#My wrists AAAAAAAA
[Only one's nature-Grains of sand]
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Main post url: https://twitter.com/DreifusMontauc/status/1598048518530543617
The minutes crawled by. Painfully. Walking through the streets as the Sekiseigumi worked to investigate the Garlean spy's death in the Shiokaze, Lyse & I soon arrived at the offices as we ran in quickly.
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Bursting into the back office of Hancock, all present turned to look at us as I caught my breath in relief. I had held it since we left the tavern-keeping alert to potential threats.
"You look harried. What happened?" Asked Akavi, walking over to greet me with a measure of worry.
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"A spy tasked to kill either me or Lyse. I caught onto her before she made her move however, luring her into the Shiokaze to deal with her. But Lyse has found a lead." I replied, at which she nodded thoughtfully before gesturing to the rest of the group talking to hancock.
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Walking over to join the conversation, Sama looked to me with a question upon her face. Nodding to confirm it, I cleared my throat as Alphinaud finished relaying his & Alisaie's findings.
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"...We spoke with a number of merchants and captains at the southern piers. But alas..."  Nodding to greet me, he continued after a moment. "Several recognized Gosetsu & confirmed that he had been searching for a vessel to deliver him to Othard. None, however-made any mention of Lady Yugiri. Arlessia & Lyse? Did your investigations bear fruit?" He asked-looking to us.  Taking a beginning breath, I looked around the group.
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"To begin, we did find a lead that could be promising. However, the Garleans do have agents in the streets. We crossed paths with one who seemed keen to open the ribs of one of us." I began, at which Hancock's face hardened.
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"How certain are you? Did you...?" He began, at which I looked to him with a sharpened but confirming look.
"I made it quick & staged it as best as I could. She also carried a Garlean Sigil in her kimono's pocket, which I disposed of in the canal. I'm certain." I replied to him. 
"But to speak of this lead...Lyse, mind explaining? You were the one to talk to him." I then said, giving her reign to step forwards.
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"Arlessia & I had split up to take care of our respective leads, and before we had the altercation with that spy I was directed to a...Namazu?"  As she said this, everyone's attention was firmly on her.
"He goes by the name of Gyodo. When I approached him with the sketch of Yugiri & Gosetsu, he claimed that he seen both of them & aided them across." She finished, Alphinaud musing on the possibility.
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"How fortuitous."
"Not the word I would have chosen, Master Alphinaud." Hancock said, with Tataru nodding in the wings. Looking to Lyse, she sighed before speaking.
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"Did you agree to his terms outright, Lyse?" She asked, at which Lyse paused to think.
"Err...I told him we had to discuss it."
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"Yes...that too would've been a misstep on their part, but it is not what troubles me most. Gyodo and his brethren are not renowned for their generosity. Rather-they are disdained as scheming moneylenders, ever eager to turn a profit from others' misfortune." Hancock interjected.
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"I figured as much too, Lyse described him to me as being very eager to 'assist'. But-" I said before looking back up to Hancock with a hardened look. "Everyone else we questioned stated that Gosetsu was alone. Only Gyodo claims to have met both him & Yugiri. We must make sure."
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"I suppose it's just possible that Gosetsu made inquiries by himself, and only called upon Yugiri once he had found a willing captain...?" Alisaie mused as Hancock chuckled lightly.
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"it is equally possible-if not more likely-that you are being deceived." He said gesturing to me.
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"Do not forget that there are parties present in Kugane with agendas which may run contrary to yours. The viceroy was once a spy herself, as I recall. I should be surprised if she did not have countless agents here in her employ-all eager to prove themselves to their new master."
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Opening his arms wide, he continued with purpose. "What better way to do so than by delivering her the heads of foreign insurgents?"
"You may be right about him-But if Gyodo's working for the Empire, who's to say he didn't try the same trick on Yugiri and Gosetsu?" Lyse bit back. Sighing heavily, she looked to me with imploring eyes.
"I mean, if he did, he might know where they are. And if he succeeded, they might be in trouble! We don't know IF he'll betray us. I say we take the risk...even in spite of all the facts laid out before us."
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"So, if it's a trap, we'll spring it and deal with the consequences-Bene. We take him prisoner and you punch him till he tells us the truth." I said to her before turning back.
"Lyse, Alisaie & I shall go as the ones needing his services. Alphinaud-follow at a discreet distance."
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Looking over to Sama, I nodded to her confidently.
"Sama, you & Akavi watch the offices & make sure Tataru comes to no harm, can I trust that to your capable hands?" I asked, which she silently nodded in agreement.
"Alright. Eyes open & guard up!" I said, walking to the exit. Throwing the doors wide, I looked to the twins.
"If things go south, remember-we cannot attack the Sekiseigumi. No matter what. We run & evade capture until we can safely make it back to the office. I can give some pointers to minimizing your presence if you'd like." I stated.
Nodding to me, Alisaie sighed as we walked down the stairs out front.
"Might as well to kill time, maybe." She said, at which I broke out into a smirk. "It'll be fine, Ali! We have each other to rely on!" I replied, pulling her into a friendly side hug as I passed on my wisdom.
This very moment, in the fringes of Gyr Abania... _~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~
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"Hold the line! By his Radiance, hold the bloody line! There's only two of them!" These words would be sacrosanct as blood splashed across the cold dirt & sand.
"Why won't you just die!?" Snarled a Garlean Centurion as he launched forwards in a lunging stab aimed at Hemmet's torso.
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"Because you're a dogshit fighter-that's why!" He rebuked, dodging the thrust narrowly before lunging forward with his flaming fists, the impacts flaring out in small fiery bursts.
As he & the centurion fought brutally, Gerhild was struggling with the only other surviving soldier from this patrol, her arms wrapped around her foe's neck as she tried to strangle him. 
"No, *ACH* Let me go! I surrender!" He coughed, scratching at her armored gauntlets futilely.
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"Not you...not after what men like you have done..." Was all she breathed before taking a hold upon the man's neck with one hand & his jaw with the other, snapping his neck with a loud CRACK. She then let the man fall limp before her, his body soiling the dirt it fell upon.
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At that very moment as well, Hemmet dodged a slash aimed at his knees before replying with a spinning roundhouse to the centurion's arm. Aimed to take his foe's head off, consider the Garlean's surprise when his elbow then shattered, his arm falling limp from the elbow down.
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He screamed, his other hand shooting to support his shattered arm before he then took a stomp to the knee, caving it in with another crack & making him reel backwards.
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The centurion screamed his last words desperately before the monk crushed his helmet with a stomp. Breathing heavily as Hemmet raged, stomping again & again, Gerhild slowed in exhaustion...blind to a garlean Hemmet had knocked out earlier rose to his feet & began to stumble towards her.
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Reaching for his claws upon his beltline, the conscript breathed in to roar as his chest burst open.
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His roar twisting in his throat to a garbled & mangled scream, he fell limp as the broad black blade impaling him pushed further before being ripped out. Turning, Gerhild hissed to Hemmet, finally ceasing his outburst & spun to regard the newcomers.
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"There you are. We have been waiting for you."
