blaithnne · 8 months
can I say that I like Frida and David's teenage designs way more than their S1-2 ones or is it still too soon
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Talking as players outside the game is an incredibly important part of having good PC/PC D&D relationships, and obviously the characters involved in the relationship talking to each other in meaningful ways is crucial, but I think the importance of talking in-game in depth to other people is really underrated, in that it not only tells the other player what your character is feeling without having to reveal it in-game to them, but also serves to engage other characters in the story and deepen those platonic bonds to the point where they might even serve as confidants or wingmen. To give a bunch of examples and what they achieved:
Vax telling Gilmore he didn't want to string him along made it clear out of game that his feelings towards Keyleth were his priority, even though it happened where the other characters were not able to hear.
Similarly, Vex giving her blessing eventually after her initial resistance signaled to Liam that this would not be a major break between the twins.
Vax asking Vex what she intended to do about her feelings for Percy served not only as an opportunity for her to voice them to someone; it also serves as a big green light for Taliesin as Percy to kiss Vex later that episode (which he had already from Vex's resurrection ritual, but it underscores it).
Pike talking about Scanlan with Keyleth and Vex allows her to make it clear that she does ultimately like a lot of things about him despite sometimes being annoyed, and her talking to him through her earring while Scanlan is very much not there but Sam is at the table also serves as this kind of green light.
Jester asking Veth about kissing in relationship to Fjord lets Travis know where Jester is at and invests Veth in-game in the relationship.
Caleb asking Jester if she's "sweet on [Fjord]" lets her openly reassess her feelings after an intense arc and also indicates in-game that Caleb has noticed.
Beau waiting to hear the sound of thunder signals to Ashley (who was not at the table but who was presumably staying updated on events) that Beau has feelings for Yasha; it also allows those playing Yasha (often Matt for pure RP and Travis in combat) to return that flirting, since the baseline was already established.
Possibly the most obvious example, but Beau and Fjord's conversation on Rumblecusp not only clarifies to the whole table where everyone is (opening the door, for example, for the scenes in the beer garden a few episodes later of Caleb having Fjord and Jester dance together and Caduceus encouraging Yasha to pursue Beau) but very much serves as a green light to Ashley and Laura respectively. This is then mirrored by them talking after Beau has asked Yasha on a date and Fjord and Jester have kissed, and everyone involved can "debrief" with their partners not present in-game.
As mentioned, this is mostly about PC/PC relationships because PC/NPC is an inherently different dynamic mechanically though still should be a conversation, but Veth describing Yeza and Jester asking Caleb about his feelings about Essek both give Matt clues for playing these NPCs and how things might be received.
FRIDA mentioning their crush on FCG to Deanna means it's not a complete surprise to Sam, since it is a very sudden relationship, and lets him prepare and decide how FCG would feel in the moment, and also establishes how Deanna will feel about it.
Similarly in the C3 Uthodurn arc, Fearne going to Chetney about Deanna is an incredibly good move from Ashley (to the point that talking about this is what led me to write this whole post). It lets Travis play out where Chetney is. It lets Aabria therefore hear not only where Chetney is, but also know that Fearne is potentially interested. It establishes a ton of the dynamics for a relationship that out of game everyone knows will not have a full campaign to play out since one of the characters involved is a guest. And finally, it signals to Christian as FRIDA what the situation is in case Deanna confides in them.
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amsayshi · 4 months
Ok ok ok ok
I have some thoughts on critical role campaign 3 end game and I need to talk them through somewhere. So here we gooooo:
This last episode they spoke about a simultaneous attack. They spoke about infiltration teams and big boy attacks and some other things all happening at the same time and it made my brain light up with all sorts of conspiracy theories.
What if this attack is broken up into different storylines/group episodes?
A few episodes with the mighty nein, a few episodes with the bells hells, a few episodes with ragtag guest stars group (from all campaigns!!!?), a darrington brigade or a slayer's take oneshot, a fucking Vox Machina reunion, etc... all playing into whether or not this works to stop the release of predathos. Like a bunch of group skill checks but in episodic form. Like if the mighty nein mission fails that makes the bells hells mission harder?
This campaign in particular seems very cross reference-y. It also would be a wonderful way to set up a new team if they wanted to create a weird offshoot group that isn't the main CR cast. Something like the new podcast but filmed. Mercer wouldn't keep mentioning through Keyleth all of these forces coming together for nothing, right?!
Can you imagine a group that consists of kash, zhara, reani, keg, Deana, prism, and FRIDA?? I would die. The chaos.
Anyway I'm looking forward to whatever fuckery is coming our way.
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I’m bored so take an introduction I guess
Haiii :3
I’m Frida! (some people call me Friday tho)
This is my silly little tumblr lmao
I like Black Metal, Inglourious basterds (I never shut up about Christoph Waltz asksjfjdjdkdk), obscure Vocaloid covers, weird animations, languages, and a lot of other specific niches (I reblog and like a bunch of different things I guess ?? But what I mentioned earlier are my most prevalent interests)
i draw and i am very silly :3
Anyway yeah 👍 uh stick around I guess
(ĖĎ, ŠĦ, Pr0Sh1p/C0mSh1p, K1nk, TCC, Reichblr DNI!!!)
EDIT: i have a carrd y'all can read 🫡
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clone high final episode spoilers below! (9 n 10)
holy fuck im so happy. even though im super annoyed how they keep throwing a bunch of really good ideas for relationships and plot in the trash- im just so happy with what we got. 
OK FIRST EPISODE 9??? THE ANIMATION WAS SO FUCKING GOOD AND I HAD TO PAUSE BECAUSE WHEN WESLEY WAS FLAILING IN THE SEA, IT WAS DAMN smooth and pleasant to watch, as morbid as it sounds lol. that whole scene with the comic-esque vibe was so so pleasing. 
and that whole episode was super like, sad but funny. i literally stood up and yelled when Mr. B was getting near the edge. like i probably woke up every single one of my neighbors in like.. a 50 mile radius it was that bad im so fucking annoying about this show. 
ok, episode 10 i have to take a deep breath with. i am VERY happy. and idk if it was because the bar was so low, or if it was because i was so anxious i was vomiting everywhere because i needed content so bad, but i am overjoyed. 
THE ABETOPH CONTENT WE GOT WAS SO GOOD. WE HAVE LIKE... 3 NEW CUTE PHOTOS OF THEM HANGING OUT, AND LIKE A BUNCH OF MOMENTS OF ABE CARRYING TOPHER ON HIS BACK. was it because he was being tophers lackey? fine, sure, whatever. BUT AFTER THAT WHEN JFK BROKE TOPHERS PHONE IT WAS OVER (im upset it wasnt developed on further because people who didnt watch it in real time like us will surely be fine. so fuck you.) 
Also, ABE AND JFKS FREINDSHIP HOLUYDBIUJEWNFJKNF oh my god not to be autistic but i was stimming so fucking hard WHEN THEY HUGGED, I WAS LIKE YES FINALLY. FINALLLLLYYY!!! theyre my sweet boys and THAT WHOLE FRIEND GROUP HAS ME IN TEARS. LIKE abe and Confucius are already bros, as we see them playing in the school yard, and JFK and Confucius are already bros from the sleepover episode, but NOW JFK AND ABE ARE BROS. FUCK. YEAH. oh and tophers there too. i like how they treat topher tbh. like hes just there until he says something out of pocket and they’re just like stfu. 
but with the girls friend group.. oof. i honestly loved them so much, especially with cleo, but NOW ITS FUCKED. and its not even joans fault tbh. like when i was watching the scene where frida dropped joan i was like “damn” but then, JOAN MENTIONS HOW SHE HELPED EVERYONE BEFORE AND I WAS LIKE “DAYYYYYYUUMMMM UR RIGHT” so now im conflicted. But again like??? bruh i would choose cleo too tbh lmao.
