#Mya Stone x Sansa Stark
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amaati · 1 year
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Mya & Alayne
Commissioned gift from @littlzbird for @sansacalypse for pride month 🌈!
These two always have a soft spot in my heart, this has been a wonderful opportunity to draw them!
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g0lightly · 3 months
Sansa's (possible) attraction to Mya Stone mirrors Jaime's attraction to Brienne
As part of my Briensa brainrot posting, I want to establish one of many parallels between Sansa and Jaime that may be relevant later. I think the text may be setting up Sansa’s attraction to women, specifically gender-nonconforming women like Mya. The way Sansa describes women’s appearances versus men’s appearances is more similar to straight male POV characters than to other female POV characters, as this post does a fantastic job of demonstrating. Specifically, I’d like to point out that the way Sansa thinks about Mya in her men’s clothing mirrors the way we initially see Jaime think about Brienne in hers. 
[Mya] could be pretty, if she would dress up like a girl. Alayne found herself wondering whether Ser Lothor liked her best in her iron and leather, or dreamed of her gowned in lace and silk. - Alayne II, AFFC
As the above post also points out, Sansa has to contextualize her potential attraction to a woman — an unconventional woman at that — through the eyes of a man as it’s not ladylike to have such thoughts about other ladies. Later in this chapter she repeats this question to Myranda Royce, excited to have an older girl to ask such a question.
“Do you think Ser Lothor likes [Mya] as she is, in mail and leather?” She asked the older girl, who seemed so worldly-wise. “Or does he dream of her draped in silks and velvets?” “He’s a man. He dreams of her naked.” She is trying to make me blush again. - Alayne II, AFFC
Sansa is so curious about this that I have to wonder if Ser Lothar is indeed the one with a crush. Mirroring Jaime, she goes from imagining her unconventional crush in her men’s clothing to imagining her in the kind of clothing she understands to be beautiful. And then she’s prompted to picture her naked.
He amused himself by picturing her in one of Cersei’s silken gowns in place of her studded leather jerkin. As well dress a cow in silk as this one.  - Jaime I, ASOS
Afterward, Jaime jokingly (or not so jokingly) asks Brienne to remove her clothes to prove that she is a woman. This is a much more cruel and direct sequence of thoughts/interactions than what we see with Sansa and Mya, though that’s fitting of Jaime and Sansa’s characters at these very different places in their respective arcs. Nevertheless, both are characters used to being valued for their conventional beauty (and their ability to conform to gender roles) attempting to understand their own interest in unconventional beauty that does not conform to gender roles. 
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daenerysoftarth · 1 year
no actually if sansa x mya and arya x gendry happened can you IMAGINE being robert down in up in heaven or wherever and watching two of ur kids get with stark girlies when your own stark girl straight started a whole war and ran away to dorne just to get away from you
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cyrankaa · 1 year
lesbian!Sansa truthers I stand with you‼️‼️‼️‼️
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alleyskywalker · 5 months
NEW FIC: The Mountain's Daughter (Sansa/Mya)
Title: The Mountain's Daughter Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire Characters/Pairings: Sansa/Mya Stone Rating: PG Word Count: 1,728 Summary: "Sansa wonders if Mya would go with her. She wonders what confessions or promises she might need to make to convince Mya to leave, to forgive her forced, mostly harmless lies, to look at Sansa Stark with the same comradery and affection with which she sometimes looks at Alayne Stone."
Read on AO3
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alaynasansa · 2 years
Mya: It's kinda cold
Myranda: Here ! Take my cloak
Mya: I love you
Harry: *looking at Sansa* I'm cold, too
Sansa: Well, damn, Harry, I can't control the weather !