"Who're you?" Asked Gerhild, but Hemmet spat in disgust.
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"They're HER allies." He seethed, at which Harjatan chuckled whilst regarding the garlean next to him impaled upon Gerhild's spear.
"My-such NAKED distaste-You don't even know us, chum. Relax." He said, looking back to him.
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"Why should I!? I care not what SHE has to say!" He replied, making Gerhild look to him in concern.
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"And yet, here we are-saving the life of your companion...we seek only for you to hear us out. Preferably back at the reach."
"We're going nowhere with you." Hemmet spat instantly.
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Looking to Gerhild, Harjatan flashed his winning smile.
"What say you, Lady Gerhild? Would you rather stay here & debate your situation with the coming garlean reinforcements? Or shall we help you get home after a long mission in return for a audience?" He asked-catching her ear.  Sighing, she shook her head before looking to the Viera.
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"You have a point...I owe you my life. We shall hear what you need to say...but only once we reach home. We cannot afford to fail our mission now...we BOTH know that." She said, her jab at her close friend making him groan.
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Smiling broadly, Harjatan laughed happily & looked to his sister.
"Sister, shall you take the van? We leave in the direction of Vira Nilya. The Ananta shall see us home." Nodding to him, Yelle silently took to the side paths that led to the Ananta settlement.
"Shall we?"
Back in Kugane...
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"Well, I'm extremely bored...and this catfish still hasn't arrived. How long did he say he'd be, Lyse?"
"He didn't say...stay the course, right?"
"...aye. Gods, I don't like this." As Alisaie & Lyse talked idly, I looked around.
"Stay calm. Readiness is paramount." I sighed before hearing an approaching squeaking sound. Looking over, I tapped Lyse & Alisaie.
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"That's him." Lyse said upon seeing the fish-like being.
"Endless & most sincere apologies to you & yours-yes, yes. This way, this way-Quickly now!"
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Exchanging a few glances, Alisaie shrugged as Lyse took the first few steps to follow the Namazu. I hesitated a moment as I looked at the target of our focus.
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I did not trust him...but I trusted that he had information. So, after a moment I began to follow my friends loosely.
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As I took after them however, suddenly I heard the whistling of a blade slicing the air before it thudded heavily into the bridge. Looking down at it, I scanned the area. Nothing across the nearby rooftops from what I could see. Sighing heavily, I knelt down & pulled the kunai free.
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It was a large blade...unwieldly & rather blunt. Flipping it around, however I came to realize what was it's purpose.
The message was carved into the face of the kunai, the styling rough & to the point. Looking at the hilt, there was a stamp of a Sparrow made in the forging.
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I had been wondering about the presence of the House of Sparrows in Kugane...but it would seem they already knew I had arrived in their home & were watching me. Tucking the blade into my belt, I ran to meet my allies quickly, hoping to pass along the news before it was sprung.
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Reaching them as the group entered the boat launch at the base of the Airship jetty, I pulled the blade free & placed my hand upon Alisaie's shoulder-looking to me, I gathered her attention to the message. Nodding to me after a moment, she set her jaw as I did the same with Lyse.
She sighed heavily as she looked to it, nodding to me with a look of dull disappointment as I hid the blade once more right as Gyodo turned.
"So...what makes you for Doma, strangers?" He asked, at which the three of us ignored, looking for the waiting ambush. Shrugging, he turned back.
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Leading us onto the boat launch, I cracked my neck & knuckles as my eyes maintained their cold glow-my aether ready to be channeled for combat. Looking to my allies, Alisaie sighed. 
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"Oh, would you look at that...your ship was stolen, I take it?" She asked as Gyodo came to a stop.
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"The ship, the ship...So very sorry to inform you, yes, yes. Long before was it pledged to another." He said, confirming the warning we had received. Turning to face us, he suddenly breathed in sharply.
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"To me, to me! These ones are for Doma!" He yelled.
The trap then slammed shut.
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Turning to look up the ramp, we found us looking at a Garlean squad walking out from within the building. Glancing to Lyse, I shrugged with a smirk as she closed her eyes.
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"I knew it couldn't be this simple..." Opening them again, she then turned to Gyodo-her intent clear.
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"Nothing personal, yes, yes? Just business." He said, looking up as she walked up to him, a dead look on her face as she gazed down on the betrayer.
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"Then business is about to take a turn for the worse..." She answered, quickly hauling off with a kick to the Namazu's ribcage.  Rising into the air as his Garlean masters watched in stupefaction & he thrashed unconscious, the catfish then fell back to earth, thudding heavily upon Lyse's shoulder as she groaned at the smell.
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"Ugh...Come on, let's find a way out of here!" She said, turning me & Alisaie.
"Oh, we shall. Dare to compete, Alisaie?" I said, laughing heartily as the Garleans flew into formation-a firing squad lining us up in their sights.
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"I doubt they want to." Retorted Alisaie, drawing her rapier.
"You have one chance to surrender, filthy savages!" The captain said.
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"You garleans really need to work on your pitch!" I yelled, drawing my fangs in a flourish. Laughing sickly, the Captain gripped his blade strongly.
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"Take atleast one of them alive. We need to pry their secrets away for the viceroy." He said to his men, the command on his lips.
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Stopping my charge to look to the source of the cry, a shower of violet lightning arced through the rain, the conductivity of the Garlean's armor sealing their doom. Their screams & cries drowned in the crackle of energy & searing of flesh, the light then faded.
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Looking up to the overhead bridge, I was surprised to see Ryouta Kyōgoku up above, his arm crackling still with the potential energy of his Raiton.
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"BLESSED-EYE! GET OUT OF THERE! THE SEKISEIGUMI SHALL COME!" He yelled before running off in a flash of smoke.
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Sheathing my daggers, I walked over to the smoking bodies to look them over as the others relaxed...Alphinaud sprinting over in a hurry.
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"Arlessia! Whoever that was spoke true-the Sekiseigumi barracks' alarm has rung!" He reported, the ringing in the distance finally reaching us.  After turning to him & nodding, I sighed.
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"We expected this. We'll split up, make them spread thin. Remember what I've taught you...and if you get caught..." I reached into my pack, producing what smoke pellets I had left. "Throw one of these to the ground & run for cover."
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As the twins took seven, the remaining seven I held onto.
"Aye. Be safe, my friend." He said, taking his sister & running through the launch next to us. Looking to Lyse, I smirked & extended a fist.
"Ready to run how we do in Limsa, Lyse? You'll catch on quickly."
"Aye-Let's go!"
Running off beneath the docks, the Sekiseigumi would arrive but minutes late, finding only charred scoring upon the cobbles & cold bodies.
"Fan out! They can't have gone far!"
In a quiet corner of Rhalgr's Reach...
Listening to the tale from the twin Viera, Hemmet's foot tapped restlessly as Gerhild processed what had happened in their absence, her hand drifting to his shoulder idly.
"By Rhalgr..." Gerhild mused as Yelle paused.
"Aye...it's a lot to take in." The dark knight agreed, solemn.
