lovely-english-rose · 5 months
i forgot to bring out party hat corrin this year and at this point im too tired to go looking for him 😔
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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By Charlotte Hodgman | Published 12 May 2022
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“1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure... it has turned out to be an ‘Annus Horribilis’,” said the Queen, now famously, in a speech marking her 40th year on the throne. Indeed, 1992 had proved difficult for the royal family, with the breakdown of Prince Charles’ and Prince Andrew’s marriages, Princess Anne’s divorce, and a fire at Windsor Castle high on the list of unfortunate events.
B is for... BIRTHDAYS
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Thanks to the unpredictability of the British weather, the Queen celebrates two birthdays every year: the day she was born (21 April) and the second Saturday in June. The two-birthday tradition began with George II in 1748 – his November birthday was deemed to be too cold for al fresco celebrations, so he decided to attach his birthday celebrations to the Trooping the Colour ceremonial parade held in the summer.
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‘Poulet Reine Elizabeth’ – better known as coronation chicken – was dreamt up in 1953 by florist Constance Spry and cordon bleu chef Rosemary Hume. The dish is said to have been inspired by the ‘Jubilee Chicken’ recipe that was created in 1935 for George V’s Silver Jubilee, but, in an era of postwar rationing, coronation chicken is unlikely to have been on the menu of many street parties in 1953.
D is for... DOGS
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The Queen’s love of dogs, specifically the corgi breed, is well-known; she has owned more than 30 corgis since her accession. Perhaps her closest canine friend, though, was Susan, the Pembroke Welsh corgi who was given to the-then Princess Elizabeth on her 18th birthday. The pup even took part in her wedding to Prince Philip – riding in the state coach (hidden under a blanket) and travelling with the royal couple on their honeymoon.
E is for... EMAIL
In March 1976, the Queen made history when she became the author of the first royal email. Distributed using ARPANET – a forerunner of the internet – from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment in Malvern, Worcestershire, the message announced the development of a new programming language. It was sent from the Queen’s – rather predictably named – personal email account: HME2.
F is for... FATHER
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When Princess Elizabeth was born in 1926, her father was still Prince Albert, Duke of York, but in 1936, life changed dramatically when Albert took the throne as George VI, meaning that Elizabeth was now heir apparent. Elizabeth’s preparation for queenship began almost immediately and father and daughter developed a close bond as he trained his eldest child for her future role as monarch.
G is for... GIFTS
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Queen Elizabeth II has received countless gifts throughout her reign – some precious, others... more unusual. Several live animals have been presented to the Queen, including a young Nile crocodile from the People of Berending on the Gambia River and two Aldabra giant tortoises from the Government and People of the Seychelles.
H is for... HATS
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The Queen is known for her vibrantly coloured coats with matching headgear, but just how many hats does the royal wardrobe contain? While the exact number is not confirmed, Her Majesty is rumoured to have donned more than 5,000 hats over the duration of her reign.
I is for... INTRUDER
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Several intruders have been apprehended in the grounds of royal residences over the years, but none have made it as far as Michael Fagan, who, in 1982, broke into Buckingham Palace and found his way to the Queen’s bedroom. Since trespass was then a civil offence, Fagan was only tried for burglary (having helped himself to half a bottle of wine), and spent several months at a psychiatric hospital.
J is for... JUBILEE
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This year, the Queen marks her Platinum Jubilee, becoming the first British monarch to celebrate 70 years on the throne. She will follow in the footsteps of other famous monarchs who have celebrated milestones in their reigns, including Edward III (r1327–77), who is said to have celebrated his Golden Jubilee with a magnificent procession from the Tower of London.
K is for... KENYA
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It was during a stay at Treetops Hotel in Nyeri, Kenya, on 6 February 1952, that Princess Elizabeth learned that her father, George VI, had died. She and Prince Philip had been enjoying a short break in the African country during the first leg of a Commonwealth tour, but flew home immediately, landing in London the next day.
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Fourteen US presidents have come and gone over the past 70 years, but only one failed to meet the Queen face to face. Despite corresponding by letter between March 1964 and July 1967, neither Queen Elizabeth II nor President Lyndon B Johnson issued invitations for the other to visit.
M is for... MOTHERHOOD
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Assuming the throne with two small children – Prince Charles (3) and Princess Anne (18 months) – meant juggling monarchy with motherhood from the off, and long periods of time away from family while touring. Two more children (Prince Andrew and Prince Edward) followed in 1960 and 1964 respectively, ensuring the continuity of the Windsor line.
N is for... NICKNAMES
Despite her dignified demeanour, the Queen is said to have a number of nicknames within the royal family, including ‘Gary’ (bestowed by a young Prince William who had confused the word with ‘Granny’). Princess Charlotte is said to use ‘Gan-Gan’, while the late Prince Philip often called his wife ‘Cabbage’ – perhaps from the French term of endearment, mon petit chou (my little cabbage).
O is for... OBEY
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When the future Elizabeth II married Philip Mountbatten in 1947, eyebrows were raised over the choice of wedding vows. The word ‘obey’ had been removed from the Church of England service in 1928, two years after women were permitted to own property on the same terms as men, but Princess Elizabeth chose to include the word in her vows, promising to “love, cherish, and to obey” her new husband.
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The Queen and Prince Philip enjoyed a 73-year marriage before his death in April 2021. The pair were introduced in 1934, and met again five years later at the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth when Elizabeth was 13 and Philip was 18. It was here, reportedly, that Elizabeth fell in love with her future husband, a man she described on their golden wedding anniversary as being her “strength and stay”.
Conventional schooling is a fairly recent choice for the British royal family, with Prince Charles the first heir to the throne to have received a formal education and attain a university degree. Both the Queen and her younger sister, Princess Margaret, were home-schooled by a governess, with the young Elizabeth also receiving lessons in constitutional history after she became heir to the throne.
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The future Queen made her first public address on 13 October 1940, aged 14. Joined by Princess Margaret, the speech was broadcast at the start of Children’s Hour on the BBC World Service, and was aimed at children who had been evacuated from Britain to America, Canada and elsewhere.
You can listen to the recording via the BBC Archive: bbc.co.uk/archive/childrens-hour--princess-elizabeth/z7wm92p
S is for... SWANS
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The Crown has claimed ownership of mute swans (a particular species of swan) since the 12th century, when monarchs liked to tuck into the white waterbird at feasts. A ‘Swan Upping’ ceremony, led by the Queen’s Swan Marker, takes place in the third week of July each year on a particular stretch of the River Thames, and any swans found are checked over – for health reasons, rather than as a potential meal.
T is for... TOURS
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During her long reign, Elizabeth II has travelled more than a million miles (1,032,513 to be precise) and visited 117 different countries, despite never owning a passport. In 2015, having flown the equivalent of 42 times around the globe since her accession, the Queen finally hung up her boarding pass and retired from overseas travel, making a trip to Malta her last foreign tour.
U is for... UNCLE EDWARD
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At her birth in 1926, baby Elizabeth was third in line to the throne, behind her uncle Edward (later Edward VIII) and her father (later George VI), and seemingly destined to be pushed down the line of succession by the births of brothers and male cousins. But on Edward VIII’s abdication in 1936 her future took a new direction and her path to queenship began.
V is for... VE DAY
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In 1985, the Queen confessed in a BBC interview that, on 8 May 1945, she had secretly joined in the public celebrations that had followed the announcement that the war in Europe had ended. Dressed in her Auxiliary Territorial Service uniform ( see next box ), she and Princess Margaret snuck out of the palace and joined the celebrating crowds on London’s streets, all without being recognised.
W is for... WORLD WAR II
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Aged 13 when WWII broke out, Princess Elizabeth was evacuated to Windsor Castle with her nine-year-old sister, Princess Margaret. As the conflict progressed, Elizabeth joined in with the war effort, tending her allotments as part of the Dig for Victory campaign and eventually joining the Auxiliary Territorial Service. She is the first female royal to have joined the armed services as a full-time active member.
X is for... X-RAYS
From tea towels to teapots, royal memorabilia is a massive business, but not all collectibles have received the royal seal of approval. In 2011, 18 dental X-rays of Elizabeth II’s teeth, together with those of her mother and father – taken between 1942 and 1946 – were withdrawn from an auction in Gloucestershire. Lawyers for the royal family cited a right of privacy for medical records and the lot was pulled from sale.
Y is for... YACHT
Now a popular visitor attraction and events venue in Edinburgh’s Port of Leith, HMY Britannia served the royal family for 44 years, travelling more than a million nautical miles. But in December 1997, the yacht was deemed too expensive to maintain and run, and the huge vessel was decommissioned. The Queen is said to have shed a tear at the ship’s decommissioning ceremony in Portsmouth.
Z is for... ZAMBIA
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The Queen is expected to remain politically neutral, but she has, on occasion, been a target for the decisions of her governments. In 1979, during a visit to Zambia, some Zambians waved banners in protest against the UK government’s plans to recognise the controversial political regime of neighbouring Zimbabwe Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), led by Abel Muzorewa.
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knoepfchen · 8 months
okay so ONE:
I think about the goddamn calender fic every day of my life
What is hope you're having a gay old time (TOG) 👀
the goddamn calendar fic is 15k of madness that i'm stuck at because i've noticed a plot hole in the insurance fraud scheme i've cooked up that, let's be honest, probably no one would care about, BUT I DO 😩
and second. i think i started this one as a gift fic for you and it has since sprawled - it's based on this post
‘Two can play this game. Or three, or four,’ Joe continues, still sounding a little like a sixteen year old trying out for a role in a Shakespeare play for the first time. It’s not unusual for him. ‘I’m asking again. Who here dared to put a suggestion on my desk that reads, and I quote, “copy: well waddle ya kno - it's your birthday! artwork: duck or penguin with party hat.”’ First: nothing. Then: a badly disguised snort to Joe’s left, from a man with mousy brown hair and wire-rimmed glasses resting upon an impressive nose. Joe stalks over to him and holds up the piece of paper with the offending words in front of him.  ‘Did you write this?’ The man blinks up at him with faultless innocence. ‘If I did - it is a good pun, no?’ His lovely Italian accent means the word pun is about three times as long as it needs to be, but Joe isn’t distracted by that. He crunches up the piece of paper in his fist, drops it in the bin, and stalks out of the writers’ room. 30 minutes earlier Nile is already at her desk when Joe shuffles into the office, his head buried deep in his red scarf.
it's the pun one! my WIP doc actually features that pic you shared of that swimsuit you bought last year with the flowers on it. yes, the "you're my solmate" one. actually the whole doc is filled with awful puns from cards, this one is my favourite:
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(WIP Game)
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the Hat-O-Mat Drive-In Restaurant in Niles, Ohio!
