't know if you remember me but I was the anonymous one who asked Bjorn to lift mjolnir, I don't know if the Asks are open but I wanted to see if it did, Kratos' reaction, Atreus and Freya fighting with against Bjorn, with the advantage of numbers but he just raises his hand and Mjolnir flies at him, and it becomes a one-sided massacre, but then Sif herself has to interfere, for Bjorn it is not lost no get lost in berserker rage
Bjorn dodged the arrow that was coming from the left, only to get attacked from the right, he used his sword to clash with the Blades of Chaos before jumping away from the assailants before him with narrowed eyes. It was supposed to be a simple retrieval mission to Midgard to meet some villagers from the Wise Raven Village to collect some ruins from Revna but halfway on the way from the village, The Great Bear God was ambushed before he had the chance to teleport back to Asgard by the Fallen God of War - Kratos, The All-Mother - Freya, and the Jotunn of Midgard, Atreus/Loki. Bjorn used his Fallen Brother's - Magni - sword to fight but he could only call on so much of its power through the blade.
"You are outnumbered and outmatched, Brother. You have no hope of winning against us, just surrender and come back home with us; we can get Revna later." Loki said as he loaded another arrow into his bow and pointed it at Bjorn but the Great Bear God just glared at him and growled.
"I told you before, Jotunn, I am no brother of yours. You and the Ghost of Sparta killed my brothers a long time ago not I am the keeper of Magni's Sword." Bjorn said as he sheathed the sword on his back and lifted his hand up, "But I see it's not going to be enough to put you all in your places." He snapped and from the heavens came a rumbling and thunder and lightning shot down from above and hit Bjorn before fading away and in the Great Bear's Hand rested Mjolnir - The Hammer of the Thunder God, Thor. The faces of the 3 were ajar, completely shocked that Bjorn managed to call the mighty hammer to his hand.
"This battle is just beginning," Bjorn growled before he charged at the 3 of them, Freya called her vines but a swing from Mjolnir tore them to shreds before he made it to Kratos, who was blocking the Blades of Chaos but the moment the hammer connected with the blades, Kratos went flying into a tree before slumping to the ground.
"Father!" Atreus called before he pointed the arrow at Bjorn who pointed Mjolnir in Atreus' Direction because sending electric currents out of the hammer and shocking the boy until he fell to his knees and screamed in pain. The All-Mother just stood there with shock on her face and lifted her hand to capture Bjorn again but she was unable to call her power to her command - something was wrong. Suddenly, a cyclone of ravens appears and before they even disappeared, a familiar woman ran out of the cyclone in the direction of Bjorn. It was Sif - Wife of Thor & Adoptive Mother of Bjorn and Revna.
"Bjorn! Stop!" Sif called out before she engulfed her son in a hug, making him gasp before he dropped his father's hammer in the snow and looked at Sif, who was crying.
"Mother? I...I'm sorry." Bjorn said as he held his mother who nodded and looked around at the 3 who attacked her son.
"Stay away from my son. He wants nothing to do with any of you." Sif said as Bjorn picked up the hammer once again before the cyclone of ravens took Bjorn and Sif away to Asgard, leaving Freya to care for the Fallen God of War and the Jotunn.
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undertheorangetree · 7 months
ugh omg they are so cute I fuckin love them the smut was so heartfelt and him seeing her naked for the first time? Adorable. Him touching her stomach? Adorable. The dragon eggs? Adorable.
(You should share the HCs I think it would be v sexy and also cool of you)
The callback to him doing the even days only thing just in case only for them to have conceived like first week? Chefs kiss. Them being like “nah actually I still feel like boning” a gift. Meemaw Vhagar and Mama Silverwing???? 🥺 I’m gonna cry your honor.
Aemond is gonna be a baby bjorn dad and they’re gonna own council meetings just trading bubs between them because “how DARE you suggest I leave our heir to a nurse???” He also gives me “randomly starts giving pregnant wife foot/calf massages mindlessly” vibes and she just melts into the couch because her feet fuckin hurt.