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"The attack was only stopped after Zenos retreated...having skewered Arlessia to the ground, leaving her bloody & tattered body as a message...of the price of defiance." Harjatan finished, Gerhild shaking her head in disbelief.
"The reach would have fallen if not for her..."
Hemmet growled as Gerhild mused. Looking up, the dragoon looked remorseful. 
"Where is...?"
She began, which Yelle smiled warmly.
"She's recovered. It was touch & go for the first few hours, but no sooner she was awake, she proposed a plan to Commander Kemp & General Aldynn."  Nodding at his sister's assessment he looked to the two.
"She's bound for Doma, in the far east with the rest of our order. She believes if the region were to be roused into rebellion once more the XIIth will be forced to divide their attention...by proxy dividing that of Zenos."
"She's abandoned the fight once again." Hemmet said, finally looking up for the first time since this started. Harjatan shook his head as Yelle spoke.
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"Hardly. Conrad was ready to surrender before she brought up this plan. She restored his hope. You give her too little credit."
Sighing at his look of hatred, she kneaded her temple.
"Arlessia would ask that you assist us in keeping the people beyond the reach safe until the time comes that we turn the tide. Including her aunt, who lives in Ala Ghanna." She said, Gerhild's eyes lowering as she processed. Gripping his chair, Hemmet's jaw tightened as she spoke.
"There is only so much Resistance regulars can do in the face of the oppression these people face...but they trust you. And we would make them see tomorrow. They've suffered enough."
"You insult me."
"What?" Yelled replied.
As he spoke, Gerhild's gaze moved to her friend.
"You don't know. You don't know what WE have suffered because of her & her family. I humored this because you saved Gerhild...but I will not entertain this farce any longer. Ala Mhigo will be freed...but she will NEVER be welcome."
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"Actually...we have an idea." Harjatan replied, which made Hemmet snarl in response.
"Do you?! See this scar?! This was carved at the ripe old age of nine! Because I had been HER FRIEND! They accused me of aiding in her disappearance...& I only survived because of my parents...They were then killed in a riot two days later...because HER MOTHER said that the garleans gunned her daughter down-She told her deception to none. Not even us as she watched me get thrown into the gutter by the Imperial resettlement initiative."
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Sighing heavily, he leaned back.
"I still smell the scent of the pies mother made for me & my sister that morning...We were about to dig in when our father was thrown through the window, bloodied & dying. He was walking home from working in the palace as a custodian. Then a firebomb came through the window."  His eyes closed for some time, then he sighed once more before opening them again & looking to the twins.
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"From what she took from me...I will reprise." Turning with a look of concern, Gerhild hesitantly spoke.
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"Hem-you know that loss doesn't define you...but it's been twenty years."
"You're thinking of killing her aunt, aren't you?" She finally asked, which Harjatan & Yelle tensed up at.
"You know we can't let you do that." Harjatan said, at which Gerhild looked surprised someone shared her denial. Buoyed by this, she spoke again.
"You mustn't. Please, Hem."
"DON'T YOU DARE!" He then suddenly screamed, his ears flying back as he spun to her.
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"SHE...SHE MUST PAY! SHE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!? YOUR PARENTS SHARED THE SAME FATE AS MINE!!" Surprised, Gerhild took three steps back slowly, her face falling sharply.
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Stammering, she shook her head in the face of his fury. Then...the tears began to flow.
"I-I..." She stuttered, but he rolled his eyes.
"'I-I!' Ever since that day in the peaks, you've been distant & hesitant! What happened to the commitment we swore to each other?!"
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After he said it, it could be seen on his face. He knew he had fucked up. 
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He breathed heavily as her mask fell away. It was clear she had been working up to forgiving Arlessia- & the man closest to her just kicked her over the edge. Because he couldn't let it go.
She plunged a hand in a pouch as the twins watched in shock as she threw an object at him, which he caught.
"FUCKING ASSHOLE! I found PEACE alongside YOU! I hoped...maybe we could fix what was between us & her-BUT YOU CAN'T LET GO OF YOUR FUCKING HATE! WELL, I'M DONE!" She cried.
"SHE'S ALL YOU FUCKING TALK ABOUT WHEN YOU'RE NOT BEATING IMPERIALS INTO A BLOODY PULP!" She screamed, turning away from everyone as her mascara ran. Her hands quaked...shook her head-then began to run.
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"YOUR HATE, YOUR POISON...I CANNOT TAKE IT ANYMORE!" She spat with finality.  As the woman ran, her sobs echoing in the distance, Hemmet's tail dropped listlessly as he watched her leave.
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"Don't...go..." He breathed, eliciting a groan from Yelle who looked solemn still. 
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"I'll talk to her, Harjatan. Say your piece with the fuckup here." She said, departing. As Yelle walked to catch up to Gerhild, Hemmet brought up his hand holding what she had thrown.
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His eyes widened even more when he saw that it was a betrothal ring. A token she had from her mother...discarded in the face of...
"What...have I done..." He said, his lip quivering.
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"So-How does your crusade feel now? I was very similar to you when my sister & I were exiled from our tribe in the shadow of the Skatay mountains...angry...feeling robbed. I pushed Yelle away...nearly walked alone into the wilderness & most likely would have died in the process."
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"But as I stomped away from my sickly sister who had yet to come into her own, a garlean came across our camp whilst running from the tribe's wood warders. He'd only one thing on his mind...when I heard her scream, I sprinted back & unleashed what I had been cursed with on him."  Tilting his head as he paused, he sucked from air between his teeth.
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"I know it's not exactly like what you're suffering now...but my point stands. I hurt her. You were hurt. But instead of healing, you kept that wound fresh & let it fuel you because you didn't KNOW what to do."
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"You made your choices-now you must live with them & learn to move past this petty bullshit. Nobody can do that for you. You can forget about the offer made. You're unfit...and from the looks of it, about to break completely.”
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“Good luck with your breakdown." He said with finality.
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However, on the other side of the reach, Gerhild fell to the earth heavily, wailing in despair at the missed chance of reconciliation...and her love being used as fuel for Hemmet's hatred. She clawed at her head, the feeling that her head was about to explode consuming her.
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She didn't even notice when Yelle stopped behind her cautiously.
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"I'm sorry to disturb you...are you okay?" The viera asked, taking a position next to the dragoon as she tried to rise to her feet, only to fall back to the earth again, her lance falling to the ground as Yelle sat.
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"I...I don't know what to do. I he's all I had...for so, so long. But one of my dearest friends reappears...ALIVE...before me! And finally I can envision a life for us when we're free...I can't..." She breathed, a feeling Yelle knew well.
"You feel like you're drowning. I know."
As Gerhild's sniffles & sobs lessened somewhat, Yelle looked to her blade.
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"I recently lost my only love due to the machinations of an Ishgardian noble. If I could cry...I would be. But the body cannot maintain feelings like hate & despair forever before course correcting."
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"What did you do?" Gerhild asked quietly, earning a chuckle from Yelle.
"I mourned. I honor him with every swing of my blade. But what really helped me was Arlessia & our mutual friends. Their support kept me above the waterline until the tide drew back." Yelle said with a smile.