Also, i’m glad clone college isn’t real. because jfk mentions about taking shelly to .. biology? which i think is a only 1st year class. and in the original clone high everyone is like “omg u hit puberty over summer” Which i feel is typically something thats potrayed in media AFTER middle school. but i could be wrong so, idk. just really glad they didn’t do the clone college bc i hate change. also theyre 16 lmao. OR MAYBE THEY WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT... in the future when highschools done?? IDK. IDC.
anyway. im scared for joans friend group and i fucking love joan, and i am in love with abe, toph, jfk, and Confucius’s little bromances and augh. im so happy. and THE CLIFF HANGER WASN’T TERRIBLE ALSO, IN MY OPNINON. 
im just glad joanabe wasn’t endgame. i mean, i would be pretty happy because im a sucker for childhood friends to lovers but also NOOOOOO joan deserves better. so. yeah 10/10 
if you read this far, holy crap, im proud of you, and ily 
that is my review on the finale so i’ll be making so much content now that im not on the brink of collapsing everytime i think of clone high. like trust me im gonna try and stretch out this fixation for as long as i can. though im probably gonna draw a surplus of abe and jfk art bc they were my fav in 2020
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lolazoid · 3 months
Guess who made another OC gang
Tumblr media
Also here’s her relationship chart
Lyta’s relationship chart
•Abe: friendly. “JFK mentioned him once but I don’t know him well enough.”
•Joan: embarrassed by the thought of her. “I remember assuming she was a lesbian and trying to ask her out- turns out she wasn’t”
•Gandhi: “who?”
•Cleo: neutral. “She used to call me a dyke a bunch. Guess she was projecting like my foster parents said-“
•JFK: friends. “Really chill dude, love his parties”
•Harriet: friendly. “I don’t know many of the newer clones much but she seems nice!”
•Confucius: friendly. “Bro just get rid of the jacket and you’re set in the looks department..”
•Frida: friends. “I love the murals she’s painted around school!”
•Topher: weirded out by him. “To be honest, when I first saw him, I thought he was a pregnant teen girl by the way he walked. But no he’s just mentally ill- he’s fine when he’s not asking me to join his weird little group.”
•Fifi: friends. “She’s not taking her shit with Mulan very well, it’s very worrying..”
•Scudworth: positive. “He tried to experiment on me once to see if I did actually come from my own race of Amazonian. For half of it, I just played video games-“
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literaturewithliz · 2 years
HIHI IM BACK BEARING MORE MATCHUPS <33 this time may i please get romantic for six of crows, any pronouns, bisexual, INFP 7w6, hufflepuff, libra!! (still lmao)
dislikes i forgot last time: elevators, dolls, my braces, people who can’t take no for an answer…, the planet saturn
likes i forgot last time: astronomy, history, frida kahlo (fav painter <3)
personality traits i forgot last time: forgetful, caring, i’ve been told i’m too nice for my own good, not very judgy, incapable of holding grudges, forgetful, i tend to overwork myself, this isn’t a personality trait but i always go to sleep at like 3am and wake up at 7am regretting my life choices
this time could i get six of crows, harry potter (any era <33), heroes of olympus, bridgerton and the outsiders? if those are too much you can choose whichever one you want!! tysm!!
Hello again! I hope you like your results!
Six of Crows
I match you with Nina Zenik!
I think she’d adore your sweet personality and love to be around the positive energy you bring! I believe by what you’ve told me about yourself, your a bit of a people pleaser. I think she can really help you with that, because she’s really confident and independent. She’s very chill, so I thinks he could help you not to overwork yourself and help you sleep at a reasonable time!
Harry Potter (marauders era)
I match you with Remus Lupin!
I think it’s perfect that you don’t have a judgmental mindset, because that’s what Remus needs. Also, book buddiesssss. He’d love reading with you omg. His favorite thing of all time though is having you read to him while y’all cuddle and just ahhhh. So cute. I think he’d be really interested in your interest in art! Would def ask you questions about paintings you like, and wanna know how you perceive them! He’d be a sucker for deep convos in general, tbh.
I match you with Benedict Bridgerton!
Once again, this boy needs someone with a non-judgmental mindset. I feel like Benedict is very scared to be himself in public, and needs someone who he doesn’t have to pretend around. Also, you both love artttttt!? He’d take you to all art museums while y’all are courting. He’d prob propose to you at one too, I bet. I think you two would be a really sweet couple that people would love to talk too. Genuinely, no one hates y’all. Which is rare for the ton.
Heroes of Olympus
I match you with Hazel Levesque!
Once again, art buddies! Common dates for you two are drawing/painting together. I feel like she’d adore your sweet personality, and fangirl over Frida Kahlo with you. I think that while Hazel is a big sweetheart, she knows when she needs to be firm with someone, and won’t hold back. I think she could definitely help in that department, as you mentioned being too nice for your own good. I think that’s how she used to be, and feels a lot happier now that she isn’t living for the happiness of others, and wants to guide you into that direction as well.
The Outsiders
I match you with Sodapop Curtis!
I think he’s really into smart girls. And your sweet and smart, so he’s just head over heels. He knows you like books and art, so he’ll ask Ponyboy about a bunch of stuff pertaining to that. You two give off such ‘high school sweethearts’ vibes. People look at y’all and want the relationship you two have. He doesn’t really care if your a greaser or a soc, he sees you, not your class. And he loves that he doesn’t have to be afraid of being emotional around you! Your non-judgmental personality makes him feel so secure, and wants to make sure you know that you can feel secure around him, too.
I hope you like your results! This was so much fun and I loved the challenge!
( also, I have to ask, are YOU the Dex anon?)
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willkimurashat · 2 years
Looking for Gabi fans to follow and MC/Gabi fanfics to read. Some of my favorite lgbt litg blogs have either deactivated or are no longer playing litg Suresh fans are trying to hijack Gabi's tag with biphobia and hate posts. I'm scared to open her tag. Suresh fans are hating on lgbt players because FB made Gabi a LI and they can no longer use her to justify Suresh's action. We get enough bigotry from the writers. =( I have met some lgbt fans on reddit and IG, but they don't have blogs
Hello anon, and welcome to ✨Gabi Fan Club✨
From the second I saw her design, I completely swooned (and maybe drooled a little too, but we don’t talk about it🤫) and kept imagining the Frida Kahlo scenario between Gabi and MC, passing down the clown red nose of shame to Suresh lol!
In all seriousness though, I am so sorry you encountered hateful posts and biphobia, and I am not surprised - the Suresh debates can get heated. I think fusebox did us dirty for only giving us Dana as an li (who, let’s be real, wasn’t written great, especially with the kissing Eddie part) and Gabi aka the girl Suresh cheated on MC with. Idk what reaction they were expecting from fans because there’s something problematic with every single character this season, and I’m so sick of fusebox perpetuating these racist and biphobic stereotypes time and time again. So naturally, it sparks further hate and -isms from the players, trying to defend or offend some pixels. I am personally not on a Suresh route, so I don’t really care about that side of drama. I like Gabi and I think she is an interesting character, she has a cool back story, she’s interested in MC, and jee is she hot (sorry for being shallow). I also think it’s weird to shame people for liking a game character. Like, I guess I can understand it if someone’s into Dylan, who is just beyond problematic, and good friends wouldn’t and shouldn’t let you date someone like that. But other than that, my philosophy is that LITG is a game - that’s literally all it is, just a story with some 2d pixel art, and we shouldn’t be taking it so close to heart. If people like Suresh - you do you, if people like Gabi - please, by all means, suit yourself. They’re not real, so we shouldn’t let the hate and bigotry and racism get so out of hand that it hurts real people.