Baela and Rhaena throwing a baby shower maybe? Egg reveal to the kingdom? Then both being like “hey absolutely FUCK the idea of naming this child Aegon” and trying to come up with an original name? In this family???? It would all be gold
Anyways this is my solemn promise I’ll read any content you write
OMG HEY. Absolutely OBSESSED with the level at which you’ve been interacting with this fic ilysm. The headcanons are our sexy special secret tho in case I decide to break them out of confinement lol. So sorry about your cat I hope her butt recovers💕💕
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anamoon63 · 1 year
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Dylan couldn't take his eyes off her, he seemed literally mesmerized; Sopeha looked impressed with him as well.
"Really, Dylan?", Karen thought to herself. At that point she remembered what Juliette had told her about Robin: that there was something in his eyes, a kind of magical power that captivated her, was this 'power' an alien trait? Well, if it was, she wouldn't let Dylan fall prey to it.
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She counted to ten, stepped forward and cleared her throat loudly; Dylan woke up from his momentary fascination.
"Oh, I'm sorry, this is Karen, my wife," he rectified.
Sopeha turned to Karen with her deep purple eyes. Karen took a deep breath. It was hard for her to define what the space visitor awakened in her: fear, admiration, jealousy, or plain antipathy?
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"Nice to meet you, Karen." Sopeha replied in her peculiar, semi-robotic, but soft voice. Bjorn and Dylan held their breath, Karen thought for a second before replying. What was she going to say, 'nice to meet you too"? That would have been a lie, so she just stammered out what she considered the only possible response.
"Hello, Sophia," she mispronounced.
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"It's Sopeha," the alien woman corrected her politely.
"Yeah well, whatever," Karen grumbled, no longer trying to disguise her displeasure, which at this point had become evident to the others, especially to Sopeha.
Dylan started to get nervous: Bjorn just rolled his eyes.
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Before either of the two men could say anything, Karen continued:
"You said earlier that you were coming from a 'mission'; did you mean an abduction?" She fired.
"Excuse me?" Sopeha asked, losing her smile.
"Karen, please", Dylan begged.
"Ahem, okay," Bjorn interjected. "Since you've already introduced yourselves, why don't we sit down and talk about the plan?"
"I'm fine standing," Karen said, looking Sopeha straight in the eye.
"So am I," Sopeha countered, holding her gaze.
(To be Continued)
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gnomeyflamingo · 1 year
✮ Max Ambition ✮
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It's a new day and Brielle has gotten promoted again! She’s level 5 and has chosen the most lucrative career branch.
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She's decided to call a club meeting to celebrate, secure votes and up her charisma because she's ambitious to the MAX!!
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Alejandro: “And that’s why Bjorn is the worst and should never have led this club in the first place. He's a walking, talking piece of garbage.”
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Brielle: “Could you repeat all that for the new club members I just added? Oh yay, I completed my aspiration!”
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Brielle: "So despite being highly accomplished and getting promoted every two days, I lost passion for my job."
Alejandro: “Maybe you’re just too good and need a break from being so awesome all the time? We could go on a honeymoon?”
Brielle: “Oh good idea!"
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Jacques: “Sorry Brielle, I just doubt you’ll find my wife who I kil- who mysteriously disappeared.”
Victor: “And that you’ll adopt my dogs.”
Brielle: “Guys, come on! How else can I convince you to support my cause? Those were some highly personalised empty promises!”
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Summer: “Yes, I will support you.”
Brielle: “Great!”
Summer: “So when will I meet this single, gorgeous, billionaire cousin of yours, who’s dying to date me because I'm supporting you?"
Brielle: “Hmm, not sure. Buy me a new oven and I'll ask them."
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Victor: “I remember this club under the vile leadership of Bjorn. All we did was play games. Now what we do truly matters; maintaining the home of our glorious leader and getting 13-20 hours of sleep a day!”
Brielle: *obliviously reading* "Just hide the diplomat's body Ira!"
Brielle: "Thank you... Now I'm handing my title to Alejandro, so he can complete his aspiration which was the same as mine."
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Alejandro asks the club members about Brielle’s leadership. All agree she’s the best sim for the job. They love cleaning and repairing her stuff it seems.
Brielle: "Thank you... Now I'm handing my title to Alejandro, so he can complete his aspiration which was the same as mine."
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Goth Household: Chapter 7, Part 2
Bella and Mortimer attend the romance festival, spring turns to summer, and the Yorks and Pancakes are invited over for BBQ day. Bella and Mortimer are in a rocky place but at least toddler Milton is adorable.