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"One day I'll die...and I'll see him again. I'm happy with that. It was a reality I knew a long time ago, being us Viera are extremely long lived. But...your love isn't dead...as much as it feels like it is. Don't writ him off yet, but he needs time to understand he MUST change."
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"In short: would you rather burn bridges...or build a home where your dearest could be at peace? If you seek the latter, then we are allies. We but seek to return Arlessia's home to her."
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Gerhild was silent for minutes as she looked upon her spear-the shaft coated in dried vitae.
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"How goes things?" Harjatan asked, walked up slowly.
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"I've said my piece...what comes next, it's up to our friend here." Yelle answered, at which they both looked to her as Gerhild rose quietly. Taking a few steps away, Gerhild sighed before turning back, drawing her spear.
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"I will not have it said that the Fang of Onyx shied away from her debts. When do we begin?"
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Kugane, some few minutes later... 
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 "Come out while you can! The longer you hide, the more severe your punishment will be!"
As the Sekiseigumi blade walked from the alleyway, I sighed, relaxing from pressing myself to the shadows.
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"He's moving off. We should be clear to get back to the Ruby Bazaar...if we keep quiet. How're you doing, carrying the package?" I asked, the 'package' referring to Gyodo. Rubbing her shoulder for a moment, she sighed.
"The Namazu is heavier than he looks...and smells horrendous." She answered-dropping back down as another Sekiseigumi appeared at the mouth of the alley before turning back in a hurry.
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"You've been in a situation like this before?" Looking over to her, I sighed lightly as the first that came to mind was the Bloody Banquet.
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"Aye...there was one time I infiltrated a castrum to rescue some friends of mine-truly was a tight exit for that particular mission." I said, her laughing at my reference to our history.
"I was thinking of something from your time as a rogue, not Castrum Centri!" She jabbed back at me.
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"Fine, fine. I've had more than my fair share being hunted whilst on the job...but that's enough for now. We have an opening. Follow me!" I said, jumping onto the outcropping.
Sprinting over the small rooftop, we cut through the gap between the buildings & over the back of the fence to the Thavnairian embassy. Landing quietly, I spun as Lyse landed next to me, the two of us cutting towards the Ruby Bazaar.
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As we approached however, I heard voices.
"Wait!" I whispered, stopping Lyse as we approached the steps. Gesturing to my ears, I pointed up the stairs & gestured for her to stay.
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"Voices?" She asked quietly as I quickly climbed up the ramp. Peeking over the top of it, I spotted over fifteen Sekiseigumi Blades outside.
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"Shit." I mused, pushing down quietly & quickly. Standing upon reaching the bottom of the ramp, I sighed. "The Sekiseigumi is outside."
"What?! What now?"
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"We need find somewhere to hold out...but where..." I explained to Lyse, the open question answered by a set of heavy steps. Drawing my fangs, Lyse cracked her knuckles alongside me as we spun to face the source.
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"Wait!" the thick voice said, the source being a being that looked like a walking tortoise.
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"Stay your arms! I can lead you to your friends!" He said, holding his hand out warily. Exchanging a glance with Lyse, I conceded we had no other options. Looking back to the Kojin, I narrowed my eyes at him.
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"Fine. But if you betray us, I'll use your shell as a shield." I said, my promise not hampering his nod of support.
"We must cross the market! Quickly now!"
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Helping Lyse heft the Namazu back unto her shoulder, we sprinted behind our shelled guide quickly, the lucky that the Sekiseigumi was preoccupied whilst we crossed in open view. Running into the alleyway, he waved for us to get in front of him.
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"Take the stairs down to the left!"
Following his directions, we quickly ran down, our footsteps clicking against the cobbles. Upon reaching the halfway point, he caught up.
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"I found your friends not far from here & they told me of your troubles. They should be just behind these steps." He said, his tone friendly.
"Why help us?" I asked, dubious about his motives.
"I can explain all later...but for now, let us get to safety!" He responded, a sentiment that I couldn't disagree with. But as we neared the bottom, Alisaie poked her head around the bannister.
"Arlessia! Lyse! Back here!"
Quickly running into the hideaway, Lyse dropped the Namazu heavily as I pulled Alisaie into a friendly handshake & Alphinaud into a hug.
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"There you are! I knew you'd get away!" I said happily.
"Thank the Twelve you made it! I feared our Kojin friend might not find you in time." As Alphinaud said this, I noticed the Kojin look up the stairs. Turning back, he got everyone's attention.
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"Everything is going to be alright, trust me." He began, a shout making him look back up. "For now, stay hidden & quiet. Understood?" He said resolutely before leaving. Watching him walk up the stairs, I watched on as he walked boldly out into the open, right into a rushing Sekiseigumi patrol.
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"Clear the road! Clear the road!" They demanded. "You there, Kojin! We seek four ijin-one a brutish woman carrying an unconscious Namazu. Have you seen them?"
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Everyone held their breath as silence reigned, save Lyse. She stepped forwards at the 'Brutish Woman' comment, Alphinaud stopping her quietly with his arm as Gyodo twitched, his bell ringing. As if he heard it, the Kojin immediately spoke to cover it.
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"Four foreigners, you say? Ah, yes! Very rude they were, making no apology as they barged past. They went that way, I think." He continued, pointing the Sekiseigumi away from us.
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"Many thank, good sir!" The squad leader replied. Turning to his men, his face twisted. "With me! They cannot have gone far!"
Watching as they ran off, our new ally smirked to himself before descending back down the stairs where he came. 
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He led them off...why?" Alphinaud mused, at which I suddenly recognized him. 
"Wait, he was in the Shiokaze when we arrived. He must want something in return."
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"You're not far off, my good lady. But for now, all is well. The Sekiseigumi will not return this way for sometime, I should think. You are of the East Aldenard Trading Company, yes? Come with me. I know a safer way." Looking to my friends, them shrugging in acceptance, I nodded.
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"Very well. Lead the way....I'm sorry, I don't think you've given your name." I said, realizing this mid sentence. Laughing to himself a moment, he nodded.
"Ah, how remiss of me. I am known as Soroban. Now, follow." He said, leading us once Lyse had Gyodo back upon her shoulder.
And it was indeed a quick & efficient way back to the office. We would be walking through the doors in a few minutes. Nodding to Akavi & Sama, who were up in spots that afforded them visibility of the Bazaar's approach, we quickly beelined for the entrance, Hancock meeting us.
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"You are returned-and with guests, I see." The merchant said. Throwing Gyodo down to the floor roughly, Lyse shrugged.
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"Our meeting went about as well as expected-we've brought the Namazu who thought to betray us. When he wakes up, we'll see what he knows about Yugiri & Gosetsu."  Almost as if in reply, the target of our conversation twitched.
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"You sure you haven't given him brain damage?" I teased, Lyse shooting me a glance as I chuckled.
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"Well done you. When I saw the Sekiseigumi out in force, I did begin to worry, but I see my fears were misplaced." As Hancock said this with a small round of applause, Lyse shyly shrunk back with a scoff.
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"Actually, if it weren't for Soroban, we might not have gotten away..." She replied our focus turning to our new friend.