Anyways, this got very long, and idk if any of it is coherent, but in short: we shouldn’t bully people on which characters they like and we shouldn’t let the hate hurt others. What we should do, is criticize fusebox for continuingly villainizing and stereotyping LGBT characters and characters of color, and we should be able to have some fun playing:)
P. S. To people spreading hate and biphobia: check your privilege please. Before posting hateful comments about LGBT characters, ask yourself, why does this reaction come up to me in the first place? Why am I so angry about a wlw route? Who do I see in Gabi? Maybe it’s someone who hurt you before or maybe it’s internalized homophobia speaking? Food for thought. And honesty, if you do have so much hate on your mind, maybe just put your phone down, take a breather, and just.. close out of the post/comment/reply? Your bigoted opinion is not worth the pain it can cause someone.
P. P. S. Also, just wanted to mention as well, there’s definitely a lot of wonderful people on here, who I know would not judge you or anyone for liking Gabi or what have you, and I really hope you stay safe out here because cyberbullying is real, so please, take a step back if hateful posts get too much - always always always put yourself first, lovely!
P. P. P. S. Also also, I haven’t written any Gabi x mc fics and I don’t know if there are any, but you can definitely check out @litgwritersroom - they’re a bunch of wonderful, talented, creative lovelies that are very open and accepting of every player. I’m not sure if their asks are open currently, but they do take fanfic requests!;)
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morrisonrs · 1 year
The World's Calling Chapter 2: Nepotism and Fake Smiles
A woman of dark black skin and brown hair sat in her assigned station, some rented out cabin that was used in place of proper office space. Built of wood with the carpentry of a cabin, it had been furnished to resemble an outpost. The legality of this was debatable but as the last owner was currently in cement shoes from a work incident, no one was going to care. Next to her was some watered-down excuse for a lemonade and a turn crank battery fan. It was warm, it felt like a doctor’s office, and she was sure that the last owner did something unspeakable to their gaudy polka-dot guest seat based on the tears on it. This was not her space, and it was not her niche.
“Frida asks you to lunch, nothing major, just a friendly dinner to catch up. Then she has you playing interviewer. Best use of my time.”
Lucia Ensign had not been at this for the longest time, which probably explains why she was the one that Frida picked for this. For the past 3 hours, she had spent her time interviewing a bunch of malnourished, overzealous freaks who all came here to repeat the same conclusion, no matter how much they tried to hide it behind flowery words and “noble” motivations.
No matter the person, it was always their eyes and voice that always gave them away. It was the haughty undertone of the common braggart, the relish in which they read off their list of accomplishments and feats. The look in their eyes as they seemed to already consider you lesser. Fuck you and fuck your hype. Honestly, after a certain amount of time sifting through candidate after candidate, she was less mad at Frida for the trick she pulled and more at the fact that she sent Lucia to Waning Rock. Some nowheresville pit in the middle of a canyon, the entire place still smelled like saltwater, and you could see the fossils still stuck in the side of the rock wall a few hundred miles out. Out of all the places within the Spheres and she was placed at the outer rim of society.
“Send the next one in.”
In return for the effort, Frida had worked her authority to send her some assistance. From the outside of her interview room, she heard some form of mechanical beeping. They had sent her some secretarial mechs to help her with candidates and such. Yet with them being outfitted with some sort of one-to-one radio and electronic encryption language, it was mostly beeps and boops that she heard as the gossipy bitches spent their day relaxing. She was also sure one of them stole the good pen, now she’s stuck with this fountain tip bullshit. They didn't even need to use paper, she knew they use paper. Dicks.
There is something to be said about what a lack of faith can do to you. The places that it'll lead you and the people you'll meet when you've hit the bottom of the barrel. Stepping into the room, it was… well it was filthy. Dust everywhere, cheap seating, cramped spacing. It was downright claustrophobic. Not to mention whoever this woman had helping her was shirking their responsibilities. Secretarial type 2 Mechanoids with pens, what a thought! He had seen them sort through thousands of name searches in 2 seconds. No matter, the filthy room, and inefficient workspace were temporary. Now was time for the promised interview. As he sat down in the gaudy chair, the woman went straight to business.
“Name and or Designation?”
“Search, Handle, Operate, Analyze,” answered Shoa, with a nervous undertone to his responses.
“Preferred Acronym or Shorthand?
“S.H.O.A would be fine, please.”
A small amount of writing followed with the pen in her hand. Each stroke felt like a chiseled indictment on Shoa's character.
The woman looked up from her paper, her face unchanging. “What’s your purpose for being here and why do you want this job?”
“Personally, I feel it would be such a great honor to work under the Notary. I’ve heard they’re a fellow Mechanoid so with that in mind, our skill sets would be just that more conducive to getting results not to mention -”
Lucia swiftly cut him off. “And what would those results be?”
In one second, the word “rude” crossed the mind of the android. In the next split second, it took for Shoa to process the idea, he’d realized that he actually didn’t know what serving under the Notary meant. He’d heard stories and had seen people who had secondary access to people associated with the Notary but never had the chance to interact with them. “Wouldn’t that just be to record what information there is? Sit in a room, sort what there is sort and leave it for the next generation.”
The face of the woman turned into a different kind of grim, less from the standard seriousness on her face, one that seemed reserved for disappointment in unknowing brats. “Sure. Look, why do you even want this? Judging by your… background, shouldn’t you be doing 50 functions a second at your grand metro?”
“That's…. that’s not an option. Not anymore. “ A low buzzing filled the room, the source of which damning the fact he wasn’t more silent. The android put his hands in his lap while his head hung low. “This job is supposed to give me a purpose. Give me something to work towards and do, and I can’t just back down from this. It's this or a fate worse than death. I’m not getting repurposed. I refuse it.”
A stray eyebrow raised itself in response to this. “Huh. Wasn’t that just a natural process? Just something like reorganization in ranks, right?”
The evergreen lines on the side of Shoa’s head spiked for a second, then returned to a solid plain. He could hear the minute clicks from the other room. He could remember the voice of those from the Metro. His virtual face of his stayed neutral as he spoke. “I’m not made for reorganization. With the way, I was made… I was a specialized existence anyway. Certain models just aren’t adaptable. Repurposement is made for more general-purpose models, not for me. I was a custom order." The humor in his tone was as organic as his chrome.
“Sure. Heh, I don’t even know what you guys even do with yourselves. Frankly, I don’t care. As long as you’re willing to do the job.”
“Thank you?”
“Don’t worry about it. So, do you have any prior governmental allegiances that may interfere with your work?”
“Not at this current moment, no.”
“Got it.” The woman in front of him ticked off some parts on her paper and scribbled some other parts on the back of the pad of paper. From a drawer behind her, she took out a small square device stored in a box of plastic. It was the size of a post-it note with green lines styling a red background.
“Apparently this is called an Internal Data Sorter, or at least that’s what the guy who handed it to me said it was. Supposed to be given to Mechs who do Notary stuff,” said Lucia as she half-heartedly examined it.
The ease with which she fooled around with the object gave a bad prediction form in Shoa’s mind. “But… isn’t there a sorting process? Other candidates to look through and a callback date? Also, how did you get that? I thought that only high-ranking Mechanoids were ever supposed to give those out?”
A shrug was given in response to the urgency in Shoa's voice. "According to what I was told, Mechs are given priority, easier to push through apparently. As for the device, just call it Union benefits. At least that’s what the head said.”
A cautious neon smile slowly grew on the face of the android. “Well, that’s fortunate for me then!”