The Hat-O-Mat Drive-In Restaurant in Niles, Ohio is a delightful spot with a fascinating history.
Back in 1938, Clarence and Ruth Perkins opened the Ma Perkins Inn in a house on the north side of U.S. 422, just east of Pineview Cemetery. Their goal? To serve folks who craved honest-to-goodness home cooking. The specialty? Chicken dinners, available either family-style or plated. But that’s not all—steak and ham were also on the menu!
Around six months later, the Perkins family purchased the Stohl farm on the west side of U.S. 422, just north of Bellwood Avenue. They moved their restaurant there, and Ruth took charge of the cooking while Clarence (affectionately known as “Cy”) handled everything else: hiring, chicken-killing duties, bookkeeping, advertising, and greeting guests. The menu boasted cream chicken (a full course for 50 cents), plate-style fried chicken (75 cents), and an all-you-can-eat fried chicken option for a dollar.
During World War II, when prices were frozen, Ruth and Cy raised their own chickens. They even converted their garage into a makeshift butcher shop to meet the inn’s poultry needs.
But wait, there’s more! Ruth and Cy sponsored a live radio program called “Party Time at Ma Perkins,” which aired on Warren’s radio station, WHHH. Between 200 and 250 women would show up for lunch during those show days. Ted Niemi served as the master of ceremonies, and Edith Kempe played the piano. And the pièce de résistance? A prize awarded for the funniest hat brought in by the ladies.
And if you’re wondering about the Hat-O-Mat Drive-In, it was another venture by the Perkins family. Located just south of Ma Perkins Inn, this drive-in restaurant featured moving eyes on the front of the building. Cars would line up on both sides of U.S. 422 to catch a glimpse!
So, next time you’re in Niles, Ohio, consider paying homage to the Perkins legacy by visiting these delightful spots. Who knows—you might even spot a giant hot dog with special sauce!
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taomyou · 10 months
The Romance of Reimbursements - Chapter 15
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader Status: COMPLETED Summary: There’s a guy you see every Friday on bus 143, and you think he’s pretty hot. It wouldn’t hurt to tell your best friend about him, would it? or, you and Levi take the same bus home from work every Friday, and you fall in love slowly, clumsily, and with all the time in the world to fold as many paper stars as your heart desires. Word Count: 6.2k Tags: slow burn, friends to lovers, modern au, office au, fluff, romance, meet-cute, matchmaking (A/N: this fic is entirely available on ao3 here if you would like to read it there instead!) Chapter Navigation Accompanying Playlist
miss me?
Just before everyone can set off their confetti poppers, the elevator opens to reveal Eren instead of the intended Petra and Oluo.
“Where are they?” You shout after him. Eren rushes over to your, Mikasa, and Armin’s spot in the huddle of people crowded in front of the elevator, and the three of you frantically shove party favors into his hands before demanding an answer again. The people around you all silence themselves to hear him speak.
“Oluo’s in the bathroom shitting his brains out! Petra said he forgot his lactose tolerance pills at home!” He groans, dramatically gagging as he rushes to put on his party hat.
A chorus of “ew”s and other disgusted sounds fill the room, and it’s a lot noisier than it would've been if it was just a normal office birthday party.
Everyone from the finance department snuck down during their lunch break for “a meeting,” and both departments worked together to get the party ready. Erwin promised everyone that because it was the first time that two people in the firm were getting married, he’d make sure that everyone’s paperwork for the day was cut down.
You’re not really sure how he has the jurisdiction to do that for the finance department, but he’s been gone on meetings with Nile a lot lately, so you assume that he got the green light from him.
While you all were doing this, Petra and Oluo were blissfully having lunch on their own up on the finance floor.
Well, as blissfully as they could’ve, consider what Oluo’s busy doing in the bathroom right now.
“How much longer do we have?” Someone shouts.
“She said she’d come down in five minutes, with or without him!” Eren shouts back.
“Well, we need both of them, so somebody go get him out of the bathroom!” Someone else prompts. You watch as a few guys start to go over to the elevator, but Erwin’s voice booms through the space to stop them.
“Calm down, everyone! I’m sure they’ll both be here!”
“And if they aren’t?!”
There’s a silence before Erwin sighs, and he steps out to approach the elevator, taking off his comically tight party hat. “I’ll go, then.”
Cheers and applause fill the air, hurting your ears, but you join in nonetheless and shout your thanks to Erwin. The elevator beeps again, telling him that the next lift is available.
Erwin’s just about to step in, but before he can, he pauses.
He stands in place for a second and claps loudly, seemingly to himself.
“Congratulations!” He shouts, completely unprompted.
Nobody can see over his tall frame at what’s there, but when he finally moves out of the way, there’s both Petra and Oluo standing in the elevator. Everyone cheers again, shouting their own congratulations to the couple and setting off their party poppers, and the space fills again with even more noise. They both look confused, but they eventually smile and start laughing. The elevator door is about to close in on them, but Erwin quickly moves back over to stop the shutting mechanism, and he ushers them out to start celebrating.
There’s a crowd of people that rush to talk to them first, so you move to go get the gifts from your office to bring for them. Armin follows closely behind you to help, and you thank him once you’re in the quiet room and he can hear you properly.
“What’d you end up getting for them?” He asks.
You motion him to come over and help you lift the first wrapped box. After you’ve both got it comfortably in your hands, you answer. “I picked out an espresso machine with some guy from finance, but I don’t know what other people got. Erwin wrapped everything, and he just dropped all these off here in the morning.”
You and Armin wobble out of your office and out onto the main floor, and everyone moves out of the way when they see you both struggling with it. Other people follow suit and go into your office to get the rest of the presents, and soon enough, everything’s out in the open on a lone table somebody stole from a nearby conference room.
The couple is eager to rip into the presents, as is everyone else to watch them do it, and it isn’t long before they’re whining about how expensive everything is and how they didn’t need any gifts. When you whisper to Petra that the company paid for it, she pauses before smiling again, and her and Oluo disperse to go and talk to people in the office.
You slip away to go and start passing out some of the treats you brought from home for the occasion, and people flock to you like pigeons to a slice of bread. There’s still plenty left after everyone’s grabbed something, but you still stay at your self-designated spot because you’re too lazy to maneuver your way through the crowd again.
You watch from a distance as Petra plows through all the formalities from other coworkers in the office before coming to you with a bright smile on her face.
“Hey, you!” She greets, going for a hug. “Are you sure nobody actually paid for the gifts?”
You accept her hug with open arms and a laugh, patting her hair. “Yes, yes, we all used a company credit card when we went shopping.”
She pulls away from you, looking at your face to make sure you aren’t lying, before hugging you again and childishly rocking back-and-forth.
“Ooh, still, you guys didn’t have to do all this! It’s already been 2 months since the engagement, I thought everyone just forgot!”
You shake your head with a smile. “We just didn’t have time, you know how it is.”
The two of you stay and talk, as you haven't had the chance to catch up until now. You don't have much to tell her, but she has plenty of stories about her and Oluo to tell you. Neither of you let go of the other, but that works out anyway because nobody tries to pull her away to pester her about wedding plans.
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask! How’s your boyfriend doing?”
At that, you can only look back at her in confusion.
“What boyfriend?”
“You know, that one guy you went out with on Valentine’s Day,” she teases, going to push back a strand of hair away from your face. “I saw him in the lobby when I was leaving a while ago, but I forgot to ask you about him.”
Is she talking about Levi?
“How do you even know he was there for me?”
“I was walking to my car with Erwin, and he stopped us to ask if you were still working. Erwin told him he could come up to the office, but he said he was fine waiting in the lobby for you to finish.”
It’s no surprise that he was waiting for you—you already knew that, and you already gave your adequate thanks (at least, you hope you did).
"Petra, he's not my boyfriend," you deadpan.
She groans, pulling away to pinch your cheek. "Are you sure? Don't you at least like him?"
"Yes, Petra, I'm sure he isn't my boyfriend," you tell her, now rubbing at your cheek. This time, though, you're not sure how to answer the second question. 
You're not stupid. Far from it, actually. Even you know that there's something off about your feelings for Levi.
You know you're attracted to him, that much isn't something you can really deny anymore.
Saying that you just don't know him well enough isn't exactly right either.
You'd like to think you're good friends now, and the feeling of closeness that just inherently comes along with that is definitely there.
But you still aren't sure about anything beyond that. Maybe it's because of your inexperience, maybe it's because of your consistent lack of attention to it, maybe it's something you have no idea about.
What you do know is that you can keep ignoring it, so you’re going to do that instead of giving it any thought at all.
Still, you want to ask Petra for help in figuring it out at some point, but now isn't the time, so you'll settle for telling her that you don't feel any particular way about him. Thankfully, she switches gears to talk about something else, and you're granted yet another escape from your feelings, no matter how real they may be.
"Hey, sweetheart! Why'd you call? Need something?"
"Hi! Hey, do you think you could take Levi out tonight? Get him out of the house?"
"Sure! Why, need the place to yourself?"
Isabel's phone is on speaker, so both of them can hear what's being said. Isabel hesitates and takes a second to look over at Furlan, who zips his mouth.
"Yeah, I was gonna bring a hook-up over, and Levi doesn't like him coming over when he's home."
Furlan silently screams at Isabel, who can only do her best to swat him away without letting his presence be known to the other end of the line.
"Ooh, you fox, hooking up on a Monday! Yeah, I can take him off your hands. Me and Astraea were thinking about trying this new restaurant downtown, so I'll just take him and Erwin with us."
Furlan and her both look to each other in a panic.
"No! Don't do that!"
"Huh? Why not?"
"Uh," another pause, "Levi's on a diet, he can't eat out right now."
"Girl, we both know he needs to eat as much as he can to grow nice and tall, his ass is not on a diet."
Furlan's unable to contain his laughter, and the sound gets Hange's attention again.
"Hey! Is that Furlan?"
Isabel groans into the line, the jig now up, and she collapses forward onto the table. "Yes."
"What's going on? Are you guys scheming something?"
The plan was to get you and Isabel alone at the house so that she could ask you questions about Levi to try and get more information about the note out of you, but that won’t exactly work if Hange’s in on it. Isabel has a big mouth, but Hange’s is even bigger, and there’s no way they’d let Isabel and Furlan get away with a scheme unless they also had something to do with it.
Hange assumes the silence is enough of an answer. “You totally are!”
“Count me in! What’s the plan?”