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"'Twas my pleasure." He replied with a friendly wave. But as he said this, Alphinaud looked to the Kojin.
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"Yet I must ask, Soroban:why would you deceive the Sekiseigumi to help us-foreigners of whom you know naught."
"Why out of the kindness of my heart...is what I would like to say, but my motives are not so pure." Soroban replied. Tilting his head towards Hancock, he spoke.
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"I chanced to witness your meeting with Hancock at the Shiokaze, and saw a opportunity."
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"An opportunity?" Asked Hancock, eliciting a nod from Soroban.
"Like many, I came to Kugane as a trader to make my fortune. Familiar, is it not?"  Once Hancock nodded in understanding, Soroban continued.
"Kojin of the Red may serve the Empire as mercenaries, but Kojin of the Blue walk a different path. Regretfully, most here would rather not meet our gaze-much less do business."
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"Strange, considering the port's reputation."  Nodding at my sentiment, he the continued his pitch.
"So I seek the custom of those less predisposed to dismiss us outright. Namely, the East Aldenard Trading Company." He finished.
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"Quid pro quo, is it? Well, there is no denying that we owe you a debt. What say you, Hancock?" Alphinaud asked. Chuckling to himself, Hancock flashed a warm smile.
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"Rest assured, Master Soroban, in matters of trade the company does not discriminate. We would be honored to hear your proposal."
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"I promise you will not regret this, good sir!" Soroban responded, gesturing respectfully to him. Turning to the rest of us, Soroban looked to Alphinaud.
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"Ah, yes-you sought passage across the Ruby Sea, did you not? I have a ship you can use."
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"You do? Well, then! Far be it from us to refuse! You have our deepest thanks." Alphinaud replied, surprised.
"And you mine!"
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Taking a deep breath as everyone began to talk amongst themselves, I stepped forward to talk with Hancock.
"Hancock...we received early confirmation of the deception, I would ask you something."
"Ask away, my dear!" He replied, his dark purple eyes moving to the kunai as I drew it. Pointing to the stamp, I looked hard into his eyes behind his Pince-nez. "The House of Sparrows. I would like to ask of them." I said, at which he looked to me.
"Let us move to the back. What I know isn't meant for the open." He replied. As we all filtered inside, the wait began. The wait for our Namazu charge to awaken from the blunt force trauma he'd endured, so we could pry what HE knew from his oily hide.
I hope you enjoyed this transcription of yesterday’s post if you’re still reading this far, this is how I’ll do things from now on on here (even though my wrist is killing me now from moving the screenshots down after adding them T^T lmao)
I hope your day is grand ^-^
As a final note, for those who are unfamiliar with the OCs Hemmet Tatch & Gerhild Steele that featured prominently in this post, they are vigilante specialists of the Ala Mhigan Resistance forces-
The Last Fist (Hemmet-’Fist’ Referring to the ‘Fists of Rhalgr’...I wonder what Widargelt would think of that.)
The Fang of Onyx (Gerhild-she was trained in the arts of Ishgard’s Order of the Knights Dragoon by a travelling former member, who gave her his own soul crystal.).
They are also Arlessia’s childhood friends from before her mother smuggled her from the capitol. As it was said, once she disappeared & the lie told to cover the tracks of her daughter’s escape, they lost everything & were thrown unto the gutter in/after the clash between the populace & the Imperials.
In the wake of the riot & the loss of their parents, Gerhild & Hemmet would come to rely on only each other for many years. It would only be natural for them to garner feelings for each other...even if for one of them it always took a backseat to his pain. His wounded spirit.
When I started writing their characters long ago, I wanted them being introduced to be as to Arlessia & the main story as two different paths converging in the middle of their stories. We don’t know what they’ve done unless they tell or show us. I look forward to unveiling what is to come for these two in the future.
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titaniium999 · 3 months
im loaing it im fgloing feral i cant believe it i FINALLY HAVE A METAL SONIC PLUSHIE i need more i need mire i need more metal sonic plushies im losing my marbles rolling around on the ground ping ponging off the walls tearing things apart with my teeth i love metak sonoc hes so me OOOK AT HIM LOOKIE i didtn get GE because i wanted the soft fuzzy one and the material GE uses kinda causes me sensory issues SO I GOT THIS ONE but ill also het the GE one because I NEED ALL METAL SONIC PLUSHIES theres two others i want to but for now I AM HAPPY I HAVE THIS ONE LOOK AT HIM ITS LITERALLY ME HE IS EVERYTHING
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possiblyfunny · 6 months
What’s up with me posting Art all of a sudden???
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This is Aster. He’s the Red from my own Blue Tears AU. I’ve never actually drawn him before, he’s just kinda lingered in my mind for two or so years—so this is the first pass of his design! Aster is a free-roaming spirit that, while missing his own tangible body, uses his new ghostly form to try and spread a little joy. Leaving nice messages and gifts of flowers for those he thinks need a reason to smile.
(Hey! Psst! @creatively-cosmic! You said you wanted to see him—so here he is!)
Other Versions of the art below the cut.
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And yes: he has eyes. They’re just covered by the shadow of his cap.