A small smile answered him. “Sure is.”
The carriage ride here was with multiple other beings, next to rabbit and canine Animalia. Judging by the lack of sitting space, she definitely wasn’t the only one with the idea of applying for this gig. From what she could pick up on the 2-hour ride here, Notary business didn’t come often and didn’t come cheap. It was usually reserved for non-humanoid applicants so the fact they were even considering them meant something must’ve gone wrong upstairs.
The room itself was definitely businesslike. The rumor was that the mechs scanned your face for some supermassive database or cloning program. Yet judging by the tone of the building, the robots at the front desk barely wanted to be here, and judging by her expression and barely attached name tag, Lucia even less so. She didn’t want to be here, and they weren’t paying her enough to fake the emotion. That was fine though, she just wanted to ace this interview, and get it done. Now to lay the conversation line. She just had to start with a smile. “Hello, Ms. Ensign. How are you?”
“Fine. Name and/or Designation?” Lucia wasn't biting, that was fine. All she had to do was lay it on.
“Rhys Madris. Freelance adventurer and merchant.” She knew how marketing worked. Short and to the point, repeatable to higher-ups. Gotta make it memorable.
There was no change in her voice or her expression. “Preferred Nickname?”
“Well, just Rhys is fine.” Fake the southern accent and endear yourself.
“What’s your purpose for being here and why do you want this job?”
“Well, if I had to lock down a specific purpose, it would be because I’ve always had an interest in this world since humans were brought here. The ruins, the old ones, magic, it’s all just so fascinating to me, and the idea-”
“Name one figure.”
The tone had changed, the smile on Lucia's face had come from nowhere and the amusement in her tone was mocking, knowing. She had been caught.
“Of your interest, you’ve had to have come across a few books, a few 'fellow researchers' Hell, even just a figure about your magic thing. The fact you’re even signing up for this job means that you’re gonna get a lot of study material. So just name a source. Name one.”
…. Fuck.
A smug look slowly expanded itself on Lucia’s face, with the energy of a person who had solved a riddle after 3 minutes of waiting for their food to come. “Yeah, I don’t wanna be here to kid, but I showed up. At least don’t lie to my face, save that for your coworkers, people who you need to lie to. Why are you here, why do you want to be here?”
With the jig of cordial relations being firmly up, the nice facade faded and was replaced with business and recent frustrations.
“Christ. Fine. I ended up in debt with some people after an “investment opportunity” fell through.” The mention of the failure still left a horrid taste in Rhys's mouth. One that lacked currency and tasted like annoyance. Pop Rocks was what she settled on what failure tasted like. Lucia however seemed much more intrigued by this story.
“What kind of opportunity,” she asked with open ears.
A sigh on the other side of the desk. “You ever seen those 3 headed bone Mirepods? Like the ones those wannabe heroes go out to slaughter cause they want to reclaim land but mostly cause they want to look cool.”
Only one thing could match up in Lucia's mind.
“Fight Pit?”
A nod from Rhys.
“Fight Pit.”
Rhys ran her hands through her hair, already tense about the retelling of this grand financial disaster. “So, the fight pit did its job, bunch of people wanted to fight, bunch wanted to bet, bunch wanted to watch people get turned to munch. Munch is made, money is made proportional to the munch.”
“As is tradition.”
“Right. So, it's going great. Copper Pipes and valuables flowing in, even some credits too.”
A curious hand was raised from the elbow, not leaving the desk.
“Wait, you had Mechs paying to see it? They don’t seem like the type.”
“Yeah, I think they were gonna bootleg it, I don’t know. Point was that Credits buy improvements and so we improved. Got the pit set up, steel cage, sunk middle, and everything. Things go good for a few months. That is until one of our gladiators decided they wanted to coward out near the end.”
“They knew what they signed up for but apparently, they decided to ruin it for everyone. Panicked and started swinging like hell. The first few swings hit the harness for the collar, another hits the gate lock when they get their arm sliced off. Shit hits the fan. Chimera escapes and rampages through town. Local militia had to call in some hotshot sniper to put it down easy. Some ass named Riko or something, I dunno. “ Nearing this part of the story, Rhys goes for the full glass of lemonade, and a quick exchange of looks said that nothing would be lost by Lucia if she drank it.
"So, I turned to my other business partners after the incident, only to realize that the mattress of money was half empty and they were three towns over. Now I’m left to explain and clean up the mess.”
“You mean you couldn’t escape town fast enough to dodge the beat cops.”
“Eh, 60/40 on skipping town. I explain that technically it isn’t illegal to run a fighting association. They tell me it technically isn’t illegal to run my dwellings dry even though I don’t live on their land. “
“Which leads us to…”
“Me being flat broke and coming here.”
A whistle came and an entertained smirk was the only response Lucia could muster for a few seconds. "Fair enough. Very interesting story, but this isn’t the job you run away to. I could set you up with some infrastructure. The world always needs builders.”
Rhys shook her head. “Nah, I appreciate the offer, but you know how it goes in the human spheres. A throw up between any project going bankrupt cause of idiots on top or saps at the bottom. Besides, I rode a 3-hour carriage over here. A crowded one. Either I’m getting this job or selling your secretaries back there for scrap.” The exaggeration of travel time was a bit much but she was going to run this home.
While Lucia felt the joking intent in her voice, the eyes of the woman in front of her told her that she would run this entire place dry if she had half a mind to. “Well, if anything, I have to respect the drive. Though I have to ask, where am I in your range of idiots and saps? Since you have a fondness for putting people in boxes.”
Rhys looked over the woman in front of her. Tired but determined. She wasn’t gonna die anytime soon, whatever vibe came out of her eyes could best be described as “I’ve outlived my coworkers and I’m sure as hell gonna outlive you.” “Does enough to get by and is comfortable where she is.”
“Didn’t peg you for a jokester, come on now.”
A small head roll on Rhy's part.
“Fine. I just know you aren’t gonna die soon, and I don’t plan on dying either. Doesn’t matter what job you give me, or what the point of all this Notary stuff is. I plan on surviving and if this position can grant me that, then you can count me in to defend it."
Lucia could only shake her head at her confidence.
“Heh. Alright.” After digging around in her desk, she emerged with some kind of paper in her hand.
“You’re not in yet, but you’re certainly not out. Meet back here in a few days, with that invite thing. If you can get through what’s to come, I’m sure you’ll be able to make it into the Union.”
A smirk with more cockiness than a shotgun manifested on Rhys’ face. "What’s the catch then?”
“Gotta meet with the only guy to hold more sway than the heads.
The smirk was suddenly uncocked.
“...You’re kidding.”
A simple statement was given in response.
“Act nice to Vig huh?”
0 notes
sleuthingwithchloe · 2 years
Fire in Adlerstein (Day 3)
Day 3 (June 2nd 2022)
So, let's go on the website shall we. So, I entered his wedding anniversary date, which is May 24th (2405), and we are in my dudes. 
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The translation of the website reads :
"This content is protected by password. To access it, enter the for digits password :"
Then, the only thing that pops up is this :
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Wtf is this now?
So, Bremer insured his home on May 26th, possibly because he was scared something was going to happen to him? So it says, the insurance contract is automatically renewed for one year, yaddi yaddi yadda, the insurance covers for fire, flood, storm, hail, breaking in, burglary and vandalism; and he's insured for 400'000 €. Interesting, but what does it all mean? Did he get home insurances to have the money to pay back the Fischer brothers? Did he set his own house on fire and it went horribly wrong? WTF BREMER!?! XD I added this to my important events.
Now, I'm not very sure as to why we have this, considering we already know about Sivers' prescription in the 1st place. So I'm not going to pay much attention to it for the moment.