Well, better to have three masterminds at work than two. Maybe Hange can rope in Erwin too, might as well get the whole crew together to pull this off.
The two housemates share another look before looking back down at Isabel’s phone, Furlan tapping it back to life. “Got any ideas? Our’s probably isn’t any good.”
“Boy, have I got ideas! Are you guys free on Friday?”
You stretch up from your seat, yawning. The stack of paperwork still at your desk stares back at you, taunting you meanly, and you have to press the palms of your hands into your eyes to keep from falling asleep.
Shame on you for believing for even a second that paperwork would be easier this week after Erwin’s firm-wide Monday sweep.
Mikasa frowns at you from her spot on the floor, having been assigned filing duty today. “Do you need some help? I can stay late today to finish filing.”
You sigh before reaching over to the top piece of the stack. “You shouldn’t stay, Eren told me earlier that you guys were going on a date today.”
“But aren’t you gonna miss the bus?”
You check your phone for the time: 2:03 PM. “I mean, I have an hour, and it doesn’t really matter as long as I text Levi—” you stop yourself. You probably shouldn’t tell Levi you’re staying late, you’d feel bad if he had to wait for you again (you also don’t need any rumors going around the office about you having a significant other). You can give him his tea next week anyway, or you might run into him again between now and next Friday. “As long as I get out of the office by, like, 8.”
Mikasa’s probably too tired to catch your mistake, and you’re grateful that she doesn’t.
“I can still stay a while, Eren probably won’t be done by the time we have to go anyway.”
“You kids are young, don’t sell your soul to the 9-to-5 lifestyle just yet.”
She rolls her eyes before turning back to the filing cabinet. “We already work in this hellhole, there’s no saving us now.”
“It isn’t so bad. We have a lot of random office parties to look forward to.”
“Aren’t those even more work for you to plan?”
Before you can answer, you get a phone call.
Huh, you probably forgot to silence your phone earlier. Good thing it didn’t go off while you were meeting with any clients earlier. You check the screen to see that it’s Hange calling, and you smile to yourself as you accept it. Mikasa hears you take the call and just busies herself with the filing to give you your privacy. You also turn your chair so that you're facing the window and away from your desk.
“What’s up? You never call me when I’m at work.”
“Hey girl! You free tonight?”
“Uh,” you turn your head to look back at the paperwork. “Probably not, I’m stuck at work.”
“Ugh, forget about work for once! Can’t you do it over the weekend?”
You roll your eyes, leaning back into your chair. “You know I hate doing that shit over the weekend.”
“Just this once? Please? Isabel failed one of her finals and she’s really bummed out about it, so I was thinking we could do something to cheer her up.”
Your stomach drops.
Isabel’s in her last year, and you can’t imagine having the pressure of having to sort out a failed final right before graduation. You remember Levi telling you that Isabel was taking the MCAT at the end of the month too, so she’s probably stressed as all hell right now, even without the failed test.
You don’t really see Isabel around too often, only ever really whenever you’re over at her, Levi, and Furlan’s place, but you still feel for her. She’s so sweet and welcoming—how could you not?
“What time were you thinking?”
You hear Hange hum over the phone.
Weird, you normally wouldn’t be able to pick up on that when you’re on the phone with them.
Oh well, they’re probably just on speaker because their hands are busy.
“How’s 6? I was thinking we could get dinner and drinks?”
You pull your phone away from your ear to check the time again: 2:12 PM.
Yeah, you can take your paperwork home just this once. It’s pretty standard practice for everyone at the firm anyway, you just avoid it like the plague because you don’t want to get into the habit. Maybe you’ll take up Mikasa’s offer if Eren really is also staying late, but you definitely will still be staying at the office until the very last second so you won’t have too much to do over the weekend.
“That works.”
“I can pick you up from work! You’re dressed super hot, right?”
You deadpan. “If you want to call my work clothes ‘super hot,’ then be my guest.”
“Hey, business attire is super hot!”
“Yeah, yeah. Do you need me to make reservations?”
“Nope, I got it all under control! I’ll come get you at 5:30 or something!”
“Sounds good. Do you think we could stop somewhere and get something for Isabel, too? Maybe that’d help her feel better.”
“Uh, ” there’s an awkward pause before they resume. “Isabel’s not really big on gifts, so we can just take care of the bill for her.”
“I already assumed that I was the one paying,” you joke. “But sure, that’s fine too. See you later, then?”
“Bye, Hange.”
They hang up, and you sigh as you turn your chair back towards your desk.
“Are you sure you’re fine staying back? Do you wanna go check with Eren to make sure it’s okay?”
She nods before getting up, stretching her arms as she comes back to her usual work spot at your desk. “He can wait, you take better care of me anyway.”
“That’s not a very nice thing to say about your boyfriend, Mikasa,” you tease. “Let me know if you need any help with any of the documents, yeah?”
“I’m the one that’s supposed to be helping you,” she mumbles her breath.
You shake your head with a smile. “You’re right, my bad.”
Before you pocket your phone, you pull up Levi’s contact.
You - 2:20 PM
hi! no need to wait up for me, i’m not taking the bus today
You’re not exactly happy with the wording of the message, but you hit send anyway.
Isabel probably hasn’t told anyone other than Hange that she failed her final, so you don’t want to accidentally let on that there’s something going on if you say anything about the dinner plans to Levi.
You hope Levi wasn’t looking too forward to the tea, but you know you’ll find a way to make it up to him anyway. It’s not like these weekly run-ins are anything special to him… they might be to you, but there’s no way Levi braves himself through the entire workweek just to talk to you for 30 minutes every Friday.
You make sure to silence your phone before putting it away in your briefcase so that it can’t distract you, and you exchange it for your laptop to check for anything you might need to tend to.
You’re grateful for Mikasa’s help because by 4:12, you’re completely done with the paperwork. Thankfully, Eren’s still occupied with his own work right now, so while Mikasa waits for him, you help her finish up with filing everything and getting it ready for the next workweek.
Once you’re finished with everything, you and her head over to the breakroom to grab some water, but before you can get there, Erwin stops you.
“Going home soon?” He asks the both of you.
“Yeah,” Mikasa answers curtly. She slips away to head to the breakroom on her own, and you curse her for leaving you to deal with Erwin alone.
You love the guy, you really do, but right now, you want to indulge yourself for a few seconds before you have to go get shit-faced with your neighbor and a wallowing college student.
“Yeah, I’m headed out soon.”
Instead of asking any questions like you expect him to, he just smiles and nods. “Have fun, alright?”
…Weird, but okay.
You nod to him in return, and he just walks away. When you get to the breakroom, you see that Eren’s also there, just slumped over in a chair in front of his laptop.
“Still working on something?” You ask.
“Nah, just checking my emails before I leave,” he says. “I got a job offer.”
“Are you planning to take it?” Mikasa asks, moving to stand behind him.
You think that she’s going to give him a shoulder rub or something, but she instead forces Eren to sit up straighter and lightly knocks the back of his head. He doesn’t seem all that fazed by it, which is a bit odd, but you suppose that that’s just their way of being lovey-dovey.
“It isn’t my first choice,” he grumbles. “Ideally, we all stay here.”
“About that, have you heard any news about who’s getting hired?” Mikasa asks you.
You go over to the fridge to grab waters for yourself and Mikasa, and you hand one to her as you take your own seat near them. “Not really, but I didn’t know I was staying until a week before graduation, so I wouldn’t count on knowing anything until then.”
“Do you think what I heard from Nile was right? That we could all stay?”
You take a second to open your water bottle and take a sip before answering. “I’m sure you’ll all get hired if the company can afford it.”
Eren sighs before closing his laptop and putting down his head on top of it. “I hope you’re right, I hate job hunting.”
You resign yourself to go get your briefcase and personal items from your office, and you wait for Mikasa to get her things too before locking the door and going over to the elevator. Eren ends up on the same lift down, and the three of you just bitch about work until it’s time for you to go your separate directions.
When you reach the lobby, you don’t have time to reach for your phone before you see Hange pull up. You quickly say goodbye to the receptionist, and you rush out to get to their car before they can get ticketed.
You see Isabel in the passenger seat, so you slip quietly into the backseat. “Thanks for coming to get me,” you greet. You take a second to put your seatbelt on properly and get your briefcase safely put down next to you.
The two of them are oddly quiet, but you just attribute that to Isabel feeling down. “Where are we headed?” You ask.
Hange looks back at you at the cost of accidentally swerving into the wrong lane. “There’s this diner I used to go to a lot during undergrad, I don’t think either of you guys have ever been there.”
Isabel turns back in her seat to look at you too, and she sends you a sad wave. “Thanks for coming, we know you’re busy.”
You frown. “Don’t worry about me, I ended up finishing up with work before I left. Are you doing okay?”
She nods enthusiastically. “Yeah! I just need to get drunk enough to forget, and then I’ll deal with the repercussions later.”
Hange makes a sharp turn, and you and Isabel both go to grip the grab handles at your seats.
“That’s not very responsible, but I feel you. And Hange, I fucking swear, you’re driving like you’re already drunk! Just fucking pull over and switch with me!”
The rest of the ride is peaceful enough, especially now that Hange isn’t the one driving, and you reach the diner soon enough. You’re tired of reading words at this point, so you and Isabel both just follow Hange inside without reading the name of the diner.
It is pretty crowded, though, which is a good enough indicator that the food is good, and that's enough for you. Based on the events of the earlier parts of the night, you won’t be drinking anyway, so it won’t matter if the alcohol is terrible.
As long as Isabel feels better, you're fine being designated driver.
Hange shamelessly plows through the people crowding the waiting area and marches right on up to the hostess stand. You can’t hear what they tell the hostess over the chatter that fills the space, but she eventually leads the three of you to a booth with six menus already placed down. You move awkwardly to sit down next to Isabel, but she shoos you away to sit on the other side while Hange slips past you.
“You hate me, don’t you?”
Isabel groans. “No, I don’t! There’s just one cocktail menu at our table, and you’re not drinking!”
“Who said I wasn’t drinking?”
“We’ll crash!”
“As if we weren’t already going to with you driving sober earlier, Hange.” You go to pick up a menu for yourself. “Why are there six menus here? I thought it was only the three of us tonight.”
Quite unceremoniously, a very familiar voice cuts in.
“What are these fuckers doing here?”
You look over to see Levi, Furlan, and Erwin. You turn back to look at Hange and Isabel, both of whom have big grins on their faces.
“There’s your answer!” Hange cheers.
Well, the more the merrier.