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Bella: I love the romance festival
Mortimer: Are you suggesting I don't
Bella: What? No I just meant-
Mortimer: You wanted to come so we're here. And there's the paparazzi
Bella: Ignore them
Mortimer: You don't understand, they're vultures
Bella: Can't we just have a nice date
Mortimer: Ask them
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Bella: Nigiri please Kyle
Kyle: *whimpers*
Bella: Thank you
Luna that had better be a non alcoholic drink Mrs third trimester!
Guru: Do you seek an answer to your love problem? Let me solve it
Bella: Are you talking to me
Guru: I'm talking to everyone, it's the role of romance guru. Are you in love?
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Bella: Shouldn't you know
Guru: Forgive me, I didn't know of your pain
Bella: My pain
Guru: Your husband is the one posing for pictures
Bella: That's him
Guru: The strain is clear
Bella: Really
Guru: I sense you are a mother, think of your children
Bella: Well that's less than helpful *stabs food*
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Mortimer is busy greeting fans when he sees a familiar paparazzi signalling him. Mortimer pulls her aside.
Mortimer: What do you want
Alex: A reliable source told us you cheated on your wife, care to comment
Mortimer: What? No I do not care to comment on such a ridiculous accusation
Alex: You sure
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Mortimer: If I see one whisper of this-
Alex: You'll what, have me fired, sounds like a comment
Mortimer: How's this for comment
Before Alex can react Mortimer furiously launches himself at her. Their scuffle draws the attention of the whole karaoke bar. Mortimer won but Alex won't forget this soon.
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Bella: Home sweet home
Mortimer: Ducking paparazzi
Bella: Calm down. What was so bad you had to attack her
Mortimer: Doesn't matter, it was a lie
Bella: You attacked her over a lie she made up
Mortimer: It's fine, she can't prove anything
Bella: I'm confused
Mortimer: Can't be a new sensation for you
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Bella: Don't talk to me like that
Mortimer: If the shoe fits
Bella: Excuse me
Mortimer: Did I use words that were too big honey
Bella: I wanted a nice festival date
Mortimer: So sorry someone attacking my reputation interfered with your plan
Bella: My plan
Mortimer: To seduce me
Bella: As if
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While Mortimer storms upstairs Bella checks in with her colleague Bjorn
Bella: Is there an emergency
Bjorn: I was on festival surveillance tonight
Bella: Oh
Bjorn: You doing okay
Bella: Not really
Bjorn: Say the word, the agency can make him disappear
Bella: I'll be fine, thanks for stopping by
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Bella: What are you doing up?
Milton: I dance
Bella: So I can see but it's past your bedtime
Milton: Snuggles!
Bella: Okay now bed
Milton: No bedtime, dessert
Bella sets him in his high chair and gets dessert
Milton: Mummy festival fun
Bella: Oh, yes, mummy had fun
Milton: Then why mummy look sad
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Bella: Just grown up stuff
Milton: Daycare Silas say when mummy sad sing
Bella: Really
Milton launches into twinkle twinkle little star but it doesn't cheer Bella up today. After dessert is finished she gets him tucked in and reads to him from the dinosaur book until he falls asleep.
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The first day of summer and Bella wakes up guilty. She had an intimate dream starring a dark haired sim who was not her husband. She trudges through her morning routine. Eventually the need to improve her logic skill draws her out to the telescope. You never know what she might see.
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Bella: Hi sunshine
Milton: Mummy diaper stinky
Bella: Did you not make it to the potty
Milton: *frowns*
Bella: It's okay How bout a nice bubble bath
Milton: bubbles
Bella gets Milton in the bath and begins cleaning him. All the bubbles make Milton playful. He splashes and squeezes the duckie happily.
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It's Summer BBQ day so Bella invites her closest friends, the Yorks and Pancakes, over to celebrate. When they arrive she begins taking selfies as she needs to level up in photography for promotion. Mortimer does manage to leave his writing to greet the guests. He knows them but they're not friends.
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Kelly: So much I could swipe
Deanna: Get back here!
Bella: Hello you two. Now you must be Paris
Paris: That's me
Bella: Calista mentioned you'd be tagging along. It's nice to meet you
Deanna: Thanks for inviting us Mrs Goth
Bella: Bella is fine
Paris: You have a lovely house
Bella: It is rather nice
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Milton: Doggie? Doggie!