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We have a page of a young girl's journal. It's not from Mitzy, because the person writing mentioned her, so I'm assuming it's her sister. Bruna probably? Most likely.
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Now, I just realized, and yes, this is a bit off topic but whatever, the mother in Mitzy's drawing has a shirt with stars and a striped skirt, just like the woman in the camera footage at the hotel. So, Mitzy's and Bruna's mother is the one with Katz.
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Anyways, in her journal, Bruna mentions her parents getting in a fight and they then went to their grandmothers. She also says she left her Harry Potter book at her grandmother's house. So, the 2 people from the hotel probably named each other Ron Weasley and Hermine Granger because of the book.
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Bruna says that her mother came back in the middle of the night smelling like gasoline. I'm really getting confused right now. XD There's to many things tying to many people to the fire. It's almost as if EVERYONE was in on it, but I know that's not it lol.
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There's a letter addressed to Frida Bremer. Bremer's wife or ex-wife?
The letter is from Alma Preuss and it goes like this :
"Dear Frida,
One day you slept with a married man and you destroyed his family, right?
Honestly, did you really think he'd stay loyal to you forever?
We both had fun, you know. We really had a blast.
But I don't need him anymore, so take him back and go fuck yourself!
I have a small favor to ask of you. The last time Joseph came to see me, he forgot the bracelet you gave him at house.
Could you give it back to him? Thanks in advance.
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Sooo, that means Frida is Bremer's actual wife and mother of Mitzy and Bruna. That means the woman from the hotel with Katz is Frida. I'm very confusion. XD Anyways, I added the letter to my important events on May 27th.
Here we have a piece of a bracelet, probably the one mentioned in Alma's letter to Frida. So, this belonged to Joseph. There's nothing else to see about it, other than it's a freakin piece of bracelet. 😬 NEXT!!
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There's a match box from the Adlersking club and on its back, there's Lukas Bremer's Facebook. 😮 Let's go take a look at it.
So, we have a bunch of pictures of Lukas Bremer at the Adlersking club. 2 of which are on the night of the fire, the earliest one is at 11:30 pm and the latest is 11:50 pm. The fire started around 11:50 pm so, does that leave him enough time from Bremer's property to the club, which he arrived at 11:30 pm? Erg, I'm getting annoyed at all of this lol.
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Then if we go on the Adlersking club FB, there's pictures of them from 11:42 pm to 00:02 am (Yes, the times are freakin hidden with the other photos, my bad -_-" But I can assure you the latest one is at 00:02 am 😮).
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On Mark Newman's FB, one of Lukas' friends who was there with him, there's 1 photo at 00:02 am. The same 00:02 am photo from the Adlersking club (Hehe, told you).
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And now, if we go on Micha Frank's FB, another one of Luka's friends who was there with him, there's 1 photo at 11:40 pm.
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SO, that means they got there at at least 11:30 pm and left, at least after 00:02 am. I don't know if that leaves them time to start a fire and get to the club, all tho it is sus that they are partying on the night of his father's death, after saying he was gonna burn his ass lol.
And it does say it's a "fire party" on one of his photos. 🤔 I'm confusioooooooooooooon!!
We have a newspaper (😖 I hate newspapers) and there's a couple of articles that are circled in it.
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This one is about a riot on may 24th I think. About how they started a fire blablabla, and there's the 2 Fischer brothers name's in the article.
I don't see how this is news, considering we already know the Fischers are ass holes and that this happened on the 24th. Maybe to show us that they are indeed criminals, but yeah, no shit! 🙄
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But then I continue reading, something my dumbass as trouble doing x), and it says all the culprits from the article were put in jail for 15 days.
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SO, that means that if they were put in jail on the 24th and spent 15 days in, they would of came out only on June 8th. SOOOOOO, the Fischer brothers are NOT our culprits. NOW WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE FFS !!! 😤 XD
The 2nd circled article is about a show from what seems like Boy George but it's not XD and it's being cancelled. Let me read this one carefully now. XD
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It says that after their show of May 29th at Palma de Majorque, the May 30th show of this band was put off, due flights being cancelled because of a storm and they could only be back on June 1st.
Palma de Majorque is where Alma Preuss was on her trip. She left on May 24th and was supposed to come back on the 30th, but that means she couldn't of, because the flights got cancelled until June 1st. SOOOOO, Alma Preuss is NOT our culprit either! 
Then we have an article about Carl Notebeck, the journalist, saying he broke into the zoo the night of the 30th, opened the chimpanzee cage and released them.
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He intended to shoot a video on location to sell it to media. The police arrested later that night.
So, I don't know if it all happened before the fire or after. BUT, Carl did leave us a little note which begs the question, why though ?
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The note's translation says :
"I'm not hiding anything, you may have read this article, it was me, I let the monkeys escape from the zoo while I was working on a video report. But I'm not an arsonist nor a murderer, I beg of you, you have to believe me !"
So, considering this happened on the night of the fire and he was arrested, I wouldn't of suspected him anymore BUT, because of his stupid note, I'm questioning that thought. Plus, he was at the scene of the crime to take pictures, thus why police suspected him.
[To be continued...]
Our timeline so far :
May 14th :
• 2pm : Walter Sivers started taking anti-stress medication by IV.
May 20th : 
• Bremer lost 100'000$ playing cards with the Fischer brothers.
Night of 20th to 21th May :
• The Fischer brothers gave Bremer 10 days to pay them back. They then destroyed Bremer's car to force him to pay them back within those 10 days, or else.
May 23rd :
• Joseph Bremerand Alma Preuss booked 2 plane tickets.
• 08:56 pm to 09:09 pm :
• Alma Preuss and Joseph Bremer had an altercation by text. Alma threatened Bremer.
May 24th :
• Bremer's ticket was cancelled by Alma Preuss.
• The Fischer brothers were sent to jail for 15 days for vandalism.
May 26th :
• Bremer got home insurance for 400'000 €.
May 27th :
• Alma sent a letter to Frida, telling her Bremer cheated on her.
May 28th :
• Bremer refused to compensate Katz for firing him.
May 29th :
• Lukas Bremer told Magdelena Witt he was going to set his father on fire as a prank.
May 30th :
• 8:29 pm to 8:32 pm : Heinrich Katz was seen at a gas station, filling up a tank.
• 11:35 pm : 2 people signed as "Ron Weasley" (Heinrich Katz) and "Hermine Granger" (Frida Bremer) at an hotel.
• 11:41 pm : "Ron Weasley" (Heinrich Katz) and "Hermine Granger" (Frida Bremer) were caught on camera going to their room (room 11)
• 11:50 pm : Photo evidence shows fire started around 11:50 pm
May 31st :
• 00:04 am to 00:07 am : Carl Notebeck was stopped near the scene of the fire to take pictures.
• 00:15 am : Witness Heinrich Keein alerted fire department about Bremer's home on fire (Adlerstein Hohmann Str. 19)
• 00:22 am : Fire department arrived on scene.
• 01:45 am : Fire department left scene.
• 06:45 am : "Ron Weasley" (Heinrich Katz) and "Hermine Granger" (Frida Bremer) left the hotel.
June 8th :
• The Fischer brothers were released from jail.