They motion for everyone to get into their seats, and Levi ends up sliding in next to you.
You greet Levi with a bump to his left shoulder. “Miss me?” You tease.
He grumbles as he goes to grab his menu. “No.”
You laugh before going back to decide on your own meal for the evening, as does everyone else. A waitress comes soon enough to take everyone’s drink orders first, and it turns out that Levi’s the boys’ designated driver and he can’t drink either. Levi also not-so subtly tells you that the tea at this particular diner is “glorified piss” so neither of you order any, instead getting waters while the rest of the table gets whatever drinks they’re in the mood for. The waitress also takes all of your food orders before leaving for the kitchen.
When the waitress comes back a few minutes later with everyone’s drinks, she also brings everyone napkins, so while the others talk amongst themselves to get settled in, you take the napkins for yourself to start tearing at. You feel Levi’s gaze on you, and you turn slightly so that you’re facing him.
“Wanna learn how to make one?” You ask.
He shrugs, but he also turns to you.
You roll your eyes before you hand him the thin strip you’ve already torn off. He holds it awkwardly between his fingers as you carefully tear off another piece for yourself, and you reorient yourself so that he can follow along with what you’re doing.
“Pinch it between your fingers, like this,” you tell him. He follows along closely, eyes flickering back and forth between his paper and yours. You give a nod of approval once he’s gotten the first part down.
“Mhm, then you lift this part here and tuck it in.” You have to repeat the motion a few times for him to understand what you mean, but he eventually gets it and gets the knot cleanly started. “And then you press it flat.”
He sighs and puts his right elbow on the table. “So you have to do all this just to fucking smash it?”
“Trust the process, loser.” You show him very slowly how to press down on the looped part of the strip of paper. He doesn’t quite get it, but after you reposition his fingers so that he can do it properly, he has it just fine.
This time, there’s no sparks for you to ignore. Instead, his hands just feel warm—comfortable, even—against yours.
“Now what? This looks nothing like a star,” he complains.
“You’ve seen me make these, like, a million times before, is none of this familiar to you?”
He flips you off underneath the table with his left hand. “Fuck off, you fold it so fucking fast that I can’t even tell what’s happening when you do it.”
Your smile at the hidden compliment while you shake your head. “Yeah, yeah, I know I’m just that good.”
You do the subsequent folds along with him, stopping after each one, before you both have thick pentagon-shaped pieces of paper between your fingers. “You tuck in this little piece at the end, yeah?”
“Yeah.” A pause. “Where do I tuck it in?”
You tilt your head to properly see where he’s meant to do it. “There,” you point. You accidentally lean your head on his shoulder, but neither of you make any mention of it as he goes to follow your direction.
“Then you pinch the corners, like this.” You go to pinch the first edge of your star, and you wait for Levi to do the same. He’s hesitant to go through with it, though, so you reposition his fingers again so that he can feel a bit more comfortable doing it.
After he goes to pinch it, you can see his expression brighten just a tiny bit when the form puffs up, finally starting to look like a star.
“Good job,” you praise. “Think you can do the other sides on your own?”
“Fuck no.”
You laugh before showing him the same process four more times, and soon enough, he has a pretty paper star in the palm of his hand that matches yours.
“See! Look how pretty it is.”
He scoffs. “You practically made it for me.”
“It’s still yours!”
He hums to himself as he rocks it back-and-forth in his hand. “Wanna trade?”
You frown. “You don’t like the one you made?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t.”
“Sure then. Jokes on you, yours is cuter anyway.”
He rolls his eyes before holding out a palm to you, and you do the same for him to drop his star in. You bring it up closer to your face so you can look at it before carefully putting it into your pocket.
You go to start tearing more pieces for yourself to fold, but this time, Levi only watches.
Everyone around you feels drowned out, as loud and drunk they are, but you still glow inside when you take brief glances at your friends around the table and see them having fun.
None of them seem to be that bothered with talking to neither you nor Levi right now, Hange and Isabel enamored in their own conversation about science (or something or other) and Erwin and Furlan talking about Gundam builds.
As you fold the stars up, you hand them to Levi who continues to roll them between his fingers.
The food comes after a decently short wait, considering how many people are in the diner, and soon enough, everyone’s laughter fills the small bubble that is your booth. Of course the people around you are also rowdy, but it seems like you can’t be bothered with them while you’re busy cracking jokes with people at the table. Hange and Erwin naturally lead the conversation, having the dominant personalities that they do, but everyone still participates to whichever degree they’re comfortable with in the moment.
The drinks do little to their behavior, probably because they all act drunk when they’re sober anyway (except for Erwin, who’s alcohol tolerance is apparently higher than even Levi’s), but the liquid courage is useful for the childish game of “two truths, one lie” that gets started after everyone’s finished eating. It starts with you telling them that you’ve broken a bone and that you know how to play the violin, but the drunk people at the table take it a bit further by bringing up past sexual escapades and embarrassing childhood stories.
Nevermind that, though, because it’s all still lively and fun, and you barely have a second to breathe before someone says something that has you on the floor. Levi obviously doesn’t partake to the same level that everyone else does, but you swear you’ve caught him at least chuckling at some of the things said throughout the evening.
Nobody makes any mention of Isabel and her schoolwork, but you’re more thankful than confused because it’d probably be hard for her to be reminded of that in the middle of the fun.
When it comes time to pay, everyone except for Isabel gives their cards to Erwin, who’s the closest to the waitress when she comes back, and he has her pick from the five cards in his hand.
All of you, Levi included, cheer when she chooses Erwin’s credit card, and he just laughs along with the rest of you when she comes back shortly after with the customer copy to sign.
When you go to reach for your phone to check the time, you realize that your phone is still in Hange’s car.
Well, your tea for Levi is in there too, so you might as well just get it for him now.
“Hey, Hange?”
They look up at you, wiping at the fog building on their glasses. “Yeah?”
“Can I get something from your car? It’ll only take a second.”
“Oh, sure. Here,” they toss you their keys. “Take Levi with you!”
You and Levi exchange confused expressions with one another, but after Erwin gets out of the way, Levi does follow you out to the car.
He leans on the hood as you go to the backseat to fish out your phone and the tea from your briefcase. After you make sure that the door is locked, you move over to the front of the car and hold out the tea to him.
“If you thought I forgot, I didn’t,” you tell him with a smile.
He takes it from you, squinting to see the label under the dim street lighting. “I’ve never seen this brand before, is it foreign?”
You nod. “I found it when I went shopping for my friend’s engagement gifts, I thought you’d like it.”
He nods, turning the box to read the lettering. He doesn’t seem like he’s going to be heading back inside anytime soon, so you go to stand on the parking bump and balance yourself on it. Thank goodness you wore flats today.
The quiet is a nice break from the noise of the diner, and it feels like you’re back in that bubble from earlier, where Levi’s hands felt more warm than they were electric.
“I lied.”
Slightly startled by the sudden break of silence, you look over at him, careful to keep yourself grounded so you don’t lose your balance. “About what?”
He keeps his eyes down, still looking at the box of tea. “When you asked if I missed you today.”
You feel a small hiccup in your chest. “Really?"
“Yeah, I wanted to complain about this client I had on Tuesday.”
You roll your eyes before hopping off the parking bump and joining Levi at his space on the car. You lean on it as well, though careful to avoid getting your clothes dirty, before you clear your throat and look up at the streetlamp above you.
“Wanna tell me about it now?” You look back inside, and even though you can barely see your friends, they look like they’re making their own fun. “They can survive a few minutes without us.”
He doesn’t answer at first, but after he walks over to put the tea down on the curb, he comes back to his spot next to you. “Yes, please.”
“What do you guys think they’re talking about?” Isabel asks the others at the table. Both her and Hange have effectively propped themselves up higher on their side of the booth so that they can get a better look outside at you and Levi.
“Obviously they’re confessing to each other!” Hange drunkenly cheers.
“I hate to be the voice of reason, but they aren’t even facing each other,” Erwin muses.
“It’s so fucking dark, where are they?” Furlan whines. Erwin chuckles before leaning in closer to the him, pointing in some vague direction. Furlan just pretends to see it and nods so that nobody at the table can make fun of him, but he’s fine trusting the other three to make the right observations.
“Okay, Erwin, what do you think they're talking about if they’re not expressing their undying love for each other?”
“Probably something boring, like work.”
“You and her have the same job, don’t you?” Isabel asks.
Erwin shrugs. “More or less.”
“Oh, and good job on your final, Isabel! I knew you’d kill it!” Furlan cheers.
Everyone joins in on the praise and brings their glasses up to clink against the others.
“Yeah, girl! You’re an academic weapon, or whatever the fuck kids your age call smart people!”
“Thanks, guys!” Isabel beams. She awkwardly gets up to look outside again, but you and Levi still are standing apart from each other. “Even if they aren’t doing anything crazy out there, we all saw them earlier, right? Like, we didn’t even have to make them sit next to each other.”
Everyone at the table collectively nods.
“Maybe it isn’t worth it to keep pushing them together,” Erwin suggests. “They seem to be getting along just fine.”
“Oh, please, they’re both idiots, they need all the help they can get,” Hange chirps. “Besides, aren’t you the biggest schemer of us all?”
Erwin can only grin as he goes to take another sip of his drink. “I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about.”
Laughter bubbles up from everyone, forcing the booth next to them to shush the group. None of them really pay any mind to it, but when they see you and Levi coming back into the diner, they all shush one another with mischievous smiles on their faces.
“Shut up, guys, they’re coming back!”
Levi deadpans at the group, and he uses a small metal box to knock Furlan on the head for the statement. “Are you guys done killing your brain cells yet? It’s late, you need to get to bed.”
“We’re adults, why are you giving us a bedtime?” Isabel whines.
“Really? You all act like fucking five-year-olds, I never would’ve guessed.”
Erwin laughs at his friend before getting up and putting a hand on his shoulder. Levi, of course, swats it away, but Erwin takes it in stride. “He’s right, we’ve all had a long week, let’s start heading home.”
The group splits into two again once everyone’s up and ready to leave, but this time, the four friends fall behind a bit to watch the pair of sober drivers that talk quietly amongst each other as they lead the way back to the parking lot.
Next Chapter
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piasgermany · 1 year
[Album] Our Broken Garden kündigt erstes neues Album seit 2010 an!
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Our Broken Garden - das Projekt der dänischen Sängerin, Songwriterin und Multiinstrumentalistin Anna Brønsted - kündigt das neue Album "Blind" an, das am 25. August über Bella Union erscheint.