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naptimeclown · 1 year
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Ey clown month! I combined day 1-3 cause Im trying to catch up and I wanted to do every prompt. Day 1: clownsona (this is actually one of the clown characters I actively perform as, his name is Darling) Day 2: Pride (the trans flag belt, which is actually part of the costume, sewing corsets suck) Day 3: Marry-go-round
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getitfrenchship · 8 months
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Usually I don’t get fighting games since I get nervous asking my friends if they have the time to play, which sucks since I’d love to see if the one he’s in + ‘zawa’s + R//isotto’s are good
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lostwanderer42 · 1 month
Im in so much pain rn its wild
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nexo-nex · 1 year
shit this week i have so many midterm exams and i barely studied for any of them rip
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lovingseventeen · 1 year
Hiii hope you're well 🫶🏼
I really really loved the svt doing your make up 🥺 honestly getting make up done is so relaxing and it can be so intimate (me when lol)
I have a suggestion for a svt reaction bec you see I have a thing for hands, like the hands are one of the first thing I notice about a person so I wonder how svt would react to their s/o randomly grabbing their had and kissing it 🥹
randomly kissing svt’s hands 🫶🏽
a/n: HI ANON i LOVE this request omggg. i have so many things queued but i HAD to write this rn rn
edit: i’m literally biting my lip as i write this bc FAWK this is such a cute idea i need all of these men’s hands in marriage rn
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❥ he loves holding hands so he doesn’t question when you grab his hand
❥ he’s about to lace his fingers with yours when he feels you bringing his hand up to your face to kiss it
❥ but he does malfunction a little bit because his brain is thinking: wait i’m supposed to do that to you
❥ you can hear his typical “ayy” as he watches you
❥ he won’t admit that he’s a little flustered
❥ you only find out that he is when he tucks his hair behind his ear and you notice that the tips of his ears are pink
❥ watches you with the most endearing smile
❥ lets you do you what you want but still leans in close to your face and asks, “what’s this for pretty baby, hm?” AAAAAAAA
❥ so so confused but he doesn’t pull his hand from you (because he never would)
❥ “what’s this?” he asks as you’re bringing his hand up
❥ “mm, nothing babe” you hum, placing a light kiss to the back of his hand
❥ “oh, okay?” he replies, pink dusting his cheeks
❥ blushing so bad but he isn’t even embarrassed
❥ goes “oo” as your lips make contact with his skin
❥ “does this mean you have a crush on me?” he jokes, making you drop his hand and smack his arm
❥ but ofc he catches your wrist and pulls you into him so he can properly kiss you
❥ you could do anything to him and he’d go with it
❥ smiles as you kiss his knuckles
❥ he might not comment on it but he’ll give you a few extra kisses that day
❥ you were chilling with him in the studio as he was going over his work
❥ without thinking about it too much, you took his hand to give it a little kiss which grabs his attention
❥ he hums in surprise and he’s so flustered that he’s immediately asking “am i not giving you enough attention today? i’m sorry baby give me a minute-” as he’s already starting to close some tabs on his desktop
❥ “oh, no! jihoon, i just felt like doing it!” you quickly explained, but he’s still closing off his things
❥ “i’ve done enough work today anyways” he decides, assuring you
❥ so so giggly as the slight foreign feeling of your lips brushing against his hand
❥ so smiley even as he’s asking “what’s this? you don’t usually do this”
❥ hair ruffle right after you do it
❥ you tease him a little as you run your thumb over his knuckles
❥ he’s wondering what you’re doing but it’s also not entirely new
❥ it’s when you’re lifting his hand that he’s already blushing because there’s no way you’re about to do what he’s thinking
❥ “what’re you doing? baby, what’s this?” right as you hold eye contact and kiss his hand
❥ for a pretty big and buff man, he feels like putty in your touch, he’s covering his face with his free hand because he can’t even look at you with how pink he’s getting
❥ “so i can’t even kiss my boyfriend’s hand?” you tease
❥ “not when it makes me like this!” he whines (definitely do this to him again)
❥ you couldn’t help but kiss his hands god they’re so pretty AAAAAA
❥ for seokmin, you took both of his hands in yours, making him raise his eyebrows, “oh?”
❥ casually, you place on kiss to his left, then one to his right and his eyes follow your ministrations
❥ best believe his heart is hammering and he’s blushing madly
❥ “do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asks, swearing that he’s falling even harder when you coyly shake your head no
❥ you kind of adored him when he was in a state of rambling about his day, even when he was tutting about the member teasing him but especially when you could tell that he felt like he did well. you were watching him from your couch as he paced your living room
❥ but there’s a moment when his eyebrows are furrowed because he’s talking about this dance move that he’s supposed to do on top of singing something quite difficult
❥ “it’s supposed to go something like this..” he murmurs slowly walking you through the dance steps, quirking his head as he wonders how he’ll do it
❥ he plops down onto the couch next to you when he’s finished walking you (and himself) through the whole chorus, leaning his head back. “i just don’t know how-”
❥ you take his hand because he’s so clearly stressed and place a kiss to it. his words stop as his face heats up from the sudden gesture
❥ “why all of a sudden?” he murmurs, looking away from you because you caught his so off guard
❥ “because my baby’s so stressed and i know you want to avoid getting wrinkles” you chuckle
❥ also so chill with it — would also probably let you do anything to him
❥ a small smile as you randomly kiss his hand
❥ “this is new” he observes, smiling wider when you giggle
❥ “just felt like it, why, is it weird?”
❥ he shakes his head, “no, not at all”
❥ “w-what, what is this?” he’s mumbling as you unexpectedly take his hand and kiss it
❥ “just wanted to give you a kiss” you reply simply
❥ he’s so pink but he’s trying to quickly think of a way to recover
❥ “well, why don’t you give me a real one” he decides, surprising you by pulling you into him by your waist
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yandere--stuck · 1 month
AaaaaAAA I was so happy to see you already had a gore fic for Bill in the works! I have reread it like. 5 times. Your writing scratches my gore itch perfectly, and I just adore fics the intestinal stuff especially <33 and his mentions of your heart also… the romance!! I was inspired by what you wrote, I hope you enjoy it once again :D! (also im doing great, hope ur doing well too :D!!) - zagreus gore anon
Notes for anyone else: This contains gore!! So much gore!! Body horror— It’s Bill’s love language!! (intestinal trauma, mouth trauma, eye trauma…. Honestly ‘you’ here are violated in like every way possible.) No sexual content, but it’s suggestive to me. Bill Cipher is a Weirdo.
You never quite get used to the pain. You wish you did.
In your memories, the sensation is dulled. You know it was painful, you know it was one of the most horrible sensations of your life, but the full extent of it… You can’t remember. Your brain must be protecting you from it. Every act of Bill’s love would constitute life-long trauma for anyone else, yet you live through another session of it day by day. No. Scratch that. They wouldn’t be alive to recall it. They wouldn’t make it half as far as you. For you, no such easy, simple fate can ever be attainable. The weirdness of his new world has conquered Death itself.
Bill had cradled his intestines in your arms, laughing as they helplessly twitched and writhed against his body, cooing at them as you howled in pain. “Aww, are you excited to see papa?” He’d said, and only the strangeness of it had kept you from repressing it. He talked to your guts as if they were puppies, as if blood smeared across his bricks were innocent licks against his skin instead. Another time, he’d wrapped your guts around his triangular body, and called it the ‘world’s most intimate hug’ as he whispered sweet nothings about how much he looooves you, and also the health of your gut bacteria. Somehow, he always outdoes himself.
Bill had dug even deeper, crumbling your ribs to smithereens in his hands, and held your still-beating heart in his palms as an object of reverence. “All mine, all mine…” He’d muttered to himself, his pupil momentarily expanding to a large, inky abyss. The pain had been so intense that you’d slipped into shock. A bad habit of yours, as Bill called it, would be your tendency to slip into memories of the past to escape the present. When you should be focusing on him.
That time, he’d jolted you back to reality by fire-hot pain slashing through your heart. All the time, it continued pumping, spurting blood in Bill’s direction with every pump. His powers were the only thing keeping you alive. When, once, blood sprayed right into his eye and he was forced to take a break, you smiled for just a moment. A lopsided, crooked grin. He’d used a mirror to show you his handiwork. In the outer flesh of your heart, he’d burned a little triangle. He’d already healed the skin. The lighter pink scarring stood out against the rest of your heart. Marked forever. Though he’s usually so talkative, at that moment, he’d been quiet for just a few seconds.
Then, he’d laughed, breaking all tension. “Wow, it sure smells like barbecue in here!”
On another occasion, he had hummed a little tune to himself, comically large saw in hand, as he cut off your limbs one by one. You could never forget the sound as the teeth sawed through your bones, bit by bit. Tearing through muscle. The clunk of your arm hitting the floor. Your leg. Rinse and repeat. You swore you could still feel your arms and legs, once you lost enough blood and your vision went hazy. Bill had hugged you against his smaller form. (He could change his body’s size, technically. But he always preferred appearing just as he was to you.)