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welldonebeca · 2 years
The King's Wives (1)
Summary: After the fall of Robert’s rebellion, Rhaegar’s surviving son would be raised in secret as a bastard for the first fourteen years of his life. Six years after finding out the truth, Sansa travels down south to join him and complete his group of seven wives - representing each Region of his Kingdom. Slowly, they become a very happy family. A.K.A.: Jon may get seven wives, but Sansa gets six sisters. Main Pairing: Jonsa Minor Pairings: Jon x Arianne Martell, Jon x Margaery Tyrell, Jon x Mya Stone, Jon x Alys Arryn (OC), Jon x Asha Greyjoy (platonic), Jon x Myrcella Baratheon (Platonic) WC: 1.9k words Warnings: Fluff. Canon divergence.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Sansa was twelve when she knew her life was going to be different from what she first expected.
Before she was born, when her father was young, he had a friend. Lord Robert.
He had warred against the crown and the mad king - the father of King Rhaegar - and lost, after the woman he loved was taken as the Prince's second wife.
Her aunt Lyanna, so young, had caused war all by herself.
It should have been seen as a story of forbidden love, but it wasn't.
Many people died, her father's friend, his mentor - Lord Jon Arryn, father of her cousin, Robert Arryn - and even her aunt Lyanna herself. Prince Vyserys and Princess Daenerys, still children - she was barely yet a toddler.
Queen Elia's children had been killed too. One of them was just a baby, a newborn boy.
All that life was lost, and father... well, father seemed like the only one who survived, him and his little bastard boy.
Of course, Sansa eventually understood why her father and Jon had come home unscratched. Why the King was so grateful to let him come home and have his family.
Jon was a token of mercy father never seemed to be grateful for.
The king had bestowed many pardons, she had learnt as she grew up. Jaime Lannister, who had killed the mad King, but had saved Queen Elia from the hands of the horrid Mountain after he killed her babes, killing the man and saving her life, was now Lord of Casterly Rock and of its lands after his father was executed for letting in the men who'd rioted the King's Landing.
Her own father, who had fought by Robert's side.
Lord Robert's brothers, his only heirs.
Throughout her childhood, the life of the King and Queen seemed just to be focused on trying to create a peaceful kingdom. To maybe restore whatever they had lost during that war.
They never had heirs again, there was never a mention of the Queen pregnant or of the King taking a second wife, like with Aunt Lyanna.
And then the Queen died.
And he never married again.
King Rhaegar stayed alone, and never even entertained everyone's questions or offers of an engagement.
What he did, though, was come North. Every year, he visited, and spend time with her parents, made sure to have at least one meal a day with the oldest children - Sansa had been there a few times, and Jeyne hadn't stopped joking that the king had come to see if she was old enough to be his queen.
King Rhaegar was beautiful, but he was just as old as her parents!
She would never marry a man so old.
But there were questions about how he would continue the Targaryen dynasty.
He didn't even seem to care, not that she could see.
And he took a liking to Jon. He spent time with him, went on hunting trips with him, and was interested in things such as his education and character.
Which was so strange, because her half-brother was no more than a bastard.  Why would he care for a bastard?
And it was all written there. She just wasn't smart enough to put the pieces together.
She found out the truth when she was 12, and Jon was 14.
Bran had led her through the hidden walls of the castle, to show her something after they had said her name in a conversation, her parents and the king.
Jon wasn't her father's son, no. He was the only son of Aunt Lyanna and King Rhaegar.
"I didn't want you to be corrupted by the south," King Rhaegar spoke, looking at Jon's face. "Your mother was raised here. Her principles were much greater than anyone else I had ever met. It's why I fell in love with her."
Jon looked completely shocked, and Sansa's wasn't too different.
Her father's bastard boy, a prince.
Robb was there, right beside her mother, and Sansa couldn't quite read her expression.
Did she know that? Who else knew the truth?
"My whole life, I was raised like a bastard," Jon spoke, sounding frustrated and confused.
"Like the son of the Northern Lord," his father, his real father, corrected him. "You know the ways of the common folk more in this life than anyone in King's Landing. You know the worth of the work of your hands, and the real needs of the people who you are going to rule over."
Sansa cowled. The work of his hands? Jon wasn't exactly living like a prince, but he wasn't a man of the common folk either.
"What happens now?" Robb asked.