Mit dem ersten Our Broken Garden-Album seit 2010 lässt die Dänin ein turbulentes Jahrzehnt Revue passieren, das die Sängerin zwang, sich mit diversen Widrigkeiten auseinanderzusetzen. Auf den zwölf Songs untersucht Brønsted ihr eigenes emotionales Innenleben und taucht mit einer neuen musikalischen DNA auf, die wärmer, souliger und poppiger als der Vorgänger "Golden Sea" aus 2010 ist. "The album is called Blind because I have been through periods of inner darkness where I didn’t know where or who I was", erklärt Brønsted. “I found out I was unable to have children, and it sent me spiralling down an existential crisis, causing me to question all aspects of my life.” Von 2014 bis 2018 legte Brønsted das Projekt zur Seite und spielte nur noch bei einigen wenigen Sessions für verschiedene Live-Bands Bass und Keyboard ein, oft in Theaterproduktionen, ehe sie nach und nach langsam wieder ihre Muse und den Spaß an der Musik wiederentdeckte. Zusammen mit Kollaborateur Brian Batz (besser bekannt als Sleep Party People) stellte die Dänin anschließend ihre eigenen neuen Songs fertig, die auch Gastauftritte von John Grant und Luke Temple enthalten.
Gemeinsam mit der Ankündigung hat Brønsted einen Visualizer zum betörenden Song "Fallen" veröffentlicht. “I love The Blue Nile and had been listening to ‘The Downtown Lights’ on repeat - so I was inspired by the main riff in that song, and ‘Fallen’ is built around a similar same riff.”
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Tracklist "Blind": 01. Prelude  02. Lost  03. Rain (featuring John Grant)  04. Fallen  05. Shameless  06. Prayer  07. Words  08. Waltz  09. Sirens  10. Storm (featuring Luke Temple)  11. Crown  12. Found
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monstermaster13 · 2 years
Corey and Oats in…
Celiac and the Pancake Factory
Corey and Oats had many microbial friends but the most well loved in terms of his role around the house was Celiac, Celiac was well…a celiac microbe that loved anything that was gluten free and had two faces, his other face was what he turned into if he was fed anything with gluten and it always made him unhappy. But luckily he always did have gluten free things in particular pancakes, he loved pancakes, every weekend without fail he’d get out of bed hopping around excitedly yelling ‘Pancakes!’ over and over, because he was so excited to have gluten free pancakes for breakfast.
One afternoon Mel decided to invite him along for a special journey with the lovable duo, they were in their home at Nile Road playing on the computer when she called them over to the bedroom. ‘What’s in the bedroom, mommy?’ Oats asked, inspecting the room. ‘I bet it’s a surprise.’ ‘Pancakes, maybe? Pancakes?’ ‘Well yes Celiac, today’s surprise does have something to do with pancakes.’
Celiac cheered as he got closer, that’s when Mel instructed everyone to get inside the bed and as they did it hovered in mid-air before taking over, sending them on a magical journey to a pancake factory. The factory definitely had a whimsical look as Celiac saw numerous celiac microbes similar to himself working in the factory and helping the chefs and workers.
“Look Celiac, these guys look like you.”
“Yeah they do.”
Oats and Corey put on some chef’s hats and aprons and washed their hands as they helped the chefs make pancakes with the celiac microbes checking to see if the pancakes were gluten free, after helping the other celiacs with the pancakes, the duo wandered around the factory, learning all about pancakes and how they are made.
Corey came across a slide and he and Oats sat on the slide and slid all the way down it, going into a playground of sorts where Oats saw some very special microbes singing musical numbers and playing. After jumping off the slide, the duo smiled and played around with some microbes.
The owner of the pancake factory even showed various rooms with different unusual effects in them such as one room where a male taste-tester tested a lemon flavored gluten free pancake and turned yellow just like a lemon, another room had some turning into a goofy looking monster with food items on the tips of their tail, there was also numerous food-animals running around as well.
Celiac couldn’t believe his eyes, he was exploring the most magical place ever and learning so much about his favorite pancakes, as he got a recipe for gluten free pancakes from one of the workers and put it in his bag for safe keeping, the duo loved seeing how happy he was. They even got to try some of their finished pancakes a couple of hours later.
After trying their finished pancakes, the duo and Mel spent a bit of time giving the rest of their pancakes to the workers and the other celiac microbes, before taking part in a few physical challenges, and a couple of minutes later they had a little bit of a party.
“This has been the most fun pancake adventure ever.”
“I learned so much about making pancakes.”
‘And I was so happy to see Celiac microbes just like me there.’ Celiac added. ‘I am glad you had a wonderful time.’ ‘Will we get to visit this place again soon?’ ‘We sure will. We can go there whenever we want.’ ‘Thanks, mommy.’ Oats whinnied as he hugged Mel.
After they had finished looking around, Mel gestured for them to come with her and they did. As they hopped back into the bed, which took on the form of a hovercar as it took them all the way back to their home in Nile Road. When they arrived, they arrived in time for Jeemo and they all had fun singing and dancing along.
That evening they all relaxed and had fun as they played for a little bit, they had dinner and after dinner they relaxed some more. They listened to music for a couple of hours and when it was time to go to bed they hopped into bed and drifted off with Mel.
Their dreams guided their magical bed, as their bed took on the form of a truck and they were transported to a magical dream-land bakery where they sold gluten free baked goods. When the morning came the next day it was Friday and the group woke up and had a good morning and afternoon that day.
After dinner that day, Jill came to pick them up and they all went home with her and Mel. Having a bit of the dinner that she had been eating and some treats for dessert, and when it was time to get ready for bed that night, all of the microbes hopped into the bedroom in Jill’s house, specifically Mel’s room and snuggled up.
The next morning of course it was Saturday and the microbes all got up with Mel and hurried into the computer room. ‘Good morrow to thee’ Oats exclaimed to Jill as he trotted in there. ‘Good morrow, Oatsie.’ They sat down and turned the computer on as Jill made them a special breakfast, and did you know what she made for them? That’s right, gluten free pancakes, which made Celiac very happy.
And thus our story comes to an end but stay tuned for the 2022 Halloween Spooktacular, The Cutest Cyldesdale Ever, Corey and Oats’s Pop-Culture Beach Journey, The Smallest Koala, and many more coming up.
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monsterhigh-sims · 2 years
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Cleo de Nile 💎
Daughter of The Mummy
Age: 5,842 (give or take a few years) 
CC listed below
General CC | Eyelashes | Eyes | Hair Streaks Overlay | Nails - Spa Day GP | Skin Blend
Makeup | Blush | Eyeliner - 1, 2, 3 | Eyeshadow - 1, 2, 3, 4 | Face Paint | Lipstick - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(Get Together EP)
Everyday 1 | Hair (mesh needed) | Top | Skirt | Gloves | Heels
Everyday 2 | Hair | Earrings | Dress | Bracelets | Heels
Formal 1 | Hair (mesh needed) | Earrings | Dress | Chain Belt | Heels
Formal 2 | Hair (mesh needed) | Earrings | Dress
Athletic | Top | Bottom | Chain Belt | Shoes
Sleepwear 1 | Hair | Nightgown 
Sleepwear 2 | Outfit & Shoes
Party | Hair | Necklace | Dress | Heels
Swimwear | Hair | Swim Suit | Cover Up (mesh needed) 
Hot Weather 1 | Hair | Earrings | Dress
Hot Weather 2 | Hair | Necklace | Dress
Cold Weather 1 | Hair (Brianna) | Hat | Top | Skirt | Boots
Cold Weather 2 | Dress & Boots
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bookersebastien · 4 years
tell me about joe and booker's brotherhood 🤩
lol my fav two boys, ooh it’s been a while since i did hc post so what better way to get back to it
literally the dumbest when theyre together
always with inside jokes that don’t even make sense when you’re in on the joke, but that doesn’t stop them from laughing like guys who have definitely had too much to drink
the most obnoxious people about soccer you will ever meet, nicky has learned to avoid the topic with joe unless he’s somehow in the mood to discuss every reason why that team didn’t win in that one game that was like 70 years ago, please joe let it go
booker is the only other person who just like gets what joe is talking about when discussing soccer, they all found this out sometime in the early 1900s when joe makes a comment about some game and booker just jumps in without hesitation to everyones surprise
however it also started an argument that left them without silverware until their next shopping trip
they’ve also since banned eating baked potatoes during soccer nights because it will end up on the ceiling, no one knows how but it will happen and the others refuse to help scrape it off again
can lie their way out of any situation, booker and joe were once able to convince a man they were twins and they’ve been unstoppable since
and have also since learned to play confused tourists at the drop of a hat if they think they’ve been made, they’re not even speaking a real language but it worked didn’t it andy?
have definitely played lovers at some point or another just because they’re at some fancy party, nicky is set up on the neighboring roof, andy is nowhere to be found and thus began their personas of: pierre and ramzi, a couple who run their own vineyard in the south of france and are the weirdest people you’ll ever meet 
this is not the last appearance they make over the years
their first outing as pierre and ramzi is memorialized in a picture of them from the party, booker wrote on the frame “first time in prague together on our 10th anniversary” followed by a disgusting amount of hearts (nicky secretly treasures the photo)
joe has successfully hidden behind booker when andy comes looking for him, because who the fuck filled an entire suitcase with just books, joe you were only supposed to back essentials
she has no idea there’s another bag under the bed
book club
nile joins when she joins the guard and half expects it as a joke but they take it very seriously, there’s wine and sandwiches, cookies if you want too nile (joe lets booker get away with his attempts at sneaking whiskey into his wine - the man gives zero fucks about what he puts in his body)
they switch off recommending books and like to choose one from an author who’s from wherever they’re at now or wherever they’re going next
nile realizes she has some serious learning to do when she finds out many of their selections aren’t in english
joe laughs at and appreciates bookers attempts to read arabic, he’s getting better
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lilolilyr · 2 years
Andromaquynh for the ship ask obviously 😍😍
This ship ask, I'm pretty sure? :D
1. Who buys picks flowers for the other
Both of them! It started with Andromache picking up single flowers to put in Quynh's hair the way she was used to decorating her own braids at times, and Quynh picks flowers for Andromache as well, random ones and others she knows local meanings of, bouquets and flower crowns or some she dries :)
Neither would enjoy buying flowers in modern times, even though the bouquets there are more grand than anything easily found in the wild, it's not quite their style, Andy still picks single roses for Quynh to smell and Quynh makes Andy daisy chains or steals her flowers from the park. The only way I can see them buy flowers for the other is when they're in different places, for example when (my fav future headcanon for her) Quynh's a fashion designer doing shows elsewhere, Andy has expensive flowers delivered to her :)
2. Who makes the other coffee/tea
Food is Andy's love language, she used to do this a lot for Quynh, but Quynh soon picked up on it and in modern day they've almost switched it around
3. Who eats the most candy on Halloween
Andy, no questions :D her sweet tooth is legendary
4. Who tries new recipes all the time
Both, and neither - 'all the time' they stick to easy, enjoyable food they know, but both are interested in trying new things as well
5. Who genuinely likes pineapple on pizza
Both of them, and they drive the rest of the Guard Mad with it. Of course, Andy likes some combinations of food that are even weirder, so even Nicky tries to keep his mouth shut when he sees their pineapple pizza lest she retaliate with something even worse, but the agony is clear on his face xD
6. Who wears hats on special occasions
I can see Quynh decorating everyone in her vicinity with party hats when the occasion asks for it and she has been introduced to the modern tradition xD she still prefers flower crowns tho
Andy is more likely to wear 'useful' hats to hide from harsh sunlight (even if they can't properly get sunburn because it instantly heals, it can't be comfortable to overheat), while Quynh wears hats for fun and for style.