0 notes
waddles-ex-machina · 3 years
stone forest but it’s my fave moments from the comic that didn’t make it into the show
bc I love both versions of stone forest and bc I can 😌
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first off, this guy sticks around after hilda gets the elf house off him and just follows her around and it’s really cute!! like, come on, just look at this guy and try to tell me he isn’t friend-shaped. he’s the only guy I trust. and he’s a piece of dirt
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the elves cheering for hilda when she takes the house back!! wholesome, 10/10
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meme format my beloved. I like to think that when david shows up in hilda’s drawer in the windmill episode it’s a reference to this panel :)
(putting the rest under a cut so none of my followers get tempted to vibecheck me)
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okay, idk what’s going on with johanna’s whole vibe here but I love it. I bet she looks that way bc she’s wondering if hilda’s seen her gf
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I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, these two share a braincell. also hilda immediately takes this opportunity to sneak out to see frida?? (id include a pic but tumblr picture limit :(( ) anyway luke said frilda rights, thank u luke
even if she gets grounded immediately after this :(
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the exaggerated ‘being sneaky(TM)’ poses…the comedic timing of the light coming on…raven looking more scared of johanna than he has any right to be…this scene has everything
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okay so listen. listen. this one isn’t so much a “comics thing I wish was in the show” moment as its a thing that IS in the show and I have to mention it bc they made it so much BETTER. LOOK AT HOW FAR MY GIRL HAS COME
comics johanna: idk just stay behind me and maybe we won’t die
season 2 johanna: you wanna fuckin GO?
I don’t know which crew member looked at this scene and decided that johanna actually does not fuck around but I owe them my life
moving on
ok so for anyone who doesn’t know, everything in the actual ‘stone forest’ part of the comic is more or less the same but with one big difference - in the comics, alfur doesn’t come with hilda to trolberg, and david and frida are more minor characters who don’t even know hilda’s gone missing when all this goes down
so then who, you might ask, comes to rescue hilda and johanna from the mountain?? who steps up to this perilous task???
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THIS GUY. SHOWS UP AND HELPS THEM GET OUT OF THE MOUNTAIN. y’all can laugh at me stanning this dude but he is the HERO of stone forest and I can’t believe he got robbed of his spotlight like this #straysoddeservedbetter2K20
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oh and tontu and raven save johanna from the rocks in case you’re wondering. thank u tontu and raven, my wife lives to see another day
literally all raven does in this comic is help hilda fuck things up and save her mum’s life and I have no choice but to stan
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this is rapidly turning into a stray sod appreciation post but like. this guy follows them all the way to the mountain, rescues them from a bunch of trolls and johanna’s first instinct is to put a mug on him. absolute icon. johanna just gives zero fucks in the comic and I’m so here for it. sometimes a family is a mum, her chaotic daughter, the house spirit and a piece of dirt 😌 (he doesn’t stick around much for mountain king and he’s hardly in the show at all but that’s okay bc he’s living in my heart rent free 🥺)
the ending is more or less the same and I ran out of images anyway so that’s it!! if u read this far down thanks for putting up with my stray sod appreciation stone forest comic post, I hope y’all enjoyed seeing me ramble abt the comics?? somehow?? in conclusion I love stone forest, thank u for your time
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What are your 5 personal favorite Hilda fanfics?
Oooh okie so:
5. There Beneath The Maple Tree by ThePoeticWalrus (@trolbergoraclecolumnist)
Frida and Hilda sit beneath a tree to watch the clouds. When questions get asked, new feelings are found.
You'll notice this in most of my choices, but this is just a really soft and fluffy fic that warms my heart. There's a real sweetness to the whole thing, and something about how the pair's feelings are described is just so soft and earnest. This fic is in no small part responsible for Spare Room Safety, and I love how it handles Hilda and Frida's bond.
4. A bump in the night by Smart_heart (@the-hilda-librarians-wife)
Victoria Van Gale is a serious scientist. Even after her laboratory and workplace is destroyed, she remains the sort of person to look for the reasons behind everything. She likes being in control, she makes stern analyses and important experiments, and she… goes trick or treating with a bunch of kids?
I love Victoria, and this fic has everything I want to see for her; her playing the role of a guardian figure to Hilda, and the blue-haired girl and her friends worming their way into her heart, forcing her to ultimately reflect on herself. It's fun and cute, but it's also a genuinely really good redemption fic that doesn't push things too far and keeps all the characters perfect. And as much as I would love a sequel to see how much that halloween has changed her, Victoria's open ending is really good :))
3. Mum's the Word by Great_Raven_Parade (@great-raven-parade/@starlit-lion)
Alfur finds out ‘Mum’ isn’t Johanna’s real name. Tontu won’t stop teasing him about it.
This fic is honestly canon to me; it just feels like something that could happen in an episode of the show, from the subject to the tone to how all the characters are written, and it's just a really sweet and funny fic to explain a detail that the show never did. It's also where I got the phrase "not-hands" from, and I love the implication that Alfur will be adopted at some point.
2. The 5+1 Runaway Hilda AU by Nach0 (@nach0/@ultimate-kaisa-simp)
Thinking her mum wanted a better daughter, Hilda ran away from home. But deep down, she still misses Johanna.
Johanna was distraught when her daughter ran away. But she will keep searching for her, however long it takes.
The 5 times Hilda almost went back, the 5 times Johanna almost found her, and the 1 time they found each other.
This is the first fic someone ever wrote for me, and it's for one of my favourite AUs, so of course it's going to be on here. But why I really love it so much is how right it got that AU; Nach0 put in details that I hadn't even told them about, and got the details of Hilda and Johanna's separation and how they both coped (or didn't) so perfect. If it wasn't for this fic, the Runaway AU wouldn't exist as it does, and I love it to bits.
1. In Your Arms by ThePoeticWalrus (@trolbergoraclecolumnist)
An entire summer has passed since Trevor was taken in by Ms. Hallgrim, and out of the clutches of his mother. With a new school year comes a fresh start, and a chance to become who he really wants to be. When a new girl is introduced to the class, Trevor realizes that more has changed than he'd thought.
This one is another fic for one of my AUs; it's the sequel to Learned Behaviour, and honestly? It's the better fic of the two. I just love Trevor's arc so much, how he grows, makes amends for his past mistakes, and faces his fears now that he's free from his mother's abuse. His feelings for Lucy were also just really organically handled; it's adorable when you first realise he has a crush, and when he's trying to fix his hair to look cool for her, even though he hasn't realised his own feelings yet. And although they aren't major, I really love Hilda, Frida, Johanna, and Hilda's other family's roles in this whole thing; it's just perfect.
Also because this is me, you get some honourable mentions that I also think you should check out:
This is Somewhere by Great_Raven_Parade (@great-raven-parade/@starlit-lion)
"thank you, mom" by zayheathers (IDK if she's on tumblr)
The bells chime faintly, upon family found anew. by levi2207 (who I also don't think is on tumblr, although we have talked on discord)
A Familiar's Bouquet by Furashu (@furashuban)
Littlest Keeper by Nach0 (@nach0/@ultimate-kaisa-simp)
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jordannxbbs · 3 years
another rant but this one is over the place: overall opinions on FA cup final (3-0 to chelsea)
starting xi:
overall: beyond me why jonas thought this was a half decent idea. it was practically the same starting xi as the barcelona and spurs games (with the exception of leah) and those have been the only major disappointments so far aside from today. 