Her mother looked at him and then the King, and Robb glanced at his father.
"Is he..."
Father gave him a strong look, and her brother cleared his throat, turning to the king.
"Are you going to take him now, your grace?" he corrected his question. "To King's Landing.”
King Rhaegar exhaled slowly.
"I think Jon is ready," he told them. "And I want him to have time to learn how to be a prince."
Jon looked from her parents to his father, looking unsure.
"What if I say no?" he asked. "What if I don't want to go? "
"You won't," her father told him. "I know you, Jon."
"So you are going to send me South?" he asked, almost in a bratty tone. "To make me a prince I never wanted to be?!"
His father shook his head.
"You are my only heir, Jon, my only child," the King told him, softly. "My only family. I need you."
Jon's shoulders fell.
"You won't be alone," he promised. "You already have brides waiting for you to come home, to turn the right age."
Sansa frowned. Brides? What was he talking about?
"What do you mean?" Jon asked, confused.
"You'll help me reunite the seven kingdoms, son," the King smiled, encouraging. "And your wives."
The room became tense, but the King didn't seem to care.
"Wives?" Jon repeated.
"The High Septon and the Faith recently came to an agreement," he decided. "You know how Targaryen Kings before us have had multiple wives," he reminded them.
Sansa swallowed down.
"We have settled engagements for you," his father affirmed. "With one lady for each Kingdom, from each head family."
Her father stood up, looking tense, but the King didn't seem to care.
"Margaery Tyrell, Asha Greyjoy and Arianne Martell have already been chosen," he told him. "There is a girl who might be the chosen one for the Lannister's, Lady Myrcella Lannister. She is their oldest girl."
"We haven't found a girl in the Riverlands yet," he continued. "But Lord Frey is eager to offer his daughters and granddaughters. And of course, we were merciful enough to legitimise one of Lord Robert's daughters to represent the Stormlands."
Sansa's blood froze in her veins, and her heart was pounding hard in her chest.
"What about the North?" Jon asked, looking fearful.
The king looked directly at her father, unfazed, and Sansa watched her parents exchanging looks.
"We agreed on an engagement between Jon and Sansa when the king arrived," her father spoke between teeth. "But we didn't know you would have more than one wife."
"But I'm sure you would accept anyway," King Rhaegar spoke, emphatic. "After all, what greater honour there is than being the wife of the King of the Seven Kingdoms. She will be a princess! Potentially, his Queen."
Robb stood up with anger all over his face.
"Father, you can't!" he almost shouted. "Jon sees Sansa as a sister!"
Her parents looked away from Robb, and he turned to Jon.
"You can't say yes to this! Jon, you can't!"
Jon looked down.
"It's not like I have any choice," he said simply.
"You don't have any choice?" Robb shouted.
"Boys," her father tried to step between them, pushing Robb out of the way.
"Let them," the King sat down. 'It's best that they settle this now so the feelings won't linger."
Father seemed like he wanted to fight for a moment, but mother stood up, grabbing his hand.
"The King knows best," she spoke slowly, looking right in his direction.
"She is our sister!" Robb pushed Jon's shoulders.
"She is your sister!" Jon argued. "She doesn't even look at me. Your mother made sure to keep us apart the whole time, you know that."
Robb's shoulders sagged, and the adults moved slowly away, with the King guiding them along.
The moment they left, Jon walked off to take a seat, far too close to where she was hiding with Bran.
"I can't believe they lied to me this whole time," he exhaled. "My whole life!"
Robb walked to him.
"Don't sound so regretful," he rolled his eyes.
Jon shook his head.
"I'm serious!" he argued. "My whole life I've been treated like less than anyone else! Like I'm just someone to be stepped on. And then, out of nowhere, I'm a prince, and they want me to go down South with a bloody king who spent 14 years pretending I was nothing to him?! And then he comes around and says he is my father, about how much he loved my mother and how he just wanted me to be like her?!"
Robb scoffed.