7. Who likes ‘90s R&B
I think they wouldn't mind the music exactly, but I can't see it being either of their favorites
8. Who likes long walks on the beach
Before: Andy. While Quynh is in the ocean she can't stand the sight of it except when trying to get her out, and afterwards it still triggers bad memories in her for quite some time. For Quynh, it's almost healing, seeing the sea from the outside, and when she takes her by the hand, feeling that she's still with her, by her side, it's alright for Andromache as well.
9. Who buys wacky picture frames
Neither because they don't have a lot of clutter that isn't weapons or artworks from people they actually knew (or posed for), and because they don't take many photographs for security reasons
10. Who compares themselves to fictional/celebrity couples
Quynh! Andy quit trying to keep up with celebrity culture when everything turned international at the latest and is totally behind on it, her favourite movie's still a black and white one (she points out to Nile that at least it's a 'talkie' and so can't possibly be that old, cue Nile facepalm), while Quynh, when she returns, tries to quickly catch up with modern popular culture and everything else she missed out on, she'd probably hear about 'Brangelina' or some other celeb ship name and refer to herself and Andy in third person by 'Andromaquynh' for the next month at least ('drama Queen indeed' -Joe)
11. Who would wear Hawaiian shirts on vacation/during the summer
Both of them, but not exclusively, they also love dresses, especially when it gets really hot it's just better to wear sundresses than trousers
12. Who wears mismatched socks because they can’t keep up with the pairs
Andy xD she has her stuff in a lot of different bases all over the world, since planetravel became a thing not just sturdy stuff like weapons or furniture but also her clothes, and she swears it isn't on purpose that she can't find correct pairs of socks in any location anymore
Okay to reblog!
Thanks so much for the ask! This was fun :D AQ is still one of my favourites <3
Oh, and @knoepfchen I couldn't remember your url earlier but if you like pls also feel tagged in the opening lines fic tag I did earlier!
If anyone is also doing the ask meme, list for more easy copying the Qs on mobile below:
1. Who buys flowers for the other 2. Who makes the other coffee/tea 3. Who eats the most candy on Halloween 4. Who tries new recipes all the time 5. Who genuinely likes pineapple on pizza 6. Who wears hats on special occasions 7. Who likes ‘90s R&B 8. Who likes long walks on the beach 9. Who buys wacky picture frames 10. Who compares themselves to fictional/celebrity couples 11. Who would wear Hawaiian shirts on vacation/during the summer 12. Who wears mismatched socks because they can’t keep up with the pairs
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bougredane · 4 years
Rumble in the opposite of a Jungle
The Junot-Lanusse duel. From « Le Général Junot en Égypte » by Dubief. My translation after the French.
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Au sein de l'armée se trouvait un noyau de frondeurs qui grondaient contre Bonaparte. Kléber, Murat et Lanusse étaient les plus enragés. Junot, lui, au contraire, demeurait fidèle à son chef et lui gardait une entière confiance. Il souffrait beaucoup de ces dissensions, mais restait neutre.
Pourtant, il était un général qu'il ne supportait pas, et qui le lui rendait bien : c'était Lanusse. Celui-ci montrait un caractère très dur, parfois jusqu'à la férocité ce qui ne pouvait qu'irriter Junot.
Tout le quartier-général subissait les éclats de cette vive haine. Alors, Murat, dans une bonne intention, comme cela lui arrivait parfois, invita les deux antagonistes à un dîner de réconciliation avec d'autres officiers, dont Bessières et Lannes. Le repas se déroula dans une atmosphère plutôt détendue. Puis ils entamèrent une partie de bouillotte. Malheureusement, la conversation, qui jusqu'à présent était restée dans une vague neutralité, aborda le délicat sujet de la situation de l'armée sur les terres d'Égypte. Bessières, prudent, prêchait la patience.
Mais, l'impétueux Lanusse, ne laissa pas passer l'occasion de critiquer vivement et en termes crus la politique menée par Bonaparte. Junot, muet, sentait la colère battre à ses tempes. Lanusse, l'observant, lui demanda alors brusquement : 
- Junot, prête-moi dix louis : je suis décavé ! - Je n'ai pas d'argent devant moi. Et il jouait du bout des doigts avec une pile de pièces d'or. - Comment dois-je prendre ta réponse ! - Comme il te plaira. - Je t'ai demandé si tu voulais me prêter dix louis de l'argent que tu as devant toi. - Et moi, je te réponds que j'ai bien de l'argent devant moi mais qu'il n'y en a pas pour un traître comme toi. - Il n'y a qu'un … qui puisse se servir d'un pareil mot.
Les chaises renversées, tout le monde se leva. Brouhaha, bousculades, on s'interposa, le silence revint et Junot reprit :
- Ecoute, Lanusse, je t'ai dit que tu étais un traître je n'en crois rien. Tu m'as dit que j'étais un …, tu n'en crois rien non plus, car nous sommes tous deux de braves gens. Mais, vois-tu, il faut que nous nous battions. Il faut que l'un de nous y reste. Je te hais parce que tu hais l'homme que j'aime et que j'admire à l'égal de Dieu même, si ce n'est plus. Battons-nous et tout de suite. Je jure de ne me coucher ce soir qu'après avoir vidé cette affaire.
Le duel, bien qu'il fut en honneur à l'armée, avait été strictement interdit par Bonaparte. Il fallait donc se cacher. Rien de plus facile: le jardin de Murat s'étendait jusqu'au bord du Nil. Neuf heures du soir. On alluma des torches.
- Quelle arme prendrons-nous ? demanda Junot. - Belle question, le pistolet !  » répondit Lanusse.
Tous les officiers pâlirent, l'adresse de Junot au pistolet était pourtant célèbre: il transperçait, à vingt-cinq pas, un as en plein milieu.
- Je ne me battrai pas au pistolet avec toi, répondit-il, tu ne sais pas tirer. Tu ne mettrais pas dans une porte cochère. La partie doit être égale entre nous. Nous avons nos sabres. Marchons.
Ils descendirent vers le fleuve, à la lueur tremblante des torches. Bessières s'approcha de Junot et lui murmura à l'oreille : Tu as fait une sottise ! Lanusse est très fort à l'espadon !.
Et Murat, oubliant l'objet de ce repas, de dire : Songe donc que lorsqu'on se bat c'est au fait pour tuer son homme ! 
Quant à Lanusse, il ne cessait d'outrager le nom du général en chef, si bien que Junot lui cria : On dirait que tu veux te monter la tête !.
 - [LANNES à LANUSSE] Tais– toi. C'est fini, que diable ! Vous allez vous couper la gorge, qu'est-ce que tu veux de plus ? Tout ce que tu lui diras à présent, c'est du luxe ! « .
L'inondation du Nil avait rendu le terrain inégal : mauvaises conditions pour un duel.
- Si c'était de jour encore ! s'écria Murat, mais vous ne pouvez vous battre là ! - Allons donc ! répliqua Junot. C'est un enfantillage !
Ils jetèrent leurs habits, tirèrent leurs sabres.
A quelques pas, attentifs, les témoins discutaient des chances des adversaires. Junot attaqua et d'un coup trancha le haut du chapeau de Lanusse, le bouton d'uniforme qui attachait la ganse. Sans ce providentiel chapeau, Lanusse qui a senti sur sa joue le froid de la lame, serait mort, prompt à la riposte et profitant de l'instant où Junot s'était découvert, il lui porta un coup de revers qui lui fendit le ventre. Junot tomba. Ses camarades se saisirent de lui et le transportèrent dans la salle à manger, parmi les bouteilles, les cartes à jouer, les pièces d'or. 
Quand Bonaparte apprit la nouvelle, il entra dans une vive colère : 
- Quoi ? ils vont s'égorger entre eux ! disait-il à Desgenettes. N'ont-ils pas assez des Arabes, de la peste et des Mamelucks ! Ce Junot, il mériterait les arrêts pendant un mois !
Et, tandis que Junot se morfondait au lit, attendant que sa plaie se cicatrisât (longue de huit pouces !) Bonaparte refusait d'aller le visiter, tout en avouant :
- Mon pauvre Junot, blessé pour moi ! Aussi l'imbécile, pourquoi ne s'est-il pas battu au pistolet ?
At the heart of the Army was a pit of rebels who railed constantly against Bonaparte. Kléber, Murat, and Lanusse were the most fervent. On the contrary, Junot, for his part, remained loyal to his commander, and maintained the most perfect faith in him. He tolerated the grumbles, but remained neutral. 
That being said, there was one general up with whom he could no longer put  ???  he really couldn’t stand, and who returned the sentiment : Lanusse. Lanusse had a firm character, to the point of cruel ferocity, which could do nothing but irritate Junot.
The general staff indulged his outbursts of insistent hatred. And so Murat - in one of his well-intentioned gestures - invited the two antagonists to a conciliatory dinner with some of the other officers, among them Bessières and Lannes. The meal passed more or less calmly, but then moved on to a game of cards, at which point the conversation - nice enough up to now - broached the delicate subject of the army’s presence in Egypt. Bessières, prudently, suggested a certain patience. But Lanusse, impetuous as he was, wouldn’t leave the opportunity to critique Bonaparte’s politics, and in no uncertain terms. Junot, mute before him, could feel rage throbbing at his temples. Lanusse, seeing him, demanded brusquely :
- Junot, lend me 10 Louis : I’m fresh out ! - I haven’t got any money, he replied, running the tips of his fingers over a pile of gold coins.  - And how should I take your response ?  - However you like. - I asked if you might lend me 10 Louis from that pile you’ve got there. - And I’ll tell you that I have got some money before me, but not for a traitor like you. - Nobody but a *#$%@ would use a word like that. 