Dale: *barks* who me?
Milton: Big doggie, fluffly doggie
Dale: *barks* you bet I am
Milton: Doggie nice? Doggie friendly?
Dale puts on his biggest smile to assure Milton he means no harm.
Milton: Bark bark, bark bark
Dale: *barks* Good try tiny human
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Mortimer begins grilling.
Kelly: Pa, there's so much loose stuff here
Aaron: No
Kelly: But I haven't done anything
Calista: And you won't do anything because Bella is our friend
Kelly: You two are boring. I mean, just one spoon won't be missed
Aaron: Theft is theft young man
Kelly: Ugh fine
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Milton: Nice doggie
Dale: *barks*
Milton: Doggie likes barking arf arf, arf arf
Dale: *barks* you're getting closer little one
Bob: Dale?
Dale: *barks* Dad! Best dad
Milton: Your doggie is fluffy
Bob: He is. He is the most adorable
Milton: *giggles*
Mortimer: Lunch is ready everyone! Come and get it
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Everyone manages to grab a plate of something. There is definitely not enough seats but the guests figure it out.
Fergus: Why are you in uniform
Iggy: I have scouts right after this remember
Kelly: Goody two shoes
Iggy: Better than being a gremlin
Kelly: Pfft, whatever
Fergus: Stop making me look uncool Iggy
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Mortimer tries to make small talk with Bob, not realising Bob is the worst person for small talk, it's a loner thing. Not sure why Calista has thrown on her military uniform but Aaron is definitely oggling his wife. I missed who made the kitchen mess that Iggy mops up, but I'm 98% sure it was Kelly.
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After lunch Milton tries to make some jokes with Mortimer but he is having none of it. Having grown into a mean sim Mortimer goes so far as to crush Milton's dreams. A sad Milton doesn't understand what he did wrong and sits down dejectedly.
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When everyone leaves Milton makes a beeline for the stereo. He loves sounds so happily bobs away. Bella however is still sad about her rift with Mortimer and goes to bed to cry it out. It helps a little so she goes to see if Milton needs anything. He needs snuggles.
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Milton needs to improve his thinking skill so Bella offers to teach him on the blocks. Milton says NO. Bella tries to hug it out over him being defiant but he rejects this. Bella kneels down and starts to teach him about manners. He is unsure about this, after all Mortimer has no manners for him.
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In the end he gets mad having to learn about manners. He needs to work on his thinking skill though so Bella reaches a compromise with more flash card time. In the end we are successful and his thinking skill reaches level 3.
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Milton discovers someone broke his dollhouse today (again I'm 98% sure it was Kelly). Bella is in the middle of fixing it when Milton turns and speeds off.
Bella: Where are you off to
Milton: Door noise
Bella: Do we have another visitor
Milton: Bell door, bell door
Bella: Doorbell sunshine
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irvin-mybeloved · 2 years
Can you do one where Ulrick and Bjorn meet their little brother please?
Newest Addition
Ulrick and Bjorn finally meet Rommel.
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It’s been around a couple of hours now. Rommel has been in the world for nearly a day, and Juzel has finally sent word to have Theo bring Ulrick and Bjorn back home so they could finally meet their little brother.
After all, this whole thing was rather confusing for them.
“This is the moment I have been excited for as well as dreading.” Ulricka said after feeding the newborn. They’ve been waiting for a couple of hours now, so the boys will be home any minute.
“I know, but don’t worry. Ulrick and Bjorn will love Rommel.” Juzel said, even though that wasn’t the reason Ulricka was truly worried. She knows her older sons with love the baby. She just doesn’t want anyone getting jealous or hurt.
“We’ll just need to remind them to be careful.” Juzel said as if reading her mind. Ulricka nodded, rubbing Rommel’s back as he began to get fussy. Her husband walked over and gave his small family a hug.
Then there was a knock on the door. 
Juzel quickly rushed over as Ulricka hushed the now crying Rommel. Upon opening the door, he was met with Theo easily carrying his two boys, who looked beyond excited to see their father.
“Dad!” Ulrick and Bjorn shouted in glee, holding out their arms to have their dad to hold them. Juzel quickly took them and accepted all the snuggles from his sons. Then, he gave his friend a smile.