backline: i know we are short (ie we have less) on defensive players compared to our attacking side especially in the centre half department however we do have enough midfielders to fill a small army, it wouldn’t hurt to drop our swiss princess to the backline until leah’s return (which i am absolutely gagging for, would definitely be alright with that as my christmas gift). i think lia would’ve made a difference instead of having lotte and jen as our cb pairing. as i said earlier, i think a possible simone and lia pairing on our backline is something to be explored next weekend (were playing leicester city and they have zero points) when if it goes horribly wrong, our midfield will take care of it (hopefully). still struggling to understand the concept of putting katie on the wing, i found she dropped down to defensively sometimes and then wasnt in the right places for our rare and shortlived attacking spells (wasnt actually there, might of been the angle of the bbc coverage). i find steph does not work for games like todays, especially when we are getting slaughtered like lambs, however she was the best defender out of a bad bunch today, especially after coming back from aus, girlboss. tbh, had real problems with noelle too, below her normal but better then cbs. wont get into lotte and jen to much because i am anticapating this to be very long and i could write an essay on it maybe when i have recovered from today a little better. only thing ill say is when chelsea our in on goal, i know there trying to not pick up fouls in the box for potential penaltys, but you also cant stand five feet away from them and expect them not to score. were not in five feet apart huns. all in all, we looked like gb in ww1 up until 1917, where we would just run out onto no mans land and think its a good idea. we let the chelsea attacking tanks absolutetly flatten us (im utilising my 9 in history im not drunk, high or going mad).
midfield: lots of opinions on this too. the latest victim of jonas eidevall - jordan nobbs. honestly i noticed jonas mention the lack of completed passes we managed today, well why not use our queen of 2-1s miss jordan then. he made a conscious decision to not bring her on and i honestly think she’ll be considering other options after today. i think lots of clubs in europe could really benefit from her. i think to make up for today, jonas better start her for every other game this year (being dramatic) because her non existent goal count this season is a reflection of jonas and jonas only. shes a class player and will be vital in december my ass. it is december and we know shes class. felt like only kim was there tbh in the first half, i liked lias nails though so bonus points? not much else other than mana should have started, would have done a mana, kim, frida and then jordan in for frida at half time. 
frontline: no complaints since nothing really to complaint about. felt beth really tried to make a difference and felt bad that nothing was going her way. felt all katie did was foul people, ngl would it be a real game without katie getting a yellow; no. i know there wasnt much to work with, but where was viv. i think its the new hair its giving us bad luck, her only real moment for me was that 20 yard out shot that was wide and high.
jonas: thought he would revoloutionising for us this season, honestly i think from what ive seen on here today, none of us are to fond of him. needs to seriously rethink how hes going to see this year out.
maybe, next time were in a fa cup final lets focus on tactics and not making paint xoxo
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hchildren · 3 years
Hi Frida! i am currently planning to write a historical fiction about the goebbels children mainly from the perspective of Helga but Hilde wil also have a central role in the book i was wondering if you got information about some details i have been unable to confirm for 100% Do you know any details of the final birthday of hilde? if it was ever celebrated in 45 given the situation? 2: Do you know if Helga learnt english? (read this on IMDB trivia)
Hi! How interesting!
Sorry for my late reply, but I have been trying to find something regarding your questions in my book. Sadly, I couldn't find anything. =(
1. Hilde's birthday: I don't know. In her book, Kathe Hubner describes quite in detail Joseph's and Magda's last birthdays in 1944, as well as Doctor Stoeckel's last birthday celebration in March 1945. However, she jumps from this event to Hitler's birthday on 20 April 1945. She doesn't give any account of Hilde's birthday. I imagine, and this is my personal opinion, that due to the circumstances, they had probably carried out a humble celebration. Probably baked a cake to sang her happy birthday and maybe gave her a humble present... Perhaps a bunch of flowers or a book? I don't know. But the fact that Kathe, being Hilde's nanny doesn't mention anything about her birthday, makes me feel quite confused.
2. I don't know and I can't confirm it 100%. However, I have been searching about this, and some sources assure that children in 1930's Germany were taught English at school. "A hierarchy of European foreign languages was set up in which preference was given to Germanic over Romanic and Slavic languages. This meant that French lost its status as a second language in Germany which, traditionally, had been very high. English became by far the most prominent foreign language in Germany because Nazi ideology saw the English and their language as akin to the "Aryan race"".
Hope this has been helpful and good luck with your work!
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loladebelgique · 3 years
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over the years, éloïse has amassed quite the staff. she doesn’t have many things nor is she much of a fuss to care for, but with everyone around her being such worrywarts, the list of people who care for her keeps growing. aside from her ladies in waiting, most of the staff is under the guidance and employment of her head of staff, who used to be her governess, lotte jacobs.
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LOTTE JACOBS, 60  :  HEAD OF STAFF  ━  before she became the head of staff, she was éloïse’s governess. akin to a second mother, lotte has been with éloïse since she was eight years old. when she was younger, she was much stricter but as time went on, éloïse has been able to soften her grumpy, ol’ heart.
HELENA BLAKE, 48  :  NURSE  ━  the person éloïse sees every morning and every night like clockwork. unlike dr. martín, who handles more dire situations regarding éloïse’s health, helena takes care of her daily check ups. 
EMILIA CRUZ, 42  :  DIRECTOR *  ━  the director of her charity, heart for hearts. emilia handles most of the day-to-day operations, checking in with éloïse if there are anything that requires her signature or approval.
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ABDIEL MARTÍN, 37  :  TRAVELING PRIMARY PHYSICIAN  ━  like mentioned before, abdiel handles éloïse’s more concerning matters. if there’s a sudden skip in her heartbeat, if she’s having chest tightness or if she goes short of breath for no reason. it doesn’t happen frequently, but if or when it does, he’ll be there. he or more less treats traveling with éloïse as a vacation since she hardly needs him most of the time. at least, she pretends not to need him.
LINA HEINRICH, 42  :  CARDIOLOGY SPECIALIST *  ━    probably the person éloïse detests seeing the most. not only does she make éloïse go through all sorts of tests, her stethoscope is always cold and no matter how many times éloïse complains about it, lina just pretends not to hear her and carries on with her assessments.
SIERRA FOX, 33  :  DIETICIAN *  ━  she works remotely, monitoring éloïse’s diet and making sure she’s getting all the nutrients she needs. éloïse loathes waking up in the morning, consequently causing her to miss breakfast most, if not all, the time so sierra works with éloïse’s maids to make sure that the princess is eating well.
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AMELIE LARSON, 23  :  LADY-IN-WAITING  ━  daughter of a norwegian count, éloïse and amelie met during a charity ball. and like they say, the rest was history. much like éloïse, amelie is very active in the philanthropy circuit. spending most of her time helping out with several charities and doing philanthropy work around the world.
NAOMI YAMASHIRO, 21  :  LADY-IN-WAITING  ━  a japanese-american studying abroad in belgium, éloïse met naomi by chance. the girl having fell in love with brussels was only the more delighted to receive an invitation to stay. among their circle, naomi is more of the rambunctious of the bunch, always up for a party or planning them.
FRIDA MORROW, 22  :  LADY-IN-WAITING  ━  a belgian native. éloïse met frida when she was scouring torgny. one of the more level-headed of her friends, frida has always been known to be the good influence, and keeping the girls on track and out of the hairs of scheming eyes.
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SIMON LAU, 70  :  LEGAL COUNSEL *  ━  éloïse rarely gets into trouble, if anything, simon is paid handsomely for doing nothing. usually on standby for whenever éloïse is out with any of her ‘trouble-making’ friends.
JIWON KIM, 36  :  STYLIST *  ━  jiwon takes care of all of éloïse’s wardrobe. there is not a stitch of clothing that hasn’t gone through jiwon’s eyes. most of her packed luggages were handled by jiwon and if éloïse has any events lined up, jiwon is the first to set up a fitting for said events.
STUART WHITE, 80  :  TORGNY CARETAKER *  ━  he’s head of the household staff in torgny and takes care of the home in éloïse’s absence. due to éloïse’s presence in the home being rather sporadic at times, she had given him the detached house for him to call home. he’s a soft-spoken old man who used to be a carpenter before becoming a butler for a previous family.