Chairs were overturned, everybody was on their feet. Mayhem, a sort fo free-for-all, and then someone came between them. Calm returned and then Junot was back at it. 
- Listen, Lanusse, I told you you were a traitor, and I don’t believe it. And you called me a *#$%@ … and you don’t really mean that either ; we’re both brave fellows. But, don’t you see, we have to fight. Only one of us can remain standing. I hate you because you hate the man I love and admire as much as God himself, if not more. Let’s get to it, then. I swear not to go to bed tonight until I’ve dealt with this affair, one way or another. 
The duel - as a practice - had been forbidden by Bonaparte (even in the good name of the Army). They would have to go about it in secret. Nothing could be easier - Murat’s garden backed up to the Nile. Nine in the evening. They lit the lanterns. 
- The weapon ? asked Junot.  - Good question. Pistols ! answered Lanusse. 
The assembled officers paled - Junot was famously good with a pistol, a crack-shot ; he could hit an ace in the middle of the card at 25 paces. 
- I won’t fight with pistols against you, he countered, you don’t know how to shoot. Don’t get yourself into something you can only regret. It’s got to be equal between us. We have our sabres. Now march. 
They made their way down to the river, in the quivering light of the torches. Bessières came up to Junot and whispered in his ear : You’re making a mistake! Lanusse is devilishly good with a blade !
And Murat, forgetting the point of the dinner, added : Remember that, when you fight, it’s to put an end to your man ! 
As for Lanusse, he never ceased to spit on the name of Bonaparte, to the point that Junot cried,
- Now you’re just getting worked up ! - [LANNES to LANUSSE] Shut up. It’s over, by God ! You’re already going to slit each others’ throats, what more do you want ? Anything more you have to say to him is just thrown away.
The flooding of the Nile had made the terrain irregular underfoot : poor conditions for a duel. 
- If there were still some daylight, cried Murat, but you can’t fight here ! - Come on ! replied Junot, this is childishness !
They took off their coats, drew their swords.
A few paces back, apprehensive, the seconds discussed the chances of the two adversaries. Junot attacked, landing a blow to the top of Lanusse’s hat, cutting the button which attached the braid. Without this God-sent hat, Lanusse - who had felt the cold of steel across his cheek - would be dead, but as it was, he was quick to riposte, and taking advantage of the moment which had left Junot unguarded, he countered with a back-cut that slit open his opponent’s abdomen. Junot fell. His comrades gathered him up and brought him into the dining room, among the bottles, the playing cards, and the gold coins. 
When Bonaparte heard the news, he flew into a rage : 
- What ?? Are they really going to gut each other ? he asked Desgenettes, Haven’t they had enough of the Arabs, the plague, and the Mameluks ? This Junot deserves to be put away for a month !
And while Junot, bored and confined to his bed, waited for the wound to heal (eight inches long !) Bonaparte refused to visit him, even as he confessed :
- My poor Junot, hurt like this for me ! Also, what an idiot, why would he refuse the pistols ?
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agenttommykinard · 4 years
another one: nile organizes a secret halloween party for the team 😊
Cobwebs hang from the ceiling, the glow in the dark kind that had gotten stuck in the fake snakes of her tiara, but had been worth the pain it was cleaning the mess up from her costume. The hotel room she had checked out for the week was a little more luxurious than their usual accommodations, Nile wanting to spare no expense as a thank you to her new family, her new whole family. 
One thing she had learned of her older companions is that despite their claims of being reserved, all of them had told her stories of the parties they would attend on vacation, and while most had been for business over pleasure, all of them had been increasingly wild. In long terms, they were well-lived individuals with unique lifestyles that had given them opportunities in which to have grandeur adventures. 
In short terms?
They loved to fucking party. 
While Nile had been to some great Halloween parties in the States, she had to make do with the fact that she knew her family couldn’t completely relax around strangers and that meant her party would be toned down to the six of them. There wouldn’t be questionable liquor in odd colors but there would be some decent pizza, or however decent pizza could be from Germany - it certainly couldn’t beat the deep dish back in Chicago - and of course good company. 
The decorations she ordered had come the night before, and she had spent most of the day alternating between tracking when the rest of her family would get there and preparing the room for a spooky night in. The idea was a surprise, a fun night in while they enjoy the rest of their short downtime between missions. Nile had been put in charge of going ahead and finding a hotel for the rest of them. The others all had rooms on the same floor and seeing that they had been separated for a few weeks it was tradition to have dinner together when they reunited. 
When they got there, Nile predicted she would get some raised eyebrows at her being in a costume, but she hasn’t gotten to properly dress up for Halloween in years and she’s heard enough stories of various undercover shenanigans that they probably wouldn’t mind, they might actually give her some pointers and that was a conversation Nile was looking forward to having. 
There’s a knock at the door, Joe’s specific knock that she found both silly and endearing, and she adjusts her dress before crossing the room and opening the door. 
Nile is greeted by a whole lot of chest and she has to blink because is that glitter?
“Surprise!” Joe says cheerfully, roller skating - yeah roller skating - into the room with an equally glittery Nicky in tow who is also rocking a pair of roller skates. The rest of their family falls behind the skating pair and Nile closes the door and blinks her surprise away.
All of them were wearing costumes. 
“We wanted to celebrate Halloween with you properly,” Nicky explains, his sparkling fringed arms opened wide, showing off the expanse of his costume. He and Joe are in coordinating ABBA inspired roller disco getup. Joe is rocking a plunging yellow and white sleeveless jumpsuit. The sequences catch the light and the fringe on his pants moves slightly as he adjusts his balance on his roller skates. There’s body glitter on his chest and Nile’s eyes would keep staying on Joe if it weren’t for Nicky’s equally loud costume. Where Joe was showing off his chest with his legs covered, Nicky was the opposite. His own jumpsuit ended in a pair of shorts, stopping midthigh in a sparkling tight dark blue color and went up stopped all the way to his collar bone, his sleeves fringed like Joe’s pants. The two were sparkly and loud and casually rolling through the hotel room with an ease that spoke of many hours roller skating. 
The others were more subdued. Quynh was wearing a long red dress, a dramatic slit up one side revealing a fishnet lined leg in a pair of black heels. Her long hair was pulled and curled to one side, the other side revealing two fake puncture wounds. She made a good vampire, and Andy was the handsome pirate paired with her. Her own costume all separate pieces that Nile had seen Andy wear before but when paired with what she suspected was one of Joe’s shirts opened wide she looked like a dashing deadly lady of the sea. A sword - Nile hoped was fake - finished her look and Quynh and Andy, while not as eye-catching as Joe and Nicky, were breathtaking as a pair. 
Booker on the other hand?
“What are you dressed up as again?” Nile asks, raising a brow at Booker’s usual appearance. 
“I kind of forgot so I picked this up at the gas station on the way here-” Booker pulls a cowboy hat from the plastic bag in his arms and puts it on. “Howdy.” 
Joe snorts and the two start bickering, Quynh adding in her own commentary as Andy watches on fondly. Nicky skates to be by her side, pulling out a fake cobweb from her hair with a fond smile. 
“Remind me not to look at you directly in your eyes,” Nicky remarks on Nile’s own Medusa costume. The deep green of her Grecian dress was interwoven with gold threads that shimmered as she moved. Her own neckline wasn’t as plunging as Joe’s but Nile’s smooth skin was on display. A gold snake was around her neck and another was banded on her bicep. Her look was finished with a snake tiara and dramatic green and gold makeup, scales painted on her face carefully around her hairline. 
“I thought I was going to actually surprise you guys this time,” Nile admits, smiling softly. “Though I suppose it's hard to surprise people that are centuries older than I.”
They quickly eat dinner, their topics going back and forth from what made good pizza and their plans to hit a very exclusive Halloween masquerade that Booker of all people had gotten them into. Andy had a bag of masks for all of them to wear and it was agreed that as long as they didn’t make too much of a scene - this was followed with a fond smile in Quynh’s direction, and if they agreed to keep their masks on they could let loose for a night. 
The team had wanted to do something special for Nile, remembering how much she had enjoyed Halloween back in her first life, and Nile could not cry with her makeup at the thought, but it was a near thing. 
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peppapigvevo · 4 years
Night at the Boo-vies - budget; similar to Ghoul Fair. Accessories: 3D glasses, concession stand food
Iris Clops - Sugar Eyeballs
Operetta - soda
Neighthan Rot - Brain Puffs/popcorn
Mouscedes King - nachos
Scream Park - deluxe line; similar to deluxe Boo York Boo York line
Accessories: theme park hat, character-specific bag, stuffed animal
Invisibilly/Scarah Screams - clear backpack, screaming mouth purse, stuffed grim reaper, invisible dog leash, roll of tickets
Ghoulia Yelps - gravestone messenger bag, stuffed owl
Gigi Grant - bottle bag, stuffed scorpion
Howleen Wolf - duffel bag backpack, stuffed hedgehog
Toralei Stripe - spike strap tote bag, stuffed tiger
Lorna McNessie + photo booth playset - stuffed plesiosaur
Soaked to the Bone - budget/limited channel; similar to Beach Beasties
Accessories: cover-up, water park specific accessory, sunglasses, towel
Robecca Steam - boogie board
Catrine de Mew - inner tube
Honey Swamp - straw beach bag
Spine Chilling - budget; similar to Ghouls’ Getaway Accessories: activity accessory, fashion accessory
Abbey Bominable - snowboard, goggles
Heath Burns - snowballs, wraparound goggles
Wydowna Spider - needles and yarn, knit cap
Venus McFlytrap - beanie and a cup of cocoa
Cleo de Nile - sled, earmuffs
Creepy Campout - deluxe; similar to Ghoul Sports
Accessories: sleeping bags
Marisol Coxi - camera
Bonita Femur - lantern/flashlight, New smaller manageable wing mold
Gilda Goldstag - binoculars
Gil Webber - backpack and compass
Lagoona Blue - canteen
Voltageous House Party - deluxe; similar to Scaris: City of Frights
Frankie Stein - iCoffin, pizza boxes
Finnegan Wake - soda cases, amps
River Styxx - balloons, candy
Casta Fierce - microphone, hat/jewelry
Holt Hyde - headphones, noisemakers
Split Level tesla coil playset
Voltageous House Party - adjacent budget line
Clawdeen Wolf - iCoffin
Draculaura - iCoffin
Spectra Vondergeist - iCoffin
Ghoul Chat wave 2: Family edition
Accessories: Phone or laptop
Viperine and Deuce
Skelita and her little brother, a male skeleton doll
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oldguardhc · 4 years
Old Guard hc #125
A different hc than usual. Yesterday, there was a post on reddit that’s been deleted but it had this format:
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So what I’m proposing is three of these
Joe & Nicky: Kissing on the couch for all three panels. Nothing heaving, just sappy. Nicky is sitting on the right end of the couch, Joe is in his lap, knees bracketing his waist. He’s got his hands locked behind Joe’s back and he’s smiling into Joe’s mouth. They’re trading small, short kisses, nuzzling noses every few seconds, whispering how happy they are to spend another year with each other. They’re soft and in love.