“Thank you, Theo. I hope they weren’t too much trouble.” Juzel said, but Theo waved him off.
“They weren’t a problem at all. I’m happy to help an old friend.” Theo said, knowing a new baby is always a joy. Juzel gave him a smile as Theo decided to give the family some privacy, leaving to go back to his own family in Sistina.
“Dad, where’s mom?” Ulrick asked, grabbing his father’s shirt.
“Yeah, and our brother?” Bjorn added.
The twins were aware enough that they had a new baby brother, but they didn’t understand why they had to leave. Obviously, explaining the complications and hardships of delivering a baby would not go over well with some toddlers, so they were just going to have to deal with it.
“In here, my boys. Sorry you had to wait so long.” Juzel said to them, carrying them into the living room where Ulricka was sitting on the couch with Rommel in her arms. Immediately the boys lit up upon seeing their mother.
“Mama!” They called, and with a smile, she gently shushed them. Rommel squirmed slightly, and Juzel set the boys down and they tottered over to get a better look.
“Hello, my sons...this is your brother, Rommel.” Ulricka quietly said, moving to have her boys get a better look. Ulrick wrinkled his nose a bit while Bjorn reached out to poke his cheek, causing the baby to squirm.
“We need to be gentle, Bjorn, Rommel here is quite fragile.” She told them, glancing at her husband who just smiled.
“He’s so...squishy-looking...” Ulrick said, not moving so close to the baby because of his mother’s words. Juzel couldn’t help but snort at that statement, causing his wife to glare at him.
“Were we little like this once too?” Bjorn asked his mother curiously. Her smile faltered a bit, but then she remembered her husband’s words.
“Yes. You were little as well...that’s why we have to protect him.” She told him, booping his nose a bit, causing the child to giggle. At this point, Ulrick and Bjorn began to get a closer look at Rommel, who soon opened his eyes to look at them.
Then the newborn made a cute face, causing the boys to gush.
“Look mom! He likes me!” Ulrick said, pointing at Rommel before beaming at his mother.
“And me! He smiled at me as well!” Bjorn added, and both boys began to coo over Rommel. They began to look less unsure of him, and more excited at the idea of having a little brother.
Juzel then came, leaning over his children and wife. 
“Now, you guys will have to be his protectors. Little Rommel will need his big brothers looking after him.” He said, and his sons flashed him a smile before cutely saluting him.
Then, under their mother’s watchful eye, they continued to talk and enjoy Rommel’s company. Eventually, Ulricka looked back up at Juzel, who was simply smiling at her, and his eyes told her everything he wanted to say.
See? I told you that everything was going to be fine.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Ivar the Boneless x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2794 words
Warnings: Reader cannot have children. It is covered in very little detail but content may be triggering to some. Read with caution darlings. 
Summary: The reader finds out that she will never bear children, and knows that she must tell her husband, eventually. 
You were devastated.
In your entire life, you were sure that you’d never been given such bad news.
When you went to visit the Seer, the last thing you expected him to tell you about your future was that you would never be able to have children, and yet, that was just what had happened.
You begged the mighty one to reconsider, to tell you something different, but there was nothing to be done.
The reality was that you would never bear children of your own, not in all your life.
You couldn’t believe it.
Child rearing was incredibly important to you, and your people in general. You should have been able to bear strong, strapping sons to carry on their father’s name and daughters who could hold their own against any warrior.
It was your birthright as a woman, and a Princess of Kattegat, but the seer was very clear. There were no young ones in your future, at least, not any that you would carry on your own as your mother had with you.
It wasn’t going to happen.
By all accounts, you were heartbroken.
Since you were a young child, you had dreamed of becoming a mother to brave children who could bring just as much glory to Kattegat as you and all the others before you had. You owed it to the Gods, but evidently, they had a different plan.
You weren’t to be a mother.
You considered this, and everything else the seer had said as you walked down the path toward the great hall, your feet heavy beneath you. Perhaps, if you made enough offerings to Freya, something would change.
Though, you knew it would never work.
The seer had never been wrong, in all the years you’d lived. If he was ever going to be wrong, you doubted it would be over this in any case.
You couldn’t rightly ignore the facts.
Your body wasn’t fit to carry children, and if your womb couldn't support life, there was nothing you could have ever hoped to do to change that. The most you could do was accept what you knew to be true.