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MARSAI POWELL, 45  :  HEAD OF SECURITY  ━  previously one of éloïse’s bodyguards, marsai has been promoted to head of security. along with koshie and ian, they take turns watching over the princess from a distance, knowing how much éloïse detests being crowded.
KOSHIE OSEI, 27  :  BODYGUARD  ━  from ghana, koshie came highly recommended from a previous bodyguard of éloïse’s who had retired. among her staff, koshie is the most hospitable. he knows just what to say and what to do to make someone feel comfortable. he’s like a teddy-bear in a wrestler’s body.
IAN GREEN, 35  :  BODYGUARD  ━  the least attentive of the trio but he gets the job done. if éloïse ever needed to get away without anyone knowing, if ian is watching her, she could easily get the job done. though, just so no one panics, éloïse always sends him a text of her location within the hour of her disappearance. 
MAIDS  ━  cindy, alyssa, penelope * , and lorelei * are the maids who wait on her at home. currently only cindy and alyssa have come with éloïse to tokyo. often tasked with making sure the princess is accounted for, is having her meals and her necessities are taken care of.
BODYGUARDS *  ━  arnold, peter, and carla are the other bodyguards in her security detail. if ever koshie or ian are unable to be with her, their duties are exchanged with the others who are back home in belgium.
* denotes the staff members who are not currently with éloïse in tokyo.
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maybeacrowdedmind · 3 years
My Top Seven Favorite Musical Moments In Shows That Aren't Musically Driven* and why (in no particular order)**
*By not musically driven I mean shows that do not have plots driven by music (i.e. Glee, Smash, etc. etc.)
**I know I said top seven, but I just mean out of the many I have seen, these seven are the ones I like the most.
Note: None of the images used are mine; they belong to various internet gods.
Legacies Season 1 Episode 11: We're Gonna Need a Spotlight
Kaleb and the Vampire faction singing "Feeling Good" by Nina Simone at the Salvatore School talent show.
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While the entirety of the talent show was amazing (Kaylee Bryant's singing voice, Raf's slightly awkward yet still appropriately dramatic poetry), it was Kaleb and the vampires who stole the show. Chris Lee has an incredible voice and his rendition of Nina Simone's "Feeling Good" was stunning, both visually and vocally. I'm also a great lover of epic dance moves, so it was no contest.
Gilmore Girls Season 7 Episode 20: Lorelai? Lorelai?
Lorelai singing "I Will Always Love You" by Dolly Parton originally (Whitney Houston covered) at Stars Hollow karaoke to Luke, despite beginning the song as a dedication to Rory.
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Lorelai and Luke may be broken up, but Lorelai's beautiful (and slightly alcohol-fueled) version of Dolly Parton's kind of cheesy yet nonetheless tender "if you love someone, set them free" ballad that was later made into an iconic cover by Whitney Houston was proof that they'd never really be over. Sure, she says she's singing it to Rory, but the moment Luke walks in and they lock eyes, everyone knows. Lauren Graham also has a good voice, and the emotion that comes through is so real, a cheesy karaoke moment becomes a heartfelt cheesy karaoke moment.
Everything's Gonna Be Okay Season 1 Episode 5: West African Giant Black Millipedes
Nicholas doing a drag queen routine to Thelma Houston's disco hit "Don't Leave Me This Way" for Alex and his friends.
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Okay, so I love this scene so much, because not only is it done to an incredibly fun song, it also showcases Nicholas doing something so utterly entertaining for Alex and a bunch of people he was nervous about meeting. The fact that just a few days before watching this episode I had watched an episode of Ru Paul's Drag Race where two queens had to lip sync for their lives to the very same song made the scene that much more enjoyable to watch. Nicholas looks amazing, his dance moves are to die for, and his lip syncing game is strong. I also appreciated the fact that when he did this scene, Josh Thomas committed to it. The scene is done in full, not going for a bit and then fading out before we get to see the end. Also, I know that Nicholas isn't technically singing, but it still totally counts.
The Magicians Season 1 Episode 4: The World in the Walls
Quentin starting up a group sing-along to Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off" to get Penny's attention in the mental hospital while under Julia and Marina's spell.
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I just started watching this show after having read the first two books, and this scene was HILARIOUS! I loved that the show used a random interaction between Quentin and Penny from a previous episode and turned it into something more because usually shows ignore one-off interactions between characters. Also, Quentin singing off-key at the top of his lungs with everyone else joining in and dancing while Penny suddenly hears it in the real world was so funny and a huge break in an otherwise extremely dramatic and rather dark episode.
Skam Season 2 Episode 3: Er det noe du skjuler for oss? (Are You Hiding Someone From Us?)
Noora singing Extreme's "More Than Words" on William's guitar, initially doing so to make fun of him, but quickly turning into a super sweet and romantic moment between the two.
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Skam is another show I started watching recently, and Noora quickly became one of my favorite characters. Now, I'll admit, I wasn't too fond of the idea of William and Noora at first, but this scene changed my mind immediately. I'm also very into the whole "enemies to lovers" thing these two have with one another. All of the songs Noora sings in this scene are good, but "More Than Words" is the one where you really begin to see that William's feelings for Noora are not as one-sided as she says they are. Josefine Frida Petterson, who plays Noora, has an absolutely beautiful voice, and the vocalization and soft musicality throughout are stunning. This is one of my favorite scenes in this show to date, and everything about it was perfect.
New Girl Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot
Coach, Schmidt, and Nick singing "(I've Had) The Time Of My Life" by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes from Dirty Dancing to Jess, who eventually joins in, after her date stands her up.
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Poor Jess had just broken up with her boyfriend, moved into an apartment with three guys who have little to know emotional know-how when it comes to women, and had her first date since her breakup stand her up at a fancy restaurant. The situation was made worse by the fact that she was told to give up her table. When the boys showed up and claimed to be her boyfriends, it was sweet, but the moment they began singing "(I've Had) The Time Of My Life", they showed that they really did care about her. What makes this scene so funny is the fact that Nick (who begins it) and Coach (who joins in after Nick elbows him) don't really know the words, they're both singing different parts in different tunes at different volumes, and then Schmidt (who initially says he's not singing), comes out of nowhere belting the song with the correct words and tune. Then Jess joins in and they have a great time until the restaurant makes them leave. They head back to the apartment, watch Dirty Dancing, and show that any problem can be solved with good friends and 80s movies.
Angel Season 2 Episode 11: Redefinition
Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn sing "We Are The Champions" by Queen at Caritas after Angel fires them.
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Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn had just been fired by Angel so he could kill Darla and Drusilla without their interference and the trio was at a loss for what to do next. Angel Investigations was disbanded, and none of them had any clue what to do about it. Their solution? Terribly sing Queen's "We Are The Champions" at Lorne's bar Caritas and drown their sorrows. While an extremely short scene, Cordy, Wes, and Gunn's reaction to being fired was super relatable, and you can never go wrong with Queen. They also have three very different personalities; Cordelia is snarky, has a lot of wit, and tends to be rather superficial, but she has so much heart beneath the surface, Wesley is a stuffy English professor type, and being a former Watcher means he couldn't be hip and cool if he tried, and Gunn is a hardened vampire hunter with a strong resolution and loyal to the core, who was still relatively new to the group when Angel gave them the boot. As such, seeing them all be together with arms around shoulders singing their hearts out was immensely fun to see.
Honorable Mentions:
Legacies: Alaric singing "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" terribly off-key before Kaleb and Cleo swooped in and saved the day with their improvised song.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Giles Singing "Free Bird" while playing his guitar in his home.
How I Met Your Mother: Lily and Marshall singing "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" at karaoke, effectively making up after Marshall accepts a corporate job rather than one that fits his morals.
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