Andy & Quynh: In the first panel, they’re yelling at each other/the TV while playing Mario Kart. Andy’s in the middle because Quynh is a cheater who uses her elbows and Nicky threatened to stab her with a fork if she elbows him and Joe one more time. Quynh’s on the left end of the couch, where her elbow attacks don’t have casualties. The second panel, they’ve paused the game and are heavily making out on the couch. It’s a kiss that makes everyone’s jaw ache in sympathy. A kiss that traumatizes all the spectators. In the last panel, they’re back to Mario Kart and being enemies.
Booker, Lykon and Nile: They’re celebrating in all three panels. They’ve got the obnoxious glasses in the shape of the new year on, at least fifty Mardi Gras beaded necklaces around their necks, a party hat and an extra large champagne flute. They’re watching the New York countdown on Booker’s laptop from the floor in front of Joe&Nicky to avoid the twin wrath of Andy&Quynh. The only difference between the panels is the confetti. The first one has none, the second there’s confetti raining down on them and in the third, they’re covered in confetti.
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eggysimblr · 4 years
Eggy’s guide to Egyptian Pantheon.
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ANUBIS: He’s a good boy, he Guards your tomb after your death. Also keeps balsamists from goofing up on the job.
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BAST: She’s a happy Kitty who likes to party, she’s the goddess of the home, and, like a real cat, she keeps vermin away.
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ATUM: The Big Daddy, who created other gods by jacking off. No, seriously.
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SHU: Son of Atum, God of Air. Pretty boring.
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TEFNUT: Shu’s wife, Goddess of Moisture. Yes, MOISTURE. Let that sink in, MOISTURE.
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GEB: Son of Shu & Tefnut, God of Earth. He has a goose on his head. The Goose’s name is Steve (not really), and it has rabies (Propably).
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NUT: She’s the Big Lady in the Sky, except she actually IS the sky, With Geb, her husband (And Steve the Rabid Goose), lying under her.
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OSIRIS: You know him, you love him, It’s the Lord of the Dead! And Vegetation, that’s why he’s green. He got chopped into pieces by Seth, who scattered his body parts, then he was brought together again by Isis and Nephtys, got embalmed by Anubis, and avenged by Horus.
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ISIS: AKA the best Mythological MILF, Change my Mind.
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NEPHTYS: Isis’ equally sexy sister, she’s the goddess of... Death, I guess? And Magic, and, amusingly enough, Beer.
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SETH: WTF Is his fursona anyway? A Tapir? A Donkey? An Anteater? The big bad of the Osyrian Myth, and the god of Desert and storms, and Desert Storms.
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HORUS: Son of Osiris. Captain Falcon over here was a pretty big deal, he was the patron god of Pharaoh, and Egypt in General.
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HATHOR: Horus’ wife, Daughter of Ra. Her fursona was that of a cow, but here she only wears horns. She also was a Party girl, and goddess of Love.
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SONS OF HORUS: These rapscallions protected mummy’s extracted innards. And only poor Imsety doesn’t have a fursona.
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RA: Ra-Ra-Rasputin lover of the... No, wait. Birb Boy here is Ra-Horachty, AKA: Horus LARPing as a Sun God. Ra in general was the Sun, and he had a pimpin boat in which he cruised the sky.
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Khepri: God of the Rising Sun, His head is a scarab, because just like a dung beatle rolls a ball made out of shit, so does Khepri rolls the sun. Ewww...
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AMUN: The big boss of Thebes. He became the main god during the Middle Kingdom. His name means “Hidden”. Good luck with hiding while wearing such a huge hat tho, idiot!
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MUT: Amun’s lovely wife, with a dead vulture on her head.
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KHONSU: Amun’s son, he’s the God of the Moon. He sometimes had a falcon fursona.
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ATEN: This stupid frisbee with hands, is a result of King Akhenaten being a fucking hipster, and trying to create “A nEw mOnOtHeIsTiC rElIgIoN, Hurr Durr”. Good Riddance.
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PTAH: Basically Osiris, but without a fancy Atef crown, this guy was the main god of city of Memphis (the one by the Nile, not Mississipi). He also was a patron god of artisans.
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SAKHMET: Unlike Bast, this Kitty here is an Angry pussy (Watch your wording Eggy!). She is a goddess of War, after all, and somehow the Eye of Ra? I dunno, Egyptian Mythology is weird.
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MIN: Basically Osiris, but with Amun’s hat, and a raging boner. Why he has a stiffy you may ask? It’s symbolic, cause he’s a god of Fertility, you pervert!
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HAPI: The androgynous personification of River Nile. That’s why he/she’s Blue dabadee dabadai.
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SOBEKH: The God of water, who decided to be original, and instead of being a furry, he became a scalie. XD
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TOTH: Another Birb-boy, this time based on an Ibis, was the god of science (however oxymoronic it sounds), and was the one, who invented Hieroglyphs. Gee Mr. Toth, couldn’t you invent a more coherent system of writing? Because it’s really freaking difficult to read those little pictures, have you heard about an ALPHABET?
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MA’AT: Goddess of truth and law. Her feather was not just a fancy hair accessory, but also acted as a counterwight for the deceased heart, during the judgement of Osiris.
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TAWARET: The Hippo Goddess of childbirth. That’s why she THICC yo!
There were many MANY others, but these guys are the most important/interesting/well known. Hoped you liked it.
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Umbrella Patrol: Part 1
Still in a TUA headspace, and really enjoying Doom Patrol! I feel like there is a lot of potential for fun crossovers between these shows, and some neat parallels between them. Here are some very disorganized ideas because I’m too busy to write out an actual fic: 
note: these are primarily based on s1 of Doom Patrol and s1&2 of tua because I am still in the middle of watching Doom Patrol s2. I would love (love! love! love!) to chat with other people who like both of these shows, but know i am still in the “avoiding s2 spoilers” stage. I might do more of these after I finish s2, hence “part 1″
- they would not get along well in the beginning because, let’s face it, neither group has a very good track record for getting along well with anyone ever. (love them all to death) would a fight break out? probably. would all of the team members and powers and general chaos get so confusing for everyone involved that they would have to stop fighting to try and figure out what was going on? most likely. 
- Five definitely knows about the Doom Patrol from when he worked at the commission and was probably very relieved to not have been the person assigned to deal with the whole De-Creator/Re-Creator debacle. 
- Vic is probably at least aware of the Umbrella Academy because they were pretty famous as kids, but has no idea what really happened to them after except there was this huge scandal a few years ago when one of them wrote a book about how they were all secretly assholes? Something like that.
- Allison is a fan of Rita’s work (I’m thinking she played one of her characters in a remake), but remembers hearing that she was kind of a terrible person? She isn’t sure. I feel like it’d be awkward initially but they’d end up vibing and talking about acting and Hollywood and having the team braincell. 
- Diego: So... you’re a robot. Cliff: Yeah. Klaus: Not that there’s anything wrong with that!! Diego: Our Mom’s a robot. 
- Cliff is like “well, I nearly died and then the guy who I thought was my mentor did an experimental procedure on me that left me in a body that I’m uncomfortable with and feeling like a monster and a freak and I’m unable to interact with people and be seen as normal because of it and am also incredibly strong and worry about accidentally hurting the people I care about and oh, turns out the guy who I trusted and thought was my mentor turned out to be the worst person ever who was only using me as a means to an end” and Luther’s just “same hat!”
- There is definitely confusion around the whole “we travelled back in time to the 60s were not actually from then - can you imagine we’d be so old now?” and “we are actually from the 50s/60s we’re just long lived due to a series of horrifying experiments that were done to us wtf you’re all literally children”
- Dorothy sees Five and is like friend! My own age! And Vanya tries to gently explain that Five is mentally 58, he only looks 13 and that’s how they figure out that Dorothy’s actually over 100 years old. Somewhere in the confusion Five ends up agreeing to attend a tea party. 
- Klaus meets Danny. Enough said.
- But also,,, let’s say more because it makes me very happy to think about. Klaus meets Danny and just feels so at home and gets to talk about fashion with Maura and drag his siblings into singing karaoke and the Hargreeves get to show off their A+ dancing skills 
- TBH, they all try to explain what’s been happening with them and the Hargreeves all thought “well out lives couldn’t be any weirder” and then they hear about the puppet show and are just like “...okay, nevermind. we were mistaken. please continue” while for the most part the Doom Patrol are like “okay, butler’s a chimp, that guy’s in love with a mannequin, all checks out” 
- Larry and Klaus talking about their time in the military and dealing with homophobia. Larry and Luther talking about isolation and taking care of plants. 
- Vanya playing the violin while the Hangman’s Beautiful Daughter paints.
- They at one point get drunk and have a “who’s father figure was worse” competition but somehow halfway through it devolves into Jane and Diego each being that one John Mulaney bit (do you want me to kill that guy for you?? because it sounds like he sucks, and I’d totally kill that guy for you)
- Cliff definitely has some Robot-envy around Grace like, wow she looks and moves like an entire regular human wtf Niles? she shows him how to make smiley-face pancakes. 
- I have no idea how this would work logistically but Ben and Larry would vibe you can’t change my mind. 
- There was definitely some crossover between members of the Cult of the Re-Creator and Destiny’s Children (I’m not sure which one was first chronologically, but I was thinking about the one guy who was like “this is way better than last cult I was in” and how funny it would be if he was talking about Klaus’ cult) . I feel like Klaus and Dr. Harrison have a very weird kind of bond over it.
- Vic “I am literally asking for the bare minimum here in terms of heroics please could you all just follow simple instructions for twenty minutes so the world doesn’t literally explode” and Five just *acknowledging nod of mutual frustration*
- Mr. Nobody keeps talking about crossovers and some guy from My Chemical Romance. no one quite gets it.  
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