“Without all those gangly, long limbs of yours, we can really cuddle now!” The next day, all of your limbs had regrown.
He’d cradled your face with one hand, and kept your mouth open with his other wrist. You could see nothing except for that giant eye of his as he pried your teeth out of your mouth, one by one. The taste of blood filled your mouth. He’d tug and tug and tug, not nearly using enough strength, and being entirely aware of it, until finally yanking it out once and for all. (Until it regrew, that is.) Under your gaze, he took your teeth one by one, drilled a little hole in them and strung them together on a necklace.
“Hmmmm,” he’d hummed to himself, a long, drawn-out noise. “I feel like it’s missing something. What do you think?” Before you could answer, not that you had any desire to, he snapped his fingers. “Oh! I know! For a sign of our undying love for each other, it’s a little plain with just teeth!”
In the next moment, Bill had taken out one of your eyes. You cannot comprehend how such a, relatively, small part of your face could hurt so unimaginably much. You wanted him to drape his guts all over himself again. You’re sure a point-blank gunshot to the head would’ve hurt less. Been less discomforting. His fingers had shrunk into paper-thin appendages and slipped past your eyeball, digging and cutting away at the nerves behind it. You cried tears of blood. If there was anything in your stomach, you might have thrown up.
Then, all at once, pain had blossomed into pure, mind-numbing pleasure. Compared to the pain, this is what you would like to forget the most. You’d gurgled out a moan through the spit gathered at the back of your throat. Your limbs had twitched helplessly against your restraints. When your optic nerve finally snapped, you’d whined as Bill took your eye out, exclaiming “Pop!” as he did so. For just a moment, he’d juggled your detached eyeballs in his hands, having left you panting.
“Yes, now this’ll make a good centerpiece!”
Pain had become just pain once again as soon as his touch left you. There is nothing good about a gaping, throbbing hole left in your face. You whine, sniffle softly, to get his attention. You hardly ever speak out loud anymore. Bill can read your every thought and is aware of your every idea. When speaking takes up more energy than it saves, why should you? In that moment, you had lacked the energy to think about it, your body desperately trying to recover itself.
Right now, you wonder why he’d make it feel good. Why, this one time. You don’t immediately get a response. Bill just laughs and laughs and laughs, running his fingers across the teeth of his necklace, poking the eyeball in the very middle. In your eye-socket, an exact replica of it has re-formed itself.
“You’re so funny! Why do you think I did anything at all? That was all you, baby!” His pupil transforms into a heart. It’s a blink-or-you-miss it transformation, and as soon as it happened, you think you’ve made it up. “I told you that you’d come around to it! Maybe we can even share in a little bit of pain next time, huh?”
You haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since, both his words and how mind-numbingly good it had felt. Maybe he’d simply lied to you, maybe it’d all been his doing. That would be the best outcome, right?… With time, you know Bill will ‘show you his love’ again— He always does. But this time, you await it with fear, largely fear, but with a little anticipation, too. There’s no need to tell him. He already knows.
ANON I AM BARKING LIKE A DOG!!!!!!!! BARKBARKBARKBARK THIS IS AMAZING!!!!! God, your descriptive voice is so good, it's so vivid!!!! Bill tricking reader into thinking they like it and them believing it...... Yummy yummy corruption in my tummy <3
Thank you so much for this, I can only hope what I write holds a candle to this!!! You never disappoint raaghh.
Bill draping your guts around as the world's most intimate hug. GOD. Also it's so fashionable! Gut scarf, teeth and eyeball necklace, literally wearing pants of your body to shoe his love and claim of you. Aaaa I'm kicking my feet!!
Thank you so much again holy smokes
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1-800reki · 1 month
❝random Chuuya N. Headcanons!❞
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summary: random headcanons
pairings: chuuya x me- I MEAN UH.. reader!! You guys!! 😜... 😕
a/n: felt silly while making this <33
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• Chuuya lets you wear his hat big time !!
• He probably got a tattoo of your initials on his wrist or lower back.
• He likes when you vent to him. It makes him feel special that you'd tell him something serious going on. And trust, he has good advice and will comfort you.
• At the port mafia, he thinks about you.
• He takes you on fancy dates because he loves spoiling you.
• If you wanted to stay home for a date, it would be a cooking date where you both cook together.
• If he gets frustrated he tries his best to not let it come out if he's talking to you. The last thing he wants to do is hurt your feelings.
• If he does hurt your feelings, it would be an accident.
• He likes to tease you when you're arguing. He'll look at you lazily, his eyes following yours when you looked away. Hell, it makes you forget what you're even arguing about.
• He lovesss hugs. You cannot tell me there's not a day where he doesn't hug you.
• Chuuya has a tiktok account only for watching and liking videos. He'll never really post stuff, but he does have a lot of reposts (tw; some are 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂)
• He always tells you that Dazai is his biggest enemy, but you low-key see chemistry in them 😭. Like, yeah ok he hates him but sometimes enemies make out! Right?.. 😕
• Chuuya always plays music in the car. And if you request to play music, he might pass you the aux ONCE. But you never know, if your music taste is valid, you might be using the aux every other day.
• He's honestly a very talkative person. He can yap and ramble for hours and you never get bored.
• tbh, I don't think he's a big fan of intimacy. He acts very 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 but he's a 'all bark and no bite' kind of person.
• He loves people that are confident and can stand their own ground. Someone called him annoying? OK bet, watch his reaction go from defensive to impressed, watching you diss the person who disrespected your boyfriend.
• He definitely says brainrot terms 😬
• In a modern au he would spam like anything you post. A picture of you? like. A random picture of a meme? like. A very controversial take? like and defend your opinion.
• He lets you taste some of his very expensive wine he collects if you ask him.
• He laughs at your jokes even if he doesn't find some of them funny.
• He would be your number one defender.
• If he was sad or anything like that he would try to hide from you so you wouldn't worry. You would find out anyways and comfort him by a simple hug and cuddle session in the bed.
• He speaks very 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 but if you do it to him he'll get flustered and tell you to shut up.
•He buys you whatever you want. A hat? he bought it. A bag? he bought it. A jacket? he bought it. Pants? he bought it. A shirt? he bought it.
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a/n: chuuya nakahara the man you are.
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arsonisticscholar · 4 months
/// in Qi Rong’s cave ///
Xie Lian: *grabs Hua Cheng’s wrist*
Hua Cheng, still internally: oh shit he said something didn’t he uhhhh I’ll just nod
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
(tw: kidnapping, ransom, zip ties, bag over head, death, murder mention, implied filmed whump)
[Drabble Masterpost]
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“So, do I give you my Starby’s order now orrrr..?”
Even through the dark fabric of the bag, Whumpee could swear they saw Whumper’s eyes roll. To clarify - there’s nothing to see. This is a metaphor. 
Not a metaphor. 
What’s the word for that…?
Aaaaaa…...an exaggeration? Aaaaaaaa…tasteful lie? 
Maybe it’s a-
“No coffee-” Whumper snapped. 
Whumpee’s fingers splayed up in a surrender - they’d lift their hands and arms, but their wrists were kind ziptied to the chair. 