Which was much easier in theory than in practice.
Not only did you have to come to terms with this new reality, but you also had to share the unfortunate news with your husband, who would certainly not take it well.
Every man wanted sons, men whom they could be proud to leave their name to when they were finally called to Valhalla. The idea that you were taking that away from Ivar made you rethink everything.
Would he want to be married to you anymore when he found out? Your marriage was relatively new, and you couldn't blame him if this was something that he simply couldn’t overlook and even worse, what if he was angry?
Ivar wasn’t exactly a joy to be around when he was angry, and you fear what he may do if he blamed you for something like this.
Was it your fault?
Gods, maybe it was.
You weren’t aware that you couldn’t have children before this morning so it wasn’t as if you could have been expected to warn him before your marriage, but now that you knew, was it possible you had done something wrong.
It was really starting to feel as though you were being punished for something, but for what, you were unsure.
Surely you’d done something wrong. Why else would the Gods see fit to take your children away from you before you’d even had a chance to consider having them?
It felt like a cruel joke, one that you could never escape.
The more you thought about it, the more distracted you’d become, and before long, you found yourself entering the mouth of the great hall, where Ivar was already waiting for you.
Of course he was.
Your husband was kind to you, most of the time, when his temper didn’t have a handle on his emotions. You had never found yourself worried about speaking to him, or telling him anything before, but today was different.
Today, you found yourself more willing to go into the woods to fight a bear as Bjorn had done, rather than tell Ivar of the news you’d gotten from the seer on your visit this morning.
It was simply too much to put on one person.
“Well hello my wife, how are you?” Ivar hummed, letting his eyes fall on you in the doorway once he’d decided he was bored of watching Ubbe and Hvitserk try to best one another in an arm wrestle.
They had been going at it for the last hour or so, and it had gotten tedious shortly after that.
Hearing about what you had gotten into today seemed to interest him that much more, especially because you had taken it upon yourself to get out of bed and leave before he’d even opened his eyes.
You didn’t speak at first, instead opting to admire the man you loved in a silent contemplation of how he was feeling today.
If he was already in a sour mood, you weren’t going to dare bring something like this up.
Still, compared to how Ivar acted on his worst days, he seemed rather content today. If nothing else, he was bored, which you couldn’t really fault him for. His mother had more or less kept him here his entire life.
He didn’t voyage away from Kattegat and he never was one for frivolous activities to pass the time.
In any case, if there was ever going to be a good opportunity to have such a sensitive conversation with him, it was now. At least, you had a better chance of him staying calm, rather than getting angry.
“I’m just fine, Ivar, how are you?” you hummed, sitting down beside him as gingerly as you could without disturbing him, though you were more in your head than you’d ever been.
You knew that you should pay attention as he told you about what he’d gotten up to today, not missing the subtle comments he made about you leaving him to wake up on his own, but you couldn’t focus on anything more than the sinking in your gut.
Deep down, you knew that he would blame you.
That it was bad enough that you weren’t as fair or petite as his brother’s wives, and that his father had arranged your marriage, but now, you wouldn't even be able to bear his children for him.
You had been rather fortunate to avoid Ivar’s wrath before now, though you’d seen it pretty frequently, and you could feel that luck running out. You knew that this would upset him, that he would be angry.
You just weren’t sure what you could do about that.
It would be foolish to believe that you could keep this from him forever.
Eventually, he was bound to put the pieces together when you couldn’t get pregnant, and even if he didn’t, the seer was sure to mention it to him at some point.
You could only keep this from him for so long, and if he found out you knew this long before he did, he would punish you for sure.
So, as much as it made your stomach turn, you knew that you only really had one choice.
“What did you do today that was so important?” he questioned, all but snapping in your face to get your attention once he’d finished speaking, only to find you as far away as ever.
Clearly, your head was a million miles away, and while that normally would have frustrated Ivar, he found himself strangely concerned for your wellbeing. Usually, when he spoke, you hung on every word.
Today, it was as if he wasn’t even here.
“I went to visit the seer, about the strange way I’ve been feeling” you shrugged, hoping that wouldn’t bring on any other questions from him.
This was your chance.
All you had to do was tell him.