"You are so dramatic," her brother spoke. "This is great! You'll be king! With seven wives! If that was me, I would think I was highly blessed by the gods."
Jon shook his head, but chuckled.
"You were literally about to punch me for being engaged to Sansa."
"Sansa is twelve," Robb affirmed. "I don't want her to get married. Ever."
Sansa pressed her lips together.
What was Robb talking about?
He couldn't want her to be stuck North forever, right? Without a husband and a family?!
"But at least, I know she will marry a good guy," he put a hand on Jon's back. "Who will treat her the way she deserves to be treated."
Jon sighed.
"I don't think this is a good idea," he sighed. "I'm not cut out to be king."
Her brother bumped his arm.
"We were raised side by side," he reminded him. "I know you are ready. I would have you be lord with me when we got older, you know?  So... It's the same thing. But bigger."
Jon chuckled.
"Seven times bigger."
"With seven times the wives!" Robb added, excited.
Sansa scowled. Seven wives?
She was going to share him.
No, she didn't like that.
"Sansa is going to be my queen," he affirmed.
Robb watched him with a bit of interest and hesitancy.
"You don't know the other girls yet."
"I don't need to," he affirmed, shrugging. "Sansa will be my Queen."
Sansa swallowed down. Could he be serious?
"The king looks at me like I'm a dragon, like him," he spoke softly. "But I was raised by your family. I'm a Stark. I want to honour that."
Robb smiled, and they sat together in silence for a moment before her brother-side hugged Jon.
"You'll always be my brother," he affirmed. "Wolf or dragon."
She looked at Bran, who was watching them with big eyes, and touched his shoulder.
"Come on," Sansa whispered, "Let's leave them be."
They walked out together, and her little brother beamed when the two were back in the yard.
"Aren't you excited?" he asked. "You are going to be Queen!"
Sansa hesitated.
She was going to be Queen.
. . .
"The King's Wives" was posted on my Patreon back on June! To read the full story before anyone else and have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega
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veliseraptor · 1 year
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crimsoncold · 4 months
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A list of Fanart by @crimsoncold
Organized by Fandom, includes links to posted art work (in white) and a list of ongoing series (in green), in progress works (in blue), and soon to be posted pieces (in red)
(All artwork will be tagged and made searchable with #Crimson Cold)
A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
Jon Snow x Sansa Stark (Jonsa):
Family Portrait in the godswood of Winterfell
A Shared Dream of Family (day time version)
A Shared Dream of Family (night time version)
Wedding in the Godswood (winter version)
Wedding in the Godswood (spring version)
A Bedding at Winterfell
Future in Winterfell (A Jonsa Collection)
Jonsa Beyond the Wall (A Wildling AU)
Escape to the Free Cities/Essos AU
Jon meets Alayne (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Jonsa Regency AU
Jonsa Period Drama Portraits
Jonsa Modern Hockey AU
Jonsa Post-Apocalyptic AU
Aemond Targaryen x Sansa Stark (Aemondsa):
The Lady Wolf and her Dragon Knight
Alayne Stone and her Dragon Knight
ASOIAF/GOT Second Generation: (HIATUS)
Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark,
Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark,
[House Stark]
Willas Tyrell, Garlan Tyrell, Loras Tyrell
Margaery Tyrell, [House Tyrell]
Arianne Martell, Myrcella Baratheon
Myranda Royce, Mya Stone
ASOIAF First Generation: (HIATUS)
Brandon Stark, Eddard Stark,
Lyanna Stark, Benjen Stark,
[House Stark]
Catelyn Tully, Elia Martell
Arthur Dayne, Ashara Dayne,
Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister
Robert Baratheon, Rhaegar Targaryen
ASOIAF 1st Gen Masterpost
Miscellaneous asoiaf/got:
Alayne Stone Sansa Stark, QITN
Jon Snow Sketch Sansa Stark Sketch
Harry Potter
Harry Potter x Hermione Granger (Harmony):
Family Picnic (TO BE POSTED)
Dancing in the common room (IN PROGRESS)
Sirius Black x Hermione Granger:
Family Outing to Diagon Alley (TO BE POSTED)
Attack on Titan/ Shingeki no Kyojin
Erwin Smith x Levi Ackerman (EruRi):
Expedition beyond Wall Rose
The Witcher/Wiedźmin
Geralt of Rivia portrait (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Fae Jaskier | Dandelion (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Star Wars
Padmé Amidala x Obi-Wan Kenobi (Obidala):
Tatooine AU (TO BE POSTED)
Queen Amidala (TO BE POSTED)
Miscellaneous Fanart
Charles and Anna Cornick (from the Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs)
Kate Daniels (from the Kate Daniels Series by Ilona Andrews)
Check below for a bit about me as an artist and what my posting is going to look like...