Didn’t even seem like a strong chair. Like if they tried reeeeeally hard to tip over, it might just snap apart and they could walk out of here. 
“I mean I can take a tea, then? Or a smoothie-? I really like the pink dri-”
Whumpee sighed, slumping back in their chair. “You’re no fun, you know that?”
They could feel eyes boring into them. 
“Why the fuck are you so cocky-? You’re about to fucking die on national television.”
Whumpee shrugged. “Not cocky.”
“Stupid, then.”
Whumpee lifted a finger. “Confident~” they corrected. 
Whumper snorted a scoff, footsteps tapping closer in a pa-tat-pa-tat-pa-tat- “Why would you have any reason to be confident??” Mocking. 
A little ‘ptew-’ whispered through the room, and a body dropped to the ground at Whumpee’s feet, thudding softly as it came to rest. 
Whumpee smirked under the bag. “Took you long enough, hot stuff~”
“Yeah yeah yeah,” Caretaker’s voice echoed through the room, steps remarkably silent as they crossed to Whumpee’s chair - movement evidenced only by the proximity of their voice. “Sorry baby, traffic was killer on the east side.”
Whumpee shrugged. “Can we get Starbucks?”
“..and make me drive more through this shit?”
“I was just kidnapped and held for ransom, I deserve a treat.”
They could feel Caretaker roll their eyes as they snapped the zipties at Whumpee’s ankles - then wrists. Less metaphorical this time - more a highly educated guess and a deep knowledge settled into their soul. 
“Fineeee- but we’re going to the one by the park. Interstate is shit right now.”
“Works for me~”
Caretaker’s hands caught Whumpee’s as they reached up to pull off the bag - fingers circling their wrists and keeping them suspended halfway. 
Caretaker’s voice softened. “..I’m sorry this happened.” 
Whumpee shook their head a little. “It’s all okay now.”
Dark, kidnappy black bag fabric be damned - Caretaker kissed them through it anyway. 
[Drabble Masterpost]
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @whump-queen @a-whumped-tea @whumpsday @sonder35)
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mxltifxnd0m · 21 days
amorcita i'm back to futher discuss the sub!sam headcanons <3
praise is maybe my favorite thing ever, both ways so... oh my god. i'm just thinking about sam doing everything and anything at all to gain your praise. he wants to be good for you so bad, he wants to make you feel so good so bad, and he'll do anything to make sure that happens. and he just needs to know that he's doing a good job, he needs to hear that he's making you feel good. so like you said, every word of praise, especially pet names like "pretty boy" and "good boy" and a personal favorite "sweet boy."
he wants you to praise him so badly, but he gets so soft and blushy and shy when you do. just thinking about calling him your sweet boy, telling him he's so good for you, and his face is pink and the tips of his ears are flaming so he hides his face in your hand. and you have to pull his hands away by his wrists and softly scold him, saying, "don't hide from me, pretty boy." bonus if you're on top of him and you can then pin his wrists above his head. bonus x2 if you kiss the tip of his nose and make him blush softer and be 100000x times more in love with you. then once you've gotten into it, your praise just fuels him and he works so hard and is such a good good boy so that he can hear you moan and praise him <3
as i mentioned, i think i have a thing for sub!sam cumming untouched LOL sooo two of my favorite of your headcanons was him cumming from eating you and and him cumming from just making out and you pulling his hair. like i said, one of the hottest things i've ever read!!! yeah i just think he'd get so shy and sheepish and it's pretty much the cutest most endearing and also hot things in the whole world. he's less embarrassed about cumming from eating you out because even when he's subby, he's so shameless about how much he loves to eat pussy! but uhhh thinking about making him grind against your leg/thigh until he cums <3 my poor sweet baby gets so shy about it, and his eyes get glossy and his voice is so shaky and whiny when he asks, "please, can i cum?" and then you praise him for asking like such a good boy. "of course you can cum, honey," you croon, giving his hair a good tug as you sense him tipping over the edge so that you can pull the most unfiltered, raw moan from his throat as he cums in his boxers <3
:DDDDD this is getting so long! i think maybe i could go on forever and ever about sub!sam!!! oh god!!! i'm going insane!!!! aaaaaaaa!!!!!
blink blink blink i need to reset my brain i'm broken....
bonus uhhhh thinking about him begging while looking up at you with his prettiest, softest, sweetest puppy dog eyes that are shiny with pleasured, unshed tears because he is sooo so so desperate!! ummm that's all for today! okay! i no longer feel anything akin to normal! and i have dance practice all day tomorrow! so i will go to bed now :)
I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHH AHHHHHH i hope your pool party was fun!! <33 i'm excited to read your week recap when i get the chance <33 HAVE THE BEST NIGHT MY DARLING DAISY <3
-mari @prentissluvr
i- i- wel- can- @_@ *brain has shut down and restarted*
more specifically i need to see your variation of it bc i just know it'll be so good :))) i patiently await the day you make the post and then i'll reblog the hell out of it
arghh i literally have no more to add bc you've broken me and now all i can think about is sub sam grinding on my leg with wide, teary eyes because he wants is to cum @_@
ARGGH I LOVE YOU DOVE!! <33 the pool party was in fact very fun and i had a blast swimming with my friends!
oh take your time! ill know you'll get to it when you get to it hehe, but i hope your dance competition goes swell!!
love you always my sweetest dove <33
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kinslayyer · 2 months
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AAAAAAAA I MANAGED TO FINISH A SINGLE ARTWORK IN ONE DAY, MY BACK HURTS, MY WRIST HURTS, MY EVERYTHING HURTS BUT IT IS DONE!!!!11!1!1!11!1 I hope you all fw transmasc Strife because i sure do (i didn't do any difficult rendering because i had to finish this in one day)
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quillkiller · 2 months
thinking about knight lily and lord regulus having some sort of dramatic first kiss where one of them nearly loses their life and how that results to desperate kisses and whispered promises shared between them
oh im so weak.. thank you anon for bringing them back to me.. they’re constantly on my mind like i cannot even begin to explain how much they make me swoon….
maybe someone attacks regulus at night and lily has to protect him… but reg has also been trying to fight himself because the assassain came through the window and lily stands by his door at night.. and someone outside wasn’t doing their job <- and lily is going to kill them for this…
so reg is a bloody mess with cuts in his face, and lily is a bloody mess with cuts all over and bloody knuckles and she’s screaming and AAAAAAAA….. and after it’s done she’s crawling over to reg who’s breathing soooo heavily… watching her with stars in his eyes and lost for words… they’re just looking at each other and catchings their breaths and lilys hands touching him everywhere to see where he’s hurt and he’s weakly saying ’’’m fine, fine— no, don’t, ’m fine’ and grabs her wrists and climbs into her lap and AAAAAAAAAAA
then its kiss kiss kiss nearly ripping each others clothes off <3
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wisyhana · 1 year
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Made the art vs artist with Gandora úwu
My Gandoras need more black 😓 but my wrist doesn't like the idea aaaaaaaa
Gotta draw em more and moreeeeee
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