Though, when you raised your eyes to meet his, you found that same knot in your belly twisted up even more. There was no way that you could tell him, he would never understand.
Still, you knew that at some point, he was sure to pull it out of you. He always did, no matter what it was you tried to keep away.
“Well, what did he tell you?” came his second question, the one you’d been anticipating, and trying to avoid, this entire time.
You did your best not to let the heavy sigh building in your chest escape as you tried to figure out how to word what you had to say, your eyes falling on both Hvitserk and Ubbe across the room.
It was bad enough that you were about to tell Ivar the worst news you’d ever gotten, but now, you had to do it with them within earshot? It was perfect. The entire Ragnarsson clan could hate you at once.
Not that them being here was a completely bad thing.
At least with his brothers in the room, there was less of a chance that Ivar could get so angry with you.
Perhaps they would be a good buffer for you.
In any case, you knew that you had reached the end of your very minimal stalling. If you waited any longer, the more you were sure that Ivar’s peaceful mood and ticking patience would fade.
The longer you waited, the harder it would be.
“There is nothing outrightly wrong” you allowed, doing your best to make him feel better about that, at the very least. It wasn’t a lie, just as much as it wasn’t exactly the truth. You weren’t dying, or seriously ill.
You just weren’t as you thought you were this morning.
“Then why were you away for so long? Surely the seer was able to tell you something” he groaned, bothered that you had been away for so many hours without so much as a warning to him.
After all, you had been missing from his side since before he opened his eyes, something he had never really taken kindly to.
You nodded, sorry that your clear absence had upset him so much before you finally let that sigh fall from your lips.
“Yes, he did, but the news is rather difficult to accept,” you warned, forcing some words out when you found the truth unable to leave your tongue. With every second that passed, you could just feel his patience leaving him.
However, even with all the blatant stalling you were doing, Ivar remained as calm as he could.
It was clear to him that no matter what you said, there was something you were keeping from him. The only question Ivar really had was why?
In all the time that you had been married, he was always kind to you. He took care of you as any husband should and though his temper was a bit harsh at times, he was always careful to be fair and gentle when he spoke to you.
All in all, Ivar thought himself to be a good husband but perhaps he was wrong.
He couldn’t imagine anything that could be so bad that you were so timid to tell him.
“Y/N, what did the seer tell you?” he prompted, shocking you a bit with the use of your name. Ivar never used your name, not if he could help it, always instead opting for ‘wife’ or ‘darling’ if he really wanted something.
It was never Y/N with him.
“I cannot have children, Ivar. Not ever” you finally broke, desperately wishing that you hadn’t said anything to begin with.
You should have been able to do this, and you both knew it.
Still, once you’d finally built up the courage to look, the upset that you expected from Ivar wasn’t anywhere to be seen on his face.
Instead, he wore an expression that was almost confused.
That was what you were so afraid to tell him?
You had come in here after a day of absence, as closed off and cagey as he’d ever seen you in all the time that you’d known him and that was what it was about? He just couldn’t believe that was the thing that you hesitated to share.
Of all the things it could have been, he would have thought that among the first that you could talk with him about if need be.
Not that you could read all of that from his silence and pensive expression.
From where you were sitting, you were even further convinced that he was about to tell you that he couldn’t be married to someone that couldn’t give him children, and that you would be on your own once again.
News that you couldn’t have been more unwilling to hear.
While your marriage to Ivar had been his mother’s idea in the beginning, you had begun to really care for him in the time you’d been married. Separating from him was sure to break your heart.
No matter the circumstances.
“And you’re upset by that?” he hummed, after a few seconds of silence between the two of you, a casual question that seemed so out of place in such a serious, tense conversation.
It was so strange.
He truly seemed as if he didn’t understand what the big deal was.
Though, you were talking to a man who had never truly been sure children were in his future to begin with. Not to mention the fact that even if he knew he was physically able, Ivar didn’t know how he felt about fathering offspring.
After all, if they had to live life anything like he did, he wasn’t sure it was worth it.
So, the idea that you couldn’t bear his children didn’t bother Ivar as much as you’d been expecting. Something that would have made you feel better, had you not been heartbroken over it.
You wanted to have children, all your life, so now knowing that you couldn’t, it felt as if something you’d never even had, had been stolen from you.