Sudden Inspiration and a backlog of art...
For several years I was without the energy or drive to engage in the hobbies I loved so much growing up.
In 2020 (facing a sudden surplus of both free time and solitude) I started to encourage myself to take time for things that had no other purpose than making myself happy. Slowly I once again started to create art that was for my own enjoyment and done at my own pace.
A huge inspiration became the various fandoms I was a part of and by 2021 the ideas I had for various fanart pieces soon became nearly overwhelming- after a multi year drought I was finally excited to make art again!
It would however take me a while to find the courage to share my work anywhere - like many artists I sometimes struggled to see the worth in my own work and soon the absolute plague of AI generated images and AI content scraping was making me dread the idea of sharing anything publically. But with positive encouragement from friends (and holding to the firm belief that any art work/song/story/or creative piece made with the passionate effort of an inspired individual will hold vastly more worth and outdo any AI generated thing in terms of quality, impact, and longevity) I finally decided to just enjoy fully engaging in fandom and posting my fanart for anyone to enjoy.
So right now I have a 2-3 year backlog of fanart I've been working on but never posted anywhere so I'm making a master list up above that will have links to each individual piece organized according to Fandom, Concept/Series, and Pairing.
Also included in the list are completed but not yet posted pieces and in progress pieces that I will post at a later date (hopefully this will encourage me to complete and to post my 50+ backlog of art pieces steadily over time while I focus on making new fanart).
- Crimson Cold
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Stupid shitty classlit AUs on "Game of Thrones". Keep in mind that I last reread ASOIAF almost five years ago.
1. Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish as Heathcliff Earnshaw
2. Lysa Arryn (neé Tully) as Cathy Linton (neé Earnshaw)
3. Jon Arryn as Edgar Linton (I guess)
4. Edmure Tully as Hindley Earnshaw (I am genuinely sorry)
5. Robin Arryn as Linton Heathcliff
6. Sansa Stark (Alaina Stone) as Cathy Jr
7. I really don't know whom to put as Hareton but I am all the way down for Sansa x Mya Stone yuri
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tartheanmaid · 3 years
i feel like there should be a sub-subfandom that is literally just me and maybe two other people for those who ship sansa with every single woman in asoiaf thats age appropriate and then jon. it’ll be like that one audio, “we’ve all seen the pictures, she looks absolutely beautiful… and then he’s there.”
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fromtheboundlesssea · 3 years
Family, Duty, Honor
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Mya: Are we really going to let Rickon and Lyanna keep Shireen?
Myranda: {shrugs} We kept Sansa.
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booksansadaily · 4 years
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sansa in twow for @rorylgilmore
“Someone had left a window open and a stack of papers had blown onto the floor. The sun was slanting through the thick yellow windows, and dust motes danced in the light like tiny golden insects. Though snow had blanketed the heights of the Giant’s Lance above, below the mountain the autumn lingered and winter wheat was ripening in the fields. Outside the window she could hear the laughter of the washerwomen at the well, the din of steel on steel from the ward where the knights were at their drills. Good sounds. Alayne loved it here. She felt alive again, for the first since her father… since Lord Eddard Stark had died.”
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incorrectstarky-b · 4 years
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starks and baratheons twt au 1/?
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