“Of course I’m upset, Ivar. Are you not?” you sighed, shocked at how this conversation had so drastically changed from what you’d been expecting. All this time, you thought your husband would be the most affected by this.
All the while, he remained almost entirely unphased by the news that you were barren.
It was almost insulting.
“Did you really expect to have children when we married, anyway?” he asked, his question giving you pause for a moment.
You supposed you’d never really thought about it before.
He had a point.
There was never any real guarantee that you were going to be a mother with him in any case, a fact that hadn’t even been important enough to cross your mind when you were getting married.
“I never thought much about it” you allowed, your eyes once again sinking to the floor as you thought about everything that had somehow changed, in the matter of a few hours.
It was hard not to feel as if your body had betrayed your trust, taking away something you had always thought to be promised.
You were upset, and rightfully so.
Ivar may not have ever considered himself a father, in any capacity, but that didn’t mean that your upset was any less real. He’d had his entire life to come to terms with this, whereas you’d only known for a day.
Of course it bothered you, and even if he didn’t really get why you were allowing something like this to get to you so much, he could recognize that you were hurting.
...and what kind of husband would he be if he left his grieving wife to her own devices.
“I understand that you are distressed by the seer’s news, but I promise you, it changes nothing between us” Ivar assured, his fingers brushing over the top of your hand as he held it between you.
It wasn’t the most comforting gesture outside of this moment, a simple hand holding as it were, but coming from Ivar, it made all the difference in the world.
As desperate as you were to change the state of your body, and as much as you wished it wasn’t the way it was, you knew that nothing could be done.
All you could do now was move on as best you could, and perhaps, sometime down the line, the gods may gift you with a child that you could care for. 
Even if such a child wasn’t of Ivar’s and your own.
At least, until then, you had Ivar by your side.
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queenstormbornn · 2 years
it still blows my mind that toxic men in the viking fandom call Lagertha a whore for cheating on Ragnar. Like, first of all, no she didn't. Lagertha was a free woman when she met Rollo first. They hooked up once maybe twice before she met Ragnar. Obviously, there was nothing serious between her and Rollo because if there was, Lagertha probably would have married him instead of Ragnar, but Ragnar won her heart. Lagertha could have been pregnant with Bjorn when Ragnar and Lagertha got together because birth control was basically non-existent in those days. So, sure, Bjorn could most likely be Rollo's as much as Bjorn could be Ragnar's. Either way, Ragnar knew of the brief (and let me say brief) history of Rollo and Lagertha. We get mention of that early in season one. He was fine with it and he probably knew there was a chance that Bjorn wasn't his but never really voiced it. Ragnar claimed Bjorn as his own and raised and loved him. There are even some talk that Gyda is possibly Rollo's too which is just ridiculous and just feeding into the misogyny that these men have for Lagertha. Gyda was 100% Ragnar's. Bjorn was the eldest child. After Lagertha met Ragnar it was game over for Rollo. As this argument for Lagertha "cheating" on Ragnar is used when they call Lagertha a hypocrite for getting mad at Ragnar for sleeping with Aslaug ... um she 100% has EVERY right. Ragnar cheated on Lagertha publicly then hid Aslaug's pregnancy from Lagertha and when she showed up in Kattegat it humiliated Lagertha further but what I think what really was the breaking point for Lagertha leaving Ragnar was two things: 1. Ragnar presented the idea of a double marriage publicly in front of their son, friends, and people. 2. When Ragnar told her "you must accept that this woman is carrying my child" meaning, "sorry bro, I cheated on you and now that she's here, she's staying so you have to deal with it." Obviously, I think if Ragnar and Lagertha discussed the possibility of Lagertha not being able to fill Ragnar's prophecy and what this meant for their relationship it could have gone down so differently. I wished Hirst would have wrote that story differently but he didn't and at the same time I'm glad he didn't. Lagertha leaving Ragnar was one of the reasons why I truly fell in love with her character. ANYWAYS, back to what I was originally saying. Lagertha never cheated on Ragnar. Ragnar cheated on Aslaug. Lagertha is not a whore. She is a free woman and she can sleep with whoever the fuck she wants & if you judge her for it. GET FUCKED.
Also, Lagertha has every RIGHT to get pissed at Ragnar for cheating at her. She was his wife and he humiliated and lied to her.
Thanks, for coming to my ted-talk.
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